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� ������������ 451964-2009 SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS Initiatives announced by � WIDENING ����� US Secretary of State � ������ HORIZONS... Hillary Clinton to curb

� ������� Somali-based maritime piracy.

� ����������� 4 Page 14 2008 ������������������� ������������������� 2009 � ������ 2008

������������������������������������������������������������������� 2009 The Indian Coast ����������������������������������������� Guard is a lean yet efficient and ��������������� visible force ����������������������� ������������������������ ����������������������������������������������� ��������������� who protect the SP's MYB 0809 CVR01.indd 1 4/20/09 3:20:57 PM nation’s interest in the maritime � � � � � � � ������� zones. Issue 3 200 9 ▸ V o l 4 N o 3 “Equipment and training alone will not boost 3Page 11 morale of the armed forces. The welfare of Rs 75.00 (-BASED BUYER ONLY) WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET the armed forces deployed in far-flung remote areas, in deep sea submarines and dense for- est have to be protected. I will take personal interest to improve their service conditions.” —A.K. Antony on taking over as Defence Minister

The last cou- ple of months have been very eventful in the South Asian region. Foremost was the elections in India wherein

� �Indians � � � � � �spoke � in one voice SP’s Exclusive and voted for stability. The UPA has returned to power minus the handicap of the Left. A.K. Antony is back as Defence Minister, which should spell conti- nuity and speedier pace of modernisation. P.C. Chidambaram also made a comeback as Home Minister to fulfill his promise to implement certain security measures within 100 days. Across the borders, the situation in Sri Lanka and Nepal has somewhat stabi- lised, even as Pakistan continues to totter. During interactions with a team from SP Guide Publications, the Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff gave his candid views on a wide range of subjects, from modernisa- tion to fighting piracy. An article on maritime security framework affords a macro view of the current scenario and steps required to establish an impregnable net in India, besides touching upon the Indian govern- ment’s proposals. There is also an article on steps Washington is taking to counter piracy—a task that has President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton involved in framing policy. Growing concerns over coastal secu- rity necessitated information on the Indian , the challenging operations it engages in and an insight into the force’s future plans. A series of interviews features opinions from leaders of the maritime indus- ‘Real-time try and an engrossing account of NASA’s lunar mission. Other informative pieces include a thumbnail sketch of modernisation of the , Defence Budget 2009- 10 and a write up on SP’s participation in IMDEX Asia 2009 held at from networking May 12 to 14. We bring you all the action and more. a major thrust area’ Photographs: Sharad Saxena Sharad Photographs:

Deputy Chief of Naval Staff D.K. Joshi, AVSM, YSM, NM, VSM, inter- acted with Senior Editorial Adviser of SP’s Naval Forces, Rear Admiral (Retd) S.K. Ramsay, to underline, among other issues, the growth potential of the Indian Navy, JAYANT BARANWAL its efforts to harness environmental friendly technologies and indigenous products, PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF and the force’s persistent and continuing efforts to achieve flawless networking.

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 1 SP’s: Considering the long gestation period Independence age was quick to realise acceptable model, we continue to engage for the induction of cutting-edge technolo- that the long gestation periods that would each other’s maritime-security organisational- gies, systems, weapons, and so on, onto naturally accrue as a result of any attempt structures towards this end. naval platforms, how is the navy managing at indigenously building our navy notwith- to ensure its operational readiness? standing, the future lay in indigenisation and SP’s: The past few years have seen a slew of DCNS: The IN remains cognisant of the gal- self-reliance. Our focussed efforts in these naval image-building measures. What is the lop of technology as it changes and shapes aspects over the past several decades are rationale underpinning image-building? our times. As such, the navy is engaged in now bearing fruit. We have achieved an DCNS: Insofar as image-building is con- developing and nurturing a wide spread of extremely high percentage of indigenous cerned, this is basically the art of ‘perception cutting-edge technologies. Carbon-com- content in shipbuilding, especially in propul- management’—the creation and maintenance posites, nano technology, miniaturised high sion systems and anti-submarine sensors. of perceptions that are favourable to India capacity desalination plants, air independent Although the requirement to meet the chal- and the removal or mitigation of percep- propulsion, and so on, are all pertinent exam- lenges of our times is such as to neces- tions that are unfavourable. The ‘perception’ ples in this regard. Even within the limited field sitate the occasional procurement of a few we seek to create and sustain—through the of propulsion fuel, nuclear fuel is important, surface platforms from abroad, we are one maritime segment of our strategic defence but is certainly not the sole attention grabber of the very few navies of the world to have cooperation—is that of a geo-strategically for the IN. For instance, towards achieving a a dedicated Directorate of Ship-Design with and militarily significant but benign power pollution free environment, the IN has taken proven competence and capable of design- whose quintessential characteristic is that it up use of bio-diesels as fuels, particularly ing and producing platforms as varied as is a stabilising force. It is important to bear in for non-combat applications as a ‘Mission missile-armed and/or torpedo/gun-equipped mind that the target-audience of our percep- fast attack crafts, frigates, destroyers and tion-management endeavours is no longer aircraft carriers. We have also increased limited to nation-states alone. On the one our thrust on indigenisation in terms of hand, we have collective entities that are SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s): The Indian Navy weapons and sensor suites. Several proj- today, major powers in their own right. The (IN) has a well-established maritime doc- ects are currently in hand in collaboration ASEAN and the EU are good examples of trine. In what way does this guide the cre- with the DRDO as well as in partnership this kind of ‘major power’. In some cases, ation of the correct force levels? with both, public and private organisations. even major military-blocs, such as the North Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (DCNS): In terms of technology absorption, we have Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), for Doctrinal imperatives form an immutable adopted a two pronged approach—tech- instance, either have already taken over roles sequential process that culminates in build- nology transfer and joint/collaborative ven- and functions that were earlier the prerogative ing force levels. At its apex level, the mari- tures. I must also specify that this pursuit is of individual nation-states, or show a marked time doctrine provides professional and lay not based on our relations with a particular tendency to do so, moulting their earlier skins readers alike with a common lexicon so that country, but is driven by our primary aim of and emerging in new ones. There is one more the mental images and concepts generated ensuring that our best interests are served form of major power that is emerging, a far by specific terms of relevance to matters whilst adhering to the laid down norms of more malevolent, insidious and malignant maritime are made uniform and common, Defence Procurement Procedures. one. I refer here to the rise of the malevo- thus uniting the actions of many diverse ele- lent non-state actor. Even more ominously, ments into a team effort. The IN does not SP’s: Confidence Building Measures the occasional coalescing of the ‘state’ with see itself as a niche player in some larger (CBMs) is an oft-bandied term. How does malevolent ‘non-state’ entities has created alliance. Consequently, its approach to force the navy see the process and development an evil-hybrid that we might describe as the generation is determined entirely by the mari- of CBMs with Pakistan? ‘state-sponsored, non-state actor’. We may time facets of India’s core national interest, abhor and condemn it, but we cannot deny namely, the material, economic and societal that this is a ‘major power’ of today. So, when well-being of the people of India. These mari- we discuss perception management as the time facets are articulated in the form of the for the Nation’. Even though there are no principle tool by which image-building of the country’s maritime interests. Each maritime Government of India regulations with respect IN is sought to be achieved, we must factor interest now generates a set of specific naval to plantations, production and usage of bio- these newer forms of ‘major powers’. The objectives that the IN must achieve in order to diesel fuels, the navy has taken the initiative mechanisms used for perception manage- preserve, protect and promote it. Each objec- and bio-diesel fuels are already being used in ment include both dissuasion and deter- tive, in turn, requires a plan, a strategy by the navy’s premier engineering establishment, rence. It is important to remember that these which it is intended to be achieved—in times the INS Shivaji at Lonavala, near terms are not restricted to WMD or nuclear of peace, tension, and, where applicable, in on non-combat vehicles and generator sets. issues alone. This may be illustrated by the times of conflict. These strategies are then Similarly, in its ongoing efforts aimed at har- ongoing anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of integrated and a resultant overall strategy is nessing environmental friendly technologies, Aden, for instance. Here, the visible and sus- thus derived and finds expression in the clas- the IN is looking at fuel cells as an option for tained presence of warships first dissuades sified and unclassified versions of the docu- its propulsion and power generation needs. Somali fishermen from abandoning fishing ment titled “Freedom to Use the Seas: India’s Similarly, fuel cells have already been suc- in favour of piracy as a means of livelihood. Maritime Strategy”. Having established com- cessfully developed by the Defence Research Thereafter, such fishermen who have already monality of terminology and concept, having and Development Organisation (DRDO) for a abandoned fishing in favour of maritime defined the country’s maritime interests and variety of commercial applications, such as crime are deterred from attempting acts of having determined the strategies required to automobiles, and the IN is working towards piracy, in consideration of the heightened preserve, protect and further these maritime taking the fuel cell to sea. The promise of risks of being caught. The sine qua non for interests, it is only now that the navy deter- technological advances in advanced plat- mines what is needed by way of force-level forms and weapon sensor suites, too, is sub- accretions—the cutting-edge of the sword, stantial. Unmanned surveillance and weapon so to speak. This is what the navy’s classified delivery vehicles, space-based surveillance DCNS: The term CBMs is usually used to Maritime Capability Perspective Plan (MCPP) and position fixing systems, over-the-horizon describe a process that seeks to establish addresses in comprehensive detail, thereby high-frequency radar, three-dimensional radar, norms of military behaviour between two yielding the force levels that will provide the very-low-frequency communication systems, otherwise adversarial entities, so as to pre- requisite capabilities. software defined radio, the integration of com- vent any inadvertent escalation of a given munication and navigation systems, electronic situation. In 1992, for example, India and SP’s: The maritime eminence of a nation warfare suites, a resurgence of lighter-than-air Pakistan signed an agreement that provided is gauged through the prowess of its navy. craft, developments in design, elec- for ‘Advance Notice on Military Exercises, In this context, how do you see the growth tromagnetic catapults for the launch of aircraft Manoeuvres and Troops Movements’. There potential of the IN? from ships, the electromagnetic Rail Gun for have also been occasional attempts in the DCNS: The growth potential of the navy is a extended range gunnery, particle weapons, past to sign an Agreement on the Prevention direct function of the growth of the comprehen- non-lethal weapons for force protection, and of Incidents at Sea (PINCSEA) with Pakistan. sive national power of India and the attendant so on, are all exciting new areas which the This is an agreement drafted on lines similar international responsibilities that the country navy hopes to be able to master and put to to that of the INCSEA agreement between will need to shoulder. As India increases inter- practical use as this century unfolds. the navies of the US and the erstwhile Soviet face with the external environment, the coun- Union, during the Cold War, which was suc- try’s security imperatives have an increasingly SP’s: The mid-1960s witnessed a major shift cessful in averting many situations that might dominant maritime determinant. India’s mari- in the acquisition policy for the IN, result- otherwise have had catastrophic results. In time interests—ranging from the fundamental ing in a transformation of its operational fact, following the Lahore Declaration, the assurance of territorial integrity, to our predomi- profile. Four decades later, yet another shift, Foreign Minister of Pakistan had explicitly nantly seaborne trade, to burgeoning invest- this time through defence cooperation with expressed his desire to promulgate such ments in geographically distant sources of the western world, particularly the US, was an agreement between India and Pakistan. the creation and sustaining of the desired energy and mineral resources, and to the need witnessed. What is your perspective on the However, before any substantial progress perception within the maritime domain is our to provide reassurance and extrication-options blending and optimising of diverse tech- could be made, the Kargil conflict broke demonstration of a perceptible willingness to the huge Indian diaspora—are becoming nologies and what would be its impact on out. The proposal has since then been dis- and ability to deploy, that is, ‘be seen’, on a increasingly central to the economic, material the navy’s operational philosophy? cussed—as part of the India-Pakistan agenda near-continuous basis, throughout our area of and societal well being of her people. Thus, DCNS: The IN is no stranger to blending on Conventional CBMs—on a number of occa- maritime interest. This realisation has brought the growth potential of the navy will remain technologies from diverse sources. Our sions and at a number of levels. Although we about changes in our pattern of naval deploy-

WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET high for the foreseeable future. country’s visionary leadership of the post- have not yet arrived at a viable and mutually ment, which are now, of necessity, sustained

Continued on page 5...

