The Catholic Churches of St Bernard St John St Joseph
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THE CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF ST BERNARD ST JOHN ST JOSEPH 201 Main St. Blencoe, IA 1009 13th St., Onawa, IA 510 Tipton St., Salix, IA THE MASS OF THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 1, 2020 From Father Michael: St. Quodvultdeus and Lent Names can mean a lot. This is especially true for St. Quodvultdeus, the Bishop of Carthage in North Africa who went to his heavenly reward in the year 439 AD. “Quodvultdeus” means “Whatever God Wants” in Latin. St. Quodvultdeus lived in a very difficult time for the Church in North Africa. The Vandal tribe—from which the word “vandal” and “vandalism” come—invaded Africa from Spain. The Vandals held to the heresy of Arianism, which taught that Jesus Christ was a lesser God than God the Fa- ther, and that he was created by the Father at a certain point. The Vandals persecuted Catholic Christians fiercely and killed many of them. St. Quodvultdeus tried to help the priests and lay people in his diocese to have courage and to persevere in the true faith in spite of the attacks on them. Eventually, St. Quodvultdeus and most of his clergy were put on ships with no oars or sails, and sent out to sea. The Vandals probably thought this would result in their death, but God made sure the ships ended up in Naples in Italy, where they were safe among fellow Catholics. What does St. Quodvultdeus have to do with Lent? Well, his name reveals the attitude all Christians should seek to have more and more—“whatever God wants.” The traditional practices of Lent—prayer, fasting and almsgiving (giving to the needy)—help develop this attitude within us. Prayer helps us to know and love God more and more, and enlarges our hearts to receive more of Him. As this happens, we will want to do His will. Our hearts will say: “Quodvultdeus.” Fasting helps us to say “no” to temptations. It will become easier to resist the disordered desires we all have because of original sin and our desires will be purified so that we will want what’s good. Our desires will say: Quodvultdeus.” Questions of the Week: Almsgiving helps purify us from excess attachment to creat- ed things. We will be able to let go of the things that seem to Children: When you feel tempted to do wrong, how promise happiness but really just tie us down. Our minds will say: “Quodvultdeus.” “Quodvultdeus”—“Whatever do you remain strong in your faith? God wants.” May our Lenten practices help our hearts, de- sires and minds to say this more and more. Then, like He did Adults: As you come to understand the temptation for St. Quodvultdeus, whatever the attacks on us and how- of Jesus in the desert, which one of the devil’s of- ever meager our own resources, God will make sure we get ferings is hardest for you to resist? safely to our destination, on earth and in heaven. WEEK OF MARCH 1, 2020 ST. JOHN / ST. BERNARD ST. JOSEPH Pastor Father Michael Erpelding ...... 712-423-2656 Pastor Father Michael Erpelding 712-946-5635 [email protected] [email protected] WWW.STJOESALIX.COM Secretary / DRE Colleen Maule ..... 712-423-1004 Secretary Mary Lynn Nelson ......... 712-946-5635 [email protected] [email protected] Cell 712-281-0107 Office hours:7 am—2pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday DRE Kathy Jo Mitchell ............ 712-212-3867 7am -Noon 4pm-8:30 pm Wednesday 7am-11am Friday MASS SCHEDULE: MASS SCHEDULE : Mon No Mass………… ....... …………………………..….…...0:00am Mon No Mass.. ……………………….………………. …….0:00 am Tue No Mass...…...…..…… ....... ……………………….......0:00am Tue Dora Miller ............... ……………………………..….9:00am Wed No Mass………….……… ...... ……………..…...…..…..6:45pm Wed Mavis Ryan……...Blencoe).…………….….……...7:30 am Thurs No Mass……………..…………………….…………….….0:00am Thurs No Mass…………………………… ………………......0:00am Fri No Mass……………….…… ..... …………...…………...0:00 pm Fri Pioneer Valley NH ................... ……..…….…..10:00 am Sat Erroll& Lavonne Brouillette ………………………..4:00 pm Sat No Mass………………………………… ..... ……………….0:00 Sun Parishioners of Sts.Joseph, John & Bernard...11:00 am Sun Darlene Ellis………....…………….…………………….9:00am CONFESSION: SUNDAY 8:30 AM—8:45 AM Confession: Sat. 3:30pm—3:45pm / Sun. 10:30 am– 10:45 am Calendar of Events Tuesday March 3- STEWARDSHIP St. Joseph 2/22—2/23 Knights meeting @ St. John @ 7 PM Tuesday March 10- Envelopes: $ 2267.00 The Light is On for You— Confessions 7-8 PM Loose: $ 329.50 Debt reduction $ 150.00 Stewardship St. John 2/23/2020 St. Bernard Candles: $ 32.00 Envelopes/Loose $ 1507.75 $ 365.00 E-offering: $ 178.00 building $ .00 Food Pantry $ 50.00 Candles $ Building Fund $ E-offering $ 50.00 Maintenance Needy Fund $ 0.00 Mow & Snow Hall Rental $ 100 .00 Ash Wednesday $ 30.00 TOTAL: $_3036.50 Total: $ 2022.75 St. Joseph Registered Families ……………………...209 St. Joseph Debt December 2019……. ……$ 26.815.91 St. John Registered Families……………………….185 St. Joseph Debt April 2017…………………….