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The BG News April 13, 1984

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 13, 1984" (1984). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4252.

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America...leave this man alone." of predominantly Black Muslims and Farrakhan was also incensed by a Farrakhan also criticized Rea- Arabs in Toledo last night, Black recent article in the New York Post gan's foriegn policy, citing the mining Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan at- which quoted him as saying 'Hitler of Nicaraguan ports as an example. tempted to garner Arab support for was a great man.' To this, Farrakan Rev. Jesse Jackson's "Rainbow Co- commented, "this country is headed "The mining...was a terrible thing alition." to Hell on a roller-coaster." for America to do," he said. Farrakhan, a key Jackson sup- Farrakhan added that a Jackson porter, has been under fire by the presidency would bring a better fo- members of the media and the other riegn policy. Democratic candidates since he alleg- edly threatened the life of a Washing- "If anything happens to For Jackson to attain the Presi- ton Post reporter. Farrakhan, Reverend Jackson, that dency, Farrakhan stressed the impor- however, pledged his continued sup- tance of the Arab color in the port for Jackson, who has never de- will be the last black Jackson's "Rainbow" saying: "a nounced the leader of the Nation of man you kill. lam warn- black cadidate running on a black Islam for the alleged incident. platform cannot win the presidency." Before a crowd of about 700 people ing America... Leave Farrakhan credited Jackson with last night, Farrakhan again demed uniting blacks and Arabs and praised threatening the life of Post reporter tins man alone." him for pursuing the Arab vote at the Milton Coleman, telling the press risk of alienating the 6 million Jews in "you made that (up)." He also called — Louis Farrakhan America. the media "demons." According to Farrakhan,Jackson- Coleman was the first to report that would be the best candidate for presi- the Rev. Jackson had referred to Farrakhan, expressing concern for dent because it will take " a rainbow Jews as "Hymies," and New York as the safety of Jackson, he issued a to bring change," adding that Jack- "Hymietown." stem warning for the protection of the son "has made his mark/' even if he Farrakhan continued his tirade on black leader. does not win the nomination. March retail sales down Economic recovery slows WASHINGTON (AP) - Retail sales downward from a slight 0.1 percent Evans Economics, said the back-to- in March took their sharpest nosedive drop to a 0.8 percent decline. back declines in February and March in more than a decade, the govern- "This confirms the expectation that "tell us that the slowdown is here." ment reported yesterday, and ana- we have had for some time that the He predicted economic growth would lysts said the 2.2 percent decline is the pace of economic growth would mod- fall to between 3.5 and 4 percent in the clearest sign yet that the economic erate significantly," said Ben E. La- second quarter. recovery is slowing down. den, chief economist for T. Rowe Not all economists foresaw lower Price Associates Inc., an investment S)wth from the retail sales figures, The Commerce Department said counseling firm. "The financial mar- chard Rahn, chief economist for the sales fell to a seasonally adjusted kets need these kinds of numbers to U.S. Chamber of Commerce, called ♦103.4 billion tost month, the second relieve the gloom that has been build- the March report an "aberration" monthly decline in a row and the ing that we were growing too fast, which he blamed on severe March biggest drop since a 9.4 percent fall- overheating." weather and a late Easter which held offin December 1973. Those fears were fueled by the down sales. The strong surge in consumer preliminary government report last Commerce Secretary Malcolm Bal- t>0 news staff/Susan Cross ■pending has been the main force month that economic growth from drige also blamed the weather and driving the nation's recovery from the January through March was at a attributed part of the decline to the Louis Farrakhan-Leader of the Nation of Islam 1981-82 recession. While economists surprisingly strong 7.2 percent. Many high level of January sales. The de- for some time have expected con- economists said yesterday they now partment revised the January in- sumer spending to moderate, most expect that number to be revised crease to 4.1 percent, the biggest were surprised at the extent of the downward substantially in light of the monthly Jump since a 4.7 percent Bush bowls himself, pins over March decline, although some retail sales numbers and other re- surge in December 1964. MILWAUKEE (AP) - When George He did knock down nine pins in the In four frames, Bush rolled three blamed it partly on the weather. ports. Even with the February and March Bush rolled the bowling ball down the attempt, although he fell sprawling nines and an eight, failing to pick up A sharp 7 percent drop in auto sales Laden predicted economic growth declines, the January pace lifted sales alley Wednesday, nine pins and one across the foul line. the spare on each try. contributed the most to the showing, in the first quarter would be between 6 for the first quarter 3.4 percent higher vice president hit the boards. Bush, who was not injured, picked Last year's "The Book of American but nearly all categories of sales were and 8.5 percent and would drop to than in October through December. himself up unassisted and later admo- City Rankings," says Milwaukee has down for the month. between 2 and 4 percent in the second Baldrige predicted that consumer Bush, on a campaign trip to this nished those reporters present to tell more bowling and pool halls per ca- The government also revised its quarter. spending "will continue to support bowling mecca, slipped and tell on his the whole story: that only one pin was pita, at nine per 100,000 people, than earlier report on February sales Randell Moore, an economist with economic expansion." first attempt to knock down the pins. left standing. any other city in the nation. Oak Grove Cemetery i^chook' full of plots by Shelly Trusty line of duty," he said. Castner is Kaves under the Clayton name. reporter buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. ley all have the the year of death According to University Ar- as 1881," he said. "I looked into it Searching for a story with a good chives, on April 12, 1931 Police and found the Clayton family lost plot? How about a plot with a good Chief Carl Galliher alerted the all three of their children to scarlet story? Oak Grove Cemetery has as squad there may be bank robbers fever in the same week." many as 8,000 plots and at least in Bowling Green. Hungling said some of the stones that many stories to tell. Later that day, two women have been vandalized over the The cemetery grounds, which waltzed into Uhlman's Department years but this isn't necessarily cover more than nine acres, were Store, picked out some new dresses recent damage. A newspaper clip- purchased by the city from Robert and paid for them out of a large roll ping from May 11,1871 complains Eldridge on May 3,1873 for $950. of cash. The cashier alerted the about cemetery vandalism. Bowling Green's first cemetery police, and Galliher and Officer It ends with the words: "Any was located east of the present Ralph Castner, 28, followed the person who would willingly disturb Ridge Street Elementary School "thugs" to the corner of Prospect the momento placed at the tomb of and around 1881 many of the old and Clough Streets where they the dead by the hands of sorrowing graves were transferred to the joined two men. friends is unfit to go into a ceme- present cemetery. GALLIHER told the men to tery except to be carried there on a Matt Hungling, supervisor of cir- "stick 'em up," and a gunfire en- bier and hardly then." culation at Jerome Library and a sued. He shot and killed William Many familiar names from the local resident, has researched Miller (alias Billy, the Baby Faced University dot the grave stones of much of the history of Oak Grove Killer) and injured one of the girls. Oak Grove. They include Homer Cemetery. While trying to capture the other Williams (Williams Hall), first "The grave stones look very dis- woman, Castner was shot in the University president: Myrna organixed at first They are ar- stomach by Charles Arthur Floyd Hanna (Hanna Hall); Edwin Lin- ranged in a circular pattern in the who escaped. coln Moseley (Moseley Hall); For- old section and later some straight Floyd was the member of the rest Creason (golf course); and rows were added," he said. notorious Dillinger gang known as Warren Steller (Steller Field). Hol- Because of his research, Hung- Pretty Boy Floyd. 11s Moore, University president ling knows a lot about the people Castner died the same week. from 1970 to 1961 was also buried Remembering the past photo/Jeonme Cuellar buried in the cemetery. Hungling noticed other oddities there. "Ralph Castner was the only city at the cemetery. Bowling Green is responsible for Edwin Lincoln Moseley, whose grave It at Oak Grove Cemetery, la one of many patrolman to ever be killed in the "For example, there are three former professors buried there who have University buildings named after the upkeep of the cemetery. them. r—the bottom line- index inside weather Some people will think twice choose an alternate day." before taking risks today even "One thing is for sure - when some- •The proposal to provide students No logic though there are no logical reasons thing bad happens on the 13th, people with photo student identification to explain the superstition of Fri- notice it," she added. BuchwaW 2 cards next year has been rejected. day the 13th. campus/local 3 Page 4. "A way to test people's belief is to Motz said superstition comes from state/world 7 on Friday sports/wrap | •Something fishy is going on in the' let them choose the 13th or an alter- s need to control our lives. classifieds 10 Student Recreation Center this week- nate day for anything." said Dr. Mari- She said most superstitions contain end as "Jaws" visits Cooper Pool. lyn Mod, assistant professor of an element of dancer or uncertainty Friday Magazine Page 6. the 13th popular culture. "Even though they such as travel, a dangerous occupa- say they don't believe in it, they'll tion or childbirth. Cloudy and breezy with a chance of showers. High in the rrnd-50sond an overnight low in the 40s. 2 bg news/april 13 1984 —editorial—- Debates foster ideas, direction by Mteh—I P. Towte proved the era will never return by Eisenhower. He has deployed it with argue chiefly foreign policy until their raking Ronald Reagan over his Nica- alacrity and often with preemptive convention. Multi-cultural study In the 1950s and early 1980s our rauguan coals. strength, everywhere from Lebanon The public is beginning to get an leaders in Washington would often At present it appears both the to Grenada to the borders of Nicara- accurate picture of what type of a adamantly state that they would House and the Senate will halt Rea- gua and El Salvador. foreign policy they could expect from a needed addition make no decision on this country's gan's somewhat terroristic, as well as When Jimmy Carter took office, he any one of the nominees. foreign policy that was even remotely politically embarassing, actions in was the nation's first elected presi- Both Hart and Mondale want to stop The University's move to require all entering freshmen to related to their political ties. "Poli- that Central American country. dent since the Vietnam war. He won the deployment of American troops, tics," they would say, "stops at the on a policy that war was a totally under the mirage of "semi-perma- sign up for at least one course in several multi-cultural water's edge." REAGAN'S FOREIGN policies will unacceptable outcome of a political nent maneuvers but continue mili- classes is an example of what many college administrators At bottom, this was a kind of creed be the number one item of debate in situation and an aberration that was tary support for our allies with a believe to be a need for students to expand their knowledge of to keep candidates for office from this fall's election, and this week's out of character for the American minimal number of military advisors playing political games - by making occurrences gave his Democratic op- people. Unfortunately for Carter, he that have been there for more than 10 foreign countries and their cultures. foreign policy promises - mat could ponent all the ammunition he should was a president whose foreign poli- years in most Central American coun- Beth Casey, the director of the center for educational damage our negotiations or need. That the Republican controlled cies were tested greatly during his tries. options at the University, made a statement at Wednesday's relationships abroad. Of course no Senate condemned its President's ac- tenure. He refused military action The Democrats are not denying our undergraduate council meeting that we in this country are one cried foul so loudly as the incum- tions in an election year can only add against our aggressors and for this military power or commitments but bent himself. to the Democratic attack. was viewed as weak. are saying that economic help is a now living in a global community and are somewhat ignorant Usually when something like this JIMMY CARTER'S policies of avoi- stronger gift than military power. In of the rest of the world. This attitude - which we as good happens five or six Republicans say dance were far less costly - especially fact, military intervention can only Though many students may believe the new demands are Americans were supposed to accept - "well Ron kind of blew this one, but in American lives - as that of Ronald interfere with economic growth in produced a somewhat blind faith in heck we all make mistakes and in the Reagan. Third World countries. restraining and somewhat needless, we believe the Universi- our political leaders. We were sup- long run I believe in him." So now the electorate has been It is clear that the Democratic ty's decision a wise one, in light of the ever-expanding foreign posed to trust them at their word and This time both parties are reaching given the two extremes. One of avoi- debates have prod-wed «cund foreign trade market, and the expansion of American companies - as not question their actions, after all across the "water" and actually stop- dance and one of military interven- policy ideas that will not be an emba- they were our "political leaders" and ping the President before he gets the tion. One of offense and one of rassment to us as a country. foreign based manufacturers - into those markets. matters like war, and armament country involved in something "we defense. The only question remaining We are no longer a nation able to stand alone in the global should not be made "political." should not be committed to. is which one it will pick in November. Michael D. Towle, editorial editor market and offer our products at top dollar. We must be able Well, that somewhat ignorant state Ronald Reagan has sought to de- The Democratic candidates - unlike tor the News, is a senior news of acceptence went out the window ploy American military power more their predecessors - have taken up editorial major from Toledo, to relate to the other peoples and their cultural level to reach debate on the issue and probably will our goals in the political and business arena. after Vietnam. Congress this week forcefully than any president since Ohio. Poltically, the American electorate in 1984 will probably be forced to interpret the qualifications of a Presidential candi- date almost solely on his policies in the area of foreign Blacks deserve academic integrity Ethnic integrity will not be to jeop- affairs. Yet many of us are ignorant of the issues and their by Jam— E. Williamson outlet while attending BGSU. The Perhaps this would ease the cultural importance. inner revival that occurred within the estrangement and alienation suffered ardy, but the integrity of teaching How can voters understand the hatred of the German youth span of fifteen minutes was a cultural by people of ethnic backgrounds? I was riding the Northland Hamilton atonement. Since there was atone- In my two-year duration, trial and No ethnic student, especially blacks for our government's actions in their country if we know bus, sitting among unknown faces ment, what sin(s) had been com- tribulations at BGSU, having given and Hispanics want to be patronized, nothing about them culturally? with my son Benjamin on my lap. As I mitted? 110-120 percent in my classes, I have paternalized nor graternalized as eco- We cannot see the outrage of the German people, without smiled and spoke so did others. They The sin(s) committed at BGSU is experienced personal academic nomic misfortunates. Aretha Frank- say big city people don't speak. As we that of racial deceit; intellectual and grade robbery and racial innuendos lin in the sixties sang a song that seeing our nuclear missiles taking the ground where a soccer rode from the Northland Mall toward academic harassment. This raised as well as watched it happen to my correlates the feeling of ethnic stu- field once stood. the Renaissance Center in Detroit, an some questions in my mind. Have we colleagues. Having been told we dents, "R-E-S-P-E-C-T tints all I We cannot understand the anguish of the Nicaruguan elderly, healthy, joyous chocolate- really progressed? Are institutions of "can't write" and when we can write want for me." And if ethnic students people without knowing of the tormenting regime they now faced man whose hair was like a snow higher learning about eradicating skillfully, we are told our writing is don't get it, yes we will suffer socially capped crown upon his head, looked racism or perpetuating the dissemi- "too emotional" or "we must have and academically but in the long run live within. at me and drew me into the conversa- nation of scientific (empirical) rac- plagiarized." Then professors tend to what will the University reap behind The United States, now more than ever before, envelops tion he was having with another mid- ism? If I must answer the question, I get disturbed at our temperament and it? Well this writer may be long gone the economies and responsibilities of foreign countries, both dle-aged lady. shall say, yes. Finally, have we gone the quiet anger that is seething below. but don't let history say, I told you so. The conversation centered around from barbarism to decadence? If I What black person would not feel Until then, when I can ride the North- economicly and politically. It is to our advantage as a nation crime, urban renewal and religion. In must answer the question, I shall say, better in the urban complexities of land and Hamilton of Detroit, the to be able to understand, reason, and barter with the world the dialogue of which the bus driver yes. It seems we have gone from Detroit. Your identity is not in ques- Kinsman bus of Cleveland and the around us. entered later on, I found something in racial barbarism to racial decadence tion nor is your ethnic integrity in Lennox and Madison subway of Har- me quicken that had not found an without an intervening of intellectual- jeopardy. lem, I'll treasure the opportunities to cultural pluralism. It is because of When knowledge and theories be- ride these mobile urban universities this, I fantasized transplanting all come finite and cognitives other than and think on Billy Holiday's "God those beautiful faces, toddlers, teen- mainstream shunned, then the death- Bless the child that got his own." agers, adults and elderly and espe- nail to higher eduction can be James E. Williamson is a graduate cially the chocolate-faced, white pounded. Ethnic identity will not be student in political science and the haired gentleman to Bowling Green. the issue; identifying education will. Unit Director at Phi Beta Sigma. 'He drops my name to get votes' God against Reagan on prayer

by Art Buchwald Fortunately, in America people can that God is everywhere, and when he pray anytime, anywhere they want states I am no longer in the public I don't talk to God as often as I should schools, he doesn't know what in the because I know how busy He is these '"Well, why would President Rea- devil he's talking about." days. But every four years, during the gan say You were banned from public "Then you didn't tell him You presidential campaign, I do check in schools if You weren't?" wanted prayers officially back in the to make sure what the candidates are "I have no idea," God said. "People schools?" saying about Him is true. are always dropping my name in "I certainly did not." God told me. The other night after hearing Presi- order to get votes during an election "But I did talk to him about the dent Reagan say for the umpteenth year. Frankly I wish toe president asbestos problem." time that God had been expelled from would have checked with Me first, "The asbestos problem." America's classrooms, I asked Him, before he misspoke." "It's very serious. A great many "Are You banned from America's "Do you believe it's a good idea to schools have asbestos peeling off the schools?" have separation of Church and ceilings and walls and it's getting into "Not that I know of," God replied. State?" the schoolchildren's lungs, and " "President Reagan said that kids "I believe it's an excellent one. can die from it. I suggested the i cant pray in school." Your country has survived for over dent institute a crash program I "If they can't, they're sure doing 200 years without getting Me mixed that the little children were protected it," God said. "I hear schoolchildren's op in your government, and when you from this terrible disease. But to My prayers all day long. Of course I bear look around, you seem to have more knowledge he hasn't mentioned it yet. more from those who haven't done freedom of worship than any other If I were the President of the United their homework, or have been caught place on the face of the globe. There States, I'd be much more concerned committing some infraction that will are certain countries which I'd rather about the health of America's chil- send them to the principal's office. not mention, where the leaders use dren than what time of day they could And there is a lot of praying when My name to commit some of the most pray." report cards come out, and when heinous crimes known to mankind." "Well, thanks for Your time," I college test scores come in. And then I "How would You feel about forced said. "I didn't want to bother You, but bear from almost every child as grad- voluntary prayer in the schools in the I was afraid if I was against manda- uation gets near. I can't understand morning, so if kids didn't want to pray tory prayer in public schools You why President Reagan said I've been they wouldn't have to?" would think I didn't believe in You mitted to excellence and success banned from the classroom." anymore. Could I put this conversa- English exam unneeded 'It would bother me. All My chil- r through hard work backed by spirited "I think what he was referring to dren are very fragile and it would tion on the record? ' Duluth says Congrats fan support! The Bowling Green team Profs, should be trusted was the Supreme Court decision cause tremendous friction between "Be My guest There is too much and fans demonstrated the finest in which forbade organized prayer in those who prayed and those who talk by politicians about what I want commitment and sportsmanship, and Being a freshman here at Bowling public schools at the beginning of the didn't. I would prefer that schoolchil- and don't want, and as God, it really On behalf of the Univer- BGSU can be proud of the way in Green, I was quite surprised when I day. Did that decision bother You?" dren pray when the spirit moves them ticks Me off. sity of Minnesota, Duluth, and our which it was represented. It is be- found out that a whole semester of "On the contrary. I don't believe in and not when a teacher tells them to. Art Buchwald is a columnist with the Bulldog Backers throughout northern cause of this that I know Falcon English came down to three hours. people praying if they don't mean it. What your president should know is Los Angeles Press Syndicate. Minnesota, I would like to extend hockey will always be in a warm spot I'm talking about the Proficiency hearty congratulations to Bowling in the hearts of all true Bulldog fans. Exam that students are required to thought that the whole semester to Bowling Green next fall, but if RESPOND Green State University and its fans take in English courses 110, 111 and should come down to three hours. I students want the English Proficiency The BG News Opinion Page is the for winning the NCAA Division I Be assured that all of us at UMD 112. It seems ridiculous to me that a have also talked to English professors Exam stopped, then let the University forum for comments re- Hockey Championship! and northern Minnesota are proud of whole semester of writing essays, who totally disagree with the Profi- know how you feel and get it changed. articles in The News or our Bulldogs - if we can't be No. 1, grammar quizzes and a research pa- ciency Exam policy. Write the BG News or whoever it issues concerning the Some have already labeled Bowling second is the best place to be. rr can be blown away in three hours, The English grade should be deter- takes to get the message across that University and its community. Green's four-overtime victory over personally have no problem with mined by the work done during the the majority of people on campus Guest columns from members of UMD "the greatest college hockey Again, our congratulations to the English or writing, but I have seen semester and the instructor. The Pro- disapprove of the Proficiency Exam. the University community are game ever played," and Indeed, it entire Bowling Green community on people who are good writers literally ficiency only creates more work for Don't blow it off by saying that some- gladly accepted. If you would like was a classic contest. Your players, its championship season, and its true choke in the three hour time limit and the professors, readers of the exams one else will write in or it doesn't to write a 'commentary' column coaches and fans are to be com- "class" act at Lake Placid! there-take. and the students. It seems that the matter because you have already please contact the editorial editor. mended as displaying the finest of University does not trust the profes- taken care of your English require- Editor . what intercollegiate athletics is really I asked fifty people, who live in sors to give students a grade based on ments, Bruce M. McLeod Anderson, if they thought the Profi- Mark Warlvon The BG News all about - student-athletes com- Acting Athletic Director their observations and requirements. ciency Exam is fair. Not one person I personally will not be coming back 410 Anderson m University Hall -THE BG NEWS- by T. Downing and T. Clean/ Carolyn Van Sen* OrapNcaEdtor Youl Clear Views Managing Edkx Doborah Sohmook Cm* Copy Ed»or Aaal Mn«ig EOttr PWa DM mrcyOranda Nwm&Snr MaryJoMeVay AMI FrldayEd*. UMLhmn EdaBrltl Edto MKhHlD To«t. ,WM««r3 CcH£ ...AMD THK caUBKeMevT Qaofray Barnard *««• EO*X MR DXph 8EOIN5... our veAtte is cuose/J StudantAOYMgr OmgaE.Sni AM Sport! EdUr SMvaOuW, PraoUdon Supantnr.. UaaL Inman wfurrsA TO3$-uR.. <*«*> E<*» Swan Cm. T-MlrJU5 wwr OO YBD EITHER JtHf*JVM«2ETri Tha H Nn . putflahad PAfl OR ••""'■•Mon by »» Board olSajdMPublc.^ "* M eOKrUNC (MEEN a.UOtjH?*> MtAH SIEVE aeu. OpHon. l«iuM by cotonnm. do not ninmrl, rlaot lha opHona ol Urn BO Hw WHEN... "*«> Awn** liTI (• &XAJATON IS 6m»a*ss»i raring prBtrftCM 8MEK.. OH THE HORizaU... Ih. BO Nm »■ not •coop) advarOahg Hat a MnM daoMnatory, dagraong or nutignMMiol raoo, Ma or naaonal origin copyright 1884 by th* BQ Nm al right raaarvad EdUonM and BuaXaM OMoa* 108 Unhwaty M Bowfcig OVMK Ska* umvartty Bowing Oman. Ohio 43403 Phona: (418) 372-2801 Hourt 8 am K> 6 p.m. Monday trough Friday campus/local- bg newi/aprll 13 1964 3 US behind in nuclear arms race, expert says by Donle* the Strategic Arms Reduction talks in 20 years. have been building a first-strike capa- up from 10 percent to 30 percent the "hotline" communications link sloll reporter Geneva, spoke on the development of He added that the mainstay of the bility, Eisenstein said. estimation of 10 years ago. between the White House and, the United States nuclear weapons policy. Soviet missile strength, the SS-20 in- "The Soviet strategy relies on hav- In spite of the growing nuclear Kremlin reduces the chance of an Ite United States is behind the The lecture was sponsored try Pi tercontinental ballistic missile, is in ing the capacity, the quality and the arsenal on both sides, Eisenstein said accident triggering a missile launch, Soviet Union in nuclear weapons ca- Sigma Alpha, a political science na- its seventh generation or updating, quantity (of nuclear missiles) to at- the popular picture of a "nuclear be added. pability in spite of superior American tional honor society. since its introduction in 1JT77. The tack our Minuteman silos and have a holocaust" being triggered by an ac- technology, a senior executive of the Eisenstein said the Soviets are su- United States Minuteman ICBM has reasonably high probability of de- cident is in error. "There is no possi- Eisenstein has worked with strate- US. Arms Control and Disarmament perior because they apply their tech- only undergone three modifications stroying mem. ble way for them (the nuclear gic weapons for 30 years and his Agency said Wednesday. nology while the United States since its introduction in 1965, he said. estimates the Soviets warheads) to accidentally go off," he experience goes back to the first Maurice Eisenstein, a former mem- continues to rely on a missile that has In addition, the United States policy could be sure of i 70 percent said. ICBM and antiballistic missile sys- ber of the United States delegation to existed almost unchanged for nearly is one of retaliation while the Soviets to 96 percent of the silos, Sophisticated tracking systems and tems. Arson attempted in Prout Hall Laughs abound in 'Forum' se. .. All of the windows in the hall- sprayed down the compacter with a by Keith Cornelius April 12-14, and April 18-21. Curtain uate student Barb Baldwin, freshman by Ben Morrison ways and the bathrooms will be water mixture to dilute the gasoline." reporter time is 8p.m., with a 3p.m. matinee David Minnick, junior Mark Ptanick, slofl reporter opened due to the gas fumes. Please He said they were debating whether to be performed on April 21. sophomore Mart Miller and junior do not shut them." or not to evacuate the building but The sights and sounds of ancient Written by Burt Shevelove and Tim Smith who plays the major role Gasoline was poured into the gar- This is what Prout residents heard didn't because the gasoline was Rome can be seen this weekend in the Larry Gelbart with music by Stephen as Hysterium. bage compacter at Prout Hall at 8:15 a.m. yesterday. The voice washed out so it wasn't a threat. fast-paced musical comedy, "A Sondheim, the show revolves around With a great deal of movement and Wednesday evening, forcing campus continued and reminded residents not Gerkens said the worst part of gaso- Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the attempts of a slave named Pseu- physical action, the show necessitates police and the fire department to to use the garbage chute. line is the fumes and that's what the the Forum" dolous (senior John Perella), who a small cast. Police said someone in Prout main- maintenance employees of Prout Colorful sets, lavish costumes, and attempts to gain his freedom by ar- According to Perella, there is a the public address system, tenance called complaining of fumes dealt with. an energetic cast combine with the ranging a match between his master good rapport among the members of Prout residents were told not to use in the area. Don Lindley, a Prout custodian, musical talents of a stringless orches- Hero (junior Ron Guthrie) and the the cast. "It's one of the best casts the compacter. however they were "We called the Fire Department said they put "Delight." a heavy tra. beautiful courtesan, Philia (sopho- that I've ever worked with," Perella not told why. But they hadn't heard and Environmental Safety," Dean deodorant, inside the chute and "put a The comedy is being presented by more Jennifer Sutler.) said. the last of the disposal problem. Gerkens, associate director of Public large fan upstairs to force the fumes the University TbeaterDepartment in Other cast members with major Director Robert Hansen said ''May I have your attention plea- Safety, said. "The fire department outside." the Main Auditorium and will run roles are junior Tim Kuhlman, grad- "Things have gone quite well."

