Name: ______8th Grade U.S. History STAAR Review American

FORT BURROWS 2018 Name: ______VOCABULARY – to refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting civil – the right of people to do or say things that are not illegal without being stopped or interrupted by the impose – to cause (something, such as a , fine, rule, or punishment) to affect someone or something by using your authority – when trade of the colonies is controlled in order to benefit the “Mother Country” violate – to take away, interfere with, or ignore in an unfair or illegal way consent – permission for something to happen or be done grievance – a complaint unalienable – rights that should not be taken away from citizens – refusing to obey laws that citizens feel are unfair regulation – an official rule or law that says how something should be done secure – to make (something) safe by guarding or protecting it economic – relating to goods and services being produced, sold, and bought political – relating to or government social - relating to people or society

©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______Causes of the

#1 – France and Britain went to war over control of the Valley in 1754. Native American tribes were allies with the French. Britain won the war in 1763, and France had to give up majority of their colonies in North America. England wins control of the Ohio River Valley, but passes the Proclamation of 1763, forbidding colonists from moving to the area. However, England owes lots of money to Spain from the war, and makes the colonists pay for it with

______If you were King George ______III, how would you feel ______about the French and Indian ______

War? ______

#2 Proclamation of 1763 – a law that prohibited colonists from settling west of the . King George III passed this law to prevent Indian attacks, but colonists thought that King George III was trying to control them.


Draw a line that shows the boundaries

of the Proclamation of 1763

#3 (1764) – reduced the tax on sugar, but because of this, the tax was enforced more strictly.

Draw a picture that represents the Sugar Act

©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______

#4 Mercantilism – colonies make the mother country richer by sending raw materials and buying finished goods

Based on the picture above, how do you think the Mother Country treated the colonies? ______

#5 (1765) – all public legal documents, such as  Actual stamp newspapers, had to have an official stamp that showed the tax was paid. the British used!

#6 taxation without representation – colonists argued that being forced to pay taxes was unconstitutional because they had no representation in British Parliament

How do you think the colonists felt when they had to pay taxes but did not get to make decisions about laws they had to follow?

#7 (1767) – taxes were imposed on imported goods, such as glass, lead, paper, paint, and .

©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______

#8 Massacre (1770) – a group of colonists taunted British soldiers, calling them names and throwing snowballs at them. Soldiers opened fire on the colonists and killed four of them. One of the victims was .

Which image was created by ?

Which image shows a patriots ?

Which image shows a loyalists point of view?

Effects of Paul Revere’s engraving:  It increased opposition to British rule in the colonies  The feelings between the soldiers and the colonists got worse  More colonists became Patriots

#9 (1773) - An act of civil disobedience led by the in which they dumped the British tea into as a against the . This was a protest against taxation without representation. Afterwards, a song became popular:

“Rally Mohawks, pick up your axes, tell King George we’ll pay no taxes”

#10 (1774) - created to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party. It closed Boston harbor, and also created the Quartering Act, which required colonists to house soldiers. Complete the cause and effect chart

Cause: Event: Effect:

Boston Tea Party

©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______

Based on the list of causes, choose the event that you feel was most and least important cause of the revolution and explain your answer


was the event that I feel was the most important event of the revolution because

was the event that I feel was the least important of the revolution because


I had trouble with: ______

I remembered ______very well!

I need to review ______


©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______

Important People of the American Revolution

Abigail Adams I provided meals and lodging to troops, asked her husband to “remember the ladies”

I convinced others we needed independence; I was a delegate at the Continental Congress Wentworth I was a free black that fought at the Battle of Saratoga and was the first elected Cheswell African-American I was the main leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston. I organized the response to the and convinced many people to become patriots

Mercy Otis Warren I published poems and plays that attacked royal authority in

I was a double agent in the War. I spied on British soldiers, but took James Armistead that information to the .

Benjamin Franklin I sent supplies to the and led Spanish troops to defeat the British

Bernardo de Galvez I sent supplies to the Americans and led Spanish troops to defeat the British

John Paul Jones America’s first naval hero. When fighting a British ship, he was told to surrender. He replied, “I have not yet begun to fight!” Out of the people listed above, choose the most and least important person of the revolution.


is the most important person of the revolution because

is the least important person of the revolution because

©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______

I was one of the first casualties in the American Revolution. I died at the Boston Crispus Attucks Massacre in 1770 The Declaration of Independence was written to me. The colonists accused me being King George III a terrible leader who broke many laws.

Haym Solomon I loaned money to the new Continental government to support the army.

Patrick Henry I said, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

Thomas Jefferson I was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Marquis de I was a French nobleman who volunteered for the Continental Army and got more Lafayette French troops and supplies

Thomas Paine I wrote the pamphlet “” persuading Americans to join the Patriot cause

George I was a soldier in the French and Indian War, a delegate at the Continental Congresses, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution Out of the people listed above, choose the most and least important person of the revolution.


is the most important person of the revolution because

is the least important person of the revolution because

©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______


One person I remember the best is ______because ______

One person I have difficulty remembering is ______because ______

Sometimes, I confuse ______and ______and mix them up.


©2017 Koala Case Curriculum Name: ______

Important Events of the American Revolution

Battle of Lexington and Concord – the “shot heard around the world”  This battle got its nickname because it was the first battle of the American Revolution.

Common Sense  a pamphlet published by in order to convince people to support independence.

Why do you think Thomas

Paine wrote Common

Sense? Why didn’t he let

people make a decision for

themselves? Declaration of Independence (1776) A. Preamble Why were the authors writing the Declaration of HOT DATE Independence? ______1776 ______

B. Beliefs what rights did the authors believe they had? ______

C. Grievances List 4 grievances from the Declaration of Independence 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______

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D. Addressing the grievances E. Declaring Independence

Battle of Saratoga – “the turning point of the war  this is called the turning point of the war because secured money from France, which helped the colonists buy more arms (guns) and also made the war legitimate to other countries.

Winter at  thousands of ’s soldiers died from disease, lack of food, or freezing temperatures. Washington used this time to train his troops and keep up morale.

How do you think the soldiers at Valley Forge felt during their time there? Write your thoughts below: ______

Battle of Yorktown  The last major battle in the American Revolution where the British surrender to George Washington.

Treaty of Paris  the official end to the war! With this, the British recognized that the US was a new country and defined the borders along the to the Atlantic Ocean.


I had trouble with: ______

I remembered ______very well!

I need to review ______


©2017 Koala Case Curriculum