JtLY 7,

J(kht<" 3. In order" to obtain tbis great er requiring. The rations and por­ honora- wbtrt th* jeft iH^fcon aa pot»iblev hit. flu- tionsof provisions, forage, tic, « are tank at low »t^he triighfihipt, lif Tta *nd \ir be furnished a* ftuipri- jettythe !*irtg of Gwt-Britain en­ alto quarters, wilt Jj vqrt net. .^ f/avt jfyt- gftj ptt$U tf a taJWidy of 5,000, *oot> as the auxiliary army hat past­ gages to furnish ttu llnittd Statts htn u*dir JONAS QUEEN, OOO1. aterting for the service of ih« ed itt own frontier*, by the power year 1814, which shall be equally requiring* -and be supplied accord­ divided between the, three pawert ; ing to life same standard as it ia the majetiiet sQpoliea its 'own troops, in tb«J TOM. Militia; and their impprht royal be to settle b«fore the field' and" iiji qujjter*; ,^ "\ V Th>4 ptiv of^ the'plan cannot further engage :A»M«T«,o^c. of Jaiaary of every future U. The military regulation aodf of any d/scrigtton confided tb tnKtia:" fiwt army tha aw^rVof tlw Intoltra- year, Hr.cMn,(V(tich God forbid) ia the Interior administra­ from'your division of the. M.am^well tion of the trotju depends wholly ever be»n received." Aausf ROfccr HJt (xptwt which attetv^s tne enplo^ the war thotjld cop tin as to .long, < . that, may be on thtir-owfl general. The trophiet to HAkaiaoK. tnent of a Iarge7»'/ii/a fprtJe-* from the Be*Vro Daily the adva*c« in money to ^foin thit state thfl cavttt t>£ tix^MP» latan from the enemy belong to^ the "The most severe attention "TKc new'drafts ALLIANCE. tieccMary in btgun,' and the tt tt dtftndid tn," TREATY OF tcquent year. rf' troop* which have gained them. discipline must kt (Ohio) art mt of 5^00,0001. rierela, ; 12.' TheTrtigh contra^ing powera slightest depmure-froiri it, whcthe* V The aubtidy and pun- The Gazette of thi* city contaihi Specified, thall be paid at London reitnra to tWmttlvea tbe right, in in tffictr »r uiditr, noticed Halt id " tbt militia" at a In the French and German language io monthly inatalmentc, and in equal .ca*e the attitunce herein atipulated ished;"« AKMITRONQ. lit dintitr j*, Philadtlphia ? make ix the following ', ., . ^ proportion!, to the minlttert oT the ihould Be found intuffictent, to Thit, rtitbtr TAn*wer. lott 6f time, nuw arrange- if tbt Stand campaign, THBATf OP JkLLTAKOE re*pe£livo powers duly authorised to without iZi.'|l' ' * !; Emperor* receive it. raertt* for. further ataiitance. Palaver. Between .hi* fcu jetty the . power* Mpdels of Hungry and In case peace should be condud- t3. The- high contracting u Should the racruifingterviceg'} of Afofriat King proraite, that in case Of tbt familiar and four ottvt tfrtt t* majesty the tmperor Lfd between the allied- power* and reciprocally on lea*>. fttrtunately in-r^i Bohemia, hit other of them ahould be t . itiliter] writing. J- 1 us, hit majetty tl)e Draftee before thc^end df the year, one or slain tf Ktitiutkj and Obu, of all the RUM hoatilitica by "The tnain,obj«c~llon to. the plan * of G. khe subsidies calculated at the rate drawn into autUoritcd to c«tt out themiAji'*. King of the auc(.our*heroin ttipulated, nei­ it, that it hut vuvndt tbi tail y & and Ireland^ and bit majei- of 5.000,0001. per annum, thall be the AIIMSTB.OMO. * Britain requiring party, nor party LuM'". AllMtTRONO. • of Pfuaaia, itjntd it paid to tfic end of the month in ther tfie ty the -King war as an, auxiliary, ahall " Sing Bultra Dttdtra Grantdmt)ttt\ Maixh 1, 1M4 :-- / which the definitive treaty shall be engaged in Blarney. Chaumcmt, peace, except with the con­ Tbt rex in tbt trap, ht wai cnugbt Iy the name of the molt holy and atgped: and his Britannic majesty, make I" M In of , the oth«r. tbt MI/.". iadiwitibjc Trinity, promises, over ajid abov~e the subsi­ tent tOK. The engagement* contracted " Thi* part of the ^lan Cannot be . Their imperial and royrf raajtt- dies here stipulated, to pay to Au 1*. thit tfeaty thall by nomtana de- confided to mi£tia -they must be Egotism. thtf Lrajwror of Austria, King atiiaand Prussiathe amount of two by tiet, tr»f\ from those whicb the high c,on> prepp'd by a regular corpt, otherwise "I dictate thia undiV much cie* of Hungary Snd Bohemia, hit ma^ months, and to Ruula of four tracking powert may l»/e entered tht batk d»tr mty ntt tt iujpcitntrj cknd praatroo of htai aad ttonach^ jetty the Emperor of e- power* have re»erved " It reoiaint with you, tt mittf the The Sublime. .. repoae, by tj>t r«-et- selves, in the moment when peace ance. cure itl future it it the object of the pre- rett of t lie* line before you."~Aax- ' What an awful crisis hare t oft a jmt balance . 6f ahall be concluded with France, to 16. At tabljthment oC defensive alliance to reached I" WiLKitsoii. other hand, in consult with each other, on the tent'trcaiy power ; and on the the balance of power in [ " Thi» armament is to tweep the ihould -Mett their meant by which they may raosi^cer* 1 maintain u A7jinr> if gltry j/«rf.*r», a thing caaeT^ovidence- insure the repote and I St Lawrence." to agree on the beat uinly tecure to Europe, ,'and reci- 1 Europe', to peaceful view* the difletent pow. <»The enemy have about 3000 the happy retult procally to each other, the maint*. independence,of 1 muna of atoiring ef*, and to pie vent the. arbittjary vi men, on paper ahall Serioas Rdjfections. of thfir excrti$» againtt every fu­ nance of thit peace ; they have ne of them?" olationt of the rights tad tctrito U our U(tt4*cp^hou(A^atlk tbi ture attack >-,..' - vcitlielett thought "a necci*ary.-for. " Swttp hia, u .thfir European po*. ries of other state*, by which the diigract of our arms wiLI^e eoni- Their irapcriaUnd royal ma]e>tiei, thv9efence.o,f for so many fflthtut a tiddtr ar a-npt." to coiu teuiorrt, in catc of an interference world has suffered pleie, tht public will kit all ctnf Strict above named, have rveolved the contracting pow-. " With Macdonough'said, 1 have agieement by a ao- to oe apprehended frenr Frahce, in years together, in t«i." ( firm thgi doable "Have agreed'to fix ttie duration fat a tttpptr on the Lake."' tigned by each- of the order of thing! rctuliing from era it, Iran- Our opcrauon*- in .thia quarter lean treat/ to be present treaty*for twenty "What I am aiming at aeparatcly with the said^pexce, to inake immcdiate- of the up u duit art but ttginning, at a time when Xa« four powera, yean, reserving it to themtelvet, if quilily on the road, by kicking othtirt. 'ly a defensive codveotton, they ought to nairo «W/*JL*7 A'mk- the three circumstances thould require 1t, to on the lines."—HAM»TON. Tfeey have- ttamcd for their pleni- & For tbi* .end they mutually^- "The main pact of the reinforce­ tTRONO. of one of proceed to the prolongation of it pou^liarief hit- imperial apottotic grce, thit it the dominion* ments*, under Coles and Randolph, "The moment hat arrived,.when the high contracting powera ihonld three years before its expiration. majetty to Megociate the cbnditiont treaty'tliall be Occasion mcrlurprise." it it perhabt rrectitily for sff, tt h majcaty the be threatened with an invttion from. , 17. The present in bat- -of thittre'aty With hi» ratification ex­ " I thall lt«k at the troop* tltimattd at at much at wt art wirtb." ' Ckracns France, the rtlt shall leave no ratified, and the Emperor of all the Rjut'ut, jtwo months, O{ Soo­ talion on Tuesday." WILKINSON. be Met- raca,nt untried ta prevent tuch iaya- changed within mutt "Too much mutt not Wintel i.9ihariiu, Prince 'of testimony where­ '* Major General Hampton tioit by amicable tucdiat'ron. ner if potajjble. In fnm u." HAJIPTOM. tamich, .\VinnActg 0»chj-o<(r ew*i ^Q9< . niaitter of acate, and miniater teals. «' i fear Yeo will avoid majetty the ttafling powors engage to Mnd'to fixed their fidence, and lo ptpitUri** the War-/1 foreign affair a ; arid hia .at Chaumont,, March 1, tllpin^tut the campaign," hia the party attacked an auxiliary army Done WlLKlKSON. Emperor of Ml the Ruitias, on (Feb. 17) 181«,.», .'' ' Than dttb 9 ipinittr." >Je, Chairlaa Robert Count Neitel- of 6O,OQJ| men. . ** Sir George hai gone to tht head Finii cum fittnlq ptfxjtrmi jig. shall corrtist of (Signed) Pnoce at>»TTIIIHICH, hit pri«y cvunaeUor, ' 8. This army of the Lako-—to prevent him flaying carried his wbole and 1O.OOO hor*0O»e prance ahottM refffte to «c- called for, without htm, at>d>he abould be that state ot frutrttitn wh^h h* the power so "talk­ hi* Britannic tnajvtty'a minister of In p3eto"the terrni of .the peace pto- effe&ualiy for Komo." was in, after hahadcruttedthcDela­ >< ^ State far foreign affairs ; the second tf Jp«a, to e»erv the whple force of ed or threatened. M Sim....lfr< may t'oon.... of the titaation Baron HcfUenbtrg, Chancellor their dominion* for- a vigoroua pro- 9. Aa on account by. tbt dtttkt.'" gtt in lur lift /<»;'/!. AxMfTa.o»c. tatutlon of the wv againti FTJIKC, f the theatre; of war,! or for other to hit Prutslari Rlajesty.j F.rratum—>for duckt, read gnu. reatont It might be difficua for 6. v strongly tempted to turn »ttd to employ it in phe mott perfect' *• I wj« eood sirs (....May, Britain to furnlah the stipulated as- «*Jput an tad trbit Itaiingi." i*gt»* 1 1 /..^Q tmmciu, ih order by jahit meant From Uie Political Regi»Ur. about so fust, ge.ntle- all aiscance in English troop's within * Their gun-boatt however conti­ Mr.>Setrlury...y.tnerP^tsidcnt, it odious. Washington, may up t?,«h« full war compjttnentt, hi* before Congrtat' " Bogie }>trt andnrotth mt thtrt." compa«|od of ffcich *IJ nationa prcanirt to,our Wa« newer cqttspicunut for crnbioi- enjo/ their. Britahnk M»ietty re«ervMto him- being voluminous, we It VMI prttaMj tbt HigbUnd 'rtgi- antain, ani^fcurtfy extract Iwm the let­ dery ' «or« or lesi," nor Jnti»gu'u!>- l and their rights. ' , elf the.rl^ht to furnisji hit cpqtin- ftad«r» steffle mtnt with tbtir ki/ti, tint van tbvtjn shew cau»«, if toy wdepeiwikncc ter* Of-Our gceat men, with remark! c4 aa " the man with gold button* on o un.dtratood, tbav this g«*t to Lh4 pover r«qfuiriqg it> ei- Julfing a national pr»pt*iltj." "f' aid Vachel Jolm*>n U.iatobe hi* pay, or by a Mtrelpondcnt. in true new agreemint it not to mak«Uany »h«r in foreign troopt in «> Tbii traitfty\\\t enemy, e b«n«iUofthesaid tumNvthe rate of «nd in n r .»> , brought " order ehangc in the obligatiofb already to pay an annual Army. dramatic itylt propoaed to Hf, hones: 901. ateiling lor 'evtry foot toldier, . $tatc, of the. out of tl)ioaf" ' at. S. Grun, OJr. '.between the full amouriYaf the atipolarted cont in­ frwm urinciple." ,." \'~ . which O, chi«.-i of an army i$ nbeyed an J .common etiejtiy ; coutrary, tent. The manner* in hit heeWa'thataeftlt embw- will have*to »1Tp|d Tx» ttiiso. i'more iron) tiHrttij than (lorbprinci- *«rthc lirti**.-^ - He, although oceaarantU each of the four rteg courts Briuio corrupt niutr«fit} .wa* aunk, - never ante in every particula'r case shall be | 'pli or pjrofestlonat °blig»>W- dlrctted ^t<*|i-«flicers\o ;bfraV ra*Md birtdi he prcient to ex- have 1' arranged by \n. amicable agreement 1 « \\ \t *bHerculean raar, the tf\ict fit ahovld atlier n>ean> fail, to "proitrai*. to ap arrfl^ between the British government and «-- --' **C6*ci » te, tn »4l the part of the' aiiiMivtkt nf~cb' l|e an< Sir Giirgi certainly prtsumci oti tab- eonn\on .enemy, the-.pow*r attacked .or threatened, /«v who tor^tit two peaceabJ* Jured h^ priv»rtona'Vnot our "badly," but Bd'tHut 'tlic gjrriaone at the same tnrm thttt tl\p assistance ' men report­ \>iti at"' maibtr tht fur, ft}\ hold The same principle ' * Wttt're^re.thc tooo up trt^etfi^r by th«''tiiH.^- " LUt /"r-H« wa* no i to punctual custom- C-ih« is reqttjrfld. £h«:w ' " ;. ' bCti«t«nde4 to, the- mimUr.r of ed t6 m« by UAMTTOK. ' 'v -ftitdli^ >jcfc- -.* 4 W;high' contracting povnirapowers I shall -ei|nrffg- troop* wrt«h hi*; Br^tannftc mnr)*»*y ..... impudfft UHiiHiptqp tf~efOtr"tli* atep-back thlft^Wt urti- " AnsWcr Duant and bit 100O negotUtiont with the coro- engages to turnl»h>by out-ro»t'mg, v vtirt attending tfii IKM.M at tht T tyet cyer Uu ^ and to condiu4e-J«tfith«r "' . v aw<*p,ing right The auxiliary army tn in P4iilaJttphim t' Delusion. pQtijiue ttopper-pullmg, of hh*tiiifie»^r nor JO. Leonard'* regVncnts the inunediajl comm»»d b( V*»*n«'t and caterwauling, whataoe^cr, except have cc*tn« on with n» of generj41 and employed in all :>*' till tTic dbicft My force 4» r of . ry, opfrau9^« iKcorJ\ng to t 1 ahall keep up tha- ¥>:»y of war. The p»y ot tlli tH|-riliary . possible." ( army to be at t^chfcrc,*«f th« p«w- ut most whom .it b»st >UUi 1\ Ct*v.,pVr'te&fylatae. , .Wlvle the Amerrran Buffalo all felt e tup «»iy " >' built huu, wiuojt tavsge n ^- T he inhabitanta-tof wtri1 in company v- ^aujht t Hem, to erettr-^he* deeply ioprBfetted i'n the protvfSUon JXhnr A. .Rbdgers of thv ,i we .ought to I. . of that placet apprbheJiitng fuH wejl ly one- 1« avoid »t 1 Jt \ ti»fKwV»*h«r-was Shilling 'coW) Ut ViH- thaViVangw phcWme"n«n, ^ of tWfe .)J. S; infantry, tnen ,the consequences of an- invasion of 'to (jkfa. McClure, at K- of the tyr»i»* I yv»: coaxing, BtJrr-hoaxiog; the h«*\'iest torrents of -rain, and JVl'Clure, app*»rc»n half rfrtbwsuc*/ All it by arMifnemy who« n4m- and down Was stimulated to the most desperate. that wAbooght st the MBi of Li).t»tmtryaif>i soldiers, wirhouf «, -inarmn'r. And strcights of Niagara, till I had with ber of other frefltlemtn, creuf&y Informed, -treasures qf retaliaripn^ by, the con­ t »illii)iUj. This hi ce .at tt at now, ts 1 am aBinallforie of Volunteers, Militia r«tl*«n*i«iei a requisition, is made lor rufuli duct of McCluro,in the burning of and tbtl * wtotf grot 1OO ptity, the when* and'indians, routed the enemy from for the, » to ptv them, off,-they canrtof. beisb- .Newark. , They-repeatedly request try, did votf his encampment ut'the 4 milexretk. ,eu him to afford them the, necessary for,thei^ to iwndtr > 'taitu-i. ThiahiRh-toned pauiotism. crossed the nation that Buffitk was afhttiiy &r*. Then, this migrhty man protection. The public ate already posterity ap^ttttRApr intTated with; bombast and bell- all the Wind of a Hull'or od. .And farther *Mpe From tho Cb*rl«»lov*n 'City Ga**tu>, river with acquainted With the protection he tion of the-' motivea i a dec'Mftd uird vlgwout adminUlrati. sounding epithets,vxtlit has been Smjtb, aided by (be fosttd stench of tay »ot. ./, ' " puffed by csjajry ranting orator, io afforded. The ruins of the Niaga­ DUDLEY,! of actiorf in that Wr'u on pap^r J. C; S. who burst forth with terror government was uespii veil that has 'darken- every seaport town; tnd country ra Frontier; the tea^s of toe widow, JACOB I. Thfr my«ic and rage upon the drfencelest inha­ of orphan children, r»nt, bc9suje he fouw prnktrition «ve not kteea regular- often sung by every turtnU cava­ voided any engagement with the e- lier to hit mi I tress, his associate!. " ' '' State of New-York, Niagara c«at» lh« dtnund of res tit coniinaei nxobicure the nemy They conceived it sufficient hundreds of cargO«» » well disposed, 11 My watch-word ii honour, my As it regards myself and the corn*/ ty,.'ts. . ; m*ny of-our for them to war with women and it was Trom us, ..England ' oi the warmest ay is renown," has proved itself to mand I held in the army while Kehemith Seelye, late a retideut cittCDnt, and »«n»e children; to lay waste their dwel­ I think proper to .tender note or nert, i friends to the .admiiutUftiion, who i what ? A ,lady's dream ! or ras- under McClujre, of the village of Buffalo, being tt* i E lings; td "burnup the damh'd state the principal reason which in­ ' bons the t^iafts of Buc have been the molt aealont to asterr. like the tentitivejilani, that recedes call,1' was their favorite maxim. lemnly srwont taith, that on the : at the gentlest touch. duced me to resign. After having last', h* thfc . jt i» thus, that our « 5b r"nhi«, »re 8rowinK lokewarm Their march from the Beaver Dam or 3d day of Dec. *have tatriRctd the ho The time of service 'for which been repeatedly exposed to much poneht ha^ a convertittoD ait' in the farther proiecutjpti of the to Queeiiston, will long be remember­ tune of our country." they were called out, will shortly danger by order of McClure, espe­ house of Frederick Miller n6fj war, on account of this mismanagtj^ ed by the distressed victims of that mo t64O mile hcada of de­ expire ; and it it more than proba­ cially when he ordered Buffalo, with Doaald Frsaier'a lieu.] nciit in some of the msrch. In this.march,'property of Upper Canada, and while I ble, If we may make inference* plun­ creek in tenant in' the regular service, .Extract from .a lette partment!. V*. almost every description wai remained there under his orders, with It it a principle tenaciously ad. from former precedents, that they dered and building! burnt under hit wat then acting as- an aid to Otc . T April 30th, 1 will return to their homes worn out about 4Omen,he said .in presence of which convemtton the 11 1 see- by this tn litjred to by individuals, that man own view. Thii, however, was a I pr M'Clare in prompt with fatigue, emaciated with a sul­ Mr. Curtis, whose affidavit ttid Frsaier said, that if Buffalo | .IhM British, transport hould be ever vigilant and mere prelude to the tragedy he wai he regretted I had nc contract. try clime, and without their pay. cured, tl that should- be burned*, he had no < at Botmleaux/ -4f*t* in the performance of civil 'afterward! destined to act. The ill- been taken by the enemy, that he So t"i'\ at he fail* in this point, he ILpw wat it that Roraulut succeed* fated town of Newark w*as burnt un­ the inhabitacti would beremuntnt> 25,000 old troops'Ter eWto well with his soldiery ? It was wished I bad been, that he hoped believed Great-Britain thinks forfeit) hit confidence among men, der Ms orders, the night of the 10th Now «d by government, that ha by paying thim well. How is it the damn d rttcal woul4.be-" be an. advantage to the for -or mean to efleftl un«l lo«e§ that standing in «ocicty of Drcember, 1813. Here was ex. observe, that I wai it would that Buonaparte has kept thousands the public will country Co have it burned, 1t wrmld negotiii inn at Gottti which he once held, howcvir respec­ hibited a scene of distress, which acting unfler the orders of McClure, table 1< might be. Let ut reaion of armed hosts in the held for 'fif­ language would be inadequate to ex­ mttt bundrtJt of uUlrn, it woajd CfcAT, tha moat adtiv teen years ? Not by-a forced con­ and had taken a companding positi­ to protecbte : it one of bur, miniate aiulogically, and ice if thii princi­ press; women and children were Cbl. stimulate mcnao enlist scription only, but by dispensing li­ on at that plao*. He ordered with, more rigour h« ta'ra, IU.L, was, in th« t^ ple will t»ot apply to nationi ai well turned out of doors in a cold and command'the men in the war berally the spoils of the enemyi and Hopkins to ii he had a house in Buffalo, hi rectorial government 4* indtvid«ti>. There U a reciprocal stormy night ; the cries of infants, the rear of nt>,who were 12 miles fr*. ,<&ligat-on between the cit'ucn and untying the strings of his purs*. the detripiv'tle of age, the debility should be glfd to aec a Ire.brapd hi | ry Johnson, a famous How is it that the British govern­ that place. 'I was ordered to remain And further nHfc against American sh 'the government. The government of tickneis, had no impreaaion upon till 1 was reiriforteu, it in two minu^et. ment, whose national debt would at the Forty not, ' ' ." ' tie more estesm than can etact obedience, by a prosecuti­ this monster in humsn shape ; they but contrary to the assurances on.of i(i law* ; on the other hand, Lame the skill of the eoundest wore consigned to the great house, NEHKMIAH SEELYE. it possible toseod sac) arithmetician to calculate, has her which McClure had given me, Col. plomatic nominstiom the citizen or aubject c»n retort to whose canopy Was the heavens, and Hopkina was ordered to remain Id Sworn to, %-prop^f tribunal for redr«i«. But armies rilled with the bravest sol­ whose walls were as boundless as tobcadsptedto the < diers, and her ships with The choicest miles in the rear of roe. time of Catharine of tucn measures ate painful they are the wide world. Should any person concerned* re­ impolitic they have » tendency to stamen ? By promptly paying them pation \n Europe tool trfeir wages. How was it that the In the destruction of this town, ply to.these observations, further for Sale. to send the handsomi de«tr<>'y confidante, tnd corrode that the vulcan McCArt, was aided by facts will be developed ; meanwhile nationil affection, Which thould be great political skill and goodness of court to France 01 Washington, hsd like to have failed the mott active exertions of Jtirpb the public ar« requested to peruse By rirto* of a decrt* of tH» Court the »o»t »droit and i nurtured in .the boiom of every A- WiUtukt^ that perjured villain, who tbe subjoined documents ; oiheri mericanj There shwul-1 always ex- in preserving our independence, e- Cbttacery of Maryland, tbe subsi but to seikd to Gotte ven after, as we thought, it was se­ had for a number of yeart reaided in are in my possession, and will be bar will «xpos« to Public Bale in t|n 'i have calumniated Gr itt complete confidence between the th'is pleasairt village, and had been published next week. town of Port Tboncro, in Chaiht J CitUcn, the sotdief and the govern - cured to us I RccolIcO the noxi­ have expreiieu in t« seeds or dissension Were spring­ patronized in it far beyond hit me­ CYREN1USCHAP1N. county, on H'ednttday tkt («cmlMkA .1 anted, their hatred roeut s anil that confidence can only ous .at ^ ing up in every quartet of the con* rits ; and at a time when it became June 13. out merU, ;is an imnrude b< kept secure,*-ty a ready p*rfor- his duty as a man of justice and as th« afternoon, r.iihca; on the part of government j tmcnt, thai the soldieri w^fe yet ly coujd commit. U it that our little a subject of his majesty, who»e go. Niagara County, si. A valuable travel of land ca'lleJT JVitt * I!ere»thVappoii and'like individual* it will be lust, unpaid. Why 500 ac*utr A ho win W oxpoted to sa!« al ia ihe windi of heaven to visit too particular objects that delighted our Tn a ft w days ! The within the distance of SO miles. | o/God JImigkt), btwtuld txirttto tbt same time »»d p)ac«, part of a tract ft was ft rouglilv," aw deprived of thoie com- youthful fancy. But finally, the re­ woodlind call Hard Bargain, olhe> taken place ciprocal obligations which are due The General next selected the A- lamt in d»mning- tbt grtattr tmrt.ofthf tanking man, from font wh»cju>»». P*«"»»l " re »l inbaHtagti of Buffalo to o,U ttttuitj. wis« calH Ffufemocn FiSit, oooUvv homo never .failed to yicl-l them. from the citizens, tho soldier and merican side of the Niagara for the ingfortj-lwo-'aiid an htlf«ct%t. fUt . a'esced powers pu the government, is the " adaman­ theatre of his future opyatitnt. Further this> deponent taid not. rrench ground ; ar How neceitary, then, how feelingly BENJ. CARYL. la«4 Uiw contlnoous to We«t Utttosi, our government be to tine chain" that binds them to the He look up hit quarters at Buffalo. tnd will be sold either Mpant*, or wift from, their, immei aiivt thouU me thii 14th day iSo deprivation of itt ciliient, and threshold of their country ; apd at A small force of about 20O regulars Sworn to before that truet, as snay from tht general us own interests, in retaining the policy it a ruling principle in the wss called from Canandaigut, which of March, 1814, Samuel Tapper, purcbasar*. .j. France. confidence of itt warmest support- affairs of nations, it thould be the we should have supposed dngbt to first judge, common plots, for Nia­ "Some of thjx.o c'rt,-by promptly complying with policy of this government not to hive been sent tp the protection of gara county. £ Tha purehaier U give bond U tbt stock ibouU be i to me­ with apjaw^d tMurity1,' (tr court ; or if they its contract, in being always reidy leave room for her countrymen Fort Niagara, as that place was itibteriber, murmur. But lamentable it the naced by the enemy. Instead of State of New-York, Niagara coun- paying ibV purob»»e money in tutoe t- Rufut Ring. te-tntet thf demands of itt loldien, qual antutal p^sneuts from tu« day ol »fld in returninR thote reciprocal fact, that the common language of this, the general ordered (hem tore- . ' ty, as. " Mr. Crrwford the town of Cla­ tale, with intei-wt U)M*eo. in campiOy it; obligations wWich they would always the toldiery it, " the government main at Buffalo. Fjort Niagara was Asa Ransom, of t(o the wae,*ince I9th the county of Niagara, PoitaatioD of the pwrob«« wUI be reagh, who aaloV be proud t* advance. had better deilst from taken on the morning of the rence, in the ii unable to psy her soldiers." December, 1813. The day-previ- being solemnly sworn, dcpoteth and d»li»ercd on th« first 4ajr of January peic< did* not tak '.U «l a f*&. for whicli society next In' the maao tj»«tb« p«ir«has« mourn, for which our govern What is ttae cause of this misfortune ous, the General Was informed by a saith, that on the 23d or 4th day not be the fault of the writer is unable to say. U po­ citizen, who had mjde his escape of-jjpccember last past, he, f*this mat e«crci»e til rights of owMrsatll CraWford did not ' iient should stand abashed, tha our* gWngpentuMiaa) to tlift ^ been too irregularly verty hat assailed the vaults of the from Canada, that an attack Would deponent) wa* at the house of r re- pea\ t word duri sol'diera have late village tororflniihing and tacfcnnf ^ in so much that the language tr^aiwry, J»t would be among the made on Fort Niagara at the time Iderlck Miller, near the hand. ' . - « M But what IB' « paid and. againtt the p»w«r' ,,f ce^jplaiot, and justly too, is as last that Would complain ; but un­ it was, Herf then»is something ve­ of Buffalo, 0r»g. Gen. M'Clure an idea, he the conduct of the his aids, and several gentlemen from On payment of thn wliole purcbaa* wt»o, having no et familiar aa the sound of the town willing to indulge such ry remarkable in m6ney, with interest, the- «ub«criber U .J l«»ft.H.M*» that there is a want of ; instead Of dispatching an Buffalo"MMB.W and«•«!«« elsewhereV.WV***IWB« wereTTWtV then% IIW * • • AK^'l k destroy our town cWk, «Mt atrikes at jts regular pc. must believe (Tellers! T - . w I authorlrcd to eiocutc a deed to the pur- proper corulu<5l in some of the dc- express with this very important in­ In a conversation with Ertatus I .u_-_. ' and out thipnrug /•< _ ____ !;__ -i •--!_-_--- i ... i I WIB»W. • • . i in our cou ' rh'eJrtUi'tii from 1 he irate of Ot or- purimcttts, or~thit they are int«nsi. telligence immediately, he omitted Granger, Esq. thia deponent heard I rit left I AaAapolU from the Iwlm anc r in, engag-rd" in'tfl* U. S. service ble 10 the right* of a soldier ; and \t, if not altogether, till it was too Gen'. M'Clnre publicly -4t/:laret tint placed as tl.*y,Vre, at an immense lau for the expVets to ride U|ere. I* wmU tab tvtay tl* rtgiil*ri 4*4 " g»vernro«oi, men foe the since distance from them by their exalted As soon as the'cspiure of that? post vtfi going awty bimalf. Jud»X(jrtn- Ut it^tVCh a si) pccr.tion,.li8V« pnfy a few U-ya appears, no cause i pay. 1 ho rank, their compUinit wilt at length was known at Buffalo, th« General ger *sk«d him' if he meant. M>. t*k« receive^ ilwir. balance of GejD«r*lv An Overseer Wanted / for1 ouf entry W»tt volunreer'i from iHia «»»'«, now HI die with the gale that wafts them. removed himself and men from Buf­ away ihc ammunition j CLEON. falo to the Cold Springs, a drttancc M'Clure answered that he did i BY THE British ihips. ire tlte IT. S. service in the Creek nati- I wiali on* at pr«»*nt, or «t the « from of two mile*. < This Judge-Granger observed, jjpr God's who i» liooeil, so­ entry to »ll oA,-sjc3rly>four hi W.-ed' mil** all the end ftf tlis> ie»me'n will ba no tha articles of- COL, «c. OEN. 1TCLURE. appeared to be made in akc don't do,that, for, w? shall. ' * thtir homts, although will be burn- ber and nnc* GreaL-Bfit ' * s soldier sliaH fe that the redoubtable. General be desuoyetl RufTtl« M/ thac Gen. M'Clutr, in hiideftnce, print- c4'»nd v«» shali ha,vr ooihin*! tA da- M least 100 AX) i sy cv,ery mphth» and the have time tit. retreat .without '' eU.hiit winisr, reAtAcd pn C«l. hearing the toftitUifig of British' tend ourtelvjtt withr Oe'n. M/Clurc ly-for 20 yajai w Cl*«pin. The. Col, woo has Just f'wUl Ht^ .and derto4 «it«hem again. thpy rerr«v'«knvy« following publkajUon.^Hfcw Ke was totally UDtiscd to tich souucli. PIH) tod brinff,-,biro t* me, ii they •A* to compjain."* They reT^. of it, U. any, may be. f»^l, 404 days i b»t will out. do that t1>cy may be all ue- MOO of \f any, nay owe its o- Here be remained a (tw «ertif> that Amos Abi>r}ift« f-ourt.h«)US«/ hoKVnJUfh, from i«j*lltgc/wce..'Wbrch he ttroycd, and \ &on't care ho •* • six or colouring to rcs*nttntnl, fimMofj s**d county, brouid't at Port lliwldt»s» ngin £to«. tyfXb* that ^ « Miur to tht; fWie tcqoiptd the. jnjrjKcv iriusf form tuih* jodg- recowed, stray, « buy' HOlMR tr hrmy were prepBrflijSj io attack Buf- he row u .ernoodthat M*Clure and inch high, 10 -rt»rt !«*, M» »f tiicm by the gtsnertl. TVy wer« inehr as it thinks proper Chapin t)ua.rrel|rd violently, a- we liecl. thA'n|U- ,f»lo, he took up his line of inarch immediately into , white, (our »h«<* . not on* of th« ' rfc Batavia, a distanfe'of 4O i>i.i««; l)om th.e DUrtiiu r« novv * l I"* 11 t*' 0 nun of ihi acc««et >exbibiCe4r hear the- rtyi* of tW «owtiy>jgJlNt. From BaUvii'i"! w«» told, ^4ut n« win<,ii was on 01 a the "whole of their t1m«,'«i- Niagara front ier I ait fall and or hari! I'.*: -, ,-having etcitwl rrtany painful msoV his nttrcat good And further ilwu n ihe [fO-* s*ith nut. S^^ a, fculldsif stn»aiion»'an4 anmous enquiries fof drince.io the c»i»ci \vliich )«4 to those dii- sv> "*« '' henclF by »»cri- _t>u > . wear an tt «000 uintiition of right* p««t fa. mthey hsve ftding thai* that of M'Clurc, tan me a for th when" we ought tb ha the history of th.e work, ...^ .in,u .vi our distracted govt»rn- ever \ \, would in­ scarcely be round i a »na advert ly one- to avoid ft ! It was the of ti I 'was toW by a mi?nt not be inspired with thn humi- deed ; itc for our ation of the ,tyr»« oartftt^t ftr^m wUjch incursians of expense of iftg feantto in the conduct of to embatlr quently liable td the that 8, wAbouf;ht at the seaall /'MARYLAND' GAZETTE, cevef take hWnmity shrinks, the he*t resort slrcosiWtaOJce ren­ -Th»t'^ tcrtain, 'that a administration^ it cau the enemy, which a million..... desirabU jl fl»*y be. Was to excite a general indignatibn, it impracticable te>OUk»a draft party, the r«»r«rt*roies^>f our coun­ 7. place, however dered 100 «*%»- Though they tare b««n unfortunate . by Uavingthr dwellings «f tiiiiens, Mrom tlsett, t( most at eiice be ac- try, did vote" for th? war, and-it 'u d^struc* s>oa- ih most of j heir schemes, they h»v« along the frontier to certain Wowledgtd, byeveiy dispassionate for, theft> to rcfidtr an account to a dtsorfptioA< of the disposable force genera- eopKTT. ho torojpjsint to ijuke, for they have ti»r» -After man, that the. >wlfol« ese posterity aa4 to tRe, present in them scene at Newirli, it becontts ui 'to hsabeert itt requnhioiu th*-' motives ana principles" 8t»mtrt, been no farther opposed of Maryland tioO' of John candidTexpression of »p«tk cautiously of the fero^ty Of our and thac her exertions, a in that horrid deed. Ouf $dward QrtfUh, than a fair and of scTioff opinion would go. Our coufl&ty me­ enemy. That there are many among live view being taksk Of the,«s*t government waa despised «y the ty­ B I. naced With calamities arid divert, us wno would rejo^c* at the destruc­ population and nhyaRalistttei^iL._ rant, because he found us without Ihe. and villages by tht e- have £OMiderUn'ce~d, demands tion of towns the states Virpit aAd without character, ef­ nemy, along our frontiers, inasmuch ed th«te of Virgiqlai ' to answer to WatchfatAtention and patriotic he ntVcr. even dc>grt« fence, while retaliation has in so narstioB to meet and repel the inva­ hat on thus, that our adovniatraiioii ring exertion, >s«V h* thfc . jt j* luring tb« Jast evasion of our list, however his character may^bave many different ways been courted. der*" Ko and for th«,.W(me«ir .of juve aaciificed the honour and to at thi state legislature, a biH originated in been aspersed with the odious ept- out-statelt is to be hoped %e never tune of our country." of t tr afptiitin- Far the Maryland Oaaetttv shaU. Our country has been alrea­ Miller the senate for building a certain thets tr*it»r attempt has recently been will waiVfoc the'calli'of lllr 8 An dy too. roach degraded by empty rareu.] at" made in the Baltimore American, r service, wlio fcxtract from a letter d number of barges, at the, state's ex. the interests of his country ... __...._ threats and vain-glorious boastings^ (and the National Intelligencer has for her thc^ ridi­ aid to Gent April 30th, 18 pence, for the protection, M was sufficient to fire his seal, and ani­ they have procured by this mornings paper given currency to the slander,) to and dtsdsin of foreign nation*, jnveraation the »« I »et mate his patriotism. Ft) proportion df cule British transports have arrived sa»d,of tho'se points along the shores throw an odium on the executive and raised the blush of nuuty shaano , chat if BufTiJo ' thu ss democracy has failed in its fool­ a'n invidious at Bonnteaux ^Mtake on board of the Chesapeake which had b«en Maryland, by drawing on the cheeks .of every honourable s had no" doubt ish projects and ambitious attempts, "between tht govern­ 25,000old troopiTcr the U. Stated, passions enlisted comparison American. Froin tbe meritld con. d be rcrauntrsK left undefended by the' general'^), were all the angry ment of Virginia, and tnfc govern­ tat ha believed Great-Britain thinks we do not wiah against those who will -not yield a tempt which such conduct inspires, effelA" peace by the vernraent^ This met the-fate, it de­ ment of Mary land, in respect to their Maryland at least will, under the /antajp to tht for-or mean to blind obedience to the wishes of the enemy."" at Gouenborg, since a served in the lower bouse, and was preparations to meet the- guidance of her present chief mi- . irned, it would negotiai inn president, and bow io submission t,o exultation, the the most active for the war, After repeating with gistrate, be exempt; he was the it wo CJ.AT, rejected after a very little debate. the slavish doctrine, that we have of thq governor of is one of our, ministers, and as Rus- general orders ajldier, and continues to be tbe dis­ ist to prosecbte It seemed in some to occasion much no right to hesitate and question Virginia, to twenty regiments of IU.L, was, in tho1 t^sae of the .Di­ his excellency recommends. ciple of Walhingtoi ; h'« decs net igour -he aahi, of the when militia " to hold themselves in rea­ in .Buffalo, ha rectorial government, cltrk to Hen* displeasure, but, independent We would that the character of our like s Smyth, a Hull, or a Madison, diness to march, Sec." the Wtiur issue a frtdamatim wben «if/W is i a fire brand hv ry Johnson, a famous privateersman expence," we, have recently learnt government shiMd ever remain un­ hear df has lid-' exclaims " yet we do not necessary ; he perforins his duty .nd further nty against American ships, he Barney's flotilla, how far they tarnished, be&ajiy: it is better sail­ to call out Clay. How is from one step of «*r executive efficiently^ though silently ; and tie more esteem than ed to the habits of a free and virtu­ nor of one effort to as-' losendsnchmon? In all di­ are calculated to effect the object the militia, although he may not alarm the ene­ H 8EELYE. it possible ous people than any other j yet some semble the pttti ttmltatiu to resist plomatic nominations the men ought for which the/were intended. Few impressions have -been stamped, my by the harshness of his epithets, the enemy in any one way, or «t. a- tbtainfortnecitUcns, by the to be adapted to the object. In the .had been committed deeply stamped upon it, fy the ig­ he will depredations ny given point I we hear of no spi­ vigour of his measures, that sectjri- time of Catharine off' Rusiia> every norance or wickedness of our rulers, to care by the enemy in the neighbour rited or military preparations ty, which is withheld from them by nation in Europe took particular which can with jhfficuhy only be ef­ the invadbrs, but , - men to that hoipd of the Patotent until Commo­ meet and repel those who ate bound f"o afford it, r Sale. to send the handsomest faced. Precipitated into a war at hear of peevish complaints a* i one always chose We As to "making tuppticatiuos to court to France dore Barney had incautiously placed tht instigation of tht bloodiest des­ gainst the general government, and th* Coort «t) and cunning trents ; any Baltimore and Washington for assist­ of the most adroit himself in that river, andTsWlea^of pot who ever held sway over of pitiful supplications lor assistance land, the subteii but to send re Dottenburg men* who. portion of the great family of man, ance," tho assertion is toot true w'r^h ? ub he Sale in A* affording either proteAiov4r\tc«ri- from Washington and Baltimore." respect to the former, and it vis have calumniated Great Britain, who and that too when wholly unpre­ the character x>f our, ticco, ui Charlts mea­ Although perfectly correct in our Executives t6 have expressed in terms I rule ty td the property of individuals, he pared, evinces either abject subser­ commander in chief for patriotism, sured, their hatred to that govern, viency, or a total want of foresight, spply for u to the latter. Had the, has been the cause of its destrveVi* and a vigilant attention to his duty, government granted it with promp- ment, -is an imprudence that we on­ in the authors of it. When they the re- on. Many industrious families, is so firmly established with jiude and effect, and instead of ly coujd commit. shall appear to be governed by rec spefUblc men of each poHticiksect appointment must be, the meant of this flotilla, rule 'ending tho regular fore* to the at­ on " Here»the through titude, and adopt for their who know him, ss to render anyXx 30 urte*, Iv'mg changed -A man who was in favour those genuine principles tack of Canada, had employed it to ie raid county, t- which wls to drive the enemy from conduct planationof his conduct unnecessa shores, of the Buonaparte government can* republicanism which they hav repel tt* cnemvfron(our own AMen's FreVh.-- our bay, or at all events to protect it may yet be proper to detail » ft the citisens of the exposed coun^bs ltd very ri i, snd . not stay here with any prospect of much abused, there will tnei as connected with oor the undisturbed quiet plain facts, (their corn fields and harvests hav- )! inod dweilisg success; and such has been the at­ our chitons in want of confidence, and th militia system, and its recent ope­ shewn by tbe.present mi­ supported by^~lhe u- ng been nec«4sar)ly absndonti) . The *oH is watt tachment of their various occupatieas, as well find themselves rations, for the satisfaction of sun­ cause to ktton of RT»in aac4 nister to that tsxAsteV; and the iool- nlted energies of the natioil. It is ould not at this time ha.vc as their property, have been lighted dry well-disposed citiscns, who may cad an approaching scarcity of the a convensSDl lani- ' iih tde« that he wtt al) powerful, not that federalists feel a/personal posscsiion of the requisite from their hornes by the blase of not be in atticlee of life; loi»g will the inha- *ce jn*y b« ukta that about the SOth March, he said, animosity to the president and his information on the subject. The er Tt)e iiUialiaa table, before eight persons, compelled to that they oppose his poli­ on the Hafuxent deplore tho at his their dwellings, and satelites, military establishment of Maryland metno* and fowl ip. Uttir that the Emperol^of Austria and that they cry out against it, but fldtilla system, and hold the eboa- set the hard-earning* of their indus­ cy, consists of three grand divisions, in detestation. rex) in great Russia, and the ^*g of Prussia, because he has departed from that ryW its conductors carried away by an under the controul of Mapr-Gene- AMARYLAND&R. would be brought pwtsonersio Paris* try seised snd course which exalted/ the great brigades ; Stdto sale at tbs rals, each containing four In a few days ! The \vent that has enemy. At the very moment it was Washington,'and his cbadjotors, a- the 4th, 5th. 7th, and 9th brigades, , part of a tract gf place was foreseen by every legislators, and gave that the Marshal 1 Bars a in, other- taken communicated to our f ultra that this bove all other are attached to the first division, e understand tanking man, from the day the co­ birth to happiness which never embracing the counties of Prince- of tfriis DistricX, hss received orders* to Fiiljb, «ontaia- on little bantling force had gotten itself ihalfacit*. fk4i alesced power* put their ftet before visited any civiliaed nation. George's, Montgomery,"St. M>*y's, to tjeleaie all retaliatory prisoness'oC i to WertUatti, French ground ; and that, not only entrapped in a situation which re­ If .these leaders of democracy view Charles, Calvert, Anne-Arundel, & war, and that it haa accordingly power, but are now u> bo ir eepatui*, W wlla ' front, their irnmcn»e quired some aid from .them for its in the storms, which are gathering the lower part of Frederick ; Har- beep done. They beet aoeomn«da»j from tbt genital. ilaaaaiiaTaction in in the political sky, dangers which the eight counties oo the considered only s« ordinary pntftiers protcc^n, orders were issued to a ford, and France. : ' -, * call for the combined energies of our eastern shore, form the second oak* of war. [Btt. P*f*r.) for | SALT. " Some of thja/old revolutionary detachment of troops, whVoh nattdn to shield her from their rage, iion; and the third division inView* » give bond to tbs stork should b« sent but to thu I lying they should immolate their -diaboli­ Alregany, Washington, Baltimore Boito* JTttUy ffuMAftr July I. • some time previous had been frmn Binliofiofi informi, *c ti from tU« dav tt M Mr. Crrwford 'dined i-few dtys the frontiers, leaving the state, and that they nave been dcccivtdDytbe law it is enacted, " that in case of tb«rc hid been tont|>ou»* . cient to check that depredatorjrispi- extra battalion, or squadron, shall lis, Jury I, 1814. spea\ a word during all the dinner. giving a loose to head-strong, prcju- to order out the mi- Austin Armi (2), Ptter the crop1 OA rttsvith which the eneny entered have full power James AJIen, " But what is our country to do .dice, and those gloomy epprehensi- liVia, or any part thereof, belonging Armatrong, Mary Alien A. A. countr. , the power' df Great-Britain, the river. This is another instance ooa may be easily' dispelled. We to their respective districts, where John Brewer (3), Bstil Brown, W. B 10 whole purcbast but us, will misfortunes which Bean, Stephen Beard, joa Heater Bi- it, the subscriber U having no tnethy , to show, how much disposed our prt- wish that the the threatened invasion may be." deiuroy onr towns, «ur commerce, lave already visited USA and which of this provision, Colootl op, Thomas Bicltnell, A. A. eounlv. * a deed to the pur- individuals a)ong In virtue Jeremiah Cook. Klisabeth Cadle. Phil- snd our ihippmg { is there no spi- lidtnt jstoprotea till threaten to pour in tremendous Taney, on the appearance of the when he has in view lip Currmn, Amea Can.dan, a Tittatte. rit Uft in our eouhtrymea, to chase I the sea-hoarJ, orce upon our nation, could be tra­ enemy in the Patuxcnt, ordered out Cr of ^^ ^. . ^.^ he conquest errors in Carmaa, Nancy Chancy, George Jrjrn tho Iwlm. and administration ced to nothing worse than hia rrgiment, comprising ihe whole ^Urgmret Doraev, Charles Li. government, nen who have brought ' ^ udgment* but every day unfolds ana on inform*, of Canada. Would our citizens but of Calvert county; Henry Uickoiuon. RkM. Dam, A. A. us a sute «T tuini There omething new to establish and rivet tion being given to the commander county. Lieut. Wtn. N. Karl. C^tas. appears, BO cause »f war at prwent, bestow.their serious reflexion eft on the mind a belief, ttut^hisisnot in chief, a detachment of three com­ II Flemwlne Jonas Gre«n, Pereme« ef / fejr ouf entry W»to th«. pot ts "whert- this subject, wtf should then expiect the cause., Mortified at the failure- panies were ordered from {Knna.- Olenn (*). Nich» Oold«bor«ugh, KoVd tUBCttlBCB. British ships, are admitted, is th of their predictions^ and incensed Arund,el. Gen. }Yest, of the^Tourth Uriflmi, A. A. county. G«org« Hpol-. to see thtm wit«Sdra.wing their cop6- (Jnrard R. o disasters their u i ii « vii man (I), Ann Hawkins. entry to all the worjd ; the press iryond measure at the • UI •EtlUC'k VT •• "sai»»»»Uo dire&ed**»• ^*.»». v to*w furnish• i* hoeesl, K> ;v » I brigadiywas , seamen will bo no l^ngbr exercised' j dence from a set of men, who had y has brought on the country, I h£:O(er ,., ^ menthe Co)onei HupklM. Phillip Hatnmond, A, A. s. to e«p«irf«i*«nd on folly Aquiller Jehosou, VacbeUqba- since Grcit- Britain raaJtly ylangti them into a war, and iome,e of our dtmocr^^DDea^ore | migbl dH* 'g(J(nera| n ivhistry b« vanquished by thesuptri- an. ; This turbulent spirit rick and WitlutmX c6mmandin|? the Christoplktr Mj»ff*c, bamuel 1 M«d- e can,At«t, nor "quo* - way to sober reflection, sod Those brigades, to hold half their [ox, Heuley Istavtlo, Doctor Jatne* or force of rcaaon tad arpsment- 7th at B.lh lion <»f oat«oru errors of judgment, if they really brigades.in readiness, to march at a M'Gill, damuel Maosrtrtn. Jolin-Msb'o- rcnounj;c ^tlaims for a .point beyond which tht' dtttrvf thai chsra,&nr, must be ir­ motntntV warning. In additiop-tq , A A counly.ca.pt. Jno, UJoni*. Jas, P«WelL Jjlary Row, ertibiAAjS^P detrtt* of victuoua.but.elisgui- radiated by.the stn-beains of tnuh these, preparation* for defence, pee. Ojetvl*. William at i>twfn anU Berlin, and reason, btforp the union can' who cemmaivls tht roen cannot go ; Aws crisis we Philip Stuar^, »f we" declared wajr and this take place whi«b they see,m so mofh 5th brigade, lisd aflaally taken t,h« a- i» rapidly apptoaclitnf- They . one believe to desire>' . field, and possessed « discrttiopary d».rs; tanmalBouthwkik, CUrlai Btory have accii thkt they hive ocehfnotk- n^w*r to otdor out the entire popu- Philip P. Snuih, A \.c«n»;y. IT.lia* on. , The ,f»6l TS, tht 'adve»twver of St. Mary's and ChatUl sJ| »J>Oj«d by the very.men they * W» hope our resders pill- pevuse Utiiw beth Ty4tog». Mary Thomas. b«ir>g destroyed- .the phantom of fd counties. Hero thin wa seee twtwo Valyawt. fcHiaabeU. 0- 'Wooilt. P1""-- » ~'otft pn which 1 our «d- M authority'; and will sttetitiveiy the* addrtta of Co). tiad 'pxr«d which whole brigades a«d a «noii»y of the; A. county. John White, 8ar«k nin, ;and the certificsWS tinflton, Walter WiMett, Samuel C u«to»m4:u» find, support, thcv submit lo siucli (ic^rudvlio \t, and Ahe " »heo other wo. whkh TMT v;-,v !.', . 11,. cuinpany )Vt. » vrhcu, thcyvjb^ld 'n their own hands tec what «nd-blooded military divUion our reguninu, either a r«;wedj- for A ihtlt evil's ? the dcstruftion of Nisgarav »»i the Public/Sate.

