ORAN AND COTTON ??G??????. tlon. th« market ruling quit* aetkre «g obscene msttcr. The PLEA6ANTTRIP TO OLD POINT. covering %Q\c raii»A un iiortrslt or painting rrru\A pnsslhly «lo unlawfully publishing the RICHMOND. September ». -Offerings. times, with prie«·* is a close exaratnatli/n of The fe«>!lnK developed was r»th*r s«ro,, t insti, e Miss Lyons'* tx-auty tanjrilit» Court made A Parly of Itlebmen«! «o«l Rttt Keat ?·?- MARKET Wheat, 2.S1Í bu.; corn (WhlUI. 210 bu.. ss vile as anything QUOTATIONS ami «¡os« waa at a smssl rsBsBBBg enough so the eyes slid tn th«· memory, for DEATH sheet, which was mlxei a .hiñe sky. Thi« is ? tica after full «marnlrsBtVm. A. pleaaant party of young people (»ats.Then· was moderate WORKING HARD ?« a A ss as REPORTO, FROM ALL GREAT BUSINESS «W tm.; oui«. t«T2 bu. the n^mr ..HON lowliness rather ?»'??«*. ?»t?««?11>· saSBsSai, FORMER MERCHANT OF MANCHES¬ that no paper had been Issued yet, the city 8unday morning In a private car Whent. «StlTtC.: a firmer fielln*. ..«pedaltr fer been sent out OP Quotation» I/ingberry, win , ;iLDPMENT radiant In Ih«· "f ???? SSsssSB hair. TER DIES IN R.CHMOND- only this proof-sheet had ever the Chveapeake and Ohio for Old CENTRES THE WORLD. No. 2 futures, which sdviuiotd about **«·, glory the sheet mUed. 67i»7.V Shortl^rry. «m',¿c. but « und friiurlit through and through with from th« offics. lie decided rhat Point. reti, 71c. May, at the, highest point, showed an would the moral· of all classes; Th" was under the auspice· of of at a decline of V . ? nassa· Laat »» h««rt and corrupt trip Iota, gain V·. closing ? iati NnjtMi UN beeaBJ tWat fSBBal fit* Commuti· Mm»tinK-C«mpUfnt its character; In of Grsls» CBVB- Waft· print«·. Virginia bag ase soni glws to youth ina·!·· physl- that It was oberere in the Big Three Club, and was chargn .Trie·· Men·»«, fionda atoeks. No ; No. 2 BHi5l··. from the outside, a net gain ot V Il., Ot HOS Othrr Al- IBBOOSBM About Engin·· and liable to of was untiring Mr.; whit., Bjc; mlted. »ally iH-rfint through faultless t>atur»» Whlitllng-Fnner·!·« SserBBSjaaaa In Its tendency, »"aptaln E A. ««lit. who Tetaarcn, ( otton, SjSj, and th· Oat·.VVIatae »for se.*l>. «¡«B>?t7e. No. 2 the day. ? serstssa. rbeeks Ilk» a sea . »nd RrUfj. '¡ui«e bloodshed, and therefore notified In hi· exertions to make every one have l'rovtslons.Open«-d steady oa th« irseli«· iti.m «-vss, und oMttaday IVr»oo»l. but waa Weather Intlleatlona. mlxe»l. MSn/tv.. No. :i mixed. iZtiUc. Trail¬ she is or (Massfl that h» would discharge him, a good time. When ? »hi l'oint strength of live ho»« at the yards. «lull »if eraras thoroughhr*·!, If a slngl« ntnun^l themselves Rye-e©e«vc. the trans* -.id ii"t he symmotit.-allv t·«·?.·v|tifnt that he would b» rearr*sted reache«l the erowd ing was light, atth most of Boaiaet th«rcTra« Mr. John W. Owen·, of Manchester, died was lssu«d fort, boat-rldlng, ti n< In lard. wan «am»*.* She has th«· small*«! diilntlrat hands, copy of The Sporting News by strolling through the (By teleirrsph to the Dlspstrh.) Later, business ?·- ? r.·»· ut at tli· ut ? *i «Veaotai yatteiaay afternoon at the In thi« OSBOOB wanted the case and visiting «he BoldaerS1 Roana at Hamp¬ KH'HM'iXn TOBACCO MARKET. at a standstill, but a steady f.t+ng pr->- with pink palm* «t·? skin. Illy ilk·- flutf.tr.. ilty. Ice at a I I I D. C, Beptember :.raoattosssl? end of his muter. Mr*. Cottreil. No tak.-n to a higher court, but the .hist ton. They returned to Bb-hmon«! Wttanajntta·; r...No auction vallfMl. .1.1 ahe carrlei bor sea-feet little fleur»· reatBe#9t there late elated, anil Und out with I Ba. .1 recast Virginia.· Gen- RICHMOND, ffiiiliailm f toe 1 «tea's : sh·· ?. »?» eent Mamhaii street m explained that up to the present hour, mudi fije ottsilaga sa 'Chaag· t»-.iay. Cash quotations: »BBg with sasMetaa graea BJetaasaod him. Ills Honor tbatr day of fair weather in the intern>r. No. I I. t rfcr.·«- SIkI»t«. waa no cae* airslnsl pleasure, I Jtfrally Privais salsa cuttors, 10; Flour.Firm, attese unchanged. Of BSSMrttfnl Mr Owens waa In the «nth y« ar of htj Chief of Polle.· to nrr»-t Thoea the wen Iteanra, rulers, ft; No. 2 red, «\ th»· nil «r tii· m t1a>nll«l ivi«-a »if im.·· baa notified the composing party G clesnng on the coait ; cooler; total. tS hh.K .prtng wheat. <%fM\a>· *, r'· h»M IB t L«· lisll. being ten. anti the a alias .lake Shaw (esterad), M. Votant, s. ?:. Beyle«, Key« For North Carolina: Shower·; clearing Short rib »Idas. tID.20Cno.37w; dry nt flowera, In Atlant* several and life. Ba had beta In health for .lohn Thomas Totatcco . . :,!M0 7j ilin.eS, IIved years ago, failing st»allnK $2 In currency D. u Bdwarda, J. W smith. T. R. weather Tuesday afternoon in weitern »ssort Onr ?, ? l»r. B. II. Pit has SB stianta and Macon and lung Um«·. Laut Kummer he went to Hlr- caarged «rita <: Miller, c. suited shoulders. G «VaT»; from Washington Trueman, and mealing ¦temper, Jaanaa fTard, A. much cooler: northwest win.Is. -,3 Pidos. 