2 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009

INS Airavat commissioned Third of the Shardul Class of ships, it is the most contemporary and fully indigenised Landing Ship Tank (Large) in the Indian Navy

n May 19, Naval Base Vice Admiral Nirmal Verma, respec- Magar Class—the first LST(L)—in her copters. It is fitted with two indigenous witnessed the tively, Commander Manish Sharma, suite of weapons, sensors and indig- WM 18A Rocket Launchers to support commissioning of INS Airavat, Commanding Officer INS Airavat, read enous content. successful amphibious operations. the fifth indigenously built out the Commissioning Warrant. Hoisting With a significantly enhanced weapon The threat from air is dealt with through OLanding Ship Tank (LST-Large) of the of the Naval Ensign onboard for the first package, latest control systems and bet- two indigenous CRN 91 anti-aircraft guns Indian Navy (IN), by Chief of the Naval time and Breaking of the Commissioning ter habitability conditions, Airavat deliv- auto-controlled by optronic sights and Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta. On arrival Pennant with the National Anthem being ers considerable punch and amphibious shoulder launched IGLA SAM. It also at the naval jetty, the Chief Guest was played marked the formal commissioning capabilities to the fighting prowess of has soft kill ability through chaff rockets, received by Vice Admiral Nirmal Verma, ceremony. Induction of INS Airavat adds the IN. The ship can carry 10 main battle which can be used to clutter the sensory Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, thrust to the IN’s ongoing drive for indig- tanks, 11 combat trucks and 500 troops, inputs of an incoming enemy aircraft or . Following enous warship production. and has a considerable range and missile. The ship can be effectively tasked the inaugural and keynote addresses Third of the Shardul Class of ships, endurance at sea. for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster delivered by Rear Admiral (Retd) INS Airavat is the most contemporary Besides undertaking amphibious Relief missions during natural calamities K.C. Sekhar, Chairman and Managing and fully indigenised LST(L) in the IN. operations, the ship is a potent assault like Tsunami, cyclone and earthquake, Director, M/s Garden Reach Shipbuilders As a platform designed for amphibious platform capable of operating both Sea and can operate independently at high and Engineers (GRSE) Limited, and operations, it is a further upgrade on the King 42C and the indigenous Dhruv heli- seas for as long as 45 days.

INS Airavat sails out of the Naval Base Visakhapatnam after commissioning Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta inspects the Ceremonial Guard Photographs: Photographs: IMDEX Asia 2009 A one-stop shop for maritime defence in the Asia-Pacific


irst held in 1997, this time partners year’s edition of IMDEX Firsts by IMDEX Asia 2009 practised the Asia served as a one- • More than 5,500 trade visitors from more than 55 coun- information-shar- stop shop for the latest tries; surpassing the previous attendance of 5,000 ing process and Show Report Warship display at Changi Naval Base Fand the best of maritime defence • It attracted 45 VIP delegations from 36 countries, along validated the links Photograph: technologies and equipment. with 17 chiefs/directors-general of navies, six vice-chiefs between opera- Exclusively dedicated to international and 23 representatives. They were invited by the Republic tion centres. A total of 39 International Liaison over the next two years. According to AMI of Singapore Navy (RSN), IMDEX Asia’s supporting partner. maritime defence and security, focused Officers from 16 countries and maritime secu- International’s estimates, procurement of • The US set up a country pavilion for the first time. There especially on the Asia-Pacific region, the were nine country pavilions in total. rity agencies participated in the exercise. new naval platform and related systems event showcased innovations and devel- • The inaugural International Maritime Security Conference, in South and Southeast Asia over the next opments in the field of surveillance and organised jointly by RSN, IMDEX Asia (Singapore) and the S. Surging Asia-Pacific markets 20 years is still projected to be $100 billion security. Comprising four inter-related Rajaratnam School of International Studies, was attended IMDEX Asia organisers were upbeat as Asia (at 2007 exchange rates). Acknowledging events exhibition, conference, VIP delega- by over 500 delegates Pacific pushes ahead with naval acquisition that its research shows that GDP growth • A warship from Brazil, the NDCC Garcia D’avila, partici- tions programme and visiting warships, programmes. Navies in the Asia-Pacific region in the region is slowing, AMI insists it will pated in the warship display in conjunction with IMDEX the three-day event provided a platform for Asia for the first time have spent $108 billion (Rs 5,17,426 crore) to remain positive for almost every country networking for 36 participating nations. • The first Maritime Information Sharing Exercise was held strengthen submarine and surface combatant in the region’s naval market. “This contin- The expo was inaugurated formally by at RSN’s Changi Command and Control Centre from May platforms and other maritime defence capa- ued growth should be enough to support the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for 11 to 15 bilities. According to US-based naval con- near-term planned naval spending plans in Defence of Singapore, Teo Chee Hean. sultancy AMI International, this expenditure the region,” says Bob Nugent, AMI’s Vice- Addressing the international gathering, he Asia 2009 Warships Display at Changi makes the region the number one global mari- President, Advisory Services. highlighted that contemporary security chal- Naval Base that played host to 20 warships time defence market over the next decade. Recent growing concerns about maritime lenges can no longer be solved by a single from 14 countries invited by the Republic of The region’s expenditure outstrips maritime and coastal security, as well as the safety country or a small group of countries acting Singapore Navy (RSN) to participate in the defence expenditure in both the US and of commercial shipping routes in the region, on its own, and a broader range of actors display from May 12 to 14. Europe where projected naval expenditure is have added urgency to existing plans to and stakeholders has to be co-opted and In conjunction with IMDEX Asia 2009, $105 billion (Rs 5,03,055 crore) and $99 billion enhance regional naval and coast guard engaged. “Only then will we collectively the RSN hosted the inaugural Maritime (Rs 4,74,210 crore), respectively. capabilities. Ocean going patrol and surveil- have the capacity, resources, reach, ideas Information-Sharing Exercise at the new Naval spending in South and Southeast lance, maritime domain awareness and mari- and expertise to resolve common challeng- Information Fusion Centre located in the Asia is expected to remain steady despite time/port security capabilities are expected es,” he said. Later, Teo visited some of the Changi Command and Control Centre. the global economic slowdown, compared to remain procurement priorities for the

WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET foreign warships taking part in the IMDEX Through the exercise, the RSN with its mari- with forecast declines in other markets region’s naval investment.

4 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 ‘Real-time networking a major thrust area’ Continued from page 2 at much larger distances from the Indian coast and for much longer durations of time.

SP’s: Bold initiatives demonstrated by the IN during anti-piracy campaign off the coast of Somalia have highlighted the importance of cooperative engagements. What are your views on the security framework required to effectively deal with such contingencies in a well coordinated manner? DCNS: Currently, Combined Task Force 151 (CTF 151) is conducting anti-piracy tasks in lieu of the Combined Task Force 150, but it is still in the process of building up its warship strength. It is at present led by Turkey and comprises eight combatants drawn from the navies of the US, UK, Turkey, South Korea and Singapore. Then there are the six ships and three of the European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR), which is engaged in execution of Operation Atlanta until December 2009 and perhaps beyond that date as well. NATO is the third multilateral construct in the area, although it maintains a periodic rather than a sustained presence. Ships of the ‘Standing NATO Maritime Group 1’ are currently progressing Operation Allied Provider in the Gulf of Aden. For our part, we continue to encourage the navies that con- stitute the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) movement that we need to put in place a regional multilateral option to all these extra- regional constructs. It seems faintly ludicrous that a solution to this regional problem should be being attempted by everyone except the region itself! In the interim, the IN is currently the establishment of a Regional Coordination to render assistance to civil power, in times cutting edge for the force? engaged in what we might call coordinated Centre. The second meeting of this working of disasters and calamities afflicting the DCNS: We have no doubt that networking will rather than combined anti-piracy missions. We group was held in London in May. civil populace. Among the more obvious be the key to maritime operations in the 21st have, of course, done a few combined patrols • Working Group 2 is chaired by Denmark examples would be the devastation caused century. We already have extremely potent as well—two with the French Navy and one and, with the active support of the UN Office by the Tsunami of December 2004, cyclones weapons and platforms. Additional surface, with the Russians. However, our deployments on Drugs and Crime and addresses judicial and periodic floods that occur each year in air and sub-surface combatants, such as since October 2008 have fundamentally been aspects of piracy. different parts of the country, search, rescue the Vikramaditya, the lAC and MiG-29K, are independent, albeit coordinated, efforts. To • Working Group 3 is chaired by the US and salvage operations during accidents under procurement. We would require to achieve coordination, we interact very closely and, with the active support of the IMO and and/or terrorist activities, and so on. At the network and synergise their individual abili- with the other navies in the area, whether (like addresses measures to strengthen shipping international level—whether regional or extra- ties to be able to generate a force-multiplying the US Navy, the French Navy and the British self-awareness and other capabilities regional—the Benign Role merges into the capability. In essence, we need to graduate Royal Navy) they are functioning as part of • Working Group 4 is chaired by Egypt and Diplomatic Role. Cooperative mechanisms for to effects-based operations by networking all one or another combined task force, such as addresses measures to improve diplomatic the speedy, effective and humane application Indian naval platforms and structures within the CTF 151 or the EUNAVFOR, or whether and public information efforts on all aspects of maritime power for regional humanitarian our areas of maritime interest. Achieving they are operating as single-country assets, of piracy. assistance and disaster relief operations form real-time situational awareness is essential like the Russian Navy or the Japan Maritime So for us a UN-flag multilateral grouping an obvious and important facet of Benign because the concept of Network Centric Self Defence Force, or for that matter, the is always going to be our option-of-choice. In Role. Yet, it took the Tsunami of 2004 to drive Warfare is centred upon the ‘massing of Chinese Navy. We are conscious of the many the interim, while remaining open to carefully this home with telling effect. With the more effects’ as opposed to the ‘massing of force’. advantages that accrue from being in a multi- examining other options, we seek to enhance recent examples of the Yogyakarta earth- Moving further ahead on the same train of lateral grouping. These range from enhanced the effectiveness of our coordination with other quake in Indonesia, Cyclone Sidr that struck logic, it would be clear that various networks maritime domain awareness, greater intel- likeminded navies. Bangladesh in November of 2007, and the of the navy, as also those of the army, the ligence consolidation, superior monitoring devastation caused by Cyclone Nargis as it air force and paramilitary forces, such as and analysis and, perhaps most important of tore through the Irrawady delta, causing wide- the coast guard and the BSF, have compat- all, enhanced credibility vis-à-vis merchant spread death and destruction in Myanmar in ibility features built into them right from the shipping, through a well recognised, widely May of last year, the criticality of the navy’s design stage for the subsequent exchange promulgated and centralised command and Benign Role is obvious. Similarly, the wide- of real-time information. As a navy, we are control mechanism. The pattern of our own spread publicity that was accorded to the developing our networking in two segments. engagement is, consequently, a dynamic regionally-inclusive evacuation undertaken in One is a shore-based segment where all our issue that is constantly being reviewed by the July 2006, when warships of the Indian Navy shore facilities are being networked in which various elements of our government. At the moved as many as 2,280 nationals of India, we have already made significant progress. grand level of multilateral engagement, the Sri Lanka, Nepal, Lebanon and even Greece This includes the networking of logistics, United Nations (UN) and its maritime organ, to safety from war-ravaged Lebanon, makes material, medical and human resources. The the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), it unnecessary to expound unduly upon the other segment is at sea, wherein our ships, has been growing steadily more alarmed, as advantages of having succour and extrica- submarines and aircraft are being networked may be seen from the flurry of UN Security tion options available to non-combatants with each other and with the shore segment. Council Resolutions that have recently been and civilians—even in distant lands. As we We have made good progress over the last passed. Pursuant to the UN Security Council move IONS up to speed, the Benign Role will few years and now have a fairly impressive Resolution 1851, the US took the lead in try- become increasingly central. We can draw in-house capability, designed by our own ing to organise governments to coordinate lessons from the efforts of the USNS Mercy, young and bright officers. However, we need anti-piracy efforts. These efforts resulted in as also those of the USS Pelelieu, both of to quickly graduate to satellite-based broad- the conceptualisation of the Contact Group which offer vivid examples of the enormous band capability, which will cater to navy-wide on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS), SP’s: The IN has adequately demonstrated its goodwill that can be generated and the suc- network-centric operations. Our network- which first met on January 14, at the UN capabilities by extending security cover to cour that can be provided through multina- centric operations envisage collaborative Secretariat, New York and is holding its friendly nations, conducting peace-keeping tional, maritime humanitarian assistance mis- operations and decision making and, most second meeting very shortly. The CGPCS is operations, evacuating from battle zones, sions. The IN has been actively involved in importantly, cooperative engagement. The required to report its progress periodically relief and rehabilitation assistance during and strongly supportive of all such missions, system will comprise a number of integrated to the UN Security Council, as also provide natural calamities and disasters, and so on. contributing skilled medical and engineering elements, such as command centres, com- inputs by way of information to the UN What further improvements should be incor- support manpower for the past three years. munication infrastructure, applications, secu- Secretary General for possible incorporation in porated in the system and the core compe- There is certainly scope for this benign activi- rity overlays, standards, protocols, and so on. his reports to the Security Council. Four work- tency of IN? ty to be replicated in the Indian Ocean littoral. In terms of doctrine development, we have a ing groups—in which all CGPCS parties could DCNS: Like most major navies, the IN func- joint doctrine already in place, and each ser- participate—have been established so as to tions in four characteristics roles: the Military SP’s: Net Centric Warfare, Integrated vice, too, has its own doctrine that fleshes out address specific focus areas. All four working Role, the Diplomatic Role, the Policing (or Command, Control, Communications, service specific aspects of the Joint Doctrine. groups have held their inaugural meetings Constabulary) Role, and, the Benign Role. Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Having said this, we do realise that the road and the prognosis is encouraging. We often depict these roles as a four-sided Reconnaissance, System of Systems and to a fully networked capability is a long and • Working Group 1 is chaired by the UK, with pyramid, constructed around the central Global Information Grid have all added new arduous one. Consequently, the comprehen- the active support of the IMO and addresses issue of the use of the sea. The benign role dimension to naval operations. What is the sive real-time networking of all units, ashore activities related to (a) military and operational needs little elaboration. Like the army and IN’s perspective on these emerging con- and afloat, would remain a major thrust area coordination, (b) information sharing, and (c) the air force, the navy has often been called cepts and how are these planned to obtain during the XI and XII Plan periods.

