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The Judge took them graciously, re "Kitty! Kitty?" repeated Mr*., Sea· direction whither the young doctor's Mrs. Seawortli started. What gossip's Married Bachelors. the elocution was î worth steps h:itl sho turned tc had been no Rt her a.J believe tins. Miss Soa worth. d< sowing,the girl wife, ray and who will therefore hii own )«u-|l,SO But 1 can't tnter Tour aai via "You manage U wl*nin-< thin, in hare to have has no laid wind coming cool and refreshing upon willingly gone eseaped darling, wrong up against comes to the tho Without coaiahuu or itre you not ?" affairs, grief by way ; brow and her from him. "1» it so very other man !" A ad now, to ia the k;tcheu » I I lingers, ruffling slightly doftpehito,Miie any famous clown he is a ( In uUlluu 0\rr l,WW>—P«»U(t I» the begta. "I should not. ii I ere Judge late, who that a* complains t'oaimodg**u*. Willi plenty of light. " curls, and a Kittf, to call (or such at- **Ali ! well," with I aunt> Frtr. should be Mlisficd with the laurel* gin) blowing occasionally unremitting sighed Kitty, turning first rate tragedian spoilt, and disappears Ami Ot. ye know, fbr iutei tain in' bit of lull tention iron» our doctor? Has her stray cambric irom oil the yourçg the mother into the quiet chamber, "I into tho to Hamlet to the such fH'oda a· 1'· like to lUTite ? tu) dear \ou»; provinces play Hatert of Advtrliêiny, "Beggingyour pardon. work basket. She did not hear her heart been sounded ? Are the ; pulses overheard Mr·. Dennis say you had ; that natives, as often as not lireaks down in >'οτ I inch of 1 »t«{k, |1·ϋ» AuU *<· at uieal lime* ? I I ear. ou «outil η·>ΐ; one pooi j Μ|«ΙΜ*,{Ι aixt, youa eg'lai lady. > • even f Tou see, I have a little nk Kseb wefk W muiic, she hud her i ill in Edward Hare had trifled with a B«U«· 'taint *·«, b»« (laughter's forgotten tearfully the and tails oft' in gag t» mo·» ».. I t- eonvayuant, >*i littlo rose-bud from'th* we leit ghost-scene, ► or I »|ΐ·*ι« s ιβ«» #« «*·, jrnr. girt ! mii in the rcAurroction of an these matters, and ask what be cvl. $■*>; 1«>ί W To watt; an 1 if I l>«hat «a rounding· may may Mary Lansing; who still, silly woman, that sels tho back bonches in a roar the >"or 1 column l yoer, àluu.O·: 1 punalul. hind us' in liie's i> worth tbeir ; c«»it. additional. u<> he morning th* troublo thereabout.*' 9t*SclAL N«>nck»—ώ v>or It» moro thau Voiu might to earlier self called up by her daughter's believed him to be tho of men, a Ordor· <.»f η vif 4 ol fc.»U«e i.W 'Ί greatest thick-witted squire who cannot keep l'lic>rKkft- And is * our tired ? nil, ntiil he :*·!·♦»·»! >Hri<>uslVt ·* then. gurrvlf gooUnat )et," over tlio "Ossification, il Hare, llnfen on WiU». )ht «|«iâr*. woid*. She was Inking again anything, Judge and was anxious to have him for a son- secret to save his and who never I *' »«u lor the»* lifo, Uiuiviiitui' NoIhi*·, |>fr k^Kirv. Tue il) 1 left my last place. have been nil my lilt· living i»t iïetotor»' N'otic»·*. 1.36 waiks with Edward hardening course"— in-law ! So I determined from thai hour A lm i'tlmiotk «uni rhi> Krinch nu»i was such a high lady, long Hare,treasuring sees farther ahead than to-day, thinks Λ.1Ι Oth«i NlHteli. »1 jO )μί *^a*rv, for very laurels." "Oh no! Τ tint a diah-eloth at her f-tca. die flowers he her, nnd remember· that would bo dreadful at to teach the a lesson, and fir*·* teniflo· ·. gavo Judge busy his mission because "And been so eminently successful,' righteous diplomacy, JOB PHINTI^u of Dtwrlpliou the wails of trom Ids ouchant· your age î I am more afraid lor ol llm. too, if she ever it!n K*.r) Λη«Ι hav« >er the le*»l of obieeliou mg poetry you Dennis, guesses ho can his tenants into humor iud Imiî) LirmicU. added the young lathei was ( put good Pruuptly To i*iin in when choose lady. ••Aly 110 the lore in a lever—it Jrvp|iln' they he had been bote to her; cottage begins "My said Mrs. Seawortli, on and so un- WN- M. PvtU'ugill Λ Co., Iff Mate Mrtrt, lio· ing lips; daughter," rent-day by his bluff jokes, I've «uuic eltvcn fu4canauna latest decision Na»«au S* Ne\t Yutk: Κ S"k·· got reading your yesterday, with dews and and ends in con- "No two over a ι-a, amittt from the long College letter—amid damps, wrongs made right. If dertake* the most delicato bit ot social «ourt X.. *·»«! Γ. 1*. K»»n4, loi. Washington M. That fiaytjuiutlv Urn»* me the no*»»— and liu »aid to my mother he did not niudi· s where >he had been his toast and or worse, dear Miss in thofce far away before i had soon H aro author*·»! Ajrrnt». An I I niii»t ha*e them trailed sumption, Kitty." days, in his with tho pawtltelT. know Mit\ one who had chum lot intrigue neighborhood, • greater w "1 think I could live ftnid I give >«sr fair *»arain\ ma'am, now, Ins song—on to the lime hen the young through it," your father, Edward Hare seemed to me result of universal confusion and a hast- Thr Danocrat. It be 1 TUetw matter» agtayed on betwnvu ua, say her η* I do. There is so sweet in to the true love I silv.nnu* Po«»r. ingly, fluttered hor so uioclj, shared nothing girlish fancy compared woman's and whoso lite ii a dream, la- k K<>»t«r, Ji Iteifct'l. Heur τ I j»ioi>. Norma* I'd try >cr a wake, »o I wad; I whs uoarer the than 1 am no* boy w life us love'* dream? Κ Β l'otnl itrin VmW, Νι·*γλ and at last sacrificed her ith* young vines, love, bear your dear father. How could I feel wan nol sent to sea at an C Houghton. (Mi* lookn like the kiuit I can manage. confidence, ments that he « Uuiui'n *V Km ktt«M U. Al»bo41#Jr.»fc '» "She was in yout mid the utMiuiM^·. A tbiu wiUiout l»'o..d very bappv oui u touuU ol remorse lu word or man· tthrubbei) make cottage anything an which for ot H. l.trr A Wrixht,l»t\i «I 1 l. lHiugU·». l |'tun thing auy lul^ht injury prepared early age, because the "clash ele- >»u»ii»*jr II. H C hanUJer H >hu»i Hat mm·I. tf 1 coûte ?"r a w.-ike mam, she is iu that of her friends." Ι»β»ι·1 VaaQ.l. always iwir t«> her own One bearable," me so full and a life? I will him ideas Ja» M Water! U. aggiandizement. satisfying ments" him and gives » Ni,lrl*v, |'η»l»urj. I conte» lor that time ami m> li»«; delights H ·»Λ·»Ι<·||·»» ^w«*«l»-n "Ye*. I remember"—thi* tinte tit» "All dear Miss not A Κ KllM,ΉμημΤπ Mood out from all the iest—even very fanciful, my Kitty, rebuke you Kitty, for the a ot sonnets. It these au*i Α ι»· I »o, thin, nnnt me. evening harshly, for braco \ H. Ι{ιΙ)(μπΙ, Hiram s W Pure·. Ti4» Ajfl. purvided ye'd was to himself—"bet but inconvenient Then of is to J ι. «at tue tour name ana. Judge thinking Hurt 11» re turn memory made the very suppose spirit youth prompt avenge fan· other men can l»e irom ^ub«i:rib(r< rau ttll. bjr ciamwmy ι h· c>l»i»l fcivp lug such square kept · th« .tm«unt •lit»', ami over lirst the wtts not com- • hp attach··) to their pai»*t congratulation* my priz» sweet wile and mother's brow knit oottage paid fot.and lew cied wrongs of its own or of other peo- into wf lh*»ilv*ei'v»l angri· out their mistake action, ai«biB( Ιο atiil lliruiM'lfr* s« carrying to e>suv—but that was not forts in it I never a ran »ru«l to u« l>v mail, ur U.vihI tlie long »g'>- χμ h needle, U was Lie could the lover but remember that it is Ι»a* airttl·. l\ 41 the still busy respect ple, poor thing and prevented from thrusting themselves Mcaimi •·*<«·μΐ. 1 '72," uu thw »lij>, uirauo did iioi k(i*iU. either, it you. Miss who you to such a homo." for a to humiliate an honorable man are to that «late- When uiuihv long Kitty, keenest Alice had tempted girl into round it is all lii« pa|N>r i> |>ai «r«k·. spread girl's any gift saved Irom failure and provided • i.«l il thi*iitnu«T i· >ut<'rnlltnl tin· it ••Oh, this ohl." -».ii«f girl to She remarked "How the world can offer to a woman is tho love «« ahouhl Ικ» a|>|>ria*d of growing nounce his engagement her himself, «juielly, fearfully grievance, eithor of which lâ an in est! m Woo·!*· tl«ii»chol«t U t^aiinr Hint IVroai careh'SMly, ••it tuu»t ·>« »lmti£t· «·ηι· vvi*« an·. I wonder ot an man. To such a oid they stood at thu garden g*ic worldly you Judge! upright )>ermit able boon ; but if thov get the upper ••We must find the fountain of it ever had ·>| love's J Professional Cards, fee TU Κ JUDGE'S HOSES. j···»· '»:irr.i>*ed nnd equally wretelied. only lor you your day young treasure to Ikj laid at her tcef, knowing hand of circumstanccs, and are allowed lor *11 id \on,' the Judjgi 1 lo dream, and vine clad and it she cannot is to lower "s (ifliiul youth liule while. Kdward Hare returned cottage, )ou accept it, the dig- to real i/o thoir phantaey, then they make koxti.u, jk.. "for ton ami lot tlie roses. now could tell in* it was all a failure !" HV Μ \ΠΙΛΜ Η AMI (.ΤΟΝ. tmdorly. ιlir· new allegiance, and toi anything tli nity of woman. Coquetry is falsehood, a mets of their lives which no attcr et- on tlit Ih· ever in the l»ii« I and Mourn was at Y m ever iuw or never swerved Tho Judge there the admiration which a in- Counsellor Attorney Latcx world knew, uncomfortable; my daughter, forts can repair. One ot tho mictako So on—Mu with a ihey walked Judge it were too man a woman alter she has for- BBTHKL. MS. Tho Judge came ot»t upon his door from afterwards. To Mary Lansing many suggestions following may give to which some of thom fall is marriage. (iraudi*nniun style 11 manner an I M «il particularly iM iH-clorth her old lover was a* the vie such inquiry. feited his is ol kind she would aro men who have no vocatiou tor u»:ok4.i: a. wiuon, step, not the Judge of Maude respect There m ihe ladios. Mis anions *ti**cd by ιΐϊχιιίΐν liui ol h Lut .«lie "lille, my dent girl," he said, "has blush to receive. who leads a a no reveries, but out own local digniltrx. It gay intriguing women. Any girl marriage, ilouio is word that ha* at men had done serviee—it h id l»een Counsellor Laic, good do Milk a* mueh a» she could without «ti- many and I have learned lover to tho bitter raorti- where Attorney jr w*u one oi June'* fre "Uu- l:n>: promptly aUeitiletl U> crything, ami Judge gone dotiuilely contempt right tie, clog, Sir Charles' ol which certain ot at time to I** nutti I style compliment, to secure the best match in degree l>oyiiih awkw trdness to her. No man at best a but ». If. it from hi» heart any Maytield, reproach high-minded paintul necessity—anything ΙΙΓΤΓΙΙΙ**, with his hud grown years Into ΙΓγημ even i:i ao she had reason the Grandsonian manner with can ever recall such without a a or a l*-red with the old men, rwrtainlj not oi though doing disturbing deception a "hair better or worse, helper, I Counsellor at Late, mannerism. l<> she whs him Iro.u which he would havw taken, but did not, which reflects the and are that Homey vV lull morning- uj»on this, when In· hoi believe Mealing ptdn npon giver; companion ; and children locusts knew sens#· ol I*iH»r tuan, lie little the the ncrtt little hand within his own. "Kx- it the woman herself bo kid HI HI'ORI). NK. rmicbetl tho very bright ol lorwnsM· .mother. right thinking devour hunters and opera-stalls, : « ieli»l lelt wiieti he lelt her si the cuso but listen while I Plate the case honor, and his décision was beloie the Kitty nui au aucu Kuowieuge λιιη. rAiwaru mn, and honorable, the memory ot such glove· and "little dinners," at an alarm- κηι it \ Li as h " SftAW Α whither her errand led her, with to He like a a publie in the tno»t iatricuto ot rnilrond Unie nue mod from this «lay lorth utterly you began Judge, very treachery muftt be continued pain.'* ing rato of progression, and finally grow sonse of life the faster : a at suits. Hut * few summers over lie contagious beating to She came, tho gay bride, tu wisely, brought many nicely arranged Mrs. Seaworth kissed and left her into tall men and women who niako $ Counsellors Law% Idly, ' ignore. up Attorneys own returned home a tew iu hi* pulses—he take of the heart and hearth argument againrt this lovo in cottage- and sat in best work of tailors and hair-dressers II I I.I.. MK. commanded a position equalled by poueuion daughter, Kitty long thought tho »|RIH with his fragrant gilt. set forth tho oi an establish- that overwhelmed tho humili- mon mar- uien of hia native Slate. >h«! had won by the most perfect strategy. advantages «light, by a patent anachronism. These sera w. πτε. wort· The of itayneld all manner ol ed ation ot her commited wa* ι good people and !*ho lavished flattery position. triumph. ried ono because had Year» ago, when ha ynuug. day, they really of Practical *n*n was a Counsellor at La\L\ ptoml their Judge. Miss thnt *he not There pause. The .Judge drew Six mouths afterwards, when of way to Attorney £· the lia il married a beautilul Nul upon Lansing might Kitty the unpardonable folly giving Judge :« to his when tbo ! if*· of i a In wa* a MK. listened opinion her consciousness ol the deep breath. the girl's heart South worth was the bride in all madnoss called love, FRY KHUKO, u.|uct reality. prettiest a temporary they lellow creature hid décision : ; he could him with a hung upon sotno struggle stop word and the doctor tho hap- and rccovcrod tho ; or 90 MXfiBSIOXElt t'>r .W·*· ffainp-hire over his married life he had powerfully M:iry Lansing married throe years Mayfield, young thoy by process » was law a· to the lawful mrMÎTi hie word right -stay the confession on the ol Ilaro camo sold themselves tor so much in tho ; Îeil. She for him a hand afterwards, wifely and well; uho had not trembling piost bridegrooms, Judge they s|H»nt freely ot thin or that and <*. ». Β I» UK».. aggressive company proud man's lips, or hear htm out, and to the and kiesod, for the tiret to find the when conclud- MJiu· patrimony, and thou when nothing returned to live in Muylleld until her in- wedding stocks, bargain were accustomed to go away *ati§ him ever more tho of u aro they a and give memory and last lime, with true Grandsonian po- ed too bitter to be They Counsellor at Late, remained to lier but her husband'* lal· vitations for largi· very handsomo digested. Itlomeyfr lied that tor them there was ιιο higher humiliation. liteness, the of his first love» and no ties thine talents on to i house- were arreited the daughter bachelors by nature, logal HMckJWld O*ibik t Ale. ents, she had goaded warming by »Uki| But when saw H no legal testimony. they ! ol Has desire tor person ni triumph, the while, a little to can make them else. Their M»·, I*. s. ΛΛ»·· «··» vf lûUfvxl lt*v distinction, and died at the tealiaation ol iudd«n deal h poor Mis. Judge Ilare. smiling painfully anything smiled a» ho no to » uiB/tir Oxford Cou·?. him thii morning they p:w».<- wi*h to> 4K *. RUOW V Mini 'lid not the peace. when he drank to the young bride's health IK) notion of lifo η deux. up dien married and gone, there was tot the give party. All May field They give which ho carried had in on- Λ Λ W with them, they Ho linriinij -wisdom, ulike he could not to her father, thoir bacholor be- A 1 Τ Ο R Χ Γ! V Τ Τ. only the ami the will» Iolt ih< lesson that ambitious dignity, help laying no old habits of days Judge goal glory live» taught by Uieir own matter-of-fact, domestic J»oi in nlinosl a« il as tho no M « Strwt. gotten boyish fervor. the bride and is, causo of tho wife at home, ^ο. 80 out a love to share it. Sensitive, too, lite and fearfully unexpected departure. "Pretty daughter recognize a sort of for the ot the e.irnebti)«ft» ol pith susceptibility ! vrith which yen η ngo he mother was far H' now duties because of their PORTLAND, MAINE. »iouth and beauty, aa he iwro of Mrs. Soaworth's romance. Ho· 11 Mrs. in the ot her I are i>% ïvlh. 1ΛΪ Dennis, bay-window tbe mother had boon accumulating in io< ly. "And you," added the Judge, the make to their condition is to be seen to- stood relreshing himself in the sweet «nance, howevor, which had laded ami | M. handsome stone with a very be· j • for the ho ol And the to FKED. E. CROCKETT, ! cottage, tensity daughter's ear; pload- most enviable mon." Judge in formal society, and receive eu hi int*i weather he loi Ihe died in the ol her wedded gether got weary over sat I bright reality SufrvMinr I· l>r. ff Γ Ukouul. ct^iuing widow'f cap glossy hair, \ cd Iii- cause faithfully—no jury ovej said it formal at homo, tor anything «inters, or at le.tst, tlieir number. I liju, >ior did the that feelingly. company in with critnsou wool a handsome dreamy memory α was j tilling I heard such summing up. All in due order Mrs. Dennis in- closer or more domesticated—for hkclrctic down the walk came the somotime* over her fan- Physician Surgeon, bead She looked as the lingered girlish • · w»s α Tripping lily. up Judge «trange experience lor Kitty. duced to the for her, dosir· tctc with the wile alone, *1~ in her honorable hu» accept really, ovening passed XOKIVAYt ol a white dress, and the mo with the cy, wrong aught tinltering walked by and read quick eye •Sne had hard work to back her tears. able hand of Hare. renew- ml Bltcntjoa to iouiale 1 oia|>Utnt· s keep Judge for littlo together, J«aid lion ol the daintiest ol liille sun-shade» band, in whose love be had found truth [ ploasant jauut story. f<»r Kin> wûî no flirt. Tho could not help congratu- the love-timo and tho C· Ε. KT4X8, the at hist. No shadow of darkened Judgo ing honey-moon, protcct iug Itom the bioad light she said to her niece, "he regret "I "Silly man," have done wrong·," she said humbly, lating himself on the propriety of his for conversation cariied on with grace, ♦* and lace ol the her and yet there was κ senti- ruvsiciAX sittVEoy, beautifully formed head leu» 1*υη with Soaworth thoughts, to s walking Kilty iiiitcji to yon ; I should have choice—that it was not the bind- with a desire to or to ment of interest in her former puree' present with spirit, please XUKWAV VIUAUK, ME. ; she lilled. as she 1 know theiu lor deeper village beauty passed, and taken her flowers, my s ell and you this pain; I thank you of tho flowers and whero ehe is tho listener, for *111 *U«*nt:wu to diwM»c· successes ing together spring shine only l»r. K. |'«v («articular a blue to the love's than she could her- of bright ryes Judge'» same roses she had iu hor bauds this bring .1 rr.