Leucospermum R
Leucospermum R. Br. 1810 The type species is L. hypophyllocarpodendron, which was first described by Linneaus as a member of his large genus Leucadendron. Linneaus later moved this to Protea. Various authors prior to Robert Brown proposed names for Pincushions, these being Conocarpus Adanson 1763, Lepidocarpus Adanson 1763, and Leucadendrum Salisb. 1807. Robert Brown’s name is conserved. There are x sections of Pincushions, and we have followed Rourke’s (1972) treatment, with the exception of a new section discovered in 198* for the Hook Pincushions, and the removal of the section Xericola to the genus Vexatorella. Part 6 - 1 THE PROTEA ATLAS 1/25/2008 Leucospermum cuneiforme (Burm. f.) Rourke 1768, 1967 Wart-stemmed Pincushion Gewoneluisiesbos Other Common Names: Common Pincushion, Seedlings (1729 records): Absent in 97%: fewer Large-tufted Pincushion, Phyllanthus-leaf seedlings than prefire adults in 22 cases, and Leucadendrum, Stagshorn-leaf more in 8 cases. Seedlings found in Mar (3), Leucadendrum, Yellow Pincushion, Yellow- Apr (4), Jun (6), Jul (4), Aug, Sep, Oct (5), flame Pincushion, Boontjiesbos, Nov (3) and Dec (3). Geelspeldekussing, Klipboom, Fire Survival (292 records): 71% resprouted Kreupelbossie, Luisiesboom, Luisiesbos, from underground boles, 13% escaped fires Mielieput, Wildemielie. in fire-safe areas, 13% resprouted from aerial Other Scientific Names: attenuatum R.Br. trunks, 2% eliminated from the area by fires. 1810, cervinum (Salisb. ex Knight) 1809, Age to first flowering: First flowers recorded ellipticum (Thunb.) 1781, phyllanthifolium at 1 year, 50% estimated at 2-3 years, and (Salisb. ex Knight) 1809, septemdentatum reaching a peak of 90% at 4 years. Gand. & Schinz 1913, zeyheri Meisn.
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