
Chesapeake ChesLower Name C CON Name C CON 0.122 8 Weakfish 0.349 38 summer flounder 0.266 16 Bluefish 0.028 12 weakfish 0.244 20 Striped Bass 0.028 12 bluefish 0.289 21 Catfish 0.293 22 catfish 0.305 31 American 0.293 22 white perch 0.297 24 Hogchoker 0.302 34 spot 0.244 20 Croaker 0.028 12 hogchoker 0.114 9 Spot 0.028 12 croaker 0.168 37 White Perch 0.312 24 shad 0.168 37 and Shads 0.316 27 0.114 9 Bay anchovy 0.321 39 bay anchovy 0.114 9 Menhaden 0.028 12 alewife blue 0.474 28 Blue 0.321 25 fish larvae 0.302 6 0.302 19 blue crab 0.313 8 Suspension Feeding Benthos 0.298 13 deposit feeder 0.302 6 Deposit Feeding Benthos 0.289 5 meiofauna 0.302 6 Meiofauna 0.028 12 macoma spp. 0.302 6 SAV 0.189 3 nereis 0.168 34 Microphytobenthos 0.233 11 other polychaetes 0.168 34 Chrysaora 0.316 33 oysters 0.168 34 Ctenophores 0.316 27 mya arenaria 0.114 12 Mesozooplankton 0.037 8 other suspension feeders 0.155 34 Meroplankton 0.26 21 nettle 0.155 34 Rotifers 0.238 4 ctenophores 0.155 30 Ciliates 0.298 8 zooplankton 0.047 2 Heteroflagellates 0.338 2 ciliates 0.047 0 heterotrophic microflagel 0.026 3 benthic diatoms 0.132 9

1 ChesMiddle ChesUpper Name C CON Name C CON Weakfish 0.395 48 Weakfish 0.431 60 Bluefish 0.395 49 Bluefish 0.369 29 Striped Bass 0.343 32 Striped Bass 0.343 30 Catfish 0.36 38 Catfish 0.451 33 American eel 0.36 38 American Eel 0.459 39 Hogchoker 0.36 38 Hogchoker 0.459 39 Croaker 0.39 51 Croaker 0.474 57 Spot 0.028 10 Spot 0.444 38 White Perch 0.39 33 White Perch 0.444 38 Herrings and Shads 0.39 26 Herrings and Shads 0.431 29 Bay anchovy 0.36 52 Bay anchovy 0.384 54 Menhaden 0.028 10 Menhaden 0.028 9 Blue Crab 0.401 37 Blue Crab 0.438 31 Oysters 0.347 34 Oysters 0.136 21 Suspension Feeding Benthos 0.339 18 Suspension Feeding Benthos 0.124 15 Deposit Feeding Benthos 0.331 10 Deposit Feeding Benthos 0.105 8 Meiofauna 0.028 10 Meiofauna 0.028 9 SAV 0.293 22 SAV 0.246 3 Microphytobenthos 0.29 23 Microphytobenthos 0.316 23 Chrysaora 0.395 44 Chrysaora 0.444 49 Ctenophores 0.401 44 Ctenophores 0.444 41 Mesozooplankton 0.243 25 Mesozooplankton 0.245 27 Meroplankton 0.309 23 Meroplankton 0.313 24 Rotifers 0.284 4 Rotifers 0.29 4 Ciliates 0.369 9 Ciliates 0.418 12 Heteroflagellates 0.406 2 Heteroflagellates 0.418 2

2 CrystalC CrystalD Name C CON Name C CON gulf flounder 0.457 50 0.314 15 mullet 0.325 18 red drum 0.314 15 pinfish 0.479 33 black drum 0.349 22 sheepshead 0.479 33 spot 0.479 29 silver jenny 0.479 33 pinfish 0.479 29 moharra 0.314 14 moharra 0.043 4 silverside 0.457 57 silverside 0.314 15 longnosed killifish 0.492 37 molly 0.408 40 gulf killifish 0.479 29 longnosed killifish 0.492 33 goldspotted killifish 0.457 51 gulf killifish 0.479 27 sheepshead killifish 0.505 37 goldspotted killifish 0.342 11 needlefish 0.479 33 sheepshead killifish 0.314 15 bay anchovy 0.426 26 needlefish 0.479 29 striped anchovy 0.32 6 catfish 0.342 11 stingray 0.457 11 bay anchovy 0.457 8 blacktip 0.457 11 stingray 0.457 8 benthic invertebrates 0.043 4 benthic invertebrates 0.043 1 zooplankton 0.0 0 zooplankton 0.0 0

