WÏATHE* FORECt ST TIMES TELEPHONES Victoria end Vicinity — Light to modgtatc wind#; continued tine and moderately warm. • _ Vancouver and Vicinity ^-Continued

I VOL. 85 NO. 68 VICTORIA, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1934 —24 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS RAINBOW WINS THIRD RACE OF CUP SERIES Arrest In Lindbergh Kidnapping Case Endeavour Leads Way To POLICE SEIZE SAILED TO-DAY IN CUP RACE accused HAN Half-way Mark, But Loses MAN AND FIND GIVES ALIBI When Borrowed Jib Fails RANSOM MONEY D. Meisner, Charged in La- Series Now Stands at Two Victories for Endeavour batt Kidnapping, Sur­ EXPECT GOOD and One for Rainbow; Endeavour's Margin at renders in Detroit Fifteen-mile Buoy To-day Nearly Seven Minutes, Richard Hauptmann, Bronx, But Vanderbilt Able to Outsail Her on Second Now in Cell in New York JAVA VOLCANO Detroit, Sept. 20—David Meisner, one of two men sought In con­ TAXPAYMENT Fifteen Miles When Old Genoa Jib of U.8. Sloop City and $13,750 of the IN ERUPTION nection with the kidnapping of John K. La butt, wealthy brewer, of Vanitie Fails to Draw Properly; Rainbow's Lead Money J. F. Condon Paid Canadian Pres* from Havas London. Ont., surrendered to De­ Flow of Ratepayers’ Money Batavia. Java, Kept. 20.—Terror troit police to-day and said he had to City Coffers Augurs Well at Finish Half Mile on Behalf of Col. C. A. reigned to-day In the centre of an allbL Lindbergh in Hands of the Island as Mem pi. one of the for Year’s Collections smaller peaks of Java’s string of "I was at my home In Cincinnati Authorities as Other twenty-six active volcanoes, wak­ during the whole time of the kid­ By ANDREW MERKEL, Canadian Frew Staff Writer ened to unexpected activity and napping," Meisner said. "I’ve got all “Hot” Leads Followed belched forth lava and fumes on klnda of witnesses. I can even bring Encouraging signs of the deter­ Aboard V.8. Coastguard Cutter Mendota, Newport, R.I., the many neighboring villages. up policemen to prove I waa in Cin­ mination of the ratepayers to help Sept. 20.—An old Genoa jib borrowed from Vanitie, wind Thousands of natives and Euro­ cinnati." lntaln the city's financial position peans were trekking coastwards. ONTARIO NOTIFIED re seen to-day as the tide of tax blown and misshapen, cost T. 0. M. Sop with to-day’s race Xpayments flowed steadily Into the for the America's Cup. Hauptmann Got Into He met Inspector John A. Hoffman of the special investigation squad, by city treasury. The challenger waa away to the best start of the eerie* appointment this afternoon. Inspec­ While It Ur not expected to attain U S. IT Years Ago tor Hoffman prepared to notify Can­ Its maximum volume until closer to and had established a lead of a full mile at the outer mark. adian authorltlea of the arrest and the end of the month when the final Jibbing around the half-way buoy and coming on wind said he would invite the Canadian, date for payment free of penalty COAL OUTPUT officers to bring their witnesses bean, the amounts being paid aug­ with Genoa jib set, Sop with immediately began to fall to Asseefctted Frees against Meisner to Detroit. ured well for a good collection this leeward. When he got in a soft «pot and saw the defender New York, Sept. 20.— "I am willing to bring my witnesses year, officials stated. to Detroit," Meisner eald, "and they To Alderman p. R. Brown, chair­ getting a better slant he came about and established him­ Police announced to-dav can bring then», too. man of the finance committee, the self on the Rainbow’s weather bow. But he had tacked they had in custody the JUMPS AGAIN "We’ll go to bat here, and If I trend brought considerable satisfac­ too late. cannot satisfy these people that i tion as he again voiced his plea to man who received the did not. have anything to do with this the ratepayers to continue their ex* cellent work In keeping up the city’s The defender carried hls wind $60,000 ransom money paid kidnapping, I will go to Canada under through the challenger's lee and with Total for Eight Months 15 arrest without an extradition fight." ttion which enabled hls committee by Col. Charles À. Lind­ press its stand for full payment sails drawing perfectly, continued to Per Cent Higher; ls'9nd ron bond chantes. open up hls lead. bergh in an ineffectual ef­ As Rainbow crossed the line the Down in August ____ EXPECT MANY Rtt>*MPTtONt REVOLT TALK fort to recover his kid­ challenger was half a mile astern. POLICE HUNT Many Inquiries have also been Rainbow’s margin of victory was 3 napped baby son two years placed with the city regarding the minutes 26 seconds. The official ago. B.C coal production In August was exemption of property put up at the finish was: Rainbow 3.1634, En­ The man is Bernard approximately 10 per cent higher than FOR A. PEGRAM last tax sale. Under city regulations STIRS SPAIN deavour 3.18. in the same month last year, accord­ While the winds have been the chief deciding factor so far 1» the the majority of owners have until Bichard Hauptmann of the the- end of December to pay off back NEW KAIL ing to statistics Issued by Hon. George America’s Cup races, with Endeavour’s borrowed Genoa Jib »harh$g the taxes and reclaim any property In a Leon Trotzky Rumored to Be •tipper Bopwlth dislikes Genoa Bronx, a borough of the 8. Pearson, MlnUteg of Mhw.1ffd8ri responsibility to-day. a great deal has depended on the crews of the Canadian Press The Increase was all In the Interior state of transition from their hands Jibe, which have proved faster on the ' city of New York. districts, the island output being challenger and Rainbow—me experte nee and teamwork they have Timmins, Ont.. Sept. 20.—Chief to that of the ettv. Active in Spanish Revolu­ wind in smaller claseea on both aides The heist police announcement down n par cent. brought to their tasks. The camera studies above present typical seamen Detective Frederick Frahm of De­ Expectations of a high redemption of the ocean. It may be he wm egdsr tontamed tear details, but the air at Total tot the province was 123,488 from the two yachts—the husky and Jovial English amateurs of En- troit amt Inspector lUmea Gardiner total were baaed this year on the tionary Activities one to-night. of «$*• Ontario police were en route fact an unusually large number of the toreenwlth Street police station, tons, against 110.630 last jear On deavour (below) and the dapperly uniformed, serions professional sailors Hundreds of excursion and plms- where the announcement was made, the Island the output was 45.911, of Rainbow (IBtfVt). stUm*apparently in search of Albert properties under the hammer Associated press at the last tax sale. With the city ure craft screamed a riotous salua was surcharged with rumors. compared with 65,028 In August, 1983. Madrid, Sept. 20. — The name of to the white defender ma the moved , The announcement said; The big Increase was in the Corbin Pegram. one of two suspecta wanted In a comparatively favorable position In connection with the Labatt kid­ Leoti Trotzky. exiled leader of Soviet smoothly across the finish line. “We hare In custody the man who and Michel CoHlerlea In the Bast when the condition of other muni­ Russia, flashed Into thé picture to­ Kootenay area. napping case. cipalities Is considered, former owners The sérias now stands, two to one received the ransom money He Is day as a revolutionary uprising for Sop with, with the beet four out Bernard Richard Haupraann of 1ST» For the first eight months of the were expected to attach considerable LARGE AUDIENCE value to the lands and Improvements scheduled for daybreak proved abor­ of seven the test. mut Itnd Street, the Brona. He le an year the production is nearly 15 TAX STAFF IS tive. alien who came to thla country ae a cent higher, the figure being for which they must pay arrears this ASTONISHING RACE year. Rafael Salazar Lonso, Minister of Stowaway eleven years ago." ,440 tons, compared with 782,074 the Interior, described plana for the Ktons last year. To-day’s wae one of the meet as­ TO BE CHANCED In order to avoid penalty charges rebellion as "Trotsky’s strategy, MONEY FOR GASOLINE HEARS KING SCORE on current taxes, ratepayers must tounding races ever sailed in the long One of the reporta, unconfirmed, mixed with American gangsterism." history of the cup. Endeavour build­ VJk DOLLAR IN LONDON meet their obligations by the first of There have been persistent .reports said Hauptmann a abort time ago paid Canadian Press next month. Determination to follow ing up almost a seven-minute lead in for some gasoline at a Bronx filling that course was seen to-day in the Trotzky, ordered from France last fifteen miles of leeward work and London. Sept. 20 (Associated Press) Vancouver, Sept. 20—Complete re­ April for revolutionary activities, had station with a S10 gold certificate good flow of taxes Into the treasury. then losing all of It within seven —The dollar gained organisation ol enforcement and col­ been seen In Catalonia recently. The proprietor became auspicious STEVENS’S COURSE lection of Income tax and levies on miles on a close reach. Rainbow’s beat 1 3-16 cents to the pound sterllQg GfCANAGAN SHIPS APPLES .Attempt* to learn Ala whereabout* point. ------at the use of the banned money and here fo-day. closing at $4 99*4 The gswtlne and fuel

