•••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 .:• 101 st Year, 24th Issue © 2010 July 2, 2010 www.newarkpostonllne.com Newark, Del. Fireworks Residents happy with and more Newark's quality of life By MARK CORRIGAN the form. The survey is released to 78 percent) in favorability every five years, with the last one over 2004's rating. Traffic con
[email protected] mailed out in 2004. trol and repairing of major and The City of Newark Parks Approximately 1,200 forms neighborhood streets all showed and Recreation Department were returned, producing a a double-digit increase in favor Monday night's Mayor & will help local residents return rate of about 25 percent. ability, while bike lanes and City Council meeting reviewed celebrate the 4th of July A sample of 600 questionnaires trails, recreation programs, and the results of a questionnaire with entertainment, com was selected, 100 randomly cho UNICITY Bus favorability rat mailed to 4,300 homes last May, munity information and food sen from each district, to produce ings all showed slight decreases showing that an overwhelming vendors and fireworks. The a sample group that gave a 95 since the last survey. number of residents are either percent confidence level, with a City services rated as the five event will take place at happy or satisfied with what the University of Delaware 3.5 percent margin of error. most important were police pro Newark has to offer. About 98 percent of resi tection, electric service, trash! Athletic Complex, at the cor The 2009 survey was com dents reported that they were garbage collection, water quality, ner of Routes 896 and 4 in prised of ten questions that rated either "very satisfied" or "satis and major street repairs.