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 5 Framework

time Security for India In the US, post-9/11, the entire homeland security apparatus was revamped and established with

M a r i alacrity. A similar momentum is required to establish India’s Maritime Security Framework.


ost the 26/11 terror attack in the respective Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C). Mumbai, Kargil Review Committee The JOCs are to be manned and operated reports on ‘Reforming the National jointly by the IN and the coast guard, with Security System’ and ‘Border requisite inputs from diverse agencies. PSecurity Management’ were pulled out • The respective naval C-in-C will hold from the archives and taken up for priority additional responsibility as C-in-C, Coastal consideration by the government. Nearly a Defence. decade ago the Group of Ministers (GoM) • A National Command, Control, on Reforming the National Security System, Communication and Intelligence Network while addressing all issues relevant to secu- would be established for real-time Model- rity management for coastal borders, had Driven Architecture (MDA) linking the opera- made the following recommendations: tions rooms of the IN and the coast guard, • Resolve all border issues with neighbours both at the field and the apex levels. Pakistan, Bangladesh and China • The IN will control all joint operations of the • Set up marine police stations in all coastal navy and coast guard. states • Assets, such as ships, boats, , • Establish coastal radar chains for exten- aircraft and so on, as also the manpower of sive surveillance the coast guard will be increased. • Enhance presence of the coast guard sta- • A specialised force, the , tions comprising 1,000 personnel and tasked with • Form an apex body for management of protecting naval assets and bases on both maritime security affairs for institutional link- the east and west coasts as well as island ages between the navy, coast guard and territories, is to be created. several ministries and agencies of the cen- • As many as 80 fast interception crafts tral and state governments for formulation of (FICs) will be procured for sea front patrolling policies and to regulate maritime security. by this force. Even a cursory glance through the rec- • A new Coast Guard Regional HQ will be ommendations, reveal no cognisable prog- set up in Gujarat, under the newly created ress even as an effective mechanism for post of Commander, Coast Guard Region coastal surveillance and security remain a (COMCG), North-West, to look after surveil- far-fetched dream. Hectic parleys post 26/11 lance off the coast of Gujarat, Daman and prompted vigorous revamp of the maritime Diu. security framework, along with creation of • Vessel and Air Traffic Management commensurate assets, infrastructure, human Systems will be installed by the Ministry of resources, and so on, as expeditiously as Petroleum to cover all offshore development possible. areas, as has already been done in the west- Most significant aspect of the identi- ern offshore region. fied framework was creation of the post • The has been addi- of Maritime Security Adviser, a three-star tionally designated as the authority respon- Vice Admiral from the IN, and the Maritime sible for coastal security within the territorial Security Board. The latter was to be drawn waters, including areas to be patrolled by the from various ministries, security agencies coastal police. and services, duly supported by a secre- • The Director General Coast Guard is tariat comprising one Rear Admiral, five designated as the Commander Coastal Commodores, 15 officers of the rank of Command and made responsible for overall Captain (IN) and below, and 45 personnel. coordination between central and state agen- cies in all matters relating to coastal security. Salient features • The setting up of nine additional coast While several loopholes persisted, a slew of guard stations to integrate into the ‘hub-and- sanctions were accorded on top priority to spoke concept’ with coastal police stations provide the desired impetus and render the along with manpower. maritime security framework a visibly vibrant • The proposal for setting up of Static and responsive system. Following its approv- Coastal Radar Chain and a comprehensive al by the Cabinet Committee on Security network chain of Automatic Identification in mid-February, the salient features of the System stations along the entire coast as well comprehensive package announced by the as island territories has been approved. Defence Minister comprised the following: Of the approved schemes, the IN would • The IN is responsible for overall maritime form the 1,000-strong Sagar Prahari Bal and security, including both coastal and offshore 80 FICs. The Sagar Prahari Bal would not be security. The coast guard, state marine police a specialised force of the kind as the Marine and other central and state agencies are to Commandos, but would be equipped with assist the IN in bolstering coastal defence. the seamanship and security related skills, to

Photograph: Photograph: www. • Four Joint Operations Centres (JOC) are to be deployed exclusively on coastal security be established at Mumbai, Visakhapatnam, duties. The sanction has been accorded for Talwar Class ship WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET and under the jurisdiction of creation of this specialised force on the lines

6 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 Wanted: Impetus To modernise the IN, it is most essential to kick-start the numerous programmes and schemes QUOTE UNQUOTE that are at present lying dormant Despite several revisions and refinement in Defence Procurement Procedures, various approved schemes and projects for all three ‘Tactical maritime patrol Services have bogged down for one reason or the other. In case of the Indian Navy (IN) numerous important and prestigious projects have encountered unprecedented delays, adversely impacting upon the approved plans for force level development. This phenom- enon has affected all programmes across the board, including the indigenous and direct acquisition from abroad. Serious mismatch system for the IN, ICG’ between the procurement cycle and the budget management are not the only imponderables even procurement process and the approved cycle have not been adhered to. Robert A. Bushnell An exhaustive list of programmes, projects and acquisition cases is languishing for lack of desired impetus. Some of the most Director, Strategic International important ones are: • Prestigious project of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov Business Development Space and • Lease of Akula Class nuclear powered submarine Airborne Systems, Raytheon • Additional MiG-29K aircraft for carrier borne operations • Additional three ships of Talwar Class from Russia SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s): Does the • Additional Kamov 31 AEW helicopters from Russia maritime section of Raytheon have a • Multi-role helicopters ‘Look India’ policy? • Medium Range Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft Robert A. Bushnell (Bushnell): India • Multi Mission Maritime Aircraft is very important to us. We have a huge • Mine Counter Measure Vessels marketing campaign in India. We are trying • Deep Submergence Rescue Vessels to market our tactical maritime patrol sys- • Follow on Project 15B, Shivalik Class of ships tem to both the Indian Navy and the Indian • Project 75, indigenous submarine construction programme Coast Guard. • Special Operations Vehicles • Naval Off-shore Patrol Vessels SP’s: Are Raytheon’s maritime and na- • Cadets Training Ships val systems and solutions as popular

• Fast Interceptor Crafts; 80 in number as those for the army and air force? Surveillance aircraft ASTOR in flight Photographs: Raytheon • Coastal Static Radar/Sensor Chain Bushnell: Raytheon produces advanced • Mid Life Upgrade of Kamov 28 helicopters maritime solutions. The Maritime Mission Centre is a 768,000 sq ft multi-discipline manufacturing, engineering and pro- • Mid Life Upgrade for Sea King helicopters gramme support facility employing close to 1,600 employees. The centre is dedicated to the development and delivery of • Advanced Towed Array Sonars highly capable, advanced naval and maritime solutions for US and allied navies. We are not restricted to the US market and Besides the major projects, there is a long list of equipment and hardware which end up holding back the progress of mid life upgrade and modernisation packages of a large number of in-service ships and submarines. In fact, owing to mismatch in avail- our products are used worldwide. ability of the equipment, sensors in time for installation and the time schedules for completion of modernisation, work packages SP’s: Apart from India, which other Asian countries are you targeting? are reviewed mid-way to curtail its scope and some times defer many important segments to the next cycle of modernisation. Such Bushnell: Sri Lanka and Pakistan. disjointed situations adversely affect the operational capabilities of ships and submarines. Providing desired impetus to the modernisation plan of the IN is most essential to kick-start numerous dormant programmes SP’s: What is the scope of the Surface Search Radar (SSR) being acquired by the Asian navies? and schemes. Considering that the new government, recently installed, has declared enhanced zeal, dedication, commitment and Bushnell: The AN/SPS-73 SSR is an advanced navigation and surveillance system. Its radar, processors and displays combine honesty to address all of maritime security related issues, most of the above mentioned schemes and projects eminently qualify for commercial, off-the-shelf products and specialised technologies to create powerful navigational awareness. Integrated data inclusion in 100-day plan. Not just the priority in clearing and sanctioning the projects, removing all bottlenecks and delay-mechanism from its own ship sensors provides SSR operators with a comprehensive view of the maritime environment. The SSR system which hinder the programme execution, needs to be addressed in right earnest. meets or exceeds International Maritime Organization requirements and Radar Technical Commission for Maritime Services requirements for an automatic radar plotting aid.

SP’s: Is this restricted by ship size? of Rashtriya Rifles, to remain an integral high on the agenda of the government post Bushnell: Designed for both small and large ship applications, the SSR’s shipboard configurations have been tested in opera- part of the IN. Its initial induction would be Mumbai 26/11, tional use by the US Coast Guard. These configurations are being installed to replace the current navigational radars on US from within the IN on an incremental basis, • Role clarity and functional responsibilities Navy and Coast Guard ships and patrol craft. I am sure it will be as successful for Asian navies and coast guards. We are not till the sanctioned strength stabilises, as a of a large number of agencies at various wedded to any single airplane solution. Our product can be placed on any platform. Also we can ensure that it is tailor-made separate branch of the IN. levels, to customer’s demand. • Creation of legal and enabling framework SP’s: What are the commercial applications of the SSR, if any? Going ahead full steam for an effective MDA and security, Bushnell: Yes, absolutely. Commercial customers, as well as US and foreign government organisations, use land-based SSR Gestation period for creation and acquisi- • Institute measures to regulate fishing and configurations for Vessel Traffic Service applications. For increased safety and efficiency, the US Coast Guard uses SSR to moni- tion of infrastructure, sanctioned force harbour traffic, tor commercial shipping in US ports and waterways. SSR is also a key sensor for Coastal Surveillance System applications, such level, equipment, hardware and, more • Declaration of ‘no-fishing zones’ around as monitoring territorial coastlines and Economic Exclusion Zones in support of law enforcement operations. Other countries importantly, a specialised force, would Vital Areas , Vital Positions, Offshore can also do the same. indeed be depressingly inordinate owing to Developmental Areas and inside port limits, several imponderables. The order books of and —By Sangeeta Saxena in Paris the defence shipyards are full for the next • Formation of state maritime boards by 10 years, hence induction of 80 FICs from coastal states and Union Territories for indigenous sources would not be possible minor ports development and security of radars and intelligence-sharing, were terrorism, drug trafficking, and so on, have within a short span. Likewise, surveillance issues. reviewed at the meeting. added another dimension to the growing equipment and systems from defence Earlier this year, stressing on the need challenges of maritime security, calling PSUs would also not be forthcoming within Emerging threat scenario for strengthening maritime security, Chief for global deliberations to institute special the desired timeframe. The acquisition pro- Anticipating adverse implications on of the Naval Staff and Chairman Chiefs of measures to counter the increasing security cess itself is complex and time consuming, coastal security in the wake of Sri Lanka’s Staff Committee Admiral Sureesh Mehta threats. with inherent imbalances within the pro- decisive crackdown on the Liberation had observed that maritime power was Increasing instances of piracy have curement cycle, financial and the budget- Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on May 11, “not the navy alone”, but that it was a revealed yet another threat dimension to ing processes. Defence Minister A.K. Antony called for more comprehensive concept, covering maritime security. Peculiarities in the mari- Innovative measures such as wet-lease, a top level review. During the high level all elements of national power—military, time environment have further complicated outright off-the-shelf procurement on com- deliberation, attended by Chief of the Naval economic, technological and scientific—all the piracy issue with respect to jurisdic- mercial specifications would need to be Staff, Defence Secretary, Home Secretary, of which have a relationship, direct or indi- tion and provided certain leeway in which, instituted, lest the fate of GoM recommen- Director General Coast Guard and many rect, with the maritime domain. India has these elements have operated with relative dations is re-visited. Perhaps an ‘empow- witnessed a surge in economic activities all freedom. While the UN has responded with ered committee’ under the DG Acquisition, around its coastline in terms of ports and a series of resolutions allowing and encour- MoD would need to be set up with a man- ▸▸▸ Chief of the Naval Staff harbours, infrastructure, Special Economic aging member states to continue fighting date for a fast-track procurement of the and Chairman Chiefs of Staff Zones, industrial activities and offshore pirates off the coast of Somalia, nations FICs to commercial specifications and with- Committee Admiral Sureesh exploration. There was a discernible shift have sought to keep the menace under in a well defined time-frame from the known in the centre of economic growth from the check by pooling in their resources. Indian sources. Similar system would need to be Mehta had earlier observed continental heartland to the ‘littoral’, and it warships drew first blood in this hostile positioned for boats, helicopters, aircraft that maritime power was “not could be assumed that as time progressed, environment and were globally applauded etc for the Coast Guard, as also for the vital India would develop a robust maritime for bold and daring initiatives. surveillance equipment and devices for the navy alone”, but covered outlook. The oceans and their exploitation In the US, post-9/11, the entire home- Static Coastal Radar Chain, AIS stations, all elements of national would significantly impact almost every land security apparatus was revamped and networking and real-time data flows. facet of national life—trade, energy, exploi- established with alacrity. A similar momen- Of paramount importance is the inte- power—military, economic, tation of marine resources for livelihood tum is required to establish India’s Maritime gration and operationalisation of newly technological and scientific ◂◂◂ as well as economic benefits, maritime Security Framework. Massive mandate acquired assets, force levels and network- diplomacy, access to far-flung areas of the recently reposed with the government ing of the National Command, Control and globe for humanitarian efforts, development which has initiated this process, must be Intelligence for real-time linking of JOCs other senior officials, Antony underlined of shipping, shipbuilding and ports, as well used to operationalise it without any loss for actionable data at various levels and the need to maintain constant vigil to pre- as coastal infrastructure, and indeed, mari- of time. between multi-faceted and multi-disciplin- vent any attempts by LTTE to enter India time security all in its varied dimensions. If the fall out of deteriorating security ary agencies and services. The revamped through porous borders. He also repeat- The world has witnessed alarming scenario in our neighbourhood is to be maritime security framework, however, still edly emphasised on the necessity to plug deterioration in the maritime security pre-empted, it would be highly essential to does not seem complete in many ways. all loopholes in the coastal security network environment, over the past decade, or include the subject at the top of 100-day Expeditious resolution of the following vital within a definite time frame, by all con- so. Prominent lessons learnt post-9/11 agenda being finalised by the new govern- and residual issues with the urgency they cerned agencies. The coordinated arrange- highlighted the possibility of ships being ment. Needless to say, while doing so all deserve is most essential: ments for security of offshore platforms, used as convenient carriers of weapons of of vital and residual issue would require a • A holistic approach to formation of an vessel identification system, identity cards mass destruction and such other danger- holistic view to resolve them effectively and apex federal maritime agency, which was for fishermen, project to install a chain ous devices and substances. Maritime on a permanent basis.