from the Orphan* , or uul Mr. -Win. n------^ _ - Aftim BY ' #urt of A. A. the lilh day of "Jury? alk tk» real VL cull* aloud Upoj\.hia«ir\i Jicr i;,-.. «i. ...-:.. roll thy Roar}, aga'iutt th* tyrannk ir'ofbler nesday VhTjOthJofy next, if*air, 4*1 U^I** 1"* Mr.. Co*nnn, con*M» fcew-v , . . Dyed of 6M with Meoriah,blood ! iBribi relief of- suTidry the world, fciot content', with d nof Hie fir*t' fair d*y- thereafter, . Swell thy iide ; flo* wlty findo ; ed utmeceaaaty to give a description of i or*, PL--_ Ftow-^r «*»r> famod in aior.y,. the iifUge of. God/to. jhe'per- at Ut« J»Ue residence of 9«i>b»n Lark, tWs properly, a*i«: 6 presumed thoe* leeh hundred and five. hTtdofthes? Lo t agaXg, thy banka are spread on of foitlipns of hit creature* 3 ] and 6n therahifi- county court being B*ti*fi»rt bv ark tjf. the .Lord (consecrated in on thc.grouud. The terra* of sale are,* * ' ~ ... .._. . . .'. ...__.__ \vr» .V. -_:j ill Horse to horse and man to man i thete/holy insignia, of-the church) to cation of the chanceTlor, and the p»y- tent teatimonjr aajd Jvbn 8iby 'fire the dawn rt»j charge began, credit of six month* for all sums over of th«:purchaM money, the *ub mons hat r*»id*« the all the profanation*.of accident, of ten (\ollaw, the purchtter scriber will give J ' *" - "'- - To the bra««n roar of battle ^ element*, and of -un*an6liflad with appro\«d,»ecurity,> at IS \ In the *tate of »Iarylai»«; and ihesaif A* the wiotlrjr torrant aw*ep*. hands. J1 Fear not then.bat the Cod from the day of (ale, and all turns un Tniftoe. John Simmons, having stated iath p*^ Down' 'Mnr+ufA ravaged flcep* whose aHart have Been intuited by dftr ten dollar* the cash to be paid Ution, that he a in the toOftdy of^the . Ru*h«d the Jlf, to overthrow, the very worm his Aloivghty fiat had J>»le to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. sheriff of Anne Arundel ^Mrirty^ «ft4'' Spain I the bulwark of thy/glory, railed from the dust, fear not that Grttnbury Lark. Farmers Bank prayed to b* di*d»arged tbertfrom *), AsoUJ- CoipftJ* brave* (he flood, Town Neck, Severn, J 4% -. i* therefore ordered tad adj * " Our onshakei /phalanx stood tie wiJl not be with you I That He 18, I8U. * '*-- Sw> Brother*, sons, and fkUiert hoary( will not stretc.1i forth Hit shield o- ver ydur rtnlrs i and with the sword the^^^r^^i^^^-s-^ Farmer* Bank of Maryland, Jlcnttjo with thnahock, of Michael fight against his ene- NOTICE. vith a aupplemet)) thereto establishing a copy of. thit order to be inserted hi With mack' pl«A»8fe felt her vrne cUd avratniU rock ; m'tea. ' a Branch thereof at ^rederiek-Town, the Maryland Gaselte or Maryland 1% j our readera.ibit ««^ni Gueya's vale, hill and dale, Dotioeis hereby giren to. Block holders publican once a week, for'^ree splendid oration entrre, Tre>m"bled with .the mighty motion. » This ii th« Faith in which I wilt The ComttiiMioner* of the Tax for »ive months, before the tfflrd ] fight and conquer ! This i* the faith Anne Arundel .county adjourned until on the VVeatetn Shore, that an Election delivaf«d by th* Hon Guadalquiver't current fled will be held at the Banking Hoot* in of September next, give notiee to 1 SwiWy. from the troobied bed, in which I would fight and fall, and the firlt Monday in August next, (that creditor* to appear before- Nifc si Merrt»i -on ihc 29ch ul stiil behold the finalyiftory with my beio^the first day of the month.) the City of Aanapolu, OB the first ttoration of jtn« Bou Foaming'tike the angry ocean. Monday of August nAt,, between county court, to be held at tbe oKy of Faukhion, pik« and bayonet. dying eySrt. Soldier* I do your order AnnapOlit, on the third Alooday ft4 mghly r< H. 8. Hall, CTfc the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 3 dienco.in Dr. Romey Smote, and pierced, and- clashing met part. Think on the burning tacfifice o'clock P. M. for the purpose of choos­ September »e*t( for the purpo«e,of r*y On the plain, strewed with «lxin, of your citiet nhink of your wives, C. T. A. A. Count*, commeoding a truttee for.the4r,bcdefit Thi« unrivalled peffor 2.~ Juneone 30, 181*. llttA. ing from amongst the stockholders, six­ Cliargul with fate'* a vending power j your children latticing to you for pro- teen Direct op* for Uie Bank at^Annapo- on the aald Jobo Simmons then aa4 the attention and chalt' Thro' tbe fleeting shade* of night, teeVion think on your emperor, re­ lit, and nine Director* for the Branch there taking tbe oath by the taid ao\ plause of every man c Flach'd the vollied blaze of light garding you as the sinew* of their Bank at Frederick-Town. prescribed for delivering wp his pr*«. lishiog troe eloquence Fell like hail the deadly, shower. WANTED ciafing tbe mo-\t inter. strength ; and before to-morrow'* TO PURCHASE OR HIRE, By order, O'er '-rove* And field* and mountain* lun acts, write your faith and your A of profound polUica.1 M blue,. realty on'the field of your-country A Negro Woman, that understands V ORATtOl plain cookery. To such an one, that CotMtSM, X. On rosy pinion* morning flew, , with the life's blood of. the invader I hereby certify, that Alien. Doraey, Tis DONE. The t Broad and bright, streamed the light, can come well recommended for her so­ and hi* legions'." briety, Industry, honesty and good Um of Poplar Springfc, in laid county, bro't over. The Bourbon* The gulden face of day unveiling; The shout which followed this ad­ before the tubscriber, a juttice of the \'Arundel County) «c. In darkness atill the conllict lay. per, a liberal price will be given, by France repeats in th« dress, aaiared the veteran that-his John Welch, peace in and for said county, at a stray, 1 ... April Term, HI*. legitimate prinpc. -' \ The dismal war-field'* grim array, a black HQR8E, tupposed.to.be >& A sullen cloud of smoke concealing. brave troop* only wanted the signal At the half wav haute on^ On applicattyfb to Richard (I- Har~ «xpre**.our attachmed to be given to realise on the *pot hi* the Annapolis road to> year* old, *lxieenr hand* high, with wood. Esquire, one of the Judge* of islenchf with respcft ". Their whirlwind rage five time* we stood rroit devoted wishes for Russian Baltimore. ^* \ three old ahoe* on, a little lame in hi* Anne-Arundel county court, in tha re. And stemmed the whelming battle llood, Ir.ft hind leg, trot* and pacea, ha* tome We recall to rememb jafrty and Russian June 30. /^ tf. cess of the'nard court, by petition In 8'ill aimin. o'er the plain, white spot* occasioned by the saddle, and writing, of-Samuel Plammcr. of **ld r teresting period, whe Rolled the honlirie peal* of thunder, has been worked in geer*. Given un­ county, praying for the. benefit of tbe lowship -of irm*, ot .Afar, the wild hull cowering Ccd, 1NOT1CE. Anne-Arundel County der hand of me thi* fifteenth day of act for the relief of eufedry insolvent inmgltd at the corwiv And man and steed recoiled in dread, June, 1814.' debtor*, a»d the several supplement* oor blood on tb« finld Earth shook, and teemed to rend asun­ < Court, April Term, 1814 Bdreard Warfeld. tbereio^pn the term* mentioned in said look, e tuHittg, at thtr- der. ' Tb all trhom it may concern, , You are hereby notified, that the On^applicalion to the Judge* of A nne The owner of the above described act*, a schedule «f his property and Ther« French and A< Long and deadly wa* the strife,.- Taxes under the act of Congress, pa*«- Arundel county court, by petition, in stray it reqo^sted to come, prove pro­ list of hi* creditor*, on oath, a* far; contended, in gencro Trumpet, 4ruai and shrilling fife, ed the 3d day of July eigbUen hundred writing, of l*arki» Hammortd, of said perty, pay charge*, and take him a- a* he ean etcetfabj) thorn, being auV first should reach the Gro-ms and cries pierced the tkiet,' and thirteen, entitled, An act to lay county, praying the benefit of the act way. ^ - naxedtq hi* petition, .and the.asM 5v' ry. Thetc the conic Death's loud organ swelled tiie'choru*. and collect a direct tax within the Um forth* relief of sundry insolvent deb­ Alltn Dortty, mu«l Plnmmer, having* stated in Hi* petition that he Is in actual confinement dence wo* cloted. 1 Raging like a stream of fire, ted Slates, ha* become due and paya­ tor*, passed at November session, eigh Poplar Spring*. ed our title to b« nu Bunt our old Iberian ire, ble, and that attendance will he given teen hundred snd fire, and of the seve­ 2SMRU. Sw. tor* debt, and prayed, to be discharged Fast consuming all before us. ral supplements thereto, on the terms therefrom, it i* therts.or* ordered an4 the nation*. iftf to receive the *ame at the following Ttiifck God, we. « mentioned in the said act, a schedule adjudged, that the said Samuel Ptam- Weep ye hapless maid* of Gaol! time* and place*, viz. In the county of Dollars Hewurd. avow the eniiraenis Anne-Arundel, at Pig Point, on Tues­ of his property and a lut of hi* credi­ mer, be discharged from custody, and' >AVe6p your absent lover* fall! ' Ran away on the 2d of May, a Ne­ .that by cauaing a copr of thi* or­ thai ingusi family, la despair, rend your hair! day the 12th day of July next At tors, on oath, as far a* he can sawertain gro Man called Ned, who. With sever­ them, at directed by the said act, be ( der to bo inaerteoXin the Maryland Ga1- away th« fleet* and ai .N Werp betide your willowy fountains U John BmithVtavern, the 14th. At James al other*, added that of Jonet, and ictus weekly, for three moplht fiioi-esy.-* Wan beneath the frowning sky, Hunter1* tavern, in the City of Annspo- ing annexed to hi» petition ; and the brought suit in Anne-Arundelcounty,by ami Spain were arra lit, the 16th. At Charles Water's mill, said courtly court being satisfied that tively, before the third Monday of Sep­ of American liberty. Gashed with wound* the vunquiih'd John Colder, for their right to freedom, tember next, p,ive notice to hit creditor^ I'". ,< on the North *ide of Severn, the 19th. the said I^arkin llammond ha* resided which suit, at the last term of the ed Louii vh« «>xteeii At WCoy's tavern, the 21st, and at the the two preceding year*, prior to hi* to appear before Anoe-Arund^l (RSunty On oar Andalaiian mountain*. court, was tliamitflod for the want of court on tire said third Monday of Sep. or TIIR KIOHTS or : Poplar Spring tavern, the 23d. In M-d application, within. the state of proof. He i* a ttraiglit likely black' loved him. We do ' The wolf at mianight laps their blood Maryland, and the laid Lark in- Ham- tember next, for the purpose of recom­ Their limb*shall glut the eagle'* brood the county of Prince-Gerfee's, at Bla fellow, 29 years of aga, 6 feet 8 or ft We are unaullicd by den*hurgh. the 12th day of July next. mopd having stated-in hi* petition that mending a trustee for tttejr benefit, and Tyrant hast*, to the feast; inches high, and haa under one of his to ahew cause, if any they bt/re, why- his atsaa«int. Ou At Vans-Ville, the 11th. At Queen Anne he i* in the custody of the sheriff of a tear about an inch long and Erect the crest be bloodier, bolder Anne-Arundel county, and prayed to the *aid Samuel Plummer -aWtrtd no* prayers, hjrwe accom| Behold thy conque*t, claim thy spoil, the 16th. At Upper Marlbro' the 10th broad. No descriptive information can Spa^arda in their it And at Nottingham the23d. And shall "be discharged therefrom, it it there­ bfi uiven m* to hi* clualhs; he went off have tbe benefit ef the said aoU and Thy heroes shall pos»e»* our toil, fore ordered and adjudged by the said Uie supplement* tbereto as prajci lluih that American ! there they thai! unbuiied moulder. attend in person, or by deputy, otooe in with * straw hat, a country round a- two weeks at the above mentioned pla­ court, that the said Larkin llammond bout striped jacket and trewnert, and Te*t & H'sn. S. Qrttn. ted to offer only wi|! ce's, for a few day* only, und then pro be discharged, and by causing a copy good shoo and stocking*. It i« proba­ April 12, ISTjT 3m.* Uow interesting, , Anditjar, a winding river, which ceed to call on those person* who may of this order to be inserted in the Ma­ ble he may endeavour to get. to 'Balti­ th'e history of the passe* through the city of the tame- not think proper to meet me, or depu ryland Gazette, once a week for three more, or *o the City of Washington. Anne-Aruadel County twenty years. In thi name, and near to Bayten. ty, and (ball confidently expect itnme successive month* before the third I will pay a dollar a mile on the dis­ the state* general < diate payment, on failure an addition of Monday of September next, give no tance he may be taken, if committed Court, April Term, Wl«w f Vmblm, a commanding eminence lice to his creditor* to appear before convened to w»rj near tbe scene of action.- , eight per cent, execution ice, acreeably to gaol. BO that 1 g»t biro again; ftftoen On application to Jeremiah Townlrr binkruptcy. Tbe < to law, will be demanded, it such a the *aid county court, to be held at the dollar* ii" taken at Annapou* and com­ Chat*, Ksquire, chief judge of the third \ The mountain* called Sierra ftlore- city of Annapolis on the third Monday their aitntet wa* o< measure it necessary, which it tineerely mitted; ten dollar* if taken in the ludicjsl district of the ttate of Mury. common artifice of ni. hoped in no instance mav be the ca*e. of September next, for the purport of neighbourhood, or twenty if taken m land, IB the recess of intp ia belief that I The Rook of Gibraltar. R.DUVAL/L, Collector recommending a truntee for their bena- Oalvert county. .. , ; AN county court, by petition, in writing, ojthe rrevenue for the 5th collection Qt, and to shcwc,au»o, if any they have, I am informed that.Hi. olfl yellow of Packtl Jokniviir of'-** id county, safely incurred V.i district of Maryland. why the said Lurki* Hammond should Woman reside* in Calvert who call* ^praying for the benefit of the act of »* taxes, Large loam following (taken from Porter** 'jflbe:30. 18U.____ 3w« not have the -benefit of the said aeU, henelf Hannah Junes, apd who my sembly for the relief of »nrtUry iotcl- but no f«nds pro\ and the supplement* tliereto, a* prayed. campaign in Russia) it ihe address Negroeex7*ho cUimed their freedom, vent debtors, and the gujiplemcnts there­ opening of that a T**t. call aunt she it wife to a miller,«who }he minuter of fin of the great KutusofT to the Rut- Private Sale. Wm. S. Or«**v CMC ; to, on the term* mentioned in a« had previously ordered ry dcKriptron. within about a mile and month* tuccemiyely, before the third «d th;« rights of tbe holy «p'Ui\uTe, »o enthus'ustically bouse, with two rooms above, ajod one mentioned in the said act, a schedule below ; a pailed garden and yard, and of hi* property and a list of hi* credi­ n half of Battle Cre«k, which **nptl«* Monday of 8«f«emW »ext, giv« nolle* Qor)cy ; fra revered, and which had been saved an old building «««t of repair, with two tor*; on oath, as fir a* he can ascertain itself into the .Rlv of from the *»ttUegiott» hands of the e* room* below arid two above, for seve­ them, at directed by the taid act, being twenty mile* frotn- it* mouth, from AruhdeJ ominty eoort on * tWrd Monday of fll^atfrr >X»rt. f«r the kirrj ncmy at. Smolensk, to pt*ceUe him, ral year* rented a* a tavern. Term* annexed to hit petit irmi apd tha said syliich land there i* a good raod *eeur< 'a thi borne by ihe priests of the army. may be known by application to county court being satisfied that the ed by Uw to the Creek, which i* najrj- purpove of recommending a Uiwt** wf th*ir benefit, and tb abow «aM**j {' **' i they had ni On its approach, cv/cry h«^d was un­ V ' . Win, Brv$ the baiiettt «f tb»- »« . year'f thd again \ waved OK tbe breast* of thousamU application within the (tale of Miry- bouses; and several out housej'.ort thi* acts a* pr § »»prhon; whence along'.the extended; lint, nnd the land, and the snid Jamen H«iim>ond land. Alto another traxt of land, con­ NOTICE. having ataUd in hi* petition that he it taining upward* of three txr&drfd T«t Sooths, hie %a« le most a*ful silence prtyailcd. Tears The aobfluriber havihg obtained from art.i, and bordering <>n the told fell from the eyea of the soldiery H the oruhuns court, of Anne Arundel In the cuotody of the »t he riff of Aitne- 'Yh'tt virtuous ri> Arundel county, and prayed to-hedu of Battle ('reek, which it or I 5«llk*fbo^rof'4a« They were hot ..tears of grief, but nty; letter* of admfnutraticyi 1). B charged UierefrouK it i* therefore or­ balteau* and tcew» to the un tit* tribute of (ibat pure Toligioui r un the personal e*^a*T« of flamuel dered and adjudged, by the *a) A'rUndel 'county, 'that the said Junes HammoT>d be d)« tiufbor, the furuier stiiuble for ptank datie* of-Bai*' r,.. ir "^ ;:- with heavenly emotion*^ even. the deceased, *>ll par*opsha,*ia^ claims *- charged, and by causing a c>py ofiliis and sbin^lrs.bcitJg invp>rviou»to worm*, well v«co«»ineria«o', will tne«fc'wlli> II" 4 s gainst oaid deceaswtvi* hereby rsqiinsl- whioli d«siru^» every oilier V.u»4«f tim­ by applying humble et Russian individual, -1 'm in. Icpally provert, and order ta be intertad in the Maryland th**« Gaxettn once a. week for three tncco- ber, while they leave the CyjMrtwa un- *iy« niontli* before the thltd Monday of touuUad ; tho laLier auiuthloTjqr fe»c» Tavern, An 1 September next, |^ve ootioe to his tre- rail*.U'her* are a crist und sawmills, a tai« CMif country'* right* to th^KinUy tho»e whoar« indebted (or po»t framed d,we|llBg lioase, tUr*« log ten­ * -, Utop-of their blood j. and with I aHe on letters, &w>. ' dilort to appear before tha Mid cdunty - • • ... i l B _ - _ court, tu b« held at tn* «lby of Ahjua ant* lioUhfs^tf-blvU tmitliVI »liopf a U- A LlbT ouc iiRpwise they.called upon the Jtichaftt tf. J/arwoo4, polin, <>n pie th'-rd Mondavgf Heptem boM»e, ftnd scttra) out lioiufs, Divtf)*B?in£i who**) image they eon- Admr.O.B.N bar ij«xt> for tlte purposJe^dT rwom le l**t,m«Mlot»vd''lanil. Should tMapU(«4* ta * !«( rtitiai - in over. I Fftbi.2*. tnearfng a trvkt^t' for thfift Und* nbt brrvold by nexl O»tob«r th«» enemies. ,fhs>'|Ke»- r W»T», court; th»y will then be ofltereJl at Pub KKL's LJS1 of the vtntr»bla- Kutoutoff ca.n Jaines, II slwuldj }io Sale. to bjy *y British NA\ o« «jtprclsed'. .Hi*' bray« great harjiuin* by sneed pi'"- heart belt in true uisison with thp»| to* rfupplewieuU thereto ajt For £ his soldier*, and he thus T**t. 81, Leonard1*, 7. Wn. 3. Gretn, A «d-thcni: \ 'UTICAL


of Ameri. which they had laken negotiation. At length ; was girded by militia who felt hor­ ion. The virtuous Sons hat loaf from ca were not guilty of ingratitude. heir last meal, moistened \yi|h bit- of his wife found himself TBl.NTltD AMD ril B1.1S HID ror at the q(fio0» The. royal tUjVim, r Much M they love liberty, the nam* ^r te»r», iurn their eye»>tob«lvrii, cd bj duly sndiiOAor, td johl BT collected in Himself, we* occupied, wnicn bv in be- of liberty did not drive from their *fci»^ throwing themjfllve^ (n each lies, At thfi coQtntxien, ie loftg procttsioH, uof:h«ve y b«en- urieipe^led, JONAS GREEN, majesty to pat- heart* Ut# gniat "frien^ of (tier's erms; exclaim^ fty chjd i m could Ow dividp tlj «rii not dismayed, tal- subjscv*. But TUX PIOTKCTpA.O* Ttt* child i Such, Brs>4c*X were , *H!«A.roLlS. his rebellious innocent ilin'|vAQ the.' hollow faith of coali­ which "s"everloop of thy soveret£t* icxly l-re^hmrn I by these est often k«resent, July K' of «erft»l this deep agony which M you to meu^ k, Wagu« if Jin»u him .' > , . O 1. it was a crime against n*ture waited- the developeitfent of su'tcs; a, MOftR.IS'3 beheld iicemiiou* declare to. your sovereign'* brother, troftger than tlxe Wnlo« ind sga'vnst heaven, ^V murder most wildW , tb«y. mtnUrid'were id by naitae of liberty, n the language of nature and-truth league of which all oul and crueU A deed sjt which crime under. Abe. Sentiment ths b« inserted In much pleasure we present broad *urf«ce 'Sir, we bring yoij, .oijr Kcarts j members,' and general With \ends might h*ve Wept. I was'in roaming over the Iftmself U)U our readers this ««niag ^»Uh the eeetlng virtue tor its thf tyrant ha* left us notbing else soul | he still flsuircd P^ris. i MW the 'gush of sorrow. of France, his »rw*., Bna th« tplendid oration entire, which w*s Every irey, defiling innocenae, despoiling to give." by tlw.weigKf«f rd [ heard the general groan. of hi» crsft, lie could sever delivered by tbj Honv Governor of >ov«rty, and laying the very face 9* In the month of September,,l.gla, edge i notie* to hi* xjsam anticipated the sentence id a band* of thb n«w alliance. ^T Morris* ,«nihe 29th ult. oo the re- It .was like i nature waste. They law it voraci­ the son of an obscure family, to a an avenging Gad... end, the bravery of 'hisjq!dierst th« storailon,. of -the Bourbon*, An awful scene ous at home, viftoriout abroad, eve­ small tsUnd of the Medit*iaoe»n, au- ecood fall of m*n. fores sk,ill of hi& officers, th« (bjnti^rity o£ Motiday crowded- »%A .highly rospefUble and horror. All ry' vhera triumphant. Europe was Was at the head of a greater Church. of affliction, guilt by qn* his minister*,' and all ttfc resources Jience, in -De. Homejrn'i to (he dust, save on- appalled. Her princes tferobled. The than Waievcr yet commanded claims were humbled period to which of his geonit, were eiwdised a,nd ex. *. their benefit Thi* unrivalled performance exiilttd. In screams of fh« Ue w-h»tciie.d, unftedged.'Fpcnch man during the long the ap­ y those who Hi* brow* e^ir^ hausted, 'dpring the last summer, . ions then »nC the attention aod challenge* rapture, at (heir success in republic soared, as on eagle' pinions, history extendsv taid u% capable of re­ diabolical the an imperial diadem, hi* Th« plains of Saxony Wore, vrasteta >y the plause of every man assembly, over which they >eyond the tlouds. D*til«d by clcd with up bis pr*». or of, appre­ driving an eyp withcheblood of conquered W'H^I ineiorable seTeritju'^ fesiif:, g lishing tree eloquence to thi* nefarious a5L ustre of her victories, the moral sword red th« lessons tyraniaed, of his eye glaring on the folds lence aod famine marched in ciating ih« «nours, seducing subjecli the the storm seemed, he believed himself a god. At length, after many battles, ,Tenp, . legitimate prince. Ufe may now the Jacobins, who concealed, under allegiance, and preceding of the allic* poison of c«*r- While at one extremity of Korupe well planned movements khan! H. __ express our aitachmesrto ktr con­ the loud cry for a republic one and of conquest by the to abandop Drrs^ , .whatever anti­ Vi* ruthless legions drenched, with obliged Nipoloop the judge* ,f with respcA to < indivisible, a design to restore mo- ruptioit, \hev reviled his positi­ ourt, in the re-'1 siuenrhj re- loyal blodd, the arid soil of Spain, den. From thattnoment We recall to remembrance that in­ narchy. Dotk of them treated with quity and custom had rendered Was insecure. But fcjr {petition In" of religion, he marched, with gigantic stride, at on on the Elbe teresting period, when hi the fel­ the imprisoned king. He trusted §p be discharged disdain to be good ; who, in on impends. Hark 1 The ordered *n4 the nation!. faction of the Gironde. The assem [reat, It falls. It conflict. On both, sides were dis­ ''ore pursuit of riches and power, indifle- given. It totters. 1, Knauiet Pktm- Thi**; God, we. can, at length, bly surrounded by armed men, a ma­ This mighty man, played an uniofl of the rarest (kill, to rent to right and wrong, take the crumbles to dust. the om custody, and vow the sentiments of gratitude jority was frightened into a sentence kings, this demi-god, is discipline and courage. As whose cap­ nearest way. Many too, there are this king of in an* ^Pjr of this or- that august family, under of death against their innoxent He flies. He t* pursu­ flood-tide waves of ocesn of France the intelli­ who ignortntly swa.low every idle discomfited. rush, foasf, sway the fleets and armies tive ; i icntcq.ce which hide,*. Stripped of royal preaching the shore, months in defence their tale. Many, who puffed up with ed. He re;uro-;-io * and Spain were arrayed gent foresaw would involve districted with apprehension, thunder, break, retire, 1 Monday of ftep.. We then hail­ '. conceit, will no longer listen to robes, icturaed the>*,U of American liberty. own. flapping the wings of fear, he scuds broke, retired, and ce to hi» creditors/ pftdTxCToB The inexorable truth when the offers instruction. impetuously propeli* . ed Louie Vh* «'Xteenlh And *o it did. to in disguise across the wide plain ot lied battalion*, >-An»nd«l ffninty' or MANKIND. We them before hi* re­ A -mind bloated by vanity, love* of their brethren, Sep. or THE. MOHT* Oanton dragged the Poland, not daring to look behind. ed by the pressure 1 Monday of We deplored his file and poured feed on falsehood, and drink And as the whelming «rpo«e of rocoqt- loved him. volutionary tribunal, under­ He lalrts s moment's breath, and in aims. by the embrace of on the scaffold wet with flattery by which its dropaied torccd thru' the breacH ttieir benefit, snd We arc unsullied their b'ood But In that slakes the feverish thirst bf his fs- : flood * pastagc hit assassins. Our wishes, our of their murdered monarch. standing is drowned. rends, tears, scatters, dissipates, »l»«y h*/re, why' th^t crowned heads in tigue in the water of the Elbe. A not prayers, rurve accompanied the loyal Thus every circumstance of guilt moment when and bears awiy iti un^iyubertd sands,. tuner -*«mtld to the French di- second flight brings him tothe Rhine. *eU a«i in their struggle ; anJ we and shame, wa* combined in their Europe crouched so wns the tyrant's host overwhelm- the EsJd Spiifyard*. aimed at the hon­ After a third effort, he is within the to pr»yci lluih tn4t American* were permit* moment*, to embitter the bitter­ te&ory, an insult ed, scattered, and borne away. lair was instantly re­ walla of Paris. ted ta offer only wishes and prayers. ness of death. our of America the And now behold a scene sublime. This dignified con4u& of Here again he reigns. Here 3m.» Uow interesting, Ibow instructive On the ssme scaffold, condemned sented. and the Three mighty monarchs lay down new world astonished the old. crsfty statesnuu contrives, th'e history of the last five and by the same judges, perished Dan the the renewed their crowns and «word«. Thejf Our character was railed ta the high­ gloomy tyrants collect, raise twenty years. In tne spring of 1780, toiv himself. He perished, conspi Ag»iu, unlup- fall on their knees. They el County est pitch. Raised, alas t only to be nuans ot warfare the state* general o( France were ring to place the imprisoned son on thy garners ind ihtir eyes and hand* to Heaven.- r»7 Term, WI*W" precipitated, by the impelu* of it* py France, must to the - convened to win) off impending the throne of father whom he had opened. Again & under They pour out thanksgiving of fall, mor*decply in shame. thy veins be the KingoC eremnh Townler bankruptcy. The derangement laboured to destroy. He believed th.t weight of oppression, God of Battle*. To him, thiri the too This occasion does not require, the doubled in whotn' jud|r/ of the their finances was occasioned by Louis the sixteenth had been, groan. Vain are expos­ KUIJJS, sole, self cxistejtr, \\Q sta»« of IW»rjr« neither will it permit of, a history, must thou and dominion. common artifice of cheating people much disgraced to reign over s proud { vain the tumultuous cry alone it might, majesty of Annc-Afondv may be the or even the rapid recapitulation, -ol tulations they cry «»Ti« Ltrd into i a belief that debt* nation. Combining therefore, peace; vain the shrieks of des­ With one voice tition. in writing,' imposing tlie energy imporiants eventt We have seen tor Drtthtr, thi- Lird it wit!) safety incurred xftjjUhout courage of a hero, with pair. if with NI. r of 'said eootrtT, had been mad*, and unrestrained the tumults of democracy terminate, tito tkt Urd." Contrast St of UM*C( of**-' taxes* ttajge loans of conspfraior, Alexander, the great, the good, HI. (jltrj \ provided. At the he determined in FranCo, as they have every where spectacle with that which had if of »nrtUrjr iotpi but n» fund* by religion or mercy, had 'vances. He moves, at the head this august assembly, head which he tho't terminated in despotism. Where been exhibited thirteen 'months be­ !U|)p!«mcnU Uiere- opening of that to strjke off the arrived. his hardy Russians, from the ash­ of finance declared it crown. In the npid been foreseen, and foretold, S fore on the plainrof Russia. itioned in *W4 act*. yhe minister unfit for wa* dtrecY es of Moscow, towards the banks of a list of. been easy to cover the fate hi* own loon fell. The power of usurpation The anxious hotfr' is put. We partv, and Would have march of great talents. the Elbe,. At his approach the b, M far as he es,n deficit, without calling them toge­ with thoftcmblancc of trial, ad and maintained by respire. The air is embalmed with Insulted of conquest, plundered, insulted subjects of Prus­ nff nuexed to fiis. ther, but the king wished their *1d convidled without proof, condemned Gigantic schemes their ho­ blossoms of liberty. Humanity rear* with deep and dark intrigue, sia rise to vindicate smooths id Vaohol Johmon tu corf«c\ abuses. unheard, he roared in a voice of pared burn to avenge ti»r head, from the dust, petition that he is masses of force, conduced with nour. The Germans wipes a- This' haasrdjOU* experiment'termi thunder, " I have been told, and va»( But Napoleon tu* her dishevelled locks, ind mt for debt, and consummate skill, a cold indiffer­ their wrongs. you, vie. Mt,ed, a* was foreseen, by intclli now believe, that the punohment of ertcmy. He is, in wsy the tear. She grrets rgtid thtrcfriM), it to the mise/is* of mankind, a anticipated'his Christians I ft At'observer i, in »,he ovmhow of man ; t* the fruit of hi* crime. ence Elbe. Hisvgour and tors! prince*! heroes 1 red sad iu)jodg«d, profound contempt for moral ties, a force, on the pith to Im­ dis- ancient establishments. The state* W'ctche* ! I gave yon the power ol successful. Again he She bids you, follow the il Johnson be marble-hearted aitteisiti, , to which activity are out by the fin­ »nd tint by general usurped, under the name ol dooming itwfbcence to death, and I, luscious draught of vi£\o* mortal glory, pointed Jdy, religion w*a only a political insrru quaffs the Lo ( alrea­ is order to be ioMf- national assembly, unlimited power, by your doom mutt die.* The tame again with hope, He ger of heaven. March! ment, and t>c stern persevering will ry, Drunk are separated nil Curette or the andtttcd it with »>n equal want ol justice shaU overtake those who to the council of pru­ dy the opposed, armies to bend every thing to hit purpose, shnu his ear Here again the wiidomrind ju*l»ct» They destroy- lent me here and you also." The But true to his principles, only by the Rhine. the thfrd were the means of NspuUon to make dence. to the fierc« , before ed thj rights of property ) issued voice of the lavage wss prophetic fraud to the aid of iocce : oliye branch » tendered >«r next, sriv* notice hirastli the urror, the wonder, anJ he calls may, paper money [framed an imprifli- Those who slaughtered their prince It accepting ihemediatlonof Austrii, Napaleon- Perhspsexperience pp«kr Le»r« Ann«- ; the scourge of nations. The galling wise. Perhaps hi c«(jle>v|j»*(eni ot government, ind and made hivoc of eich other displays thettxidious craft of a pc/- bevc made him wrt OR rti*j third from a prison to to dethrone of hi* iron yoke t*ught Frenchmen has learnt in the school of adversity fter »ext, let thft rcU»%tl V. hid undermined. Their cl human reaion who had lost in breaking would confiding iu fortune no more, he Inajr dation they worship They had, indeed, ot restotinghis captive legion*, overturned it inlessthsn representative of the thcimllegisnce. begin to believe there is-* God wh6 Hid V*jl)r.l./W>B*Ot» successor* pieced M the pomp of triumph hav^j»l»c*4 him sgiinVna, condition said threw ,tbe king in­ prostitute on to amuse them, governs the world. No. Thorny-' bau*0t »/ tb*. a JesrV and again Goddess jf Reaion, and ttie con to menace, Inialt i*\d oppress the in^ 1es* than six which piety .hid dedicated the shout of victory, in sterious plsn of Pro vide aca \t y«t to prUon, whence the altar force which made the world. But n». A confidence was led «,b the scaffold Virgin, and fell down sckiuiiieii of' hi* for* incomplete. Napolct)M'» pride isjy«t "tooths, he to the Holy nation* groin. But his talents, t confidence hi and paid to her their' adoration, neighbouring blind, lie coliiide* unismed, He eunfid»«n> .wintry 'This virtuous monarch,our friend fruiti of cluir Ubbr weru wrest- tune hav« made him were it length compelled to ice ind the winch, storms winch bid thsj weary toldivV iniWhanrof danger, wM the vie them to gratify the extrava­ in fortune, the god of atheism, bir.- fier AVan to feel, irtd, in agony, to own that ed frum than (be rest. He confide* in il.e lolty tim of liis1 ow*i nooJnVss, Aqdently of vanity, or supply the analyB'd, {* nothing more, A to dj»eh*rg« is i God. I cannot proceed. My gance we rannot rief of the fyrennti*. 'He cpnfiUts dttirqifcto ameliorate,the. > the.r* of war their children were combination of W«U)t* p«r, who bain i.ickent at the -recollection of waste nevertheless, in the fortresses tiv'ng h,i*vfroMit>*. , will meek'witli ot »ub)*j$ pcrsttadtd th,it tin ings, was thd prey srf moustei Uu\ the )darjtiou of tlu^which de­ Utiau. of ': h- , had followed to I»i4 th« tait.o* """> At wir. The i, i T_ . _ t_e__ -..__ |«jil the cnmes cV«ry *wb«''b wecy >t» essence from ^norvnce ac- an ordinary mea*u,t« ,* T IT r»r'^ sons a final^fuOd adieu, i* reiuftl. rive* w«s, with lutn, error liour perpetrated^ wottldfwomid with their Wisdom who dc,ny filurjJtr of neutral* » ingerou* injtto ihcircotfage, once the sc4h«, cur4* resource. And and believed that humanity*.1*4 shock existence of ^hrt t|«ihj; by whotn s>n .Ojjdimiry fiscal 1 .u told, of humble hippincss, but n| decrivt^. Me rtlie* u«s. 'Fatal dctusi >, that, these montters were move in their prescribed course, till girded, H*-u1iot f ; , v ' too on aonrarices wrun^frym the *»b» this merciful prijj yaatlioSom *u» tt«i|d tuii^tei* va time ehaU be-no more. Huoii 1 ictrafil the cb to «iv«n*^,»c c'Uvlcd jugued SWIM i »ilpj50Jin^ the' itnti- 'aud leaing only the r«O)*»nl q|«to wifli rash cunlijtiitf, . oc.:uu» H< th: (.urdi bitlltve uot lur, rr.tnu of men i ' com of his slavt*. i The »lti«d.armies, insensible t« >ten «od-clt .-.I lijiil u>o oit»;<; i«tl, by making vi:- , confusion. a.nd fatigue, dlfying »'itc the of grati; . -Tandcr tory the in -ird of nieTiu We mined to 1$ thePHicbt ,ibn i distance under out i«rtr. They literalry kiss trust ttixt ^apt^orter wiH receive cable was accordingly cut, but rap.; long guns .» »- of el«Di«nt»" end the rage Sff rn'in, ter roaster, throw cficmselvel over the.Abide. And lik« those «f A14, lii tho«« niarks ofaffeftion &c rejp^lt tly hallyardV stanUinA were, thoae of shot. Wehad.onjydgu. who approached the Sivipirr tjf Clfc, -rjjat hav'e iiistii>g\iish«d' bis more 'the flying Jib, ry"or dreadful situation as Vietnam/ bull­ I0 wiEU«w«Tked as to plac*s1»y.corps ot observation, thty the living God. It humble imicavi- defeat; tnaiittain» the rfiregriijr ; 'of ed us every shotv'and our brave-fel- Daniel Hyde, JostpKT the enemy'* vtss|ls to. f ps:negate the interior of Fraocsvt* . on ot fci* diviae mftstefctfce proclaims us vplendon We'should.bc pruuvi |->wi falling in «vvry direftion, but d«rick H««rtwe!U Wr repair, -bUt, v 'they *eti were a(l so animated by th« brave, 3ick Wm. l)ejton. the east and the north, while. Wet- pardon, and pefcce? . Those! tips, of an opportunity of taking cspt, P .by ' M'IS«,IN ta the strtci. Our ga lingiroo-poors in ort ,the south,, mi which *ictbrToU»'» ifr" the . plain of tfie liattdv a*rtfl of cougrstttlating Wm coo) and" Intrepid conduct of our ho stimulated by Iht dew Unions, Spaniards, and Pfcrt'uguesey L»ipsic> cried eut glofy Yo' Ood, that h« has achieved tve.yy, thing but roitj Commander, that every map ' Martin, 0 ^,:u., ., judicious conduct of out victory. The deep anxiety express* appeared determined to sscrince Hit Adam *»chi quartet gutfner, j ao uin, stood the sTa Maek'. The representatives ol Uourf 110 <,v^ aganr-victoriou*, compete trre i:r. :.. >u/___•__!• !a»» QK „'»»J' ^r> desux. were first to proclaim « atuhoftvi/f beneflrctlon..' *4 6tbry b"e ed by our countrymen, muit'be our life, in drifcnc^*f <*jr Sh p'ftttd" of Tltompson, qV.tbaster, rilciled bravery, Freoeh republic, Bourile^ui is-ftrt< to Go*d hi the highest, and on earth apology for intruding on the day .de­ frit Tr*Ji Mid Sailir't'-JR^fhti, for vh), seaman, jamesvChace, Jo. Issted tvro hoars an to unfurl the Toyol, jtawd4td."'Wai( «ea«£." (Tbod-Will towards ntw»." dicated to devotional excreise. '; which thty werje eOntiniuHy hutt- trfolomew Tnrrn^ftati,'MaithcW notes. Oue cables wer'i poleo%, turrolrBded, b'eaie^r, on the Let all Mature jo*4 in The allits, anxious tt> sp>r« the ef- and on «arw> peace". -« * - hero rs on« of their native brethren all our hopes, to wit: the explosion ward LeFord, Tlios. KsXrous, Ijjj malts had their twulys fui'mn of bjood, and terminate the Ye .who fru promoters' sffA *«p- the c'ruTte of Captain Porter has, ofsome Foose cavtr'ulges'in the main Gibson, Jai. Donnan, itf nry H| ay. ^-. misery of Europe, *g»*V tender portefrs of war!'Ye" whose enven­ for'the length''of tirte In wh'ich it hatch way, which caused & general ghrtes, Win. Taylor, Chacle* J i "Ottr *hip caught.