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“Growing together towards a friendly planet” PARIS – FRANCE – PARIS

1-5 June 2015 June 1-5 th






The National Organising Committee would like to thank the following companies for their sponsorship and respective contributions to the 26th World Gas Conference.







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OVERVIEW Overview of the 2012-2015 IGU Presidency 2 IGU Triennium Authorities and the WGCPARIS2015 Wise Person 4 National Organising Committee 5 List of the Technical Committees 6 Overview of WOC 1 7 Overview of WOC 2 8 Overview of WOC 3 9 Overview of WOC 4 10 Overview of WOC 5 11 Overview of PGC A 12 Overview of PGC B 13 Overview of PGC C 14 Overview of PGC D 15 Overview of PGC E 16 Overview of PGC F 17 Overview of TF 1 18 Overview of TF 2 19 Overview of TF 3 20 Conference Highlights 21 Technical Programme 22 Overview of Sessions 24

SPEAKERS Keynote Address Speakers 25 Luncheon Address Speakers and Special Session Speakers 26 Strategic Panel Speakers 27 Interactive Showcases 47

EVENT LOGISTICS Youth Programme 59 Call for Abstracts 61 IGU Global Gas Award and Master of Ceremonies 63 Social Programme 64 Technical Tour 65 Registration 66 Hotels 69 Venue 71 Exhibition Overview 72 List of Exhibitors 74 Marketing 76 Digital Tools 79 Post Conference Survey Results 81 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:37 Page 2


The French triennium began against a background of WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE 2015 economic crisis and a reduced demand for gas despite the emergence of new resources. The economic crisis affected Gas, Renewables and Electricity: Together a Perfect all industries globally including the energy sector, but also Combination – promote the appropriate mix of gas and impacted Europe, North America, China and India in a way renewables and electricity. that could not be predicted. The Pre Presidency disaster in Japan in March 2011 and the new introduction of fuels such The conference sessions which took place on this day, tackled as shale gas and LNG, enabled natural gas to gain a more the importance that if gas is to provide a future source of favourable position within the energy industry – highlighted ‘friendly’ energy for the world population it needs to grow further by the IEA study on ‘A golden age of gas’. alongside renewables. The sessions further confirmed that a larger more integrated global gas industry is required to The need for clean and efficient energy to meet the world’s make the transition into a carbon neutral society. expanding energy needs was also of significant importance at the start of the French triennium and continued to play a THURSDAY 4 JUNE 2015 crucial part throughout the three years. With this in mind, the 26th World Gas Conference’s theme ‘Growing together Natural Gas as a Growth Factor for New Economies – towards a friendly planet’ was set. improve the availability of natural gas in new areas and developing countries. The theme emphasised the importance for the need of a clean and efficient energy source and that natural gas is the perfect Day 3 of the conference focused on ensuring the benefits fossil fuel to meet this requirement. Natural gas has remained of gas are as widespread as possible and it is affordable a key part of the fuel mix that will continue to drive future particularly when combined with renewables in emerging global growth. Additionally the theme ultimately promoted and new gas countries. Discussions and presentations that gas CARES about the future. It remains an energy source confirmed that the industry needs to be ready for the new that is Clean, Acceptable, Reliable, Efficient and Secure. uses for gas that will arise in the future and their possible applications. It further highlighted that to drive gas sales The 26th World Gas Conference’s main objective was to build in an increasingly environmentally conscious and cost upon the progress made by the Argentinean and Malaysian sensitive world, the gas industry must leverage technology triennia and to ensure that the studies from the Technical and innovation and target specific growth. Such growth will Committees throughout the Presidency remained current need to also identify and manage a range of new challenges and relevant to the issues facing the natural gas industry. and risks.

To ensure the theme and objective of the WGCPARIS2015 FRIDAY 2 JUNE 2015 was addressed and to reinforce the IGU’s role in the industry; four strategic guidelines or pillars were created as the basis Human Capital for the Future of the Gas Industry – of the programme. These also acted as daily themes. attract human resources and reduce staff turnover.

TUESDAY 2 JUNE 2015 On the final day of the conference the issue of human capital was discussed to address the major shortage of technical Natural Gas as a Core Pillar for a Sustainable Future of skills in the engineering and energy industries. Many questions the Planet – to obtain official recognition for natural gas were debated including, how does the gas industry interact as the destination fuel for sustainable development. with other industries? Do we need to collaborate or will commercial solutions be found? Should governments get The French Presidency recognised the importance of gas together to promote technology training? What approach advocacy and continued to improve the IGU’s gas industry to human resources will provide the best solution for advocacy programme, emphasising the merits of natural gas, sustainable growth? developing consistent messages and promoting the need for research and investment as climate change continued to be In addition to the four pillars which formed the structure of a global issue. The conference programme featured sessions the programme, the French Presidency also introduced two to tackle these issues and deliver the necessary messages. new IGU Technical Committees:

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• Programme Committee (PGC) F: R&D and Innovation. • The delegate experience was further enhanced through This was created in recognition of the work carried out by new interactive tools including the use of Wisembly in the former Technical Programme Committee of the IGU over half of the conference sessions, to allow question Research Conference (IGRC) in Paris in October 2008, asking to be easier than before. Additionally Poken was Seoul in October 2011 and Copenhagen in 2014. introduced to allow greater networking with other conference members. • Task Force (TF) 2: Gas Advocacy. This was founded under the umbrella of the IGU Presidency and Secretariat. TF 2 In order to meet the challenges triggered by the oil price was fundamental to the French Presidency and IGU’s drop in October/November 2014, the French Presidency visibility in maintaining, improving and adapting the key amended the programme to include two new sessions to arguments developed during the previous triennium. It tackle the surrounding issues: also enabled us to launch lobbying activities at the UNFCCC (COP) meetings. • Special Address on Natural Gas and COP 21 which discussed how an international climate agreement must The IGU Global Gas Award, continued to be part of the World be confirmed at the COP 21 conference in France in Gas Conference since its launch in 2008. The submissions November 2015 to limit global warming to below 2°C. were made under the theme of ‘sustainable development and innovative promotion of gas’. • Special Event on ‘the energy industry in turmoil’ that debated the reasons for the sharp decrease in oil prices, Following on from the success of WGC 2012, the French the unclear energy policies in some areas and the lack of

Presidency included a Youth Event within its conference efficient mechanisms in place to limit CO2 emissions. programme. The event attracted 150 young professionals and talented students from 35 countries. The programme was It was a great honour to be able to host this prestigious event a great success and was created for young professionals by again in Paris. I would like to thank the National Organising, a team of 10 young professionals with the support of the the IGU Secretariat, and the Coordination Committee, the National Organising Committee and Coordination Committee. Technical Committees, organisers and speakers for their dedication to this conference in The 26th World Gas Conference also included two new order to ensure that it remained the features to the conference to enhance the information and successful event that the industry has knowledge to be shared with the industry: become accustomed to.

• The Natural Gas Vehicle Transportation Village, provided an exhibition and free to attend seminar programme covering a diverse range of topics.

Jérôme Ferrier IGU President 2012-2015 International Gas Union

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President, Vice President, Vice President President Immediate Past President, David Carroll Jérôme Ferrier CC Chairman, CC Vice Chairman, USA France Secretary General

Immediate Past President Datuk (Dr) Abdul EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Rahim Hashim Malaysia


Vice Chairman Chairman Secretary Mel Ydreos Georges Liens Yves Tournié USA France France


Secretary General Director Pål Rasmussen Mats Fredriksson Norway Norway


Nobuo Tanaka Dr Daniel Yergin Japan USA Executive Director Vice Chairman Global Associate IHS Energy Security and Sustainability Chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates Institute of Energy Economics Prof. Dr Coby van der Linde Dr Kandeh K. Yumkella The Netherlands UN Director, Clingendael International Energy Under Secretary General Programme (CIEP); Professor of Geopolitics and Special Representative of the Secretary-General & Energy, The University of Groningen Chief Executive Officer Member of The Dutch Energy Council UN – Sustainable Energy for All

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Chairman Daniel Paccoud

Advisor Secretary Emmanuelle Wicquart Annie Louys

Corporate Communications Technical Support Julien Miro Amélie Herrault Sarah Dorés Micaela Garcia

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IGU’s Triennial Work Programme (TWP) is prepared by the technical committees outlined below. Together they form the operational hub of IGU. Thanks to the invaluable time and efforts of these teams we were able to deliver a fresh and current programme.


Working Committee 1 (WOC 1) Denis Krambeck Dinelli Adif Zulkifli Marco de Freitas Sugaya Exploration and Production Brazil Malaysia Brazil

Working Committee 2 (WOC 2) Ladislav Goryl Nikita Barsuk Maria Polakova Storage Slovakia Russia Slovakia

Working Committee 3 (WOC 3) Benjamin Guzman Martin Slaby Daniel Falabella Transmission Argentina Czech Republic Argentina

Working Committee 4 (WOC 4) Dietmar Spohn José Maria Almacellas Uwe Klaas Distribution Germany Spain Germany

Mohammad Reza Working Committee 5 (WOC 5) Eugene Pronin Valery Nemov Ghodsizadeh Utilisation Russia Russia Iran

Programme Committee A (PGC A) Satoshi Yoshida Maria Gabriela Roselló Sustainability Japan Argentina

Programme Committee B (PGC B) Fethi Arabi Ulco Vermeulen Malek Salim Benabdallah Strategy Algeria The Netherlands Algeria

Programme Committee C (PGC C) Dr Gi Chul Jung Reda Bouchair Soo Ock Shin Gas Markets South Korea Algeria South Korea

Programme Committee D (PGC D) Dirk van Slooten Masanori Oki Feikje Wittermans Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) The Netherlands Japan The Netherlands

Programme Committee E (PGC E) Alfredo Ingelmo Torres Barbara Jinks Juan Antonio Perez Cuevas Marketing and Communication Spain Australia Spain

Programme Committee F (PGC F) Jack Lewnard Gerald Linke Rod Rinholm R&D and Innovation USA Germany USA

Task Force 1 (TF 1) Agnès Grimont Reem Al Harami Madeleine Lafon Human Capital France Qatar France

Task Force 2 (TF 2) Michele Pizzolato Giulia Migueles Pereyra Gas Advocacy Italy Italy

Task Force 3 (TF 3) Geert Greving Chang Keun Lee Rik Komduur Geopolitics The Netherlands South Korea The Netherlands

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In the IGU triennium from 2012-2015, WOC 1 Natural Gas was inferred. Exploratory hotspots and new frontiers were Exploration and Production selected three themes to develop, highlighted, and the most important trends, opportunities, having set up three study groups accordingly: uncertainties and threats to be faced by the upstream segment of the gas industry were described and analysed. 1. Technological advances in gas exploration and production 2. Assessment of global reserves and resources The third study group compared some of the most important 3. Gas rent and mineral property rights. models in use to balance the interest of upstream investors and governments. Looking at the maximisation of their The first study was motivated by the fact that the production of intakes, governmental regulators must create and maintain natural gas has become significantly more expensive over the an attractive atmosphere for business which will actually last few years, not only because the new reserves are more develop a win-win situation for themselves and upstream difficult to develop than before, but also because the cost of the investors. Concessions, sharing, buy-back and transfer of services and products consumed by the industry has increased rights contracts were analysed, together with the large substantially over the last years. Thanks to the development arsenal of fiscal instruments used by regulators and policy of new technologies, however, productivity has also improved makers, including signature bonuses, royalties and taxes on significantly, and because of that gas continues to be one of profits of varied nature. the most abundant and affordable fuels in the world. A number of best practices were described as a moeans t The second study group promoted an assessment of help the industry, policy makers and regulators in securing a conventional and unconventional gas reserves and resources. reliable and affordable supply of natural gas to the consumers. Some of the most important projects under development were described, and their potential impact in the availability The 3 studies constitute the 3 parts of the report published of natural gas from both regional and global standpoints by the group for WGCPARIS2015.

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Underground Gas Storage (UGS) represents unique assets STUDY GROUP 2.2: of the gas value chain combining geological reservoir with Techniques and New Opportunities subsurface and surface infrastructure. Storage provides general benefits to the entire gas infrastructure in order to The main orientation was on UGS techniques, new help the final customers to get their gas in efficient, reliable opportunities and best practices. Operators of underground and secured way. gas storage facilities have to react quickly to changing market demands for gas while raising safety standards and In 2012-2015 triennium WOC 2 had three study groups: reducing environmental impacts. The first part looks at subsurface integrity management and the second at the STUDY GROUP 2.1: reduction of the environmental footprint of UGS operations Underground Gas Storage Database and the enhancement of their energy efficiency.

This group has been working for 5 trienniums providing a Furthermore, information to which extent UGS technology valuable summary of UGS activities worldwide. Total WGV may contribute to energy storage generated from intermittent is 393 bcm without taking into account long term strategic renewable energy sources was given. This focused on the reserves, operated in about 715 storage facilities all over the identification of solutions UGS applications might contribute, world with the withdrawal rate of some 6 656 mcm/d. Most on the related technology gaps together with the R&D effort storages are developed in former gas fields. needed to overcome them, and on current market uncertainties, opportunities and constraints likely to impact the deployment During this triennium a special web based application was of these UGS. developed summarising study group’s deliverables as follows: UGS Data viewer, UGS facts in Charts and Tables, More about these topics have been published in the IGU UGS interactive map, UGS vocabulary in fourteen languages, Magazine on web links below: and Studies from previous triennium. http://www.igu.org/sites/default/files/igu_apr2014_lo- res.pdf (pages 176-180)

http://www.igu.org/sites/default/files/igu_oct2014_lo- res.pdf (pages 166-174)

STUDY GROUP 2.3: Human Resources: Attracting Students to Work in Gas Storage

The main goal of this study group was to find the key factors affecting talent attraction to the underground storage sector and develop strategic approaches to HR development. The results were based on a questionnaire survey and were documented in a comprehensive report. This is accessible at http://ugs.igu.org/ after registration. A general definition of trends in established and emerging gas The most important part of study group 2.3 was the regions is provided. development of “Programme of competition in honour of 100th anniver sary of UGS”. The programme was destined for the students and young specialists working with or willing to work in UGS industry. Authors of the four best themes were awarded with participation in WGCPARIS2015.

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There are a lot of movements going on in the gas industry. From in separation plants since the fossil fuel based power plants the demand side, based on environmental or political decisions, will have to provide necessary swing capacity many large countries have committed to switch other fuels to • The transmission gas infrastructure is often considered as gas for power generation, significantly raising gas consumption. acceptable and less polluting, but acceptance by the public From the supply side, the erruption of the non-conventional grows more complex each day and the image of gas industry gas has dramatically changed the map of production. could be affected by a bad experience or a serious accident • To suppress or reduce as much as possible the adverse The pipeline industry has to cope with the challenge of impacts of gas infrastructures on landscape, bio diversity, linking supply with consumption so gas transportation urbanisation, archaeology and agriculture, through adopting systems have to ensure: the best practices • Providing an overview of new technologies and their • New supplies and trade routes emerge. application in transmission systems in relation to: safety and • Existing lines have to run at full capacity with higher reliability; environmental footprint reduction and pipelines reliability, safe operation and extending the remaining life. • A solid PIMS must lean on a strong data basis in order to The management integrity systems play an important role. assess all the technical issues in which a transmission operator • New, larger and more efficient compressor plants need to is involved. Most companies already follow this principle be constructed. and the remaining ones are on their way to do so • New materials, new technology, new regulations will support • Third party interference and external corrosion have been these changes. identified as the major threats to pipelines • New regulations and best practices to mitigate risk will be • To avoid third party damage, pipe construction should be implemented. done in the safest way (design factor, coating, pipe depth, safety distances and restrictive area, cathodic protection, pipe Three study groups took over responsibility for dealing with markers, major protection crossing rivers, roads, rails, etc.) the above mentioned subjects. • The prevention of third party damage is not entirely the responsibility of TSOs. Stakeholders, real estate owners and STUDY GROUP 3.1: New Transmission Projects local governments should also get involved STUDY GROUP 3.2: Integrity Management Systems • There is neither a typical life time nor an economical life STUDY GROUP 3.3: Public Acceptance and New time for a pipeline; this varies from one company to another Technologies Applied to Transmission Systems • The use of de cision tools (including capex and opex) as a way to decide on the pipeline defects is still not common, The work was completed according to the plan with: companies which are not using tools take the decision upon their own experience and according to the way of • 53 active members. operating and maintaining pipelines. 60% of the companies • Six meetings with an average attendance of 35 people. using tools rely on a technical decision tools and 40% on • The study groups issued three reports. a mixed technical-financial tools.

The main conclusions of the three reports are:

• The time of the big new-built pipelines in Europe is over; there is a potential for development in Russia, Middle East and Asia • Technical challenges can be solved; it is a question of money and intelligence

• The chance to “re-use” existing natural gas pipeline for CO2 transmission doesn’t appear to be an option because the minimum operating pressure for a dense phase carbon dioxide transmission (7.4-8 MPa) falls within the range of maximum operating pressure of the gas onshore networks (usually 8 MPa) • Considering the intermittency of renewable sources, it

seems reasonable to assume variable delivery rates of CO2 9 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:37 Page 10


STUDY GROUP 4.1: Regulation on Third Party Access • The central question is: Why should the gas industry promote (TPA) to Gas Distribution Networks – A Standard new technologies and new gases? Approach Regulation • The study group’s work showed that today we still have a long way to go to achieve a master plan for a global strategy • Third Party Access (TPA) is usually connected with gas market into a lower carbon gas future and to achieve the Kyoto liberalisation that includes concepts such as open access targets in 2050. The research on gas infrastructures including and unbundling regimes. TPA is conceptually motivated to acceptable gas quality compositions, possible technological get benefits such as: and regulatory measures and timelines provided us with a • Creating competitive gas markets good basis for the development of the master plan for the • Reducing prices future. The “evolution into a lower carbon gas future” will • Securing supply be characterised as a “green gas evolution” instead of a • Improving services to the customers, among others. “revolution”. No doubt this will be an important process to continue the natural gas success story. • The results of the study group WOC 4.1 analysis showed that TPA presents a wide variety of concepts and stages of STUDY GROUP 4.3: Smart Grids in Gas Distribution development worldwide. The level of implementation seems to be directly related to the maturity of the gas • Network operators are providing gas distribution services. industry in the studied area. The USA/Canada and EU In the future, the energy landscape will change whereby adopted different approaches to TPA regulations, but were sustainability and energy efficiency are to be increasingly successful in implementing an effective TPA model. The important. The current and traditional gas grids are reason for this success relies on the regulatory framework demand-driven and operated in a passive way. In the future adopted and on market conditions. Being two of the major they will be operated under variable conditions, becoming and most mature markets in the world, the conditions for active networks including interactive functionalities pushed the implementation of TPA were favourable because of the by technological innovations that are currently bringing large number of supply sources, the highly interconnected cheap, reliable and efficient solutions with new sensors, systems and their saturated market territories. remote control device and real time simulation of gas flows. • The concept of smart gas network can be defined as a gas The main conclusion of study group 4.1 are: grid that is fully remote controlled and, in its ultimate form, operates and adjusts automatically for fulfilling a set of • TPA motivation is to create competition, reduce prices, needs connected with customers’ expectations and network secure supply and provide better services performance. The purpose here is to present some key • TPA is important under certain conditions to create a market points about this new concept, including an analysis of the • Every country needs individual rules for implementation possible uses of smart grid concept in the future of gas of TPA. Highly dependent on the maturity of the market distribution, of the impact on the design and operation of and political conditions distribution systems and of the needs in new technologies. • It doesn’t work for one company in the market or a unique The different technical difficulties and costs that can appear state owned company. The legislation itself cannot guarantee for distribution network operators, are also pinpointed. free market.