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 7 ‘Navantia

I n t e r v i e w ready to meet IN requirements’ Navantia President Juan Pedro Gómez Jaén elaborates on the company’s efforts to become a sound and reliable

Photographs: Photographs: Navantia partner for Indian defence

SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s): Briefly, map a his- SP’s: What is your policy on strategic alli- in other associated land and air weapons ▸▸▸ “We have designed and torical perspective on the emergence and ances to further improve shipbuilding and systems? growth of Navantia Shipyard to its current quality and gain an edge over competition Jaén: We do have areas of expertise for developed one of the most global status. vis-à-vis other shipyards in Europe and the land systems. We have a diesel engines advanced Integrated Platform Juan Pedro Gómez Jaén (Jaén): Navantia world industry? factory that has manufactured diesel Management Systems that is was created in March 2005 by the Spanish Jaén: Navantia is developing a policy of col- engines and gear boxes for many of the government. Specialising in the design, laboration with other domestic and foreign vehicles of the Spanish Army, including fully operational on board all construction and integration of military ships, companies through strategic product allianc- MBTs, and this is an area for future devel- the new generation ships of the company is 100 per cent owned by the es for the design and sale of projects and opment. We also have manufactured the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Finance. is actively participating in innovation using Fire Control Systems of the anti-air weapons the Spanish Navy and in the The company directly inherited more than internationally recognised technologies. of the Spanish Air Force, and this is another Norwegian Frigates.” ◂◂◂ 250 years of experience in the construction, These product alliances include surface area of possible cooperation. maintenance and conversion of Spanish ships and submarines. when it comes to offering a fully integrated Navy ships. After four years, it is one of the SP’s: In the field of Combat Management solution. Moreover, we have designed leading international companies able to SP’s: Can you highlight the shipbuilding System, what are the innovations and the and developed one of the most advanced undertake new projects and carry out life- product range and the details of projects levels of excellence achieved to enhance Integrated Platform Management Systems cycle maintenance and total ship moderni- executed for the European navies, as also combat performance? that is fully operational on board all the new sation. It is one of the very few companies other navies of the world? Jaén: Our Systems Division, FABA, has generation ships of the Spanish Navy and that has a complete capacity in the fields of Jaén: Navantia’s orderbook is: been fully responsible for the command in the Norwegian Frigates, plus the AWD • One LHD, four S-80 submarines, one F-100 and control of the Aegis combat System Destroyers for Australia, and this is another ▸▸▸ “We are already working Destroyer (of a series of five), one Combat on board our F-100 destroyers and has important asset of any Navantia project. very closely with MDL in the Support Ship and four Maritime Action Ships performed the integration of all major (OPVs) for the Spanish Navy, plus Spanish electronic equipment on board SP’s: How do you perceive market condi- Scorpene submarine • Two LHDs and three F-100 Air Warfare these ships and this is another added value tions in India for introduction of your programme... We have a wide Destroyers for Australia, that Navantia can bring into the picture prime products, facilities and services? • Two F-310 Frigates (of a series of five) for range of products that can be Norway, interesting for the Indian Navy • One Scorpene Submarine (of a series of Sizing up the S-80 two) for Malaysia, and are ready to start work.” ◂◂◂ Designed by Navantia, the S-80 is based on a new concept, de- • AIP fuel-cells power: 300 kW. Supplied by UTC Fuel- Cells Co. • Engineering/technology transfer for six signed to be air-independent propulsion (AIP) ideal for launching Scorpene submarines for India, and, a wide variety of weapons as also to accommodate and deploy Weapons handling & launching system design, construction, combat system inte- • Eight patrol ships for Venezuela. special forces. Remarkable improvements and distinguishing • Six Torpedo Launch Tubes with positive discharge system. gration and integrated platform command characteristics have conditioned the shape, arrangement and • Semi-automated Weapon Handling System and control, as well as the ability to deliver SP’s: Do you have a structured framework size of the submarine, which are clearly different from the other • Stowage System for various weapon types. conventional types available in the market. Weapons: The submarine has been designed for the DM2A4 fully operational vessels. for collaboration for submarine construc- Equipped to achieve maximum stealth capabilities, mi- torpedo from Atlas Elektronic, Sub-Harpoon anti-ship mis- tion with any other European country? nimising the principal sources of noise (radiated, self noise, siles, and Tomahawk land attack missiles. Mines can also be SP’s: What are the shipyard’s infrastructure, If so, what are the projects successfully cavitation and airborne) and the different non-acoustic sig- discharged. The contract for the missiles supply has not been equipment potential and R&D capabilities? accomplished so far and what is the future natures (optical, magnetic—a degaussing system is fitted, signed at the present date. Jaén: Navantia’s facilities, technology, perspective in this field? electric, electromagnetic, infrared, pressure and wake), the AIP: The AIP system for the S-80 is under development by knowhow and human resources are fully Jaén: We have a consortium with the French S-80 is capable of diving deeper and for longer than any Navantia in close collaboration with various partners. The other conventional submarine. It incorporates a high level type of AIP is based on a new generation of fuel cells, devel- transferred from former Bazán and IZAR. company, DCNS, for the Scorpene subma- of system redundancy to achieve an improved endurance oped by UTC, fed by reformed bio-ethanol. Navantia has strategically situated pro- rines and it has been very successful until availability (more than 240 days per year) and can be oper- Combat System: The combat system is designed in a 50 per duction centres in the Ferrol Estuary, the now. The consortium has already delivered ated by a crew of 32. cent joint venture between Navantia and Lockheed Martin. Cartagena basin and the Bay of Cádiz, two submarines for Chile, is currently build- The sensors are a new generation under development by EDO specialising in new constructions as well ing the second submarine for Malaysia, as Missions Co and include cylindrical array sonar, mines avoidance sonar, as ship repairs. These shipyards are fully well as the design and technical assistance • Anti-submarine warfare flank array sonar, predicted range sonar and acoustic interceptor • Anti-surface warfare array combined with own noise monitoring and collision avoid- equipped with slipways and docks with for the construction of the six submarines • Littoral power projection (land attack) ance capability. In addition, the S-80 has a towed array sonar sufficient capacity to meet the Navy’s stra- for India currently being built by Mazagon • Intelligence gathering developed by the Spanish company SAES. tegic requirements. Navantia has 5,500 Shipyard. All in all, a very good track record • Surveillance The Command and Control System has seven MFCC with: employees, 600 of them are design engi- and the foundations for a good joint future. • Mine laying WECDIS/AIS capability, Combat system processing hardware neers, and devotes an important effort to • Deterrence inside, Video compression/decompression SW/HW (MPEG4), R & D as the key to competitiveness and SP’s: Have you diversified your strength • Special Operations Integrated Audio digital recording system, Large tactical display, product differentiation. areas, technical skill-sets and expertise and Gigabite Ethernet redundant switch cabinet. Vital Stats The Combat system is integrated with Underwater Sur- Overall Length: 71 m veillance and Weapon Control, Optronic periscope, Attack Notes on Navantia Pressure hull diameter: 7.3 m periscope, LPI radar, ESM, and Torpedo Countermeasure System Mean Draft: 6.2 m operation from any MFCC. Navantia represents advancement, naval activity and modernity, but also inherits more than 260 years of experience in construction, Overall Height (mast lowered): 13.7 m maintenance and conversion of the Spanish Navy’s ships. Activities include naval construction, propulsion and energy, ship repairs, Submerged displacement: 2,400 t Command & Control capabilities military and civil platform control systems as well as weapons. It is one of very few companies to boast a complete capacity in the Operating depth: > 300 m • Multi-sensors track management fields of design, development, production, integration and integrated logistic platform support, propulsion and naval combat systems, • Target motion analysis, algorithm depending of C&C supplier as well as the ability to deliver fully operational vessels. Navantia also has an enviable product list in military and coast guard vessels Performance • Classification and identification and an enormous capacity for undertaking new projects. • Mission endurance: 50 days for 32 crew plus eight SOF. • Sound velocity profiles management Navantia has strategically situated production centres in the Ferrol Estuary, Cartagena and the Bay of Cádiz. Specialising in new • Endurance range submerged/snorting: 6,400 nm at 8 • Acoustic propagation analysis constructions as well as ship repairs, all three shipyards are fully equipped with slipways and docks with sufficient capacity to meet knots SOA • Own submarine detection capability and counter-detection risk the navy’s strategic requirements • Endurance range with AIP endurance: 8,500 nm • Tactical evaluation • AIP endurance > two weeks • Tactical planning Star products • Maximum speed > 19 knots • Weapon control and assignment • S-80 submarines, the most modern conventional submarine in the world • Main Electric Motor: 3,500 kw. Spanish permanent magnet • Training • F-100 frigates, equipped with the AEGIS system motor supplied by GAMESA- Cantarei. • Recording, integrated into the MFCC by removable commer- • LHD amphibious ships, as “Juan Carlos I” for the Spanish Navy. • Diesel Generators: 3 x 1140 kW DG sets . cial digital media WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET

Continued on page 9...

