AANN AANNTTHHOOLLOOGGYY OOFF PPHHIILLOOSSOOPPHHIICCAALL SSTTUUDDIIEESS VOLUME II EEddiitteedd bbyy PPaattrriicciiaa HHaannnnaa ATINER 2008 1 An Anthology of Philosophical Studies Volume 2 Editorial Board Carol Nicholson Rider University USA Donald Poochigian University of North Dakota USA T. Ann Scholl United Arab Emirates University UAE Board of Reviewers Chrysoula Gitsoulis City College, CUNY USA Keith Green East Tennessee State University USA Effie Papoutsis Kritikos Northeastern Illinois University USA Raymond Petridis-Tzombanos The New School for Social Research USA Penelope Voutsina University of Sheffield UK 2 Athens Institute for Education and Research 2008 AANN AANNTTHHOOLLOOGGYY OOFF PPHHIILLOOSSOOPPHHIICCAALL SSTTUUDDIIEESS VOLUME II EEddiitteedd bbyy PPaattrriicciiaa HHaannnnaa 3 An Anthology of Philosophical Studies Volume 2 PUBLISHED BY ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH 14 Solomou Street, 10683 Athens, Greece Tel. +30 210 36.34.210 Fax +30 Email:
[email protected] URL: www.atiner.gr This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of the Athens Institute for Education and Research. First Published: 2008 ISBN: 978-960-6672-38-5 Typeset, printed and binding by Theta Co. 4 T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s List of Contributors History of Philosophy Introduction Hanna, P. Part I. Ancient and Medieval 1. Aquinas and Ibn Rushd on the Added Dimension of 1 Reason in the Comprehension of Revelation in Two Medieval Religious Tradition Ahmad, Isham P. 2. The Conquests of Alexander and Greek Knowledge 13 of Indian Philosophy: A Context of Understanding Bruseker, George 3.