^ peace, with the possession of un- omed tongues have slavered out wis maintained, been almost' unpa- consternation among the crew, the carty, |arac» snd one ot two'J divided, undiminisVted, France. They invective on-til who weaf legitimate rallclkd in the history of naval war­ greatest,^>art o/ which jumped over­ ney, John Deacon, Simon ; took place.; but tn are actuated by motives of humani­ croWna1 ! Ye who represent sove­ fare. He' has ended his cruize in board. Capt.'Porter seeing no hopes g* SdhlosMr, cou«ag(? the«, ' man policy. But he and they, struction all Ttteans arYltwful ! ''/tp* confidence, in the belief that hi humanely considering that many of Ayrcs, Gtoige Gable*. Thomas C»f. grew shott. W thAl mighty though they be, are only in­ proaeh 1 Behold I Come ye, also, countrymen, 8t the crtiaensof Mary­ his brave companions were lying rdl< Ctrtfles Morej William our ship we had. onlje^f struments "in a mightier hand. The who wrapping yourselves up in self- land in particular, will do jusi.ce to, wounded betow,*he countermanded land. . , kegs of damaged pow« heart of this\modern Pharaoh is conceit, look with affected pity on his fame. this order »^d gave the one to lower 15 or 90 of our guns * hardened. HewilF not release those such as'believe »i a a Saviour. Ye our ensign/which was executed pre­ Killed, SB way or diiabled, and ot whorti he Isolds i a bondage., His who dwell with cynic Satisfaction, Prom the New-Vork cisely at half past six, the entmy Severely Wounded, aa men well and able to s demands, far frorft'beifyj suited to on crimes committed by fanatics*! New-York, July 7—1 P.M. did not cease firing for some minutes Slightly Wounded,- B5 guns. 160 md» \ret( this condition, -would have Ueen Look there. Those kings are chris- Tbt U. S.frigotf &tix caftur/d afterwards During this interval •Missing 31 vroanded. The ward-r Onreasonable even "had hte bten vic­ tians. And thou, too, Democracy t By the arrival th'is forenoon at qua­ some of our men were wounded and and iteersge, were full torious. His severity had silenced savage and wild. Thou who wouldst rantine, of the cartel ship Essex Ju­ four spOjt dead thus fell the Essex Total besides msny on the bii truth. His violence obliged all who bringdown the virtuous and wise nior, in Todays from Valparaiso, we into the hands of the English, after During the aftton theEste* was necessary to ampO1 approached to'fee3~ to ttiy level of folly and guilt ! have received' the painful initlli a resistance worthy the cause which or )iy ^ thc p,,,, of Valpanso w- We had about twenty with pleasing falsehood. \^ Thou child of squinting envy of the capture of the U. S. animated us. , . 1 der the gunt o( a Spanith 6>t, os*. 8 ef them di Ignorant**.- - - therefore,-L ._: >.J.- «of » » >v _:—' and'self-tormenting; spleen t Thou KSSEX, captain Porter, of 32 guns bmce the action I have been in- 1 ye to lake , ^^ fa terwar he believes the French attseheiKo^ persecutor of the great ^fid good ! and 225 men, by the united force ol formed by the lst.lt. of marines of | Afterx the action Capt. Porter s March 30 and 31st his person. Yes Strange as it may See,, though it blast thirv*«eballs, (he British frigate PIIOEBI, captain the Phabe (Mr. Burrows) that they Mis crew were paroled, and by ar­ the wounded to sick* seem, he who led them so long thro' see trie-objects of thy deadlvhate. Hillyar, of 36 guns and 22O men, pasred these 2 unfortunate men on rangement sjfetmitied to come hone show, and all the offic every, stage and degree of suffering, See lawful princes surroundBd by and the sloop of war CUKRUB, of our life buoy, Which hsd been thrown in the Esset^unior as a cute! wilt, parole. Al'r|l 27th, i be4ieves himself to be the object of loyal subjects. See them vijjpifi- 28 guns and 180 men, after an ob­ over to them, to perish in the waves, his crew. Off the Hook tMy 'were Essex Junior with the] their tender affection. But why oai over the legions of usurpation. stinate engagement ot two Hburs and without endeavoring to afford them detained 24 ho.ufs by ifae British for the United Staus, wonder at his self-delusion ? Has See, they are hailed, followed, al­ fifty-seven minutes, in which the the least assistance, s) Raeee Saturn rn company with rbs Caps Horn' in tbe T6 not the same strange thing been as­ most adored, by the nation they Essex lost in killed, wounded and A return of the killed, woun'ded frigate *Narcissus. Captain Porter May. "Cramd the E< serted by men among us, repnted conquered, pardoned and liberated. missing, 152 men. The following and missing on bo.rd the latp U. S. left the -Essex Junior yesterday af­ 14(h of June, and arsj wise? N^y, .has it not been belie v- See that nation seize the first mo is ah extract from the log book giv­ ship ESSEX, of 32 guns. 225 men, ternoon rn <>ne of her yawls with-4 York, on the 7th of Ji ^«d by hundreds and thousands of inent of freedom to adopt axpnsti. ing the particulars : David Porter, esq. commander, in men, abotst 3O miles outside of tbt [Captj'i* Potter lef \hcir followers ; men who shut their tution like that of EnglanJY The United States frigate ESMX. David an a£lion fought on the 28th March, Hook, sod landed this morning at Eyex off Long Ulan eyes to reason and their ears to land of our great and glorious fore­ Porter, Esq. Commander, March 1814, in Valparaiso bsy with the Babylon on Long l%lsod, where bs and landed at Babylon 28th,Iblt. British frigate Phcebe, of 36 guns, treih, from the feir of perceiving fathers. The land you abhor. The Lighuwinds and cloudy, at day­ procured * waggon, took OB boafij morning* stad arrived . their own delusion I In the great land at which your mad-men, if 320 men, James Hillyar, esq. com­ his yawl ami jolly tsta( and reached' bout 4 P. M. Capt. light got every thing ready to weigh mander, and the sloop of war Che­ carriage, and crossed iiiheme of Providense ss far as man Heaven indulged them with power, expecting the enemy's shipi were to Brooklyn about S o'clock this afttr. may without impiety, attempt to would hurl the bolts of vengeance, rub, mounting 28 guns, 180 nyn, aoon, , -. t|te steam Koai Kasssi leeward, according to the report of commanded by T. Tucker, esq. lival is) NewYork, thi raise the veil, miraculous events and merge millions of their fellow- lieut. Maury, who was last evening We understand the Essex hM appear to be wrought by human in­ men in the billows of the surround­ Killtd in tfit action andfunHti*«t dud] landed all her specie, amounting to tlic hoKscs Irom his entrusted with an expedition to ef-. jtf their voundt. drew it up to the Ci tervention. Thus we discover in ing sea. Yes democracy, these are fe-St this end ; we were much sur­ , TWO MILLIONS, «t Valparaiso, the preceding tyranny of Napoleon, the objects of thy hate. Let those James P. Wilmer, 1st It. John G. previous to her being captured. from theme e to bis lod? prized at about half past stx to see wich street, with con the cause of that self-deception and who would know tb« idol of thy de­ both ships, close to the .weather Cowell, 2d do; Henry Kenady, The brif( Colt, formerly of We cruised down the coaft ison, with }5 men, sr now recoils on himself and drives are restored. The family of nations carried away our mam top. mast man ; John Alveson, doj.J^ljn : C. lost, By the next i him to ruin. is- completed. Peace, the dove de­ to the northward. 21st, arrived by the lower cap; 2 men, Samuel Keeling, do; Benj. H«eo, doj Pe­ at Valparaiso, and cruised off there enabled to forwai Again the cannon roar. The scending from Heaven, spreads over ter Johnson 1st do | Thos. Brennoik, sett's report, Miller and Thomas Brown*, fell o- until January 30,. when we ran U long arches of the Louvre tremble. you her downy pinions. Nations of verboard and were drowned as we do ; Thos. Browne, do ; Cornelius i have the hone The battle rages'. The heights of Europe, ye are her brethren once and.tnthorexl. ' nfcrnarv 8, the Eb» suppose ; the ship wore and heeled Thompson, do; John Lmghan, do ; glish frigate Phabe or 39 guM» . With great rcsp Mantinatre are asssiled. They are more. Embrace. Rejoice. And to the wind on the starbosfd tack, George Dougl.s. do; Fred't Hall, Your obedien carried. The allies look down vic­ thou too, my much wronged coun mounting 49, and sloop of war Che­ orders given to clear the wreck ; the* do| Jsmes Anderson, do; George rub of 20, mounting thirty 32pound torious on the lofty domes and try '. My dear, abused, self-must main tops»il was cut away from the Hallei, o. sea ; Thomas Terry, sea- Hon. Wm. Jones. spires of Paris. Lo ! the capital of dercd country, bleeding as thou art, carronades, came to anchor in the yardr, so a* not to ait against us in nun ; Chas. Norgren, do; John port, and a f»w days afterwards put ChatItajtion which dictated ignominU rejoice. The Bourbons are restor working into the Bay. Captain P. Powcll, do; Thos* Da vis, do; Jas MARYLAND < ' ous terms of peace in Vienna andj ed. Thy friends now reign. The to ses, and from this time kept in fading it impossible to gain our for­ Seller, doj John Clinton, do; Ro­ the mouth of the h'arbpitr, b|ptk»d- Berlin ; the capital of tltat nation long agony is over. The Bourbons bert Brown, do | Jno. Jackson, do ; mer anchorage, concluded to bear ing us. Though Captain J'ortrr vrtiich wrapt in flames the capi­ are restored. up for a small bay situated on the Jno. Riplcy, do; James Folger, do ; tal 'of the Cs»r», is in the power made every attempt tp bring the THB EN I westward side of the harbor. - At Daniel F, Cassimer, o. sea. ; W. Phoebe to a single engagement with' of its foes/ Their troops are in From the Baltimore Telegraph, Eitr*; 45 minutes past 3 came to with the Jcnninws, do; Mark Hill, Sd do; The British Uij fall march. The flushed soldiery us, the English commandant re/uicd of July 10. best bower in 9 1-2 fathoms water, Geo. ?eaden, do; Thos. RusseL to fight us alone, notwithstanding which passed this pi :.wy soon satiate his lust and glut We have recetved^at a late hour and in hall pistol shot a£the shore. do ; Lewis |Urle, boy; Hoary Ruff, in company with i his vengeance. See before >ou, xlo; Wm. Williwson. do. his superiority of force. We once last evening a copy of tho New- The western fort (Cxstello Viego,) saw the frigate a .little separated two im«ll«r vessels, princes, the school of that wildering York Evening Pust, transmitted by bore E. by N. distant 3. miles i the SEVXRltT WOUNDXD. B*y* 'repassed vsjsj philosophy which undermined your from and to wiodwtrd of her fon- the editor of Ujc 1-rceman's Jpun»al eastern fort, (or Castello Icl Bar­ Edward BarneWell, sailingmas- sort; and suppeeing this wiVJ Inten­ twelve sail < thrones. In thoie" sumptuous pa­ PhiUdelpliia, to the Edjtor of the ren) bore S. W. by W. distance a- terj Kdward Linscott; boatswain; sbo haf'iapti laces dwc.il voluptuaries, who, pro­ ded as a challenge, we inQ>e4iate1y Hi Federal Gazette, to whose politeness bout one and a halt miles. This Wm. Ktngsbury, boatswain Essex Ju went oqt to fight, her i but the cow­ age up; We haye t fessing'philanthropy love only thew- we are indebted, for its reception. fort Was not in light, as we anchor-. nior; George Kinsingen, niaster at the btadbf ihcBay e)ve«. ,There rrcline, on couches ards immediately ran for the slooh We deeply lamennha^sjre should be «rd under a high bluff that screened arms, Bennst Fields, armourer \ and. (.hen hove sbo'ut and'stopo*alter dio»»gedo*e Jt^y tbd ot down, those polished friends of compelled to record any misfortune us from it. There was a long 24 John M'Kinsay; Otis Gale, arm. it is SjUfB'Qaed, wn man,'Who revelling id the bosom of us together,-untft. we returned to ter. . "" to ( our navy. Captainforter has, pounder detached from i| Ob^ rising crew; Jasper Reed, do j Isaac Va­ anchor. We were now cpK^titfea delight, see with indifference a b*g however, nothing but misfortune to ground to the N. E.. distant, f*4 a lence, captsj steward; Leonard gar j>«risli,»and calmly issue order* we could ouissll them; tbsveforo lament. We thinFibaj claims of mile, and. constquoniljr'so much Green, qr. gunner» Enoch M. M^ prepared for sea, with an intention While we deplor. for the conflagration of cities, and this chataAar s pply nipre" powcrfuU nearer to where we anchored. * In ley, do; Wra. Whitney, cspt. fere, United States frjj tho pillage of kingdoms. .Listen to to run fjom ti.era, unless one would 'ly to the sensibility 'bf tl>eir coun- this situation 'Kre considered oirr, tou ; Thomas Milburn, ctpt. of mast; come at ff the brave tart who the voicY of |'rttribu,tive justice. ir^ien than the most- brilliant vio- selves perfectly socurc. Capt. Cor* John Stonf, seaman i Epnm, Baket, •• u March *8th, being reldy-^0' ftnce, it would bt Throw loosrthe reins of discipline. tflries. Ttjis d*sp«ratc cngagcmcni ter gave orders to clear the sbip for tapt. wai«t; John Laaaro, seaman ; lorvivors to pjtss C'.ry havoc 1 avenge! avenge ! No. s«», and hiving s fresh £»*«. ** Pul ' ileppcsrs lasted iar two, hours and action, although he did,, not, 1 be- Euno Moles, cdpt. waist j Willism to sea. intending to five th»m a »nd intr.epid condi Yoiuler is the white dig ; emblem of 51 minutes, wiib S It.sve, entertain «n idea that the e- Wood, seaman ; Francis Trepanny^ Ho satlprs ever bet place. It approaches. They suppli cha§e hght until wo could geV*uto* ty of rurue. ' ne'my would attack IVim. At M mi­ do; John Pcnn, do t- Geo. Williams, th«ir shot: bnt'-lfl daUf>U«f: r«*'7t' Wrtaih, which fanM cate mercy. Halt 1. C[tizins of A-' CUNS MEN nutes past three^ the Phcebe com­ do; Wm. Celc.'do; Henry Barker, wsrrior,. then- pturica* cwii half so hour ttty wore Peter UrplUei do; Geoc^o Shields, , ev of lpriih»s<»pbnrs tpread ruin around stood In a'g*in i but in eonsequeiico Essex aa rpuod and stoqd out to repair danu- do; Wm. Hamilton, o.'s.' Thotnas of the Jos» of our rasst we coujd "os l'vn on the part Mm hts iron h«rt insensible to Andrews, do;.. Wra. 1 Nicl^oU, do ; '' 'ok f <"hri*U4'i moiurchs.1 ajtci* grant­ VHSwy comnun4| j}ie homigr of. ^K^ht third ipring- on the xsjble, the j ing pardon and protection, descend 'Ucing in a fi««ifal t)i« million, bravery it» adversity is the two first t>eing «hqt aw y at soon p^sfrd ourselves setu t. wi frutH tnf heights of Monimettr*, ever prone to.fteeivcunmerited np- ,aipui on* They tqori returned and G. uudalti|>ma"n, ar and t gtui march through the streets «f W« trust tli»l our country- Jio.k lluir position out of reach «f do. John

. »«-ii-r:-. ins me; would justify, distress and collusion. J ncy Ujr q« ly,willing to u.bicrvc silence ;buf tb« public pjir^i «n 4t » distance under our »tero,.and when those men who have enjoyed and rnere poisoned has. been ojten said by nsdes^id not honour and national int*r*tt direft , should r«m*m,»oeiiiightcn j way w(hich can have the remotest .by :ht British in half w*y, :Tb*»w« lof«gnnf were thefn to travel, silence is no longer *4 jbjr the biasing effulgence of po-' four barret; After erchariging a few ' to wtllfworked at to ma* both of tendency td clog the operations of a virtue but a crime. Irt' sorne uv- litlcal truth. Next te the rttigion our government. Hay', 'that th«y shot with the fort betoW the town tbe enertiy's vessels to. Ijaul' on and account^ble way, they have *uoceeJi. 'of *ur ^od» 1 would incnlcate a- thoy retired. Kfiarr, -but "they returned »ouri Were the original'anthor*of the w»r< ed in cajoling the nation out ftf iu moBg th«m tnc precept* of tini im­ >nd th'lt they have been the unfor-, Extract of a letter rVotti.Eijkton. dated to^he attack. Our galUnt crew, repose and hippia**s? and .if ttftir mortal Washington—I \rould,-by a .Monday, IHh, »t* o'clokk P M stimulxted by Ihc1 determine^ Vnd ruoaie causes''of it* disgraceful pro* conduct >fere not exposed in time, recitsl of his virttet, revive tbi re­ secuuon and continuance. None tl The British have jlist. made an judicious cot«U^- r,.-Ar JIILIS or perversely wicked,, will.indulge ralelled bravery. Tile engagement- .t. _•:-!.-_*• •-- ;_ -L ••.-e-.~ ....' -1 _ - tejice. In spevkfAg of our rulers, $ry, a contrast might be dr»w« be- chinging a few shot, they returned !h«ee, do. Issted two hour* and twenty-fcve roi- thtmselv** 40 ioch infamous tlan-- we will always 'be M resp«6.ful a* tween the course iteercd by .this" down the'rivcfi. Matthew l.aw., notes. Our cabled were -tut away, der { for it is well known to ev«ty (heir conduft seems' to Inerit,.whe­ greatest of Wjrrifer*, and abl«*t ot John BagMlj and no tail could be *et, a* all that man of ordinary MiteHigenc* in (he ther they b« of one politicsWeno- legislators, and ;tl»at (ajcen by hi* . Harrison, K*l. were .not tmtanglcd by the broken nation', that Air.. Bayard intr«»ted .^ Do»»*fa Palladium of July 8. minatron or another ; but white the IvcocMor*, that would itigger their IMPQfcTANT PAPKR8. ' I'.irrous. Hugh masts fad 'their haulyards shot a- the" majority iri congress to defer freedatkrf tteech, and' the .liberty prrjodtcea, and produce saUjtirr the declaration of wa> fon.. tr few We bave received Quebec Paper* HW.,| way. of the gR^Rremam nnimpaTred b*y change* in tb'tfif political notion*. to i)ie 3OtJi nit. tnd Montreal ,Pa- '"Oar-ship caught hre several month* only, and that;' thii was violen«B%rN«rmi of taw,' we will But while »uc.h a loke'Wtrntnes's ,ifie earMeat/reauesf of'itat Whole persco. theSd itist. Among other n*h FwL, oti- country, they shut their ears against ordinary conduct of our government ture to \>ndiet what the next fifty ia *he 'contest, terwarxK. brings home the remark to them with there w«*a time when they should years may produce ? . ' . ' " March 30 and 31 tt, removed all the solemn voice 'of .reason, and io be animated to exertion, it is the. pf.' Porter atji. a 6t ,of desperation, leagued their too much justice. When the >( iv- In tlie course of the afternoon led, and by ar» the wounded to sick quarter* on ftrfmintnt" tmperor had made this presentl Scene* ate.- unfolding' up­ the.transport* proceeded up the ri­ show, and all th* ofiqjpr* went on country -in a cause at which poste­ on Ot alartnmg afd dreadful—Let 1 to come hone rity, mast wonder, at much at all discovery, it is not surprising when ver. The officer* of the army, and, at a cattcl wiia, parole. .Apr.il 27th, filled ia the his uttti*| disregard ot justice i* ta­ every patriotic effort be made in the the people belonging to the vessels^ Essex Jpnior with lh« pritoners, 8tc. honest Americans now. deplore..— cause.of liberty, of this only sur­ rlook tnsjy .'wtre They have Men with deep regret, ken JR consideration, that he who came on shore, aU wort) tbt) by ifa British (or the United Staus, and doubled *hould\ive treated our demands a. viving republic^r we may 'ere long white ciKktde, which we. under- Caps Horn' in tbe cold month .of and with no less mortification, the have todeplqfjSplamitie* that imv njfsny, with rb* spirit in which the coutcSt has been tnst him with studied neglect, stan-1 was oniversally wot n by ow> Captain Porter May. 'CroMcd the Equator oonflne ot all these odious imputations & gination is lootcVblc to describe." countryotcn in France. ' KaW- prosecuted ; the vast sums inconsi­ S or yesterday a£> 14ihof June, and arrived at enormous out rages committed on our Tbe following regiments were 'York, on the 7th of July.'*- - derately squandered, and the effu^i- ler yawls with-4 on of blood unnecessarily shed. rights by this bloody usurper, could George Medkiflf, under orders to embark at Bourdeaux t outside of th . [Cipuia Potter left «h* -Young ever kindle .the irs of our president, Having commenced BOOT At SHOE- for North America. Eycx off Long Island, in his gig, Ev>ery*'argumeht which reason, ani this morning mated by conscious intr\fe,'& could although it is said, he is rather of MAKING in the shop formerly occu­ 85th, 76th-, 3d, 57th, 5th, ftth* tland, where bs and landed at Babylon on Thnrtdny a waspish temper ; but with all the pied by Mw»rs tYhitt * Slietr, whove 87th 1 bait*.—S8th, 87th, 39UH( noming, ated amved-at Brooklyn a- urge, every reprcsentanol^ which •tuck lie hay purchased*, hope* by the t took on boani fancy, invigorated by scenes of hor­ weakness arid humility of a jamb, he 4Oth, 44th, 88th, * b'atu.—Slit^ it«4 and reached bout 4 P. M. Capt. P. got into * submitted to it. Doc* not thi* »hcw durability of bis work, strict attention 8Wh, GOth,' «lh ban.—60tli, 4th carriage, and crossed the ferry In ror and distress*, could paJnt, have to business, and exertion to please, to 'dock thi* after* bctjsi enlisted agairist a war equally that A* is "'Jvlitut/ if intrgj and just bait. • • , « the steam boat Na*t*u. ' On hi* ar-~ ftlilital vitwi ?" receive a share of pubUo patronage. H. M. S. Clomrde, of 50 ^uns, lival in NewYork, the ettixeni took unnecessary and ruinou* ; but so July U. 181*- M 3w. • the £«*ex hii Stubborn are the prejudices, and so iliO'arrived on Sunday, from Cork, ie, amounting to the ho|ttet--irom hi* carriage, aVid Valuable Lands tor Sale.. having on bosrd the 4th battalion drew it up to ihe City Hotel, and totally inscniible are the vultures Extract o/ a Ittttr to tht Editor. , «t Valparaiso^ which are gnawing at the vitals-of The subscriber is authored U> dis­ of the Royal*, lauly from Holland. ug captured, • from theace to bis lodgings in Green­ " DEAE SIR, pose of at private sale, all ilia I tuact of The other troops., that sailed at wich street, with coniUQt nA loud the republic, that none but slight, formerly of tbll if *ny,'impretiion* have ever been Being lately on an excursion land, formerly the property of UicnXrd the same time, arc daily expected. Id t» the Patriot! bunas.] ' 11- through several counties of thi* Chew, and lately of John Muir* Haq. made on them. Unmoved'they tee decea»ed, consinting of 1095 acres, si­ cm at Chili, had their country rapidly declining, and state, 1 employed myself, whenever From the Kat. Intel, of the I3lh iftit July 9. tuated in Annc-Arundel county, Iflng Captain Porter i Letttr. :rk*n*.' Shortly their neighbour* writhing under af- an opportunity presented, of in­ Copy of » letter Irom Crpt. J, II. on the Chesapeake Day, and forms the We *»ti l»ti cvrning favoured bjr iheSrcre- a'lhs? Spaniards fliclionsof which they arc the cause. quiring into the effects that had Dent to tbe Secretary of the Na­ mouth of Herring B*y ; twenty roilca Hry of lh« N»vy with a copy of Cipttitl for. jed tht brig into Such .unfeeling conduct betray* a been produced by the downfall of from Anniixili*, fifty from Baltimore, trt'» tctUT-t^ him, (ivtaj »« afcount o^ibi* »* taken by the vy, d*t*d want of humanity in republican*, French despotism, and the disas­ and thirty-five from the City of Wash­ cruiw, aud In unfortunate though (lonoa* eutenbuty of this Charleston, td July, 181*. trous manner in which our war had trrmlnali-m. «Jiich u of jrtai ienpb, bat rho boait of Washington for their ington. This laiuLas rich and t'trtile as will be ji»bl '»b««l entire in our next if " w, ha* come horns SIR, father, and profess to be under ifle beeri conducted. I »m happy- to in­ any on the Chesapeake, aflfordi the ubk, with Itt »ccom(«iiTinup»pcf». I have this moment received the influence of those pure principles form yo*u, that many of our citisens, mo*t luxuriant patturogv. hu a larzo melancholy information of the los» which led our ancestors to indepen­ who havetiitherio been carried away proportion of meadow land; aad the JI-LT -'V, 1VI4. of the U. States Schr. Alligator in by a fatal delusion, have made a full greale»t abundance of fir« wood and A communication from the War D*. one of ili» dence and glory. In every variety Port Royal. It appears the wa* up­ recantation of thtir enrols ; while timber, »nd fur tliip building the beat partmcnt, which has been ju»t received, te United SUKI of manner, and with every odious set it anchor, by a violent toniaoo others are curving the war, and timber OB the CMfcapeakt) may be had rviiuire* the Ootertor of Mat jUnd to hi* friend in th'u epithet which our language furnish on this land. Tim situation is healthy, organixe and bold in rttdiutu, for im. or whirlwind. Lt, Bafattt, with es.have tlie federalists Keen abused seem almost ready to give up its au- and •» beautiful a procpect as any on 11 of the cr«w, a^« only saved.— mediate service, six hundred artillery, made ib* Cotui-, yet that has not shaken their affec­ thori as the French gave up Buo­ the Day, a good harbour, and tbe wa- anil five thoutand four huudred infant­ Midihipmcn lirailsford and Roger- tion for their country, jjr. allayed naparte. A want of confidence in I ten lying around the land afford tlie ry. The Secretarv of War state*, tba€ erica, in Ut. i ,. lion, with ^5 men, are unfortunately d down the coalt their seal in the came other liber­ the integrity of those who have frtatwt "abundance of excellent fuh, cs far as volunteer uniform tumpaniet lost, fly the next mail I shall be ties, i They look with no small de­ been placed at the head ot our af- crat>bs, oysters, end wild fowl. 'Ihe can be found, thry will b*> preferred— . Slit, arrive^ enabled to forwadi Jo' you Lt. Bat- fails, is rapidly extending itself a. Trry convenient situation of this land I cruised off there gree of concern on the unpropitiou* 'Hie objtet of thi* force Is to repefioy Ktt's report. ^^ mong them i for they begin1 «------to *ee, muit be obvious to tvery penon wish- invasion of our there*, Vrtich way bo when we ran U fortun.es which await her, yet they . inc; to purchase as the wood, timber, 1 hive the honoPCtrbe, feel at the same time an honqurablc thst they toe destitute of those qua­ made by the enemy. ftruarv 8, the Eti- and Ili6wh9lc (product of the land, The eornrauxler in ehjefof the mili. . With great rcipecl, pridr, that they have had no agen­ lities neAssary for the emergencies ibe or 3Q .gunj, Your obedient servant. of the- times. Nay further, M>ne h« r«ino\«d from thence bjr water. tiaof Marj'ltod, ounfidtnlly trutts, tUt iloop of war Chc- cy "In producing this deplorable state tint in a few houfv, to the market* thl* appeal to tlie p*triotinn of td« mi­ J. H. DtNT. of thingl. Therefore these •Un­ are ready to acknowledge, thafVhe AnnapdlU and Cultimore. ig thirlv 34 pound •charge ot a foreign influence having litia of the !>ttte, will aot be unavailing. to anchor in the Hon. Wm. Jonei. der*, bast and infamous at they *re, A niora miuuta dctcription of this Such militia corps aa may be dinposcd •eluom ruffle their feelings, or cootrouled in a very considerable vkluable pruperiy U thought unnecessa­ to ro»k» a Unrif r i«f their tnrvites, in iyi afterward* pat degree our most important concern*, ,his time kept in MARYLAND GAZETTE. cite for their authors any other* ry, as any person withing to purchaae compliat.co wiU» the requisition, are was not entirely groundless j *>nd can view the name by tpplying to Dr harbour, blptksd- •atinn than ditgust mingled with pi­ requiredfurth with to r«port thernttlvcM sa), that to tamper with the feel­ KichtrJ T. Mill, wlio reside* thereon, to the Colonel* of their r*gl:nenU. who Captain Portrr ty. They coratder it a* a matter oi or to Mr Philemon U Chew, who live* since thi* u on* of the pria- ings and interests of a free people vtill give rftforwatloii IMfeof to Ibe npt 'Jp bring the ENEMY onrse, „ gratity any foreign desperado, within a few miles of it Term* will Urigadier Generali, by them to ba engagement with' le mean* adopted to carry on the to The British Uigatp Nirciisvs, however kpUndid might have been be- made kno«u on application to conununicBtrd to tbe Aujutiut (t«n«r»!. mmandant refuted and therefore, when they take wbich passed thi* place on Saturday, hit career, or gigantic hf. power, i. l? •ub?vrJS^ l MAVKAiin A,,- The nectrary ordern fur ixlnft vtill , notwithstanding democratic Gazette, they na- condu6t highly reprehensible in those / SAMUr.L MAYNARD,. Alt ». b« tmmedhtoly forwarded to tlie pro-' force. We once in company with a echoontr, .and y caJculate on seeing 'Vi'rai- .'" .f.Ml for Jobn Murr">'' p«r officer*. \»hg will supplv any d«f|. who had received *uch hojiourablc *j . . j^ k Jittle separated two |rn«ller vessels, bound up the Tory," •• Faftionist," and , ,, , , eitocy of toruntesjn that uuy be found Bty, 'repassed yeaterday morning distinction*.from thehe suffrages— Ir—— of"f _,'y '.' . - , w»rd of htr f po­ ies to their country," blaz- s. Thtle i* a- **• CACAtort of tht toexut. with twelve aail o(, smaH vessdi, capitalt in almost every cb- their fellow.citizens Th» Commander In Clikf will tak* ng thi* / Vkrten- whom, in the "?? A»a™'' D, we iioo>e4i»lc1y which ibe haf captured on her pa«- Jn the hands of such traitort, nothcr claai, with I i i_ i id to inttrt tide oee«*lon to urge all the oflicert of course of my rambleslts, 1 bad- tome ^r^^ her i bat the cow- lage up; We have no aocannu fr«fo such tories, a* tbe disciple* ol' tht mlHUaui* Maryland, to cau.e thehr the htad bf the Bay, as to any other considerable intercourse, who tro (ltit arms, ice. to be InspecUd, and kept in ran for the slooj) Vyashrngton are, our country ha* comfihie order for tervic*. and to L« (a )ul*nd"stopd"slter damage done Jty tlitfrn." Her* object, nothing to fear, for they are her more nnfortunate than the other*, because their circumstance*, in ear­ cotUUant rtadJnM*. with U,«ir mto, to I w* returned to it if *jup^oa«d, wn to procure; wa­ mo*i zealous friends—They *re not 1'AXES. ter.' . ' ' ly life debarred them the means of The subscriber respectful); request* repel any tncursiSnt oi"th« *nen»y, a«4-. re" now tpmfrt** the authors of the w«T. for it is a to m«n-h to whattrer poiut ' mtaaur* tfity have always detested ^ enlightening their minjjsty educa­ all p*MOMjMrteerrifd, to prrpare to !' them, aihforo diKhtrge tQmreoDhty be called. with in intention Wliil* we deplore the lots •• the they desire a peace, yet not a dis­ tion. They feel and, deplore the . f°r 1 By «d*r of tli« Commande/ in C%i«/, c&ct* of the warj but the idea h*s the- present vtsir/*collection; cti-lv up unless one would UniUd 9t»te» frigate Essex, and honourable one. | Wf deemed the vy Hst, and of course must ^ pW[*i-ed By virtu* of a drcrce of t),e ohaneery I ffMh g»TC, ' every Amcri- no alternative but war or .uncondi­ f to live »n»m * >«id trittepid conduct unnoticed. |'P»»t of prpdeAcc ip to-ui«*l UHfto^lie there)br« t>jpoct» court of M»rylmnilf tlie *ub«crib«v Me could gwl-^t of Ho s»tlot » ever better deserved the can, 'to conceal the imbecility of tional submission," tftat they -a payment will be UMide to him, or his will ftxpifcc to Jwhlic RU!«, on HVd. Ifl daubltff' «'««n1d' hich f*m» has woven, hw the administration of hitgovtrnment, almost induced to think It trite. A deputies, upo,n Ih* tlrsl call. Attend tht 1 Unt» »t« pUr*n appointM by the- tr%et of laud call«*t t^Vid Lot, d away our m*i»- containing 38 »cic.^, lying .In Priuce-- wwrdseVctal men.' ot^miwie in vi&ory. ijBto length selves. " There ar« temporary w«ak- that impression > and (t is greatly Colleotor of ttie dii«ct tax, fot,t1i« pur- neikes, occasiutxal obti'quiries, traiv to be lainenred^ that the xtcrnrpt i* pott) -at a*ttlirit; account", *«* Tho** county r A tlotzte cndlxtl in- juit «Lout shiiranrt °f li«c..whicU-lhia uncqnl ooofti^ who may b« di»po««d io f»cil»iate hU tn-R ; and a Lot if CJronod ; >ut in consequf w.t» iuska"m«d, ovinc?i a d«termina- grcstiOn* on the part of. 4lM stole, not made by those who'cou.Id with out injury to themselves spare.both collecii<«»*, by niwrtln*? hi* drputie* at the City of W»«hitjfton ; Uu ' mast we «>u)d ^n on the p«rt of htt^rave and which should be coniiAerea in the tiioko itpp^inted place*, wi)^ rfocive hi* of. H«n»y Bi»df«nl, hora- li«iok «««r»manil«r, not td^ive-up light o| faiujly ecrat»,n^ou*crvct tbe time and expense. .In *ome< dis thank* ;Ti« Wl!l »Uand ** u»uuUl his. of k of »)«!e, C«»|i, t» Uo; islftt I found.tnat dcmocrivic jour ithcr yrhiU tb«r« reniilflied room an, eminenp auV^Wi1 :^ bot nei|hcr (ice in Acmwxilin. thd in his »l)«eiire d»y of Sttle^ or OB th« nriiflij nals 'were gratuitously distribute*! »f tho.tu gleam 'of hop*. Althox caution nor prudence, on >h,e part Mr. H'«. Warf-ld is sutiyrltiBd to»e*- of bjr rt'e '-"" iroffal 1 B battle proved tin- of the public, c'puM. tsitvceai them, and tlie^peopfc, having »n opportv tie kocuunu and ftive r*c*fpii.., fjie |Min Kriws inuncy ibe tut t was' kh«« homwt .of when *uch alliviry Is' 4j»pUy*i by nity of losing Tto otittre, | easily be< . U. WE^CUof W Co tuxbv i ' ' - itxure u»r f.,rr h*l and tb« religion of our a in publishing to Ueve4 tHat^ every (,h>ng / A. Js.'kJoumj. ed by a desperate bgld^j the tf»rtd 'As far. therein canri*dwnh it ttur^aflTot .W.I, ' ' potnnxi. llj»i. CELEBRATION OF THE of A. A. County, th*. nuWri- You are horeoy Taxai ^Ade^ the act of QongreH. ' dlPATlON OP EL'BOPE, i.UJ-li i. Will , next,.if. fair, if ed the U dnyrof July eighteen ma towi iflf to lay frtom/and fterp / '3fy *oid pot the rtrsWair day thereafter, and'thir&kQ, totiUed, An'kAt fiT---' * WednHday and collect a direct tax within If* Uni­ ferry orti..... dot/ off aV i tf«l*«k a| JM late reiidanca of Stephen Lark, EDMl U Gtof.' Dditrtriaw* following property, to ted State*, has become dufc and pttya^- deceased; tha attendance will be given July 6.' wit: ' ble, atid that "./uy/c»- olljfalim».i0f\> A valuable, tract at land tailed tftal to receive the .same it the folJowing Some^valuabl* Negrqe*, Mor«e*, Cat­ ;of Anne-Arundel aoCTBtr. Hatton., c^niaioing^OO fcoea, lying os» limes and *j»Uo«4. via. In the coavnty Wicotnoco rjver in the taul 'county, u- tle. Sheep and Hogs; Household and Ann« Arnsdel, at Pig t'oint, o*i T«**- Court, jtfril Furniture, Bauon and Corn, Y«*Vcrtlay, agreeably to previou* bottt »lx milt» below Alien's K&v'uen dnv the 12th day ^ of July Ji«*t <)n applicationUUwji o^'At««-^ The UuJ ik lowland very.rich, and Plantation Utensil*,., and some Cord Joftn Smith1* tavern, th* lith. At James Arundel county eourt, by petjtion^i arrangement, llio Celebration, took Wood-Xalko tfye orpp now growing up­ pja^e in the Cedar 'St. Chuf'oh.* 'h,ns tberepo a tolerable, good dwelling Htonter's urern^ in tbefitv of Annapo­ writlag, of John Simmoua, of *^ weu on the. ground: The term a ofwilb are. a Charl« W ater's milt, praying the benefit of tb« *;, f^say* the Commer­ KOUM atti oul-house*. The soil is lis. » he l »th. At cottftty, JF.be cxerciaes, adapted to U* eultivatioa of grain and credit of »ix month* fbr all sum* aver on the North aide of Severn, the for tbe Met' of s.undry iotdlvtnt det>{. cial Advertiser}. 1 wers commtfnccd tobacco, an*} there is a coirrenient l«nd"- ten dollar*, the purchaser giving boo9 At M'Cuy's uveru,, the |}st,, and -a* tbe ots, pasefcd at^fovvtnber je^Hon, ai|b- . after with approved security, with interest ty the Rev. Dr. M Aao»,wh,o, ingtrom whic-h produe*- roay be taken t'oplar B ta\-cm, the 33d. In teeh tuin^tid and five, andbftneMTer«l'<| a fcw^very appropriate and eloquent to vewels in the river The situation t'ruflS. Uie day of sale, and all sums un the county of P-rinsa-George**, at Bla- supplematrt* theretoron Uvatarm* m**, runurks, read a part of th« tenth ik healthy, and fish, and fow'l in their doClao. dollar* the cash to bo paid densburgb. the lith day of July next. tioned iir^ae «aid act, a ecJUeAate S|i and the poweV. »Tnd the glory, and TERM* or SALE. By order sincerely bond to the measure i* necessary, which is prayed to be discharged thertfxam; »t the" vi£Ury% and l"e majeaty,'Tor all Tlie purchaser to give H. S. Hall, Clk.i hoped in no instance roay be the caae. and adiudged by •nbtcribet^ with approved security, for is therefore ordered that ^a in the heaven-and the earth R. DUVA&L, Collector the said.coort, that tbe said John* 8jb- are thine: thine i* the,kingdom, O paying the purchs«e money in three e- 181*. venue for the 5th collection from tbe day of mon* be dncbarged, and .by catuiog Lard, and thov art exalted at head qwal aamual payments strict of Maryland. order tobe> lasertsdia thereon. a copy of Uiis over all ; both riches and honor come sale, with interest 3w» tbe MarylanU Gasette or Maryhnd IV of thce, and thou reijnest over all ; Po«*e**ioa of the premise" will -be WANTED publican once a week, for three soecei. delivered on the first day ot January TO PURCHASE OR HIRE, County, third Moaoay | %'tn thine hand is power and might, IJtereby certify, that AlUp sive months, before tl.e hand it is to make great, next—In the mean time the purchaser A Negro Woman, that understands of Poplar Springs, in saW county, brot of September he*t, give n»tie» to £ and in thine may exercise all eight* of ownenhip, and to give strength unto all, Now, plain cookery. To such an one, that before the subscriber, a ju«tk-e of th* creditor* to appea* beforay^e Mai giving permission to the present po**es- can come well recommended for her so­ peaoe in and for sajd county, aa a atray,' W"1"'' "^ to b» heU »l "* «»/ * therefore, O God, we .t'-.ank thee •or of finishing and t>*curtng the crop on '* and praise thy glorious name." briety, industry, honestv and goofl tem­ hand. per, a liberal prim will be given, by Jir-rsi"isrliXto* sss -^Hk^J The Hon. Governeur Morris then On payment o^the whole -yorchase JbX* H'tlth, rote and addressed the audience, For money, with interest, tha subscriber i* At the half way house otO .• " U> execute adeed to the pur­ to> " FC?^H-9D9£ authorised the AnnapolU road 5nA£»-"»'£ ****• ***: »Vj ** nearly an hour, in a strain of elo­ wl.itespotsoeeasionadbythesaddtk,and *•>«• ^9f *• quence rarely'equalled-. He took a chaser. Baltimore. ^ -. j Al h*. beeVworked ,n jMrs. Given un- P«?«lb*d 7ow dehVerto«; »P hl* & rapid view of the great event* in Til: HARRIS, Jan. Trustee, . June 30. .. £] t,f der hand of me tbi* fifteenth day of £«ropefpr the la«t twenty-fi.ve yean, Annapolis, July? Jane, 181*. Afaard WorfMd. «nd concluded witq the restoration of Annc-Arundel County *. £^ thaBourbonstothe throneof France C«*Msfy. to wit»<.' I Tf;he owner' of <*>« above described •—a family, to whom, under Provi^J Court, April Ttrm, 18U stray is requested to come, prov«.pro- 1 Aw^t'Ar^ndel CoitntV, dcnce, we are in a great measure I hereby certify that Amos SmithImhh.ofl On application t .tray, a bay HORSF. It.hand* and I writing, of Larktn tfasMlonat, of said Dorsty, . On Vn .our freedom. The uarrrjuve watfe- .wood, Esquire, one of tha judge* *f inch high, 10 year* old, ha* a smal of the act PopUr Spring*. i very where interspersed With in- county, praying the benefit <«urt, in tlie rt- head and snip, long tail, both hind feat for the rejief of sandry iniojvent deb- Jun» 83, JftU. 3w. Aone-Arundel county UrucYive and interesting remark*.— white, four new shoes on. Given un seasioo, eigh cee* of- the said court, by petition 1 tprt, passed at November of Samuel Plummer, of s The whole oration waa indeed ex­ der my hand this Wlat day ot', June, teeu hundred and five, ajtd of y>« seve­ ixewaru.sj|{f>\virrl * \| wiitina,m^ pKy. Kr ^ ^^ rf ^ b;! cellent; and was. received by a very I»U. %. ' ' • ral supplements thereto, on the term* numerous and respectable auditory? Hamntond, . act for the relief of sundry insolvent mentioned in the aaid act, a schedule Ran away on the 8d of May, a Ho debtors, and tha several *uppleni«sti with the highest nuiks of aaliafaili-, of hi* property and a list of his credi­ gro Man called Ned, who, with sever- thereto, on the terms mentioned ra said I The owner of the above hone is re- ascertain on and applause. . ' • ' quested to prov* property,'pay charge* tor*, on oatb, a* far AS he can. al others, added that 'of Jones, and actg) a Mhedule, of his property and t of the day were them, aa directed by the said act, be brought *uit in A nne-Arundeleountv,by ^ of oi, creditors, on oath; as fir The exercises and take fcim away. in£ annexed to hi* petition ; and the then closed by the following an­ ' ' Am&t Smith, John Golder, for their right to freedom; M be can ascertain tbein, belog an- >aid county court beiuc. satisfied that which' ' ' *uit,...