
PPSXXX10.1177/1745691617708631Gelfand et al.Strength of Social Norms research-article7086312017

Perspectives on Psychological Science 2017, Vol. 12(5) 800­–809 The Strength of Social Norms Across © The Author(s) 2017 Reprints and permissions: Groups sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI:https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691617708631 10.1177/1745691617708631 www.psychologicalscience.org/PPS

Michele J. Gelfand1, Jesse R. Harrington1, and Joshua Conrad Jackson2 1University of Maryland and 2University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Abstract Social norms are a defining feature of human , yet our understanding of them is still underdeveloped. In this article, we present our own cross-cultural research program on tightness-looseness (TL)—which draws on field, experimental, computational, and neuroscience methods—to illustrate how going beyond Western borders is critical for understanding social norms’ functions and their multilevel consequences. Cross-cultural research enables us to account for the universal features of psychology but also explains the great we see in social norms around the globe.

Keywords , diversity, neuroscience, individual differences, environment

Imagine a world where everyone drives on both sides around town, to having conversations, to running an of the road. There are stoplights but no one pays atten- organization turn into an uncoordinated mess. tion to them. Trains, buses, and airplanes don’t operate Perhaps because of their important in human with any fixed schedule. In conversations, people don’t , social norms have been a central topic of greet each , interrupt each other frequently, and study in psychology. The earliest studies of invade each other’s space. At home, children wake up include Milgram’s (1963) obedience study, when they want and are free to leave the house with Asch’s (1951) line study, Sherif’s (1936) research on the or without clothes on. At restaurants, people ask for autokinetic effect, and Bandura’s (1978) studies of things that aren’t on the menu, chew with their mouths social learning and aggression. Throughout the 20th open, food off of strangers’ plates, and do not say century, literature on social norms grew with Price and please or thank you. In elevators, people sing loudly, Bouffard’s (1974) research on situational strength, J. lean against each other, and face the wrong direction. Jackson’s (1965) return potential model, ’s At school, students text during lectures, out Personality and Assessment (1968), and Cialdini’s focus loud, and openly cheat on exams. People in city streets theory (e.g., Cialdini, Reno, & Kallgren, 1990), among don’t hesitate to throw their garbage on the ground and many others. These authors began to move beyond steal strangers’ bicycles off racks when they want to demonstrating ’ conformist tendencies to docu- get across town. Sex isn’t reserved for private places menting the conditions where norms exert the strongest like bedrooms; you might see it happening on public influence on behavior. They also showed how motiva- transportation, in parks, or on train platforms. tion for social belonging could interact with the This is a world without social norms—where people don’t have socially agreed-on standards for behavior. From the examples above, it becomes quickly apparent Corresponding Author: that this kind of world wouldn’t function very well. Michele J. Gelfand, University of Maryland, Department of Psychology, When people don’t follow norms, even simple activities 1147 Biology-Psychology Building, College Park, MD 20742 become hopelessly difficult. from navigating E-mail: [email protected] Strength of Social Norms 801

