(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0027697 A1 Deo (43) Pub
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US 20120027697A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0027697 A1 Deo (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 2, 2012 (54) PLANT EXTRACTS, COMPOSITIONS CSK 5/00 (2006.01) CONTAINING SAME, AND USES THEREOF C09K 8/584 (2006.01) CIOM 69/04 (2006.01) (76) Inventor: Namita Deo, Newark, NJ (US) CIOL I/O (2006.01) A2.3L. I./22 (2006.01) (21) Appl. No.: 13/017,179 A6IR 36/68 (2006.01) (22) Filed: Jan. 31, 2011 (52) U.S. Cl. ............. 424/58; 424/725; 424/769: 424/59; 424/70.6:510/108; 5.10/344; 510/365; 510/109: Related U.S. Application Data 510/218: 252/380: 252/182.12: 516/10; 106/400; (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 12/729,718, 507/203; 508/110; 44/307:426/615 filed on Mar. 23, 2010. (57) ABSTRACT Publication Classification This disclosure relates to plant extracts selected from Bacopa (51) Int. Cl. plant extracts, Centella plant extracts, Jatropha plant extracts, A 6LX 8/97 (2006.01) Aegle plant extracts, Terminalia plant extracts, Phyllanthus A6 IK 36/23 (2006.01) plant extracts, Spilanthes plant extracts, and mixtures thereof. A6 IK 36/47 (2006.01) compositions containing plant extracts selected from Bacopa A6 IK 36/75 (2006.01) plant extracts, Centella plant extracts, Jatropha plant extracts, A6 IK 36/185 (2006.01) Aegle plant extracts, Terminalia plant extracts, Phyllanthus A6 IK 36/28 (2006.01) plant extracts, Spilanthes plant extracts, and mixtures thereof. A61O 1704 (2006.01) and to the use of these compositions in a variety of applica A61O 19/04 (2006.01) tions including, for example, cosmetic and/or pharmaceutical A61O 19/08 (2006.01) preparations, therapeutic preparations, and personal care A6IP 7/00 (2006.01) preparations. A preferred Bacopa plant extract is obtained A6IP 29/00 (2006.01) from Bacopa monniera, a preferred Centella plant extract is A6IP5/00 (2006.01) obtained from Centella asiatica, a preferred Jatropha plant A6P39/06 (2006.01) extract is obtained from Jatropha curcas, a preferred Aegle A6IP3I/00 (2006.01) plant extract is obtained from Aegle marmelos, a preferred A6IP3I/O (2006.01) Terminalia plant extract is obtained from Terminalia chebula A61O 5/06 (2006.01) or Terminalia bellerica, a preferred Phyllanthus plant extract A61O II/00 (2006.01) is obtained from Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis), CLID 3/382 (2006.01) and a preferred Spilanthes plant extract is obtained from C09K 3/00 (2006.01) Spilanthes acmella (Acmella oleracea). Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2012 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2012/0027697 A1 on 1 microg/ml - -2 microg/ml ----4 microg/ml - 8 microg?ml 200 250 300 350 400 Wavelength, mm FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2012 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2012/0027697 A1 FIG 2 US 2012/0027697 A1 Feb. 2, 2012 PLANT EXTRACTS, COMPOSITIONS 0010. This disclosure also relates in part to cosmeceuti CONTAINING SAME, AND USES THEREOF cally active extracts selected from the group consisting of a Sunless tanning active extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a 0001. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof a patent application Ser. No. 12/729,718, filed Mar. 23, 2010, Sunscreen active extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllan thus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof an ultra BACKGROUND violet radiation protective extract of a Bacopa plant, a Cen tella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia 0002 1. Field of the Disclosure plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures 0003. This disclosure relates to plant extracts selected thereof, an anti-aging active extract of a Bacopa plant, a from Bacopa plant extracts, Centella plant extracts, Jatropha Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant extracts, Aegle plant extracts, Terminalia plant extracts, plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures Phyllanthus plant extracts, Spilanthes plant extracts, and thereof, an anti-wrinkle active extract of a Bacopa plant, a mixtures thereof; compositions containing plant extracts Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia selected from Bacopa plant extracts, Centella plant extracts, plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures Jatropha plant extracts, Aegle plant extracts, Terminalia plant thereof: a moisturizing active extract of a Bacopa plant, a extracts, Phyllanthus plant extracts, Spilanthes plant extracts, Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia and mixtures thereof, and to the use of these compositions in plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures a variety of applications including, for example, cosmetic thereof: a skin soothing active extract of a Bacopa plant, a and/or pharmaceutical preparations, therapeutic prepara Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia tions, and personal care preparations. plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures 