ORAN AND COTTON ??G??????. tlon. th« market ruling quit* aetkre «g obscene msttcr. The PLEA6ANTTRIP TO OLD POINT. covering %Q\c raii»A un iiortrslt or painting rrru\A pnsslhly «lo unlawfully publishing the RICHMOND. September ». -Offerings. times, with prie«·* is a close exaratnatli/n of The fe«>!lnK developed was r»th*r s«ro,, t insti, e Miss Lyons'* tx-auty tanjrilit» Court made A Parly of Itlebmen«! «o«l Rttt Keat ?·?- MARKET Wheat, 2.S1Í bu.; corn (WhlUI. 210 bu.. ss vile as anything QUOTATIONS ami «¡os« waa at a smssl rsBsBBBg enough so the eyes slid tn th«· memory, for DEATH sheet, which was mlxe<l. eso bu.; oaf«, 161 bu. taw ANO BRAIN. OFM.OWENS The .1 Us¬ l.u liiimi. »ver in Richmond. ple from top flgurea ,,,???; It Is a beauty as full of odor arni parfume published Sales.Wheat. l.WH bu.; corn (mixed!, trsds» concluded left a ·µ«4 ros* l-n«H,t>i a .hiñe sky. Thi« is ? tica after full «marnlrsBtVm. A. pleaaant party of young people (»ats.Then· was moderate WORKING HARD ?« a A ss as REPORTO, FROM ALL GREAT BUSINESS «W tm.; oui«. t«T2 bu. the n^mr ..HON lowliness rather ?»'??«*. ?»t?««?11>· saSBsSai, FORMER MERCHANT OF MANCHES¬ that no paper had been Issued yet, the city 8unday morning In a private car Whent. «StlTtC.: a firmer fielln*. ..«pedaltr fer been sent out OP Quotation» I/ingberry, win , ;iLDPMENT radiant In Ih«· "f ???? SSsssSB hair. TER DIES IN R.CHMOND- only this proof-sheet had ever the Chveapeake and Ohio for Old CENTRES THE WORLD. No. 2 futures, which sdviuiotd about **«·, glory the sheet mUed. 67i»7.V Shortl^rry. «m',¿c. but « und friiurlit through and through with from th« offics. lie decided rhat Point. reti, 71c. May, at the, highest point, showed an would the moral· of all classes; Th" was under the auspice· of of at a decline of V . ? nassa· Laat »» h««rt and corrupt trip Iota, gain V·. closing ? iati NnjtMi UN beeaBJ tWat fSBBal fit* Commuti· Mm»tinK-C«mpUfnt its character; In of Grsls» CBVB- Waft· print«·. Virginia bag ase soni glws to youth ina·!·· physl- that It was oberere in the Big Three Club, and was chargn .Trie·· Men·»«, fionda atoeks. No ; No. 2 BHi5l··. from the outside, a net gain ot V Il., Ot HOS Othrr Al- IBBOOSBM About Engin·· and liable to of was untiring Mr.; whit., Bjc; mlted. »ally iH-rfint through faultless t>atur»» Whlitllng-Fnner·!·« SserBBSjaaaa In Its tendency, »"aptaln E A. ««lit. who Tetaarcn, ( otton, SjSj, and th· Oat·.VVIatae »for se.*l>. «¡«B>?t7e. No. 2 the day. ? serstssa. rbeeks Ilk» a sea . »nd RrUfj. '¡ui«e bloodshed, and therefore notified In hi· exertions to make every one have l'rovtslons.Open«-d steady oa th« irseli«· iti.m «-vss, und oMttaday IVr»oo»l. but waa Weather Intlleatlona. mlxe»l. MSn/tv.. No. :i mixed. iZtiUc. Trail¬ she is or (Massfl that h» would discharge him, a good time. When ? »hi l'oint strength of live ho»« at the yards. «lull »if eraras thoroughhr*·!, If a slngl« ntnun^l themselves Rye-e©e«vc. the trans* -.id ii"t he symmotit.