Relevé épidém. hebd. ) N° 38 Wkly Epidem. Rec. } 1961,36,405-416



Notifications et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the du Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives & la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases

22 SEPTEMBRE 1961 36e ANNÉE — 36th YEAR 22 SEPTEMBER 1961


Notifications reçues* dn 15 an 21 septembre 1961 — Notifications received* from 15 to 21 September 1961


Asie — Asia INDE — 3-9.IX 10-16.IX INDE (suite) 30.Vn-5.Vm 6-12.VHI 13-19.VIII IN D IA (continued) BIRMANIE — BURMA 10-16.IX Calcutta (PA)1 . 38 14 44 27 Gaya (A) . . 1 î 0 0 , State Mandalay, Division Lucknow (A) 1 0 1 0 Myingyan, District . 3 1A l’exclusion de la circonscription de l’aéroport de Districts Dum-Dum. — Excl, local area of Dum Dum airport. Bilaspur .... 17p 9p ...... C D c D C D C D c D Balaghat | 11.IX INDE — INDIA 6-12.VIII Dewas ■ 16.IX Madras, State 6-12.VÜI 13-19.vm , State Salem, D istrict. . . . 5 2 2P 0p , State Districts Mysore, State Districts Ahmednagar . . 4p Op Ip ip Kolar, District. . . . 12 1 9p Op Adilabad . . . I5p 9 P 25 p n ? A k o la...... 4 p ip Chittoor .... i'qp 3P 30p 12p 13l> 8p Aurangabad . . 9P ip 6p 4 p Guntur...... ip Op B hir...... 27 p 12 P 64p 35p 23-29.VH Hyderabad . . . 2p *p Buldana .... 51p 18p 37p lüp Mysore, State Krishna .... *P !p East Khandesh . 1P Op Nellore...... 32p h p 9p 8 P 7P 7 P Kolhapur. . . . 2p Op Bijapur, District . . 1 0 Nizamabad . . 9p 2p 19p 8p 28p 8p .... 5p 3p 14p 8p Srikakulam . . 18p 17P 14p I0p 6p 4p .... 62p 13p 54p Up N a s ik ...... 2 P 2p 6p IP Mahbubnagar ) _ , Osmanabad. . . 32p 7 P 126p 32p 67p 21p PESTE DES RONGEURS Medak / ■ 2s'v m r Parbhani. . . . 6p 2P 26p lOp RODENT PLAGUE Poona ...... 4P 1P 1 Voir/See: page 397. Satara North . . ip Op 1P ip Sholapur. . . . 124p 33p 103p 22p 150p 31p Afrique — Africa Bihar, State c KENYA 10-16.DC Districts Mysore, State Central, Province Bhagalpur . . . 4p Op Districts G a y a ...... 408p 160p 340p 124p Nyeri, District . . . 7 Hazaribagh . . 13d 3p Belgaum .... 17 5 3P Op IP ip Monghyr . . . 249p 84p Bijapur...... 16 3 2p 1 p Muzaffarpur . . 72p 26p 122p 46p CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Palamau .... 15p 2p 17p 7P fifiSn 717n 795» 272n fi78» 234n Orissa, State Asie — Asia S a ra n ...... 22p Sp Shahabad . . . 45p 20p c c Districts HONG KONG 10-16.IX 17-19.DC , State Dhenkanal . . . 0 0 2 0 Kalahandi . . . 5 2 0 0 iop 4p Hong Kong (PA) . 3 2 Bhavnagar, Dist. 5p 2P P u ri...... 3 1 0 0

* par: Quarantaine internationale, Organisation mondiale de la Santé, Palais des Nations, Genève. Adresse télégraphique: Epidnations, G enève. by: International Quarantine, World Health Organization, Palais des Nations, Geneva. Telegraphic Address: Epidnations, Genève. — 406 — I

C H O L É R A (s u ite ) VARIOLE — SMALLPOX c

C H O L E R A (continued) ^ q u e _ n i g é r i a - N i g e r i a 27 .v 111-2 .1x

A sie (s u ite ) — A sia (continued) C Northern Région

A l g é r i e — A l g e r i a 13-19.v i n K a n o , U rb a n A re a . . 1 C D C D C D Sêtif, Dip. IN D E (suite) 30.VU-5.VIII 6-12.VIII 13-19.v i l l P ro vin ces INDIA (continued) B o rd j-B o u -A rré rid j . . 1 A d a m a w a ...... 15 Uttar Pradesh, State B a u c h i ...... 1 c d l l o r i n ...... 10 Districts Allahabad ... 47 18 31 20 39p 17p CAMEROUN 27.VUI-3.IX Western Region Azamgarh . . . 85 34 130 41 50p 30p western region

BaSny (VamMa)6J o 13 9 ^ .9.P Départements Colony, Province . . 1 Hamirpur . . . 10 4 14 11 ...... T^iam or* 11 H H ardoi...... 38 u i i 6 ...... u i a m a r e ...... V Jaunpur .... 308 87 257 82 I46p S5p Margin-Wandala ... 0 1 Lucknow ... 0 0 44 12 57p 12p C C C Mirzapur. . . . 255 66 186 61 \A2p 21p sShXpur' : “ ” io 4 Z 20p CONGO (cap. Leopoldville) 20.IX 13-19.VIU 20-26.VUI 27.VUI-2.IX

Leopoldville (PA) M 20.DC 8 3 OUGANDA — UGANDA West Bengal, State Districts Buganda, Province 27.Vni-2.DC Burdwan. . . . 5 2 ...... D istrirts Hooghiy. . . . 5 2 ...... K a s a i, P ro v in c e . . . 1 3 2 1 12 m s m c i s Howrah .... 30 6 ...... 6p 3p M n c a ta 7 fl n Midnapur ... 1 1 ...... » D ont Variola M inor/lnd. Aiastrim: 116. lViasaKa i. U U N a d ia ...... 0 0 4p lp ...... MengO 0 2 0 24-Parganas . . 13 5 ...... Kampala, Mun. □ i9-vni

c DAHOMEY 30.V1U-2.1X Eastern Province 23-29 VH Bihar, State ' Ouidah, Cercle ... 2 Jinja, M u n . ■ 2 6 .v m 0 4 0 D istric ts , GUINÉE — GUINEA 10-16.IX ST”::::: !?**.<**..... * . D," * Z „ „ Santal Parganas ... 6 4 °„ !