presence of social norms to influence large-scale behav- culture-level factors (values and norms), which in turn ioral trends with acute applied implications (e.g., litter- facilitate and are reinforced by individual-level psychol- ing, violent ; Cialdini, 2003). ogy (Berry, 1979; Gelfand et al., 2011; Triandis, 1972). However, the psychological science of social norms not only provides theoretical remains surprisingly limited. Like other topics in this insight into norm psychology but also enables the vari- special issue, theorizing and research on social norms ance to put these theories to the test. Put differently, have been largely a Western enterprise, neglecting the we can’t fully understand the and conse- vast array of differences we see across human groups quences of social norms by working only within one around the globe. Until recently, the connection cultural context (e.g., the United States), which, by between social norms and basic psychological pro- definition, restricts the range of variation available on cesses (e.g., cognition, , ), or culture-level predictors and consequences. For exam- between social norms and the macro ecological and ple, as we’ll demonstrate below, it would be difficult historical contexts in which they are embedded, have to show how the of a hundred years of rarely been examined in psychological science. For territorial invasions shaped the strength of norms in the example, what causes certain properties of norms to context of the United States given that it has not expe- evolve in the first place? Why are some norms stronger rienced chronic historical threat. Cultural perspectives than others across groups and across ? Do such are thus invaluable for building theories concerning differences in norm strength have an adaptive function social norms’ etiology and multilevel consequences. for human groups? They enable us to both account for the universal fea- Some theories did touch on these issues (e.g., tures of norm psychology and also explain the cultural Cialdini & Trost, 1998). Of particular note is research diversity we see in social norms around the globe. that contrasted norms from a social perspective In this article, we present our own research journey (e.g., Berger & Luckmann, 1966; Sherif, 1936), where on the strength of social norms as one example of how norms were to arise from cultural idiosyncra- cross-cultural research deepens and broadens psycho- sies, with those that took a functionalist perspective logical science. We first describe research in anthropol- (Jacobs & Campbell, 1961; Schaller & Latané, 1996), ogy that sets the stage for research on the strength of where norms were thought to emerge on the basis of norms in modern and nations. We then their ability to increase survival-related actions such as describe research using field, experimental, computa- finding food and shelter and successfully mating. Nev- tional, and neuroscientific methods that collectively ertheless, scholars seldom discussed the way that eco- elucidate some of the functions and consequences of logical features could culture-level norms, or how the strength of social norms for human groups. We culture-level norms could affect individuals’ personality conclude with new frontiers for norm psychology that and motivation. Outside of psychology, work in evolu- await investigation. tionary has examined the conditions under which norms evolve (e.g., norms for coopera- The Strength of Social Norms: Etiology tion) using the same evolutionary models that biologists and Multilevel Consequences applied to genetic (see Boyd & Richerson, 1988). This research was important in recognizing that Herodotus, an ancient Greek who is generally consid- variance in social norms was not accidental, but ered the “father of ,” was one of the first to emerged on the basis of evolutionary selection pres- document cultural differences in in sures. Yet it remained largely isolated from psychology, his . Writing about the Persians, Herodotus perhaps because it neglected the role of individual noted their looseness and openness to foreign : psychological processes in cultural evolution. “There is no nation which so readily adopts foreign Contemporary cultural build on customs as the Persians. Thus, they have taken the insights from anthropology and evolutionary theory to dress of the Medes, considering it superior to their enrich psychological models of human behavior. In this own; and in war they wear the Egyptian breastplate” way, cultural psychology research has the strength of (Herodotus, 1998, I.135). By contrast, he described studying group-level cultural differences and their psy- the Egyptians as having very strong norms, especially chological adaptations through a dynamic socioecologi- for cleanliness, , and authority relations cal lens. Above all, cross-cultural research enables us (Herodotus, 1998, II.37). to build multilevel theories to understand how features Thousands of years after Herodotus, modern-day of socioecological contexts (e.g., ecological and histori- anthropologists documented similar forms of cultural cal threat, climate, mobility) lead to differences in variation. Perrti Pelto (1968) was the first to formally 802 Gelfand et al.

