CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION the Proteaceae Benth. & Hook. F. Is One
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The Proteaceae Benth. & Hook. f. is one of the most prominent flowering plants in the southern hemisphere. It is an ancient family made up of two subfamilies (the Proteoideae and Grevilleoideae), which existed before Gondwana began to break up some 140 million years ago. There are about 1,400 species, in more than 60 genera. Leucospermum (Lsp.), Leucadendron (Lcd.), Banksia and Protea are the genera that are widely used in floriculture. The name Protea, given by Linnaeus in 1753, referred to the Greek mythical god, Proteus, who could change his shape at will. It is an apt name due to the diversity of this genus (Rebelo, 1995). The worldwide development of Protea has established them as a horticultural crop, with a world sale of approximately 8 million flowering stems per year (Coetzee & Littlejohn, 2001). The Proteaceae industry in Zimbabwe was founded by a few flower producers in the Eastern Highlands, who began growing proteas in the early 1970’s (Archer, 2000). As the industry grew, production areas spread to include Centenary, Chimanimani, Karoi, Makonde, Mvurwi, Norton and Ruwa. In 2001 there was 290 Ha of Proteaceae being grown (Percival, 2002). By 2003, this area had increased to an excess of 350 Ha. There are over 200 growers with plantations ranging from a couple of hundred plants, to 70 hectares in size (Percival, 2004). Between 1997 and 2001 the Proteaceae population in Zimbabwe had doubled to 1,36 million protea plants; of which 42 % was comprised of Leucadendron, 39 % Leucospermum, 14 % Protea and 5 % of other Proteaceae genus, such as Banksia and Grevillea (Percival, 2002).
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