Available online at www.easletters.com Entomology and Applied Science ISSN No: 2349-2864 Letters, 2014, 1, 4:22-50 Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Psorophora Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Culicidae), based on morphological characters Jonathan Liria 1 and Juan-Carlos Navarro 2 1Laboratorio Museo de Zoología, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias y Tecnología, Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela 2Laboratorio de Biología de Vectores, Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas DC, Venezuela Correspondence:
[email protected] (Received: 14/8/14 ) (Accepted:5/9/14) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Psorophora were examined based on a cladistic analysis of 66 morphological characters (fourth instar larvae, pupae, males and females) of 29 species available from the 45 species reported in the genus, representing the three subgenera. The ingroup species were: five Psorophora (10 spp total, 50%), seven Grabhamia (15 spp total, 47%) and twelve Janthinosoma (20 spp total, 60%). Two Culicini genera (Culex and Toxorhynchites), two Aedini genera (Aedes and Haemagogus), and one Mansoniini (Mansonia) were used as outgroups and sister groups respectively. A parsimony analysis using TNT resulted in 11 trees, each with 164 steps (CI = 0.66 and RI = 0.83). The analysis indicated that Aedini (Haemagogus, Aedes and Psorophora), is monophyletic group that includes Mansonia titillans (Mansoniini), suggesting natural inclusion of the Mansoniini tribe into Aedini. The genus Psorophora is monophyletic, supported by 3 synapomorphies: larvae with presence of trident-like scales in segment VIII; female with tergo and sternum VIII with rod-like structure and male genitalia with few teeth on the sternite process on segment X.