JtLY 7, 3. In order" to obtain tbis great er requiring. The rations and por­ honora- wbtrt th* J(kht<" jeft iH^fcon aa pot»iblev hit. flu- tionsof provisions, forage, tic, « are tank at low »t^he triighfihipt, lif Tta *nd \ir jettythe !*irtg of Gwt-Britain en­ alto quarters, wilt be furnished a* ftuipri- JONAS QUEEN, gages to furnish a taJWidy of 5,000, *oot> as the auxiliary army hat past­ Jj vqrt net. .^ f/avt jfyt- gftj ptt$U tf OOO1. aterting for the service of ih« ed itt own frontier*, by the power ttu llnittd Statts htn u*dir year 1814, which shall be equally requiring* -and be supplied accord­ divided between the, three pawert ; ing to life same standard as it ia the and their impprht royal majetiiet sQpoliea its 'own troops, in tb«J TOM. Militia; further engage to settle b«fore the field' and" iiji qujjter*; ,^ "\ V Th>4 ptiv of^ the'plan cannot be fiwt of Jaiaary of every future U. The military regulation aodf of any d/scrigtton confided tb tnKtia:" :A»M«T«,o^c. year, Hr.cMn,(V(tich God forbid) ia the Interior administra­ from'your division of the. army tha M.am^well aw^rVof tlw Intoltra- the war thotjld cop tin as to .long, tion of the trotju depends wholly ever be»n received." Aausf ROfccr HJt (xptwt which attetv^s tne enplo^ from the Be*Vro Daily the adva*c« in money that, may be on thtir-owfl general. The trophiet to HAkaiaoK. tnent of a Iarge7»'/ii/a fprtJe-* < . TREATY OF ALLIANCE. tieccMary in thfl cavttt t>£ tix^MP» latan from the enemy belong to^ the "The most severe attention to "TKc new'drafts ^foin thit state tcquent year. rf' troop* which have gained them. discipline must kt btgun,' and the (Ohio) art mt tt tt dtftndid tn," V The aubtidy of 5^00,0001. rierela, ; 12.' TheTrtigh contra^ing powera The Gazette of thi* city contaihi slightest depmure-froiri it, whcthe* Specified, thall be paid at London reitnra to tWmttlvea tbe right, in in tffictr »r uiditr, noticed and pun- In the French and German language io monthly inatalmentc, and in equal .ca*e the attitunce herein atipulated Halt id " tbt militia" at a the following ', ., . ^ ished;"« AKMITRONQ. lit dintitr j*, Philadtlphia ? proportion!, to the minlttert oT the ihould Be found intuffictent, to make Thit, rtitbtr ix THBATf OP JkLLTAKOE re*pe£livo powers duly authorised to without lott 6f time, nuw arrange- if tbt Stand campaign, TAn*wer. Between .hi* fcu jetty the Emperor* receive it. raertt* for. further ataiitance. iZi.'|l' ' * !; of Afofriat King of Hungry and In case peace should be condud- t3. The- high contracting . power* Mpdels Palaver. Bohemia, hit majesty the tmperor Lfd between the allied- power* and reciprocally proraite, that in case Of tbt familiar and four ottvt tfrtt t* u Should the racruifingterviceg'} of all the RUM us, hit majetty tl)e Draftee before thc^end df the year, one or other of them ahould be t . itiliter] writing. J- 1 on lea*>. fttrtunately in-r^i King of the United Kingdom* of G. khe subsidies calculated at the rate drawn into hoatilitica by "The tnain,obj«c~llon to. the plan slain tf Ktitiutkj and Obu, Britain and Ireland^ and bit majei- of 5.000,0001. per annum, thall be the auc(.our*heroin ttipulated, nei­ it, that it hut vuvndt tbi tail y & autUoritcd to c«tt out themiAji'*. ty the -King of Pfuaaia, itjntd it paid to tfic end of the month in ther tfie requiring party, nor party LuM'". AllMtTRONO. • AIIMSTB.OMO. * Chaumcmt, Maixh 1, 1M4 :-- / which the definitive treaty shall be engaged in war as an, auxiliary, ahall " Sing Bultra Dttdtra Grantdmt)ttt\ In the name of the molt holy and atgped: and his Britannic majesty, make peace, except with the con­ Tbt rex in tbt trap, ht wai cnugbt Iy Blarney. iadiwitibjc Trinity, promises, over ajid abov~e the subsi­ tent of , the oth«r. tbt MI/.". I" M . Their imperial and royrf raajtt- dies here stipulated, to pay to Au 1*. The engagement* contracted " Thi* part of the ^lan Cannot be tOK. tiet, thtf Lrajwror of Austria, King atiiaand Prussiathe amount of two by thit tfeaty thall by nomtana de- confided to mi£tia -they must be Egotism. of Hungary Snd Bohemia, hit ma^ months, and to Ruula of four tr»f\ from those whicb the high c,on> prepp'd by a regular corpt, otherwise "I dictate thia undiV much cie* jetty the Emperor of <aH the Rbatiat, months, to defrtv thcntxpenses of tracking powert may l»/e entered tht batk d»tr mty ntt tt iujpcitntrj cknd praatroo of htai aad ttonach^ bia majetty the ILnte 'oTthe United the march of their troops, biot to already into w^th other