quantify differences in the strength of social norms of avoiding sanctions in tight . For example, across many cultures. In his study of over 20 traditional individuals in tighter cultures are theorized to have societies, he observed that the Hutterites, Hanno, and greater self-monitoring, greater cautiousness, stronger Lubara were “tight” in that they had strong norms, were self- of behavior, higher need for structure, very formal, and had severe for norm vio- greater prevention focus, greater conscientiousness, lations. By contrast, the Kung Bushman, Cubeo, and and lower openness (Gelfand et al., 2011; Harrington Skolt Lapps were “loose,” with weaker norms and more & Gelfand, 2014), all of which are adaptive to stronger tolerance for . situations and contexts of higher threat. Notably, TL Pelto also speculated as to why these differences theory focuses on different constructs at different levels exist, noting that societies with high population density of analysis, all of which are qualitatively different but and greater crop dependency needed tighter norms to dynamically interrelated. TL theory does not treat indi- coordinate within their environments, whereas societies viduals as “tight” or “loose”; rather, these terms with lower population density and less reliance on pertain to the multilevel of the strength agriculture could afford more permissiveness. In sup- of social norms. port of Pelto’s , a number of studies have found that traditional societies with primarily agricul- Tightness-Looseness Across Nations tural subsistence methods exhibited stricter - rearing practices, more stringent social , and Over the past decade, research drawing on a variety of greater conformity compared to groups that relied on disciplinary perspectives across multiple levels of analy- fishing or (see Barry, Child, & Bacon, 1959; sis has supported this general theory. Gelfand and col- Berry, 1967; Boldt & Roberts, 1979; Lomax & Berkowitz, leagues (2011) led the first quantitative study to examine 1972; Witkin & Berry, 1975). This represented some of TL at the national level of analysis using archival and the earliest work to argue that social norms appeared data. In this study, 6,823 individuals across 33 to have adapted to ecological conditions. nations reported on the strength of social norms in their Our team (Gelfand, Nishii, & Raver, 2006; Gelfand cultural contexts. The study’s measure of TL repre- et al., 2011) picked up where Pelto left off. Grounded sented a single dimension, which was distinct from in an ecocultural (Berry, 1979; Triandis, 1972), other cultural dimensions such as Gross Domestic Prod- modern tightness-looseness (TL) theory is about adap- uct (GDP) and -. For instance, tation: The evolution of norm strength is adaptive to we identified cultures that were relatively individualistic features of ecological environments and, in turn, and and tight (Austria and Germany), individualistic and is afforded by a suite of adaptive psychological pro- loose (New Zealand and the United States), collectiv- cesses (see Fig. 1). We specifically theorize that differ- istic and loose (Brazil and Venezuela), and collectivistic ences in norm strength evolve as a function of social and tight (South Korea and China). and ecological threat (Gelfand et al., 2011). Societies As theorized, tightness correlated with an extensive with more natural disasters, higher disease prevalence, array of historical and ecological threats. For example, fewer natural resources, and greater threat from territo- tight societies had greater historical prevalence of natu- rial invasions develop stronger norms and punishments ral disasters, food scarcity, population density, and ter- of violators to coordinate in the face of these threats. ritorial threats compared to loose societies. They also By contrast, societies that lack exposure to serious eco- had stronger ; they had more autocratic gov- logical threats can afford to have weaker norms and erning bodies, more police per capita, less media open- tolerance for deviance given that they have less of a ness, fewer political and civil , and greater need for coordinated social action. As seen in Figure religiosity than loose societies. We found that everyday 1, the strength of societal norms is further reflected and situations were stronger—restricting the range accept- promoted through institutions that foster narrow versus able behavior—in tight cultures compared to loose cul- strong (e.g., the media, government, crimi- tures. Finally, variation in the strength of situations had nal ; Arnett, 1995) and stronger situations cross-level effects on numerous psychological processes: (Mischel, 1977). individuals from tighter nations were found to score In turn, at the individual level, people exposed to higher on measures of cautiousness, dutifulness, self- chronically higher situational strength have higher felt regulation and impulse control, self-monitoring, and accountability (Frink & Klimoski, 2004)—that is, have need for structure. A multilevel structural equation a greater potential for being monitored, evaluated, and model provided support for the system of TL—the inter- punished or rewarded based on their behavior. Greater play between ecological and historical factors, sociopo- felt accountability in turn implicates a broad suite of litical institutions, everyday situations, and individual psychological processes that are recruited in the service differences. Strength of Social Norms 803

Distal Ecological and Historical Factors and Proximal/Contemporaneous Processes Societal Processes

Ecological & Historical Threats Psychological Population Density, Adaptations Recurrent Episodes In History of Conflict, Natural Strength of (Felt Accountability) Disasters, Resource Scarcity, Local Worlds Societal Human Disease Self-Guides Norms and The Structure of Sanctioning Everyday Situations Self-Regulation of Deviant Degree of Situational Epistemic Needs Socio-Political Institutions Behavior Constraint Government, Media, Self-Monitoring , Legal, Religion Abilities

Fig. 1. Multilevel theory of tightness-looseness. Source: Gelfand et al. (2011). Reprinted with permission from AAAS.

