Course FB-26 THE CIVIL WAR AND PRESENT–DAY Lecturer: D. Cipriano Lopez Lorenzo [email protected] Back-up Lecturer: D. Ivan Garcia [email protected]

OBJECTIVES The aim of this Course is to explore the interaction of History and Literature, using as a point of departure an historical event which has had wide-ranging effects upon Spanish literary output: the Civil War of 1936. An overview of the cultural and literary context of the nineteen thirties will be provided, as well as of the evolution of the Civil War and its consequences for Spanish Literature between the nineteen forties and the present day. In this way, what will be sought after is a clearer understanding of the contemporary literary scenario via its development during the second half of the twentieth century.

Methodology A theoretical-practical approach will be adopted in class sessions: the input-lecture on each syllabus point will be enhanced by the discussion of the readings which have been selected.

Syllabus 1. The socio-political context: from Republic to Dictatorship. The antecedents of the Civil War. 2. The Spanish Civil War: literature within and the literature of exile. 3. The Civil War and the contemporary Spanish novel: from the post-war period to the present day. - Narrative written from within exile: La cabeza del cordero by Francisco Ayala. - The Novel in Spain: Los santos inocentes by and La voz dormida by Dulce Chacon. 4. The Civil War and Drama: from the post-war period to the present time. - The drama of protest and grievance: Historia de una escalera by Antonio Buero Vallejo. - New forms of dramatic expression and the universalization of the Civil War: Angelica Liddell and Rodrigo Garcia. 5. The Civil War and Poetry: from the post-war years to the present day. - Miguel Hernandez as a key figure. - Blas de Otero’s social poetry. - The new voices and the poetry of recent years.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Lecturers will provide students with a booklet of the selected texts to be analyzed during class sessions. Nevertheless, given the specific attention that will be paid to certain authors, it is advisable to acquire the following books as compulsory reading: - Francisco Ayala. La cabeza del cordero. : Catedra, the most recent edition. - Miguel Delibes. Los santos inocentes. Barcelona: Planeta, the most recent edition. - Antonio Buero Vallejo. Historia de una escalera. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, the most recent edition. Both the general bibliography and the more specific secondary sources will be provided during the first keynote session of the Course.

COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES - Access to a range of documentary sources linked with the Spanish Civil War: newspapers, magazines, interviews with intellectuals, etc - Two movie sessions: one based on the text of Los santos inocentes and the other an adaptation of Los girasoles ciegos. - The performance of a contemporary play in class.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - Mid-Course exam: 30% - End-of-Course exam: 30% - Active participation during class sessions: 30% - An assignment project, essay, or critical appreciation piece: 10%