-allv t·«·?.·v|tifnt that he would b» rearr*sted reache«l the erowd ing was light, atth most of Boaiaet th«rcTra« Mr. John W. Owen·, of Manchester, died was lssu«d fort, boat-rldlng, ti n< In lard. wan «am»*.* She has th«· small*«! diilntlrat hands, copy of The Sporting News by strolling through the (By teleirrsph to the Dlspstrh.) Later, business ?·- ? r.·»· ut at tli· ut ? *i «Veaotai yatteiaay afternoon at the In thi« OSBOOB wanted the case and visiting «he BoldaerS1 Roana at Hamp¬ KH'HM'iXn TOBACCO MARKET. at a standstill, but a steady f.t+ng pr->- with pink palm* «t·? skin. Illy ilk·- flutf.tr.. ilty. Ice at a I I I D. C, Beptember :.raoattosssl? end of his muter. Mr*. Cottreil. No tak.-n to a higher court, but the .hist ton. They returned to Bb-hmon«! Wttanajntta·; r...No auction vallfMl. .1.1 ahe carrlei bor sea-feet little fleur»· reatBe#9t there late elated, anil Und out with I Ba. .1 recast tor Virginia.· Gen- RICHMOND, ffiiiliailm f toe 1 «tea's : sh·· ?. »?» eent Mamhaii street m explained that up to the present hour, mudi fije ottsilaga sa 'Chaag· t»-.iay. Cash quotations: »BBg with sasMetaa graea BJetaasaod him. Ills Honor tbatr day of fair weather in the intern>r. No. I I. t rfcr.·«- SIkI»t«. waa no cae* airslnsl pleasure, I Jtfrally Privais salsa cuttors, 10; Flour.Firm, attese unchanged. Of BSSMrttfnl Mr Owens waa In the «nth y« ar of htj Chief of Polle.· to nrr»-t Thoea the wen Iteanra, rulers, ft; No. 2 red, «\ th»· nil «r tii· m t1a>nll«l ivi«-a »if im.·· baa notified the composing party G clesnng on the coait ; cooler; total. tS hh.K .prtng wheat. <%fM\a>· *, r'· h»M IB t L«· lisll. being ten. an<i arat ajaatiaHy bnowa ton, traete with Th.· Sporting William Bherrich, A. W, HUler, t oat·, 2»» line*«. Her hont· Is an ..Id colonial man Oil BSBBOaa connected 1·. nortwenterlv wind«. Revenu·· collections. 6CT»C. No. 2 corn. 41V No. itil II] «St "¡1 vit h ; ta ? total the «if hit If Is here. Li V. i: .» :inis. I.-..V ? lwards, M«ss !«ex4. HO.«* BbMi near HI» limoni!. Va Miss LyOtM tjraatar portion News tt circulated ?., t. cigars unii dgarrttes .tt.JSsSS »«KjC. pc-jlj. fH.M!*ai*Vtt. »>ti the a alias .lake Shaw (esterad), M. Votant, s. ?:. Beyle«, Key« For North Carolina: Shower·; clearing Short rib »Idas. tID.20Cno.37w; dry nt flowera, In Atlant* several and life. Ba had beta In health for .lohn Thomas Totatcco . :,!M0 7j ilin.eS, IIved years ago, failing st»allnK $2 In currency D. u Bdwarda, J. W smith. T. R. weather Tuesday afternoon in weitern »ssort Onr ?, ? l»r. B. II. Pit has SB stianta and Macon and lung Um«·. Laut Kummer he went to Hlr- caarged «rita <: Miller, c. suited shoulders. G «VaT»; from Washington Trueman, and mealing ¦temper, Jaanaa fTard, A. much cooler: northwest win.Is. -,3 Pidos. 