NOW RENTING SPECIAL OFFER Mr $4.00 plus tax Complete Resume Package * EtllclenclBS PUT-IN-BAY 25 Copies from one original • 1 i 2 barm units • 25 Blank sheets/Cover letters SAT. APRIL 28 • 25 Envelopes available depart 9 a.m. & return 7:30 a.m. "13/person includes Including all our specialty paper GREENBRIAR INC. •FERRY RIDE TO SOUTH BASS ISLAND Good with this coupon only *TOUR OF HEINEMAN WINERY 325 E. Wooster Expires 4/30/84 352-0717 SIGN UP IN UAO OFFICE BY APRIL 25 lAcroea tram T»co B««) • s «- Lenhart Project Week Bowling preen State University I 516 E. WOOSTER! Gospel Choir Presents: 352-1504 April 13 - April 21 Spring Concert *~ Fri. 13th & Sat 14th Midnight Stadium Cinema "HE'S COMING BACK I 6 FREE LIKE Thrus. 19th • UAO Movie W/ANY 14" (1) ITEM "Donation of Money" AGAIN" | OR MORE MYLES* PIZZA. • Uptown & College Station DELIVERY ONLY Pitcher Donation Night April 15, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. I EXP. 4/30/84 First United Methodist Church Sat. 21st • 2-5 p.m. Mark's & r SamB's HAPPY HOURS 1506 E. Wooster St. Bowling i Monty's offers you (What bar will collect the most money for the Lenhart Green I Design Freedom Perm Project?) $1.00 in advance $1.50 at the door $33 value All of April • I.F.M.B.C. Record Raffle Stephen L Branham , MOW $^8 For more information contact: 314 Offenhauer West ■ CTVff *0 includes haircut I good through April 30 valid only with I coupon walk-ins welcome CAMPUS MANOR Applications (or organization seats in the L-—... 124 W. Wooster APARTMENTS USG General Assembly are available (NEXT TO STERLING & DORSEY DRUGS) PHONE 352-9302 (24 HRS.) from Wednesday, April 11* through Friday, JAZZ WEEK V th ■THt: IDKAI. LOCATION FOR CON VKNIKNCK. COMFORT AND April 20 at 405 Student Services. These Schedule of Events: SAFETY! Thursday, April 12 • JAZZ COMBOS CAMPUS MANOR IS A 2 MINUTF. WALK FROM ADM. applications are due back to the same office BUILDING. MOST CLASSROOMS AND OVF.R 20 Kl I All. Friday, April 20* 5 p.m. 8 p.m. SHOPS. Brian Recital Hal Wfc FEATURE 2 BEDROOM FULLY FURS/SHED APARTMENTS WITH: Friday, April 13 • TUESDAY LAB BAND CARPETING - GARBAGE DISPOSAL - CABLE T. V. - You are eligible to apply for one of the 5 available 3:30 p.m. LA UNDR Y ■ SPA ClOUS CL OSETS - AIR KobackerHal CONDITIONING - PARKING A T YOUR FRONTDOOR General Assembly seats it you are a member of: FACULTY JAZZ ■ FAST EFFICIENT ON SITE MANAGEMENT & ENSEMBLE & SPECIAL GUESTS MAINTENANCE 1. An Officially registered student organization SECURITY LIGHTING - STEEL DOORS WITH 8 p.m. DOUBLE LOCKS - I 1/2 BA TIfS Brian Recital Hal I 2. An organization that represents a significant \ Saturday, April 14- PHIL WOOD QUINTET • -FLEXIBLE PA YMLST TERMS- portion of the undergraduate student population in 8 p.m. sheer size and/or percentage of the respective KobackerHal CAMPUS MANOR HAS NEW OWNERSHIP AND MANY OF OUR Phi Woods, saxophone APARTMENTS WILL BE COMPLETELY REDECORATED FOR FALL. constituencies Tom Barrel, trumpet VISIT OUR OFFICE/MODEL #B-15, TODAY AND RESERVE YOUR APT. FOR FALL '84 OR SUMMER. OPEN DAILY, MON.—SAT.— ASK ABOUT OUR Hal Galpef, piano SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. 3. An organization that provides service to the Stove Glmore, bass YOU CAN LIVE AT CAMPUS MANOR University community Bi Goodwin, drums FOR '143.00 PER MONTH (4 person apartment) 4. An organization that is in some way active in * Al wonts ires with the excepton of In Pli Wood Qurt&t. ALL UTILITIES FURNISHED University policy making Cal 372-0171 for IcM HonMlon. EXCEPT LIGHTS. New* Md nla Moort UUK> Art CM* 4 bg nawt/aprll 13 1984 -campus/local-

Country changed since takeover American recounts escape from Iran

by Tom Mea was also very beautiful," Drumgool sing the Iranian people and letting rolling down out of the mountains," stofi reporter said. "Now Iran is years behind ev- influence ruin the country. she said, "the clashing with guerrilla eryone because the war with Iraq has Drumgool said the news of Khomei- forces and all the screaming in the Tracy Drumgool ran through the destroyed its landscape and econ- ni's charges sparked rioting in the streets." Iranian airport frantically searching omy." streets, Increasing waves of anti- By 1979, the anti-American feeling for her parents. With the last United Drumgool's family moved to Teh- American feeling and the govern- had become so strong Americans had States plane minutes from departure ran in 1977 when her father, an inter- ment's imposition of martial law. to conceal their identity. and her family nowhere in sight, she national businessman, was "During martial law, all people had "We would go to the American was faced with the possibility of re- transferred from Philadelphia. She to be off the streets at dusk and it was school (in Tehran) in an unmarked maining in a nation that had taken a said the Iranian attitude toward strictly enforced," she said. "Our bus with the curtains closed because strong dislike to Americans. Americans drastically changed dur- neighbor was waiting in line to pump if the Iranians found out we were ing her stay in Tehran. gas lust at dusk. Just when he got out Americans they would throw rocks at Fortunately, Drumgool and her r'When we first arrived, the Iranian of his car to pump (the gas), military it," she said. family were reunited in time to board people greeted us with smiles and troops drove by and shot and killed Drumgool said as the anti-Ameri- the plane and escape Iran before a full bread, but by the time we left they him." can feeling intensified so did the ha- scale revolution began. were pelting us with bottles and However, Drumgool said the worst rassment. American families Now a freshman pre-nursing major. rocks,0 she said. aspect of martial law was the nightly received bomb threats while the walls Drumgool said a lot has changed The radical change in attitude was blackouts and fightinB between gov- of their houses became targets for since her three-year stay in Iran. fueled by propaganda filtered Into ernment and guerilla forces. anti-American graffiti. "It's really sad to look at Iran Iran from its exiled religious leader "I can remember me and my Her family left six months before today. When I was there, Iran was a Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini brother eating dinner by candlelight the Iranian students stormed the U.S. modern and productive country. It claimed the ruling family was oppres- and hearing the government tanks Embassy and took 52 hostages. Picture ID card idea scrapped dismiss the idea. cern about them," Mason said. just another situation where students byMlkeWclnlyre At last Tuesday's USG meeting, "That's why we asked for feedback would have to stand in line and slotl reporter Baird said the University would issue from USG and GSS." heaven knows they do enough of picture IDs beginning next fall and "In the meantime we decided to that," he said. Although USG president Brian USG was considering a proposal that scrap the whole thins because the Baird said he was told of the admin- Baird told the BG News last week that would keep a second set of these administrative council had enough istration's decision to dismiss the students would be recieving picture pictures on file for security purposes. concerns about it including cost and picture ID issue and discard the sec- identification cards starting this fall, Mason said the issues have been the process through which it would ond picture file idea yesterday. bg new* staff/Susan Cross Philip Mason, assistant to the presi- discussed and both are dead. develop," he said. "I don't understand it because the Tracy Drumgool dent, said yesterday the University's "We have been studying the issues Mason said the process of making students are for picture IDs but not administrative council has decided to and the administration had some con- picture IDs would be awkward. "It's for the second picture We," he said.

fay.-rA Welcomes WH TOM MAKE US AN OFFER!! HUSBANDS GORMON 521 Ridge Street (beside the Powder Puff) 3 bedroom, unfurnished house PRESENTS "TWO MEN A NEW CONCEPT IN ROCK MUSIC with 1021 Klotz Road (beside Childrens Resource Center) BEARDS" 3 bedroom unfurnished house FOR AN EVENING OF MUSK) 12208 E. Gypsy Lane Road CONSTELLATION II AND COMEDY 4 bedroom, unfurnished house with country setting WED. APRIL 18 8*0 - ttM fM. 8KAMD BALLROOM 338 N. Main Street (corner of Ridge & Main) 1.00 LASER ROCK CONCERT 3 bedroom, with basement efficiency, unfurnished FEATURING ALL OF YOUR FAVORITES 724 E. Woosfer Street 0$ THE WHO, PINK FLOYD, THE STONES, POLICE 5 bedroom, furnished house close to campus - up to AND MORE! ^ Spring 10 students TONIGHT Sleepwear GREENBRIAR INC UNIVERSITY UNION GRAND BALLROOM '3.50/ ticket 352-0717 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT FINDER'S, SOURCE, and UAO OFFICE DELCATE FLORAL TRACERY from mm

Panhellenic Council Proudly *8S Plan now for the 1984 School Year Presents The 1984-85 Cabinet Meadowview Court Members Greek Unity Terry Trowbridge Apartments . . .printed on liloc or 214 Napoleon Road Bowling Green, OH 352-1195 whit* grounds, Greek Week Rep Sheila Boyle sparked with dashing Scholarship Marian Marchiano ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT whit* eyelet Community Service Holly Govito •all utilities included »gas heat 'laundry embroidery-yoked. facilities "drapes "carpet •party & game room / In 50/50 polyester, Leadership Develop. Rina Shere rayon. Faculty Relations Terri Van Steenkiste •swimming pool *sauna USG Kelly Price $270-furnished $250-unfurnished Small, Medium, and COCO Melanie Greek TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Large UAO $280-furnished $265-unfurnished Plus gas and electric A Lee Field Landlord pays water and sewage Nightshirt $15.00 Intramurals Amy Augspurger Publicity Lora Mays EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS BGC Darlene Breedlove $225-furnished $200-unfurnished She SbrnJ* @uff RSA Michelle Nemes all utilities included, separate bedroom Constitution Michelle Leist II CtWTTMM Htm tN ■Wi MM! 525 KiJfe St. We Wish You The BEST OF LUCK!!


th» Bowling Grim Pmoca Cool it ion, Wonrn for Wommn, th» World Student Attoclotlon. th» Unlfd Chrlttlan SPONSORS: Fullowthlp, th» Honor Soclmry Association, and Social Justice Commit!—. -campus/loca bg news/aprll 13 1964 5 Creative expression Art therapy shows feelings fined field," Holtzman person who voluntarily Riehl said. "It helps you to by Tom A. Augello said. "The function of the seeks therapy to resolve be open minded about ev- reporter art (in therapy) is to pre- personal difficulties. erybody and not be sent us with what's really Holtzman said there are judgmental." A little boy is raped by going on inside of us. what four students working a RIEHL SAID the art bis father and bis uncle we won't own verbally. Art practicum in the field; one therapist does not do all and cannot communicate therapy uncovers each at a hospital, nursing the work for the patient the experience until be re- unconscious processes." home, mental health cen- "You dont fell them enacts a rape scene with When art therapy is used ter and a children center. what their problem is: you clay figures. An old man with physically hand- Sheryl Elmore, senior help them recognize it and believes he cannot draw; icapped people, it shows art therapy major from vocalize it and express it then he creates something them their capabilities. Sydney, started in college through art," she said. be is so proud of he wants ART THERAPY is a rel- as an art major but her When students graduate to put It on the nursing atively new profession. A desire to work with people with an art therapy degree home bulletin board. bachelor's degree in art drew her to art therapy. they still usually need"}* The person who works therapyhas been offered at She is now serving her Sears of experience before with people to make events Bowling Green for the past practicum at the Maumee eing considered for regis- like this happen is the art five years. Children's Center in Mau- tration into the American therai Therapy through art mee. Art Therapy Association, i many people may may take place in hospi- Elmore's roommate, Holtzman said. mistakenly - or jokingly - tals, clinics, alternative Kelly Riehl, of Fremont, is "You can't just go to the refer to art therapy as tea- schools, nursing homes, also a senior art therapy classified (ads) and find a ching people to draw, as- prisons and private prac- major. position in art therapy,' sistant professor of art tices. The patient might be 'The coursework we've Holtzman said. therapy Nina Holtzman physically handicapped, gone through has allowed "Students coming into said it can be an important emotionally disturbed, so- each major to experience the field know they are element of what art thera- cially delinquent, aged, a what other people are going to have to go out and pists do. drug and alcohol abuser or going through and opens frove the validity of their "It's not an easily de- a normally functioning their eyes about reality," ield."

Former yippie at TU bg news stall/Susan Cross Abbie Hoffman, former leader of the Youth International Party during the sixties, spoke out against President Reagan at the University of Toledo Thursday night. POQliai's Club wins state elections dVj 332-1396 C 332-7371 by Carolyn Schmltz Phi Beta Lambda mem- having the largest mem- munications and job inter- reporter bers, Tracy Garren, state bership in Ohio. It is the views. To win an award, 3 EAST /[ffl i^fc SOUTH adviser for the organiza- strongest one in the state, the students had to go 945 University students were tion and instructor of busi- Garren said. through testing and inter- 440 \WMi W$m elected to all four state ness education, said. ACCORDING TO Gar- viewing, she added. offices of Phi Beta Garren added having all ren, the students competed E. Court CS^-* Lambda, a nationally rec- of the state officers and the against other Ohio stu- of the organization is to 2jjtf^^ Sun.-Thrus. 11-Midnight ognized business organiza- state adviser from the dents in areas such as eco- enhance professionalism Thurs.-Sat. 11-2 a.m. JjIC^ffert ■9ft" #*" Fri. S Sat. 11-1 a.m. tion, at its state convention same university will help nomics, management, and help people become held in Columbus recently. strengthen Ohio's position marketing, business com- better leaders in business. in the organization. The officers for 1964-85 "It will make it easier include president Dena for all r,f them to get to- Conant, junior interna- S[ether and work on pro- tional business major; vice ects and will also be good president Bill Koerner, ju- Ciiblic relations for the nior human resources niversity," she said. management major; sec- Ten University students, terary Lisa Gonzalez, including those who won VISION! sophomore marketing state offices, attended the SEI THE GREAT PUT—ONS. OVER POTATO SKINS fashion merchandising conference to compete in 1.000 AT BURLINGTON OPTICAL major and treasurer Tom various business competi- Etgen, junior human re- tions. All of them won at $3.95 sources management ma- least one award. jor. Bowling Green's Phi SINGLE BIFOCAL Beta Lambda chapter, VISIOH $34.88 LENS $54. The students were nomi- which has 87 members, LENS and nated and then elected by also won the award for and Entire Month FRAME FRAME of April • Get the mo»t careful and professional fitting and service NEW AT BASH'S • Frame* and Lenses from the finest available sources • Unlimited selection of frame styles at the some price- The Best over 1000 »o choose from UNLIMITED SALAD BAR • Exam priced separately Eyes examined by Or. Kenneth G. Baker. O.D. Appetizers I Standard clear glass 8 400 to 200 CyI DAYTIME DELIVER? SERVICE All MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WELCOME in Town (BEGINNING AT 11:30 a.m. Weekdays/ noon-Weekends) SUNDANCE 352-1092 SALAD BAR & MEDIUM DRINK $-| 99 VALID 4/13 -4/20 NOT VAUD W/ ANY OTHER SPECIALS

NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR: th UNIVERSITY 5 BIRTHDAY HOSTS AND HOSTESSES • BECOME ONE OF THE FEW SELECT MEMBERS OF THIS PRESTIGIOUS SALE ORGANIZATION. • MEMBERS WILL REPRESENT Save on our entire stock of THE UNIVERSITY AT A VARIETY OF SPECIAL spring and summer better EVENTS. • STUDENTS SELECTED ON traditional clothing and sportswear THE BASIS OF for ladies and gentlemen. LEADERSHIP, ENTHUSIASM AND FRIENDLINESS. APPLICATIONS A VAILABLE THRU APRIL 16 IN lOl N. Main St. 405 STUDENT SERVICES Bowling Green, Ohio PFis Icrers • Cladieux 6 bg news,aprlH3 1984 ■campus/local— Campus politics gear up Laser light show plays in Ballroom by Dave Harding Who and The Rolling throp International, cre- and bounced off mirrors ence reaction to particular bv Jotene Aubel students. what Democrat will come Stones. ator of Constellation II, set up In the Ballroom. designs," Winthrop said. sign reporter "Five or six students out of the pack before we white lasers shooting As the music plays, fiber said Smoke effects and star- supporting the Jackson start to campaign," Jeff overhead and multi-col- optic ikon and krypton las- He said the laser images THE PURPOSE of the fields are also used to pro- University political or- campaign have become James, president of the ored images flashing may ers are projected in a vari- projected resemble spfro- argon laser is to provide vide background to the ganizations are gearing up deputy registrars in order club said. According to remind people of a science ety of images onto a 20 by graphs but designs and some sort of bulk effect on laser images and the mu- for the Ohio primaries with to register students to James, major cam- fiction movie, but instead 40 foot screen which is in- cartoons can also be cre- the audience," Winthrop sic. effort* to increase voter vote," Rose added. paigning for Reagan won't they will be in the Grand terfaced with photographs ated said. registration and knowl- Last week, nine campus begin until late summer or Ballroom tonight during a of sunsets and glaciers. "For instance during the Both lasers are con- The equipment usually edge about the candidates. supporters of Gary Hart the beginning of fall se- laser light concert. "The photographs give Styx song 'Kilroy Was trolled by a technician who takes eight hours to set-up. canvassed two Wood mester. Constellation H, a 60- the appearance that the Here', a krypton laser is operates the main console. If the laser is a quarter Jesse Jackson's cam- County precincts to take a minute concert beginning laser is actually coining used to design a Kilroy "The technician can cre- of a centimeter off, it can paign gathered campus survey on the upcoming "The Walter Mondale at S and 10 p.m., will fea- out of the sunset instead of doll," he said. ate different effects mean a loss of projection of support as volunteers col- primaries. Lists of county campaign doesn't have a ture rockperformers Pink just a blank screen," Matt An aerial argon laser Is according to his own mood about six to eight feet in lected signatures so his Democrats and indepen- local office as of yet," Don- Floyd, The Police, The winthrop, of Brian Wln- also projected overhead and on the basis of audi- the air," Winthrop said. name could appear on the dents were identified by ley said. "When Mondale's primary ballot. precinct lists according to Toledo office gets in touch Of the 571 signatures Dave Donley, head of the with me with information •dateline- needed, Marshall Rose, Northwest Ohioians for about setting up a Bowling Friday, April 13 sented on the basis of the "dlve-in-movie," at 8 Mi. BroBze Pageant -Com- Registration begins at 9 coordinator of the 5th Con- Hart and adviser to Cam- Green office, 111 be in- Baseball - BGSU vs. Ball scholastic achievement, p.m. at Cooper Pool, Stu- petition followed by a con- a.m. and workshops run gressional District for the pus Democrats. forming Campus Demo- State University at 1 p.m. extra-curricular activities dent Recreation Center. cert featuring jazz artist throughout the day on the Jesse Jackson campaign, The College Republican crats who want to get at Steller Field, north of and ability is 5 pjn. today. The pool will be open for Tom Browne. The event first floor of the Fine Arts said SO were University Club is "waiting to see involved." the Ice Arena. The scholarship, spon- swimming, and innertubes begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Building. The public is wel- sored by the department of will be available. Admis- Grand Ballroom, Union. come. Fees are IT'for non- Jan Week Event - The legal studies, is open to sion is free for Rec Center Tickets are 84 in advance. members of BATA and Tuesday Jazz Lab Band rising seniors intending to members and $3 for non- Islam Forum - A series of $3.50 for students. A spe- will give a free concert at enter the legal profession. members. events to inform the Amer- cial "Meet and Mingle Buff Apartments 3: SO p.m. in Kobacker Applications can be re- ican people about the Is- Hour" has been set aside Hall, Moore Musical Arts turned to 253 Business Ad- University Theatre Pro- lamic religion, sponsored for people interested in Now renting for 1984-8$ Center as part of Jazz ministration. duction - "A Funny Thing by the Political Science learning more about edu- Week. Jazz Week Event - The Happened on the Way to Department in conjunction cational and professional WSA '"Mini Olympics" - Faculty Jazz Trio will ap- the Forum" will be pre- witnthe World Student As- opportunities in the field of 2 bdrm. furnished Apts. The Mini Olympics will pear in concert at 8 p.m. In sented at the Main Audito- sociation's International Art Therapy. include hot pepper eating Bryan Recital Hall, Moore rium, University Hall at 8 Week. The event will begin Heat,$er/age,Water & Coble paid for by owner contest, tug of war, sack Musical Arts Center. The 6.m. For ticket informa- at 8:30 a.m. in the Faculty Jazs Week Event - Eight race, ice cream eating con- trio includes David Melle on, call (419) 372-2719. Lounge, Union. Programs Jazz groups will be fea- test and tire jumping. The on flute. Jeff Halsey on are available from the Po- tured in this all-day High Laundry Facilities end Air Conditioning vent will begin at 4 p.m. in bass and Wendell Jones on BGSU Hosts and Hostesses litical Science Department School Jazz Festival. The the courtyard of Univer- vibes. The Jazz Week V - All applications must be and the fee can be waived event, which is free and 540.00 per semester per person sity Hall. event is free and open to turned in to 405 Student for students. open to all, will be 10 a.m.- all. Services by Monday, April noon and 1:30-4 p.m. in Reddtn Law Scholarship - 16. Art Therapists in Process: Kobacker Hall, Moore Mu- Ctl 352-7182 with 4 people M**.-*»i*a Application deadline for UAO Campos Film - Spotlighting Students-The sical Arts Center. this $1000 award to be pre- "Jaws" will be shown at Saturday, April 14 Buckeye Art Therapy As- Delta Upsilon Bike Race - sociation (BATA) is spon- Fraternity and sorority soring an educational members will compete in a symposium. Presentations bike race sponsored by and workshops about art Delta Upsilon fraternity. i approaches and The event will take place ENJOY GOOD LIVING IN A lues will be given by at 11 a.m. in front of the Piedmont Apartment students and professionals. Math Science building. SUMMER $175/month SUMMER THRUS. STUDENTS WITH 835 High St. 352-9378 VALID ID ONLY $1.00

SPECIAL FEATURES • waltowaH carpeting • butt-in vanity In hallway IHTSI'jIH SKIWV • 880 aq. ft per apartment • sound conditioned interior • men closet OfASMAll • 2 bedrooms - 1 1/2 baths • cable TV • fast recovery Gas water heating IOWN IHAIIOSI IISOM.AMS • central Gas ad heating with • Kitchen comes equipped wtlh a • carpeted hats aM inside individual apartment controls Gas range, stainless steel sink entrances • completely furnished refrigerator, food waste disposal • Gas-equipped laundry area • utjlroes paid, except for • extra large closets available In each apartment electricity • insulated window glass txaVJng • L-shaped tvmg-dlnino, area with • sliding olass doors to balcony • paVo areas with Gaa grits avail oafcony • twin beds In each bedroom able for each building

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"THE MORALITY OF NUCLEAR SENIORS! WEAPONS". . .Mon, 7:30 p.m., 114 BA Bldg. Help us salute .. .MORE EVENTS TO COME! BGSU Sponsored by BG Peace Coilition SENIORS PHI MCI SPRING FLAMUR with special senior discounts in asure advertisements appearing Wednesday, April 18 and Wednesday April 25 V Offer savings to all BGSU students, faculty and staff, but congratulate seniors with an EXTRA discount with their valid BGSU LD. showing senior status. ***Date**

Contact the BG News advertising offices at 372-2601 or see y6ur account representative soon! April 14, 1984 state/world— bgnew$/apflM3 1984 7 UNIVERSITY VILLAGE Police bust the wrong apartments APARTMENTS COLUMBUS (AP) - cers, brandishing shotguns mistake" and that officers Kirk, inside. lawsuit. gunpoint for 20 minutes. Members of two families and submachine guns, apologized to the families. "I jumped up against the After leaving the Walk- Capt. Antooe Lanata MOST CONVINIINr LOCATION IN who were held at gunpoint raided two apartments The first raid occurred wall, and be put the shot- ers' apartment, the news- said a search warrant was during raids that police Wednesday in a federally about 3:50 p.m., when offi- gun against the back of my paper said SWAT officers obtained based on informa- /VN! CLOSE TO RLC CENTf R f/ later termed "a big mis- subsidized apartment com- cers with the department's head." saying, 'This gun rushed next door to the tion from a "proven reli- •YTRES. INTRAMURAL FIELDS take" said vesterday they plex on the city's south Special Weapons and Tac- can blow your head right residence of Charles Mes- able informant." FRATERNITY ROW. BANK FAST FC; were considering suing the side. Police were search- tics team knocked down off,'" Kirk said. ser Sr., where they kicked "I'd like to see this anon- department. ing for counterfeit money, the front door of the MRS. WALKER was not the front door open about ymous informant," Messer ICI ARENA department officials said. Elouise Walker apartment home at the time but said 4:10 pjn. Officers held said. "If I had counterfeit The Columbus Dispatch But police said yester- with a battering ram and later she had contacted her Messer, his wife, Barbara, money, do you think I said yesterday that offi- day the raids were "a big found her 16-year-old son, attorney about a possible and their three sons at would be living here?" • Gas heat, hot water and cook inq included High school helps victim (small monthly electric bill) AKRON (AP) - High school stu- that went into the project" woman wanted to attend the assem- DIVE-IN dents concerned about the plight of a Karla Dodson, a senior who bly rather than accept the money mi m • Spacious 2 bdrm. apts. 44-year-old woman who was raped launched the fund drive, called privately because all the students had and then stabbed in the eyes have "Pathways to Recovery," presented a part in it. furnished. given her $1,500 they collected. the woman with a check in the shape The Cuvahoga Falls woman, who of a footprint "She's been fantastic," West said Fast, dependable. 24 hr. does not know if she will see again, Students had donated money by about the woman, whom she is coun- maintenace received a standing ovation when she buying paper footprints for 25 cents seling. "She has been able to talk JAWS was introduced Wednesday at an each to show that ''recovery takes one about (the attack), and I think that IMfM. • In-house laundry centers. emotional ajsembly at Springfield step at a time." In addition, they has helped her. She's very, very con- High School in suburban Springfield collected money from parents and siderate of others. She has my deepest • Plenty of storage area. Township. Some 940 students attend businesses. respect and admiration." COOPER POOL, REC CENTER the school. The students also presented $225 to The fund raising began March 30 1.50 */lt) • Now accepting applicationsfor The woman told the students how Jeanette West of the Victim Assis- after students approached home eco- IHNErTWBES ARC AVAIIABWI touched she was that they would raise tance Program, an agency that coun- nomics teacher Anna Frammartino summer and next fall. money for a stranger. She said the sels victims of brutalcriines. about doing something to help the Call 352-OS : money counted less than the "love West said the Cuyahoga Falls woman. TONIGHT! PART II in MINI LECTURE SERIES NANCY MILLER from the Center for Educational Options will discuss The 1984 KEY.. United V\fay EDUCATIONAL OPTIONS FOR STUDENTS People Helping People TUES APRIL 17 7p.m. • MAC EAST LOUNGE • FREE Your Only Sure

Cm LJnteaa ^prinq forma Bet! Saturday -JpJ 14, 1984

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by Stove Oulnn The win made gave BG its first Redskins' runs came In the third and the handle on a Gina Casalinova balls put runners on first and second. the inning, and MU never posed an- sixth inning. groundball. Back-to-back singles brought in all other threat the entire game. ossisiont sports edita sweep of the season and upped its three runs and the Falcons never "We definitely played better in the record to 7-14. The victory also keeps With the Falcons up 1-0 on a Wright Youth and exprience on Bowling the Falcons undefeated at home, win- single and a Kavelaar triple, MU THE FALCONS still did not give up looked back. first game," Davenport said. "You came right back with one of its own in and held off two MU rallies, one in the Going into yesterday's game they set the freshmen to make mis- Green's women's softball team was ning all three of their games. takes, but they are picking up a lot of the key to winning two games against Not all was good, however, as first the top of the third. Carpenter the sixth and another in the eighth to had a team batting average of .182, reached third on fielding errors by set up Wright's heroics. which should go up, however, as the game experience. And a lot of them Miami University yesterday by baseman Veronica Miller collided areplayuig out of position too." scores of W and 3-2 in an extra inning with Cathy Aldrich in the final out of second baseman Ann Bracale and Kavelaar was not the only pitcher team gathered 10 hits in the first second game. the first game and suffered a broken right fielder Lynn Baerwaldt. to help her own cause as Bryan game and eight in the second. The team had eight freshmen with Carpenter scored immediately af- reached base three times and gave up "Our bats really came around to- five in the starting luie-up for both Senior Amy Wright's single in the arm and dislocated elbow. She under- games and all eight eventually seeing eighth innine off MU's Laura Car- went surgery at Wood County Hospi- ter reaching base when shortstop only five hits in the first game. day," Davenport said. "We are more Sandy Krebs mishandled an Aldrich She helped her own cause in the aggressive in baserunning and more action. Expect more freshmen to see penter brought home Sandy Krebs to tal and will be out of action for the action in the future with Miller out for clinch the victory for the Falcons. remainder of the season. grounder. Kavelaar stopped the second inning with the score tied at aggressive with the bets. We are "It was a big comeback for us," BG Redskin rally when she caught Meg oi.e. With two outs and Miller on beginning to put pressure on the other the season. bead coach Gall Davenport said of the BESIDES THE experienced play Brady looking at a third strike to end second, Bryan hit a double in the right team." This weekend the Falcons will take extra-inning win. "We didn't play well the Falcons received from Wright, the inning. centerfield gap to give her team a 2-1 their youth and experience to Ypsi- in Ball State (Monday) so this really they received strong support on the BG came back with one more in the lead. She was eventually credited THE ONLY threat from MU came lanti, ML, to compete in the Eastern helps us going into this weekend." mound from freshmen Mary Kay bottom of the third to regain the lead with the game-winning RBI. in the fifth inning when Aldrich hit a Michigan Tournament with MU and It was probably fitting for Wright to Bryan and Helena Kavelaar. Both and held it for three innings. A three-run third inning gave the two-out triple to send Casalinova Wayne State. have the game winning RBI as she hurlers went the distance for the MU knotted the score again at two Falcons the rest of their runs for the home from first. Aldrich scored on the FALCON NOTES: Kathy Fisher, finished with three hits, one stolen Falcons and improved their respec- in the sixth when Beth Mendozza game as they collected three hits and next play when Brady singled up the Jill Therriault and Wright are the base, and a run scored. In the series tive records to 3-9, and 3-4. singled and advanced on a sacrifice two walks to build a 5-1 lead. only three Falcons to have yet to miss she went four-for-six and reached Kavelaar surrendered just two bunt. Mendozza later scored when BG With two outs Krebs drew a walk Bryan induced Redskin Shelly a game, playing in all of BG's 21 base a fifth time by means of a walk. runs, both of them unearned. The first baseman Pat Oney could not find and stole second. Wright's base on Larned to ground out to Krebs to end games

Congratulations Delta Zeta on your **lAmericaran Heart BG hardballers host Ball State ^^AssocfaticrAssoctatton Baseball may be America's past- the season - lack of offense. an impressive 2.52 earned run aver- time, but it's Bowling Green's worst Platzer said he was relying on age, but with his team's stagnant State Day Awards speed and defense to carry his team. offense, he carries a 1-3 record. .he Falcons have won just one So far BG is sixth in fielding in the game in their last 10 outings. In the 12 Mid-American Conference, and have As a team, the Falcons are sixth in JUST ARRIVED! games since returning from their stolen but a band full of bases. the conference in batting with a .274 Most Outstanding Delta Zeta The Latest in European Florida baseball schedule, BG has A few bright spots still emerge from average and seventh in runs scored Sunlan Equipment. scored three or less runs in eight of all of this, mainly the hitting of junior with an average of 4.38 per game. those games, losing seven. Larry Amdt. Arndt is batting .405 Chapter in Ohio INTRODUCTC 1Y In snort, the Falcons are suffering with 17 runs, 25 runs batted in and five BG hosts Ball State today and to- SPECIAL from what head coach Ed Platzer home runs this season. morrow in two sets of doubleheaders, feared they would at the beginning of Senior pitcher John Maroli sports both beginning at 1 p.m. 8 VISITS /$25 Most Outstanding Programm ^n^^^^ •Rush •Activities SUMMER SPECIALS Efficiencies STATE •Philanthropy •Standards NURSING CHERRYWOOD $150 month all utilities Golden Heart Award: HEALTH SPA & BOARDS TANNING CENTER 1 Bedroom Voluminous home stutfr nofti on *W MM1 Of DMK Utffttt Denise Cappy •IH»h BWTI TiKr-«t tests KComptAittf by ce» $175 month all utilities paid pf htmivt iMeWni U»ts to bt ust. HOURS: rt toy of ow Uot ctnMrs Golden Crest A wards: Kim Pattys Mon -Fn 9am -10 p.m. Mjtiriill conttMtty UfOHt4. ' 0*1' 40 yutt of Sat 11 am -9 pm 2 Bedroom tiptnten Ml « _. „ n Luanne Heyink Karen Schmieding Son 1-9 p.m. ""m f MSSN $200 month plus gas & elec " ""°" JEL;pfc5J< (landlord pays water and sewage) 536-3701 3550SecorRd. Suite 201 SURF'S UP Meadowview Court Toledo.Ohio

OvM> "t MM UH 1011 Mil Apartments 800-223-1782 AT THE 214 Napoleon Road Bowling Green, OH 332-1195 tewi > Hn Ita K Up U S Urn. GOO PHOO BOO "AIN'T NO MOUNTAIN HIGH ENOUGH" BEACH BASH 1984 in BG for the Alpha Chi Omega


Crenshaw leads Masters by one Reds' Walker puts BG's Stocke AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) - Ben Trevino, like Crenshaw fascinated he drove into the woods on the 18th, honored by MAC Crenshaw pUyed an almo«t-«Torless with the possibility of winning this rattled around in the trees for a while bunder-par 87 and took the lead, one Randy Stocke, a Bowling Green title - wbfch ranks with the U .S. and and emerged with a double bogey. life into offense junior was co-Mid-American Confer- rtroke in (rant of Lee Trevino, after British Opens and the PGA as the Rav Floyd, a former winner here, the first round of the 48th Masters golf CINCINNATI (AP) - Duane the National League, batting .333 ence golfer of the week for his out- game's major events - scattered holed: out from the fairway for an standing performance at the Marshall tournament yesterday. seven birdies across his card in a eagle-2 on the 14th and topped the Walker, the man the Cincinnati on 16 hits in 48 at-bats - the second- "It was a very good round of golf swaggering, arm-swinging journey group at 70. Reds go to in a pinch, is trying to highest pinch hit total in the Invitational at Huntington, W.Va. today," said Crenshaw, so often a over the roiling hula of Augusta Na- ALSO AT THAT figure were George put the squeeze on a starting job league. Stocke tied for second with the challenger but not yet a winner in tional. m Archer, Tom Kite, two-time U.S. with his off-the-bench heroics. WALKER ALSO was impressive golfer he shared conference honors golf s Big Four events. The 27-year-old outfielder has as a starter, batting .321 in 17 starts with, Ian Bradley of Miami. Both It was, he said, his best effort ever Open champion Hale Irwin, Nick linksters totaled 145 strokes in the "But^said the man who is noted over the course he once vowed to Faldo of England and Gary Koch, the developed Into the team's top in the first half of the season. among his Deers as one of the finest never play again. only two-time winner on the PGA pinch-hitter and one of its most "I do a good Job at something two-round tourney, Stocke turning In putters In the game, "it could have BUT TREVINO, 44, a runnerup in Tour this season. productive part-time starters, a that's very difficult to do," he scores of 73-72. the Tournament Players There were some other late chal- role he values as his ticket to noted. "That makes my value to Stocke came within one putt of "I felt like I left a few snots out Championship, said he's changed his lengers. But they found that Augusta greater things. the club much greater. taking sole possession of second. That there. It easily could nave been two or mind and now ranks a victory in the National, wet from early-week rains "If I keep doing my job, I think Walker already has been valu- one putt, however, was nearly 70 feet. three shots better-and that's conser- Masters as one of bis prime goals. but still possessing very fast greens, things will open up for me," able in his role this season. In his Despite the distance, Stocke came vative." Walker said. "I'm just trying to first start, he cracked a two-run close to sinking the marathon putt as "After the way I pkyed the last was not completely without its teeth. the shot came to a stop on the Up of the He Ut 17 greens, reached two par-Ss three rounds in the TPC, I reached Gary Player, the South African who keep putting the heat on somebody. homer in his first at-bat and fol- in two and did not make a bogey. The way back and decided there's no has won this title three times, once got That's all you can do." lowed with a walk in a 9-6 victory cup. problem, said Crenshaw, lay with the place I cant play," he said. to four under for the sunny day. But The left-handed-hitting Texan over Montreal Monday night. Stocke's fine showing, in addition to putter, often the moat potent weapon was called up to the Reds during Walker said the most important a strong outing by senior Jean Laro- The international group of four at he played the next two boles three chelle, helped the Falcons to a second in his arsenal. This time, however, he 68, one back of Trevino and two be- over and drifted back, finishing with a the disastrous 1962 season and rule for a pinch hitter is to not get made only two putts longer than 30 started out hot, hitting .296 at the too carried away by clutch success place tie in the Marshall. hind Crenshaw, included Tom Pur- 71. Stocke will try to repeat his perfor- fiyhflg tar, Mark lore, the Japanese veteran Portly Billy Casper, now a regular All-Star break before cooling off to or too disappointed over failure. "I'm perplexed," said Crenshaw. Isso Aoki, and David Graham. on the Seniors Tour and the winner of .218 as primarily a backup player. "Everybody comes up to me and mance as the squad travels to Colum- "I had the putts at the right angle. I He found himself coming off the says, 'What's your secret?' There bus for the Keppler Invitational. This Graham, an Australian now living this tournament 14 seasons ago, got it key tourney includes competition was putting from where I wanted to in the United States who has scored four under par for a while - then ran bench again last season, and made isn't one," he said. "I just try to go be. But I Just missed 'em. The putter previous victories in the U.S. Open afoul of the little 16th. He wound up the most of his chances. Walker out and do the best I can and be from rival Ohio State, who walked hasn't been mat good this year?' was one of the best pinch-hitters in satisfied with myself." away with top honors in their last two and PGA, had a share of the lead until with a 73. tourneys which BG has competed in.