3 Everglades ...Everglades Continued Name C CON Name C CON Passerines 0.478 520 Topminnows 0.572 452 CSSsparrow 0.334 28 Flagfish 0.504 168 Gruiformes 0.4 78 Catfish 0.517 223 Nighthawks 0.448 502 Chubsuckers 0.439 347 Snailkites 0.445 449 Shiners 0.384 228 Ducks 0.439 438 Gar 0.5 67 Bitterns 0.424 42 spider 0.352 151 Grebes 0.442 44 Terrestrial Inverts 0.525 202 Panthers 0.033 33 Large Aquatic Insects 0.521 159 Bobcat 0.689 605 Other Macroinverts 0.529 242 W-T Deer 0.497 466 Mesoinverts 0.362 214 Mink 0.548 169 Crayfish 0.346 83 Otter 0.478 348 Freshwater 0.015 4 Opossum 0.02 20 Apple snail 0.344 47 Raccoons 0.408 82 Floating Veg. 0.015 4 Rabbits 0.033 33 Utricularia 0.015 4 RatsMice 0.593 482 Macrophytes 0.485 36 Muskrats 0.358 49 Periphyton 0.468 11 Alligators 0.464 424 Lizards 0.534 471 Snakes 0.504 104 Turtles 0.386 234 Tadpoles 0.386 245 Small frogs 0.411 327 Medium frogs 0.346 62 Large frogs 0.364 162 Salamander larvae 0.521 234 Salamanders 0.4 345 Other Small 0.395 324 Other Large Fishes 0.413 393 Cichlids 0.517 258 Largemouth Bass 0.362 222 Other Centrarchids 0.358 189 Spotted sunfish 0.358 196 Redear Sunfish 0.403 401 Dollar Sunfish 0.354 168 Warmouth 0.354 168 Bluespotted Sunfish 0.512 158 Pigmy Sunfish 0.525 262 Poecilids 0.512 215 Mosquitofishes 0.521 234 Killifishes 0.354 168 Bluefin killifish 0.5 66 4 Florida ....Florida Continued Name C CON Name C CON Manatee 0.398 528 Other Snapper 0.414 549 Dolphin 0.018 37 Pompano 0.387 829 Hawksbill Turtle 0.417 712 Jacks 0.381 469 Green Turtle 0.466 672 0.382 507 Loggerhead Turtle 0.357 637 Dwarf Seahorse 0.381 469 Crocodiles 0.438 944 Gulf Pipefish 0.383 447 Kingfisher 0.441 960 Other Horsefish 0.072 128 Gulls Terns 0.438 944 Silverside 0.407 649 Small Shorebirds 0.481 364 Sailfin Molly 0.397 702 Gruiformes 0.488 1024 Snook 0.399 771 Raptors 0.414 744 Rainwater killifish 0.391 589 Predatory Ducks 0.406 691 Goldspotted killifish 0.345 338 Omnivorous Ducks 0.444 924 Other Killifish 0.327 204 Herbivorous Ducks 0.439 933 Needlefish 0.332 475 Roseate Spoonbill 0.443 882 0.332 475 Ibis 0.481 959 Brotalus 0.423 733 Small Herons Egrets 0.403 719 Toadfish 0.43 696 Big Herons Egrets 0.403 713 0.344 580 Comorant 0.484 973 Catfish 0.383 447 0.413 858 Lizardfish 0.398 657 Greeb 0.436 903 Bay Anchovy 0.399 653 Loon 0.421 550 Anchovy 0.426 806 Other Demersal Fishes 0.406 661 0.409 602 Other Pelagic Fishes 0.405 395 Bonefish 0.396 563 Puffer 0.424 838 Tarpon 0.454 755 Filefishes 0.373 321 Rays 0.374 251 Flatfish 0.373 321 0.391 262 Clown Goby 0.311 419 Stone Crab 0.391 262 Code Goby 0.416 509 Callinectus sapidus 0.399 