Mr Paul Vayro 10 Beechfield, , North , DL7 9JJ. Date: 20th November 2017 F.A.O. Diane Parsons Police & Crime Commission c/o County Hall, Racecourse Lane, , North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD.

Dear Sirs

RE: Sale of Hall to PGL Travel Ltd

I write again regarding the above planned sale to PGL, after attending last Thursdays NYPCC public Q & A forum in York, I am even more disgusted, with NYPCC who are after all supposed to uphold and represent the moral fibre of our society.

Following the points made by Mr David Stockport, you would have thought that at least there would have been an acceptance of the points made; instead the Chairman was so indignant to the fact, that someone should dare to suggest that a public body should show even a modicum of moral fibre, in the respect of the Paradise Papers, and the massive negative effect these schemes have on Public Finances and Services, instead the response by the Chairman was, its nothing to do with us, so let’s move on.

I repeat, this company are so heavily and extensively involved in a scheme to avoid paying tax in the UK, they receive tax handouts for listed buildings, significant Government subsidies for assisted places (This would be perfectly acceptable if they paid their full taxes to the UK Government), only then to operate a tax avoidance scheme, meaning we, the British tax payer, would be helping them pay even less tax, which could be used to support ALL OUR UNDERFUNDED PUBLIC SERVICES including the POLICE.

PGL are also under investigation regarding the same schemes in Germany If this sale goes through it will mean that you will be aiding this company to filter away a £2.5m PUBLIC ASSET INTO ANOTHER OFF SHORE TAX HAVEN at the expense of the BRITISH TAX PAYER.

I repeat the BRITISH TAX PAYER deserves better from all Government agencies.


Paul Vayro