JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW VOLUME 37, NUMBER 2 Winter 2011 1 JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SCHOOL OF LAW A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO SPACE LAW AND THE LEGAL PROBLEMS ARISING OUT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES IN OUTER SPACE. VOLUME 37 WINTER 2011 NUMBER 2 Editor-in-Chief Professor Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz, J.D. Executive Editor Jacqueline Etil Serrao, J.D., LL.M. Faculty Editing Staff Business Manager P.J. Blount Michelle Aten Sara M. Langston Student Editors Senior Staff Assistant Ryan T. Noble Melissa Wilson Ian Burke Perry Founder, Dr. Stephen Gorove (1917-2001) All correspondence with reference to this publication should be directed to the JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW, University of Mississippi School of Law, 481 Coliseum Drive, University, Mississippi 38677;
[email protected]; tel: +1.662.915.6857, or fax: +1.662.915.6921. JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW. The subscription rate for 2011 is $100 U.S. for U.S. domestic/individual; $120 U.S. for U.S. domestic/organization; $105 U.S. for non-U.S./individual; $125 U.S. for non-U.S./organization. Single issues may be ordered at $70 per issue. For non-U.S. airmail, add $20 U.S. Please see subscription page at the back of this volume. Copyright © Journal of Space Law 2011. Suggested abbreviation: J. SPACE L. ISSN: 0095-7577 JOURNAL OF SPACE LAW UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SCHOOL OF LAW A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO SPACE LAW AND THE LEGAL PROBLEMS ARISING OUT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES IN OUTER SPACE. VOLUME 37 WINTER 2011 NUMBER 2 CONTENTS Foreword ............................................... Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz iii Call for Papers ................................................................................