U N I V E R S I T Ä T H E I D E L B E R G WiSe 2016/17 Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen - kommentiert Transcultural Studies (Stand: 11.09.2017) Die ausführliche Darstellung der Veranstaltungen findet sich unter https://lsf.uni-heidelberg.de Transcultural Studies Transcultural Studies In diesem Bereich erscheinen Kurse verschiedener Fakultäten der Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, die sich an einem transkulturellen Ansatz orientieren. Die Lehrveranstaltungen des M.A. Transcultural Studies sind unter der entsprechenden Überschrift aufgeführt. Forschungskolloquien für fortgeschrittene Studierende und DoktorandInnen finden sich unter "Colloquia". M.A. Transcultural Studies Please choose the course listing according to the Examination Rules and Regulations under which you enrolled and are studying. Terms and Regulations of Examination as of WS 2011/12 To know which classes you are supposed to take in a given semester and module please refer to the Description of Modules (as of winter term 2011/12) and the Examination Rules and Regulations ("Prüfungsordnung" from 24.2.2011, last changes 29.7.2015). Academic Writing in English 9719KJC675; Übung; Sprache: Englisch; SWS: 2; LP: 4 Mi; wöch; 16:00 - 18:00, 26.10.2016 - 08.02.2017; Voßstr. 2, 4400 / R 112; Chatterjee, S. Voraussetzung Students are required to register via email to
[email protected] until 21 October 2016. Inhalt This semester-long course offers concrete guidelines and practical strategies for composing and editing academic texts in English. It aims to educate students in the tried-and-true methods of essay writing (thesis development, paragraph construction and composition), which students will apply practically in writing and developing a research paper (10-20 pages of written prose which can be part of a student’s MA thesis, or a paper for another course).