« KTK hi.1! EAR. pair thu kindly tor yum regard, but forgive me, I the autumn leaves. liko homo or homo 9 to to men. anything joys pride— Miû- « .it bi* resnU a e. Office boor· lïvui and her red in to a smile self feci lor other In the full taee, lips parted lie will do some lotv* to ne w M. morning. silly tiling promised my heurt and hand the Yet Mrs. Dennis, still state- havo no moie vocation or dosiie A sunshine of her all the acorn stately Ihey over a row of white teeth, giving he dies, lie is old to happv life, I» pearly yet before enough young doctor—I aiu doomed to try, al lier Mrs. Hare, had, after all, a liL for the cradle Ο. Κ. Η 41.L, yi. wt Judge thau they have rocking up- a sort of lroshnes». and bitterness which his detection had her mouth springtime !" aud Mis. Denni« a be K1IL3's grandfather least, Ιόν* in cottage. I should have tie malice ol her own. There never was as the small locusts successively first hail melted and lelt stairs PHYSICIAN AND SURGEuK, One little hand huid the sunshade, in scorn. But the oxcitcd, away gloved curled her lip told you earlier in the evening of this. a June afterward* when she did not have is tho toxt on proud but the of her arrive. Toujours perdrix • rCKPIKL», MK. the other a bunch of June sec did not even no- kindly memory early grasj>ed tightly did not it—he cs, you should have me thit a cluster of roses on her husband's found the acted sermon of » II Judge spared study which they Uu« roses. irleudship. tice Mrs. Denni*» with a passing glance— conlemion, said the Judge, coloring.- table, "For you know, their and in their tear ot DK. U. P. All this summer Seaworth hud a slyly remarking, lives; getting JOXES, 1 he anuggoai oi ehoe* were bultou^d I aconfusedconsciousness Kilty he had just then There wgi m strong reaction already in my dear, your passion for Juno rose· !n tired of thoir matrimonial over a ot consciousness of Sim prematurely Utile feet; thi· the Judge of summers. glowing power. η DENTIST pair j «I two pretty girls eighteen his and his eyes to While iho in more humble man- are careful to take her had secured the doctor and thoughts, opened Judgo, partridge, they noticed— he had e\er a keen eye lo foot afterwards the roses withered youug village For days more just estimate of his lolly. "It would ner than was his wont put them aside, society only in infinitesimal doses, and and his own with a sort of knew uo rival in his attentions but the hand, pelliug on bis table. mote Sea· .VWfPPJ )' VILLAGE, MMS Κ. study have been honorable, Miss quietly, and took out his law books. not to risk tho chaces of being oloyed by In lact not a to which he devoted himself «a- !'«·*»ii m 1 on (ίοΜ Silver or Vul<*antz« aristocratic tenderness. An aflerwerds Seaworth profession to understood ino earlier." * hour Kitty worth, have a lUUUx sake. a sort ol surfeit.—Tinsley's Magazine. juMll.'T^ir of dress or the foi her Judge llare was grace persou escaped entered her mother's room glowing with I here was some embarrassment be- Twenty Difficult Things.-There are DK. Χ. «ΑΛ.ΙΙΟΐΓ with ibis "Good a noon day shadow, forever at her side Judge's eye neighborly health aud beauty ; she took oft' her little tween tho two, then the Judge eaid, "Ol twenty difficult things in the world—be- Trust Ciiildrkn.—Neror hccuso a when the lover was not. morn the abundant hair, younger May- tug.M round but, put back course, it you had told mo earlier 1 ing poor, to be charitable ; being rich find child of a fault unless you are certain he DENTIST, the laid to himself, field talked in stores, and chatted over •Pretty," Judge and sank with pericct abandonment into should have spared myself and you these great, to be religious; to escape destiny committed it. m, a ono sut- "but not so as her mother woO tea-tables thoueadd and potty MEC II VMl Κ\LI>, ME pretty the large easy chair. "Mamma," she idle words; they were honestly felt ami (explained not to die) ; to get sight of Children should not be troated with as he mises neither nor heard. m I hun it moved sitddeu an Judge lady a*-Will \i-it lUontLH tbe rir.t Monday by impulse exclaimed, "1 have had old beau this truthfully uttered, iutended for your cat the Scriptures (Sutras of Buddha) ; to bo We should act toward them • tcli mouth mi.! rriiuuu through the nc*k suspicion. hastened down the stroet and followed The had no idea of :u 1 should have he had measuring a world to N<· |miw will t* «(Mured eoduTMriuf morning; thought Judge alone; and as a true woman, Mies Kitty, born when Buddha is in the ; in this matter as we feel we ought to act t ulikfkrtHHi. (par £t « y n«. her. trunks his with a as he the an come out ol one of those great in strength boy, stylod I nhall depend upon your honor not tc repress lust and banish desiro ; to seo toward others, only with greator tender- were lar oti Scaworlh's thoughts had doctor, and it did not dawn in the not to obtain "MAINΚ WATER CUBE. Kitty Grandmamma's garret; it he only young mention this little contre iempua to any agreeable object and seek ness—not less, as is usually done. We when the voice startled her— least Judge's kissed hand— it be had, 1 am sure I degree upon the oue, and we two will it as it to be without rash ; to best construction ( \ OT COI J* WATtlK Cl'Kk,) my Judge's perception forget ; strong being should always put tho me,* he said, or your the thai there could be ridiculous in lu "pardon "you should have boxed him with other, anything as !" bear insult without to more in the that un- UrtlllrJ Kt(lll>Uel> Itlttâl* Ι·τ·ΙΜι, possible anger; possible upon their conduct ; is, roses have me to follow." intolerable bore !" this devotion to tho of his old "I world touch without a Ν Ν ATKKFOHD, ΜΑΙΝΚ. tcui}4cd the daughter give you my promise, Judge Ilare, (to things) setting less you arc sure a child is telling lie, "The ol course. bore ?" asked the mother love. Mrs. Seaworth saw, and it annoy, no one but ou to a matter w. »\ »ΐ| vrTH *« *f U ioscs, Judge llare," "Who was lite to spoak of this evening to the heart it ; investigate and can provo it, do not show the small· « and as the she lilted the ed her; sho ol it to her to condemn the luUaudlug »*ΐιν·κ ι«ιι Λ iprrnlitin »uiK«.-«n girl spoke, quietly. spoko regretfully my mother; I am as son y for the mistake to the very bottom ; not est hesitation in believing what he says. > It. All intereatrd will plea»· aead lor elrcelar abundant for hia to be aud mother husband, who the mail's careless can to self- be deceived variety inspection— "Judge Hare, sure, laughed as you be." ignorant; thoroughly extripate Far bettor that you should white and ol with here ot beaux Hare is old to u same Ο. F. TltASK, clusters uf red, dear, 1 don't know what style answer—"Judge enough "\ou eoold not confide tho story to esteem ; to be good and at the time than run the risk of showing a truthful ond there a mossy bud. Hut what did bad when were it he was take care of himself ; let our Kitty try moro said the to be learned and to see the hid- not trust him. Your DEPUTY SI^RIFF, . t>ixfleld, you you young generous friend," Judgo, clever; child you do simple he kuow ol roses, whose life been her him !" and so tho sum- of him- in the of Your OXEURI» COt'NTY, ME. had an eligible !" powers upon thoughtfully, still thinking only den principle profession religion ; trust makes a lying child truthful. with lllacksloue and Kent aud the in mer woro away. an ol one's end exultation a from abroad prooiptlv atteudi-d to «pent "There were giants those days, self. "Your mother is old friend to obtain without ; doubt of his truthfulness may make An*. 17. Ιι*Λ. ! he run his a the doctrine smell ol Russia leather eye Kitty ; young men who since then have The clustering roses of June had given mine; I can safely trust my mietakei to exhibit by viituous life truthlul child a liar.— [CAmiian Weekly. A. B. OODWIM, carelessly over bud aud blossom, and written their names upon high places— plaeo to the rich y dyed autumn flowers, with her. Now, my dear Kitty," ho aaid, of Buddha ; to save men by converting theu lilting them to the young face ex- may be well satisfied if any of the tho limo between their had her hand as ho rose to depart, them; to be the samo in heart and life; TO UNO PEOPLE'S CORNER. Deputy Sheriff & Insurance Agent, yuu blooming taking claimed, "Yes, vory beautiful," gay tlattorers who dance around you. u»y been a heyday of love and happiness "forgive me that I have kept from his to avoid controversy.—/tefWAtsiic Aj>ho- «HrnCK witti R A. FKlE. AUt. at Law, λοπκί ol 61 a M .nu .tu« lir»ad a attain to so record." come back to tho heart. in this window, your young risms. is in bui nut lu crow ; >treel*t Uitic Kitty blushed right girlish daughter, good again Judge's rightful place ■* My 1st dore, blush before the implied compliment, j Kilty laughed and said she should be He had never dreamed of a rival—re- fiiend ; and that I havo sent you among My 2nd is in friend, but not in fre; Maine. Making People Happy.—A U iu but not in town ; BtthtLy 1 it none made a better in the his in the the curtains to rid of me ! I believe poetical My 3d city, 1UÎI. U while the Judee was propartnglo return sorry figure membering power past—true get V»v. 14, writer has said that some men move My 4th U iu terrier, but not in hound ; lo the future all the while of one he had lost but he had that I have lost the to a heart, FRKKLAID flowers and Ueg u *pray. ; thinking freshness, gained spell lady's 5th ie in ink, but not in pen ; HOWE, life as a band of music move· My * man who had had are through men You shall have all,n she said hastily, dark-eyed young just in expeiience, in position, and in grati- and that my days of lovo-raaking My eth U in boys, but not in ; down the out ou as his ball no to tho street, flinging pleasure 7th id in «loue, but not in rook; l;*sm.\NCK Agknt Î "indeed you shall, evety one. You will his diploma M. D., and first fied ambition. No lady had said over. 1 can only wish you happinesi My XL side the air to one My tfth is in coat, but not In Crock; SORWAT, him. There was the of of a thousand without fe- every through every be with Ihent on the dozen security honeymoons, but not in blnck; Orne*—oTfruit. Some women PARIS HILL, ME., n have heard the senti- the a liar- The took his homeward in- ripe your 'laurels,1 Hare. You should sky—tho Judge had seen many Judgo way I am composed of SI letters. to their own homes like the ! laurels! rose buds! all in vest moon wax and wane—but what ol to tho shadow of the elms, as the doctor cling honey- 9,19, 3, 30, 27,13, 7, u a town in Maine. LIFE 4 FIRE I he Judge loved a compliment from ment— Byron My INSURANCE I6ENT suckle over the door like all the la a small bird. — — more had done but with a saddei ; yet it,fill My 28,10,25,16,12, rO.Λ one, if he had ho would have a !" that, the light of no other had been before him, any not, jumble of their it a forest tree. OIITOKD COUNTY. a with the subtle My 2,15, «, U, 17, more "1 were Kitty," silvery and winsome to his heart than and wiser heart. region fragrance delighted in this; it meant to him hope you respectful, 5, 4,21,22,20, ie vesture. How a bounty is it to My Hare is a man this whose beautiful was above Mrs. Seawoith met her al the goodness. great an à. Κ. t. represents «.niy flr»t-c]ass Corapanie· than compliment—it had a history. said her mother. "Judge disk just daughter My 30, 23,26,14, is aimal. hold tho of the soul that in Maine. *uj willi«»ue Policies at «λ was to "to the the tree an eu· hoad of the stairs. 4,IIow late tho royal gifts they 24, 31,18, 8, ie a town favurt>bif ra$î;*%* any "Thank you," he exclaimed, 'i cau lake old enough"—she going eay tops. He earried up Judge My 24, mail for ( irrttlar· shall be music to some, to 1, i» a vewel. jtb«r Y^t. AmUicauuu» bj did not. She fin· to show to an 'excuso lor she said then the fragrance My them on but oue eoudltlou, that 1 can go be your lather." She graving Kitty, stayed," ; lifting light old }r insurance, pruiepUy au»*cr*d, and any part of and life to all ! It would be no My Ηΐιοΐφ» an proverb. sentence "old the whole with her and into her face, she exclaimed, others, | CounO vUitttdif iequ*»Uii ApLl with to gather moro." ished the by saying enongli spending evening daughter's nCTHTKV. you to live for, to make the as a how." most the what have been unworthy thing B. "Nosir! you shall have them Iree for your respect any keeping, effectually, yoUng "Kitty, Kitty, you doing, W4LTÔ»; which we have within usthebieath AXhWkiia. the "1 think 1 treaied him doctor ; he was as it child ?" power DEALER IN I them carefully for very handsomely away just going, my Jtil;» A. Bright. gilt; gathered said the of other men's joy ; to fill the 4ό, Take the Ox lord Democrat. 47, »rGCTA€LKû, JKWtLKV, WATCH· with a indeod, mamma, when 1 him all my when the arrived, hav- "Humbling Judgo Hare," girl, atmosphere love I bore them—I honor them gave happened, Judgo 4M, Queen June, the mouih el ivrfeaaudoi love, if in the in which must stand with a tale— CHAtMS. SEALS, KEYS, PICTURES 4 FRAMES. lo rid of him, for 1 mado an to ride next day stcinly. "Mother, dear, past they bright- Echoes ou side the teuder .purpo^; they shall twine with your rosea, purposely gel ing engagement every this man has evor been a I have ness which cannoL create lor them- in flcwer, in throat of bird, Al*o on tuuxl .uid for *alo a lot of TIN WAKE doubt if the old fossil knows a rose- with the triflor, they In ruetliug leaf, *ud laurels," aud she the still dewy poor lady. other fixing*. passed this mother." selves. And borne in perfume on the summer gal·. bud lrorn a Γ' sat iu the window iu the night avonged my i •r- LUC*». AC KEF UKi-U -tf bunch into his hand. marigold Kitty looking