341 Blennies 0.389 285 Predatory 0.377 73 Barracuda 0.335 222 Omnivorous Crabs 0.31 234 Mullet 0.38 286 Detritivorous Crabs 0.01 22 0.337 539 0.411 343 Parrotfish 0.435 775 Thor Floridanus 0.402 432 Spadefish 0.429 705 Pink 0.018 38 Red Drum 0.452 1074 Predatory Shrimp 0.033 65 Spotted Seatrout 0.42 782 Herbivorous Shrimp 0.379 100 Scianids 0.394 630 Isopods 0.379 78 Pinfish 0.413 834 Herbivorous Amphipods 0.379 78 Porgy 0.41 736 Detritivorous Amphipods 0.38 94 Grunt 0.366 606 Benthic 0.463 154 Mojarra 0.367 636 Macrobenthos 0.41 367 Gray Snapper 0.451 1080 Suspension Feeding Polych 0.379 78 5 ....Florida Continued Name C CON Predatory Polychaetes 0.387 133 Detritivorous Polychaetes 0.01 22 Predatory Gastropods 0.38 94 Epiphytic Gastropods 0.451 124 Detritivorous Gastropods 0.429 496 Bivalves 0.397 532 Echinoderma 0.321 151 Other Cnidaridae 0.449 124 Coral 0.376 56 Sponges 0.375 46 Meiofauna 0.374 35 Benthic Ciliates 0.452 133 Benthic Flagellates 0.446 168 Other Zooplankton 0.438 79 Meroplankton 0.452 133 Other Copepoda 0.452 133 Paracalanus 0.452 133 Oithona nana 0.447 116 Acartia Tonsa 0.436 69 Water Cilitaes 0.057 0 Water Flagellates 0.008 17 Epiphytes 0.008 17 Drift Algae 0.008 17 Roots 0.008 17 Syringodium 0.008 17 Halodule 0.008 17 Thalassia 0.008 17 Benthic Phytoplankton 0.008 17 Other Phytoplankton 0.008 17 Dinoflagellates 0.008 17 Big Diatoms (>20um) 0.008 17 Small Diatoms (<20um) 0.008 17 Oscillatoria 0.008 17

6 Maspalomas Michigan Name C CON Name C CON Dicentratus punctatus 0.098 5 Sea lamprey 0.371 53 Diplodus Sargus 0.457 16 Lake 0.371 53 Gallinula chloropus 0.295 5 Chinook 0.362 40 Liza Aurata 0.417 6 Coho 0.371 53 Benthic Invertebrate Car. 0.232 14 Steelhead 0.406 80 Benthic Deposit Feeders 0.408 4 Brown trout 0.39 65 Benthic Suspension Feeder 0.174 7 Burbot 0.371 53 Benthic Microfauna 0.194 11 Juv. Lake Trout 0.371 53 Macrozooplankton 0.178 7 Juv. Chinook 0.371 53 Mesozooplankton 0.125 2 Juv. Coho 0.371 53 Microzooplankton 0.043 5 Juv. Steelhead 0.376 60 Periphyton 0.043 5 Juv. Brown trou 0.342 28 Cladophora 0.043 5 Yellow perch 0.346 23 Ruppia Maritima 0.043 5 Lake Whitefish 0.338 17 Chara globularis 0.043 5 Deepwater sculp 0.371 57 Slimy sculpin 0.362 46 Rainbow 0.362 46 Bloater 0.525 92 Alewife 0.447 9 Other fish 0.026 4 Benthic microin 0.475 33 Zebra 0.447 15 Sphae/Gast 0.507 61 Oligoch/Chiron 0.483 36 Mysis 0.026 4 Diporeia 0.334 25 Bythotrephes 0.475 33 Leptodora 0.084 24 Cladocerans 0.483 35 Calanoids 0.475 33 Cyclopoids 0.026 4 Rotifers 0.026 4 Diatoms 0.026 4