19.75*1 lU.OD. Whiskey. ll.il. Hl I I iil'ir.-d more hum durlnif her stsy ai»., to hla brother. Mr. was ? I-. li. ¡latti portion·; Total . rua mtngrtam, «iati C In money from Henry Harris., U Appernon, T, Nuchlea, a for till¬ The leading futur·s ranged aa follows: "'· saoer, sad Una ssoai atri· arta in s life. c*s», M. l'artish. .1. L. Appersnn. C. TtVr.> was nuit·" g-**l Itrjuirv ' William H. Owens, ami while on hin way In the litter ¦rood, 1. \\ :¦ '· sent to the «rand Jury Tux WtATiirn m HtiTHMosn YrsTEnnAt ers to-«lay. ???? some goo.1 salts «rSSB heat. stors, tl.rough l.'»me aun,«, time |;,*t month h«· area security in the V.. Tbocaaa, j. C Chandler, J. J. Dancy, L'*«t. «JTs'g» .:. .is on« ..r m."t ami and reqetred to glee Stark-, and was rlear and warm in the forenoon, fol- saaae .it very sntisfactory prt.-is. Some Op'n'g. Il'g'st. iti |h« beautiful '·. ? ?·,.,,!<. and lohn W. «¦'· ?- «I stricken wi«h paralysis ar.\* 6tS «·', SS>| th·· of th«· it a wat. h li. S. Prior 'rump. Milton Sale· effects utiHck, and trat tanni- ;. for tac laresBf Of Pendieton, T. K. dir¬ nif/ht th«· Hkien were overcast. Mr. Sila* Siielt'um« has Just returned Dec.R*4 7''t .'»S «r»«j il an«! Itrlef·. to friends coniti not ?« t Swift. <"Wrk. I>r. ?. ? SI iter, .Ir.. t Perso* Is real ata that ht .Bleed at SsJM fp.rn Meyer H ?«tit State of tiiennoni«»ter : in a Kast**rn N >rt! May ...... ?% 7Ì\ 70V4, 7*·» ;.. Ititohs a ne- ham, and T. ?". S .»et, Of New fr trip through ?.. Hurt.di iy baa returned to ths well. Hun.lay morning h«· suffered sent to th» ref»irma»orv. ß ?. M.67 ni says th·· tOasstsa ?t?? In that Corn. < H.i which <·???µ«·? pay HI gad eastg anttea nwist ..pi.?·--, M «·* ·, II Ivrklni has re! becaass conld < bandi le M wtott, Oradt 12 M.,? ine r-ooI bright* In all Ocl... 40 , 41», William Joseph I, tad William it. Owena, of Bir- for at Martha t'.irt.r In the Myrtha t, from ta* w of shooting P< r.-l·· Bradley, and Mrs. T. H. 3P.M.»j the croa· an.I some very tin«, cures, sf.U Dea.40·» m% Ml «* · -' .iii. Ala , Own«, v rr - Samuel ||. Btreei Grada . P. Il.ni ? art o< thi crop Is connu· n, .4IS 4SS 41* «sis win h» Mrs. n n. Mrs. of Sunday Kemper, of Richmond, and Mtoeea the bargee M iy Thi· Manchester; cottreH and There wer» ? number Anni·· Richardson, H «sie. 12 Nik'ht.70 t.^lng ftiimagcil early In the season by too .lit J. s. Moor.·, of Richmond. "drunks" and other cast's. Oats- unimportant . 'rumi., Minni» ChaniJlsr, Perito Smith, much rain. Sept. .Ml ?^*» 27H *<4 « Mi Owen· wait fnr twenty I Up tu ? ? left for Wsohtasgtoa yea- Fain ?? ?. M CI "· ?· r. a,il Mrs D. W. M an temperature.-.T1H Aimer Harris's circular snys: OrYcrlngs G? 2»* W'ray merchanl «if this having A A are: Oct.:7\ ¡.'V4 « las ¦ promlaoBl city, FAILURE Of JkWELLER· The officerà of th» club liberal In LoulavdsSi demand harlly .'.|unl .. ';s'3 Sfa >.\ .·,·. a store on Hull Billing·. i>·.·. .·, Miss led large Bjocery ?. A. Cook, president; J, C. stuck dssare to sell; wak on medium O Harrison, land, Is atreei between and Thirl The il·,,.e of 1 «m.. »'. ? jier Gee· to the NEW TORJC MARKBT. pffasa May .M| M4 **w Twelfth r. »? nt; J. .'. Dancy, morn general an.l not t mini ini" m:i" better Chandli NEW YORK, S« it.tnl· r 8..The stock grad··; huyiag M,fs pork- No ut bustoisa Wall.Liabilities *2M,0OO. treasurer; J««t.n v,. Starke, aecretary. monopolisti by big factories. Darks, 1«» I«·· !· or more thoroughly respected, ??·? market wat Break almost from start t·» on Sept. .Ufa Ms· 1 ?·' Hwann, of James i; Tyler, jeweHer on Mala street | lUht offering, trs.ltng mostly regie |¿ M USO IH» nd 1.njoyed the confidence of all »ii'> knew finish. Tii·· Influence was ih« on late rains. Oct..MSi) yesterday. between ??µ???? ani Ninth streets, ratted r«"w tienili« Leal week. depranetng account Crop Aotag srell Jan. lili) It Ml 1« 10 14 OH »> 11111 k,·. "f \ list sreek s ? .i FUeh- lay, «rith estimated liabilities II deaths In Richmond rlip In Sterling Kxohanio·. which r lv.-il quotations repeal G f He was a aon of Uh lit· Barnnel Owens, Thert- arara only «if OB ??p?- Tii» w.i« admitti 1 to re<-or· will ? afternoon from tha le died were whit« fcnKfl B0O.0O9 for Bhtpmeal an WTednesdejr, Jan. S 17>n | BJ ., «ntr-,? Methodist .t :; o'clo« k. made triist.·.·. Immediate pue·»selon There imptlon n t.. th·· aad ti" 1: to '.. rat bur tl.lt wat ?1<·??·· 1.« itlSVll.l.U. KY.. 3.-The 8 s» »-eas Minor have either or aste tfeptember Oet . »13 42s II; in by nubile auctloB prtrats dltlonal ordern, which will be operative n sreee '¿,?+? hhds., 40 I ridi whei CITY COMMITTEE MESTINO. wi'hin four tuai aal suetlea Jan. 7 4.) 7 US ? Hid ? In ths months us goon as Mils of ran be das. MM bhds last sresk, un·! l.'.'-t Th«· «'itv «'enti,it Committee ?» After providing for th» payment of the eschange agalnat TU!; COTTOR MARKETS. basi· for a : law¬ of at the rati-s hy the hhil.«. this week lust year. · « nul talked over the Bltustlon ol th» ?