e c l e ! 0 ( ï i i x Bueisun2IX Andhra Pradesh, State h a u t e -v o l t a 31.v u i-6.dc 7-I4.IX b ^ UPPER VOLTA Visakhapatnam, District 1 0 Northern Province C ercles MACAO 10-16.DC „ . „ D istric ts Bobodioulasso: Hôpital 3 0 M a c a o ( P ) ...... 3 0 D j i b o ...... 0 4 A c h o li 1 0 0 D o r i ...... 0 2 K a ra m a ja 0 0 1 K o u d o u g o u ...... 0 2 ■ 2.IX Pa k i s t a n 20-26.VHI Kougoussi ...... 2 0 Lango 0 0 1 N o u n a ...... 1 1 E a st P a k is t a n O r o d a r a ...... 1 1 West Nile □ 2.ix Ouagadougou: Hôpital 0 1 Chittagong, Division Western Province

Noakhali, District . . 2 2 KENYA 10-16.IX D istric ts

SARAWAK 8-21 DC Central Province Ankole 3 0 1 ■ 19. vm Sibil, Division Districts Kigezi Q 2JX Sarikei & Binatang Embu ...... 2 (Lower Rejang) . . 20 6 Meru ...... 11 RHODÉSIE & NYASSALAND 10-16.IX 27 VIII 2 DC RHODESIA & NYASALAND FIÈVRE JAUNE — YELLOW FEVER Southern, Province . 2 N o r t h e r n R h o d e sia

Afrique - Africa Luapula, Province . . 3


Provinces Cercles Provinces

Gamou-Goffa 1 _ „ iy Magaria ...... 5 C e n t r a l ...... 3 K afFa f ‘ I N i a m e y ...... 1 S o u t h e r n ...... 4 — 407 —

VARIOLE (suite) c C D C D C D ÉQUATEUR (suite) SMALLPOX (continued) ECUADOR (continued) INDE (suite) 30.Vn-5.Vin 6-12.VÏII 13-19.Vm INDIA (continuai) Afrique (suite) — Africa (continued) Manabi, Province Gujarat, State Portoviejo, Canton c C Districts Portoviejo, Parr. . . 13-19.VHI 1 TANGANYIKA 27.Vin-2.IX 3-9.IX Amreli .... 0 0 P 0P K a ir a ...... 8 3 K utch...... 6 0 Dar es Salaam (PA). 1 1 Rajkot .... 1 1 2 P 0p Asie - - Asia Provinces Kerala, State

C en tral...... 1 C c Districts E astern...... 2 i Kottayam . . . 1P 0'P AFGHANISTAN 3-9.IX 10-16.IX Palghat , ...... 2 P 1P

Bamian, Province . 2 0 C D Madhya Pradesh, State

TCHAD — CHAD 27.vm -2.ix Farah, Province Guna, District . 7P 1p

F a r a h ...... 0 1 Chari-Baguirmi, Région 2 1 Madras, State

Kataghan, Province Districts

Amérique — America B a g h la n ...... 0 3 Chingleput . . . 0 0 P 0P Coimbatore. . . 41 7 C c Madurai .... 21 5 Maimana, Province Nilgiris...... 0 North Arcot . . 15 3 7P 2P 9p 0P BRÉSIL — BRAZIL 1-31.VH.60 l-31.Vm.60 Ramanathapuram 7 0 21P 1P 16p 3p M aim ana...... 0 1 S alem ...... S 0 4p lp South Arcot . . 7 0 Fortaleza (P). . . . 28 33 P 1P Tanjore .... 15 5 2P Qp 0P 1P Maceio (P) .... 13 0 Tiruchirappalli . 20 5 5p 4 p Manaus (P) . . . . 101 66 C D c D Tirunelveli . . . 56 15 6p 2p Porto Alegre (PA) . . 11 18 Recife (PA) .... . 5 14 INDE — INDIA 3-9.IX 10-16.IX Maharashtra, State Sao Luis (P) . . . . . 0 1 Sao Paulo (A) . . . . 22 49 Bombay (PA) . . . . 0 0 3 3 Districts Delhi ( A ) ...... 0 0 1 1 Kanpur (A) . . . . . 1 1 0 0 Amraoti .... 2P Qp Gioas, State Bhandara. . . . 25p 5P 1p 0? \Ôp ip Lucknow (A) . . . . 1 0 0 0 Nagpur .... 7 P 1P 3P Qp Goiania...... 1 Madras (PA). . . . . 32 10 35 4 Poona ...... IP 2P 2p Qp Pondicherry (P) . . . 1 1 0 0 Satara North . . 4p Qp Wardha .... 17P 7p 5P Qp ip 2p Tiruchirappalli (A) . . 1 1 2 2 Mato Grosso, State Mysore, State Cuiaba ...... 3 C D C D C D Districts 6-12. VIII 13-19.vm Piaui, State Bangalore . . . 2 3 2p 2 P Belgaum .... 0 0 6 P 2P Teresina...... 0 1 Andhra Pradesh, State Bellary .... 5 0 K o la r...... 14 1 ip lp Districts Mandya .... 7 2 ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Mercara (Coorg) 2 0 Anantapur . . . 0p lp 2P lp 5p 2P North Kanara . 1 0 Chittoor .... 2P 1P South Kanara. . 4 1 6p lP Quito (A ) ...... 6-12. VÜI 1 East Godavari . 2p 1P Tumkur .... 0 0 ip 0p 4p Op Guntur...... 6p Qp 8p lp ip Raichur Q 16.IX Hyderabad . . . *P 3P 5P Op 7p 0p Azuay, Province Khammam. . . 2p 3p Cuenca, Canton Krishna .... 36p 12p 2p QP 13p 4 P Nellore...... 2P Qp 7P IP Orissa, State Llacao, Parr...... 20-26.VÜI 1 Srikakulam . . P 0P !p IP Visakhapatnam . ip 0p lp Qp Districts Canar, Province Warrangal . . . 3p lp lp Op 3p ip West Godavari . !p 0p Dhenkanal . . . 4 0 0 0 Azogues, Canton Kalahandi . . . 0 0 5 1 Sambalpur . . . 0 0 1 0 Azogues, Parr. . . . 20-26.VHI 2 Assam, State