THE PLUME SHOP TEACHERS OF CANADA’S EMPIRE ESTABLISHED 1901 7# T»tw 8t. TRADE INCREASES SOLDIERS—THEN AND NOW HEW Written specially foe The Victoria Dally Times Is Upheld Ottawa, Sept. 30—Canada’s $10,- Bj DE. THEODORE OOODRIDOE ROBERTS FALL 500.000 Increase in exporte In August Victorians to Address Con­ was du entirely to the gain In trade Council of United Church New Fall Hats HATS with countries In the British Empire, They were cloee together, anyhow, vention to Be Held at Na­ No. 18 th» Dominion Bureau of Statistics re­ and Coetigan wae up to his elbows, Recommends Reappoint­ IN A SPECIAL SELLING naimo October 11 ported yesterday. Aggregate exporte Vetcraft poppies, for sale on Re­ up to and over his ears. In both. ’ SI .95 were valued at $55,259.000, and more membrance Day. are the handiwork It happened In cold, wet Flemish ment of Lecturer than half of that amount, or $29.- of Canadian veterans of the Great winter weather. The Canadians, now $2.95 Special to The Time* 603.000. went to empire countries, War. The vetcraftsmen are without two divisions strong, lay In mud be­ $1.95 $2.95 $3-95 Cumberland, Sept. 30. — Arrange­ leaving $25.646.000 which went to other employment than the minor fore Meeelnes. Something had to be ment* have been completed for the foreign countries. A gain of $11.- craft» of their association or guild. dene about a bridge which spanned Kingston, Ont., Sept. SO.—Having annual convention of tjw . Upper 123.000 or 80 per cent waa shown in They lost their fitness for other em­ the flooded Petit Douve In hoetlle unanimously approved the report of Island and Central Teachers' Asso­ export to the empire countries while ployment on the battlefield* of territory In front of the First Divi­ the sessional committee on Christian ciation to be held at Nanaimo Oc­ a decline of $566.000 waa recorded In Flâhdé». And yet protection lor the sion’s flooded trenches. It was a tittle education, th* General Council of tober 11, 13 and 13. The two aeso- exporte to foreign countries. Vetcraft popples against foreign com- brick or stone bridge of on* span the United Church of Canada will ai eiDono petition has had to be asked for by tiwtnnwrtailAnn WIT■rill I I1IVIUUVInrhirt. HJ1LIIU. ■from Exports Ac Australia were j only, but it wa» a menace, or- per­ urge the Board of Governors of the an area extending from Malahat on a 36 per cent gain, and to New I theC*n«m*hi>»gTon. haps a confounded nuisance, to en­ United Theological College. Montreal, FRENCH - RUSSIAN the south to the nor$R of the island. This subject he» been touched upon trenched Canadians. It was valued to appoint Rev. J. King Gordon a» REHEARSALS SPECIALS Zealand $662,000, a gain of 80 per already in this place. Now It brings The programme Is now fairly com­ cent. % highly by the Oermane. It gave them lecturer on the subject of Christian Coetigan to mind. Is Costlgsn for­ the advantage of the position In plete. The guest speaker will be C. Exports to the United States at gotten?—that email, very polite, in­ ethic» for two years. H. Fisher of Bellingham, prtnctpal of eotne way—probably by keeping our In this manner the commissioners ALLIANCE DEBATED FRIDAY and $17,251.000 showed a decline of defatigable raider of hoetlle trenches the Washington State Normal School. $489.000. trenches flooded. So somebody.de­ quickly reached another stage In the BIG SUCCESS and strong-pointe! He was fearlessly cided tq*t it had to be demolished, solution of the problem that aroee Mr. Fisher will address open meetings and Ingeniously active against the SATURDAY on "Education in Democracy" and and Captain Coetigan took on the early thla year on the removal of ( imdUn Press and Associated Pres* enemy for years—but they got him Job. He made his plana, assembled Prof. King Gordon from the chair of Geneva, Sept. 20.—▲ military alli­ “Education for To-morrow " at last, in their own wire. material» for a little raft, drew re­ Christian ethics at the college. ance between Prance and Ruaela in First United Church and Or­ The programme will Include tour event of the eastern security pact sectional meetings. The primary will A CONVERTED PAYMASTER quired explosives from the engineers Following the moving of the com­ pheus Choir Held Their First FINANCES IN an# called for volunteers. He and his falling through, as seems likely. Is mittee’» report by Rev. O. D. Kil­ Popular Market be led by Miss M D. Jsmee of Vic­ C. T. Coetigan wa» an honorary forecast by Geneva observers. toria. who will demonstrate a pri­ captain and paymaster at the time party went out at the bleak hour patrick, D.D, of Hamilton, yester­ Programme Tuesday before dawn, launched the raft with day. It wae seconded by Rev. J. J. Poland hae virtually rejected the mary lesson: the intermediate will be the First (then the only) Canadian eastern security pact sponsored by addressed by E. Reid of Victoria, on Division got Into Its first fight. When ite deadly freight, lighted the fuse Coulter. Toronto, and adopted with­ W. 8. Smith and set all afloat to drift down upen out a dissenting voice. Prance, giving as one reaeon her “Education by Observation": the GOODSHAPE the bsttle started, he lost his Inter­ desire to remain aloof from possible The combined choir» of First Gee. Mitchell the half-submerged bridge. But the MEAT senior by O. Thomas of Victoria, on est in ca«h and pa y books, locked his MEETS WITH APPROVAL quarrels in Central Europe. Germany United Church and Orpheus Choral pay chest, Joined the 10th Battalion raft crossed the stream and moored the “Proposed Arithmetic Course tor The committee's report and the a few days ago announced she would Society held their first rehoareal of Grades 7 and 8" and the High School Report of Tax Collections in and took to hlmeelf a.platoon. He Itself In submerged bushes on the lengthy statement by Dr. Kilpatrick, Handel's "Messiah" Tueedey evening SWIFT’S SMOKED 4 Cm far side. So Coetigan stripped to hie not sign the proposed pact. PICNIC HAMS, per lb ... | DC section by H. N. McCorklndale. super­ reappeared In financial circle* a few In which he reviewed the circum­ to the schoolroom of the First intendent of schools of Vancouver, Oak Bay Show Payments day» later, remained only long enough underclothes, swam down and acroes, stances connected with Prof. Gor­ United Church. It wee most suc­ who will take as his subject "Is Sec» in Advance of Estimates to find someone to take on his old pinched the fuse, handled the raft don’s dismissal and the controversy No Insurance cessful. both choirs attending almost PI KK BEEF SAL'SAGES, ^ Qq ondarv Education to Be Selective?" Job. then returned to what waa left into midstream, placed and lit an­ which had raged since, met with In full strength. There wae aleo a At the banquet to be held at the of hie adopted battalion. He soon re­ other fuse and swim back to hie expressions of approval on. all Sides. number of unattached etngerw. companion». The bridge wae de­ close of the convention the speaker ceived combative rank in that outfit. Rt. Rev. Richard Roberts. DD.. the For Quintuplets Several of the choruses were prac­ If tax receipt* In Oak Bay con­ molished. But Coetigan had no time SPUING LAMB, 4 Q _ will be JT'R. Mitchell of Vancouver, Later, be became bombing officer of moderator, commended Dr. Kilpat­ ticed and the singers made a splendid SHOULDERS, per lb...... ICC president of the B.C. Teachers’ Fed­ tinue to pour In during the last hie brigade. He had a natural taete to dress before heading for home In rick on the lucidity of his presenta­ showing. During the evening w. O. eration. who will take as his subject for exploelona and exploelves. He the blast of hoetlle retaliation. He Canadian Frees Pyfe, the conductor, expremed hi» quarter of the year at • rate would* not leave the ençogy alone: tion of the report. "The Teaehera’- Association »» -a - Fee- led hi# P«r$y home In ». hurry—end The committee. In reviewing the great pleasure at such- n- fine re­ 8HOI LDER RIB BOAST, Q _ similar to that which "has marked in frown combinations. Callander. Ont., Sept. 20.—W. H. tor in Educational Progress." but it was not until late In the year action of the Montreal college board Aldereon. spokesmen for the Cana­ sponse and stated that th» perform­ per lb...... OC The raid In front of Irish Farm was payments to date, the total con­ (1915) that he received the first of in reducing the teaching staff from dian Red Cross Society and guardians ance would take place In the Plret tributed to municipal coffers will hie many decorative recognitions of something else again, and a much five to four professors, found the bigger show. It was. I believe, the of the Dionne quintuplets, yesterday United Church on Tuesday, Decem­ hta courageous aetlvitlee. Did the board had acted in accordance with ber 4. Arrangement» were being substantially exceed the esti­ first properly and scientifically re-" ■aid all negotiations looking toward November raid before Irish Farm come the explicit Instructions of the last Insurance for the Infant girls had made for outstanding soloist» to take ?"..... 31-. 59c mate* contained In this year’s first, or th3 affair of the little bridge? hearsed trench raid of that war. General Council. The task Imposed been cancelled. part and these would be announced FRIENDLY HELP budget. It was shown in a state­ on the board was at the beet a diffi­ The five children, recently ill with In due course, he said. ment submitted by R. F. Blandy. tbelr regular dinner meeting In the cult and unpleasant one, the com­ intestinal toxemia/ gained weight There are still a few vacancies for clerk, to the municipal council, Cairo Coffee Shoppe. mittee reported to council. yesterday, their 113th day. singers in the chorus snd any with Mr. Gordon was given an ovation yesterday. ' His address was entitled. "The good voice» are requested to Inter­ ROWE’S DE VALERA IS when Introduced to the assembly WILL LOSE CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS view Mr. Pyfe at 765 Tates Street. MEEM HELD To date a total of $166.767 has been Political Situation In Ireland. Past after the rote wae taken. This should be done a» soon as pos­ paid to current taeee, while the esti­ and Present." Dwelling on the possibility of Gen­ FREEDOM OF SPEECH London, Sept. 30 (Associated Press) sible to order tiut the seating plan, Committee Makes Plans for mated total for twelve months wee (Jewish Telegraphic Agency).—The only $166.748. During the last quarter eral O’Duffy assuming control the concern in the issue has been may be completed. $43,600 Drive, and Tran­ LOSING HOLD London News-Chronicle yesterday The annul! ontotle performances of 1933. $3.600 was paid In. and if speaker stated he would probably two-fold." Mr. Gordon said. "It c. reported In » dispatch from Berlin hive been eagerly looked forward to FISH this average Is maintained this year, govern the country similarly to the cerne the freedom of speech and the that the Nazi government wae pre­ sacts Other Business by muslclovers and the forthcoming and it le expected It will be exceedtd. manner in which ex-President Wil­ forward-looking determined stand paring a decree depriving all German CHOICE FOWL, the total for the year *UL M mort Blue Shirts, Under O’Duffy, liam Cosgrave., handled th* admini­ regarding Christian ethics, and production will be a musical treat. A Jew» pi citizenship right»,-except - Ptans for the forthcoming drive than $169.000, or nearly $6.000 more stration. Coegrave. he continued, whether the course should be pre­ that German Jews abroad will con­ Queen ' Anne of England was the Gaining Popularity in Ire­ had established order out of chaos for $43.500, starting October 16, than the estimate. sented to our students for the min­ tinue to be entitled to protection of mother of nineteen children, but all Another encouraging feature of the with a firm government. istry. ROASTING CHICKENS, were made at the monthly meet­ land, Says Club Speaker German diplomatic agent». died in childhood. per lb...... statement Is the excess of payments During the business session earlier, “Prom the beginning I have had 22c ing of the Friendly Help Welfare of 1933 arrears over the estimate. members of the club named the fol­ confidence my caae would receive the lowing committee to handle plane WHITE SALMON, Association at the headquarters The budget included revenue total­ fklreet and wisest treatment from al 1T34 Pandora Avenue this ing $10,000 from this source, while The popularity of General O’Duffy for the dance in the Empress Hotel. the committee. My greatest satis­ per lb...... already $10.557 hae been paid In. and bis Blue Shirts In the Irish Free October 26; Rennie Butler. Charte» faction In your vote wtli be that I 10c wee*. Representatives el Oak Receipts to date from delinquent* State is gaining steadily and unies» Mac Neill, Ronald Kay and Dr. Jack shall be able to continue for two SOOKE SHRIMPS, Bay, Saanich and Esquimau wel­ are now 84,083 higher than was esti­ there Is an election called on short Mercer. years In my study of the Implica­ per lb,...... 20c fare societies, who will share In mated Paymèhle 6B ttds account notice, it Is possible they will gain Dr. Mercer. W. J. Connorton. Bur­ tions of Christianity for the social total $14,563. gees McMahon and Hugh Pxrquhar the proceeds of the campaign, a majority at the next polling. Rev. problems in company with my good One of the shining virtues ef a pipe In the annual tax sale this year Canon A. E. deL. Nunns told the were introduced as new members friends In the church and In Mon­ UD&dhy were present. there was a larger number of parcels | Is that It rests you and keep* you CRABS, Revellers’ Club yesterday evening st during the evening. treal." F. E. Winslow, president of tha as­ offered than for the last twelve years. iske at Ihe same lime. Your pipe» 20c sociation, occupied the chair. Of 186 In the list, twelve were sold I smoker dreams with his eyes open, to purchasers, netting $8,513.41. The report of the general secretary. ofitd j for In these fragrant mists he will Mlaa Elizabeth. Orubb. showed that an average of 213 families per month PREMIER PATTULL0 OPENS ANNUAL SAANICH FAIR l Me half-horn thoughts take had been looked after during June. | shape and dearness. 641 FORT ST. July and August. All these families SEEKING OLDEST received some sort of assistance, f yon would enjoy ah the pleasure' Just Below ttacj’» other than clothing. Approximately lùmouked, | that a pipe can give, then the tobacco WE DELIVER 135 families per month received per­ buy . . . weti worthy ef He time- j sonal service without relief, the re­ (flame mainder receiving material relief, to­ SAANICH PUPIL neared name ... Is W. D. â H. O. gether with personal service I Wills' Pipe Tehecce, made In Canada. Phone E4441 The clothing department closed June 15 and reopened August 15, the Municipal School Board to secretary reported. During June 131 Choose Pioneer to Open families, comprising 515 Individuals, and during August 134 families, com­ McKenzie Avenue School prising 641 individuals, received new SENTENCED FOR snd old clothing and "thee repairs, the report stated. The gaanlch School Boord I, still 81 NHHINE CAMP , socking the olden living n-pupil of RELIEF RIOTING the municipality to open the new Fred Landsberg. treasurer of the McKenzie Avenue school on Its com­ special camp fund, reported that the Saskatoon. Sept. 30—A. C. Wil­ pletion. liams, convicted Tuesday of partici­ funds of Sunshine Camp at Sooke Of the name, submitted to di pating in the fatal relief camp riot were not quite complete bqt that when all bills were paid there would Mr,. Jane DuvaJ, e pioneer of the here May 8, 1833. when a Regina district end s member of one of the be a small surplu» to be set aelde for pottce officer was lined yesterday was oldest fertilise In Bsaticb. appOAM sentenced to two years with hard Improvements to the camp property to be the one on whom the honor, labor In the Prince Albert provincial •Or next season. ~~ will fell Mr». Duvel attended Royal Jail, less eighty-seven days spent In In the temporary s bee nee of Mise Oak School at warn yearn of age In custody while awaiting trial. Sara Fraesr, her position was taken 1864. The school elle was given by Sentence was passed this morning over by Mrs. J. Pilgrim, who will be her mother, the late Mrs. Jane by Mr. Justice J. F. L. Embury In the convener of the clothing department. Cheeeeman. Court of King’s Bench. Other conveners of committees were To assist the board In Its effort to named as follows: John Goldie, locate the oldest pupil, the Native CHIVALRY AMONG POLITICIANS building and camp property: Miss Daughters of British Columbia have Dorothy Scott house and camp pro­ submitted a long list of pioneers of W. D . & K O. Leicester. En*., Sept. 30 (Canadian gramme: Capt. W H. Molson. finance the district, including Mrs. Nellie Press)—Political chivalry hss reached and membership: W. T. Qtralth, by­ Douglas, of 428 Vancouver Street; ite zenith In Leicester, where the laws: Capt. W H. Molson, relief, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peatt. of Col- . local Labor group recently refused to Fred Landsberg. publicity. wood ; Mrs. Weir and brother. James countenance any action to deprive The association expressed sym­ WILLS’ McKenzie, of Parsons Bridge; Mrs. “black shirt" speakers of free speech. pathy with Mias Bara Spencer, vice- Joseph Stewart, of Niagara Street; l ndrr Ideal condition* Premier Pattullo opened fhe efxty-slxtfi annual fair of the North end South Saanich president. In the recent loes of her The Leicester black shirts’ much- Mrs. M. Croghan of 1133 Empress Agricultural Society at Kaankhton yesterday afternoon. Mr. PattuHo is shown in the above picture delivering PIPE TOBACCO advertised open air meeting for yes­ mother, Mrs. David Spenser Sr Avéfiue; Miss Amy Stewart and terday evening was cancelled with tits address. Heated behind him from left to right are: Alex McDonald. M.F.P. for the Islands; H. E. Tanner, IXBMPLOYMÉNT IN SV RANCE James Stewart, of View Royal: Rob­ president of the North and South Saanich Agricultural Association: W. Douglas, president of the North and the assurance the group would not ert Oretg of Duncan, and Mise Mary FO* CANADIAN HUS MOM AN OID INGUSH FOSMUtA ' hold any outdoor meetings this week Skinner of 1134 Fort Street. South Saanich branch of the Canadian Legion; Norman Whittaker. MJ^.P. for Saanich, and Dr. 8.>. Telmto as Leicester Labor workers are con­ St. Thomas, Ont., Sept. 20 (Can­ ducting a special campaign. adian Pres»)—A plan for unemploy­ ment Insurance legislation for On­ tario bar been drafted by the On­ tario government In case the federal administration does not carry rut Its VICTORIA'S proposal for a national system of un­ LEADING TELEPHONE employment Insurance, according to DRUG STORE VANCOUVER DRUG COMPANYtTD. SAN FRANCISCO a statement made here yesterday by Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn. Until YOUR WANT! AND BACK It Is discussed with the cabinet he We Ssve You will reveal no details. Money DRUGS AT CUT PRICES EMPIRE 2331 KILLED BY FALL Toronto. Bept. 20 (Canadian Press) Make Any of Our Well-stocked Twenty Stores Your Headquarters for Your Drug Wants and Note the Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y, 6-E R VIC E 8 A V-I-N-CF —After falling 100 feet from a city bridge. Richard Price, forty-three, Toronto, eat up and said to an aston­ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS ..... SEPTEMBER 21 AND 22 ished citieen. “I’m all right. I’m Just resting " An hour later he died In LOS ANGELES • hospital from internal injuries. 56c Krysol (antiseptic), 8 ora.. 1.35 Absorb!ne Junior ...... 88# for'.,...... 26# 56c Creo Disinfectant. 18 ex., 86# VI@8EN AND BACK 35c Senltubes ...... 34# One 5Se jar of Melba Cleansing. . ,1M 4 16c Pond’s Cleansing Tissues. 16# Vanishing or Tissue Cream, and CALBISSODEX 15c Sterne Canned Heat, 3 one 55c Melba Bouquet Face “Build B.C. Payrolls- gO Roman Hot for ...... 33# ANT ACID Water Bottle § 3.06 Three Flowers Perfume, 1.3S For Infant», children and Adnlta Vltogen I» a very/ palatable Feed 56c Oval Prophylactic Teeth STOMACH POWDER and Nutritive Tonic. Particularly The Extra Brush fer ...... 26# 63e tP tbs teeth wttbeat tajer, u tbe valuable In correcting Vitamin De- $5c DJer Kiss Perfume .....18# llclencle» In tbe ordinary diet. An Improved Permuls end Effee- Vitamins *0e Or lex Compound ...... 44# CANDY SPECIALS 1er Me, speetal ...... 23# Prlee, SB. end ...... 1.56 tlve Aid In relieving near Arid 56c inner?lean ...... 34# 40c Fry’s Milk Chocolate Buds. stomach Condition», Beertbetn, '886^ (Ask for Vltefen Pamphlet) 65c Mlpard’e Uniment ...... 44# P*r lb...... 25# Belching. Plataleece end Indlges- In Pacific 40c Licorice All Sort», lb. ...36# Oe Sale >1 AH Oer M lure m 35c Tincture of Iodine, 3 os.. 14# Prtw. 23#, 38# and ...... 83# 66c Pompeian Day or Night 16c Pecan Puffs. 3 for ...16# Tattee Upstlck ...... 1.10 OB Sals at Ah Ow $• eiern 'loo* le coaches and rhalr Milk 35c Lotalon Hair Rinse...... 31* Cream for ,.T7...... 43# Ml Sweet heurt Chocolate», 1-lb. cars on the summer ( ..red. box for ...... 76# Tattoo Up sad Cheek Rouge, 68# 65c Piter’s Face Powder...... 43# 60c Pompeian Rouge ...... 43# One Me tube ef Williams' Leiury (connection leave» Seattle The alumina ay baton, to the *Ok Bale et Ah Oar SI Steree Dr. Français Lcfevre’a 1.50 l u Air Embaume Briltlan- 86c J. * I. New Era Gauze, 5 ‘‘Banquet Chocolates Are » Little * having cream and nne Me tube S.M 0»), Number 17 dest­ milk In lie pure, naturel au te and, William.' OBder Broahlew She,e. Prophylactic Jelly - tlne ...... 68# yard» for ...... 28# Better Than Others May Think ins Seattle 4.10 p.m.) end so none or# loot by the method at both for ...... S». ^ ...... 1. snesla . Klemeth destins 75e Bevrtl. 4-os...... 47* 65c Aristocrat Hospital Cotton, I Ou Sets al AM Oer 9$ Steree vacuum pecking, eo this good milk, lb. for ...... *...... 33# Ou Bals al Afl Oer II Mere* Seattle 11.43 ,.m.). Also Me Pebece Tooth Faste ...36» BRU-YEAST toed In toertet Pullman- on when It reaches you. atm mains 56c A verst’s Cascaru Tablets, 5- 36c Turkult Wash Cloth ,...11$ gralririeo* ...... 32# Nembee II (treip'INrtlend) all Ite original life and strength. 1-50 creel Shower spray ,,..83# Oe.uloe Concentrated Brewers* s-M Shasta - Klamath 36c and 46c Ayeret Saccharin Tab­ Vacuum packing la a been which 65c Oellne Cream or Snow ..86# Veaal ; Blolotirslly TrMrd. Vita­ JPR1 (through tourist Pullman lets, H and I grain. 100s. SI# min Active In Dr, Form. Bra- from Seattle to Son Prnn- Pacific Milk end soma aery lew 16c Oellne Shampoo Powder . 6# and ...... 33# Vrast |, recommended In Dlfes- dere). Tourist lower berth dry foods alone enjoy. 1.56 La Gerard 1 nr ...... 68# 50c French Castile Soup, bar, 31# tl,e and Nutritional Dlaturbencea, fbr Cokb and L» Aryp* teem Seattle to Sen Fran, Ever-ready Radio Blades, 10*. 1-56 Fountain Syringe ...... 87# (dn.tipatlon. Anemia and Malnn- V mures» dare, only **.7»...... B4# 16c Dutch Drop» (Haarlem OH). trttlon. 35c Cetex Liquid Polish ....37# 3 for ...... lO# 4-ea. Bottle ...... 21# t* Cape. In bet. Bernier Me. Pacific Milk 1.15 Thermo* Bottle, H pint, 66# 35c Wright’s Coal Tar Soap. 3 8-os. Bottle ...... 38# "pedal ...... weeee w •* weeea m) for ...... 17# 16-os. Bottle ...... 74# *100% B.C. Owned and Controlled" 35c Cocoa Better, H-lb. cake, 31# (Triple Strength) dd l ap. In boa. Regular «de. Plant at Abbotsford 3.06 Ladles’ Sanitary Syringe 16c Colgate’» Cashmere Bouquet special...... 76. see b. C TAYLOR, Caeeeo/ Agrm - ,or ...... 1.63 Soap, large cake. 3 for... 25# Oa Sals at AE Oer 16 Itérés On lei. at AH Oer » Slew On «»k .1 AE Oer m dtecm 1401 Fourth Ate, Seattle IHHHSFEIHHHHH


