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Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. WHORM Subject File Code: CO (Countries – Geographic Areas) Casefile Number(s): 048193 (1 of 2) Box 2 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT Withdrawer (WHORM): SUBJECT FILE DLB 12/30/2009 File Folder co (048193 )(1) FOIA Sl0-306 Box Number 2 SYSTEMATIC 9 ID Doc Document Description Noof Doc Date Restrictions Type Pages 82122 PAPER RE: AMBASSADOR/GABON 1 ND Bl R 4/5/2019 DEPT. OFSTATEWAIVER 11/6/2015 82123 PAPER RE: AMBASSADOR/TUNISIA 1 ND Bl R 4/5/2019 DEPT. OF STATE WAIVER 11/6/2015 82124 PAPER RE: AMBASSADOR/IRELAND 1 ND Bl R 4/5/2019 DEPT. OF STATE WAIVER 11/6/2015 82125 PAPER RE: AMBASSADOR/CANADA 1 ND Bl R 4/5/2019 DEPT. OF STATE WAIVER 11/6/2015 82126 PAPER RE: AMBASSADOR/SAINT VINCENT 1 ND Bl AND THE GRENEDINES R 4/5/2019 DEPT. OF STATE WAIVER 11/6/2015 The above documents were not referred for declassification review at time of processing Freedom of Information Act• [5 U.S.C. 552(b)J B-1 Natlonal security classlfled Information [(b)(1) of the FOIAJ 8·2 Release would disclose Internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIAJ B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIA] B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial Information [(b)(4) of the FOIAJ B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIAJ B-7 Release would disclose Information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIAJ B-8 Release would disclose Information concerning the regulation of financial Institutions [(b)(8) of the FOIAJ B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical Information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIAJ C. Closed In accordance with restrictions contained In donor's deed of gift. The President has eaan 1J-/t;/1, 6840 - ,~, ·· il,f!i THE WHlfE HOUSE 1G ~ WA S H I N G T O N I~: V#g j tJ'~.5.5 tt2 Tuesday, December 8, 1981 J?4tJC1-PI Beginning at 4:30 p.m. ,.(t. L! 0 t:l..a-:.Z_ The Oval Off ice ✓ \.J \" t1 t:l I Jt,2__ FROM: JAMES w. NANCEY il o t!? 1..f llvCM I. PURPOSE /JtJlff 1 To receive for accreditation the diplomatic credentials of [ tJ/£'.,j} six Ambassadors. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS, AND PRESS ARRANGEMENTS A. Background: You will receive credentials from the Ambassadors of the Gabonese Republic, Republic of Upper Volta, Republic of Tunisia, Ireland, Canada, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. After the exchange of docu ments, you will hold a brief (five-minute) conversation with each Ambassador. B. Participants: Chief of Protocol Annenberg will introduce each Ambassador. I will be present with members of the NSC staff. The Ambassador of the Gabonese Republic will be escorted by State Protocol Officer Richard Massey. # The Ambassador of the Republic of Upper Volta will be escorted by State Protocol Officer George Sealey. The Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia will be escorted by State Protocol Officer John Murtha. The Ambassador of Ireland will be escorted by State Protocol Officer Patrick Daly. The Ambassador of Canada will be escorted by State Protocol Officer Richard Gookin. The Ambassador of St. Vincent and The Grenadines will be escorted by State Protocol Officer Miss Rodney Rawding. Families Attending: 'I'he Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia will be accompanied by his wife, Jajat, and daughter, Lilia (13). The Ambassador of Ireland will be accompanied by his wife, Brid; son, Dr. Brian O'Sullivan (29); daughter, Aideen (25). The Ambassador of Canada will b e accompanied by his wife, Sondra. C. Press Arrqngements: White House photographer only. III. BACKGROUND MATERIAL 3x5 cards attached ,- Hubert Ondias-Souna (OHN-dee-ahs SOO-nah) - Appointed Ambassador of Gabon Head of State - El Hadj Omar Bongo, President ,, Head of Government - Leon Mebiame (May-be-ahm), Prime Minister Ambassador Ondias-Souna, 34, three wives, fourteen children. Previous assignments include Director-General of Gabonese Radio and Television, Director of Libreville General Hospital, Director of the Military Cabinet at the Presidency, Ambassador to Ivory Coast, Ambassador to Canada. Pertinent Background: President Bongo makes frequent private visits to the United States1 he has two daughters in university in California. In June, 1981, he spent a week in the U.S. and met with the President and the Vice President in Washington on June 15. The President has not been to Gabon1 the Vice President was there in 1972 and met President Bongo at that time. Prime Minister Mebiame has visited the United States privately many times1 most recently he spent part of his summer vacation in the Miami area this August. Significant Issues: Military assistance to