/ i o found in (Dtforb Nothing assembled at Baltimore ou Tuesday, July Osgood mountains thûse coa»t, Democrat. on ot new , the Slate in lhat ol tniimtion the part the Greeley and the some ; tho at- whtre. .he Ox lord iHh. The assemblage was called to ordor Rccreturiai of State'Republican peculiarly attractive to dry Driving movement to the election by Convention: Tfeo Editors' uod Publishers' Associa- 1'ark. The track is one-half PARIS, MAINE, JULY 10. 1S72. carry Belmont, Chairman of the mosphere which has parched up mile, by Augustus ear now—the and are b RI.FI BLIi i\ ^ONIK4'IIO\v every pin M. Mr. Belmont made a in Informing my mercury aniOng Hie nineties, given place being distinctly speech It w»> curved Iroin th«i them in it is somewhere oâicc ol Governor at tlio ο and ai ere, and the winter ίϋι business judg e's «land. any town, always which it is said was inaudible Stat Kopubli· to the cooling, moist wja-luenze, opening, next session be at Au a of 11 son #>»/; i'Kk$WK.\ τ, else that mean. Horace Greeley can Convention held in Lewiston, Jnno eniflf of tho salt water air a new suggested that the Walter, l>oy years, of Cha». they even to the reporters ! On taking hie iiupaits that a said, in his letter ol 13th, liai been received. So wo the fir^ Wednesday <»i Jmiti· SiliilU ol Kust Uixfisld, was drowned on acceptance, seat three cheers were given lor Greeley. toue to tho system. iound it. asj gu->tn,.uu S. Grant. were with of the ol the ι he 4th while oi the j»eople I the nomination with wo of the t and their my, the day assembling in the river at lhat Ulysses Urge majority Il is that only about two-thirds accept grateful joined tuany rait, lathing at Yale Com- reported that sessions lit· held ai- him—Gratz Brown said dem- tor the honor it con- eti last, on the lajgisUluiw, and place.-— LzwiMûn ./owwU. POM VICEPRESIOPS Γ. of the delegates participated iu the acknowledgement, hidiep, Tuesday je*lni|i£ ■ vJT) lI JvT J wl ν/ V last week, that all the fers. at ternoon and The Executive TIIK VOl'RTH AT niXFIELD. mencement, onstration. good steamer Lkwiston, Portland, evening. to HENRY WILSON. was ablaze far his ticket, and he doubted If I in the as in Lieu on Committee uvthon/.cd dv>ignaie At a o'clock we with u Mr. Helmont nominated Col. Thomas elected, shall, lulurc, bound lor that popular watering μ I wj# opened paiade Mrw Stale* different of th« whether Granl would c»rry Chair the past, devote my best and most, eur- our coast, Mt. Desert. We were loity ceitain member· lo rej»>rt upon "Fantastic»" by inarching tbiougli ••The people of the fnlud KUU» 1» »»<»»» Jefferson Randolph, as temporary in tlie whole con η The occasion was nost cft'orU to of tiie to i|ie mtoiesis ol (lit· the and in Iront of «•vu. Whom u «bowl him try. the IntoresUl State, and full ol liie as wu and topics relating village halting tL« <«raut—lia>« all man. He wan ulso heartily applauded strong, started, du was on "National • lure IHmeUon «nil Ylcksburgi «hay a couvivial one, and probably Grata and ondeavor to merit the and tho' the was calm, old as· crall, the occasion; Hotel," where Horace on to view. Mr. Randolph also approval night Neptune Greeley nut Vuott h i4 «UudrrrM.aiitl «Ιο not care to coming in a stale u> slices ot watermelon confidence the convention so sorted his and some to and other characters spread a generously sway caused yield prominent represent. Uew Ik· t.rteitif. made (reported inaudible.) in."-i/i>nwr at speech ed were with bullet ! Then 1 tollman declined, to his demand*. Toward» ilclhrl It*:m». , called upon, and made the usual Ret. Henry Sliccr offered prayer. expressed. imperious Baltimore, that New York would throw In lull accord with the of the set in, ami the We look a do «ν η the An- humorous remarks. pou GorsaxoR. Tl^e Committee on Organization report- platform morning fog IrtMpient recently trip a for than the the convention, steam whistle rendered îm- ! nine nines lioin licit ν ι Hill, Next ciuie a loot race, once around bigger majority Greeley R. of Wisconsin, as principles adopted by sharp sleep droseoggin, l)littlc, the entire vote ot Missouri—and so on, down j«dJas. and tho succès* ot the Wo reached Rod; land at to Bean's Corner. The rivet heie ns half mile track, by four boy ι 16year* SIDNEY PERHAM. ι Chairman. Mr. Doolittle believing Ilepub- possible. He not de- permanent .*» in the Castino next' the old or under. Aïviri to tlio lowest—it is all brag. lican party essential to the highest pros- about morning; Kimieit a meandering cotirfte, while Roister won in 2 r.'kl. made a speech which was duly applauded. v/:.W7»a* ν ρ rcxcnrss, ceived such a about 7, at l)ecr on aide widen out to « It. A. second. by game. men from perity of the S'.atc and Nation, «topping Isle, Sedgwick intervale* the south Knight, j. li. m'RLi:i«ai. The officers and committee ι·ι Next came II. 1 am, and South West Harbor, (Mt. Desert)' considerable extent. The Canton l'oint the lu>rce which J h A IMat. VVM. P. KHVt. Maine are Vice President, William Very Kespoctfully, trotting, our destination. Our of enrctent, wa.s the feature ol •d Dial. JAS. U. BLU.\t. divided. Your Obedient Servant, l)eforo reaching intervale·, are said to Iks great great the 'IV The Democracy McCrillis; Credentials, S. C. Andrews; day. , tirst adventure, altor h* we ι lor of noil and toi itw order in which the horse* stood AtU l»Ut. KALK. The democratic bolt at Baltimore is II. Permanent Sidnkv Pkrium. just daylight, but «|U:dity great for Hie ! Resolutions, T. Hubbard; 1 wore our way slowly through and beautiful farms'* at;d l'a. m- first heat was as follows: the nucleus ol u movement which will James M. Churchill. groping clop* τ« iitiirr η th«l *im. («rmut Commencement at Botetloin, ι "1 Organization, i the was in ciinio in ol break· ; r uiuai itear the 1st rule, for home· that had never the country. The log. hearing hou-es HeauV Cono palm. ti ill la lu- htllcr fur that iuo- throughout the Convention qualified spread Wednesday morning General Chamberlain was in- was rover·.· a en a other tormally eri, when the engine quickly ! W e ΐliink there is not ho line, pioeptcl beat 2 Aj, for purse oi $7 to • ueniou· lru»l th« 1 lu 1*79 C Times, the Nation, and at ό—#ot) lui prttiiltucy hicago was railed to order the Chairman, t by President of Bowdoin it was that we were within < first lhaii he t«u«lu 1*»β·».*'—//·«κτ (.'rrcfry. refuse to cmue augurated ollege ed. and Iound o| interval? cultivation in do Tuesday. gth rocks, Tiie tanners settled tliw rivet Kollin«,nnm«'*ch Honest COUNTY ΝΟΜΙΧΛΤΙΟΝϊΐ. into the eupport Greeley, niany Rev. Dr. burn. g Hill, Ley with a Prolessèr Packard. ahead. We saved a first cla*s aeross the rl· « 1 i* Han- 1. 2.2. 3. POi: spyA TOSS, th* endorsement at prayer by ly Imrftl, ju-i 1, ot leader·. Greeley'* Mr. Huit, ol Conn., announced that dependent, Addresses of welcome were then made which seemed to liie case. W. unines r. m l.XOCH C. KARKINGTON. tore not lose the annoy newspaper over, which ι» the Ilmeket, Amazon, 4 Fryeburg. Hallit will only support the Committee on Resolutions were ready peculiarly by Chief Justice in behalf of men some, but wiiich on the wna rattle ol ihe i. a. 3. >. HΗ*ITHAK Κ. MARTIN. RumM ot a number ol Democrats, but the Appleton whole, I'lie clink and mowing large itorepoit. At his request reading i the of the and cause lor much to those who. U* that the ««-i»"··m W. XV. names r. m. Lowistou POR CLERK OP CVl'R ehall ol the tho LowiMon, i.·; noted an a sale and and much l>ulter wit. be madr the M. ti. Hurlei^h, uamas I·, iu. iientte POR COUXTY COXU/-iSIOAPR, the Liberals. the Ciucinnati Convention. g«»<»d The Hon. 8. P. Han- WILLIAM CHASE, BuckfieM. under graduates. cautious navigator, and being ptilecOr season. it is there will Annie, 2. ?. I. !. 1. Mr. Burr then called for u leading of présent thought Wanted, son, of the Board of : en POR COT XTY TREASl'RPR. President Overseers, familiar with tho route, manages to be a ol eut m this section. Time 2:4Ô. 2 2A7. 3:03. 3.14. the Resolutions, th i there be no good crop hay might delivered the to the now FREDERIC Ε SIIAAV. Pnri«. ot tti«»e excellent Itkeimnc*· of keys President ! tlie ol Iho coast ruin* we -'nd race, lor horses lhat novei 3 Some them, and cape pertktUb navigation Tim which had during Ihe j beat misappreheusion regarding with remarks. President I l REGISTER OP l>Pt.l>< E«*t<τη. the iK mocrauc candidate ior the Presi- appropriate in tho logo so common al this j«cu»on. have the lield. a minutes, lor a ol $A0— $.10 to first, «dating that this «as the Cincinnati plat- Spring given mowing purso >l'MXER R. NEWELL. Peru. dency, which the democrats up in Chamberlain replied, explaining the The Summer travel has com hut when *20 lo second. Hest 3 in â. posted form without alteration. laiily g«n»d and vigorous growth, new which has been dir POR REGISTER OP l*PPt*S ί, NYtfem, democratio stoic iu our (Jouuty system adopted •ucnced, and the lx»at was crowded -the so lu*t without a M. Wo.inell, mtuies i». g. il on est Ned, every Mr. from Delaware was allow- grass prop«i Bayard, the and hi* l»e ASA CHARLES. Firebar*. last summer—said to have been furnisked ling past year, affirming travel to liar Harbor, ι amount ol it cannot be *0 a» 1. I. 1. ed ten minuted in w hich to debate the principal being stiu, good SFTPPTPP. liet that ιhi-4 to the demand* POR Mr. C. Γ. Kimball. Horace is repre- j conformity Ml. Desert, which i» glowing with le** moisture and more : J. Kdw.iide, nanu s b. g Mexican by Resolution.*. lie was opposed to accept- jearly thai grown Boy, IV STACY. Porter a ! ot the time* will benefit the col ; LORENZO sented as on hi* knee high greatly mote *ilh ihu New Yorkers and -Ull. 2. 3. 3. dandling the resolution* and to "the popular ( ill at llolll lilt* We lioliec nioir of rmp trr, ing taking ! and increase it» POR REG TSTPR op tar ill brat vl his own I ha\u sud- leg* usefulness The Soulhoru s Geo. Wife, names b. m. Wise They resolution» ot another or· ! people. oui tanners aie buying Horse Mo.»1 Mare, Woodstock. cut-and·dι ied HERRTCR V. DAVIS, We will a I ceremonies took In the South Weal Harboi is. lirst reached. 3. 2. 2. denly disappeared. give high phiee Congrega- 1 and Horse ltakes this year than common- gauization." tional wki lor one, to lithograph, and will Church, which well filled. Hero νa^l number» ol Lobsters are Time 2 :.rtS 1 -'2. 3:02. 2 1 *J. >M.tMnl «>r«nt »rr«r ha» beeu beaten. price A scene of contusion followed. The put ly- demociucv The exercise* ol the class not to ne» to circulate it among the Underwood, and the business, be 3d race, all horses «••«I he er will be»"—l»r»t«|r agree called to the graduating up by I he of berries will bounfiiul ! sweepstakes, open chairman order, requesting i took supply place in ilia church on ha.·» inleilcred with for î?76 lo first, $30 to gratuitously. convention to hear the Tuesday, being very agreeable, tins >cason, especially ruspburii·». The second, jlju respectfully I at commencing ten o'clock. The church the as a result, l'hcre lo third. ot who had the place pleasure j bushes ale heavily laden witii given The Surrender ! opinions any gentleman i was well tilled and the exercises were of aie but three house* here, » hiic at W. W. Smith, names r. ni. Lewistou Ttie White House. I whether with him or public ; fruit, which wilt soon l>e leady lo present ; floor, they agreed i an order. ate 3. 2. 3. unusually high Bar Harbor, 10 miles distant, there Ioiiiia to the hands : Lady, The managers of the Baltimore Con- not. Several gentlemen spoke on Ike their blushing eager Tho commencement dinner was held (.'. in. An- Sold Out! con- elcveu, ami bouses. .Mr. ol lln> M. b. (Jrnib· vention made a happy hit, in perfect most of whom were in favor ol man) piivate and much mote eager palate- Hurlcigh.uauics Democracy question, I in the now Memorial Hall. Alter tho the I. I. IloberLi. ol the Againonl House» j will be excc· d* nie, 1. sonance with the spirit of the Convention, accepting the platform. The previous pickers. The apple crop | ! substantial duties of the dinner were in at tUi.-» II. names b. Honest Hill. I. A TRUCK AND DICKER TRADE. let as a scene, a pioneer hotel keeping, place, j Rollins, g. when they down, drop question was demanded and discussion ingly large. i orer. President Chamberlain read the was kind m attentions. uud 3. 2. H It was very lii> | (irain in most entes well; it Thr Liberal PIhi- picture ol the kite / arbitrarily eut oft". pi»ttii*«» j Republic*·· annual the 7*th ol tho in ut Hme 2 :v) l-'i. 2:41». 2:4ο I·:'. on the head, psalm, being Walts, ! placed pail) good quarter» j has a ami loo*. 1 noticed a ι f<»r>n ami Γ»ιηΙηΙ:·Ι^ hitting the nail directly The roll of States was finally called, given which was President Chamber- the The ν* inv sung. h house». Wo loumi m mill*. Judges l,\ W. Kiuti>, li. rhi·» i- the objective point, with the and the Resolution* adopted by a vote of iiuig boring | lield the oilier da) tpilU U»e lain then made one ol his and Mi. and (j. The White the Winn happy ap- lioisu, kept by Ctoaa, Mi. i'clci rowers, ol tin* low 11, j Stockbridge Childs. Ht i?t€ Dem, unexpected thing, for the White House? Consistent, Georgia Id, Mississippi y, Missouri 2, twenty live pounds. poik ol Andover Addresses were to il de.»uu chance» lor weie al !i was, at the time, to the and Seminary. than vieil liiu Decriug, they -cur· heal wle» eau ! winning blasted, j>eople. disinterested men ! New Jersey y, Oregon t"», Pennsylvania 7. I that | made Prof. Hon. J. W. ol lie is ii lino hors.' and tnl· Hfead- « vi a to tho convention utelf. ha^ bcon by Smyth, Perry, α neat Iiousu, wiiii the. beat one ol lint olde>i though I he vote ot Dclawaie was reeoived with quiit, Mi ,|(>liu Cmdiuian, Pres. ol tho as α Con- Allen, State Agricultural ami kind ailciiliou» to ever,) died U>1 Tlmis- ily clock in the occond h·-m.l Honest raliiied by the National Democratic No of Maine. hisses. cooking, reeitb nlrt in this lowu, Hopes cx Gov. Hon. John Ned was the and events show College, Washburn, wauL. a illness. Mr. C. was lavoiite proved hitmelf vention. and subsequent Air. Hoffman, υ! X. a ♦lay, utter short In ujiiveisstion with one of the strong- Y., presented C. nnd Hon. that it was the lesult of λ Dodge, Peleg W. Chandler, liar llsrbor a and gay of the confidence ol his friends conclusively from (Jermauti ot that citv, presents lively Iloni in 17^4, and tj.i year» ago, woilhy est Liberal petition 1«*>,000 1 hourly lead- Greeley Republicans, risjht of Boston, and Goddard. a nee a* nail in and iind so In the last race Gentle Annie by hei for- deep laid plot oi desperate political ot Judge appear _>on many wheU young man, ho came lo &i he was recommending the nomination Greeley 1 (|ui(ea from Baltimore, last week, mer action was the and in the er» such it? the Biair>,l· onions and other», line houses, ail ol liieui haviug pia/Ka», and cluaied thu farm now oc- favorite, about the and Brown. Home Talent. Bethel, up oi New confidently bragging carrying; »nd ιΐιυ American I ho hands of lier skillull driver, showed hei *ud the JLammany liug York, of the many lljing llag. John Cha >e. lie Iims been one cou in u# said "iou don't to Mr. Snowbrook, 111., presented Wo tin*i in the ChtonieU a j cupied by η, expect Washington n*ioo a do* η condition and with the rebel element oi the South. arrival ol the b<>ai, *ν%ολ, ( mo ι ol splendid power by wiuaing name a.s tho nominee ol Ihe and reliable citi- Maine, do said he, ot Horace Grcoluy allusion to one ol uptight the cany you?" "So," highly complimentary »larl* the ν i«ilois at the dillei- in three heats. The track whs to te sprung upon by and back, /• and a true ami devoted christian. easily straight Greeioy of the convention for President. our Palis llill artists. j us, "not in but we luay in Xo· After to a J-dbeiaie. and the Sej>letuber, lelorring out and mo»l ol them tlock down is lie* and boules lx>ing only ^so-called) Democracy : houses, miii ol (j. A. sandy, ν The ballot resulted tin;, ol ol Frank, Maj. Hastings, ember. Maine is one ol the Greeley Bay· seveial her work* art, the writer a Probably it I'hero hall mile track, »o that on unie were to be upon till they ratiiied to the hail Iroui cunosil). aie| one ol ilit} most bcaulilul, amiable and jooil wrought aid ol lilack ol l'a., 21, : | thru· States conceded to us Grat/. Del., 16, Jerry says be :he contract. At th«* nomination by ! ol neat row and sail boats in the track, much better time could expect- iirst, Groesbeek 3. plenty j talented ol boy*, died lad week, in the Brown. are about the old A pair ol "Autumn heaves ol M nine" ' to They right and teams on the land lor ride». | ed. dragged—but principle linaliy yielded oi moved that the harbor, ol New Voik, at lh« age ol niue- tree Mr. Wallace, Penn., thistioh little collection. Ono ι city i'iue State complete η ml In llie we had a the ol jiuukr, and the Gov. l'erham vvas one ol our gnosis, of thai most il leaded e\cuing good display potent argument nomination be made unanimous. The ol Win. lc«n yeais, .Mi>. Stiekney has purchas- 1 of fireworks, and "«lanced all fill rank and liie have succumbed, like sheep One Term ! the Steam Yacht Kire-ily, Iroui KocWIaiel, Hut lew ·»«»!' hi.s have night, Only motion was seconded with rheers and ed for Jt will do to siualUpox. Iwiy age $40. honor her al- broad day ami went home with the beloie their shearers. meu, ! arrived the same a lib Blaine, light, Independent In the official account of the democrat- music. Order restored, the motion day. Spoakei been held in higlw-i estiinalion, not only being ready lino a.vioitmcnt. l'h ose mhe'e cele- ike who were to make pictures ol in the The Yoorhie.-, likely η Senators Hamlin, (.'lutudlai. Michigan, hi.- but hi.- girls morning." ic National ( ouvention, we lent I hat wnf carried with but tew dissenting arc all ol ail. loilh by tovyii-iucn. by employers. gems breathing the bration was and under tlie were out ol the Convention, aud several oihuis, 1 \car gotten up by tioubie, kept "l0 f>ll° tcim wa- Congressman llak', has been toi the plank especially well voices. same noble nature, the same clour bold- Frauk ellip oyed not direction ol Messrs. Smith and liriulunll, .nd tnen they could get along with· who are on the coast, b»hlug and a.