in the world: as such, be can hie himself to a lonely northern island and let the world go by with a clear Btrtoria Bailg Sintra Loose Ends Save $2.00 on every ton of The rest of us are not so lucky. We may want Coal yon bora by in«taiito.g DAVID SPENCER DAY. I l ». WM •o escape from the problems of every-day life but our Enel Haver. UHITID we can not. We try hard, enough. heave* knows— not by going off to Greenland, but by interesting our­ —through tea depraved In­ flames of society—Mr. King IT IS ERSE TO YOU Fahltohed 'Every Alton*» lieepl guagay tf selves in other things, such as , races and low rmUlTIMO AND PTJAUSHI.su COMPAITI UM1TSD Is too optimistic—hot a solu­ ON SALE FRIDAY Inquire About Yonfa To-day! Oflto* Onto AtmA i»A Perl llreeu summer novels and camping trips and golf scores; but tion Of a great natural prob­ *»*»■ Otfloe lAArerueuni...,... phone tmUn un it is a futile effort, and m the end the world forces lem to eloee at hand—end the ■tous ...... Phone Empire mi itself on our attention whether we like it or not. On the Bargain Highway ■tu» Bin* end Reporter...... Phone I aptre fin Kirk Coal Co. Ltd. •CMCAipnon BAUD For no matter how abstract these problems may dtp Delivery ...... It per month seem—problems like the virtues and defects of the By H.B.W. list Brand St. 01X41 rnr ma lenelielre el eapl-Cenedn, profit system, or the armaments race, or the agri­ Women’s Far-trimmed Fall Coats ones aoteto eel Unite! Atetee...... to per ennu cultural depression, or the evils of modern political Ye Prince AeWltnn eta ...... «I per ■*» sms machines—sooner or later they have a way of getting FALLEN IDOL personal and affecting the money we earn or the prices bar of Parliament doesn't want to T *«*W, of course, that our dvtll- we pay for things or our right to keep oa living quit until he has finished hie full Tweed Coats in several fashionable styles, lined with gift, cuttino down the quotas * nation had orarcoma and ruined a moderately happy life. legal term, in plain and brutal but with rich fur trimming. Sizes 14 to 20. °UT beat breeds of dogs. I knew that absolutely truthful «M. M wants) *------*------> We can not run awsiy Bam iSai aie matter trlevan that were once men's equal to draw a final, fifth Indemnity; and ore than half of Canada’s ex- — the poor fallow has probably how far we go. We have to stick around, worry anywhere had become equally , spent much more than hie Indem­ port! to the United Kingdom last year were our heads off about them, and do our bit in the great P»»d. I bad seen the decline of Women’s Failovers of Silk and Wool M nity In his public duties and ruined made up of agricultural and animal products. The the Scottish terrier from « hardy job of finding a solution for them. his private business as well, this Is highlander to a cake-eating pansy, outlook for increasing our sales of these products in a very natural Impulse. Special, fl.00 the British market, however, is by no means bright. and the degeneration of the Airedale Very fine quality Pullovers, shown in several attrac­ A GREAT JOURNALIST Into a lap dog- I had beena up well It every member of the House of The Elliot scheme of developing British agriculture under this humiliation, but I „*m Commons could be sure of getting tive designs and stripes. Sites 14 to 38. looms up as e distinct menace to these exports. In­ Pound to say that I was not prepared hto Indemnity for the next session, creases in the number of meet animals in Great Britain ANADIAN NEWSPAPERDOM PAYS for thto latest shock. I refer, of he wouldn't object to an election oourae. to the news from London and now. He would take the money and and the acreage’ of grain and fruit have been regularly unreserved tribute to the late John Redpeth Women’* Rayon Panties followed by greater restrictions on the importations C Parla. Than they an civilising the retirai since tha average member of Women’s Celanese Hose Dougall. who passed away in Montreal on Tuesday Parliament to too also a fellow not of such products from Canada and the other British at the age of ninety-three. For many years Mr. T» they are taking the hot-dog to reallas that he can't be re-sleeted A Pah, 35c Special, a Pah, 35c Dominions ever since the Ottawa agreements began Dougall was outstanding among the newspaper pub­ up In society, timing It, pampering My proposal, therefore, to that we Smart Hose, with toes, heels to operate. lishers and editors of this Dominion. Sixty-four It. all but tying » blue ribbon aroubd guarantee our legislators the total of Tailored styles in two-tone effects. and soles. All popular shades and He neck. They are serving the hot- five Indemnities when they Though there is no suggestion of feer that these years ago he became editor of The Montreal Witness, dog at aftern All sixes. sizes. treaties will be repudiated, there is, as The Financial which his father had "founded ten years before, and itad. Perhaps It would be best to li^ id the pay thsm a lump sum as eoo Post of Toronto points out, a very real danger that under his direction that newspaper established an en­ elite think It ig and they are sleeted atm. shat r the quotes may be seriously reduced by the application viable reputation both at a distributor of news and alt that sort < u you be dangerous since meet of of regulteiana such ai already have been applied to would expect, if tha would spend It Immediately and then as a fearless, honest and independent advocate of old hot comfort and luxury to which they bacon. Canada's quota of the United Kingdom bacon long clamor for another election, another worthy causae. frontier trmdlt spirit Parliament and another lump In- are accustomed, I shall agree to the market was fixed it 280,000.000 pounds annually The» wax a striking similarity between The already has e snlty. Batter pay them tha full logamaot, I Mid. But at th* by thS Ottawa agreements. Hardly had this been Montreal Witness and The Manchester Guardian m tha hot-dog « p, ,f. sum about the third year when, aa present rate, I said, the human race done, however, before the British Ministry of Agri­ fate air « so rlglnal rule, governments are losing tha Ie doomed. "Nerts to the human Meats- Provisions-Delicatessen their undeviating devotion to principle, just as there slaa to a half 1 ■ hap­ race,- said this lady of business, and culture commenced to whittle down the totals by confidence of .the people In at was between Mr. Dougall and the late Mr. C. P. pens among U is and times as the*. Then we could he I felt that my argument hadn’t been ERIDÀY VALUES — CASH AND CARRY roundabout methods, commonly used by all countries Scott who for many years presided over the destinies •oft upper das *, the sure of an election within four yean much of » success. to curtail international trade. A special and rather of the great British journal. Both were Liberals m hot-dog to leal md u at moat. Uttle better th EARLY SHOPPING VALUES — 9 to in A ar I expensive ribbon stamp was made compulsory on all the most spacious interpretation of the term. Both It might even be worth while to pay an Indemnity to all members of imported baton. Last winter the Canadian govern- never hesitated to enter mto conflict with political Of eouree. It .— I Better, Era* Cream- £-Q , Keren, lb. tote. Once society ; f thing Parliament who go to the polls and THE RHYMING \ «IT (limit » lb..) a lb. OOC | Sliced Ayrshire...... 1 BC I maat, together with those of Australia and New parties whose policies were not in accord with their defeated This would encourage it gorn that i ; they OPTIMIST Zealand, was asked to make an estimate of future conception of liberalism, from which neither would did to liquor I sufficiently frequent appeals to the electors, and It would he a real shipments of bacon, live cattle and other agricultural make any concession for the sake of temporary gain turned It frofeo By AUNI MICHAEL» ALL DAY VALUES economy to pay many men to stay at products to the United Kingdom. Though Canada’s or party expediency. Indeed. The Witness became old roumrer : Ch.le.r~-- I Grade estimate of 100,000.000 pounds of bacon for 1934 from a man's a martyr to high newspaper principle at Mr. Dougall ruptar of fo< DAWN »• 1 DC I PUU.S, do. 26c I a .be. . ... 1 9c Dawn, coming up with Its splendor was considerably less than half of the Ottawa quota, what they did TOO TRUE saw it. and a daily publication which in other leu Blssonsd In. «old and In blue. Sovereign Hama, whole or ehank half, lb...... already there has been a great deal of criticism because conscientious and scrupulous hands might have bee A MAN WHO tells the strict truth Dawn, with it* message of courage, due estimate ^promises to be exceeded by twenty-five -To- to never popular with the led toe. Old ae eteaUee, yet new l Eleoloa. smoked shoulders, lb., 1U; ' p—naked, Hz' ".X!!!"..-îïe of the' most profitable properties in the country itoaale. will and my passion for accuracy has Tasks that are waiting the toiler. suoed Hem Bologna. Corned Bref; lb. lose ...... 16e per cent. Ithout Rest that is waiting the old. wont out of existence. discrimination always been my undoing. The other These are the gifts dawn is bringing Roeat Beef. lb.. 30#; Veal Loaf, lb...... 2„# y real Prlda User, Blood 8auaa«e, lb.. 18#; wiener., Ib...... " The British government has a new import regu­ But Mr. ' Dougall's fine conception of his re­ understanding liante, night, for Instance, I pointed out the Mow, as Its banners unfold. lation dealing with bacon and ham from hogs which sponsibilities as a journalist did not go out with it Look what th being, obvious truth that It the women ther and laughter and lowing. Spenser's Dependable Bulk Batter have «offered, no matter how slightly, from any Which used to stural would stay at home and let the men Planning and pleasure and pain; Streh Made — Bold Fresh — It's Better He published a weekly which continued to express have all the Jobe in business It ^Ciu XT* disease. If put into effect. The Financial Post tells fashion the dr >' JOT Freeh Creamery Butter, Ib, 83# 8 lb», fpr ...... a— his vigorous championship of high ideals, and to pre­ and laughter < e was might be possible for the men to Pride Brand Butter. u>, 88# 8 Hto. tor ...... Jr# <■» this wiB close the United Kingdom market to the serve the veneration of fellow journalists far and wide. marry the women end support them “^“^“reïSÏS^.”?,1^" meat from more than thirty per cent of Canada’s hogs. He gave much to all that is best m the character corrupted Into mtic. and live happily ever afterwards. TBS IT ,r“h MEATS—AS CUT IN CASE amatory and i i«. Since then I have been of The regulation is not yet in force, but it is believed of Canada's citizenship, and leaves to the Dominion Answer to prayer* mode In ragnish. Choice Quality Yearling Lamb whelmed by protests. If I were not that it will be used as a threat to keep future Can- the inspiring legacy of a long life which in every The lams tt ______ed to Symbol of sorrow withdrawn. Shoulders, lb., 10# ; Legs, whole, lb., 17<; Chops, lb, 18* adian exporta down. If pig production continues to «“honks- The ho,-do, ha. gone ,•£?**%%* ^ •sol ite yeara wa* worth while. high-hat and, having been taken up'^ 1 ”” Bee# ****** °” th* expand in Great Britain, further restrictions may be Milk-fed Veal by Inndon and Parts society, prob­ streets by bord* of frantic females. Small Roasts, lb, 11*; Fillets, 11>,17*; Steaks, lb, 13* expected. The British bacon market this year, re­ ably will not recognise lta old friends I would say that my life wee not stricted as it is, is estimated to be worth $25.000,000 TALK AVOIDS TROUBLE on the street any more. Watt, whan safe before the wrath of embattled Small Firm Grain-fed Pork to Canadian fanners and packers or over ten per cent I aaw hot-dogs being served In clr- stenographers and salesladies. That Other People’s Views to aos quite accurate, but Shoulders, U>T 13*; Butts, lb, 17*; Steaks, lb, 16* of the total value of all our shipments to the United wivh*t!mmâcutete UNITED STATES COMMENTATOR three gttia have said I wu pretty -CTOICH AMD WAr Prime Steer Beef Kingdom. The Toronto paper then sums up the sit­ rotr last week, where they used to mean. One at the more refined, Sirloin Tip Roasts, lb, 13* ; Rolled Rib Roasts, lb, 12* uation as follows: says the British have thorough knowledge of using the accepted Idiom of polite To the Editor:—In an editorial of a A wallow In a Jolly natural squalor and few days ago. entitled The Church the way in which free speech serves as a valuablefreedom. I feared that something society, said my remarks about Rump Roastx, lb, 15-14*; Cross Rib Roasts, U). ... B* "The general air of uncertainty hanging over the woman In bualne* had been lousy. end War.- you quoted the Bishop of social safety valve. , this was going to happen Steaks, Round, lb, 15*; T-bone and Sirloin, lb. ..16* whole British market for Canadian agricultural Ah, yea, I «aid. but true. Pbr, I Guildford urging the church* -to gava up ScotSton terriers because they sink their tiny Uttle differences be­ Oxford Sausage, Minced Steak, Stew Beef, 2 lbe. ... 14* Britbh Fascists had a big mau meeting m Lon­ •aid. reasoning politely with thto products has done much to offset the advantages of for society Into cause of the greatness of the peril” don's Hyde Park the other day. Thousands of frantic female, It la surely a fact that the Ottawa agreements. Farmers are foath to em­ pampered sissies, i shall certainly (of war) that besets us, and stating SERVICE MEATS—DELIVERED Fascists paraded; thousands of their sympathizers when a man gate a Job that a great union of all Christian bark an any long range scheme of hog production, tad hot-dogs that have We Appreciate Tour Week-end Order. Friday gathered to cheer them ; thousands upon thousands of ha Immediately ruines out and gets people was a supreme desideratum and longer still, of fruit, unless they are more con­ Thto. I argued, may be a to-day. The Colo» 1st, in a leader re­ QUALITY NPBING LAMB fident that once these products are produced, there bitter foes of Fascbm gathered to heckle them—and. JOLLY JOKE foolish thing to Wo. In all probabll cently, stressed a similar point of Shoulder*, lb., 11#; Less, lb, SI#; Liver, lb...... 15# finally, five thousand bobbies were present to see that tty hie salary to not sufficient to sup­ IvWw. Indeed. U Is sms ting how peo­ will be a profitable outlet for them. Hogs, cattle, 11» MACKENZIE KINO, I tied In ple, representing all shades of opin­ UAL MILK-FED VEAL port a Wife. Nevertheto*. under our apples, dairy products, and even grain can not be no blood was spilled. ^the newspapers la telling the ion, look to the ChrUtlan church as Fillets, Ib . 33#; Cutlets, lb, 88#; Brereta. lb...... 8# electors of Ontario that If Mr. __ '•tom thto arrangement la the agency which alone can offset turned out in a few months. Unlike the automobile There are civic authorities who would have been to perpetuate tha re FILLETS AND LOINS G BAIN-FED FORK natt loses the by-elections there this war. - Fillet*, lb, 88#; Centre Loins, lb, 88#; Tenderloin», Ib...... 88# or washing machine, which goes through the factory alarmed at such a demonstration and would have though I am not aura even that to a But will sinking our Uttle differ­ month he Should resign Instantly. A PRIME STEER BEEF—Cut the' Sptnrer War " ie a few boon, a long time elapses from the time ordered all speeches called off and all mobs dispersed tine, pious hope. Governments never Use thing -to do. Stitt, tt Is the ac ence make to very much difference? eepted convention that the ram shall I am more impressed with what Rump Routt. Ib, ie#: Sirloin Tip Roasts, lb...... ij* resign until they have to, and In the seed is sown or the animal is bom before the to prevent trouble. But not the British. They let be perpetual*, mid I. Christian people have In common Prime mbs, short. lb„ 18#; T-bone Roaato. lb...... 30# the* hard times they seem to cling marketing stage is reached. everybody talk. The bobbies had little or nothing to Vary good, mid l But bow many than disturbed by that which separ­ Porterhouse Roast*, fun tenderloin, cut short, lb...... 28# to office more tenaciously than ates. But I sometimes wonder whether at the women who get Jobe In bust Steaks, Round, lb, 16#: T-bone end Sirloin, lb...... 88# do. No heads were broken, no noses were punched, ever, long attar they have Classa to we have not lost the essential spirit ’ The opinion seems to be gaining ground both nme rush out and marry some poor and everybody went home happy after it was over. enjoy the confidence of the electors, of the religion of Jesus. Is not the MILK-FED POI’LTRY among farm producers and the packers, millers and unemployed fellow who to looking until the notion that a government greet need to-day, that we rethink Fowl, lb, SO#: Broilers, lb, 88#: Chicken, lb...... 28# for a good home, who has been our Christianity. In the light of the dairy companies, who process and export farm goods, By letting the discontented talk their heads off represents the wish* of the people brought up nicely end who would mind of Christ? What do the beati­ that something more permanent than three or five-year the British very frequently escape serious trouble. has been made a Joke In every coun­ make a good husband for any work­ tudes and the great principles of the try of the world. quotas are needed; something that will not fluctuate ing girl? How many working girls, sermon on the mount rally mean? DAVID SPENCER with the rise end fall of political parties in either I have been concentrating my pow­ •sld I, are willing to make that sac­ Even in the Christian church, we are erful Intellect on thto problem a apt to regard them as negative and LIMITED country. The natural solution would seem to be a rifice which your working man Irrelevant Ideals—impractical m this great deal of lata and it laama to me almost Invariably undertakes? What rough-and-tumble world. Perhaps if survey of both the Canadian and the United King­ that w« must make a simple change dom market and a definite exchange of certain com­ WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAT will happen to the race, mid 1. If we explored them a little more seri­ In the mechanics of Parliament in keep invading business and ously we would discover their per­ modities. For a quota on these things which Canada order to give government in Canada lease men without Jobe and without tinency to the Issues we face. and. If SPEED ON THE HIGHWAY» can produce better and more cheaply than the Mother semblance of popular support opportunity to marry? If. I slid, you we had the courage so to Uve up to and Victor C. Porteous. MP. for would think Mr. Bennett wu *» tta 61. Thomas Time*-Journal Now the greet human problem I» them, we would discover their North Grey, Ontario, before the an­ Country, a definite total of equal value might be working girls will rush out and marry nual meeting of Ward One Con­ enem, of Great Britain, yet I claim thn average hack-bench mem- ' and support your husbands potency. ®r*le‘n k* ™ch articles than can be. more, In the It is profitable td compare our servatives yesterday evening. k* done more to consolidate the Christianity wffh Primi­ ■* Mr. Plunkett 1x1 d particular stress economically produced there. It ha» to- He admitted. ■ of course that the majority •mpm tea» «toy other Uvtttg —- j» tive Church. Among the early Chris­ upon the work of the Stevens mass the dominions. ia B.C. "alone we of accidenta a» dus to high speeds. But on a straight buying and price spread committee "Lacking such an exchange the Canadian farmer SIDE GLANCES By George Clark tians. in spite of ignorance and su­ read, by keeping in Una and not running too eloee behind perstition and numerous schisms, the and declared that while the Conser­ and exporter can only continue to follow the same another ear. than la no mo» danger at fifty miles an Christian ethic of love was the dom­ vatives had been called the "party of thessæî Old CountiT^bT» sr a£PUee .a* hour than there uacd to ba at thirty-lire, can can inant principle of conduct. Gibbon, the Dig interests.” there wu no jus­ courses of the last few years in building up moderate maintained credit hold the road better, brakes are better, and tha resiliency who refers to them with supercilious tification for this when its efforts In «ports and trusting to hold the market by constant tolerance, says. “Nor could their hu­ this connection were in the interest* of bodies can absorb bumps that, a lew years ago, would of the people * a whole. ^ "’“‘"'•O « improvement of the quality of such exports. have thrown can Into the ------man ignorance be convinced that it wtnwe in its financial i — ttnéjf) was lawful on any occasion to shed He also forecast a rebuilding of the maintaining the credit so th The meet common danger Ie pa—<«g another car the blood of their fellow men. either entire loan structure of Canada thiiar«^Strl5?from 88 ^ without sufficient margin to get eleer Into- line «head with the sword of Justice or that of "without repudiation,” and he de­ LEAVING TROUBLE BEHIND Too few driven realize that aa they spaed up to fifty war.” They were the original pacifists, fended private ownership of the new prov Th* t£>uMTwith mqwSirS mliee an hour or more to pass, they are approaching “refdslng to take any part in the wars central bank. another car which may also he doing about fifty mliee of the emperor.” Mr. Porteous also made reference EWWsssrsK To-day w» look to the Christian to the price spread inquiry and. in il/HEN WE LOOK AROUND AT THE an hour, ao that they are eating up the space between church wistfully, but not altogether this connection, mentioned news­ their own autonomy at the — them at a speed of loo mliee an hour or over. In order paper comment of the alleged Ben- time. The Liberal leader, he »i-?~rd ' ' troubled state of the world these days it is hopefully. Since the time of Con­ trod never stated he would «tie re to pass safely nearly half a mile should be allowed. stantine. the church has not a very net-Stevens split. So far aa he pretty easy to feel a lot of envy for Rockwell Kent good record In regard to war. Almost knew, he said, there had never been mï2L“ °“* dollar to say province a well-known United States artist. uniformly, she has supported the na­ a difference of opinion between Mr. *ZhÎ.Jro,tilc” hy‘ **•» dealt Bennett and Mr Stevens, and there with fairly and no doubt win eoo- MODERN GIRL VINDICATED tional cause and given her bleksing to Mr. Kent is off for Greenland, no leu, where military forces. She has compared waa just ao much harmony between I* dealt with In tels them now as there ever was. fashion," he continued. ha is going to live with hie Eskimo friends for an in- The Quebec Telegraph-Journal (almost Identified) the sacrifice of soldiers on the battlefield with the Mr. Plunkett declared Prime Min­ terms becomes » forcerai lesue when definite period. He has a little bland up there, and sacrifice of Jesus, and. virtually, ister Bennett had been the butt for Jdu «r? money and your credit to arhile he is on it Mr. Kent will not have to worry The modern girl lsjust aa admirable a person aa her given a passport to heaven to "valiant an enormous amount of criticism in »ooe. but When lhln«e win rood the hearts” who died fighting. To-day, the last three years but, "like better term trips Were Just nice easy about the Nw Deal, the high cost of living, the danger mother wee at the eame age. and In some respect» she is valiant soldier," was carrying on, jaunts to the east tor cabinet min­ a good deal nicer. Thu la on the word of Slater Leur- swakened to the futility, cruelty and isters.” of war, or any of the other things that itay-at-homes deviliehnees of war, men are begin­ with his followers solidly support­ entine. director of nursing in St. Francis Hospital Pitts­ ing hi*. PRAISE ft MR. PLUNKETT have to worry about. burgh. * ning to wonder whether the early Christian» were not right. Perhaps CJN. BOAT* AT VICTORIA Mr. Porteous. at thd outset of his Tha real reason for my liking Greenland U not Attending a convention of the Catholic Hospital As­ evil can only be overcome by good. In defending the private own remarks, expressed the hope Mr Plun­ sociation of the United States and Canada, Sistdr Laur- Possibly security is alone in this word ship of the central bank he • kett would be re-elected. the things it has, but the things it hasn’t got." he ex- of Jesus, "Have faith in God.” there wa# no doubt the publicly- He pratoid highly the tariff policy plains. TJp ihere you do not have to fight with entine told how she has had direct supervuion of more than 800 girls trained as nurses in the St. Francia train­ CHARLES BISHOP owned cHU. had been used for 1 Ot the Bennett government, declar­ ing It has wiped out unfavorable railroads because they try to discontinue service on ing school. , m 8« Olympia Avenue, Victoria, Sep­ liticai purposes He referred to the tember 19. operation of the CJf. boats to Vic trade balances, and of thto the gov­ _.JHF b™nch- The» are no political machines with “We get these girls at the Happer age.” she said, ’’and tort*. Surely nothing like this would ernment waa proud and had no ™“y- lnu ‘.w™»* petty system that makes they are as Tine » lot of girls as anyone would want to be wanted In the central bank, apologie, to offer. meet. There u no reason to believe all the things said declared. The present government was the yon sick. The people reave you alone, and when you first that had had the fortitude to about modern girls. Some of them may have vices, but Mow that business was on the up­ want anything they try to help.” grade and trade coming bock, the Investigate extreme profita and pstew they are no worse than the girls of other generations.” WARD HEARS I people of Canada should not be so spreads, and It would be the flretlo AU fois sounds pretty attractive in these parlous THU le what might be called expert testimony in the disloyal aa tb turn out of office the maze it a criminal offence for ex- modern girl's favor. men who had borne the brunt of the row profite to be made at the ex- times. Being surrounded by a sea of troubles, most pen* of the producer or consumer of us have only two alternatives—to take up arms LOAN# TO C.P.B. He referred to both tee u-i— CITY MEMBER end Farm Loan Acta as beneficial acainit them, or to grin doggerfly and try to bear them. He defended the federal loans to legislation In hto present campeign Mr Kent has found a third—to get away from them the OH., stating It would net have in Ontario there waa no word at op­ and forget all about them and his solution looks un­ A THOUGHT D. B. Plunkett, M.P., Fore­ been in Canada» Interests for the position to either or there measures railway to have been forced to cur­ from the Liberal leader, although he commonly attractive. casts Reconstruction of tail service* because of competition had opposed them In the Houe». Mr *ron,Mh »«•*: bet gedllw,«ma to m the publicly-owned 0JUL Pertaou. sttd. Unfortunately, however, k is the kind of thing profitable unto an thing.; having promise of the me Canada’s Loan Policy Already 812,000.000 0f the 860 000,- that works only for the iutist Mr. Kent, being an ***L??W **• el **“* ,hle* ,e roaie.—Timothy Iv ». loon hod been paid bock, be Japan's birth rata darreaaad from Holiness is the architectural plan upon which Ood An Inkling l 0i Conservative MBS per IM» of population la Issi pslgn Issues for the next artttt. is one of the few genuine individual»!! left buildeth up hU living temple.—C. H. Spurgeon. The member hod high protêt to 31 AX par 1X00 In less, while her * "Fpr the love of Mike 1 Cen t ,ou whistle any ether tune T- election wu given In speeches by the empira trade treaties. death rale increined from n.tt in D’Arcy B. Plunkett, IIP. for Victor:*, -1» hear some people talk. IMS to lT.fi in 10X3. Victoria daily times, Thursday, September 20, 1934