8 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 FUEL To Drive GROWTH Hopefully, the full capital allocation for 2009-10 will be

Defencespent, Budget with additional demands made and granted by the

government, as was promised in the Interim Budget Sonal Ratan Illustraion:


resenting India’s Budget for 2009-10 The largest share is taken by the stores with ▸▸▸ As in every year, Rs 7,000 on July 6, Finance Minister Pranab an anticipated expenditure of Rs 3,202 crore Mukherjee put to rest apprehensions (about 38 per cent), followed by pay and crore was returned by the armed in the defence industry of a cutback allowances expenditure of Rs 2,850 crore forces, out of the total allocation Pby ensuring the total allocation for defence (about 34 per cent). stayed put at Rs 1,41,703 crore (approximate- Capital Budget: Allocation for the rev- of Rs 48,007 crore, for capital ly $28 billion) as had been announced in the enue expenditure is Rs 11,873 .739 crore expenditure in 2008-09 ◂◂◂ Interim Budget. At 2.35 per cent of the GDP (approximately $2.4 billion) which includes and an increase of 34 per cent over 2008-09, budgetary support for land, construction, in real terms, the increase works out to 23 aircraft and aero engines, heavy and medi- the operations rooms of the IN and the coast per cent over the revised estimates of 2008- um vehicles, naval fleet, naval dockyards guard, both at the field and the apex levels, 09. This includes Rs 54,824 crore for capital and other equipment. The navy has some will also be established. expenditure as against Rs 41,000 crore in the major payments to be made, for instance, • Assets like ships, boats, helicopters, air- revised estimates for 2008-09. “The decision for the escalated price of INS Vikramaditya craft and so on, as well as manpower of the For revenue expenditure, on account of (formerly Admiral Gorshkov) and lease IN and coast guard, will be increased. its size the has received the (to hike pensions) will of Russian nuclear submarine. While the • The IN is getting a new specialised major share of 41 per cent, amounting to Rs Finance Minister told Parliament that the force—the Sagar Prahari Bal—comprising 58,648 crore (approximately $11.9 billion), benefit more than 12 lakh final price for INS Vikramaditya is still 1,000 personnel for protecting naval assets with the Indian Navy (IN) being allocated Rs jawans and JCOs (Junior being decided on, media reports quoted and bases on both the east and west coasts 8,322 crore (approximately $1.7 billion) and top officials who claimed the haggling has and the Island territories. the (IAF) Rs 14,318 crore Commissioned Officers). finally ended with India confident “the total • 80 Fast Interception Crafts will be pro- (approximately $2.9 billion). However, in Certain benefits being cost for Gorshkov’s refit will be pegged cured for sea front patrolling by this force. the case of capital expenditure, Rs 20,000 somewhere around $2.2 billion (Rs 10,715 • A new Regional HQ will be set up in crore (approximately $4.08 billion) has been extended to war wounded crore)”. Funds are required for ongoing Gujarat under the newly created post of set aside for the IAF, Rs 17,767.95 crore projects, like the indigenous aircraft carrier Commandant Coast Guard, North-West, to (approximately $3.6 billion) for the army and and other disabled P-15A Delhi class of ships, P-17 stealth frig- look after surveillance off the coast Rs 11,873.73 crore (approximately $2.4 bil- pensioners are also being ates, P-75 Scorpene submarines and so on. of Gujarat. lion) for the navy. For the IAF, the increase The fleet air arm will also need budgetary • Installation of Vessel and Air Traffic works out to Rs 1,109 crore over the revised liberalised.” support for P8I, rotary aircraft, unmanned Management System for all offshore devel- estimates Rs 12,199 crore for the closing fis- aerial vehicles and so on. Media has report- opment areas as has been done in the west- cal against an original allocation of Rs 10,855 —Pranab Mukherjee ed the early trials of indigenous Advance ern offshore region by Ministry of Petroleum. crore. The larger capital allocation is probably India’s Finance Minister Technology Vehicle with a plan to acquire • Setting up of nine additional coast guard to cater for the ongoing Airborne Warning two more. The first of these, according to stations to integrate into the ‘hub-and-spoke and Control System programme and other media reports, will be launched on July 26. concept’ with coastal police stations along acquisitions, such as the C-130J. Coastal Security: The government has with manpower. The Finance Minister had a word of cheer Commissioned Officers). Certain benefits made many announcements for improving • Setting up of Static Coastal Radar Chain for personnel below officer rank whose pen- being extended to war wounded and other coastal security which will also require bud- and a comprehensive network chain of sions were enhanced, at a cost of Rs 2,100 disabled pensioners are also being liber- getary support unless it has been catered Automatic Identification System stations along crore annually. “The decision will benefit alised,” Mukherjee said. However, the officer for separately. Some of the proposals are: the entire coast as well as island territories. more than 12 lakh jawans and JCOs (Junior cadre, which had led the “one-rank-one-pay” • Joint Operation Centres (JOCs) at Mumbai, As in every year, Rs 7,000 crore was demand, has been ignored. Visakhapatnam, Kochi and Port Blair will be returned by the armed forces out of the ▸▸▸ For revenue expenditure, on set up under the charge of existing naval C- total allocation of Rs 48,007 crore for capital account of its size the Indian The Indian Navy in-Cs. The JOCs will be jointly manned and expenditure for 2008-09. Hopefully, 2009-10 Revenue Budget: Allocation for revenue operated by the IN and Indian Coast Guard will not see a repeat and the full capital allo- Army has received the major expenditure is Rs 8,322 crore (approxi- with inputs from diverse agencies. cation will be spent, with additional demands share of 41 per cent, amounting mately $1.7 billion), which includes, pay • National Command, Control, made and granted by the government, as and allowances for civilians, transportation, Communication and Intelligence network for was promised during the presentation of the to Rs 58,648 crore ◂◂◂ repair and refit, stores, works and so on. real-time maritime domain awareness linking Interim Budget.

‘Navantia ready to meet IN requirements’ Continued from page 8

Jaén: We are already working very closely ▸▸▸ “We have a wide range of not a problem and we will offer our answers with MDL in the Scorpene submarine pro- when required to. gramme and also doing our best to become a proven designs ranging from sound and reliable partner for Indian defence amphibious ships (LHDs and SP’s: Finally, what are the top end and state- in future programmes. We have a wide range LPDs) in service and/or under of-the-art equipment, weapons and systems of products that can be interesting for the would you like to offer to India’s defence Indian Navy and are ready to start work. construction for several navies, forces, including the Indian Coast Guard? to frigates and destroyers, Jaén: We have a wide range of proven SP’s: In the shipbuilding and submarine designs ranging from amphibious ships building sectors, how do you visualise submarines and OPVs.” ◂◂◂ (LHDs and LPDs) in service and/or under prospects of collaborative arrangements construction for several navies, frigates and with Indian shipyards will emerge? How do laboration arrangements for the future destroyers, submarines and OPVs. We have you evaluate its scope and time horizon? projects. The Indian Navy is announcing programmes with six navies right now and Jaén: We are having talks with many Indian important programmes and we are ready to we think that this can be our best letter of shipyards in order to establish good col- meet the requirements. The time horizon is introduction for the Indian defence forces.

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 9 ‘Facilities for

’s Exclusive humans to SP live on the Moon’ Against the backdrop of the 2009 Paris Air Show, Derek Wang, NASA’s Public Outreach Manager, Exploration Systems, spoke at length to SP’s Chief Special Correspondent Sangeeta Saxena on the avenues explored and milestones achieved in the lunar mission Photographs: SP SP Photographs: Guide Pubns

SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s): In the near ▸▸▸ “In the next 40 years, SP’s: Would a gym be functional on the We have specifically targeted learning future, which is the mission NASA consid- humans will be living in Moon? What types of illnesses can one curriculum and supply to the educational ers most important? expect? systems. We also sponsor some students Derek Wang (DW): Out of all the pro- space and there will definitely DW: For all you know, a floating gym through formal educational institutions. grammes, lunar mission is more feasible. be a sustaining human could be invented and special exercises Space shuttle is retiring next year. Aries I is devised! Effects of exercise on the human SP’s: Is NASA an isolated body with just the rocket on Orion vehicle. Initial operat- presence on the Moon.” ◂◂◂ body, such as how much and the type of US interests in mind? ing capabilities will be through till 2015. exercise that will be needed, is also being DW: NASA works with space agencies of Service of the station and bringing the crew mobility, communication, navigation and researched. Identification of different types other countries like India, Japan, Israel back will be done by 2016. scientific research. of diseases which can be contracted in and many more. It promotes research and space is also being researched upon. technology collaborations. SP’s: Delineate NASA’s main goal. SP’s: Does NASA strategise in isolation? DW: We are looking to build technologies DW: We have discussed with 13 different SP’s: Once the Moon gets inhabited, whereby we can conduct more missions to countries about a global exploration strat- what type of food will be available? ▸▸▸ “We are at present the Moon. We want to create a lunar outpost. egy for future space exploration also per- DW: We at NASA are trying to understand We want to create facilities for humans to live taining to the Moon. what type of food can be cooked and conducting research on there. Pre-fabricated habitat models, assem- how to procure the ingredients in lunar humans to check the effects bling of multi-purpose habitat for health care, SP’s: Apart from the Moon, what are conditions. communication and living quarters is also NASA’s other spatial work areas? of zero gravity on bone being considered. DW: Apart from the moon, Mars is our SP’s: For how long would man be able to density, blood flow, oxygen major research area. We are not ready to stay on the Moon at one stretch? SP’s: What are your future aims for space send a man mission to mars at present, but DW: For about four to six months, somebody levels, water levels and technology and development? cannot negate a possibility in the future. would actually stay in the lunar surface. It hormonal balance.” ◂◂◂ DW: We are hoping to achieve zero error For the other planets, there are going to be would depend on resources available. and establish no disturbance communica- satellites and robotic missions. tion links to satellites and good navigation SP’s: What is the status of the Lunar facilities with all our spatial installations. SP’s: When can we expect human beings Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)? SP’s: Does NASA believe in sharing its to live on the Moon? DW: The LRO has just got launched. It will knowledge? SP’s: How does NASA interpret the effects DW: We are hoping that in the next 40 provide us with the best ever mapping DW: We have international meetings to of the Moon’s environment on humans? years humans will be living in space and of the surface of the Moon. Aboard it is a share information with other countries. DW: We have plans to apply technologies there will definitely be a sustaining human lunar crater observation sensing satellite. Its and research in setting up lunar surface. presence on the Moon. impact on the Moon will send forth a plume SP’s: What is NASA doing to avoid Space stations have been our testing of rocks and water. It will research all the Columbia like disasters? grounds for human existence in space, in SP’s: How will you manage zero gravity debris and LRO will also take pictures of it. DW: We are working on increasing safety micro gravity or zero gravity situations. on the Moon? and reliability of a rocket launch, and its DW: To manage gravity will be one of the SP’s: Outline NASA’s initiatives to cre- re-entry into the (Earth’s) atmosphere. SP’s: What are your plans for creating challenges. We are doing research on ate awareness about space among the habitation on the Moon? humans to check effects of zero gravity younger generation. SP’s: What is NASA’s one point agenda? DW: Going to the Moon involves risks and on bone density, blood flow, oxygen lev- DW: We try to connect with the younger DW: NASA is a unique organisation of very challenges. We are hoping to create com- els, water levels and hormonal balance. audiences by using exhibits and com- intelligent people and excitement of space mercial opportunities. We are looking for Psychological effects of micro gravity are munication products. We use Twitter, My will continue. We look forward to making global partnerships in habitat, surface also being monitored. Space, Facebook and other social media. space habitable and educational. WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET

10 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 Sentinels of Maritime Zone The coast guard is a lean yet efficient and visible force of 9,083 uniformed personnel who protect the

nation’s interest in the maritime zones Photograph:

nd-1960s, sea-borne smuggling was rampant Eand the five patrol Indiancraft Coast operated Guard by the Indian Navy for the Central Board of Excise and Customs were grossly inadequate for the task. As an interim measure, 13 con- fiscated dhows were inducted to support the existing fleet. However, this entire force level was only marginally effective for containing large- scale smuggling activity. On January 23, 1970, the Cabinet Secretariat, in pursu- ance of the Prime Minister directive, constituted a study group under the chairmanship of Dr B.D. Nag Chaudhari with Air Chief Marshal O.P. Mehra and Admiral (Retd) R.D. Katari amongst others as members, to examine the problem. However, the Study Group’s charter was only to recommend material resources, though the need for a coast guard force in India to perform various non-military maritime roles had been felt for sometime, particularly by Naval Headquarters. Serious official consideration was given to this problem only during 1974 when on August 31, the Defence MISSION-CRITICAL ADVANTAGES Secretary addressed a note to the Cabinet Secretary, spelling WHATEVER THE MISSION out the need for setting up of a coast guard type national For more than 40 years, some 300 Bombardier special mission aircraft have been selected by countries organisation. Subsequently, the around the globe to fulfill a wide spectrum of missions ranging from government VIP transportation, Rustamji Committee strongly through , to C4ISR. Today, we continue to meet the critical needs of governments, recommended the setting up armed forces and commercial operators with high performance Global, Challenger and Learjet series of a Coast Guard type organi- jets and Dash-8/Q-series turboprops. We meet your needs. We deliver. sation for general superinten- dence and policing of our sea areas in peacetime. Thereupon, the Ministry of Defence prepared a paper for consideration of the Cabinet Committee on Political Affair which approved establish- ment of an interim Coast Guard Organisation within the navy to undertake specified coast guard tasks on January 7, 1977. Meanwhile, the Maritime Zones Act came into force on January 15, 1977, bringing the entire Exclusive Economic Zone, an area of 2.01 million sq km within our national jurisdiction. The polic- ing of this vast sea area and enforcing the national laws and protecting of national interests in the same would be a mammoth task and call for a dedicated organisa- tion. Accordingly, the interim FOR MORE INFORMATION: WWW.SPECIALMISSION.BOMBARDIER.COM Coast Guard Organisation BOMBARDIER, LEARJET, CHALLENGER, GLOBAL, GLOBAL EXPRESS, DASH 8, Q-SERIES AND OTHER BOMBARDIER AIRCRAFT MODEL NAMES ARE REGISTERED AND/OR UNREGISTERED TRADEMARK (S) OF BOMBARDIER INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES. came into being under Naval GLOBAL EXPRESS PICTURE: COPYRIGHT © 2006 RAYTHEON COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RAYTHEON COMPANY IS THE MISSION SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR FOR ASTOR. Headquarters on February 1, 1977. The overall plan for the Coast Guard Service was