■sports/cap American Heart Association Mea's /WMnea'i Traek-at Central Michigan, today Dogwood Relays, today and tomorrow, 3 p.m. PI KAPP BEER BLAST and tomorrow, (Knoxville, (Keefe Courts) WE'RE FIGHTING FOR VOUR LIFE Tenn.) 0 Mea's Teaais—at Ball Mea's G*lf-at Keppler In- TOMORROW NIGHT State, today and tomor- vitational, (Columbus) SPRING HAS SPRUNG- row, (Muncie, Ind.) Wamea's GoH-at Perm Womea'i Teaais—against State Invitational, (State 8:30 - 1:00 Notre Dame, Miami, and College, Pa.) IN N.E. COMMONS featuring THE X- CITERZ GARAGE SALE PROCEEDS GO TO P.U.S.H. TODAY PROMENADE LOUNGElJNrON 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. UNIVERSITY . .GET INTO THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON! BOOKSTORE **m

APRIL ll,(12i.a.-3rn.) WINTHROP TERRACE ARTS. PHI KAPPA PS1 12) (S i.m.5 p.«0 1 3 , (8 «.-.-3 ».■.) OFFERS YOU SAVINGS UP TO SPRING FORMAL '^'rt Lf «».• •• V 00 Matt & Jenny Brian & Cindy Smltty & J.K. •1250. ON SCHOOL YEAR LEASES Rick&Michele Terry & May Michael & Cathy COMPARED TO OTHER REALTORS. James & Eva Ray & Sheri Slip & Leslee Chris & Denise Buck & Tiger Murray & Amy 2 bdrm 2 bath 4 person apt. Shawtz & Lucky Giad Rob & Janet Matthew & Jodie Matt & Donna Mama & Peachcakes Doug & Rhonda '483. per semester per person. Scott & Cheryl John & Julie Willy & Tracy PAPERBACKS Steve & Mary Ricky & Associate Matt & Faith CLOTHING GIFTS JEWELRY WE PAY HEAT. WATER. CABLE Brad & Michelle Doug M. & Leslie J. Steve & Susan BEAUTY AIDS AND TRASH PICKUP Brian & Kris tie Brian & Laurie Mark & Jenny Mike & Christi Scott & Kelly Chris & Michelle 1 & 2 BDRM APTS Bru&Red Check & Chick Carey & Judy Ballpeen & Toni Spud & Leah Furnished & Unfurnished Rich & Deanna Butt Convey & Jim NaborsJim & Natalie Rick & Elna UP TO Doug & Sue Thorn & Gayle Tadd & Kelly 400 Napoleon Rd. 352-9135 75% OFF.. Weekdays 9-5:00 Evenings by Appt. TOLEDO RIVERVIEW— APRIL 13,1984 KKT KKT KKT KKr KKT KKr KKT KKr KKT KKr KKT KKr KKT KKT KKr KKr KKT K NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT Kappa Kappa Gamma First Annual 777 & 775 MANVILLE: PRESENTLY ARE MARRIED AND GRAD.STUDENTS (Apts 9-24) Spring Formal • UNFURNISHED / 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 BATHS Patty and Ed Terri and Duncan • 12 month leases / *300 per month Beth and Paul • FREE WATER & SEWER Judy and John • WASHER & DRYERS IN EACH BUILDING Julie and Ken Jenny and Bill o " 1 733 MANVILLE: PRESENTLYUNDERGRAD. STUDENTS Sue and Michael J. Rose and Suave • 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 BATHS/FURNISHED 1 Maria and Sammy "■MMBIBV Marianne and Mike • 9 & 12 month leases available Debi and E-Stein Judy and Webby • FREE WATER & SEWER • TENANT PAYS ELEC. & GAS Heidi and Mike Jill and Lew d Kim and Jeff 825 3' ST.: VERY NICE UNITS! Cindy and Joe • 1 bdrm. APTS. Cindy and Darren Kelley and Kevin • #1,11,15,4 ARE UNFURNISHED - THE REST FURNISHED Betsy and Blake A TOAST Beth and Bob • FREE HEAT, WATER & SEWER Tina and Lee TO A SPECIAL Lisa and Tom • TENANT PAYS ELECTRIC ONLY NIGHT • 9 & 12 month leases available Marie and Joe Mary and Brad Linda and Fred 841 8*ST.: PRESENTLY ARE UNDERGRAD. STUDENTS Beth and Marc • 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 baths/Furnished Sarah and John Tammy and Jim • Free Water & Sewer Denise and Craig Beth and Bob • Tenant pays elec & gas Jane and Tom Diane and Kris • 9 & 12 month leases available

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Alteneon Man AMne CONTiRATULATONS DZ VOLLEY MM MM MM SKIRTS We Ha»e The Loweot Alrlaraa 3 bdrrn Houee tor rent, aoroea form Good lack Ra Ep Bake Taam- CAMPUS/CITY EVENTS Abha Fti-eNng am torvlo al tour. BALL TEAM ON A GREAT FINISH' Aaaort. *tyto* * colors - Jeerw N To Europe! HELP WANTED urtv Awaata* summer I 1984-85 THANKS TO ALL THE DZ AMD Oaa* lulirtt. Oratj rtarrbaaa, ThUga. 531 Rklg* St For Free Coax Brecnara, Wrne To: $460. no. Cal 362-7634, 9-6. Iha tore*** aaya ma tune gonna pour Jerry KarJaL OaraU Krermlon, Rob OMego park * Ida place you. M. For LAMBDA CHI FANS FOR YOUR My Dal Catch Spring Fame, vrl be Compua Tuill lol 1 HIT It Louis. •oker. Chat Roohetko, Stave Taytor, Houee tor Rant. Summer Ortyl 2 SOW 441 BPtlT Ms. mot. SUMMER JOBS • wed and atari tH ««i your favor** Brian Yeardley. Greg Corbatt, end groat, becouse I love being your first bdrrn. Fum. ctoaa to campus April 14th 7:10-11:30 AtohaPts. Corvgratukaone Cheryl Ferkany on molo'l Your Swealiaart IS rr TRUE YOU CAN BUY JEEPS FOR SPORTS MINDED. HARD $2207tno. Cal Dave at 352-7465 WORKING STUDENTS OPENINGS ATTT* UL M I H W OUT- your AXO-Skj Ep lavalarlng to Bran ONCE UPON A TawE TWO FUN FOR J44 THROUGH THE US GOV- Fum. 2 bdrrn. apt* * houses LM-eoatryaattwa^tpltadlllia. H MANY PARTS OF OHO. $200 A HMIII ACADEMIC r«CORD: daW Love, Your AX aatars G«LS WENT LOOKM3 FOR TWO ERNMENT? GET THE FACTS TO- Summer ratee avalabie Ideas II.M, HAPPY BBTHOAY WEEK AND UP. TWELVE WEEKS m CMKK YOUR OCta, FOB YOUR FUN GUYS TO TAKE TO THE ALPHA DAY! CALL (3121 742-1142 EXT 352-7454 before 6:00 pm Data Dekjado la your curiosity USAWHTTAKER GUARANTEED FOR MORE INFOR- ■rvTTATION TO THE MM eMRTAR aroused as to which KD7 If ao. than PHI DATE PARTY AND S'TUMBLED I7B4. Wa lov* you, Bactty. Laura, Mary, MATION COME TO: 1 t 2 bdrrn apt* 1 houeea 9 mo. MAW SCHOLARSHIP IALLI BLINDLY UPON THEM AT THE here are aom* dues aa to who I may Doe Dee. And Cndy PERRY QROGAN ROOM 12 mo., a summer Mess* 362-7464 QMLY tltrCOUHt FOP. STUDENTS KAPPA SIGMA HOUSE ALL FOUR ABomon, Pregnancy Taeta LOST AND FOUND be My hek Is It brown. I play aotlbai PS TECHNOUE COMES WITH STUDENT CENTER fbetwoon 1 00-4 00pm| * voaaybaJ. I have mora mar 1 HAD THE BEST TIME EVER! DAVE Sajdant Retoa AXO'I To Ma tl VoaawMlaaraon AGE! AT 11:00am, I OOpm or 3 00pm Need Mare Students to ■ house tor loonawala, 4 I kve on the west aids of AND TONY GET READY FOR SOME Cantor lor Choice campus. Cauaa Mam MIIW ON WED, APFIL 18, 1984 aummer only! Owl. bedroom now LOST-2 necklscoe m 201 Have* a campus Your deckaon aa to who I am HAPPY HOURS at SAM B'S FUNTONIGHTII Downtown Toledo (4101 25S-7769 5-7 pm * 10 pm-rtadnko ATTENTION COLLEGE STUDENTS compua Phone 352-7365 go*), box an imu ma *• T*»»*»r«r»lliera*l Yearoaaor. shouldn't be ruahad. because V you DIANE AND AMY w«h bkieetone and gw». Contact are wrong I w*J reeiy be 'cruahad." BRING A FRsT-NDtl Neftonel Company needs 15 students Need Female Students to ■ opts I Michael Stortey Band. Sun. Apr! 15 BUSINESS CAREER SEARCH SEaa- Brando Schey. Box 4909. $20 re- Love. Your KD daM Hard work, al the way has made us lor lul Ome Summer Employment houaaa tor school yoar 1964-86 at 8:00 Sajdant Union Auraonum. NAR « COMrNQ WEDNESDAY what we ere today, Motivation, mspr- Earn t2.600-4.000 - cash schd- Phone 362-7336 Urtv ol Toledo Admwalon $9 00. OANAFASKieT APR*. 11 JAZZ WEEK V ratkm. thats what wa hove true ded arafapa • can work m norrurtown CARTY RENTALS LOST-SeverMe ekidenta in advene* »10 al Iha door CONQRATULATIONS FOR SfCOM- Open Sunday. 12-6 p.m., French Ml WOODS OUeOTET UDOn-Royal Green and Pershmg BatiaaWa Inooma, caua many bene- 316 E. Marry St Top He* of houae. w/cctsgonal lac*, groat s*n*mental t general pubic Tickets are aval. M M THE NEW PRE*. OF CHOICE Knot, Downtown. BowSnB Qroon Tickets M, I. 10 RBa. BQIDM wl gat their eyas ka". fits, raoda aaratwrtaaon Apply In 4 bedrooms tor 5 students $ 160 per vWue Haward - no questions eeked Toledo STudent Union candy counter OAY BTUOtHT UNION. FROM •at. Apr! 14.1 pa. Dp ■ tUht end ws arl win At Bowing PN DMb). Day of 2000 a aknoat paraon, Friday Apr! 13th at one ol parson/720 a aaiiiaator hdudee al 364-1837 and t«e Comtach candy oouraar YCIIJRXO SISTERS ANO*Wst»IO«, Kobecker Hall Groan. Annual BOCM. here; gat ready to drink eome beer! Call 172-0171 Ihe toeowmo Bmaa: 12:45 - 1:30 - LoetPloneer Oanlir. Om-Fm cea- DancMg * spssshmf HAWAIIAN LUAH-TONIGHT! FHWPPJDeil 2:16-3:00 eetto player Loet In perUng tot near Friday the 1301 PHI PSI PfltOEl! Oral Room - Student Union 630 N. Summit-Apt *C. 2 bedroom Rec Comar Reward Avoaabkt. Cal VOLUNTEER FOR TRIATHLON Club Foot-1-10 pea REC CENTER CLUB POOL 6-10 PM PW P8I PRCEII DOMatio a PI in la hartng on v era. apt. tor 4 Mutants $126 par par- 354-1303 lf*ORMATK)N MEETING sponeotad by Soochai MOCKTAU3 AND MUSIC BOW MOM I DAD IWEAT- SPONSORED BY BACCHUS Podi Maunca PoNa: Ouolflcatlon.: eon/562 00 a semeeter plus electric- Found male puppy, 0-7 moo. near APPA 19. 9 PM r»*»o^.(AooaB>eev*eroroth- BHeTtTS ARE BACK! Great for Paddy Murphy waa greet but tonight Muel be at toaat II yra. oat al alectnc opt I 2 semoaterindlvlduel Manila and Wooator. Cat 362- MEZZANME RM AT SRC araL It's Friday the 13th. But don't you Mother t Father's Day glfta or sjsl to wa reefy rate We're off to Otsego Must hav* own car. 6323 Dash: Got peyched lor • rids with . Mar. the KD Cruan Party kt finely show them Hat you care Order try Park where mere arl ■ dancing Hurt hars csr In.ursncs. tody cab drkrar. Bake: Will you be hara. The tropical breeze, coconuts 1 3S4-3187_ and., way peat dark. Wal have a Maat be able to work waakand Houses Rooms Apts Summer Renl- my dote lor the WHOLE date party? and patn Iresa wfl ssl s mood thet « picnic In me back. Bring via Bessys night.. Coma In tor on Intorstaai ea-Specal Retoa. 362-7365-Carty RIDES B*y! Did you guy. Mat gel h.r.7 euretopliasl Party Room For Rant so «a> night wont lack. Oh Boyl TNa anytime after 4 pnv tra* week and J-L » C.W. JackS- a mo day tor which you'va bean 4-0* CU> aaktorDen. (DUNES* CAREER SEARCH SEMI- My pan must have worked, you lol 7th and High Door.. Hay dud*, dk) you krat get war*.' What could be bettor than Seeking energetic industrloua hrMd- NAR N COafJMO WEDNESDAY lor the bed I'm one kicky Itslwnnen. 352-0378 after 5 352 7324 here7 Congrats on being n*wty ual for part time employment with a to catch a great data. Leave •* your goal' Alpha twhln' 7 Love Sue NEWLOVE MANAOEMtNT SERVICES OFFERED APPAL IS. olocted Beta pnu Could you Ml I quick copy operation. Prior experi- work, check out tor th* day Say SCOTT MESEL, YOU DON'T KNOW pYE STILL HAVE APARTMENT Bath rjuranO-CcngnaHaadona on your mowed you band? Houee toshers ence In a ratal environment oenell you've gone Falwi.' to Otsego Park ME, I HOPE YOU'RE ANXrOUl TO FOR THIS aUwawER A NEXT AXO-Skj Ep fanning to BBI Beet Love, The tody cab driver M. Graduate Student, turn awndry TUTOFtNQ BEE. WE beTT NOT ONCE. BUT THE cks. Slop In al Klnkoa copies 326 E FAU-A VAIwETY THAT Wajhaa to you both! Love. The AX'a to play Pack up your gear, and Don't Avaaable May 1 and Sept 1. Bake Math - Algebra - Cafcdue DAVEI GET PSYCHED FOR NUMBER WAS 2. YOU'LL NEVER Woosler lor sppfcesnons. WILL PLEASE EVERYONE. lullalll TNa spring tamer starts SirS.OOrmo ind UN Cal 362- Reading — Grammar — Compoa*on BEWARE ALL DELI'S. ITS FHSJAY FLAMER. ITS GOWG TO BE FUNIII CALL 1524*20 OR 352-111I soon and th* PN canl wen"'! GUESS, HOWS THAT FOR A CLUEI 5430 or S23-3405 after 3 30. SUMMER JOBS Cal 874-3348 after 6 p m THE 13*11 BUT HAVE NO FEAR. USA Lov*. Mtchata Xo WITH HAW THE SAME COLOR. ROYAL PRESTIGE HAS SUMMER OAKHURST LEARNt*G CENTER THE DEE ZEES WsU. PROTECT DAVO. Jemean * Terry: Good kick In Pom- WE'RE ABOUT THE SAME HEIGHT. House to share WORK AVAILABLE PI MANY AREAS YOU TYPING The day * hara, I know you cant merene ayouts Sot. Show em what AT THE KD FANTASY ISLAND. WE M. Graduate Student, turn laundry. OF THE STATE. TWELVE WEEKS One block trom carnpu* on I Done lo order. Pickup I delivery M Hockey Shirts, Caps, Vleora wal. cauaa the catch of the day at you've got! Were behind you 100% WU bTgT THERE TONMHT. Avaoat* May 1 and Sept 1. GUARANTEED $230 A WEEK AND — I a* al ng tor aummer, top hoi of service aval Cal 352-7801 beyouroatel Leva ya. Tma. Annette. * Rachel SopNaacatari Lady I175 00.'mo ind. utl Cat 352- UP. FOR MORE laTOflMATION, house. 3 bedrooms, totally lur- MENDING 1 CLOTHING REPAIRS Lake Ma Sparta Prs-atang wal go. t brow, wa wa OSU was tun 6436 or 923-3405 after 3 30 COME TO: nlahad, torg* kHchan. now refriger- dry* 'or. Watch out or you I maybe JAZZ WEEK V Bring new Bo to crippled dome* Cat *OSU HOOTS AMD HOSTESSES and a great pasce lo run PERRY GROGAN ROOM ator Hid 1111111 ere paid. M7I tor lol hook sne « smker' TODAY: TUESDAY LAB BAND ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR 352-7801 Apply Now- so be ready tor another trip STUDENT CENTER *m ***••• CM UH*—. Lov*. Vaksrl* 3 30 p.m. Kobecker Hall ONLY $2.80. LK 1450 E WOOS- 00* leads** Serato** So Get A Grip! WAD AT 11:00am, 1 OOpm or 3:00pm. THUFtSTW MANOR APARTMENTS Expert Typing TONIGHT: FACULTY JAZZ ENSEM- TER 352-0564 Big JohnS.. DELTA SIGMA PI Steve H. ON.WED, APRIL 18. 1964 Air uulxllrjiwd. lury carpeted. caNe flaaniniaHa Ratea BLE I GUESTS Cal 2-3895 and wlah Pack up yout cooler. Your lackla box Dew Pledges. vwton. aractonctoa, kundry lacM.i. Cal 352-7305 after 5 30pm I p m. Kobecker Hen Look forward to Via KD Crush data Peggy a Happy Birthday CAMP COUNSELORS too Cm todays the day. I'm going Gat peyched tor this weekend—an party because I'm totaay peyched'! Outstandkig San and Trim Down Now kmamg for aummer I toL Al your typing needa prompt A pro- 1 TOMORROW: PHsL WOODS Happ, Urthday Pegg, PN-afang wth you! exponent* you w* NEVER lorgel 451 Thurabn Ave 352-5436 leaalonel Cal 352 4017 QUINTET Lore, Your KD cruah Loea yoar roooal*. Camp* Tennis. Dane*. S*mn**oca. BB Are you loody???? WSI. Athletics. NutrroorVDkllaOca. 20 NEED TYPING? i p.m. Kobecker Hal Stove P « Jofl A ON SUNDAY, APFIL 16 IT IS BETSY SUMMERfTALL RENTALS PS dont torgal fjf bam Luv ya. Joyce plus Separate gala' and boys' 6th Year Service Cal S7*4)17t tor ttokot kwormeuon. Friday me 1301 cutd be your lucky PAPENHAGEN'S BIRTHDAY NONE Conveniently located, hray lar- Bob Wake.. DELTA SIGMA PI camps 7 weeks CAMP CAMELOT alahed. AC sots, now ranting tor 352-0809 night! Gat ready tor the party ol your OF HER FRIENDS WANT TO SEE Pha/wig w* be the theme lor Alpha UndaH. JEFFOEVORE on Colege Campuses at Mass . •vee on Kappa Daaa Fantasy Isawd" HER DEPRESSED. SO WHY DONT Summsr 1M4 and School Yaar PN data party on Friday 13M. So I wouldn't want to make a fool of you GET PSYCHED TO GO PHFSHMG Perm . No Caroana. Can Sand re- Get psyched" YOU GIVE HER A CALL AT 2-1428 1»»4-*». Cal IH4IM. twee, ao hare's your warning WEAR TONIGHT. FLAMER FEVER' sume aachat* Friedman Director. PERSONALS grab your real and ban. cauaa Alpha Your wonderful * WaJ KD Crush**! AND WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTH FALL I SUMMER RENTALS Phi Ramer w* be Oral ratal! WHfTE UNDERWEAR! LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT 947 Hewlett Dr.. No. Woodmere Luv ya. Joyce TAOO, DAY. ALL CALLS WILL BE GREATLY 2 BORMS-M BLK TO CAMPUS TonkeMs gonne be greet and TIME! LOVE YA. LOW I'M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD NY 11561. 516-374-0786. 352-4671 day or 352-1600 eve PS Don't I know you from eoms- APPRECIATED DENNIS *a gkad fat spending I with the Jsrry-Fmt we mat at Iha tea. And Caraury Label I Tag Co haa open- whors? — You're s great me TO PHI PSI FORMAL ON FRIDAY I DUPLEX TROUP « WOOSTER THANKS FOB THE FANTASTIC * wonderful guy I know! He'. now you're going fvjhlrvj with ma, KNOW WE'LL HAVE A GREAT TIME Shown* Don. rigs aval, aaohg cualom rjaokaglng TIME AT FORMAL IT WAS SO 2 BDRM APTS 352-4380 red hek. UH, very hendeome DoB Sigme PI Pledges. Canl wart to party M me park, wa I'M SO EXCITEDI Yaa nlghlguard. are always pro- to ntarars Canrasakxi psja bana- GOOD TO HAVE YOU LIE IN MY These past weeks of pledging wl SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE people can Mm Captain Kerala; Phle wi be harvng way past dark See LOVE. KELLEY tecting our no but on Friday the na S18-25K Hat yaar ewrvnga ARMS AGAIN ILL NEVER FORGET Lg 3 bdrrn Hee Aval tor 84/86 yr actuaty coy oft Gel psyched for you torajht. Martha .'Ml who aril protect you? Don't Cal Mr George Henry 362-7629. ALL THE FUN WE HAD *• FINDLAY Saluroaya lrals»0on.l! Th* Goidenheerts ol Sigma Phi Ful carpal. New decor. Oaasmt I Lee* yea. Anne mH BRYAN AND TOM ROSSI, osl nervous or plan lo run. Kiel HOUSEBOY NEEDED WHAT A SWELL GUY. WHALE EpeHon ark* lo congratulete th* Stor. 2 car gar. 9 mo. toaaa. t Bl. DM0 DONO ... FRIDAY THE I3TH IS YOUR LUCKY liatiaitll It's al In good tun. So HOUSEBOY NEEDED AWAY SAILOR I'VE ONLY JUST now aclheal The struggle la over! Irom Compua at Clough • ManvS* Brian Swope ANOFFJPP DAY. A PHI-SHING WE'LL 00, look forward to Friday: We're will- CAUMrCHELE AT2-071I BEGUN GET PSYCHED FOR THE Old someone say got aom* Bart? I dd So gat peyched lor Beta and all the $620rmo 352-4175 afler 6 THE ALPHA FM WAY. YOU'LL BE ing to bet ft wnl be a ragnt you will FUTURE' and your* my data!! Alpha Pre* era OUNC(OUY) other great times aheedl Remem- LOOKMQ FOR A JOB WITH TOP DPJNKINa UKE FISH AND FISHING never torootll Can't aral tW Mday, A aaotils Fr* 84. 1 « 2 bedroom ALL MY LOVE. MARY going llehln and lucky you era part ol I'M OLAO THE SURVEY WORKEDI ber K'. the heorl that eats ua COaaoWIIOIIT A CHANCE TO OET PSYCHED FOR KAFFA FOR- WITH PHIS. BO LETS CAST OFF RaeAnn I Surie. deluxe turn apts Ctoa* to campus. (vat rraseun. PI bring the bear, you apart! I MEET PEOPLE? WFAL RADIO IS ADPI-S. get peyched lor a wild time ol TONIGHT FOR A NIGHT ON THE 362-3446 bring the sleek end one fantastic time MALI Lore, The Qoldonlvosrts NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR partying tonight' SEAS. VEL-MANOR APT FOR SUMMER a what wo! make. So Grab your gear LOVE YOUR KKO [0AL| THERESE MALANOSKY HAWAIIAN LUAH—TONIGHT SALES PEOPLE. COME TO 411 The Phi Daks LOVE YOUR ALPHA PHI DATES, Across horn KoN Hal. acroaa from and twang hat too. Because Ot**go DZ PLEDGES. THANKS FOR ALL OF CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING COME DANCE 8 SPLASH SOUTH HALL OR CALL 172-2111. Alan. Canl wel to go PN-ehlng with DEMISE AND BARB Rodoors Quad. Own. al condi- Park « waring lor you!' YOUR SUPPORT AND ENTHU- THE SUMMER JOB YOU WANTED. I ENJOY MCOXTAfLS I LIMBO you You're some calchl Lovo, Lynn. 1 tioned quart Mmoaphara. Accomo- Love, Jwwry _ SIASM WE THINK YOU'RE GREAT! Juke, got won soon ao w* can have KNEW YOU'D GET IT LOVE. MARK 8-10 PM CLUB POOL ALPHA GAM PLEDGES' a beset si Mac Quod's Formal to- oaBon* tor 2 or 4 people One two BRONCO- HEY YOU FtSHN DE- LOVE, THE DZ ACTTVES TNa Alpha PN went Ushrn' and caught SPONSORED BY BACCHUS FOR SALE THANKS FOR BREAKFAST YOU night wflh Matt and Brant! Love. bedroom kttl tor M Cal 352-2668 MON-OET PSYCHEDI WELL SEE PS THANKS FOR THE SURPRISE horsefl s Pfcs Tortght Flemor a their GUYS ARE THE BEST! GET PSY- Til* Roomls who Inherited your 2 bedroom newly turraahed apts. WHO WWS THS TaAEI YOUR AL- AT CHAPTER rraaalon to so* what those PN's party 78 Cougar XR7 CHED FOR 2001 BEERS LOVE, AN tUBorCatd. Now rarUng tor '64-85 FREE aoto- PHA PHI CHFAST FIGURE DATE ENGRAVABLES Bull Gat psyched JEFF KING' Your Loaded w/axlraa. excel cond. Black ACTIVE Portorvjazed gifts catalog. Kevin end Dan ■a TV. Cal 352-2663. ■•OTHERS OF SIGMA FM EFSt- Alpha PN dato. JB Exterior. Rod Interior. Price to eel Alpha Game. Get ready to party '■ Wa hooked our dot** with reel live Room avaaable tor tomato tea aum- LOrt OOOO LUCK TOISOIWOW IN send $l 00 to Engrava-A-Skjn-Ltd Tan. Conr/afuoVaon* on your newty Mr. Paul Edward Hinds: Dsto par- Grand Replda 632-7461. wa drop at day ot 2000! 123 8. Mam St.. Fmdlsy. Ohio baH, So I guess that mskss as mer. u>rr»itote use ot the houae. THEDUBKE RACE. WERE IEHIN0 atoctad position aa CoCraarman ol la*, tor mala, and *MnMormala Looee weight now. oak m* how. Cal The Phi Dels evening meal provided 611 Waal 45840. the 1984 1985 Orientation Board I hove been great wtth you tor the MtoT 3 pm, 666-6878. YOU ALL THE WAVII Wuuator St Ask tor Mrs. Church M Alpha Phi Dele Digger. LOVE. THE 004JEHWEAATS We w» deduct *1 00 trom first ordat know you'l do a great |obl peat three years. Tonight la the lest FREE 362-2496. 176/morah. The Pheoeophy semester la afenoet ERIC J ROSENBERG— What s chetch! Looking torwsrd lo a Love. Robm ol our date panto* baton are enter Rocky needs • horn*, Mixed German BTC » super Alpha PN dew perlyl Sure gkad Need 2 rrraraaa to eub-k* i hout over, ana I want you to know; I we had One motSoek. perry Tea makes tour m YOU WANT TO CATCH A BEAUTI- Tan-Friday ragnt we're gong Pre- ska real world. Let', moke I ttvs Shepherd. 4 yra. Vary good watch- tun wafctog and tefung. rain, efceet or I caught you! Love you. Kan tor summer, dose to carnpua. mJcro- doeen i rr? Maybe wel raw* on* of FUL ALPHA PHtSH TONIGHT. YOU ahkig and I can hardly wait. I don't beat ev*r...eo grab your bear, your dog. Houaobroken & neutered CAI •now. ao got ready lor Phr-smng. Ihoee greet ta*s end remember it ttvs HAD BETTER BRING THE RIGHT MARK. know how many aah wel casch But. hat, yoar rod aw eels, and tola go wave. riafmaahar. 2 rokk>w*k)ra tonight» me mght. lei looee. done he 364-1603. nmsi Gat reedy lor another greet CANADIAN BAIT EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY HAVE I'm plod you caught th* belt' Looking latan. I tove you. Krlaten Sue. $90 a month. CAI 352-2169 ahy. and atari to get peyched' I'm CYNTHIA THE BEST CATCH EVER. TM forward to a real KUHEL time You'va Engaah darts I scceeeorkM UNEXPECTED FAT>«F»400D looking forward to Pfv-afvng. I hop* an Your tavoree Alpha PM E-STEM, SAMMY. WAVE, AND LOOKING FORWARD TO FISHING' got m» -hook, sne and smker' Kelyn PurcaTs Bate Shop MUST RELOCATEI NEW APT. FOB you are too. You'I reefy enjoy the tun ■oSTTY, MEDIC ALERT: RUMOR WITH YOU TONIGHT' AND THATS 131 W Wooaler St 362-6264 RENT PLEASE CALL 362-1346 right that at awwting you! See ya Frl To my Dream Man. BUCK. HAS IT THAT THERE WILL BE A NO UNE I LOVE YOU—SARA WANTED Evening. WTidy I Canl wal to go flaring with you 19'' Coax TV Lower duplex; summer t Wl. upper GET READY FOR LOTS OF FUN AT SEVERE INTOXICATION EPIDEMIC ■ rjteft-Hey! What time does Canl watt to sea what's on the end of Exceasnt condition duplex: aummer I M. 362-0639. ALPHA PHF8WN0 EXCURSION THE ALPHA PH DATE PARTY. IT THS SATURDAY NIGHT IN TO the Phlshmg atari? Get ready tor a my hook! Get psyched to go flahlng $100 DATE PARTY SHOULD BE A REEL WHALE OF A LEOOI CAN YOU WITHSTAND THE 1 bdrrn. apt dose to carnpua 64-65 great Urns. Can era stay until 6:00? with the PN's Female Rmmt needed lor summer 352-4609 The Alpha Phie are having • del*. INTENSITY OF All ALL-OUT DRINK achod yaar 1-267-3341. TTMEI Lore, your token SAE. Love. Your Proem Dote and or 84-65 ach yr Free gas & Weson Go« Clubs S Bsg Grati your poles and rig up aom* ban. I LOVE YOU, MARY INQ SPREE? WE'VE BEEN DOING Summsr rentals 1 bdrrn. apt. and 6 MtohaelD. water at Rocktodg* Apt*. Cal Jan- $176.00 Friday the ism al our lucky day. OUR 12 OZ CURLS ALL WEEK WE To my favortt FIJI Andy, bdrrn house Ctoa* to carnpu*. 1- CHAPTER IV Friday the lain, what ■ nlghl It will nler at 352-9334 352-4609 War* going Ptx-shmg Iha Alpha PN KNOW rri BE FUN. CUZ WE HAVE Data Party ra drawing near. Alpha 267-3341 rung BOX-A-LOT waa 00 enter- be. Soon you'll be going flahlng way Chares and Fapper are watching SUCH GOOD TASTE IN MEN! THE Fraretang Urn* la bar, So grab your F. rmto. needed tor summer to *hare 79 KAWASAKI 750 TWW WITH toned rtvat he gave las whole king with me. So pack up your tackle oft shore, to catch some excitement. PARTY STARTS AT 2:00 SAT CE- pot* and fishing hat causa Alpha Parkview Uobas Horn* SISO/mo . FAIRING. LUGGAGE BOX, AND ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: dorr, to Mr. D.U and into »*» day the box, your cooler, and your lavortlo (hare erl be plenty galore. Just pack STEIN. WELL SEE YOU ARUND PM Dale Party Is where 11'. Ml own bdrrn Cal joy 372-5036 TOURING SEAT $900 or beat offer eptrtt"4sr event has been held ban Cauaa you wont lo be late tor M up your coolers and heed to Ova Love, Cindy Farnaki mnrn*T*lai naidid for oum- Cal 352-2353 attar 6 pm. every year. MORAL: Donl mate yout 0:3011 your Alpha PN - Shlng Detail Get park. Otaego wa be rocMn' way after LOVE. 4 KRAZY KAPPAS PS. Don't worry, no Softool at- mer Col Karen 372-3987. Cashes • Service lor 8 chance' ■ starts tomorrow al 11 00 peyched Lore Always. Mich- dark!! Microwave proot No crap* am Th» tea* Upatrjn BYke Race FARMER-GET FSYCHED FOR el* Need 1 2 people to sublease ept lor Amy C. Amy F . Brat. Gary, jenny Tn* Uaaraa* Event ' FLAMER! The waak has been long. I To my Me Guopy Any. summer. 1/2 t* from carnpu*. For While with brown border John. Keley and Ron Thar* you el Michael Stanley Band. Sun Apr! 15 Want to go PN-erwig x»l lor the $26 362-1683 evoranga ChiO's canl wan tor tonight, remember our more lnfo-372.3735 ao much lor making my 21*1 B Day at 8 00 Student Union Auditorium. Haebut? Ihsnx for the greet Urn* at the lea 'theme'. You're soon to Ignite! 1 MMut* F needs 84-85 housing USED TtREt FOR A COMPACT ao apodal. I waa only a Ma hurnt- UrsV. of Toledo AoMealon $9 00. WALLYEYE hope so! Saturday! Yout favorke Alpha PN Own room neceea. Cal Peg *fr*r CAR, EXCELLENT CO^aDITIONrtao aaadl! students In edvence. $10 at the door Remember your waoara, tackle box, FUTs from WaaMian beware. Try to 6:00 (216) 248 0382 or 354- A 6ET,172-27*o MARIAN I love you al. Jenie-Poo SSie * genera pubec Tickets are avaaable and Via mat of your goer Cauaa wa 3167. A Tram* toll, sturdy, aYaprool — out drink ua II you dare. The evening at Toledo Student Union candy coun • fishermen wl be roesn' In Via tun PS What*'*aYarrarrorT! CHRtSTOPHER ALEXANDER Price nagrjOsbkv Large QE Dorm w* be KEY and SCREAM fun. Get Mr S lai Comtach candy counter. TUN—NIGHT, ya hoar? Can't watt to UUULjy 4JUUU TMa Friday It's you end me at the tat woody up hara HUN! 1 Fridge - Twice the size rjf rentals. MMCmek. ehare fish atones with you' ' F. rmto. wanted for summer ssoslon MKIMIJUIJ UfJUIJLJI.ll,IJ Alpha Phi dote oerty a where you I Your Raging Alpha PN dates. $80 Cal 372-1893 Got peyched I LOVE VOU. DELMO and/or 84-65 achooryeo/ Share 2 want to be Florida was tun. but ksM Cartou SyM, AAak. bdrrn. apt w/fraa h*at I water Your you wa*. Wal not only drv* • Ian, Becouse Fwhlng lime a here Tony-Gat psyohad tor a great Ome at Anniversary Sale FREE—COME WATCH! THE BOWL- own bedroom In a quiet atmosphere But should we go aaamrtang n Iha Do not leer Alpha PN Fbjmarlll Wendy Store wide Savings Ha GREEN INVITATIONAL DRILL $127.60/010. Col Dab 362-7638. **».? Because II have the gear Athletic Shoee and Sport aweer MEET Tony Z- Dais party * finely frare ao FOR RENT FALCON HOUSE Ckina KO'a of (Ya week Fetow Bag SB: pack up Van taring gear' You surety 8:00 am-9.30 pm Apr! 14. Andaraon Female fioraiaraa* naoaarj tor Sum- 140 E. Wi Hag*. uraW Florida was greet, we sBKEC. wont! bs rresaki' cauaa the Alpha Arena. Daacul weapon* routine* by mar, neaaonobie rant, pay elecglc Now Renting Fal 1964 lookad ao good (The rjagboys Th* day I* hnety hare. Ware going Phis have gone ItaheY raw and aatvar teams Coma Watch onry Cal 352-7285 One I Two aemaalar toaaa* nought ao srrywoyll That food. Via harwi tonight. Wel dene* * we'l Be*. Ota raw* spin and Iha Sabers »yl Fury turn. Eftlctonas*, rxrnfjtola APPLICATIONS AVAJLAHE FOR •ana. our tan*, the ractna, ma party. I wB b* out of sight' PS. The Third Imp's always a charm! 4 people needed to sublease house 1110 CAMaET POSmONS FOR Fa* btaok oats 4 broken Get Faychadl tor summer. Ctoae to campus, 204 wcokx T V., Cable, ol uoHa* pad taojng (Haltal) Mast arns Bohamma rnrrorelf al you Qorome Phi Bwta'a TO OUR FLAMER DATES: 1HUI PICK UF AT 40* STUDENT Jackie S. lummrt. I bedroom.. 1V, bathe, OuHt Atmosphere $265 (1 par). MarranaaW (But Where's ChurohaaT). went to avoid th* Friday th* 13th ROSES ARE RED SERVICES. APPLICATIONS DUE BY Mfce-We've gone IWwV before. But porch, new carpeting. Stop by or $175 aa. (2 par.). 364-3162 12-4 Bu-b* et the Ug Ep Suparainton VIOLETS ARE BLUE APfaL 1tth. now we're back tor more, Footxal osl, lo>H74. weekday*, 362-1620 anytime CONGRATS FRED. Ma lialahlBl reedy to partyll ALPHA PHI DATE PARTY a coming 4 bdrrn. Ml S. Froapect. ON YOUR INDUCTION MORTAR Baa »— Bsara-Th* Big tpe. and lanras are about to begin It wl AAOSOAflEYOmMK*ja_L F rmmte headed tor 84-86 BOARD AND NEW OFFICE bo a long time bvtore we can do I Ctoee to Campus Col John No-love Real Eatele. StiaSHE** CAREER SEARCH SEMI- TO PEBBLES: LOOWNG FORWARD MAM IT. HAPPY HOURS WEASEL •gain Cal Laa/Shely at 362-4800 364-22*0. NAR IS COMBIO WEDNESDAY Let'e forget about the past, and make TO DATE PARTY WITH YOU, FRED Bo* Wsde * Canty APRSLH. AND THE FROLICKING FISH ARE Wanted People to sublease house JOHN NEWLOVE REAL EaVATE APPAL 13TH, 4410 FM TO 7:00 PM Ha good tmae bat, cauaa HUWI wth aeaRh Sfl yoar BM ateaan/. Wa (SSw WATCHING FOR JAWS GET WOLD lor summer Less Own 1 block from A SMALL frUMBER Of «DT|. ITKL Good luck PN Delta In the DU She you guy. a gonna be a btssti ye* a« the leek * eopport through- YOU B.5. campus, 362-4141. AVAIL FOR FALL * SUMMEIL IP*NGK>'$ Lovo Asshs •• HI E MERRY, NEAR OFTEN LOVE ERIC NEED 2 F ROOMMATES OR 4 TO HAUER TOWERS, 2 bdrml4 FER- Tracy L Smitn SUBLEASE APARTMENT. START- - SONS. W* wan you el the bait of kick In tne MO FALL "Sa . LEE OR LYNN 352- UnlbedWay "TIWII SMI »T. 1 BOML Mk* Bronze Pagoont Wa love you 0944. ••ROCKLEDGE MANOR-SOUTH People Helping People and suppon you 100% WHAT" S THE PROBLEM need a COLLEGE I owl ST-2 IDRMS. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Dawn. Matty. Carol. Amy O. Amy B. sporty Kanattajd 1-peraon apt. tor "M1 7th ST. 2BORM. nil— I have the right one tor ••FO*a*EST APTB.-SOUTH COL- Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trade Jaffe Volunteers In Pror/aae youlll Ctoae to campus. 403 2nd I LEGE A NAPOLEON-2 BMM. a announcing, the poaUon of Campus Htoh St Cal D. C. 352-0U0. "ill I. araaator. Crorkw* Board CooroYwlor Appfca- WANTED: Oaoapaiwa tor I rjodroom CAU JOHN NEWLOVE W4-ItK aona n aeatili In 317 or 405 Sluoonl house this summer. Groat tocetlon. 521 Eaat Merry 2-BdrmJ4 peraen. ACROSS 55 duVent 25 Equal Servlcee Deedaie • Apr! 30, 1BB4 tow rent. Cal I7M772. Near Otlanhauer Towers, alOOraar- i Skirl 'eatura 56 Posed 27 Hebrew month ri ems to get kworverJI 5 In th« head 59 Like a big 28 Marsh bird ;. 1 I i i i » ,. M n tor upper 1/2 ol nariiamler. Tenant pay* only to Edible root spender ao Protectors at ' I ■USMESS CAREER SEARCH SEaaV houee. 1/2 bk from carnpua, Nhta. I.Uai m ■■ciliial e—oV 13 Do'mef leature 61 Sweet shop home Abbr Q r NAR « COaaalB WEDNESDAY SllOVrao. I utj Largo rooms. 2- U Cleanse selection 32 Helium ■ li 3882 or 2-3089 W4-2200. 15 Bean o'vault 62 American 33 Behind the eight (1 i American rteart SnvWBogga neraal 17 Pilaster playwright and ball * - ' 70 it Houses I Apia, tor '64-66 achod Association 18 Despondent dim critic 34 Ftemedy ■ 20 Rooter l word fit CMilan nt dim* V, !«••>*.■ arui 1 ' yaar 362-9457 between 12-4 or 21 Faahoon 64 Finnish verse Heiene Abbr 1 ■ 352 881 7 error 8 22 Liquefied ■' Summer Apartment n 23 Deletion 66 Treated in a way 38 Karate trophy 11a.m.-3p.m. 362-7766 error 7 pm 26 Monkefs 67 Frank 41 Isaiah e g ■ ■ An offldancy apt SIOOAno. CU 27 Confirms 42 Nest n ■ i <> 362 7835 after 8 29 Empty DOWN 43 Flemilh river w . 31 woodpecker 1 Bo« 44 Oovt agency A IX 32 Heredity a 2 Centred 46 Entertainer " science 3 Aucourant Dahl ■ 36 Biblical non * nyaon 4/ upon I 37 Notwilh 5 Songlike tplundered) : very day $1.75 Special Dot a whimper 6 Indian natives *6 Bowlm ■ 39 Litchi eg 7 Record 49 Riders to the 40 Storms 8 Orate residue Sea playwright ■ ff i BOWL OF HOMEMADE SOUP 43 Mead cover at 9 Judge 50 Calculates , ' Canterbury tO Lavish (with up ) 5* ■ ■ F 45 Virginia it Title al Versailles 52 Tages TOSSED SALAD 46 Cochiteand 12 High mountains tone day! Gar a RGEl I Gerommo in France 54 in ihe center : HOT HOMEMADE BREAD 46 Fur trader ot note 16 Toiler, ol old 57 of Cleves u 51 OHara'i From 19 Stray ce.f 58 One of (he ages I ' " the 21 Grand old name 60 Go«d in Granada 1 53 NearsHjntednais 24 Pan of ERA 61 Magnon or carry out 35. sod 4/13 & 4/14o April 13, 1984 BG News Magazine