- elerk in one o| ihe stores received." In view of Horace /or Piesi The vote was then called lor Vice ness, and the same nearness to cruising past leading humanity ' and too much cannot be accorded tut Ai'PLYING TIIE GAG LAW ! The tho ol icsoit. λ praise a no was i'ho) slop* •t New \o.ik. nil salary ôl sixteen J dcut, Λ will be doubt. President, ihc ballot as follows: and ils God as did visiting place* j popular plank, liiejair herself 1 ι for manner in which it was cur· painter over u lli ell the I uUloiin was n-UhvU tU*- at the Uockawav ami I» a ve it. Ill- death has (alien pui through, R row η Stevenson of Κ v. 6, blank all pod night, liumli'd 81-s a*shoga\c liwi time and .'oinlorls ' ried out. Alxxil 2όΛ0 < to \.e tact that tor one and of at 1 :$υ P. M. tists. have ing. enjoyed. a year part They pa*scd the oidcal ol in write*: lu Capt. ItUln-e's grote go*d no. Ihe ru , in it» account t«# teach lh«· school Ifirnm Ojj- licyi>'.—viz: ifoit tration. and 1 desire testify, and J be- steamboat aud thu hotels lor It*rmη each. «villi priv ore from nature, and as au companies, of Km v. Z*tti:«s iievc what I in Massachusetts will be met on tit Baltimore. The art-loving, achol ws from subject Trmperauce, by »/«i id ί u "a Think ol say Tuesday. ilege ol instructing »i'\et4l yQ'j it, and their courtesies. accepted a* tact, that during the whole was Brick who pure-minded, noble woman. Thompson. Other appropriate exercises to a democratic National Con- leading spirit Pomcroy, w« look teams aim abroad in ami L:tngilii},,fi. ;ippiied m which I was in the Cabinet Tbo next motnmg higher Knglish period ii and offered resolu- wete with on account ol tin made long s|>eech, — II·· is t»> tench a tcnn ol School .it dispensed vention to transfer the party to another councils 1 never heard any measure of Never let Old England impute spent most of the «lay in visitiug places High were unanimously I shower, which caused the to beat a the Administration or tions which adopted. 1 I lie vtiitf this Kail. \1 r Mabrv is throng organization to cany out shameless discussed consid- meanness any more to the land of the ot interest,such «s Schooner place ileail,Spout- it Grave ι» flnel\ W^1 n reference to the Thin Convention itself to "iup- mid n* a teneh- hasty looking Truck ami 1/icJitr trade lor the i-poile! eXl;il,L pledged Yankees. In her district?*, Horn and Devil's Oven. Thero aio! αιι accomplished kcholm, interest. I never agricultural ing anil the will bu about to public (Applause.) I the nominees of the Baltimoru Con· in Maine. hay xrop equal hhame ! Shame ! and this under the port it eomos out that the laborer* have to to visit in the ce lia.·* btil tow equals WYsUmii heard a in to enough place* neighborhood u personal suggestion regard now in session at the 1870. Farmers are busy ! vention Opera a He lias hnil :»» ot so»»,»· 70 seeiiring guise oi Hé/mu liai. llow are the bis influence upon one man or another take large *haio of their wages in in diltcitul diieclious, to occupy many I experience nom· while in condition. The i House, in thi« the u-ruis »>| lafddes sevcial terms as good prospeci laiien "Tell it not in Gath, man, but the counderation simply was city, provided drink ot' some kind, ami ilml Iho d.t\f ami the drives are bcautilul. it in ihw schh it not in the street- of Aakeiou," country. boye who are hired to drive birds combination of mountain and ocean scon- Preceptor Academy, when 1 remember the cleat head- away »re to be treated to a new «en sa lion ou λ simple, so Pareontield We wel- to hut base usee the ouce proud de* platform." have to hold just inneli cider as which makes this island such a favor- Hemimtry. gladly man who sat at the head of part cry eve, the famous , till Wednesday. his retuni to ihis his unlive district Friday by Ducelloiroupe. mocracy have come! the P^Icaltable there, and then hear him talked Adjourned pay, and women laborers aro likewise ite resort. Wo visited the place once, come was to order at are to see the show, ami talk ot The Convention called Charles M. Randall, ol K« zar Boys eager And all this is doue, upon the supposi- by Mr. Sumner. 1 think Mr. Sumner subjected to the same treutment. Now some \ cars when a resident of the Esq., ago, lout I over must reter to else. 1 P. M., Wednesday. delivered u lecture Saturday «vett- flattering pouters. tion that republicans \vho ha\e been ed- somebody (Applause.) then lor another meeting to raise mission* County, before it was known to lame, Kalis, ucated Horace to think and Mr. ot' Ν. Y., was chosen aries for India ! June 29th, helot»* the Hiram by Greeley The Corner* Smoothed. Bayard. Temperance never will when then· was but one small public ing. Literary Bryant's Pond Items. On the Mr. the ol '* '» .*ct as lreemen, will loi low, like cattle, President. taking chair, lake root in h «oil that is polluted such house ami we were tliuck with the Fraternity,mi subject ffHjtpxnr** The without celebration Mr. was accustomed by open, 4th passed any the man in tonner Greeley always -caid this convention was here to- llow His lecture abounded in man) who. times, they Bayard greedy practices, long since was change. U is declined to tival practical uot a> considerable as a to very plainly ot great though vet) quietly, have for hi.·» ot senti- republican speak "to resist the foul formed it that Exelci Hall was i»leas, and respected advocacy day conspiracy its scent- ai d Hranch, in time. Col. eloquent passage*, rvineing was the notorious who, at the holding Newport Long intoxication visible in the street*. copperheads sonic for the destruction of the uiuch carelul anil mid ments diametrically opposed to the party time ago ed cambric handkerchief to its be· Fremont i> >o attached to Mt. Desert, study thought, opening of the tebellion, exerted them- eyes, Eugene Cole, son ol Frank M. Cole, a who nave now him as their can- Dcmocralic and which is now cul- cause the Southern was received with adopted party, slaveholder did not that he has one of the applause. :» selves to create a sentiment in favor of bought Porcu{>n the length, denouncing man> paire of French erect a on it. The man who sold rising was on h îind au account of a New cottage painful accident. He silting conspicuous Convention. season at Hon. John P. Hubbard's, and masses, liai» might reasonably t»e expect· Baltimore boots I'tiiuj. to hint ο for it. Wo took a row whom tho annually it gu\ near when the bat stick fît·w Jorsey copperhead, govern- is to the log by, i·J—but it is lar otherwise. in- was from a com- w to Congregational Heading, An address presented boat and ent over it, and indulged in preaching man ment sent to Ft. for a short from the Using it, and the end men, such as Ijive imbibe*! Lafayette —Livingston is found at last. Mr. telligent ih>- mittee, the of ii in the water Ironi one of Society. time, lor the cause of recommending forming good plunge struck him and with great force views lroiu opeuly advocating did it. The New b S. Kietchci of fairly ljiical the New Voik Tribune democratic accociation* the Stanley York Herald its dill's, .several have Ke\. —Universaliet, Jell 1 >a ν is and the throughout private cottages iu the mouth, in his teeth and are not to be led denouncing govern- claims all the It is a the .Ν. H., 7th at Hi· kHocking louutam, by the noet. and called for a convention of glory. romance, boen erected, one o( the most noticeable Kxetei, pleached July ment for to down the re- country, breaking the jaw iu several places. Dr. more in than to be- attempting put of the with thai of rum Li.kwklltx. We have faith them democrats to meet at Louisville, on the story discovery, troop lor location and Alfred Yea· Bridge. at a time when the fate of the beauty being Stevens attended hiiu. bellion, Arabs around in tho .ieve thvt they can be either coiutxl or 3d of him, away heart of of President of Veazic nation trembled iu the baiauce. We tind September. zie's, ISangor, I)r. Hragdou, who temoved from Juaied. Not oi'them will be led torrid Africa. But the between DljcjleiU Item*. many A resolution was meeting whom we met there. He married to this a short time that Mr. him as a trai- adopted, appointing Bank, place ago, Greeley spokool the uearcher and the was Liming)on to found the most A « Ho*ea Austin has sold his Γηιαι in Dix- a>tray. a committee to take measures secure a a of J. L. Hodsdon. Ij. Gcn'l. to move back near « / to who had daughter is into York tor the country been justlv of Stanley tried to County, attendance at the Louisville Con- unique anything. the u ar. field to a Mr. Gates ol Berlin, N. **Our where he large during village Biddeford, and Dr. ol Hanover, Candidates ?" Miutto prison could not plot all manifestation ol his Gray, vention. suppress feelings, Wo have not to extend our arti- H. for $4000. treason. It so new that this space is to take his The Oxford Register ha- at last spoken, happens and when he came in ol place. Afte» a sciics of resolutions sight Livings· to ot the inci- The cheese lactory just put in opera- same has declared for Gree- tabling cle speak many pleasant and deliiied ib position in ielation to can- copperhead tone ami his escort said. "Dr. certain to the Na- simply of the or how tion in Dixfield receives the milk of 34 North yor way Items. λ recommending things dents trip, many friends didates. Alter a account ley, hereupon the Tribune I giving garbled compliments presume ?" man. tional Convention,the meeting adjourned. Livingstone, "Yea, sir," we mot. Some ol the were not cow? Iioui one Augustus Knight 1st a smart shower accompanied ot the Democratic bis and relera to his party July National Convention, ^'patriotic course," was I lie business like answer, "that is able to ovei the Sabbaih, and return ot Kuuilurd. with wind, laid the corn and stout gras» and to itate ••little iu 1801, as follows:- stop unwilling that by the escapade" name.1' Alter that embraced ot appli- my ihey in boat. Wo commend the John Jackson, proprietor the An· flat. Some corn planted May 25th, "He eauie iuto collision with ihe ad Pres. Grant that the one act of ed Friday's quite cation of the (jay Utn\ men, says and enthused. What the Arabs and a entertaining thought to all as a most one. The droscoggin House, deputy aheritï stands ό feet, 5# inches, which is an luiuisUatiou «luring the civil war and bis official life for which tie has trip delightful view s like his own were muzzled .he caves always ol the scene Stanley does not but lor Λ iew week:i in Fort report ; is a fti et· class ii team or, with ot Oxford Co. several year» past,, is a of one inch and a quarter felt the keenest was done because Lkwistox triage growth in "under the circaxnstances," and gives ^°netl regret, have it was a meet- they might suspected and courteous oflicers and seriously ill. It i potatoes July his support. He says, in his Π this isn't a of a of unwilling remarkable change in ing by appointment pair champ- trouble i« cancer in tho stomach. and I)r. (it ass is well, scarce, and a from an waiters. Capt. Cyrus Sturtevant, Agent looking help leader on the Convention : removal of crippled soldier ion wrestlers, who had fixed tone for the Tribune, we know the time Hill the case in- as to The hardly of this line, wont down with us, and was of Augusta pronounces money to hire quite hard get. When the result of the Liberal Re- Illinois and the a where to seek for it. Treason used to be pension agency, appoint* ami for meeting that was to de- place in his attentions to the party. curable. sale of our wool may help us out. Hope publican Convention at Cincinnati was ment ot Trumbull's brother-in-law. ol unremitting called treason Mr. and tho cide the question personal ot drove be afforded announced, we venture to that none by Greeley superiority. Moses C. Foster, ol Hothel. one ol Mr. Purris Baxter Rumtord, our mowing machines may say Grant says he Trumbull not to will be Ksq., in this but sinco the vision" besought The regret universal that Dr. Liv- bank near ouc great country felt a dis- iribune; "noonday the contractor engaged in constructing his team over the river the enough to enable horse farmers greater make such ademaud, butthe ••reformer" to cheap or a more at ( treason is refuses leave the interior of appoinmcnt unyielding deter- incinnati, simply "coming ingstone the Normal School building, at C'astine, Dixlieid village leny, Wednesday night, to litem. Apples blight and I all mination than wo did never was inexorable. procure to vote for iuto collision with the αdministratiou? the mysterious land where he has passod on lie is and was thrown out, his off a uiay l>e Horace Greeley, the life-long and bitter was board, getting along pros- breaking log. badly, though quite crop \\ ο ask who is the most of hisyeats since J.S40, but an- foe ol the democratic but we any lepublican thinking with his work, and with his Two other in the party ; pa- —A in one of the northern perously gentlemen carriage spared. Mr. to con- Republican nounces that the outside world must tiently waited and watched events, nod of following Greeley, well Kir. to were also thrown out and in- Mr. John French has at his stand, a towns of Oxford county writes the Press paitncr, Duilton, cxpccl.s complete slightly our lias been less and s:dor where his leader is on as to his wheroabouts 1 hostility growing going—indeed keep guessing it the time set. jured. i'ho aividont is generally attri- nice Jersey Bull. lt-s that ho knows every voter in his tor a of by every day, uutil now. that the Balti- h*s Journal. nearly couple years longer1. ~Siindrpj already gone.—[LeurUton On at noon, we bnti'd to ;t delect in the highway. Mr. Marion Noble has taken down bu more Convention has adopted him, we town. All the Democrats, nearly to a Times. Thursday, experienced one hi* are to that it was the as hot woutlier on tho island, as we Rev. Mr. Koiboa ot Canton Tltoologi-f two barns, and is to suit iully prepared say —A in attendance at the man will voto lor Mr. Gieelcy but uot a about building best lor correspondent versa list P. tluug the that under the our in the cities, iho cal School the Cni pul- taste and convenience better. country, Ivia:more he heard an ι in town will vote for him. —l)r. Ν. T. True, late County Su- had mercury going up' supplies circumstances, could have been done." convention says Republican iho shade: and for a lew in the during the (Misuing old l>emocrat, who boasted ho had never of the latter like the man for his has been appointod Professor of to 88 in hours, pit village Many pervisor, —The Andrews House at South Paris, in when there was no broe/.e from the three months. Ko v. C. Λ. Haydeu ot "Dixie was the most popular national voted but the ticket in many but the com- the Natural Science the Normal School im- anything straight good qualities despise has received new and other the heat was as Lawrence. Mas»., is to occupy the pulpit carpets an in the democratic Convention—no lus hie, say Hut tbe World was not ! he is in. Our cot at Ν. V., with a ol $2000. water, quilo scorching puny training respond- Oswego, salary in with its good It was one ol their holUKt 2lst. provements keeping doubt because a Southern air Democratic lor him, and lie was ent as a vote He will enter upon hi* duties the lirst as anywhere. July prevailed enough promises large Republican as a house. but a sea breeze soon I The Ad?ealbj£ observed July 4th by reputation public ?o Hrongiy, than, I taking the Tribuue now. in September as ever. week iu September. days, sprung op S ! Γ H IC Hambletonton Editorial ami Selrrtrd //««**.<*, j Mort h Tjovett It^na. LIS Ε Stallion, AUKLIKK fj. In memory of the late Mri. Desirable Residenee Our write#, that the iti FOUTKU, of lietlini, Main*. correspond*·! *\ υ» will com· —Poland Camp meeting el I and Stoneham. on Democrat! habitant* ot Lof My beautiful buy fs «lfa«l ! Campaign meucv Au^u-i lyth. .»nd ctnui.ue a week NEW GOODSI PARIS HILL lite morning of the 4th of July, gathered Kiseu away from my light— PEQUAWKET, ο THREE MONTHS! Will make the ensuing sea-ton at are anil blue- :it Yet I think of htm needing mo whet be whU», —Ktspberries ripenin*. numbers in κ KO in pleasant grove ! It For Sale. goodly Λ ml mr day aud night BROWNFIKIiD. berrias have :»Ist*» made their calling appearance. North Lovell, where they had previously- The subscriber having taken the brick store lately OXFORD CO., MK Λml m\ heart weary and -kk with went her λ Ac. A lit- ♦wrnplM by Λ twoetory home, Piazza; nighpostuJ The tor several lia» erected stand, table, seats, l« a seven days \\ nil Minn* ami pain PiXjUAKF.T bay, yeara old. 1 nrc Ham- —Hev. ,1. V. Snow commenced hi»» lu· Prayer I Team romUittly ON MAKRIAGKR. the fattest marc and the fastest gelding ing home—bavin* eleven roonu. Il.vppy Hfllif for Mrw from the el· Λti.l th«· bletoniona, 10 which ft closely related at Thomas Watson ol l*ovell, k 01 the rl*»p ol bit eliugiux hand, Young completely roliiU)·) »;uue, îml ftivniRlu'il Peqnaket jqrKoquire ThU Office. bo»·^ as of the Universalis! Church by the Kev. ΓμΙι ··« Κποιν· and Abiue» in in blood. putor of hi* -niihi. early lile. M:tahoo<| It with July 8, IKS. tr the Kor the ki«« of >iin lip», andthe H«tht ; lo-loroj' Nervous curenk< mnl Ππι name —Tbe omission of the of one ot lli- ft* thfi-e Ικ· ν*.