0004 2. Discussion of the Background Art thereof: a skin/hair softening active extract of a Bacopa plant, 0005 For many years, plant extracts have been used for a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Termina medicinal and also for cosmetic purposes in various cultures. lia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures New plants are being extracted and the extracts studied for thereof: a skin/hair treatment active extract of a Bacopa plant, their cosmetic and pharmaceutical effects in the search to find a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Termina further plants with a new or different action spectrum. Many lia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures plants whose value was not known and which were regarded thereof, an anti-inflammatory active extract of a Bacopa as exotic and unimportant are now used in the cosmetic and plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a pharmaceutical fields. Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spillanthes plant, or 0006 Today, cosmeceutical preparations are available to mixtures thereof; a cosmeceutical preservative active extract the consumer in a variety of combinations. Consumers not of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, an Aegle only expect these cosmeceuticals to have a certain care effect plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes or to eliminate a certain deficiency, they are also increasingly plant, or mixtures thereof a cosmeceutical stabilizer active demanding products which combine several properties and extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, thus show an improved performance spectrum. There is a an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a particular interest in substances which both positively influ Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof an antioxidant active ence the technical properties of the cosmeceutical product, extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, Such as storage stability, light stability and formulatability, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a and at the same time represent active principles that impart, Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof; a free radical inhibitive for example, caring, moisturizing, irritation-inhibiting, extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, inflammation-inhibiting and/or Sun protection properties to an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a the skin/hair. In addition, consumers demand high dermato Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof; a cleansing active logical compatibility and preferably the use of natural prod extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, uctS. an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a 0007. There is also a general demand for cosmeceutical Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof, an anti-microbial active preparations that, by virtue of their special composition, have extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, high-quality technical properties and which, in addition, are an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a distinguished by additional properties for the skin/hair. These Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof anti-fungal active cosmeceutical preparations should not only be beneficial to extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, consumers, but also should be environmentally friendly, e.g., an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a not a source of synthetic chemical pollution. Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof a hair coloring active 0008. The present disclosure provides many advantages, extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, a Jatropha plant, which shall become apparent as described below. an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyllanthus plant, a Spilanthes plant, or mixtures thereof, and an oral cleaning/ deodoring active extract of a Bacopa plant, a Centella plant, SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE a Jatropha plant, an Aegle plant, a Terminalia plant, a Phyl 0009. This disclosure relates in part to cosmeceutically lanthus plant, a Spillanthes plant, or mixtures thereof. active extracts selected from the group consisting of Bacopa 0011. This disclosure further relates in part to cosmeceu plant extracts, Centella plant extracts, Jatropha plant extracts, tical compositions that contain, in an effective concentration, Aegle plant extracts, Terminalia plant extracts, Phyllanthus at least one of a Bacopa plant extract, a Centella plant extract, plant extracts, Spillanthes plant extracts, and mixtures thereof. a Jatropha plant extract, an Aegle plant extract, a Terminalia US 2012/0027697 A1 Feb. 2, 2012 plant extract, a Phyllanthus plant extract, a Spillanthes plant extract, a Terminalia plant extract, a Phyllanthus plant extract, or mixtures thereof, and at least one cosmeceutically extract, a Spillanthes plant, or mixtures thereof, and (iii) con acceptable carrier.