··· posivi tlatlglialotl tlipir. it boys playing in over New l irl· > Th·· total off.'rlngs weru NRW ?»»??. «BssaasBBBr 28..Ooíten. short whi!.· and then adjourned yers' fees, the deed says that Mrs. Annie foreigner«. All this brougbl prominently sul week. Sales, itlon Metri the 1.W1 hh'ii". agalaas «,? alala girsi] . srdaada vk*> . uri-ana KS«·. until to-night Tiny decid« to open M «hall be pal HS.7C7 M tor money room and Ma. nth ol Tyler two tradera already llaeuaatng ani 1.7.'..! hh»K thin «reek last yvar, l.l'.l bal ·¦·. good ordinary, 7Sc: low canvass regularly on the lent; the State Bank ol Virginia for in Total .»?-ton have to j..;. aad th.· dette· «m th.· ;..irt ..f the Senate In tak¬ 1..1I7 hhi». thia wwk LM, salee middling, ? M Ite Futures closed st«*adyi Dolly J month. :iit».'i amounting to 77.ÜM hhiK, Oc¬ '. mt viali is coming from R iberi Wee- ing action on the silver question, Induced for thi* H-unon date, sal··»«. ¿8, 00 t lies; .·' ?».µp?··'?, 17 W. «Vmsldemble complaint ai«.) 11.1'.. amount overdrawn; R.SS1 hh.l* Inst y«mr. Vt..i In November, V> i.s, U«ct mi. MM; January, s^'v. rihrwarr M«fì; ..n I wife |< Ina Th·· name· ol other creditors ATTACKED, of railroad. A pronti- l"it nr.· t.. share NORTHERN PACIFICA Keducfag th» inxi'i" flgurs inedltja March, MM; April. MM; sUy. «73. ? t!.i Itlchmond snd Danville t'iv. 11 In th·· deed, the) sil ."z»n living on Twelfth atreet aald and strln- Tha Northern Pactfie atocks were at* ?-i tin·!·» |e, l quote others luuhangsd. Th« t..t »? ii-t reeetpta of cotton ?«.<|?>???? j Financial depression ata) menta ail·*· but rulini? nearer Inside figure*. fi"in nil srer« ».871 b*Ue«: I'K; r -ii thai tha nolaa waa h bave beta tbe causa tack.··I. the publiai I generally to-day port· reporter geacy suposi was to the m.»rk"t bales; to Mrs John Taylor and Mi very ul of evenings thai II waa dim· of Mi·· fall'ir.·. lag thai tha company in ? bad ? iy With not much snap esport·» to Great Britain, \W0 I work it is osmees are hi k I t .,. .,':.;.'t basas. ? 'I un lay, after a cull to irry on a conversation while r n un ally, having made the of de¬ said many hoMlag France, I bales - of do· crowd. ·.· \\ G.-ilr. d thai = th.- aetsurttlsa a comparatively tii.'tr higher chus tohaoco at hoc·· Total so thr this week: N"t ive«*pts. tw... |o the orld's his He affirm« M ETS- pressing * .??.-.? porch. ' THE SCHOOL B'JARD r lady In snd II easy task, and Cblraga Oes vu* ,. tt r later, a« they dalia that lbs MJ«· bale·; \i» rt· to Oreat Itrttaln, 10. ? ..ft Hall m Mrs M. W. llowed Richmond, of ?· be did not Arrominoilatlon« In Orlalo on rumors that the companj la tin. UM .-r rp will n-.t «apply much such, 7:w> balee; to Fran ¦·. V ,?·«. ·· ,· I tho Richmond end Danville people Additi«·liai . I Ml h« on the that m m.· tti. ir coauaon sad me« ORLEANS. ?.? r ».-· " li and with fresh offering NEW v. ? id'a 1 Indulge in ar.y sm conduct, Beettsae- Tb· Borallsaeat, litigation ground ringln* of the belle would rn Is -«tin in a trust. Otherwlee, »Hum, of which ihe supplies aere iartj,-iy ? Hal., fr..'ti the ¦· r. of The meeting of th» city School w;iv of IO .iiis an w. s. ·¦ lots r, $7 fi; ? dsught» every purpose. Two police oil.rs regular there was littl" In the Rea composed balee; pu :'incliti ?. ·, Board sai la! the Hlgb School build¬ vraa ·? sf tin· in the grow¬ ? ?.· r, R.W; January. r«· on the Berne subject «Satur¬ aifect price», except thai London Reports Improvement vember, %: *? w« talking fternoon a! I o'clock, fr..m to 5 th<» for manufactured m sill return home m nod expressed themselves to ing y» KNOWLEDGE m p· r. The decline ranged », ing 'Top, demand February, |v ? h, day night lOvenateta ivlce- «t the nuisance should be Pre.at: Hon, William cent, the latter In Manhattan, which goods n"t > boomlag hy any msana ALL» u effect thai .1. »'. Dickereon, Kdwln and per to utiiin.itt.>n which NAVAL STORE U IRRET* Trlalty chairmaa), lion, Rrinc^ comfort nnd improvement ? down to 13%. nr- leading check the n. pastor ot abat« l> stark··, Aionsa 1.. PhUBpa T. Wiley when holders was ii'\">i> to continue. WILMINOTON ? C s. ,·¦. rabí t M ?.. 11. o. ill and When Mr. Bristol, the music teacher tends to thought Kprlffg' continues very l 1·. is. ii. It. Bdg ir personal enjoyment THE LOSSES, Park*. sreek w. io over ..I at raine«.!. un¬ whom Mr. Ned. Alex. Quigon, \\\\<> live bet· I ''??·t???"< Ulta i.. \ y from New York, with im·«!. The many, un ex¬ ¡¡? t « «SB. Tur apt·. Issi we. k Shine, William F. ???, BuporHiteadent, rightly Chicago Oaa fell off 4'·, ?·'? cent Ornat doable ?a-·»? week's; bul with active tin.-. Tura» titln" ii...ut him. Hoff atudled, waa In Richmond and r. Rady, supervisor. Major ter than others and enjoy life more, with Northern demand pri. ·a ad- at «toady; Bostoniana he was taken Charle· Northern pi ferrod I per cent.; port, sad re-handltng Dna UM; turpentine I with the sick and Mayor Bllyaon abeeol l»>s more promptly 3: Bur« more or all the hue il soft an vii tin, H M Mr. Mies Ids Robinson, of this city, who «mu expenditure, by Pacific preferred, '\.