Loja, Province Districts Pondicherry, State

Loja, Canton Kamrup . . . 2 0 Pondicherry, Dist. 2 2 3 2 Lakhimpur. . . 1 0 Loja, Parr...... 27.VIU-2.IX 2 Sibsagar . . . . 0 0 ... 4p Op Los Rios, Province Punjab, State Bihar, State Babahoyo, Canton Districts Gaya, District ■ 28.VHIr1 Babahoyo, Parr. . .. 27.V1II-2.IX 2 Amritsar .... 3 1 1 Voir/See: page 399. Jullundur. . . . 4 0 Quevedo, Canton Mohindergarh . 4 1 Patiala .... 5 0 Quevedo, Parr. . . 27.VIU-2.IX 1 Delhi, State, . 1 0 3 Sangrur .... 2 1 — 408

VARIOLE (suite) C D C SMALLPOX (continued) INDE (suite) — INDIA (contd) 16-22. VII LIBYE — LIBYA 17.DC Kérala, State Benghazi (PA) 1 Asie (suite) — Asia (continued) Districts C D C D C D Cannanore...... 4 5 Amérique — America INDE (suite) 30.VII-S.VIII 6-12.VIII 13-19. VIII Kozhikode...... 1 0 INDIA (continued) C Rajasthan, State ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Uttar Pradesh, State Bikaner, District . . . 3 0 Quito (A) .... 23.VH-12.Vn 12 Districts 9-15.VII Agra...... 2 0 0 0 Rajasthan, State Azuay, Province AiJahabad . . . 4 2 1 2 Banaras (Varanasi) 17 4 0 0 5p ip Banda ...... 1 0 5 4 Districts Cuenca, Canton Basti...... 0 0 3 0 Bharatpur...... 3 0 B ijnor...... 0 0 0 0 6V ip Cuenca, Parr. . . . 27.VIII-2.IX 2 Dehra Dun . . 0 0 1 0 B u n d i ...... 1 0 Deoria .... 26 15 1 1 2P 2p Kotah...... 4 0 E t a h ...... 0 0 i 2 Carchi, Province Etawah .... 3 1 0 0 Udaipur...... 1 1 Faizabad . . . 2 1 5 0 I/* ip Fatehpur . . . 0 0 0 0 3P 0p C D C D Montufar, Canton ...... 9 0 1 3 Kanpur B 15.IX 2 2 1 0 INDE PORTUGAISE 20-26.VIHr1 27.Vm-2.IX San Gabriel, Parr. . 20-26.VDI 1 Lucknow . . . 0 0 3 1 PORTUGUESE INDIA Mathura .... 4 1 1 1 i Ôp Meerut...... 0 0 1 0 Chimborazo, Province Mirzapur. . . . 0 0 0 0 ip 0 Goa, District...... 4 2 1 1 Moradabad. . . 2 2 0 0 Muzaffarnagar . 4 0 0 » Voir/See: p. 399. Guano, Canton Saharanpur . . 0 1 1 1 ip Op Sitapur...... 1 0 1 0 Guano, Parr...... 12-19.Vin 2 Tehri Garwal . . 2 2 0 Unnao .... 0 0 0 0 ip Op INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA 3-9.IX Cotopaxi, Province Chamoli ■ 5.IX Makassar (P) . . . . 15 12 West Bengal, State Latacunga, Canton Howrah, District 1 I PAKISTAN 3-9.IX 10-16.IX Latacunga, Parr. . . 27.VHI-2.1X 2

Karachi (PA) .... 4 0 1 0 Imbabura, Province C D Lahore ( A ) ...... 1 0 0 0 23.29.VH Ibarra, Canton Assam, State 27.vm-2.ix Cahuasqui, Parr. . . 6-12.Vm 1 San Antonio, Parr. . 30.VII-5.Vni 1 Districts I W est P a k ista n C a c h a r . 5 1 United Khasi & Jaintia Hills 1 0 Peshawar, Division Otavalo, Canton Otavalo, Parr. . . . 13-19.Vin 1 Gujarat, State Campbellpur, District 1 0 Bhavnagar, District . 2 0 Rawalpindi, Division Asie — Asia Madras, State ! Gujrat, District. ... 2 0 c Kanya Kumari ... 1 0 TURQUIE — TURKEY 10-16.DC

Punjab, State TYPHUS A POUX Bursa, Province . . . 1 Karnal, District . . . 1 0 LOUSE-BORNE TYPHUS FEVER

Rajasthan, State I Afrique — Africa C FIÈVRE RÉCURRENTE A POUX Districts I AFRIQUE D U SUD 14.DC LOUSE-BORNE RELAPSING FEVER Churn...... 4 0 SOUTH AFRICA Jaipur...... 24 7 I Cape, Province Afrique — Africa Uttar Pradesh, State Glen Grey, District. . 5 c Districts ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA 3-9.DC Jaunpur . 2 Uttar Kashi 20 ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA 3-9.IX Addis Ababa (A) . . 12 I Addis Ababa (A) . . 9 Provinces 16-22. vn Provinces Gujarat, State A roussi...... 2 Beghemeder . 11 I Beghemeder...... 9 H arar-B ale . 10 Districts H arar-B ale...... 1 Kaffa ...... 3 Ahmedabad . . S h o a ...... ■ 2 Sidamo-Borena. . . . 4 Baroda .... I Sidamo-Borena; . . . 3 Wollo. 2 — 409 —

Territoires infectés à la date du 21 septembre 1961 — Infected areas as on 21 September 1961

Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la pré­ relating to infected local areas and to . areas in which to presence of sence de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 364). quarantinable diseases was reported (see page 364). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a: notified under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each maladie. disease. * = territoires nouvellement infectés. * = newly infected areas.

