Author Indexl

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Author Indexl Author Indexl Adams, L. H. 58, 186 De Sitter, L. U. 237, 238, 242 Aki, K. 228 Deuker, E. A. 67, 69 Allan, D. W. 55, 58 Deutsch, E. R 61 Anderson, E. M. 221, 243 Dietrich, G. 249 Arrhenius, S. 259 Dobrin, M. B. 259, 260, 261 Du Toit, A. L. 6, 7, 8, 9, 180 Baker, H. B. 6, 7 Baldwin, R B. 251, 252 Eckart, C. 67 Barrell, J. 265 Egyed, L. 11, 205 Barringer, D. M. 24 Elkins, T. A. 241 Basset, A. B. 149 Eotvos, Rv. 119 Beals, C. S. 24 Epstein, P. S. 119 Belousov, V. V. 196, 204, 242 Ertel, H. 119, 120 Bemmelen, H. W. van 196, 198 Escher, B. G. 140 Benioff, H. 39, 40, 41, 106, 108, 109, 111 Ewing, M. 19, 76 Berlage, H. P. 196, 198 Ez, V. V. 242 Bijlaard, P. P. 83, 248 Birch, F. 55, 62, 139, 172 Fairbairn, H. W. 105 Bondi, H. 107 Farquhar, R M. 52, 53, 54 Bowden, F. P. 232 Ferguson, G. M. 24 Bowie, W. 140 Fisher, O. 140 Bridgman, P. W. 105 Brock, B. B. 20 Garland, G. D. 31 Brooks, H. 191 Geszti, J. 247 Bucher, W. H. 143, 167 Gilman, J. J. 99, 100 Bullard, E. C. 56 Goguel, J. 124, 125 Bullen, K. E. 49, 50, 51, 104 Gold, T. 107, 126, 127 Byerly, P. 43 Graham, J. W. 61 Graton, L. C. 263 Carey, S. W. 248 Green, A. E. 69 Chandrasekhar, S. 135, 152, 187 Griffith, A. A. 98, 99 Chen, C. H. 242 Griffiths, D. H. 61 Chertkova, E. I. 242 Griggs, D. 105, 132, 187, 188, 190 Clegg, J. A. 61 Gurevich, G. I. 256 Cloos, E. 256 Gutenberg, B. 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, -,H. 242 39,48,49,50,56,106,108,111,129,142 GzovskiI, M. V. 261 Daly, R. A. 265 Darwin, G. H. 126, 140 Haarmann, E. 141, 196 Davison, C. 153, 166 Hafner, W. 223 De Geer, C. J. 29 Handin, J. 105 1 Slavonic names have been transliterated according to the Cambridge system; this is the system used, for instance, in Physics Abstracts. Author Index 273 Haskell, N. A. 111, 266 Labrouste, H. 49 Havemann, H. 198 Lake, P. 13 Heaps, H. S. 265 Lamb, H. 85, 147, 162, 257 Heezen, B. C. 19 Lambert, W.D. 119, 126 Heim, A. 15 Landau, A. 24 Heiskanen, W. 31 Lebedev, V. 1. 206 Hencky, H. 83 Lee, J. S. 242 Hersey, M. D. 91 -,M. T. 242 Hess, H. H. 191, 192 Lees, G. M. 63 Heywood, W. W. 26 Leutert, W. 154 Hiersemann, L. 35, 36 Lohest, M. 25 Hill, M. J. 20 Love, A. E. H. 74 -, R. 80 Low, A. R. 87 Hills, G. F. S. 144 Lyustikh, E. N. 111, 265 Hirschmann, J. 19 Hobbs, W. H. 20 Malinovskaya, L. N. 231 Hodgson, J. H. 45 Marble, J. P. 4 Holmes, A. 3, 23, 186 Mason, B. 62 Honda, H. 47 Matschinski, M. 155, 192, 205 Hopkins, W. 186 Matuzawa, T. 226 Housner, G. W. 234 McAdams, W. H. 87 Hoyle, F. 136, 138 McDowell, A. N. 261 Hubbert, M. K. 240, 242 Melchior, P. J. 108 Milankovitch, M. 117, 119, 127, 129, 130, Inglis, C. E. 76, 99 131, 208 -, D. R. 125 Milverton, S. W. 87 Mintrop, L. 48 Jacobs, J. A. 56, 57, 58, 139 Mises, R. v. 80 Jaeger, J. C. 74 Mohr, O. 70, 93 Jaggar, T. A. 27 Mollard, J. R. 23 Jardetzky, W. S. 76, 193, 245 Moody, J. D. 20 Jeffreys, H. 