\ Pullman, vanead tasa along lard, t»; ? '. :, ion, ?"· in tbe world's beat tu Western with a f« ? of wrapper SAVANNAH C \ .'" G for the great ma from city first BdaptiBi Ihe pcodoeta llPfton and Qulncy, Vk\ hogsheads good ¦ several songa submitted his uttc.-t Wheel¬ 1 up to ??),·, ? ail of lugs >f tpew u aad t" a gentleman after- Tbe superintendent the tieni-« of being, will p. ral Electric, X; Sugar, I; quote grade· p trita turpe! Mi Bristol said monthlv wblch shows the wbote physical and North¬ (.ul at aa advance of >«< wtth cl m i ti'i'i .· for Ralas » f ? Mis· Robinson bad report, th» value to health of ihe ing and Lake Erie preferred leaf atroag regulars th h« though! white, ß, ß; pure liquid con- 7 " i" I .weitest voles he numb« r enrolled, western, 2, snd Omaha ' V The sentiment priées asar outstda Sgarse, Hpaiu reeetpta ca ik III in» one of »te pures) and The Board had under laxative embraced in the moat active il· », ?' a i1 4.Ml"; total. ??,ß?. principles In the board having ¡>-n decidedly b titiu.··» to li* the leading end for pal MBB »I heei Thi· was, Indeed, gn m '· ··.·. $l P, fr.,m .? consideration arrangement· for remedy, Syrup ol Kip·«. the fact «list the decreaae in fhs buyer "f luga, end i·« paylag as higta a II, and ·. B, M; ' «':!!·; an Im- a- it did, lah, " 1: will reed compliment, coming, to accommodate the do¬ to ita si for the thirl >·¦ ooatraetors «ay they tl.10 n ' I s., mai adltlonal schools Its excellence it doe proseritinir eernlmra of Ih« Paul any oae; and tt.OS; O, m ni who had h· ,??? of ths Ity 111 » ri can to t' ¦¦¦¦ ?. ? Wli loe glue, fc.1·. M ol rn mi in some sections in the form nio-t acceptable and plant¬ week of Beptember was mailer are wen heded aad afford M. MM; and Mra H. Rudolph, better sui.- th· lr ·.· J.m· \Voo«l on (while? from Pltsyl- Mr visiting Mr. and The i:· ai 1 adopted rules for ant to the the ? I and truly the loa led in pre» ions week·, their Hin·· to ?·? whiiA suit« tli-m nt r white. , who imv.· been tante, rething ..¡?· 1 nt 111.· pent- ter, Pa \v..rk. ,i «re with f.iith in atore lags la ?»'.·.? .i have returne home. Btltutlon 1 in iitikial ol ß lax- little affect. iperatora pay¬ vtewa, NORFOLK ??? i MIT. ·¦ t.. sei ve on» yeai foi ?? Bayley, was on the color· propertiet perfect lha cr.ii. tti.iu of late. Brown, on«* "f th·· best Francis Taylor placed ing little attention to anything beyond t "Uncle" Hutu'y list. There wer.· ? ? vacancies utivc; cleansing the lyatem, on silver matt tra «ire·«! common V ? Miri men In the city, died of' substitute effectually n Washington River PUIera Mostly NORFOLK, known colored on the white substitute list colda. headachet and levers ??? medium arers In ktrgs supply re prli ? h·· ? ilar ? on! Iy m» ting of the morning and su t»uri«··! diap Hing um! the queatlon of gold shlpmearta gradea steady; prime Katurday Board transacted a lai »» an ? sal« of the o nd tl '¦ arili 1 ? servant in the Thi und curing constipation. thla ek, mei with Sunday. Barney wsi permanently WEAK '·«¦¦'¦' « .1 lai lantltlea ol ñuta V M «'. A Ihls after- Owena, ??·? had of routine work. It has satisfaction to millions nnd THE CLOSE ? igs, common, ? m« Hum, ???? house· bave family of Mr Bamuel R, given common I« red at litt!« nan«! :iil who knew him. He with the of the medical Speculation left off w«-ak In ton«, ut ». of a net approval · n , i r verv In the To SeUei Meateaaat-Colea·!· Kid¬ or near the bottom The transac¬ ??? ISM ·. rop We tu. ih« t h r» e f«»r many years as porter at because it nctt on the price· rhur» has ntly lived '¦ win a cavalry meeting profession, In hoi and irj week, until laal nigh) n ,. ? « alt ire· ·. <·«· There tions ?ß,ßßß shares. iludlng >>w am Paretesi ... ..r John W. ? without weak« segregated ? built al omnioillo iti in the the Stuart Horse-Ouar«1 Armory al Liver and Bowels unlisted. heavy shown ra feti In rh« !. The Alinshouse Committee mei for Mm» of ney·«, freo from r* sini'ii a lay Bi hool department O'clock this afternoon purpose cninjr them and it is perfectly Bub-tri e b il ine« ?: Coin, ttJ and probabl] elsewhere. The earl) « «iltur Chsmber lasl night snd approved th- Firs! lury .«n ?«? tabi time, l»rlet,,rs of S2.0U0. Council was brought electing .t Heuteaanl eolonel of «¦v« rv substance. currency, M.7 ed tobacco will be cui p 00 I ¦ev« .? bill Nothli a ise to fill th·; objectionable uri·· hair ->r th- will open thi tn R. »?.. steiman Virginia Regiment (cavalry), of for s.'ilr» «ill drin?· which formed about rtli Fifth atl ? tl¡. ommlttee, j who Syrup Figi it hy MONEY AND EXCHANOE. coma with 1m Inter left Sui aftei before place of Colonel W. Kirk Mathews, in but it is inau- The tat.- planted baa oui Sl'MiAY FCNeTR HA in th» state. I« ? gist· 50c andfl bottles, Mon ? on can has b ? easy, ranging ind ill 1, »·. *»«.