PESTE — PLAGUE Bihar, State Banaras (Varanasi), Dist. ■ 14.VÏ 60 Amérique — America 3-21.IX Bhagalpur, District . . . ■ 26.VII Bareilly, District .... ■ 7.VUÏ Champaran, District . . ■ 25.V Deoria, District .... ■ 15.VHI BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Hamirpur, District . . . ■ 4.VIII Asie — Asia Darbhanga, District. . . ■ l.VI Hardoi. District...... B 12.VIII La Paz, Dep. Gaya, D istric t...... ■ 23.1V Jaunpur, District .... ■ 21 .VII Murilio, Province Hazaribagh, District. . . ■ 28.VII Kben. District .... «23 V 11.60 Zongo ...... B 11.11 BIRMANIE — BURMA Monghyr, District . . . ■ 20.V Lucknow, District. . . . ■ 27.VI Nor Yungas Province Mandalay, Division Muzaffarpur, District . . ■ 9.V Mainpuri, District . . . ■ 25.VIII Alto B é n i...... B 18.0 * Myingyan, District . . . A 16.IX Meerut. District .... ■ 19 V11 Palarnau, District .... ■ 29.VI Mirzapur, District. . . . ■ 12.VII Patna, District...... B 19.VIII BRÉSIL - BRAZIL INDE — IN D U Pratabgarh, District . . . ■ 29 VI Purnea, District...... ■ 24.VU • Shahjahanpur, District. . B 19.VIII Amazonas, State Madras, State Saharsa. District .... B 29.VII Labrca, Dep...... B 7.II Salem, D istrict...... ■ 11.IX * Santal Parganas, District. B 29.VII West Bengal^ State Rio Branco, Terrltorio Mysore, State Saran, D istrict...... B 19.VUI Bankura, District .... ■ 13.VI.60 Boa Vista, Dep...... B 6.0 • Bijapur, District .... B 29.VII Shahabad, District . . . ■ 6.VU Burdwan, District . . . ■ 6. II 58 Kolar, D istrict...... a 11.VU Hooghly, District .... B 5.VIII COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Gujarat, State Howrah, District .... B 19.VIII Santander, Dep, INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Bhavnagar, District . . . ■ 5.VTII Midnapur, District . . . B 5 VIII San Vicente, Mun. . . . A 26.VII Djawa Tengah, Province • Nadia, District...... B 12.VIII Surakarta, Residency 24-Parg

