Clinton S. Lum Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University 455 Agriculture and Life Sciences Blg. TAMU 2261 College Station, Texas 77843-2261
[email protected] (713)-303-4442 Education 2015 (In Progress) Master of Science Recreation Park and Tourism Sciences Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Advisor: Dr. David Scott 2013 Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude Political Science Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Research Interests I am interested in a number of phenomena surrounding the leisure studies field. My thesis focuses on better understanding the social world(s) of long distance hikers by utilizing the serious leisure, recreation specialization, and social world literatures. In the future I would like to explore serious leisure and recreation specialization more exhaustively. I would also like to purse the following ideas: Place attachment Human dimensions of natural resources Park Planning Motivations to leisure Research My master thesis looks into the social world of hikers in the context along the Pacific Crest Trail. This involved me being in the field (along the Pacific Crest Trail) for several weeks collecting data (surveys, in-depth interviews, observations) and gaining the insider’s perspective. Projects listed below are concerned with data collected from May to June of 2014 and also data that has been since collected (through ongoing conversations with participants, online sample of forums etc.). Thesis: ‘Hiker Trash’ Along the Pacific Crest Trail: An Examination of the Hiker Social World. Target Journal: Journal of Leisure Research Article: It May be “Wild”, but is it Authentic? Contested Activity and Authenticity among Pacific Crest Trail Hikers.