Tightness-Looseness Across the U.S. and more disease prevalence. Tighter states also showed States more ambient threat—higher rates of military recruit- ment and a that more money should go toward TL theory has been shown to have remarkable parallels defense spending. There was also a positive link at other levels of analysis. For example, we (Harrington between tightness and the percentage of slave-owning & Gelfand, 2014) investigated whether variance in TL as reported in the 1860 U.S. census. This served and its ecological precursors and outcomes could be as an additional indicator of territorial threat, since found within nations—in particular, at the state level states with high prewar slave ownership were effec- in the United States. Drawing on Vandello and Cohen tively conquered and occupied following the American (1999), who took a similar approach to studying col- Civil War (Woodard, 2011). Tight states had less resi- lectivism at the state level, we used existing archival dential mobility than loose states, suggesting that low data on the strength of punishments (e.g., percentage residencial mobility helps reinforce the normative of students punished using corporal , rate order. of executions, severity of punishments for violating Tight and loose states also showed personality dif- marijuana ), permissiveness and latitude (e.g., ratio ferences that were consistent psychological adaptations of dry to total counties per state, legality of same-sex to national tightness. Tighter states had higher trait civil unions), the strength of religious institutions (e.g., conscientiousness, a personality characteristic that has reinforcement of moral order), and diversity (e.g., total been associated with greater impulse control, cautious- foreign population) to index TL across the 50 U.S. ness, self-discipline, and desire for orderliness (John, states. The index was reliable, represented a single Naumann, & Soto, 2008). Looser states, in contrast, had construct, and demonstrated substantial convergent and higher trait openness, which has been associated with divergent validity. As with tight nations, tight states nontraditional values and beliefs, breadth of experi- showed more negative attitudes toward social deviance, ence, tolerance of other cultures, and a preference for had more enforcement employees per capita, originality (John et al., 2008; Rentfrow, Gosling, & desired greater media restrictions, displayed a more Potter, 2008). black-and-white sense of , and had greater per- As with the national level, there was a clear TL trade- ceptions of cultural superiority than loose states. TL off at the state level: Tight states had greater social varied at both the state and regional levels and was organization (e.g., lower mobility, less divorce) and distinct from measures of collectivism. greater self-control (e.g., less drug and alcohol ), As with the national level, state tightness was posi- but they also had more discrimination (e.g., higher rates tively related to greater ecological and historical threat. of Equal Opportunity Commission claims Compared to looser states, tight states had higher death and fewer women and minority-owned businesses), and rates due to natural disasters, greater food insecurity, lower (e.g., fewer utility patents and artists 804 Gelfand et al.

per capita) compared to loose states. In contrast, looser Tightness-Looseness and the Brain states were more disorganized and had more self- control failures, but they were also more accepting of Beyond field, lab, and computational methods, research change, more innovative, and less xenophobic com- is now beginning to identify TL’s neurobiological roots. pared to tighter states. Using electroencephalography (EEG), Mu, Kitayama, Han, and Gelfand (2015) studied the neural substrates for norm violation among participants from China, a The Causal Structure of Tightness- relatively tight nation, and the United States, a relatively Looseness loose nation. We examined the universality and culture- specificity in the N400 response, a negative deflection Following these field studies on TL’s cross-cultural cor- peaking at roughly 400 milliseconds following exposure relates, we have used other methods to understand the to unexpected stimuli. Previous research had linked the construct’s causal structure. In one such investigation, N400 response to semantic violations—such as sen- we (Roos, Gelfand, Nau, & Lun, 2015) combined cross- tences that had confusing endings—but this was the cultural psychology with evolutionary theory first project to relate N400 activity to social violations. (EGT) to develop a computational model examining Mu et al. (2015) showed that when Chinese and Ameri- whether group threat would encourage norms for coop- can participants viewed many violations, eration and punishment of deviants. In the resulting Chinese participants had a stronger N400 response in model, computer-simulated “agents” had a pool of the frontal area, a region typically associated with the- resource points that they could contribute to a larger ory of and punishment. Moreover, cultural differ- pool every round in a game. This collective ences in frontal N400 responses were associated with pool of points was then distributed amongst all agents reports of restrictions in everyday life as well as con- in a matrix at the end of each round, regardless of their cerns with territorial threat, and they also partially contribution. Agents could cooperate by contributing to explained U.S.-China differences in self-control, creativ- the pool or defect by not contributing, as well as punish ity, and —trade-offs identified at other defectors or not punish them at all. Our simulations also levels of analyses. This research not only disentangled manipulated how much threat groups faced through a the culturally universal semantic N400 response from payoff reduction, simulating how groups facing natural the culturally relative social N400 response but also disasters or warfare would face depleted resources. The isolated the frontal region of the brain as a potential simulation results showed that under conditions of high biological root for culturally derived reactions to norm threat, norms for punishing defectors and cooperating violations. indeed evolved to be the dominant behavioral strate- In another neuroscience study, we combined cultural gies. Under low threat, defection and the lack of pun- priming with hyperscanning—a state-of-the-art neuro- ishment were much more common. Roos et al. (2015) imaging technique where two or more brains’ activity also showed that increases or decreases in threat caused can be monitored at the same time. TL theory predicts corresponding shifts in tightness. that strong norms and punishments help human groups While EGT examines the evolution of tightness in a evolve as a function of threat because it necessitates population of agents, other experimental research has coordination for survival. To examine this assumption, examined how psychological affordances of TL can be Mu, Han, and Gelfand (2017) manipulated made temporarily accessible. Using an “ecological prim- of threat and used hyperscanning EEG to measure and ing” (Gelfand & Lun, 2013), Lun, Gelfand, assess how threat shaped two individuals’ brain oscil- and Mohr (2012) found that priming participants with latory activity, which in turn facilitated behavioral coor- threat via newspaper articles (e.g., population density, dination. Chinese participants were assigned to one of terrorism attacks) led them to view socially deviant three priming conditions: an in-group-relevant threat behavior as more extreme and unjustifiable, and also (e.g., China facing external threat from Japan), an in- encouraged more ethnocentric attitudes. In a follow-up group-irrelevant threat (Ethiopia facing external threat study, we tracked social attitudes following the Boston from Eritrea), or an in-group nonthreat control. Partici- Marathon bombing and found that the people who pants then engaged in a coordination task in which were most affected by the bombings showed a greater they needed to mentally count at the same pace across desire for tightness and the highest ratings of ethno- numerous trials while their brain activity was simultane- centrism compared to those who were less affected by ously recorded. As expected, participants showed the bombings. These results suggest that situational greater gamma interbrain synchronization and better factors can temporarily increase a desire for strong behavioral coordination in the in-group-relevant threat norms, a point to which we return in our discussion. condition relative to the in-group-irrelevant threat and Strength of Social Norms 805