19.75*1 lU.OD. Whiskey. ll.il. Hl I I iil'ir.-d more hum durlnif her stsy ai»., to hla brother. Mr. was ? I-. li. ¡latti portion·; Total . rua mtngrtam, «iati C In money from Henry Harris., U Appernon, T, Nuchlea, a for till¬ The leading futur·s ranged aa follows: "'· saoer, sad Una ssoai atri· arta in s life. c*s», M. l'artish. .1. L. Appersnn. C. TtVr.> was nuit·" g-**l Itrjuirv ' William H. Owens, ami while on hin way In the litter ¦rood, 1. \\ :¦ '· sent to the «rand Jury Tux WtATiirn m HtiTHMosn YrsTEnnAt ers to-«lay. ???? some goo.1 salts «rSSB heat. stors, tl.rough l.'»me aun,«, time |;,*t month h«· area security in the V.. Tbocaaa, j. C Chandler, J. J. Dancy, L'*«t. «JTs'g» .:. .is on« ..r m."t ami and reqetred to glee Stark-, and was rlear and warm in the forenoon, fol- saaae .it very sntisfactory prt.-is. Some Op'n'g. Il'g'st. iti |h« beautiful '·. ? ?·,.,,!<. and lohn W. «¦'· ?- «I stricken wi«h paralysis ar.<l whs brought former. loweil by ran in afternoon, and «tornir .t BBS a1.»o shown In cutters, but nt. .t*\ fc«S ", I In ti south. w r Trorn Meterá 11. ?. ÜlllinKs. William Killings. to Richmond, He n. recovered wnilnm Smith, a ?-«/·?t·?? «ratteboy. and showery weather it night. At tuid- BSfg sn-.all Oct. ....«>\* 6tS «·', SS>| th·· of th«· it a wat. h li. S. Prior 'rump. Milton Sale· effects utiHck, and trat tanni- ;. for tac laresBf Of Pendieton, T. K. dir¬ nif/ht th«· Hkien were overcast. Mr. Sila* Siielt'um« has Just returned Dec.R*4 7''t .'»S «r»«j il an«! Itrlef·. to friends coniti not ?« t Swift. <"Wrk. I>r. ?. ? SI iter, .Ir.. t Perso* Is real ata that ht .Bleed at SsJM fp.rn Meyer H ?«tit State of tiiennoni«»ter : in a Kast**rn N >rt! May ......... ?% 7Ì\ 70V4, 7*·» ;.. Ititohs a ne- ham, and T. ?". S .»et, Of New fr trip through ?.. Hurt.di iy baa returned to ths well. Hun.lay morning h«· suffered sent to th» ref»irma»orv. ß ?. M.67 ni says th·· tOasstsa ?t?? In that Corn. < H.i which <·???µ«·<? hi- death. .¡or. «v.-nt t.. Jiil Colili« v. \. ?. i< hie, I r mk atroke, Taloot Oracei) (1 d) The of th·· party wert Ml«·'· 'JA. M.Ti section Is very disappointing, uni while ii«» «»·« «m Mr Owens »A.it the brother of Matan. h» ?>? pay HI gad eastg anttea nwist ..pi.?·--, M «·* ·, II Ivrklni has re! becaass conld < bandi le M wtott, Oradt 12 M.,? ine r-ooI bright* In all Ocl... 40 , 41», William Joseph I, tad William it. Owena, of Bir- for at Martha t'.irt.r In the Myrtha t, from ta* w of shooting P< r.-l·· Bradley, and Mrs. T. H. 3P.M.»j the croa· an.I some very tin«, cures, sf.U Dea.40·» m% Ml «* · -' .iii. Ala , Own«, v rr - Samuel ||. Btreei Grada . P. Il.ni ? art o< thi crop Is connu· n, .4IS 4SS 41* «sis win h» Mrs. n n. Mrs. of Sunday Kemper, of Richmond, and Mtoeea the bargee M iy Thi· Manchester; cottreH and There wer» ? number Anni·· Richardson, H «sie.
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