Korhogo, Cercle .... A 31.VIU Nyasàland Los Rios, Province Delhi, State .... B 19.VIH Man, Cercle ...... A 7.IX Central Province .... A 16.IX Baba, Canton Sassandra, Cercle .... A 7 IX Southern Province . . . A 16.EX Baba, Parr...... B 12.VÜI Gujarat, State Séguéla, Cercle...... A 7 .IX Ahmedabad, District . . « 23.11.60 Babahoyo, Canton Amreli, District .... ■ 21.1V.60 DAHOMEY SÉNÉGAL Kaolack, Cercle...... B 13. VIII * Babahoyo, Parr...... A 2.DC Baroda, District...... B 22. VU Allada, C e rc le ...... A 22.VHI Bhavnagar. District . . . ■ 14.V.60 Grand-Popo, Cercle . . A 22.VIH Catarama, Canton Broacb, District...... ■ 13.11 SOUDAN — SUDAN Ouidah, Cercle...... A 2.IX . Catarama, Parr. . . . B 5.VIII Kaira, D istrict...... ■ 22.11.60 Khartoum. Pro\ ince . « I6.IV Kutch, District...... ■ 4.II ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 Northern Province Quevedo, Canton Rajkot, District .... ■ 2.111.60 Shendi, District .... ■ 16.IV Qucvedo, P a rr...... A 2.IX Surai, District ..... B 15.VII GHANA Accra, Mun. Area (PA) Vinces, Canton Himachal Pradesh, State (excl. Accra Airport) . ■ 2.VI TANGANYIKA Vinces, Parr...... B 5.VIII Mahasu, District .... ■ 19.VHI Dar es Salaam (PA) . . . A 9 . IX Accra, District Central Province .... A 2.IX Manabi. Province T e m a ...... « 6.IX Jammu & Kashmir, Eastern Province .... A 9.IX Jipijapa, Canton S t a t e ...... ■ 1.VUI.53 Ashanti, Region Southern Province . . B 19. vm Jipijapa, Parr...... B 12.VHI Tanga, Province .... A 26.VHI Kumasi, District Kerala, State K um asi...... ■ 8.VIII \ Portoviejo, Canton TCHAD — CHAD Alleppey, District...... B 8 VII Portoviejo, Parr. .... B 19.VIII Cannanore, District . . . ■ 9.1.60 Mampong, District . ■ 12.IX Chari-Baguirmi, Région . A 2.IX El Oro, Province Kottayam, District . . . ■ 19. VUI Zaruma, Canton « Kozhikode, District . . . > 2.1.60 GUINÉE-GUINEA TOGO Palghat, District .... ■ I2.III.6U • Beyla, R é g io n ...... A 16.IX Zaruma, Parr...... B 29.VII Atakpamé, Cercle . . . a 27. vm Quiion, District .... ■ 18.V Lomé. Cercle (excl. Lomé Trichur (Cochin), District ■ 3.1.57 HAUTE VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA (PA))...... A 20.VHI Bobodiouiasso, Cercle . . A 6 IX Asie — Asia Madhya Pradesh, State Djibo, C e r c le ...... A 14 IX Balaghat, District. . . . B l.VII Dori, C ercle...... A 14 IX AFGHANISTAN Chhindwara, District . . « 10.1.58 Gaoua, C e rc le ...... A 30 VIH Amérique — America Dewas, District...... ■ 22.11 Koudougou, Cercle . . . A 14.IX Bamian, Province . . A 9.IX Drug, D istric t...... B 15. VH Kougoussi, Cercle. . . . A 6.IX ARGENTINE — ARGENTINA Farah, Province Guna, District ..... ■ 11 .VIL Nouna, C e rcle...... A 14IX , District . B 15.VH Orodara, Cercle...... A 14IX Corrientesy Province • Farah ...... A I6.IX , District .... ■ 25.1.58 Ouagadougou. Cercle . . A 14.IX Santo Tomé, Dep...... B 7.VIII Ghazni, Province District .... ■ 5.Ill Ouahigouya, Cercle . . . A 30.VIII Nimar (Khargone). District B l.VH Yako, Cercle...... A 30.VIH G h a z n i...... A 2.IX Jujuy, Province Raigarh, District .... ■ 13.X1I.57 Raisen, District .... ■ 17.111 KENYA Yavi, Dep...... B 8.VIII Kataghan, Province Baghlan, C i t y ...... A 16.IX Sehore, District .... ■ 3.1V Central Province Surguja, District .... ■ 10.1.59 (excl. local area of Nairobi BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Maimana, Province , District ..... ■ 16.111 (Embakasi) airport) Fortaleza (P )...... B31.VM.60 Maimana, City ..... A 16.IX Nairobi, C ity ...... A 2.IX Manaus ( P ) ...... B31.VIII.60 Madras, State Embu, District...... A 16.IX Porto Alegre (PA). . . . B31.VIIL60 INDE — INDIA Cbingleput, District . . . B 19.VI1I Meru, D istrict...... A 16.IX Recife ( P A ) ...... B31.VIII.60 Ahmedabad (A) .... ■ 20.X.59 Coimbatore, District. . . B 5.VIII Rio de Janeiro (PA) . . A 26.VUI Kanya Kumari, District . ■ 13X11.58 Nyanza, Province Salvador ( P ) ...... B 30.VI.60 Allahabad ( A ) ...... ■ 14.X.59 Central Nyanza, Distric | A 2.IX Bombay (PA)...... A 16IX Madurai, District .... B 5.VI1I * San Luis ( P ) ...... B31.VIIT.60 Nilgiris, District .... B 5.V11I Sao Paulo ( A ) ...... B31.VIU.60 Calcutta (PA)1 ...... a 6.1 Southern Province . . A 2.IX CuddaJore ( P ) ...... ■ 27.Xn.60 North Arcot, District . . ■ 3.11.56 Delhi ( A ) ...... a 5.1.56 Ramanathapuram, Distr . B 19 .VIH Goias, State Salem, D istrict...... B 19.V11I LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . ■ 15.HI.58 Kanpur ( A ) ...... a 11.XII.59 G oiania...... B31.VII.60 Karikai ( P ) ...... a 24.IX.59 South Arcot, District . . B 19.VUI MALI Lucknow ( A ) ...... a 21.1.60 Tanjore, District .... B 12. VUI Mato GrossOy State Madras (PA)...... a 5.V.57 Tiruchirappalli. District . ■ 28.111.56 Bafoulabé, Cercle . . . . A 26.vm C u ia b a ...... B31.VÜI.60 Tirunelveli, District . . . B 19. VHI Bamako, Cercle . . . ., A 2.IX Pondicherry (P) .... a 18.XTI.59 Kayes, Cercle...... A 26.VUI • Tiruchirappalli (A) . . . A 16.IX Parana, State Maharashtra, State Mopti, Cercle...... A 26.vra Curitiba...... B 30.VI.60 NiaJfunké, Cercle . . . . A 26.VIIÏ Andhra Pradesh, State Akola. D istrict...... ■ 23.IV.60 Amraoti, District .... ■ 14.1.60 Sikasso, Cercle . . . . ,. A 2.IX Plauiy State Anantapur, District . . . a 13.XH.57 Chittoor, District .... a 6.111.56 Bhandara, District . . . B 19. VIII MOZAMBIQUE * Teresina...... B31.VIII.60 Cuddappah, District . . a 30.1.57 Bhir, District...... ■ 10.X11.60 East Godavari, District . a 11.XII.57 Buldana, District .... » 15.IV.60 Niassa (Logo), District Rio Grande do Sul, East Khandesh, District . B 29. VII Vila Cabrai» Concclho . . ■ 29.VH Guntur, District .... B 19.VIJI S t a t e ...... B 30.VI.60 Hyderabad, District. * . a 20.IV.59 Kolaba, District .... ■ 2.IV.60 Tete, District.... a 29.VII Karimnagar, District . . a 7.XII.60 Nagpur, District .... ■ 23.IV.60 COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Khammam, District. . . a 17.VII Nasik, District ..... ■ 7.III.60 NIGER Poona, D istrict...... ■ 11.XII.60 Antioquia, Dep. Krishna, District .... B 19. VIII Magana, Cercle...... A 2.IX Kurnooi, District .... a 2.VII.55 Ratnagiri, District. . . . ■ 27.1 Niamey. Cercle .... A 2 IX Turbo, Mun...... B 24.VI Mahbubnagar, District a 20.X.59 Satara North, District . . ■ 13.IX.60 Tahoua, Cercle...... A 26.VIII Medak, District .... a I5.X1I.60 Satara South, District . . ■ 9.IX.60 Tillabéry, Cercle .... B 19.VUI ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Nalgonda, District . . . a 25.VTH Sholapur, District . . . ■ 6.1 Thana, District...... ■ 9.XI.60 . Quito ( A ) ...... B 12.Vin Nellore, District .... a 30.X1.55 NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA ■ 6.II.57 Nizamabad, District . . a 6.IV.60 Wardha, District .... ■ 7. VIII. 60 Srikakulam, District . . a 5.X.55 West Khandesh, District. ■ 5.II.60 OUGANDA — UGANDA Azuay, Province Visakhapatnara, District . a 15.111.60 Yeotmal, District .... ■ 28.1 Buganda, Province Cuenca, Canton Warrangal, District . . . ■ 13.XTI.58 Masaka, District .... ■ 29.VII El Vecino, Parr...... B 12.Vm * West Godavari, District . B 12.VIH Mysore. State Meago, District .... ■ 11.II « Llacao, Parr...... A 26. VIII * Bangalore, District . . . b 12. vm Ricaurte, Parr...... B 19.VUI Assam, State Belgaum, District .... ■ 7.IV.58 Eastern Province Bellary. District .... ■ 2.ÏV.57 Bolivar, Province Cachar, District...... a 4.VITI * Jinja, Mun...... ■ 26.Vm Garo Hills, District . . . a 11.IV Bidar, D istric t...... ■ 26,vm * Busoga, District...... ■ 2.IX ChimbOy Canton Goalpara, District. . . . a 4.IV.59 Bijapur, District . . . . ■ 7.X11.56 Teso, District...... ■ 2.IX Asuncion, Parr...... B 19.VIII Kamrup, District .... a 24.IÏ.56 Chikmagalur. District . . ■ 1.11.58 • Lakhimpur, District. . . B 5.VIII Chitaldrug, District . . . B 15. VII Northern Province Guaranda, Canton * Sibsagar, District .... B 19.VIII Dharwar, District. . . . ■ 5.1.59 Acholi, District...... ■ 22.IV Guanujo, Parr...... B 29.V1I * United Khasi and Jaintia Gulbarga, District . . . ■ l.IX « Karamaja, District . . . ■ 2.IX Hills, District...... B 29.VII Kolar, D istrict...... ■ I9.XIÏ.56 Lango, D istrict...... ■ 29. VII San Miguel, Canton Mandya, District . , . . > 21.XI.60 Chillanes, P arr...... B 29.VII Bihar, State Mercara (Coorg), District ■ 19. VI Western Province North Kanara, District . ■ 14 IX.56 Darbhanga, District . . a 18.IV ■ 7.II.59 * Ankole, District...... ■ 19.VIII Canar, Province Gaya, D is tric t...... a 28.Vm South Kanara, District Toro, District...... ■ 15.VII Azogues, Canton Hazaribagh, District . . a 11.IX Tumkur, District . . . . ■ 19.XII.60 * Azogues, Parr...... A 26.VIII Muzaffarpur, District , . a 22. V RHODÉSŒ ET NY ASS ALAND Cochancay, parr. .... B 12.VIH Orissa, State RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Bolangir, District . . . . B 22,vn Northern Rhodesia Loja, Province 1A l’exclusion de là circonscription de Cuttack, District . . . . B 29. VII Luapula, Province . . . A 16.IX Loja, Canton l’aéroport de Dum-Dum. — Excluding Dhenkanal, District . . b 5.vra Southern Province. . . . B 12.VUI * Loja^Parr...... A ZIX local area of Dum Dum airport. Ganjam, District . , . ■ 24.U- — 411 —