control conditions. Moreover, this gamma band activ- function and multilevel consequences for human groups ity—which is indicative of a fear response—mediated that would have been impossible without a cross- the association between in-group threat and behavioral cultural perspective. Nevertheless, research on the coordination. The results of this study provide the first strength of social norms is still in its infancy. In what that increased shared neural representations follows, we describe a number of exciting theoretical of threat may support behavioral coordination. It also and methodological frontiers that await investigation. advances multibrain scanning techniques as an emerg- ing method in , which is often The fractal structure of tightness- concerned with the influence of the environment on intersubjective brain activity. More broadly, our neuro- looseness science research—along with studies of TL and One interesting aspect of TL is its symmetry across (Mrazek, Chiao, Blizinsky, Lun, & Gelfand, 2013)— scale. TL appears to have similar predictors and conse- confirms a major assumption of TL theory: that human quences across levels of analysis, from nations to small- biology has prepared us to coordinate in the face of scale societies (Jackson, Gelfand, & Ember, 2017). In ecological threats. this sense, TL resembles a fractal structure, in which a These multidisciplinary studies illuminate how both pattern is quasi isomorphic regardless of its scale. For tightness and looseness can be adaptive for groups. example, in Sierpinski’s triangle (Fig. 2), the triangular The tight-loose trade-off entails that tighter groups shape is reproduced recursively at smaller and smaller will be comparatively more ordered and organized, scales. TL appears to operate in much the same way; whereas looser groups will be more open and innova- regardless of whether TL is measured in countries, tive. However, recent work suggests that extreme lev- states, regions, organizations, or small towns, it is pre- els of either tightness or looseness are maladaptive dicted by ecological and human-made threat and cata- for human groups in general. Harrington, Boski, and lyzes a suite of individual-level adaptations and Gelfand (2015) found a robust curvilinear effect such trade-offs. Therefore, just as Sierpinski’s triangle has that nations with extreme scores on TL exhibited the the same shape across different scales, TL is a general worst psychosocial outcomes (i.e., the lowest happi- of human organizing across levels. ness and highest levels of depression and suicide Another recent exploration into this fractal dynamic rates), health outcomes (i.e., the lowest life expec- pertains to the strength of norms across social classes tancy and highest mortality rates from cardiovascular (Harrington & Gelfand, 2017). Relative to the middle diseases and diabetes), and the worse economic and class, we have found that the working class is subject political outcomes (i.e., the lowest GDP per capita and to greater threat, such as a higher potential to fall into higher risk for political instability) relative to nations debt, unemployment, and poverty. Moreover, working- that are moderate on TL. These effects might stem class lives tend to be constrained across situations, in from a general lack of perceived control by members the home, and at work. In comparison to middle-class of these societies. Very tight societies, for example, jobs, working-class jobs are more highly monitored, severely constrain individual choice and necessitate tend to have more stringent protocols, and are often constant self-monitoring, while very loose societies less self-directed. As suggested by Kohn (1969), these provide few guiding and have very high factors influence working-class individuals’ values. For levels of . Above all, this research shows that, example, working-class parents are more likely to teach when it comes to optimal levels of TL, moderation is their children the values of conformity and obedience key: Extreme latitude or extreme constraint is dysfunc- to authority compared to middle-class parents. Teaching tional for human groups. these values helps prepare children from working-class families for a tighter world. Indeed, like the national Discussion and state levels, we have recently found evidence of the TL trade-off as it pertains to : The work- Norms are the glue that keeps people together— ing class is more norm abiding, less creative, and helping us coordinate within large groups and to sur- more ethnocentric than the middle class (Harrington & vive in environments that would otherwise be uninhab- Gelfand, 2017). itable. In this article, we described our own research In addition to class dynamics, tightness may also program, which has focused on why and how social explain variation in religious cultures. around norms vary in their strength across cultures. In docu- the world are tremendously diverse, with some menting variance in normative tightness-looseness, this imposing stringent moral norms on their believers (e.g., research has yielded insights into the norms’ historical Reform Baptists) and others encouraging plurality and 806 Gelfand et al.