*! -·, I ir» «eiU fun ill m-hIc.1 envelope. ot the samo The pleading, COUPON, ilubiMK place. AtMiν 1f«>WAUI> ·.» .-,w. VliW STOCK w:w Keq., -Uor* ASSOCIATION, No. our County nominees, last week, AIwikmiu the desolate ; By (iKN. ICXOX ; dam Young Abdallah, will Ninln St Pnjhulelphl.i, P m\2^*72 on by theu to the table where lv uiake the souson at the «table· PLATING adjourned rofi e. the anit» ami the hi·.'! Io\e, aiime NICKEL accidental. It will be in people With rhe pureh found Coupon b full brother to the celebrated trot- thev did jasticc to the eatables Drawing me to ilcath'* door! Ul Silver this week. ample ting stallion,\Julea Jcrgusen, formerly Logan, Costa Less than Plating place BURNETT'S «ν LittU'llutd and is uoueidtred ecconu t<< waich had beet* and which kl\ larliu- : ! I come' colt, provided, una·, none of the untrained ret ol hi* célébra. Μ sire. AND 18 —Mr. i ,eo. L. ol Ais λΤΛΧΙ) \ !îl» Voae, formerly lit·· : shew conclusively that the housekeepers 'l'ue shailww ha« left brow, TKUM3 Fur either liorse—.Season services pro- of ducing a toal, |25. no village. h:is bee· ap{>ointed Professor how to \uu! with rapture when at ltis exercise, will receive hi» AU articles Platknn U applic- Engineering College u and it» »tv !«·. Pcjuaket, get up «jood dinner, good Flavoring Extracts, UROOHRIW. ~crvic.oe free. able,plated lu the best manner, under licenMfrou lor three 1 ather in Heaven. Nickel Companï of New York. year* man had torsive ton rLAvoKi^o Marc* kept on reasonable terni-; but no rieks United Alter the wauts of th« inner I to lu it 1 am mmiiwd. •^Manufacturer» are re] e, dear mother, li» hard to pari ; Syrups, lee Creams, Custards, pedigrees description, Iioiu to ih«* United Stale* i* so JAMKS ED«KCOMB, Germany ot Waterlord, λ·** introduced and deliv- Kill it η ill :··( !.. for b>mf- Pioj>, Blanc Urownfltld, Oxford Γο·, M«, that the Mange, Jellies, (J AUBURN FOUNDRY & i;r»at, government seriously vred an uddre~i tor the occasion, h\ e, LASS MF'fiCO., prepared Mj «tailiug hUrfbattd, good WARK,| IMIORTKI) THOROUGHBRED to τ* Sauces, Soups, Gravies, Ε. propose* measure* snppre» was well iM«iv«xl. K'»r only a little Η Ιο- -A-XTBTJUISr, taking which juneii, -w ί teol no» )i u in ν to >r<> etc., eto. the exodus. The crowd dispersed somewhat s<»ouer duly STOCK HORSE, To <*arv for our darling eiihl BOOTS & ! Valuable mill Property For Sale. — otherwise would had it not SHOES, is to C. S. Claim tlian they Attention called the | Hie uf these « \!γη> ï 1» wedded >ν.*ι·-, 1 »upciiorifv con«i»t» in Uieir Γ1ΊΗΕ Subscriber offer* for »ale hi· Mill aud a came I,η " at Ixten loi shower which Arc., .Sco., " House, situated at Went Fail*. 'i'he 3d 111 con- ol Geo. K. Week*. Ks»j., suddenly Ol Hiteli iwOfl η··«- ρκκηκγγ Γι r.irv αοκκλτ viuknotii! X Agency ha|>) os a «aw was sista circular mill. Shingle, Clapboard à them. I'he I m ;1\ Mr. W. kas lacilkw* day's performance < OUI Ui' l>*i«>i «· ni»·. .1 ·»!.»·· ι Tin t»· ι« no ν lr.rh other -mall Saws,all In order and new. Augusta. superior \\ offcra I h, in to ihr· nti/nii »T» in, i\\«; compouml· pre· l'A 111* 4 *1* VICINITY, jt Kwerβ mill hat constant work enough to run f»>r UiC human niomaoh. t91 round, and there In power for large addition· wa» one i>e with • U the >oul in it- Nod* year to remembered pleasure .L.M'len of machinery, an abundance of Birch, Poplar au J -On Monday, the Sth inst., the Inm ! Tbi*t hi tract» are va rr nut *41$ami α·'ύί* trktt /· tnter into tht com· " tion with the Mill ie a house and «null Worker* ol New York severed their con- [ Regista*. Will tell del lv eb« tub 1!·«· Ί'"Ι good stal4c, f with one acre ot The above I» aitn· position ι·/ "in ny of thr Act it ion κ fruit tlnrort non land. property nection with the lloui j ε"? a ted oue iuil«: from U.K. Station, (U.K. g*)* Within Eight Uagur. W(ttrf/'ortl Items. To the «oirowiug oue-. in tin market. re uot Lowest Market Price*. living, The,) η only tm<· to their tJS iO rod·» of h, a. troke to the shorn ι> m b ut· ti » very League, «>τιγ correspondent wiites: On the *\c Suddenly, cruelly lite*, it prepare·! from Γι it of the bi »t c Ac., on goo· 1 road; ami to the right partie* will • i\ i»j life, >»o be sold at a Addres»,or rail ou l·. I.. a* tbe Iron-Worker»' wis enn^idere«l «»t »· »l thi-deart'tt blu-slng, rtnd j quality, ami highly concent rat ήΙ thil a »iiiul bargain. «>ι ι it·* 4th, lc»li\rgan!7atHm> at Ihu ·>1 MlTTU Mim»i:V South I'fti h .In in· Util, |>7?. And the held Swth Water hud by ladie* Γι,»·\ Ιι ivc «(owl the ti'-ι of cightceu year·" lime The have re- country. strikes 1 ►. « ΙϊΓί an JOHN prohutdy the Universalis Sonety, which w u- well Washington, July tnd, i competition, ami art prcnunctd unrivallul Jby 1ACH.001, ceived their death blow tht im/*t Miami the lead- I» ΑΛΙ» CORONEB, and one had a e«HH4H4*re$,proprietors of attended, eveiy general I'kOHI'Kf'TI'S /·'"/»' 1872. )P Ε » I G II Ε Ε : ALSO m j/ In-let*, and dealer< in (ht Γη it'll — Commencement week at tiorhaiu prominent iLood time, ol the strawberries, It OK S. FIFTH V Κ Λ It ANNi tiîi.n was by (Joufeasor General, dam Ku· partaking Mal··* unit Canada, They nrr neatly put uji in flr·· DEPUTY SHERIFF for Oxford and trotu :il to Examiu genie. (Html Hook, vol. 10, P. 407). Eugenie, Ann· seminary Jul\ '-*6. ifwrram, lemonade, dec., which liwd i/r- bottle*, more Ihan ( up.meted hohlirg pat»· A lirj'rt HHtotir* , Franklin Counties, Dixfleld, Me. Alton ot under classes ami i'ues In SI, to the wii·· ot JaniM \V I it elctl «uei innelt air Urn got by Barbarian. Kngcnie's dan·, Alcgrrtta, hy Monday been 101* the Occasion I ho I'oitvr, Uay appearlug largo. Tliev | All feel asaurcd in traiuiuut piepared ·· M. Luke, out of Alba, by Danby. may forwarding b* *ou and daughter. ln·»: Mini ■ Fruit hxtraofi iho market hi- I *r» ot- htrupci This tine animal wa- selected the business, that it will reeelvc and prompt day—ol Wedne»da> Graduating κ eed» are to Ikj l»»r the b»·»»· • In Hiraai, June18, to th« wiie of Living «..l by Special proper pi applied lui <1- Th'ir JmtrwU, the greatest races of the British Turf, a· well as ni and student* Thmsdav i u mers lind it tu ob βί-lt 1 > tuve»»ary in aomc ca*c* for tie- kmiiliomrst iu the Il'urtone, and •'Jtrusi ΤΓΝ .«jUPKttH'K klavohing hx general configuration iLm are Mi*» Kv ι F·»·»· ►innf Amshki.d coat the Nova Scotia Government Among graduates taiu lot the reason. I'he ha\ uaits." tn h»M»t than »·· oHei to "oive lofe lo the artist workmen of Til hi For Sale. keip h:i) Μ Λ UK I KB. 'ipon obtaining my 9'j,5oo la in tir>i>t uian\ of tin· tii'tiliwu* br«iini> In!· who are to make their nrof«M gold, England. A Splendid WOOD'S XOWIXU MAt lll.VC ter. ·»| Ii«*thel, and Miss Sadie A. Y ate*, i» in thi» »eclion, olbTeil, A I.DINK. striving» recommended to the breeder# of crop very good pioi»« am «· of their larger uni] of ailmimtioii tor ai il lut» κ1· for sale at a the owner having moved prtWH*. worthy l«e.iuty, Mam·' by thi vrry highrst authority, Breeders eau bargain: «>1 N. H G. M. Λ. M., A. Wad*wnith, be» il l»»r u*t:lulii»'«.v"— H'arri IJeuMer, ha· no uae for it. This machine may be Slieiburn, Bo.ig*. double that ol last year. In H i.·ιπ>. July i>,«bν Llewellyn .insKPir iirusKTT a i«>., Way* Henry wall -<■»' the of a better strain of away, bly V;.'« Vii^u necessity mixing seeu on the nubscriber. t ·.),. Mr AHUMWW.CQtlM Uki in their st<»ck of mare·, or by nailing »·. the »wlc lloston. ! blood breeding looking JOHN CARI.ANU. {Mtpnlar Principal. Ν »w that the 4lh i» over visitor* In^m It C otton. b.>th of Hirauv. Proprietor::, kill \ I.Ill\h, w hile i^utd with all Hie revu· well earned Auntleld's services her reputation. 1872. In Mimnci. .V l>\ Ιί»* \ιηι-.ι l.oring Mi I'or tald l»t flrfM'la"· iirocei* nnri I)mc;i-I» l u ili Ι· ν none 01 the temporary or Paris Hill, July 9th, — .Inly are within the reach of all. T. S. LA SU. Grant and WiUoi. ratifi- t<· lloi'k here li'oui the and <«ui th >»i ,··. ui Itw Housing eitie*·, « Imrlr# liauioit ami Mi M h. <>\,U generally. jan.23*îî! cow 1/ ct i'luii.»■ lei'iet·»' ordinary periodical*. I want all the thoroughbred blood in the trotter Jul* >>, he * M. \w-tir I .( Mr. ai» «»( and Marble were at ti>wi» will sent m than In liii ktk'ld, Η*κ»»·»1 miscellany pur», light gr*e»tul we because the nearer we Works, r.-tlion held I'oil la mi livelier i ■ possibly infuse, get Oxford County meetings pie aspect « \h % till Mttebel, ol Bttcfcilêkl, mid Mr· kIHu I il huh «'-» .UMl .1 collection of nictur··». tb« to tho thoroughbred, the greater endurance we • mi of artletle fldll.ln bl*ek lye-l NORWAY, MK. iast and »on , u>ua' lor a fe<* «»rrn».,i.t Iteadlleld. ,Pcctnn»u· shall have. HnBKRT BONN Κ H. Ktiday evening Baugoi »veek·.—Keyisirr <·.»«"'' hiiiiiInt οια*!,ϊ&ι1ϊί~ ΓΙΙΚ Al.· In Wuta"lord. July 1. U. J M. l'lirmmer and New Advertisements. Although (»t \i »s I»l \ 1 nflonl» a fiw»li t'» »t Jr ·*η 1-. t'l Stlunlay evening. Dr. Loring. Ml» l. \V. Kami, Ι···(1ι vit i'oitlaml piru-ure } A.WF1ELU I» clereu )car« old, liittcn €11 AS. B. KEITH, ιr'tl v:iluc .11.α l he i- /tents. It. unuty will n:o«tly appre. ituudu high, of a clear hay with black and other» addressed the t>»r ,ie,l »»· «η Ί the MAM t ACrl OF •«chnsetu, Ulie it ha* 1»·ιο·Ι ι·:· llmrlo-eoi and wrighi over l'leveu Hundred χ ci, While other mity « lulu· «up»·· •nei. and Blaine. Senators Our Huthven, writes; />ιι:α. Lost.. puhlientlon Point·,otinds. Speaker corte»pomtenl "nor a·» Willi rirnU Ol a »im- TWO liOTKN t»F IIA\It, on·· Mirmvl l»v .1 cbeapuc»· compared Grave-Stones, « Λ terrific had with thunder and i» a uuhiuc aud Tablets, Monuments, of Hamlin, aud ûtorm, « 1 il-ir cla*», T1IE ALPINE original 1 season handler, Michigan, j ,11 h in·;, for lireut)-« u:ht ilolUi ami .m>uic rent· tu» thoroughbred Stalliou will make the And other MARBI.K WORK', in AMERICASov ,I„ -t'en -done find uuupproaene»l· absolutely at the : < over a ol tIti» lu t οι iridi. Juu·· ., Mr. Wllluitn· h.lortiierh Wnl ·>·ι«- I » ν KOMl'ND K. l.4M>fc,K, for ·Ι»ο*Γ fallowing place* the ITALI.iS MA HULK oitgrea»tuau Hale, and others tin· latter lightning, passed portion ,tiiou! in ai l character. The ; lie was ,i uiiuot r- iu.i· k- 1vmI.ii ·. iti .1 able tu biu r.iuipctltlou priro at llirsin, .lui;e l.'th, |>*\ <>t thr volume cannot Monday—Tnrtier Village, tin Hebron, nxiillMjvk». »\ i- Ju«t completed ear ME. was town, on the ilternoon of the Fourth, * heernilne»» and lie KI.UKKT < I IKPnittt. Mixer and Clark'· store, NORWAY, 1 here much enthusiasm. The cam ir tine η ■* r and Tt K«l»At—Uiittou'a Mill... via North turner, Juno ϋ, 1ΓΤ4. —cwulci iviol iw * h,plicate \ ρ οηρητίη^ι 1 Mini in M*j'-»« hu»ett», fui) M ten WFl»>E«ii»AY—Canton, via North Llvermore, fij A I kinds of olCAMTK Work done to order is lot eat trees were ovcitutned uud i ill un* other nn.Ape oi number of volume» /<-» llujjv lit e r ni nitb«ut He bad l»« el» » mem· tf paign opening. ι gUf-fei·. tune* it* t>U. Tut*lt3lMv—Mimner Flat, via Hartford, Feb il, 'TA· broken off I he and κ ·Γ the Metliodint church Tii *iar Pit IT» AY—South Paris. via ltackfleld, ai- by wind; ^r>»» gram » i» %rt —Tbo junior editor of the Jtmrmti In .Vndover.July 1, Elira l'ofter. aifc< Aoj Mill for Sale. Dépariaient. tun tcuAY—Highland Farm, Oxford. were 31 beaten down, corn and tu N. Berry, riged year·*. 1IIΚ stram lilii.nfe>l in VHtmi Plantation Tin· viithu^iNMlA Mipl'Oft »o md!lv Areôrdod to med home this afternoon Iroui a thiee potatoes »ou Ιί·>η· Mill, j In Suinuer, Juuc 21, Willih U-, uf υΐι* thnr il ha* been TLItMS:—S93.00 to warrant ; t'JO.OO thw torn • ixfnril ( utility, Maine, en η κΌ'»Ί roinl, live enterprise, whcfovur -«nil dam- i the <»t TUh Al.lUSKoiιηΙΐΓ1,".ΐ!-'Λ0 be at inoiiLks tour in He has vtshed mangled, garden* badly uer, aged year». η·ι 1er from the railroa·!. .Sni·! inillwa- built nniuf hi15.oil single service. To paid Europe. In llartfor Nancy I'obrn ι«ιιιι<·ι Ι» ,..u»i.1iic- οΓ theîo that the· .Viimriran the time. Iforse in of Frank Have-.. tho earth w*s flooded with water July three j ear* Hfco, at a roat ·! about <·>.«»*», nifl 1: ! .lV theory, cnai'ge Scotland. and aged; lire KorJ, about 70. >»oiibl :in In Mi*chauiti Fall», Juno, Mr. John Howard, fl. t U) elevate tb« *«d tiuular.l of Farm, 1^7'i. which loll in lorreuU, *nd many pane* of lia» un· wt lite best elr«mlar nn boarear<»; it u»c. ami λ lath luaehuse; bir« h machine auu illustrated eublhutions. Τ y and were broken tho hail. 10 mouths mM and thrivemap I, not evi- Book Job hi» return, a 'week last glas* by y«ar». other email tuaebfnery Sai l Mill I* In j'»r> ! rr null";"le,l>urnal» ago Thur»da\,| Mrs. Kmeline. wil·· υΐ '.V. II .-no lur better -in !u I'arli, Juue2S, 11 uut from tavntiou for 10 venu. ι» direct proot to contrary. SHERMAN noon. year, click, click, KNOX He • e guarantee parted with Rev. Mr. Record ful motber. It. T. AI.LKN. >i tin· éxcrlleu» οι this» department, the publish· S. 12th, 1*7ϋ, Bnwe«a click, of tho machine» can no* l>i' d at woiil-l Ik-j; to nmionncc «luring th« cotniu* »>t Turner, and I Vol. Herrick ol Hebron, mowing lb>l»ert In—ill» or i Plantatiou, July 15tb, 11111», widow of the lato Hon. ^• »r. «periiitcni Irom the nio*t eiiuuent artist». be heard.— of Ihe l«t>· Ami)· 11.1-, tu* companions in his travels, iu tier sin llitu ue, and «laughtor Ihetu i.irtiire- are pfing reiiro.lur.vl without, «•f ll-tl.rl, Me aged 71 year». r.ù'ai.1 t..o*|.i'n-ebv thr verT \>c-t en*ra*er« in. Γ will reach New Yotw tti i & PORTLAND ami will bear the «.-Ter.-t cttt.oal PRINTING ! BOSTON Vue ronutrr, many hey Fall* Kezar Hem». ,,,,!,,,..,,· .1 with the l.«-t IoitIku WOlk. it ««•••II.— 9th. STEAMERS. i sired bv >herman Black Hawk,tho hire of General l.tmtton Journal, lln όν.. inTiMtUoi ..f the ntibli^fier-that I III. AL· OUR TABLE. ( knot, iiv Vermont Bbtek Hawk, by Sherman Mor· A week l;i»t a in m. »ltal 1 I" u Ml. 'I'lifiil viadicatloa of Aiueri ngo Monday evening, chu, bv JiiMiii Mor*au. liain.—Ί'ηο Baitol Marc kindness m Uie ta-t. Ill e with any οχΜιηιτ I'uUi- ·.· -NeigliWIy counirv. burn owned Mr. Wui. K. Moulton <>t CHANGE OF TIME. '•;ui .aipeiUion Mer row 1 !·>» -.«·. Hi* Γ Β* Ile Strickland, lie by Τ!ι<- Huiir») Uullellu, for July ;· »ecei»e* »o ι· to sUKitM KNOX Kbeven old, 151 hand* y,K'kDvw· *nd art on uniuUtr i* w*ll worth th« price of th<· inouthly foi 1'ortlaud evening tiaiisi·, Wherv muclt altontion puiti iliiulr.iliwn i'^'v appreciated tii·· nnd burned to the lilaok iu ami I* very haudaeuie. Tin» ground. η ml ΜΊΊΙΠΙΟΚ ,, ,1 "I the work t*o tnio-h on l,iji, .-olor, » »■*/. l'ub. C. W. Xew \ oik. The ST.* CYCH «rft-£»lit( up .lependanec se < camera laver. Nr. IV. If. Porter j by Ilarri», » I ||..I Iia h.vl no t·» make ft uame for KIMI Hi- ««bowed their klrninri »«, n.HV I».· tev-e I. Γ attch opportunity go«w| ueighi>ors gener- Bwlloii*· ι» the 2!r-t ul' the Auglt.»t „rPÂn„*' himself ou tin; i« very thm west Monthly lUi-sivhtK·., il i- anth;Ipate turt.but conaidfirrd 'tptedjf "i pert of the tow», in UrooltM :»n»l Monti .">1. ui« .1 and i- n« ui-ar { lu ituai hiiu inutlicr. is ire-h an«l mdibht m ever. John ι·ΐ^:;.\ν,α, I III·. Al«l>INL li.«ΐ!· been womlerftil stride, hlH jmit per· ! ro&iiy l»y pulling up injgaziu«u. and ιΐ.·ιΤ*Ι innna^Bi^nt ν;Μ,νμ ^η thi>. will, uutll furthei notb-r. leave Atlantic Wharil»*- 'rr.t ua you can !m»* it. lliiColt- arc of good lise, His so· had he*·» ^irk and Wu- Boston. ""llrVto Mi; liK IHUI. Mt.sin Thome* A Talbot. w STOI.-I Ihev raised it last 4th. s Γ md a M the aetiou ami iraitof tlieir Job Thursday. July ; Itostun, daily (Sundav excepte·! nt o'clock p\U|. ν hn ha* received η»-ιιηιη·* of aixi-taive majority po^ a., when *,e ]cuv« V\ liuι *aiu·' s >lre, and ije i\»\. The popularity and geumg.p, Tin· 1 armors arc M. Ili'luniing, lui|u Γ, IUwoii, ti in a îi..-ι ··. the mo4popular w tt«. ami poet* reputation Printing their buy- ->!' tfr stci k of hors· io commencing «hi»· at 7 P. M. ot iheeoiialix increasingevery day.ana Wn »»d wosYtr% !... 1 *ick ;ut Oevs Mark* Ι·τι*ιι with •<.iiLinn Mn-h eelebritte·*, n* Gilbreth Knox, Plato, beJ ing with a lair ol re VEtiKTiXK is couipofted of UooLa, ΊlieM* ûtMUWri liavt iifith fitted up I'Im· Voluiiir prospect having km tale fc·" Umnois, tin· Uttlellcld Ilor»e, au.\ others of great lore he CO..Id *». uwecur, It i* to lake. .-team apparatus li<-aliti» cabins π ml gu any l0 ot ! > and ltarb.