« Kalahandi, District . . . B i2.vm Etah, District...... b 12. vm IRAN Amérique — America Korapuc, District . . . a 17.XU.56 fctawan, District .... . 19.1.59 ■ Centrai (Tehran), Province Sambalpur, District . . . 1.1V Faizabad, District . . . ■ 12.XI.56 Tehran, Distrct Sundcrgarh, District . . a 30.XU.57 Fatehpur, District . . . ■ 10.IJ.58 Garhwal, District .... ■ 10.11.58 Rey, C i t y ...... b îo.vm ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Pondicherry, State Gorakhpur, District . . b . Quito ( A ) ...... B 12.VIU Hamirpur, District . . . • 13. VI Yekom, Province Pondicherry, District . . a 27.1.56 Zanjan, District Hardoi, District. .... ■ 9III.56 Azuay, Province Jaunpur, District .... B 29.VII Kborrambarreb, Village . B 12. vm Cuenca, Canton Punjab, State Jhansi. District .... ■ 10 1 59 Ambala, District .... a 1.X1.60 * Cuenca, Parr...... A 2.IX Kanpur, District .... ■ 15.IX PAKISTAN Sagrario, Pan...... B 19.VIII Amritsar, District. . . . a 10.V11.58 Kheri, District...... ■ 27.1V Bhatinda, District . . . a 12.IV Karachi f P A ) ...... A 16IX Lucknow, District . . . ■ 11.X.58 Lahore ( A ) ...... A 9.IX Ferozepur, District . . . a 12.1 Mathura, District .... ■ 5.11.59 Carchi, Province Gurdaspur, District . . . a 28.IV Meerut, District .... a 25.V.59 Montufar, Canton Hissar, District...... a 25.1.58 East Pakistan * San Gabriel, Parr...... A 26.V1H Mirzapur, District. . . . ■ 28.V.60 Rajshahi, Division Hoshlarpur, District . . a 22. VIII Moradabad, District. . . b 5.vm Rangpur, District. . . . B 12.VITI * Jullundur, District. . . . B 5. VIII Muzaffarnagar, District . ■ 17.X1.60 Tulcan, Canton Kangra. District .... a 19 I Nainital, District .... ■ 10.U.58 Kama), District .... West Pakistan Tulcan, Parr...... B 29.VH Pilibhit, District .... ■ 20.1.59 Khairpur, Division Ludhiana, District . . a 24. VTII Pratabgarh, District . . . • 25.V.59 Mohmdergarh, District . B 5 VIII Rae Bareilli, District . . ■ 14.IV.60 Khairpur, District . . . a 26. vm Chimborazo, Province * Patiala, District .... B S.VTII Guamote, Canton Saharanpur, Districi . . ■ 26 1.57 Lahore, Division Roniak, District .... a17.X11.60 Shahjahanpur, District . ■ 20.1.56 Guamote, Parr. .... B S.Vm Sangrur, District .... a 5.XX1.60 Sitapur, District .... • 22.XI.57 Lahore, District...... b 19. vm Shcikhupura, District . . A 26.VIII Sultanpur, District . . . ■ I5.XI.60 • Guano, Canton Rajasthan, State Tchri-Garwal, District - . ■ 24.VI.59 Multan, Division Guano, Parr...... B 19.VIII Alwar, District ..... a22.11.58 Unnao. District .... ■ 15.V.59 Uttar Kashi, District . . B 29.VII Montgomery, District . . A 26.Vin Banswara, District . . . a 23.III.57 Cotopaxi, Province Bharatpur, District . . . a 10.1.58 Peshawar, Division West Bengal, State Latacunga, Canton Bhilwara, District. . . . a 14.X1I.57 * Campbellpur, District . . A 2.IX Latacunga, Parr...... A 2.IX Bikaner, District .... a 7.1.59 Darjeeling, District . . . ■ 6.H.58 Peshawar, District. . . . B 12. VUI Bundi. District . . a 7.IV.58 Hooghly, District .... ■ 20X56 Chitorgarh (Chitor), District B l.VII Howrah, District .... ■ 20.1.56 Rawalpindi, Division Imbabura, Province Churu, District ..... a29.VI1 Murshidabad, District . . ■ 23.Xn.58 Ibarra, Canton 24-Parganas, District . . Gujrat, District......