Fig. 2. The Sierpinski triangle, an example of a fractal structure. Like the triangle, tightness-looseness follows a quasi-isomorphic multilevel structure from large-scale to small-scale groups. Environmental pressures shape the strength of cultural norms, which affords a variety of individual-level psychological adaptations.

openness (e.g., Unitarians). Recent research suggests studies indicate that violating norms can offer oppor- that this diversity represents an adaptation to religious tunities for people to stand out in their groups’ historical ecological pressures. For example, and gain status (Bellezza, Gino, & Keinan, 2014; van Caluori, Jackson, and Gelfand (2017) found that per- Kleef, Homan, Finkenauer, Gündemir, & Stamkou, 2011; ceived out-group threat is associated with beliefs in a van Kleef, Wanders, Stamkou, & Homan, 2015). How- more authoritarian (versus benevolent) God. This rela- ever, research on antinormative behavior has seldom tionship was mediated by a desire for tighter rules and taken a cross-cultural perspective, which should be a greater punishment for those who disobeyed them, sug- priority. Recent research, for example, suggests gesting that people may view authoritarian Gods as a that the tighter a country is, the more individuals sup- means of coordinating during of potential warfare. ported norm followers over norm violators (Stamkou These results provide support for TL’s fractal structure: et al., 2016). From nations to states, organizations, social classes, and Finally, research on culture and social norms would religions, ecological and human threat appears to result also benefit from exploring how tight and loose norms in a strengthening of cultural norms, which entails indi- coexist within communities. Many generally loose vidual-level adaptations that help people adapt. groups have pockets of tightness, just as many tight TL is also relevant for work organizations (Gelfand groups have pockets of looseness. For example, Israel— et al., 2006). It likely explains variation not only across a relatively loose nation—has strong norms around national cultures, but also across industries (e.g., min- national and size, whereas Japan—a ing vs. graphic design), within industries (e.g., consult- relatively tight nation—is famous for its permissive ing firms McKinsey vs. Ideo; E-commerce firms Amazon drinking culture. Future research should not just label vs. Zappos), and even within the same organization these cases as exceptions, but develop principles to (e.g., marketing vs. accounting; see also R. Li, Gordon, explain domain specific TL within groups (Jackson & & Gelfand, 2017, on TL and consumer behavior). Gelfand, 2016). As a general principle, domains that Future research should continue to examine the are highly valued (e.g., large families in Israel) should behavioral trade-offs associated with TL. While norm evolve to be tight. Domain specific measures of TL will abidance brings order and coordination, norm viola- help to identify loose domains in tight groups and tight tions bring creativity and change. Moreover, several domains in loose groups. Strength of Social Norms 807