-si... at the last' term of»_» the | . and the_ said_T a Si-*. them :— Living at Norwood's Perry. HiunraJM has redded oexed to his petition, the said Lark in court, was dismissed for the want of mual Plommer, having stated in.Kk> " Sing, O,heavens, and be joyful, the two preceding y*1*^ prior to hi* proof* He is a straight likely bUek- coi the state of petition that hei* insctual eonfinement 0 earth, oreajc forth into singing, O Private Sale. s*id application, within l«|low, tt years of age, 6 feet 8 or f for debt, and prsyed to be aUcbarttd ten mountains, for the Lord hatthco*»fof- Maryland*, and the said fArkin Ham- inches high, and has under pne ot Li* ordered*!*) mood having stated In his petition that therefrom, it t* there/ore Br t«d hit1 people, and will ftav« merty I will *ell, at pclvale tale, a Lot In eye*, a scar about an inch long and adjudged, that the said Samuel Phim- he i* ia the ca.iajy>of the sheriff of broad. No drucriptive inforaaation eag oui on his afliicAed. Ltt.nofTSnJn1 s»y, Q'lten-Anne, Prince G*orjte*s county, and prayed to mer, be discharge*) from custody, and apd in excellent Anne Arundel county, be given a* to hi* eloatbs; h*> went off this *r- the Lord hath for«»ken m?, a%d the conveniently situated, be discharged therefrom, it is there­ that by causior a ex>py of for forgone ittnc i taiorn uni stand for a person wishing to enter In* wiUi a straw hat. a country round-a­ der to be inserted in the Maryland Gs- Lord hath fore ordered ant «djitds«d by* the »aid bout striped jacket and trowser*, and. lie he will have mer­ to tM.iaercantile business, or to a per- flajnmond weekly, for t*ree month* succe*- L to the Lord, and ; court, Ont the said LarUa geod shoes and slocking* It U proba­ «on whoawishe* a stand for a tavern and by canting a copy , Wore the third Monday of Sep- COI cy^ upon you, and to your God,. fpV in the stale can be discharged, ble he may endeavour loget to Balti­ and parhap* no village of this order to lie insartad in the Ma­ r next, give notice to hi*creditor*, he will abundantly pardon. Tha/e- be found, »t which a decent Xav*rn i* more, or to the City of Washington.—, to appear betbre Anne-Arunc'el cunnt; fore will the Lord wait, that mijy ryland Gasette, once a week for three 1 will pay a dollar a 'mile on the dis­ more wanted, . month* 'before the third cimrt on the s»jd third Monday of Sep­ be gracious unto yon, and therefore ff6 •to'* hotu«. with *ucce»sive tance M may be taken, if committed Un the ify '* » 1»r •Monday of September next, give no tember next, for tha purpose of recom­ will he be exalted that he ma.y >have counter, shelves, lte.Yaady for the re- to jraol, so that I get him again ; fifUea mending a truste* Jbr their benefit, *M tioe to hi* creditor* to appear before dollar* if taken at Annapolis and com­ mercy upon you ; for the Lord ia a rrption of a quantity of dry goods, and to be held at the to *bai» cauke. if any tbey havr, why story dyrellhng- 'the said county court, mitted, te'n; dollar* if taken in -the God of judgment. Blessed are they groceries, also a two the third Monday the raid Samuel Plammer above, knd on* city of Amfcpotis on neighbourhood, or twenty if taken in 'that wait for hit*salvation." houce, wjtK two room* of September next, for the purpose of have th* benefit of the *aJd acts below ; a paiVed garden and yard, and Calvert county. the (upoieinenta t hereto % pra^ad. The Anthem* were alia both well rtconuneoding a trustee for their bene­ informed |hat an old yellow an old building out of repair, with two they hive, I am •Fast performed ; and including all the two above, for *eve- fit, and to shew cause, if any woman reside* in Calvert who call* I rooms below and said Larkin Hammond should April. 18, performances ol the day we have rented aa a tavern. Terms- why the herself IIanna,h Jooe*. and who my ' ral year* not have the benefit of the said act*, •never known an audience, in this ,y be known by application UJ Negroe*! who claimed tliair freedom, and the supplement* thereto, as prayed. who Ck>unty tily, apparently more highly gratifi- n'm. Brogdf*. calf aunt—she is wife to.a miller, 181*. 3w. attends or did attend a mill, ontie the to»rt, Avrit Arm, cJ, on any public occasion,' uan on une 83. 1814. 8. Gr«*», Clk. tlie_pre*enu property-of a Mr. Smith, and pafcha- 6n application to Jeremiah TowftJey •edJby Capt David Carcaod. Chaaa, risquiw, clfief Judge of the Uiii4 Fanners Bunk ^' . WM. BUOGDEN. judicial dasttW of Uie state of Mary­ Of Mfiryltnd, 22d Ju«>. I8U. Annc-Arundel, (bounty 1814., ,*f land, in the reca*i of Anoe-Arondal of List of Letters In compltanc* with the (tarter Court^ April 7»m, 18U. couRtv court, by p*UUaz of Marrlaod. and in the Poit-Office, Annapo. the Farmers Bank Land for Sale. "" of ri«A«/ jUti*«Hi eflMId couAVy, Hegnahung with a supplement thereto eltahlishing On applicMionlbtfce judge* of Anne- tts, July I, Ittli. praying for the benefit of tnc *ct of *»- a Branch thereof at Frederick Town, Arundel county court, bv petition in •aaiblyil Brown, W. B. will be held at the Banking House in for tha relief of sundry in«olv*pi debt-, CalvaH county, >1aryland One tract • »r etgb- two hundred a *cb*du|e of hi* »roperty. and » list of rV?*n, Stephen Beard, jua 'Hester Ui the.CHy of Annapolis, on the nr\t or*^ aa**od at November nfnldn, of woodland, containing his Creditor*, o« oath, a* far as ha <*» tl hop, Thomas Bicknel), A. A. county. Mujllay of Angoat s)ttt. batwvek teeo hundred Mid (We, and of the *e- acres, and abounding m timber auitable Teasel* of eva- ascertain them, hsbnr •nnexad'le tiis JeremUb C«uk, Elisabeth Cadle, Phil- th*fWini of 10 o'clock, A. M. «od T *]aral supplcuientsthe'reU^oiillie term* for buildiug houaea, and a(k>u; and tMft^ VacheTJohnson ' Margaret Duraey, Charles Duvall, teeb Directors for tfcn U*oV.>t Aiinn]xv tor*, on oath, as far paying to be discharged ^is Henry DickenwwvRicho1. DavU, -A. A. U*, and nine Director, for Qie Branch UMMT, as directed by the said act, beins: twenty mile* from It* 'month, from r1 sMur was tl^refora orderev. .and ro'inty. Li»»JL Wm. If. Earl. Chas. at Frederick-Town. •••asied to hi* pj«titiini,.and tl*> *aid which land there is a good raod that the *aid W*efiel Johnson-, i« H. Hemming. Joans Green, Peregrine, By order, ' " , siMity oourt beirfg **ti*fled that the ed by law to tha Creek, wliieb }s navi­ charged from custody, a»d that »JT C GVnn (2), Nichs. OoltUborotigh, Kdwd JON. PINKNEV, C**hi«r/ »BM Jama* Hamroond ha* resided the gable to the vjfry Uadiag; there -are a causing a «opy of this order t* bs to**- ^n Oriftng, A. A county. Georgo Hoof. 'two preceding year* prior to' Ms said large tobacoftHbouse, two log dwelling und *«*«r»l out ho«*«* oa tlii* lad ia UvtM***1 ?'*S~ ~ > nun (2), Ann tiawkiaa, Uarard H T*.tAr».»^n j*wplioation within tbe »Ut* of Marj- IIOUMM, Maryland RepuhTW«n we*kly,1 Hop Wot, Phillip Hananiond, A. A. ISOTKE. 1 Iab4, ami the said Jwna* Hamnwfcd laud Also auotlier tract of Isnd, con- hundred ST months suco*«iu>ely. before the county. Aquillet Johafcoii, V«ch«l/o' The tubacriberM-rib., h-wln» * to Junes 9t««U, Wna. tten- Admr. aolW, on tha th'rd Monday of 8epUnA bicoo tod (ftveraliortt-nougca, Satanel Soath*iek< ClimrWa Story, 'paav *M*Kt, (or tbj|. purpose of reoom- pn i U»t lima". AbvuW Smith, A A.'««uniy. .E)i*»- maading a trust** for their benefit, October OF T»K h Tvtlmj;a. Mury Th^maj. , John ' t« *haw e*u*e, if «ny they have. rourt, Aay wilLthftrt at Pub I-;liint«ai. O. VVoodard A. Blank Bonds, i)eclam> J»ru bay mn> c -ouniyr JoHn White. Sarah Whit- Man* on Bnnd, Apjie*! Bunds, A. Coin ienettl of Uie **"! ««t» *i cd. calum*. .' Ak O,. BKOOK >k«t * Tent. Join Mount, I'. Mm. .S. C,\ 6 rtepberd's '.which time I touched only ence on proviiions. medicine* -j»» - r ~ "* " the coast of America, which Was every description -. «^ »£» *> > on t board them have furnUhje*^-~ for the purpose of ptoc. sup I for the seamen/ We had in I nans, of .fjty ojpfrcsh water, is none » ,^_ the enemy airtce I n«flt of tb« i GAZETTE, found atttong those. Is^jads, v ; that sea, every po*« having insolvent feti , JULt 1% 18U tteler, are perhaps jtHe most barren a well found swye «J»ip Tor >• desolate of any known. id not yet been uaoVr the nd of the | (o lay btfort our Rtadert W_h>le among tfcis fijoflpe, | UHH r, of drawing bills on tho ett, i» creditor*, laeerUin IMPORTANT. to my oftsers and crew on account PortamoUih, hT. H. July 14. sral . '*f» ' i , a,nd the ce in their papers. tons. nwn. #»» K tit* unexampled time we had isfied by ca [ kept.Oie.MnHR my crew bed continu- > ssJB hta juit 13. Montewimft 270 21 e/reJKtMWy he»Uhj rl hadjmt i two .preced I havo converted with a piltcngcr ft««J 175 Stt 18 Gentam PMUr 18 one caeo of t»« scurvy, and haxHcnt implication wtt£' OsowfUM, 280 25 only trw^otlowrng »e»bydta«K vUi. who left St. Johns » few day* ago: Owttwkh t» *. H* iUU*, tbtt'a ft«et had lately ar­ Atlantic 34 *>< * ^n ^' C°**nt i'Hutenanc, a custody oluw [ done 8|yeerf th4 hon. 81 M rived at Hal»lam wiih 13,000 troopi, C? Robert MiHer, Surgeon, del county. Hui pas iron, rtpe*«edly, Hostor • •TO n «0 Levi H«I«ss, O. Sttjjman, d then frum ; $ and brough- a mcaaettfer with ,de«- i Delaware j but have •Catharine ffW • »8 fldwaid 3*se*y, ' !':44i that one of my let- nd adjudged k* patcb.cs to the Oovcfaor of Cafch. S*nttt«l Ckec*, searil'% 1 Mid Johrf $at 1 J>hed yoM ; therefore Cha_.,. lames Staflbri, Gamiett I aod .by . . The menenger ttatea, that Com- Iceeaary to give you a NewZeaknder 35» l» 18 Benj.a***, TQ^ to.be iuA • niaiionera on the pa.rt of mr go­ ol »y proceeding! Sir A. Hajnautad 301 Or Maryland 1*. John Rogtrs, J H?' vernment and* hi*, had fact, and Mahan, Cor. of Mtrints, for three tnecn. , the Delaware en *£e SiBS SOS 107 .... w^.>w „...—,— -^ -- t,e third that the general opinion ^tJP En­ A.s«».of tbW«h'P« were cap- Lewi^Price, Private Man-e. j»» netita to ] , 1813, arid repaired gland that a ap«edj peace wvld be race {agreeably to ta­ turedby boats, and others by prises, by the capture of some~~" merchant ril Term, 1814, January, 1813, hear- i . ' of the commodore, mor, i equipped with t%oty guns, ships, said to be exgk&cd from fin- Richard H. Hs>i From the BoeU* PaUadJum of 15th of the Judges «f ..j B.«hia. I here tap- •ad gave command of her to liout. gland. peeurt, in the it-! scnooner with hides ownea. The Phsiibi, agreeably t* niy AV rt, by petition t»l The following tetter Wat received sxnt her inx» Rioi LWuu Dowses had convoyed the p.a»tions tame to seek roe « V»U Plummer, of tsjl'l prises to Valparaiso j and, out his pjraiso, where I was anchored with by )aft night'a e»»te,rn atage. fctague the sdisiftfr Lhe beneft of «] D pursuit- of' «ne," sfcy return, brought me Utters informing xhe Essex, m/'irm«d priae th% E4» sundry insolvent "* I have thia moment conversed |>w-fettio» short, and me that a squadron under command tex Junior, under the command of reral mppleuieati of Commodore James Hillyar, con- Lt. Downes, on thVtoofc ooi otTWie i mentioned in with a geatleman from Eaatport. — r tolo«k out for a _.. me to meet trve silting of the frigate Ph«Bbe, of 36 harbor"; but, contrary to the courie lit property and t li» itatea, that a Frigate arrived on guns, the Racoon and Cherub sloops I thought he would paraae, Com. v, on oatbi at fir •_th*l*t of April, off tbero, being n- the lat of July jHkttt 80 dayr from cceded to the I»- ot war, and a store ship of SO guns, Hillyer brgught wsitb him the Qtc* i and the art Si- England, bringt^g^ccounti that our . .jirine's (the Ust had tatUd on the Oth Jury for this srttb aloop of warv mounting S« guns, aea. The Racoon and Chermfrhad eighteen 33 pound carroeadea, *>«^»' ing stated in. MI coramifaiontra Ind beea metttGot- letvoui on the coast of actual ieonfiDeoeot moit likely to supply beenu»«n ...i,;. C v^...n.5 mr~—. f——or some.,..., time-.-— on— .AsVi. and two t»«K 9's on the I to be di*cbai*td tenbarg by those appointed by &f eat 1 at the same linte^f- the coast tf flraiil, and on their re- ;er deck and fo«^c»itl<| and a .... rtifor* ordcnMffod Brttaii ^ thu a gcntjeraah xai»e security necessary to turn from • their cruise, joined; the plemeih of 180 Alen. The force' *t aid Samuel Plum- k'the I'hcrbe is affollows: thirty long out in (he frigater with dbipatchea. Udo tlie British stupe squadron, sent in search of mejothe from custody, uid Pacific. My *hif>, aavk - 18 pounders,j«xteen 32 pound car- ««py of l hit »r- i coast, tod e|peeled for Qucrbec, which were a,anl and be- could procure only posed,> after being_ «ear . •• -» ronadts, ojw howitter, and 0 three the Maryland Gs- sea, required some rtpeirs to put her poundefiln the4op», in all 33 gun, ree month* succe* lievad to* ctntain accounts of the and mm, and a few in a stsAe to meet them ; w%eri 1 ind a complement of 3&O sn«n ; ma- in) Monday of Bcp- Conclusion of an ARMISTICE be- ti and heating of the Uce to hiicrediton, pw&ion with the Java, deterroineil to do, and ibrinfe them king a force of 81 guns andJOQme'ni ne-Aruii«j'ef cuuol/ tween this Country and England—* the Hornet by ihe to action, .if 1 could mjs)t them on in addition to whichK they took on ird Monday of Sep- ThsOhU gentleman left Halifax for and of s. considerable nearly equal terms, "^proceeded, board the cre«r of an English lututr i purpose of recom- , Qncbec in an hour after hia arrival r * . of thsP British fovco ijow, in co. with'the remainder of of .marque lying in port, fjfeth, »rtlieirT>eneflt,*D«ni island>^ing i^t the cent into thjPscific 'mcompajiy wilti miner. sliouW. ftv that PEACE would take place." Wakingtt» groupc, discovered by a the Racoon ot^S guns a«d a store f the said act* ti Isaa as soon as possible. .. _...0 __ o fabry. j to.. the..._ commodore's,_..,...-_-.. _ | captain Ingraham, of' )™ - - h«re•--— thip of 10 guns, for th% express p,ut- ed. . The gentleman from F.mpon who^ posc of seeking the EneX, ai)d w*re hed to the southward, I caulkad aud completely overhauled comiuinJKatcd the above informati- prepared wiih flsg«bearii\g the mot­ _ coast as far aa Rio de my ship, made for her a ncw.aet.of are.^ • on, artived*4« town la»t night, and. to, (> God, and country .t British agrees in the correctness of the neard that Buenos t Ay res watef casks, her did ones teiagen .ale of* starvation, and I tirely decayed, and took on^>'onjjoard ~ Siilors1 btst rights | Traitors offend del County ataternAit. He left Kastport on the both." This wsj» intended as a re­ 4pril Arm, 181*. 7th imuiu, when no Halifax papers (apply our «fvi^ i and , prises, provisionsprovisions arw3andst storca >Wai*ds of four months, and ply to my mottq, tftt Troth had been reeeived sufficiently late jrernmcnt of Monteviedo ...... the enone- «f judge of the Uiir4 [to furniih' tfce oewa, but a number pimiosl to ua. The com- for the coastpf Chili on th* Sail*? .c. 1813. rrevions to sail- ;asion that my crew were Uie slate of Mary- of letters came for this pls.ce, the . no* left ut or to counteract is' of Anoe-Arondel contenta of which may give some discretionary with ''me ing,—», C secured the S^riBgapaUm, | chiefly in. writing, i i« fsifsue, a^iid I deter- Greenwich^ and Sir Andrew Ham* its effefttjin th*ir own crews. Th« further inCprtnalion on this subj of the 'Essex vus 46 gui The eaprtss'from Canada had illowing that which had ihond,mond, underundtr the guns of • battery fore* o th«>sacx wal Ru.- iefit of tic act of as- his approb*tion> but *hicb 1 ereAed f« their prote&ion, ty 32 pouajft cmtronades ana aix long aed through St. John's, where I,,,-til lief of Mindry jnsol- of the th«n.Kcreta- after taking possees'ton of this fine 12*», rfkd her crew, which had been esupptomenti thsre- messenger repeated thai hhl newt islandl«l«t.U (or.W» the..IV U.•- . States,fc^.w.«, snd_..^ eats-_^._ much__T--— reduced--- - by prises,f~ '-- • Kntiooed in »ald sell. was pacific, and bis belief that a '.- 1 accordingly shap- . for jhe -Pwifk « and bliahing the most friendly inter^ourie pc Horn (for whicb my s petition that he Is in Wer« iHy provided) I io «%pair ti> Valparaiso after a cer/' 6's wiih% oVkly- 60 men on board. Jn nentTb* defrt, and troops of iVelliiiJton's army j bat tain period.' '. I * reply to their motto, I wrote atfay this -was no^.'conaidered ckciaive iraiso on the 44th ifcrtmd therefrom. It •13. „! h«r« » I arrived on the coast of Chill on wz, o. •' Gut, tur Q*»try and LUtr- to*, and sdjudM establishments in her itnd ran down the «oast of 'em | in this track I fell veaseJa,and learoett, that the squafl- purpbSs of Vlbckading me, w^>er* r\rvwisn'eers«ir, wliich ron which sailed from Rio Janeiro truy cruised for nest sVx we«k*.dur- |v, before the rd 84 Amefieins sk pri. for that set, not bee* heard' of' ing which time 1 ,ende»vourf», ^ SlSICe their d^^-. ... -, a«d,.— were„,., sup---,-. appear before l»*4 t-ken oa the court ofKpcaed to ^>e loai> il end«Avortag Io but iMfcftually,to uring thePhstb** court on the captain informed «ne, |>doub'e C»p*-Borsj. ' , .'- ' alo«» 4s>«Aion, first with both fuy >mber nest, for ^^ Great-Britain,"' they' I had o«rs%letely bYnkeo Jrp the ahipa, and afterwards wnk my. }Mt».«ll th«/ should m«*t British mavigstUn in the racMic ; single, ship,, tfiift byth .crews on the veeeelay,._^._ wl^bh,,..._., had.__ not been cap- boar&i 1 Wis «ev»ra1 trtnes under rxpctlatlon & a war be- - - I ^•<4*f *& W.-8.—lco». lured by me, wer* laid up anA d»r? w«y,'w«y, «.,«.^.,...... and aacertaitibd that..... ,I had.. y tbttiir all hrs guns and not ventur/out. 'ifJ>Bd «(forced the grca oar own sailing, and uoce seccecded in r.loa- • yy' " 3m. . is| wHtich were, o» my atriual ing within gun-akot oi. the !" '' icpfciuJrrg VCrwQIMPlBWUIvcrw^ttivtMOus '•«•»•«nd unprotected.-uii|M«.»~v«-».- and con\ra«n«^d a fire en hert, foilrii- she ran down for, th» Cheroo, c«pi»U~:s. -which Th5rvafusble whale Rsbwry th«r« is ji>,.NA 1 then entirely destroyed, Ind the waaftl 2miUstQle«w»nl;irifci J,ima, a,tvd>d r«r«cap»jM injury w?WT hawh»v« w thenev )" of doHsrs, indvpewtvlllindepewatnl of the *?- ting under way, slie hW* too oft ptgos Uhnds, ptnuisofthe vemkcil'lit'search of rt'hs port, n«Ut«d her nwtl»^»g and I where I trttised from thehe t7«»>}7«^> Aptil me. They havefwnuaUtdssgkinply fired, a gun to windward. ' Cotn. 11*9) during with lailf,cordajt,cablei^ialc^ofs^ r|iUyar scented detarrn'ir->'- ~---i 00 inftiuiry i wUl r euwrulninent, wakh will be h*ld »4W»Wr, ,lH3 .....URAtl-ONO. Chancery i>t CITATION Of EUROPE. b«r will sjKpow VvP"W» $ o|» Same valuable ^egroi SOITHBT. ' Natto*, oontaini og^OO acie*, lying Wicomoco river in the fcaid "county, a- tie. Sheep slid Hogs; 1 to previous bottt six miles below AUeji's Pr*»h. KiVc'^en Parnltm*, B« Yesterday, agreeaoly Plantation UtanfiL',- a| arrangement, th*u Celebration, took The ls,nd is level, and very rich, and 'h*i» thereon a tolerable, good.dwelling Wood *lso the crop no plage -Ifl.rthV Cedar St. Church." on th^.-grouud. The rer (sayi>the Commer­ Mot* and out-hou'tM. The spU is w«P jFhc exercise*, adapted U> tl>* cultivation^of grain .arid crfedit of six months ft JON AS cial Advertiter) wcra commtfnjced tohK0", an4 Bargain, other­ wise called fl'icomoco Ftddtf contain­ Afterio* ptayer was concluded NOTld ing forty-two and an half acres. This St«, » the following anthem was sung: land lies' contiguous to. Wett llatton, Th« late ftacincitie* with The Commissioners f * Blessed be ~thou,»Lord God of and will be rold either separate, or Aone-Arandel county ai rjfcrs to the enemy a Iafg4 Israel, pur father for ever and ever ,1 that tract, a* may b«st accommodate the first Monday in Augi fsrct, both^navafand *H * .' '- \ Thine, p Lord it the greatness, purchasers. being the first day of tla wUh it the «ne»ot ol giv and the poweV," rfnd the glory, and TBfcMS OT tALB. By order , w»r hert « charter ol th* victory, and the majesty, For all Tlie parchftaer to give bond to the B. 8. iaereased aAivity and eit that 's in the heaven .and the earth subscriber, with approved security, for 4 C. T. At WitUoat VfnowiiR wit! thine is the kingdom, O paying th« parcht«e money in three e- Ojune30, 1814, ! are thine: day of that inch will be Ht app>* Lord, and thou art exalted at head qtsal tnnaal payments from the sale, with interest thereon. till lea* thare *rry octuc over all : both riches and honor come WANT!1 orpoinu trill become ob; of thce, and thou reignest over all ; Possession oc the premise* will-be tack, the president hat *&in thine hand it power and might, delive(«fl on the first day of January TO PURCHASE < next In the mean time the purchaser advise able,, u a measure and in thine hand it is to make great, A Negro Woman, thi tiod, te/atrengtbenourBe may exercise all eights of ownership, plain cookery. To sue and to give strength unto all, Now, giving permission to the present posses­ Ike of th» Atlantic, a therefore, O God, we .t'sank thee can come well raeommea sor of finishing and securing the orpp on honest*, nxijixl tmeani of doii praise thy glorious name." briety, induntry, and hand. per, a liberal price will \ faflnd In the wihtia The Hon. Governeu.r Morris then On payment o^the whole -yarchase ' '• t Ktilt executives of certa} rote and addressed the audience, for money, with interest, the subscriber is At the half way hoase o) otganise and ho\d Hi r« nearly an hour, in a strain of elo­ authorised to ejrecat* a deed to the pur­ the Annapolis road t io)«iediate t«rv\ce, » oc quence rately equalled. He took a chaser. Baltimore. - tyxhree thousand fiv«H Jnn. Trottee. rapid view of the great events in Til HARRIS, June 30. ir th« law* of att Annapolis, July Europe(pr the last twenty-five yeart, tt. .._. and 18tb of Apti «and concluded with the restorjiion of Anne-Arundel) The enclosed detail the Bourbons tothe throne of France Co**ly, to wit .' your excellency what, a family, to whom, under Provi^ ! vCourt, April( requisition, will b« thtf dcnce, we are in a great measure I hereby certify that Amos Stohh, of On applicati on to. the j| As far at volunteer u said county, brought before me as a indebted. for oar independence, and Arundel county court, b paniet can be fottttd^.1 ttray, a bay HORSF, li. hands and 1 writing, of farltin Ho* .our freedom. The narrative wafe- inch high, 10 years old, has a small, yefer/ed. interspersed with in* county, prayinp the ben< of I very where head and snip, ;ong tail, both hind feet for the relief of sundry '. The expediency atrudive and interesting remarks. white, four new shoes on. Given un tprs, pAModat November in the designation) The whole oration was indeed ex­ der my haod this 26th day ot, June, teen hundred and five, ajt s of their pUcm (H cellent ; and was received by a very loU. . ' ' . ral supplements thereto,, point*, the import i VLodU* Hamntond. . t numerous and respectable auditory, mentioned in the said aay charges ton, Mad b«4 be auggwud. them, as directed by the A repprt bTtn* « The excrcitet «f the day-were and tske Aim away. ing annexed to his petif -v then closed by the following an­ Amoi Smith, V yoqr quota, when com said county court bei ; \/ o them :— Living at Norwood's Ferry. said Larkln Uivn HI place or»pUce» the will be acceptable. " Sitrg, O heavens, and fce Joyful, the two preceding ; said' application, within 1 have the hohoui 0 earth, break forth into singing, O Private Sale. (etf^A, yoi hath comfop- Maryland, and the said very gixat mountains, for the Lord In and v«i In mood having stated nott obcdtcBt ttd hit people, and will hive merty sell, at prjvate sale, a' Lot ca«lo<]y>of county, he is in the v»nt, on hit «fl)it\ed. Ltt.nofZVdn' say, Prince Qeorge's Anne Arundel county, JOHN A R! the Lord hath forsaken me, Ad- the conveniently situated, apd in excellent eftter liy. be discharged therefroin, Hit Excellency (hi Lord hath forgouerrrnt t .rtiercuntile court, that the saidid Lark ; who4twishe« a stand for » tavern ; cy ujion you, and to your God,, fift son be discharged, and by and par haps no village in the state can to be ins«r^ he will abundantly pardon. Thye- tavern* is of this order b« found, a^Which a decent ryland' Osxette. once a fore will the Lord wait, that mjy more wtoMJd. g New-Hampihire. be graciout unto you, and therclore successive monlhi *b«f« On the lifljC b a large store house, with September i 1 battalrb», via. SySO exalted that hema.y have for the re­ Mondsy of will he be counter, shelves, Ice. "ready tie« to his creditors to i infiatry « tot^l 3, mercy upon you j for the Lord rs a ception of A quantity of dry goods, and court, to; staff t major gen. ' dyrellhig- the* said county God of judgment. Blessed are they groceries, als* a two story city of Antfapolis on the mat. gen. 1 above, and one that wait for hit'salvation." house, wj(H two. rooms of September next, for tt . f below ; a pailed garden and vard, and a trustee { The Anthemt were alto both wtll with two, recouuneudlng M»ssachi|««*u. 1 an old building out of repair, flt, and to shew csuse, if < performed ;. and including all the rooms below and two above, for seve- 100Q STtlHtfJr, »000 of the day we have why the said Lar'kin Hai Ocneialtta performances . rsl years rented' as a tavern. - Terms* benefit of' in this to not have Uie never known in audience, ,y be known by application and the supplements thert 4 Wig. gent, t «kp. city, apparently more highly gratifi­ » w. fro***. Test. Ufiit, dep, qr. mat. ed, on any public occasion, than an une 83. I8U. 3w. «. » »i«ant m\, |en*i iheyrctcnt. Rhode-ltlind t Farmers artillery, 4*Ojjnf Or Mar^md, 22d Juv^ 1814 Annc-Arunflel, eoneAicit(~^ i List of Letters ' In c*mplianr« with th« OMrter of Court, April t anillety, g.700 the Farmers Bank of Maryland, and ttaff- RcBia'rnittg in the Post-OfHce, Annapo. On Application tothe jty . O«f, with a supplement thereto eAablishing ...... gen. f dtp. qr Bs, July 1, 1814. f thereof at Frederick Town, Anindel county court,W a Branch . . . Jsmes Alien, Austin Arms (S), Peter*. notice is hereby riven to 8 ockhoWers writrng. of Jamu //<«« «*! « «. JNew.Y6rk. iit Armstrong, Mary Alien A. A.county. on the Wesum Shore, that an Election «°»»ly. P»7J«5 lll« Y6rk.— Jrthn Brew (5), 8«»il Brown, W. B. will be hold" at the Banking House »n " » «K« ™*»( of'""dry it n, Be»r>, Stephen Beard, jun, 'Hester Bi­ the City of Annapolis, on the AAt «"»«f^ *l November ' infantry j shop, Thoroa* Btekneil, A. A. ceunty. Motfay of August «*sL Utweek teeal»uudred s«d ft»«, ai JcremUb C«ok, Elitobcth Csdle, Phil- thffoun. «f 10 o'clock. A? M. «nd ? V 1 upul.u.ent. thereto] K^rs«y, Charles Duvail, teen IMrecUirs lor tfco B*nV>l Animpo- tprs, on oath, as far as h Henry Difkenson, Richd. DsvJs, ^A. A. 1U, and nine Director, for tlie Branch UMvi as directed by the^ eo«mty. !.« *. Wm. H. Karl Cfi.s. Bank at Froderiek^Towp: nMMd to his petition, 11 Flemming. Jonaa Q«*cn, J'ci-«prin« "~ By order, ' '•' c*%nity court be i rig oienn («), NKhs. Ooldtbotoogh, Kdwd JON. PINKNF.Y, C.sWer. said /antes Hamraond hJ Or.fhiK. A- A. county. Ooorfc" Hoof- two preceding years priol man l«), Ann rUwkiM, Oarard ll. tuplioation within the Mopkios, Phillip Hanrtwond, A. A. NOTICE. 1«M, ami the said J county. Aquiller Johnson, The subscriber having obtained from having stated in his petiti son, A»n Jscob, Sarah Ann the orphans court, -of Anne ArundeJ in tba custody of Ute near*nnapolie. William KiltJ . . county, letters of adnxini«tralUm D. A. Arundel county, and gens, ^ brig ehnrjred therufram, It pus Keipipg. Ann KarDc^. Joseph N, on the personsl esUte of Samuel 84". rj at. dtp. qi I^»ier, Ladle Ll|«oin« A. A. county- Green,-late, of Anne Ariind«l county, dared and adjudged, * Kl«e H. Ms>sey ne« Annapolis, deceased, all persons having claims a* th« held at th 6>ss. ccn. and J»«ue* 9teele, Wm. ban Admr. fM>l**J on UM (n -«. i>'lr Itilv «r% Sswnel Stwthwlekj CUarWs Story, t>«T n*xt, tor tht IB PhiHp P Srhitb, A A.' ««unty. -JBIl»a- m tru»tse tor l>*(h Tydmgs. l!»ry Th>MRM. / Jcbn to shaw CAute, if \ v.,,1 - 1-TKateth. O. Woottard A. /Blank Bonds, y the said .Inrus* M' A .-i.untv .'«*"i White, Sarah Wbtt- sbns on Bond, AppMl B«it«JA, A- Com Iwv* tho br.ncnt of the. ton, Walter Willolt, Ssuiuel C. fueu W»rr«n»* F»r 4alo »t this Of .the ) «»» » y-1 provision*, < »np board them dep-.. qr. mi*v |tO. and 1 aaaia. ad}. to be for the *«amen. We hadTin faAliv- ' 6ly olfireah W3tef, la none it I haa\ been ia thoae. laykda; whicTi e.d,on the en'; my airtce GftEEtf, regiment*, touud among every price having pto»eJ JONAS r tJotttK-CaVotirf*. Five are Dcrhan* j«» moa't »rren and that tfea, Anit4roi.li. via. 500 artUfcry, 4,500 infantry ; a well found atece) ablp fof /m*. I maj. gen* deiplate of aiiy known. yet been nnOei tbe W*e»*i- tttal 5,000. ,,Gen. ataff 1 among ttia.groope, } cap had not 2 brrig.-'geris. 1 dep. qr. ma*, gen. 1 While ty of drawing billa on tnt defary lured ihc (oUowlog.Bi^yah ahip*, had been ena­ a^jfap. qr. ous. gen. and 1 as. adj. the apefflucef meOt. JOT any ob|e&, & |obn Brien, employed chiefly in rtake conaidera.Ule advance* \vh-le fiahery bled to Georgia -8 regiment* and John Blackfprd to nay oftccra and crew oa account generally _ re*p«&ive governors 'ttiten, VIE. f*a*m" Edito#» Letter* °f i)»y- i inaert tliftibo>te in tbeir paper* too*, mu. gona. pierced we. b?4 of th« foMowing " riantry, total a,*QO. For the unexampled time maj. gen. S brig., geni kept tbe tea, my crew h«d continu­ 13. Montexuma. 470 2t r healthy j i had but mas. ^et». 1 a*, dep. qc, mad 175 ,10 18 ed remarkably '* *0«0 Ccptiun Pttfte* one CMC of the acut vy, and The late pacification in Europe 1 »». adj. gen. 280 0 RwjTncky 5 regiment i and 1 bat- of tt» Satry. only thejfoHpwmg men by death, via i xifer* to the enemy a largt dwpotabie . 53* to Hi ^.vi*. 5,50O infantry ; total 364 3* « •ft Wt ek*^f ^T'ftlMK a^lUikACVB* ^* / » KQu^»»^» AUairlle ' John 3. Cowan, Lieutenant, 9mff&.* aW^»uQvQ ! " »aa^a» ^ ^^f .ital^l maj. ge*. 2 Sir -I have* done anaelf the hon. 81 ft' M with it the hueoa of gititf- to the RXMO Robert Miller, Surgron, gena. 1 dep. qr. mas. gen. 1 - 'kddreta TOO, rtpeatedly, Heetor 11 wir bert « charaaer of new and ; bat have Levi HeJaaaa, O. Sefman, ja*..dep. qr. maa. gen. and 1 a*, adj. left the Delaware Catha*iaMi 270 • 51 f.dward Sweeny, do. increased ac\i . or ma*, gen. 1 aa. adj. gen. *iai«le t^al period. Marine*, tack, the president baa deemed it a*, dep. qr. 546$ Andrew M»h*o, Cor. of | ,LoviaiBjaia<~*One regiment, via : I akllod from the Delaware on ^M dviseable, as a measure of precau­ Aaa*ma of tbpoa'ahipt Were cap­ Lewie price, Private Marine. iafaniry t total 1000. v , 27th OApber, 1812, and repaired tion, to tt'rtngthen ourselves on the 1000 in- by boat*, ando\her*by pr\atallow««<| tent her Into Rio. Lieut* Downea had cbtrroyod the peflarion* came to Hancon Thoma*, 1 waa anchored with * of their place* of rtndexvous) meeting. l;h* Monugue the admiral'* prise* to Valparaiso; and, out hia paraiso, whero a* Secretary of the my* armi* pnae thaj Ee" poinu, the importance or expo- were introduced by, ah'tp, being in pursuit of «n«," Ay return,brought roe lettera informing: the Eisex, to Reioattrtona under the command of nre of whith will be most likely Eaq. propoiing 1 provmon* cow-gettiog ahort, and me that a aquadron under command ex Junior, EdwardColafon. Lt. Downes, onthetaok out off the attract the *itws of the enemy, celebration in honor ot tbl firnding 41 neceaaary to Took out for a of Commodore Jamea Hitlyar, con- aoiemn harbor; but, contrary to the course Mtd b«4 be auggeatad. roemorabl* events whfch have aupply, to enable me to meet the liating of the frigate Phesbe, of 36 o_ late I thought he would piraae, Com. A feport of the organiaation ued EuVope from opprctalon, and jcooMDodore by thtf lit of April, off guns, the Racoon and Cherub aloop* Hilleerbrought with him the Ghe- yoqr quota, when coi&pHeted, and slivered oor country from -\ perni- 1SlfHelena^B'bfocceded to the It- of war, and a store ahip of 80 gun*, of rendeavooa^1 Jury fof this ib aloop of wat\ mountings* guns, m place or* place* cioua and debasing infAaenctf, The | Isjjd of 3rr>C4V^* eXpre»*pur. -10 retfU. v»«. 1 * preamble to tha^ksdlut^oTis, which to the commodore'a captain ingraham, M»»i*chmaeiU. I canlked and completely overhauled pose of seeking the Enex, aijd were Bitiltoft, SOOO infantry v total I waa cordially approved of, and of plan, atretched to the aouthward, ttOQ '.». dered^to be published. de my ship, made for her a n*w,aet,of prepared *ith flag* bearing the mot. •i -^.. _ * _ acouring the coaat aa far aa Rio Genet al ataff 2 and cunntryj Britiah 10,6^0. we,'receive the Mar- Plata. I heard that Bucnmy»d at Va^paraico on the Mth t»in period.' \ * ;. . replyel to the«r aootto. rejjimenla, .. The committee of arrangement* of Chill On * GU, w CtMHtry and Litir- of the late glo> Mar«h, 1113. '1 h«fe * onW* three English board, xhey Went off the port for the |bc rtdctnptiqti of oalr. own country ly atow, and ran down a^boib r, aaa. pn. and 1 as: squad­ purpoae of blockading roc,, where rW 1' has bee» Chill and Peru j in jhia track I fell \eaaeJa, and laarnei, tbat tbe o«n the lear of bondage, Janeiro they cruised for IK at aix w««ta, dur­ offer 1» in W.Hl? * Armian 'ceraair, wtiich ron which; Bailed ftorn Rio .- 14regimoa>ta,via.l atcon^plished retpe^Hy heard of ing wlii oh time 1 .endeavoured to to all friend* to had bn bajard 84 Americana as prW for that S«a, htft not b*«n 'ijAOO4 atti|e adion, firat witb both my on ffhurtdaV we Tho^ Captain infuretfd ant, doub'.o C.*p+ gjn- 0 aa. dtp. qr. ma*, gen*, and 3 Shephird's-town, broken sjp the ah^ps and afterwarai wnk my, -aathofjuty. that *« * oii>r«st-iJriuin, they I had pon8)letely " adj. g»tt». meat navigation In the l**cV6c i aingla, ahip, witft byth .crewa on 100 Thiainvitation extenda would cBs^wtavaJl thf/ shonld Uniieh DeKware 1 regiment, vie. be­ wl««th had not been cap­ boirdi 1 Wia levrral twn under oCVn-ginia, MarylandJXJe' with, in expr6Ut)on 9f a v«r the veoaele artillery, WO infantry) total 1,000. con­ raev were laid up and dare w*y, and - aactrtaintd that I had QOQ| and the Diatridl of Colombia,'and to tween 3p*h*fri]Bjl th* il. A. 1 tured bar Maryland, 6 regimean, via. ventur«*obt. * had ffbre'cd the greatly the advantage {« point of friend* in" iiiy.pirt of I^M) country, sequently tbrtw all hi* guns'and not ^n*»ntryftc<*l6000.J into the sea, Titcrattd attpU prou6lion to our own and ytce aaccetded in .^cna>, xo whani it niaV be uou'vcntknt atid Bajwuuitioa^ o^ ih* l*hu.lni the «rhieh wtnt, on my niu " guR-aiiett i a*. 4ep. qr. and commenced a fire on her, f«h aurjiHae and ttju*a«I»n ot muaic will accpmpauy th* , Lima, and r«cap injury Wf bavf «k»«c »n, *u—- g«na. SoUmn at. t%o and a lulf militant InHlgnavion, aapreVioui'ib ray gct- or. 4W*, geri. 5 arrvice'of the day. The ordjar ofi of tlaa xeaael*, *a ahe estimaj/cd From then T of do^ara, independent of the _ Under Wjy, alic hove too off ma: 40,d 3 aa. prote**ion will be a« ranged under j tenng the p9tt. and I proawedad foi-iheG^ltpago* Ubnds, penuia of the veaav^ in 'aearch of ort h»>Uiod her moU^lag. nufhority of the committee.' «» Ticket* of admission to th»fe»tive I whefe X «rniatd ffomthe t?vh me. They have fuTniafce** aaMsw wh'ub will be h«li 1 until xhs? 34'OcAober, ,\%\9 j duiing wit)) la.!)*, cofdjp, c»bU*,*ic|LO*»> ,2UO infantry —— l -——'^ ai t, I to turtendcr my »h»p to *a*c terras, »nd fruua hjs extrcn. l-O as ell farther attempt aj belin hia dance; in keeping bwtTT'hj* sbij. , *» YDOSI prove ineffectual, al­ as "well as the afterftoon . bf after constantly within fW-of etrvh Lwith «wi the most fcv&ry gun belnj dU*bl«d fey Tt:rry,*famei H. Lymm, aitd 5 a»y wouudtd (whum of battle. IVVd otner, there wore «ohopeTofany •d-TPntebe 01 id o,ft eondituV i Before 6 tfclpck W* uow-**nt for the officer* of divisions Wil'ism Precce, exerted tbem*«l O.S.thouiil.Wtrtheu6J »nd hi* ftrce* defeated, 1. vantage,* ta rayxauniry from « Ion-I The f. oth »idoa w*^ no* gar suy in port. 1 therefore deter- ' ' to Consult then* ; t»ut «ifhat was itty in ih« pe)(fo)r«ante of %t»e!r rtspc- ,,-..-.-0 and. ha* t»de*»e;Uted 'iJ( < tr«tnere dutie* amig*'ve an earnest of much as lav in his poWet to afleviau ' . He wa« clo«ely mined to put to sea, the first oppor­ top-Bail and foresail, but the Want «[ tunity which should dfTer i and' I phen Deca,ur M'J^night, tcmaining, .their value to the. tervice { the tbre^ r^c -d^Wosses^f w»r ' '' would bt>«f b*e» utt*Hf Jj the ufki'ehd sheets rendered them Waa the mb*c strongly induced to do (who confirmed »he report respecting I ;firit are'too young to recommend tor ge^erotfrHnd delicate deportmeij *or the proximity of b^t ^ almost useless tous ; yatwe were en­ «o, as"!4 hjy gained certain, imelli- the coo4»ti«n of the guns on thcVi"pt'ornelioh, the iatter 1 beg leave to' towards . flry^lf, -«nd- eftcer*, nd abled for a short tiraetoclose with the) gun-deck—thos^e on the (par-deck 1 recommend for confirrnatioo. as w^)l cre.w } Wgavt order* that the pr*> ed of the enemy and "*». 