GUIDES MEET + AT CHEMAINUS en 10 Chemalnus. Sept. 20—The Che- DAVID malnu» CHrl Guides' Association held their first meeting after the summer LIMIT vacation on Monday at the home of Mrs. Russell Robinson, who presided. The proposed Guide and Brownie con­ cert will not be held until nest year, and It was Jdeo decided to postpone the November enrolment until De­ cember. The Childes are taking part In the toy-makers' competition for For Fall and Winter the Countess of Beeeborough's Shield The association Is planning an enter­ tainment , to raise funds. A telephone bridge was held, under WE NOW PRESENT the patronage of the Women's Aux­ < iliary to the Church of St. Michael's and All Angels. Those who gave their homes for the evening were: Mr* Allan Porter. Mis. A. Aiken, Mrs. libel Lang. Mrs. Ptank Elliott, Mrs. O. SPENCER’S Saunders and Mrs. R. Flnlayeon. The prise winners were: Contract bridge, SUPER blue serge Mrs. Jarrett and Mr. Saunders; auc­ tion bridge. Mrs. Laldlaw and Mr. Stirling; whist, Miss E. Payne and Mrs. Cave (substitute). The regular meeting of the Wom­ Tk« SUPREME en'a Auxiliary to St. Michael's Church was held In the Anglican Pariah Hall. GOODNESS that Mr*. Walter Porter was In the chair. The annual harvest festival will be held in the church. September 28, followed by a social In the Parish Hall. A donation tea will be held at the vicarage on October 2. The Junior Women's Auxiliary have Hand- FOR MEN GIVES resumed their meetings snd sre busy making scrap hooka, dressing dolls embroidered and stringing beads for Christmas boxes, which will "be sent from Vic­ A Big Four-price Opportunity toria to the various mission schools. Chemalnus B.Y.P.A. held a farewell social In Calvary Baptist Church for in which are featured styles for all Port Alberni their young pastor, Gerald Ward. Nightgowns Following the meeting, games and types. Single and double - breasted competitions were held. The. prias models with all newr style touches. winners were Misa Hath Radcllffe .In White or Pastel* 1 and Thomas snd Alexander Cochrane. Every Suit tailored from pure wool Port Alberni. Sept. 10—All Stints' present. Later In the evening, the Reasonably Priced, Bach Anglican Church was the scene of Supper was convened by Miss Myrtle young couple left for Victoria on a McOladrey. During the evening a fast blue Botany serge by Canada’s s pretty wedding at 880 o'clock on wedding trip and on their return will leather billfold containing money was leading clothing manufacturera. Saturday, when Mies Olive Bamlltng take up residence at Port Alberni. presented to Mr. Ward with the good $1.19 and of Winnipeg became the bride of The Alberni District High gchool wishes of the young people. Students' Council on Monday elected Lewis Davies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Douglas Roes snd Mrs. Robert John Prescott president and Mias Weldon ere spending a vacation at L. Davies of Port Alberni. The bride, Genevieve Saunders secretary-treas­ Cameron Lake. ____ »...... This is a season when every who made » graceful figure in her urer. Other officers Include Donald Peter Wyllle of Sproat Lake spent man requires a smart fitting bridal gow, th blue silk MnMBIafc, Winifred Spencer. Patty the week-end here with his mother, crepe, with white picture hat of chif­ Blgmore, Thelma Donnelly, Vaughan Mrs. P Wyllle. Hand-made Nightgowns of good grade blue Suit for in­ fon velvet, and carrying a shower Mosher. Gerald Ward left on Sunday to formal dress wear. A require­ bouquet of bridal lilies and blush H M S Dense sailed Monday after visit his mother. Mrs. Ward, at Vic­ fine white cotton, with col­ pink gladioli, was attended by Mrs. ipiiiamr * week here. toria. before going to the University ment readily and satisfactorily Janet Venables, sister of the bride­ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cronk, with their of British Columbia. ored embroidery ; also pink groom, wearing a gown of Mown daughter Alga and Mias Evelyn War- or peach Nightgowns; with filled from our present fall floral chiffon. Her trailing bouquet ren. are spending a few days at Nel­ People with fair hair and Mue eyes stock, A CHOICE OF was of pink dahlias. Mr. Venables son, where Mr. Cronk Is attending are not so well equipped to face the contrasting binding and em­ supported, the bridegroom as beat the convention of British Columbia brtlhant sunshine or other light as broidery. Sleeveless Styles. man and the ceremony was performed School Trustees. those with dark hair and eyes. • Lowest possible prices for FOUR PRICES Special at...... VI.19 the quality of the Suits. $17.95 $22.50 Hand-made and Hand-em­ • All of fast blue English broidered Nightgowns o f Botany wool serges. $29.75 and $35.00 extra fine quality cottons. • Suits to fit every type of UVot tw/rt Victor P In all-white, with short sleeves; or in peach, pink Extra Pants If Desired at or white with no sleeves. Spencer's guarantee goes Special, each Vies with every Suit. $3.95 to $6.50

Be Right In Fashion With a Manufacturers’ Pure Food EXHIBITION Raincape CONTINUES We Offer a Very Special Value, at • FRIDAY and SATURDAY

Over 40 Firms Represented by Salesmen “Trafalgar Square Just arrived t These and Demonstrators1 attractive Raincapes seems right next door protect your clothes from emergency Shopping Bags Filled With Manufactur showers they are when I tune my ‘Globe Trotter’ so easily carried, you need never be ers’ Samples Given Away Each Day “caught”! Made of heavy quality pure gum rubber — i n fancy plaids or plain shades of blue, green, grey and black. Here are programs from the Empire’s capital that come direct to. your Victor “Globe Trotter” . . . programs as British as the lions in Trafalgar Square ALBION • • • typical of the entertainment to be found in the great theatresitres around Piccadilly Circus. FAMOUS ENGLISH SHOES FOR MEN And not only London! Victor "GW* Trotter" assures you of really cosmopolitan entertainment. Turn th# BOOTS dial and hop off to Paris . . . Msdrid . . . Berlin . . . OXFORDS Rome. Cross oceans by short-wave radio ... hear distant North American station# by day or niphl. SWAGGER SUIT BROGUES That’s regular "Glob* Trot 1er" performance.

Victor “Globe Trotters" have proved—ond ore pros inf Scotch Grain and English Calfskin Shoes for deify their definite superiority. When you tune youf golf, college or business. Shoes that protect “Globe Trotter” on a distant short-wave station, you Is a Fall Classic! •re assured.of the utmost in clarity, fidelity aad ------your feet and that have been proven to wear quality ... (he final reception obtainable! When autumn winds blow . . .. there’s nothing quite so smart, so suitable as a Swagger Suit! well. At this store exclusively. JJA Every “Globe Trotter" features a single airplane dial- A pair....'...... / eqJV simple. practical end efficient...... and Victor's mulli- Nubbly woolens, rich-looking tweeds, some of <**• system, a great engineering adranrr, assuring out­ them handsomely fur trimmed, are included ih standing abort-wave reception. our fall collection! And remember, there is only one “Globe Trotter"—and it is made by Victor. Ask your Victor dealer about “Globs Trotters"— he has them in a variety of models includes many smart styles, Table models from 1*5 50 up—Consoles from $89.50 A NEW SHIPMENT OF SftBKK'“ up—and Radio-Record Combinations from $116.00 up. $21.00 some tailored, others with •132», «***» fur collars and vest effects. GIRLS’ ALL-WOOL DRESSING GOWNS VICTOR RADIO Includes, beautifully-cut Mise-w A great variety of warm woolly Bathrobes in VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMP AN * OP CAR AKA LIMIT*» Swagger Suits with medium length fur - trimmed coats attractive designs and colprs. Some with satin VICTOR RADIOS TOR SALI BY and plain skirts. Fur trim­ collars and cuffs, others with cord trimming. TLETCHBR BROS. (Victoria) LIMITED HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY mings are in caracul, French All with silk’cord girdle. Sizes QT 1110 Douglas Street Radio Department, Third floor 8 to 14years. Special, each...... A*7J beaver or French seal. DAVID SPENCER LIMITED KENT'S LIMITED GROUP Radio Department, Lower Main / 641 Yates Street 6 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934

