ASOS is committed to Fashion With Integrity and as such we have decided to publish our factory list to demonstrate our pledge to transparency. This factory list will be refreshed every three months to ensure that as we go through mapping it is continually up to date. This factory list does not include factories inherited from acquisitions made in February 2021. We are working hard to consolidate this supply base, and look forward to including these additional factories in our factory list once this is complete. Please see our public statement for our approach to the Topshop, Topman, Miss Selfridge and HIIT supply chains presentations/2021/asos-approach-to-the-topshop-topman-miss-selfridge-and-hiit- supply-chains.pdf Please direct any queries to
[email protected] More information can be found in our ASOS Modern Slavery statement V2/ASOS%20Modern%20Slavery%20Statement%202020-21.pdf 31st May 2021 Number of Female Factory Name Address Line Country Department Male Workers Workers Workers 2010 Istanbul Tekstil San Ve Namik Kemal Mahallesi, Adile Nasit Bulvari 151, Sokak No. 161, B Turkey Apparel 150-300 53% 47% Dis Tic Ltd Sti Blok Kat1, Esenyurt, Istanbul, 34520 20th Workshop of Hong Floor 3, Building 16, Gold Bi Industrial, Yellow Tan Management Guang Yang Vacuum China Accessories 0-150 52% 48% District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518128 Technology Co., Ltd. (Nasihai) 359 Limited (Daisytex) 1 Ivan Rilski Street, Koynare, Pleven, 5986