0* n srroy mu^t be a ?tiro other , had (ailed strewed with dead, and our cockpit Wilmer, after fighting most gallant­ »ieuV» Barnwcll, Johnson and Bo(t- spccted—-his orders, however i T h«y w'M be reniovwl to fair that sea in pursuit of me ; andi filled with wounded-—although our ly throughout the action, had been, Vick. not so Strictly attended to as \ •fhi,, with my limitla had rerson td^expca the arrival of ship-had been Several time* on fire, knocked overboard by a splinter We baVe been unfortunate, but have been expected ; beside* bcW] |tmnsp»rtation, will take l&e ftacoon from the N. W. coast of and wae rendered a ffcrfcct jrrecX while getting the sheet anchor from not disgraced*—'fht, defence of thj| deprived x>f book*» charts, *ci "- J t»o, after which i shall America, where the had bten cent We Were Jiill encouraged to tfbpy to the-bows, and wss drowned. Act-' t'ssex h» not been^Uu liodourAbU both mytelf and officers lost maty' not doubting that the & for the purpose of 3e«traying our •ave her, (jcdm the circumstance of, fur establishment on the Columbia. mg Lj. John G.Cowell had lost a to her officers and ''c||w, than' the of *»r cloaking, «one fo.i jecorapr»he'I troops Fled the Cherub, from her crippled Kite, dqyft all opp«itioi» betwi A ren^ctvoas wa« appointed fur the being compelled to haul off*. ' She letjpjilr. Edward Barawell* afting capture. of,'*«f: equll *Corce, and"1 1 rabl^arooont. I should1 i^ aa£ffiig-*na*ytf> had bcco-cart^ be­ uow contider'mj situation- less un- Like Ontajri«u 't'nen if n Essex -Junior," and every arrange­ did not return to close aAion again, have considered this last'circa*> low alter receiving two eeyere ment mide for sailing, and I Intend­ although she apparently had it in pleMant, than that of <$pm. Hillyar, stance pi*tol *hotof a-fleuirel fly arrival of the Tagnt,» I SB,' wit&'the highoetll by edging off, tochoote the distance, «*»/ JACOB « fresh from the southward, when I which best suited hef long gun*, ur.til after the *urVender. I was, shore i when, for six week* 1 nad few Hay* after my captttre, i parted ray larboard cable and drag- and kept up a tremendous fire ou'us,' inferred that th«cockpit, the *tc«r-" daily offertd him fair and honoura­ tnforrtwd thtt besides tk-e snips Hbn..Seitritar>«f War. gt^d my starboard anchor directly oat which mowed down my brave com­ age, the w*rd-ro«|i* and the birth- ble combat, «»term* greatly"to*hi* had littivod in the Pacific in '-.'',\- ^ dick could contain no more Wound­ to ses. ' Not a moment wws to be panions by the dozeo. Many of my advantage ; the, blood of the sla'in of me, and. those *till Oopy ot a 1«tctTr from ( (oat in getting sail on the ship. The guns had been rendered useless by ed | that the Wounded were killed must be an his /htad, and fie 'has t|iers were sent to cruise for me.hi to the S«t'y of tha-H while .the surgeon* .were dressing tnemy were close in with the point the enemy's shot, aprd many of them yet to reconcile his conduft *o hea­ the Chin*, seas, otf Keft>Zealaa Chwletton, "^ * ronatingthc west srde.of the bay ; but 'had their whole crews destroyed | them, and that unless •omening ven, to hi* conscience*' a»d toth% Timor and ,New-i(«Uand, avd _._ SIR,, •on opening them, I saw a prospect was speedily done to prevent It, the wqdd. The annexed exuadl of* •another frigate wa* sent to Uia Rl- I nave, the honor we manned them agaisj from those Resset's letter, 'detailing of passing to windward, .when I which were disabled, and one gun ship would link Jroat .trw rium letrer from Com. Hilly ar, which was ver la Plata. took in my top-gallant sails, which ber of shot hole* in her' bottom1 . written 'previous to his retvraKig To p«s*e*s the Essex it ha* 'tost solars of the meftncholy in particular was three times mann­ tbe AUigafor. Private I were tet over single reefed top-sails ed—fifteen men* were slain at it. in And on sanding for the carpenter, fat my sword, will show h*s opinion the British Government near thr and braced up for this purpose, but he informed me that all bis crew had of our conduct, •millions of dollars, and, j^e'i, i th»t, ejBirter represent 'the course of the action! but strange wind ts very severe and on rounding tbe point, a heavy^fiiall as it may appear, the captain <>f it been killed or wounded, and that he My loss ha* been drcj/UMy se­ her capture waa owing enti'r«)y t*> struck the ship and carried away her escaped with only a sKght Wound. had qnce been over the side* td itop vere, 58 killed or have since died • accident t and, it we consider" (A* , to hou*e«, crops, ,fcc, • Midshipmen Hnriltfofc maintopmast, precipitating the roo.n Finding that the cnemyhad it in his the leak*,'when hi* slings bad been of their wounds, and among them expedition with which naval co*> sen were noit pronMainf who were aloft into the" »es, who power to choose his distance, I now shot away, and it was wich difficul­ Lt. Cowell ; 39 were Ceverely vroun- testa are now decided, the action i* ocrt, and would havt do were drowned. Doth ships now gave ap all hope of closing with ty he was saved from drowning. edt 27 (lightly,1 ind 31,are missing ; a dishonor .to them. Had theyj thtir profession. I hav< gave chase to me, and I endeavour­ him, and, as ttuL wind, for the mo­ • The enemy from the smoothness of making in all 154, krtlesi, wounded brought their ship* boldly into acn* necessary steps to get o ed, in my disabled state,-to re. ment, seemed to favour the-design, the water, and the impoesibility of and misting, »., list of whose name* on wrth a force *o , very tupenor, pu>r, and bave no doub gain the pott ; Gut finding I could I determined to endeavour to run our reaching lum with our csrro- is annexed. ' >, ] and having, the .choice of position^ not recover the common anchor­ heron shore, land my men and de­ nades, and the little apprehension The DrofeSsional knowh|4gV of the*/ should either have captured or secceed. ' *- age, I ran close into a small bay, stroy her. Kvery thing seemed to that was excited by our fire which Dr. Richard Hoflman, acting surged destroyed u* in one fourth the lion I have the honor to b about three quarters of a mile favour my wishes. }Ve had ap­ had now become much slackened, onS^and Dr. Alexandet Montgome­ they were about it. rcifcct, your obedient • to theMeeward of the battery on the proached the shore within musket waa enabled to take aim at us a* at ry, acting surgeon'* mate, added to During the action, our Coniul .J»H ea*t side of the harbor, and let no shot, and I had no doubt of suc­ a target \ hi* aliot never rained our their assiduity and the benevolent Mr. Poinsett calUd on the Govern- . my anchor within pistol shot of the ceeding, when in an inyant tbe hull, and.my ship was tut up.in a attentions and assistance of Mr. or of- Valparaiso, and requested Copy of a Utter from L •here, where 1 intended to repair wind shifted from the land (as is manner which was, ^perhaps, Mver D. P. Adams, the Chaplain, laved that the balteriee,might protect the to John H. Dent, Ls my damages as soon as possible — very commpn in this port in the lat­ before witnessed—.in fine, I MW no the live* of many of the-wounded > Eaeex. ;T4i* reqncit wa* refused, ing'naval officer, Cl The enemy continued to approach, ter part of the day) and payed our hope* of laving her, and at S*0 ms. those gentlemen have been indefati­ but he promit«d that if she thoul| "r Carolina. and shewed an evident intention of after 6 P. M. gave the painfar dr-/ gable in th«ir attention*' to them ; •ucceed in fighting her way to the 6tt Helena, I.Uftd, Ju head down on the Phoebe, where we SIR—The painful ta attacking, regardless of the neutral­ were again exposed to a dreadful dertoatnke the colour*. 75 men, the*two font1 1 begtteave to recom­ common anchorage, "lie would •* ity of the place where I was anchor­ including officers, were til that re- mend for confirmation, and the lat­ an officer to the British comroar 'atgyou the parl4eular* raking fire. My ship was now to- the U. State* schoomer ed | and the caution observed in their tally unmanageable ; yet as her mained of my whole crew, after the ter to the notice of the department. and request-him to cease firing,. ' approach to the attack of the crip- action, capable of doing duty, and. I must in' justification of my«elf declined using forco under any eir« am aow able to onderti head was towards 4>e enemy, and lit of Jnly, at* P. M. pled E**ex was truly ridiculous, at he to the leeward of me, 1 still many of them aevercly wounded,, observe, that' with our six twelve cum*t«nce>, flt there It no dbubt oft was their display of the motto flags, hoped to be able to board him. At some of whom have since died. The pounders only we fought'this action, perfect undcratiodhng existing be­ chor in the Port' Royal and the number of Jacks at all their this moment Lt. Com. Downes, came enemy, still continued his fire, and our carrdnadcs being almost useless. tween them t this conduct added to lower yards down, and mast heads. I, with as much ex­ on board to receive my orders, un­ my brave though eufortunate con* The loss in killed and" wounde * sssistauce given to the British, masts honied, a heavy d pedition a* circumstances would ad­ der the impression that I should soon panions were still falling about roe1.' has been great with the enemy nd their friendly reojrption, »ft«r ra the west, and xo mit of, got.my ship ready for action be a prisoner. He could be of no I directed an opposite gun to be'fir­ among the former is the first Lieut. he action, and the strong bias of by us- The liquall and endeavored 16 get a spring,on use 4n the then wretched state ed, to shew them that we intended no of the Phoebe, and of the Istrer the faction which govern Chili in fa­ ni!f a. oiik; had the app my cable, but had not succeeded I Of the Essex ; and hnding (from further resistance | but they did Capv Tucker of the Cherub) whose vor of the English, UK well tV their water spout or .wtiirlw when the *pyuy at & minutes after* the enemy's putting his' helm up) i.otdesist i four men were killed at 'wound* are *eyere. Both the Essex hostility to the Amerkan*, indoted . jfil from its appeaunc ^ M. made hi* at/ac!<, th^fhabe that my last attempt at my aide, and other* in different and Phoebe were in a finking sure, Mr. Poinsett to leave that country. *nc ; it the of the stern ports, which were work­ on b9*rd toj make room for them. I cannot speak in sufficiently high mages of tne Phoebe, so at to enable the Hector and Catharine to^sstta*' the snail bower wa* 1 ed with so much bravery and skill The Cherub now had an opportuni­ terms of the Conduct of thoef cm- her to double Cape Horn. All the16 burnt them and their cargpesi * ' vessel brought uj that in half an hour we so disabled ty of distinguishing nerielt, by keep­ gaged for such an unptralleilod malts and yard* of the rMtoebe an «« including' extremity, and to die in preference ed of caving her} our distance from .were slaughtered. The conduct of that we fought his ships near 9 hour* of the ttate,4»f the Ea*e» at tha en the hn»a of t to'* ehameful *orrcndcr.j Our gaff, the shore did not exceed three.quar. tht^toave and heroio^ofllcer, acting At a half; upwards of fifty -bnydsidcs tim|.of hersurreticUrr, I *end^you with tl.e ensign and the motto Bag tvrs of s mile, and 1 hoped many of Lyi'yAn ^' CowelL who lost hi* w«re fir«d .by the enemy spnt thaAoauwaiu's and Carpenter* rt- [Hei« at the mizcn, h aid be en (hot away, my brave crew would be able to save Uj^MJIhe latter puv of the action, ly to their.ow'n account*, &upw«rd« porfof jhe damage* i 1 *l*o *«nii saved. bl)t TREE TRAOR ' AWD tATLOfct' themselves, should the ship blow up, excited the admiration of every man of *eventy-five by oure f except thii •y°ru,.» r«P°fl d .ty divi*lon*. *er, ifi Of • MIGHT* continued ta fly at the fore. as I waa iniormlil the^ft/e wa* near i* the ship, and after being wound­ fe*r mii\u,te* they Were repairing ., Our ensign waa replac^ by another, the nm*iine, apl the explosion or ed Would not oonsen't to be take*) 'damages, the Bring, va* incessant. Nom and to guard against _,a *ir*iljr e- fa low .till loss of blood tendered him a Urge quantity of powder b*low Soon after)my'capts)t*|J entered c WASHINOT;OW CijT, July 15 A of truce ' vent, an eqiign wa* tnade /a*t' in served to increase the horrois of our iiUe,n*i»le. Me. Edward B»rnwe|l, into an agreement with Twm. Hill- 0 A ~ ,1 4» mf ««wii , to Sw"«Dr the mia*n rigging, and several'jack* situation—our boat* Were dr*troy«d »««»g »»'ling masf.r, whote yar to ditarm my prize tbe E*sex ,C*||||y of a letter from Major Gf- for were hoisted in different parts of the -by th« enemy's shot j. I, therefore, V aild co«''«8« was equally campi- J^iyor, apJ proceed with the turvU i Mrtl Brown to the^Set^tary '*« b'o*rl*h»t sh'.rj) llhip. The enemy soon repau'eil his dircdlcd those who could swim to tuou*' returned oft dexk after his >ors of my etpcers s^id creV in her' \- «f Ww, dated^(ih July, ; fW*« «vtnirt«. From thp (tamiires for-a fresh attack j TIC/BOW wrap overboard, *td efuUxrvour to &m */>un»<» •mMir.faiMifw pfliber* and cr«w.' |ie consented to •SIR, »nd a brig sdditie .-.i my starboard quarter out O"f the •ome'wer. taken by the *B«*ay; and "^ '••• «• wpod.' Mr. Simucl B. grsut^r a p»«port to secure* ajer:r I Excusef-icuie my silence. I have b»en Jn the bay. and t reich of my cartonadts, and "when some perished ih' the attempt; btifl J«jhnson who had Joiatffiijic the day tr0m ryeapture. The ship ws* smallill MMJfh enengagod.g' Fort .Erie did *o\ Would short fny_scern cunt could not 'be brotgut most preferred slrfring with me the before, and acted a* n)tfme 0fficet, aud w« knc^ we hadmucsvfo si -. jillkl kaur to bear, ne 'there kept" tip a most fate of the ship.' We, who remain­ cundticK*d h^imielf with great bitrve- yet we hoyd soon to^jceich . Oura I \*lo me a isingle ' galling fire, which it wa* out of <)\y ed, now (urnca our attention .whol­ ry, and ap*£L of injuring Him without whca we had *ucfi*odcd jnrnt again iu r Thi» aYrangcmcnc wrt attend' having tfken the po«ittw about nopu our long getting under way ami becoming 0ie tp our guns, where the firing ed with no additional ?xp«nae, as with the van. My arrangement* upt»n assailant* My top-ssHs sheet* and kept up fur *ome minnte*, ,bujt M. W. Boatwkkf whom I she wss abundantly supplied with inihe rear the hali»rd» were all (hot away, as Wtll *jmuu. M*j Re*H, up tronj the Bay sh halurdf. The oply ropf not cut ftre /he iiripOMibilltyof making fur i » uij. "M^', didMIW 'the«!! du.ttes«0>l«« ofUl I ww»t—- '.»,Br '-- Hl«lv -- V*(-aithjgjiigb< *nP'«£V *I Ccan.*«l MVernever intenuo" evening >t sui > the flying-jib hiliVdsi au4 that ther reeistAMe, and entreated me in • manner which refl«>J\* on J be reconciled to the manner of hit to UK «u.c. tRarll i* b;r v« ami ? " ' : momer -»n frrfm hi? wonts as tfierjaoon.bf i that our Before 6 oMockb.Ur.no was '*>« Got- leaving on J la tne«p" defeated, o I te*bttr reat lit* edodnion of man ; to «oft*a . 1 ,, . . ; to omk* and Commi. te aaMHg|Mf,K(>f »i( »atur» He* wee closely pressed »nd bbnAmpaWed with the dutits wnjoh would ha*f b*e» utterly £ned, but hjp «wsk tt> tiod, his eobn"- --<) to for Quebec, wh i i TV e deportmwtj for the proximity of tys •Utivwlh- ,A few day Mii to contain t: himsert; and to reftd«t h Tfie wotfhd- lieved. situation'an eikirnabl* iptmncr wt ««qi«- -eftetrs, W4 J iher tte fl«34or aWt«r. ed a detachmci J, befoie <- u of an ARM - be- 'that the ed pf the enemy 4«d* tfro*e of oat «y; we- know of non« »o,weU c»][ew»ted unknown) at Pi snu pro- ttc wija a>TO wiCKeu.j)n>jcC\ of send ij itws; Country anu ...^..ind—• to prodnerwehv*^lr»ble efiRecUasth* > «hould be r»y mn^t bo attended to".— gentleman left Halifax for Btnralo.-*"- to H' ipg » inlrtftiVjr foreo into a n'ei^l c this ditfuslOB of rtHWod* knowledge; through however wiH'be renta^ed to c&Jed up VB. an hour after fcja arrival a> v «*1y."t«« limited rhcans of bourinjj territory was'ado^«4. Let Quebec- kU oHsse* of men.—It ts WTth my they took a larj; ac- b> and that it TV** confidently d*p«&ed (R4 love-o^Ov3, sMA- a- will take a day or then the question^ be answtrjs4 knowledge transportation, burnt ' We of administration— that WLACE would take place/* - broad ih our, fa<>t('a'H ha vc &o tftore hat .been destroyed, answer-'».cr^lit stateinjiQt. But how yr« th« poor and the tMftd y, flest, all is Welk-HC/WK, tt«d«r 7s,h instant, wfien-aa Halifax papers we shall behave in to urge twfavoor^f the ill they be satiffieiMt the igno»*nt and lft« peDnyteslaV tb ob­ ffvor.of be**en, *m ~b*4 beOn- received sufficiently tite kstowtoag^ flomsi of Way to a void'disgrace. My de­ u trai- tain tliis reHgloaw >c (t a war, thfrr. cry pf «J tiff «nd those troOpVwhicn to fura-isfi the . nejf*, but a number them, it is tiw, Ur«eA«raMa lo^go t,** .he tailed report shall b« nude in a day their ddbV rS /«r" beconts m«r10loud and frequent. t>> have Been sent to their pruan&ion of Hitters came tSf this places the andtn*te w»«rt pemiisl-.tbtsy 1*14- •or two. Let 'contents of which "may give some re word of God n>e*ch«d to the highestivOtnWat," T^fti cttinot continue Idbg, For it were hurried »w»y io-CaKad»f Ta gBs,» I »m. with«*' JACOB B~ J -" ajpproveli of the fvfthef information on this sabjecV W aksl this will >sen with Jttf and ejroita- NapoU'>i^ .uottl rx had bean aclnal- art/ptttfiy of the support of ttilfflk. tion, th* wonderful ••era** wkieh h*s Und, and tftfc j SIR, arrived at rj supplanted on the 'throne of Tran*porta.,riient to theRJ. I have tbe honor Francs, with about 18,000 AmericAtta^o- "detailing «t«-parti• by their votls they have encouraged rsi ttttm tociaites Sn^ur^peand Besset's letter, France by ita {ightful soverei troops of Wellington's army ; hot nuyte thi* jpreat object; and we, wishing .the ntcAncholy disaaCer l»f .the men it) power to persevere in it has 'tost colara'of wHI th*y b«iiev« has been thit Was tiot considered, decisive to be husarole ptrtieiptbU with them In tbe AUigatbr. Private letters from neither tha.wicked courts which to os^r W- near tit of,th«roselve« VnH proof of *h intention to persevere tin happiness of doing good th]rt,ii>*rter represent tBa whirl­ own weakness, altbougTi every day the dtfatvucYioJt crofttnm, bare formed ootMivea ,, |nd then let thorn «n>wef, in the war, at It Was understood taw wind as Very severe and UesiruAive ia developing it. Him"they thought othtrtt, into a society, dtoofn'mated "Th* Bibbs »g entir«ly whether such men ought ever «gain Great-Britain Intended to keep up ths to houses, crops, ficc, •» _ » . . * Society of Prince George's County."-* > consider* firatly ri«eu«dittthftaffsc\i«ns of his .to have their suffrages • large peace' establishments in her the object i* two/oM ich naval Co«* Midshipmen Hrailsford and Roger. In this association sabjt6U, slrho'-he hW steeped them LAl/ft£NS. colonies. —First, to eJacalajg the seriptur4» ft" i« the action u | son were most prooUoing yoong offi­ honor to they nx>ng the- pew ih BrlSK* Oeorge's co«ns- »• Had they1 ; cers, and would havt dene tathe Vetyjfp* in miie'ry j and other Blbl» 8o> I have taken the th« Marj'Wnd GaaeU* tv i and twxt, to «^|s/ oldly into aft* thtir profession* •tr/ink, Or afTcft to thinkj thejrstipre- For m>tJu Baithfore AmtrtqfjL cietiea In diapeosing the word of' Ltfo »«ry auptrrat, necessary steps to get np the Alli­ Twelve months ajoonrdemoctat- to tbo«ft who are "ready tp perlsit" no doubt but. I shall riucyeveil.iiting, ^The depredatioiB, plundering and ce of poiftie**, gator, and tave senate, 'and tert ot th« demo. with a con­ 'thronghoat the wbrld—An object sure­ ' . the aipeft <>( glo«ra, of de­ burning of the enehiy, ari object ive captured c* Mcceed. 'critic raembera house the shore's of the ly of immense isflporUncfc- I have the honor to be,with gteat the notion \hat temptible fbrceJhrt embracing the ihost precious of all fourth the tin*, "and felt the poignancy of keen; legates, were fuTVd Patuxent, witUi any thing like an rcspcd, vour obediant aervant, the state ought to build tbe itHmorUl soot. tress, brought upon her by their adequite assembling of the militia —In such an object all may, sJf ought, »» our Consul J. H. DEN" oc twenty barges for the defence 'of in- the c&c mnajajcc for the porpose of defending it, and we trust all will unit*.—There U on the Govern* messures." Af in the state. It waa to no purpose to be*- letter from Lieut. Bessett duced us* to present A contrast nothite in It calculated to exclt* !• tli» and requested Copy of a thsy have foftud ihetntelve* groasly tell Uhem, that the whole treasury the governor of spirit .and ani­ H. Dcnt| Esq. command­ tween the condu€\ of smalmt degr«« party ght protect the to John flatter ooTSelvee of the state wouM scarcely defray- the governor of Mary­ mosity, for an article in the cortMttotfon ing'naval officer, CturttatoB,-S. disappointed, so we b»rges, Virgiuia and at waa refused. the expense, and that these former had announced •xpmslr provides, that the tyble to b« ^Cirolina. . ' ' ..' •they will shortly discovertbcrojclfcs be' fonnd rathef to land. The I if she ahoul| if built, would the adoption of the most energetic •distributed by them aball be without er way to ifee BtTBelsn* Ula&d, Juiy «i, Uli- to be in the other. The pouplc IMtt than to prevent the visits note* or comments of any description painful task ol Inform- measures for the defence of his itate, earnestly; 'lie would a< SIR—The 'ere long^/that thoee «f the enemy. The barges, we were of any ef­ whate\-er.—All are therefor^ 'aigyou the pariieuUrs of the loss of be convinced whilst we were ignorant to Oogag* in this " labour of tub commar told, muy. be, built, and opposition made by the latter requested the U. Stales schooner Alligator, I <^vho make the loudest professions only fort having been loye-"—If ev*n a cup of cold water, eaie firing,. 1 to the measure xoold proceed protection of Maryland. The am now able to undertake. On the warmest friends, and the war. For- for the ajvan to a disciple in the name of under any eir. are not their from opposition to strictures made on that occasion were reward, whnt of a lit of July, at •. P. M. while at arft the house of ae- Christ, is not without its ia no doubt that they who have beon so baatiy tonately, however, predicated on the apptaraiut of un. reward may not be expected to follow ig existing be« chor ia the Port' Royal Sound, with legata« was federal, and the measure 1 slandered with the vile epithets of pardonable destitution of enery,_or the'distribution of the Word of life?— irtducl added to lower yards down^ and top gallant w»s defesvcd. To this part of the the poor a heavy dark cloud row,1 want of disposition, to organi Breihreu, "he that succoureth to the British, masts housed, 4».r»r»" and " intmin tt tb^jf tt»ntr}," federal delegates we owe it that our lendeth unto the Lorti."—Cofim UI«D. west, and coming rapidly means of reptllihethe invad'n reotption afttr h the ste those who rou*v ultimately be citiaens, residing ^on out, .wateis, we are "cast your brMd upon tkfc waters and by us.. The Squall within about the Better acquainted with faAs, strong bits of otff h- •Were not More harrused during happy to exhibit y« ekall find it after many days." halfs^ntifo had the appearance ot a looked yt for the a«lvation«f the now willing and of only one dollar vernChJH iofa- last season. , In the course of in better colours, and /t. subacriptirm water spout or .whirlwind t sappos- bcrtlts andHrtdcpendetci!. Msdison wss the governor and a quarter is. required from thos« ae well jU. their winter, however, Mr. in a more pleasing point of view. ricaou, indoted ^ag from its appeaunc* it would up- to provide for the defence wbo WMb to become me inters of this induced On-authority, h^h and respecta­ out dsllar aiyi n e that country. a«i or destroy «ia,Vthonght the on­ • of Maryland a parcel of barges, Bcc. society., ftad another of would be For the Maryland.Oaa«tte. ble as the Maj. Gen. of this division, Quarter amfually thereafter. A dona­ :ancel, 1 did not ly wayto1 save the veatel ' If there be* any thing relative to and then, forsooth, we were to lie to run her on »horc» as it was first we sre pleased to have it in our pow­ tion of Sweaty dollars, and Upward*, e proper for me the constitution of the United Stattsf down, and rise up, in perfecl secu­ hat' the .privilege |, quarter flood ; tht csble^Was cutwnd er to stste, that the .Governor within thr«A years, gives :ioa of 'my ship, about which the parties in this rity ; the barges were to protecl the most prompt k of membership for life. . " the head of the jib hoisted j .When the been on all occasions claim would be country cannot dispute, it. is that 'people, and to exempt thorn from in the execution orVVery As It-is desirablt, however, that tha ' before the wind she vcaa struck by a to themselves. assiduous assoeiation •ftrniat to mor* the awucral government is bound necessity of piltecling, call made on him in producing the bfinents resulting from tbe ne difficulty io moa»tjMncn4oua blast, hut no inju­ eonynon defence, Now, good people, the^Jtarge plan should be sS nrcnpptly and extensively up, provide for the means of d«fence for aiiftity of Bal­ », 1 had'takea ry waa. 4one ; it then cleared riusisoae-of the avowed objec~\» has been triad, and whin think ye timore. • '""VY" felt as pesslbU, it Is hoped that tbo«* the small kower waa let go and the to your who subscribe will Do liberal, as the* of that instrument, aa declared io of it? Has it succeeded We cannot omit stating, briefly, ir cargoes, '"* • veisel brought up. . In ten minutes of its roost expecta^ona ? Have the Lord hath prospered them.—We pray its p re ambit ; and one wishej and that at the raeetiiig"bf thr^tfncers of aid tke vi«ws of w!» . Mr. she was struck-Jafsnothsr still more 4s, that thd* pf* protected the people, or have you, brethren, to M*Knight, -, the positive provisions barges the 3t brigade, an address Was pro­ society. K»oh of the 0i«nag«ra b a«> man, and sieve* violent gua^and'tyiiantiy upset aball protefl each njpl the people b«en obliged to pro- hopes that neral govtrtllnent nounced by the Major General, re­ thorised tt obtain stibseriptiope. i-.m.1:. ' the crew of Ihf oeole was igftin csji in- itate againit invasion. Every ne­ left the bargeeWLet the people of she would dtjve on sboac, b«t a plete with energy and patriotic B.V order of the board, ond. and tailed cessary (fewer for that purpose is St. Mary's and Calvert answer these to animate the , BICHD.W. WEST, St no porposasvftbe sunk in four fat of Mary- warmth, calculated the'irth Ar«ril, veiled in the federal authorities. .(juestioni. Let the people heart and nerve the arm to meet im­ watery someVtf the aw* aitcmp" eve whether the ex-* ire still patching They may-lay taxes of almost land now anrwer, pending conflict . JThe representa­ Th* following genUunea ato manaV : them in a^tat* to,gi'us the ahorovby awitnratng, but borrow money to ai incurred in the building of four suc­ description1, pcMe tion given of Ae nvkaures adopted g*rs of the society fur tifc prAetit T«ar, Rio do Janeiro dreadful to relate, only rala* whatever number ff th«s« barges has not be«n # "Vft were drown aptount, foe our defence, embraced a latitude Tht Jiiiht Rn. tnglanf. ceeded ; tWonty-tbree tntops may' be requisite, and esta­ wanton Waste of the public mone\* the,number I have r. Tkot. JMO. CUfgttt, of the remains ei» Among blish a navy of any siae. ' In th« L^CH. v all lament the loaTJtf two (fconuaing ons. ,'1| arms, smn^fiition, and Kn.Wm.L. — " lounged, ai al- full anuranoa thai this essentia*! cflk the tottl|ltions of war, our resources, reapondcnce be- young officers. Midshipmen Brails- be promptly performed^ S»cr*atyt been roj,n- • • • ^ssr^y^^ issa ±^TS'« •'- ^«p*»*—* OettVnDt Cbmtnt '*- •/. T%roScBc'-r-r .linqoothsr way, Auila .R.BBSBETT. bten en- tonv sa- This country has now IMPORTANT. it a cerrjft idea Twelve >ncluding.'myafif.wer« _aged in | twr, and In 'a war too Portsmouth, N. H. July 14. ARlAlSTtCB, kc. <*, ) Ease* at the on the head of the two years. Of declaredby ourselves, sia, Rece/ivpd via. Halifax and Boston JBewfamin Oden, l*r, ^ aend you ru the means of annoyance possessed The eastern » » shape" to John O. Itertou-t, Carpenter's r«- [Her* follows a li f of -thoM .comts in too, questionable by the tnemy, we were'fuliy aware. I have' conversooeith a passe ^ belief. W« nia^ • Richard T i 1 alao send saved—S of to* for- be s»ri- j a entitle it tb implicit Co/. Tfunna i —Let then the question who left Bt. Johni a frw days (bt inffeltnatiAn is co divisions. of tlM latt«.] —What have th»' a fleet had lately *r- derstandthat Daunt oualy considered .He ataies, (hat tradi<5l»fl by a'gentU0|an now »n this op%nyinj thii kt'w nations! authorities done in compli- *r»ed at Halifax, with ^QQC[t,r«Opa, Hm. J/artwry, I* oityVwbo' l«ft Halifax the 4th irftt. . ' > ™ ' Nomo£«, July 11. *«ce with this solemn ap9 explicit- sind brought a messenger, with J*»- Edftori «4o ,aW*A iU«c««i jk> tin pi&iik "ITT, July 15, which waa^eant 'injaft€\wrv ,M \bc conatitation*?— patchjet-to the Governor of Canada. tri«M tf tht Soeutj will )>lr*ai Utfce bren Cc^n- ot (fit* at tAsjf co* icltk .WOrORY. 'i* , , to t*«» Dragon ;r*, with Wti|t mea« of deCenco have The messenger states, that tA< about Major Go provided for the good oldU. Ststes? mjss ioners on the part of our go- toitttnitncr. f * iliil roro v' , A«Wres f«r Swmchkoff (who S|" I laat e- Oonsidvr'tna; the enemy with Whicrj »eVnment and his, had met* and I certify, that'fWlir Unginfetar, liv­ July VI, (Alt. *» boar^rtit shig): returned on the BaKi- B>h July, 16U, trl»o went w« have,to contend, it was essenti­ that the general opinion wal in En­ ing at tk« *«* fV*rn •vtning. From th'j; officer ninre fc. Waak4«gl^a*o«d, this day brot' •• t »« the iUa! we learn that *•« 74's al before they lnv**d him t« our gland that » speedy peace would be given, coasts, .before w»r wia dadired tU aaid thac'Ar W«* in before m4.«i a troaaanasiug stray, » Notice is hereby «*l a brig sdditional, had «triv«a concluded. with « bias* tiuw, IIOR ba« ebuiaed have b*«n by ourselves, to have had. a n«V|r of his opinion, k*t*tft.of an Armistice. •r»m4 |*Wk»n, That the subscriber •e; I In the bay. and that 04 ntain, an4'bob tail, ha«* while i|Mit on from the orphans court of Anne Arun- rt Erie did «otK ' rmoda dent force to d«fend ua against MaU St<8**Mra-itinK. , and is*b*T"i"tVrVMm any prohibit fotce which «Yottr»« ift- haste, old, U hands high, and moves ttnely p4r»oi«l e»Ute of Rath TJortcv, rent into-ourvwatcr»-t and if this ol>- under th(l.»uiJ>n«. (jiv«» uitdor •'hand l»tn of said county « decwked. All |*r- vjous caase of dttty K'ad "boen ob- P»S. 4:h*vt Wo|||4ipon n>y Uuer of nMMMW «>ie iu»tices «T kiie peace ons hfcvin^ aUrims against Mid dec«|Mi» i>cote lu Che»ap«»k'e before long.. — strved? thi^sa,Mdebt*rt to n iti the rear (ho in. asheaf endTfheir familei reduced CBncOR i» to oom«, ptove the wiid *"Ut« »V« requested to" make it of .Ghippeway, from comttft to ina%cnce and want* Prom the Boston Palladium of property and taku 'him Immediate pajrowt to Torn a person who is just UoflHx, of ij General Reall, shore, we lesrn, that Th«ic«inU«»<»ntrt provide su«h*fttr«, Julj, JKdvttrd 4 the Bay received U«t evening at sun (i.)wn thcrt were' to say tlie lea«t «f it, fufrush*^ .._ The following letter wis« ii betted to g«v« four r^'g and^j frig»\«i in the bay. I evidence of t^pwlado«j Mnrlfl* from, a»« on Ikcr^h sid« of, tor the dedicatory' service -of tbe ty. The SecreteryofWaratates, tbaf for sums due on the le- «* far as volunteer Uniform companies ferry or rrtef. new MoBhmeatal Choreir b>.the city «/Agwt next;at 3 o«clo<£k ih » m EDMUND BHIf r. , of Richmond. We have sot»ewh*re, , the afternoon, ' oogMe must be prepared can be found, ik«y\w!n be presVred— i £7 Wad •etnething like it-—If It b* Or% • therefore expects the object of ahia feiee U U repel ahy ^^ gmal It i* one of tb,e beat modern A valuable trec^of, lauid called ff sBMde tovhiro, or his iuvtuion ef our shores, which may be pt%sRktiom> of the loufb. JShMpM, containing ^00 acie*, lying itjpjk. Attend tnalde bj the enemy. Anne-Aruiidel County Wieowoco river in the safB coflbty, a- by. hfs -depaticj, at The cxJrmmander in chief of the raili* toirt, AritAfrit TVrr/. ' bout six miles below Alien's Fresh.— e* appointed by it* tiaof Mtryknd; confideatly trust*, that On afpUcatl«ot»U to whom all worlds are present, Tbe hvbd is level -end very rich, ana* Countless ages H a day, . of the direct Vax, for uvepur- this appeal to tlie patriotism of the mi­ Arund*! «dnMy court, b , HM thereo«'« tolerable coo* twfcflmg t__ ._' *e\tlfoj5 accounts,, this House implore ley blessing, tobacco, and there ia.a cvflvenaant* land­ Be it thy abiding place ; those appointed places^ will receive lits conitliar.ee. with thV^ulsitlon, a»e ors, pa*sM *^)R0Tember«^ek>n, ing from which produfe may he take*, xhinkavhe witl attltod sWtiMt*|*xhia of required forthfllBli 4*> repwrttl>«n*elvps teen huAdrta and fiVe,*nd of these Mortals here their sios confessing; to vessel*, ip the river The situation Comfort with thy saving grace, fiee ^knOffoUa, end kk> m absence 'to the C»loneyof their regia»*nU, who suppletDettB theretoVfB the ttrua| miii is healthy, and fish and fowl in .their Mr. rf*n, Vr4tflttd.it attft'prtsed to set will give, information tifcreof t(j the 'stioned te the1 said kct'1 Shoujd tky judgments fell upenos, season may be procured i^'great aberi- Bit* apd give rfeceiffe*. BrlguBieT GeWats, hy «Um to be Ipiw^erry', 4md a net OT. AedCefsiuidon here, wmprmy, •dance. ' ,. j .' ! K VR. WELCH of £en, GoB. ' lothe AdjutentOenerrt. oath, ealvr u i DotumtnU accompanying I on us, rather, hare eompwaiotk AUo will be exposed to sale at the > The aeaesji orders for a feeft will ta* directed by the said iotv Copt. Porter. Hcpehiss send tu not away ; same tine a»d place, part of a tract of IB14. ______be Inimedit ty forwarded to the pro- mextd to hia petition. .M But osi aJI before the* kneeing, woodland call Hatd Barialn, Jfether- county court being fixtract of a letter from ( p«t olWeri, vfho will supply tny deft- to roe. iVseely let-thy mere? flow. wise oiled Wtcombco Ftd&t, contain­ NOTICE. rienc/ of Whtnttan that«tjgF be fou«d that tta Like BeUwedafe water* hesling v ing forty-two and an half acres. • Thts to«f*l, .. •'• . - - . tmonf. h« resided PHOEBE, April T» teaching heart of woe. If land KM centiguotni to West Hattol, The Commissioners of the T^*. for The CbitKwJidw to CWrf'wHJ 1«k« year* prior to hia said i Mr DEAR SIR, Whitkoever in» beset u», end will besold either separate, or with Anne-Arundel county adjourned until this ocoMion UHKT(^s«itb«vpAeeV of •in the state of Ma."'" Neither in our CO ' Wou» eonfldence to woofed, that tract, as s*ay, beat apcotasnodate th4 rtrst Mbnday in August nett, the militia of Maryland, to cause their [ John.Simmona. ha nor in the accompanying IB the strength of JESCS, Irt us purchaser*. -• beiaft the first day of the mobth.) anna, etc to be iiMpaeted, and krpt in tition, that he is ib 1 mentioned your sword 1 More '.ban conotierors be feund; enJer foe; »enri««, aad to be in ihrrilT of Anne Arundel By order ' . , . eoopplete —— " my remissneis in the fir By- )\>a tafinile amction. The purchaser to'give bond to tlse R. S. AMI, COL constant readiness, with their men, to hprsyed to be discharged' ' * * » « -. • _* __ . '1 It* *.{ ___—^_-^ -*-J —•—— —— -» AB.J to forgetfulness; I consi a*ry birth, sad life dlviite, subscriber, with approved security, for ' £. be hcjd at the ct aor of finishing and securing the crop on coort o,f Maryland, tbe subscriber i ed to put it in pqssesi durability of his work, strict attention briety, industry, honesty and good tem­ AnnspoUs, on Vffi third Mo who wore it. so honorabl; to business, and eaej^on to please, to hand. per, a liberal price will be give'n._,by will axposo to 'public sale, on tt**d September next, for the parpeee of r»l 1 receive a share of wbUe patronage. On payment of the whole purchase ne«tay tin \Qth day qf Augntt nvtt, ing his country's cause. comroeadrog a trnsle* for their beneM, my dei . July 14, I»14- jUs» 3w. money, with interest, the subscriber is At the naif wav blouse on} ' on the premises, on the said John Btnunom Uajs« aai "Believe me, authorhVd to execute a deed to the the Annapolis «pad te> A tract of land called Wood Lot. iber* tiling tbe oath by the seid lit fai'.hfully yours, Valuable Lands for Sale. chaser. Baltimore. containing 38 acres, .lying in Prince- prescribed lot delivering up hi* pt» (SigneUl TH: HARRIS, Jan. Trustee. Jane 30. tf. Oeorgf* county ; A Uou>e aad Lot in perty,[»ny. .'':', JAMES HI The subscriber is authorised to dis­ Blftdeusbura: and a Lot of Ground in pose of at private sale, all that tract of Annapolis'. July? By order, Captain Porter." 4, 1814. the City of Washington ; late the pro­ land,, formerly the property\of Richard perty of Henry Bradford, deceased. FPm. 8- Grem, CUT. Cqew, aad lately of John Muir, Esq. Anne-ArunrJel County ay t*. ____. ^ \ Zmt A return of the. killc Jnnt-Amndd Cowtty, to wit: Terms of Sale, Caab, tabe paid on the t d4oea*ed, consisting of 1096 acres, si- Co«r(, Jpril nrm, U)4 •day of sale, or on the ratitioaUon there­ snd mixing on board th toaledin Anne-Arundel county, lying I hereby certify tltat'Aroos Srnith, of of by the, eliaaceTldr.