=- HEAD OF VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Kirkham’s Money-savers VM SERVICE MGMHGHMNMGMBIGGHHHI New Calif oral» Seeded Balsiiu, 2-lb. cellophane pkta...... 29# OPEN TO ALL DISTINCTION Lynn Valley Peaches Fresh Boiled Wheat 2s, squat, tin...... 18# 5 lbs...... 25# Bedside Nursing Facilities loyal City Tender Peas Australian Pastry Flour (Sea Available to Anyone, Not The Result of English sieve No. 3, 2 tins ... *9# Rover) 10-lb. cotton sk.. 33# Merely Poor New Large Prunes, 20-30s Buckerfield Pancake Flour Cloths and English regular 20c lb., 2 lbs. . 27# large pkgs...... 25# Miss E. L. Smellie Points Out Pure Maple Syrup Valuable Community Work New Island Honey Tailoring 16-oa. bottles ...... 20# of Order bring container, lb. ... 14# Shelled Walnuts Holsum Pure Strawberry freah jtieces, lb...... 23# The very efficient nursing sér­ iât» of the Vletortan Order is ZXLD COUNTBY tweed* . . . ragged homespuns Jam, 4-lb. tins...... 45# Grystalised Ginger, lb. ... 16# available to all elaese# of the community, not merely to those .. . FLUB that almost inimitable thing—mannish Malkin’s Best Tea, regular 55c lb...... 44# whose circumstance* bring them within the scope of Its free ser­ English tailoring ... are considered essentiel to true Pure Fresh Ground Coffee, lb...... 315# vice. This point was emphasized by Mise distinction and chic in Ladies’ Suits. You’ll quite Empress Jelly Powders New Australian Sultanas Elizabeth L. Smellie, 0.8.1* BBC, full weight, 5 for 27# and Currants, 2 lbs. 25# chief superintepdent of the order for fall in love with the new fall importations. Drop in Miracle Whip, 16-oi. jars, 29# the Dominion, who Is in the city in Beady Cut Mix Peel, lb., 16# the course of a Dominion-wide tour. and let us show yon them. Libby’s Tomato Juice Boiled Cider, 12-oz. bottles 17# Mias Smellie noted that the medical 14-oz. tins...... 9# English Pure Malt Vinegar profession is apparently not yet fully aware of the type of service rendered 0. A B. Canned Chicken GaL 69# I-arge bottles, 16# by the Victorian Order, nor how read­ Vfe-lb. tins ...... 25# Gold Dust, large carton, 19# ily adaptable it ie to the circum­ Oxo Cubes, large ...... 23# Fairy Soap, 5 cakes ...19# stance* of the individual family, or greater use would be made of Its fa­ W.&J. WILSON cilities. ï:*vCr 1B.0. Assorted Shortbread Biscuits, Men’s asi Beys' Cletkea Usee Throughout Canada the municipal Lsétos’ Bperte Wear - Dssk’i 9 regular 35c lb., for .,...... authorities have co-operated splen­ 20c didly m the work of the order, real la­ in* that public health nursing ser­ Stoned Wheat Thins Rochon 'i Maple Walnutat Pudge vice la merely part of a unified com­ special ...... 14# regular 35c, for munity programme, aiming towards HIM Elisabeth L. Untune. C.B.». B.R.C.. chief eupervtaor of the Victorian 2-lb. Valise Box of Sodas better health and living conditions. Order ef Name In ronodo. chnirmnn of the nunlag section of the Caramels Twirls Statistics show, said Miss Smellie, special ...... 35# regular 35c, for...... 25# that during the past year 316 Vic­ Conodlnn Public Heelth Association, end fellow el the America. Public BRITISH WOOLENS—BURBERRY COATS Peek, Prein Custoda Biscuit Fruit Kisses torian Order nuraee made 711.0S1 Health Association, who arrived yesterday from Ottawa In the canne visit» to 76,876 patient*, and free of 0 Dominion-Wide lone ef the hrenehee. regular 55c, for ...... 48# regular 35c, for...... 25# visits in 1933 exceeded free visits of 1932 by 25.878. which exceeded those of 1931 by 63,000. The wonder mlm Fine Grapefruit of this record is deepened when it T for------^ is known that the order spent no 15c more than 640,330, that its deficit ALLURING VELVETS, Fine Juicy Lemons WMoa!y_eU94------In shad* of wine, petunia, blue, purple, brown Local Concord Grapes While V.O.N. work Is of rather an end Week per doz.. 20# and .. 25# basket ...... 19# unspectacular nature. It affords Fancy McIntosh Bed Apples Bipe Tomatoes (for making everyone associated in the enter­ Terro’s Ladies’ Apparel Shop prise, whether as a worker or a 4 lbs. for...... 25# catsup) 25-lb. box . . 35# contributor, an outlet for the finest «I WâTES ETREBT Seedless Grapes, lb...... 15# Sweet Orange»———— sort of- humanitarian Impulses, said Mis. W. J. Van Dusen and Ml* A. B. Aleoendor. proprietor of Mies Smellie. She spoke highly in Phae Van Dusen of Vancouver are roter. Pur atom, left to-dev for Mrs. H. l. Bangs ter, Hampshire Bipe Table Pears, doz., 25# doz., 25#, 29# and 35# praise of the work of the local branch. •laying at the Empress Hotel. Hontrooj on e buying trip. Road, entertained at a delightful tea Bipe Bananas, lb. . 11# New Unsulphured Black %- e — e • ♦ a a on Tuesday afternoon. In honor of Cooking Apples, 12 lbs., 25# Figs, pkt...... 25# Mr. and Mrs. J. Buffero have ar­ Ml* Margaret Bird has returned to Mrs. Gordon Ogilvie who I» leaving rived In the city from Port Albernl her home in Vancouver after holiday­ for Vancouver. The Invited guests and are staying at the Empress Hotel. ing on the Island as the guest of Ml* Included Mrs. Gordon Ogllvle, Ml* NEW SHOWING! King Apples Westholm Potatoes • • • Prana* Tremayne of William Head Ethel Altken, Ml* Gladys Townsend. Mrs. E. O. Burton, Mrs. r Day Mrs. XXZL-HUQOEB SHOES FOE WOMEN 15 lbs.. 25# Mwi tfi Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rowland of and Ml* Eleanor Eterall, Fort Street, box ...... P. A. Tubmen, lire. p. A. Reid. Mr». 85c Sack ...... Comox are among the up-lsland a a a Wm. CATHCART CO. Ltd. $1.39 visitors Maying at the Empress Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Haalam Bale of Palo C. J leper. Mr. J. stewert, Ml* j. OzUrle end Ml* V Reid. I DOUULA» 918111 Fresh Celery, 10# and '. 5# Fresh Savoy Cabbage • a • Alto, and their two children, have Mrs. M. Jaynes of Vancouver is returned to their home in California Golden Bantam Corn after h abort vlalt in Victoria with Yesterday afternoon the eoclel hull each ...... (.. 10# iÇlubw spending a week with her daughter of Victoria West United Church, and aon-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. Bale1» parents. Ür. and Mrs. D per doz...... 19# H. Isle, stadaeona Avenue. beautifully decorated with fill Fresh Head Lettuce, each, 5# £j Brown, 1381 Pembroke Street. Power, and foliage under the direc­ Fresh Cauliflower » * • a a a Fresh Green Beans, lb. ... 5# Victoria Women's Institute — The Mrs. A. k. Dslmage eg Vancouver tion of Mr,. W. Coley, wee the ecene each, 10# and...... 15# Victoria Women's Institute is moving Mf. and MTs. T. M Doyle of Port­ who has been spending the last Of e delightful function when the Freah Spinach, 4 lbs. ... 25# Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. , 25# Into new quarters at 635 Port Street, land. Ore., are among the guests month in Victoria as the guest 16 v Aug- 4. 1634. >VYGEM Fletcher’s Ham», iq...... 284 English Lutheran Church on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Z. Homans, of ill Rus­ when Ml* Kate PsrkSr entertained Yeung. Mre. Wright end Mre. W. R. Dear Eire: Choice Back Bacon, lb...... 404 Sliced Veal Loaf, lb. 224 evening. The dinner will be served sell Street. a number of friends at the tea hour Brown eehoetwa* were eelatad by Thought yon would like to knew that cafeteria style from 6.30 to 7.30. An a a a yesterday afternoon at her home on Mre. H. Watson end Mrs. Coley. At I bare had most satisfactory reeults Mr and Mrs. Colin M. Oarr of Los Trenail Road from Hu LIFE Dog Mixture. informal musical programme will fol­ Angel*, who have been visiting In coffee urns were Mrs. I have us* leas than a bottle on a low the dinner. Victoria with Mr. and Mrs. M R. a a. a Oldley, Mre. Johnson, Mre. Maguire ••ven-year-old wire-haired terrier who LYE _ k6L H._ C. Calvfrt end .hex small end Mrs MacaUUvray, while others opovtat rrreGo Oft rft Frttfee. Oioar Btiaët; Mt bh Tuesday ku b*n troubled elLh scssma- ell hu TmM MMlw-yar ish Heats, Delivered Daughters of St. George.—The Vic daughter, who have been visiting to eervtng were Mre. Re*. Mre. Perry. uie. LOCAL SPRING LAMB evening for their home in California. Victoria for a couple of weeks as the CHOICE QUALITY BEEF torla Lodge No. 83. Daughters of St. a a a Young**’ Moor* ,nd **”• I have til* many ether re mod lea Money. Clean. Closet Khoulders, lb...... 134 George, held Its regular meeting In guests of Mrs. Calvert's mother. Mrs. without reeults. but Xu LIFE has rid Prime Hlb», cut short, lb. ...174 Mrs. R. C. Buchanan of Vancouver, him of the trouble entirely. Wish I ■owl., Op»"» CloqqeJ Ribs, lb...... ;...... 184 the 8.01. Hall Wednesday night has returned to her home on the F. Homer Dixon. Belmont Avenue, • as T-bone Roasts, lb...... 2O4 left yesterday evening for the main­ had used It yeera ego. Leg*. Ib...... 254 with the worthy president, Slater A. mainland after spending a few days Among the gu*te registered at the My dog llkea Nu LIFE end actually Drome. Water Softener, Rump Roast* ...... j Harris, in the chair. Revers! mem­ land Id join Mr. Calvert in Ashcroft, Dominion Hotel ere: Mr. A. R Hart- Chops, lb...... 22c Tip Roast* ...... | Lb . 164 In Victoria with her mother, Mrs. Ueke up any drops which may happen bers from Princess Patricia Lodge. where ha hae been transferred from tand Vancouver; Mre. John Oonele, to drop on the floor. Writ» ht k»» Booklet Rolled Roa*t* ...... 1 Lome A. Campbell, Bt. Chari* Turkeys, lb...... 264 238. were welcomed by the president. Street. Blue River. rot Angel*; Mr,. B. Start. Mr. c. Tours very truly. Shoulders of Pork, U?...... 124 * a a *• Horton. Seattle: Mr. M. D. Mc- CUDAHY «QAD WORK». TORONTO Chicken, lb...... 304 Final arrangements have been made a a a A. X. LINDNER Pork Sausage, ib...... 204 for the annual bazaar to be held In Priscilla. Countess of Annesicy. who Senator and Mrs J. H. King, who Vancouver. Mr. and Mre. W. Fresh Fowl. lb...... 104 Sweetbreads, lb...... 254 the above hall, November Til. Sister arrived to-day at the Empress Hotel will *11 Saturday on the Empress of D Kimbrough. Mr. end Mre. W. T. • sale et MacFarlane’a, Pet 6hen.: A. Gurney was appointed general Canada, an route for India where Wlleon, Caldwell. Idaho; Mr. and Mre. Hudson's. Hillside Drug. epencePaT Dressed Rabbits, each ...... 204 Calves’ Liver, lb...... 334 on a brief visit, waa the guest of Suddeby a. Duncan convener, assisted by Sister A. Jack- honor when Mrs. Julius Griffith en­ they will be the guests of the Viceroy Shewyer, Vancouver: Mr. A. J. Bar­ and Lady WiUtngdon at — “ ash, Mr». Hunt. Mrs. ». B. Newmaa, While Spring Salmon, 2 lbs. . 26* Krreh Filleted Cod, lb...... 10* son and Sister A. Hooper to take tertained at a luncheon party at bar i charge of same. A silver tea and guests of honor at a dinner party Mr. and Mr» r. *. Logeur. Mre. bST- Freeh Herrings. 4 lbe...... 26* | Freeh Red Salmon, lb...... 16* home In Vancouver Monday. card party win be held at the home * W—W given by lfca. *. ■ W. Hamber at yow, Seattle; Ml* j. Lyon Van­ Of Mrs. Nunn. 3013 Quadra Street, couver. Ml* Cecil K. Gottis. Ml». L. Mrs. Curtis Sampson and Mrs. L. A. OreencToft," Vancouver, yesterday GS BARK^y KOP n October 2. from 3 to 5 o’clock, and Gange returned to Victoria a few days evening. K. Wet, Mrs. Evelyn McIntosh. Mr». cards at • p m All members are ago from Salt Spring Island, where Bessie Allen. Mr». Ell*both Cush­ Cash and Carry Meat Specials asked to attend and bring their Mrs. Sampson has been the guest of "Mrs. Gordon Baker has gone over ing Mrs. Oeryce Junkley. Mrs. Nellie friends. Slater M. Williams has also to Vancouver to speed a roupie of Brown Mr». Katherine Tuford, Mre. Veal houlder» - s a Mr. and Mrs: Frank Scott, Gang*, k Beef Pot Roast* ' a offered her home for silver tea and months with her aon-in-law and Alice L. Betchellcr, Mrs. Verne Dyer, Nu LIFE and Mrs. Oenge was visiting Capt. Per lb...... per lb...... daughter, Mr. and Mrs. w Clark. 1UC OC card party, the date to be announced Mrs. _V. Ç, Bgst. Mrs K. E. Beln, Mre. J. B. Kiefer. later; Ptene wttt be made for a rum­ Later Mrs. Baker will vlalt _ln Prince Mn. Jeanette M. aroeech. Mrs. Harold Veil Legs and Rumps af a a a Rupert with her son-in-law and Bolling Beef "7** mage sale toon. Sister H. Penketh Word has been received by Mr. and C. Cower. Mia. W. B. Clltlrd. Mrs. Per Ib...... IOC P*r lb...... is in charge of the luncheon at the daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mc- sill Shannon, Mr». Eve M. Smith. 1 C Hudson's Bay luncheon room to­ Mrs. P. J. Woodley of Wellington Callum. Mrs. McCallum. who has Mrs. Alice Morgan. Mre. Glad ye And­ Avenue that their, son, Mr. Jack Veal Cutlets a a Lean Minced .. am morrow, Friday, at 1 pm. sharp. A been staying In Victoria with her erson. Mr». Grace Nelson. Beattie; M good attendance of members and Woodley, has arrived In London after mother, has returned to her home Mre. B. enow, Zenith. Wash; Mrs. pw lb...... 1 oC Beef ...... lbs. O CDC friends is expected. Further informa­ a voyage of six weeks vis the Panama In the north. Georgia Plttwood. Mr. end Mr»- Harry, CLUB WOMEN TO Canal and Port Royal, Jamaica, Lamb or Veal Slew #a tion can be had by telephoning a a a Pilcher, Mr. John Corkery, Beattie;' Shoulders of Lamb g g aboard the Ba.^Monkleijh. Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Cassidy, who per lb...... G 6259. After the business ses­ Mre. Nell Hawkins, San Prancieco; SEE PICTURES OC Per lb...... IlC sion next meeting It was decided to arrived last wsek from Toronto to Mr. end Mrs J. E. Gold, Powell River: Ml* Betty Montcith. who ha# been make their home here The Women'» Canadian Club at Large testera Haddles. hold a han kerchief and novelty Mr, end Mre. Jecquwt. Begins; Mr. shower. Members will be the guests spending the past toontb holidaying having been appointed end Mrs. J. Kerr. Calgary; Mr. A. C. lta meeting on Tueedey afternoon flpedoL lb...... TOc of Bister Hooper and SÜrfer E. Bef- in Victoria with her parent*. Me)** Emott. Meld.to ne. Seek.; Mr. end nest In the Empra* Rotai et 2A1 DOLL COXXEZT WPIKEB» rett The mock auction by Sisters and Mrs. R. G. Monteith of Newport by the Social Science Mil. A. P. Mil*. Nelson; Mr. J. A. o'clock wm be entertained with a Oalger and Haines proved a great Avenue, left thle afternoon for Van­ Alumna* Association of University of Woods, Toronto; Mr. and Mre. J. 1. talk by Din. MoCowan. well-known The winner. In the droeeed doll success. Refreshments were served by couver, where she will resume her Toronto before their departure from R. Burnett; Mrs. P. E. Ce*. Mr». C. naturel let, on "The Land of the con tec te at the Willow. RxMbltlon Bisters E. Rowbottom, A Haines nursing duties at the Vancouver the eastern city. Tiro framed etch' C. Ortnnel, Beattie; Mr. 6. J. Wllkln- Stxmev Indians."' illustrated by were: Boudoir doll—1. Mrs. Harvey, and others. General Hospital. togs were presented to the honorât ron. Mr. O. Herco, Mr». Jam* Bern. beautiful colored elide» Counts* i. Sheila Wateon. 1, Mn. D. A. Erb. guests. Vancouver; Mm. Lillian Bradley, Mr. Jean de Suaannet will be the solo- Baby dell—1. Mn. Harvey; 1. Mn. Groceteria Specials let. singing two of Msrjorle Ken- Parr; S, Mabel PUllngton. Bert na­ a a a C. J. Munger. Mrs. Henry Hohrbeck. Ml* Elisabeth L. smellie. chief Mrs. Percy Parke, Beattie; Mr end nedy-Preeer’e Hebridean folk ronge, tional costume—1, Mr» Harvey; 3, Sweet Clever Brand Lunch superintendent of the Victorian Mre. C. W. Downing, Vancouver; Mr. "The Ben of Jura" and "Klahnul Ml* Girling; I. Mn. Burt. Any ether Crosse * Blac*well's A Oellee," accompanied et the piano doll—1. Mn. Harvey; 3, Mn. Pert; 3. Tengee, Is ...... Vegetable Beef Seep C I Order of Nurse», who arrived In the John p. Worum, Mrs. Morris Wil­ 25c 15c city yesterday from Ottawa, was the liam». Ml* Olive Cure. Ml* Ell* by Ml* EUwn Dumbleton. Ruth Nurwaeh. Children under four- Oure, Clarkston, Wash.: Oept. J. toen yean of age— 1. MurlUa Nix, 3, Creese a Mar*well's Cork and guest st luncheon to-day of Mrs W, Vera Browning; 1, Chcrle Bulling. Oeod Broken A $1.00 The only Cleanser F. D. Pemberton, Foul Bay Road, the Berber!, Mr. S. Morrleon, Vancouver; SStMe ...... 2„ 15c Peine Tee. Ilf O I president of the local branch, and Mr», cleo Soougal, Mre. w. Cooper, later waa the guest of honor at â lea Mre. One to Parker. Mre Jo* Perler, Mrs Jessie Rout. Mre. Agnee Ladner, Libby's Corned Beef, Rogers Syrup m by Mrs W.. L.L Morklll. Pembei- you need In your hom% Road. Mr». Matilda Trewlar. Mre. Irma 1» per tin ...... 10c 6-lb. tin ... 39c C a a a Dsvla, Mrs. Laura CundoU. Mr». Flor­ Mrs. W. Langley, Michigan Street, ence Harden. Ml* Ellen Jon*. Mn rarity Oats entertained at an enjoyable shower Violet McDowell. Mre. Mabel Buck­ MCDONALD’S 4-lb. Sine ner. Mrs. Margaret Boullog. Mrs. 35c ll-oi pkta. for on Tuesday evening In honor of Ml* -WE SELL FOB LEgg- 14» Yet* ■«. 2 13c Old Dutch Cleanser Beatrice Rodman, who* marriage Edith Carpenter, Mre. Lela Maryett, muer Valley—the fInert butter takes place on Saturday evening. The Mrs. Thon tmel, Mn Eleanor Scott, - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CASH AND CARRY peeked, lb, *4» ...... bride-elect had to fish for her gifts, Ml* I rah Chamber», Mn Angle 3 in.. 69c which were concealed in a fish pond, ■tout, Mn. Helen PUeeeber. Mn. Mer- SPECIALS geret Allan, Mn. Florence suing, Mn. AViimaui* seeded ae. Ensign Green Cut Ogllvle'» Wheat Hearts • Cleans more things and her efforts with the rod and line 97it Jerry Fletcher, Mn. Ella Ony. Mrs. ■Annra. B pb*. Z56 TOMATO*»—SIM tins l-lb. -auks ...... x.. COG were greeted with laughter and ap­ 2 23c plause. Two competitions were held, Ida Chrletennon Mn Constance SU3UMUM JBIAV POWDWU ar. OreharS Oily, 3 Use 25s Hart, Mn. Helen Mitchell, «ortie; e m. Z5C Brunswick Braid’s Best Coffee e Cleans Quicker the winner of one being Mrs. Chappell, . 3 Una 1 3C first and Mrs. Baron second. The Mr. 8. W Rice, Mre John Jackson. l-lb. vacuum tine ... 33c other was wen by Ml* D. Rodman, Vancouver: Mr. Pied S. Burk, Beattie. BULK TEA 10c Pw lb...... Heins Table vinegar an Sun-Meld Seeded * • Doesn’t Scratch the consolation going to Mrs. Headdy. A tombola prize was won by Mrs. LOUT'SMTV TOMATO JUICE FINSAPPLZ-Di.br. tS-en.bdt.lBd: aa-oe bot COG Retains, 15-cs. pkte. C a Ue. tor 27c Stephenson. Recitations were given Canadian Invents 8 «a. U-es. Un itnsesen's Baking Powder, by Mr». Chappell and Mrs. Langley. EMFEB8S BAKING POWDER • Kind to yew hands Mi* M. Langley served refreshments, Z-eeL bottle Chef Extract ...... 25 c assisted by Ml* M. Knowles and the Fw lb...... Mla*s Muriel and Sybel Rodman. TOILET TISSUE In* Toilet Seep • Costs less . ... be­ Run-less Stocking POST TOASTIK1 The Invited guests were: Mesdam* PW pkf. .a,.... 23c Bell. Baker, Baron. Cories» Chappell. PLUM JAM cause It go* further Dobson (Calgary), Gough Sr.. E. Halifax. Sept. 30.—A. O. Sandoz. Gough, A. Gough, B. Gough. Grout- technician at Dalhousle University age. Headdy, Holker, Langley. Leach, here, yesterday claimed he had found Lost, Oliver, Rodman. Stephenson what every girl was looking for—a 8 TO 12 SPECIAL RULE MACARONI runic* silk stocking. He has evolved 4 M*...... W*e* IN CANADA and Woodrow, Miss* B. Corieea, a solution which, when applied to any •UTTER—Freeh CCu H. 0. KIRKHAM & CO. LTD Holker. M. Knowles. M. Langley, K. B. Creamery, 3 Ibe. 1 JAMESON’S EARING FOW Rodman. Violet Rodman. Dorothy textile In the form of a wash or rtn*. DOG Ouly With Other Os*e> 1 JAMESON * CREF Rodman. Muriel Redman and Sybel Is supposed to make the fibres stronger VANILLA. 1er ...... 612 FORT STREET and more elastic.


