, Newby Wiske and Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 22nd November at the Village Hall, South Otterington

Present: Councillors I. Glover (Chairman), K. Bowe, M. Harland, K. Holliday, T. Brett, C. Newton, V. Gillson, County Councillor B. Baker and District Councillor B. Phillips.

Item Parish Council Meeting Minutes Action 1. Apologies:

Councillor A. Shore

Chairman, Iain Glover informed the meeting that Nicola Bowe is off sick. Carol Bowe acting as Temporary Clerk.

2. Minutes of Last Meeting

Approval of minutes of last meeting on 18/10/2018 - Proposed Celia Newton. Seconded Vanessa Gilson.

3. Open Forum

Ten minutes allocated for public consultation

Pat Ovard asked about grit box. Bob Baker seen email to say it is on its way.

4. Matters arising from previous minutes

Chairman, Iain Glover asked for letter of thanks to be sent to P H K Steveney and wish him well.

a. Newby Wiske Hall – Update – K. Bowe - All action group documents are on portal. Awaiting response from applicant. Peter Jones informed AECOM document not on portal for full application. Lot of training activity on site - Police dogs, firearms, drones, and RSPCA the latest. 129 Associated members of Action Group. Planning Committee Site visit expected to be early January.

b. South Otterington Village Signs – Update – Iain Quote £480 plus VAT for one sign. Additional £80 for Rose plus VAT. Fitting £95. Bob Baker – T-l-B quote from firm in Birmingham. Get more prices and ideas. On Agenda for next meeting.

c. Report back regarding Defibrillator - Update – V. Gillson informed meeting that two defibrillators have been ordered. Sufficient money raised from Ceilidh, Fete, Community newsletter, £1200 donated, most gift aided. Waiting for permissions to place where wanted. Mark Stokes happy to have one on the wall at the Buck Inn. , but all fundraising was S. Ott and N W. Two locations for Newby Wiske suggested – one opposite old school on pole because light next to bench; or the old school as owned by Broadacres. S Otterington. Suggested siting that on a pole next to the street light next to the phone. Needs extra £300 funding.

d. Maunby Village Green Stones – Update – K. Bowe - A white line has been put across the junction from Pickering Moor Lane. Iain – no success with anybody coming out to advise us. Keith Holliday. Spoken to people who don’t want them back. Iain – Read letter to meeting from Mary Swales Vanessa Gilson proposed putting stones back. All in favour of moving stones back.

e. Parking outside South Otterington School and Church – Update – After discussion it was decided that nothing could be done.

f. Speed Limit outside South Otterington School – Update – Iain proposed moving the flashing lights from the main road, or having extra. Vanessa Gilson told meeting that in Lincolnshire, all the schools had advisory speed limit signs of 20 mph. Iain Glover. If we get flashing lights moved, we can put signs on. Keith Bowe told the meeting that the Dept Transport did a survey. Celia Newton suggested - maybe start with advisory and then apply to get it changed.

g. South Otterington Village Green Trees – Quote received from ?. for one tree. Ben Rennison asked to check all trees to see what needs doing.

5. Correspondence for consideration

a. Parish Council Police Report – No report received.

b. Children’s play area in South Otterington – C. Newton – Would there be any possibility for a children’s play area on the village green? School gates locked so there is nowhere for the kids to go to play. Tesco provide funding for local community projects up to £10,000. Keith Bowe checking public liability insurance.

c. P. Steveney resignation.

6. Miscellaneous Correspondence for noting

7. Planning Matters – New Planning Applications

a. Outline application with all matters reserved for the demolition of existing dwelling and buildings and construction of nine dwellings at Porch House, South Otterington for Mr and Mrs Nasby. Ref: 18/02247/OUT Concerns expressed about access and whether outside village limit on Local Plan. Agreed that unless recommended for refusal, Councillor Phillips should request the application to be considered by the Planning Committee.

b. Discharge of Conditions 3, 6 and 7 relating to Planning Application 17/00808/FUL – Change of land use to allow 59 pitches for touring caravans at Otterington Caravan Park, South Otterington for Mr Dale. Ref: 17/00808/DCN Councillors Decision: No objection.

8. Planning Matters – Granted Brian - an outstanding matter on Mr Marwood’s application.

9. Planning Matters – Refused

10. Planning Matters arising from previous minutes

11. Financial Matters

Money in bank as of 18th November 2018 - £5044.81

a. Payment of account

C E & C M Walker Ltd (Grasscutting) - £252.00

C. Bowe - Clerk Salary – £ 93.40

Siting of 2 dog/litter bins - £319.80

Closing Balance - £4379.61

12. Any Other Business requiring urgent consideration

The Parish Council printer has broken down. Members agreed cheaper to buy a new printer. Clerk told to buy one.

Celia@ Neighbourhood watch.

Issue about parking on the village green. People Parking Opposite Robin Hill gate. Village Hall meeting: Notice; Polite Notice no parking beyond this point. When there is an event. Put a sign out.

Keith: As long as there is access.

Celia you would be happy

Iain get a couple of A Boards.

Keith Bowe informed the meeting that there was currently £325 VAT to be refunded from HMRC. No claim submitted yet.

Pat Ovard asked about notices re Hawkers. Vanessa Gilson contacting Trading Standards.

Pat Ovard raised an issue in relation to South Otterington Crossroads, when coming from Thornton-le-Moor, cars parking on yellow lines block visibility of vehicles approaching from the south.

Next meeting to be held Thursday 17th January 2019 at 7.30 pm.