Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 1-19-1993 Arbiter, January 19 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at
[email protected]. rlIII EXl1i~ifc£:lPturessorrowoH ..A riots; p.geLobbyist speaks for students, p.6 Broncos squeeze past Weber, Boise, State UDlverslty "• .Tuesday. JanUlllY 19. 1,993 • Volume 2. Issue 17 • Free State, - page 11 ts 'I'i I II BSUtig~ires,heavily .nurse practitioner program at Idaho .State University with class offerings in plans, torretorm in Boise and Pocatello. The purpose I would be to reach out to rural areas I.':. that are cut off from regular medical of education ' " care. ," " DaWn Kramer' , ': There has been talk of expanding. " News Editor. the University of Idaho's ,electrical-,,- _ engineering program to' BSU. Andrus endorsed the idea and hopes Incredible things could come to to See legislation passed.'. """ .i-:: BSU·via .the Legislature. this year if 'Andrus asked the Legislature to .. Gov.~,Andrusgets his way:. appropriate$150.91llilli()nto.higher,' , ' In his State of the State Address education a $13 million increase , '~~n<ill}r,J~.;lt, An.dt'uS»rought up ,over laSty:ar. " ' '." .• '. , ..,'~: '~fcJ!!:ij~:~~~I~~:::;::, Hme)Q" $pI.rth.e:s,tatl!:B,oar~Of;~&~tration'of~bUcaris 'inbO'di,' '~ducatiQniri,to'h!~bOdi~~e to ,'c;hambersthisYear,~IJ:u~crats~y,: ' goV~~high~ ed~~tion and one ~ AndnJs Inigl\t not get ~.~ much of ;', K-t2;Thi"is$1ie was broughtu~inhisWishlistmet.