* On payment of Anne-Arundel County, ic ship L'.t»ex, of 33 gun: the On application to the jadgeVof Anne- on the Chesapeake Bay, and fon^fc said county, brought before me as a Arundel county court, by petition, ih tbe purchase money tbe subscriber i» April Term, I fit. David Porter, Esq. coi snoeth of Herring Bay ; twenty miles stray, a bay HORSK U hnside aad I writing, of Larkin UammomL, of said I to convey. OB apfflswUoo to RJchard H. an ac\ion fought on ' from Annapolis, ifty from Baltimore, ineh high, 10 years old, ha* a. smell •Wood, iwpiiro, ope «f th« jud**a March, 1814, in Val Wash­ county, praying the benefit of the act Jamtt AxtnsMts, Trustee. end thirty-five from the City of star and snip, long tail, both hind feet for th* relief of sundry insolvent deb­ , IS14. Jw. Ann*-Arundel county court, ift tne with the British frigat ington. This land as rich and fertile as white, four new shoes on.. Given un­ tors, passed at November session, eigh cess of the said caart, by petftloAS*J 96 gunsx 32O men, jai any on Uje Chesapeake, affords the der my hand this 8$tk day of, June, wrttfarg, of Seauel Phonmer, naest luxuriant pasturage, has a large teen hundred and five, and of the seve­ 20 Dollars Reward. Esq. commander,, anil 1814. ral supplements thereto, on the term* county, tWthe . o/tLv war Cherub, mounting proportion of meadow land, and the Larkin Hammond. •M for SBf of sundry insorfeat and mentioned in the said act, a schedule Ean away cm the 2d of May, t Ne jincn, commanded by 1. greatest abundance of (ire wood of his property and a list of his crcdi . end the several timber, and for ship building the best The owner of the afcove hone is re­ gra Man called Ned. who, with sever­ thereto, on the terms nMoti«st«4 ID «•£ [Htrtjoltowt a lut o/*» quested to pro** property, pay charges tors, on oath, as far as he can ascertain^ al others, added that of Jane*, and timber on tlte Chesapeeke may be had them, as directed by the aald act/ be­ acta, n schedule of his prop»Hy a«4 a and mining on thi*. land. The situation is licahhy, aod take him away. brought snitin Anne Arundelcoonty.by list of hia creditors, on oath, u tu KlCAPITULAT •out a* beautiful a prospect as any on ^mot Smith, ing annexed to hi* petition $ and th% John Uold*fcfer>h«lr right to freedom; said county court beiog satisfied that as he can ascertain them, being aa- Killed, and having s the Bay, a good harbour, and the wa­ Living at Norwood's Ferry. which snit^it the U.t term of the nexed to his petition, , and tLe stud Sa­ the said Latkiu Hammond has resided court, Wk4 drimisaed for the want of thrir wnund\ ters lying around the land afford the the two preceding years, prior to hia muel Plumrner, having stated in hte greatest abundance of excellent fi»h, | proof. He is a straight bkeU Mack r*etition that lifcis Inactovl cdflftfivneot Severely Wounded Private Sale. said application, within the state of follow, »years of age, * fret 8 or 9 Slightly Wounded crabbi, oysters, and wild fowl. The Maryland, and the said Larkin Ham­ tor dcfbt, and prayed to te discharges' very convenient situation of this land Incbe* b|gh, and has under one of hi* thecefroa, U is there fore orifod aae. i Muling I will sell, at private safe, n Lot in mond having stated in hia petition that eyes, e sear aboat an inch long and moat be obvious to every person wish­ he i* in the custody of tlte sheriff of adjudgee, that tbdiaid Stnwi PV»- ing to purchase, as the wood, timber, Queen-Anne, t Priqee- George's county, breed. Mo deacrfptiv* information can mer. Be d'yetflrgeft from custody, and Total conveniently situateo, aud au excellent Anne Arnndel county, akd pVayed to be given a* to his cloatb*; he went eft" and the whole product of the lahd, can be discharged therefrom, it is there-' .that by causing a.. copy,, of th from theuue by water, and stand for a person winning to enter in­ wita a strew hat, a country round a- After some convert be removed fore ordered- and adjudged by tbe said der to be Inserted in the. Maryland Gt- i wSjtcl.thefollowingco that in a few hours, to the markets of to the mercantile business, or to a per­ bout stripadljacknt and trowsers, aad tette vreckly, for three months tucow- son who wishes a stand for a tatem ; court, that the said Larkin fWsnmond good she**. IM stockings. U in proba­ took place : Annapolis and Baltimore. be discharged, and by causing a> copy sivaly, before the third Monjaf of 6«j- A more minut* description of, tlua and perhaps no village in the state ceu ble he insy endeavour ^uoot to Balti- tember next, notice to give his creditors, VALPARAISO, April he found, at which a decent tavern Is of this order to be inserted In tho Ma­ more, or to the City of WaalUnvldh.— valuable property it thought unnecessa­ ryland Qatelte, once a week for three to appear before Anae.'ArUiidel eoual; SIR, ry, a* airr person wishing to purchase more wanted. I will pay a dhllir a mfle on ,thn dla- coort on the sejd third Monday of S*p Taking in^o consi On the lot iaalarge stcre house, who successive months before the third tfnr* hn may b* taken, if committed ean vtet%ih* same by applying to Or- Monday of September next, glare no 'tecnber ne*^ fbr the purpose- of reesei- immense distance we *j Richard*?. Hall, ivho reside* thereon, counter, shelves, Ate. ready for'the re­ to eaol, ed. SAMUEL MAYNARD, Att'y. an old building out of repair, with two I am Informed that an oty yellow // test. my making a pcrmancn rooms below and two above, for seve­ fit, and to shew cause, if any they have,' woman resides in Caivert \vho calls for trantporting the ofl to fact for John Murray. why the said Larkin Hamorand khould f/pril 18, 1814, 14, 1814. ral years rented as a tavern. Terms herself Hannah Jane*, and who roy late of the Esset to F may be known by application to not have tbe benefit of the iaid acts, roes, who coined their freedom, 7TW Eiitort of tAs ftdtrol QafttU and the supplements thereto, a* prayed. : Anne-Arundel County fast approaching scasc a*, Biltimor*, orvfsMert- aunt—she is w\fft to atniller, who tiers a panage round ( June 25. 18 3w. Test attends or did attend e m'ul, once the Court. 4ril Term, WlV est ID fas«sr< tkt otw« OHM a to*«*/br Wm. S. some degree dangerou j4wr syssii, £/brvar4 tktir account* to property of a Mr. Htnith, and purcha- On application to Jeretttah Townley Honour to propose for Farmers Bunk. C*pt David (iarcand. Chase, Bsjauire, eliMf jndge of the third lion the following mi WM. BttOGDEK. Judicial dfftriot of the tUt* of Msrj- • Of Maryland, 22d June, 1814. Anne-Arundel County n* 23,181*. If Jli Und, in the recess of Ann* Aruodsl hope, the government List of Letters In compliance with the charter of Court, April Term, JSJl. ooonty court, by petltiot. in writing, States, as well as that Annapo- the Farmers Bank of Marytynd, and of ifae**/ .fofttseost. of said county, tain, will deem'satisfi Begaelnlrik In the PostOOce, with a supplement thereto establishing . On application to she jodgea of Anne- Land foi* Sale, • m, Juiji.uiH Arundel county court, by petition in P**Jl»g for the b«ne«t of the *ct of es- request, that should a Branch thereof at Frederick Town, 'MO*!; for the relief of .undry them so, you will f Jeme* Alien, Austin Arms (2), Peter notice k hereby eiven to Stockholder* Writing, of Jatnet //amJUond, of sejd The undersigned iaeitremely anxio** Armstrong, Mary- Alien A. A. county. county, praying the benefit of the act to sell the following tvaols of lejad in the .necessary bond on the Wee|0| Bhererthat an Election to, on Ute terms mentioned in amid acts, Joh» Brewer (3). Bozil Brown, W. B. will be heldif th« fimkisig-House in for the relief of sundry insolvent debt­ Caivert county, Maryland One tract ntnt. Been, Btepheu Beard, jun. Heater Bi­ or*, passed at November session, eigh­ of woodland, containing two b^undred aiohedole of bis preeorty. and a list of Istt The Essex Jun the City- of AnnapoiU. oa the first hi* cTrtidltor*, on oottt, a* far M he- can shop, Tbom»*TJickr*ll, A. A. connty. ^Monday of August next, between teen hundred and five, and of the se­ acres, and abounding tu timber suitable v«d of all her armamc Jereodah Cswk, Elivabeth Oadle, Phil- veral supplement* thereto, on tlie term* for building houses, and vessels ofe«e- ascertain them, beusr tqpexeji to his Ijr neutralised—to bt the hours of 10 o'clock. A, U. and 3 th«a»M Vaehel Jota"" lip Curran. lame* Camden, William o'clock P. M. fur the^urpMe.ef chooe- mentioned in the said act, a schedule Vy descrlpuon. within about a mile and the voyage solt ly :nd Qarman, Nancy Chenev, Ueorge Cra_ of his property and a list of hi* credi­ •n half of Battle Creek, which ennKfcs In bl» petition U^t be is ing from amoo^it the stockholder*, six­ lp actual omwtftemeet fot t, and *xn*ns* of the AJII Margare* Dor»*y, Charles Duva teen Directors for the Bank at Annapo tor*, on o«th, as far a* he can ascertain itaelf into the River Patosent, aboQt Kent ; and-to procee Henry Dickeuson, Rich*. Davis, A. \. J^icm, *4 diosctod by Ihenaod ant, being twenty miles from it* Dnoutk. froJn pmyjog to he discharged therefrowj* lis, and nine Director* for the Brsmch vrt* therefor* ordered end adiodfw, per ^merican odicer oaunty. Lieut. Wm. N. Eerl. Cha«. Bank at Fr«derick-ToWD. ' to his petition, and the aald which land there ie a Kood^ reed secur­ which 1 wish to be f> II. Pleipmlug. Jonaa Green, P*rcgrin« . court bebg satisfied ed .by law lo the Greek, which ir aavi tket th* eaid Virobel Johneon b* dto- order, charged from custody,, awd tbM Of tat, |for the purpose O'oon (<), Ificks. G«4d*boroogh, bidwd. JON. f 1NKNBT, OasUir- •ejd jjejnee Haiui^oua ha» Vabte to tbe very landing,,^hare are a UrtflnK, A. A. county, George Hoof-, ng years prior te large tobacco hoxve, two log dwelling ceuainf a, oopjr of ih|sorder \ necessary passport) ma* (Ik), Ann QkwUni, XJerard R. \ynhin the state of liouies, and (evorajl out booaea on tins ted ^ the, Maryland Ga* tbe United States of Ilopkios, Pb'tHlp Haauaan4, A. A * NOtlGE. the «e>ld James Haaunond land. Atoo another tract, of land, con­ Mar^bind Republican weekly, •»• you may de'cm most | county. Aqttiller Johnson, _, i*JrlD| etptet Hi bit petition that he is taining upwards of three wandred »,, Hontlfcncceailvory, before [he 3d. Yourself, tbe The subscribe/ having obUin«dTrt>in of Sopieniber i son, Ann Jacob, Sarah An* orph*O* ' " " ' ' " ioTtffc cnitodv of the sheriff «f Anno- ere*, 'end bordering «q tlie head waUeri «fficergv seamen, ma noar Aaotpotte Wflliafri Baity ^«nty. 'MHiijBiltOlllraAion ft B. AMtVU coaoty, aad -prayed to be dU- of Battle Creek, wliich *b> itavigable for po»ing your crew, te ma* fUpningVAnn KarWy.. Joseph of ob*iJ sjiyjifed. by Uio saidooprt, »«rlca? for an ei^ual l:\ei* H Maeeej near AnMpalis, flUtas.e- that the eafcflpie* UaminoiKi be dl<- ^Imber, the former satiable fo*> plank OMM, Aamuel 1 M*d d^ a«djiur 9»us*pf a copy • klf and officers tol>i Henley Merlin, Cdctor James In, lenlbr proveJ, oa4. to be fcs»*rt*4 bvihe Marry tend 'ncjr parolq of hon tnnet Mwvbhr, 'John Maho- tbo««^ next, {^y'e notke to nls or«- rai]«. Tn«r* are, »Jr^a||dMW mill*, a Rediaem Ex^kiet Rleterdaoa, rs to appear before, the said eou'ply framed dwelUng house, thrie log ten In case of the foi Holinson. AUncandar Qlewett, lo be held «t the elty of Anna- ant* houses, a tlawV squth's ah'ofa, a to VXt 0f ^*'nK accepted, thi Joint Bolivww Jane* BlMte, Wm. 8«ti- Admr.D.B.K, on Ute thVrd MjMiday of Septetn hicco house, and ••evelral out house* *iu be «rx>ecled to j «ere, S«»oel Semthwle^Ohark* Story, Kek *' '•* next, for the purpose «f reeom* oh the test mentioned land, ftnould NAVY, »ttly for the voVage, Philip* 8*ihh. A A. eoonty. RlJa* > trustee fe* tlieln beneflt, tb«*\*« r.J Jhe^l cause^. If any they hkve. oourt, tots vnll then be ' us?r OF TUP P'tient month. Sli V«ly*nt m»at,etH O, Woodtrd A. bODU jf aa)4 J^met Ilamaiend^hould lie Sal*. "Persoirf disposed fe buy,ma .hat pei A. comity, John Wl.iU, Berth Whit 1 tlonjs'on, *

[VOL. LXXII. ANNAPOLIS. THUR8DA No S8] . • ~j(. very, the most humane attentions Hammond, for an equal number «din Pytt Madison, and CntfBOO-STRBIIT, AMNArOI.il. (Signed) three officers who accompanied the between the lati­ . VAH, situated wiincs. JAS. HILLYAR. Essex, to know, that after your ob­ tude of 9 and 10 S. and in the rn the presence of numerous Capt. David Porter, late Com­ ject in taking them with you shall be ses, taken possession o.' ti'.w- raid prif+—Three Dollgr* per Annum. "jlongitude ol 140 W. from Green­ mander of the United States effected, there will be no difficulty MADI­ bland, called Madison's Iiland, for wich, and named by him £ frigate" Estex, Valparaiso. in their proceeding immediately for SON'S ISLAND. the use of the U. States, Whereof the Letter o/ and that the act 4if- DotumtnU accompanying the United States. ) take the liber­ It is hereby made known to the am a citizen; Copt. Porttr. VALPARAISO, 5tt) April, 1614. ty therefore to suggest that they PORTER, a taking possession was announced by world that I DAVID the artille­ Com Hilly*r SIR, might be exchanged here for captain Captain in the Navy of the United1 a salute of 17 gum from Extract of a letter from Mauison,8trciurm:fl by the ' to roe. I have1 the honor to acknowledge William Porter and his three mates. Slates of America, and now in com­ ry of Fort the harbor, which is hrre- PHOEBE, April 4, 1814. the receipt of your several favors of This will be an accommodation to all mand of the United States' Frigate ihippH^n yesterday's date parties, and reconcile the officers so have, on the part of the after to be called Massachusetts Mr DBA* SIR, the Essex, thif Th« conditions offered by you for exchanged to a separation from their said United States, taken posteisi- Bay. And that our claim to Neither in our conversation, Island may not be hereafterdicpnted, nor in the accompanying letter, hive our return to the United State* are friends. on of the Island (called by the na­ .perfectly satisfactory to me, and I I have the honor to be, Bcc. generally known I have buried in a bottle *t the foot 1 mentioned your sword. Ascribe tives Nooiheevah) Madison, a entertain no doubt of their being (Signed) by the name of Sir Henry Mardn's of the flag staftj in Fort my remiuneit in the fint instance cojy of this instrument, together it only equally so to my country. I there­ D. PORTER. Island but now called Madison's to forgetfulness; I consider Hillyar, Com­ with several pieces df money of the ' poiscuion with my fore do not hesitate to pledge my Commodore James IiUnd. That by the request and in my »«rvaot'i His Majesty's Frigate coin of the United States. ow.t until the. mailer may please to honor (the strongest bond I can manding assistance of the friendly tribts re­ give) that every artii-lc of the ar. Phcebe. siding in the valley of Ticuihoy, In wit.ci* Whereof, J nave call Tor it ; and although I omitted hereunto affixed my sigita*- ' at th«- moment of presentation, from rangeroent shall, on our part, be ful­ as well as of the tribes residing in ly complied with A Itst of the F.s- A list of the Prisoners liberated on pa­ the Mountains, whom we have con- ture, tnis 19ih day of Nov. my mind being .much engrossed in role, to proceed to the U. States in 1813. titending'to professional duties, to sex Junioflf crcvr shall be furnished q-jred and rendered tributary to be made out, the K»»ex Junior. D. PORTER. offer its restoration, the hand (h'at you as soon as it can O our Hag, I have caused the village effected with David Porter, capt. Wm. H. consisting WITNESSES pRnrxr. received will be molt gladly extend- and her disarmament ac\ing lieutenant, E. of MaJison to be built, all possible dispatch. dcnheimer, of six convenient houses, a rope Jno. Dcmnes, Lt. U. S. N. ed to put it in possession of him Barnwell, acting master, Ricl.ani James P. Wilmer, dcr. : who wore it so honorably in defend­ I have the honor to be, Sic. walk, bakery, and other appurten­ K. Hodman, a61 ing surgeon, Samuel of the S. O. M'Knight, do. ing liii country's cause. (Signed) marine officer, ances; and for the protection D. PORTER. B. Johnson, acting well as for that of the Uavul P Adams, Captain 17. S. » Believe ms, my dear sir, .very N. W. Boswick, ailing master ; A- same, as N. faithfully yours, Com. James Hillyar. Iriendly natives, I have constructed lexander Montgomery, acting sur­ mounting six­ Jno. M. Gamble, Lt. M»! U. 5. N. (S'gnedi a fort, calculated for Sur­ Hillyar sent me a pa­ geon's mate, H. W. Ogsd.en, midship­ have mounted Richard K. H orTrtun,'Acting JAMES HILLYAR. Commodore Isaacs do. D. G. Fara- teen guns, whereon I per certifying that he had exchanged man, George and have called the sane Fort geon U. S. N. Captain Porter." gut, do. James Terry, acting mid­ Tour, Wm. Smith, Mister of the A- certain individuals therein named, do. Madison. of the crew of the shipman, Samuel Dusenburg, this island being nnrncan ship Alb.itrois. A return of the. killed, wo« \ded making a part Pierce, master's mate, Ed­ Our lights of Agent for the Andrew Haramond, for an equal William founded on p'rioriiy of discovery, Wilson P. Hunt, ind mining on board the U. States Sir ward' Lauscott, bom.wain, George American North Pacific Fur ship lineT, of 33 guns, 325 men, number of the most leverelywound- conquest and possession, cannot be Green, boy, Francis Barrell, do. secure Company. David Porter, Ksi). commander, in e>l of my crew- this occasioned the disputed ; but the natives, to N. George Bartlett, seaman, Jas. Ouf- that friendly protec­ Jno. M. Maury, Mid. U.S. an action fought on the 38th of following letters : Isaac to. themselves citiien of the U. S. fey, boy, Jas. Nickcrson, do. tion which their defenceless situati­ P. DC Mtstu, March, 181-K in Valparaiso bay, VALPARAISO, April 4, 1814. Dly, seaman, Benjamin Hamilton, Benj. Clapp. do. with the British frigate "Phabe, 'of . on to much required, have request­ SIR, . quarter gunner, Samuel Leach, sea­ great A- M. N. Boaiwick, Act. Mid. U. X gun»x 32O men, James Hillyar. 1 hive received a paper signed by ed to be-admitted into the N man. George Stolenburgh, do. J. whose pure republi­ S Esq. commander,, and the sloop of you dated yesterday, stating that R. Vole, do. merican family, Jno. G. towel!, Lt. U. S. N. Midford, do. Peter policy approaches so near their war Cherub, mounting 28 gun's, 180 you had exchanged certain wounded William Robbinsj do. John Hollnm, can H. H. O. Denheimer, Ac. S. M. tnen, commanded by T. Tucker esq. prisoners making part of my crew for tiwn; and in order to encourage S. N. do. Joseph Johnson, do. William their own interest U. the captain and crew of the prise do. O. those vicWs to [Htnjoltow* a lut c^fkMtd, wounded Uoyd, do. Charles Duveal, happiness, as well as to render and mining] • ship Sir Andrew Hammond, which James M'lHdleton do. and Smith, do. secure our claim to an island, valu­ FOREIGN. RECAPITULATION, paper I have taken the liberty to re­ John Cresap, do. James Galley, do. turn you, and protest in the stron­ cook, able on many considerations, 1 have Killed, and having since died of j. Downhill, do. John Haden, myself to promise ;hem NEW-YORK July St. gest terms against sue!) an arrange­ Sianwood, teaman, Daniel 1 taken on their woundt 58 * Robert they shall be so adopted, that our OF TflR GENERAL Severely Wounded 39 ment. Rois, qusrter gunner; Nicholas In the first placcj the wounded chief shall be their chief; and they ARMSTRONG. Slightly Wouaded 26 Johnson, Robert Scafterly, Mark such of and helpless individuals therein-nam­ O. Loud, have given assurances that The privateer General Armstrong Musing ' 31 Antonio, seamen, Thomas their brethren as may hereafter vi­ ed, do nqt wish such exchange i one boy, Nicholas'Riclcior, John White, Capt. Champlain, arrived at this died last night, and several others sit them from the United States port yesterday afternoon froina,aui> Total * 154 James Clark, George Rex, William welcome and hospiti. expect to share his fate. Martial Gclln, shall enjoy a ct u rul cruise of four months, during Cullers, seamen. reception among them, and be After some conversation on the Secondly, should I from any cir­ Rob't T.ailor, orderly seamen, Tho­ ble which she has captured 11 v«ii> 1814. case than if they remained prisoners, S-imuel Howard, seaman, Francis in a few bales of dry goods; SIR, their situation would be more de­ them against all their cnew.ies ; and, Captain Champlain has politely Lemos, orderly seaman, John Batch- lies in their power, they Taking in^o considedation the plorable than it is at present. seamen, Lon­ as far as favoured the editors ot the Mercan­ eldor, Robert I'grig, will prevent the subjects of Great immense distance we are from our r«- Thirdly, this arrangement has don Reed, John Robinson, Amboy tile Adverliier with London pipers uncertainty been made without my consent, and Britain (knowing to be such) from to the 25th of May, 11 days Uur ' ipctlive countries ; the Howland, John Harris, Abraham peace shall of the future niuvctnents of His Ma- far from offering equal advantages to sea­ coming among them until than any previously receiver). With Jackson, Gidet Gray, orderly bet ween, the two nations. jeity'i ships under .my command, the United States. . Ocean, boy, Paul Mo lake place the exception of " The Times,1' men, James Presents, consisting of the pro- mailers which precludes the possibility ot 1 have the honor to be, &c. .sure, orderly seaman, Peter Amcy, they arc generally silent on (Signed) duceul the island, to a great amount, coniH'ctcu wuli the dispute between my making a permanent arrangement John Terry, seamen, Samuel Jones, tribe officers and crew D. PORTER. have been brought in by every the United Slates and F.ngland. for transporting the John Harclay, orderly'seamen, Sa­ (not excepting .the to Europe ; 8t the Commodore James Hillyar, Andrew in the Island, That paper indulges itself in a atile of ln« of the Esset muel VV««t, cuarter master, remote) and have been enume­ fait approaching season which ren­ Commanding H. B. Ma­ Ewing, Frederick moit contumely & insolence, when spaaV Smith, '1 homas rated as follows, to wit : which -his .no der* a paiiage round Cape Horn in jesty's frigate Phoebe. Darnel, Daniel Lombard, Antony ing of this country, Stt Tribes in the valley of Tajui- parallel. We have selected one ar­ went degree dangerous, I have lne_ Cook-, UUr,.i.t Sparling, Shubal CUD the Tareeh's, vii. 1st for your approba' hoy, called ticle as a specimen of h°u ignorance honour io propose H. B. M. Sim Fifor.BE, t ningham, Gave Rebellion, Samuel tribe,. Ho-at-tas ; 3d, Ma-cuh's ; 3d, lion the following srticles, which 1 Jeremiah and brutality. VALPARAISO, April 4. j Johnson, William Foster, llounccahfs ; 4th, P-ihauh's ; 5th, those of G. hope, the government of the United Sylvester S.nith, George Our, negotiators and SIR,* Uewell, He kujbV; 6th,i Hav-voulh's. Britain, it is now said, are to meet States, as well as that of Great Bri­ I have the honor to acknowledge Drown, seamen, James Redding, of the llappaws, viz j and to Six iribes at Ghent in FUnderi, tain, will deem 'satisfactory the. receipt of your letter of this John Davis, Matthew Tuckerman, lit tribe, Nicckes i 2d, Tatli-«vows{ Lord Wel­ request, that should you conceive Thoma* Coleman, Several regiments of day's date, protesting against the orderly seamen, 3d, Pachas; 4th, Kee-kah's ; 5th, had been ordered for them so, you will favor me with steward, Severn Dentoo, John John­ lington's army arranqement 1 made in the paper Te-ka-ah'st Gth, Muia-whp»ah's. America, under the command of the .necessary bond for their fulfil­ you returned, and to express a re­ son, seamen, Bennet FicW, armou­ Three tribes of Ma-ama-tu-u-ah's, ment. Kensingcr, master at Lieut. Gen. Hill. gret that my wish, which was to al­ rer, Geotge viz. 1st tribe, Ma-ama-tu-o-ah's ; The reiteration of the family of Isty, The Essei Junior to be depri- leviate, and not increase' the afflic­ arms, John Stone, Francis Trepan- 3d. Li-o-ah'i ; 3d', Cut. a-ah's. perfect. Jacob Loda. the Bourbons.had not produced in . »«d of all her armament and tions of your wounded officer and ny, George Williams, Three tribes of the Atta-to-kah'a, which it was Ijr ntutrdiied to be equipped, for Milburn, John Penn, France that-tranquil'iif crew, has failed of being gratified. way, Thos. viz. 1st tribe, Atta to-kab's i Sd, believed would be the consequence? < the voyage soltty ind wholly at the I am sorry you have thought proper Henry Barker, seamen t William Ta-kee-ah's; dd, Pa-heu-tah's. of the American govern­ Hamilton, Daniel Gardner, orderly of it. Parties, adverse, malignant, «xn*ni« to mention the dead and dying, as I, The NiccLces, only one tribe. arisen, not only ; and to proceed with a pro- seamen, Wm. Kingsbiiry,boaUw*Jn'» 'and powerful, had ment so fully exolained to you this morn­ Twelve tribes of the Typees, viz. in the capital, Sut in the province! per American officer and crew (of ing that, in the event of the loss of mate, Willian: Nicholi, orderly sea­ ah's i 3d, Nae- 1 1st tribe, Po-hc-guh and the army, and would require all which ish to be finished. with] a any, other names should be added man! James Postell, seaman, Be.n- guali'a; 3d, Atta-yi-ya'j ; 4th, Ca- seaman, J»i. the prudence and energy of the RO-. M»t, [for the purpose of giving the, to the list. I shall now direct capt. jatnift Bartlcv, orderly hu-nu-flo-ka'i; 5th, To-nu-*a-hee- its subversion necessary passport) to any port of Goldsmith', Wm. Wood, Peter An- vernmcnt to prevent Wm. Porter to consider himself still nah; 6th, Tickey-mil-uliu i 7Hl, of all tocial order. the United States of America that a prisoner of wrr on his prole ; but derson, Peter Ripple, John Gl»- Mo-oa-see-kah's i 8th, Atte-shodra**. file lute V»l!ance, quar­ We hive copied -from our you may deem most proper. as I have ordered the people to go seau, seamen, 9th, Auciap-wy-hunah ; 10th, A^tJl judged interesting. officers, petty George Love seaman, S. whatever we 3d. Yourielf, the on trtfard the Essex to work, under tet master, te-ht-coe>i;llth,Attc-to-mc-ohay>ii I Capt. C. has been cruising in tho officer*, seamen, marines, &c, com- the impression that no difficulty M'lsaacn, boy, William Godfrey, Alts-ka-ka-hi-neaah's. Hartwull, 12th, F.nglish and Ir'*h Channel, in the Niing your crew, to be exchanged .would arise, will liberate in exchange Jasper Read, Frederick Most of thc^bovc have r^questeJ off the^estern «n on the'gr arrival in A- Ephraim Baker, orderly seamen, Bay of Biscay, and iber next, fo» »'1B mmcdiattly an equal number of piiioi\e's tor to be taker under the protection of Islands, and husnothectt toTrnncr, of Bri- Charles Hayes, quarter R«Aner, A- V'l-U ending a trustee for »«rica? for an ei^ual number them, as their names, being seamen, our fla£ i and all1 have been witling as was recently sUtcd-from London twh prisoners of similar rank. Your- ihall be found.to follow each other dam Williams, orderly neanran. any terms, a friend­ Whitney, sea- to purchase, on papers. ' flf and officers tote considered on on your late ship's books, and give »p Otis Gale, Wm. ship which promises io them so ma­ your men, Leon Green, quarter matter, tk-eir parole of honour unt.il. itUa 2 autet or. midshipmen, fur .2 ny adviuugks. From London Paper* to the 25i'h, wuthek exchange ihall be effect- English par­ Wiirram Colo, seaman The§e-f«« received-.i ttw Office of'the-Mrr- mates which ire of the Influenced by considerations of hu- this may prove satisfac­ four men were left at Valparano in caniile Advertiser, by the General ty. 1 hope manuy, which promises a speedy In ci»e of the foregoing articles tory ro your goverritaittic and self. eonsequince of the severity of thcif Armstrong. ' , B accepted, the Essex 'Junior wounds. , civiliiation to a race of men who en­ 1 am your's, otc. joy every mental and bodily endow­ FYom the London Times of May 20. ' be ejected to prepare immedi- (Signed). JAS. HILLYAR. friends of Buonaparte, ''** sergeant, John B. ent whitlv nature ct^ bestow, and The for the yoVage, und to proceed Capiaiu Uavid Porter. P. Q. Small, the poor \veuk crenttfru, .who on it before tTie expiration of the Yarn'al, 'pf'v »te» Wm. Whitncy, do. ' requVreoVrt "nty t'o perfect, well an py views oY policy, which months since, urgod ft1 P'tient month. Should any of the VAL»A*AISn Andrews, securetsecure a to my f^oumry ountry a fruitfuliruuiui andana of moiling peace whli Wuuud«d at that period be found SIR The arrangement which youi jlo. George Fritz, do. John a peace with his fiol, from not being - PO. Thomas Ling, do, Isaac Stone 1 poJMilons Island,. posK-wmg every ,i« urging , of removal have suggested respecting the ex Jarocs Madison. They abfljstd and, advanced in their reco- change of the aeftflua of. the Sir A, ' Toliil 13», ' advantage of security ami auppliea A communication H:OI ; early ay bat-will *XPO*« Mr Publie 8*4« in the arid fl**thito*. Upon the fir«t call. Attend made by the enemy. ».". .., _ », ltl__ >t •' (Jhu«e* Oenthtet.] Wiooowco river ia tnj» said county, a- tjMMe will be given by hi* deputiej, at Tlie commander in chief of the mill- ( /0ft?fi ^ff*f ^w*Jrt. 181 £, hoot aix wife* below Alien' B Freab. ,th« time .ai5 pWcea af pointed by tue fit-of Maryland, confidently trutta, that On appllcaboirUthfc judget of Am*. whom all world* are preaent, The land it tevel tmd very rWh, antf Collector of thii direct tax, for the pur- this appeal to the patriotism of the mi­ Arondel «dairty court, »j fMtiim, i* C«untle«i age* u a day, «]ts thereon a toterabif jrood IwvIUnc , poee a{*e\llmg account** &*. Those litia of Ub etete, will not be unavailing ,writing) of .John BimmofU, of taxi »T - . W^, thy creatcret evaneaeent, Tho *oll it *«fl. hoote and out-hou***. jwbo may bo di»poaed to facilitate hit Such JuiUtU corp* a* may be " 'jtoanty, praying ihe benefit of i JONA9 GREB Triuting in thy'beandkw* Htrey, adapted to th* cultivation of ftain. ana collection*, by meeting his deputies at to make m tender of tfceir annjioiit for the relieC of *Undry in Oa this Hou»e implore toy blessing, tobacco, and therr ie.a eopv^nmirfklld- or*, paaped *A IKov^raber *w*aion, Be tt thy abiding place ; those appointed place*, will receive htt compliance with the"'acquisition, are ing from which produfje may be taken thank*>he will attend M oaualathJR of required fortnwJtti to fepwttlietntelvp* Uen hundred and five, *cd of the ««v«nl Mortal* here their tius confuting { to vettel* in the rixer The situation juppletMht* thereto, on the tenm ml* Comfort with thy saving grace. flee «lr»nt»aeoll«, and h» nl< ab*eoee to the Colpneuof their regintenU. who f riM Thrtt Doilyr* ptt i* healthy, and fish apd fowl in .their Mr. HCm. Ir^gWdUatttiiiHrtoatot will givs information tlfercof to the jtioned m the* «aid act?» eteaoln of*, Should tky judgment* fall upon «*, «ea*on may be procured ip- great' 'atran- Meuooanta apd give receipt* v .Brigiuhr detiefalt, by them to he iprwferty, tnd t Iht'bf f " A odfvr pardon here, w« pray, WBtcH of fen, Gofe. communicated to the AdJuUntGenertjL oath, at r«r a* he. Docummt* accompanying t Father, have companion on us, AUo will. ,b* expoMd to tale at the A. A. CMMty The neeettary orders for a dMtt wfll j » directed Capt. Porttr. He pales s send on not away. ; same time and place, part of a tract of »*, 1814._____^ .jw. be Immftdialeljf.' --^-*-v^' fi rded to the pro- |««xed to hi* netilioh, ,»nd But on all before thee kneeing, county court being satined ty Extract of a letter from C woodland call Hard Bariot*, »ther- pec offlcerk «hb will apply tny deft to me. ^Fe«ely tot thy tnerey flow, wlse chlled Wicotnoeo FteUi, contain­ NOTICE. cienc/of ««U b» fawad {tttVteaainiopy, that tfca wit/ ' Like Batheedan. water* healing ing forty-two and an half acre*. Tht* to exist. ' V " llnon*. fans resided PHOEBE, April To tne aching heart of wo*. 'Jv land Kea centigooda to We*t Hitttdl, The Commissioner* of the Tax for The Cbttnhander ia Chief wifl take year* prior to hi* taid aWl Mr D«A* SIR, Whatsoever ills be*et ut, and will be told either separate, or with Anne-Arpndel county adjourned until thJ* ocoatton to, urge all th« . pffierM of Hn th«*tate. of MarytatioV', Neither in our co Piou* confidence to that tract, M taay ; bjeafr accommodate the first Monday in August next, (that the militia of Maryland, to cau»e their I.John Sinunon*, havi hk|e. nor in the accompanying I In the strength of JESC*, let nt purchaser*. ben* the firm day of the mouth.) anna, &c. to be inspected,_ and kept in tition, that he u ifa ;oaj «rw 1 mentioned your tword More than conqueror* be found ; TBKMS or e*i,B. By order ' * , . '' * complete order fo» UrVie*v and to be id- taheriff of Anne-Arohdel county, ti4 my remisinei* in the fir infinite affection. Th* purchaser to! give bond to the H. S. SM, Clk, constant retdiaest, with their me*, *« UP**/^ to W discharged ' death and resurrection, paying tke pvnmbeM m«ney in three *~ 30, 181*. t\itA. to march to whatever point Hheiy majr|,the«i A tract of land called Woed Lot. there taking the oalb by thq teid act fai'.hfully yonr*, Valuable Lands for Sale. chaser. Baltimore, \* S containing 38 acre*, .lying in Princt- prescribed for delivering up hU BT*» TH: HARRIS, Jtm. Truttee. June 30. George's county i A t{ou»e and Lot in perty. The subscriber i* authorUed to dis­ Bladeusburg : and a Lot oi Ground in pose of at private tale, all that tract of Annapoli*. JulyP By order, 4, 1814. the City of \Vashington ; late the pro- Ffm. * Crreen, land,, formerly th« propertyW Richard rty of Henry Bradford, deceased. Chew, and lately of John Muir, Eto,. County A return of >thc. kille An*»-Ar*ndct County, to wit : «irmt of Sale, Caah, to^b* paid on the ind missing on board th d4oem»ed, confuting of (095 acre*, ti Court, April Tbrw, IS] 4 day of taU, or on the ratification there­ t dated in Anne-Arundel county, lying I hereby certify that A mot Stnitb, ot of by the , cliancellor. On payment of Aiinc-Arw\dtl County, p iliip linti, of 33 gum On application to the judge* of Anne- cor on the Cheaapeake Bay, aqd forn^lhe said county, brought before me a* a Arundel county court, by petition, in the purchase money tbo *ub*crib«r.i*t April Term, I«l4. David Porter, K»q. noath of Herring Bay ; twenty, milet stray, a bay HOilSK U hand* and 1 writing, of Lariin //ammoad, of *aid to convey. , On apptientlon to Richard II. Hai an ac\ion fooght on t from AnnapolU. ifty from Battrmore, i neb high, 10 ytmrt old, has a small county, praying the benefit of the act Ja*U» BoaniUM, Trustee. Wood, ^quire, one «f the judgk* *f ', March, 181-K in Val| and thirty live from the City of Wash­ star and (nip, long tail, both hind feet for the relief of *undry ineolveot deb- Anne-Arundel county court, in'tn* te- with the liritnh frigjti ington. This land ai rich and fertile aa white, four new tttoe* on. Given un­ tort, passed at November section, eigh cess of Ow said court, t>j petition 'it.' K guntx 32O men, Jat any on U»e CheMpeake, afford* the der my hand this iMlk day of, June, teen hundred and five, and of the »eve- Dollars Reward. writing, of Sajnael Pluonwer, of till Esq. commander,. an3 i mo4t luxuriaat pacturage, ha* a large 1814, ral supplements thereto, on the term* county, praying f«r th« benefit of A* war iChcrub, mounting proportion of Meadow land, and the Lartin Hommond. act for the relief of sundry insolvent mentioned in the taid ract, a schedule Ran away on the 2d of May, a Ne men, commanded by 1 . greatest abundance of tire wood and of hi* property and ft Hit of hit credi­ debtor*, »ud th* several *npp1(tAi*i>ii timber, and for ihip building the best The owner of the afrove hone it re­ gro Man called Ned. who, with aevar- thereto, on the term* m«ntM*Md It said [HenJoUowf a lift of ki quested to pro** property, pay charge* tor*, on oath, a* far u he can McerUm al others, added that of Janet, and mining timber on Ute Che*ape»ke may be had them, a* directed by the taid act/ be­ act*, a schedule of hi* property and a and on thU land. The *itualion U Itcalthy, and take him away. brought soil in Anne Arundelcounty.by list of hi* creditors, on oath, a* tu XKCAPITULATI . Sm ith, ing annexed to hi* petition ; and th* John Uoldtjtwfor^helr right to freedom; tad a* beautiful a prospect ai any on aid county court being aatisfied that at be can ascertain them, being an­ Killed, and having ii the Bar, a good harbour, and the wa­ Living at Norwood's Ferry. which tuit^tt the last term of the nexed to his petition, and U»e taTd Sa­ the aaid Larjun liammood, ha* resided court, wfc* dttmisted for the want of their woundV ter* tying around the land afford the the two preceding year*, prior to hi* muel Plummer, having t^afed in bii greatest abundance of excellent 6>h, proof. He it a straight likely black petition that lie it in actctai cdofintrjaeiit S.-verely Wounded Private Sale. aid application, within the tUte of follow, 22 year* of age, 6 foot *8 or V Siighdy Wounded crabbi, oyitera, and wild fonl. the I Haryland, and the *aid Latkin Ham- tor debt, and prayed to be Oiacnargat very convenient cituation of tbit land | Incite* kvgb, .and bat under one of hi* thevefrom, it it tbarefor* ordered aW( ] MliSIQg I will Mil, at private aale. a Lot in mond having *tal*d in hi* petition that eyes, a sear about an inch long and raUat be obvious to every pertoA wish­ he ia in the custody of tlie sheriff of adjudged, that UxAaJd 8amo«l Phm ing to purchase, a* (he wood, timber, Queen-Anne, Prinae George'* county, broad. No descriptive information can mtr, be dit>eulrgea from cultody. *j4 conveniently situtteo, and an excellent Anne Arundel county, and pVayed ,to be given a* to hi* eloatna; he went off ad the whole product of the bind, can be discharged therefrom, it it there-' .that by causing a copy v{ thj* or­ .. tome convers be removed from thence by water, and stand for a person wishing to enter in­ with a straw hat, a country, rounda­ der to be iaserttJ in the Maryland Ga­ to the mercantile bntine**, or to a par- fore ordered and adjudged by the aaid bout striped jacket and trovvtert, and :cl,thefollowingco that in a few hour*, to the market* of court, that the taid Larkin Htmmond zette weekly, for tliree months succes­ toot pljct: Auaapolia and Baltimore. ton who withe* a stand for a tatern ; good shoe* and stockings, it in proba­ sively, before the third Monday of D*D- and perhaps no village in the stale can be discharged, and by causing a copy ble he inty endeavour to got to Balti­ A more minute description of. Uu* of this order to be inserted in the Ma­ tember next, notice to give hit credtWfc, VALPARAISO, April valuable property U thought unnaoeMa- be found, at which a decent tavern I* more, or to the City of Wa»hlWgtdh. to appear before AraieMrui.del couatf SIR. more wanted. ryland Gazette, once a week for three I will pay a dollar a mile on .the du ry, a* any peraon wishing to purchaM successive months before the third coort on the taid third Monday of Sep­ Taking into conti can view-th* same by applying to Dr On the lot Italarge ttcre home, with tince he mty be taken, if committed tember next, for the purpow of reewa- imniente distance We ii| counter, shelves, AUJ. ready for* the re­ Monday of September next, gfare no­ to gaol, *o that I get him again ; fifteen KtcharoT. Hall, »»ho reud** thereon, tice to hit creditors to appear oefore mebding a triuitea for their benefit, a*4 iptclive counirie* j thi or to Mr. Philemon L. Chew, who lives ception of a quantity of dry goods, and dolla|* if taken at Anr»«polit and com to >hcw pause, if any they |,a\-*, wb} groceri**, also a two story dwAUing* (Ma taid county court, to be held at tho miU«aV ten dollar* if token in Ute of the future muvcmen within a few mile* of it. Term* will city of Annapolis on the third Monday the taid Samuel Hummer thvald not jtity't ship* unJcr r be made knowji on application to DOOM, with twp rooms above, aiff one neighbourhood, or twenty, if taken in have tb« benefit of the i|ij act* aad below ; a nailed garden and yard, and of September next, for the purpose of Calvert coooty. . ' ,.\. which preclude* tlie the robKriber. recommending a trustee for their bene­ eoU llk«r*lo a* prated. SAMUEL »fATNARD, Att'y. an old building out of repair, with two I am informed that an old yellow »y making a permanent rooms below and two above, for seve­ fit, and to th«w cause, if any they have,' woman retide* in Calvert who caJlt for transporting the of£ m fact for Johu Murray. why the taid Larkin Hatnaond khould pril IJ. 1814. V ' 3m.» > I*. 1814. ral years rented at a tavern. Term* herself Hannah Jonea, and who roy Ute of the Kssc« to F. may be known by application to not have the benefit of the said act*, roet, who cjlajmed their freedom, Th» Eiitort of thi Fedtrol GafotU and the supplements thereto, a* prayed. Anne-Arundel County fait approaching icaao and At*»rican, Bait \inore, art rtyvett- frV** Broaden. Test. ' » aunt *h« it wife to a tnilUr, who Jcr» a uastage round ( June 23, 18I4*J? 3w. i attend* or did attend a roijl, once the Coftrt, jtpffl TWta, 1AI4. 4 to itiHtrt the abort ontt a ~n*tkfar Wm. S. Gretn, Clk. ome degree dangeroui I property of a Mr. Smith, and purcba- On applicaticm to Jereniah Townky kanour to propose for four w»*Mt> ^forward tkrir account t to Chase, Kaaiuir*, ohitf^adge of He tbira edJbjr, Capt David Carcaud. the following mi thutjfi*. _____' ______Farmers Bank WM. BttOGD judicial district of the state of Mary­ lion Or Maryland, Md June, 1814. Anne-Arundel County ne 1814. land, in the recett of Anot Arundel hop*, the government List of LetteVs In compliance with the charter of Court, April Term, 1814. county court, by petltlot. in writing, Scald, at well a* that in the PoitOfllce, Anmpo- the Farmers Bank of Mary^Bnd, and -Land for Sale. ef Vocful JbAiMoit, of coutalniog , twp (jundrcd l»t. The Eiteijuni A. A. county. teen hundred and five, and of the se­ acres, and abounding rn timber tuitable IUA crediton, on lal a* ftr *» he can ndofillhcrarmamer ahop, TbotnMliickneU, Monday of August next, between ascertain them, belnit eiyiexed to hii Jerwriah Cook, Elizabeth Cadle, Phil the houtw of 10 o'clock. A. 11. and 3 veral supplement thereto, ontlie terms for building houses, and vettel* of eve­ k< ntutr^itcd to be lip Curran, Jfeme* Camden, William mentioned in the said act, a schedule ry ^scnpvon,description, wi.nmwithin ..oinnbout a mmmile «ndwitllSfftfe^s*?* 111 ^"1*1,^^ the voyage toltly. md o'clock P. M. fur the^Mirpoae ef ehoot- which eatptfc.l»>ink bt^us ano Margaret Dcrsey, Charles teen Director* tor the Bank at Annapo­ tor*, itaelf into the River prtytng to be dla«h«|«8 tuwfrotn. » m«nl J.anito proBci-i Henry Dickenaoo, Btehd Davit, A. A. lis, Hud nine Directors for Ute Bntnch Utem, a* directed by tUstOd aot,Jttia*; twenty mile* from, iu tnouta, from wa* therafoi-a orderSt and adjudged, per American officer county. Lieut. Wm. N. Emrl. Cha* Bank at Frederick-Tow*. , O)0and to hi* pethujti, and the aaid which land there if ft good mod wtcur- th* taid Viiobot Jolinkon be di*- which 1 with to be fu If. jrUmnfln*:. Jfau Green, Peregrin* ^C9y ordfjr, oountor court being u»»fled that tfie ed by law to the Oeaei, which i> navi- landUkg^hMra are a chargei from cortody,. tad rb**""f fat, !for tlie purpoic CI1**n (9), Ifichs. QaMabtinMgh, Wwd. 9 ' JON. IlNKNErT, Mid Jame* Hamjwowd has r«*ide4 Vabk tu the very t Urtaag, A. A. county. George Hoof-. ,ti*o.^receding year* prior to hi* large tobwro hooto, two log dwelling causing a eopgr of thi*, order t« 1 netesiaty njstport) ma* (I), Ann QawWnii'tWard R. applpfcon Mrfthih the tUto pf Mkry- UOUM*. and aeveraJ o^t hooae* on Uda. ted in the, Maryland Oacfttt to« United Statct of llopkint, PbiHlp Haiaroono, A. A. . iajKl.'mJW Ute said James Huamoad land. AUo another tract of land, con­ Mtrffcod Jdepubbean weekly,! you ony d«tm mou p county. AmiiUer Johnton, VvihelJoliB* hmvinft oUaJnedtMnn I )*viflg atated In his petition that he i* taining upward* of Uiree Hundred IV JM. Vonrtelf, tbe The *u _ tondty of BeptnnAifr nexf, gfv* i ton, Ann Jacob, Sarah Ann Jolmitan th* orphan* ' An«« Arowdef j ift *"" ctUtody of the *heriff <>f Auno- crt*, and bordeYii^it oq tl,e head wtUar* «wc,er»v leamtii, mar foV bit creditor* to appear before A*>*r n«ar ApoapolU Wniiam Kilty m, Tho­ county, D, B. Anisdel county, and prayed to be di*- totr* rn** ftopaingAAnn Kareey. Joseph N. of 8ao»U*a eharged thVetrum. it i* therefore of» b*tt«aut and. «c«w* to the kncQng, atotf Monday *f ft*pmnber next, f<* «' "nmcdi4t«ly on their Levier, Lt-dSo minev«e A. A.teunty. Ok*** *ai»4i AMkiV^.ruauW eoqnty. d*)rea and ajDjudgwl, by Uio *aid court, which abnnnas in Cypress and Cheaifut porpote of T6*omtD«ndiBg a trutteo I mcrM H. MaMej near AnMpoJU, ck«eM«4<. afl p«rM«ft.k«vitig claimK t ^_ .*. a^ that the said Jamet Uammond be du- tlmaw, the fornter toiftbU ,fo»pia»k "' <"h priioneri o» timi I. M»d »f luin tb«& ItilMt, nnt) to inew cauK. ClirltUmhor UbtfOM, ftwnuel gaiMt Mid 4»o«tfedafc Urabe reqtiect char^ed, und bjr causing a copy yth«)« tlfandoflicerfioie .-* «% Ma?tk>, Doctor Jaroet ed to bring them in. legally prtveJ, anM>Jf| ir exchange i i A. A. county, eapt J»o. NorUe, make e-p»- ti»omontbs before the third Monday bf touch««h the latter *^«aM*r for tVnoe Tftorc are »,grtyapd **,*mills, a ^ Tolt; J cUlly those who »r» W next, gr\'e notice to waore- rails. ^May8Q. K«Woa lUdmo*, Ex Anna- ant* houtae, a bWk inkith1! fyoto, a to J«ka Bnli ; Ada^r. D.B.JJ. on UM tkM If^ay of Septftin bacco haute, and several out houses, NAVY, «ert, S.m feb. V, for the uurpot* of r**oo> oh the lust mentioned land. Should Philip^. ft*>nh, a trattM fo> their Wneftt, |k»M \attda not U |b|d by nvxjl QMUbey ' hew caiiW,if any they have, court, t|«y will then *e offerVi tirtub- S*TBEtH OF TUP O, llc Sale. Person* ditpoted to buy.ma British NAVY. A. county, *o»in Wl.iU, «arab have the oetivil^of-Utfi aaid act* & obtain, greet batb«tnn»jy tington. Walte* Wiltttt, Humuel the tupplemeot* (borcto a* prayed- <**tion*. . JHO^JAB. jFor Sale at Teat Bt. i>w»rd'*,> *IM .. a» ^ Win. 8. Grntt, Clk. «v jr aftttno. Pri MARYLAND