Coming to BG Starring you in 3-D

Also featuring: The unsun tan/Beer's better side/Vic's review 2 bg news magazlne/aprll 13 1984 FRIDAY- CONTENTS

Page 3 Pago 7 — Robin William* sweet In now movie — Hero's to boor.

Pago 4 STAFF Friday Editor Photographer Marcy Grande Dave Cozad

i t K pjn Film Reviewers Assistant Editor Andrew Dardjne Lisa Inman & Vk oberhaus

— 'JAWS' and Jazz,

UNIVERSITY THEATRE 352-0564 PRESENTS 1450 East Wooster A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE ALL-U-CAN-EAT WAY TO THE FORUM PERCH APRIL 12-14 and April 18-21 Adults s5.00 Main Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Students $3.00 IPotato (4/21 Matinee 3:00) & Cole Slaw *3.19 CALL 372-2719 FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS [Potato & Salad Bar....'3.95 GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAll ABLE Box office open 9:00-5:00 SPECIAL GOOD ALL DAY! tn intimate evening with the dynamic ICELAHDAIR IS STILL YOUR BEST VALUE TO EUROPE. MICHAEL LUXEMBOURG STANLEY

HMiemamwmu n mm, mmrum MO met Sunday. April 15,8 p.m. ■ PrxdftoeimloaadihnUiaiitouriloHlKtdllnii Ommm.atljmmilkt**. ■ BavmmtarnloSwtintad ■""« ■ SmmS—HMMakkcmtmnrnkm university ol Toledo Student union Auditorium IllllrMIM- ■ FrcK moth tan. «*»c*n tgg?/~j5. '*-?"»*»»■» **!—.-»-*-. pickets: $9°° students in advance Sm^jasisssiss: --■——— $10°° at the door and general public

On sale at the candy counter on main campus and Comtech, also ICELANDER Headsheds, Finder's Records, Finders in B.G. and both Boogies. 1IIIBIB—MMi bg n#ws magazlneVciprll 13 1964 3 View & Reviewm with Vfc and Andy Axe 'blahdom' from Awards show

by Vic Oberhaus going to cry because this show has go to Daryl Hannah for "Best Tail" "Beat Actor"- Robert Duvall (Ten- 7 been as long as my career." Some of the winners in the major der Mercies). Duvall's was the sec- The show was 40 minutes old before categories were expected and others ond-most eloquent acceptance speech The producers of the 56th Academy the first award, Jack Nicholson's Os- were surprises. oftbenight. Awards could have axed two hours car for "Best Supporting Actor," was "Beat Supporting Actor"- Jack from the program and not lost a tear. announced. After Jack's modest and Nicholson (Terms of Endearment). "Best Actress"- Shirley MacClain They should have cut gushing giddy acceptance speech, 100 minutes Those Impressible arching eyebrows (Terms of Endearment). Her first in drones like presenter Frank Sinatra of blahdom set in as all the technical, diditagam. 28 years. In her acceptance speech and "Best Song" co-winner, Irene artistic and musical awards were "Beat Supporting Actress"- Linda she called her bed scene with Nichol- Cam, the Muzak interpretation of mixed in with trivia about Donald Hunt (The Year of living Danger- son a "middle-aged toy," cottar De- "Maniac" by Herb Alnert and the Duck and the Little Rascals. ously). Probably the first woman to bra Winger a 'rwild, turbulent and Tijuana Brass and the 70 minutes of The only bright spot in that hour win an Oscar for playing a man. brillant actress" and closed with, "I old movie clips that were supposed to and a half was "Cbeech" Marin and "Best Director*- James L. Brooks deserve this. Thankyou." make the viewer wax nostalgic. Tommy Chong's presentation of the (Terms of Endearment). His second "Beat Movie"-' Terms of Endear- After winning the "Best Actress" "Best Visual Effects" to "Return of of three awards for the night. Not bad ment" The best movie about the Oscar, Shirley MacClaine said, "I'm the JedL" Cbong wanted the award to for a rookie. American family in the last 15 years. Robin Williams sweet in new movie by the Associated Press new film reflects Mazursky's philoso- defects in the jeans department KGB agents are portrayed as bum- phy that today's harsh world can be of Blooming-dale's. bling downs. conauered by an unquenchably inde- He is befriended by a warm-hearted The movie was written by Ma- "Moscow on the Hudson" is Paul pendent spirit immigrant from Italy (Maria Con- zursky and Leon Capetanos. Mazursky's valentine to the U.S.A. - a chita Alonso), a Cuban lawyer (Ale- Robin Williams, has potential in blatantly chauvinistic comedy-drama Robin Williams is a saxophonist for jandro Rey) and a black emigre from "Moscow on the Hudson." He is ter- that is ultimately endearing. the Moscow Circus, a mild person less the South (Cleavant Derricks). rific - warm, sweet, convincing as a Mazursky has somehow managed concerned with liberty than day-to- Mazursky, who produced and di- Soviet slightly less so as a saxophon- to make a series of highly personal day needs, such as finding toilet paper rected, depicts the Utter-day "melt- ist films within the big-studio system. for his three-generation family in a ing pot" of Manhattan with Like "Next Stop, Greenwich Village" tiny apartment. When the circus trav- perception and wit. Not all of the Rated R, semi-nudity, bed scenes, and "An Unmarried Woman," the els to New York, Williams unexpec- sequences pay off, however, and the language.