Broadening cultural psychology’s nations swing back and forth between extreme tight- methodological toolbox ness and looseness—from autocratic control to total anomie back to autocratic control—what we have In addition to these future theoretical directions, there termed “autocratic recidivism” (Nowak, Gelfand, are important methodological innovations that cultural Borkowski, & Kruglanski, 2017). After the collapse of psychologists should apply to the study of social norms. autocratic governments, there is a high risk of extreme Of particular importance are methods that allow scien- looseness, chaos, and anomie, which can provoke a tists to study behavior in large groups—such as in vivo desired return to autocratic governing. Future research behavioral tracking (Halberstadt et al., 2016; Jackson is needed to understand the factors that prevent rapid et al., 2017a) machine learning analysis of big data pendulum shifts and resultant autocratic recidivism. (Lane, 2013)—and methods that allow for dynamic Finally, a TL perspective can help to understand and behavioral modeling—such as agent-based modeling manage cultural conflicts. Research is beginning to (Jackson et al., 2017b; Nowak, Gelfand, Borkowski, show how difficult it is for expatriates moving between Cohen, & Hernandez, 2015; Roos et al., 2015) and time- tight and loose cultures (Geeraert, Li, Ward, Gelfand, series analysis (Greenfield, 2013; Grossmann & Varnum, & Demes, 2017), and the difficulty of merging organiza- 2015). For example, Jackson, Gelfand, and Fox (2016) tions from tight and loose cultures (C. Li, Gelfand, & used Google’s NGram database to document growing Kabst, 2017). For example, C. Li et al. (2017) found that looseness in the United States over the past 200 years. the value obtained by acquirers decreased by over The authors found that this looseness has produced a $34.3 million on average for a one standard deviation number of economic and social trends related to self- increase in TL differences in cross-border deals. More control (e.g., growing household debt) and creativity generally, many cultural fault lines—urban versus rural, (e.g., increasing rates of patents). The trajectories of working class versus middle class, East versus West, change in tight and loose cultures is also an important blue state versus red state—involve differences in TL, topic of investigation. Using mathematical analyses, De, and interventions built on this can increase Nau, and Gelfand (2017) recently showed that rates of cross-cultural understanding (Jackson, Gelfand, Ayub, change are much slower in tight than loose groups. & Wheeler, 2017). TL research could also help bicultural individuals and immigrants who regularly cross between Conducting research with policy tight and loose cultures. Given the links between TL and well-being (Harrington, Boski, & Gelfand, 2014), potential balancing tight and loose identities may have significant Finally, research on the strength of social norms also consequences for people’s health and . holds promise for understanding cultural change across the globe and for potentially impacting policy. Recent Conclusion research has already begun to show how TL can influ- ence political dynamics. In one investigation, Gelfand, Cross-cultural research has helped psychological sci- Jackson, and Harrington (2016) found that perceptions ence transition from simply studying the presence and of threat—particularly from out-groups—could account power of social norms to explaining norms’ functional for people’s tendency to vote for Donald Trump in the purpose, ecological roots, and multilevel influence on 2016 election. In support of TL theory, this relationship psychological processes. This research not only sheds was accounted for by a link between threat and desired light on why norms vary in their strength and content tightness: people who felt threatened (e.g., felt there was across cultures; it also helps us understand the funda- a risk of ISIS infiltrating the United States) wanted stron- mental social properties that make humans such a ger norms in the United States, and as a function of this unique animal. desire, they supported Trump as president. Therefore, even though Trump is widely regarded as a norm viola- Declaration of Conflicting Interests tor and political outsider, his support appears to come The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest from people who expect him to restore law and order with respect to their authorship or the publication of this to America. This ironic pattern also appears to generalize article. to other countries. In Austria, Britain, France, and the Netherlands, far-right populist parties have used threat Funding as a way of currying support for authoritarian laws and This work was funded in part by US Air Force Grant FA9550- ethnocentric immigration policies. 14-1-0020 and an Annaliese Maier Research Award from Other research has used TL to explain dramatic polit- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation [to M.J.G. (principal ical swings such as the Arab spring, where entire investigator)]. 808 Gelfand et al.

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