PUBLISHED DAZLY under order of THE PRESIDENT of TIZE UNZTXD STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * COMPLEST Record of U. .. GOVERNMENT Activities LVoL. 2 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. No. 473 STUDY OF CIVILIAN PERSONNEL PASSPORT RULES MODIFIED 14 DU MARU SURVIVORS LAND INORDNANCE DEPARTMENT AS TO DRAFT REGISTRANTS AFTER 37 DAYS INOPEN BOAT Inquiry Being Made to Avoid Un- EXECUTIVE ORDER. Sixieen Die of Hunger and Ex- necessary Hardship When Whereas, by an Executive order under - posure While Drifting 1,200 Reductions Begin. date of August 8, 1918, prescribing rules Miles in the Pacific. The War Department authorizes the and regulations governing departure from The Navy Department is informed that following from the Ordnance Depart- and entry into the United States, it was 14 men of the crew of the steamship ment: provided by section 12 thereof as fol- Du Maru, which was struck by lightning Reduction of the civilian personnel of lows: and sunk on October 16, 20 miles from at San Jose, L'Ori- the Ordnance Department will be carried " No' person registered or enrolled or Guam, have landed out in a way that will Impose the least for mili- ente, P. I., 1,200 miles from Guam, after possible hardship upon civilian employ- subject to registry or enrollment 87 days in an open boat. The men were ees. Maj. Gen. 0. C. Williams, Chief of tary ser'vice in the United States shall without food for the last 10 days of this Ordnance, has jqst made this announce- depart from the United States without the time and for 5 days without water. Dur- ment in.an order providing for a study previous consent of the Secretary of War ing the 37 days 16 men who were in the of civilian personnel in order that per- or such person or persons as he may ap- boat died from exposure and starvation. sonnel may be reduced in proportion with point to give such consent. The Secre- Two more were drowned as the weakened the coming reduction in ordnance work. tary of State shall issue no passport or survivors were making a landing. Chiefs of divisions of the Ordnance De- permit entitling such person to depart pArtment have been directed to cancel without securing satisfactory evidence of Gasoline Cargo Took Fire. unfilled requisitions for civilian employ- such consent. Reference should be had This accounts for all the crew of the ees, as far as possible, and, where can- to section 156, Seleftive Service Regula- Du Maru, which sailed from San Fran- cellations can not be made, positions are tions, and amendments thereto "; and cisco on September 12 with a cargo of to be filled by reassignment from other Whereas, it is no longer necessary that gasoline and other stores, and left Guam divisions where their services are no the above quoted regulation with regard on October 16, carrying a crew of 46 and longer required. to the departure from the-United State 1 passenger. When the Du Mlars was If voluntary fesignations and reassign- of persons* registered or enrolled or sub5- struck by lightning her wireless was put ments do not f'educe the porsonnel suffi- ject to registry or enrollment for military out of commission and the gasoline ciently, each employee whose services will se'rvice in the United States should con- aboard took fire. All oft board left the not be required for more than-a month tinue in force; ship in three boats, and shortly after- longer is to be asked to show preference, Now, therefore, it is ordered that sec- wards there was an explosion on the as follows: Permission to resign immedi- tion 12 of the said Executive order df ship. ately, permission to resign at a specified August 8, 1918, is hereby revoked. Two of the boats were picked up later, date in the future, request for permanent This order shall talq effect from and those in the first boat being rescued on employment with the Government in after the date thereof. October 23 and tkken to Guam. Unable, Washington, or request to be assisted in . Woonnow WILsON. on account of adverse currents and securing employment in or near previous THE WHITE HousE, winds, to beat back to Guam, but 20 miles residence. November 22, 1918: away, the third boat, with 32 aboard, I Every possible'effort is to be made to drifted away and speedily became sepa- comply with the wishes of an employee rated from the other two boats. Vessels whose services are no longer required. ARMY PERSONNEL OFFICERS searched the area for days, but were un- Gen. Williams has directed that in order able to find the missing boat, of which to avoid unpecessqry unrest among the AND PRIVATES NOT RELEASED nothing further was seen or heard until efficient employees,, the greatest calmness it reached San Jose. and consideration be used in handling UNTIL DEPARTMENT APPROVES List of Survivors and Lost. ea&dh individual case. The civilian per- sonnel section is to be furnished with