UL-LSA AIRCRAFT AeroSette MH−46 Eclipse Ultralight two−seat braced high−wing mono- plane. It is very controllable and features a spacious cockpit for two side−by−side pilots. The tricycle undercarriage is fixed, power is provided by Rotax 912S engine, turning a three−bladed variable−pitch pro- peller. (5 aircraft produced so far.) Span 9,80 m, length 6,75 m, wing area 11,30 m2, cruising speed 190 − 250 km/h. AeroSette, spol. s r.o., Nádražní 20, 463 31 Chrastava, Cze ch Republic www.aerosette.eu DRAFTDRAFTe−mail:
[email protected] DRAFT A2 CZ Ellipse Spirit A side-by-side two seat low-wing aircraft with T-tail and retractable landing gear made of carbon fiber and honeycomb sandwich. Powered by Rotax 912/914, UL Power 260/350 or Lycoming 233. Two prototypes are flying and the certification process is in progress. Basic price from 82 000 EUR. Span 8 m (8,6 m), length 6,55 m, wing area 9,48 m2 (10,34 m2), empty weight 295 - 339 kg, (with BRS and safety fuel cells), cruising speed 230 - 290 km/h. A2 CZ, s.r.o. Ráby 23 533 52 Staré Hradiště Czech Republic www.ellipse-spirit.com DRAFTe-mail:
[email protected] DRAFT Aeropilot DRAFT Legend Full-composite high-wing aircraft Legend is intended for sport, recreation and touristic flying. This aircraft is suitable for flight tra- ining. LSA (600 kg) / UL (472 kg) / ELSA (540 kg) versions are powered by Rotax 912 UL or 912 ULS engines. LSA (600 kg) version is powered by Lycoming 0235 engine.