·?? II on the ? ·, f the World's Fair, where they no longer reside« usual rigor ·· Mis. I· It. Tsylor to h ir ? M. Bo: kin will nfaetnred by tlie California Fig Syrup fr.'in cent; last loan which it has had fill»· during the a is ? k ..r ten rj Tli«» funeral of Mem probable that bfaj evert eh.in.·.·, ? 1 Bunday afternoon from Mead« h·· to the lieutenant-colonelcy, .Co, trfaoee BBOM is printed on in l elil'i un«· iii".'- last two weeks, thai »a·· hear lesa of ti were Instituted in place attend« l promoted Only, than 1 « .? ?!· mild al' Iti ? .? churt h, an I a ui largely und that Major Ruker will be made alto the name, of Fig» cantlle paper, 701 per cent ahorl crop and poor quality w« dH, -rt ?: < ???-uit Court rday ? ? ori ir J. J. package, Syrup count'·-!, in busln« ss, Mr Itob ty yesti fri« nda Pi ifeaa senior major. There ar·' several aspirants w« 11 you will uo» Har silver, 73c, M< alean dollars, although there are particular ft .» < itchi for III; mpatheria read the und being Informed, wua ? ardson, Jr will ? ml il him In against IjHgh n, rector of the church, for th» position of junior major, among Silver at the Stock Exchange to-day and l'art«-· ol counties, which have 'Hi i:i flopt ml ¡1 red. r ?«.11 which While Mr fi Matti will bum·.· m n,.-1 ß luj ii mi ral sen li t ol the Episcopal th··. inIng Captata T. J. Ingram, of accept any dull. iy ovei looked by the 11 James A. Intermenl waa m li la Lieutenant rames it ?? inch, Sterling exchange is Btrong, wltn actual fell elsewhere. Dews al night Mesera llilllir.l ! tit«·.«. end The were Lynchburg; fia l-Ta,Th(a)l»iiiDfMTl Will be splendidi», nil ·· tii" < The floral offerings ??. Bailey «. business In bankers' bill· al ???.',.?- »4 In to the along to maturity. ..t t»i.· su III "f !hes- M na ? eemetary. of Richmond, and Adjutanl help growth t ·.. 1 with tath-i ami .?.-7',·? ? ? , for de¬ ¦·· ? district· 1 m 1 ih ip »hi '. J» ft S ???p la) 1.1.-lit f .r numeroui and beautiful Hum ! for »Ixty day·, l»ark repot dio ? «"in « I ? arted as pall- mand. Postad rates, {? BStj i.».'..·. Com- more favorably now. le idlni go to visit th«· Wot Id The following gentlemen Fourth Tiies.lav. that »h«'-> Itt by W feel William ?????.?» ??·*, · Judge John M Ingram, MEETINGS- ·! htiis, Blzty days, Clarkm ; »m ? A. Whittle, of Hlrmlngham, In¬ Death ef M's« OrsgSfy. »¦ i' ment li luv IV, .? mi, »r James Roy, ? »r, Lawrence BKWBOWDCOBMAKPBBV, No.'.'.kM.lllT·» TKMP1.AB and demand, $t B6< win be an bvi rag« rop h " In X »\. on tltutlon, Wli ? ree» mu had h ti« Il .lanes. Major Joseph Th.· death <»xf"rd, Sun-| bond· >teady. State boi.Js the same In hiui. Colonel ?. O. Government reporta quantity; . ? · ü . the 11 grani of Miss Lucile W. Ore· iry, - itti u perfoi m» l ? a him at .1 ,W. Bronaugh, Jr., l H. Pat- lay morning, ? p/ ??. h loi.,,,. ODD-l ri Owa dull. Railroad bon ? ; weak. there b a ciuss ..r gro whu and ipeclal SI. k. Is along very nicely, Walker, Wil¬ mu ht. r of Major aad Mrs. .\ \ .VV IKIIin, HY hud .wi-.ili ? iplla getting E Oary, H. B. Owen, Ide IIONOB. would never bo happ) unii 1 t>.·)· tenon, George has east a ¦ I II LODCB, gNHIHTS 01 ·>?? Maco, K. Stai.' | Oregory, ot this city, gloom IXV.'UM STOCK QUOTATIONS. t.. ab 11. an 1. ted home liam Allen. «'.. K. of friends of that ? rrrot iones, s*iohts oi bos a». aomethlng complain over the large circle bfJs. 1 I'll· I ,11 e I,· .u.| «G «m,?«,. fi p··· mounts fi :i. and John VV. Arlington. aa« rifi.'S i.ilsiir, IMBRICAS M ri lus: Cloning for. ...'ill! ?.··,·,·, frOSS Mie took le young la Iy. Miss Gregory is . t, 1 hear that with Ml ? Kate ? inrad, ñ The funeral of Mr, A. 1'. n trrlson She had WK.'ItlNICl American Tobacco quarters, while from others Th·· Henrleo ? ra met r< 111 u f· m daya with fever, «. *·. ". . to aa \< ill In Win» .-· a1 ? o'clock from hla only H.BA ôl SCIL, BOVAI 11 Americani Tobacco preferred the crop w,·- never known to levetop of Major 1 inday h··, n the summer in her ol ? N. ABCABPB. - wen buried in the spending M «.s·. BB8TBS COI IL, B0VAL T. s ?·· . In tha last twj , ?., and aa I return ? and the remain and had m Il L SOI n «l! 1 LBAUI K. rapi lly veral bills to I W. having In Chester- '.,r .lini home, Clll'R· DU rotar, and d.i.» . ß·« r ?. idli s' old family burying ground »:n H.liill. Paltlmon we« ks. Other routl mm« hi Young were conducted meats to return to Richmond rest» BtDXgTI »? Packle. 7l'i ; paid. in ti..· ladles ii.-i.l. The servlcei t.ik>-n at» k. Her fi nrrti 101 r. Ihls in nulli, before sh waa ni i Ohio . I ?» K· v. C. M Van Houten, assisted by aftei tkimtï t..?, oit. rssn iss M VU ? ??' church. took in Oxford yesterday noon tfmptaih. and . ·, TORK PRODUCE the place BowABO'aoaova nu»... Burlington Qulncy NEW ? Rev .1 J. Clopton. r be her«· for Chicago, 1 .. \ .. |] ll Baln- and ]:· remains will brought l'i'irivï K. nSST VIROINI4 BB0IMBMT. . iO \?.?. ?. Hour. Mr. Jam? a « »'Connell, gì Memorial s.i. i-.s wer·· held a1 Alton rORK, Beptember Vlncei I yester«! m ?? :?.