7 Mondego Narragan Name C CON Name C CON Dunlin 0.452 162 Phytoplankton 0.478 14 Grey Plover 0.507 181 Benthic Alage 0.478 14 Ringed Plover 0.507 80 Hetero Microflag 0.502 53 Kentish Plover 0.483 107 Microzooplankto 0.354 34 Larus fuscus 0.452 70 Mesozooplankton 0.354 24 Larus ridibundus 0.527 139 Larvae 0.502 46 minut 0.685 276 Ctenophores 0.502 48 Trigla lucerna 0.613 232 Shrimp(Pal,Crg) 0.519 64 Macrofauna predators 0.033 9 Ben Meiofauna 0.342 21 Endofauna consumers 0.495 42 Ben Macrofauna 0.386 52 Zooplankton consumer 0.514 118 Softshell Clam 0.528 63 Microalgae and detri 0.579 198 Am. Lobster 0.51 53 Diopatra neapolitana 0.708 309 Cancer Crabs 0.51 56 Lumbrineris impatien 0.685 290 Hard Clam 0.342 26 Crangon crangon 0.541 151 Mummichog 0.486 27 Carcinus maenas 0.489 35 Atl Silversides 0.486 27 Nereis diversicolor 0.541 116 Bay Anchovy 0.367 43 Sphaeroma hookeri 0.604 238 Menhaden 0.372 41 Idotea chelipes 0.563 195 Butterfish 0.367 33 Other predatory inve 0.478 27 Longfin 0.519 75 Nephtys 0.478 27 Skates 0.372 27 Other detrivors 0.478 27 Dogfish 0.376 39 Oligochaeta 0.478 27 Tautog 0.354 30 Heteromastus filifor 0.478 27 Scup 0.386 45 Capitella capitata 0.489 33 Windowpane 0.471 67 Amage adspersa 0.489 33 Winter 0.463 54 Modiolus 0.489 33 Cerastoderma edule 0.478 27 Scrobicularia plana 0.501 51 Cyathura carinata 0.501 51 Littorina 0.501 51 Gibulla 0.501 51 Ampithoe ferox 0.489 35 Melita palmata 0.03 15 Hydrobia ulvae 0.022 8 Zooplankton 0.022 8 Gracilaria 0.022 8 Epiphytes 0.022 8 Zostera 0.022 8 Ulva lactuca 0.022 8

8 Rhode StMarks Name C CON Name C CON low marsh adj. muddy cree 0.487 26 Raptors 0.373 82 high marsh 0.535 23 Gulls 0.238 39 mud flat 0.472 12 Fish crust. eating bird 0.312 65 muddy creek 0.365 16 Fish-eating birds 0.261 29 north fork 0.334 15 Benthos-eating birds 0.36 110 low marsh adj. main fork 0.535 12 Herbivorous ducks 0.332 98 low marsh adj. north fork 0.209 16 Killifish 0.338 120 main fork 0.392 18 Red Drum 0.298 100 floodplain forest 0.272 23 Sheepshead 0.294 123 herbaceous wetland 0.111 14 Pipefish seahorses 0.354 104 flooded swamp forest 0.111 15 Spot 0.301 70 riparian forest adj. upla 0.111 15 Pinfish 0.298 89 riparian forest adj. past 0.056 14 Gobies blennies 0.318 56 riparian forest adj. crop 0.056 14 Atl. silverside bay anc 0.283 64 upland forest 0.056 14 Southrn hake sea robins 0.229 26 Gulf flound needle fish 0.298 93 Tongue fish 0.038 37 Catfish stingrays 0.025 11 Other gastropods 0.351 49 Epiphyte-graz gastropod 0.351 122 Predatory gastropod 0.292 83 Predatory polycht 0.292 83 Deposit-feed polycht 0.386 136 Deposit-feed gastropod 0.057 47 Predatory shrimp 0.285 43 Herbivorous shrimp 0.042 21 Brittle stars 0.306 43 Isopod 0.357 105 Blue crab 0.06 38 Omnivorous crabs 0.289 57 Spider crab 0.285 43 Hermit crab 0.287 69 Deposit feed amphipods 0.283 69 Meiofauna 0.402 27 Microfauna 0.146 42 Benthic bact 0.173 40 Suspension-feed polychts 0.294 80 suspension-feed molluscs 0.171 40 Epiphyte-graz amphipods 0.201 16 Zooplankton 0.066 1 Micro protozoa 0.019 26 Bacterio 0.019 26 Benthic algae 0.019 26 Macro-epiphytes 0.019 26 9 Micro-epiphytes 0.019 26