Principle Sponsor of C4I2 Summit in Taj Palace, New Delhi, 10-11 August ProcurementMinistry Process of Home elaborated Affairs Elements • Eventsʼ • Reference IDS Headquartersʼ - Special Insertrole in • Indiaʼs Homeland Security & IN THIS EDITION - ������������� AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION � ������������ 451964-2009 SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS Initiatives announced by � WIDENING ����� US Secretary of State � ������ HORIZONS... Hillary Clinton to curb � ������� Somali-based maritime piracy. � ����������� 4 Page 14 2008 ������������������� ������������������� 2009 � ������ 2008 ������������������������������������������������������������������� 2009 The Indian Coast ����������������������������������������� Guard is a lean yet efficient and ��������������� visible force ����������������������� ������������������������ ����������������������������������������������� ��������������� who protect the SP's MYB 0809 CVR01.indd 1 4/20/09 3:20:57 PM nation’s interest in the maritime � � � � � � � ������� zones. Issue 3 200 9 ▸ V o l 4 N o 3 “Equipment and training alone will not boost 3Page 11 morale of the armed forces. The welfare of Rs 75.00 (INDIA-BASED BUYER ONLY) WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET the armed forces deployed in far-flung remote areas, in deep sea submarines and dense for- est have to be protected. I will take personal interest to improve their service conditions.” —A.K. Antony on taking over as Defence Minister The last cou- ple of months have been very eventful in the South Asian region. Foremost was the elections in India wherein � �Indians � � � � � �spoke � in one voice SP’s Exclusive and voted for stability. The UPA has returned to power minus the handicap of the Left. A.K. Antony is back as Defence Minister, which should spell conti- nuity and speedier pace of modernisation. P.C. Chidambaram also made a comeback as Home Minister to fulfill his promise to implement certain security measures within 100 days. Across the borders, the situation in Sri Lanka and Nepal has somewhat stabi- lised, even as Pakistan continues to totter. During interactions with a team from SP Guide Publications, the Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff gave his candid views on a wide range of subjects, from modernisa- tion to fighting piracy. An article on maritime security framework affords a macro view of the current scenario and steps required to establish an impregnable net in India, besides touching upon the Indian govern- ment’s proposals. There is also an article on steps Washington is taking to counter piracy—a task that has President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton involved in framing policy. Growing concerns over coastal secu- rity necessitated information on the Indian Coast Guard, the challenging operations it engages in and an insight into the force’s future plans. A series of interviews features opinions from leaders of the maritime indus- ‘Real-time try and an engrossing account of NASA’s lunar mission. Other informative pieces include a thumbnail sketch of modernisation of the Indian Navy, Defence Budget 2009- 10 and a write up on SP’s participation in IMDEX Asia 2009 held at Singapore from networking May 12 to 14. We bring you all the action and more. a major thrust area’ Photographs: Sharad Saxena Sharad Photographs: Deputy Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral D.K. Joshi, AVSM, YSM, NM, VSM, inter- acted with Senior Editorial Adviser of SP’s Naval Forces, Rear Admiral (Retd) S.K. Ramsay, to underline, among other issues, the growth potential of the Indian Navy, JAYANT BARANWAL its efforts to harness environmental friendly technologies and indigenous products, PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF and the force’s persistent and continuing efforts to achieve flawless networking. SP’s NAVAL FORCES 3/2009 1 SP’s: Considering the long gestation period Independence age was quick to realise acceptable model, we continue to engage for the induction of cutting-edge technolo- that the long gestation periods that would each other’s maritime-security organisational- gies, systems, weapons, and so on, onto naturally accrue as a result of any attempt structures towards this end. naval platforms, how is the navy managing at indigenously building our navy notwith- to ensure its operational readiness? standing, the future lay in indigenisation and SP’s: The past few years have seen a slew of DCNS: The IN remains cognisant of the gal- self-reliance. Our focussed efforts in these naval image-building measures. What is the lop of technology as it changes and shapes aspects over the past several decades are rationale underpinning image-building? our times. As such, the navy is engaged in now bearing fruit. We have achieved an DCNS: Insofar as image-building is con- developing and nurturing a wide spread of extremely high percentage of indigenous cerned, this is basically the art of ‘perception cutting-edge technologies. Carbon-com- content in shipbuilding, especially in propul- management’—the creation and maintenance posites, nano technology, miniaturised