a The War Department authorizes the Following is a list of survivors landed list of those employees to be released in at San Jose, P. I., and those who were advance of the proposed separation. following statement: lost: Certificates offaithful service are to No officer of The Adjutant Gen- SAT ED. WAYWOOD, August, Lemido, Cal. be issued to each employee in service dur- eral's Department nor any o'Rcer or HERMAN, 'red J., first assistant engineer, ing the war, on request when separated enlisted man of the personnel de- Toledo, Ohio. from Ordnance, without prejudice after tachment or organization, at the MACKEY, Hender P., third assistant engineer, Portland, Oreg. date of November 11,*1918. headquarters of any department, BEAN, Theoreon, wireless operator, Portland, camp, post, or station will be sepa- Oreg. rated from the service by either dis- METCALF, Helvin, messman, Portland, Oreg. Importationis By Water ST WELSON, L. A., oiler, Seattle, Wash. charge or resignation without the JENNINGS, Tafford, seanian, Portland, Oreg. From Lower California prior approval of the War Depart- WIELAND, Casper, coal passer, Portland, ment in each case. Orog. SUTAS, Michael, boatswain, Portland, Oreg. The War Trade Board announces, in a When such officers and enlisted FREDETTE, Frank, carpenter, Portland, Oreg. men become surplus or their serv- ICE, Luis, fireman, Pangasinan, P I. new ruling (W.' T. B. R. 346), that they LINE Carl seaman. Portland, Oreg. will consides applications for license to ices are no longer required at a par- MANkGO, 'Pedro, seaman, Mangalang, Pam- import -restricted commodities - from ticular place or station The Adju- panga, P. I. Lower California, shipped on the steam- tant General of the Army will be SAMPSON, L. E., deck boy, La Crosse, W1A. ship N&hflem or steamship J. B. Stetson, immediately informed, in order that LOST. loth of the Gulf Mail Steamship Co. the services of these officers and FERRETER, James. seaman, Rochester, N. Y. men may be utilized at other places NOWELL, E. J., chief engineer, San Francisco, These vessels will take the place of the Cal. steamships ans Pedro and San Gabriel if required. -OION, George, second assistant engineer, By order of the Secretary of War: South Bend, Wash. refdrred to in W. T. B. R. 310, issued SHAW, 8., cook, Oakland, Cal. November 11, 1918, which latter vessels PEYTON 0. MARCH, CHRISTENSEN, C., chief steward, Bandon, h1ave ceased operating on this route. General, Chief of Staff. Oreg. 2 TIE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. BOLIN, Frank, deck boy, White Salmon, Wash. SAMPSON, H1.A., messman, La Crosse, Wis INICKLADIA, George, fireman, San Francisco, Cal. EANET, James, seaman, Portland, Oreg. Number ofAmerican Aero Squadrons LOPEZ, Pedro cook, Seattle Wash. WEALAND, Peter, fireman, Portland, Oreg. COODES, James, fireman, Portland, Oreg. Sail For United States From England ARQTiI, Antonia, fireman, Cavite, P I. DI.N ii)R, Ernest H., seaman, Portland, Oreg. ELKL AND. Olso, seaman. on Minnekahda, Lapland, and Orca BENEDICTO, Francisco, fireman, Cavite, P. I. Uncertainty as to One Nan. Gen. March, Chief of Staff, authorizes the following announcement: The follow- The message also gave the name of ing ships sailed from Liverpool, November 22, for New York: "Frank Bolin, naval ensign," as among The Minnekshda with second aircraft acceptance, park 29 officers and 557 enlisted the lost, but there is no such name in the men; 220th Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 249 enlisted men; 219th Aero Squadron, naval register of officers, and this is evi- 3 officers and 129 enlisted men; 254th Aero Squadion, 2 officers and 258 enlisted dently a mistake in transmission, a dupli- men; 18th Construction Company, Air Service, 6 officers and 242 enlisted men; cation of the name of Frank Bolin, deck 19th Construction Company, Air Service, 7 -officers and 238 enlisted men; 15th Con- boy. Advices from Guam' at the time the struction Company, Air Service, 5 officers and 228 enlisted men; 92d Aero Squadron, Du Maru was sunk stated that Ensign A. 24 officers and 201 enlisted mena; 177th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 230 enibted' C. Holmes, United States Navy, was a men; 210th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 251 enlisted inea; 8334 Aero.Squadron, 4 passenger on the vessel, and the Navy De- officers and 123 enlisted men; 839th Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 90enlisted men; partment has received no further news of 259th Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 127 enlisted llen; casual medical detachment, 6 him. Efforts are being made to get the officers and 18 enlisted men. Total, 99 officers and 2,043 enlisted men. correct name of the missing man. The Lapland with fitst Handley-Page training section, 126
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