STUDY GROUP 4.2: Evolution into a Lower Carbon Gas Future: Managing the Diversification of Gas Quality

• For decades the source of natural gas supplies to any given location remained stable. Generally, distribution grids comprised of one or possibly two sources of supply based on long- term delivery contracts. In many parts of the world, this is no longer the case. The situation has changed over the past few years and the rate of change is increasing. The reasons for this change are a growing diversification of gas quality, LNG instead of pipe gas, local fields or non-conventional sources (shale gas, bio-methane, hydrogen and SNG). 10 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:37 Page 11


It has always been understood by WOC 5 members that • An overview of what was learnt throughout the end-users private or corporate are the focal point of all triennium efforts and resources committed by gas industry. Our ultimate goal was to help meeting the needs of the final The following areas and fields (in alphabetic order) have customers – private citizens to enjoy clean, abundant and been discussed during the triennium: affordable energy for power, heating, cooking, mobility as well as other goods and services originating from natural gas. • Audits for customers and proposals of energy efficiency solutions using gas • The objective of the group during the triennium was • Blue corridor NGV rally to keep monitoring the following issues related to • Combination of gas and renewables utilisation of gas: • Fuel switching from liquid or e-power to gas • Gas driven heat pumps • Architecting political and economic mechanisms of • Gas quality natural gas market at the end-user segment • Heat and power generation (cogen, micro-CHP), climate • Expanding accessibility of methane through new and control by gas-fuelled systems in the residential, small unconventional technologies: LNG, biogas, E-gas and other commercial and industrial environment • Further development of regulations, norms, standards, • Hybrid technologies: EHP-condens; fuel cell boiler etc. and codes of practice. One of the modern challenges • Hydrogen: wind/solar power to hydrogen (electrolysis) is to make implementation of those regulations less and to methane expensive and more comfortable with no compromise • LNG bunkering for maritime and inland waters to safety • New technologies at the horizon • Propounding knowledge, both fundamental and applied; • Small scale LNG for all kinds of end-users expanding public awareness; improving training and • Upgrading of biogas education of both gas people and private citizens • Encouraging investment to improve economics in the Each study group and topic team prepared and presented gas utilisation segment the Final Report during Thematic Sessions. These reports • Developing new promising technologies, advanced contained specific information about topics listed above. equipment, techniques Additional information could found in oral presentations • Building up safety throughout the technical chain. and interactive presentations made at WGCPARIS2015.

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The Sustainability Committee focused on the environmental is not in place. The committee produced a biogas country effects of natural gas. Although natural gas is relatively report on how the gas is produced and to what extent. friendlier for the environment compared to other fossil fuels like oil and coal, natural gas is still a fossil fuel that will The LCA of natural gas, which describes its comprehensive contribute to global warming by emitting greenhouse gases. environmental effects, will help understand how the It’s crucial that the gas industry understands the true impact industry could do more to reduce greenhouse gasses along of natural gas to the global environment so it can be more the natural gas chain. The committee’s study showed that than transitional or bridge energy. the industry is aware of the LCA and its usefulness, but due to the lack of basic information, the industry is still in the During the French Triennium, the Sustainability Committee process of introducing this tool. focused on 4 topics: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Biogas, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and unconventional gas. With the advancement of production technology, unconventional gas, such as shale gas, has become the Carbon Capture and Storage technology coupled with natural attention of the world. It is described as the “Game gas is a promising technology to cope with global warming. Changer”. The committee studied the environmental effects Although it is not an ultimate solution, it buys us precious of this new source of natural gas to find out what the truth time as the world unites to cope with one of the greatest is and what the industry can do to reduce its environmental challenges of our time. The committee published a report negative impact. outlining how this CCS is introduced to the gas industry and further made useful recommendations to the gas industry. Right now natural gas is a competitive, promising source of energy, and it will continue to be well into the future. Biogas is a carbon-neutral type of natural gas. It’s not available However, to make this possible, the industry must continue everywhere because the feedstock is neither available nor to work hard and communicate with stakeholders along the insufficient. But it could be a precious energy that people way. The sustainability committee hopes to continue to play need in their lives in remote areas where energy infrastructure the role of a pioneer of the natural gas industry.

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During the French Triennium, the Strategy Committee focused The study group on strategy and regulation concentrated on three different topics for study: on finding the best practices on this complex topic. It was evident that the gas industry is confronted with a wide range • World gas supply, demand and trade of strategic and regulation principles. The study consisted • Wholesale gas price formation of four parts: • Strategy and regulation. I. A questionnaire was developed to identify business cases The Strategy Committee also carried out a study on the long on strategy and regulation and with the long-term objective term prospects for natural gas; identifying the main drivers to find some structure. The questionnaire has not yet led that will determine the future market for gas. to concrete results, but will be a stepping stone for research on this topic in the next triennium. The world gas supply and demand study highlighted a continued II. Investment challenges facing the gas industry, were growth for natural gas in the world. Global demand, which is explored. It showed the relationship between the currently at 3300 bcm per year, is expected to grow with a challenges for the (European) gas industry and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.1 % per year, which catalysts needed for this (stability, incentives, advocacy means that by 2035 global demand will have reached 4800 bcm. and targeted investments). However, growth has started to shift from the established gas III. Thirdly the cooperation between IOC’s and NOC’s was industries in Europe, North America and the CIS to growing investigated. Five projects were studied and four key markets in Asia, in particular China, India and other countries factors for cooperation were found: trust, government of that region. Considerable growth is also expected in the support, finance and the added value of the IOC in this. Middle East, which has seen a continuous growth in recent years, IV. The final part of the study was a survey conducted to adding almost 200 bcm in demand within the last ten years. investigate energy poverty. The results showed the different approaches, definitions and the appreciation of the topic The wholesale gas price formation study was the seventh in and that there is growing concern on energy poverty. a row and covered almost all gas demand in the world. It was concluded that 43% of gas is priced based on some The study group has built up contacts with ICER, the “IGU f orm of gas-on-gas competition. Furthermore, the prices of for regulators”; both parties have agreed that they will 35% of global gas demand are determined by regulation cooperate in the next triennium. and 17% of the gas prices are linked to oil. In Europe, gas- on-gas competition has increased from about 15% in 2005, Since 2009 the IGU has in every triennium present ed a long until 60% in 2015. Additionally the percentage of global term outlook as part of their effort on advocacy. This gas sold at regulated prices below cost, a form of state triennium the Strategy Committee was assigned with this subsidy to the population, has decreased from about 10% task resulting in the report Prospects for Natural Gas: in 2005 until 5% of in 2015. With the rapid growth of LNG, Identifying the key developments that will shape the gas the percentage of oil-linked prices has increased in Asia market in 2050. This highlighted two factors: Pacific. The full report Wholesale Gas Price Survey – 2015 Edition is also available on the IGU website. 1. Technical and market developments

• The development of LNG and unconventional gas, the role of natural gas in combination with renewables and the development of gas for transport.

2. Policy developments

• Energy security, environmental policies and climate policies.

In conclusion the prospects for natural gas are good, but are not self-evident. Consequently, the gas industry must be constantly engaged in active and transparent communication about the role gas can play for the economy, the environment and in a long-term strat egy towards decarbonisation. 13 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:37 Page 14


The basic mission of PGC C for the triennium was to identify The PGC C 2 report started its analysis on the US shale gas and analyse the emerging issues and key market drivers that and then extended to other unconventional gas-developing both developed and developing gas markets are facing and countries including China, Australia, India, and Indonesia. to provide insights into the promotion of said gas markets. The report also investigated the potential of shale gas For this reason, PGC C focused its attention to specific world- development in Europe. At the end of the report, implications wide issues and their impact on the regional gas markets. and challenging issues of developing unconventional gas were provided, with special attention on the Asia-Pacific The two most important issues selected by committee LNG market. members were “Role of Natural Gas in Electricity Generation Mix” and “Implications of Developing Unconventional Gas”. A total of 58 committee members from 23 counties took The former theme was studied by study group PGC C 1, led part in and contributed to the PGC C activities. During the by Alexey Biteryakov of Gazprom, Russia and the latter triennium, two joint committee meetings with PGC A in theme was examined by study group PGC C 2, led by 2012 and 2013 and a tripartite joint meeting with WOC 1 Shigeki Sakamoto from IAE, Japan. and PGC A in 2013 were successfully held where committee members had an opportunity of extensive information Extensive studies on the two subjects by both study groups exchange and knowledge-sharing. In addition, workshops successfully completed the triennium reports. PGC C 1 designed and embedded into every committee meeting report attempted to figure out the future of natural gas in provided a platform for committee members and invited the European electricity generation mix, giving special outside speakers to exchange views and network with attention to the possibility of Europe being a model for professionals from all over the world. other markets. In the process of analysis, it reviewed other power markets such as Japan, Korea, and MENA regions and drew various conclusions.

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This triennium comprised of 6 meetings evenly spread over STUDY GROUP PGC D.3: LNG as Fuel the various continents. There were around 102 participants who participated in different meetings. The workforce was Objective: Create an overview of potential “new” markets divided into four working groups, each delivering a report for LNG and technical challenges in land transport fuels and at the end of the triennium in time for WGCPARIS2015. shipping bunkers. There was also an interactive presentation on their results. Due to the huge amount of work the “Small scale LNG and Deliverable: A two fold report on land transport fuels and LNG as Fuel” was split into two working groups to simplify vessel bunkering. the workload and resource allocation. STUDY GROUP PGC D.4: Life Cycle Analysis STUDY GROUP PGC D.1: Remote LNG Objective: Comparison between hydrocarbon fuels (diesel Objective: Do new developments at higher latitudes (Artic) and gasoline) and natural gas/LNG on the whole cycle of and in remote area (Africa or smaller communities) bring LNG from liquefaction to regasification. new challenges for LNG and need different approach then in the past? Deliverable: A staged report with a specific ISO based modular identification system to indicate the specific contributions of Deliverable: A very readable report resulting in a “Remoteness each “module” in the LNG value chain to environmental Index” indicating the amount of complexities to be dealt with. impact – a solid basis for further development of LCA studies.

STUDY GROUP PGC D.2: Small Scale LNG World Annual LNG Report

Objective: Create an overview of options, opportunities In this triennium the World LNG report has grown from an and challenges for small scale LNG terminals. upstream driven report to a global report supported by upstream, mid-stream, shipping (SIGTTO) and regas-terminals Deliverable: An overview of potential regions countries of (GIIGNL) organisation. It has become a reference document interest as well as tailor made technical requirements/ for many organisations and governments such as IEA, NGO’s, solutions, business models and economic hurdles. This report IOC’s and NOC’s. Truly fact based on (FID) non-reversible is closely related to the LNG as Fuel report. decisions by the investors. The annual copy also has special features on specific subjects. The 2015 report includes a summary of all the work done by the 4 working groups in LNG.

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The Programme Committee on Marketing and Communication STUDY GROUP PGC E.2: Effective Gas Marketing and (PGC E) was responsible of a two-fold objective: Lessons from Other Industries

1. To identify and develop ideas, tools and products for a This study group developed a benchmark of what other successful promotion and sale of natural gas. industries have done to communicate their message more effectively than the gas industry, and during WGCPARIS2015 2. To define ways to effectively convey the merits of natural presented different examples of effective marketing campaign. gas and its role in sustainable development, and in a clean economy. The committed was structured in three STUDY GROUP PGC E.3: Public Acceptance of Natural study groups. Gas Projects

STUDY GROUP PGC E.1: Additional Uses for Gas, How This study group on public acceptance promoted the debate do we go Beyond Gas to Power? at different events during the triennium and presented at WGCPARIS2015 a model for public acceptance and lessons The study group presented at WGCPARIS2015 best practices learned from case studies in Australia, France, Ireland, on how individual companies/industries and countries have Poland, South Africa, Spain, The Netherlands and USA. The promoted alternative uses of gas successfully; the focus of study group also divided and supported the IGU Secretariat the analysis was on how the gas market expands. in its ambition to become a more active voice in the global gas debate. The study group acted as a soundboard for the development of a new global gas portal and IGU advocacy and communications strategy.

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Development and implementation of advanced technology communicated more broadly to sustain required technology has contributed to a robust global supply portfolio, particularly investment. Specific learnings included: through the development and promise of unconventional gas supplies from shale and coalbed methane resources. The • Technology innovations have delivered tremendous social, security and price implications from expanded supply have industry, and consumer benefits impacted downstream technology such as infrastructure • Clear game-changing impact of shale gas and other development and gas utilisation opportunity. Each of the unconventional resources value-chain segments of the gas industry are driven and • Continued technological evolution on reducing the impacted through application of technology and innovation. environmental footprint for shale drilling, completion and production operations The efforts of PGC F were focused on advancing technology • Seamless integration of biogas and green-energy options innovation and collaboration impacting the spectrum of the for a sustainable gas industry natural gas industry – from exploration and production • Increased movement towards an integrated “smart energy through utilisation. The committee tasks and activities were grid” that encompasses the best of natural gas, renewable focused on the organisation of an international research energy and electric distribution conference as well as highlighting notable technology that • Improved methods and approaches to safely and efficiently impact industry growth, safety and operational efficiency. manage existing pipeline and delivery assets • Introduction and growth of small scale LNG to help monetise PGC F had a total of 51 members and progressed under stranded resources three distinct study groups: • Growth in gas transportation – both CNG and LNG vehicles and infrastructure • STUDY GROUP PGC F.1: Technical Programme for the • CHP and increasingly efficient and cost-effective gas solutions. IGU Research Conference (IGRC2014). IGRC2014 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark from September 17-19, Reports and papers delivered during or at the end of 2014. Attendance exceeded 750 participants from 46 the triennium countries and offered an informative and engaging event for all participants. • Final Report of the International Gas Union Research Conference (IGRC2017), September 2014. • STUDY GROUP PGC F.2: Development of International Gas R&D Collaborative Programmes. Focused on • Gas Convergence with Renewables and Electric Industry developing a framework for broader international – technical paper for publication in International Gas collaboration in gas research and innovation. magazine 2015.

• STUDY GROUP PGC F.3: Convergence of Gas with Electric and Renewable Energy. Worked to identify and characterise new business models that anchor natural gas as part of the future energy mix. This activity was the focus of a thematic session at WGCPARIS2015.

Committee objectives

• Preparation of the technical programme for IGRC2014 • Develop the structure and roster of worldwide gas R&D facilities • Evaluate and report on natural gas convergence with renewable and electric

What was learnt throughout the triennium?

Although there is recognition of the value and impact of technology on the gas industry, the value must be 17 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:37 Page 18


The fourth pillar of the French triennium programme was • The organisation of a workforce with UNESCO on Women dedicated to Human Resources, to address the fact that the engineers in Africa and the Arab states. The event gas industry will face a talent crunch in Science, Technology, welcomed high level speakers from Africa and the Arab Engineering and Math (STEM) in most parts of the world. States who explained how they managed their career paths and spotted the barriers to unlock. A special report The Task Force gathered 50 members from 31 countries. All was published. IGU is keeping on the relationship with regions were represented (Asia, Americas, Europe, Africa, UNESCO. and Oceania). • The preparation of WGCPARIS2015. Task force 1 The task force addressed two main topics: coordinated two Strategic Panels, one Thematic Session and one Interactive Showcase Session. At the end 13 1. How to attract women and talent. papers were presented in Paris which gave a broad 2. How to retain women and talent. overview of HR practices within the gas industry worldwide. The Strategic Panel entitled Women’s place in The work of the task forces was organised around four main the gas industry was organised with 5 female CEOs. actions: • The organisation of a youth event during the conference. • The elaboration of the final report entitled Delivering This event gathered 150 youths from all over the world, on talent. The report is based on a questionnaire with for three days of intense networking and creativity. 76 answers and 75 dedicated interviews. It provided Please refer to pages 61-62 for more information about recommendations regarding young professionals and the Youth Event. women.

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At the beginning of the triennium the energy sector was • Competitive relationship between coal and natural gas. A starting to face increasing challenges that led to structural position paper on the policy actions that could establish changes in the natural gas market. The mitigation of climate equilibrium between natural gas and coal, taking into change became one of the most important political issues, account the environmental aspects with reference to all as well as security of supply and access to energy at the pollutants. reasonable prices. In this framework, the original mandate of Task Force 2 – Gas Advocacy was to s how and endorse • Natural Gas in transport sector. A short advocacy paper the essential role of natural gas in the energy systems (to support the dedicated study group of WOC 5) outlined transformation. This kind of task force was the first a couple of points that covered the tri/quadrilemma of the experiment of global gas advocacy issued by the IGU. Due sector. to this, there was not a model for the relationship between this kind of initiative and the already existing advocacy Throughout the triennium, the lesson learned by TF 2 is that programme followed by regional and national members of in the IGU, where WOCs and PGCs have a consolidated IGU in place. This element had been taken into consideration “tradition”, for the Task Forces (that change their role and during the definition of the position papers that TF 2 developed targets every triennium) it is difficult to work in continuity. during the triennium. Their effectiveness is strongly influenced by the commitment of the members that are part of the group. With particular Coherently with the mandate TF 2 – Gas Advocacy released reference to Gas Advocacy, the constraints faced by the Task the following documents: Force in this triennium are going to continue during the triennium 2015-2018. The efforts done during the French • How natural gas can contribute to the electricity security Presidency to develop communication initiatives are going of supply: the capacity payment mechanism. A position to produce results. The Global Gas Portal is already a reality paper and an article for the IGU’s magazine supporting and the choice to move further to the next level of Gas gas-fired generating plants in the case where markets do not Advocacy, integrating this activity under the responsibility rec ognise the value of flexible power generation capacity. of the Coordination Committee, is certain to improve the quality of the IGU lobbying initiatives. • Shale Gas: The facts about the environmental concerns. A side letter to present the report prepared by IGU for the 26th World Gas Conference to a list of selected institutional stakeholders.

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In 2012, during WGC in Kuala Lumpur, this task force issued 1. How green is natural gas? A study that looked at how a comprehensive report on the geopolitics of natural gas the role of natural gas is perceived by the public and how focusing on the interaction of industry, states and the IGU could address some of the concerns. international organisations (governing bodies) and how this impacts gas trade flows and the development of the gas 2. Local content strategies, where we identified key factors sector. During the 2012-2015 triennium, the task force of success in maximising the benefits to host communities, extended this focus to other actors/stakeholders involved – hence strengthening the industry’s (social) license to operate. e.g. non-governmental organisations, interest groups, civil society etc, and how they impact policy on natural gas and Finally the Task Force published a paper on the Law of the sea, our business environment: the so called New Dimensions. focusing on how states can overcome maritime border conflicts that hamper the development of oil and gas resources in The main report on the New Dimensions first revisits the many areas with great potential. geographical areas of interest as identified in the 2012 report and briefly discusses the developments observed in these The delivered reports and the described approach will be regions. It continues to investigate the role of various forwarded into the WGC 2018 methodology where an effort stakeholders that increasingly have an impact on our industry. wil l be made to reach out to the stakeholder environment For the purpose of the study the task force prepared several and to position IGU in the stakeholder nexus. The WGC roundtable meetings to address the regional issues and to 2018 team will strengthen this approach by introducing a understand which actors had an impact there. These sessions new Task Force; Strategic Communication and Out Reach. resulted in a series of papers which were published together The aim for Washington is to have a lively debate with with the main report. NGO’s, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders.