*. very note b\ Ccnoial sprt-uUdi mow ol this seasons. plca»ant ιθ··ιιι-, and Ufiw nt!»rd Vlie most con>••«μίιι mn·i } Will oiiUiii nearly and alw.ui line Knox and Lady Sherman, Mmin· bay SOOpngCJ·, .mi " 1 He had to l,je child likes it. comfortable invans of t> between I'nmavini:· (.'ommctiemii with tho number ... Maid, ami other* l»y Sherman Black Hawk. j«.4lc îarmin<» wj,jc.^ orn evo*y ·η-ροιtation ) OFFICE. l iv tail, I evt-r· nnm»»er will eontam ·. l-eau looking yet many pieces eite»l a* t This ïjiuIJ: >n will make the neason ;it the follow- « preying. Wmv fJom? ha\e S« fil you l'.t>M'iigçi» by llii- lui·,; c>ub!b>licil Ιι:ι«·. ulit.uii pi» plale pupT. much l»y the t autos UK injured grub have frequent headache, luouth every comfort and ciinvciiiniff, arrive tu tiine tu places: o,d at a.uMi. H,, ,liet| ,m 1 ν having worm, lirait» οΓ nil kinds ii re· pi ntcd. take th* earliest train out wf tin anil avokt rhe (. 'iii i-tnir ιιι»ηι1"Τ lor Ι"".', .11 b h splvii· MojfDAV—At \Ve»-t Paris via South looking and longuf city, j Pari»·, H Prfihrf.d to l><* m i. Kinds of badly, poor appetite I bo ίΐΜ'ΛΐΐϊιΊΐίΐκτ of arriving I hp at •li»l \..luin» .ι» Um li. eontalnoii litly avio<«. Τι K4DAY -At l,o^k'« Λ,,<' ·>i hi* ? Liver «n* night. Mills, M«*i»«lay.eighteen m«ikably well, antl the prospect of j<>»i «re suffering from Torpid (,,ιιι in t nt and,nlUionKli Htuilr.l »t one dollar, WKi»vr.M>Ai At Unml'ord Cor., via Bean'- Cur., ---I entered hi* field wit I will cure Taken at Low Rates. will t·»· -enl M ithoi.t ntra chargi i»» all >»»arly Til UBS ϋ A V—At * ,H,ighb»*r* i;i in al>out lo (hat of "Biliousi!·*.·.*," mid nothing you Freight Bryant'»» Pond, 1 M]>pte crop equal Mark good*. care Γ. s Packet I. «·. »nl»«»-nl»er »». FlUDAl At Norwav via Part* Hill, ··■ »« hot·?* so nod m» I>i. Village, end hord his corn The |rs«ti«-« speedily permanently I air state Ιίοοιιι» ma ν In· secured in ι s*tt*itt»\Y—At Oxford 1*70, mtd "what .-ball we i!t> with the tl-W. A <Ίιι «»»·«» <«> Snb-ritbor lliyrnlnud Farm, (îolden Medical advitit· ι' l>r mall. I·. 11II.I.I\<.S, Agent. rrery W..IV *!«.» kind m their attention* ?(» ilorce't Discovery. JOB very tooies ?" Wnr> a vers iwpnlar feature laid year, ami w ill ho TF.RM-' §15.OO to wanant; fiO.OO the WORK, Vri*riink —llv its iuo will prexeut by " mm II.· to you repente·! W'tli the prt eut Tolume. Ί he publinherf ! ira on * Ift.OO per » .til til.· »>d >l l"· eiilitltd»-,*l^use, thanks lor their kind- Summer ^'λμιιι, 1 > ^ Ii····!!«4· <»l tin· Pi ob.'itc Court, for the <'·ηιι>|τ heautilni paiiiln.f' by HOLBitOOK A TKWKnlU BY. district No. iu a lew wueks i and yt and When 7. Porter, Spring I> of ·>\ft»rd. the siibscrib· Administrator of Ν vTVi:R'9 Li IU»<)L.·' Tile chron» U 1UUlm ne», Highland fin in, Oxford, May 1UU, 1372. Neatly, Promised, .nd to,m thet l,c diall »,·*., lor- tue <>t in xnd i» li» exact ia<: in :IW alid traitft I 1 mko.miI.y recommend the tin· estate of Henry K. HnWiinl. late of Part*, siuiib·, appe tgo. stalled with scholars 01 Ihe orirtnal N« Mu rieau chromo U. hey fifty of -aid « ounty. deceased, will -ell al public miction, j piétine Fellow*' Hvpopho^ will· t· will at all with it. ha·* and a libian «Ί a little less Iiinn one Compound Syrup •n the premises, <··ι the twenty llr-f dav «>l August eompuru yet λ*ι> a r riiE I to all who suffer in why from next. at ten of the e|«»ek in tlie fiin'-nooii, λII tlie fried at retail !«>r le»- thaii the pure asked lor III r. Hi· *»r pltiic* any Cube» schooner Piontci ; iumdicd volumes. Since its j »aid deceit »ed «lie»! nci/cd util VI IHNΚ and it together. It \» ill be dcliti led liée organization

  • c:t>c m Weakuesj of the Bron interest which Hie I Lungs, 1 who for one ad· ι - - . o|} of In the bouse an·! !ot -limited in South toner -ubscriber paya year iu .,H.,r^d Newport, Moud». I have been new or from the} continually adding eliial Tuber», general debility. l*ïiri« village, ami being the saine parcel of real Opposite Depot LOWEST PRICES. 1".ν United Stale» ruvoou« cu?ter their We .1 W SCOTT. II. 1> rotate whieli the said deceased {lurrliioH of Art· Tefti^ for IHlîi. Bethel Me. member», augmenting library. Nov·*, February 171 )·. 1^*71, -Hi·! stand Hill, Ν. Γ» /nsii··* (hie one tritk oil ·*> •W.K-» asiu, aud takeu into (îeorgetown, lu a about copy yrtr, Chromo, *·"» I'apt. Kitchie. think this a commencement t mortgage of φΙ.ΊΛο. ·· " " " good lor audi Seing ulijê' Hit 00 ink ail classes Vl-o will sell the name day on the Copie*, «»«t haiftor. The Pioneer had on hoard Vk«;m is acknowledge by premise·, .ι school iu » like that, and indica- the m;hl οι redemption in une other of I \uv I.C1SOII wlrbiutr to net pelmanentlv a« our place of to lu» the hurt and nioht reliii- parcel fOT New Firm * lien a crew ol six,een people re ι· I e-tate, situated in «aid south Pans village, •lie· ηί. will apple. ·<·"* %[ ; captured, men! tive ol much it conducted. ■ »t» A. good properly bl<* blood purilier in thn world. it being four house 1 situated oiijthc ha-terly uiitiii.» ΜΙΤΤΟΛ to., «»oliiTs. lla-kell, Special e«t*te to a of sl>®ut "lied eighteen pounder. When real being -uhjeet uiortgap* Di^cliWiMresi U. A. CHAPMAN been in the Goods ûarded than it is to be over 4 J>*. Jami.s s WitlijHT, Ailm in intra lor. *t:irtliiiK having l>ry gadding pastures ^ :uid Grocery buninest for nior* than Forty \ears, I v the officers of the cutter »he was το *ιο«> ρ ι·: if wi:i;k ! Bethel, Jiilv HMh. 1*7·-·. iy and fields, hills and vales, in of I ha* a-aoeintcd with liiin«'*ll t. W. WoonHUio A pursuit J. Γ. Pi under the flrtu name of four and a hall ίΟ.ΟΟΙ»«old iu *ix month». KtsTox, BOOKS, n»K l*calmed. miles east and birds and iiiade*»·.* by miy huly. CATIIOLOCISM ROUTED ! ! ! plums flowers, lishes, for mn.t articles ever invented»* from Poinl Judith. The com- The rapid selling \u,l the Vlcr* ami llldeon· the of wiiich has a direct lend t'orruptlou·, j practice married or ladies' um·. Pracllitx of Ihe in answer to single R. A, CHAPMAN & CO. mending officer, to CIRCULARS, enquiries eucy much evil aud vices. CAN I»«» WITllOt'T TIIKM. . ;?n.l \\l::»t ha·· atway ROMISH CHURCH large quantity t,,r he Pcusions, for all noliUcrs ":'g <>ince *>id*y). avowed that over »uil will. I'roiit» procured 105 years, and ot whom we have l>«cit wauled; alway« large.— where lira rate is too small for the (liability ΓΝΕΛΚ'ΓΗΚυ, PAMPHLETS, was INCKKAsED for the F. L. Nor- ι>*Γ λ «-:*>» make fortune*. I nitcd staler Those de- And it» inner life revealed V EFV ItEH *'·>. who was ashore. Tlie vessel fhea Standard article*. Circulm» l'rvv. siring TATIUN, 5tli. We shall of his death their «I and in what way it Interferes with July speak Addres*. RanIianah MvMUC'IWNO Co., inability, IN Corn, « ί ii La η Sbe manual labor or former occupation. Also -.tale BILLHEADS, ilag. formerly ihc more minutely, as soon as we get the NV.r York ly ugrf whvu and where the wound or injury was receiv- LIFE I ititcd States rcvenuo cutter Resolute. ed or tlie disease contracted. CONVENT Molasses, particulars.—Register. All soldiers who received any neiiuanent diui- I'he \essel i> much attention UNVEILED ; LARGE POSTERS, attracting SKIN DISEASES. ι bility in the Γ. b. service are entitled to a pen-ion. Lime, iron» fi»e wharves. l'KltIIY> IMPROVKD COMEDONR AM) Pi.M 1 have blank» which parents of deceased iol- on The lient July Investment. l'LE Ui^lihDY.—The Skiu Medicine of the ngi. : diers who are nut receiving pensions, can till oui ami to from whlcl. 1 will — 1» warranted to cure Fi.kah Woiius, 1'ivi-i.Ks, themselves, forward me, tVe understand th.a as Mr j ρ A amount of money, in the ag Salt, CARDS, large emotions, Blotchki* distiguratioiir ·>! the face. inform those who wish, without charge, whether Six Ί. ears A can a pend- Nun, lt.. h«U, .4 ,ki$ to„u. Wfc ,xmklu. ki> gregate, is disbursed iu July in the shape M>l't hv all Druggitt*. Depot-til Bond vt., X Y. ί in my opinion they obtain pension, by I G cents BY Pork, ol interest upon Government and other ing postage. v«mi.*euU. Ui .rk, Ura.i.h.-o. -r„„. K01 Moth Patches. Frftklri Bounty procured for all soldiers who enlisted MISrf KDIT1I O'GOllMAN. HAND BILLS, bonds, and dividends upon stock. The AM» TAN, USE l'KRin \s MOTH AND ί for 3 years, before July 2-2,IStfl.vvho have not been ■ ■* ■· » •I·* „jlh a ι- the -ea· o-iiIms«Hastweek. question, what is the best disposition to FRECKLE LUi'IOS. The well kuowu, reliable paid any bouutv. This the moid rapidlv Mill mu bookj>l .lint harmless for Brown t>»ϊ·«-«»Ι·>ιήϊion-, Men who enlisted in the Navy alter I, ΙχΊ, son. and IMMENSE PltoHTN. nut seriou- », ot this lo remedy July yield- ΚίΙΚΟϋΚλΐ Λ LINSEED though mifai, inake acquisition one's mean», I»r. It. Γ. and who were before their term ol en· OIL, of the !'*<*«. Prepared ouly by Perry. discharged \ulINT> WANTED throughout the State, to. * »> iroiu i> ol midsummer 49 Bond Street, New ^ ork. listmen expired, cau learn soaieihiug of interest! PROGRAMMES, hotue So. Paris. Λ» importance. i>uriug Iieriiiitologiat, whom tl» fomml»»âou· will be paid. , Assortment of returning marlU>sn Uiu me their Largeit A General money "rules to the Sold by DÂnjgiits ei*rywhere. b> -ending discharges. For Teuns, territory and outfit, addres-., P**t#g over the mill l.ridge. Hlui easy," according I'.,nmts procured fbr heirs of roldiere win* have liuanciers. That is it is h ! died since by rea.-on of disease con- "· *r plu.izeot plenty Time Ai r rntd experience luve how 11 discharge, the east end. the colleamc alight or or the F. B. LETTER HEADINGS, suddenly and the rate ol interest upon loans is ! trnetcd injurr wound received while in MAXIM, tliut certain substance* Ibrmorl) used and rwlied ». Set w ne ro no ha* been since 4 *1υΡ· *"·' bv Mr Κ low. To invest Litis in ihe I'. vice, bounty paid GENERAL AGENT, though urged veiy surplus •»n are and dan- 2·», 1886. GROCERIES, in medical practice, unnecessary July Junel-tf .South Pari», Wnhie. ot ; ol Government bonds is noi Bouutv for '2 or 3 meu din on at·· Consisting luted to when purchase sonic of these sub.*tanças have fourni I years' barged BUSINESS CARDS, proceed farther, suddenly gerous; yet of received in the U. 3. because are so couut Itupture service, ΓΕΑ, • :υ profitable, they high that their into medical Du. Wal· no the .'elf, he sprang off front way compounds. I where bounty has been paid. PERRY & Irom 4 1-2 to 5 cent, VlMEGAK who enlisted for one in lsilS, whose JACOBS, l-'« ' they pay only per KKK's C'ALlFuKN'IA Bl'ITERi, however, Soldiers year COFFEE, ridge, the effort discharges were made out in the field, but w ho WEDDING CARDS, notwithstanding upou the investment. Next to Govern routai 11 nothing injurious. being composed exclu- I were not finally paid off until « mouth* (roin date SUGAR, Λ Mr. Κ. to check iaud- ment bonds tor and far from ; Stone } hiui. and saletv. oxceediug ut rely «f substances California.— of enlistment, can obtain «ecoml installment of Contractors, are to mc. SPICES, Atn»ss the eepe ol the fluiee Mow them lor protit, tirst class railroad Ftr nil iliwrileri »l the liver, kidneys, bladder, bounty by apnlying And workers of ADDRESS All claims, bounties, Ac., advertised to be pro· CARDS, bcuds. those whose has skin and orgaus, an.I for purifying the i SODA. Ir" 1: Λ oarrow Among security dige-^tive cured other agents, cm be as obtain- RAISIN t by leaping know 11. j by promptly been well established are the First Mort- blond, thi-y are the most wonderful remedy ed at this office. '"«» the carriage ; he gave the alarm aud in doubt as to whether have claims Stone & Marble, gage 7 per cent, bonds of the Chica- july'-iw All they BLANKS, 1 gold : tlie government, will receive information u a .short time a dozen stalwart men again.-t l'o/ul and Hresi l''u w· Boots go, Danville aud Vincenues Railroad, from this office free, by Mating their case to mc, llryanCs $ Shoes, *^re on ' an \ ears' rrarliee ! six cents the sA>ot to give their gen- running in air line from the great In- rweuly-ΙϋμΙιι and sending postage. HdUiuiititU. TahletH, Hcn.l StOKen, and (jlaiuis abandoned other solicited. LABELS, diana coal fields to j by Attorneys I in ttiut; for Cemetery I.ot-, ^•»us aaaialanoe. and very soon' Chicago. 111 tlit' Treat incut of Diseased incident to Femalcn This is one of the oldest war claim "agencies in an Stnte- 1 -ol· aati fac· ( This road is not It has ι> DU. DOW at thehead ol all the t'nited have records of all Maine KVi iu the bent of the art, and at liarles was experiment. h placed |diysici:uit , up style Hrandy" placed sale and diera of the late war, and of service of l»een in successful operation since Janu- «.neb pr teiiue a >pei utlty,and enable* him periods KEC'BIITS, " uuU ■taking companies of the war of 181*2. Address, for Μ Λ li.ltLE WOKIv promptly at & oui j lWAu'order* HATS h which h( and instead cure inllie ^«dije, ary last, of the te η -peedy and permanent 4.KO. Κ. WEEKS, Γ. ». claim GAPS, estimating guarantee Agent. -prang up with a steutorian snort, iudi· yrobublc luture business of the road, the uor«4ca*esuf iupprrsiion £udall other Àfenetru· Julis Augusta, Me. I'!·)'. AddvPft?, Wed Paris, or » 1.. le. 1 STONE & tho whatever cause. All letters Maine. Sept.Hvy:»nL*^j | CROCKERY, CHECKS, eating that he "wm all right." There olîiccrs airnply give ligures showing a I IHrtingemeHt*, from that it is week week, for advice must contain $1. Office No. 9 Esm· Xolicc of Foieclosuri'. *a* no done, and Mr K. con- actually earning, by OLASS WARE. damage lo that Jeunelt a large excess over its interest liability. eon "iTutKT, B<»ST0S. hereby given Stanley· A Good Assort ment of DEEDS, al u on a to 1 e- wife of Wm. of l'orter, of i!' fates hiiusclf Leiug lucky Such a bond must be S. B.— Board furnished to those desiring NOTICE Stanley, County PAPER good, and, being, Oxlord, in her ovvu Win. in the ROOM right,"and Stanley ΑΝΤΙ GENT'8 ouce. and tenders his thanks to the sold at U0 and accrued interest, it is uiain under treatvieut. right ol his said wife, by their Mortgage Peed, high- 1871. ly in as well. The loan is Boston, July, dated December 88d, A. D. Ib70, and recorded TAGS, Xife'ua, for their kind and liberal aid. ly profitable being Oxford Western of Deeds, in Book Vj, to Rcjfi-try BORDERS, rapidly sold, and those wishing partie Ctutor Oil from l'W. mortgaged to ine a certain of Goods, Tuuiiulae*, to Oue-llalf tbe people cannot Uke l'age parcel Furnishing ,e-d,,>·. in its will do well to K.mI l.-tate in Poller, afoic-aid. being one half CtlKTAIffi A1\'I> g «« t u or however slight. ipale advantages, it» terrible naiueatiug taste, and recoil in the DODGERS. voiigli cold, par of a certain parcel ol land, owned by them, SHEETINGS, make early to the authorized Dr. is of ■•«uBiptioi, nine tollow. and l>r. application tluoat. The Castoria pri'paroil by Pitcher, common and undivided. John with Dcvcrcnux, CURTAIN PAPER, though are on Eu· BATTING who advertised in another pleasant to Parsoulloid, bounded the north 1>\ land of & h'rr; has agents purely vegetable, perfectly Itartnlcae, At the Cash Pi "f ι nice Heard, ea*t by land of Ha/en W. llanhuaii, very lowest iocs. PLAV BILLS. of this paper. ami nnu-e than Cast'-r Oil. It does I,.! ('u""'lhls """'h »heit· others reiueOies fail J.itHiHittl is truly wonderful. Ca^es magic ί i^a^e are broken, by reason whereof I claim fore- dyne and^Yorm». it couutns neither closure. > GKORIîK STACY. Don't forget to call and »ee them at wiH , are numerous where bent and Kiatulency, Croup u,e «ont case* of βςΓυ· already Porter, 1872. .Miiiviais, Morphine noi Alcohol. Us soothiu^, J July Mil, A. ORDAR SUVES' blll'Li S TO HE. BLANK vS™** stiffened liuit>s have been limbered and j DRY GOODS: NOTES, effect, natural quletinir producing !>lcep, partic-it· NOliWAY VILLAGE. such is found in η Store. ul it. When used lor this Tak<; ft οt ί<·<·. usually Country »»».* and others, straightened by larly it to crying and teething children.— \oi way, March l-tli. adapts They by strict attention to business, ami 1 J}.1'!?