Siddur on the Hill
SSiidddduurr oonn tthhee HHiillll For Friday night Shabbat services at HAVURAH ON THE HILL AT THE VILNA SHUL TABLE OF CONTENTS ii. INTRODUCTION 2. CANDLE LIGHTING 3. KABBALAT SHABBAT 20. MA’ARIV 57. MEALTIME PRAYERS 60. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 60. SOURCES This book is a joint work of the following people and is under the copyright (2011) of: Malka Benjamin, Sue Gilbert, Dallas Kennedy, Michal Kennedy, Chelley Leveillee, Deborah Melkin, Robyn Ross, Atara Schimmel, Morris A. Singer, and Georgi Vogel Rosen. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License. The text of this license is available at ( No claim is made to any Hebrew text, nor any other work included herein that is used under license, as noted below. Interpretive readings are used under license. Translations to the following prayers are under the copyright of Rabbi Sam Secol and are used under license: Ana Bakoakh, Barkhu, Maariv Aravim, Ahavat Olam, Shma Yisrael, Ve’ahavta, Vayomer, Ehmeht ve’Ehmuna, Mi Khamokha, Hashkivehnu le’Shalom, ve’Shamru et ha’Shabbat, Tefilat ha’Amidah (holiday sections), Tefilat Ha’Amidah – Shalom, Yihyu Leratzon, Elohei Netzar, Vayikhulu, Al Kehn Nekaveh, Shalom Alekhem, and Kiddush. Rabbi Secol has licensed these translations under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License ( Translations to the following prayers are derived from works under the copyright of Wikipedia and are used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License ( Lekha Dodi, Kaddish, Tefilat ha’Amidah, Magehn Avot, Alehnu Leshabeh’akh, Adon Olam, and Yigdal.
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