Additionally the task force produced two publications with a more in-depth investigation into the impact of stakeholders on issues with great (geo)political impact:

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The French Presidency worked hard to ensure the 26th World Natural Gas Transportation Village and Gas Conference would be a truly memorable experience for Blue Corridor Rally its attendees in terms of the official ceremonies and the addition of new features to the conference. Here is a summary For the first time in the World Gas Conference history, the of the best points of the conference. exhibition featured a village dedicated to Natural Gas Transportation. The area contained an exhibition area and Welcome Gala Evening a seminar stage featuring nearly 40 free to attend forums and presentations dedicated to covering an array of topics. The conference commenced with an informal and sophisticated The ‘Blue Corridor’ rally arrived to WGCPARIS2015 on cocktail party at the iconic Grand Palais which attracted over Wednesday 3 June after travelling 6,800km in 13 days. It 2,100 people. The evening featured an array of Parisian food, consisted of natural gas fuelled vehicles from Russia, Germany, and entertainment from a band of drummers, acrobats, actors, France, Italy and Czech Republic with the aim to draw musicians and a colourful light display. The atmosphere and attention to the advantages of natural gas used as automotive nature of the evening enabled many networking opportunities transportation and bunkering fuel. to take place before the main conference started. Closing Ceremony

The conference concluded with a powerful musical opening from an innovative band, followed by an artistic and authentic performance from a French mime actor, and a colourful ‘can can’ show. Jérôme Ferrier gave a powerful speech to end the French Presidency before handing over to the incoming American team.

Opening Ceremony

The ceremony featured opening speeches from, Jérôme Ferrier (President IGU, 2012-2015), Patrick Pouyanné (Chief Executive Officer, Total SA) and Gérard Mestrallet (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ENGIE). The Garde Républicaine Orchestra played three beautiful pieces of music including Symphonie Fantastique – Un Bal Hector Berlioz, La Damnation de Faust – Marche Hongroise Hector Berlioz and Carmen – Prélude Georges Bizet.

Jérôme Ferrier IGU President 2012-2015


Meeting Room Amphitheatre – Palais des Sports Room 5 – Notre Dame Room 7 – Tour Eiffel Room 2 – Concorde MONDAY Welcome Gala Evening – 20:00 – 23:00 Grand Palais TUESDAY

OVERVIEW 08:30 – 10:00 Opening Ceremony 10:10 – 10:15 10:15 – 11:35 Keynote Addresses 11:45 – 12:00 Exhibition Opening 12:15 – 13:45 Luncheon Address – Paris Pavillon 14:00 – 15:00 Keynote Addresses Strategic Panel 1. TF 3 Strategic Panel 3. PGC B Strategic Panel 2. WOC 1 Strategic Panel 4. PGC 15:15 – 16:45 Political leaders, industry, insitutions 2050 gas prospective study Gas flaring and venting reduction Life Cycle Assessment (L and NGO’s geopolitical debate a tool for decision mak

16:45 – 17:00 Thematic Session PGC B-1 Thematic Session PGC E-3 (WOC 3-3) Thematic Session WOC World gas outlooks for 2035 Public acceptance of natural Third party access to gas dist 17:00 – 18:30 gas projects networks: could it bring bene parties involved in the gas WEDNESDA Thematic Session TF 2-1 Thematic Session WOC 1-5 Thematic Session WOC 08:30 – 10:00 The role of natural gas in Gas on gas competition and Pipeline integrity managemen power generation sector upstream investment

10:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 12:00 Keynote Addresses 12:15 – 13:45 Luncheon Address – Paris Pavilion 14:00 – 14:40 Keynote Addresses Strategic Panel 5. TF 2 Strategic Panel 6. PGC D Strategic Panel 7. WOC 5 Strategic Panel 8. WOC 4 & 15:00 – 16:30 How natural gas can raise its voice LNG a key factor Natural gas transportation roundtable How smart energy grids and di are shaping the future of u

SPECIAL ADDRESS 16:45 – 17:05 Coffee B Natural gas and COP 21

Thematic Session PGC B-3 Thematic Session PGC E-2 Thematic Session PGC Strategy and regulation Effective gas marketing and Remote LNG 17:15 – 18:45 lessons from other industries

THURSDA Thematic Session PGC B-2 Thematic Session PGC D-3 Thematic Session WOC Wholesale gas price formation Challenges and opportunities of Towards smart distributio 08:30 – 10:00 small scale LNG grids: why and how?

10:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 12:00 Keynote Addresses 12:15 – 13:45 Luncheon Address – Paris Pavillon 14:00 – 14:40 Keynote Addresses SPECIAL EVENT 14:45 – 15:25 Energy industry in turmoil

Strategic Panel 9. PGC C & TF 3 Strategic Panel 12. PGC F Strategic Panel 10. WOC 1 & PGC A Strategic Panel 11. TF 15:30 – 17:00 Gas development in emerging countries The role and impact of innovation Unconventional gas Battle for talent in the gas industry

17:00 – 17:15 Thematic Session PGC E-1 Thematic Session WOC 1-2 Thematic Session WOC 17:15 – 18:45 Additional uses for gas, how do Natural gas available everywhere: New transmission proje we go beyond gas to power? an assessment of global resources and reserves FRIDAY Thematic Session PGC A-4 Thematic Session WOC 5-1 Thematic Session TF 3 08:30 – 10:00 Environmental aspects of Natural gas as a leading fuel for Corporate behaviour in unconventional gas efficient industry growth political arena 10:00 – 10:30 Strategic Panel 13. T 1-3 Strategic Panel 14. PGC E Special Session 1. CC 10:30 – 12:00 Women’s place in the gas industry Gas communication IGU Global Gas Awards 12:15 – 13:45 Luncheon Address – Paris Pavillon

14:00 – 15:30

22 16:00 – 17:00 Closing of Youth Event 17:15 – 18:30 Closing Ceremony 18:45 – 22:00 Farewell Party www.wgc2015.org

e Room 1 – Invalides Room 3 – Louvre Room 4 – Opéra Room 6 – Sacré Coeur



Coffee Break

C A CA): kers Coffee Break C 4-1 Thematic Session PGC A-1 Thematic Session TF 3-1 Thematic Session PGC F-1 Thematic Session WOC 5-4 tribution Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Geopolitics and energy security Global partnering in energy Technology and economic aspects fits to the development and perspectives for a innovation – effective collaboration for power to gas and upgrading chain? sustainable gas industry of biogas to natural gas quality AY 3 JUNE C 3-2 Thematic Session PGC D-2 Thematic Session PGC F-2 Thematic Session WOC 5-5 Thematic Session WOC 2-1 nt systems The role of LNG as the Convergence of gas appliances and Gas quality, a growing concern What is ahead of us? General alternative fuel infrastructure with electric systems for the end user? trends and perspectives for UGS and renewable energy Coffee Break

& PGC F gitalisation utilities

reak (16:45 – 17:15)

D-1 Thematic Session WOC 5-3 Thematic Session WOC 2-2 Thematic Session WOC 4-2 Thematic Session WOC 1-3 Natural gas vehicles: the sustainable Innovations and new technologies: Evolution into a lower carbon gas Fiscal regimes for the road towards a clean planet can UGS take or do more? future: managing the diversification production of conventional and of gas quality unconventional gas AY 4 JUNE C 4-3 Thematic Session WOC 1-1 Thematic Session PGC A-3 Thematic Session PGC C-1 Thematic Session TF 2-2 n gas Technological advances in gas Opportunities and challenges of The role of natural gas in the Relationship between coal and gas ? exploration and production Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applied electricity generation mix to the natural gas industry

Coffee Break


Coffee Break C 3-1 Thematic Session WOC 5-2 Thematic Session TF 1-1 Thematic Session PGC A-2 Thematic Session PGC C-2 ects Heating and power production technologies Human capital strategy for The economic, environmental and Implications of developing in the residential and small commercial the future social aspects of renewable gas unconventional gas environment 5 JUNE 3-2 Thematic Session WOC 2-3 Thematic Session WOC 3-3 Thematic Session PGC D-4 Thematic Session WOC 1-4 the Increasing attractiveness of gas New technologies for The role of LNG in sustainability Technologies for the monetisation storages: what shall be done? transmission systems and environmental quality of gas reserves Coffee Break

KEY Special Session 2. CC WOC Working Committee PGC Programme Committee TF Task Force Triennial Work Programme 2015-2018

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The conference programme contained five different session types. Each session type took place in a different conference location and featured a different number of speakers:


Keynote Address Ampitheatre 6 Up to 4

Luncheon Address Paris Pavillon 4 1

Strategic Panels / Special Sessions Ampitheatre or Pavilion 2.2 18 Up to 6 Special Address / Special Event

Thematic Sessions Pavilion 2.2 42 Up to 8

Area 1 or Area 2 of Interactive Interactive Showcases 39 Up to 7 Showcases area in Pavilion 1


In total the conference had a total of 583 speakers from 53 countries.


Algeria 8 Hungary 1 Romania 1 Argentina 11 India 3 Russia 24 Australia 11 Indonesia 3 Singapore 8 Austria 1 Iran 15 Slovakia 8 Belgium 12 Ireland 2 South Africa 3 Bolivia 1 Italy 8 South Korea 4 Brazil 21 Japan 25 Spain 16 Cameroon 2 Korea 11 Sweden 3 Canada 7 Malaysia 12 Switzerland 7 Chile 1 Monaco 1 The Netherlands 49 China 13 Mozambique 3 Tunisia 1 Czech Republic 2 Norway 10 Turkey 10 Denmark 8 Peru 2 UK 36 Egypt 3 Poland 2 Ukraine 1 Finland 1 Portugal 3 USA 63 France 95 Qatar 13 Venezuela 2 Germany 27 Republic of Korea 3 Vietnam 1 Greece 1 Republic of Yemen 2

Speakers unable to attend: From 1 June 2015 there were 26 speakers who notified the organisers that they were unable to attend due to varied reasons. This represented only 4.5% of the total number of speakers on the programme. 24 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 25



KEYNOTE ADDRESS 1: 10:15-11:35

Sheikh Khalid Bin Khalifa Al Thani, Chief Executive Officer, Qatargas, Qatar John S. Watson, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Chevron Corporation, USA Rex Tillerson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exxon Mobil Corporation, USA Ben van Beurden, Chief Executive Officer, plc, The Netherlands

KEYNOTE ADDRESS 2: 14:00-15:00

Bob Dudley, Group Chief Executive, BP, UK Jong-Ho Lee, Acting President & Chief Executive Officer, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Republic of Korea Mohammed Rafik Demmak, Acting Vice President – Marketing Activity, Sonatrach, Algeria


KEYNOTE ADDRESS 3: 10:30-12:00

Isabelle Kocher, Director, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, ENGIE, France Peter Coleman, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Woodside, Australia Yves Louis Darricarrère, Member of the Executive Committee – President Upstream, Total, France Lorenzo Simonelli, President and Chief Executive Officer, GE Oil & Gas, UK

KEYNOTE ADDRESS 4: 14:00-14:40

Eldar Sætre, President and Chief Executive Officer, Statoil ASA, Norway Mike Hughes, Executive Vice President – Strategic Customers & Segments, Schneider Electric, France


KEYNOTE ADDRESS 5: 10:30-12:00

Jean-Marie Dauger, Executive Vice President, ENGIE, France Yalan Li, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Beijing Gas Group, China Gertjan J. Lankhorst, Chief Executive Officer, GasTerra BV / KVGN, The Netherlands

KEYNOTE ADDRESS 6: 14:00-14:40

Grant King, Managing Director and Chairman of the LNG 18 National Organising Committee, Origin Energy Limited, Australia Terry McCallister, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, American Gas Association, USA

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LUNCHEON ADDRESS 1: 12:15-13:45

Anita George Senior Director, Global Practice on Energy and Extractive Industries, World Bank Group, USA


LUNCHEON ADDRESS 2: 12:15-13:45

Colette Honorable Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, USA


Laurent Fabius French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France

REPRESENTED BY: Christian Masset Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France


LUNCHEON ADDRESS 3: 12:15-13:45

Maria Van Der Hoeven Director, International Energy Agency, France


Dr Daniel Yergin Vice Chairman, IHS Energy, USA Marcel Kramer Senior Councel, OAO Gazprom and Energy Consultant, Owner, SST Advisory, The Netherlands


LUNCHEON ADDRESS 4: 12:15-13:45

Vincent Defourny Director – Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation, UNESCO, France

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Political leaders, industry, institutions and NGO's geopolitical debate

CHAIRED BY: Anita George, Senior Director, Global Practice on Energy and Extractive Industries, World Bank Group, USA

LED BY: Gertjan J. Lankhorst, Chief Executive Officer, GasTerra BV / KVGN, The Netherlands

MODERATED BY: Rik Komduur, Business Analyst, Gasterra, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Dick Benschop, President Director, Shell Netherlands and Vice President Gas Market Development, Shell Netherlands B.V., The Netherlands Robert Franklin, President, Exxon Mobil, USA Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, JSC Gazprom, Russia Robin Lisa Dunnigan, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Energy Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State, USA Marco Alverà, Chief Midstream Gas & Power Officer, Eni S.p.A., UK

Gas flaring and venting reduction

CHAIRED BY: Bjorn Hamso, Program Manager, Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, World Bank, USA

LED BY: Denis Krambeck Dinelli, E&P Control and Perfomance Evaluation – General Manager, Petrobras, Brazil

MODERATED BY: Marcos de Freitas Sugaya, Senior Engineer and Advisor, Petrobras E&P, Brazil

SPEAKERS: Hamidreza Araghi, Deputy of Petroleum Minister and Managing Director, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Mazuin Ismail, Vice President – Technical Global, PETRONAS, Malaysia Jérôme Schmitt, Senior Vice President Sustainable Development & Environment, Total, France Vsevolod Cherepanov, Member of the Management Committee, Head of Gas, Gas Condensate and Oil Production Department, Gazprom, Russia Philip Swanson, Administrator, CCAC Oil & Gas Methane Partnership, France

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2050 prospective study

CHAIRED BY: Nobuo Tanaka, Former Executive Director and President, International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF), Japan LED BY: Fethi Arabi, International and Institutional Corporate Manager, Sonatrach, Algeria MODERATED BY: Jeanet Van Dellen, Senior Account Manager, Gasunie, The Netherlands SPEAKERS: Ulco Vermeulen, Managing Director Business Development & Participations, Gasunie, The Netherlands Michael Stoppard, Chief Strategist, Global Gas, IHS Energy, UK Christopher Delbrück, Chief Executive Officer, E.ON Global Commodities SE, Germany Helle Kristoffersen, Senior Vice President Strategy and Business Intelligence, Total, France Dr Hossein Adeli, Secretary General, GECF, Qatar

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): a tool for decision makers

CHAIRED BY: Anne Prieur Vernat, LCA and Environmental Assessment Expert, ENGIE Research and Technology Division – CRIGEN, France LED BY: Satoshi Yoshida, Deputy General Manager, Environment Department, Tokyo Gas Company, Japan MODERATED BY: Daniel Hec, Secretary, Marcogaz, Belgium and Tomohiro Yoshida, Manager, Osaka Gas, Japan SPEAKERS: Jean-Paul Cazalets, Sustainable Development and Enviro nment Division, TOTAL, France Yoshihiko Kimata, Director, Research Institute for Culture Energy and Life (CEL), Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Ted Williams, Director, Codes and Standards, American Gas Association, USA Hervé Casterman, Environment Director, ENGIE, France


How natural gas can raise its voice

CHAIRED BY: Dr Daniel Yergin, Vice Chairman, IHS Energy, USA LED BY: Michele Pizzolato, Regulatory Affairs G&P Reference, Eni S.p.A., Italy MODERATED BY: Guilia Migueles Pereyra, Specialist – Regulatory Affairs, Legislative Strategies and Relations with Authorities, Eni S.p.A., Italy SPEAKERS: Dr Paula Gant, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oil and Natural Gas, US Department of Energy, USA Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Vice-Président Délégué, MEDEF, France Pierre Breber, Corporate Vice President and President, Chevron Gas and Midstream, Chevron, USA Beate Raabe, Secretary General, Eurogas, Belgium Anne Houtman, Principal Advisor, DG Energy European Commission, Belgium 28 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 29


LNG a key factor

CHAIRED BY: Colette Honorable, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, USA LED BY: Dirk van Slooten, Managing Director, VSC Hattem, The Netherlands MODERATED BY: Feikje Wittermans, Business Development Manager, Vopak LNG Holding, The Netherlands SPEAKERS: Maarten Wetselaar, Executive Vice President, Integrated Gas, Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd, Singapore M artin Deffontaines, Exploration & Production: Senior Vice President – Strategy-Business Development R&D, Total, France Domenico Dispenza, President, GIIGNL – International Group of LNG, France Dato’ Yiaw Hin Wee, Executive Vice President and CEO, Upstream, PETRONAS, Malaysia Marcel Kramer, Energy Consultant, Owner, SST Advisory, and Senior Counsel to the Management of OAO Gazprom, The Netherlands Youngsik Kwon, Executive Vice President, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea

Natural gas transportation roundtable

CHAIRED BY: Mike Gallagher, Chairperson, NGV Global, USA LED BY: Eugene Pronin, Senior Specialist, Gazprom, Russia MODERATED BY: Miriam Dzah-Eklo, Sustainable Mobility Senior Project Manager, ENGIE, France SPEAKERS: Lennart Pilskog, Secretary General, NGVA Europe, Belgium Bernard Brousse, Head of Retail LNG, ENGIE Global Gas & LNG, France Charles Silio, Vice President – Strategy & Corporate Development, Agility Fuel Systems, USA Phil Fathers, Global Business Director – Alternative Fuels, Emerson Process Management, UK Diego Goldin, Executive Director, NGV Global, Argentina

How smart and digital are shaping the future of utilities

CHAIRED BY: Marie-José Nadeau, Chair, World Energy Council, Canada LED BY: Marc Florette, Chief Digital Officer, ENGIE, France MODERATED BY: Pascal Vercamer, Research Programme Manager, ENGIE, France SPEAKERS: Dominique Jamme, Director of Networks, French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), France John Mulcahy, Head of Hardware, British Gas Connected Homes, UK Scott McGaraghan, Head of Energy Partner Products, Nest Labs, USA Jos Dehaeseleer, Chairman of the WG Smart Gas Grids Marcogaz- Eurogas – GERG, Marcogaz, Belgium Dr Jürgen Grönner, Managing Director – Integration/Asset Management, Westnetz GmbH, Germany Sham Chotai, Chief Technology Officer – Power, Water and Digital, General Electric Power and Water, USA 29 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 30



Gas development in emerging countries

CHAIRED BY: Maria Van Der Hoeven, Director, International Energy Agency, France

LED BY: Prof. Dr Coby van der Linde, Director and Professor of Geopolitics and Energy, University of Groningen, Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP), The Netherlands