*'1 rbone in purpose, the part should be washed w ife, KuiLt D. having thi« <"iy hope count<7 an,! J-'o uiticlc ha» iiiet Willi »uch un^ualilicu eudOfeO· Wtijtox, inte&vity m dealimj, to ni< rit a -bare ofpatronage COLLECTOR'S NOTICES, , and rubbed tho lini- h'lt my house without «II 1er io»u " " thoroughly. Apply aient tlw Take no more Biltei ]>rovocation, J. €. IIIIHII, HI. persons desire»» of purchases, are in tonKHo» by l'liysieians. '-ous are hi'i'eli;. forbidden to harbor or trust lier D., making ίί ί L"lui,ri ment uud rub it iu with (he baud. ntod to examine onr stock and prices before put hfUn utnlerstahJ that horses old, Pill». NamHte or on account, a* I shall no dubUvif hereon· Syrup?, Griping rurgative. j my pay : chasing elsewhere. ou or allot- tin- date. 4c. ; "J,id!t'011 without V Mi κ γι ν κ has restored thousands to Siokciiiug Oils. The Ca.storia co>ts but .V) cent*, : trading PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, &c., &c„ ''ι 200,1 .HOSES W1LSUX. ih-iii 'f 00 " and ^viien ouce will never b« wiiboui it. S R. A. CHAPMAN CO. ^ health who had been long painful and inedyou ι Witness, A. TvvtTCHELL. »s principle DANVILLE AND VINCEIWES tails an I directive the of our lift made up of Ρ Lit- Boston Good orchards of filler Iruit happinosi Journal, utilised. Utile kindneew, RAILROAD CARRIAGES. I *I.,AR<;KI>TO THIRTY-MIX COMMXH. ^UfrimltaraL bo the beat tle courtesies, ploasaul Η Hair ht Per Amum. to are now ΜΠ(1 ill always paV- one of the richest a ol Illinol· Prke dut<*J Ja.OU a letier, Huns Ihtotigh porVion TAKE in annoum-iiix l«» lb# |n*opl· of Vigor, emiles, 1 know of words, genial Iriendly (be pleasure tlir the Maine tanner.) in «τ on tho farm, and and Indiana, ronnectlng Chicago l»y aliortest M aim· that I now havP on harm to Hair its Single Cents [From pronely and deeds. One i» a I' For restoring Gray 'Copies Threb 11. good wiehea good route with the celebrated Work Coal Held» 01 Indi Ttiih* about t'arména—Xo. -*> to make satisfactory •^SpvcllDfHI MUt Ull fttÎOM. no labor likely do a 1 natural and Color. Copte- Hppl|i suitable million, ouce in λ lifetime, may ana. ni>«t by way of Kvanavillo and Na*lurlHe with Vitality returns to men owning that *ST Assortment lu Rut·. young action. But tho little the entire South. It* mortgage debt is φΙβ,,ΊΟΟ ta ihc horoie thiugt of Ijarrinço» evif exhibited In thltf State, enihrar· A dressing LUX ï£\iû£j\jt orehaids. The road 5 * after all activo man or woninn well to hell The real in tract ol land as apple our come and he mile. already earning, Ιηχ ulun' -t every kind ol' a Carriage now in na«>,and Any Wo «hall make little progvc** planting make up lile ettsry day which is at Honor hold *κ. operating expenaea paid, style* Price low. Commiaitioua lib until we leant to think and hour. •nie at reduced price·*—much I«*mm than flr*t onco Highly endorsed. farming every greatly agreeablo, -^end for claaa can !>«· purchased lor at miy other eral. Descriptive Pamphlet. of what others Somen*t MORE than the ENTIRE INTEREST Carriage·· a 11 <1 for ourselves independently County. place in New Kngland. healthy, IIOUACK KING,Thompaonvillc,Conn uu alt it* bond». While railroad bond* may l>c Call and exmntae before elnewhere. οηι of un pnirbaalw; effectuai for think ol way "doing tiling-»." Straw Da h ye ιό with «rut frt*· to Utanlcd Wheat BOOK AGENTS plenty, then· upon t'A YI NO i.ine* anβ« "Disinthralled." us I <1**pIi m«r to tho is with here in Main·—and to Stock. will a amn to the arc iu the mnrket. purelmac. preserving new and remarkable Farming No*» at work, wr Iwokiti* lor »on»« new hook, mile, seldom Agent* Wanted for litla hair. Tt soon and intireal il is so eUewhere—too much a mien it if they do net at one*· mit* \VK DO HOT II net τ ATE TO ΚΜ,'ονίΜΚ.ΝΠ TIIKM AS book. It Is triir^irangc aliaorbingti· suppose hxtiaordmary d« «lie it" wWucirenlitloii.icore» ilitt !>est >ollln* book publi»hed. »A)'R. TllKT AkH WIT ATTRSDI!» restore* «•Ktiiig.i.îerjfyuwn *ow \ Fqtitter th"" **9 I'XIM'AU! faded ran lie sold in μΊιοοΙ district. Addr*** matter oi We and Prairie c*»rree|Hmdent indue amouta offered. Pr"lU« »»«« every precedent. I'UOJMm> ESTER- that lit». Addrea* Κ M, 1»» WITH THE UXCKRTAINTIES OK or hair COU It III AN I»M>K CO., Hartford, < t much tin» same writes: It has l>e*n di**>vired money. Otititt gray the sam· in PAYMENT OK THE IN- P. KIMBALL. New Yoik. AND THE PROMIT C. crops, pretty Kighth J»t., PRISE*. in* access to beard- to its original F' Ο It β ALN. as our fathors did before us, and that when stock has had AM» THE rtSAL ΓΑΥΜΕΛΥ «»» THE «PRIN· way ToERiTS WADTBÏ TEREST, PORTLAND, ME. with the Nyoul bent Water I'owtr in Ktilcrn M.irtUml im now straw, the beaide have worked ARB AS CERTAIN A* ANY Kt'Tt'RE ΙΊ>ΑΝ· color, hUse Blanuffcetirrinr material «bun •»ur are do»»» around ed wheat C1PAL, iu no Η tin ino power. neighbors For GOODSPEEIVS alos* and Thin I dant cheap. Circular: giflai; full deaei^>. «s to whether and swell- HAL EVENT. freshness of youth. living without much «round the lip gums, causing I ti<>n, flree on .tpplientlon, f. UltitWS, Fader· thought The bond· are a Klr*t Mortgage a tu I hie for $1,· haie is hair checked, thickened, falling j M l. aro to our noil and ulceration and loosening of the FOUND AT LAST! ttUlmrf, these crops adapted ing, FrfeMfvlial CrtHipwig» Book. (100 each, have forty year·» to mm», and l»ear interes- and baldness often, though not always 1 me that he EVERY CITIZEN WANTS IT. or whether some other teeth. A informs ι nt the rate ο! 7 eOnt. )··>' niinnin, payable on location, products neighbor AlH) foi CAMPA1UN UOOD3, Addre«», per cured by its use. Nothing can restoro ] winter PuMIihlu* Hons·, the tlr.t ot an*t October, both nod ; Interest. uot a We have discovered in tho of tho «.oodap··*!'· Kmplr* April prlneipal the follicles are de- 10 Per. Cent. pay better profit. forepart Ν·* the hair where lor might 1 >»7 I ibert> HtfMt, ΓθΤΐ. interest l>eing payable in gold iu New York. 11 joe Wi»-I» tu K*'t ten per cent. Intercut your w so his were not well, and upon or the and and have principal inend lor our pamphlet "IlllnoU » been ! stimu- of in ventaient." AililitM WII.8i)N i ToM>, ed in the same old that hare from this causo he has ! ΓΙΙΕ IN Y EklRKM OK TRI'mt Fpm»*, and to the saved this and j.Ij««χ track, they injured Grant Greeley by application, dealer* in Iteal K*tate Sec untie» und ·>< ln.ol aon inout curutUl Investor», and hare butj η *iual lated into so that a new tor mod ruts trom which it seems unable to bring theui up to good activity, UoimI.4, llioomimrton, III. deep WILSON! BROWN I unoutit a And the men υΙ nil Ο »er -lu remaining. of hair is Instead to To illus- dition »inee Another lost leading partie*. The Itc^f P!n<*«' to Ilii) growth produced. almost escape. neighbor Portrait*. Juat th»· book wanted tin· Full furnished on application In per impossible Mtecl Ijr particular·» of the hair with a sedi- al>out the same cause A ma» sea «vu* Wbere. A^eul·» meet w ith womWfUl to Nor fouling pasty J trate—wc have been producing valuable colt from the > »on or by mail, A Κ lHJNNlSON.Caahier ' COPPERAS *ucce<«. Send lor I'Jruulai, a «pcuii) territory nt it will it and FOR as National Hank; II. M. RKABCK, Troaauror ment, keep clean vig*>r«us. DISINFECTING. same here in Maine for the lust iarriet was called, in thi* iustance, oace. Addree», ZIKULËK 4 McLTHliY. 547 way CARRIAGES crops use the hair Tin* economic»! ami eflMeat dlrlnfrctatit. ·ο !» kiatu street, M ist. Norway Having· ltnnk, or Its occasional will prevent ; we our land, soon as was discovered, gprtnflleld, rorably recommended in the publie print», if man ; have plowed | any ditioulty 1 Banker·, or and century ! SV. ». ΗΠΑΤΤυΐ'Κ CO., from turning gray falling off, ufactuied by the New Knpland Chemical Mannf* sow- He said he had tho BXJnisria; Aisd'a planted to potatoes, com and beans, but to late. appear- UbNEKAL AGENTS. baldness, fhe tiring Company, at the old Vcrmmit Coppv·»· p3 consequently prevent and foi -aleat their otKce, No. 7t Water >t ι owner tl Ναίιαγ ST ΜΛν Ϊ tKK R. T. Work», and ance ol choCed. but the U»c ing the next year, «ceding l>eing -tew tmsbisk in in irencrai juulf. C. It* enuplio· which is ofton so un- siiutti»®: top. object r \ in the bu* tion of dandruff, ity of construction nod Ilie power It ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. Il·vitii; h·"' or* 20 par·' e*|iorh»iic· and has been ! did not consider Up- transmits render· It the be»t Water ιΐιί··», lit· la prepared to g.\i· ;ι» >d η baryum h» and olTonsive. Free from those plowing, planting sowing choking possible. Th'· medicine without tho of a cleanly SEWING MACHINES Wheel ever invt nuid. free i«, ρο-dbilit) •·λιι be lonml lu Un· State Pamphlet which make Combine more ηη·Ι c«->ential element» and to cattle, ou the colt after death it was YOKK. PA. doubt, the very bc«t remedy known n>r the lbll«w Ile lias a aamrtinont uow ilni-hed, ann, Cost ire· l'»l mote All «ill be »«>Ι·Ι any had form- ing Inijf litii'hing. some and inju- beeves and sheep, for the Cambridge found that l»e*i*ds collected, arts, Liver Complaint, J'ilts, Hradach*, Urartbum, preparations daugerous FIFTY DOLLAIIS. can PRICE «■- />y4/"7'"". S< i, Suit Hhrurj, Lan> CHEAP FOR CASH! rious to the hair, the only maikets, ami there is no a massive near the ! Vigor ami au·! Biigliton ing joito ball, Jaun t f " Send for Descriptive Circulai* fuor, Lannfit, Debility, Ikt^'lntulcnry^'uul time κ,ν· will» if·»·»·I pnpei not harm it. If wanted eajnpU·. ds had work- àc. benefit but doubt the business ha» paid. The gener- tiauce to the body. and beai Stomach, ΓΗΗ Ι> ΓΙΙΟ.Μ ΙΙΗΙ.ΟΟ TO fi.lO.OO. HEALTH! Ην the timely u*o of this luedk lue, ibw blood i· for a HAIR DRESSIXU* Agents Wanted in- The moil medicine i«»r nervon· trouble· 1 (. oui»· ii.ι.Ι «ml « ill ! merely aud eonditiou of ed off into the throat* pipe, causing popular the appetite la restored; the aysten i· II)·, joii bit) Iii orerv town in N< u Kn^lAiid. ally prosperous thriving source «f all other ailments) is purified; uud wai else can be found so desirable. (the strengthened ; the liver is invigorated : the breath ^11 flr«t-<*|sii« « enter Into fhc on the it a rich, gloesy aj Uoojt-. Mowing long hair, giving at for· thaa at ei».· Badan· of this It a ainiul* Λ M» work aaytblna low of all kinds of stock— source of Much to stock, here- composition Kcmedy, making and a IAtaKXTk and Ρ » : .. υ ettxsox ously prices j damage MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET and as we| a* an cure f«r all «lis- lustre, grateful perfume. ight permanent safe, unfailing A CO., Fine Art l'u/>ltsh< r», I'arllaud. Maine *heep perhaps excepted—a "change tofore unaccountable. Retorenco is raaile ease» of tho blood MO Ι.ΕΥΠ»' la· ·»««! gl*a fit W«»k. <·ΕΟ. C- ,v C<>., Radon. Kor «ale Dr. J. C. & ΓΚΚ I I omes over the our dreams." where lia·* died or (ioodvrt^) by HORSE K.4KKS. Co., spirit of to several ease* stock I all mruW lflw Prepared by Ayer ( Irrulur* This iavaluable common «en·»* lfc»>k eb«*nld b« UrufgUtt. Practical And Analytical ChomiMi, u, s, \o AgrnU free.| I e see our and cattle driven off which now seems icomtm in the \\ steers been damaged, and read hv tcery ami couutr) Three-ion rths of all the iKkatw in our mid«t nay VI.I. «Ιι<· Α. M HAMMOND. Secret." most eminent au- MAM >'A(Tt RKRS OF r-itll anil examine the Machine* fbr nhtrli the un· utoney indeed to show lor il. Three beards. •'Joby Knead'* The In Wj vi IMKttbjr F. A. ΥΟΓΧ1». thorities in the land heartily («command It for its «k r*i· agent «dircwd τ tare old steer·, have, in a number of gre*t uo»»on »ea*o, iacy-humor. gtimp· Of ea- FURNITURE, f ut" mankind aud It·* virtd un I piihy -l>lt; The Knirtin been sold iu this towu t* fast Mower, instances aciually Adulteration of Vinegar. presâion. 46ENT8 WAHTfO make money PAKh HILL, HAINE, circulars, term·, <&a iree.nd- toi ess than one-half the of \Vrii Uloetrated expense Maclean, I'nb. 3 itchoid St. lU»>ti»n. 1 Ar« nov* to their Manufactory The farmer should manufacture his «tre» tie·. prepared Sprague Mower, their tor a True, ilu^e Every or at their Ware Itoom·, South I'arH, fin charge keep single year. «f A. Slatrtli'fT Λ own from cider, if he has it. or Son,) cattle were in rather poor coudition. ! vinegar, The Kir by Mower, from which contains stork: ASH aS'D PLWK But that was owing to the drouth and j any liquid sugar. Nil all the manufactured snd 1 The Stnte Horse Huke, Uhcii the ni..od Huahee wiih r··· k«t ΙΛ· .t?> 1 mention this Ntarly vinegar Buy cauM hot β· hoppers. merely to! CHAMBER SETS, violence to the head, Ig flitetie·, verti,·» sold the mauulactuiers, i« made | and dimticei* of elifbt, it ia * certain aigu that .» show how disastrous in the by large GOODS. The Burt Horse Fluke. in I, aud every res|>ect NEW Extension Parlor & Din- mild, lalubrioti· laxative repine from deleterious substances, some of Tables, TiHKiNT'H Kukkvkscim Stt,T/>.« Ai'kiwikai season has beeu to the stock farmers to past Tho uuuld announce The Best and Mowers and • hoii|i|fl)·· nt once reporte.I to. which are as to health i underaigaed respectfully Cheapest οt Maine. But rid ot the injurious Urych- tlie mibllc geuarally, that ho ha· Ukeu the utorval ing Suits, Chairs, Lounqos, SOLD IlY ALL DRUGGISTS. having gol where will U· |«>vBd Rakos in the World. nine on the BKTI1KL STKAU MIM.. most ot our is it n«>t a lime whiskey, aud operate the system, aaaortraeut of Mattrasses, Spring Bods, stock, good a large au« It \ III.K AM» into the a sim- ΉΊ* well-known rrmrdy not λ Cough. %ηβ now to when taken stomach, in Ac. ΛΤΤΠΑί'ΤίνΚ. dry up Ac., &o., ν·Λ>·: thr ainr behind, a* U tlm ewi> wttli raoet i^rKiÇ· out of old î 'ι* «et the Hut· ilar manner as it does on FAMILY 6R0CRRIES, •«-All kinds of Furniture Kcpnin-d. •UiouM. but It l«n^' ·ι>·1 «dean·** il»·· luugs, »nu All.iVa pickles. < mitu l.iRlit Draft, I'asilj Handled, Jr-Umt'on thn* rtm< ·»-j tht of th« rnmiitaltu. still bo locations in Maine ! : \i Λ Ita»tui. SoMl There may Where cider caunot bo obtained. a very Η. I». MAXIM, T. V. 1IA ΠΙΑ WAV si ϊI rO\VI.Κ SON, Pnrtirtrtor*, Goods, Pfrtert Work. 1>« .iri·—·4·'· UciUura tu UMMlictncji guttural I y will tor to Dry Α. Γ· Ρ A VIS. where stock railing years article tan be made from the sap good l'an» Hill. .Ian ttd, 18» ■*«·!:.ι r«»r h ■!«· hliKlrc πΐ:«·ι i.tu or ·«"«· tin· come be the business. On· Hats & I principal of the lock maple or white birch. A | Caps, \Ιλ»·Ιιιιι···». AM· ^COCO>ÛNÊ> rough, cheap lauds, away iront markets, lrii-ad in Aroostook in- Musical Notice. residing fount) ( Wm A Frothiiigh^m. there cau be little doubt that the ΓοιιιΠ Ilnn«l In produc- forma us much ol the vinegar used The Bryunt'* Fond "oiitb Γιι ι*, .1 it it·· J.'Mli, l*7i. Made luruldi tion of wool, mutton, and ueat stock will in his i* made in a similar Ready Clothing, aro prepared to neighborhood Α η TIVI.ES, —ΜΑΗ* But on VASC1' pay better than anything else. to from the of the Music for Celebrations, process vinegar, sap Balls, (C*>|-VUll.II ΓΚΙ> iarms iu middle and southern Maine I CWAKS a1 CAM>Y. or lor any occasion where the services of a Baud white birch. The following is an extract aro required MEADOW KING Tilt* lies! lu· «tore noai the believe a uew system oi husbandry must The «bote, In connection with All communication* addressed to Unir UrcHM-r and Rfslorrr. from the Boston Journal oj Chetnestri/, can be found mo.nt ev« rythiuK usually nowhci piacvhnE! depot, I REELAX1) TOÛ.1U, I*oud,»Ie.. tu a »t«»rv- been Bryant's < Willioiis ·»:«> le and I will reasons country having ι* ι» it Γη « t it < «l <·ΙΙϊ'<ϊ<· A O., w adopted, give my the of the kept will receive attention. An by Ί'ίιι* 1· tin iMOct ;Ιιϋι·ΜΐΚ'ΐ Ι·Ι ·μ| t ·ΙΙ· showing ingredients poisonous prompt ma)7 \. V. (.liriltri Hiuulug twenty yearn. Truiumiabiirv, > »··> :t f ·ηι I !»«■ u<>r«t "KIIWETT'S (!(H:OAIKE.m therefore in as few as : d>\η il, .iit'l I in ! I i ui.ioi*» words possible j stulf we are when we the mil U. usiug purchase CORN 4 MEAL, SV|nfnl.i Ι·ι *ι.ι*ιι·»ιι Kril|*ti«u. I'huplu· Vont' DriiKKhl lias 1 I he and aud FLOUR, Itloti'li, nil the »;n'i nint κι Kmijfh ^km, great plains prairies article from these manufacturers sold un- *μ·:.|) Bethel Bank. wliii !i a ) 1· «11 cli un nut HkiC liicinl -I «... tu rn?«in voting uiountaiu of the west south- > ii.«γ ;t u>\\ nl tin· regions and der the name of Savings pcr<>4.u>, ii l.l i·· tin* <>( I»«>t11·* KANSAS REGISTERED BONDS, vinegar: Molasses wunderfill iiirdi.'lm* F'ioin on»· I·» oiitht Imflti·* Jn\oetment Bond*. aou« <>i west are oi at a FEB.. 1B/2.J s.ife and Profitable fully capable producing ! "àfueh sour is vine- IINCORPORATIO w run· salt Li ι*. >. λΙ.Ι l'onntle- in I4/4\SAS Allen, An liquid sold called f Ρ Ο Π Κ and LARD, ill Ithcuii·. the Weitlfbii'td rate, beet suflicient for the wants Kin/Worm·*. Brtfl*. S.\«Ii Liuiitmu-ui tin· >k!n, «leraon, 11 k 1111. Johnaon artl l>oujfia· Couniit· cheap which is made from m thr gar. sulphuric acid, Me offer· tor tui^M proflt». OFFICF.UH. S<-iot'iIa .sor»·»,! Ιγ··γ- and '( iul"r" Mouth l(ci(i»tcr<'û I·» tin -«late »ί Κιιι-j' luteicat ami 01 om* eastern for Ami Mt.'innh, l!i».i |»tt r·· ιμ··Ί mil «·χ1ΐ'3>·1 <»f the Siate 1>Ληι·ιιη·τ. The ItomU ffrcat or ι ur·» invite«l to call and **·« Π»ι thoui*el ve.«. OLIVlilt II. Μ.ΙΜΟ.Λ, Praaldent. l'rinrij»al ρ«|·| hy cities—perhaps oil ol vitrol. The acid is added Mm- \I1 in li.inmMn cheap nilli.· rout* îiimI plant-, ΐ'Ίΐ.ιΙιίι In; par 7 i»cr enil. intou -t, ami ar«· over thri··· year· II A > Lhe WASON. ΙΛ(Η FONTKK, Jr., Trrai'r Mre'y. > To this beef CHARMS > tin»-; mit ι·ι i'uiati \ |>r>>p< tica. u h ·Ίι the l»een re^ularlf wholecounuj. bring to water until its taste is as ties- , VhUii «·Ιςη old, «Όβροηι having always regarded Itethel. June l-lh, IhTJ. Λ CO., Ο wli« in· '•«en constructed. •I i>'lini· Iniijfin l,· · » of l< < JΕ NT. Ν KT« notth, the other south aio now contem- ItlCUAUl) A Frtr, i>1.1 vkm 11. Mate», iir t.'