pow<ri. nor Kingdom* of Gfeat-briiain and Ire­ their own.territories. hinder them from concluding «Hian- "Kingston, or the point below " I have eactptd frdm! toy pallet land, and hi* raijettj the King of 4* The high .contracting powers cca With other ti,ftra, which may sciaed, all above prnthet, b.ecau*e and with a giddy head.".,- Pruttia, having cranimiited to the shall be mutually authorited to have have for her object the attainment tbt Tree it tbtn girJlta"." " i am feeble to childhood^ French government propotaU for a officers duly commissioned'with the of thfsaofte happy reanlt. " The resolution of trading k*tk 11 I have been doringmy akkn/t* gvflcr*l\peace, and-siwing at the gcnerala commanding those armies. 19. in order to give greater cffccl nj ittpr, Wat takra at Antwcin.'' aomcwhat of a untUfuitgut*'* ame time animated With the with, wh«; may freely correspond, with to the above ttipulated defentivear- AmitTaoKO. /, ^ "lam. well again and that't t irfcaae France ahould tejTft these- theff .governments, and acquaint fangeroenta by the union of the " Th? Secretary at W*r ria* good 'hiagJ'—WilKiNtOM. propo«jl», to ttrtngthen the mutual thcm-of the miluary events, and of power* moat expoaed to a French trtaJ k<(k bit iltpi." WlLCiMtOK." '• WbtH fit ijt* Fin itrj bad, obli&atHMb dining btiween them for every thing relative to the operati­ nvaHion, for th«;r common. defence, ' Fattfi discintiii Avtrnr, I'm dtad Fm ml tf tr»uklt\ the vigorou* piotecutio* of it War ons of the armk-s. contraAing court* have re Std rru»f art gradual, bit labr." I'm w<ll Lgang abtut, which ^designed to relieve Etuope ; S. Though the high contracting ^solved to invite1 those powert 14 join " If Vincent be within ih* penin­ or tbt laiinjtil ttdlt. bora \it long auff»ring«, and to'>e- power* have re»erved it to them­ "tSe pretcnt treaty of d«fcotive alli­ sula, Harrison will not him tut." TailtnUt, Hliy adit.'1 cure itl future repoae, by tj>t r«-et- selves, in the moment when peace ance. " It reoiaint with you, tt mittf the The Sublime. .. rett of tabljthment oft a jmt balance . 6f ahall be concluded with France, to 16. At it it the object of the pre- t lie* line before you."~Aax- ' What an awful crisis hare t power ; and on the other hand, in consult with each other, on the tent'trcaiy oC defensive alliance to reached I" WiLKitsoii. caaeT^ovidence- ihould -Mett their meant by which they may raosi^cer* 1 maintain the balance of power in [ " Thi» armament is to tweep the peaceful view* to agree on the beat uinly tecure to Europe, ,'and reci- 1 Europe', to insure the repote and I St Lawrence." u A7jinr> if gltry j/«rf.*r», a thing muna of atoiring the happy retult procally to each other, the maint*. independence,of the difletent pow. <»The enemy have about 3000 of thfir excrti$» againtt every fu­ nance of thit peace ; they have ne ef*, and to pie vent the. arbittjary vi men, on paper ahall 1 ture attack >-,..' - vcitlielett thought "a necci*ary.-for. olationt of the rights tad tctrito of them?" Serioas Rdjfections. Their irapcriaUnd royal ma]e>tiei, thv9efence.o,f .thfir European po*. ries of other state*, by which the " Swttp hia, u U our U(tt4*cp^hou(A^atlk tbi above named, have rveolved to coiu teuiorrt, in catc of an interference world has suffered for so many fflthtut a tiddtr ar a-npt." diigract of our arms wiLI^e eoni- firm thgi doable agieement by a ao- to oe apprehended frenr Frahce, in years together, the contracting pow-. " With Macdonough'said, 1 have pleie, tht public will kit all ctnf Strict lean treat/ to be tigned by each- of the order of thing! rctuliing from era "Have agreed'to fix ttie duration fat a tttpptr on the Lake."' in t«i." ( Xa« four powera, aeparatcly with the said^pexce, to inake immcdiate- of the present treaty*for twenty "What I am aiming at it, Iran- Our opcrauon*- in .thia quarter the three othtirt. 'ly a defensive codveotton, yean, reserving it to themtelvet, if quilily on the road, by kicking up u duit art but ttginning, at a time when Tfeey have- ttamcd for their pleni- & For tbi* .end they mutually^- circumstances thould require 1t, to on the lines."—HAM»TON. they ought to nairo «W/*JL*7 A'mk- pou^liarief hit- imperial apottotic grce, thit it the dominion* of one of proceed to the prolongation of it "The main pact of the reinforce­ tTRONO. majetty to Megociate the cbnditiont the high contracting powera ihonld three years before its expiration.
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