HOME OF THE FABULOUS 9 IN A ROW AND > RICK DEES' WEEKLY TOP 40 Saturdays 6 AM to 10 AM SAT. APR. 14 • Ov\ DICK BARTLEY'S SOLID GOLD 8:00 PM y Saturdays 7 PM TO 12 Midnight KOBACKER HALL Y MOORE MUSICAL ., "JjJ AMERICAN TOP 40 ARTS CENTER -BGSU. / */$[ WITH CASEY KASEM TICKETS: 372-0171 flj/tf * Sundays 9 AM to 1 PM 4 bg rmm wgggngfgptjj 131964 Keep tan without sunbathing

by Marcy Grand* better, so Hair Unlimited is taking care of more bodies than heads, at the Friday Editor mnrnrnl Depression is setting in for some "Ninety percent of the customers students who returned from spring are college kids, most of whom are break with dark tans and now must trying to maintain their tans, but face the fact that their tans are fad- some are kids who weren't able to get ing. If nature has its way, University to Florida this time," Ftte said. bathing beauties won't be able to restore their tans until the weather A more recent tanning boom has warms up in Bowling Green, but been added to the Cherrywood Health nature no longer has its way. Spa on Eighth and High Streets. Mari- lyn Valentine, part-owner of the booth A phenomenon has been in town along with her husband Douglas, said which now enables those who want to the tanning booth should not harm keep their tans or get tans, to do so. skin because it has 97 1/2 percent The phenomenon is the tanning booth ultraviolet A rays coming from the or bed, and there are an increasing bulbs, which are the tanning rays. number of them in the area. Valentine said the other 11/2 per- cent are B rays which are responsible Linda Ftte, owner of Hair Unlim- for sunburns. ited, 143 W. Wooster St., said her In Cherrywood's new tanning booth, beauty salon has been in the tanning which is shaped like a hexagonal business for four years, making it the outhouse, music is piped in while only tanning salon that has been in the customers stand and tan. area for over three months. "Some of the kids tell me they Fite said the busy season for tans dance to the musk in there," Valen- started two weeks before spring tine said. Users of the booth must break and is continuing. While her wear little white goggles to protect haircutting business is fine, the tan- their eyes from the bright rays. ning booths and sunbed are doing In Hair Unlimited's tanning center, Mark Zoorhees one of the booths is an all A-ray, while the first time Wednesday morning the other is a combination A and B and said the booth was warm and felt booth so "tannees" receive both kind relaxing. She was somewhat appre- of rays. hensive. "We have to have people monitor "But it should be all right. I suppose the booths because some of the col- the FDA (Food and Drug Administra- lege kids want to get a little pink. tion) would come in and investigate They think getting some pinkness will for danger," Dankert said. make a better tan," Fite said. "The sunbed or booth is better than There are both advantages and laying in the sun for two hours every disadvantages of the sunbed and tan- day/Fite said, adding that it espe- ning booth, according to Valentine cially saves time. andFtte. However, Valentine said that since "The bed gives a much darker everyone's skin is different, cosmetic tan thin the booth," Fite precautions must be taken. said. "We always have someone at the "But the booth can tan evenly in a booth to monitor the time. (In the shorter length of time (10 or 15 min- booth), you should start at ten min- utes) whereas the bed takes longer," utes and work up to 20," Fite said. Valentine said. No one goes into the booth like While some members of the medi- Superman and comes out with a tan cal profession say all kinds of tanning like the model on a Coppertone com- is hazardous to your health, those who mercial. It takes six to eight visits want to be brown and beautiful reject before a tannee becomes significantly this theory apparently. brown. Jane Dankert, a 31-year-old nurse The Cherrywood Health Spa is at a county nursing home and a stu- charging an introductory fee of $25 for dent at Owens Technical College, eight visits, while Hair Unlimited Mark Triplet! tried Cherrywood's tanning booth for charges $35 for eight visits. if


TONIGHT IS FRIDAY 254181 Route 25, Perrysburg. Ohio 43551 419-874-2253 bo news magazlne>/aprll 13 1984 5 General Store 518 Illinois Ave.. Maumee • Mon -Sat 8-9 • Sun 10-5 New phone number: 891-2700 Ride into Spring on a bright new bike. 119.69 Huffy® Men's 26 12-Speed Windsprint Fierra red color with black rear diamond. Features center pull caliper brakes, extension levers. 27" x 1.25" gumwall tires, cushion grips and saddle. #27904 r 16.68 Men's Road Star Jogging Shoes in Navy Blue #18694 32.89 Men's Jimmy Connors All Leather Tennis Shoes Your Choice A great look for casual wear, too. #18316 98.91 17.76 Ladles' Acadla Running Shoes Designed for running and a HuHy« 26" Omni 10 Speed smart every day casual In Candy Apple Blue Finish look. #58123 Men's #26844 Ladles' #26854 Boys'24'#24844 Huffy* 26" Olympla 10 Speed Burgundy finish. Featuring 32.89 Ladles'Chris Evert caliper brakes and 26" x All Leather Tennis Shoes 1.375" gumwall tires. Comfortable, rugged, Men's #26824 beautiful, on and off the Ladies' #26834 court. #58310

Let us help make your life more portable. 19.93 AM/FM Personal Portable Radio WHh Two Way Power 72.88 Play on batteries or AC with AM/FM Stereo Radio automatic switching. Slide rule dial Cassette Recorder with vernier tuning and Big sound from two 4" front-mounted band selection speakers. Easy access to switch. Black and silver color. top-mounted tape and radio #7-2660 controls, direct "on-air" recording and telescoping 39.96 Your Choice antenna for clear FM reception. #3-5252 AM/FM Portable Radio "Superadk>" sound with two way power. Features 6W high sensitivity speaker, 700 mw RMS 52.93 audio output, individual bass and "Great Escape" AM/FM treble controls and 33" telescoping Stereo FM antenna. Gray. #7-2881 Cassette Headset Player Exciting stereo sound for AM/FM Radio people on the go Built-in Casette Recorder AM, FM and FM stereo radio High performance set with built-in Featherweight headphones AC line cord. Records directly from Removable belt clip. LED "on the air." Has top mounted 5 indicators for FM stereo and pushbutton tape operation, Power/Battery level. automatic recording level control Automatic tape shut off in and vernier radio tuning Silver and Play mode Black and silver. black. #3-5240 #3-5273 6 bg news magazlne/april 13 1964 No popcorn in the pool UAO, SRC sponsor 'dive-in' movie iby Don Hi "This is a first-time thing as far as I students with a current validation courtesy of BACCHUS, the campus know," said UAO campus film direc- card get in free, and guests must pay group for responsible drinking. How- Just when you thought it was safe to tor Alan Claypool, junior computer the usual $3 guest fee. Refreshments ever, the refreshments will not be go in the water, University Activities science major. can be purchased at the Club Pool, allowed in the Cooper Pool. Organization and the Student Recre- ation Center bring you a "dive-in "I've heard a lot of people talking movie." about going to the 'dive-in,' " said Yes, "dive-in." The weekly UAO DeRosa. "I have no idea how many campus movie, Steven Speilberg's people are going to show up." thriller "Jaws," will be shown at 8 Toe idea of seeing a movie about a tonight in Cooper Pool, instead of the marauding shark while floating in the usual Main Auditorium or Math Sci- water might not appeal to some peo- ence lecture hall. ple, but the more adventurous type Movie-goers have the choice of may want to take the plunge. watching from floats or innertubes in the pool itself or from bleachers along "But I wouldn't want to watch 'Pi- one wall for the less adventurous. The ranha' in the pool," Mike Mclntyre, SRC will provide some floats, how- freshman journalism major said. ever, "If you have your own we Normal SRC admission rates apply strongly encourage you to bring it," for the movie, DeRosa said. "Any- said Karen DeRosa, SRC assistant body who can get into the Rec Center director. can get into the movie." University

Dave Nesbitt Jeff Shaffer

Grammy award-winning group Phil Woods Quintet to jazz Kobacker and his band have also won the belongs to our culture and it's some- Although few jazz havens exist in by Greg Klarkx Grammy Award for "best jazz instru- thing that we have to take care of." Northwest Ohio, Halsey is optimistic. mental performance" the past two According to Halsey, not enough em- "Milton's on Main has started a once- years. phasis is placed on jazz as an art a-week policy of featuring different Here it comes again, another excit- , Woods' playing style is aggressive form, and it is cut off from much of types of live music, including jazz," ing Saturday night in the sprawling and technically formidable, stylisti- the public and private support given he said. "Jazz students here need "metropolis'' of Bowling Green. cally reminiscent of bis idol, sax to other "serious" musical arts like more exposure to that sort of thing, What'll it be this time? Another night master Charlie Parker. He has re- classical music. He added that jazz is and I hope it continues." Halsey also of brain-numbing Michael Jackson at leased a number of albums with his very popular in Europe and that cited Rusty's Jazz Cafe, long a bas- Uptown, or gasping for breath with own group, and has also played with many prominent American jazz art- tion of jazz and blues in Toledo, as the rest of the sardines packed into jazz superstars like Benny Carter, iste nave emigrated there to live and being another ray of hope for the local Main St? Donald Byrd and the legendary Thelo- work. jazz community. niusMonk. Halsey said that the awareness of Today's Jazz Week events include a Well folks, on this particular Satur- Woods and his group will be the jazz in America is growing. He cred- performance by the University Tues- day you are graciously granted an- featured attraction during the Univer- ited much of this popularity to "cross- day Lab Band at 3:30 p.m. and an 8 other option: A Grammy-winning sity's Jazz Week, sponsored by the over" Jazz bands like Weather Report S.m. performance by the Faculty group islanding in BG for a one-night College of Musical Arts. The week's and Spyro Gyra. These groups play a azz Ensemble, both taking place in stand, and if you're into fire-breath- events began last night with perfor- form of jazz known as fusion,' thus Bryan Recital Hall. Aside from the ing jazz then you'd better be in Ko- mances by the University Jazz Com- named because it combines the chor- performance by the Phil Woods Quin- backer Hall at 8 p.m. sharp when the bos in Bryan Recital Hall, and will dal intricacy of jazz and the melodic tet, Saturday will also feature an all- Phn Woods Quintet hits the stage. conclude with the Woods concert Sat- appeal of rock. day festival of high school jazz bands urday night. "Fusion is very helpful to the iazz from around the state. Tickets for the Possibly the most important alto Jazz week was developed to stimu- scene as a whole," Halsey said, "be- Phil Woods Quintet are $6, $8 and $10 saxophonist in jazz today, Woods has late interest in the growing jazz cause people hear the hooks and rock and can be purchased by calling the won eight of the last nine readers and movement at the University. "Jazz is rhythms, and it turns some people on Kobacker Box Office at 3724171. Ad- critics polls in Downbeat, the premier really American music," said Jeff to jazz who might not have listened mission to all other Jazz Week perfor- publication in the world of jazz. He Halsey, director of jazz studies. "It before." mances is free. bg news magazine/aprll 13 1964 7

Moderate drinking more good

by Dennis Murray than harm ravage one's intellectual capacity. Elmer scanned his political science Actually, the notion that alcohol de- paper be bad scratched out after stroys brain cells is unsubstantiated. dinner. It was 11:30 on a Friday night, But, conclusive evidence exists to the one night religously reserved for prove alcohol is an addictive drug. A barhopping, and the college sopho- 1974 report by the U.S. Department of more sat back, extremelyproud of his Health, Education, and Welfare said, rare accomplishment. While Elmer "The mechanism by which alcohol quickly proofread his eight-pager on produces its most important health prominent politicians of the Aleutian effect - intoxication - is not fully Islands, he opened the refrigerator understood." door and spotted a couple of beers hiding behind a head of lettuce. Most nondrinkers probably don't "Well they're mine," be thought, know they produce natural alcohol. remembering bis roommates bad The work of microorganisms on so- gone out for the night,He set bis luable sugars creates a daily amount paper aside, opened a bottle and en- of alcoholequal to a quart of beer per joyed his first gulp of cold beer before day. The liver secretes enzymes returning to his paper. which clear the body of alcohol. Un- like beverage alcohol, natural alcohol The beers Elmer finished off in an fails to trigger the anesthetizing cen- hour are doing him more good than ter in the Drain which controls the harm-. In fact, they'll be more benefi- blood vessels, allowing them to dilate cial to his overall health than the two and thus improve circulation. apples be ate for lunch. Consumed moderately, beer is one of the safest, most effective drugs you can buy ( without a prescription.

Beer has been popular in America since before the arrival of the Mayf- lower, when the Indians made their own brew from corn. Today, beer ranks as our third most popular bev- erage, even more popular than milk, with the United States ranking num- ber one in the world in total beer consumption.

Alcohol has been the cause of thou- sands of deaths. "One for the road" has often been one too many. Still, there are millions of responsible peo- ple, drinking in moderation, who have come to view alcohol's negative repu- tation as being directly spawned from a thin, irresponsible slice of the drink- ing-age population. Dennis Murray The moderate drinker does not drink to file away problems, accord- duces the strain on the heart. At an liver is caused, not by the alcohol, but ing to Dr. Seldon Bacon, sociologist at American Heart Association meeting rather from malnutrition which in Rutgers (N.J.) University's Center of in California, heart specialists discov- turn causes a thiamine deficiency. Alcoholic Studies. A recent Depart- In his book Why Drinking Can Be ered that drinking beer could indeed While doctors agree that one who ment of Health, Education, and Wel- Good For You, Dr. Morris Chafetz, reduce the chance of a heart attack. drinks more than three beers a day is fare report announced that moderate former director of the National Insti- extending beyond the moderation drinkers are more socially active in tute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction, limit, William Darby, biochemistry their respective communities than said a quart of beer per day may professor at Vanderbilt University, nondrinkers. Alcoholics, who com- prolong a person's life. disagreed. He said, "There is mount- prise but two percent of the drinking- Recent studies support Chafetz's ing evidence that the majority of age population, provide the basis for claim. Independent medical studies healthy, normal adults may safely arguments against the consumption are forcing the entire medical profes- consume more beer." of beer and other alcoholic beverages, sion to re-examine the effects of beer but they are in an extreme minority. and other alcohol before deeming Exactly bow much is "considerably them the cause of cancer, heart at- more"? Six and one third 12-ounce With more positive facts surfacing tacks, brain cell destruction and cir- beers per day when' 'accompanied by each year concerning health benefits, rhosis of the liver. nutritionally adequate foods." That attitudes toward moderate drinking From a study done on 8,060 patients translates into a yearly consumption have become increasingly favorable. at Oakland's Kaiser-Permanente of 220 gallons of beer compared to the Several states have scratched beer Medical Center three years ago, Dr. 35-gallon (one beer per day) U.S. per from the category of alcoholic bever- Arthur Klatsky and his colleagues Not only will a few beers help to capita and a possible boom for the ages while in Canada, at the Univer- found that nondrinkers have a 40 expand the blood vessels, they will brewing, bottling, and canning indus- sity of Toronto, epidemiology percent higher death rate than mod- also aid in cleaning them. The alcohol tries. (The beer per capita is based on professor Dr. Terence Anderson has erate drinkers, based on a maximum increases the number of Upoproteins a 1979 poll which indicated 69 percent commented, "It's embarrassing from of two beers per day. which battle certain types of harmful of U.S. citizens age 18 and over drink a public health point of view, but life The alcohol in beer, created by the cholesterol and remove fatty deposits regularly.) is full of these dilemmas where a little beverage's yeast content which is also that can clog arteries. bit is good and a lot is bad." responsible for its carbonation, ex- However beer alone is not benefi- Nondrinkers may be abstaining The old saying, "Here's to your pands the blood vessels allowing cial for one's health. A balanced diet from beer because of the widespread health!" might just be the most ap- blood to flow more freely. This re- is also necessary. Cirrhosis of the belief that drinking will eventually propriate toast after all. 6 bg news magazlne/aprll 13 1984 No popcorn in the pool UAO, SRC sponsor 'dive-in' movie

by Don Lee "This is a first-time thing as far as I students with a current validation courtesy of BACCHUS, the campus know," said UAO campus film direc- card get in free, and guests must pay group for responsible drinking. How- Just when you thought it was safe to tor Alan Claypool, Junior computer the usual $3 guest fee. Refreshments ever, the refreshments will not be go in the water, University Activities science major. can be purchased at the Club Pool, allowed in the Cooper Pool. Organization and the Student Recre- ation Center bring you a "dive-in "I've heard a lot of people talking movie." about going to the 'dive-in,' " said Yes, "dive-in." The weekly UAO DeRosa. "I have no idea how many campus movie. Steven Speilberg's people are going to show up." thriller "Jaws, will be shown at 8 The idea of seeing a movie about a m" tonight in Cooper Pool, instead of the marauding shark while floating in the usual Main Auditorium or Math Sci- water might not appeal to some peo- ence lecture hall. ple, but the more adventurous type Movie-goers have the choice of may want to take the plunge. watching from floats or innertubes in the pool itself or from bleachers along "But I wouldn't want to watch 'Pi- one wall for the less adventurous. The ranha' in the pool," Mike Mclntyre, SRC will provide some floats, how- freshman journalism major said. ever, "If you have your own we Normal SRC admission rates apply strongly encourage you to bring it," for the movie, DeRosa said. "Any- said Karen DeRosa, SRC assistant body who can get into the Rec Center director. can get into the movie." University

Dive Nesbltt Jeff Shaffer

Grammy award-winning group Phi! Woods Quintet to jazz Kobacker and his band have also won the belongs to our culture and it's some- Although few jazz havens exist in by Greg Klerkx Grammy Award for "best jazz instru- thing that we have to take care of." Northwest Ohio, Halsey is optimistic. mental performance" the past two According to Halsey, not enough em- "Milton's on Main has started a once- years. phasis is placed on jazz as an art a-week policy of featuring different Here it comes again, another excit- , Woods' playing style is aggressive form, and it is cut oft from much of types of live music, including jazz," ing Saturday night in the sprawling and technically formidable, stylisti- the public and private support given he said. "Jazz students here need "metropolis of Bowling Green. cally reminiscent of his idol, sax to other "serious" musical arts like more exposure to that sort of thing, What'U it be this time? Another night master Charlie Parker. He has re- classical music. He added that jazz is and I hope it continues." Halsey also of brain-numbing Michael Jackson at leased a number of albums with his very popular in Europe and that cited Rusty's Jazz Cafe, long a bas- Uptown, or gasping for breath with own group, and has also played with many prominent American jazz art- tion of jazz and blues in Toledo, as the rest of the sardines packed into jazz superstars like Benny Carter, iste nave emigrated there to live and being another ray of hope for the local Main St.? Donald Byrd and the legendary Thelo- work. jazz community. nius Monk. Halsey said that the awareness of Today's Jazz Week events include a Well folks, on this particular Satur- Woods and his group will be the jazz in America is growing. He cred- performance by the University Tues- day you are graciously granted an- featured attraction during the Univer- ited much of this popularity to "cross- day Lab Band at 3:30 p.m. and an 8 other option: A Grammy-winning sity's Jazz Week, sponsored by the over" jazz bands like Weather Report S.m. performance by the Faculty group is landing in BG for a one-night College of Musical Arts. The week's and Spyro Gyra. These groups play a azz Ensemble, both taking place in stand, and if you're into fire-breath- events began last night with perfor- form of jazz known as 'fusion, thus Bryan Recital Hall. Aside from the ing jazz then you'd better be in Ko- mances by the University Jazz Com- named because it combines the chor- performance by the Phil Woods Quin- backer Hall at 8 p.m. sharp when the bos in Bryan Recital Hall, and will dal intricacy of jazz and the melodic tet, Saturday will also feature an all- Phil Woods Quintet hits the stage. conclude with the Woods concert Sat- appeal of rock. day festival of high school jazz bands urday night. "Fusion is very helpful to the jazz from around the state. Tickets for the Possibly the most important alto Jazz Week was developed to stimu- scene as a whole," Halsey said, "be- Phil Woods Quintet are $6, $8 and $10 saxophonist in jazz today, Woods has late interest in the growing jazz cause people hear the hooks and rock and can be purchased by calling the won eight of the last nine readers and movement at the University. "Jazz is rhythms, and it turns some people on Kobacker Box Office at 372-0171. Ad- critics polls in Downbeat, the premier really American music," said Jeff to jazz who might not have listened mission to all other Jazz Week perfor- publication in the world of jazz. He Halsey, director of jazz studies. "It mances is free. bg news magazine/aprll 13 1964 7

Moderate drinking more good

by Dennis Murray than harm ravage one's intellectual capacity. Elmer scanned his political science Actually, the notion that alcohol de- paper be had scratched out after stroys brain cells is unsubstantiated. dinner. It was 11:30 on a Friday night, But, conclusive evidence exists to the one night religously reservedfor prove alcohol is an addictive drug. A barbopping, and the college sopho- 1971 report by the U.S. Department of more sat back, extremelyproud of his Health, Education, and Welfare said. rare accomplishment. While Elmer "The mechanism by which alcohol quickly proofread his eight-pager on produces its most important health prominent politicians of the Aleutian effect - intoxication - is not fully Islands, be opened the refrigerator understood." door and spotted a couple of beers hiding behind a head of lettuce. Most nondrinkers probably don't "WelL they're mine," he thought, know they produce natural alcohol. remembering his roommates had The work of microorganisms on so- gone out for the night. .He set bis luable sugars creates a daily amount paper aside, opened a bottle and en- of alcoholeaual to a quart of beer per Joyed his first gulp of cold beer before day. The liver secretes enzymes returning to his paper. which clear the body of alcohol. Un- like beverage alcohol, natural alcohol The beers Elmer finished of f in an fells to trigger the anesthetizing cen- hour are doing him more good than ter In the brain which controls the harm-. In fact, they'll be more benefi- , blood vessels, allowing them to dilate rial to his overall health than the two . and thus improve circulation. apples he ate for lunch. Consumed moderately, beer is one of the safest, | most effective drugs you can buy ; without a prescription.

Beer has been popular in America since before the arrival of the Mayf- , lower, when the Indians made their own brew from corn. Today, beer ranks as our third most popular bev- erage, even more popular than milk, with the United States ranking num- ber one in the world in total beer consumption.