Gabon1 support for trade and investment growth1 regional security1 Chad. Issues for Discussion: Reaffirm the Administration's commitment to modest levels of military assistance (FMS credits and IMET) to help increase Gabon's border security. Emphasize our desire to see increased trade with and investment in Gabon, particularly in infra structure and minerals exploitation. Express our appreciation for President Bongo's efforts to assist in bringing a peaceful, African solution to the Chad situation. Ambassador Ondias-Souna may give you a letter from President Bongo. Suggest you say you will read it later with interest, but not promise a reply. GOS 11/20/87 ,. ,- ·--· ---- - ---- --- ·-- _._____ ·--·------ ,. ------ ·------ ,., 1. PRESENTATION OF CREDENTIALS UBERT ONDIAS-SOUNA (~-DEE-AHS soo-NAH) I AMB- H GABON FAMILY - UNACCOMPANIED PARTICIPANTS: JAMES W. NANCE WH FRED WETTERLNG NSC _ JAMES I<_- BISHOP(ESCORT) STATE CAROL ·WOLTER(INTERPRETER) \ l I 34 YEARS OLD; 3 WIVES; 14 CHILDREN ' AMBASSADOR TO IVORY COAST ! - \ AMBASSADOR TO CANADA ' \ -- 0 RECALL YOUR BRIEF CORDIAL MEETING ON JUNE 15. WITH PRES. BONGO IN WASHINGTON, AND YOUR PERIODIC CORRESPONDENCE WITH HIM (YOU HAVE EXCHANGED LETTERS 3 TIMES). 0 EMPHASIZE OUR DESIRE TO SEE INCREASED TRADE WITH AND INVESTMENT IN GABON, PARTICULARLY INFRAS'J:RUCTURE AND MINERALS EXPLOITATION. 0 EXPRESS APPRECIATION FOR PRES. BONGO'S EFFORTS TO ASSIST IN BRINGING A PEAC.EFUL, AFRICAN SOLUTION TO THE CHAD SITUATION. 0 IF THE AMBASSADOR GIVES YOU A LETTER FROM BONGO, SAY YOU WILL READ IT LATER BUT NOT PROMISE A REPLY. UIIUSSIFIED Tiemoko Marc Garango (Phonetic: gah RAHN go) - Appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Upper Volta Head of State - Colonel Saye Zerbo (phonetic: ZAIR bo), President, Military Committee of Reform for National Progress. Biographic Sketch: Ambassador Garango, 54, married, 2 children. Previous assignments include Minister of Finance, 1966-1976 and Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and Yugoslavia, 1977-1981. Pertinent Background: There have been no visits to the U.S. by the Upper Volta Head of State since the recent change in government, nor have the President or Vice President visited Upper Volta. (Mrs. Bush made a brief refueling stop in Upper Volta during her November 1981 trip to Africa, and was greeted by the President's wife, Mrs. Zerbo.) Significant Issues: A group of military officers led by Colonel Zerbo seized power in a bloodless coup on Novem- ber 27, 1980. The coup has not damaged relations with the U.S., which traditionally have been cordial. Upper Volta is one of the poorest countries in the world, and suffered seriously during the Sahel drought in the 1970s. Principal bilateral issues thus center on the significant U.S. AID program, which is carried out with the cooperation of about 80 Peace Corps Volunteers. Issues for Discussion: Express appreciation for Voltan support for the Camp David accords and its UN votes on Afghanistan, Puerto Rico and other issues of concern to us. Reassure Ambassador that, in spite of painful but necessary cuts in U.S. foreign assistance budget, we will do our best to preserve essential elements of assistance to Upper Volta. UICUSSI t ,------------------- - ,. 2. PRESENTATION OF CREDBNTIALS AMB. TIEMOKO ~.ARC GARANGO (GAH RAHN GO) UPPER VOLTA PARTICIPANTS: (UNACCOMPANIED) WH - JAMES W. NANCE NSC - FRED WETTERING STATE- JAMES -K. BISHOP(ESCORT) SOP~IA K. PORSON (INT.) .....- 54 YEARS OLD; MARRIED; TWO CHILDREN MINIS'.I'ER OF FINANCE, 1966-i976 AMBASSADOR TO GERMANY, AUSTRIA, YUGOSLAVIA, 1977-1981 2 o EXPRESS APPRECIATION FOR VOLTAN SUPPORT FOR CAMP DAVID ACCORDS AND ITS UN VOTES ON AFGHANISTAN, PUERTO RICO AND OTHER ISSUES OF CONCERN TO US. o REASSURE HIM THAT, IN SPITE OF PAHTFUL BUT NECESSARY CUTS IN U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE BUDGET, WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO PRESERVE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF ASSISTANCE . TO UPPER VOLTA. •. L Habib Ben Yahia (HA beeb Ben YAH yah) - Appointed Ambassador of Tunisia Head of State - Habib Bourgui·ba (borGHEEba) , President Head of Government - Mohamed Mzali (.emZAHlee), Prime Minister .. Ambassador Ben Yahia, 43, married, two children. A career diplomat, he was recently Ambassador to Japan. Previously, he worked as principal staff assistant to the Foreign Minister, in the economic and American affairs sections of the Foreign Ministry, and as economic counselor in Paris and Washington. He spent a year studying inter national relations at Columbia University in the mid-sixties. Pertinent Background: President Bourguiba has visited the United States three times·: on official visits in 1961 and 1968, and to attend President Eisenhower's funeral in 1969.