·? In Interment. RICIIUUSIi uouT-isr kBTBl . and 11 'Bqulr 1st I. A. M., haï |? re! church Bunday afternoon Qaa a% M irkH moro m tlve gen ... ? brldae-Htreel R< lin HMiiSn nos lissa low Mln- county court-house having business through the South, ni.· Oeorge T. Blanton an.? ?? limatimi. lo'.v ·. wheat grad loi from a trip lieti· otlon CAPITAI CITT 1 OtXJB, OUD-rgl I. ;« in her possession .. floui. till !.. It. Thornhlll, and » >bn ikibmis. Cotton m .tu clear, J: SOtj ¦¦¦¦¦ !l ehe ?? H itcher, Rev. Ri v. A, E. I'n Kit- n, D. T>., pi vraoïKi preferì* coma ,11 i g ti.· t RIi II ?· .1 , .1 il ROMS « K. IV. Tern« »see . "i rn Hour and steady; ? .« illtlou, Mr ? i: Davidson made appropriate ti.· di II» U ?? serai ? il Central Hill, East qulel lutti hn Harris In ..?? uf.s riM.t. .. . I , »p I cl leu There ? rowd on The nnessee pr< ferred t. fair is, i- i"i(.; 10; goo V ("utshaw, Pity ·? Isle of Wight county, Sunday. 01 ti !>' Mis »M CASTLI ii.l.a arraigned, Blanton was a valu- ·? Trie . Woi Id'a Fair atti ndani e, Mr ih in1·, llectl was I.W - ????. \· ho ?..- been vi lis G?????. SCUSI . fairly active membei of thla «lunch from organi the sum.» ?? I« preferred ¡ Wheat Spot market a on v.. ¦!:. which paid off tbe debt On \... J «tore a· bearing ' four «;¦ n. ral Electric . I iwer m I it.-a'lv, red, ?? ?? itrilly of aatlon m Dr, Dickinson ordained ! 1 ¦¦ It Illinois C mi ? . vator, Til,c afloat, 72','· lpt1 ears v. II Instituí SERVICES IN' THE CHURCHES. il· .n one. Henry B| \... iti re, La« kawana and W« U »rn .it.' and ? ¦·¦'·,··. lower; No I red, caih, i«r- is siili attracting weak ·. Constable L Hrencb, wh.cently Ret H. C. Garrison m . ·· t:\ There will l"· m» Int» hrlstlan- L ? Erie and West« 14*4 ml er, t? ,¦·.. October, on ·¦ charge which was «lis- Street ci >w is al ''"»v.u.im Avi nue church. Herman Aasarteaa Bssselatlsa. No 2 In ele¬ rested them r meet th» Seventh large and night, itton Bill prof« rred S7% Corn- Bpol firm but dull; mlssed, Rei (leorge ich« ? Bunday morning The Herman-Ami Lake Shore. 1WH vator, iptlona decttnad m H In I.· ider Hall m··· t for Ii nt hush : ·· with si. uli'l oth» a 111 and made an address very I., and Nashville . Brm, ',»·.','· under Saturday, |», ¡; al !» o'clock to-night. A lulaville ?? ?? ? ? M WS. S'.ml.iN afternoon. Banger Hall m Elevated . ii Od «ber, > I ' st. Point, is urg d. Ail ling dull; Septemb« r Uoggs, of |Wi full attendance espi dally . in ? Mr. s im t 'harleston I'·'..' N··fini.·.r, .... ? ni s, a it» of w e it End chur« h. ot th» Toung Men'i Associatiti Rogi he al the member« . and fairly activa la« tttractlve pri... which have been Inviti d to be present, Bpol firmer MINIATURE Al.MAN. The revival services Hall] . L'i', 111 111 and fairly I ? ¦ ¦ ¦ ?? padflc fions ',¦·;?;?·. up, ry ot .it Salini chinili, in Chester- ¦ ¦ ." t.» m ??· . 13 1 ictober, Mtyc Noveta« Bun rls«»n . an ? will not return 1, closed. Bcpten No »n ii· hl. ive Nashville and ?'hit. und St. Loula ,·. I white, ..'«¦¦ apol I, Fin e«»ts . mixed . LOCAL MENTION. . white, .'..-(.inu.·.; BRIEF New v.Tk and New England \ , No. 'J Mi.on rites ''.'?? imes Kleld, of All Mr Thom ?? w Freeman left y« it« ? lay New York Central . IWi white «Jo, ll'i« ?? ? ili Tini·:. in the lws York, where in· .li·· irai . ? :. ,11 1. .· iteady; family, tlO.COfl ·> morning for New New beef hams, Morning .< ?- in the m tchtne w Norfolk and Western preferred . .1 1S60; extra mesa H.80tf10.00; "? ··' " *t l·· t quieti Evening. Hotel H» aks Baluda, r with it'..· New ^ ork Commercial Northern Paclnc . dull hi llAMt>17.00 Tlerced ·' ;· Cut m«mta io moi row. referred ,. OF RICHMOND, S M imiter ¿S. I TICS. H.i.l. tin frnm UH< ; PORT noes Rckert, Ml Tom i: Owen bus return«·.! tífr**^ Northwestern .,, 1 quiet; ploklsd beHtee, ARRIVED ¦? . 1 :'u : middle:» ;: .li ti·...r« Hlrapson \··»\> 7', ., h uns, ln^niiv Newport preferred .hoiitdera, St. .itiisl.l;» « Id J ? a.'.,:· ?. C ««? ?. t....k .?..?. who hat been quit·· Mill . II', .. north Oregon¦ nominal. «t-avn Y.^rk, merchandise and t.it-ug-r»; 0«20. from St. Mary's ? . !7"i 1 but firmer; V/eSteru yesterday moi nlng ullng I.at «Julei v.\ au. n t Co.. n«· ata atti nded ,l üllllam, Treasurer of Chester- ..tl » s'.l ai fl" a); city at %'j'j< Option aalea I «aa lai Iy Dr. P, eli Contln.-nf, ???.??; .UH. r bel ? ounty, wa· In th« day. H... k Marni . ?.??··. refined qul.-t; Court was ??^.??··.? yester- Hi Paul . tti.oo; compound tard, Pooalioatat, ivy«», Norfolk, lasl The Hustings Scull American, Bteaaaar ?·. in default He wi Bl ? Mil preferred . 114 rn« ri-haiidlse and paaeeagera; 1. me Indem da ? mess, Silver . Tl'í Pork.Dull but llrmer; n«w V.ff » uperintend« at DuVal h^ returned fwm AT HIS WITH END 'V . n· ol Inter» si. Mr Harold was . M State dairy, nits-r a. To abbrecht? ????? dcecribes a tate of mind. One Butter.Quiet and Bnner; POUT OH WEST POINT, 11? W pnzzled ·¦¦· western ?.· .· l>"\ al and wife, Ml ?'·.al and Iron. 10.28; do creamery, 27928c i to Um Diapason ? k«d ii.ii of nsr.st I·· ·.· ¦), »¡?·? ??? ? ¦/.! .1 at li..?. ? ?,? ci El- (By ?ß?