Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)
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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 11-8-1956 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1956). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2877. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2877 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BULLOCH TIMES SERVES A TRADE AREA M" and Mrs. Bloys Prosser had nnd family an� Mr. and Mrs. Paul games and in serving refresh OF MORE THAN BULLOCH '""',IT.'IAJ. un. r:" 1 as guests last Sunday, Mr. and Smith and children, Fred and ments. •. 1956 Thund.,., No 1. EI.ht Mrs. Willie Prosser of .lackaon Denmark News Brenda. .___ fII.000 PERSONS BULLOCH ville, F'lu., and A'ir. and Mrs. Mat !\fr. and Mrs. Dan Heg'in und HARVEST FESTIVAL DAY • ANNUAL TIMES thew Miles of Register. MRS. H. H. ZETTEROWER Danny of Lecfield were Sunday Harvest Day at Harville Church ITATDlBORO NEWS was a Success STATESBORO EAG� The HA's met at the church on dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal Sunday quite when ESTABLISHED 1892 OFFICIAL with Mrs. Darwin tor Royals. a large crowd was present, and COUNTY ORGAN Leefield News Monday night Mrs. Janie Akins had as Sunday STATESBORO. GA •• THURSDAY; NOV_ 8. 1956 Mr. B'nd Mrs. Cecil Davis gave. ,PRICE FIVE Con and l\tr3. Lee as dinner Mr. and Mrs. Alton spent generecusly . E. F_ '1'UCKER Icy Harry guests, MRS. lust 85 want to take this counselors. While and children at Pooler, Mrs. Sunduy guests of Mr. and We method to each MANAGERS l\·!r8. C. A. Zettercwer. thank and every member SALE! Dennis Hodges and children ot I Rev. nnd Mrs. Neal Palmer and The GA's met at the church on who Blitchton. F"iends will be interested to und friend of the church de visited his with .1\'11'8. Bennie children, of Snvununh, Monday night l enr-n thu t Mrs. R. T. noted to such u cause. This M I'. and 1\1 rs. Otis A had Reese (the great and Mrs. Horace Pal l"ofr's. Cnrl Mrs. CCw naley parents, 1\'lr. Connor, Bragg, of Mr. nnd will be used in our 8S week end Mr. and Mrs. duughter Mrs. A. G. money building weekend. ell Scott and Mrs. A. J. ItS guests, Eisenhower- lust Knight Nixon mer, and is Reid McKee of Savannah. Rocker) improving ufter hav program. Preston Are Davis ing undergone a recent operation Re-elected Joe spent Sunday as in Penn. HARVILLE BAPTIST REVIVAL guests of Ronald Hodges. AIIJ!ntown, �"Ir. und Mrs. J. D. Rocker nnd Mr. and I'olrs. Horace Mitchell Our Revivni will begin at Hal" In of A Tuesday'. aenlral eleeU•• dress small had as Mrs. J. K. family Davenport, Florida were ville Baptist Church on Sunday, H.S.Band I. top grains early""" guest..<s Sunday, PROC�AMATION) I which haB hl.torlcllll7 ,erved Mrs. Louise recent visitors of MI'. and !\II·S. A. November 1tth Andersonh onb' Kendr-ick, Mrs. (Second Sunday) to Akins, Whereas, the members at thL officially name uad eleet the G. Rocker and relatives at Brook. at 11 :30 A, M. and Betty Overstreet, 1\11'. nnd Mrs. will continue Hoe and Garden Club I nominees of the let. Hope D.mocratic pri with Selic. R. P. MI·s. James and for a week with services PrOgrams or I Anhydrous Nitrogen Jones, Sapp evening Statesboro wish to make the Honored On mary in this streelf state. there wu tile 1\11'. and Mrs. W. L. ZeUerower, Our Rev. Austol daughter Joyce, DeLores Williams, only. pastor, You. RIGHTS and homes of Statesboro the uaual intereat of Sr. mo. the "oten .. far Rev. and Mrs. Youmans spent Tuesday as guests of mans will do the and QUA�TITY preaching Excellent beautiful this as ••• in and in GET 1 S EXTRA DAYS OF GRAZING Austol_ � . RESERVED section, e reference to local polltlca ... I'dr. and Mrs. A. ZcUerower. the nnd the is II R t"uemen't q. Community public The Statesboro High School helping them promote the sale of concerned. Mrli. attend \' At J. H. Ginn visited relatives invited to these services. special ceremonies at the lenders. Blue dogwood trees to citizens to City On the national . �i--, Devil band under the direc plant ticket, how",_, in ��-\'\ Hall PROFITI Savannah IlIsb week end. Octo- a '" Danny Thompson hod the mis durfng about Lheir homes and help them Wedncsduy afternoon, heated campaign that has beea . tion