$324, 880.66 ST. JOHN MARCH 8 LECTORS SERVERS EMS GIFT BEARERS USHERS Colleen Maule Brandon Coble Beth Kirby– Elmwood Mike & Bridget Beck Terry Madsen, Mike ROSARY Aiden Bosanek Gabe Madsen Homebound Greeters Beck, Gabe Madsen Grace Fouts Lage Sisters Dave Hausman Randy & Jeannie Bottorff Mike Lage ST. JOSEPH MARCH 7—8 LECTORS SERVERS EMS GIFT BEARERS USHERS 7-Al Stuhrenberg 7-Kaitlyn Skatges 7-Michelle Mareau 7–Pete Rinaldi/ D. Becker 7-Bert Ullrich 8– Pat Folsom Hudson Schuetz Kathy Baker 8—Ron & Margaret Landen Schuetz Lawson Schuetz Paula Olson Wood Pete Rinaldi 7—Rosary 8-Holly Skinner 8—Bev Weikel 7- Greeters 8—Ron & Margaret Kathy Baker Pete & Marge Rinaldi Wood 8–Mike & Lori Charlie Clayton Kathy Jo Mitchell 8– Robert Dandurand Eric & Kyle Donnelly Jack Clayton Pat Folsom Family Eliason Stewards Mary Lander Homebound Kathy Jo Mitchell Liturgy/ Word Julie Case Bev Weikel Mary Brady ST. JOHN/ ST. BERNARD MARCH 1, 2020 ST. JOSEPH PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISHES: Remember to pray for the sick of our Parishes. Father Patrick O’Kane, Midge Stanley, Madonna Father O’Kane, Fran Mitchell, Nainna Gnat, Jeri Greiner, Dodd, Shirley Turner, Esther Mac Clure, Loretta Mike Franken, , David Bogenrief, Linda Donnelly, Sue La- Simoff, Doe Walker, Maryann Muller, Pete Morten- Croix, Bryson Harder, Justin Lamoureux, Sophie Helvey, sen, John Heisterkamp, Charlotte Zortman, Rose- Doreen Becker, Kathy Spohr, Roger Huot,,Tristan Parks, mary Kirby, Florence Ibsgaard, Gina Mortensen, Colleen Ebner ,Bailey Cleveland, Christian Case, Brady Worrell, Cal Worrell ,Connie Wagner, Kathy Clayton,Helen Chris Metzger, Judson Bramow, & Sherry Wince. If Martin, Glenda Ullrich, Stella Serviss, Gerrie Lamoureux. you know of someone who is ill and needs our pray- Darrell Lux, Judy Huot. For all who travel, grieve, those in ers, and would like to be listed, or if you no longer the military, veterans their families and our nations lead- need to be listed, please contact Colleen @ office ers. The candles burning on the Blessed Mother’s altar 423-1004 are for the military serving in foreign lands. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY TOGETHER AS ONE GOAL IS $18,737, CONGRATULA- A Lenten bible study will be offered to all parish- TIONS ST. JOSEPH’S PARISHIONERS WE HAVE MET ioners, starting Sunday, March 8th, from 10-11 OUR GOAL WAY TO GO A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF am. (immediately after Mass). The series is YOU AND TO A SPECIAL SOMEONE FOR TAKING Catholicism by Father Robert Barron, and will be CARE OF THE LAST AMOUNT WE NEEDED TO REACH OUR GOAL. The size of your success is measured by facilitated by Jim Bosanek and Shannon Kennedy. the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; Refreshments will be provided. Please join us on and how you handle disappointment along the way. our Lenten journey. Any questions, call 420-5321 Great job everyone!!!! YOUTH GROUP meets the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the THINGS TO GIVE UP FOR LENT Month, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm See you There!!!! Retirement: As long as you are still breathing, you The next Funeral Committee is Chairladies Rachel are here for a reason. You have a purpose to influ- Wright, 212-1978, Margaret Wood 251-3834, as- ence others for Christ. That does not come to an end sisted by Kari Sample, 204-2805, Erin Schuetz, , until the day we die. 253-7633, Rachelle Scott, 251-8484, Theresa Shook, 253-6116, Janet Siebenaller, 223-0368, Excuses: A wise man once said, if you need an ex- Becky Skinner, 428-4891, Kathy Spohr, 251-3253, cuse, any excuse will do. Janet Steinhoff, 874-3368, 420-1058, Tammy Stuhrenberg, 490-9583, Beth Tisher, 281-1378, Lack of counsel: Wise decisions are rarely made in Marilyn Topf, 259-2237, Sandra Tracy, 946-6982, a vacuum. Roxie Ullrich, 251-3519, Carmen Wagner, 281- 2721, Melynda Stokes, 253-4305, Veronica Warren, Pride: Blessed are the humble. 389-0079, Lori Wendt, 428-4308, Susan Whitney, 574-3458, Lisa Willis, 251-4427, Ashley Worrell, Worry: God is in control and worrying will not 251-5688, McKinzi Worrell, 870-1336, Kylie Wil- help. mes, 402-640-7569, Janet Yanak, 946-5439. Westwood Community Lenten Series 2020 ‘ON THE —————What Makes Us Laugh:————— In the frozen foods department of our local ROAD AGAIN’ the date for our Parish is March 18th, grocery store, I noticed a man shopping with 2020 with a Simple Soup Supper at 6:00pm and his son. As I walked by, he checked some- Worship at 7:00pm with the Rev. Rich Moore preach- ing “The Road to Recovery” followed by the Stations thing off his list, and I heard him whisper of the Cross with Father Erpelding. A full schedule is conspiratorially to the child, "You know, if in the vestibule of the church feel free to take a flyer we really mess this up, we'll never have to do home with you and try to attend one or all of these it again." Spiritual Events.