CONTENTS Form No. 5 Back Form No. 5 Front Form No. 4 Front JANUARY 2006 Ashoka Trust for Research in Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment Ecology and the Environment IOTN ONLINE IS AVAILABLE AT The Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter was initiated to provide a forum for exchange of information on sea turtle biology and conservation, management and education and awareness activities in the Indian subcontinent, Indian Ocean region, and South/Southeast Asia. The newsletter also intends to cover related aspects such as coastal zone management, fisheries and marine biology. The newsletter is distributed free of cost to a network of government and non-government organisations and individuals in the region. All articles are also freely available in PDF and HTML formats on the website. Readers can submit names and addresses of individuals, NGOs, research institutions, schools and colleges, etc for inclusion in the mailing list. SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS IOTN articles are peer reviewed by a member of the editorial board and a reviewer. In addition to invited and submitted articles, IOTN also publishes notes, letters and announcements. We also welcome casual notes, anecdotal accounts and snippets of information. Manuscripts should be submitted by email to:
[email protected] If electronic submission is not possible, mail hard copies to: Kartik Shanker Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) 659, 5th A Main Road, Bangalore 560024, India. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word or saved as text or rich text format. Figures should not be embedded in the text; they may be stored in EXCEL, JPG, TIF or BMP formats.