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BUSINESS WITH PERSONALITY FAMILY FORTUNES BATTLE OF THE BATS TURNING MONEY TO ENGLAND’S SKIPPER A TABOO TOPIC CAN TALKS CUP GOALS P22 HAVE A HIGH COST P18 WEDNESDAY 1 MAY 2019 ISSUE 3,362 CITYAM.COM FREE GAME OF PHONES Apple predicts TRUMP SUES iPhone rebound as Samsung tanks BANKS AMID PRIVACYROW CALLUM KEOWN legitimate grounds or lawful purpose. cratic lawmakers for issuing the sub- Both banks have “long provided poenas, calling it “presidential harass- @CallumKeown1 business and personal banking serv- ment.” US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has ices” for Trump, his lawyers con- A financial disclosure in 2017 re- taken the unprecedented step of firmed, while Deutsche Bank has vealed that Trump had at least $130m suing Deutsche Bank and Capital One been involved in his property empire (£99.6m) of liabilities to Deutsche in a desperate bid to block the release for an extended period. Bank. of his financial records. The lawsuit, which was filed in Last month reports emerged that Trump, his three oldest children New York late on Monday, said: “[The Germany’s largest lender loaned and seven of his companies have filed subpoenas] were issued to harass Trump more than $2bn. a lawsuit against the banks to block President Donald J. Trump, to rum- Deutsche Bank said in a statement subpoenas issued by two US House mage through every aspect of his yesterday it was “committed to pro- Committees earlier this month. personal finances, his business, and viding appropriate information to all EMILY NICOLLE flagship iPhone began to stabilise in Maxine Waters, chair of the finan- the private information of authorised investigations and will China and wearables and accessories cial services committee, and Adam the president and his abide by a court order regarding such @emilyjnicolle continued to outperform.
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