Alcohol has been the cause of thou- sands of deaths. "One for the road" has often been one too many. Still, there are millions of responsible peo- ple, drinking in moderation, who have come to view alcohol's negative repu- tation as being directly spawned from a thin, irresponsible slice of the drink- feT> ing-age population. Dennis Murray The moderate drinker does not 1 drink to file away problems, accord- duces the strain on the heart. At an liver is caused, not by the alcohol, but ing to Dr. Seldon Bacon, sociologist at American Heart Association meeting rather from malnutrition which in Rutgers (N.J.) University's Center of in California, heart specialists discov- turn causes a thiamine deficiency. Alcoholic Studies. A recent Depart- In his book Why Drinking Can Be ered that drinking beer could indeed While doctors agree that one who ment of Health, Education, and Wel- Good For You, Dr. Morris Chafetz, reduce the chance of a heart attack. drinks more than three beers a day is fare report announced that moderate former director of the National Insti- extending beyond the moderation drinkers are more socially active in tute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction, limit, William Darby, biochemistry their respective communities than said a quart of beer per day may professor at Vanderbilt University, nondrinkers. Alcoholics, who com- prolong a person's life. disagreed. He said, "There is mount- prise but two percent of the drinking- Recent studies support Chafetz's ing evidence that the majority of age population, provide the basis for claim. Independent medical studies healthy, normal adults may safely arguments against the consumption are forcing the entire medical profes- consume more beer." of beer and other alcoholic beverages, sion to re-examine the effects of beer but they are in an extreme minority. and other alcohol before deeming Exactly bow much is "considerably them the cause of cancer, heart at- more"? Six and one third 12-ounce With more positive facts surfacing tacks, brain cell destruction and cir- beers per day when "accompanied by each year concerning health benefits, rhosis of the liver. nutritionally adequate foods." That attitudes toward moderate drinking From a study done on 8,060 patients translates into a yearly consumption have become increasingly favorable. at Oakland's Kaiser-Permanente of 220 gallons of beer compared to the Several states have scratched beer Medical Center three years ago. Dr. (one beer per day) U.S. per from the category of alcoholic bever- Arthur Klatsky and his colleagues Not only will a few beers help to and a possible boom for the ages while in Canada, at the Univer- found that nondrinkers have a 40 expand the blood vessels, they will brewing, bottling, and canning indus- sity of Toronto, epidemiology percent higher death rate than mod- also aid in cleaning them. The alcohol tries. (The beer per capita is based on professor Dr. Terence Anderson has erate drinkers, based on a maximum increases the number of lipoproteins a 1979 poll which indicated 69 percent commented, "It's embarrassing from of two beers per day. which battle certain types of harmful of U.S. citizens age 18 and over drink a public health point of view, but life The alcohol in beer, created by the cholesterol and remove fatty deposits regularly.) is full of these duemmas where a little beverage's yeast content which is also that can clog arteries. bit is good and a lot is bad." responsible for its carbonation, ex- However beer alone is not benefi- Nondrinkers may be abstaining The old saying, "Here's to your pands the blood vessels allowing cial for one's health. A balanced diet from beer because of the widespread health!" might just be the most ap- blood to flow more freely. This re- is also necessary. Cirrhosis of the belief that drinking will eventually propriate toast after all. 8 bg news magazlne/april 13 1964 This week on TV


Pagliai's Jb TWO LOCATIONS TO FOR ALL YOUR SERVE YOU CROSS STITCH and STENCILING NEEDS downjown, inc. BG's famous Something Extra 190 S. Main St. BG 354-1437 TOLEDO STORE gathering EAST SOUTH 3310 Glanzman 385-7299 440 E. Court 945 S. Main place. 352-1596 352-7571 bg new* magazlne/aprll 13 1964 9

• LA*T CMANCI OAIUK* Suf XT' 11*741 MM. •» • JO amyyaay BS at aaa ana-man BUI NBA UKITWU 0 THfS Wf IK IN P ARLIA MM MCA KMATI M ISO 12.00 llll HAH ndCwa inn. • MINT I Tarn I «LOVE CONNECT-ON I TAKING AOVANTA (NBC NEWS NCWS MM MSJITINO PLACC RabM J^ nma round* dram Atlanta. 0a) THE LAST LEAP TM ,0 CCnONATION (TMIT 2:30 dranuMuat-m of an EaaMr paiaNi IT n •aM 0 MOV* ***H "MarMm by ahon-Mory wnter 0. Hajwy. ! rvrrv / Kooav DOO / JOO rn*a MOVIE *** "Um ' (IBM) GamKaay. Otta-a. Ormno An Camay aura. Dugar. Fanurna (19B3) MM aha MtNuoop ■ MEMORIAL OOlF IWB^KINGOOM • MATINII AT TMI HdOMLrOMTS 7:00 2:40 H90H SCHOOL OLKZ OafW • MOVIE ** Dayton. D*v 0 MV LfTTUI PONY Aiwnaa- 0 JEFF MCCOMC REAL I MAGIC OP os. PAINT- atot Charba Choo Choo Brawn N" HMD Ron/ Cattowi. LdMa ad. Fewkaan yaM-aM Em and . ESTATE I Of THE ISSUE Koran. band at poma* muM aaw BM ch*d of mm. ahowa up w*i a AflCSNT OP MAN ■9. Cormkua 9oaa toMMda In an 3:00 11:90 0 JACK NICKLAUS draam caatla horn rha «tM aMkcaaa h* o» dVgonan mamy NOVA Loeuaaa. Ww WHn- Caniaura Tlrac and tha aM) POWW BMfW SPORTSCENTER «COf*C*AThON STREET MEMORIAL 93 out IneT A kxA M PMMM CTMC1 MOVIE *** "OaabV CHy. N.J.); World ■ AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 0 BABE BALL Chicago WMM of tha Mark ikWo. lOOO attarnpM to M rtd of tha UoM m 0 DON CHERRY S GRAPE- t>ap (19S2I MMMaf Cama. / INOMDBBU HULK So* M Now York Yanteoa (Fot- I MIKE HAMMER Ahw EuromandAlrtoa.BUg • MAGtC OP ANIMAL kMM NBCSBonaUpdMai VINE Guaat MA. ranwHar ■SPM NUMERO UNO Murray AMO LANDSCAPE PAINT- t HOME SWEET HOME INK HAW Hannw muM ftnd out if M MM MO 0 INTERNATIONAL EDI- MOV* **H "Ooe Bav- ONEAT WEIGMT I OB- actuaty tha anandad urgat ■SPN) PKA KARATE Brad TION A koak M U.S. mwa a-mma aga: TM Man Of Bran*'' U976) CHALLENGE Bob Eubanka Hofion and Caonoli Rodgara a> a and aanda aa aaan by taMgn nHQ OOINQ MOLLVWOOO 0 DALLAS Mark ftnaty cur. 12:SO Ron £ N PW GMoaon hOOM tfaa took M aoong. dwbng vmcaa Pam thay ahauM Mwa a MMayMMght bout aoMaUad tar IMnnalaM akabamd M Baa ootav SEVEN LAST WORDS try MOM FordRowon M If* mowaa of tM 19301. ~id> 0 TUB QEHAT OUTOOORS Mrga kMBCBBJ CMamony. and J.R. mna rounda ft>om AHanta. Ga.l Am Tabor dacuaaaa bockpochatg 00 SOL tO GOLO uncovar. a aoorat BkM ma, put a IRl (TMO MOV* *WH Sarm foous* and oultfbM « WMdaurnftf and Pryor. ktargot Kidaar. CwoN Lombard. Ffad A. la*, and 7:30 0THE YELLOW ROSE John «»9 Cooda OaadM and EB) Landon rCai 0 THC LAST LEAP TM Sarangman <* maxdarad Aring an mm cagoQ 0 NATIONAL OEOORAPH- dranwMuatwn of an EaaMr parabkt aacapa ataampt and Roy Mama 0 THIS WEEK IN that Chant* m (as broth* (R| 3:30 by •hcri •tory amMr 0. Hanry. BALL IC SPECIAL -Sam TM Panda' 0 FANTASY ISLAND Two TM gam MjaaM bj MjajmaJ at kM 0 0 GOLF I ToMno- Art Camay akVt. tMCIT THC PRESS young poopM want to And th* mant" trwd round (two torn 0 FRONT PAGE CHAL- THIS WIEK WITH 12rO0 OMa and m aom araund I Auouata. Gal LENGE partacl maM. and a faaNen buyar DAVX) BRrNKLlY • MOW **Vt 0 FIA BOWl INQ 0 JACKIE GLEABON ■ram. io ana) hot after wntti a MM" (19701 Hook HMdwn. Sar- $115 000 Graaiar HartMrd BrOO marr«dman-Q BrOO gnFonajM. IBM tMht for aurataMM aoarmtad, (R) Opart" On* bom BraoWt Bowl « 0 0 THE BUGS BUNNY 1 TV AUCTION (CONT'D) O 0 SUNDAY MORNING - ©WRESTLING 0 MOV* **H 94k* V¥lndaor Looka. Com I EASTER SPECIAL Bug* « I WHITE SHADOW 0 AGRISCOFE (R) ■ TMI ■BJKITTB (1949) Party Duka Wamm aarv 0 VICTORY GARDEN Bob 0 EDUCATIONAL COM aanad by Yoaamna Sam. Daffy I FRONTLINE ThrowaA TM 0 TOLEDO SINGS GOSPEL • WEEKEND SPECIAL Safafy1 Nat An updaaa on tha PUT1NG PROfrlE Duck, Papa LaPaw and oBtara at a 0 THC WORLD TOMOR- BM CM" Ar-mat*d A feWy OM atory of dktabMd paraom caught tJCOUN TRY CANADA Top mad MM eh tor a aMMMuM ( aatar EOBV HNB out to pro** that ■ faSna 4*90 «a inokM* Rto bgM food nn«M- btamy (R) i SESAME STREET (R) Q dooan't mM to bd tough to hava »TV AUCTION (CONT'D) non and tM haaarda of tarmmg. SMITHSONIAN WORLD 0 CREAM IN MY COPPEE budgat cut. and SocaM Sacurrty ROSERT SCHULLCR 0 SPORTS SUNDAY SchaO 0 FIRING LINE TM World For UMrtg" A (oak M Att aMarty mamod OOupM Mm MtSTER ROGERS (R) • MOWE * * * Tm. TM VMM Of PaM Johnaon OtaMt: commooMona to Ma on to a hoM on tha Coaai of England 11:00 GYMNASTICS NCAA Magr-hcan- (19901 Gordon Sh"*dB lor tm WBC MakM Igm- Bmah awator of aM aaw baak. aarav m apaoa. undw ground and ► NEWS » ktdMdwal rnmpatition Scott. Jo* Mafwmy Mooarn tanoa. tha Vaortd Fmm undM wak*. MWarMaj rha davai • iMt : HINATIONAL Cp (from SpntigMld. Maa. ) Ml • OAHLTtHO tar 12 rounda 0M> from Kwgaaan. LIPESTY1ES OP THC Tht TMMIH TO Tft» G*«n." opmant of kM akyacrapM. an 0 D*PF RENT STROKES EBM N Y ); PamAouban BarycM Raoa 12:30 A/nancan phanomanon, and tha Arnold. VBJBj and Drummond aani RICH AND FAMOUS STH1S WEEK IN ONTARIO IknmFranpaJ. Ma ■ SENA. ZAX AND THC ■ THE OO IT VOUMELT avoknwn of ato aajooa awH. g ihraa dMarant accounta of a bur- 0 MONTY PYTHONS PLY- SEVEN LAST WORDS f PASSOVER AMBa. PRbllCT SHOW ' 4:30 gMryio m MQCMbCUS Prtnoaaa Graca Mara Baa EaaMr 0 WASHINGTON (TMUNOAfM MCI C«l 8^b«* ■*« (E9PN1 NUMERO UNO Ftam 0 LOVE BOAT WMa on (E9PM SPORTSCENTER apacajl from St PoMr • BaajBJaj WEEK IN REVIEW AMERICAN BAND- AMan nogw. uaa color MfrMod SackanbauM. a W«« Qaman cruMd to Graaoa. Mudanii from 11:20 and aM Vatican Muaaum. Natw- 0 MOV* *** MwdM By STAND GUMH TM AMm IharmoffOphy to MtOW Tha W*M iha Mopai abna maMf pkjn O NEWS I PraamcM Aftara ' •tg CooM GaadM and tha London Daeraa" (19791 Chriatopmr ("btarddng On." SB Ow-V). aoocar ptayar a> profdad 90 iha* grarJuation M OM ParBtanon. praoaoM tha neara I PMnmM Jam.. Maaon of naaAaiaaaipkig. eaialUrw, Ptn *—MI I R • Gonm 9* Sp*- BOO doubM ghaang and tMrmoaWt ktaac MM at Iowa, and WAi gala 0 ABC NEWS (KENNETH COPELAND CSPNI AUTO RACING "NAS- MbT). O NATIONAL OeOGPlAPH- aaBMok. angagad to a IB-yaM-oM cokaga NEWTON S APPLE CAR T.ana South 600" (ava bam 9 TV AUCTION A Md*y , IC SPECIAL -fc» FflMM" A* 11:30 gradwaM. Wig lOrOO Darkngton. S.C.). ■BPNI SPORTSCENTER phem m»«gni whwa any- ■apWrataan of Ota rlcft vWkny of XAT THC MOVIES 0 TV AUCTtON (CONT'D) O WESTERN GARONER tTMCI MOV* *** omth- MO im*i and Mn*M| MB) bd M*> aNM and anMud u, ^ th« ran MOVIE •** Khartoum 0YOUI*CMOkCl POP) THC 0 DAY OP OtSCOVERY wap (19971 MtoMM CaM. BTJPtfl THC NBA TONM3HT Iionad w 0* hmwM MW taraata of Coota Rca ■ praaanMd. (19941 Chartton Haaton Lauranoa PB>M AWAINM TM amaanU- 0 NOVA IR) 09MV. Oamrri CMrMa Osrdoa ChmtopMr Roawa. 0 VICTORY GARDEN Bonof imaiar aafcuiidaararda lor 0 WIDE WOULD OP dafanda 19i*t-cantury Sudan from 0 O. JAMES KENNCDY 1:SO llfJO Mot pctwa. baw actor / ackraaa. SPORTS Schadufcad: Worm tha fanoMM rakgnwa MadM. it* 0 WORKING WOMEN 0 HYMN SI NG SaMctlom oaf- i FISHING boat mpporang ackor / acaraaa Amakaur BoMng Champonahv MaM fTMC) MOV* *** 0**d abraong Pakn Sunday McfuBk FAT ALBERT and Mai aong Haabtd by Laa CkaaarM. taMunrn 0 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Man Don i Wa*. Plaxf (19921 FaBMr TM Hour K Coma.' ! WOMEN'S TENNIS Man* and Srooka ShaAM iNEWS 90« Crf MOrtd a* ndu» how formM aomMr Oaarga SN-M Maran. MadM Ward. TMra bj A Qraan HB Fa. Away" "FarMy Cvda CM)' 0 MOVIE **H TMSkiOf GRIZZLY ADAMS no Mark BraMjnd and TyrMl BkB> McGovarn Guaat Madnaaa 10:30 and I HoardA ForaM Praymg." Harold DMkBabock' I1B47I Har- CBS MEWS (bam Loo AngakM, CaM.). World ( Kaap Moatng'I 0 NORTH COAST MAGA- t THE WALTONS 1.CJ. otd Lloyd Franoaa Ramadan An MINORITY REPORT Snort Track Spaadakaang Chanv 0 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS ZINE FaaturadF a look « tM THC ROAD TO LOS ■ PLAY I amtmaya aaff-atMMi « Bw FAME SMMO Ray Vaugfam / TM Fabu- CMuMand Pofcoa Oapartwiani afMt ANGELES ■«PM AUTO KAOMII HA»- YOUR CWBLDRCN. OUR 1970" Mvm Owai auocaaa Ma m loua ThMtdarbwda" Vaughan and hyaaMa and aya gun oon>ouaray; 0 0 WALL STREET WEEK O* Svm 100- ,tMtn MDT* pnea. CHBJ7RCN i«a And Oaath" A I DANCE SHOW raa band DoubM TrauMa. pMy LkMa Itafy n liafcMl acorac m> Thar* You taan Harm?" Guaat "" ■ ro,( N.C.)1 I- I *** KSPM) USPL FOOTBALL look M atanaial oara. ■bSWBRB af LIVING WILD Amarctir Mfacbom from TMUM Flood.' aonc MourtdanM). WoM V*graa. Eban Harm. f*«t «aga praMdani. (TMa MOVIE *** rtaav- MMtMtaa Showboat. « Loa prormtur* brth. and th* aftact. af Summar TM annual ratum of tha and TM Fapyloua ihundartMda { . noM9 IIMBkbii. an a Oakt" (1BSOI Km KnakfffM AngMMEaMMkk AdaM ponguna and Mookar aaa partorm ' On* . Too Mam" and SONOAY SUPPLEMENT mSD MOVTE ** Catting aMdMrg bom * aaoadaa aMy raaak tha "SM'I Tough OfULROSCRTS MO 0 1:90 Up" 11993) Jarry La—.. MfMn aama bTaadmg grounde to rmM (TMCI MOVIE ** "EMMMJd" FANTASTIC FUN FESTI- OTOSCA OPERA 0 UNDERSEA WORLD OP 0 OWIOJNAL SIX HOCKEY Barb. An aoadant-grom man MM ■nd gr-a brth to BW young Q (I9S3I N KaMki. hMvay VAL 0 MOV* *** TMnc'* HEROES Cr-cago va Ioronio M avarythng mcMlng a bungtad JACOUES COUSTCAU •TSPM H-OH SCHOOL BAS- KanM. A young Maman at 0PRESENTE 11963) Ckfion Wabb. Barbara CBPN) NBA BASKETBALL 0 CHfLDNENS FE.M FES- •MO-** KETBALL MoOonakfa Al- aapoaad to naM and romanoa M 11:00 Samayck TIVAL BBO Amanca Garm Ifrom Loa Anga- Pam and Now York R I COMMENT 0 AMERICAN PLAY- WMrtora or PhoanM Sum at Loa 0 MOV* ** v» "Unv Of Ma.CaM.I 0 JENNIFER SLEPT HERS 11:3B WORSHIP FOR SHUT- HOUSE "TM KBmg I toot AngMaa Lakara ISubaMt to bMak- tn" 11979) Kim Darby. ISanaa FMaarml Janmar'a BMnd ITMC) MOVII **** 0 STAR SEARCH INS Maaaa GUMI and DamMn LaaM outj Around TM World In 90 Day* twma Jooy a Kama MM a jam fEbTTS AND BYTES tiar m thia drama about tOANCfSHOW bbngcaamo 11:4S S:SO (1964) DBHH klryan. irarlay Mgp. MOV* *** Tha Proud aUjuohtarhouaa arorkara ng and avaryrrana w* 0* aoe- LOOK OUT WORLD 0 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS 12; SB mant" FawJ round Dmt from t«nad to fha raghoat b-Mar man ■ told M mast ramoaa hM HEfkEWECOME NontOam known aa Noabt- "County Logonda" Kitty WaBa. 0 SOUL TRAIN Auguata.Ga) (STAR TREK ckaaMa to datvar food at a 0 SUNDAY MASS dMMM. PG Fa-on Young. Paa Waa Katg. nudMM aparamant houaa: a bakar (TMCI MOV* ** OdyaaayO* MATINII AT THI IsSB 0 COMMUNITY CLOSE -UP Jonnny Wr*tM wuh kM okMr OuaaMi- g 2:30 CMpkar 7 of Zorro'e Bbxfc Mama . atand-up rowBM M tha fTMCI BILL COSSV HIMSELF Rd Chaach Mann. Tammy MtMaan Raagan adrrar-aaatMn i MOVIE ** ZomtMaa Of WhJp" (19441 (R) country dub provaa aNlW Comadwn M Coabv pokoa tun M Chong budgM cut. and SocM Saourrty 0 FATHER MURPHY Wa>