MODERATED BY: Rik Komduur, Business Analyst, Gasterra, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Prabhat Singh , Director – Marketing, GAIL (India) Limited, India Roger Bounds, Global Head of Shell LNG, Shell Integrated Gas, Singapore Christian Friis-Bach, Executive Secretary & Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Switzerland Ali Moshiri, President, Chevron Africa and Latin America Exploration and Production Company, USA Eng Khaled AbuBakr, Chairman, TAQA Arabia, Egypt

Unconventional gas

CHAIRED BY: Jason Bordoff, Founding Director, Professor, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University, USA

LED BY: Denis Krambeck Dinelli, E&P Control and Performance Evaluation – General Manager, Petrobras, Brazil

MODERATED BY: Marcos Sugaya, Senior Engineer and Advisor, Petrobras E&P, Brazil

SPEAKERS: Jozsef Toth, President, World Petroleum Council, Hungary Ernesto López Anadón, President, Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas, Argentina Yuzhang Liu, Vice President, CNPC, China Grant King, Managing Director and Chairman of the LNG 18 National Organising Committee, Origin Energy, Australia Bertrand Garnier, Technical Director – Industrial Solutions, Suez Environnement, France Jean-Louis Schilansky, President, Centre Unconventional Hydrocarbons, France

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Battle for talent CHAIRED BY: Agnes Grimont, Infrastructure Branch, Performance and Innovation, Senior Vice President, ENGIE, France LED BY: Faouzi Kraiem, Director, ETAP, Tunisa MODERATED BY: Madeleine Lafon, Public Affairs and Communication Director, French Gas Association (AFG), France SPEAKERS: Antoine Rostand, Managing Director, Schlumberger Business Consulting, France Antonio Sevilla, Director, Human Resources & Administration, Anadarko, Mozambique Esam Al-Ghorbani, Head of Public Relations, Yemen LNG Company, Yemen Jean-Marc Leroy, Chief Executive Officer, Storengy, France Lori Traweek, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, American Gas Association, USA

The role and impact of innovation in the gas industry CHAIRED BY: Jack Lewnard, Vice President Business Development, Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, USA LED BY: Prof. Dr Gerald Linke, Chief Executive Officer, German Gas and Water Association, Germany MODERATED BY: Frank Gröschl, Executive Manager, DVGW, Germany SPEAKERS: Tim Schweikert, Vice President, GE Marine, UK Jorge Camargo, President, IBP – Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute, Brazil Dr Lixin Che, President of Beijing Gas Group Research Institute, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Gas Union, Society, China Gas Association, China Neil Gilmour, Vice President – Development Integrated Gas, Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd, Singapore


Women’s place in the gas industry CHAIRED BY: Marie-José Nadeau, Chair, World Energy Council, Canada LED BY: Agnes Grimont, Infrastructure Branch, Performance and Innovation, Senior Vice President, ENGIE, France MODERATED BY: Madeleine Lafon, Public Affairs and Communication Director, French Gas Association (AFG), France SPEAKERS: Yalan Li, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Beijing Gas Group, China Debra Reed, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sempra Energy, USA Thea Larsen, Chief Executive Officer, Danish Gas Technology Centre, Denmark Sandra Lagumina, Chief Executive Officer, GrDF, France Elena Burmistrova, Chief Executive Officer, Gazprom Export, Russia 31 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 32


Gas Communication: Gas in the public debate: still a “fuel without voice”?

CHAIRED BY: Alfredo Ingelmo Torres, Direct Market Development, Gas Natural Fenosa, Spain

LED BY: Dimitri Schildmeijer, Senior Trainer and Partner, WPNT Communications, Belgium

MODERATED BY: Mel Ydreos, Executive Director, EnergyVantage and Vice Chairman, Coordination Committee, International Gas Union, Canada

SPEAKERS: Gertjan J. Lankhorst, Chief Executive Officer, GasTerra BV / KVGN, The Netherlands Eng Khaled AbuBakr, Chairman, TAQA Arabia, Egypt David Konvalina, B2C Sales & Marketing Manager, Czech Gas Association, Czech Republic David McCurdy, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Gas Association, USA Jae Ho Song, Chief Executive Officer, KyungDong City Gas, Republic of Korea

IGU Global Gas Awards

Jérôme Ferrier, President, International Gas Union, France Pål Rasmussen, Secretary General, International Gas Union, Norway

Triennial Work Programme 2015-2018

LED BY: Mel Ydreos, Executive Director, EnergyVantage and Vice Chairman, Coordination Committee, International Gas Union, Canada

David Carroll, IGU President 2015-2018, President and Chief Executive Officer, Gas Technology Institute, USA Modh Redhani Rahman, PETRONAS, Malaysia Nikita Barsuk, Chief Division Deputy Underground Gas Storage Department, JSC Gazprom, Russia Martin Slaby, Head of Asset Engineering, NET4GAS, s.r.o., Czech Republic José Maria Almacellas, Director of Business Development, Gas Natural Fenosa, Spain Reza Ghodsizadeh, Executive Director, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Maria Gabriella Roselló, Public Affairs Manager, Total Austral SA, Argentina Ulco Vermeulen, Managing Director Business Development & Participations, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, The Netherlands Reda Bouchair, Sonatrach, Algeria Shuzo Maeda, Internal Auditor, Osaka Gas, Japan Barbara Jinks, Director, LNG18, Australia Prof. Dr Gerald Linke, Chief Executive Officer, German Gas and Water Association, Germany Reda Ahmed Gharib Abd El-Hamid, TAQA Arabia, Egypt

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Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) development and perspectives for a sustainable gas industry

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Ichiro Fukuda, Senior Researcher, Energy System Research Institute, Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd, Japan

MODERATED BY: Nor Hazleen Madros, Head, Sustainable Development, PETRONAS, Malaysia

SPEAKERS: Kirsty Anderson, Principal Manager, Public Engagement, Global CCS Institute, UK Denise Horan, Stakeholder Engagement & Communications Manager, Peterhead CCS Project, Shell U.K. Limited, UK Olav Skalmeraas, Vice President, Statoil ASA, Norway Eng Abdulla.M Al-Attiyah, Specialist (RasGas Venture Development), RasGas Company Limited, Qatar

Tim Bertels, CO2 Implementation Manager / Head of CCS, Shell Global Solutions International, The Netherlands Dominique Copin, CCS Coordinator, Total SA, France

Geopolitics and energy security

CHAIRED BY: Prof. Dr Coby van der Linde, Director and Professor of Geopolitics and Energy, University of Groningen, Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP),The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Marie-Claire Aoun, Director, French Institute of International Relations, France Dick De Jong, Fellow, Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP), The Netherlands Dr Sergei Komlev, Head of Contract Structuring and Pricing Directorate, Gazprom Export LLC, Russia Marco Arcelli, Executive Vice President, Upstream Gas Division, Enel Trade S.p.A., Italy

Global partnering in energy innovation – effective collaboration

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Rod Rinholm, Executive Director, Education & Business Development, Gas Technology Institute, USA

SPEAKERS: Naoto Mikami, General Manager, Assistant to Representative, Jakarta Representative Office, Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd, Indonesia Wez Little, Innovations Director, Synthotech Ltd, UK Kristin Wu, Programme Manager, IP Academy, Singapore Dr Jan-jaap Aué, Dean, Centre of Expertise Energy, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands Paul Cheliak, Director, Market Development, Canadian Gas Association, Canada

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Public acceptance of natural gas projects

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Hansch Van der Velden, Corporate Communications Director, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, The Netherlands

LED BY: Dimitri Schildmeijer, Partner and Senior Trainer, WPNT Communications, Belgium

MODERATED BY: Juan Antonio Perez Cuevas, Engineer, Sedigas, Spain

SPEAKERS: Dr Jannetta Rascher, Senior Social and Development Consultant, Yemen LNG Company Ltd., Republic of Yemen Dr Goda Perlaviciute, Post-doc Environmental Psychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Nitin Shukla, Managing Director & Chief Operating Officer, Hazira LNG Private Ltd, Qatar Thierry Trouvé, Chief Executive Officer, GRTgaz, France Alex Sheerazi, Manager Communications, Amsterdam Metro en Tram, Buro de Steeg, The Netherlands

Technological and economic aspects for power to gas and upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Aksel Hauge Pedersen, Consultant, DONG Energy A/S, Denmark Koen Wiersma, Corporate Strategy Analyst, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Dr Frank Graf, Division Manager, DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institut, Germany Dr Peter Klingenberger, Chief Executive Officer, E.ON Gas Storage GmbH, Germany Caroline Mazzoleni, Natural Gas Resources Operations and Treatment Manager, Services Industriels De Genève, Switzerland Julien André, Natural Gas Resources Engineer, Services Industriels De Genève, Switzerland Sohrab Fathi, PhD Student, Kermanshah University of Technology, Iran Dr Olivier Guerrini, Portfolio Project Manager, ENGIE Research and Technology Division – CRIGEN, France

Third party access to gas distribution networks: could it bring benefits to the parties involved in the gas chain?

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: José Carlos Broisler Oliver, Operations Director, COMGÁS, Brazil

LEADER/SPEAKER: Nicholas Biederman, Principal Consultant, Gas Operations Innovation Alliance, LLC, USA

MODERATED BY: Gabriel Sousa, Manager of Third Party Access for Natural Gas Distribution, Galp Gás Natural Distribuição – Galp Energia, Portugal

SPEAKERS: Ethèl Teljeur, Director, Genesis Analytics Pty Ltd, South Africa Dr Igor Tverskoy, Director of Scientific and Technical Center – Gas supply and distribution in the regions, OJSC Gazprom promgaz, Russia Alessandro Soresina, Commercial Manager Distribution, A2A Servizi alla Distribuzione S.p.A., Italy Nicolas Hubert, Senior Analyst, GrDF, France Steven Roberts, Senior Principal Consultant, DNV GL, UK

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World Gas Outlooks until 2035

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Dr Ing Thomas Jung, Head of Strategic Portfolio Development, E.ON Global Commodities SE, Germany

MODERATED BY: Dr Christoph Schaefers, Head of Strategy & Regulation, E.ON, Germany

SPEAKERS: Dr Tatiana Mitrova, Head of Oil and Gas Department, Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS), Russia Dr Tim Boersma, Fellow and Acting Director, The Brookings Institution, USA Charles Ebinger, Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Initiative, Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, USA Dr Michelle Michot Foss, Chief Energy Economist and Programme Manager, Bureau of Economic Geology’s Center for Energy Economics, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Laurent Vivier, Senior Vice President Strategy, Markets & LNG, Total SA, France Alaa Abu Jbara, Chief Operating Officer – Commercial and Shipping, Qatargas Operating Company Ltd, Qatar Shankari Srinivasan, Vice President Power, Gas, Coal, Renewables – EMEA, IHS Energy, France


Convergence of gas appliances and infrastructure with electric systems and renewable energy

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Prof. Dr Gerald Linke, Chief Executive Officer, German Gas & Water Association, Germany

SPEAKERS: Syyed Iman Pishbin, Head of Research and Technology Department, Khorasan Razavi Gas Co, Iran Kunihiro Nakao, Assistant Manager, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Britta Van Boven, Senior Coordinator Corporate Strategy and Portfolio Management, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, The Netherlands Claude Mandil, Non-Executive Director, SBC Energy Institute – Schlumberger, France

Gas on gas competition and upstream investment

CHAIR/SPEAKER: Daniel Johnston, Chairman, Daniel Johnston & Co. Inc., USA

CHAIR/LED BY: Marcos de Freitas Sugaya, Senior Engineer and Advisor, Petrobras E&P, Brazil

MODERATED BY: Dr Liliane Wietzerbin, Vice President, International Business, ENGIE – GrDF, France

SPEAKERS: Chris Holmes, Managing Director, IHS Global Ltd, UK Philip Graham, Managing Director, Co-Head of Asia Pacific Energy, Power & Infrastructure, Citi, Australia John Kristian Økland, Project Manager, Gassco AS, Norway Michael Polkinghorne, Partner, White & Case, France

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Gas quality – a growing concern for the end user

CHAIRED BY: Daniel Hec, Secretary General, Marcogaz, Belgium

REPORT SPEAKER: Alice Vatin, Research Scientist, ENGIE, France

SPEAKERS: Dr Wenxue Gao, Councillor, China Gas Society (CGS), China Dr Ing Jörg Leicher, Project Engineer, Gas- und Wärme-Institut Essen e.V., Germany Michael Eskes, Business Development Manager, Hobré Instruments, The Netherlands Dr Joong-Seong Lee, Chief Researcher, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea Daphne D’Zurko, Executive Director, Vice President RD&D, Northeast Gas Association/NYSEARCH, USA Dr Philippe Prêtre, Technical Director, Mems Ag, Switzerland

Pipeline integrity management systems

CHAIRED BY: Eng Daniel Falabella, Pipeline Integrity Manager, Transportadora de Gas del Sur – Argentina, Argentina

REPORT SPEAKER/LED BY: Abderrame Taberkokt, Sonelgaz, Algeria

MODERATED BY: Mohd Nazmi, Custodian Principal, PETRONAS, Malaysia

SPEAKERS: Dr Samir Akel, Consultant, GRTgaz, France Anne-Sophie Decaux, Director, GRTgaz, France Mostafa Hesari, Mechanical & Civil Engineer, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Gregoire Audouin, Instrumentation and Control Engineer, Total SA, France Martin Runde, Technology Management, Rosen Technology and Research Center GmbH, Germany Eng Benjamín Guzman, Operations Vice President, Transportadora de Gas del Sur – Argentina, Argentina

The role of LNG as the alternative fuel

CHAIRED BY: Richard Lammons, Manager, Commercialisation, Chevron, USA

REPORT SPEAKER: Kamran Javed, Specialist (Marketing & Shipping), RasGas, Qatar

MODERATED BY: Jesper Engstrand, Business Development Manager, Swedegas, Sweden

SPEAKERS: Ralf Grosshauser, Ramp-up Management Gas; Senior Vice President, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Germany Michael Stoppard, Chief Strategist, Global Gas, IHS Energy, UK Bas Van Den Beemt, Business Development Manager Offshore Production and LNG, TNO, The Netherlands Nick Allen, Director, Navigant Consulting, UK

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The role of natural gas in the power generation sector

CHAIRED BY: Georges Bouchard, Managing Director, French Gas Association (AFG), France

REPORT SPEAKER/LED BY: Michele Pizzolato, Vice President National and Foreign Relations with Authorities and Regulatory Affairs, Eni S.p.A., Italy

MODERATED BY: Giulia Migueles Pereyra, Specialist – Regulatory Affairs, Legislative Strategies and Relations with Authorities, Eni S.p.A., Italy

SPEAKERS: Jefferson Edwards, General Manager, Global Gas and LNG Market Development, Royal Dutch Shell, Singapore Maryse Anbar, R&D Project Manager, Smart Grids and Decentralized EMS, ENGIE Research and Technology Division – CRIGEN, France

What is ahead of us? General trends and perspectives for UGS

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Ladislav Goryl, Director of UGS Division, NAFTA, Slovakia Dipl. Ing. Joachim Wallbrecht, Gas Storage Consultant, GasCON, Germany

SPEAKERS: Jean-Marc Leroy, Chief Executive Officer, Storengy, France Dr Guosheng Ding, Director of Underground Gas Storage Center, China National Petroleum Corporate – Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development Langfang Branch, China Mohsen Dourandish, Head of Gas Reservoirs And Supplies Coordination, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Celso Silva, General Manager – O&G, Energy and Chemical Business Units, Promon Engenharia Ltd, Brazil Nikita Barsuk, Chief Division Deputy Underground Gas Storage Department, JSC Gazprom, Russia John Heer, Director, Gas Control/Peak Shaving, CenterPoint Energy, USA

Natural gas vehicles: the sustainable road towards a clean planet

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Miriam Dzah-Eklo, Sustainable Mobility Senior Project Manager, ENGIE, France

LED BY: Diego Goldin, Executive Director, NGV Global, Argentina

MODERATED BY: David Graebe, Head of Gas for Transport, Gazprom Germania, Germany

SPEAKERS: Hala Chergui, Head of Department, Marketing Activity, Sonatrach, Algeria Sandra Capela, Senior Project Manager, ENGIE, France Mattias Svensson, Project Manager, Energiforsk – Swedish Energy Research Centre, Sweden Jason Stair, Engineer, Gas Technology Institute, USA Dr Jeffrey Seisler, Chief Executive Officer, Clean Fuels Consulting, Belgium Dr Edmilson Moutinho Dos Santos, Associate Professor, Institute of Energy and Environment – University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Effective gas marketing and lessons from other industries

CHAIRED BY: Barbara Jinks, Director, LNG18, Australia

LED BY: Andy Proffitt, LNG Marketing, Long Term Sales, RasGas, Qatar

MODERATED BY: Mapi Menen, Communication & External Relations Manager, SEDIGAS – Asociación Española del Gas, Spain

REPORT SPEAKER: Akmal Zaghloul, Business Development General Director, TAQA Arabia, Egypt

SPEAKERS: Phil Craig, Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs, Energy Australia, Australia Anton Buijs, Chief Communications Officer, GasTerra B.V., The Netherlands Anja Hulshof, Managing Director, Energy Delta Institute B.V., The Netherlands

Evolution into a lower carbon gas future: managing the diversification of gas quality

CHAIRED BY: Peter Flosbach, Managing Director, DEW21 Dortmunder Energie- und Wasserversorgung GmbH, Germany

REPORT SPEAKER: Rory Somers, Materials & Innovation Manager, Gas Networks Ireland, Ireland

SPEAKERS: Marie-Laure Charlot, Head of Mission Biomethane, GrDF, France Arief Mujiyanto, Senior Engineer of Gas Management System, PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk., Indonesia Johannes de Bruin, Consultant Piping Systems & Materials, KIWA Technology B.V., The Netherlands Edward (Eddie) Johnston, Vice President, Research Operations, Gas Technology Institute, USA Eng Jumpei Miyazaki, Engineer, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Søren Juel Hansen, Head of Development, Energinet.Dk, Denmark

Fiscal regimes for the production of conventional and unconventional gas

CHAIRED BY: Daniel Johnston, Chairman, Daniel Johnston & Co. Inc., USA

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Marcos de Freitas Sugaya, Senior Engineer and Advisor, Petrobras E&P, Brazil

SPEAKERS: Jurjen Bevers, Partner Tax, Head of the Amsterdam Oil & Gas Industry Group, Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam N.V., The Netherlands Stephanie Khaw, Consultant, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Malaysia Elisabeth Eljuri, Head of Latin America, Norton Rose Fulbright, Venezuela Graham Kellas, Vice President, Upstream Oil & Gas, EMEARC Researc h, Wood Mackenzie Ltd, UK Ian Craig, Director, Global Trade & Energy Centre, Ernst & Young Brazil, Brazil

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Remote LNG

CHAIRED BY: Jorge Gómez de la Fuente, Head of Business Development & Gas Monetization, Repsol, Spain LED BY: Jean-Yves Capelle, LNG Trains Area Manager, Total SA, France MODERATED BY: Sander Lemmers, Engineering Management, Vopak LNG Holding B.V., The Netherlands REPORT SPEAKER: Dr Heinz Bauer, Vice President Technology Natural Gas Plants, Linde Engineering, Germany SPEAKERS: Steven Hoyle, Vice President, LNG Marketing and Shipping, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation / Mozambique LNG, USA Frederic Hannon, LNG Shipping Projects Manager, Total SA, France John White, Partner, Baker Botts L.L.P., Russia Joost Van Tilburg, Operations Director, LNG Canada, Canada Louis Bon, Managing Director, Ichthys LNG Project, INPEX, Australia

Strategy and regulation

CHAIRED BY: Francisco de la Flor Garc ía, Director of Regulation, Enagás, Spain REPORT SPEAKER/MODERATED BY: Luis Ignacio Parada, Head of Regulatory Development, Enagas, Spain REPORT SPEAKER: Joost Gottmer, Beleidsadviseur Regulering/Secretaris Europese Zaken – Regulering, Alliander N.V., The Netherlands Aidan O’Sullivan, Gaslink Manager, Gaslink, Ireland Claire Ancelin, ENGIE Infrastructures / Regulatory Affairs, ENGIE, France Herve Delai n, Project Director, ENGIE Infrastructures, France SPEAKERS: Alparslan Bayraktar, Chairman, ERRA, Turkey Gisele Mello Senra Rodrigues, Economist/Consultant, Petrobras, Brazil Gisela Andrade de Oliveira, Administrator, Petrobras, Brazil Lucia Mora Ruiloba, Regulatory Development, Enagás, Spain Klaus Reinisch, Chief Executive Officer, PETRONAS Energy Trading Limited PETL, UK

Innovations and new technologies: can the UGS industry take or do more?