74, 86, 106, 107, 110, 116. Mott, N. F. 99 126, 132, 133, 136, 141, 163, 167, Munk, W. H. 126 168 Jobert, G. 132 Nadai, A. 83, 132 Johnston, W. A. 265 Nakano, H. 231 Joksch, H.C. 9,10,157 Nettleton, L. L. 241, 259, 261 Jordan, P. 157 Neumayr, M. 2, 27, 34 Jung, K. 116 Nininger, H. H. 24 Niskanen, E. 265, 270 Kaariiiinen, E. 29 Kalle, K. 249 Kampe de Feriet, J. 184 Oldroyd, J. G. 68, 71, 91 Kawasumi, H. 43 bpik, E. 253 KeIlis-Borok, V. I. 43 Orowan, E. 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 Kogan, S. D. 35, 37 Koppen, W. 4, 5, 9 Pai, S. 184 Kosminskaya, I. P. 49 Pekeris, C. L. 148, 149, 187 Kossinna, E. 9, 10 Pellew, A. 87 Kreichgauer, D. 4, 5 Petch, N. J. 98 Kuenen, P. H. 242 Pirson, L. V. 14 Kuiper, G. P. 136 Press, F. 47, 76 Kukkamaki, T. J. 29 Prey, A. 123 Scheidegger, Principles of Geodynamics 18 274 Author Index Quiring. H. L. 140 Southwell. R. V. 87 Stille. H. 12 Ramberg. H. 25. 256. 257 Strakhov. N. M. 11 Ramsey. W. H. 62 Suess. F. E. 2. 27. 34 Rankama. K. 61 Reiner. M. 87. 88. 89. 90 Tabor. D. 232 Reuss. A. 81 Terzaghi. K. 112 Richter. C. F. 32. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 108 Tiedemann. A. W. 238. 239 Riedel. W. 242 Travis. J. P. 261 Rittmann. A. 264 Truesdell. C. 65. 69 Riznichenko. Yu. V. 49 Tsuboi. C. 32. 33. 56 Roberts. D. K. 100 Turner. F. J. 105 Robertson. E. C. 105 Robinson. R. O. A. 172 Umbgrove. J. H. F. 12. 13 Robson. G. R. 56 Urey. H. C. 152 RotM. J. P. 49 Urry. W. D. 139 Rudnik. P. 107 Runcorn. S. K. 60. 61 Veitsman. P. S. 49 Russell. R. D. 52. 53. 54 Vening Meinesz. F.A. 20. 111.145.189. Rutten. L. M. R. 12 208. 210. 211. 212 Ruud. 1. 165. 247 Verhoogen. J. 56. 57. 263. 264 Vvedenskaya. V. V. 232 Sahama. T. G. 61 Sapper. K. 143 Walker. A. M. 107 Saunders. O. A. 87 Wegener. A. 4. 5. 7. 142. 180. 181 Sauramo. M. 29. 265 Wegmann. C. E. 256 Scheidegger. A. E. 13. 21. 23. 24. 41. 42. Weizsacker. C. F. v. 135 43. 44. 65. 72. 86. 90. 102. 120. 146. Wells. A. A. 100 153. 165. 168. 170. 172. 183. 270 Willmore. P. L. 24. 56 Schmidt. E. R. 208 Wilson. J. T. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 52. -.R.J.87 53. 54. 143. 164. 165. 166 Schuchert. C. 15 Woolnough. W. G. 153 Schulz-Weidner. W. 24 Worzel. J. L. 48 Shurbet. G. L. 48 Wylie. C. C. 255 Skerl. J. G. A. 7 Slichter. L. B. 58 Young. A. 107 Smart. W. M. 135 Sonder. R. A. 23. 167. 172 Zardecki see J ardetzky Sorskil. A. A. 258 Zerna. W. 69 Sotome. K. 193 Zoelly. R. 154 Subject Index Additional stress definition Arctic piercement domes 26 Bulk modulus (incompressi­ 72ff. Argon (radiogenic) 52 bility) 74 - - in Earth 223 Arizona crater, origin 253, Buoyancy (of domes) 260 Africa, heat flow 55 255 -, paleoclimate 4 - -, physiography 24, 25 Calcium (radiogenic) 52 -, rift valleys 19, 33, 249 Asia, island arcs 14, 15, 16 California, earthquakes in After-effect (elastic) 89 -, mountain roots in 49 38 Aftershocks (in earth- Atlantic Ocean, heat flow 55 -, mountain roots 49 quakes) 108ff. -, origin of (zonal ro- Canada, heat flow 55 Age, determination 51 tation) 193 -, line patterns 23 -, of geological epochs 4 -, physiography 6, 48 Canadian shield 53f£' Airy function 74 -, ridges 19 Cap range, description 16 Airy hypothesis 31, 49 -, spreading theory 142 -, theory 174, 177 Alaska (mountains) 13 Autocorrelation 184 Carlsberg ridge 19 Aleutians 13, 14, 15, 37 Auxiliary plane 22, 43, 229 Cataclysmic theory of origin Alpine cycle 12 Axis (of fold) 23 of earth 136 Alps, nappes 23 Catastrophe in mountain -, physiography 16 Bands of instability 113 building 12 -, roots 48, 49 Barringer crater (see Ari- Cauchy-Riemann equations -, shortening 15 zona crater) 80 -, speed of formation 162 Basalt, description 63 Chandler wobble 107 Altitude effect (on gravity) -, origin of 144 Circulations, definition 84 30 -, quantity in crust 143 -, on Earth 124ff. America, drift of 184 Basaltic layer 49 Classical bodies 87 -, origin of 194 Batholith 3 ClausiUS-Clapeyron equa- -, paleoclimate 4 BIJLAARD'S theory 113, 213, tion 227 -, westward motion 132, 217, 248 Climate (ancient) 4 184 Bingham solid 90 Coast Range 15, 16 Anatexis 63 Birch discontinuity 50, 62, Cohesion (molecular) 97 ANDERSON'S theory 221 ff., 186, 198, 220 Compatibility condition 67 243 Boudinage, description 25 ff. Competent layer 25, 256ff. Andes 14, 16 -, theory 256f£' Compressional waves, de- Andesite, description 63 Bouguer anomaly 31 finition 33 -, origin 144 Branch point line 165, 247 -, see also P waves -, quantity in crust 143 Brasil, paleoclimate 4 Concentric folding 237ff. -, line 63 Britain, heat flow 55 Congo: volcanoes 28 Anomalies (gravity) 30 British Columbia, mountain Conrad discontinuity 49 Antarctica (uplift) 265 ranges 13 Conservation of phase signs Anticline 23 Brittleness 93 42 Appalachian cycle 12 -, in notches 94 Constitutive equations 71 Appalachians 15 -, see also fracture, brittle Continental drift, concept Archean rocks 53, 258 Buckling, description 79 6ff. Arcs (mountain and island) -, in orogenesis 175, 205, -, magnetic evidence 61 35 (see also orogenesis) 236 -, theory 141 ff., 179ff. 18* 276 Subject Index Continents, crustal studies Damping of oscillations 89 Elastic constants of Earth 47 Dating, paleontological 3 104ff. -, dynamics 134ff. Dating, radioactive 51 ff Elastic limit 80 -, geography 6 Deep earthquakes 35 Elasticity theory 73 ft. -, growth theory 53ff., Deflections 16 Ellipticity of Earth 116 143ff., 166 Deformation, description 65 Energy of earthquake -, margin 33 -, measure 65 38ff. -, nucleus 53 -, mechanics 64ff. Epicenter 33 -, spreading 142 Density, definition 67 Equation of motion 69 Continuity condition 68ff. -, Earth 30, 50ff. Europe: paleoclimate 4 Continuous media 64 Depth of focus 35 Evolution (geological) 2 Contraction theory 144, Detrition 3 Expansion theory 154, 162ff.
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