very, the most humane attentions I H»mmond, for an al number rVoflk,-the National Advocate, July 11. for vessels ; & wairti of alt others, ia. shall be'paid them ; and they shall seamen of the late TJ. &. frigate DECLARATION the most happily situated asitetnects clinate and local position, I do de­ none, of Hi be forwarded home by the flrit fa­ EMCX, aa they stand on the list luf- 0f Captain David Porter, on hi* ta­ vorable conveyance that may offer. nighed you, is perfectly satisfactory. clare, that I have-, m the most so­ JONA8 GREBN, king possession of the Island, cal­ I have the honor to be, &c. It will be a great Satisfaction to the led by the natives NOOAHEE- lemn manner, under the American r seta**, ANNAr01.ll. (Signed) three officers who accompanied the VAH, situated between the lati­ fljg, displayed in Porr MaJrton, and idofthc««v«r»l JAS. HILLYAR. Essex, to know, that after your ob­ tude of 9 and 10 S. and in the rn the presence of numerous witnes-* ses, taken posiession o! tf.u raid the terns mil. Dotlyr* p«r Annvm. Capt. David Porter, late Com­ ject in taking them with you shall be jlongitude of 140 W. from Green- of te, mander of the United States effected, there .will be no difficulty wich, and named by him MADI­ Island, called Million's Iiland, for frigate Essex, Valparaiso. in their proceeding immediately for the Uie of the U. Ststel, whereof I ffocumtntt accompanying tht Letter tf SON'S ISLAND. the United States, i take the liber­ It is hereby made known to the am a citizen ; and that the act ,o£ Capt. Porter. VALPARAISO, 5th April, 1614. ty therefore to suggest that they world that I DAVID PORTER, a taking possession was announced by Kitrsrt of a letter from Com Hillysr SIB, might be exchanged hern for captain Captain in trie Navy of the .United a salute of 17 gum from the artille­ . to roe. I have* the honor to acknowledge William Porter and his three mates. Slates of America, and now Yn com­ ry of Fort Mauison,8t returned by the ' PHOEBE, April 4, 1814. the receipt of your several favors of This will be an accommodation to all mand of the United States' Frigate ihippt^pln the harbor, whnhishrr*. ' after to be called Massachusetts Mr DBA* SIR, yesterday's date parlies, and reconcile the officers so tbe Essex, have, on the part of the Neither in our conversation, The conditions offered by you for exchanged to a separation from their said United States, taken possess*, Bay. And that our claim to this nor in the accompanying letter, h ive our return to the United States are friends. on of the Island (called by the na­ Island may not be hereaflerdisputed, 1 mentioned your sword. Ascribe perfe&ly tatisfadlory to me, and I I have the honor to be, Gcc. tives Nooaheevah) generally known I have buried HI a bottle at thr foot my retnisineii in the first instance entertain no doubt of their being (Signed) by the name of Sir Henry Martin's of the flag staff, in Fort Madison, a co| y of this instrument, together 1 Uw to forgetfulnei* ; I consider it only equally so to my country. I theie- D. PORTER. Island but now called Madison's nd adjudged in my servant's possession with my fore do not hesitate to pledge my Commodore James Hillyar, Com­ Island. That by the request and with several pieces of money of the &aidJobtt ~ coin of the United States. ow.» until the. mailer may pleaie to honor (the strongest bond I can manding His Majesty's Frigate assistance of the friendly tribes re­ and by give) that every article of the ar- Phoebe. siding in the valley of Tuuihoy, In wit .ei» whertdf, J have obe call for it ; and although I omitted hereuuto affixed my signa­ at th«- moment of presentation, from rangement shall, on our part, be ful­ as well as of the tribes residing in ly complied with A Ir&t of the F.i- A list of the Prisoners liberated on pa­ the Mountains, whom we have con- ture, tnii 19ih day of Nov. f«r my mind being. much engroi»ed in role, to proceed to the U. 'States in 1813. utending'to profe»»ion»l dutiei, to scx Juriiosja crcvr shall be furnished q.vrcd and rendered tributary to you as soon as it can be made out, tho Ktaex Junior. D. PORTER. ve noliea offer it§ re»tor»tion, the hand that David Porter, capt. Wm. H. O- our flag, I have cauied the village and her disarmament, effected with of MaJiion to be built, consisting WITNESSES PRESENT. before tb6 received will be molt gladly extend. dcnheimer, acting lieutenant, E. Jno. Downes, Lt. U. S. N. [d at the c ed to put it in potietiion of him all possible dispatch. of six convenient houses, a rope I have the honor to be, &e. B. Johnson, acting marine officer, Davul P Adams, Captain ,17. S.' for thai* 1 "Believe ms, wy dear air, .very D. PORTER. same, as well as for that of the unona thM tul | N. W. Boswick, ailing mailer ; A- N. , : ' ' faithfully yonra, Com. James Hillyaf. friendly natives, I have constructed by thq said act Icxander Montgomery, acting sur­ a fort, calculated for mounting six­ Jno. M. Gamble, Lt. Ma. U. 5. N. fog up hU pt» (Signed) geon's mate, H. W. Ogsd.en, midship­ Richard K. Hoffman, Acting Sur- v JAMES HILLYAR. Commodore HiMyar sent me s pa­ teen guns, whereon I have mounted per certifying that he had exchanged man, George Isaacs do. D. G. Fara,- geon U. S. N. Captain Poner." gut, do. James Terry, acting mid­ four, and have called the sane Fort certain individuals therein named, Madison. Wm. Smith, Mister of the A- * Green, CW making a part of the crew of the shipman, Samuel Du sen burg, do. nxrrican ship Albotrois. ^\3». A return of Hhe. killed, wo« \ded William Pierce, master's mate, Ed­ Our tights of this island being Sir Andrew Haromond, for an equ.il founded on p'riority of discovery, Wilson P. Hunt, Agent fof the ind mining on board the U. State! ward- Lanscoit, boat.wain, George American North Pacific Fur County, jc.i iliip linei, of 33 gum, 325 men, number of the most teverelyvround- conquest and possession, cannot be e- Killed, and having since died of turn you, and protest in the stron­ J. Downhill, do. John Haden, cook, Niw-YoRK. July SI. and U>e said Sa­ gest terms against such an arrange­ taken on myself to promjie :hem their woundV 58 ' Robert Stanwood, Seaman, Daniel they shall be so adopted, that our OF TflK GENERAL ng stared in hli ment. Ross, quarter gunner; Nicholas ictaai cdotoflnect Severely Wounded 39 chief shall be their chief; and they ARMSTRONG. Slightly Wounded 26 In the first plact* the wounded Johnson, Robert Scaftorlv, Mark to U dtscWg** and helpless individuals thereionam have given assurances that such of The privateer General Armstrong Musiag 31 Antonio, seamen, Thomas O. Loud, their brethren as may hereafter vi­ efor* oritred mi, ed, do not wish such exchange ; one boy, Nicholas Ricktor, John White, Capt. Champlain, arrived at this lid Bunm) Pram- sit them from the United Slates port yesterday afternoon froms,suc- Total 154 died last night, and several others James Clark, George Rex, William ' from custody, and expect to share his fate. shall enjoy a welcome and hospita­ ctnful cruise of four months, during oopr of til* .or> Cullers, seamen, Martial Gelln, ble reception among them, and be After some conversation on the Secondly, should I from any cir­ Rob't Tailor, orderly seamen, Tho­ which she has captured 11 vcticlt, the Maryland Oi- wK)to"i,tncfoUowtngcorrcipoiidcnce furnished with whatever refresh­ 7 of which ihe burnt, and ordered- e« months sucoM- cumstances be separated from them, mas Edwards, gun. yeq. Jno. Gallag- took p'lacn: which would be more likely lobe the ments and supplies the island may in the remainder. She has bruughc ti Monjujr of 8tf- her, seaman, James Spencer, boy, afford; that they will protect > give bis credit*, VALPARAISO, April4tl>> 1814. case than if the*y remained prisoners, Samuel Howard, seaman, Francis in a few bales of dry goods; frSr'Aruud*! count; SIR. their situation would be more de­ them against all their cnet..iei ; and, Captain Champlain bis politely Lemos,orderly seaman, John Batch- as far as lies in their power, they rd Honda/ of Stp- Taking into coniidedation the plorable than it is at present. eldor, Robert Isgrig, seamen, Lon­ favoured the editors of the Mertar- purpose of raevsi- immense distance We are from our r«- Thirdly, this arrangement has will prevent the subjects of Great tilc Advertiser with London papers don Reed, John Robinson, Amboy Britain (knowing to be such) from r tbeir bsoeAt, aad ipeclive countries ; the uncertainty been made without my consent, and llowlind, John Harris, Abraham to (he 25th of May, II days Ut«r ' th«y I in-*, »hj of the future movements of His Ma- far from offering equal advantages to coining among them until peace shall than any previously received. With imm«r should DC* Jackson, Gadet Gray, orderly ses- lake place between the two nations. jetty's ships under my command, the United States. . men, James Ocean, boy. Paul Mo the rxr.rption of " 'The Timci,*' ' the stJ «rt» aad Presents, consisting of the pro- they arc generally silent on matters «U> M cra»«d. which precludes the possibility of 1 have the honor to be, &tc. sure, orderly seaman, Peter Amey, »y making a permanent arrangement Juceot the island, to a great amount, coniu'cted with the dispute between (Signed) John Terry, seamen, Samuel Jones, have been brought in by every tribe 3m,* for traniporting the officers and crew D. PORTER. John liarclay, orderly'seamen, Sa­ ths United States and England. Commodore James Hillyar, in the Island, (not excepting the That paper indulges itself in a atileof late of the Essex to Europe ; &t the muel Weit, quarter master, Andrew 'most remote) and have been enume­ fait approaching season which ren­ Commanding H. B. Ma-" Smith, 'I horn as Ewing, Frederick contumely & insolence, wlicuspaak- lei County- rated as follows, to wit : inp of this country, which his .no pr>J Am, MM. ders a passage round Cape Horn in jesiy's frigate Phoebe. Darnel, Daniel Lombard, Antony Six Tribes in the valley of Teui- tome degree dangerous, I have the parallel. AVe have »«Jc£led one ar­ Jeremiah Townto CooU, Ua,r..tt Sparling, Shubil Cun hoy.scallcd the Tareeh's, vit. 1st haoour to propose for your approba­ ningham, Gave Rebellion, Samuel ticle as a specimen of bu ignorance tf Judge of Ui« thirl H. B. M. SUIP PHOEBE, t tribe, Ho-at-tis; 2J, Ma-cuh's 5 3d, and brutality. the »Ut« of Mary- tion the following articles, which 1 VALPARAISO, April 4. j Johnson, William Faster, Jeremiah Hounecah'i j 4th, P^shauh's ; 5th, hope, the government of the United Sm,* Ucwcll, Sylvciter S.uith, George Our negotiators and those of G. i of Anne Artindel He kuab'i; 6th, Hav-vouih's. Britain, it is now said, are 10 meet etltlot. in Bridal, Statel, as well as that of Great Bri­ I have the honor to acknowledge Brown, seamen, Jumes Redding, Six tribes of the Happaws, viz tain, will deem satisfactory ; and to John Davis, Matthew Tuckerman, at Ghent in Flanders. >, of 4mJd eouBtJ, the receipt of your letter of this 1st tribe, Niecfces i 2d, TatlUevows; Several regiments of Lord Wel­ rftt of theact of si- request, that should you conceive day's date, protesting against the orderly seamen, Thomas Coleman. ief ofrandry towl-i 3d, Pachas; 4th, Kee-kah'a ; 5th, lington's army had been oidcred for tStrn so, you will favor me with arranqement I made in the paper steward, Severn Denton, John John­ Te-ka-ah's; Cth, Muta-whp-ah'i. i supp Ainents tinrt- the necessary bood for their fulfil­ son, seamen, Bennet Field, armou­ Amerirs, under the command of . you returned, and to express a re­ Three tribei of M>-ama-tu-u--h'«, Lieut. Gen. Hill. ment. gret that my wish, which was to al­ rer, Geotge Kensinger, master at y\z.—lit tribe, Ma-ama-tu-o-ah's ; and » HU of lit. The Essex Junior to be depfi- arms, John Stone, Francis Trepan- The restoration of the family of M fir M he- On leviate, and not increase the afflic­ 2d. Li-o-ah'i ; 3d', C-l. a-ah's. the Bourbons.had not produced in . w Annexed to hw »td of til her armament and perfect. tions of your wounded officer and ny, George Williams, Jacob Loda- Three tribes of the Alta-to-kah's, If ntutrditi-d 10 be equipped, for France that tranquilitf which it was dd Vachs! Jfokn«»« crew, has failed of being gratified. way, Thos. Milburn, John Penn, viz. 1st tribe, Atta to.kah'i i 3d, believrJ would be the consequence? , petition Uut he is. the voyage soUly md wholly at the I am sorry you have thought proper Henry Barker, seamen; William Ta-kee-ah'i; 3d, Pa-heu-tah's. txp«nu of the American govern- Hamilton, Daniel Gardner, 'orderly of it. Parties, advene, malignant, tu mention the dead and dying, as I, The Nicckces, only one tribe. and powerful, had ariien, not only » pees, viz. mate, William Nicholi, orderly sea­ in the capital, hut in the ]irOvincrs Shind per American officer and crew (of ing that, in the event of the loss of 1st tribe, Po-hc-guh ah's ; 2J. Nae- and the army, and would require all Johnson which 1 wish to be furnished.with a any, other names should be added man, James Postell, seaman, Beji- giiah's; 3d, Atta-yi-ya'* ; 4th, C»- and jamifl Hartley, orderly seaman, Jas. the prudence and energy of the go-, t, 'for the purpose of giving the to the list. I shall now direct capt. hu-nu-Horka's ; 4th, To-ma-va-hee- vernment to prevent its subversion , passport) to any port of Wm. Porter to consider himself still Goldsmith', Wm. Wood, Peter An- nah; 6th, Tickey-nial-ultu i 7tfc, derson, Peter Ripple, John Gljji- of all locial order. i United States of America that a prisoner of WIT on his prole ; but Mo-oa-see-kah's -, 8th, Attc-shows ; VVe have copied from our file you thiy deem most prop«r. ^. . as I have ordered the people to go seau, seamen. Isaac V»llance, quar­ 9th, Att«jap-wy-hun»h ; lOth, At- ; before ter master, George Love seaman, S. whatever wo judged inierciling. JM. Yourself, tbe officers^jfctty on board the Essex to work, under te-ha-coe'tillth,Atte-to-mc-onayts; Capt. C. hai been cruising in tho «fnceriv seamen, marines, OK. com- the impression that no difficulty M'liautu, boy, William Godfrey, 12th, Aita-ka-ka-h«.neaah's. Jasper Read, Frederick Hartwull, English and IrWh Channel, in the wart fotnig your crew, to be exchanged .would arise, will liberate in exchange Most of the above have requested Bay of Biscay, and off the Western . inber next, namcdiaUly on their arrival in A- an equal number of pi'uone's for Ephraim Baker, orderly aeamen, to be taken under the protection ol Charles Hayei, quarter gunner. A- Islands, and hus not been to Frm»cr, ''icij for an ei;ual number of Bri- them, as their names, being seamen, our flag > and all have been willing i wus recently stated-front London t"h pruoners of similar rank. Your- dam Williams, orderly «e»mon. shall be found.to folUjw each other to purchase, on any terms, a friend­ papers. Hlfand officers to -be considered on on your late ship's book*, and give t»p Otis Gale, Wm. Whitney, sea­ ship which promises to them so ma~ men, Leon Green, quarter matter, 'heir parole of honour until, your snta-K nu«s~or. midshipmen*; fur 2 ny advantages. ... From London Papers to the SSirr, ""Ubnir exchange ihall be effect- William Cole, seaman These last received at ih« Office of the Mer- at. mates which are of the English par­ Influenced by considerations of hu- til. .. ty. 1 hope this may prove sstiifac- four men were lift at Valparaiso in cantile Advertiser, by the General of the foregoing articles consequence of tho severity of their maniiy, which promises a speedy Armstrong. tory ro your government and self. civiliaatioti to a race of men who en­ OF THE *'*g «tcepted, the Essex Junior I am your's, 8te. wounds. 1-Yom the London Timei of May 20. *"I1)« expected to prepare immedi- NAHlrfBB. joy every mental and bodily endow­ (S'liiwH) J AS, HILLYAR. . ment w.hitU nature cap bcatow, and The friends of Buonaparte, a4d' *'t'y for the voyage, und to, proceed Cap u in David Porter. P. G. Small, sergeant, John B". Yarnal, private, Wm. Wliitntry, do. iifhtcrtr'cnui'res ?rt only To perfect, the poor weak °n U before the expiration of the " -- ^.' . \* i- * _»-_*. months since, urgod ^e Mt*eip«iliy 5t OF TUP Patent rnqpch. Should »nyx of the Henry Aihmore, do. John ,Fulsn«r, ,_ wtll a» by views of policy, which VAlfARAtBOlAprit 5. secures to my country a fruitful and of moVing peace whh" him, now \o\n NAVY. w^udcd It (ha. period b« found in- SIR The arrangement which you I o, George Fm«,do.Johi» Andrews, peace with his o4 SlP»brl«. of removal from not. being o. Thomas Ling, do* Isaac Siont populnbs Isiartd,. possvsimg every .in urgng a have i»»V suggestedw..J^»».-.».- - respecting.^-|--_--f wi the---«. ex. k: of security a«he < ! « "^» j *^~ , 4aiid they d« •\f bit *4ictt«asor;tt aM tue comlua of his toleraft Aftry l».~The pe«c« it ngned; month. e-Ue now. We appeal to 'the the »rmy \Otl> of t1}is *i least til* the uivve/sal assure-in i Several pertons ntve l?*«1> taken Mr,. Krsuntt arrived yestyesterday raon tense of t^e country, li ut, or r, with and every one pretend* to h>»« Had not jneonstoetMy up n Copenhagen for corretponding .(JMrninK, at the Foreign Office, isittiot, thef^n«r*l aniluat Castle-C «eiv*d hit information from an aji UM conduct of nianyof oar pirty with prince Christian in 'Norway.' '-ffpatchea from Viscount since Uie ing th4t MadtsOn anil ftit he thentit source. It hit not yet ' lory democrat*, native In Ttat Ar«m< liumelf the cominrta ; for i'c speaks vo­ and Chritiiarta are hostile 10 the turday state, that ad. will the time, Reader the coast of talk either of contribution*, war tion principally, if not altogether, pi«. h» anacquainled of the traitor's prince. ren had arrived off Charl* linU of either Cot. 1 lumes, in explanation realicing a large for­ ex pence*, or any other exiraordina- c any and St. ilftry'K when Buonaparte, crosseq tfie that the French are too restless to tune, from his tnott evcluaively federal, the nnttfc e»rtain if the fnrmer ment, on the N. Ameri­ monument of the arts will be re­ Niemen, at the head of half a million be quiet, but still dwell eternally mander in chief have turned but with an alacrity MgUt to cesign from Uie eii great victories ihey gained. can and West Ii'.dia stations.-<-Thti moved. hi tome of the deato. mentioned, that a »e> of soldiers, professedly to put -the upon ihe that .his Majesty honourable but produced quarrels and blood­ command is now divided between We arc assured dittncts of this, a* aVso on* ia-, has been made. last hand at ihe continental system This the members of the cralic Last Sunday upwards ol 60 admirals Cochrane, Durham and haa nominated Montgomery county, th*y hate refusal for ihe ruin ofGrest Eriiain. Then, shed. who are to discuss the people were killed,,** fighting their BroWn i the for nrt r for America, tbe commission to pay any obedience whatever to DM i when our fate (aa thia aerpenttho't) plan of a constitution. Their too, hi Frederick -A writer in a Uie balance, did battles o'er again.*' s.-.ond for the Leeward Islands, laws. In one rtetion trembling on the names are. Messrs. Ferraud, D'Am- county, we hear of an officer his^i ia gem-tr. wW sign* h the dogs of war, to teiue M. Lucien Buonaparte, who left and the latter for Jamaica. to »hev he let slip arrived on Satur. btay and Mouleiquieu. rank, and ^vho was very clamorous far in attempthig ua to the ground. The his seat in Worcestershire in the An o lifter who tir« of MarylaiMl aa< and bring from Bordeaux, tins war, using all hit ihftatfnce to pea- completely and wonderfully early part of the week, with the day at Portsmouth initance* been nfgl*< scene <**e,ia*j atrwont of the enen advfecaics of* foreign perfidy and that he hoped for peace ; bui that if Ameticj. The been expected. Thus, and two Port\iguete bat­ for some time past our country to the very verge of ruit, this, he haa enhibile. tr Jachvy, tiep forth and deprecate occasion required, he wouU employ regimentt, and indeed all the wortt of pettier With two squadrons of Eng­ The chief basis, we ««« many of our MufttringpoMttt th« the veryidea of justice, or of pru­ him with great confidence. talions, in the treaty, are leaving it due lo Uie elfuni on were at Bordeaux on the principal points shrinking from the content, and dent precaution against future in­ It was very strongly reported lish hussars, have been long tince foughl by thote wh« tnnmelled by igooi date. "On Thursday orders understood to Ihe balllet to be sult; but they Will no more be listen­ Change, that it is ihe determination above and the.outline to be no »g«nry in producing the wax. but Icaal Uie atMrlio ihe received at Portsmouth to agreed upon, had ed to now, than they were when of our government, not to sulTor were lar.ie u that which, ap­ Far bo it from our intention lo cart in hi* eonuautrica banks of prevent the emb«rkalion of detach­ nearly the attonjf a. l, and Mr. Russell, the worthy Cross to Buonaparte upon hit arrival settled at a Congress, but by cotn- tly portion* of their slatedeviated by they were justifed defender ofr the forged revocation of wards, continue to bo very refrac­ the late of Elba, published some named by ihe-late Belli­ bro*l upob ut, yet refiM of l4w onion tft < to ac­ mitsioners a foe they have the Berlin and Milan Decreea. tory and peremptorily refuse curious documents. They are in Our correspondent Writes to take Up arrh* to check tKeir intorsi- hardly b* expected government of gerents. uny other We have U.wevcr good reason to knowledge the neW hit usual style. He selected the that between 30 and 40,000 of the oul They fume and fret that the Go- d*r, or that the British diploma­ Vrance. Mom. Cbrtn. Isle for his residence ' in conic- embarked 'vernor doe* not embody the militia, a*4 believe, British troops are to be the miliu tists will not condescend to discus* The expedition to America is up­ quence ot the mildness of the man­ Ireland and a yet refoM to obey hi* orders when a in ihe Garonne for Ihlnk, «» i»d OU the impudent nonsense oalltd an A- larger scale than if waa ners of the people and the climate," tnitt cr.ll it made on Ui»i». The}- on a much large body for America. We him rcepousihl* foctfte Columbia, a* a be« tnerican dofUine, about Impress­ imagined, it it said it will so congenial toJiis ownl The pre­ efttect lo believe originally that the latter will be sufficiently protection of every part of the state, •ideal, wbea be, hi ment and Native Allegiance, which I be placinl under a lieot. gen. noiyet fect desires the inhabitants to ting , to terminate the war t» toake i to been- name roue when it h the bounton daty of th* gt- cangre*e waa in truth a mere pretext for war nime!% ahho'itia tuppoaed songs of joy and triumph'. and the properly. . . U*e we^~ noimred thouannd Sir Henry Clin- ntorel rovernmenl to afford* ontdepart of Mr. Madiaon, but they lruilcd to lord Hill. Vicar General of the Isle declares T lie re U in this country such * Not even 0te Kew-1 army of nisty.flTe _».-• _^__ • o __^_ r»_i'.._ of defenrn. willWill »nrf*renter into thrthe trti£true merttamerits of«of -__ton, roaj. gens. Oarnes, Robinson, that the island will become more il­ contempt for the American govern­ gtattd governor*, who tUtid pre» the question, the unprovoked and Kempt, and several olhera are inclu­ lustrious from possessing a Prince ment^ that we cannot bring our­ nent for their palnoUam and fidelity U M» tin Vistmt o/ If the t unprincipled attack on Canada ; they ded in the arrangement. It will be of such immortal fame! selves to think them of consequence their country, have been more tlandt*- think thai full security against a 14th dragoons, a cd by democratic »ay through tbe < will demand composed of the Some American papers reached enough to require any effort; ami gov. of this atrocious outrage ; of artillery, the 3d, with all diligence The new , the NeU wtt in the inde­ or dragooned into tubsaisaion by auj were in Boston Bay, Stales. Il is tp be altogether lh*y •adetnoMtrate and it is probable that we shall shori- son, the largeat and finest vcstel e- dot and junon foe, cither foreign or domestic, return of the Constitu­ pendent of ihe military government blood, aod yield ' eW this wrtta ' ly have to announce its arrival on the ver known in the British navy, is waiting the would pour o^t their tion, from her cruise emon^ the uf Canada. up their live*, in U* defence. Decao. eoebalf of tbe hores of America. Tirrin. now completed at Woolwich, and Cbarlas * Wcit India Islands, and the Essex erat* wUg/U do the aame, aod some verl, tkf .launch of her is reserved aa an •a 4» year* of i I.OKDOM, May 18. the South Seas. The Orphe­ no doubt would but froi»Tec«nl occar- interesting spectacle for the illustri­ frnm May 83. • tke dapvadatari By New-York papers of the 10th captain Hugh Pigott, and Shel- renees we might calculate upOn «a*y ous sovereigns who are about to us, rteee*. W», h»il tli«y ' tilt, we l«arn, that the nrtt cifecl butne sloop, had lately sailed from Sailed the Hindustan tiore-ihip sejtbeaingthemtalvs behind any produced in America by the hiielli- visit this island. with with American prisoners on board, however ilimty, whenever an oppetM- is now end to be Bermuda, under aecret orders, Ar* ibttt gence of Buonaparte's diaaatert, , Alay 2O Ghent am­ f»r ihe roads i the Newcastle 50 nily Apuld prcieot it*«lf. scene of the Amt- a large quantity of arms and Wat to lower the lone qf the war fixed on for the it was guns, Capr. Lord. Gen . Suurt, with munition on board, which iioi ffiend* <\f tUtlr «onn/ry.n (M parly. Billa were brought into ihe ricajt ncRociatioh. purpose of ^onfmodore Codriitgioo't broad pen­ Broke, the galhnt comman­ conjectured were for the Almighty help ut. if we *r« r«Hluc*dtt) Home of Representatives to repeat Capt. in the aouthrrn dant on bo a (4, f«i>, tit* North Ame­ p»trl« der.of the Shannon, attended .yea- arming the natives the of th« non-impofmipn and embargo TbJe Superb, 74, Hon. cspt- rican station^ awl tha V.rcbus of 30. Vy have prtcl second terday at the Chamberlain's other, states, ot*. on auoh friewU. els, wnich wcr«, after Paget, ha.d also tailed with a quan­ gum, fitted far firing rukk«ta,< for to * committee. Cuilahall, to receive the sword, val­ ' reading, referred of intrenching tool} and other tne station. lot ihem put tlieir AouMers t» the Wat preceded ue 100 guineas^ which was -voted tity 1111037. The billt military ttvres, which Iteiog intend- wheel* iukd Aadadvonr to extricate her President, re­ him by the corporaxioa 'of London, to fl* by a message from the ed*(or the service in the ensuing County, t» tct< ; from tfcere; let tlwrn thow commending the adoption of the together with the freedom of the . certify, that liaac that they can act at we", a* t*l». of the high sense campaign, were to be deposited on meatafe, Ia the beginning of April , ciiy? u a testimony It son, •( Mi4 connty, brought Worn -JaFthelr patriotium an« ewuragj by them of his valorem* an itlknd in ibe Chesapeake. the approafik «S when iheee pacific measure! were a- entertained President me two le^ay*. tre^paMlngon his ooclo- ew*Bot \^.B*i*rip»tod al capture of th« Cheat* was understood that the about four dopted, the American! could t*tily attack and that com­ uiret, «M>»*,JffrojYiytirte«n ti^nds and an half .luve learned ihe news of the* Irvvtsi- peake crew were yrir* was la-,faH oniform, and al- modore Rodgera and his high, V t«i»\l while tpot on her I«ft on of Franre. The capture ot \'A>- tain A. Cochrane comeaHled by ihough n(»ki|»M t^n.ovcrtd from hit gone to the-lftkes. Sir hind foot air heel, fcai tom« appeoranee, All ln« depredations ria on the 3Ht of March, with th» .in the Alia, f thc*uoray in Cal vert county, hate beft wounds h< received in the action was to sail for Halifax, of collar oM»T%t, h«r-1ii(Un hot been .downfall of Buonaparte ind his gOv Wainwrigbt, on the 7ih cut, khe it tliod nil round, aim fttlribuled, by some of our political ef looked extremely well. Hit head T4, cant. little vernmcnt. and the restoration ' The* Hon. capttiir II. Ilothara haa a awteh nril, paces, trot* and , to the reeigtwti« • i^t was bound with hla.ck silk. The ult, he could have pre­ tbe Bourbon*, which'took place the Host «f capu of xhe tar*. The other ta a bay GeldtoeyrHve otratic colonel— If n»t award i« of efcquiajte Workmanship^ it thus the** ra-VMea, -which have to «l«e 6f*t part df April, ceu!4 North American fleet, until capt. year*, old, foart**m hand* high, jta* a vented into their contempt** the f>»H0Ie is solid gold, beautifolly bUckmaP*, tail and; leg*, much dntre**ed the people of that hafe^ entered Codrington shall strive. *whii« face, in cotn- tion, embossed with naval tropfiUsj on »hod aH rouad, pace*, tre command of pavousty* army) Shannon and the Chei»peakev »»d ... ^' .. . _ *' c»wuty aforesaid, this twelfth Anr of ken Bupnaparte, | ju\y igj^ JTJ cutive svould no! maJre him »o' allow- and or­ on live oi,l>«r the city arms. We »r« tttured thit ^ —. , M^. ij,»vouJt has been u*ifmissed , t_* _ _* j^_« ;_.?__••._. r 'r vit_ ^. I' * ' * anuo'of a few. dollars to -which *• t»at to the latest acconnts ton his arrival in the island* of Klba, I According (* 4 r«li(i. 1 ^ 1 On JT ' forthwith to Pati*. _ * t\ _-. I % ytetead le dered ___^_*_._i folk* _,ll 8«mfr . ^ —— _ _ • __ j». _ »^ not emitledv _ i_i Ydr.1 1-- A^. _ tJ^*^^. Minister «fl lyly (t the command, h; published | frort Ittl/i, the Pope- accompanied | appointed ged. Bertrams jy Si1 J lwirp»tt5P. M.th»fiagWas strtck, tn:v inuittt&Uciy took to th«ir of Col. Uv^*T« ^ or4 lo pay U : been inormed, thit the tar.'ni-n .fei, an I m*4* ,th«ir>«cap«. »*§« ffrh's and H*jor May we IB ma d+ paper at Montreal waV hetli ho f »llon*7w»id«'« 'a d«t*/>hflteYi^ iroptrty laid off at a when the .topped qn Saturday U»*, at noon, of horso, and* & cdtnjMny of riilouton jigh price . o)f all proHuoe elitblc* for tlie purpow of irticrdng cone d—to this 0Ml vet thest'-to'iMy-' ' light taxes B«t important he*«,jo*t' then ngccivt^t;' This Col, llodgkin, It 1. moat positive manner, inn no oavartidos were Jonathan fhiUon to M(fs Eli&ofi&i*. r of oar in ^ totwnoV to ederaluts but of the nature of thejqto enemy at bay U«t yew, have been made by the. ttcauie they "iyn the n»t)oiTfive tnit- kno*n. co Uie dedaralioa embody th* militia. Hud the presi­ notrfin? is eel no small dcgrta l of militia, wd tfo.b>bl iona in debt, and laid ta*;**; and the from .Vermont was totd ibc above JWp U, have done to thit, but dent of the Uriiua State* shewn an Ojffict, 4*wpolii, evident want of pa. to fomply wilh the du­ people were told ih>t if they would e- >y a, person front Montreal. J»U. , they haw equal readioetn pposttilm ties impoeM o&.hiro by the conBtituifoo c£ld«mocrattthctc would be notaae* «*•? f Uteolate. Wh«» trrey did on Loan u>tee wherein tlii. democra- nnd lavs df this great commonwealth, or loans i and accordingly $ 150,000 wanted y for a . call on tht MO miny families would not now have ele£lderaocratt. Are th«re no taxes tint* riugfroraew. 0. colonel Uodgkia was so bad y uwd. London Whereat UM Legislature of the Stat*) «»* U«t .umrtier he called into to deplore th*< ruin of their fortune*, now ? Ye*,-much heaviet* th*c ever . » of MaryUadpaisba a resolution at their tho governor*** which tb.*y now to a* only « .»»!! po^on of h,t «g,- and the affliction* a federal administration ventured F oreigt, Office. JunoS l'«li. May SeWion, one thousand eight hun- t; bat no sooner suQer. at thin Office late to state seem to r*. n(Hook command of it, In per- lay—and much heavier than the peo Mr. Plant a arrived dr*o, and thirteen, in ILe word* tyjlow- then lent in hit account t« the " NoUiirvg canto more idle, (*ays he) would ever have bee* bnrtl*ned a*t night from Paris, with the Deftat- ing to wit: of every eitiiaii u invRed the pie me«t— Conaidering than that Barney's Botilla A ith if fcddtal rtien had contitwed iv« Treaty ~oT Peace aad Amity between MAY sES&um, tais. the deprexbtioMet. of the adversary"; because H<* Moit 'enetajy tMlaW hufl'mide no pronwon for aggreokloM power. A>e thite -*lo loans t tit Briunnfe Majeety and Re«olvBd, That the Treasurer of «M retaliating, wu«n it vras not in existenoe, he com in M^jenty, signed at Paris on MDiielvoi behind, tbj « o««f who had o.t hit com- Do (he democrat* borrow no money ? Christian Western Short be and he i» hereby au­ re- milled depredations at Havre de O^aco the 30th oil by Viscount Cajtlorcahg, a loan, oh sueH tary system, and nv , thry very properly They have now been thre« yests run­ thorised to negociate account At well mizht a Frederick town and Keut, but it ii he Barl of AocrdcenrR. t. General tenn*, and at such period*, a* th* Go­ tar* of theirrOaVorti evident to every one a* thai two arx ning the nation Into debt, and this T. and Liout OK on tnlte command i.; » a* Viscount Cathcart, K. vernor Mid Council thali nppreVe, nol *e.nee ia confined two make fotir, that this flotilla Was year, in place of borrow William Stuart, k, not pr* Gen. Sir Charles exooed'Hg th« *ura of four hundred 004 rty we will the cause of all die nuffe:ing*which ou millions, have got to borrow of hi* Majesty ; fsjth oC te we have not. a*4 acreethe to hit rank. » a co.loi>el B. PlonipotoAtlario* ftfty U)o*4**.Qd dolUrs, and tho o detachct t*9 or thre* cosnpaBiet fellow citizen* in the above-meutionoi five millions, if they can get it. But and by the Prince de Benevento, Pioni- the Scale is hereby pledged for the- re­ ving ; hot a* far a* have been^ mod* to feel. The of Hi* Most Christian Ma- of iafatev from hit regiment, end aMorne. Upon eountie* then, perhaps, the people are to poieatiary payment of th* principal and interest iportanity want of arm* has never yet been m»de In BO li* point, the opposi-; hiimelf the commatd. Yft are whol- benefit by all this ? The money is thereof; Provided alwsys. That IT anacoTiainted with the miliUry U- a eompUint ajyalntt the executive laid out—.prolccYion is aflordet casa° ahaU a larger rate of interest b» not altogether, pro. for this pur well lenU of either Col. Hodgkin, or Col the appropriations made to ths whole country —and in conse­ consraMHnLrowB tto be paid than six per < quarter. In Chart* have been expended, ond Uie mil JOLT 22. which HT* j*> Ttney "who ha» tuooeeded him, but are pose every man Temaint undis­ lumber annum. untie*, Uaof Maryland at this time are per quence By an intelligent passenger vkho F.xetntive of Ma­ federal, the miMai eM^tain if the fnrowr cmiH be induced at els*; Moreover, i And whereas, the har. a* well furnished tn Ilia'1 rMpeet turbed.and (he steam-boat Paragon authorised and directed Uie ith an alacrity MgU; to ceaiira Trom tl* circumtUnce above- after all the bro- rame in ryland hav* a* most states in the union. In additi­ might be supposed, arrived this forenoon from Al­ Treasurer of the WeoVrn Shore to n tome of the de*t» mwtiowed, that a »ety 3->od exchange that tJ^^t'rN Which on to the force already staied. 