a i SK! FORMER NORSE IS BRIDE WML HOLD \ VIA VICTORIA VAUGHAN’S CONVENTION 1404 DOUGLAS STREET BARGAIN SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Miss Sheila MacDonald, Pre Victoria Reports Presented $€ CRCT mier’s Daughter, Here in at Provincial Gathering in 3 ibs. 59c February New Westminster - Butter Mrs. J. A. Gillespie Urges MU. Shell. M*eDon»ld, daughter or Brookfield Cheese ...... Pnunur Runny MacDonald, who Members to Carry on Fight ten boadoD on Septembre l (or Mel­ wl 9c bourne ate the Sure Cual to «tend With Courage Ashcroft Ketchup r., ...... You can have the Melbourne and Victoria state t, gleaming floors in g The fifty-Hint annual conven­ Royal City Peas u. . 9e without sity nibbiiw centenary. wtU return home to Rng- lend by way of Canada, according to tion of the Woman's Christian Japan Rice re. retire ...i,s .re an the * lagers ...... 21c from wear. Keeps like new. Mrs. J. A. Gillespie, In the chair. Mias MacDonald’, plana after arm­ Mazola Salad Oil u. 23c Makes them caty to dean. ing hem are not boon but it la The consecration service was Sand toe for expected she will spend Mme'time on taken by Mrs. *. Graves and was - Sesqui Matches re. hi...... 18c the Caret end Halt other Canadian full of Inspiration as she re­ ■enough for elites on her way back home. or bathroom. ferred to various golden texts In connection with devotion, faith In and prayer for the Muse, and Friday (9 to 10 only) Saturday- JOHNSONS HELEN KELLER emphasised the necessity of the 40c NO BUNG i members being fruit-bearing Ar Naknk Tm stew #) ...... Christians. ★ Tomatoes ÎÏÏÏÏ,","' .. 3 «re. 25c ON MUSSOLINI ^RESIDENT'S ADDRESS i, p l if- îL C A 25s Mrs, omesple in her presidential * Fell Naptha Soap two *> B ten CwV NO POLISHING ! address spoke with great feeling and Blind Author Rebukes Him enthusiasm. She mentioned the traita of consecration, sacrifice, determina­ BUY AND SAVE AT VAUGHAN’S By the makers of for Teaching Children tion and concentration which was so • evident In the pioneer members of JOHNSON’S WAX a. c JOHNSON « SON. tm.ret »-«. Hate and Conquest' the organisation, and of how neces­ sary these attributes are to-day, and By HAROLD P. BRAMAN urged the members to rededicate their Associate Pre»* Foreign staff Uvea .new and to bo much In prayer, London, Sept. Helen especially remarking on the noon- rebuked Benito addressed, three-cent, a tamped en­ Mussolini of Ital; to-day for taking velope when gating for the leaflet world. play to teeeh them "hate and con­ In speaking of tem] and the problems the .C.T.U. to fee- Your ^Bahy GETTING BAPV "ON THE BOTTLE’ quest." Going hack to the United States mg. she appealed to the members to On of the ordinary compli after fifteen months of seclusion in go forward with courage, for “no ques­ which stumps mothers to the Scotland, the famed deaf-and-bltnd tion to ever'Settled until It to settled and Online own reluctance to accept a author had sharp words also for right.” She asked that the unions despite his hunger. There are various Adolf Hitter, leader or dormant. and superintendents put enthusiasm ways of meeting this situation. _ “What terrible deeds that man has -Pbate by Beyeaaah. Into the various Important depart- By MYRTLE MEYER ELD RED Offer a bottle following a short committed!" she exclaimed. “I do meets, especially those pertaining to nursing, totting this additional nour­ hope there will be some way of rid­ Mrs. J. T. Webster, the farmer lsobel Jane ChatfleWL R.N.. who was young. ishment make up the deficit of the ding the world of this Hitler thing." married at HI. Paul's Naval and Garrison Church. Esquimau, on Tues­ W.C.T.U. REPORT BABY “CHANGING DISPOSITION’* breast. Miss Keller’s gave expression erf her day afternoon. MAY BE HUNGER Mrs. C. S| tord gave the forty- Offer but one bottle daily, but offer The mother who has managed suc­ It at some period when the mother on such of Its phases as militarism, W.C.T.U. Home, which is located in cessfully to nurse her baby for seven Is not et home, or not in sight. Let dictators, the League of Nations and Vlatipfti. ___ ■______. ^____ cr eight months to unprepared for some other member of the family the America’s Cup races. She wants that the literature taken from the the Idea that he may be mainour- handle the young straggler. Endeavour to win. Daughters Of The Nile depository was mainly for the teach­ .klicd. So when baby to wakeful at *T read (using the Braille system) ing of and distribution amongst FEED FROM CUP—OR SPOON of happenings like thoae In Italy. «tight or fuaay m daytime, or falls to Germany and elsewhere until my young people make the ordinary gains, she hunts Give part of a bottle first, then __ ___ VIIR Rlbbon busily for excuses for this. finish on the breast. Baby may ac­ fingers refused to go and a shuddered Tidings." referred to the cept the strange utensils when very and quit.’’ Miss Keller said. Hold Past Queens’ Day She blames baby’s disposition and articles In this paper and made a plea hungry, but demanda to be nursed Sharplyily and coconcisely, she rebuked. tor more members to become sub- Aeclerre tfc.t _lt_w ;;ch«yn*.- stw Mussolini . the old alibi. 'Teeth” and We talk of the bottle—but the log eight-year-old Italiens for com­ being enthusiastically applauded by waits for signs of their appearance, Mrs A. W. Qeyton told of the O IfOU baby nesting the end of the year may pulsory military instruction,------Large Contingent From Se the three hundred guests. splendid work being done in the Oka­ hoping then to see an end to his accept a cup as and avoid “Hto latest order.’’ she mid. “turns Refreshments were served later in unhappy behavior. Italy Into a vast military gymnasium. aille Guests of Meredin nagan. Selkirk and North Thompson living the milk the evening. In the banquet hall. The district, which comprises eight unions Only if put upon the right track by spoon to laborious but a usable U H too shocking for words to think committees in charge of the lestlv- awcuuf doe# she real!» that baby to prob­ Temple Yesterday with a membership of 106. a slight when •corns both cupmethod that little Italian children are being fiito Rililrt 4Nil. 1. >i.-Jto»- increase over last year, also an In­ ably-Just hungry and that ail them throw» into military life and taught and bottle. herty. Mrs. J. Dicksoo and ft». E. crease in medal contest work. Great symptoms will disappear when he to to that he accept some way of being hate and conquest. Muaeollnl must Stevenson; refreshments, Mrs. Donald not forget that he who lives by the Interest was taken In the Sunday You h*ve « little fathered friend who w* cheer again treated to satisfying rations. fed other than the txmlllu nursing. Visiting Guard Team and Cameron. Mrs. M. Morrison and Mrs. School contest, West Sumraerland HE AN AT NINE MONTHS •word shall perish by the sword." M. Berate, and dance. Mrs. Margaret your home with long end hh Tour She said she had been watching Baptist winning the provincial shield. OR BEFORE To-morrow—“Dont Protect Dancers Perform at Recep- Ford, Mrs. Hazel Ntcol and Mrs. Mar­ Three of the contestant» of this 6un- you bo thoughtful—wttt you him right? Child Prom Teasing the trend of events In the Ear East garet Hemmlngsen. The seventh month to peculiarly sadly. the time when babies turn night into "I trust there will be no war there. pin for having written five examina­ day and demand increasingly mors onese Noble But there Is on# hopeful sign—Rue- tions. three secured provincial honors, frequent feedings. When the baby, ria’s entry Into the league of Na- one of these honorable mention In the National W.C.T.U. It to esti­ who has been sleeping peacefully Fevenl)-seven member* of the through the night, begins persistently Is Pro-communist mated that nearly 1.000 scholars were to demand to be nursed. It isn’t a Hatasu Temple of Seattle. Includ­ taught the lemons in this district chsnged disposition, or his teeth, but ing their guard team, dancing A splendid report from Mrs. John Hall of Victoria, superintendent of merely a forceful way of apprising hto girls and chorus, participated In mother that he needs an enriched Tokto, Sept. 20. — Count 1 Sabbath Observance, was read with diet. Hljlkata. thirty-six-year-old scl YOUNG PEOPLE’S the very successful Past Queens* MILLS—HALSEY special reference to the problems m connection with Ihe aet, A pleasing A quiet wedding took ptioi at the Tied out gradually. Nursing should lies, has been nanlabeci from the Miriam Temple Ne. t. Daughters feature of the afternoon’s programme be seldom, if ever, continued beyond peerage for praising Soviet literature. SOCIETIES home of Mrs H. Keefe. 1110 Mac- was solos by Mrs. (Dr.) Cannon. the ninth month: It is often advis­ The count has long been under or the Nile. Kenzle Street, on' Wednesday eve­ During the dinner hour Mrs. O. A. able to end it several months earlier. suspicion of fostering the Communist For the occasion, the Shrine Audi­ ning. when Rose Florence, youngest ------^ Drake, president of the New Westmin­ My ‘‘Weaning the Breast-fed Baby” CITY TEMPLE Y.F.S. daughter of Mr. T. C. Halsey, of ster Union, presided, and greetings torium was beautifully decorated with Nelson, B.C., became the bride of Mr. leaflet will be useful to mothers who The count ■ently has gone Into The City Temple Young People's from her local union were brought are ignorant of the procedure by Les vine Japan, he masses of autumn flowers and palms, Arthur Philip Mills, eldest son of Mr. by Mrs. P. O. Gerow; on behalf of the Society held its first business meeting and Mrs. C. W. Mills, of Nanaimo. which nursing can be terminated un­ •old hto property and took his wife Tuesday night and was arranged by the Union Jack and Stars and Stripes convention church by Rev. W. B. eventfully. Please send a self- and child with him. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W Ilian, and Mrs. Hag groan, for the Mias Elfreds Hughes, devotional con­ making an additional Splash of color, Dr. E. A. Henry. Local Council of Women. Mrs. W. vener. forming an effective setting for the The bride looked charming In a BROCK'S Rev. Dr. W. J. Thompson, the City White of West Summerland fittingly navy crepe suit trimmed with grey Temple pastor, gave an Interesting programme of event* which Included replied on behalf of the provincial squlrrellne. with which she wore a and humorous address, which was a ceremonial In the afternoon, a W.C.T.U. BIRD SEED and BIRD TREAT much appreciated, and A. Jackman white satin blouse and a corsage oou- banquet and dance in the evening, quet of red roees. The bridesmaid. PAGEANT PRESENTED delighted the gathering with two attended by over 300 guetta. vocal solo*, accompanied by Miss Irene Mias Grace Halsey Keefe, a slater of In the evening Dr. O. M. Sanford and, of course, your bird needs uHS-ees - i MOTHER. ITS EASY TO VISITORS WELCOMED the bride, wore a navy georgette led the devotionsts, followed by a ii8ܧh drees, and her corsage was of red pageant. “Light Line Union,” under GIVE THE CHILDREN MORE The next meeting will be held Tues Mrs. Ada Brown. Queen of Miriam Brocks Grevel! dxyq. October 2. the details of which Temple, welcomed the Seattle visitors carnations. Mr. Sidney Mills, brother the direction of Mrs. Bert Stockdale. MILK NOW. SINCE I'VE win he announced later. among whom were Mrs. Frances Nor­ of the groom, was the beet man. Mrs. Gordon Burke was the reader Dick kas as teeth ko picks ap gravel ton of Hatasu Temple: Past Supreme Following the ceremony a small and about thirty young 'women and- his lead DISCOVERED THE DOUBLE flBMTSNNlAL YOl'KO PEOPLK’R Queens Mrs. Mabel Krowe. Mrs. Edith reception was held. Mrs. Mills, girls took part by representing, in last sad claws la SOCIETY Qattia and Mrs. L. West, who are also mother of the groom, aeetoted Mrs. costume. -4he various countries In Society of Keefe In receiving the guests. A RICHNESS OF roung People's the founders; Junior. £aet Queen Mrs. which the. light of. the W,C.T;UV . ■liver. ,er-wr(had quarts Say NTSTLÉS at tniited Chu Eckert and Past Queens Mrs. Prances burfcthupper' was served. the table spread. This part of the programme Thursday aval with révérai vts- Case and Mrs. Charlotte Dam us. being centred with a three-tier wed­ closed with appropriate anthems by EVAPORATED MILK. ( is secretary read a ding cake, and decorated with pink Mrs. W H. Handley, past queen and the choir. NICHOLSON S HOCK UNITED. TORONTO Urt of names of young people In the tulle and vaaas of rases. Mr. and Mrs. Tne address of the evening erre i use estlé in all chaplain, delivered a graceful address Bird Sptculisls /re Oser 40 Ymn O N * district latent to the church who of welcome to the visitors, to which Mille left later for a motor trip, and given by Rev. Bruce Gray, his subject and the MY COOKING AND IT'S am lnl In the social] Mrs. Prances Norton responded. will make their borne In Kelson. being "The Challenge of the Impos­ sible ' and tracing from Old Testa­ RESPLENDENT COSTUMES WORKING WONDERS IN I and Invite them to attend the meet' SCHOFIELD—M.t LOTT ment times to the present hoar those » \C m jrvi JT v jr M-7/- W The list compiled on In- The visiting guard team, resplen­ with vision and faith In their cause THEIR HEALTH - AND formation received tram a heure-to- dent in white satin with capes of A wedding of Interest, both at the bed the courage of their convictions HONESTLY. I'M QUITE "tot us go strong for PROUD OF THE IMPROVEMENT drills with smart military precision. September It, In Chilliwack United the top." tank Hollins and Mr. A graceful exhibition was also given would be a committee to Church, when Marlon, second daugh­ IN MY COOKING. by the five dancing girls of Hatasu ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malott of Chil­ FELT BERETS, ALL COLORS, 79c for the coming Temple, wearing Oriental costumes of debates liwack. wu united In marriage to Mr. WILL SING WITH festival. georgette, In pink, yellow, blue and John Lockhart Schofield, younger eon The subject of the first green, lavishly decorated with gold STRING ORCHESTRA "Resolved That If Money Were of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schofield-of spangles and with scintillating head- Spent More Freely. Times Would Be Trail, Bev. 1. Manual officiating. Only OMIS The affirmative wee up- members of Immediate families were held by Prank Hollins and Ernest r performance Mrs. present Hatch, and the negative bj ^ bouquets of flowers The bride wore a smart ensemble MImMiiiMBHm >f the guards. Mrs. of navy satin-hack crepe, with acces­ ctilon waa ven In favor of the ptaln of the dancers. sor le. to match. Her corsage bouquet ...... t second debate waa on . and to the director was of gardenia» aad lily-ot-thc- the subject "Resolved That Golf Is ire. Grace Jumpley. valtey. present are staying at Balmoral Castle More of a Detriment Than Value to flowers were made Immediately following the ceremony with the King snd Queen and Frln rate Mankind ’’ The affirmative was lueen, Mrs. Norton, the bridal couple toft by motor tor mm Marina's parante. taken by Prank Hollins and the a tour of the Interior, and upon their Royal Wedding negative by Baa Swetnam It was Novelty return will take up residence at Trail. decided that the negative had won. the visitors. Contributions to The singing oi a hymn and the Mlz- pah Benediction * ‘ ‘ Y” Plans Silver Cake to Be Huge to a close Ing next Friday meeting and dance Church f5,272,000 banquet for mem l;:ii : : tables being at- Tea at “Arran1 In the colors of Edinburgh Finn Bakin pound Cake, Nearly Montreal Sept. 30—Contributions was centred with a Friday. September 2$. will mark the Feet High, for Prince1 to the Church of England In Canada yellow chryeantbe- opening of the fall activities of the George during 1833 were $6,273.000. accord­ tapers in silver Ladles' Auxiliary of the YMX3A., ing to the statistical report approved ,0^0, when thto active body of workers will by the general synod. of chrysanthemums hold their annual membership tea at Send Your Canadian Frees from Havas Although this was an Increase In silver “Arran.” York Piece, the beautiful over $6,141.000 in the preceding year. crystal vases filled home of Mr. and Mrs. Jams# Fletcher. Right Bev. M. R. Adams, Bishop of Golfing An outstanding musical programme eakc for Prince and Princess Kootenay, who presented the report. of the other to in course of preparation, and Marins of Greece wUl be seven feet Pointed out t% Included $466.000 for evtryone interested in the work of eight inches high and will the restoration fund and “there has Garments given to Mrs. W. the Y.M.CA. is urged to attend thto | —Photo hy FosalL pounds, it was learned been a reduction |Rthe * ordinary- '* delightful function. irations for the wedding went con tribu arrangements. Mrs. Norma Smyth, soprano, late Wenger and a WEDS HAIRDRESSER of saskatoon musical circles, to The cake to be heard in recital with The Edinburgh baking establishment SOOKE New Method Port Chester. M.Y., Sept. 20 (Asso­ George J. Dyke String Orchestra md___ e naetrisa end ciated Press )- -The eeefet marriage of at the Centennial Church. Wed­ will be one of the largest ever baked a LOOK FORM lté mum Msf, CLEANERS S DYERS nine teen-year-old Sylvia Martin. nesday, September M.k Mrs. in. the United Kingdom. It will be branch worn Iff FAODUCm exhibition by the Greenwich. Canadian Legion Smvth will contribute songs hr necessary to. send It to London In 1.ES.L will be hem la Booh* Rail NElriÉx ONDt NStO AND hairdresser. Robert Ixequelle, twenty - Bach, Brahms. Ban lock and •everel pieces t on Thi performance •tit, waa revealed here yesterday. Dvorak. v Prince George and hto rflancte at o’clock. —