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Fabien Favret, Gas Asset Manager, EDF, France Jacques Grappe, Corporate Technical Advisor, Géostock, France SPEAKERS: Gaetano Annunziata, Engineer/Operations Manager, Edison Stoccaggio, Italy Dr Kai Schulze, Manager Production Chemistry, DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG, Germany Jacques Grappe, Corporate Technical Advisor, Géostock, France Stephan Bauer, Manager, Power to Gas Innovation & Development, RAG, Rohöl-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft, Austria Dr Arnaud Lange, Reservoir Engineer, Storengy, France Roman Nikitin, Deputy General Director – Chief Geologist, Gazprom PHG LLC, Russia 39 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 40



The economic, environmental and social aspects of renewable gas

CHAIRED BY: Elbert Huijzer, Senior Strategist Grids, Alliander, The Netherlands REPORT SPEAKER: M.Sc. Radia Aissaoui, Senior Engineer, Credeg-Sonelgaz, Algeria Dr Sari Siitonen, Vice President, Strategy and Public Affairs, Gasum, Finland SPEAKERS: Mattias Svensson, Project Manager, Energiforsk – Swedish Energy Research Ce ntre, Sweden Dr Frank Graf, Division Manager, DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institut, Germany David Pickering, BioSNG Project Manager, National Grid Gas, UK

Challenges and opportunities of small scale LNG

CHAIRED BY: Wouter Meiring, Manager LNG New Business Development, Shell, The Netherlands LED BY: Marcel Tijhuis, Business Development, Gasunie, The Netherlands MODERATED BY: Angel Rojo Blanco, Commerc ial Account Manager, Enagás, Spain REPORT SPEAKER: Christophe Adotti, LNG Project Engineer, Total Gas & Power, France SPEAKERS: Robert Chambers, Senior LNG Consultant, Merlin Advisors, USA Christian Bladanet, Gas-Syngas Department Manager, Process and Technology Division, Technip, France Claudio Rodríguez Suáres, Gas Assets General Manager, Enagás, Spain Feikje Wittermans, Business Development Manager LNG, Vopak LNG Holding B.V., The Netherlands Chris Johnson, General Manager – Global LNG, Europe & Africa, Shell International Exploration & Production B.V., The Netherlands

Opportunities and challenges of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applied to the natural gas industry

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Dr Anne Prieur-Vernat, LCA and Environmental Assessment Expert, ENGIE Research and Technology Division – CRIGEN, France LED BY: Tomohiro Yoshida, Manager, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Daniel Hec, Secretary General, Marcogaz, Belgium SPEAKERS: Khalifa Al-Sulaiti, Environmental Manager, Qatargas Operating Company Limited, Qatar Laurent Auchet, Sustainable Development Research Specialist, ENGIE Research and Technology Division – CRIGEN, France Nataliya Kruglova, Senior Scientist of the Centre Environmental Safety, Energy Efficiency and Labour Protection, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Russia Dr Victoria Laura Barrio, Vice Dean for Relations with Companies, School of Engineering University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain Dr Angel Maria Gutierrez, R&D Manager, EDP Espana, Spain Dr Ian Laurenzi, Advanced Research Associate, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering, USA 40 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 41


Relationship between coal and gas

CHAIRED BY: Michele Pizzolato, Vice President, National and Foreign Relations with Authorities and Regulatory Affairs, Eni S.p.A., Italy

REPORT SPEAKER/LED BY: Ieda Gomes, Adviser/Fellow, ABEGAS/FGV Energia/OIES, UK

SPEAKERS: Giulia Migueles Pereyra, Specialist – Regulatory Affairs, Legislative Strategies and Relations with Authorities, Eni S.p.A., Italy François-Régis Mouton, Account Director, GasNaturally, Belgium

Technological advances in gas exploration and production

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Adif Zulkifli, Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Risk, PETRONAS, Malaysia

LED BY: Modh Redhani Abdul Rahman, Senior General Manager, PETRONAS, Malaysia

MODERATED BY: Im Xaxanuhani Zulkifli, Manager, PETRONAS, Malaysia

SPEAKERS: Bogdan Bocaneala, Senior Technical Engineer Well Production Services, Schlumberger Well Services, UK John Stangline, Manager of Business Development – HSE, Bureau Veritas North America, Inc., USA Francesco Beltrami, Senior Technical Advisor – Subsea, Granherne Inc. (a KBR company), USA Alvaro Rios, Senior Partner, DrillingInfo, Bolivia Haifeng Fu, Hydraulic Fracturing Engineer, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Hatarmizi Hassan, General Manager, PETRONAS, Malaysia

The role of natural gas in the electricity generation mix

CHAIRED BY: Christian Lemaire, Senior Gas Strategy Advisor, Total SA, France

SPEAKERS: Dr Ho-Mu Lee, Research Fellow, KEEI (Korea Energy Economics Institute), South Korea Massimo Di Odoardo, Director, Gas and Power Research, Wood Mackenzie Ltd, UK Eng Jorge Delmonte, Natural Gas Executive Manager, IBP-Instituto Brasileiro De Petróleo, Gás E Biocombustiveis, Brazil Roger Bounds, Global Head of Shell LNG, Shell Integrated Gas, Singapore Alan Whitefield, Senior Advisor, Sund Energy AS, UK

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Towards smart distribution gas grids: why and how?

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Pascal Vercamer, Research Programme Manager, ENGIE, Research & Technology Division – CRIGEN, France

LED BY: Kim Vrancken, Manager, Eandis, Belgium

MODERATED BY: Ben Lambregts, Manager External Relations, Asset Management, Liander, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Behzad Babazadeh, Executive Manager, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Catherine Thauvin, Project Manager, GrDF, France Roch Drozdowski, Head of Mission Smart Grids, GrDF, France Dominique Damman, Head of Technical Asset Management Gas, Eandis – Distribution Company Belgium, Belgium Kimberly Denbow Renegar, Director, Engineering Services, American Gas Association, USA Gaëtan Cherix, Director, Center for Municipal Energy Research (CREM), Switzerland

Wholesale gas price formation

CHAIRED BY: David Ledesma, Energy & Strategy Consultant, South-Court Ltd, UK

REPORT SPEAKER/LED BY: Mike Fulwood, Principal, Global Gas, Nexant, UK

MODERATED BY: Floris Merison, Manager Backoffice Finance, Gasterra, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Dr Sergei Komlev, Head of Contract Structuring and Pricing Directorate, Gazprom Export LLC, Russia Zeyno Elbasi, Gas Marketing Manager, BP, Turkey Stelios Bikos, Director Gas Supply Portfolio Management, Public Gas Corporation (DEPA) S.A., Greece Hiroshi Hashimoto, Senior Analyst, Gas Group, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan – IEEJ, Japan

Additional uses for gas, how do we go beyond gas to power?

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Tracy Burleson, Director, Communications, American Gas Association, USA

MODERATED BY: Kimberly Denbow Ren egar, Director, Engineering Services, American Gas Association, USA

SPEAKERS: Dr Edmilson Moutinho Dos Santos, Associate Professor, Institute of Energy and Environment – University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Tom Nagle, Managing Partner, Statler Nagle LLC, USA Christophe Bellet, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer, GrDF, France Andrew Staniford, Chief Operating Officer, Australian Gas Networks, Australia

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Human capital strategy for the future

CHAIRED BY: Reem Al-Harami, Human Resources Manager, Qatargas, Qatar

REPORT SPEAKER: Marius Popescu, Managing Director, Energy Brains Consulting, Romania

SPEAKERS: Alain Goy, Head of Technical Department, Elengy, France Rod Rinholm, Executive Director, Education and Business Development, Gas Technology Institute (GTI), USA Mustafa Ozdemir, Grid Control and Metering Engineer, BURSAGAZ, Turkey

Heating and power production technologies in the residential and small commercial environment

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Martin Seifert, Head of R&D, Swiss Gas & Water Association, Switzerland

MODERATED BY: Gerard Martinus, Energy Transmission Project Leader, Gasterra, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Kazutaka Terao, Engineer, Business Development Department, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Patrick Robinet, Project Manager, ENGIE, France Dr Hisataka Yakabe, General Manager of Residential Fuel Cell Development, Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Michael Schmidt, Team Manager, Gas- Und Wärme-Institut Essen E.V., Germany Dr Philippa Hardy, Research Manager, Delta Energy & Environment, UK Toshiki Shimizu, Head of Fuel Cell Business, Smart Energy System Business Division, Panasonic Corporation, Japan

Implications of developing unconventional gas

CHAIRED BY: Dr Gi Chul Jung, Head of Centre for Gas Economics & Management, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea

REPORT SPEAKER: Shigeki Sakamoto, Research Fellow, Oil & Gas, The Institute of Applied Energy, Japan

SPEAKERS: Dr Graeme Bethune, Chief Executive Officer, EnergyQuest, Australia Dr Qun Zhao, Director, Plan & Strategy Research Office of New Energy Department, RIPED-Langfang, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Al Escher, Director, Schlumberger Business Consulting, UK Nak-Gyun Kim, Senior Researcher, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea Mikhail Uchkin, Head of Division, JSC Gazprom, Russia Leslie Palti-Guzman, Director Global Gas, The Rapidian Group, USA

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Natural gas available everywhere: an assessment of global resources and reserves

CHAIRED BY: Denis Krambeck Dinelli, Domestic E&P Gas Production Planning Manager, Petrobras E&P, Brazil REPORT SPEAKER/LED BY: Andrés Weissfeld, Energy Markets Research Manager, Tenaris, USA MODERATED BY: Dr Liliane Wietzerbin, Vice President, International Business, ENGIE, France SPEAKERS: Maxim Zharikov, Deputy Director General – Chief Geologist, Gazprom dobycha Urengoy LLC, Russia Dr Guangzhen Chu, Geologist, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Ryan Carbrey, Director, PacWest Consulting Partners (an IHS Company), USA Zohra Kerboub, Senior Petrophysicist, Sonatrach, Algeria Stephen Wood, Director General, Department of State Development, Australia Alexander Kalinkin, Deputy Head of Gas, Gas Condensate and Oil Production Department, JSC Gazprom, Russia

New transmission projects

CHAIRED BY: Eng Benjamín Guzman, Operations Vice President, Transportadora de Gas del Sur – Argentina, Argentina REPORT SPEAKER/LED BY: Peter Tóth, Director of Asset Management, Eustream A.S., Slovakia MODERATED BY: Ansgar Brauer, Senior Technical Project Manager, E.ON Global Commodities SE, Germany SPEAKERS: Thierry Trouvé, Chief Executive Officer, GRTgaz, France Gustavo Luis Cavallo, Director / President, IGPUBA / ARCAN Engineering, Argentina Per Jørgensen, Senior Director, Ramboll, Denmark John Malpartida, Integrity Supervisor, COGA, Peru Viktor Timoshilov, Deputy Head of Project Management Department – Head of Oriental Projects Coordination Directorate, JSC Gazprom, Russia


Corporate behaviour in the political arena

CHAIRED BY: Marie-Claire Aoun, Director, French Institute of International Relations, France LED BY: Geert Greving, Head, Public Affairs, GasTerra, The Netherlands MODERATED BY: Rik Komduur, Business Analyst, Gasterra, The Netherlands SPEAKERS: Jonas Moberg, Head of Secretariat, EITI International Secretariat, Norway Adam Zrodlowski, Intern Public Affairs, GasTerra B.V., The Netherlands Philippe Miquel, General Manager, ENGIE Cameroon, Cameroon 44 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 45


Environmental aspects of unconventional gas

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Maria Gabriella Roselló, Public Affairs Manager, Total Austral SA, Argentina LED BY: Terence Thorn, President, JKM Energy and Environmental Consulting, USA MODERATED BY: Yves Tournié, Secretary – Coordination Committee, WGCPARIS2015, France SPEAKERS: Philippe Charlez, Unconventional Development Division, Total SA, France John Stangline, Manager of Business Development – HSE, Bureau Veritas North America, Inc., USA Thierry Rignol, Consultant, PacWest Consulting (an IHS Company), USA Melissa Stark, Managing Director, New Energy, Accenture, UK

Increasing attractiveness of gas storages: what shall be done?

CHAIRED BY: Nikita Barsuk, Chief Division Deputy Underground Gas Storage Department, JSC Gazprom, Russia Hélène Giouse, Regulatory Affairs, Storengy (ENGIE), France MODERATED BY: Philippe Meynard, Head of Strategy Department, Storengy, France SPEAKERS: Damien Lavergne, Geologist/Geophysicist, Storengy, France Yila Dudnikova, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Russia Dr. Eng Rafał Mrzygłod, Development Coordinator, PGNiG (Polish Oil and Gas Company), Poland Roman Zavada, Engineer for Compressors, NAFTA, Slovakia Pierre Bérest, Research Directo r, Ecole Polytechnique, France Sergey Khan, Head of Underground Gas Storage Direction (UGS), JSC Gazprom, Russia

Natural gas as a leading fuel for efficient industry growth

CHAIRED BY: Egidio Adamo, Energy Efficiency and Thermal Systems Technologies Manager, Retail Market Gas & Power Department, Eni S.p.A., Italy LED BY: Nuno Afonso Moreira, Chief Executive Officer, Goldenergy, Dourogas Group, Portugal MODERAT ED BY: Koen G. Wiersma, Corporate Strategy Analyst, Gasunie, The Netherlands SPEAKER/REPORT SPEAKER: Dr Philippe Buchet, Senior Manager of Environmental & Energy Efficiency for Industrial Market; Key Expert Group on Energy & Environmental Efficiency in Industries, ENGIE, France SPEAKERS: Christophe Demay, Head of Business Unit Power Plant France, MAN Diesel & Turbo, France Dr Edmilson Moutinho Dos Santos, Associate Professor, Institute of Energy and Environment – University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Yuki Shibata, Engineer, Energy Engineering Department, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Grant Lund, Lead Specialist Detailed Process Engineering, Sasol – Group Technology, South Africa Katz Sato, General Manager, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan 45 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 46


New technologies for transmission systems

CHAIRED BY: Martin Slaby, Head of Asset Engineering, NET4GAS, s.r.o., Czech Republic

REPORT SPEAKER/LED BY: Alessandro Moretti, Dispatching Centre – Technical Development, Snam Rete Gas, Italy

SPEAKERS: Christophe Piron, Director of Sales – EMEA, Creaform, France Dipl. Ing./MEng./PhD Vladimir Potocny, Director of Maintenance & Repairs of Pipeline Systems, Eustream A.S., Slovakia Daphne D’Zurko, Executive Director, Vice President RD&D, Northeast Gas Association/NYSEARCH, USA Martin Runde, Technology Management, Rosen Technology and Research Center GmbH, Germany Dr Sergey Pankratov, First Deputy Head of Central Dispatching Department, JSC Gazprom, Russia Dr Alexander Kazak, First Deputy General Director, LLC NIIgazeconomika, Russia Steve Redding Sr., Director, Leak Management & New Technology, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, USA

Technologies for the monetisation of gas reserves

CHAIR/REPORT SPEAKER: Datin Rashidah Abd Karim, Technology Manager, PETRONAS, Malaysia

SPEAKERS: Joe Verghese, UK Technical Director and GM, Select, WorleyParsons Europe Ltd, UK Taekyong Song, Senior Research Engineer, DME Research Center, R&D Division, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea Guy De Kort, Vice President Development Gas to Liquids, Shell, The Netherlands Alexander Boekhorst, LNG Commercial Development Manager, Shell Upstream International, Singapore Jérôme Ribuot, Floaters Business Development Director, Saipem, France Dr Neville Hargreaves, Business Development Director, Velocys, UK

The role of LNG in sustainability and environmental quality

CHAIRED BY: Jupiter Ramirez, General Manager, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Mozambique

REPORT SPEAKER: Ted Williams, Director, Codes and Standard, American Gas Association, USA

SPEAKERS: Marc Girard, President, Dunkerque LNG, France Eng Pawandeep Singh, Senior Commercial Analyst, Qatargas Operating Company Ltd, Qatar Dr Heinz Bauer, Vice President Technology Natural Gas Plants, Linde Engineering, Germany Philipp Hauser, Vice President Carbon Markets, GDF SUEZ Energy Latin America, Brazil

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The Interactive Showcases (IS) Sessions took place in a designated area in Pavilion 1.

The area contained:

• 2 presentation areas, each seating 22 people.

• 18 touch screens located in the middle of the two areas, for visitors to view the final submissions for all the Interactive Showcases speakers.

• 39 sessions took place throughout the conference in the IS area.

• 2 sessions took place simultaneously (one in each area), with 5 minutes between each session.

A small raised podium with a lectern, two microphones, a screen and a laptop was provided for each presentation area.

A media wall was at the back of Area 1 for visitors to collect the documents from each session on their Poken device.

In total there were:

• 175 speakers who participated.

• 44 people who chaired the sessions.

• The Interactive Showcases were very well attended with all seats filled and approximately 10-12 people standing at the back of each area for each session.

• On average 60-70 people could be found in the IS area. During peak times (around lunch time) 80-100 people were present.

