EREV SHAVUOT - THURSDAY MAY 28th Daf Yomi: Shabbos 83 Eruv Tavshilin Nerot (L’Hadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov): 8:00 PM Shehecheyanu at Nerot and Kiddush 8:10 PM Ma'ariv for Yom Tov (Shalosh Regalim) After 8:45 PM Kiddush for Yom Tov Custom of all-night Shavuot learning

FIRST DAY SHAVUOT - FRIDAY MAY 29th Alos: 4:17 AM; Netz: 5:30 AM Daf Yomi: Shabbos 84 Shachris for Yom Tov, Full , Akdamos; recite Kah Keili after laining/before : Shmos, Yisro, Perakim 19-20; Maftir: Bamidbar, Pinchas, Perek 28, Pesukim 26-31 Haftorah: Yecheskel Perek 1, Pesukim 1-28 then Perek 3, Pasuk 12 Mussaf for Yom Tov All preparations for Shabbos must be finished before Nerot Nerot (L’Hadlik Ner Shel Shabbos V’Shel Yom Tov): Before 8:00 PM Shehecheyanu at Nerot and Kiddush Mincha for Yom Tov 8:10 PM Abridged Kabbalas Shabbos – Mizmor Shir L’Yom HaShabbos Ma’ariv for Yom Tov with Shabbos insertions: 8:40 PM Kiddush for Yom Tov with Shabbos insertions – starting with V’Yechulu

SECOND DAY SHAVUOT - SHABBOS MAY 30th Shachris for Yom Tov with Shabbos insertions, Full Hallel, Megillat Ruth Torah Reading: Devarim, Re’eh, Perek 14, Pesukim 22-end of parsha Maftir: Bamidbar, Pinchas, Perek 28, Pesukim 26-31 Haftorah: Habakuk, Perek 2, Pasuk 20; then Perek 3; Pasuk 1; then the Pizmon Yitziv Pisgam; then finish the chapter Yizkor, omit Kah Keili; recite Av HaRachamim; Mussaf for Yom Tov with Shabbos insertions Daf Yomi: Shabbos 85 Mincha for Yom Tov with Shabbos insertions 7:55 PM Ma'ariv/Yom Tov Ends: 9:04 PM for Motzei Shabbos