Intervenor Chesterton Exhibit 2 INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Exi1iib Rrs IURC Caus;~~/~I~~
FILED February 11, 2020 Q ffIC T~ified Direct Testimony of Sharon Darnell · · ·· ,.__, .t · Intervenor Chesterton Exhibit 2 INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSION EXi1iIB rrs IURC Caus;~~/~i~~ STATE OF INDIANA INDIANA UTILITY REGULATORY COMMISSl~RC . .-ek.J-kM IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE ) INTERVE OR'S CITY OF VALPARAISO INDIANA AND )EXHIBITNO.~,-l-----~~ v ALP ARAISO CITY 'UTILITIES ' FOR )·~DA~:T¥E./ ~~-'---;;;RE:;:;'.PO~Rt=riTE~R o- APPROVAL OF A REGULATORY ORDINANCE ) CAUSE NO. 45306 ESTABLISHING A SERVICE TERRITORY FOR ) THE CITY'S MUNICIPAL SEWER SYSTEM ) PURSUANT TO IND. CODE CH. 8-1.5-6 ) VERIFIED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF SHARON DARNELL I. INTRODUCTION 1 Q. Please state your name and occupation. 2 A. My name is Sharon Darnell. I am semi-retired, working on average one day a week 3 in the office ofR.V. Sutton Excavating, located in Chesterton, Indiana. Formerly, I 4 served as full-time office manager of the company. 5 6 Q. What is your position with the Town of Chesterton ("Town" or "Chesterton")? 7 A. I am the current President of the Chesterton Town Council ("Council"). I served on 8 the Council for sixteen (16) years between 2000 and 2016. Prior to serving on the 9 Council, I was a member of the Town of Chesterton Utility Service Board ("USB") 10 from 1998 to 1999. In my prior four (4) terms with the Council, I served in a variety 11 of positions, including Council President, liaison to the USB, and member of the 12 Chesterton Redevelopment Commission. In November of 2019, I was re-elected to 13 the Council, and took office on January 1, 2020, at which time I was selected by 14 the Council to serve as its President.
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