Sarasvati River: Bharatiya Civilization
Sarasvati River: Bharatiya civilization Siwalik hills were left-laterally displaced. NNW-SSE-trending tear fault is still active. The earlier west-flowing rivers were swung southwards, following the path of the fault. The Bata stream which oins Yamuna from the west has a very wide valley. "NRSA, ISRO, Hyderabad) Dr. S. Kalyanaraman Babasaheb (Umakanta Keshav) Apte Smarak Samiti, Ban alore 2004 1 SARASVATI RIVER: BHARATIYA ,IVI-I.ATION by S. Kalyanaraman Copyri ht Dr. S. Kalyanaraman Publisher: Baba Saheb (Umakanta Keshav) Apte Smarak Samiti, Ban alore Copies can be obtained from: S. Kalyanaraman, 3 Temple Avenue, Srina ar Colony, Chennai, Tamilnadu ,00015, .ndia email: Tel. 2 91 44 223505503 4a5 2499,380 Baba Saheb (Umakanta Keshav) Apte Smarak Samiti, 7adava Smriti, 55 4irst 8ain Road, Seshadripuram, Ban alore 5,0020, .ndia Tel. 2 91 80 ,,55238 Bharatiya .tihasa Sankalana Samiti, Annapurna, 528 C Saniwar Peth, Pune 411030 Tel. 291 020 4490939 Library of Con ress catalo uin in publication data Kalyanaraman, Srinivasan. Sarasvati/ S. Kalyanaraman .ncludes biblio raphical references and inde5 1.River Sarasvati. 2. .ndian Civilization. 3. R. veda .SBN 81-90112,-9-1 4.RST PUBL.SHED: 2004 2 Sarasvati River: Bharatiya Civilization Bharata Bhuracana This is a map of Ve etation Cover, 18000 C14 years a o prepared on the basis of hundreds of studies related to the lacial a e between 18,000 to 10,000 years before present (BP). Durin the last ice a e (when laciers covered more land area than today) the sea level was about 400 feet lower than it is today.
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