Parakeets, Parrotlets, & Lovebirds WHOLESALE BIRD PRICES IN CENTRAL TEXAS Prices recorded between the 3rd Quarter 2010 and 2nd Quarter 2011 This section of the BLOG is a free unofficial listing of wholesale prices for Parakeets, Parrotlets, and Lovebirds. The information is gather at various sales during the past 12 months. No information is provided on sellers or buyers, or sale locations. Data over 12 months old is deleted. However, if there has not been a sale of the species/mutation within the past 12 months but there is older data still available the quarter/year and the price paid is provided. Sometimes this data is just not available. All data is accurate to the best of the drafter's knowledge and ability. The drafter is not liable for any errors within this BLOG. Additionally, the drafter is not perfect and sometimes types or spell incorrectly. When the drafter is not sure about the spelling or any thing else, it is displayed in this color. When you find a typing, spelling, or other correction that is needed, please notify the drafter at
[email protected]. The following explains the data provided on the spreadsheets. Color, Mutation, Variety, etc. = Self explanator (as listed by seller) Qtr 'Yr = The quarter and year the data was collected Jan, Feb, & Mar = 1st Qtr. Apr, May June = 2nd Qtr. Jul, Aug, & Sep = 3rd Qtr. Oct, Nov, & Dec = 4th Qtr # Sold = Total number birds of the type/color sold in the quarter indicated Each Price Range for Qtr = The lowest & highest prices paid per bird in the quarter indicated Each Price Range For Year = The lowest & highest prices paid per bird in the year indicated MEDIAN PAST 12 MOS = The Median price paid for the past 12 months Age, sex, and other information such as tame, talking, proven pair, etc.