Il ne faudrait pas conclure de la présentation adoptée dans le The form of presentation in the Weekly Epidemiological Record Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire que l’Organisation Mondiale does not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the World de la Santé admet ou reconnaît officiellement le statut ou les Health Organization of the status or boundaries of the territories limites des territoires mentionnés. Ce mode de présentation n’a as listed or described. It has been adopted solely for the purpose d’autre objet que de donner un cadre géographique aux rensei­ of providing a convenient geographic basis for the information gnements publiés. La même réserve vaut également pour toutes herein. The same qualification applies to all notes and explana­ les notes et explications relatives aux pays et territoires qui figurent tions concerning the geographic units for which data are provided. dans les tableaux. Les « circonscriptions » (voir définition de ce Local areas under the International Sanitary Regulations are terme dans le Règlement sanitaire international) sont présentées presented as designated by health administrations. suivant les notifications reçues des administrations sanitaires. — 412

Territoires redevenus indepmes à la date du 21 septembre 1961 — Areas no longer infected as on 21 September 1961

PESTE — PLAGUE Maharashtra, State KENYA Urundi, Résidence Satara South, District Coast, Province Bururi, Secteur Afrique — Africa Thana, District Mombasa, District TANGANYIKA Mysore, State CONGO (cap. Léopoldville) Nyanza, Province Southern Highlands, Province Raichur, District North Nyanza, District Kivu, Province Orissa, State Lubero, Territory NIGER Amérique — America Sundergarh, District Uttar Pradesh, State Gaya, Cercle ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Amérique — America Gouré, Cercle Gorakhpur, District Guaranda, Canton Guaranda, Parr. BRÉSIL — BRAZIL OUGANDA — UGANDA Alagoas, State Buganda, Province VARIOLE — SMALLPOX Asie — Asia Palmeiro dos Indios Dep, Kampala, Municipality Eastern Province ÉTATS-UNIS — UNITED STATES Afrique — Africa INDE — INDIA Bugisu, District New Mexico, State Madhya Pradesh, State Northern Province Rural mountainous area CAMEROUN Betul, District San Miguel, Co. West Nile, District , District Bénoué, Département Western Province Sagar, District Seoni, District Kigezi, District CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA DAHOMEY Mysore, State RHODÉSIE ET NYASSALAND Raichur, District Aboraey Calavi, Cercle Asie — Asia RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Orissa, State Nyasaland Mayurbhanj, District INDE — INDIA GUINÉE — GUINEA Northern Province Uttar Pradesh, State Kissidougou, Région Bihar, State Ballia, District Dhanbad, District RUANDA URUNDI HAUTE-VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA West Bengal, State Madhya Pradesh, State Ruanda, Résidence Burdwan, District Surguja, District Boromo, Cercle Kibungu, Secteur Midnapur, District



Amérique America

Etats-Unis d’Amérique: Nouveau-Mexique. — On signalé un United State o f America: New Mexico. — A third case of plague nouveau cas de peste contracté au Nouveau-Mexique1. Le patient, with history of exposure in New Mexico has been reported1. The un ouvrier de 23 ans, d’une compagnie de distribution de courant patient, a 23-year-old worker for a power and light company, électrique, travaillait dans la région de Pecos, où le premier cas worked in the Pecos area, the site of exposure of the first reported de peste fut contracté. L’affection se manifesta le 4 août par de case. He experienced the onset of fever and severe headache on la fièvre et une violente céphalée. Une adénopathie inguinale fit 4 August. Enlarged inguinal nodes suggested a diagnosis of plague. penser à la peste; le diagnostic fut confirmé par une séro-aggluti- The diagnosis was confirmed by an agglutination titer of 1 ; 80 on nation à 1/80 au cours de la convalescence; le patient guérit vite the patient’s convalescent serum. The patient made a rapid and et complètement. complete recovery. Les deux cas de peste signalés précédemment cette année au The two previous cases of plague this year from New Mexico Nouveau-Mexique ont été fatals; il ' s’agissait d’un ouvrier de have been fatal. They involved a 38-year-old sawmill worker and scierie et d’un professeur de géologie, tous deux âgés de 38 ans. a 38-year-old geology professor. Attempts to isolate bacilli from Les tentatives d’isolement du bacille dans la faune sauvage de la wild animals in the area involved have so far been unsuccessful. région ont été jusqu’à présent infructueuses.

Depuis 1900, 533 cas de peste ont été observés aux Etats-Unis, Since 1900 there have been 533 cases of plague imported in the dont 414 en Californie, avec une mortalité de 65 pou r cent. Depuis USA, 414 of which have occurred in California. 65 % of the cases 1949, des cas humains n’ont été constatés qu’au Nouveau-Mexique have been fatal. Since 1949 human cases have been reported (12 cas), en Californie (3), au Texas (1) et en Arizona (1). A l’heure only in New Mexico (12 cases), in California (3 cases), in Texas actuelle la peste reste endémique chez certains rongeurs sauvages. (1 case) and in Arizona (1). At the present time plague smoulders in a wild rodent reservoir.

Voir REH N» 37, 1961, p. 397. * See WER No. 37. 1961, p. 397. — 413 —



Amendements à la publication du 20 décembre 1960 Amendments to publication of 20 December 1960

Choléra Fièvre jaune Variole Cholera Yellow fever Smallpox

Belgique A la page 8, dans la note concernant la variole, supprimer: Certi­ ficat exigé des voyageurs en provenance de Madrid.


On page 9, in the note concerning smallpox, delete: Certificate required from arrivals from Madrid.

Honduras britannique A la page 22, supprimer les renseignements publiés et insérer:

Choléra, — Excepté les enfants âgés de moins d'un an. © O

British Honduras On page 23, delete all information and insert: Choiera, — Except children under 1 year of age. © o


A la page 20, supprimer les renseignements publiés et insérer: Fièvre jaune. — Excepté: a) les enfants âgés de moins d'un an; b) les voyageurs venant d’un territoire non-infecté et séjournant o o moins de 15 jcurs dans le pays.