HAS THE HONOR TO PRESENT Buy tee for its flavour — that 5 30-The Party. HEADLINERS ON 1.15—1Little A Taylor THE BIOGRAPHY bf the PRINCE OF WALES 45—Prof. MoMua. RADIO TO-NIGHT comforting, smooth, delicious 00—Colonist Radlorator ittla Dr. Davies. Annette Henahaw, • 30—Travel Tate. baritone,,Captain Hfnry s Show Boat flavour that makes fine tea the best on the air over ittiKSS KOO. A series of revelations of the bachelor 15—Art Party,the pianist. K Prince by his friend and neighbor drink in the world. Bargain teas' cannot Stevens. He has 13 mm60—Melodic Moderne vasabood fee hie first Tuneful Minutes. FRAZIER HUNT give you this joy — a tea must have a fine CBCV, VANCOUTES me role In her IT.”—BOO, HOMO Parade ef the Pre- flavour to be satisfying.

and his Orchestra. Is the central Heure of the presen-

Girls in Blue, chestra for the pleasure of Canadian wr—Travelogue. listenersllafMtara laIn a * Srasésaetkaaailaa,l relayedaalaaaj froma—

operas as the Province Neva. ef his Standard Symphony ht CJOS. VANCOUVER 15—Cowboy Progranunsb OUn lea’s SALAD A TEA .30—Prairie Drifters. (rated Council of Youth. HOMO Institut* Programme. vocalist, and Hasel McDonald, pianist, will he heard L, MABEL "I'll not run after any man. It was only—well, you etc. while be was mt Grove Orchestra. HcBJJOTT away he used to write to me. Mar­ JHanieD Qlirts velous letters. I got sentimental 40—Devotional heard hr CSC listeners to a tocttal WtaKiMiW about him then. And when he got .04—Shut-to Pr from Chilliwack.—CSOV. back, so tall and distinguished and ISO—Stock Ou out ions. But the first words Sue said to ing Oypey with a guttering, fever­ interesting. I sort of—fell for him, S IS—Billy Blinkhora. Oypey were scarcely what the casual ish gase. • 45—Stock Quotations. • 45-Dr. W. B. Burns. onlooker would have guessed them I guess. It waa sOly of me. But he 3.40—Johnnie Bennie. "Will you tell Hunt to mind pie seemed to U*e me a lot. Until this CKWX, VANCOUVER to be. She said. “I wanted, to see you own business If he speaks of me betas I went away. I'm terribly 111. winter. Then I began not to see ao To-night again?" much of him. And he got in with 5.30—Recordings. I may not be In New York again.” 1.16—Famous Players. "Sue, dear. I don't know what this that Village crowd. Bonny's . . • 35—Recordings. "May not be . . . why. Sue, dear! •.45—The Nappy Family. 1.15—Artist This ig dreadful. What le It and why Is all about." the other girl began see placatlngly. "I'm terribly sorry . . ;l..3030—The aGrab Bag. didn’t you let me know before?” ”1 know." Oypey Interrupted to 5.30—Brnest J. Colton, baritone. 00—America s Cup Race 15—Front-page Headlines The hand stirring the cup of tea "You ought to know,” Sue said say. with a lltMe spasm of guilt. 10.30-Cafe Venice Orchestra. trembled and Sue's underltp trem­ with a shrug. "You ought to be able "Well, then Elapeth drove me crazy, bled. too. "It's nerves.” she said. tq guess. ne talks of nothing else. telling me he waa in love with you— • U—Radie Hews Air Sdittoa •TTn all shot to pieces. I'm going It’s Oypey . Oypey . . Oypey . . that he followed you around every out west, to Wyoming, to Aunt Tom’s words came back to her place.* that he wouldn't go to a party Henry's. I shall etay there—oh, for­ unless he heard you were to be there end she flushed. What was Sue driv­ 11.00—Radio Gym Cl ______Râgtasky snaerakl ever, perhaps!” ing at and why did she look at her . . . I've cried myself alck over it." "Hepethr Oypey said with, fine Ilf Mg ------Her eyee Rhone with unshed tears ao accusingly? acorn "And you listened to her " 13.63—H.B.C. Programma and her voice shook. Oypey watched "I don’t know what you mean.” "Well, she's a. mischief maker. 1, 13. IS—Recordings. her. troubled. Sue. who had always Oypey repeated but her heart wai know that, but some of It waa true. HOMO. SEATTLE been so happy-go-lucky, so utterly beating very fast. Sue's blazing eyee. He did see lota of you and whenever 5 00—Capt Henry's stow Beat. carefree—what on earth had brought in a white face, accused Rer. X met him it was always you be talked ENGLAND HEARS her to this stats? ~— "I never should have thought it • 00 Paul Whiteman s Orchestra about. . . ." 7 60—Amos n Andy. LiSttmf, ''You’ve been working too hard.” of you," Sue went on In a low shak­ "Nonsense.” Gypsy's color was i:i5-04M and owl —Srt •he said. "And playing too hard in ing tone. "Flirting around. You with high. 7 36—Winning the West. tips bargain. Why. only the other a nice husband of your own . . . •Ad—Standard Symphony Hear. — "You dont know what a relief It's •AS—Moments^el Melody. YACHT CONTEST day Hunt a baby.” been to talk It out.” Sue aald. on a Sue interrupted her. eyes glitter­ "8ne! Why. I've never In the world long sigh. "To hear you aay there's • 36-Jack and Melody Maids, In this Issue Mr. Hunt Reveals ing. "Hunt said what?” • • ~ Gypsy was hot, angry, mutin­ nothing in It—to know you wouldn't • 45—French Casino Orchestra. ous. Hunt had been a friend; that 10.03' Hews Flashes. Description of Races Relayed "Don't be ao fierce, Sue." Oypey lie to me . . 16 15—Palace Hotel Orchestra. waa all. It was horrid of Sue. Her "Of course. I wouldn't lie to you,” 10 33—Orville Knapp and his Orchestra. ‘Why The Prince of Wales Will Never Marry* said gently. "He said you were burn­ lift)ess must be affecting her mind 11.06—Moonlight Melodies. to BBC and Australian ing the candle at both ends . . .** Oypey aald proudly. "Besides, what To Gypsy's amazement and discom­ about Tom? What did you think I 1133—BUunore Hotel Orchestra. Lines From NBC “Hunt said that!" Sue linked her fiture. the other girl put her hand­ waa planning? You should have white fingers and stared out of the kerchief to her/eyee and began to known better than this." TS-O I. Marine Band. BUY YOUR COPY TODAY I weep. Oypey glinced around In con­ 7.15—America s Cup Race, window at the armory opposite. "Ha! "I’d tell myself, them's absolutely • 60—SUadivarletlea. That's really funny.” sternation. There were only a few nothing in IV,” Sue went on. “I'd • 15—Morning Reveries. When Rainbow and Endeavour "Well, I don't know," pursued people at the tables now. An old try to forget about It. And then I • 33—Viennese Vagabond». cross the starting line In the races lady in black eat In the corner, en­ • 00—Mary and her Prient Oypey. "He said you were partying wouldn't bear from Hunt for weeks. • 30—National Farm and for the America's Cup now In pro­ every night until the small hours joying a solitary tea. There were two I'd be alck to death listening for the gress otf Newport, R.I., the and that you'd hast weight and your or three absorbed couples. No one sound of the phone. No matter who gTftwM. lions of the contesta by the NBC mother was scolding. But I didn’t wee noticing. else called I couldn't be bothered. 16 30 Woman s Magaal corps of experte are flashed half way "Sue, you mustn't—not here!” 1130—Americas y much attention to that. I know You know how it to." (fhe appealed 1145—Little Con around the world by radio. w she always worries . . The other girl gulped, swallowed. to the other woman. K pu5 Her handkerchief away. "Tm 13-15—' "I don't know what, on earth Hunt "I know.” Oypey told her. soberly. to terribly sorry." she apologised. Tm “I got awfully run down." Bus con- OO-Peg LaCentra. Gibson has to do with me." Sue said —not myself, you can see that. I 1.15—Tea-time Tales. n.a1 o.rt, »i hotly and proudly. “It's none of his feeeea. haven’t been eating much. 1 30—Ma Perkins didn't mean all I said Forget It. I don’t sleep. The doctor tells me 1.45—Betty Marlowe. business what I do or where I go. . You can see how it la with me . . ." nent amateur skippers, and Graham "Of course, of course It Isn't," I’ll crack up unless I go away and McNamee Ben Orauer and William Oypey saw Sue, in love with Hunt, have a rest. And yet—It's killing me -Pictorial. Oypey said quickly. "He was only desperate. Jealous. And yet the ac­ SEATTLE Lundeti, NBC announcers, to carried being kind. He's ao fond of you . . ." to leave him. To think some other ro-atght east to London and west to Australia cusation rankled. Waa there any girl will be playing with him while "Fond i Indeed : " Justice In what Sue had said? Had I W—Waiuea and Tango*. through the General Electric short “Well. Isn't he your cousin, after I'm hundreds of miles away . . ." 5.33—Romancing. wave station W2XAF, In Schenectady. ■he. Gypsy, sought surcease from her Gypsy signalled the waiter, hov­ all?" own pain in Hunt's attentions? She N.T. "About a forty-seventh one.” Sue ering in the background with a check. winced at the thought. The two girls strolled out Into the • 15—Lea Argentines. The British Broadcasting Corpora •aid with emphasis. Impulsively she leaned across and ••4*—Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen. tion to co-operating with NBC In re­ "Well, then!" Oypey dropped an­ sunshine. "Come back to the apart­ 7 60—Walts Dreams. patted Sue's hand. "I'm sorry If ment with me,” Oypey said "Let'a 1.30—Silver Strains. laying the W2XAP broadcasts in other lump Into her tea. She told you've misunderstood," ahe aald 7 45—Musical Auction. England, and the short wave pro­ herself she didn't know what had talk this thing out. I can't bear to softly. "Hunt's awfully fond of you. think of your going away off there • •0—Isles of Paradise. gramme are being received In Aus- got Into Sue. she wm ao queer to-day. See him before you go away." S.3S—The Purple Ray. The other girl's breath was com­ with nothing settled . . • 45—Melody Palette. Sue raised her head proudly. "I'll • 00—Terrace Gardens Orchestra. ing, mors quickly now. £h* wj»-Us­ not run after him,* she said qutcfcty. To Bé Continued » 3>—Pressa owrowwnr------150—Muacleal Headliners. 14.40—TUI To-morrow. IMS—Palace Hotel Orchoetra. VNCLB WIGGILTS PUDDLE PARTY THE BOY WHO MADE GOOD 11.00—Ambassador Hotel Orchestre. wlnativn By Webster 1,te — ------Club Victor C By HOWARD R. G ARM WlC 0OY vjhO ahuspc C»;00 srpr. ao chestra. 45—Shadows On the Clock the ground around Undo Wigglly a bun­ .60—Financial:lal Service. galow many puddles. Scene were water Tnese sal cimcns will show 1.15—Charles Scars, tenor. puddles and some were mud puddles. • 36—Vic and Sade "He! I knew what I'm going to do!” ta you He evotuTiOM c# my said Uncle Wlgglly, as he hopped out of r^>v< «ONATURe. The first onc 6.15—Elmore VI his bungalow after the rabbit children bad gone to school. You will oeseftue is as legible :S=SSn£;4#U?' "What are you going to do now?” asked AS TVBS" .00—Linde ran'a Nurse Jane, for neither aha nor Mrs. Long- 16.15—Early Bchoee. ears so old toll what the rabbit gentleman IMS—Clah Minutes! ““ *~ He did so many queer 16 45—Southern Seremader. things 11.65—Rhythm Rulers. to have a puddle partyl" 11.30—Measured Sterna. 13 OS—Reflections oMt< "What in world la a pliddle party?” 13.15—Rhythm Encores JH invite children, ” 13.30—Headliners. 60—Chamber 30—The Sun Dial.

