CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: Patricia Lynn Opresko BUSINESS ADDRESS: University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health Department of Environmental and UPMC Hillman Cancer Center 5117 Centre Avenue, Suite 2.6a Pittsburgh, PA15213-1863 Phone: 412-623-7764 Fax: 412-623-7761 E-mail:
[email protected] EDUCATION AND TRAINING Undergraduate 1990 - 1994 DeSales University B.S., 1994 Chemistry and Center Valley, PA Biology Graduate 1994 - 2000 Pennsylvania State Ph.D., 2000 Biochemistry and University, College of Molecular Biology Medicine, Hershey, PA Post-Graduate 3/2000 - 5/2000 Pennsylvania State Postdoctoral Dr. Kristin Eckert, University, College of Fellow Mutagenesis and Medicine, Jake Gittlen Cancer etiology Cancer Research Institute Hershey, PA 2000-2005 National Institute on IRTA Postdoctoral Dr. Vilhelm Bohr Aging, National Fellow Molecular Institutes of Health, Gerontology and Baltimore, MD DNA Repair 1 APPOINTMENTS AND POSITIONS Academic 8/1/2018 – Co-leader Genome Stability Program, UPMC present Hillman Cancer Center 5/1/2018- Tenured Professor Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, present School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 2/1/2018- Tenured Professor Environmental and Occupational Health, present Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 2014 – Tenured Associate Environmental and Occupational Health, 1/31/2018 Professor Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 2005 - 2014 Assistant Professor Environmental and Occupational Health, Graduate School