2000 mises of democrats, bany, we learn that on Thursday borrow, ia behalf 01 the Bute of Ma­ this, aa aV*o ona.by into service by the taxes which thV men have been orc'ered in ruiurn for last, 300 riflemen, in open boats ry land, one hundred and fifty tUoa*»»d ity, they hav* r*fu**i Orneral Smith, tnd any one highest prices foi th to th* Major P>y< get the under convoy of two brigs, left the dollars, in pur*uaj>c« of, and ih coover- mco whatever who irill take the pains of reading hi* they have to sell— bonUihed in tbyO .ion too, rn Frederick A writer in a.late National TntellP articles Which to join Gen. Brown, but on mity to, the provision* •• Ferito*," Nate iddrrst to his officer*, wiUthere this. The Harbour recileu resolution of an officer high ia eetH-er. wk*' sign* himtelf Let the people determine Saturday night the two brig* return­ above in attempting to «hew that the execu- no complaint for the wnnl of areburttien«d With an immense debt Bit IT kaoww, Th.it the underargnftd tt very clamorous for yet Qov. Winder i* an Unpv ed, being driven back into the Bar* •wilt to pea- ti»« of Maryland '..ave in *ome recent anil and are to pay heavy taxes, if the Treatuntr of the Western Shore I hi* ihfttttrnce ble\ «i/prii" for having tlitt* left lh« bour, by a gale of wind, after land­ in behalf of the State jot'to yield o bed i TOO* instance* been neglectful of their duty, please willingly, and if not'py force receive on load, hu dioclooed hi* Jznqranoc not only of rtitci unprepared. When the enemy ing the men on Stony Island, or aforesaid, any sum or Hums of moeey. out chn»f ifcagtstraia. deftiroyiog Uie property of Indi- will the' most luriousdemocrat in th ph.ce on | IMJOOO, the scveirst tdreonstitrrtion of Uie United State*, but wore Stony Greek, at which not exceeding in the whole i» merit* vidut U along the bimk* of UiO Patux- country inform us how the. peopl canno­ and condition* (pacified ud If there still ro> of the constitution and laws of this Monday morning, a violent upon the terms which ha* been ent, everal rympanica of militia from are benefited by all these grievou waa heard, and no doubt ex­ id the said resolution. ih th« taw, wo kflaa tUto, and the exertion too, be nading md« by our chief magistrate for the Ann -Arundel \vere tent to theie at- burthens ? The federalists isted (hat the British had mad* an f B. UARWOOD. will bo made to Ml governor Winder it re- of people, raised a irmjctly.** protection of the *tate against the in- ti»tanc«. yet ing a terrible set attack npon them, and with too TJ B. The Editor* of the Federal offended uponslble for all the damage which was soldiers, snd for ig aioVd in l>taa*,i*t atrtron* of Uie enemy. In addition to few regiments of great a force to leave room for Gazette and Ute' American, of Balti­ this, he ha* exhibited himself a slave to there *u*trlned. One circumstance tli'u, if for nothing else, they_had Star and Monitor at Easlon; ib very verge of ruia, de- hopes. A gentleman direcl from more ; the tho worst of passions. Little alteotioo fomewhat peculiar in it* nature, forfeited all claim to the pt^mTe's Bartgis's Republican, and Frederick- to*n; are he content, what may bo expected from thow states that immediately on its being fought by those who trammelled by ignorance and stupidity; slrov standing army of a few Hundred requested lo insert I he above in their who had an agency in producing the a made known at that place, that, . ... >n producing the war. but least the Insertions Verita* ha* MRJ£ men i:ted in those days to be thought. Gen. Brown had made a deacent up- respectivo paper, once a week for f«ur hi* eonunnflicaUon should ^ffff\ present state of thing*. When a batta­ trajitmit their accountato our intention to east in The people's liberties were in dan­ r j n/wk -. . I week*, and .v. w^,— au— grrond among7 a description of our clti- lion, almost exclusively democrat*, from on Uppepper Canada, 300O men were 1 the.. «'„,_,„, the Western Shore. i the whole democratic county, were ordered to ger, though that army was comman­ B are many of than scm who have but Alight opportunities Montgomery embarked lor that quarter, which at making themselves eeqeefaled with march on the same service, lliry whol­ ded by Washington. Bill now we embarkation ho aaw with his own ha* been manly tad a* a reason that the army of any Trustee's Sale. : every instance of jolitteal *QbjeeU, we have thought pro ly re/uted, urging can have a standing eyes, and before this time they must rat no power to oonpel Uiem.— is to be By virtue of a decree of the court of B* come lo our knew* par to relate them, by the exhibition of Uw hatl si4e, and not the least danger have reached the point of thoir negro, (say* he) tf at i chancery, the *nb*crib«r will offer »4ed from that quarter. torn* Undeniable fact*. When the ge, " Every apprehended,because we have provi­ declination. Gen. Isard had aent every house that is burnt bvtm at Public Bale, at M Coy'* tavern, eda eitweUon whichths*: Mrtl govern mem. has no often refy.od ded such excellent commanders for it. baggage to White-HaU winch is regarded by this class of polUitiann, all hi* heavy on Thur»d»y, the flth Angust, if f*'r^_ wounter. They tec nv that avd to the individual state* the miles of Albany. the consUtulion (meaning thoite who opposed the war ut But the federalists were within about 65 or if not, the nest fan-day thereafter, Iteiretetedevutated bj they wore juattsVad by did of land, situ­ onion tn demanding, -U coold ila cotnmoneenirnlbooaiMetheytbought friends of monarchy—And how TIIF. following tract* \ro\ upon u*, yet rofiM of the Kidgc, Anne Arundel coun­ hardly b* expected, that governor Win it onnecemary) a* an argument agaisMt this appear f Because they had a BOSTON, JULY 19.—The public ate on Kit i to cheek their inCnn*- argu­ ty. Tfo Firtt Vi»ctrt> ry, contmialnj; tho Go- dor, or wiy other governor of a sovo- cur nifcr*."—That it i* a good standing army & a navy, & laid taxes, for several days past anxi­ te and fret that will pretend has been 23t scr^n, end Tht lltmrrty on tht embody the militia. a*4 rrijn waV indeprndeqt utate, would a*- ment, no one'of candour and borrowed money. WV.I, if this the arrival of every motive* which led ously awaiting Grecian Sirgt, conUining 829, acre*. >ey hi* orders When a OtmbU the military force, under bis to deny, when the proved thai federal men loved a mo­ might bring war and the conduct of ad. eastern stage, that it These lands are distant but a few milr* Uisrn. They^ think, or oooamand, a»d march to the district of to tiro narchy, what an abundance of evi- of^the story ot to the ore- ministration to the individual slate* some confirmation from Baltimore on the new turnpike him rcopoiiRihl* fur l*» Cohtsobia, a* o body gourd ,dence we now have that democrata which laCaJy reached and from the wboa be,has been auUioriied by since, are fiHly weighed and consider­ an armistice road to Ocorge-Town, very pfcrt of the itat*, •ideet, ?re monarchists. But old John Ad­ In the midst of 1 quality of iheadjacent farms i:iithought of the gi­ cangroos t» io*k« a r*<]ui»itioo of ono ed. When thfly had troop* at tbeir us from Kastport. bounden doty not ams wrote a book in praise of the we learn the ntw* I would be suited to clover and plaitter. to'afford*tbe meetv hwMred thoaoMtd .nilitii, aad rais* an dinncstl they have been refuned, this expectation ant solicitation British constitution, and he was a of Eastport itself by | Terms of tale, as prescribed bythaxfe- "sis^iV army of ftixiy-ftve thouxuid roei>. Yet withstanding the earnest of the capture ;OC' ^WH *"^ JW in tho federalist, and therefore all federa­ " cree,are,, that the purchaser shall giv« •, who statid preeew- this " ulnu ohttrvtr can remember what like iho truth. Leave nie punish­ lance. The English are rxpe&ed respective sccounts he made prior to tlt« e ban Ixsen provide*] wnfc LMted 8laU*. Dy *o doina ke ha* run luppentd 1 -: or 15 yett* jgo, would ment of Irbeller* to the state courts, to move along the coast westward." 20th day of August next, process will » l»gi*laturo, tl.'y hj« up their number* to nearly one (*VV db well now to remember the ohir- said Mr. Jefferson, and accordingly thereafter issue without (HwriminaUon^ ted to advantage. we •wre than Ute number of men ttfcjec* which were then nlade a^iinit those who abused him were to be COKtmUiTION.. W. AUtaMir, arm*. A gentleman arrived'io town las< all* upon tho militie tbst t»h*tr federalists, and how they were in tried, au-1 some of them were tried, / Treasurer of the Corporafccn. Because the general government has fmrn the Eisprard, who has July 98, 1814. sary, made by him, and dnctd to turn them out of office, in in the state courta. In many ofjklic night 'Annapolis. •cjoandered. Federalist! refuted to Maryland that protection to u* the following order to put in domocran. The ca­ statrs the truth could not be giWn communicated ppoaed Uie war, »* fw •* wtrieh she had a right to demand, curs T'iat on Monday last, talogue ot' f«deral sin* at that tiiHe in evidence upon a prosecution fora information. Valuable- Lands for Sale. did expre**io* of opimos oa> are to bo hnoed on the head of our about 5 o'clock P. M. he was in |fk-«J>i«f, who hat done far may be easily given-—The loan, heV libel. A printer i* a* liable to be The subscriber U authorised to dis­ i never have. refawM ''•** *Vraander the frrry boat passing from Lubeck of d«ty even reqnired of him vy taxes, a sUmling army, » navj| punished for speaking the truths* a pose of at private aalo, all that tract s otigowle* of'** *•? Wonf^n to Easiport i that when within one of Richard hi taalln* arraagemeoU for «vr de- war, the alien and sedition laws, falsehood—-This tort of Isw aqited 1'nd, formerly the property •<)nir» it. Refher «*• mile of the harbour ot Eastport he Utely uf John Muir, E*a. rifled of ita honour, fc«e* With a* much apparent cer a wish toimpoae upun tbc roan- Jcflercon and the democrats, but it Chew, and ilry antt discovered 7 sail of armed vessels, detested, cousuling of lOWS acre*, si­ I into submission by •»* taloty a* Eoclld proceed* slop by ttep try % monarchy, wore the charges was not altogether to the taste of a gromelrical problem, (6 ships and a brig, S frigates, the tuated in Anno-Anindel county, lying iroign or domestic, th«y to deatoiMtratft made against federalists » and on federalista N«xt there was the slien the writar nretond to thuw, that remainder smaller vessels) just an­ on the Chesapeake Bay. and forms u their blood,-and yield 'doea" thit those tubjcc~l* how eloquently and Isw—How cryel, thst men who had twonly mile* .eoe half of the effective militia of Cal choring, some of them abreatt of mouth of Herring Bay ; t. in ita defence. De**o> learnedly could, our libuity-loving fled from tyranny and sought an ss- Annapolis, fifty from BilUmore, and *oma «ert, Cbariw a«d St. Mary's, (from 1 6 Eastport, snd some ofl' Indian from do the tame, democrat* de,tcant. W'H they t«y sylum in thit country, should be at and thirty the from the City of Wash­ Id—but froWTocentoccar- tot* yftn of age) might Islands t that after handing ilieir that it WAS right to turn men the mercy of the.v president, snd ington. This Und aa rich and fertile a* ghl calcuUte upon nt**y tka depradatary; iucurslon* of tha Brt- I now, sails, a barge bearing ^whitaflag office because they borrowed should be liable to bo ordered from any on tha Cbooapeok*, afford* tho rutalv* behindany cseee*, li*Ii, had they ucon properly organised out of was despatched from one'of the fn- money, laid heavy taxe>, raised a their homes at any time to gratify .mutt luxuriant pasturage, has a Urge v. Winder. DoesM*heknowthatUie gaus tw shore, which went along­ Und, and the --•-'- UK,* tho*e Qountie* hye Lfen army, built a few frigates, his wliimt or leaentmsnt*. Well, proportion of meadow • of landing side the what!" near the custom­ abundance uf five yood and onpollod with tbe a«boo*ary *f:n« ard a disposition to go to let the democrats abuse the aJUn greatest nd showed house ; tlut about half an hour af­ Umber, and for shipbuilding tho best by OM oxecuUvo of the If so, then svroly the mco, law as much as they pleaae ; in fe­ war ? ter the barge returned, and timber on the CbeMpeaka msy be had | that officer*, even of inferior rho after claruouri«ig*oniucl) against deral time* it remain ed a 4ead let­ was struck at the fort; that on this land. The situation 1* healthy, th* authority of cr.'ling bese measures, adopted them them­ ter. But how often-list our Mr. a* any on whenovnr it mny be after 15 barges Jutl of men and as beaytlful a protgecl . taojrvtoe. selves, must be equally undeserving Madison enforced the alien law I the Bay, s. feood harbotir, and Uio wa­ •«anod pwemry \vithoutwalting the order- sent from the ships to the shore, in chief ?>-» of public confidence and favour. •ft*** many foreigners has he ters lying around the land afford tho it tlieir tliouMeri f» order* of ttto 4>OMidander anU to go and soon after lauding the British of eaoellrnt fisK coold be collected In Federal men were enemies to the «dko leave tht sea-board, greatest abundsjvMi tadedvoxir to estHUHe «r WhaCtvor forte to flag was hoisted at the fort ; that and wild fuwt. Iho counties ha* b«en em>odied: be country, becaus* they borrowed five into the interior. With respeft crabb*v oysters, ; Ut tl«ni thow to fl* •oas or of not a single 'gun was ficed on eklier very convenient situation of ibis land wall" *»'»• side* they have flteeiv«d asttnUnfe from millions of money, and of course iho crime of, building a navy, i«y t»n -act at be sufficient to t) I*, and it appeared the place was •lust bo obvious to every person wish- tni ewur**j •Urar qjuartepi .; y»t theeneinv^|Ki»iic**- wiittat-Mutied fiveu*« million*.MI..-V.IW ofv. debt,wv«, and«•*•» Koing to. war, it may ir patriotism remember what surrendered without any rraistance j Ing to purchase, a* UMS W«KM\, tisuber, tnpated at t»>e tpprow* «< M£ ttM UVMnt ofjnov'mg witii *o snuHi this money, be U remembered, was |*sy, let th« people can «ur wvn troop*, It to them upon that the fcrry-boat-£ Una, SjMfttor futility than Borrowed'to enable the government I the dtmocr*t».onces»iJ by wator, and. they should be met ..ubcck, and during hi* stay there, be removed from Wience IS impossible Unit to afford protection to th* rration 6t theae itibjsAi, and then remember to the rnarkojU of •; •-• , and de- nor any information had -been re- 1 that in a few hours, . I* time to prevent the ravag« to its trade. That prbte&ion waa how thev have a£Ud since they have Uarc lathe bqat markets. It waa sure condelnned by them, when tiny ry, aa a«y pertun wishing to parclnwe I thft resignation pf • d*111- r ut induiduala Tuesday afternoon two soldiery who dreadful in former days, to lay • were out of -power, arko- which ha* o*n « tun1 the Karaer I,/ »rT*Tiiag lo Dr- Ml—Jf he could have pr«v ' ahurjftt of tho Bay, and «tf »Jie borders informed hint they with aU others, empty into it, ho tta, » carri«|o tax, a atamp not been adoptxd by them lincu they UicUard T. ,HaU. who residea tbo»»on. • rangea, -*hieh have to " It rh'Ofo w4>icb Whiskey escape frow Eaat- lr\-r* of thtt under an egrogiou* mit- (and tan*—These tt*«i got the reins of guyernqient into had «viVa:Ut ADDRESS Lands for Sale. ...* . ' . TAXES. ' A coiiimanioatioii from the War tie- TH auWriber respectTnlly Ye^uefst* parttnent, wnich ha» been just received; BT THK SUBSCRIBItR By virtue of a decree of the7 Court *pf I wish to euploy one at present, or « Rl!>f» Society to' tfit <("t!zt:tt qj' '4 Chanc^fry of Marytand/the. subscH- all persons concerned, to- prepare to requires the Governor of organise and hold in readiness, for i,m the «nd of the year,"who is honest, »«. Prince Qtonge'e County.. ber will expose to Public Sale in the* disch»r\j(« their county as»eo»ment for bar and iudustriooa, to superintend on town, of Port Tobacco, in Charles the present year's collection; early ap- mediate service, six hundred artiHcrj , fellRTIIRBN. plications will be mude from lliin date and five thousand four hundred ipfiuit- a small farm,'two and 'one half county, en Wednesday Uiryrvrntetnth from, and on the north side of, A.mons;.the various effort* e duties which Tint Ion, containing 300 acies, lying on payment will be made to him, or his invasion of our shores', which may. be Wicomoco river in the Mid county, a- ho owe* to Clod, hi».cuCntrr, £nd to deputies, upon the first coll. Attend­ tnnde by the enemy. , Aune-Arundel County hfmself; and t5 render, him in every bout six mile* below Alien's" Fresh. The commSntler in chief of the mili­ The inhd is level and very rich, -and ance will be given by hi* deputies, at Court, April Term 1814. situation an estimable ntsnibcr of .antic- the time and places appointed by the tia of Maryland, ..oonfidcntly trusts, that On application to the judges of A DM ty; we know of none to we'.l calculated ha< thereon a tolerable good dwelling hiniso and out houses. TheWil is well Collector of the direct tax, for the pur­ this appeal to tli^ patriotism' of the mi­ Arundel county court, by petition, ia to produce woh desirable effects as the pose of settling accounts, 6cc. Those litia of the stuteT^vSU/not be unavailing writing, of John Simmons, of mi*) diffusion of i-olij;ioa» knowledge through adapted to the cultivation %'f gr^fn and tobacco, and thctr Is a convenient land­ who may bo disposed to fa6ilitato hig Such militia corpses may Be disposed county, praying the benefit of the if; nil chiisei of men. It is only "the- collections, Uy meeting, his cleuulieg at to make a tender of their services, in for the relief of sundry insolvent debt. knowledge anJ love of God. nhed a- ing from which produce, may be taken to rebels in the river. The situation those appointed places, will receive his compliai.ee with the requisition, are, 01 s, passed at November session, te*. broad in our heart*,** that can correct thinks; he will attend as usual at his of­ required forthwith to report themselves teen hundred and five, and of thcscv«n| the evi| propensities of our nature U is healthy, and tikh and fowl in their season may be procured in great abun­ fice in Annnpolis, nnd in his absence to the Colonels of their regiments, v.-ho supplements thereto, on the tenganiin. is "tli« Tear and adtrionition of the Mr. H'm. naifuld it authorised to set­ will pive information thereof to the, tiorcd it) the said act, a schedule ( l^ Lord" which pan pluck from the soul dance. tle account's and give receipts. Brigadier Generals, by them to be property, and a list, of his creditors, oa tlio envenomed "tiiing of death," and Also trill be exposed to sale lit the n. V R- WELCH of Ben. Coll. restore it to the favour of Outi. communicated to the Adjutant General. oath, as far as he can ascertain U^m snme time and place, part of a tract of O i\^ A. A. County. The necessary orders for a draft will as directed by the said act. being »' But how are the poor and the needy, woodland call Hard Bargain, other- July U. 181V ______^3w. be immediately forwarded to tho pro­ nexed to his petition, and the taM (lie ignorunt and the pennylrM. to ob write called WComoro Fields, contain­ per officers, who will supply any defi­ county court being satisfied by coan*> tain »hi» religious knowledge? Some of ing forty-two and an half ncren. This NOTICE, ciency of volunteers that may be fonud tent testimony, that the said John Si»> them, it i» tme, have churcne* to go to, land lid contiguous to West Ilatton, to exist. mona has resided the two. prectditg and will be sold either separate, or with The Commissioners of the Tax for oar r.nd there we are per»naded thnr have Anno-Arundel county adiotirrncd until The Commander in Chief will take years prior to his said application with, the pure word of God preafned to that tract, as may best accommodate this occasion to urgn all the officers of in the state of Maryland, and the slij j •1 of H/ M. purchasers. the first Monday in Au£U.->t next, (that Aryt froni them. but alas! this will do littlf good being the first day of the month.) the militia of Maryland, to cause their John Simmons, having stated in hii pa. MnliMs they have the won) of God at no neW gf any impoaj TF.RMS Or SALE. By order arms, &c. to be inspected, and kep( in tilion, that he is in the custody of tb* l.o'iio ulto. It it, brethren, that they The purchaser to give bond to the ~» I/ ' //. ft- Ha", Clk. complete order for net-vice, and to be in sheriff of Anne Arundel county, aid ' btt hov»e*.er, may obtain this invaluable blessing, that subscriber, with approved security, for 4 7*^ C. T. A. A. County. constant readiness, with their men, to prayed to be discharged therxfrom ; it we now take the liberty to address laying the purchase im-nr.y in ihree e- June'30, 1814. tUtA. repel any incursions of the enemy, and is therefore ordered and adjudged kj ratotkin ou. qual annual payment* from the day of to march to whatever poiut they may the said court, that the said John Sin- tnwK* «ppe»'^- - We have seen wUh joy nnd exulta­ sale, with interest thereon. be called. mons bo discharged, and by causing i«.th« W. ProvVnc*. thouj tion, tho wonderful Hiiccess which has Po9«t*»ion of the premUes will be Notice is hereby given, tin- Commander in Chief, a cony of this order to be insetted ia W«Ticifl« ar* »ft force at L uniformly crowned the efforts) of bibl* delivered on the first day of January That the subscriber ha.i obtained B MARTIN. A. n.r. the Maryland Gcizetttor Murylund R*. de*- REO^ Bi"W^ and i so:ieiies in Kurnpe and America, to pro- next In the mean time the purchaser from the orphans court of Anne Arun- publican once a week, for Uirte xucws. may exercise all rights of ownership, del county, letters of administration on 800O ir* rtcntitfwed, :l» mn'e thi* great object; and we, wishing Public Sale. she months, before the third Monday jfi^it soitwthtn&wm be dt to he huiAhle participants with them in givinKPermis»ion to the present possex. the personal estate of Kuth Dorsey, of September next, give notice to bis the hnppincs* of doing good to our fel- sor of In i^ing and securing the crop on late of D.iid cuunty, deceased. All per­ creditors to appear IK fore the said M Chaunccy .v«ntttre» ju sons having claims Hgainxt oaid deceas­ By virtue of a decree of the chancery htt'i H«»|>««'-'.Or^fl'-' lotv creatures, have formnd oursolvn court of Maryland,' the subscriber county court, to be held at the city of into a snricty, denominated "The Bible On payment of the wholn purchase ed, are hereby warned to exhibit the Annanolis, on tho third Monday of, "« cill far-help money, with interest, the subscriber is same with the necensary vouchers, to will expose to public sale, on H'ed Society of I'riace George's County.V- net Jay tht \Qlh day iff August next, September next, for the purpose of re-' »^ing oo the M lu this rtHi-ociation lae object is twofoV authorised to execute a deed,to the pur­ the subscriber, and those indebted to commending a trutlcc for their btnefit, ths) complaint* ** chaser. ilia s.tid entitle are requested to make on the premises, First, to circulate tho scriptures a- A tract of land called Wood Lot, on the said John Simmons iken and ly trtt »gtirt»i;'lJn,G« inon,{ th« |M>or in Pri^e George's conn Til: HARRIS, Jun. Trustee. iinmcdmte payment to there taking the oath by the «aid *ft wotfkd be ht WtMr em Annapolis, JulvJ dj . LJjard Dorsty. of Edwd. containing 38 acres, lying in Prince- ly;aud n».\t, to assist other Bible Ho- ts George's county ; A House and Lot in prescribed for delivering 141 his pro­ t)te compUtniiin, ift dt cietie* in dinpensing the word of Life *, ISIl. S ^«*' Administrator. perty. I July SI. IPU. ______Blndensburg ; and a Lot of Ground in Kites •w*«r» they ar« dl to lltO'fe who nf* "ready to perish" tbe City of Washington ; late the pro­ By order, throughout Hie world An object sure Annt-AnniM County, ic. n'm. S> Gretn, Clk. I T" ~ " ~ I certify, that IVtcr Lit-.^inffiter. liv­ perty of Henry Bradford, deceased. [mxn sn oftcntrve to ade ly of i.-nmen«e importance; nn object Aunc-Arundel County Terms of Sale, Cash, to be paid on the .2ft- ______3m. embracing t!.o nnn>> precious of all ing at the Duck Tavvrn on the Calti- Court, jlpril Term, 1HH pirt^f the Sut< m»i-e &. Washington raid, this day bro't d»y of sale, or on the ratification there­ cHirilies. cliarity to tho im'iiorlal until On application to the judges of Anne- of by the chancellor. On payment of Anne-Arundel County, M |t«tot speedily OT»«ie. In auch.ati o'>iert nil may, all ought, ht-lore me. as a tresspusAing itiay, a Too N«viS*tia Fen sorrel gelding, with a bln/e face, hog Arundel county court, by petition, in the purchase money tLe subscriber is April Term, IbU. nnd wo tntst a If will unite. There is wrnJng, of Larkin Hammond, of said authorised to convey. On application to Richaru II. fl»i Ithu arrived-on nothing in it calculated to excite in the main, and hob tail, has a white spot on his left hind foot, nnd is about nix years county, praying the benefit of the act 4L >/ Jamei Boar man, Trustee. wood, inquire, one of the ji;tg«« of took sjnllfil degree party spirit and ani- for the relief of sundry insolvent deb­ (HiTV I8U. ,1w. Anne-Arundel county court, in the r*. m Mity, for un article in the constitution oh), IS hands high, and moves finely utider the saddle. Given under hand tors, passed at November session, cigh cess of the said court, by fel it ion ia esi>re»sly provides, that the hibles to I* teen hundred and five, and of the seve­ willing, of Samuel Plummer, of mit disf-i limed by them »hull be without of inn. one of the justices of the peace Collars Reward. Art tno tioro*ff'*^o for said county, this 18th July, 18U. ral supplements thereto, on the terms county, praying for the her.ctit of «U.! |e*ape from the j»4 of. 1 no*e« or comment* of any description mentioned in the *aid act, a tchcd-.ile act for the relief of sundry .intolvrtt w-ia'rvcr. All are therefore earnestly TtiOHIO* It'orthiiigton, Jr. Rnn away on the 2d of May, a Ne­ and ncured, c of his property and a lint of his credi­ gro Man called Ned, who. with sever­ debtors, and td« several fupplfmen'j rt'i ft*icd to engage in this ' labour of The owner of the abovr described tors, on oath, as far as he can ascertain thereto, on the. terms, mentioned in ui4 Itftt natnr of Putnaro. love ' If even a cup of cold water, gelding is requested to come, prove al others, added that of Jones, und W« have been /awn them, as directed by the said act, be­ brought suit in Anne-Arundclcounty.hy acts, a schedule ol his property nt-d t given to ft disciple in the name of property, pay charges, end take him ing annexed te his petition ; and the list of his creditors, on oaih, as fir following account from OhrUt, is not without its reward, what away. John Colder, for their right to freedom, said county court being satisfied that which suit, at the last term of the as he csjj ascertain them, bring an­ who came p»»icng«r#i reward m\v not he expected to follow °/ Ptltr Lingiitftter. the said Larkin Hammond has resided nexed to his petition, and the said So- BeaihcAte-, traoaport| >e distribution of the word of life:1 Jnlygl. A^______court, was disini»Hcd for the \qant of the two preceding years, prior, to his proof. Ho is a straight likely black tnoel Pluininrr, having stated in kit foondlind: Brethren, "he that succoureth the poor said application, within the state of petition lliMi hois in actual c«ii*incuient (e;ido:h unto '.he Ix>rd." Come then fellow, 89 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 0 Private Sale. Maryland, and the said Larkin Ham­ inches high, nnd has under one of hut tor debt, and prayed to r* din-harpd "ca*t your bread upon the water* and mond having stated in Ilis petition that therefrom, it is tberefor* onleteu uni yc siia'.t find it after many days." I will sell, at private sale, a Lot in eyes, a tear about an inch long and On tho aA inn* (V Queen-Anne, Prince George's county, he is in the custody of the sheriff of broad. No descriptive information can adjudged, that the said Seinurl Plum- A inSiieription of only one dollar comeuiently situated, and an excellent Anne-Arundel county, and prayed to be given as to his clostbs; he weut off mer, be dischaisjcd from eustody, end Chit) the m'n »»«UIP«T| und a quarter is required from those utand for a person wishing to enter in­ be discharged theretrom, it in there­ with a straw hat, a country round-a­ that by causing a copy of th's-nr- ; Wood cotoor, and; a« i who w:*'i to hfcom* inemlxim of this to the mercantile business, or to a per­ fore ordered and adjudged by the said. bout striped jacket and trowsers, and der to be inserted in the AUrylnnd G»- i total dajrWe** erfiae< itciriy, and another of one dollar and a son who %\ishe» a stand for a taxr.rn ; court, that the said Lurk in Huininond good shoes and stockings. It is proba Mlte weekly, for three mor.'.l.s meet* tiimcd till »boa< ittto »' )u trier nnnua'.ly thereafter. A dona­ and |H!rhaps no village in the state can be discharged, and by causing a copy ble he may endeavour to get to Balti­ aively, before the thijd Mouthy uf Sep. tion ot' iwentjr dollars, and upwards, be found, at which a decent tavern is of thii order to be inserted in the Ma­ more, or to the City of Washington. tenibcr next, notice to give his creditors, 9 o'clock it became 10 within :!iree years, gives the privilegh more wanted. ryland Gazette, once a week for tliree I will pay a dollar a mile nn the dis to appear before Anoe-A rundcl connty wu 'impossWc to ohs« 01* uin ii'ir.rt'iiu for life. * On the lot is a large store house, with successive months before the third tance he may bo taken, if committed court on the said third Monday of Sep­ Monday of September next, give no tember next, for the purpose ol' recom­ huwevtr.ntar, withou' A < it is 'l.-sirable. however, that the counter, shelves, ice. ready for the re­ to gaol, so that 1 get him i^ain ; fifteen Unthoro*. The ahip ception of a quantity of dry gnodo.and lice to his creditors to appear before dollars if taken at Annapolis and com mending a trustee for their benefit, ntd » rfiulHns; from the association th« said county court, to be held at tin- to shew cause, if nny they )(iAn, why us*, A. M. wheu, *« f ...ill h« M» promptly and extensively grocerie*, also a two story dwelling- milled; ten dollars if taken in the house, with two rooms above, and one city of Annapolis on the third Monday neighbourhood", or twenty^ if taken in the laid Sainnel riunum-r nl.oi.ld Mt ^ptn«d. loll us p.»s»ible, it is hoped Jhal ihomi of September ne.', for the purpose of have the benefit of the said acts t;.d it wa» «.«ingular. a .» Hi euSVirrSe will be liberal, as the below ; a pniled garden and yard, and Calvort county. an old building out of repair, with two recommending a trustee for their bene­ I am info/mcd that an old yellow- ;>lemenU thereto as urn red. time, novel ttgbt, to ,'iV 3w. £- Te*L attends or did attend a mill, once the Couft, April Term, 1814. 0 Wm. 3. Green, Clk. JUCHD.-W.. WEST, Sic'ry. 'property of a Mr. Smith, and purcha­ On applie^n (p Jeremiih TowoUf mr, by farmers Bank sed by Capt David Carcaud. Chase, require, chief judge of the third It ie diEcuU to a< /_ WM. BHOGDEN. Tim following fcntlnmen are mana­ Of Maryland, 22d June, 1811. Anne-Arundel County judicial district of the state of Mtry jhenouieiton ai U *» In ooinpliance with the charter of (jane 23, 1814. tf land, in tho recess of Ann*-Arundel ger* of the unriety fur '.he present year. Court, April Term, 1814. btyoo^ i5j»eague» OD TKt Uifkr "- the Farmers Bank of Maryland, and county court, by petition. In writing, the «poi where the ' with a supplement thereto establishing On application to the judges of Anne- Land for Sale. of facfiel Johnton, ot mid crun'y, AT«C day» prtvipul Jnn. Wife*", PwiJtnt, a Branch thereof at Frederick Town, Arundel county court, by petition in praying for the beueQt of the act ot as­ , /.. (illniiii. t'icf i'rrtidtHt, notice is hfrvhy given to Stockholders writing, of Jamet Hammond, of sit id sembly for the relief of sundry ln*ol- id »raok« had b*»H The undersigned is extremely anxious qsvthe itcond no »yi ' R.' XtriKnitlrr, Treti'iinr, on the Western Shore, thatin Election county, praying the beiijtU of the act to sell tho following tracts uf land in .venldebUirs.and the supplements there­ JltrhnrJ"Wt Wrtl. Srcrttary, will b» held at the Hsjiking House in for the relief oi sundry insolvent debt­ Culvert county, Maryland One tract to, ou the terms mentioned in said acts, wood was Wt. It u Jbt>'i H't-llH u/ Thot. the City of Annapolis, on the first ors, passed at November session, eigh­ of woodland, containing two hundred a schedule of hi* property, and a list of som« Volcanic » £.'nt J. o'clock 1'. M. for the purpose of choos­ mentioned in tho said act, a schedule ry description, within about a mile and petition; and the wild Vac) el Jolmtou kretdil ing from Minonjibt the «tockl|o'deri«, sis- of hi* property and a list of his credi­ an half of Battle Crook, which empties having slated ih his petition tluU lie is 1)vit Of.lt, tee u Directork tor the Bank at A mm po­ tors, on oktb, as far as ho can ascertain itself into the River Patuxent, abont iu aotuat confincraeiU for debt, ami ll*, find nine Director-' for the Branch them, as directed by thcKuld act, being twenty uiftes from its mouth, from praying to bo dUcliar/ed thorefrom, it tiank at Frederick-Town, annexed to his petition, and the said which land there is a good rjod necur was therefore ordered and adjudged, Itnill. order. county court being satisfied that the ed by law to the Creek, which is navi­ that the said Vachel Johnson be di»- KoertfUJ, JON. PI NKNf.Y, Cashier, aid James Hammond ha* resided the gable to the very landing; there are a churged from custody, and that by t two preceding years prior to his mid large tobacco house, two log dwelling causing a copy of this order to be i»*er- We hive the cxt { application within the stale of Mary­ ted. in the Marylaud Gazette or th« Jttnfamin (him, *"'!' NOTICE. houses, and several ont liouiei on this en of trgnifribiii^ J.,h'n C. flu-fart, land, and the said James HMOimund land. Also another tract of land, con­ Maryland Republican weekly, for fronticrj I July 81. 1K»*. Greeji, late of Anne Arundel county, dered und adjudged, by the said court, which abounds in Cypress and Chesnut Monday of September jicit, for U>« tw*en a'unaU beaft deceased, all persons having claims a- that the said Juuios Hummood be dis­ timber, the former suitable for plank purpose of recommending a trustt* fur nodtr th* cotrrtut f'dttor* who with uicrtsi to tbt gainst said deceased are hereby request charged, and by causing a copy of this and shingle*, being impcrviousto worms, their benefit, imd to shew caurt. i^tny rifTT« »/ tht Socirty will p/««M« publish cd to bring tliem jn. legally proved, and order to be inserted in the Marylaiul thw likMe.'whj the said Vachel John**- the '•abtrof-at qf'ttn at tiny can with which d«srVuys every other kind of tim­ '' those who are indebted to the same to Gazette once a week for. three succes­ ber, while they leave the Cypress un­ should not have tho benefit of tbf *»" make immediate pnymvnt, more espe- sive months before tho third Monday of touched ; the latter ciititble for fence acts as prayed. eially.Uio**.who are indebted foe past- September iu-jit, give nolle*. U» his cre­ hntry ol Mtim/Uiertt a** a, grist and saw milt*>< * . /lest. /JUVm.lLQeem.C!* . ihts -nn^/- age on letters, itc. ditors to appear before Htf said county fniinod dwelling house, t luce log ten­ May^O. /(/ 3m^ Ceorge MedkiFf, court, to be held at the city of Anna­ Richard H. Harnood, ' ants hou»»», a black smith's shop, a to­ A LIST OF THE HMring commenced BOOT & HHOE- Admr. D. B. M. polis, on the th'rd Monday of Bepttnu bacco house, and sevnral out. iioiues, MAIU>N<> tn the shop 'formerly occu­ Feb. t4. ber next, for the purpose of recom- on the last mentioned land. Should American NAVY, !mmf ! tnendlug a trustee for their benefit, pied by Mtf.tr* White tfr Slictr, wrv>»e these \pnds not be sold by next October WITH haji pure hosed, hope* by. the and to shew CHUM, if any they have, court, they will then be o He red at Pub­ STEEL't LIST QF THE Ulank Bonds, Dcclaru- why the said James Hammond should ' of hi" work, strict attention tions on Bond, Appeal Bond*, «t Com lic gale. Persons disposed to buy nay -and CHMrthm tg not hay« the benefit of the sitid acts &. obtain great bargain* by spnxlv » British NAVY. Wtc mpn Warrajita For MM .at this Of the supplements thereto ILll of public flee. »,--».-. Tert. ' '-.. cations. JNO JA8 BUOOK E For Sale at O«ORO« SIIAW'I Store, April 1. ( , St. Leonard'n.? and at thie'Oflier. Qrttn, Clk. 18th, t»14. Price 13 U