ßßtßß* iy Ihlef, Mr, D vld ?' M.Iy, pa |,(of.ri' , do creai > ARRIVED. ?., ioli th .· '.· ?.· f. r the i bettet ami . ij i?» im. tlint, lo un I And soytl lg . > v^r-S try crude, Rennst!. Haiti- \. So0<^ llaltlinors, Pactflc . oll.Firm and i|ui«'t; Stttim.ililp than onr ? ids, ime puzzle· fnlon Cotton-seed aiel . t Twentieth an 1 Mala In tli. poll «· '.· n t yestei ebeaper ? . I"«·. li m ·, [ UBSangert gem-raj tasWad. i » :.; yellow, n^t»·. Mow Vorit; n.'!· can lu· hot won! be m . Washington, Rlctuanuad, . it to Jail for *r Bolfed, that pox· !-:. f' I ll'i Petroleum Quiet and Arm; BtoanaattD v. as cimi- refined New r« and general cargo. U« .· ·¦ be Mired but onu ? ? ????? . 7'j't bárrela, 15.40; do bulk, 13.10; 1 wbicb nmiilii't bj Philadelphia and Baiti· Btaaaaaatp Baaaa, Taylor, iiaitimur«; íor Som« R£\H Hicbnjoait or coatomers know what BONDS. ?'-".. ami g«n»«r»u cargo. ?. s w ?* Implicated In sWtirÛH^, in :do bulk, ti a?&,2 paseengera ?? . M strained com- the ree« m ?« ? ,. have Bant, and »u know a bal they want, Abu, (Chusj Rosin Steady and quiet; SAlLKl·. tbej Ala (Ola*· U) . «rat ti in· Rat· more in n sto?k of · mon to g -«"i. li.nT'-j'oi.n1^. Bontnttadp «etao», Taylor, Boato·, »'..is ?, t off bíttw and. ì^uMHtul t»ii, We've juif exac'ly '· ? but dull at K% ? with lighting, .« ra si s .'Ulli.;. . ? Turpentine.Steady Norfolk, ? leng a hat »l'ire istomers want, and want every- ·!|?..|* rlj activ.· and Brm; domestic Dost, New ? ol ^'-< . ·? mahlp Richmond, \ the - ?··. n nu 41* a| k«ttHtYtÎotora bla»* lo iu to look al onr goods HT to exti . Japan, via Newt and Norfolk, paa*-t.- in .?. is' r vYanl parti« ß »Kan. iy l'irgiata ,? ih Carolina t*t . imbuì; New Of· Newport ? A Ol beoau lib ss ibid). Mola «¿.'i -i and g 'fierai «-argo. ?·, have at tbisaeek. A looksuffices, T« m. »Ids kettle good te elation, uWuMc.; Resánete, aasJMs . 1· ina Interns -? settlement «i's . 100 open Btaaaaatflp fiammata t" can Und him at ? ?!.r «J(n.OW»v wlio li a',: boy. Btes i> and quart. alci Cargo. which ?·-,? imeni 5'a . v«i market more; passengers general I business, next to the Li ti. ? Bullding. n at Pennuta fancy hand-picked, t«4 tttiement Sa . Quiet; ? ;i. O's . ©4»*c. Poe*· G« ? TH;-: PRiZE- if o^roteNS mia Coffee.Options barely steady at I DEATHS. THE FARMERS , rraturod (Vorkl'« Fair Coupont. déclin·: Beptember, WAO; Novem at the rwtdenceiif Contois . M pointa IIKOWXINO. -»Wed, How the t'.^tu Si.,-,1 IletMÎlt for TWS Virginia ber, I January, tU.1DOtS.75; air**. « -. ??a steady al.d ber .mreut.. I I·!,. March. 11. i 1! la. Bpot RkJ *J I'lt 4 Berry. . -? McAdams .tend ·»*£«£., irned t-> filli "«Ki* active; No 1; lie. Uo.srd snd ..it· r lc.\^-'¿v^vnS wKj ria.·'* vi a a. .1; centrifugals, % lest, |f.| will take »ÄS,.TH» /??ßß??., .. '. in harv« »ting the actlv··; No. 6. Funerei plaça and Sii- Ibui est» ?? iy for SToi'K MARKET. 1 linn and fairly at 10 o'clock H-"da(~*fJ .Mis. Silas th« t-year's champion·, aA\ LO \ ? ON CITY BALTIMORE a, ? ?-???«· ; cut MOKNISG Woi !¦' "i. W\ igo she 'nt Yihcrv onte, vas.«·? ¿¿???? s vir- 4 ? 15-ltc.; standard of thu-s ai »* tpathV the Id"? I to be coni ÌT1 l '· ' ,' i.. \ at Spar seat BALTIMORE Ml', ptember I 5 S-uvfySHe. aaqasintaaeat ar«· roepect- will ? her brotl ? .u ? Loan«, :. Baltimore and Ohio ltaf, .?'?G" 13-Hc; granulated, mother. Mr·. R. J. Larmand. with tl t Hill .. ani weak; to an i came 11 n un 'l'«ntb ·.·. tii»'-. i"i; Consolidated «Jus Preighta to Uvorpool-Quart tally invited attend. cooKs contii\ue *tre*t>_ Btanmar. 7^.1-0*1. ; grain, by *»°.- Iter city ? good .-i- cotton, by -L»i«»l. .? ?. '. lo 'ka CALLAOHAN. wire ¦teanier, 2«J. ask« »eette>'·/ ; laya with Mr. and Mis. aj· little I In a nel USO. ine st 4 o'clock, FAIKICKCALLAiilUN is follows: "to MARKST. 11 ? ? il ;ie- duba as RICHMONDCITY ST«x'K MARKST, PRODUCI aged 54 years. ,. ,.»_ " RICHMOND BALTIMORE take -.v. 1 I . < ??* of tn.· largì French pia ? \\ .? i. it Per «'--at. ** BondB Mil. September 25.- tonerei wtll nave¡from tt.·· '-M ti Ter ti. Babj (Repeated by J. U WlUaaaaa & Sons.? lALTmORC, 1517 east Franklin atreet.^,,»**·G??? Sows ?. ipled bj 17 ? OT-TOL^NC Fluur-r'lrni. w.-atern superflue, t.'»·"!' -?, residence. irieuU· ami ¦an and Hill t, Í5 it AMI RICHMl >N1>, September Ä-Clonlng «luo- winter wheat pot¬ AFlFKNOoNat 1 o'rloek. .m and Tenth .ivi IS. do family, S3.20Ct.S0; of tüe íamuy me iowrted to - UU Ter CI. arqnalntnntea s In ,...ÎS 4, .">, 6, ;i;k1 S ent*. ß.70ß3.ß; eprlng do. $4.154,4.1»». , racked an inda) u «. » -i nmc nt Ht^cur'.tles-· Hid. Atked. Weaker; No. 2 red. spot and - \\ h> at l'hüedelphia .. and I «ill si] Il supposed 10 have & CO.. LONG-DA ? E ? ONDA ?. & «'. IM «.V»«»*»c·; October, 7»«i70isC.; *tV,,"líi'am«port (Pa) Ih.· Si ttllB) N. K. FAIRBANK lies- 2 i«-d, l'a papera plaste copy. wh» ? I in th* aeries, bul the man ?????,? /.Ni» BOI !>. ALBO tier, 7;'',-??????.?.; st «lamer. No. AND ¿T. LOUIS. Pa . us »tb. et primary LuIU'. led to si t. aa th« reutng ? CtUCAOO milling wheat, by «ample, ÍVíjTlc. MONTELLA-lhe.l. .September Fini IM·· North carohaatTt. ? 