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Session Title Time Room TUESDAY 2 JUNE WOC 2-1: What is ahead of us? – general trends and perspectives 13:00 13:45 Area 1 PGC B-3: Strategy and regulation 13:00 13:45 Area 3 PGC F-2: Convergence of gas appliances and infrastructure with electric systems and renewable energy 13:50 14:35 Area 1 WOC 4-2: Evolution into a carbon free gas future 13:50 14:35 Area 3 WOC 3-2: Pipeline integrity management systems 14:40 15:25 Area 1 TF 1-1: Human capital strategy for the future 14:40 15:25 Area 3 PGC D-2: The role of LNG as an alternative fuel 15:30 16:15 Area 1 WOC 5-5: Gas quality – a growing concern for the end user 15:30 16:15 Area 3 WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE PGC C-1: Role of natural gas in the electricity mix 10:30 11:15 Area 1 WOC 1-2: Natural gas everywhere 10:30 11:15 Area 3 PGC E-2: Effective gas marketing and lessons from other industries 11:20 12:05 Area 1 WOC 3-1: New transmission projects 11:20 12:05 Area 3 WOC 4-3: Towards smart distribution gas grids 12:10 12:55 Area 1 WOC 5-2: Heating and power production technologies 12:10 12:55 Area 3 WOC 1-1a: Technological advances in gas exploration and production 13:00 13:45 Area 1 PGC C-2: Implications of developing unconventional gas 13:00 13:45 Area 3 PGC E-1: Additional uses for gas 13:50 14:35 Area 1 WOC 2-2a: Innovations and new technologies: can the UGS industry take or do more? 13:50 14:35 Area 3 PGC B-2: Wholesale gas price formation 14:40 15:25 Area 1 PGC A-4: Environmental aspects of unconventional gas 14:40 15:25 Area 3 THURSDAY 4 JUNE WOC 2-2b: Innovations and new technologies: can the UGS industry take/do more? 10:30 11:15 Area 1 WOC 1-5: Gas Processing 10:30 11:15 Area 3 TF 3-2: Geopolitics and the Artic 11:20 12:05 Area 1 PGC E-3: Public acceptance of natural gas projects 11:20 12:05 Area 3 WOC 5-1: Natural gas as a leading fuel for efficient industry growth 12:10 12:55 Area 1 PGC F-1: Global partnering in energy innovation – effective collaboration 12:10 12:55 Area 3 WOC 1-4: Technologies for the monetisation of gas reserves 13:00 13:45 Area 1 PGC A-1: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) development and perspectives for a sustainable gas industry 13:00 13:45 Area 3 PGC D-4: The role of LNG in sustainability and environmental quality 13:50 14:35 Area 1 WOC 5-4: Technology and economic aspects for power to gas and upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality 13:50 14:35 Area 3 WOC 3-3: New technologies for transmission systems 14:40 15:25 Area 1 WOC 4-1: Third party access to distribution networks 14:40 15:25 Area 3 PGC B-1: World gas outlooks to 2035 15:30 16:15 Area 1 FRIDAY 5 JUNE PGC D-1: Remote LNG 10:30 11:15 Area 1 TF 2-1&2: Natural gas as a fuel for the future 10:30 11:15 Area 3 WOC 5-3: Natural gas vehicles; the sustainable road towards a clean planet 11:20 12:05 Area 1 WOC 1-1b: Technological advances in gas exploration and production 11:20 12:05 Area 3 PGC A-2: The economic, environmental and social aspects of renewable gas 12:10 12:55 Area 1 PGC D-3: Challenges and Opportunities of Small Scale LNG 12:10 12:55 Area 3

KEY: WOC = Working Committees PGC = Programme Committees TF = Task Forces 48 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 49



What is ahead of us – general trends and perspectives?

CHAIRED BY: Ladislav Goryl, Director of UGS Division, NAFTA, Slovakia and Joachim Wallbrecht, Gas Storage Consultant, GasCON, Germany

SPEAKERS: Mehmet Fatih Bulut, Portfolio Manager, EWE Enerji A.S., Turkey Wenchao Deng, Assistant Engineer/Technical Management Division of Gas Storage Business Department, Huabei Oilfield Company, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Sergey Khan, Head of Underground Gas Storage Direction (UGS), JSC Gazprom, Russia Charlotte Roule, Managing Director, Storengy, UK Samia Adel, Commercial Manager, Storengy, UK

Strategy and regulation

CHAIRED BY: Milan Sedlacek, Director for Commercial and Regulatory Affairs, Eustream, Slovakia

SPEAKERS: Sybren De Jong, Manager Strategic Market Modelling, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, The Netherlands Kuddusi Atalay, Chief of Market Analysis and Benchmarking, IGDAS, Turkey Steven G. Crowell, Chief Executive Officer & President, Pluspetrol, Argentina Ngo Anh Hien, Deputy General Manager of Gas Division, Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), Vietnam Eng Amine Yacef, Senior Commercial Analyst, Qatargas Operating Company Ltd, Qatar

Convergence of gas appliances and infrastructure with electric systems and renewable energy

CHAIRED BY: Pierre Bartholomeus, Director Gas Consulting, DNV GL – Oil & Gas, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Christian Badura, Grid Strategy, RWE Deutschland AG, Germany Sylvain Waserman, Chief Executive Officer, Reseau GDS, France Bill Liss, Managing Director, Energy Delivery & Utilisation, Gas Technology Institute, USA Dr Martin Ragnar, Research Manager, Energiforsk – Swedish Energy Research, Sweden

Evolution into a carbon free gas future

CHAIRED BY: Peter Flosbach, Managing Director, DEW21 Dortmunder Energie-und Wasserversorgung GmbH, Germany

SPEAKERS: Andrei Albul, Assistant Professor & Deputy Head of Department, Russian State University of Oil & Gas, & JSC Lores, Russia Abdulkadir Alper Akgüngör, Mechanical Eng. MSc, UGETAM Co. Inc., Turkey Terry Williams, Engineer, Orbital Global Solutions Ltd, UK Koichiro Ikeda, Process Engineering Team Engineering Dept, Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Japan Muhammad Subhan Missuari, Engineer/Gas Management System, PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk, Indonesia Yuya Sanji, Staff Engineer, Toho Gas Co. Ltd Environmental and New Energy Group, Technical Research Institute, Japan 49 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 50


Pipeline integrity management systems

CHAIRED BY: Dr Samir Akel, Consultant, GRTgaz, France

SPEAKERS: Daniel Falabella, Pipeline Integrity Manager, Transportadora de Gas del Sur – Argentina, Argentina Edward (Eddie) Johnston, Vice President, Research Operations, Gas Technology Institute, USA Dr Woosik Kim, Chief Researcher, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Southa Kore Dr Sebastian Ruik Beyhaut, Manager Products & Services, Rosen, Germany HongSeok Song, Principal Research Engineer R&D Division, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea

Human capital strategy for the future

CHAIRED BY: Madeleine Lafon, Public Affairs Communication Director, French Gas Association (AFG), France

SPEAKERS: Philippe Audrain, Energy, Process & Utility Business Consultant Director, Dassault Systemes, France Jean-Michel Cabanès, Chief Executive Officer, GNL Mejillones, Chile Raynie Wood, Associate Director International Projects, SAIT Polytechnic, Canada Feikje Wittermans, Business Development Manager LNG, Vopak LNG Holding B.V., The Netherlands

The role of LNG as an alternative fuel

CHAIRED BY: Richard Lammons, Manager, Commercialisation, Chevron, USA

SPEAKERS: Alain Bourgeois, Vice President Gas & LNG, Bergen Energi AS, Norway Rodrigo Díaz Ibarra, Development Manager, Reganosa, Spain Sven Halvorsen, Chief Executive Officer, Torgy LNG, Norway Laurent Rambaud, Vice President Business Development Retail LNG, ENGIE, France

Gas quality – a growing concern for the end user

CHAIR/SPEAKER: Alice Vatin, Research Scientist, ENGIE, France

SPEAKERS: Terry Williams, Engineer, Orbital Global Solutions Ltd, UK Hyun Seok You, Senior Researcher, Korea Gas Corporation R&D Center, South Korea

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Role of natural gas in the electricity generation mix

CHAIRED BY: Alan Whitefield, Senior Advisor, Sund Energy AS, UK

SPEAKERS: Dr Sungro Lee, Senior Researcher, Center for Gas Economics & Management, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Korea Dr Robert Brooks, Founder and President, RBAC Inc., USA Ramiro Guerrero Navia, Joint Venture Adviser, PDV Caribe, Venezuela

Natural gas everywhere

CHAIRED BY: Andres Weissfeld, Energy Markets Research Manager, Tenaris, USA

SPEAKERS: Laurence Gouet, Vice President Strategy, Strategy, Markets & LNG Division, Total SA, France Dr Yilong Li, Engineer, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Melissa Stark, Managing Director, New Energy Accenture, UK

Effective gas marketing and lessons from other industries

CHAIRED BY: Barbara Jinks, Director, LNG18, Australia

SPEAKERS: Dr Timm Kehler, Chairman, Zukunft ERDGAS e.V., Germany Hande Erdener, Corporate Communication Manager, EWE Turkey Holding, Turkey Erik Rakhou, Senior Manager, Baringa Partners, UK Aurelien Guichard, Senior Consultant, Teradata, France Argun Karaçay, Executive Office Manager, EWE Turkey Holding, Turkey

New transmission projects

CHAIRED BY: Rachid Salma, Head of Gas Transmission Department, GRTG, Algeria

SPEAKERS: Karim Barbir, Executive Vice President, GDF SUEZ Energy North America, USA A K Gumber, General Manager (BD), GAIL (India) Limited, India Victor Borges, Senior RAM Product Manager, DNV GL, UK Kei Furuichi, Executive Engineer, Toho Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Anton Kolisnyk, Head of Strategic Planing Division, PJSC Ukrtransgaz, Ukraine Rachid Salma, Head of Gas Transmission Department, GRTG, Algeria

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Towards smart distribution gas grids

CHAIRED BY: Pascal Vercamer, Research Program Manager, ENGIE, France

SPEAKERS: Miriam Basler, Global Market Segment Manager Water and Gas Utilities, Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd, Switzerland Osman Bozkurt, Electronic Maintenance Engineer, BURSAGAS, Turkey Marek Gabrys, Vice President, Telemetry Operating Manager, AIUT Sp. z.o.o., Poland Dr Young Suk Lee, Researcher, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea Eng Ivo Smits, Consultant, Liandon, The Netherlands André Wankelmuth, Director Market Development, Itron, Germany

Heating and power production technologies

CHAIRED BY: Per Persson, Technical Manager, Safety, Installation and Service, Naturgas, Denmark

SPEAKERS: Bill Liss, Managing Director, Energy Delivery & Utilisation, Gas Technology Institute, USA Dr Tetsuyta Mori, Deputy Chief, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Johannes Penzkofer, Vice President Europe, GCE Group, Russia Dr Jean Schweitzer, Senior Project Manager, Danish Gas Technology Centre, Denmark

Technological advances in gas exploration and production

CHAIRED BY: Lenny Marlina Bt Omar, Senior General Manager, Strategy & New Ventures E&P, PETRONAS, Malaysia

SPEAKERS: Clement Boireau, E&P – R&D, Deep Offshore Development Studies, Total SA, France Yonggi Mo, Research Engineer DME Research Center, R&D Division, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea Danny Thierens, Global Key Account Manager Upstream, Sulzer Chemtech/Ascom, The Netherlands Haifeng Fu, Hydraulic Fracturing Engineer Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China

Implications of developing unconventional gas

CHAIRED BY: Dr Graeme Bethune, Chief Executive Officer, EnergyQuest, Australia

SPEAKERS: Chris Goncalves, Co-Chair and Managing Director, BRG Energy, USA Gordon Pickering, Director, Navigant Consulting Inc., USA Eng. Anderson Fleming de Souza, Senior Engineer, Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – CEMIG, Brazil Paul Zealand, Chief Executive Officer Upstream, Origin Energy, Australia

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Additional uses for gas

CHAIRED BY: Tracy Burleson, Director, Communications, American Gas Association, USA

SPEAKERS: Jun Komiya, Researcher, Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Cristiane Lodi, Technical Coordinator, Petrobras, Brazil Rajeev Mathur, Managing Director, Mahanagar Gas Limited, India

Innovations and new technologies: can the UGS industry take or do more?

CHAIRED BY: Fabien Favret, Gas Asset Manager, EDF, France and Jacques Grappe, Corporate Technical Advisor, Géostock, France

SPEAKERS: Ján B no, Reservoir Engineer, NAFTA A.S., Slovakia Rosa ĕNieto Prieto, Underground Gas Storage Manager, Enagás, Spain Eric Fortier, Surveillance Services Advisor/Team Manager, Magnitude, France Dr Denis Leca, Head of Solution Mining Section, Storengy, France Dr Juan José Rodriguez, UGS Manager, YPF S.A., Argentina Sergey Egurtsov, General Director, Innovative Oil and Gas Technologies LLC, Russia Dr Tatiana Skrynnik, The First Deputy of Chief Executive Officer, Innovative Oil and Gas Technologies LLC, Russia

Wholesale gas price formation

CHAIRED BY: Mike Fulwood, Principal, Global Gas, Nexant, UK

SPEAKERS: Stephanie Aqui, Senior Commercial Analyst, Qatargas Operating Company Limited, Qatar Anna Galkina, Researc h Fellow, The Energy Research Institute of The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Madjid Kübler, Managing Director, Team Consult G.P.E. GmbH, Germany Jean-Pierre Mateille, Vice-President Trading, Total Gas & Power Ltd, UK

Environmental aspects of unconventional gas

CHAIRED BY: Gabriela Rosello, Director of Public Affairs, Total Austral SA, Argentina

SPEAKERS: Azfar Shaukat, Director, Oil & Gas Consulting, Mott MacDonald Group, UK Susan Sakmar, Professor, University of Houston Law School, USA

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Innovations and new technologies: can the UGS industry take or do more?

CHAIRED BY: Fabien Favret, Gas Asset Manager, EDF, France and Jacques Grappe, Corporate Technical Advisor, Géostock, France

SPEAKERS: Patrick de Laguérie, Project Manager, Géostock, France Fabien Favret, Gas Asset Manager, EDF, France Burkhard Leide, Business and Project Manager, EDF Thermal Engineering, France Vladimír Lorenc, Engineer, TD NAFTA A.S., Slovakia Rein Bolt, Senior Advisor Operations and Mining, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, The Netherlands Qinghe Wen, Deputy Manager, UGS Sub-Company Dagang – Beijing Gas Pipeline Co. Ltd, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China

Gas processing

CHAIRED BY: Marcos de Freitas Sugaya, Senior Engineer and Advisor, Petrobras E&P, Brazil

SPEAKERS: Vann Bush, Managing Director, Energy Supply and Conversion, Gas Technology Institute, USA Anne Gaucher, Sales Manager Oil & Gas, GEA Batignolles Technologies, Thermiques, France Jeremy Provost, Heat Transfer Department Manager, Process & Technology Division, Technip, France Brian O’Leary, Senior Business Director, Gas Processing, UOP, A Honeywell Company, USA Udo Lubenau, Head of Laboratory, DBI Gas- Und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Germany Emmanuel Bustos, Head of Rotating Equipment, Technip, France Kevin Currence, Vice President, Technology Manager – Gas Processing, Black & Veatch, USA

Geopolitics and the Artic

CHAIRED BY: Geert Greving, Head of Public Affairs, Gasterra, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Dr Charles Ebinger, Senior Fellow, Energy Security and Climate Initiative, Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, USA Paul Cheliak , Director, Market Development, Canadian Gas Association, Canada

Public acceptance of natural gas projects

CHAIRED BY: Dimitri Schildmeijer, Senior Trainer and Partner, WPNT Communications, Belgium

SPEAKER: Chris Glerum, Manager External Communications, Gasunie, The Netherlands Dr Goda Perlaviciute, Post-doc Environmental Psychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

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Natural gas as a leading fuel for efficient industry growth

CHAIRED BY: Nuno Moreira, Chief Executive Officer, Goldenergy, Dourogas Group, Portugal

SPEAKERS: Dr Michael De Pontes, Chief Operating Officer, iGas (South African Gas Development Company SOC Ltd), South Africa Ali Reza Sheybani Tezerji, Head of Maintenance at 2nd Refinery, South Pars Gas Complex, Iran Juan Manuel Garcia Horrillo Rúa, Chief Executive Officer, CEPSA Gas Y Electricidad, Spain Dr David Velázquez, Chief Executive Officer, DVA Global Energy Services SL, Spain Yoshihiro Izutani, Industrial Engineering Team Asssitant Manager, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Willian Lehmkuhl, Technical Support Coordinator, SCGÁS – Companhia De Gás De Santa Catarina, Brazil Jorge Gustavo de Azevedo, Engineer, SCGÁS – Companhia De Gás De Santa Catarina, Brazil Hamid Reza Fazli Shahri, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Masataka Yabushita, Chief, Toho Gas Co. Ltd, Japan

Global partnering in energy innovation – effective collaboration

CHAIRED BY: Saeid Pakseresht, Research and Technology Department Director and Member of the Board of the NIGC, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran

SPEAKERS: Kimball Chen, Chairman, Energy Transportation Group Inc, USA Stefan Vos de Wael, General Manager, Global IG, Portfolio & Strategy, Shell Eastern Petroleum (PTE) Ltd, Singapore

Technologies for the monetisation of gas reserves

CHAIRED BY: Datin Rashidah Abd Karim, Technology Manager, PETRONAS, Malaysia

SPEAKERS: Francesco Criminisi, FLNG Development Manager, SBM Offshore, Monaco Erik Stormyr, Vice President – LNG Solutions, Kvaerner Concrete Solutions, Norway Lars Odeskaug, Chief Operating Officer, Sevan Marine ASA, Norway Paul Terrien, Solutions Development Manager, Air Liquide, France Albert van Wyk, Business Planning Manager, ORYX GTL, Qatar Ron Key, Vice President, Technology and Innovation, Linde Process Plants Inc, USA

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) development and perspectives for a sustainable gas industry

CHAIRED BY: Ichiro Fukuda, Senior Researcher, Tokyo Gas, Japan

SPEAKERS: Dominique Copin, CCS Coordinator, Total SA, France Eng Hamid Reza Fazli Shahri, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Kaare Helle, Innovation Manager, DNVGL, Norway

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The role of LNG in sustainability and environmental quality

CHAIRED BY: Ted Williams, Director, Codes and Standards, American Gas Association, USA

SPEAKERS: Loide Chebeia, LNG Marketer, Empresa Nacional De Hidrocarbonetos, Mozambique Oswin Kerkhof, Manager – LNG Projects and Deputy Head of R&D, VSL, The Netherlands Luis Felipe Fernández Pérez, Country Manager – Peru, Gas Energy Latin America S.A., Peru Kota Nakamura, Engineer, Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd, Japan Jérôme Thierçault, Energy Section Head – Technical Division, Bouygues Travaux Publics, France Niimura Tomonari, Civil Engineer, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan

Technology and economic aspects for power to gas and upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality

CHAIRED BY: Koen Wiersma, Corporate Strategy Analyst, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Jesper Bruun, Senior Systems Analyst, Energinet.Dk, Denmark Ir Onno Florisson, Principal Consultant, DNV GL – Oil & Gas, The Netherlands Hiroshi Tanaka, Ordinary, Osaka Gas Co. Ltd, Japan

Third party access to distribution networks

CHAIRED BY: José Carlos Boisler Oliver, Experienced Energy Industry Executive, Comgas, Brazil

SPEAKERS: Sérgio H. G de Paula, Advisor on Regulatory Area, Gas Brasiliano Distribuidora, Brazil Young-Cheol Ha, Chief Research Engineer, Korea Gas Corporation R&D Division (KOGAS), South Korea Mohsen Sabzpooshani, Manager/Analyst, Programmer, Tarsim Ariana, Iran Mijndert Van der Beek, Senior Scientist, VSL Dutch Metrology Institute, The Netherlands