DR_ H_ W_ MEEKER PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., NOV_ of Russell B.Shampine has !SO/o �X�RA Iortune of three fingers Danny Hagin at Lecfield spent with their annual project of waged In many sections of th. ' getting 3rd_ been plaD" . presenting excellent pro , cut off his hand lust week last week end with Dhnelee Royals. ing dogwood trees in the areas b•. �:rh�sl·I'��;�'�til�nAFr���s��ch;���: United States was " �'��"'Ie�- light AT STUBBS CLINIC placed in the ., the current football Depal"lllent nf'ter in gruuls during tween OUI' streets and 20 yeura, 4 and hands of ',,,' the corn picker. Mrs. J. W. Rocker is visiting Mr. • eldewalks: the American voter oa season. one Aunouncment is made that Dr. half months service with the Mr. and I\II'S, Alex Roach and end Mrs. Tom -Rucker. Food Plus SIH Green and Tuesday with the declaion � -, 011 hnnd go(a. • H. W. 'Meckel' has been sent here Savings Much cit� for the affair was . ' Big ot Sq.ps time is SELf'CO Anhydrous Nitrogen is applied root of spent by the memo to the level .. son, Andy. Savannah, visited MI·s. Oarrie Jones lnat Whereas, the people of our Mrs. Republican party. need uncertain ruins to it down and IS avail spent by the Geormn Ohiropractic As. bel's of the band nfber ci,,· Anderson, Can g I' e .Ii a III on doesn't enrry her Mrs. A. J. school hours nrc their The choice of a mother, Knight Sunday 8S guests of Mr. and Mrs. proud of" lovely homes First District able to ... gives qllich lush growth to eoclutlon to fill the of the to the Prince H. Preston, W. A. plants immediately ', the weekend. vacancy perfect formntione that nrc I and beautiful and Mayor congressman was between during streets; the The earlier dress With SELFCO An Hoyt Griffin, , Bowen and small groins. you top late Dr. Stubbs at the Ohiroprac presented at the Whi1e members of the city Sgt. nnd Mrs. Hilton Joiner and games .. Democratic nominee and Incum ... the more have before cold weath there is no tree mo hydrous growth you'll Mrs. Joe Grooms and son visit. tic Clinic. The office hours will be Whereas, council, personnel of the son of visited marching formations ean be pur police bent, ... Charles, Savannah, Congressman Prince H. Pr.... er ... for rich 8&LFCO leaches less in the long. grazing. Also, ed Mr. nnd Mrs. D. same as lovely springtime than t officers L. Morris the in the past. It was Mr. uses deportment, and edmlnis- ton lasts to make an excellent grain crop. his pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. chneed, Shampine only and Independent P. An. long enough Edgar the week, dogwood tree and no tree rno tratlve Harry during made known in the same announce. 'formatione that arc of personnel of the city nnd eatos with SELFCO last week. his origina of Savannah. ... EArly top dressing Anhydrous really pays Joiner, in the autumn than the do . An overwhelm ment that Dr. Meeker comes lovely membels of the and radio off. It provides two weeks or more e:rtra grazing ... makes Mr. nnd Mrs, Colon and tion. press Ted Tucker, of Teachers 001- Rushing wood and majority returned Mr. Pre.... or of and that he tree nnd their guests. up to three extrel pounds of beer two gallons the weekend Annette of Snvannuh spent Sun. qualified, is anxious Last i. ton to oftice c,xtra. lege spent ut home. week at the Swainsboro' In to begin his sixth acre ..• A Whereas !! milk per per day plus good groin Yield. EXTRA as of Mr. to meet all of the patients. the dogwood tree accepting his reaignntion Pvt. Richard Cowuf't, who has dny guests and Mrs. C. gnme with the Blue term 88 ropresentative of the AMOUZ"TS TO OR MORE! homecoming native Bowen Flnt l'ltO",.1 15% A. ZeUerower. to our wonderful aecttcn f.olf I Ma)·or commentad on the been stationed in l\tas�. Silent the "Devils some 3,000 people witnessed CongreSSional District at .. weill the of Geol'Jrla. MAkE IT a.ow WlfH 5ElfCO. PORTAL F. H. A F. F. A. nution, years "loyal and faithful" On weekend with his Mrs. N. the Statesboro's band first the basis ot unofflclat ,.. mother, presen. service that !\II'. Coli you, ".0'." SIlf(O Pion' Mona,., tMoyl HALLOWEEN PARTY· ELECT SWEETHEARTS Now, therefore, I, William A. Anderson hod turns G, Cownrt. tation of itA To ling In the national election Pre...