7'.· Lid; and ol ber '.' ,t? getting so shi.rt mil all the duba Corn.Hull, BstSSd spot September. the reaidenoe *****"> the ·>'*. n-w «'. & R. .. s:,«, ««., north .J·**·street, ? trlct. up a loi g at la n mut· or l.ss crippled condi¬ VIRGINIA CENTURY Virginia a-«K.H.j; October. 4S\c. naked; y-ar, well Corr. No. 11 Lightjwnth picked «uis'i .t e-s . 52 49\c. ? I. M a . .itti au ? ? Ceni samp!«·. ¡Mi C. MON IELLE; atei ti >a SBpaagB 2 :ui(l 8 Per i t. iSoinK 4G ,c. Baked; white corn, by LILA ^Miçtm«tfoloek !.. I., .-..in« ¦ ? ? City .securities. the house «Gidi . hi. He endeavored Saturday tl Hüls and yell iw Thi awaid white western, tlWÜÁe.'. No. 2 mixed Bendai. « ·: .n |.. ths ¡«talion bOOS U«· "i city O's . li» MOi:NTZ.-I>ied. ? .? ii bl t>' the pltcbera have .lone mieli In Waj Richmond Se. *¥>&*, .- cltv ft . lui to .s!.| ay have many f: u Is there will no co. WILLIAMS Railroad liondu. to chote« timothy, ied. at the remdeooe ol hit ? administrator CAN'T ISSUE okay Him n>n (Incorporale»! un 1er York. P.iver and Provisions-Steady ?? «I ont· Ifih street il·· u aie sasaU, THE_SHEET. Richmond, ti«r 1. r 'inni, lie; butter firm; creamery .Lter.Mr·, ? »L ertasi KTANIMrtU ANUKUUAN . IC2 ^ttrell. I, prof New· and other rotors lo Chesapeake 1st i· do fair to cholc».·. SitfJte.; no Marshall street. Kiohm«>nd. JOUSi Vf. Wnat 11.e «lu*tli e Told the Mporilaa 1st fancy. Me.; »**r ever n.r-t al York Hotels. .tree capital ??d?,??a??. Western North Carolina coffee quiet, Rio cargoes, OW ENS. in the ««? IH. i»"i .· Arrivale M«BS .··. Il.-l M UH «lili, p Imitation, Be.; AirretSoAK .ia» ¦»·' I MM|,|,r HKE-PKOOPIMi, . S2'i ?4'4 servies* THIS ??GG?????? ! In two t" Ce guaranteed ; No. 7, 17^c. augur etruug, Funeral ' t· i.-K»'»»in tao Mspatea.) let fair, ll«ác. ! '¦¦ (Mpacssi rarr.e «ml vU't.iiious in tho pike mack, ?? CIAT. MONBOE MILLER CO., Western North Carolina g o'clock tt Central Mathodiet ehuroh. milky BT. h Mlkatlo »??» ? to radius. »?? ** 3V*. at N.ii'.K. Bipts.111 ?. In the Tollce Court yesterday ???'? groan) s'a U'it . graliulal.nl, Manchester. Interment Manry cetu*- i:v,r,ll; J «V B0W«tm, Sturievant batti»» of HUAPKj« mad« to onler. Whiskey -Unchanged. hors., khi.iii « ti.« Clapp, The content was on·· many HPKUAl. 16 à 18 New ?. Y. Railroad »tocks- # Ury. .i Asmi. W. i'· Passasi, »ìsr morning. of Broad street, York, id a at« n ? ? a Jaaake, Hi rouada, and the royal adtulnlatrator CLAYV1LLE (ne* station^, Poe- r-tereburg . CH1CAOO. WAIT..Died, tnddsnJy on heturdar. . r.-. ·) I. I^-Kl»· aii'l <·. M. ato«*», or time «A'uKKPst and l'o- «/Bica be »· u i. IfeoMli dr«rw blood, money, balan ooanly, on HU lIMO.NI> AND UAMVILLS Richmond. Fred'g. IM... September 26..The September as. ???. UCTWARD P. WAIl. ·>. I)»iil»; ? l'ish.r. Col..nade; H. Waller- punlahment UBAIN AND . :U-Vi »IIICA»;»). ß«-.· a horn« ao tn each round. There were not as many BAIl.KüAI), tssDty-ihr·· mil·· wtvtt of KtiA- STOCKS, BONDS, tomac dlvld'd obligan la wheat to-day was modérât«.Iy only «on of Alfred K. and Barab L. Wait. stvlii. M< iro,...lltan. are on Monday, Richmond. Kred'g. «-.nd Po¬ trading case· as there UMually moud. 135 actlve aad pdces ruled lower. Tho open¬ a*ed 14 vaart «and » months. hut tin· were full «if interest. Letter· of Inquiry will r«tslve prompt ettee- PROVISIONS. tomac 6 per c't. guar*t'd. rtrm aud w«*re Friends and eoquamtaooco are toasted to ( .. ?.· Il < .·¦·' II. iti · - proceedings ing was som.what pétese "<· a I lieto suo were being iloo and should b« «ddrtesed to the MAIN Richmond. Fred'g. and Po¬ sarnosa lid Otri. Ail 1-ie? week circulars and carr streois, higher than Hat urday'ß doeUig attend funeral TU-XhnY (Xfcse- ( <>u OPTICS, eornsr of Slim .. 117 154 >·> I %/e. :..-?????(?.,?» i.f iSui,»1*y ? ti·· 'iiutic?' Corotuittee Reboots got about th« atreets announcing 1 ranea.·?11·, s or on Iatsrtst tomac 7 per c't. guar't'd. then de¬ *» P. M.. al uieetiur illn.tribut«*d of the hi» tlMOBU, VA. for casti, marcia. -??a Tie market became weak aad day) TrtttttiMolLttil <>r Miss i.uit« no i,u'iruiu last eveuing and tbe .¦irti or Monday the firm Issue atk>*»it on lalaii-es. Unwell» labjact le Habt Riaheuond A Pettwsburg closed lower ebureh, tars t«> have was until ci m -U «ahV . aad ViT%c. mpaiiyliig It hceu held postpoiiel Sporting New· would «oro« out. A rough drafL Hirsen w r-ß to all Kasbaagas. laror- Bank »to«.ks. Saturday. Baltimore <«ss ot «eouriUoa yieasUr tar- Cltleans' Havings . IssBB otnj, » hafl '.-olile notte«? proof-sheet of the paper «m » Corn -Reçoive«! a fair aaiouat of aihsa- Va) papen pittai 'lb· ioniiiiitieai oa Üoaaoil Friotiugaad aa was H. T. Oibeon, ¦asaarji I ulsksX Daily Mark.·! Basi·« sgeBeaboa. CKy .· . M gra.ee« Hits Third alark.t n«t and transacted routine fur· the Juatloa, ««.»staMaau-] m lt>-«cdto««eg - latter wat oharg-l with Or·»**. yiHiaj luginisK, io wiiom OOllBSSS. lu éditer. The