New technologies for transmission systems

CHAIRED BY: Deepank Gupta, Senior Pipeline Engineer, AusNet Services, Australia

SPEAKERS: Alessandro Moretti, Dispatching Centre – Technical Development, Snam Rete Gas, Italy Dr Cevat Özarpa, Director of Maintenance and Metering, iGDAS – Istanbul Gas Distribution Co. Inc., Turkey Victor H Matrella, Leader of Assistance and Technology Development in the Engineering and Constructions Department, Transportadora de Gas del Sur – Argentina, Argentina Karim Osman, Research Engineer, ENGIE Research and Technology Division, France Peter Soukup, Head of Diagnostics and Corrosion Protection Deptartment, Eustream A.S., Slovakia

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World gas outlooks to 2035

CHAIRED BY: Malek-Salim Benabdallah, Department Head International Cooperation, Sonatrach, Algeria and Thomas Jung, Head of Strategic Portfolio Development, E.ON Global Commodities SE, Germany

SPEAKERS: Elias Cortina, Manager, Gas Market Analysis, Chevron Gas & Midstream, Gas Commercialisation, USA Laurent David, VP Strategy, ENGIE LNG Strategy, France Ray Leonard, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hyperdynamics Corporation, USA Peter Thompson, Manager/Consultant, Gas Strategies, UK


Remote LNG

CHAIRED BY: Dr Heinz Bauer, VP Technology Natural Gas Plants, Linde Engineering, Germany

SPEAKERS: Robert Albrecht, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, ExxonMobil Development Company, Canada Shawn Hoffart, Vice President – LNG Technology, Black & Veatch, USA Sara O’Dell, Project Engineer – Oil & Gas, Black & Veatch, USA Jean-Jacques Koum, Gas Development Manager, Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures (SNH), Cameroon Miquel Philippe, General Manager, ENGIE LNG Cameroon, Cameroon Matthias Schmidt, Senior Project Manager Business Development and Sales, LNG and Natural Gas Plant, Linde AG, Linde Engineering Division, Germany Shahrokh Zandiehvakili, Senior Energy Expert, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran

Natural gas as a fuel for the future

CHAIRED BY: Guilia Migueles Pereyra, Specialist – Regulatory Affairs, Legislative Strategies and Relations with Authorities, Eni S.p.A., Italy

SPEAKERS: Dominique Copin, CCS Coordinator, Total SA, France Celso Bertinotti, Natural Gas Engineering, Gas Brasiliano Distribuidora S.A., Brazil Makyo Felix, Commercial Marketing Manager, Companhia de Gás da Bahia – Bahiagás, Brazil Bijan Ochani, Adviser of Research & Technology Directorate, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) & Iran Gas Institute (IGI), Iran

Natural gas vehicles; the sustainable road towards a clean planet

CHAIRED BY: Miriam Dzah-Eklo, Research and Technology Director, ENGIE, France

SPEAKERS: Jeong Ok Han, Director, Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), South Korea Vikram Singh, Commercial Manager, Purification Business, Process Technologies Division, Johnson Matthey Plc, UK Makyo Felix, Commerc ial Marketing Manager, Companhia de Gás da Bahia – Bahiagás, Brazil

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Technological advances in gas exploration and production

CHAIRED BY: Lenny Marlina Bt Omar, Senior General Manager, Strategy & New Ventures E&P, PETRONAS, Malaysia

SPEAKERS: Vitor de Souza Lima, Natural Gas Strategic Management Coordinator, Petrobras, Brazil Dongbo He, Vice Director, Ordos Branch Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Ekaterina Litvinova, Deputy Chief of Division – Mineral Resources Base Development Directorate Department of Gas, Gas Condensate, Oil Production, Gazprom, Russia Qiang Zhang, Engineer Chengdu Verification Branch of National Oil and Gas Large Flow Rate Measurement Station, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Melissa Stark, Managing Dire ctor – New Energy, Accenture, UK

The economic, environmental and social aspects of renewable gas

CHAIRED BY: Elbert Huijzer, Senior Strategist – Grids, Alliander, The Netherlands and Anne Prieur-Vernat, LCA and Environmental Assesment Expert, ENGIE, France

SPEAKERS: Thomas Hernø, Project Manager, HMN Gashandel A/S, Denmark Vladislav Karasevich, Assistant Professor, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Russia Mahdi Tanha Ziyarati, Environmental Expert, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Bram Van Der Drift, Innovation Manager, ECN, The Netherlands

Challenges and Opportunities of Small Scale LNG

CHAIRED BY: Marcel Tijhuis, Business Development, Gasunie, The Netherlands

SPEAKERS: Osvaldo Del Campo, Chief Executive Officer, Galileo Technologies S.A., Argentina Masoud Kazemian, Senior Expert, National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Iran Ron Key, Vice President, Technology and Innovation, Linde Process Plants Inc, USA Dong-Hyuk Kim, Principal Researcher, LNG Technical Research & Engineering R&D Division, Korea Gas Coporation (KOGAS), South Korea Pieterjan Renier, Sales Manager, Fluxys, Belgium Saunak Rai, Vice President (LNG B.D. and Operations), Norgas Carriers Private Limited, Singapore

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YOUTH EVENT SPONSORS The Youth Event attracted around 150 young professionals and talented students from 35 countries from all over the world for the three-day event.

Sponsored and representing about 40 different companies and universities, with TOTAL and ENGIE largely represented, the young participants had a unique opportunity to participate in an interactive programme hosted by the WGCPARIS2015.

The Youth Event was a varied and original programme designed by the youth for the youth. It was designed and managed by a team of 10 young professionals with the The three major sponsors of the Youth Event each provided support of the French Team under the leading role of a keynote speaker: Jérôme Ferrier, President of the International Gas Union (IGU). The event in itself was an initiative to attract the youth • Wednesday 3 June 2015: Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier, providing precious insight into the great opportunities and Head of Corporation Communication of TOTAL, who challenges of the gas industry. highlighted the vital role of gas in sustainable development and growing access to energy for all. The programme consisted of conference sessions and related workshops, with the content reflecting current prime issues • Thursday 4 June 2015: Marina Taib, Country Chair of of the gas industry and was built around two main concepts. PETRONAS Carigali Brunei Ltd, emphasised the challenging career opportunities of the gas industry as well as the 1. To challenge the youth to illustrate solutions and develop need for young motivated talents, giving also her personal projects on energy transition key issues and from the brilliant example. perspective of sustainable energy. • Friday 5 June 2015: Lixin Che, President of Beijing Gas 2. To raise the youth’s awareness about the latest human Group Research Institute, preferred a different kind of resour ces trends of the gas industry and challenge their approach and challenged the youth about ethics, respect creativity and imagination from a marketing point of view. and commitment. 59 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 60


The remaining sponsors of the Youth Event provided in total The winning team worked on the first workshop ‘sustainable 15 guest speakers who led and facilitated small group energy for all & energy transition’, dealing with the topic ‘How discussions. gas can contribute to energy transition in transportation?’. They chose an original approach and based their outcomes Two core topics established the framework of the meetings: on feedback interviews from expert exhibitors and delegates of the WGC. The thorough examination of their project as 1. The ‘best practices’ from their respective companies, well as their incredible communication skills gave them the providing the attendees creative ideas in order to build first award of the Youth Event contest. their workshops,

2. Their personal ‘success story’ – sharing experiences and raising awareness of the career paths the gas industry may offer.

Discussion from these topics provided a technical and strategic view of the activities of the companies represented, and experience sharing in terms of human resources management and transformation.

Closing Ceremony

During this ceremony the four finalists presented their work in front of the audience who were then invited to vote for their favourite group via the Wisembly interface. The French Team, organisers of the World Gas Conference, announced the winner and led the award ceremony. Tablets and drones were awarded and provided by our French partners Archos and Parrot.



MAIN CONFERENCE MAIN CONFERENCE MAIN CONFERENCE TOPIC 1: Sustainable TOPIC 2: Attraction of the CEO Interview Energy for All Gas Industry


MORNING Best Practices Workshops TF1: Women’s Place Sessions

Success Stories Sessions

Workshops & Contest Workshops

MAIN CONFERENCE MAIN CONFERENCE TF 1: WOC1: Closing of the Opening Ceremony Human Capital Natural Gas Youth Programme Strategy for Everywhere the Future Ice-breaking Evening AFTERNOON & EVENING Farewell Party 60 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 61


• The call for abstracts for the 26th World Gas Conference • Accepted authors had to confirm by 12 December their opened on 1 February 2014. acceptance of the opportunity to speak.

• The original closing date was 1 September 2014 but this • Authors placed on the waiting list were notified on 16 was later extended to 12 September 2014. January 2015 if their abstract was successful.

• Abstracts could be submitted in word format (maximum • All authors accepted for a Thematic Session had to submit 1000 words) via the online portal or as a video via email/ a Final Contribution by 13 March 2015. file sharing service. • Accepted Interactive Showcase speakers had to submit a • Abstracts were submitted via email after the closing date Final Submission by 13 March 2015. on a case by case basis. • All final presentations from all speakers at the conference • The reviewing process started on 26 September 2014 and had to be submitted by 22 May 2015. closed on 9 November 2014. WGCPARIS2015 received the highest number of abstracts • Authors were notified on 28 November 2014 as to whether in the history of the conference. In total 1,520 were received. their abstract was successful, placed on a waiting list, or declined.

Abstract submissions received per month





0 JUL 2014 JAN 2014 SEP 2014 FEB 2014 OCT 2014 JUN 2014 APR 2014 MAY 2014 MAY NOV 2014 AUG 2014 MAR 2014

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Number of abstracts submitted per technical committee

350 ■ Total Number of 300 Abstracts Submitted ■ Number of Abstracts 250 Submitted for Thematic Sessions

200 ■ Number of Abstracts Submitted for Interactive Showcase 150 Session




Abstracts received per country

Abstracts were submitted from 65 countries. The top ten submitting countries were: 1) Algeria 2) Brazil 3) China 4) France 5) Iran 6) Russia 7) The Netherlands 8) Turkey 9) UK 10) USA

Reviewing statistics


WOC 1 47 23 24 WOC 2 30 12 18 WOC 3 35 18 17 WOC 4 33 18 15 WOC 5 52 27 25 PGC A 38 20 18 PGC B 35 16 19 PGC C 20 10 10 PGC D 46 21 25 PGC E 22 11 11 PGC F 21 9 12 TF1 10 6 4 TF2 9 4 5 TF3 * * *

*Did not use the call for abstracts to select the speakers 62 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:38 Page 63


IGU Global Gas Award

The IGU Global Gas Award competition was established in 2008 with the objective of contributing to the progress of the gas industry through promoting innovation and sustainability.

To be considered for this prestigious award, authors needed to submit an abstract, based upon a project they have worked on throughout the 2012-2015 triennium, which they believe adhered to the theme: Sustainable Development and Innovative Promotion of Natural Gas. Paul Barrett

Each project submitted had to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the industry and the relevance for sustainable Master of Ceremonies development. The project also needed to actively promote natural gas, be innovative and realistic in its implementation. The Master of Ceremonies, for the World Gas Conference was Paul Barrett; professional actor, coach and presenter. He In total five finalists were selected: was chosen for his experience of public speaking and excellent command for the English Language due to his heritage. • Larry Brand, Gastechnology, USA • Jos Dehaeseleer, Ores, Belgium Paul Barrett was used to open a number of sessions throughout • Talmadge Centers, Center Point Energy, USA the conference. These included: • Jun Komiya, Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd, Japan • Edmilson Moutinho Dos Santos, Institute of Energy and • The opening ceremony. Environment, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil • All Keynote Address Sessions which took place in the amphitheatre. The winner of the Global Gas Award was a team from SGN • Both the Special Event and the Special Address which took and included the following authors: place in the amphitheatre. • All Luncheon Address Sessions which took place in the • Angus McIntosh Paris Pavilion. • Jamie McAinsh • Richard Mason Paul was well received in all sessions and was great at engaging • Caroline Geddes the audience.

IGU Global Gas Award winners

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The French Presidency wanted to enhance the attendee experience at the 26th World Gas Conference. A programme of social activities was therefore created.

Welcome Gala Evening Closing Ceremony and Farewell Party

The evening took place in the historic monument of the The colourful ceremony celebrated the highlights of the Grand Palais for an informal cocktail party à la Française. The 26th World Gas Conference and also introduced the USA evening provided many opportunities for networking and a Presidency who will be hosting WGC 2018 in Washington DC. variety of entertainment acts. This was followed by a French and American themed evening.

Golf Trophy City Tour

Keen golfers were able to participate in the golf tournament Included as part of the registration fee, attendees were able which took place at the 18 hole challenging National Golf to see the best that Paris has to offer by coach. The tour Course. The course is considered to be one of the top 100 visited Place de l’Opera, Place de la Concorde, the Champs- courses in the world and will be hosting the Ryder Cup in 2018. Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe, the Trocadero, the Eiffel Tower, Invalides, Pont-Neuf, the Bastille Ope ra House, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Luxembourg Garden and St Germain des Prés.

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Dunkerque LNG Terminal

One technical tour was available for the attendees of the As a liquefied natural gas regasification infrastructure, the conference. The technical tour was a full one day tour to terminal will be able to accommodate the world’s largest the Dunkerque LNG Terminal on Saturday 6 June 2015. LNG tankers in France, at the western outer harbour. 65% of Dunkerque LNG is owned by EDF Group, 25% by Fluxys The tour departed at 07:15 and returned at 19:10. Included group and 10% by Tota l group. in the tour of the LNG Terminal was train and transfer to facility, lunch, short view of Dunkerque city and sea coast Dunkerque LNG is committed to ecologically enhancing the and return travel. site and its surrounding area by active and passive restoration of the dune grassland. Owing to the ban on access to the site In total there were 33 attendees (the maximum number and the terminal’s ecological management plan, the site aims allowed for security reasons) who were from a variety of to gradually and naturally be colonised by flora and fauna. countries: Bahrain, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa and Uruguay.

The Dunkerque LNG terminal is currently under construction and at the time of the visit it was planned to be put into service at the end of 2015. It will have an annual regasification capacity of 13 billion m3 of gas, representing around 20% of France and Belgium’s annual natural gas consumption making it the second largest terminal in continental Europe.

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The conference registration opened on 1 April 2014 with an early registration deadline of 16 January 2015 which was extended 6 February 2015. All registrations were made via the online portal apart from those who received complimentary access to the conference. These people were required to complete a form and send it back to the registration team.

Registration fees

EARLY FEES LATE FEES ON-SITE FEES Until 16 January 2015 After 16 January 2015 31 May – 5 June 2015 Registration category Rate Rate Rate Rate VAT Rate VAT Rate VAT (VAT included) (VAT included) (VAT included)

Delegate €2,250 €450 €2,700 €2,650 €530 €3,180 €2,850 €570 €3,420


Accompanying Rate VAT Rate + VAT persons

€750 €150 €900

Youth Event €600 €120 €720

Luncheon €150 €30 €180

Key dates

Registration opens for delegates and accompanying person: 1 April 2014

Deadline for early registration: 16 January 2015

Deadline for registration cancellation: 5 April 2015

Deadline for bank transfer payment: 15 April 2015

Deadline for registration on WGCPARIS2015 website: 30 May 2015

Onsite registration times

Saturday 30 May 14:00 – 19:00 (Official hotels)

Sunday 31 May 10:00 – 19:00 (Official hotels)

Monday 1 June 10:00 – 17:00 (Porte de Versailles) 10:00 – 19:00 (Official hotels)

Tuesday 2 June 07:30 – 18:30 (Porte de Versailles)

Wednesday 3 June 08:00 – 18:30 (Porte de Versailles)

Thursday 4 June 08:00 – 18:30 (Porte de Versailles)

Friday 5 June 08:00 – 12:00 (Porte de Versailles)

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Registrations pre-conference and onsite Breakdown of registration type

62 208 208





2550 ■ Delegates ■ Accompanying Person ■ Onsite ■ Pre-conference ■ Youth Event ■ Media ■ Waivers ■ Staff

Registration booking timeline









0 07/11/2014 21/11/2014 14/11/2014 17/10/2014 31/10/2014 28/11/2014 10/10/2014 16/01/2015 24/10/2014 19/12/2014 12/12/2014 11/05/2015 17/04/2015 05/12/2014 29/12/2014 23/01/2015 03/10/2014 05/01/2015 27/02/2015 04/07/2014 27/06/2014 30/01/2015 09/01/2015 27/03/2015 15/05/2015 13/02/2015 19/09/2014 10/04/2015 12/09/2014 24/04/2015 13/03/2015 22/05/2015 26/09/2014 29/05/2015 06/02/2015 20/02/2015 05/09/2014 04/05/2015 09/06/2015 06/03/2015 20/03/2015 03/04/2015

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Breakdown of delegates by country


Albania 1 Guinea 1 Philippines 1

Algeria 24 Hong Kong 1 Poland 22

Angola 2 Hungary 4 Portugal 14

Argentina 27 India 37 Qatar 56

Armenia 1 Indonesia 43 Romania 16

Australia 59 Iran 32 Russia 120

Austria 7 Ireland 2 Saudi Arabia 3

Bahrain 3 Israel 2 Serbia 2

Barbados 1 Italy 39 Singapore 55

Belgium 54 Ivory Coast 1 Slovakia 18

Bolivia 1 Japan 160 Slovenia 1

Brazil 58 Kuwait 7 South Africa 19

Brunei 1 Latvia 1 South Korea 72

Bulgaria 1 Lebanon 1 Spain 68

Cameroon 3 Lithuania 5 Sweden 9

Canada 15 Luxembourg 4 Switzerland 46

Chile 11 Macedonia 3 Taiwan 4

China 90 Malaysia 68 Thailand 37

Colombia 22 Mexico 2 The Netherlands 119

Croatia 11 Moldova 2 Trinidad & Tobago 4

Cuba 1 Monaco 1 Tunisia 4

Czech Republic 6 Morocco 1 Turkey 26

Denmark 24 Mozambique 10 UAE 22

East Timor 2 Nambia 1 UK 168

Egypt 5 New Zealand 1 Ukraine 6

Equatorial Guinea 2 Nigeria 24 Uruguay 2

Finland 10 Norway 37 USA 228

France 375 Oman 8 Venezuela 8

Gambia 1 Pakistan 8 Vietnam 4

Germany 96 Papa New Guinea 9 Yemen 9

Greece 10 Peru 10 TOTAL 2612 68 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:39 Page 69


In total there were 32 recommended hotels which attendees to the conference could book. Reservations could be made via the online housing portal.