ata-tO BtaiOa aAaiBAU Pad > aapnng Akan Fmnay Ma SaPNI SASSSfd I FILM -Tht •"•" aTafJBI SASESAU. ■ lANPCdlO ANO SON aKI JtwM PdOaVl akrnd whara 'Baa OraM yaara" Ml _ •*» • VOUP CM4.DFIEN. OOP *^m Laaaan" waakkiad ,|fl0 BJ 1 ITS flASMS€AOLE; CMHOPEN "Nlglll AM ■ ■ THFkTE 4 COMPANY • BARNEY arkUJ-l Si MOV* ***H Tha Tan SrOO ■T iimi oan- ■ WILD. W4-D WOPLO OF an Ha. Aim. Baaaa. DM- ■ waya 10 hak. arMM kaatrati tM MkUlh an uaaa. II JO ■MdataaKQ BaM I PHA KJkJIATI Fram oama. N«>M« M taba- IE4FNI SOSTON ij* ah,dan.IkbT" " 11:10 LOa (Rl »:ao «MiMinM*f Ma akJOali r of in • LATIHIOHT AMERI- man. W bang a prraanar of dar. North Vat- MB CA Oaar Varaaaat Waama BJ FOUHJPS. BLEEPS a ■aPNI USPL FOOTBALL riaanaaa for an yaara. ■ 404 BLUNOEPS fraauraa acbaat •ry anaba of Hopkma larxfeng (Rl CTMCI .a Tha Woman Nam m m moNTUNt teM hhat Arrarrca 1444. rarlacll on Tampa Bay aanrjrra at N4W II JO I Maikdna Kakn: actar Mat WM- •n El S^-JdBf F»i»» Ore Ma kaacl ma ma haa mark on OrlaaraaVaabararR) ONEWSFINAL Door" II9S1) Oarad Oapardwj aen: oatupupt of Jonathan a.-oo Fanny ArrJarrl ■*• •««■ mm patacri arvti ha- Ba' phyt-can Vtttor Vaiaa aVaTjajjT/a CajfrVnaaXaayBB InF BJ 0 SUZANNE 11:30 mm ptom of *N Ctw»«« Mwt- dk:aaaalaahbkodiaaataa. Ma L S:00 gjl fll NOVA ' A Maac Way Of PLESHETT1 It MACQI€ ■ • INTtrtTAINMCNT Mti rm+a*. Q »•» IRI ITMCI aaa "Tht Har. Stabon DAyTddEMOVSI Grang Tha Story Of Tlaaouah- BRKJOS QaotT I »■■■■ Map THIS WEEK Faatarad Lajaraca. m MOVH **v» WUSA • IENNV MLL "aura 114421 Katy Rano. Ton anaji" A look at ita boraa raong #•'• lakdiaialnl with • -«■ haw puMcaty bnnga a non-aaa- at Mf70l *md rttMnw.. JWMI 12:00 Can mouaay a aa aaaroh far Mat- from arbaj array ararua WoedBWd An BK TVV»B TBJI-I— • p*Mi m a • J/LOBO 11477m and lha w4 to am. atlg O NHL MOOUV Onaor. canaar" 11444) Vul Bryraav. fTMa **» "Ml Jadi i—ctnnmry pavi>cM plot and IAUPIEL ANO HAHOV Charhon Hoaton Qanard Andraar 114)11 Tom Latahan Daaaaa cap ii spoRTsctFiTaR • COUSTEAU AMAZON Ttyk.. a«> Jacguaa CouaiaMi and hk • JESUS Of NAZARETH Jaofcaon ampler* Nafdft ct-w •oxmo ixi.0 a***** 120S Franca ZaMaraB a apt Mm on V* lanoua paaar Jaan Ladn* durrraj 12 CO ■ vt USSR (TklO **» oaj Mo II47JI aarVdatof ISir ■ Nl WS •trdMrt Oktwao .nrkfMng land Ma of Jaaa CM baaana •> 0. **k "Tht McMaaaaa fTMa MOVtl ** H -fntm- 12:14 o» nil of Mary and Joaaph 0 FOP My PEOPLE (14 701 4arl hta, Srocb Foaart. MM3I Onl EMfwood. Ff*AM 10:00 «4Ph! JPOPTSLOOK (PI ■ •xtaMltfM aWtjM BlCllm ■M br*i and cMftood of Crrrat. ■ aPNI SPOPTSCENTER HMC) ** "Tha Woman Nan JonM *US pM goM bBiw-J (TaaO*!! fnghlmaa II44II ITMCI MOVIE •*• Tkt drufl Mk mml amana-M ******> 11:40 Dear' 114411 award Dapardau. R Lwt-so IJIIM to list. ■ KtparMmc 'aroVand Mayra. Lupa tarorrara Bad Siakon Raaarra" (1442) BraoofftaipforM. and John M* ■lilil. (Pan I of • NEWS Fanny Arrlant '-j-.i'vg C-.V-. 1-0 11:30 KaayHtw la.Garr BVM NSA SASKETSAll, DM 1I:4S MO cma .p. CMma Lahmrng MB 12:30 Opatana rVaia-4 HmmtT t%m- ■ ■ LIVING *>o Vonraa ■ SPORTS THE FINAL ■ *** "Toyt In Tha Atbr. 9 ■ DAFFV DUCK'S lll77IFarJarrdFryor. 4aau4ndg- ■ LATl NKJHT VaTTH pCT»0bMC«0Ut) To Tht Van—un foa" fhhutapa- WORD Iiarjjl Oaan Maran Garaaan. EASTEFt Sf-ECIAL nfnillasWll aa. OAVW LETTERMAN Ouaatt IWQ MOVIE ** OfJtJH. ■hart Krmr and Ann Mamrfun ha- Fbja. O^fv cor#*ma &**.iumm tm CM 1MB aataaaan Raharrl Laara. chaf 12.-O0 Lmpmmm- 111*771 rlW-wd NfBJT. •vnd SPMOV GonitvlM. B*-J iva KM • *>•* Topar iisaai fASCNEWS MB FraaFrarahorrata IW IVitlBM. AlW Worn WV N. MUSIC MAGAZINE fTMO **H aMhar Lork WObsjr-il md^mmg rvOFlti dtatafafl John FraayMa. KarM Char •J STAR MLAJKH •^EMWIXMM. Ml 12:40 ■SMI NSA SASKETSALL M4S2) Chrahon Nation. Nrok IflO btae* cha i a. mm hmmmy ml (TMCI MOVIE ** attach 4 tDAVE ALLEN AT LAROE Oataa HiraUl al Galdan StaM Mancuan too Choraj. Sol Smokm " (IMS) COLUMBO A maaatro a 0 **• Tha laarryrng fund amm» l>M-tn IMSJWTPM^ 0MOVIE **VI Horror Thy Harold on hoar to w» da ttu- 13 JO INCWS *«MF1 BhB f-ncfcl B Fktkv kn-B -itkM FaMar (14721 Rat Valona. fceh- INSTITUTE SALUTE TO UL- dam-aoaVpraaakncy ■ ■ TAKING ADVAN WHEEL. OF FOHTUNC *» N#» Vort (or h» lath* ■ EVENING LIAN OtSH Saty FWd. John B4FNI COLLEGE BABBBALL TAOE MACNCR.MACNErl / LtMr,F"l (Bmamaga SJIMMV SWAGGAPT Howaat-iat.. lloaMrl l*tcfta«ri. fSaaaon Plamaaal Baykr at Tana. t) GAVIN AND LOTT NEV Jaama MOTMU. Mary Sas-KBXr NfWSHOUr. • ■ (MAT PEFtFOR- MOV4; *4* "Of For Tha 4:00 MUSK SHOW MANCES Oo*" In Th. VaaVr. gan and hoot DON-JIM Fartanka MB I H>»aPPy DAYS AGAIN Ltmpt O Claa" 114341 PM IfJBJSjFNEWS I A**0»tC DANCING Hutton Cot* and LavJa Leu Alan -V ara .HHa-BJ ••■• caMbaiMo aatBD ■ ■ THE JEFFERSONS 12:40 I, 0: •«■ k.ap'-raHurcr-naon WHEEL OFOf FORTUNE OWO MOVI6 ** Th. Wo- ■ la. n Kurt VVB4 . »oa. gpara pa* ***** to L.*an Ga* an cm*- Tom and Hafan maka raaar.Mlona rma MOVIE •• laov 1:30 MACNEIMACNE4 / LEMPER at rra head arhara may ajar* Chanartava Loaar" HMD Sytna m Hma Ooor MHH 0--.1 about a randatiw-irj man and tm ajratws NEWSHOUP Ho«ala,Loa* daar honayrrrtjon 30 yaara aajaa Kraad. Ntehaftaaay DBpawcj-fcj Fajv-y Aiitwtl A m», 1:43 «HAPPY DAYS AGAIN (ASCENT OF MAN <-w mm bKiOmM (IJITV^I^JJ*, mtMti Ulfl 1-OOTSAi.L (WCONCtBT liBB «a»1l NSiOE BABE4ALL PLAYBR1CMJE JESUS OF HAZAH11H JaVF AKCONC REAL • MOVIE 4* II I To ttT*t*F*jd *rm im bMuiifu, ftJMfh I««<|ia Say a*«fttta a Haw (TMOMOVTE **H 4ajMo bar ■>»•«• sittam lv|hMonMlMd al franco Za**a.aa.'a apK I*" oon- ESTATE My Daught. 1,9731 Sravaa 114731 4ama Caaav. Bo Saan- w\w"mm VI' 200 • MASTERPIECE THB- SJO aon Crppkd tiiliaal pay. (■NEWS t-WBY*. M* A ATHE Nancy Aator In aha aha I NEWS • SJ NEWHAPT Da* and MQ (TbtTI MCVH *4rk 4rty Maura aaaTaa a rakad by ha fal- m^msbmSmmri IMOa. Nancy Larajharna bam TOO CLUS Faahaad: par ■ •CM NEWS Jaaraia mata okra hw a ojat oat- low playar. Jar* Taryarran. 0' 11971) Tom Laughan. 3of3!(«l Vflk IIU.I ■ laaahaaj achool > choloortt Dr. Oavid Smith fNKNrws abrabon whan Garvoa aowni baa afaytot BaBB 0 THMI'I COMPANY Maar Vark arhara aha man*, Roh- • A*C NEWS p t.iwvanarlaraalb.maaipalt ■ ■ CSS NEWS an Goad Shaw, a crurrmma 4oa- ■ WKFVP IN OHONNATI 2:14 .'" 1000 • NBC NEWS HacMflin. ■on bashator. ran lot Big m 9imntm wtPOWT BSPNISPOFITSCENTER ■ ■ ■ CAGNEy 4 LACE y ■ ABC NEWS CJ tmg Mt Chra and Mary baoornt buaaaMJ 1:30 m WKRP IN CINCINNATI 0 SJ AMEFttCAN PLAV- NEWS ■ ■ ALICE Vara'a laarlata ■ LET FtWEDOM PING 7 00 whtn they darrorhar how dMaaat a ■ caa • BUSINESS REPORT MOUSE MoBJ^r-j-- Fbp Ton- bat a aour now whan hay hat- NIOHTWATCH 1:30 ■ 0 ENTERTAINMENT a at bra* a poinnyaidac fdm- • tPNI SPORTSLOCaX and Cajntfram Farni wnM TONIGHT FaobM* ** band makrngrmg earn AUSTRALIAN RULES BBWOMCN INCFMSaS FOOTBALL 7:00 fhtrn-O* atoOaWWBTY •**» artOfY ■ ■ US -SOVIET RELA- • BJ ENTERTAINMENT ■ WA»ldNaiUWI*PO>TT aTaBB MAWAMFIVE-O TIONS: THE FIRST SO JJO TONIOHT laalaratj: Loranio . -R*J-. fcom Omn^m -rfvo v-a,, (TatCI MOVIE *** "Daad ■ WALL STREET JOUP NALNEPOPT fAMi.VI-IUO yl APS On tha tOdl arainraraary SJ caa NEWS Lamat( Fakon Cratt"l. aa iva hoiBtakaapar. Q Man Don't Waar rand' (1N2I of rapromanc lattbarii Balaam LTTTU MOUSE ON THE NIOHTWATCH 9 THE MAKING OP BMO Sataa Maran. Raohal Vdard A i da Iwa raaaona Htrnaon E. SalM- 4:00 SUPERMAN TM MOV* • SHAPING UP SMM* Itofta barrlhrakd pmaM aaa naaa mo a (BUSINESS PEPOPT bary hoata a itiaa al Ma aapar- .E4PNI OYMNASTIca NCAA Tha 1474 boa otva lat a OMar- daaffi anha dooratap aha. a laaM of fan aaa ohanrAara abba :MaA-S'H POWMI' itdtliuiidia. harrar Fraa- Onaaan ■ Man i Taam Compmi- mankd by na Mat Oralopha caMutf acquanNnoa «aa of a • ITaaanthaaaaiT.ola.oan ! MACNC4. / LEMPER ■dani Richard M Naon a tan (bom S^arnghakl. Mata I IRI faaaaa M a (aroaram of Ban capo, r-MflBICaoV Hat / daaaaa ryoatn. TO' NEWSHOUP (Thaa MOVIE * k "Tkt 4op- oatbmaa and Maarkai wah 1041O • JPNISPOPTSCENTIP • NEWS IOTOO aana" IIBSII Rabaoca fWavrg aarra at ha op-atara. ptl 0 TMI NATIONAL Cp / ■ • TP.APPEP. JOHN. 7:SO rNMB fr.dMcCaran IFAANLYFEUO JOUHNAL M.D. Oorao Mk lor a baaaaM ■ P.M. MAGAZINE AOonao ITMCI MOVIE aa Hanhyaonk LITTLf HOUSE ON TH1 0 HART TO MART JonaPvan DAYTBal aVORTI naar atari iiaaiaaa who k aaar- Man I14S2I CM Earararaod. laamB up ->-th a Mnna» dbaT 10 aaatd kaiidini okaikiu to ba aon": Ptak Kara gnat Ma riMnn Kyk Eaaiaraod An oaar Ma hat. BUMNCSS «F-C«T aapoaa a bauAjtow mrmm pro and IllyaaaakUU 4O0 dan an 4BJ haa baooma an EtM- acohokc uaaiat aaaaan taiga a. | M*A-S»H a biartAmaalntl «to<*b.<*af (R| g ■ MASTMPIECi THI- JPTSCEI aaaak a> Naakadk aa* hk 14- MACNE*. / LEHAEFt '. Das. IP. 0NEWS ATHI Nancy Aaaar" h aha kta 4 JO Itar old naphaa ajr a am charva MEWSMOUH ITMCI MOVIE ***H ■ MOa. Nancy Larajharna aam pkn at nMt fram fptMon to San raaftaon m aha Grand Ok Opry t-J' mWW THM WEEK IN TMi Maptotto" HMD Khwa Mana STOO ■rwcbwai. fey***"* abwdi. An haw yon arhara aha > taov IfSFN) AUTO RACING TMPEE S COMPANy M« »:S0 •VFft«*joua Gartnan actor paAa Ida BAPNEV MIXER ■Saraaj 100" flram Nonh way tm ■ ■ NEWS SJ P>.M. MAttATJNt A day a •mm* aaada at No bad Far anoaaaa am barton*. fPal I of IIQ aaboro. NCI Ml i WHO. WLO WORLD OF TWJ NATIONAL CJ / adafarMin mt» mt **■** pahx . •tain ma Naaa coma to pcsaMr.

olanteyH-Kapbui The Smart MOVE!

IJSAT • GMAT • MCAT • GRE (419) 536-3701 BOSU'S .STUDENT MAGAZINE 4 3550 Secor Road Toledo, Ohio 43606 lOUCATIOraAL COMING SOON 1 CtNTtR bg news magazlne/aprll 13 1964 11

10:30 WHEEL OF FORTUNE OAYTant HCVOI taot ol Oonoooi IAANPOAO AHO ION I • A PM ROMAMCf » ■'cm / mm » THE FACT* OP LH M TWtHYWU -OKI —POP —I— » m 12:0* T:M 0T0PW 0»OAT«C«NT1P ma AAAH T tittm tllAPrVOAVAOAIM ■M ton.'* OA*ATI«T Ainawc DANCING YMO Mumiiil tool I !■■ Trov MOMiNTl 1172 WOM mi 'mm MOLI IMO oonom NT* "IW Top to ■ LATE NIOHT WtTM ODotJII 1 HI . AM On A to* ux >n 1000 •:*0 DAVIO LETTEAMAN (AMU: HMD DM0 Roth. Cwotow (TMO «•* A" ll:O0 ■ •OTWNEWS iniiioilpn Al Fronton ond Tom •ow. Tho m, a* Prawa OWIM 11 Mil— ASM. PJrA- f NKMWI OMA dot batoor toof Coorod InciiMg and lady Owno torn M> cawt- ordPryor. ituiwi W*N royal 10*110. • o-l-S» |WW« CINCINNATI 11:00 ■ SANPOIU 11:40 • lUfMNtfM REPORT • ONTHEL IDAVf ALLEN AT LAAOI ■ AAH MNIi to lot ■ tmmtaomuM WORLD Aoou FooMt) Good' IIMtl MOV* •* "Propel- «*-• ITIIICl MOV* •»» u. «* A tat ■ Ooorap Pottor* Hi Tot. no* MM1I LaM. MWMn. Oory loo»- Ougon tam" I1M3) Mwaho Meora • N€W» oomh. to apoM. wahr a-ouM OM Hun, JooMt rlaew* A wtt- 11:10 11:11 andar noa hwuoig rha 0PM*- 12:411 '«■ • M'r*Ml (MM who apmaw of ON mHHlf. m mot) w» Crootiot Up •Ow-donM hw •»>. .ail I l»MI J»ry >_. MO*, lark Amaraan almwiaMi, 0M) *• 11:JO »««".. Ml « wop, ■ loM ■ MOV* **H IXIOq MO • TMt PPAmibJ. HMD A 01 *»* Tho Grywaw Story i. r.i. A v ■pOopmfj boon liniAauii. TO- Of Poftom On*. Two. Tamo" Evw TaW' Von 1 of 21 I'M!) toot at t» a ntroi wo TOO NtoM Anwn fAoi Mm Sydew. John Woyra • • ENTtATAJNAaENT I / Co 140 M TONKXT FiMwU adrforraw fJOMMV SWAOGAflT (TMCI »*» Tho bar. two ■ TOWIOWT to Hoot: Jam aPawr» MOV* APn Oronae tow Tornorrow" Moot) Oow- 1 Otaal ! HAWAII PIVE-0 MM7I JaA CAomflof taPM momorv Manilad by Oman FAAMLYFEUO MO Oru «A*C NOTWm NKhHTLINE ■ 0OU0LI TPOuaxE .— vvotw inni HOUSE ON TM* 1:11 • LATENIOHT AM»I IMAapM'ooot- tTofW IIIHOC THE POA 1:10 CA OVOOB: Tho™ J PMwi TOOAIAI nwa **• ■>...» ■" MPar ol "to ko» 0» taav (Ittll Chnorophw KIM nan MACfOIl / H«« (ToPCI MOVTi P* "lady • ImUMlJyn 0T0PW WHOt IK POA OJ" P. 14. 0>l oCHy.MJI.oTJ Chorwnov ■ Leoor' IIM1I SyMo rnta MOV* •*** -r- TOUOtPl) Know. locfoAMOoy. too ■ OPP! POOT M HIAVIN 1:4* •BOOtOt MO -HI- looPt W 01 P M MAOAllNf A loot « HPMI FISHIN MOII m • WHEEL. COF FORTUNE 11:«0 ■ THt PMoMAl UMNO # MACNE.MACNE / LEHAEFI 010 OMMDOO) OOOtonOO tnO PTO- 2:00 ■ OAVf AU.IN AT LAAOI OU00O by Uwo Comfon rofony. NEWSHOUPNE ■ NiWI oo» »0 11:4* Notooi twoiooi ooloooo ond I MAPPY DAYS AQAJN 12:00 •ToTHJI UftTt. POOTKAU <«• Wtatoiii / tunpipi piooni'i M 1:1* s CALLKJRAPMY WITH w Pm "Coy of Pin 1 " op— 1:1111 limtojpyow*— oMtl Itotoi •APP» APOPTlCf HTTP UN MOWN ■ CHHRS Com • oooooram) JHAWA* PTVl-O 1J/IOSO Oft tp»g 1:10 ■SPN) TO *E ANNOUNCED I by! win LALPttL AND KAAOY 12:00 ITMAtl'tCCOAPANV OJ CIS KIWI • :10 THt OCAM OF TMN AM NK3MTWATCH 11:10 [ HAWAII FIVf-O StAPItAANtV AMXIP ■ ■CIS NEWS IftPH) HOAM PACING TWO MPPATIAOll AM • LATE roNIHT WITH •J/LOOO WAD. W0.O WOPAD OF ■ NSC NEWS ■ Ootoy OOM brA. I Kim DAVID LllllPolAAIf Foo- LMJfOIl. ANO HABDV AfOtMAL* WltPXY VI) ■ ASCNEWtp Anoteon toAop fl«»o» tototi,. 0A0 I QbmoMtMoop. i- tToPW oYPORTtCSNTKM l:O0 ■ WKPP IN CINCINNATI 11:10 o*tAT*Jo oeoen Pom tv Tnoov oMIntMO! II ItoOOtOQl •t amy of too Mta Potto TH- »*0 • Clt NIW* ■ tUSINCtt AEPOPT ■ otOVtl •••■ ntpM- ■ MYSTERY1 AM 07 — II 1 mi 1. nooo to rtllip" llttn fooHH «P« NOA TOHIOMT PMoHrWATCH AtPHI NUMEPO UNO To Ho. *tPP» HOAX SHOW JUMP Jopommi tumo iiillooi. Il:40 A-foto. Ch««.Mc MACNfA / LEHREA At** OHOM M ovowod M htoO ■ MCO.OUO A |l» IIII ■ THt NATIONAL Q / NEWSHOUP 1:1 homwY Mmod M oiodMw ol too otPmPlol of o homo tJoTtf, tfoTAV AomiSPORTSCENTER ■apioVtotoAooOf. m llltamMPAPOAT ) THE FALL OUT Co* totfO 7 JO 1:40 1000 MO' ■ P.M. MAGAZINE A pnolo- ■ OA VE AIXIN AT I APKot ■ MOVOi **H Hi OAYTPdE tPIOALS • • KNOT* LANOVta OTOBOOT who fbPVo ttli 111 m To to Ah. 111741 Potl VAV OMP a tool MM oobeo ooMody. OM conoid moil moUoj llooo corv ■ NIW* fotf. foop, Ooo. 11:1* oM Abby tuiMII lit 10110 10 WALK THPXXJOH MO dv 01 Foroh'i: Aomo't 1 (TWO MOV* *** tw— tJlAOMY tWAQOAAT THE IOTH CtMTUAY WITH ■tPPII MAJOR LEAOHM (TMO ILL COAtY HIMSELF MOVPI **H -JAtonr IPU. MOYtfOl "Tho tooond P-AtTfAALL HnaHLIOHTt XI Cooopton tA Cooby POUo hvi 01 •Mnaoonol mwtotaov n ■ THT NATIONAL Q / Coot" HMD Ho-. AM io» r Opoo 11:10 aw JOlPJMtAi. 1:10 THREE* COMPANY ■ MOV* ..a "to tawM 1:10 oxoPoMtoraoa I POLICS STORY A patt. 1:10 •AANEYMOJ.ER OOmawY iitloj pot tar o tootap aw to (TMO PA-L CO**Y HtoAEUF WAD WAD WORLD OF not naiaM OMf Wot to tho 0 ! am* POMP and atoA abhor Mtto ■oarndpyabat ol III 11 Cl Itl — Cooby MOM Iwi M ■■" ■»■■— "I ITHCI MOVIE . ... OR) to tot ora-man MMHUDWUK 1:1* ■ 20/20 "Amand Tho V¥oHd to to Daw. itJO.rwi iM2ig I TONKOHT (MM naw Jam ohpto. too MOVTI A AH ", ■ MYSTERYI *htdw Of IIMtl Oa-dhMn. fPamw MM- ■ ■ ■ MAGNUM. P.I. A 1:10 AM" IPMI I OAYT»*a»carrt band of Maonimi PM 1110*1 1 ■ CO* NIW* N03HTWATCH 2:00 MM aha aar w aajaj dan Mo o PtMOOOPtoOl til tTaPht AUTO RACINO HAS- CAA Tip, law tOff Prom • ■ lATEIPKoHT AMoTAV PTtPNI INIP3E THt POA ■ WAD GOOM JACK. Tha 1:W CA H Hatraood opaaptp TOLrACHI Ptotnopiiii. *CJ. HI C*. imiiili Itm latotodwoaal Jato tNaTW* ■ 1:10 1.-0O NatJHTWATCH YOU ANO YOUR COLOR doawo ol hw ha Md dw taw al PT»Pa» *Pa3Prr*WOAIAN *U • Ctt NIW* 2:4t •:*0 °a»ri. atonal CaotoL haw of OM Olaarto. IwOHTWATCH MAMA MALONE P**B '7.0 CwapMa On* Itkl* WPW •POarroJCENTER (TMO MOV* A* Crotoia MO 1.00 Tha •:1* UP HM3I Jpry Loan. Mtoor ITMCI MO VII ***H • CO* NIW* IttPPI HOAM RACINO HMII Kbaa Hara NPJOHTWATCH WUKLV m aw natatnt •M THOl WEEK IN THt CIMO MOV* A* la latn 114* OmHrMdIO NAAIAI Aoan (1MH J •MPM *OXINO Lkaad I •:*• nnaawy carv ortPM *PORT»CENTER 10:10 ■ A TAaTTI OP CHINA loMO •too Hani Of Tha wot FMtoam- Soon to roaW hH PaA TaS* JHAWAARMI-0 ■*PN| QYMNA*TiC* NCAA ...» taM IJ/LOtO topiWol • A* hi ■ ■ MOV* A. a "Komac- LAAPAOTL ANO HAAOY •I Tho oanto" ay and a OHYOarana ty Mtoto'' llttn Cboryl Load. (TMO OOaTM HOLLYWOOD m aM'oaMtatL" •WA »»" llfOO ■ MOV* ... "Tho to. aa*** AUTO HAON0 NAS- Van 1 ol 21 IIMtl (aoroa C I l:O0 AH CAR TrOM-POMh MO " loom Scon. POM OTooto Ooactodand » I bar ornal OM llMtton oooorL Coot Cabk OtotMjton1, t.c i m narrotod by John Haoton. Tha

The University Board of Student Publications is now accepting applications for: BG News Summer Editor & 1984-85 Editors for The Key The Obsidian Miscellany Magazine

■ Applications available at 106 University Hall DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 18, 5 p.m. 12 bg newt magazlna/apfll 131964

II ii 1H tf AIM 11 Ml iii all \\l\m 1 KNOW. 1 ASKED ONE!' J&" BobUecker 1 Mr. Baseball

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