tmlmrrm „ VOLUME 80. PAULS, MAINE, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1872. NUMBER 26. The Judge took them graciously, re "Kitty! Kitty?" repeated Mr*., Sea· direction whither the young doctor's Mrs. Seawortli started. What gossip's Married Bachelors. the elocution was î worth steps h:itl sho turned tc had been no Rt her <Tbt (Priori) irmacrai. pouting, (for Judge's reprovingly. vanished—jet tongue bus/ daugh* Men continually wiatak· their vocation otf ΓΒ. he is an intolera- the — :) how, mamma, Judgo gayer than usual when he tor's ear? Hut the M |ί splendid point ••Any gcntlo scll-possaesion in lifo, and undertake duties for which ble bore. I shall down stair» and i*iiM!«Hvr| KornlH{. by "Oh, talk not to ne of a name icreiit iu »torr. go spoke. ol wife and mother ι et urn ed immediate· |:»vrjf T«r»«l«y they havo no natural qualification. The Λ Co*k the Perioil. ΊΙμ; .lay* of οιιι youth fer· tlio «ifevi of our g\oty I So she her "Id the disease so ?" he of practice." saying picked up Tery desperate Jy· ai a F. E. SUA H't Vuil ttiv aortic .nul ol -<*ert (no hikI impulsive tut who considers hiuiseli twenty nun mi· hat and shade and left the room. asked, a little nearer the win- •*I have to The look» el' main. ratliirr -Mit» ever drawing nothing Ll»ll«»K AM» PROPKIKTOK. yer, \re wort it all jroni I:oorW Οιοιι^Ιι loplcuty.' revenge upon Junge botter man of business than bis lawyer, The ware? rc oflTer'll do ; Mis. Seuwoith sat summer dow, out ol which the young would Hare,*' she said. "Your fathor's TKliM·*: Two Hotter» |i«r if j>a.J believe tins. Miss Soa worth. d< sowing,the girl wife, ray and who will therefore hii own )«u-|l,SO But 1 can't tnter Tour aai via "You manage U wl*nin-< thin, in hare to have has no laid wind coming cool and refreshing upon willingly gone eseaped darling, wrong up against comes to the tho Without coaiahuu or itre you not ?" affairs, grief by way ; brow and her from him. "1» it so very other man !" A ad now, to ia the k;tcheu » I I lingers, ruffling slightly doftpehito,Miie any famous clown he is a ( In uUlluu 0\rr l,WW>—P«»U(t I» the begta. "I should not. ii I ere Judge late, who that a* complains t'oaimodg**u*. Willi plenty of light. " curls, and a Kittf, to call (or such at- **Ali ! well," with I aunt> Frtr. should be Mlisficd with the laurel* gin) blowing occasionally unremitting sighed Kitty, turning first rate tragedian spoilt, and disappears Ami Ot. ye know, fbr iutei tain in' bit of lull tention iron» our doctor? Has her stray cambric irom oil the yourçg the mother into the quiet chamber, "I into tho to Hamlet to the such fH'oda a· 1'· like to lUTite ? tu) dear \ou»; provinces play Hatert of Advtrliêiny, "Beggingyour pardon. work basket. She did not hear her heart been sounded ? Are the ; pulses overheard Mr·. Dennis say you had ; that natives, as often as not lireaks down in >'οτ I inch of 1 »t«{k, |1·ϋ» AuU *<· at uieal lime* ? I I ear. ou «outil η·>ΐ; one pooi j Μ|«ΙΜ*,{Ι aixt, youa eg'lai lady. > • even f Tou see, I have a little nk Kseb wefk W muiic, she hud her i ill in Edward Hare had trifled with a B«U«· 'taint *·«, b»« (laughter's forgotten tearfully the and tails oft' in gag t» mo·» ».. I t- eonvayuant, >*i littlo rose-bud from'th* we leit ghost-scene, ► or I »|ΐ·*ι« s ιβ«» #« «*·, jrnr. girt ! mii in the rcAurroction of an these matters, and ask what be cvl. $■*>; 1«>ί W To watt; an 1 if I l>«hat «a rounding· may may Mary Lansing; who still, silly woman, that sels tho back bonches in a roar the >"or 1 column l yoer, àluu.O·: 1 punalul. hind us' in liie's i> worth tbeir ; c«»it. additional. u<> he morning th* troublo thereabout.*' 9t*SclAL N«>nck»—ώ v>or It» moro thau Voiu might to earlier self called up by her daughter's believed him to be tho of men, a Ordor· <.»f η vif 4 ol fc.»U«e i.W 'Ί greatest thick-witted squire who cannot keep l'l<iRlU.>ic>rKkft- And is * our tired ? nil, ntiil he :*·!