BBA-2328 SAAads09CND_NavalForces.indd 1 18/06/09 1:27 PM

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 11


(514) 341-2444 #230 Bombardier Aerospace BBA-2293 (2328) Naval Forces Full Page None-Bleed Ad or [email protected] SAAads09CDN June 2009 trim = A4 / 210 mm x 297 mm bleed = none ters connected therewith. Be it enacted by Parliament in the Twenty-ninth Year of the Republic of India”

Duties & Functions • It shall be the duty of the coast guard to protect by such measures, as it thinks fit, the maritime and other national interests of India in the maritime zones of India. • Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub section (a), the measures referred to therein may provide for: – Ensuring the safety and protection of artificial islands, offshore terminals, installations and other structures and devices in any maritime zone. Air Cushion Vehicle – Providing protection to fishermen includ- “The requirement for an ing assistance to them at sea while in distress. efficient framework for – Taking such measures as are necessary to preserve and protect the maritime maritime safety is environment and to prevent and control paramount. The Indian marine pollution. – Assisting the customs and other authori- Coast Guard has been pro- ties in anti-smuggling operations. – Enforcing the provisions of such enact- gressively moving towards ment as are for the time being in force in achieving an effective SAR the maritime zones. – Such other matters, including measures regime with the whole- for the safety of life and property at sea hearted support of all the and collection of scientific data as may be prescribed. Indian Coast Guard personnel with relief materials in Maldives resource agencies. • The coast guard shall perform its functions under this section in that the coast guard This has resulted in functions in close liaison with Union agen- achieving the desired cies, institutions and authorities so as to avoid duplication of effort. objective of availability of Force Level accurate, comprehensive In 1978, the coast guard commenced and reliable information operations with two old frigates seconded by the navy and five small patrol vessels to the SAR coordinators from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Over the past two decades, it has attained a force for launching a level of 43 ships, 19 boats and air cush- successful response to a ioned vehicle and 45 aircraft and helicop- ters as follows: distress situation at sea.” • Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessels – Six —Vice Admiral • Offshore Patrol Vessels – 15 • Fast Patrol Vessels – 28 Anil Chopra • Air Cushion Vehicle – Six • Interceptor Boats – 13 Director General, • Interceptor Craft – Eight A of the Indian Coast Guard airlifts a fisherman from Marina beach during a rescue operation in Indian Coast Guard • Dornier Aircraft – 24 and Photographs:, • Chetak Helicopter – 17 (16 plus one Cat ZZ) • Advanced Light Helicopter – Four From The Seas To The Skies

prepared by the Officer on Special Duty, Manpower ost-26/11, in a bid to make India’s coastline secure, guarding the coasts from both the seas and the skies emerged as top Vice Admiral V.A. Kamath. The coast guard is a lean yet efficient and vis- priority for South Block officials. While the Indian Defence Ministry zeroes in on aerial surveillance aircraft, speedboats and ible force of 9,083 uniformed personnel (1,419 Pvessels for coastal security, plans are afoot to induct 12 fixed wing and eight helicopters on lease. Coast Guard Act, 1978 officers, 7,664 enrolled personnel, including Following Budgetary allocations, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) is embarking on a $1.2 billion (Rs 5,858 crore) modernisa- This decade-old process crystallised in the 82 officers and 145 personnel from the navy, tion plan which will involve the purchase of 12 Dornier aircraft, 14 twin engine helicopters and 16 light helicopters. The force is formation of the Coast Guard Service by and other defence services on deputation) also proposing to set up a Coastal Surveillance System with radars, optronics and so on. Bangalore-based Hindustan Aeronautics passing an Act in the Parliament on August which takes on the ever-increasing responsi- Limited (HAL) has been asked to deliver 12 Dornier aircraft to the coast guard at the earliest. India has also requested private 18, 1978 and brought into force a day later bilities in protecting the nation’s interest in the players to make offers for helicopters and other surveillance aircraft. All of these measures for the coastal skies and its security. which read as: “An Act to provide for the maritime zones. At present, about 70 per cent Taking a peep into the existing air defence of the coast guard, it is not surprising that the expansion plans are in the offing. But constitution and regulation of an Armed of these personnel are serving at sea or man- it also gives an insight into an extremely efficient aviation wing of the guardians of . Requirement for a full fledged air wing for ICG was felt right from the time of its inception. The first ICG aviation unit to be Force of the Union for ensuring the secu- ning the front line squadrons to operate 43 commissioned was 800 SQN on May 22, 1982 with two Chetak helicopters at Goa. The first fixed wing squadron of ICG was com- rity of the maritime zones of India with a ships, 19 boats and craft, and 45 aircraft. missioned with two Fokker Friendship (F-27) aircraft on July 30, 1983. Taken on dry lease from Indian Airlines, these aircraft did a view to the protection of maritime and other yeomen service to ICG, operating from Dum Dum airport in maritime surveillance and reconnaissance (SAR) roles covering the entire national interests in such zones and for mat- — By HQ Indian Coast Guard Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The first planned induction included 12 fixed wing aircraft for coastal surveillance and six single engine helicopters to support ships at sea. The first Dornier squadron was commissioned as 750 SQN (ICG) at Daman in January Future modernisation 1987. Since then, five fixed and four rotary wing squadrons, one Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) squadron, one fixed and three rotary wing flights have made the ICG proud of its fleet. The various roles fulfilled by these squadrons include search, rescue and embarkation on board helicopter operating ships to In 1978, the Coast Guard Advisory Board prepared the Coast Light Helicopters (Ship 36 16 undertake missions like providing logistics and operational cover for the ICG ships at sea, pollution response, casualty evacuation, VIP Guard Development Plan 1978-1990, the Kamath Plan, for Borne) the balanced development and growth of the service. In commitments, reconnaissance and shadow, and security patrolling of offshore installation/oil rigs. At present, the air arm of the ICG 2007, in view of the changed situation, a revised 15-year per- Interceptor Craft 58 8 has spread its wings over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal with an inventory of 16 Chetak helicopters, 24 Dornier aircraft and four spective plan (2007-2022) was prepared as follows: Air Cushion Vehicle 6 6 ALH. With the induction of six Medium Range Surveillance Aircraft in the near future, the air arm would be further strengthened. To meet the operational requirement of aviation, two dedicated aeronautical quality control inspection service have been Type of Forces Envisaged Present, The planned growth of the service is being pursued activated—one at Mumbai for the western sector and the other at Chennai for the eastern and Andaman & Nicobar region. This till July 2009 through the five-year Coast Guard Development Plans, which is the ICG Aeronautical Inspection Service (ICGAIS). To streamline the logistics need of cost guard aircraft, ICG Air Store Depot, are co-terminus with the National Plan. While formulating Goa was activated in July 2002. The depot caters for the air stores requirement of ICG Aviation. OPVs 56 15 them, close attention is paid to avoid overlapping of responsi- ICG Air Station, Daman is the premier air station of the coast guard and with all the airfield facilities, Air Traffic Control SRVs 39 6 bilities with the navy and other agencies, like the customs, Bor- (ATC) and other allied air traffic services. The air station is equipped with state-of-the-art Airport Surveillance Radar, Precision der Security Force and so on, and to make optimum utilisation FPVs 77 28 Approach Path Indicator, Doppler Very High Frequency Omni directional Radio Range–Distance Measuring Equipment and Non of the available resources. Further, there are plans to acquire Directional Beacon, as Navigational Aids. This air station provides ATC and parking facilities to defence as well as civil aircraft. IBs 75 14 seven Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs), 20 Fast Patrol Vessels A twin engine helicopter built indigenously by HAL, the ALH is at present being operated from Porbandar. Equipped with Coastal Surveillance 40 24 (FPVs), 18 Specialist Role Vessels (SRVs), 41 Interceptor Boats the most modern avionics equipment, the ALH is capable of undertaking coastal surveillance and SAR missions in a profes- Aircraft (Dornier) (IBs), six Multi Mission Aircraft, 12 Dornier, 14 Twin Engine He- sional manner. licopters and 16 light helicopters during Coast Guard XI Plan. Medium Range Surveil- 9 Nil The aviation arm of the coast guard undertakes coordinated operations in support of the surface assets towards protec- After the 26/11 attack, decision was taken to improve lance Aircraft tion of the EEZ, extend assistance to fishermen and mariners in distress, preserving and protecting the marine environment the service by providing more assets and setting up nine more and assisting the local authorities during natural calamities. Coast guard aviation, rotary and fixed wing, moves into the future Twin Engine Shore 18 4 (ALH) stations. It has been planned to set two air stations, five air proud of its past and confident of its future. based Helicopters enclaves and 12 stations during the Coast Guard XI Plan. By Sangeeta Saxena WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET

12 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 Scripting a Revival The International Maritime Defense Show underlined Show Report the resurgence of Russia’s shipbuilding industry