5* Baltimore 4* Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile HOTEL NAME

5* Lucien Barriere – Hotel Fouquet’s Barrière 4* Le Méridien Etoile

5* Hotel Le Collectionneur Arc de Triomphe 4* Marriott Rive Gauche

5* Marriott Champs Elysées 4* Mercure Paris Centre Tour Eiffel

5* Hotel Napoleon 4* Mercure Porte d’Orléans

5* Prince de Galles Art 4* Mercure Porte de Versailles

5* Pullman la Défense 4* Novotel Paris Vaugirard Montparnasse

5* Renaissance Arc de Triomphe 4* Novotel Paris Gare Montparnasse

5* Renaissance Le Parc Trocadéro 4* Novotel Porte d’Orléans

4* Renaissance Vendôme 4* Pullman Montparnasse

4* Scribe Hotel by Sofitel 4* Pullman Tour Eiffel

4* Sofitel Arc de Triomphe 4* Westin Paris Vendôme

4* Sofitel La Défense Centre 3* Ibis Berthier Porte de Clichy

4* AC by Marriot Porte Maillot 3* Ibis Paris Cambronne Tour Eiffel

4* Concorde Montparnasse 3* Ibis Porte d’Orléans

4* Hilton Paris La Défense Hilton 3* Ibis Porte d'Italie

In total there were five shuttle bus routes. Together they served the most popular hotels in Paris that the WGCPARIS2015 attendees booked at:

BLUE ROUTE BLACK ROUTE 1) Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile 1) Pullman Paris Montparnasse 2) Le Méridien Etoile 2) Guests staying at the Concorde Montparnasse were invited to get the bus from the Pullman Paris Montparnasse GREEN ROUTE 1) Ibis Paris Tour Eiffel Cambronne GREY ROUTE 2) Novotel Paris Vaugirard Montparnasse 1) Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel

RED ROUTE 1) Mercure Paris Porte de Versailles Expo 2) Mercure Paris Vaugirard Porte de Versailles

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Place de la Porte de Versailles GATE L MAIN ENTRANCE EXHIBITION Pavilion 1 AMPHITHEATRE SECURITY GATE VIP CARS Public transport & Taxi station PARIS PAVILION GATE V SECURITY GATE ALL PUBLIC Boulevard Victor Rue de la Porte d’Issy


EXHIBITION Pavilion 1 AMPHITHEATRE • Registration / First Aid • Information / Concierge Palais des Sports CONFERENCE CENTRE • Exhibition / Villages Pavilion 2.2 • Interactive Showcases • Opening and PARIS PAVILION • Media Centre Closing Ceremonies • Conference Sessions • VIP Lounge • Keynote Speeches • Speakers Room • Cafés / Restaurants • Conference Sessions • Youth Event • Luncheon Addresses

Pavilion 2.2 venue map and room capacities

ROOM 1 INVALIDES 352 seats

ROOM 2 CONCORDE 352 seats


ROOM 5 NOTRE DAME 600 seats

ROOM 6 SACRÉ COEUR 160 seats

ROOM 7 TOUR EIFFEL SPEAKERS’ 480 seats ROOM YOUTH EVENT 70 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:39 Page 71


Speakers’ room

The speakers’ room was located in Pavilion 2.2. The speakers’ room featured:

In this room were a number of organisations who were • 12 uploading stations provided by the Leni team for featured at the conference: speakers to amend and upload their presentations. • A practice area for the speakers to use to see how the • The CWC Technical Programme team lecterns would be set up in the session room. • The Leni team – provided the presentation management • 8 working stations – for speakers to use their own laptops software to work on their presentations. • The Wisembly Team • Printing facilities for speakers. • The Poken Team • Information desk for enquiries.

A section of the room was partitioned to allow for meetings between panel members and the pre session briefings to take place.

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• A total of 350 companies exhibited at WGCPARIS2015 • Over 14,000 people attended the exhibition

• WGCPARIS2015 featured the largest exhibition space • A total of 17,121.00 sqm net was sold, making it the available at all WGC events: 44,000 sqm largest ever WGC exhibition

Exhibition space sales









0 20/11/2014 20/11/2013 20/12/2014 20/10/2014 20/01/2015 20/01/2014 20/07/2014 20/10/2013 20/12/2013 20/12/2012 20/01/2013 20/07/2013 20/02/2014 20/02/2015 20/05/2014 20/05/2015 20/06/2014 20/03/2014 20/03/2015 20/04/2015 20/04/2014 20/09/2014 20/02/2013 20/05/2013 20/08/2014 20/03/2013 20/06/2013 20/04/2013 20/09/2013 20/08/2013

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18th International Conference & Exhibition DMCC Gas-souzan on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG 18) DNV GL Gastech Conference & Exhibition 22nd World Petroleum Congress Drager GasTerra A.Hak Dresser-Rand GAZOMAT Abriox Ltd E.ON Global Commodities SE Gazprom ABS Ebara International Corporation GE Oil & Gas Actemium Cryodynamics Division GEA Batignolles Technologies Thermiques S.A.S AFEGAZ / COPAGAZ EBN Geocean AFG EC POWER A/S GeoFields AIRMOTEC AG SAS EconGas GmbH Geostock AIT EDF GEP AFTP Aiut sp. Z.o.o Efectis Group GES Gas Energy Solutions GmbH Akfel Holding AS EFFBE France GFO Europe B.V. Ambassade Argentine ELGAS, s.r.o. Goddard Annova LNG, LLC Eliot Innovative Solutions Gold-Card High-tech Co. Ltd Apator Metrix S.A. Elster GmbH GrDF ARGB – KVBG Emerson Process Management Greiner Argentine CNG Association Emmer Service Groupe Genoyer Argus Media Enagás S.A. GRTgaz ARKEMA Endress + Hauser Gurtner Aspro Italy S.R.L Energoflow AG HAM-LET Atlas Copco Energy Delta Institute (EDI) Hart Energy ATREM SA Energy Intelligence Group Inc. Hart International Banides & Debeaurain ENGIE Heath Consultants Incorporated BP Engineering Circle Ltd Heatric Brugg Pipesystems eni S.p.A. Hermann Sewerin GmbH Bureau Veritas Entrepose Contracting Herose GmbH Capstone Turbine Corp Entrepose Drilling Hexagon Composites Carbon Energy Club Entrepose Group Hobre Instruments Ceca EPO Signal, LLC Hoerbiger Ventilwerke GmbH & Co KG CETIM ESKA VALVE LTD STI Honeywell International Inc. CGH Belgium N.V. Esri France Huberg S.A.S Chengdu Qianjia Technology Co. Ltd EUROSIGN-LIFTPLAQ Hydrocarbon Processing Cheniere Energy Inc Eurostandard S.p.A. I.S.I.F S.R.L Chevron Gas and Midstream Eustream ICIS China Gas Association Excelerate Energy IFP Training China LNG Association Exmar IHRDC China National Petroleum Corporation Experconnect IMI Precision Engineering – Buschjost GmbH Chiyoda Exxon Mobil Corporation IMW Industries dba Clean Energy Compression Chuchu Decayeux Faber Industrie S.p.A. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Clesse Industries Fast S.p.A. INDRA SRL CNH INDUSTRIAL FCA France Indufer AG CODRA FDS – France Detection Services Industrial Maintenance International (IMI) COMMON S.A. Fermaca New Projects Inficon GmbH Compressortech Two Flir Systems Inotech Meter Calibration Systems GmbH ControlPoint LLP Flow Meter Group B.V. Inpex Corporation COPRIM Fluxys Interfax Europe Ltd Corinth Pipeworks S.A. FMC Technologies International Gas Union CPL Concordia Soc. Coop. FRENCH PAVILION – GEP AFTP International Institute of Refrigeration CRYOLOR Freyssinet IPSI Group Cryostar FRS Gaz Imalat San Tic Ltd Iraniun Gas Institute CWC Group GAIL (India) Limited ITO Corporation Daesung Measuring Co. Ltd Galileo Technologies ITP Interpipe Delta Human Resources Consultancy Gaoli Gas Meter Co. Ltd Intro Demaco Holland BV GAS for ENERGY Iveco DEME Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd JC Carter Nozzles DENSO GmbH Gas Natural Fenosa Jereh Group Denys Gas Technology Institute (GTI) JHC DHP INDIA LIMITED GASCAT INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDA Kabsons Gas Equipment Pvt Ltd 74 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:39 Page 75


KLAW Products Ltd Pira Energy Group Steve Vick International Koch Supply & Trading PLUM Ltd STF GAS SRL Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) Plymouth STOPAQ – Seal for Life KSB SAS Polish Oil & Gas Company (PGNIG) Strateco Leobersdorfer Maschinenfabrik GmbH Polytec Co. Ltd Sulfatrap LLC Liaoning SC Technology Corp Ponticelli Superior Products LNG Journal Process Controll Items AB Synthotech Luxfer Gas Cylinders Process Systems Tancy Instrument Group Co. Ltd M1 Engineering Ltd Prosernat TAQA Arabia Macro Province of British Columbia TD WILLIAMSON MAN Diesel & Turbo PSI AG Technic Eco Services SA Mareal Engineering & Consulting PT Pertamina (Persero) Technip McElroy PTT Public Company Limited Technolog Limited Meci QAFAC Tecnologias de Conduccion y Control TCL S.A. MEMS AG Qatar Petroleum Teradata Menard Qatargas Terre Armee Mercedes-Benz QP Industrial Cities The Chamber of the Natural Gas Industry Mesura Radiatym Sp. Z.o.o The Japan Gas Association Meter Italia S.p.A. RasGas The Power of Dutch Gas Metersit S.R.L Ravetti SRL TIGF (Transport et Infrastructures Gaz France) Mozambique LNG Regas SRL Tormene AG MSA A.S. Rego Products Total SA Mueller Co. International Holdings (UK) LLC Renault Trucks Turboden SRL N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie Romet Limited Turkish Petroleum NAFTA a.s Royal Comission at Yanbu TurkStream Nanjing New Power Electric Co. Ltd Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi S.p.A. TUV Saarland Automobil GmbH/ TUV Rheinland Group National Grid S.C. CIS GAZ S.A. Upstream NAWI Groupe S.I.S (Sevme Informatique and Services) Vahterus Oy New Cosmos Electric Co. Ltd Saipem SpA Valve Technology Australia Pty Ltd Nexant Limited Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH Vanzetti Engineering SRL NGV Communications Group Saudi Aramco VASTAS NGV Global Sauer Compressors Velan S.A.S NGV Global 2016 Schneider Electric Velocys NGV Transportation Schutz GmbH Messtechnik vemm tec Messtechnik GmbH NGVA Europe SCT&E LNG Inc. Verbandd Schweiz Gas Industrie (VSG) Nirmal Industrial Controls Pvt. Ltd Seifert and Skinner Swiss Pavilion NMI Certin Sensile Technologies Vilduja UAB NMI Euroloop Sensit Technologies VINCI Construction Grands Projets NortecView Serco VINCI Construction Terrassement NOVATEK SET Swiss Energy Trading VINCI Group Nuvia Shell International Exploration & Production Vitol S.A. omnisens SA Sichuan Kayts (Kaitz) Valve Mfg. Co. Ltd Volga-Dnepr Group OMV Gas & Power GmbH Sick VSL Opgal Optronic Industries Siraga Watlow GmbH OPW Sweden AB SKF Magnetic Mechatronics SAS Wenzhou Blue Sky Electronic Equipment Co. Ltd Orbital Global Solutions Slovak Gas and Oil Association Wigersma & Sikkema B.V. Oryx GTL Snam Wingas GmbH Overpipe SNGN ROMGAZ SA Wintershall Holding GmbH Pentair Valves & Controls Sofregaz Wood Mackenzie Pergam-Suisse AG Sogea-Satom Woodside Energy Ltd Peru Petro Solar Turbines Incorporated World Gas Conference 2018 Petrobras Soletanche Bachy Worthington Industries Petroleum Economist SONATRACH Wuzhou Valve Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) Sopra Steria Consulting Xindi Energy Engineering Technology Co. Ltd PetroVietnamGas Joint Stock Corporation SPAC Xperion Energy & Environment GmbH PGME Spiecapag Yada Piping Solution Co. Ltd PGN (Perusahaan Gas Negara) Spina Group Yanmar Energy System Co. Ltd Picarro Statoil Yemen LNG Company Ltd Pietro Fiorentini Staubli Zenner International GmbH 75 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:39 Page 76


A highly targeted marketing plan was designed and regularly reviewed throughout the three year campaign in order to ensure the conference attracted maximum interest and quality attendants.

All marketing channels were used to match the right audience and region and included:

• Regional and global media partners • Newsletters • Website • Social media • Promotions at international events • Public relations • Online and print advertising • Government networks


51 media partners based around the world were selected Countries which the Media Partners operate to partner with the event (on a contra deal basis) which led in and audiences reached to a comprehensive global advertising plan secured with online and offline promotional opportunities, executed 2% 11% throughout the three year period. 15%

Media partners were selected based on their sector speciality and reach of audience that they could offer the event. In 10% return they were offered a mixture of branding opportunities both pre-event and during WGCPARIS2015. 6% 4% The official media partner for WGCPARIS2015 was Upstream who promoted the event through all their marketing channels, and produced the Daily Newspaper covering each day’s proceedings and news. The newspapers were distributed to all participants throughout the week.

Other major media partners chosen to help reach the wider 26% business global market and the French business market were: 26%

• The Financial Times • Les Echos ■ Middle East ■ Asia ■ Oceania ■ Europe ■ Global ■ South America All media partners can be seen below: ■ North America ■ Russia

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Monthly newsletters (increasing to a fortnightly basis 10 months Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook accounts were created to out from the event) were sent to key audiences, targeting reach potential delegates and to keep the audience engaged. and segmenting the data as well as translating content for key regions. Newsletters were designed to keep the audience Social media highlights informed and enthused with the event’s latest developments, as well as reinforce the event’s key sales messages. • 65.9 million impressions on Twitter, from over 16,000 mentions and 3,841 users WEBSITE • 1,029 Twitter followers gained • High quality followership achieved, with interests including The website was available in English and French and was business, news and finance constantly updated with the latest event updates and • 19,800 profile visits on Twitter industry news. The marketing campaign generated great • Steady growth of the LinkedIn group, reaching 1,612 traffic to the website. Visits to the website increased over members the course of the campaign, as did the number of page • The total number of LinkedIn discussions posted was 201 views and the duration spent on the site per visit (from July • Over 200 discussions started on LinkedIn 2013 to end of the event almost 240,000 visits to the • The Facebook page received a total of 547 followers and website from all over the world). 161 likes.

An example of the WGCPARIS2015 website homepage can be seen above.

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WGCPARIS2015 was promoted at over 60 international events including:


International industry events Including World Energy Congress 2013, LNG 17, Gastech 2012 and 2014, 26 World Petroleum Congress 2014, IGRC 2014

International CWC conferences and exhibitions 29

Events attended by Upstream 7


The objective of the PR campaign was to support the global The Media Centre was located in the exhibition within Pavilion marketing campaign and raise additional awareness of the 1. The centre provided a range of services for the media event internationally and in France. To achieve this objective representatives to use. These included: two PR companies were contracted: • Media work centre: all media were able to work from this • FTI Consulting who operated out of their offices in London centre and Paris to oversee the international PR activities and • Media coffee lounge manage the media onsite. • Press conference room: where 10 press conference we held throughout the week • DGM Consulting who were based in Paris to focus on PR • PR office: where the PR companies were based in France. • Upstream office: where the Daily Newspaper production team was based. The PR teams generated interest for the event by creating compelling and topical content that communicated the event’s core messages and drove delegate sales. Themes were chosen to reflect regional interests as well as to tie into global stories from the current news agenda.

As well as securing attendance from the most prominent media outlets in the world, the PR teams delivered:

• 17 editorials • 2 advertorials • Radio, TV and webinar interviews • Targeted media meetings with business or newswire journalists to support the IGU President, Jérôme Ferrier’s international visits to key regions including Japan, UAE, China, Indonesia, UK, France, South Korea, Australia, and Spain.

A total of 295 media attended the event with international and newswires. 78 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:39 Page 79


For the 26th World Gas Conference, three types of technology were used to improve the way attendees interacted with each other and enhanced participation in conference sessions.

MOBILE APP Popularity of each page on the mobile app

An application detailing the full conference programme, 2%1% 2% informing users of each session location and providing details 3% 13% about the venue and exhibition. Links to the other digital 6% tools at the conference were also provided.

• In total 1,753 people used the app. 6%

• The most popular page on the mobile app was the list of delegates: more than 58,000 views. 7%

• Around 395,000 pages were seen by all users.

• An average of 65 pages were seen per user. 15% • The countries who used the app the most throughout the 44% conference were: • USA representing 30% of traffic • France representing 15% ■ Home ■ Programme (not including speakers) • UK representing 10% ■ Delegates ■ Speakers ■ Exhibition ■ Practical Information ■ Maps ■ External ■ News ■ Sponsors & Media ■ Other WISEMBLY

New for WGCPARIS2015, a digital interactive app, enabling Wisembly in session performance attendees of each session to interact live during the session. Delegates could ask questions and share opinions using their mobile phone, laptop or tablet to take part in the debate or 863 812 the topics discussed, without interrupting the presentation. 692 608

715 • Most of the conference session rooms were equipped to 495 643 601 enable Wisembly to be used. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 JUNE 3 JUNE 4 JUNE 5 JUNE • More than 50% of attendees were connected an d used Wisembly. ■ Questions received ■ Number of people using Wisembly

• 90% of people were satisfied with such device making conference session more alive and attractive

• Wisembly was beneficial in: • Enabling attendees to send accurate questions to the conference Leader. • Enabling the leaders of the session to gauge which issues are affecting the audience most. • Adapt the session for the attendees. • Maintain a lively and interactive session. 79 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:39 Page 80



New for WGCPARIS2015, the Poken device allowed the The homepage on the Poken portal. sharing of personal data between delegates for them to collect conference materials via the onsite media walls and access the conference proceedings via the Poken cloud based portal.

Throughout and since the conference, Poken and its online cloud based portal has proved to be incredibly popular:

• In total 2,930 POKEN devices were distributed.

• Nearly 10,000 touches took place between attendees to exchange details.

• 82,000 touches took place to collect information from the media walls located in Pavilion 2.2 and Pavilion 1.

• 3,500 accounts were created.

Example of touching a media wall to obtain the information on that session.

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The following are the results of the post event survey distributed to conference delegates after the event.

Have you been to the World Gas What did you think of WGCPARIS2015? Conference before? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 39% 50% 40% 30% 20% 61% 10% 0% EVENTS HOTELS OPENING PAVILIONS SPEAKERS CEREMONY EXHIBITION EXHIBITION QUALITY OF QUALITY OF CONFERENCE NETWORKING ORGANISATION


■ Best to Date ■ Excellent ■ Good

What makes WGC a “must attend” event for you?


81 2454 Post Event Report.qxp_WGC Post Event Report 27/08/2015 17:39 Page 82


How effective were the following channels What other conferences and exhibitions in staying updated and communicating does your company regularly attend? during WGCPARIS2015? (top answers)

100% 30% 90% 25% 80% 70% 20% 60% 50% 15% 40% 10% 30% 20% 5% 10% 0% 0% OTC WEC WPC IGRC NAPE Flame LNG X DAILY E-World Gastech POKEN EGATEC WEBSITE OFFICIAL SPE Events CERA Week WISEMBLY CWC Events MOBILE APP NEWSPAPER INFORMATION SOCIAL MEDIA DESKS ONSITE DOCUMENTATION Rio Oil & Gas Oil Rio Conference ■ Good/Excellent CWC World LNG Summit/Series American Gas Association Events World Petroleum Congress (WPC) European Autumn Gas Conference

How did you find out about WGCPARIS2015?


0% 2% 49% 1% 2% 0% 2%



■ IGU ■ Newsletter/Email ■ Website ■ Search Engine ■ Printed Advert ■ Online Advert ■ Brochure ■ Editorials ■ Social Networks ■ Colleagues/Friends

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The National Organising Committee would like to thank the following companies for their sponsorship and respective contributions to the 26th World Gas Conference.







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“Growing together towards a friendly planet” PARIS – FRANCE – PARIS

1-5 June 2015 June 1-5 th