·♦»·»! >Hri<>uslVt ·* then. gurrvlf gooUnat )et," over tlio "Ossification, il Hare, llnfen on WiU». )ht «|«iâr*. woid*. She was Inking again anything, Judge and was anxious to have him for a son- secret to save his and who never I *' »«u lor the»* lifo, Uiuiviiitui' NoIhi*·, |>fr k^Kirv. Tue il) 1 left my last place. have been nil my lilt· living i»t iïetotor»' N'otic»·*. 1.36 waiks with Edward hardening course"— in-law ! So I determined from thai hour A lm i'tlmiotk «uni rhi> Krinch nu»i was such a high lady, long Hare,treasuring sees farther ahead than to-day, thinks Λ.1Ι Oth«i NlHteli. »1 jO )μί *^a*rv, for very laurels." "Oh no! Τ tint a diah-eloth at her f-tca. die flowers he her, nnd remember· that would bo dreadful at to teach the a lesson, and fir*·* teniflo· ·. gavo Judge busy his mission because "And been so eminently successful,' righteous diplomacy, JOB PHINTI^u of Dtwrlpliou the wails of trom Ids ouchant· your age î I am more afraid lor ol llm. too, if she ever it!n K*.r) Λη«Ι hav« >er the le*»l of obieeliou mg poetry you Dennis, guesses ho can his tenants into humor iud Imiî) LirmicU. added the young lathei was ( put good Pruuptly To i*iin in when choose lady. ••Aly 110 the lore in a lever—it Jrvp|iln' they he had been bote to her; cottage begins "My said Mrs. Seawortli, on and so un- WN- M. PvtU'ugill Λ Co., Iff Mate Mrtrt, lio· ing lips; daughter," rent-day by his bluff jokes, I've «uuic eltvcn fu4canauna latest decision Na»«au S* Ne\t Yutk: Κ S"k·· got reading your yesterday, with dews and and ends in con- "No two over a ι-a, amittt from the long College letter—amid damps, wrongs made right. If dertake* the most delicato bit ot social «ourt X.. *·»«! Γ. 1*. K»»n4, loi. Washington M. That fiaytjuiutlv Urn»* me the no*»»— and liu »aid to my mother he did not niudi· s where >he had been his toast and or worse, dear Miss in thofce far away before i had soon H aro author*·»! Ajrrnt». An I I niii»t ha*e them trailed sumption, Kitty." days, in his with tho pawtltelT. know Mit\ one who had chum lot intrigue neighborhood, • greater w "1 think I could live ftnid I give >«sr fair *»arain\ ma'am, now, Ins song—on to the lime hen the young through it," your father, Edward Hare seemed to me result of universal confusion and a hast- Thr Danocrat. It be <!o»ed .hem m-H Local Agrnls for !h« atrj gate agiu congratulation." enine to visit hor—tiie ad· the joung lady, '·You b«· noble and lovable, I have learned elty girl pretty eonsionsly. since, ened ; and tho poot, whose Vïbo arv 4uthorun! to recrtpi loi n»uw*. You'll Qutl tue cumuliuclu' a ran. "And mother?'1 i*xcd the Jud^o catastrophe your so lov- lieve in the sentiment, a»» well that what I fell for him was but a ventures—who hung around htr you know, passing are as white and nerveloss as a J I! L«»v«io). Ubuv. ll*nr\ W l*ark,Mt*aii'o • what did sho ? She know im· when hands, >1 TUetw matter» agtayed on betwnvu ua, say her η* I do. There is so sweet in to the true love I silv.nnu* Po«»r. ingly, fluttered hor so uioclj, shared nothing girlish fancy compared woman's and whoso lite ii a dream, la- k K<>»t«r, Ji Iteifct'l. Heur τ I j»ioi>. Norma* I'd try >cr a wake, »o I wad; I whs uoarer the than 1 am no* boy w life us love'* dream? Κ Β l'otnl itrin VmW, Νι·*γλ and at last sacrificed her ith* young vines, love, bear your dear father. How could I feel wan nol sent to sea at an C Houghton. (Mi* lookn like the kiuit I can manage. confidence, ments that he « Uuiui'n *V Km ktt«M U. Al»bo41#Jr.»fc '» "She was in yout mid the utMiuiM^·. A tbiu wiUiout l»'o..d very bappv oui u touuU ol remorse lu word or man· tthrubbei) make cottage anything an which for ot H. l.trr A Wrixht,l»t\i «I 1 l. lHiugU·». l |'tun thing auy lul^ht injury prepared early age, because the "clash ele- >»u»ii»*jr II. H C hanUJer H >hu»i Hat mm·I. tf 1 coûte ?"r a w.-ike mam, she is iu that of her friends." Ι»β»ι·1 VaaQ.l. always iwir t«> her own One bearable," me so full and a life? I will him ideas Ja» M Water! U. aggiandizement. satisfying ments" him and gives » Ni,lrl*v, |'η»l»urj. I conte» lor that time ami m> li»«; delights H ·»Λ·»Ι<·||·»» ^w«*«l»-n "Ye*.
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