he fourth edition of the International to pass a land plot to OSK to finalise the yard Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta visited Yantar part at the laying ceremony of the two Svetlyak Maritime Defense Show (IMDS) from construction in 2015. According to Venkov, the facilities in person to stress his satisfaction. 10412 projects at St. Petersburg. Vietnam June 24 to 28 at the St. Petersburg yard will host a dry dock and three shops .The The frigates will be equipped with the BrahMos received already two Svetlyak boats in 2002. harbour LENEXPO facilities proved yard will not take over the existing plant outdat- supersonic missiles to become the maiden The vessel with a speed up to 30 knots and Tthat Russia had started its national ship- ed facilities while obtaining a part of its territory. ships for that type of weaponry built in Russia. crew of 28 displayed the best possible records building revival. Organised by the Russian On July 8, Yantar laid a new testing vessel to enjoy the new order for the Asian nation. Federation (RF) Ministry of Industry and Trade Impressive lineup of project 11982 for the Russian Navy called Apart of Vietnam, the Slovenian Navy has also with the Ministry of Defence (MoD), Foreign Evidence of the national shipbuilding industry Seliger. The ship is scheduled to enter service placed an order for Svetlyaks. Ministry, Federal Service on Military-Technical scripting a successful revival was highlighted in 2011.Yantar will also built an oceanography The Severnoye PKB (Northern design Cooperation, St. Petersburg Government and by the sight of the most advanced ships vessel for the Russian Navy by 2013. bureau) marked IMDS 2009 with a launch of Rosoboronexport Corporation support, the anchored in the LENEXPO harbour, including the new generation patrol vessel of 22460 show attracted over 350 exhibitors from 28 Stereguschchiy (Guarding) corvette, Yaroslav New generation aircraft carriers project. According to Vladimir Spiridopulo, countries. IMDS CEO Mikhail Zolotarev said Mudriy frigate, Sobol (Sable) type fast patrol At IMDS, the spotlight was firmly on Chief Severnoye CEO, the new ship has a modern non-Russian companies, in cooperation with boat, Zubr (Bison) type air-cushion fast land- of the Russian Navy Vladimir Vysotskiy who hull shape to reach advanced seaworthiness. the local industry, presented several important ing craft teamed by HMS St. Albans frigate the announced the hike in state budget for the One of the most popular expositions was programmes for the Russian Navy. The show French Pegase and Sagittaire mine sweepers, acquisition of new ships, including non- that of Almaz design bureau (Designer General also hosted four international conferences and and Dutch Johan de Vitt transport dock. Russian vessels, a decision that has not and CEO Alexander Shliahtenko). The com- a number of “round tables” to discuss the pros- The Stereguschchiy corvette of 20380 gone down well with the Russian naval ship- pany marks its 60th anniversary this year to pects of the Russian shipbuilding as well as project is not an ex-Soviet design modifica- building community that claims to be able to become one of the most successful enterprises international cooperation. tion but a brand new product of the Almaz build any type of vessel if funded properly. of its class in shipbuilding. Most of the Russian shipyards and design (Diamond) design bureau. The ship obtained It’s also not in sync with recent declarations Foremost among the naval components bureaus have been integrated by the United over 20 new patents to enjoy “stealth” technol- of RF Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who had was the Rybinsk-based NPO Saturn-Turborus Shipbuilding Corporation (OSK in Russian) and ogy and the latest C4I system to decline the vowed that all Russian companies would exposition, Russia’s number one gas-turbine United Industrial Corporation (OPK) who domi- crew number. The weaponry is also of the place orders with the local shipyards. naval propulsion systems producer. Saturn is nated the show. Apart from them, other promi- post-Soviet era design and capable of hitting Vysotskiy also stressed that Russia’s naval a national leading enterprise to design, pro- nent expositions were of Agat, Avrora, Granit, all types of surface, submerged, aerial and doctrine provides for new aircraft carriers duce and upgrade of a variety of gas-turbine Gidropribior, Oceanpribor, Transas-Kronshtadt, shore targets. The Stereguschchiy is a maiden construction “not as just simple landing strips engines for commercial and combat aviation, as well MTU, SAGEM and Thales. vessel of a substantial family that will form the providers but as sea-based complexes with maritime and naval industry as well as gas core of the Russian blue waters strength till the latest aviation, naval and space technolo- pumps and electric energy production. Among Debut performance 2030. The OPK-owned Severnaya Verf (the gies acquisition”. He proposed to build the the company’s new products is the 14000 hp Instituted in April, the show was OSK’s maiden Northern Shipyard) has already got the state new generation aircraft carriers at the Sevmash M70FRU gas-turbine engine for the Russian appearance. According to OSK President order for the four sister corvettes—Storojhevoi facilities at Severodvinsk or Baltiyskiy Zavod at Navy. Another naval engines manufacturer, Vladimir Pakhomov, for the first time the organi- (Sentry), Soobrazitelniy (Bright), Boikiy St. Petersburg. Sevmash is famous for strategic namely Zvezda (Star), made its new propulsion sation had demonstrated “new born export (Resolute) and Stoikiy (Stable)—with the first nuclear-powered submarines construction and system presentation. projects such as conventional missile/torpedo three being already launched. According to Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier refurbishing submarines of both Rubin and Malakhit design OPK Shipbuilding Director Andrei Fomichev, for the Indian Navy, while Baltiyskiy Zavod is Attractions galore bureaus, Almaz design bureau Tiger corvette the yard got the monopoly state licence as a known for the large naval and commercial sur- St. Petersburg-based Granit-Electron Concern of 20382 project, Zelenodolsk design bureau 20380 corvettes and 21270 craft producer. The face ships construction. presented new generation C4I complexes, Tornado artillery craft as well Alexeev design project has an export version named 20382 The naval share of the Russian defence including the 3TS-25E delivered to India, bureau fast landing craft”. He also stressed export by 2011 will reach 20 per cent, stated Vietnam and Algeria, shore-based radars Mys- that OSK’s “main priority is to keep the Russian A perfect ten Oleg Azizov, head of the Rosoboronexport M1E(Cape), Irtysh-3S and Obzor (Survey), sea- national shipbuilding industry afloat as a part of The OPK-owned shipyards, including delegation, while aviation and air-defence and river going ships radar Irtysh-2RM as well the national security strategy”. Severnaya Verf and Baltiyskiy Zavod (The technology would lead with over 50 per cent as conventional submarine radar KRM-66E. OSK plans to absorb up to 20 more enter- Baltic Plant) have got over 75 per cent of the within the next five years. By 2015, Azizov said, Among its other attractions was the Yakhont prises in the near future for a fourth regional state naval surface ships order, including the Rosoboronexport would secure a large share cruise missile self-guided war head. centre of shipbuilding in addition to the three maiden blue waters 22350 project frigate of the world’s submarines market, an estimated Avrora Corporation presented a wide range existing (Western with headquarters in St. named Admiral Gorshkov as well as a maiden 30 to 40 ships, using the Club-S missiles of the integrated control systems for naval and Petersburg, Northern in Severodvinsk and liaison ship and special mission craft. The equipped project 636 and Amur-family poten- commercial application while the Transas- Far Eastern in Vladivostok). Head of OSK yards have been involved in export orders tial of the Rubin CMDB design. Kronshtadt displayed Laguna (Lagoon) full Department Valery Venkov named several to upgrade ex-Soviet design ships for the Other hits in the Rosoboronexport trade mission combat ship simulator as well as newcomers of the Southern Federal district and Algerian Navy. basket could be Gepard frigates, Tiger cor- Dozor family UAVs. Laguna has been already Volga region, such as Astrakhan-based Lotos The Kaliningrad-based Yantar shipbuilding vettes as well as Sobol (Sable) fast craft delivered to the Vietnamese Navy to follow the shipbuilding plant, Moscow shipbuilding/ship plant has become one of the most successful and Svetlyak (Firefly) . Two blue Molniya (Lightning) missile boats acquisition. repair plant as well as ship repair plants from Russian shipyards. Just in June, 2009 Yantar waters multipurpose Gepard frigates for the Despite the tough times, IMDS organisers Tuapse and Novorossiysk. He also stated that handled to the Russian Navy a long-awaited Vietnamese Navy are to be delivered by the expressed satisfaction that all the major naval OSK will take over of a number of the MoD ship Yaroslav Mudriy frigate as well as Sprut end of 2010. Rosoboronexport also signed a companies participated at the show, highlight- repair plants in the Far East and Baltic. (Octopus) environment control vessel of project memorandum on cooperation extension with ing its importance in the international commu- Further, OSK is also going to build a new 6457 for the Federal Border Service. According the THALES Group. nity. Vysotskiy assured Russia would increase shipyard at Kronshtadt with estimated con- to the Yantar CEO Igor Orlov, the plant “suc- its presence at the international naval shows to struction budget of $1 billion (Rs 4,866 crore). cessfully fulfills the Indian Navy order for three Making headlines present modern vessels abroad as well as in This year, the St. Petersburg government is project 11356 frigate construction”. Indian Navy At IMDS, the Vietnamese Navy delegation took the next IMDS editions.

Zubr type large air-cushion landing craft The OPK exposition Ships at IMDS harbour A Russian Navy missile boat

Photographs: Yury Laskin and Yury Photographs: Maria Morozova Mordovia of the RF Navy

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 13 Armed on the Seas S e c u r i t y and

Phogographs: Phogographs: www. Merchant vessel Al Marjan was released from pirates off the Somali coast on December 2, 2008 by the US Navy

To curb piracy off Somalia’s coast, the challenge lies in framing a workable solution for the underlying political problem rather than mistakenly focusing on the narrower issue of securing sea lanes or protecting merchant shipping


fter hijacking a merchant ship, may be more violent, like the pirates of old. So that about 1.1 million-square-mile-area is to be Somali piracy comprising more than 30 nations Somali pirates follow standard far, pirates have generally treated hostages patrolled. Though war ships from 16 nations to coordinate an expanded international pres- practice and issue a demand well and the worst violence reported has been are in the region, obviously they are not ence in the region to combat the threat. for ransom which is subse- the occasional beating, but no hostages are enough to cover such a large expanse of sea • Top US priorities include securing the Aquently negotiated. Ultimately, the agreed known to have been killed by pirates.” which has resulted in more than 80 attacks in release of ships and crews currently held by sum is delivered and the ship with the crew the Gulf of Aden and waters adjoining Somalia Somali pirates, and eliminating the financial released. However, in certain recent events, Somalia & its pirates till April this year. Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, payoff of piracy by tracking and freezing the the pirates were dealt a blow. Hijacking of the Maersk Alabama was the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said assets of pirate gangs. French Special Forces in action: On April first time when a US-flagged ship had been fighting piracy will require an international effort • Clinton stressed that the poverty and insta- 6, Somali pirates hijacked a French yacht captured by Somali pirates. It was also one that includes a whole-of-government approach bility in Somalia, that underlie the piracy prob- and held two couples and a child hostage. of the shortest hijacking ever recorded. This in addition to military force. At the Naval War lem, are not being forgotten. Subsequently, the French Special Forces incident was but one in a long history of College, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates • US diplomats have been directed to stormed the yacht, killed two pirates and took piracy off Somalia’s coast. The Republic of discussed piracy, key aspects of which are: engage officials of Somalia’s Transitional three as prisoners while rescuing the passen- Somalia (Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya) cur- • Shipping companies have a responsibility Federal Government and regional leaders gers. Unfortunately the yacht’s owner, Florent rently exists largely in name only as it has a in helping to combat piracy off Somalia, not- of the autonomous Puntland region, where Lemacon, who was also the father of the child, recognised but weak central administration, ing that some companies are prepared to pay many pirates are based, to press them to was killed in the operation. The four surviving the Transitional Federal Government. ransoms to pirates as part of the cost of doing take action against what she termed “armed French hostages reached Paris safely. Ranked as the most dangerous destina- business but he felt that if they didn’t pay the gangs on the seas”. US SEALs strike back: Two days after the tion in the world by Forbes, Somalia can be ransoms, we would be in a stronger position. • The transitional administration’s new French rescue, Somali pirates were attacked termed as a failed state where a large swathe • The impact of the dollars in the villages president, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, in particu- by US SEALS. The container ship Maersk of the population has embraced piracy as and for the individuals involved is staggering lar, should be taken up on his expressed Alabama was carrying food aid for the Somalis a lucrative business. There is no difference because their home villages are unspeakably determination to curb lawlessness in his when it was attacked around 500 km off the between the environment for piracy which poor and thus piracy becomes an attractive troubled country. Somali coast on April 8, but its 20 US crew existed in the past and the current situation. career option. • The key to the problem is closing pirate apparently fought off the pirates and took back The factors include existence of large areas • It’s a complex problem, and involves both land bases and the US has a pretty good control of the ship. Captain Richard Philips of sea which are difficult to police, favourable a maritime aspect, that involves enforcement, idea where these are located. volunteered to go with the pirates in a lifeboat geography, weak or cooperative governments and a kinetic aspect, but until we can do The high costs of piracy to Somalia and in exchange for the crew. The bandits fled the which provide shelter to pirates, corrupt offi- something to provide some kind of stability on much of the international community are politi- ship with Captain Richard Phillips as their cap- cials and political leaders who benefit from land and some prospects for these people. cal and not just economic. UN reports that tive, holding him on the lifeboat for five days in piracy, markets available for stolen goods and Certain initiatives have been announced officials at all levels in Puntland are apparently a high-stakes standoff which was dramatically ransom money. Unfortunately, all these factors by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to curb involved directly or indirectly in piracy, but this ended by the sharp shooters of the US Navy exist in Somalia. Somali-based maritime piracy. Briefly: fact should not blind the effected governments SEALS on April 12. Executing a tricky opera- Some experts insist Somali pirates are • The US will move to track and freeze assets to overriding the political objective. The chal- tion, with the life of the captain in balance, the different as they value the crew and not the of pirate gangs, and press Somali authorities lenge lies in framing a workable solution for the SEALS fired simultaneously in split second ship or its cargo, although this line is steadily to shut down pirate land bases. US tracks and underlying political problem rather than mistak- coordination, killing three of the four pirates, blurring, as was evident in the case of the freezes, and tries to disrupt the assets of many enly focusing on the narrower issue of secur- rescuing the captain and capturing one pirate hijacked Russian ship which was carrying stateless groups like drug traffickers and ter- ing sea lanes or protecting merchant shipping. who has been taken to the US for trial. heavy armament for export or the Saudi rorists. The Somali pirates have been buying Meanwhile, refusing to pay ransom, and Arabian oil tanker full of oil. In both the cases, modern equipment which can be prevented if thereby placing the ship and the crew in Pirates promise revenge the ransom amounts shot up dramatically. the money supply is disrupted. grave danger, is a difficult decision to take, Somali pirates were quick to vow revenge over With majority of the population Sunni Muslims, • It is hoped that the surge of piracy in especially for private shipping companies. If the shooting of their comrades. “The French the Somali constitution discourages the recent days, including attacks on two US- it is known that a particular company is not and the Americans will regret starting this promotion and propagation of any religion flagged vessels, will be a catalyst for con- going to succumb to pirate pressure and killing. We do not kill, but take only ransom. other than Islam. The country is very poor certed action against pirates and bring an pay ransom, then chances of that company We shall do something to anyone we see as and hence has the potential of becoming end to the acceptance of ransom-paying as attracting mariners is remote. Thus, there is a French or American from now,” Hussein, a vulnerable to exploitation by violent Islamist a cost of doing business for shippers off the requirement of short and long term measures. pirate, told Reuters by satellite phone. The groups that want to use it as a base to desta- African east coast. Paying ransom and providing armed escort French and the US action has drawn world bilise other states in a region that borders a • At the State Department, the administration on ships are short term measures which the attention to the piracy problems off Somalia geo-strategically vital sea route. It may also intends to work diplomatically to tackle the shipping companies can take along with their that has escalated shipping insurance costs become the base for spreading terrorism. piracy problem and to deal with the underly- respective governments. Long term mea- and disrupted international trade. ing instability in Somalia that gives rise to it. sures would be to inspire Somalia to become Andrew Mwangura, Coordinator of Fighting piracy • An envoy was sent to Brussels to attend a stable democracy, backed by economic Mombasa-based East African Seafarers After the hijacking of Maersk Alabama, US a conference on Somali peacekeeping and progress and engage it in curbing piracy by Assistance Program, said, “This is a big wake- started exploring the possibilities of a long development. The US is also convening a its citizens. This role can only be played by

WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET up to the pirates. It raises the stakes. Now they term solution. A daunting task considering meeting of the international contact group on the UN and effected countries.