Upper Volta On page 21, delete all information and insert: Yellow lever. — Except: (a) children undet 1 year of age; (b) tra­ vellers arriving from a non infected area and staying less than 2 weeks o o in the country.

République arabe unie Egypte

A la page 34, dans la note concernant le choléra, insérer: Et de la République populaire de Chine.

United Arab Republic Egypt

On page 35, in the note concerning cholera, insert: And from the People’s Republic of China.

Salomon britanniques, Iles A la page 38, dans la note concernant la variole, insérer: Nouvelle- Zélande.

British Solomon Islands

On page 29, in the note concerning smallpox, insert: New Zealand. — 414 —


Indicatif Fréquence Heure d’émission Jour Emission en anglais, sauf Indl- Station d'appel kc/s GMT cation contraire — In English, Call Sign Frequency Time of Emission Day unless otherwise indicated.

Bulletin épidémiologique radiotélégraphique quotidien de TOMS * Daily Epidemiological Radio Bulletin of WHO * Genève-Prangins H BO 74.9 08.00 08 20 Français — French HBX76 6943 08 00 08.20 Français — French HB041 11402 08.00 H B 0 34 14462 08.00 Quotidien 15.00 Daily H B 0 88 18 930 08.00 08.20 Français — French 15.00 HBV30 20190 08.00 08.20 Français — French HBV3S 25 132.5 15.00 Bulletin hebdomadaire de la Station d’informations épidémiologiques de l’OMS, Singapour Weekly Bulletin of the WHO Epidemiological Intelligence Station, Singapore Singapore Naval Radio G YS 112.85 15.30, 19.30,23.30 Jeudi Emission de 15.30 en G Y S 2 4 334 19.30, 23.30 Thursday CODEPID et en clair; G Y S 3 6 481 13.30, 19.30, 23.30 toutes les autres émis- G Y S 4 8 630 15.30, 19.30, 23.30 sions en clair G Y S 5 12 781.5 15.30, 19.30,23.30 15.30 Emission in G Y S fi 17 266.4 15.30 CODEPID and in clear; G YS 112.85 03,30,07.30,11.30 Vendredi all others only in clear G Y S 3 6 481 03.30 Friday G Y S 4 8 630 03.30, 07.30,11.30 G Y S 5 12 781.5 03.30, 07.30, 11.30 G Y S 6 17 266.4 03.30,07.30, 11.30 G Y S7 22 533 03.30,07.30, 11.30 Central Radio Station, Saigon X VY33 11991 Minuit Quotidien11 en CODEPID et en clair Midnight Daily11 in CODEPID and in dear

Keelnng Radio 8 714 1 1 02.00 Quotidien11 en clair XSX 420 j \ 08.00 Daily14 in clear Dimanche Sandakan Radio, North Borneo V Q B 2 458 05.00 en clair Suoday in clear Hong Kong (Hung Horn) V P S 2 435 01.18* Vendredi en clair ZEL24 12 325 0 1 .18 * Friday in clear Tokyo Kemigawa JJC 8 702 Vendredi en clair 13.30 Friday in clear l 4 316 13-30 \ Vendredi Tokyo Usui JJC 1 13 051.3 13.30 1 Friday \ 17 069.6 13.30 r Samedir l 22 542 13.30 ) Saturday 1 Karachi Radio (Malir) ASK 484 08.30, 16.30 Samedi en clair 4 Saturday in clear4 Madras Radio VWM 158 17.30 Samedi en clair4 Saturday in clear * HYT83 Samedi Tananarive AJarobia 17400 06.00 en CODEPID et enclair 4 FZX28 8 185 Saturday in CODEPID and in clear 4 P B 482 Vendredi en clair Colombo Radio 4 P B 8 742 06.00, 13.30 Friday in clear Ceylon Naval Radio G Z H 123 11.00, 19.30* G Z H 4 8 726 11.00, 19.30* G Z H S 12 988.5 11.00, 19.30* Vendredi en clair G Z H 6 16978.4 11.00. 19.30* Friday in clear G Z H 7 22 587 11.00 G Z H 3 6 519.5 19.30 » Radio-Station Manila D U H 2 6170 1 21.05, 02.45 \ Quotidien4 en téléphonie4 DZFM 710 l 08.45, 14.40 j Daily 4 in telephony 4 D U H 5 11840 Manila Radio DZS DZS 2 598 1 00.30,03.30 \ Lundi • Samedi4 en téléphonie4 \ 06.30,09.30,12.30 J Monday-Saturd.' in telephony 4 00.30, 03.30, 06.30 Dim.-Sunday Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire du Bureau régional de l’OMS, pour la Méditerranée orientale, Alexandrie Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin of the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Alexandria Mercredi et Abu-Zabal (Cairo) SUW48 10 594 08.00 Wednesday SUW66 13 813 12.15 and Friday4

1 Renouvelé tous les vendredis. 1 Renewed on Fridays. * Le samedi et le mercredi le Bulletin hebdomadaire de la Station de Singapour 1 On Saturdays and Wednesdays, the Weekly Bulletin of the Singapore Station est suivi de renseignements complémentaires reçus la veille de Genève-Prangins. is followed by additional information received from Genève-Prangins on Fridays and Tuesdays respectively. 1 Après le bulletin météorologique. 1 Following the weather report. 4 Immédiatement après le bulletin météorologique commençant à 01.18 GMT. 4 Immediately after the China Seas Weather Bulletin beginning at 01.18 GMT. * Renouvelé tous les vendredis. L'émission comprend aussi es émissions 4 Renewed on Fridays. The broadcast also includes epidemiological infor­ épidémiologiques concernant les pays des Amériques. mation regarding countries of the Americas. * Le vendredi, le bulletin de TOMS à Genève suit Immédiatement le bulletin 1 On Fridays, the WHO bulletin from Geneva follows immediately after the du Bureau régional. bulletin of the Regional Office. T Suivi de renseignements complémentaires extraits du Bulletin épidémiologi­ r Followed by additional information extracted from the Daily Epidemiolo­ que radiotélégrapbique quotidien de TOMS (Genève-Prangins). gical Radio Bulletin of WHO (Genève-Prangins). * Voir aussi page 36$. * See also page 366.