.tr·. >»r 411·. ul<·»· >ΐ|·ΐ·ιιιΐ «tu· nr.'itk- PER This is a fraud of a serious II. iu III'*·. Λ Jllil OtlIK .Îil'illc l-vMi'll·'!· it» «"tintl· ν am» Tlti HT M»«i am will vinegar. S*M'|, It. TwiTCItELL, SAU'l. I» ΙΉΙI.RBOOK lit The I··w Loan in construis !. r» ν* » ν, at ten plated—one actual process ol ot tifi υ..··, II >«·ΐι »..·! |Mi||, ve»t money on Λι *t cla·1· Ileal ûe'ato, p«i aud hundreds 1872. ■ nature, John Μ. Γιιιι.ηεγηιη. Nei« unsuspecting l>Hiilltat<*d and «|i» tii « tiT liiu· 11 «-.|(n*nt· eent. ioteivat net, pujaliii. m-u* auiiu.illv in uon. Both of these road will no doubt eollecti η.-, M outil Litli'i Mill» in Un' ι.ι··ιιιίιις, Inr^' York, and will ^iiArnntre the been in ιι>«· »i\m -mou·—aef- ar«· *11 Awn it» All rhareee be within a few With «·· low i. centa. Tlili uiouri li:.viiip Appftile.and loueur rn:it.' ι. » ι· ·· * In mauf r*#·» of tin.· bon iwcr. Ncn \ oik aod Mew Ka|i*nd rinegai j Torpid " by money received ou or before the tlrst onatmrtion o| a new ma· ·· ··· <·η these three great through lines from Ore- Al.L day tioa» incident to the | l.i vin- « 'οιιΐ|ΐ|.ιίη ·»ηΙ. ι».» t of tii» -> nijitoin» reference».and fiill ;·βι* »*nt appllentioo oxalic acid, which is ς when will draw iotereat Iroin May lot. luTx. fnnjor- the Μ Κ ΛI Hi W KINO λ* i«.r >uch rsara l're.i :jhmsou Vl May next, iniic, eflVi j .nre ('\|K i· undei the »ame regulation· and the meat aimplc ami practical I>r ΙΊμγρο'· liol !ι η Λ1<«lii'ril liiti'uii'ij. ha# ileat. \ddrr»t JAMES Β HKMiTWkl.L, See any considerable extent. This To all whom it eouccrn! ami voluutan letter· of re may Mank« The ierre«i ntafiotij· dj it flTt't t« cur *>-. leaving tin· liver Drawer De Iowa. Texas, in active bcel fattened the same 'J'TUfcudasallothei saving* I «•·||ιλΙ. {HTtVi-t retary, li!7, Moiat-a, operation, is pay» from .ill Motion* where ifc.i, .|,e.»k and Hcalthv. Γ·ιι in·* «·f hibilmil \ acid tvow so that its iu th« Ntate. commendation Sti'i'iij^tliuiH'·! cheap employment in trim··. l>o\\*·! if ■» η ticv. r IT I A l(M KUltMALLl IIKAP.-Uve the western and the table March iitli, INT.' Aprt-3m e.f thl* mower hijVeii Constipation of the tailing upon plains j Ilethcl. choice Land ; njur- 11RI; uerci< bearing vinegars to Parte" *ho U;ed reiaed.r, **i one can in Wt Refer Tlirnst I acre atrawberri»*» from aids ot lexas, be delivered jxim· nrc loud in it* |>rnU«'. In Hioin liii.1, (pleked «ju.trt* Writ Latt Season. : tree·, t") view of the and Ab*tr»ct of I'UintifT·» it ha* α I intur tiul- third o' an aeie 1^'t year PU peach «*(> alarming sophistications of rooitruMiuii. and l.tiuif |)ι<«λ».ι^, pnntu· ïork at that ,0y; ue daeu.· ! CAL\ IN J. IIASK ΚΙ.I.· of Swede», in our( >>unlr For -n^!'. ivinarkablt. cur»·1», wlirri· otl»*i nn l:· in.·* b ur ;ik r.nd pear; subsliutious connected with the 'lui'.ibiliiy νιιΊ ««soi'f nuiiiiffuiiat, mile Iroin to* a I vinegar of Oxford, ΐΊΑίιΗιΙΤν*. Wl (.ΜΑ Μ Π WILSON*, ιι··* ol drat» faili'it. Huld l»v drti^irl»t* nf » I «« jki l»««nl»·. I'rr· i.'.iK/» *>«*d onodi'ilt thruiug fabulous, an.l w.ivh which it would Ιη· >ι Mirp nt tin* tticiniral l..ibui;il<>ry <«f U V. of ltHckfbtirf, J,,on legislative pared ■ ν li aflti in »«ΙΊ *1 or Jo it», P.tiran Ν V .n il Un tram· I.« 11 to xèw Imk I lly; diataal who are to eoiumorant At Kryeburg, County, doing T^e Fmtfsr is ^"L.t pro- PIRRCK.M I» Ituir*!.. °*k^iorus compelled Tcu λ, or sue. Th? eliiate. Exteeaivc watei oower; aui/t* the several States should pass stringent lu>iDvi« under the Ann nmue of Wil*«»u, tttèd bom obitructHi(\i ί j kinJ Healthy BOLSTER S HASKELL lor mechaniop· to >All L feed our cattle seveu months in the I u jut λ Co.. IWundnnU. ai * u s in * Uns with t!>« Pitman. emplovineut Vpply year laws tho ami Knife y : Bri. N. .1, οι Κ ·. 1Ά1 otfence, appoint » of the e*!W for that the kahI ItofesidauU iniUor clr- MANHOOD PAT^KICSON, ksbuu', regarding pUa The Pitman cannot Ιχ· 11 ampt··! unj hav ami to com- now iu -«tort· it on tbu of tl.e TKRSON, Poitlaud, ΛΙ·ίιι<·. upon high priced com, to ex* ΙΙητο at i.tid Ε day |iiirtb.i-e well in hhv position how iii:sr*Ki:>. whose it shall be IN ryeburg, the κιιια «umatancc1·, mailing *iiirillr now lost, inspectors, duty 1 of thia Writ. ludebteil to the I'l IT in t·» fr >in huri/ootal per|ient|iciilar. Ju.->t m new ««lili< it oj «"»« Culver· BALDWIN'S pete. for sale." : of M, for balance ou U!»or iu June. 1871. Tills MACIIINK published, amine specimens offered llOU Tliia novel iuvontion, upon oti Hi* rmrtititl cure I» I Λ Μ Ο Λ 1» NTLKI, Writ dated 1 >o> 2Mb, 1K7J, rwturnnble to the flexible yet in-1 well'* CrlrtiiMlril kC**ny •J. There aie certain luanulaetureu. OM,V, ni.ilci··» tbf only Πηκιτ-bar Μ Mentit end incapacity, Imp**·!· with Πιο tlxxibliity ol the bar,enable Phj»ical Shoe Knives. larms oi eastern and middle lhe ill ito re η ce in men is smu more j Bar, togctlie: c<> et·· : alao < o »si Mi-'riox, Kr· the the AND STATE ΟΙ M ΛΙΝ Κ. lo uneven intents Marriage. it te con forai perl'eetly j:roiii,4. induced I»» -elf ηι«ΙιιΙΐί··τΜ·· or Butcher Ac. 4h»*ori>, 88 Judicial Court, M ait h motion .ual %Ιι·>Γί utrokc, il.KISV and t'lTJ· Knives, tor whi«h there ii a and in the of their ι Supreme The knife has a «nick at tl ·· States, large clearly perhaps quality A.I>. 1872. it K'Ml.'ll «'*11 u«.{g.|lll'l<. Sold nil dealers. Jobber»' order β filled Tenu. tin* machim- to «!<» gooil work when l>y IL WIL- enabling »*-!· riee. in cBfi'linH', * cent·· or Jvmf.s Hui.i.v Λ Co., Poil demand. Fare- ! work, than in else. A ! CALVIN J. IIASKKLL v·. WILLIAM as boraea or oxeii iisuhlly Halk. oniy Manufactory, by constantly increasing anything niovoe a* alowlr in ilils v-uy, Maine. SON et al*. farmur· to Un* machine The ci'lebniU'tl author, aditihable land, honest ••first-class" has We cordially invite give demon-tr te from -uvc«·»#. most among th*>e articles are choice but- thoroughly man, STOCK Ami uow it tu the Court that the nabi clearly thirty jvaiV COMPLETE apitearitig an examination. tlmi the uoiiaetjncnct'- of Ltafeudanls Are not inhabitants of tin* State, ol it* merit* «ml tu I practice, altuimn^ a in welt. He | For a ik«< iption peculiar" abllM· C.ltl III· .1 « 11 ·* : 111V flllf I \\ itho'll tin· rudonimenilutiou», medicine οι RODS. Of Goo*].*, Uou£ht aii'I that have no notice of the of UK*-*nt·· gorou» u-e of internal lit*application LKiHIMMi lhcse 1 can and ii no! satisiied with ι they (tendency eircnlai for IH7J, to U» ΙιηΊ £iirlx'a! η believe be profit· anything slovenly, tive ol tlio kuil«. ohtli«in Munson's Copper Tubular Lightaiug 1C«>efndanU of the lxMidtucy of th.« M«.f every t|o ever invented. Eudor»e·! by the (h«u lactorle*, FRED ATWOOD, Winterport, «un> «nd nul· against lightning half way aud leave them half I cj.Uking an Abstract thereof, with thia b<·, may hlnt-olf, rluvipM [«rlvaU'ly Wholesale Dealer* nuiu things LOW CASH, writ, by »· M.iine, New llruntwIcK nnU scicutitlc. world· an.J by to in· thrto (tcneral A^· for to and corn and truit establishments for order of Court theroou, published lenity. Maine to Georgia. Scud for Ciretilar UH.K- canning finished ; ho is faithful, true η Seoti.i. •'turc houlil liu In the Iiaiul» of nviir paius taking, Meek* etieeesaivcly in the Ovfbrd Democrat, N<>v.i 00- i'hi» 1ι· Ι1ΑΒΤΛ IU.,'£U IVnn vt ]'ll*hurg, l'a., or Ν Ant for Oxford Co. anil man in the laud are the great want of Maine farmers to liimsclfii) little as well as WhJrh tlwy will paper printed in Paris, in said County, the hut <ΌΙ.. >V>f. NtVE ΓΤ, yoidli every Y. COP Ρ Κ It LIGHTNING HOI» CO., :r« Union things great. under in a cuielopu, io any ad· to I*· thirty dAy» ut least before tiia aprït» tf Sent, -cal, plain (North) New York. and we tuv*t have Uitm. publication a id. on ol »ix ot two Square. to-day, By If it is necessary to hurry, he still feels' •text term of r>aid Court, to be holdeu at Pari», I drc*f poetρ rtvi'ipt rent·, |ιο·| BE P!XA§ED TO SHOW the third of r. l)41U\ our raw becom- afore»aid,nn Tuesday September next, tamps. DITTttAK'S working up material, by thai what is worth at all is worth that the »aid defendant· then and D. H. YOUNG, Or. CttlverwelP* "Marriage «iitid*, prie# doing j I to the end may Λl-o, a» as there at said Court, ami *hew cau*e, II u.TFORn cornTr X) cc4·· manufacturers well well. Ιυ *n«l I appear ing producers, doing To nil who may call «leering purchaMt tru- res* the Auy they have, why Judgment should not be A «Id p.·*«jι-·».·»<* we shall not enrich our farms with This is true ot (hi as well as of dered thuiu And execution i -s tied thereon CHAN. J. C. UM.1K 4 CO.· ouly thing ; a^Aiunt New loik. Attest : WW. K. KIMBALL, Clerk, Γ. O. BOX. Iliï Bowel')', Powder our we Machine Agency the refu^o of products, but shall ci>e. It it the faithful, A true abstract of Writ, and copy of order of Sewing apr-U)'72 I ν everything j BlastingIn t«> *» safe and t trtirt thereon. Κψι.'ΐΙ »tr«»ngth Nitro-Glyeerino; our men and women at homo. the nnd a ! to handle a-> common Powder. NVM keep young work that pays beat, Atteat : W.M. K. Clerk. con\enient thorough such a» want KI.MHALL, Boston Them goo·!· they may Pl'tff*·. COMPANY, If. FOSTER, General Agent, 71 Water St., the bulk we man to have a an am- Set h W. Hie, Atty., Kryeburg. MAINE By greatly diminishing ought desire ami STEAMSHIP Mass. >lwdl save thousand.- ol to on arm NE W A KRANGEM+1STS. dollars the j bition to do first rate work the I AT State in You Cun Find yearly the co.-t of transportation. a- well as anywhere else. Farmers that Soinl-Wc^kl) Uiif. i. As our larrus grow older the small half do their work seldom first rate ; HEM AUKABLY get isih ίη·>1., the flue Steaiui ra that the COLO. A. OS CM: NOYES* DRlT(i RTORE, and after CURE fruit· onco so abundant are last u ill.until further diseased disap- crops, and those that they do get are less ONDIRIlÎOand Fit AM 'DMA, I>o not suffer your l.ung· to become a* follow» : There ii a demand in LOW Norway Village, notice, ruti by alio* iug a C'OI.D to be-om> seated. Thou* pearing. growing than would be with the liait'- Wharf, Portland, even AluM'AV satisfactory they A of Leave Viet lin» Choice Variety at I P. M and leave Pier !S audit have «Ued Premature Deaths—The allot our large villages and cities lor consciousness that all had been done thai and ΤΜΙ'Η^Ι'Λ V, j Ε. Κ Nu» York, ovt.rv UUMMV «Μ ΤΙΙΓΚ*· of Consumption—by neglecting a Cold- suL-h small us PRICES at strawberries, rasp- was to secure the re- PURE DRUGS, DAY, Λ IV M. possible highest J The Dirigo and Fraticoiijii arc llttcd up wile tine berries, currents, cranberries, goosberries suits. accommodation' for pnxftnigwrs, making thin tlie Dr. Wm. Hall's and comfortable rotitc for travel· and cherries. These arc now ututt conveilienl mostly The true is to it as a rule to : New V ork an 1 Maine. way adopt MEDICINES, or·4 between ot state room Cabin |i.m»age fit, LUNGS supplied from the fruit farms Massa- do as well as kuow Pawigoin 5$. BALSOM ,lK everything you how, ItVNOEK, Meals extra. New BOOTS, and chusetts, York and New Jersey. or, as to do level best. It <uch oeious, and TINCTURES, and all standard Machines constantly onhand. Pier:» Ε. New Vork. cabbages judguieut and sound good senso. ; J. F. \MES, H., Si IAAA II I For any caso ol Blind, Adopt Thread.·», oil, Ncedlis, and all Linda of Trim I II I be raised near Itching or I squashes, may profitably a standard then bend en- Tu mention oat U article, therefore, we lor Setting Machines, at July I Λ 11 II fBleediiiii. high and every | particular ESSENCES, min^s #11 \# \J \J tented Piles that will Hitnply say, wo have & wAl" our cilies and To » TtLt ltl.MhtO larger \iilages. ergy to realize your highest thought. EXTRACTS, IKoyfs' lUock, Norway, IHc. J>gUIM/8 tq Hit1 ers of small the ■ lMiS. Nurseries. rails to enre. it I» riprruly eu?? places keeping of bees ι Nov.27, prepared IPIX-ILS <5c Brighton «Iso, Sold all Druggist* and also FULL LINE T. It. VALE &. Co., Piles, and nothing lijr poultry offers pleasant and pro- --Dr. C halmers s*id : "The ! ; GOODS, Proprietor*. beaulilully Price 114)0 fitable PLASTERS. / \Nt DOLLAR SAVED t.- worth a* much aa employment. little that I have seen of the world and : " ; »riTAULL· KOIt| ONLY $50.00 two is one of Dr. Franklin'* maxim*. OF HI ΜΛ* Also y earned, A WFI'L SACRIFICE 4. There are thousands of acres of •knowii of the hifÉOfJ of mankind, icach- j This can Ixi donu In' r\ LIFE.—I will give One Dollar for the ALL KINDS OF plainly wrttten address (with stamp) of any lady rocky and laud in i's me t»» look their errors in fchulllc Vom l'uni tough, unproductive upon sorrow, Tl·#· WIUau Htw I'ntlrr-1·'«■«·»!, Piu'clianiug Tit·'* or *υμΐ|βμι*η suffering with Catarrh, Rheumatism the State of Maine now almost THE SEASON. or Dr. J. HKALY, Vo. 5 Montgoraei j worthless, not iu When 1 take the <>F RICHARDSON JL neuralgia. anger. history CHILD, Place, Boston, Ma·-*. that if to trees and planted appie proper- of oue, poor heart that has sinned aud DYE STUFFS SEWING MACHINE! of Milion Plantation, who are npooiuteti Agents for Vale A SEXE»-Cun taken care would in a lew the Celebrated Nuraerr of Τ· B· Co., LAW OF THE ly of, years suffered, and represent to the FOR liLI IIV and myself «Λζ. established in 1" !7. ') to jJL'OO pet and it All tree·· boughtof u» will be warranted good electricity— proof that lilt; is evolved struggles temptations passed GEO. W. HAMMOND, negative of d»h Pleure call au·! examine our gooda, and see il the a- any raised or brought into lite State. without union—effect ol tobacco— influence acre. W e can a of produce kind of the brief of ; the Me. We have the (ieneral Agency of Oxford aud and diet—modern treatment pelvn apples through pulsatiofls joy Toilet Nnow's Falls phosphoric arrest ol here iu the rock-ribbed Articles, Franklin Countiei, and *hall sol I good apple tree· diseases, strictures and varicocele, and State of Maine tears of the feebleness ot and other Ireea in ten lectures to his regret; pur- TRUSSES, .lure ami Srr Thia Itcfort I'nrchnslng for $'V) p«r hundred, proportion development; private .surgicsl All troet or EDWARD DIXON, .VI. ]>„ \t Fifth A* that will alu iys command a scorn of lit- Jmi.!)0'72 II perHona wanting u,(i) op t;» clastf, by good price, ; the the world that has ou *0 pose PRICES SHOULDERBSACES write, an«l save us the expense of •■nlliag ttteat, <•11 tie, N. F.J ·4 pagoé, cuti., even in of the we will allow to the line from the of Dr. Dixon U of great years greatest abundauce, tle ; the desolation ot tho soul's which ex|M'tiae purchaser. "Every pen charity B. RICHARDSON, Jit., value to the human racc."—Horace Grteley. because will late Are not as AND SUPPORTERS. simply they keep in the sanctuary, and threatening voices with- I.. W. CHILD WM. South Palis. the western must fcold at the or 8WETT, medical book of useful seasou, while fruit be in health AU Very LOWEST PRICES. tf ; gone; happiness gone—I INSURANCE] Miliot) PJimtntion July 10, W71. to all. S*nt free for two stamps 'LL·* C£> Knowledge of the winter. In Remember the Great Ohio disposod during this would fain leavo the soul oi my place Subfcril>«r, recently associated with the Addrcs» Dr. Πο.ναΙ'λκγκ A Co., Cincinnati, erring Of South in the OSCAR MOÏES' late II. F. HOWARD, PaH·, way, while on the rich soils ol California, whose hands Αι can be fourni iu A. DRl'U fcTOHK, TUB House and Lot For Sale fellowman with Him from Insurance Sorway Village· Uufaineen, At South Paris. apples and arc as abund- 12th. the r.unn at the office pears produced it came." Norway, March w ill continue lately occupied lioui the ANDREWS HOUSE, where he will be to see Said liouae ie located about forty rod· as to MR. Uowaki», happy Ai be on by two eon· (FormerlyAtlanticHouse,) autly almost worthless, here OXFORD COUMTY of Mr. II., and transact bueiuess for depot at South Parie; U storie» liigli; the patrons two SfifluJjig Me. our Freedom Notice. taina thirteen nxima, is auitablo for familiea, Month Parts, sterile soils we can Step by Step* thcin. The comparatively or a boarding house ; Ν well tiniahed. lot QBhA been refit may that I have this my lie has all the Policies aud papers of Mr. II., House ha* reccntlv certify day given three-fourths of an acre of land; well Thi^welffnown of the produce crops of that will in one Life i< made of little He BOLSTER k HASKELL. Walter ί. Β utters his time to trade and Is authorized to continue the hueiucss. containH for the accommodation apples up thing. THIS•on, with fVuit trees—ali»o a good well of wa- ted and is now open South 1W. and act for himself. I »hall claim none of hie earu WM. J. 1VHKELEB. aupplie