14 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 Publisher & ▸ ▸ ▸ In Brief Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal Assistant Editor Navy seals Rs 45,000 crore their bilateral naval relations COBRA ready for Low Rate The 419-foot surface combat- Arundhati Das and enhancing interoper- ant ship, equipped with open deal for seven warships Initial Production Senior Editorial Adviser India has cleared its larg- ability. This year, for the first architecture-based combat R. Adm (Retd) S.K. Ramsay est ever indigenous defence time Exercise Varuna was con- systems and computing Senior Tech Group Editor contract worth Rs 45,000 ducted outside Indian waters, environment developed by Lt Gen. (Retd) Naresh Chand crore to manufacture seven off the coasts of Brittany from General Dynamics Advanced Contributing Editor advanced stealth frigates June 27 to July 4 as a part Information Systems, will be Lt Gen. V.K. (Retd) Kapoor for the navy at shipyards in of the Indian Task Force’s manufactured by Austal USA Air Mshl (Retd) V.K. Bhatia and Mumbai. The deployment to Europe from in Mobile, Ala. It is scheduled Chief Special Correspondent P17A warship project, which May to July 2009. The Indian for delivery in May 2012. Sangeeta Saxena will be India’s most advanced Task Force comprised the Sub-Editor and stealthy frigates, has destroyer Delhi, the frigates Bipasha Roy been cleared by the Defence Brahmaputra and Beas, and CONTRIBUTORS Acquisition Council (DAC). the replenishment ship Aditya Fincantieri, Boeing team up India Sources said brushing aside a Rheinmetall with their integral helicopters. for US Navy Hovercraft Fleet Admiral (Retd) Arun Prakash request by the navy that two The French Navy component Northrop Grumman Fincantieri and Boeing have Vice Adm (Retd) R.N. Ganesh of the indigenously designed However, ARM’s design, fea- consisted of assets placed Northrop Grumman teamed up in a bid to capture Vice Adm (Retd) P.J. Jacob frigates may be manufac- turing red phosphorus pellets under CECLANT’s command Corporation has received the contract to build the new R. Adm (Retd) Raja Menon tured abroad, the DAC has and wafers, delivers a thick (the Admiral Commanding Milestone “C’’ approval hovercraft fleet for the US Cmde Rajeev Sawhney Dr W. Lawrence Prabhakar decided that all seven war- smoke, longer-lasting cover- Atlantic Ocean Zone), notably from the US Department of Navy which will be awarded ships will be manufactured in age in windy conditions; the the destroyer Primauguet Defense, Program Executive under the Sea Base-to-Shore Europe Alan Peaford, Doug Richardson, India by the Mazagon Dock pellets hold firmly to the with a helicopter, the frigate Office, Littoral and Mine Connector programme. From Andrew Brookes (UK) Limited, Mumbai and the ground, while the brass flakes Lieutenant de Vaisseau Le Warfare (PEO LMW) for its an operational perspective USA & Canada Garden Reach Shipbuilders in the M76 blow away. Hanaff, the nuclear powered COBRA system designed to the Italian shipbuilder will be Lon Nordeen (USA) and Engineers, Kolkata. attack submarine Emeraude, support US Marine Corps involved through its American Anil R. Pustam (West Indies) The Defence Ministry has besides several aircraft. amphibious assault breaching subsidiary, Marinette Marine West Asia/Africa allocated a budget of Rs operations. One of four sys- Corporation, a member of H.R. Heitman (S. Africa) 45,000 crore for the project IN foils piracy attempt tems in Northrop Grumman’s Fincantieri Marine Group set Chairman & Mg Director and the work will be divided INS Talwar, currently in the airborne mine countermea- up by Fincantieri this year Jayant Baranwal between the two shipyards. Gulf of Aden for anti-piracy Global Hawk UAV prepares sures systems product line, following its takeover of four Admin & Coordination The P17A frigates will be even surveillance and patrol, foiled for maritime role COBRA is designed to detect shipyards located in the Great Bharti Sharma more advanced than the P17 a piracy attempt on Liberian and localise minefields pat- Lakes region. Boeing will be Design Shivalik Class warships being registered merchant vessel MV terns and other obstacles involved in the programme Associate Art Director: Ratan Sonal inducted by the navy. Maud on May 28. INS Talwar from the air, prior to amphib- through Boeing Rotorcraft Layout Design: Rajkumar Sharma, had earlier commenced an ious assaults. Systems. Vimlesh Kumar Yadav eastbound escort of merchant Sales & Marketing vessels, including MV Maud, Director: Neetu Dhulia Indo-British ‘Konkan’ on May 27. At about 1250 Head Vertical Sales: Rajiv Chugh Northrop Grumman exercises to tackle piracy hours on May 28, MV Maud ‘Significant rise in arms North Korea carries out Sales Manager: Rajiv Ranjan An Indian Navy task group, with an Indian Master and a Northrop Grumman’s RQ-4 delivery to the Middle East’ nuclear test Published bimonthly by Jayant led by the 6,700-tonne crew of nine Indians reported Global Hawk has established New data from SIPRI reveal North Korea’s nuclear test on Baranwal on behalf of SP Guide destroyer INS Delhi, arrived in a skiff manned by eight a dominant position in the a significant rise in arms May 25 invited worldwide Publications P Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be the British port of Portsmouth armed personnel approaching High Altitude/Long Endurance transfers to the Middle condemnation including India. reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys- on June 16 for the joint exer- her at high speed. INS Talwar UAV market. It costs about East, as also East Asia, the It appears that North Korea tem, or transmitted in any form or by cises whose aims include responded immediately, advis- $48 million (Rs 234 crore) Caucasus and Pakistan. The has concluded that as a result any means, photocopying, recording, tackling sea piracy off the ing the vessel to pick up with a full sensor suite, or US remains the world’s larg- of the tough stand taken by electronic, or otherwise without prior African coast. The Indian fleet, speed and carry out evasive about $70 million (Rs 340 est exporter, followed by the US after its rocket launch, written permission of the publishers. under the command of Rear manoeuvres. Simultaneously, crore) each if development Russia and . any concessions from US are Printed in India: Admiral Surinder Pal Singh it launched an helicopter costs are included. During unlikely to come through. by Kala Jyothi Process Pvt Ltd Cheema, includes the frigates with Marine Commandoes Operation Iraqi Freedom, the There was also no likelihood © SP Guide Publications, 2009 INS Beas and Brahmaputra and started closing in on the system flew only 5 per cent of of direct talks with US which Letter to Editor and the tanker INS Aditya. distressed vessel which was the US Air Force’s high altitude General Dynamics bags North Korea desperately [email protected] The joint manoeuvres, titled subsequently rescued. reconnaissance sorties, but US Navy contract wants. It may also have tried Subscriptions & Advertising ‘Konkan’, are an annual event accounted for more than 55 The US Navy has awarded a to improve its standing as the Details may be acquired from the with the Royal Navy aimed at per cent of the time-sensitive contract to a Bath Iron Works- last nuclear test held about contact information below: building “maritime interopera- targeting imagery generated led team for the construction three years ago was only a SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD bility and mutual understand- Royal Australian Navy’s to support strike missions. It of Coronado (LCS 4), the sec- partial success. POSTAL ADDRESS ing”. The British participants, modernisation plans is also a leading contender ond LCS to feature an innova- Post Box No 2525, commanded by Commodore The Australian Government in the Broad Area Maritime tive, high-speed trimaran hull. New Delhi 110 005, India Simon Ancona, include the has delivered the most com- Surveillance UAV competition. CORPORATE OFFICE frigates HMS Westminster and prehensive Defence White Appointments A 133 Arjun Nagar, HMS Lancaster, the nuclear Paper ever and will invest Opp Defence Colony, powered submarine HMS approximately Australian $30 Vice Admiral N.K. Verma New Delhi 110 003, India Tel: +91 (11) 24644693, Trafalgar, the auxiliaries RFA billion (about $22.3 billion; US Navy’s maritime patrol designated the next CNS The government has decided to 24644763, 24620130 Mounts Bay and RFA Fort Rs 1,08,675 crore) over the aircraft’s maiden flight Fax: +91 (11) 24647093 Rosalie and an RAF Nimrod next decade to modernise its P-8A Poseidon, the US Navy’s appoint Vice Admiral Nirmal Kumar Verma, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, at present REGD OFFICE maritime patrol aircraft. defence forces. Minister for next maritime patrol and Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Fax: +91 (11) 23622942 Defence Hon Joel Fitzgibbon reconnaissance aircraft, flew Eastern Naval Command as the next Email: [email protected] stated that, “as a result of its maiden flight on April 25. Chief of the Naval Staff with effect REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES the decisions taken by the The first test aircraft, designat- from the afternoon of August 31. The BANGALORE, INDIA Rheinmetall Munitions Government in this White ed T1, completed a series of present Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Sureesh Mehta, (Air Marshal (Retd) bags US Marines order Paper, the Australian Defence flight checks in Seattle. “The PVSM, AVSM, ADC, retires from service on that day. B.K. Pandey) American Rheinmetall Forces of the future will be a fleet is ready for the P-8A 534, Jal Vayu Vihar, Munitions (ARM) has received more potent force, particularly Poseidon,” said Rear Admiral Pradeep Kumar appointed the next Defence Secretary Kammanhalli Main Rd., a $8.2 million (Rs 40 crore) in the key areas of undersea Bill Moran, Commander Patrol Pradeep Kumar has been appointed Defence Secretary Bangalore 560043, India. order from the Program and anti-submarine warfare, and Reconnaissance Group. and will assume charge on the superannuation of Tel: +91 (80) 23682534 Manager for Ammunition, surface naval warfare, air “It has been 50 years since Vijay Singh on July 31. Kumar is at present working as MOSCOW, RUSSIA Secretary (Defence Production) in the Ministry of Defence. Marine Corps Systems superiority, strategic strike, the navy introduced a new LAGUK Co., Ltd. He belongs to the 1972 batch of Indian Administrative (Yuri Laskin) Command, Quantico in Special Forces, intelligence, maritime patrol aircraft, so Service. Kumar, a Haryana Cadre officer, is a graduate in Krasnokholmskaya, Nab., Virginia for Grenade, 66 mm surveillance & reconnaissance seeing T1 fly for the first time Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, 11/15, app. 132, Smoke Screening IR, Vehicle and cyber defence”. marks an incredible milestone Delhi and Masters in Economic and Social Studies from Moscow 115172, Russia. Tel: +7 (495) 911 2762, Launched (SSVL) MK 1 MOD for the Poseidon programme the University of Wales, UK. 0. The marines chose the and the maritime patrol and Fax: +7 (495) 912 1260 tried-and-tested Grenade MK1 reconnaissance community.” Vice Adm Sanjeev Bhasin takes over MOD o over the M76 design. Indo-French Exercise Industry partner Boeing used A ceremonial parade was held at the Indian Navy’s RNI Number: DELENG/2008/25836 Both 66 mm grenades—the Varuna 2009 the flight as an opportunity recently commissioned helicopter base INS Shikra to M76 and the MK 1 MOD Exercise Varuna is being to complete runway taxi tests welcome Vice Admiral Sanjeev Bhasin as the Flag Officer 0—provide screening smoke conducted for the last seven and flight checks. Commanding-in-Chief Officer, Western Naval Command and in the visible and thermal years between Indian and bid farewell to his predecessor, Vice Admiral J.S. Bedi, who proceeded on retirement on April 30. infra-red wavebands. French Navies to strengthen

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 15 Sp’s NAVAL FORCES 276 X 418:Layout 1 24/06/2009 12.51 Pagina 1 foto: AERONAUTICA MILITARE - “Troupe Azzurra”.