high sion systems and anti-submarine sensors. of perceptions that are favourable to India capacity desalination plants, air independent Although the requirement to meet the chal- and the removal or mitigation of percep- propulsion, and so on, are all pertinent exam- lenges of our times is such as to neces- tions that are unfavourable. The ‘perception’ ples in this regard. Even within the limited field sitate the occasional procurement of a few we seek to create and sustain—through the of propulsion fuel, nuclear fuel is important, surface platforms from abroad, we are one maritime segment of our strategic defence but is certainly not the sole attention grabber of the very few navies of the world to have cooperation—is that of a geo-strategically for the IN. For instance, towards achieving a a dedicated Directorate of Ship-Design with and militarily significant but benign power pollution free environment, the IN has taken proven competence and capable of design- whose quintessential characteristic is that it up use of bio-diesels as fuels, particularly ing and producing platforms as varied as is a stabilising force. It is important to bear in for non-combat applications as a ‘Mission missile-armed and/or torpedo/gun-equipped mind that the target-audience of our percep- fast attack crafts, frigates, destroyers and tion-management endeavours is no longer aircraft carriers. We have also increased limited to nation-states alone. On the one our thrust on indigenisation in terms of hand, we have collective entities that are SP’s Naval Forces (SP’s): The Indian Navy weapons and sensor suites. Several proj- today, major powers in their own right. The (IN) has a well-established maritime doc- ects are currently in hand in collaboration ASEAN and the EU are good examples of trine. In what way does this guide the cre- with the DRDO as well as in partnership this kind of ‘major power’. In some cases, ation of the correct force levels? with both, public and private organisations. even major military-blocs, such as the North Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (DCNS): In terms of technology absorption, we have Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), for Doctrinal imperatives form an immutable adopted a two pronged approach—tech- instance, either have already taken over roles sequential process that culminates in build- nology transfer and joint/collaborative ven- and functions that were earlier the prerogative ing force levels. At its apex level, the mari- tures. I must also specify that this pursuit is of individual nation-states, or show a marked time doctrine provides professional and lay not based on our relations with a particular tendency to do so, moulting their earlier skins readers alike with a common lexicon so that country, but is driven by our primary aim of and emerging in new ones. There is one more the mental images and concepts generated ensuring that our best interests are served form of major power that is emerging, a far by specific terms of relevance to matters whilst adhering to the laid down norms of more malevolent, insidious and malignant maritime are made uniform and common, Defence Procurement Procedures. one. I refer here to the rise of the malevo- thus uniting the actions of many diverse ele- lent non-state actor. Even more ominously, ments into a team effort. The IN does not SP’s: Confidence Building Measures the occasional coalescing of the ‘state’ with see itself as a niche player in some larger (CBMs) is an oft-bandied term. How does malevolent ‘non-state’ entities has created alliance. Consequently, its approach to force the navy see the process and development an evil-hybrid that we might describe as the generation is determined entirely by the mari- of CBMs with Pakistan? ‘state-sponsored, non-state actor’. We may time facets of India’s core national interest, abhor and condemn it, but we cannot deny namely, the material, economic and societal that this is a ‘major power’ of today. So, when well-being of the people of India. These mari- we discuss perception management as the time facets are articulated in the form of the for the Nation’. Even though there are no principle tool by which image-building of the country’s maritime interests. Each maritime Government of India regulations with respect IN is sought to be achieved, we must factor interest now generates a set of specific naval to plantations, production and usage of bio- these newer forms of ‘major powers’. The objectives that the IN must achieve in order to diesel fuels, the navy has taken the initiative mechanisms used for perception manage- preserve, protect and promote it. Each objec- and bio-diesel fuels are already being used in ment include both dissuasion and deter- tive, in turn, requires a plan, a strategy by the navy’s premier engineering establishment, rence. It is important to remember that these which it is intended to be achieved—in times the INS Shivaji at Lonavala, near Mumbai terms are not restricted to WMD or nuclear of peace, tension, and, where applicable, in on non-combat vehicles and generator sets.
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