8 40—Carlo* Molina and his Orahestrs. 5 30 Waring'» Pennsylvanians. others, hut to eat out of #| STUCK TÔ TFefS UNTlt MV •■••—"Forti •five Minutes to Hollywood.' est of thom-oh. Stars of Hollywood. X$tS &RTHOAY AMO T>4CM- Adventures to Strange LITTLE BOATS POR FLOATS "Ha! Ha!" laughed Untie Wlgglly Haymes and hie Orchestra. 7.30—* Bkiles Feral for. the party will float on little wooden 45—Henry Bui to the water. S3—Furniture nicer seM Nuree Jane. TU Relchman and hie Orchestra. what about the • 15—Mary and M Marie Cartoon's Or .36—Everett Hoeglsnd's Wlggllys hollow sti .rc.c Melodies Uncle WlggUy ordered i O many mothers write us telling minerals and vitamins that any •D. whitewash. • 45—A1 how their babies began to make other milk is depended upon to fur­ ts They wart very simple, belt» Just S Crocker. flat pieces of wood with sails made eel Fisher s Orchestra. of old handkerchiefs. normal gains in weight as soon as nish. Nothing but water has been When the bunny children heard about Orchestra. Johnny ta puddle party they I touted end ‘ put on a Carnation Milk feeding removed from Carnation Milk. • I CHAwGCO TO This, VtMJ will 16 10- M. Garden from . father and a ■■■■■■■■ of the coming puddle party was passed formula. Many medical authorities Nothing has been added. And the NOT* A SLIGHT (HPOOVFMCKT, 11.15—Artist Recital. around among the ether animal children • wHfN They mam mc 11 30 Grab and they, too, were happy over it. THIS ee#NG MUCH MOR6 .«re convinced that Carnation Milk purity and uniformity of this steri­ Third assistant cashier SCHOOL LET OUT EARLY DIFFICULT Tto Re AO* 1333—IU S. Amy Band. OF The DANK I ADOPT» O At last the afternoon of the party ar­ is better for- infant feeding than lized, safeguarded milk protect the rived. Miss Mouse let the children out of TN»S SltiNATUAe * 33-Town < ■Beel early, for she aloe was invited. cows’ milk in any other form. baby from upsets. 45—Mleeha‘4§ssu* Only Tm net going to wade In the irrent Events. puddle.1 she said to Nurse Jane. 3.15—Dental Cl! "Neither am I." aeueehed the muskrat Carnation Milk agrees with Your doctor will give you a cor­ Orrhestrs. lady housekeeper. "We ll watch the chil­ whew no oue r—CM the PWsfpewri dren and have fun that way.” babies. It i» much more easily digested rect Carnation formula for your CObM TO we NtiHT kATCNAVM V Round Towners with "Off with ------hHhJ COULD MAKS OUT IMS aiOMATURC LYI. TACOMA Uncle Wtggi . r than raw or pasteurized milk. It ia baby. Write for two free booklets— Te-ulght Ihev suer naturally maoto aph«nt mud. In you for as completely nourishing as the best ”100 Glorified Recipes” and "Con­ mg a vice-FT»e si Dent ' -Wartog's Pennsylvanians With shouts bottle milk. It contains the same tented Babies”. Address Carnation • 45—Tito food elements—supplies the same .15—Joe Haymes Orch waded Co., Limited. 134 Abbott St, 30—Dr. R. M. MeUer. Oh. what fun they had. 7 45—Henry Biiaae s Orchestra. Vancouver. I 00—Musical Credlteers. Jta'ia&râÆîï:* of the • 30—News Plashes. A CANADIAN PRODUCT—"FROM CONTENTED COWS'j • 45—Hal Orayson s Orchestra. Oh. this to the funniest party X waa 14 80-Merle Carlson'» Orchestra. —J sir* quacked Lulu Wtbbtowobble, a 10 15-Al Lyons Orchestra. duck girl. "Five nears latsr i rmu/teo "We eaa wade end eat at the same 10 30 Merle Csrlson's Orchestra. timer barked Jackie Row Wow OUT This ONC. WHEN THF WCS- 1! 00 -Hal Grayson's OrcheMr# Mr. Longest». Nurse Jane and the rabbit lady toughed to see the animal children lOewr Mistÿou IT FOR A 1. ■ chase the boats around and take from amation Milk laundry them Ice cream and cake. And none ef CHiwese noter 1 the little shine wet Bo every one had e Kwew I MAO SOdC THINS • iwch of Hollywood. fine time. AwFlf the bread and butter S.03-1 will degree around the supper table for • 15—Tal ------— ST-SELUNG BRAND OF EVAPORATED MILK 1 * 30—Betty Crocker. (Copyright. 1U4, by S. *. Cull) VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, LABOR COUNCILira SEA-BRONZED MASTERS OF MEN ABOARD AMERICA’S CUP CONTENDERS

Longshoremen’s Bodies in Victoria May Amalgamate; To Educate Public The possibility of the unifica­ tion of the various bodies repre­ senting (he longshoremen of the y J>:t . m* . city was brought up before the Trades and Labor Council at a __ sparsely attended meeting yes­ Sift- •••#’.% "ft terday evening. The question arose during the discussion of similar action In Vancouver. A resolution demanding investiga­ tion of conditions of work at the Ip v;y r , \ Rose Bay nurseries was moved and tfv • - \ carried by the delegates present. Other matters brought ud at the meeting included the drafting of a • \ letter to the Federal Labor Congress l||j 1 dealing with the necessity of placing the principles of trades unionism be­ fore ttivr public rather than merely patting the members on the back i-.. \ iv* for their fortitude during the de­ ■ SEES ♦ pression, and discussion of the post* tlon of the council in regard to the cutting of taxes by the city on the B%-1 property of the T. If. C. Â. and Y.W.C.A, It was moved during the meeting that a commute* be appointed to organise addresses or meetings dur­ ing the winter months, with the pur­ pose of bringing the principles of trades unionism before the people of &f> *>?'*#* #*

T£ « Going to Harvard . jappS* On Fish Profits ' New Tort. Sept. SO.—Two young depression-struck socialists, Ostrow T. Oser Jr. and C. Usher. Oser, are going to Sàrrard on the money they made peddvf fish to Southampton mansion» ePwealthy persona during 8.Ï.S, * the summer. Baltimore. Sept. 30 (Associated PrteaI—United States. District Judge W. calrln Chestnut yesterday de­ (All Photos by Margaret Bourke-White; copyright. ! clared the United States farm mort­ rnrtrtalnty melee yacht raring the most netting of • porta. A aall-teartng mast-mapping squall can come gage moratorium amendment to the T. O. W. Ropwtth, above, daring «portaman elrptamw manufacturer who As English as John Bull and seaworthy as the Endearour herself la Captain Nigra! Bankruptcy Act unconsti­ ha» Invested $700.000 to lift the America's Cap for Great Britain, palled out Of nowhere In an Instant, changing the entire aspect of » race. Margaret Bourke-White portrays the George Williams, professional matter of the beautiful challenger for Iho Batnbow In one .of those moment, of enepenee, when even eea-wlee Skipper Harold 8. Vanderbilt, caught un­ tutional. Judge Chestnut made his the unexpected up until to-day. Handicapped by having to cross the America's Cup. Those lines of strength ire deep etched Into a sea-browsed declaration in dlmilaaliig petitions oeeoat with his craft, hop with has nevertheless opened the eyes of the prepared by a sudden roll of lhe yacht, balanced precariously far a second. Had Vanderbilt been swept face. That amiable smile will glow even brighter every time the Endeavour filed by two Carroll County farmers oser board, the Haiti bow would have been In the capable hands of John Parkinson (Inset), who frequently racing world with two straight victories. Hop with sells hi» own ship crames the finish Une the winner. who sought to prêtant foreclosure takes the wheel of the racer.





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Mrs. Bennett In Miracles of Sport By Robert Edgren Giants Gain Half rw" Game On St. Louis Close Win Over .V.I iiliil-1"»^ Increase Margin in National Major Baseball 61 Mrs. Art Dowell SB League to Four Games by • 6 to 4 Win Over Cincin­ Eliminates Conqueror of in, League Leaden nati; Cardinals Are Idle; Medalist 2 and 1; Miss Primero Takes Yanks Finally Halt Detroit Mackenzie Grieve Victor Irish St. Leger pDLLOWING the blrlblrlllant exhlbt- 5 to 2______NATIONAL LEAGUE r tion of golf ehoti gtven at the In Batting—P. Waner, Pirates, .156. Victoria Oolf Club on 8aSaturday after­ Final Scheduled Runs—Ott, Giants, 116. The Currmfh, Ireland. Sept. 26. 190b Runs hatted In—Ott, Giant», noon by Joe Kirkwood during his ap­ —W. M. Barnett’* Primero, one of have at pearance here with Gene Saraaen, a the best ef English three-year-olds, L.L. least kept the pennant-bound . 131. large number of this city’s golfing For To-morrow Hits—F. Waner, Pirates, 261. won the Irish 8t. Leger to-day by a Whitman Detroit Tigers from adding In­ Double»—Allen, Phillies, 42. fraternity seems to be at a loss to length and a half over Sir Thomas understand just why Kirkwood has Yesterday’* quarter- j sult to Injury by clinching the Triples F. Waner, Pirates, IS. Dixon's Cardiff, with H. J. Dela- drove Home runs—Ott. Giants, 8ft. not lifted many of the major golf foroe'n Portugal third by three Américain League pennant at the titles. As it Is. the trick shot star - final matches in the wo­ Stolen bases—Martin, cardinal», lengths. From Mew t } expense of their nearest and has only the Canadian open to bis men’s city golf champion­ Eight three-year-olds went the II. York to San most durable rivals, hut that Pitching—J. Dean, Cardinale, credit. It appears to be a source of ship at the Volwood Club mile end six furlongs of the race, wonder to golfers everywhere that corresponding to the English Francisco in ISdaqs does not seem to have made 26-7. extraordinarily skilful Australian were featured by the bril­ much difference In the flag rare. AMERICAN LEAGUE for so long failed to win at least da sale ran at Doacaetae recently. liant performances turned' * Primero. with Cedi Bay up, started 254hours., a trip After twenty scories* Innings Baiting—Gehrig,* Yankees, .857. British or United States open odd*-on favorite at 4 to 7. Car­ Runs—Gehrlnger, Tigers, 126. 3crowp. No one seeing Joe perform in by the home club play­ new possible For hv BftreU, the Yanks broke loose Bens hatted In—Gehrig, Yen- diff W6« 2 to I and Portugal his trick shots could believe that be ers. When the last match 100 to A. average dub ih 6 daws with a run yesterday, then hav­ kees. 161. could by any chance be prevented Mr*. Dunne's Wagon Hill waa ing broken the charm of Tiger Hits—Gehrlnger. Tigers, 166. from winning a fair share of the had been completed it waa fourth. pitching, went on ta knock Elden Doubles—Greenberg. Tigers, 66. tournaments in which he played. found that three Colwood Triples—Chapman. Yankees, end a Anker around for a Ihree-rnn Man ash. Senators. 11. members, Mrs. H. C. C. burst In the sixth and won S Home ran»—Gehrig, Yankees, Kirkwood erently had the _ . _ • HP— Bennett, Mrs. D. R. Mac- to 2. 46. Hrltteh. open ' In his pocket Stolen knee#—Berber, Bed I farlane and Mrs. t\ F. The only tangible résulte were that year it was played at Troon. 86. Leading by several strokes with Sayward-Wilson, and one GOOD RACES the Tiger lead was reduced to six and Pitching—Gomes, Yankees, 25-5. only a few holes to play, he sud­ representative from the denly encountered disaster and 300 •a half games, and they were left finally finished fourth or fifth. Uplsqjds Club, Miss Mary needing four victories to clinch the Before that at St. Andrews in Mackenzie - Grieve, had GAMES? flag, only three If the list Includes lkfl he found himself In a win­ AT SAANICH a triumph over the Tanka to-day. ning position starting the last battled their way into the _____ \Js!> Seems THEY'RE EASY round, but was beaten by bril­ aemi-finals. The semis X,The New York Giants staged a gain BOBBY GRAY liant finishers by Jack Hutchison North Saanich and McKenzie that FOR In the National League race that waa and Roger Wethered. These are were played this after­ Avenue Take Main Honors almost as big as Detroit's loss when the two outstanding misfortunes noon with the eighteen all Joe Palcaro they won a game from Cincinnati of Joe’s career, and because of at Saanichton Fair Sports ' their end the second-place St. Louie them he Is often credited with hole final to be run off to­ Cardinals lost a double-header BOUT WINNER having Jumpy nerves and with morrow afternoon. Young ethlvtei ef aesnlch contests HE HAS ROLLED cause of rain at Boston. New York’s 6 to 4 triumph, gained through larking what has been called the To-morrow will see the crowning schools, ranging from fourteen ' are close' San Jose Lightweight Cap­ “competitive spark.” of s new champion as Mrs. Z. Jack- four-run rally In the eighth at the years dawn, yesterday put forth 35 PERFECT expense of rookie Beryl Richmond, * * * eon. Uplands, last year's winner, was Glenn Cunningham 300 GAMES increased the Giant lead to four tures Decision From Harry unable to defend her crown through their best efforts In the special Such an estimate of Joe Kirkwood beat bill bonthron in femes. 4r about as inlittlna s» tsytMCg having to leave for Toronto as » sports meet held In conjunction Marshall at Vancouver could be. Golf is always the most member of the British Columbia In­ with the North and Mouth Sean- election for James $L CUBS DROP BACK uncar tain of g*mea and there lives ter provincial team. leh Agricultural Society's fall Sullivan memorial medal The third place Chicago Cube re­ no player who has not some time MRS. DOWELL OUT fair at Saanichton and when the treated to seven and a half games be­ Vancoevor, Sept. to.—Bobby lost a tournament or a match which bq 0ME vote- 611 to 610 hind the Giants, putting themselves aeemed certainly won. Somehow Yesterday s quarter-finale witnessed final event was completed North on the ragged edge of elimination as Gray, non Jom lightweight, won precious strokes are easily cast sway the defeat of Mrs Arthur Dowell. Saanich and McKcnxIe Avenue they took a 5 to 4 setback from the , ri,-round decision ever Harry Uplands, by Mrs. Bennett, 2 and 1. when the going Is close. Everybody held the feature awards. Phillies and Curt Davis, who allowed Marshall. Vancouver, In the main has to suffer disappointments like In the opening round of match play 9-10 only seven bite and drove In these two of Kirkwood’s, but con­ on Tuesday Mrs. Dowell sprang Athletes of the latter Institution runs. event ef yesterday evening', box­ tinued knocking at the door finally somewhat of an upset by eliminating annexed the David Spencer Limited Brooklyn continued to make life ing card here. gains admittance. It Is easily under­ Miss Peggy Hodgson. Colwood. winner Challenge Cup emblematic of chief miserable for the , Both fighter, were fart and of the medal honore on Monday. honors in the aggregate point section stood how Joe lost at Troon or St. winning a double-header. 4 to 1 the fir* two round, were fairly Andrews; the thing to be explained The pair put on a keen struggle with for schools of five rooms or more. 8 to 4, with heavy hitting behind Van is why he has not kept up his Mrs. Bennett’s steady play around the North Saanich took the Saaqlch Mungo and Johnny Babich. St. Louis even with Manhali doing mort knocking. greens polling her through to vic­ Board ofTradeCup for aggregate “Y” Planning Big ■Upped to sixth, took a single decision el the lighting, but Gray got kls _____—.... e ...... tory- LARGE ENTRY from the Boston Red Box. 8 to 2. right going In the third and be­ Mrs. Sayward-Wilson advanced to only three or four rooms, as well as It Is useless to blame any lack of scoring an m runs m JtRmnrTTOcb gan la rtmr the Veaooerar Tad auocaas upon a mechanical deficiency lha semis with ease, accounting for the W. O. Wallace award for schools of one or two rooms. - in th# sixth. in the use of his clubs, for Kirkwood Mrs. P. C. Abell by the decisive The Washington Senators, ap. is a , finished and highly skilful margin of 6 and 5. By her victory Races were generally keen ee the youngsters sped over the track In Swim Campaign seventh, squared their series with They both went Into the fourth Mrs. Say ward-Wilson became the fav­ player His driving Is not unusually their specialties, results of which fol- Cleveland by poking out » 6 to 2 de- Ighllng bard , and tm/tad right» and long, but very, very straight, his iron orite to lift the crown. Mrs Mac- ‘ w: ______clslôtt behind Btitle's steady eft- lefts through meet of the round. play to as good as that of any man. far lane, the third Colwood member ing. his recovery work Is brilliant and, to win, eliminated Miss B. Pitr-Gib­ SPORTS PROGRAMME Aquatic Sport to Be Featured • Women’s Championship At­ NATIONAL LEAGUE Gray staggered Marshall )u»t after Boys the start of the fifth but sou Id net although given to occasional lapses bon, 4 and S. tracts 157 Players; Ada At New York— B. H. B. upon the green, he Is on the whole In eliminating Mrs. J. Hutchinson. 50 yards, boys under 0—1, Albert in Winter Programme at Paul Waner Gets knock him down. Crsmb; 2. Lewie Parker. Cincinnati ...... 8 • a very good putter. Joe may miss a Oak Bay. Miss Mackenxle-Orleve was Association; Leaders Are Mackenzie Filtered New York ...... • 1* In the final round the Ban Jose few very short putts, but he will also forced to come from behind to agis­ 50 yards, boys under 10—1, Russell Hit Number 201 hoy kept up a steady barram hut Munro; 2. Herbert Chubb. Batteries ; Richmond and L hole a good mimv very long ones. The ter her 2 and 1 victory. At the end Lined Up for Season New York. Kept. M,—The big­ bard; Parme lee, Beowman, Smith, Manhali kept on his feet until the majority of critics think that there of the first nine holes Mrs. Hutchin­ 75 yards, boys under IS—1. Kenneth |U. Campbell; 2. Donald Hoadley. gest entry In eleven year»—187 Luque end Mancueo. are only two things which keep Joe son was 1 up. Mise Mackenele-Grleve Ready for the plunge Into an Brooklyn, Sept- —PaM Waner, At Philadelphia— R. H. Bum McMillan. Beattie, proved a Kirkwood off the very pinnacle of 75 yards, boys under 15—1, Joe player,—will tee off October 1 lit HtU# too feet and too tough for Phil won the tenth, while the eleventh Intensive season la swimming leading National League hitter, has Chicago «.IA...... 4 7 golfing excellence—that Is. measured Tfcomas 2. Bill Bausefleld. the eighteen - bale qualifying Philadelphia ...... 6 14 Trudeau. Vancouver In the mml- was halved, leaving the players etlll Archie McKinnon has lined ny a copped on# of the season's big by tournament succeeaes, which la all square. Mias Mackenxle-Orleve High Jump, boys under 15—1, Don- round of the tblrty-eeveulb wo­ Batteries: Weaver and Hartnett; finai bout and won the decision. unfortunately the only measure the won the twelfth and from that point dd Hoadley; 1 Joe Bobine, x strong squad of leaders In both league titles. The Pittsburgh star C. Davis and Wilson. public a nolle» They are. first, his High Jump, boys under 15—1. Peter men', L ulled Malta golf cham­ until the finish was always In the < ■tea's; and women’s sections of was the first hatter of the year to At Brooklyn- exuberance of spirit, which never Burtt; 2t William Taffe. pionship over the Whlt»mar«h lead.— ------•------Mi YtM.tr . A. rtulr. BMr witt giro - make 200 Alta, grin* . one above - -Flrat gama—------B-.—Hr-AL ■ ■ permit» him "to become' thoroughly Broiiï j^p' boyi tinder 11 — Tr that mark yesterday. Charley t alley country Club link, In , Pittsburgh ee...... 1 • serious about » golf tournament, and RESULT* Donald Hoadley; 2. Richard Prlmeau to the game some of the atten­ tiehrtnger, Detroit, was held et Philadelphia, waking the ellty- Brooklyn ...... ;...... 4 11 REFEREE AIDS second, strangely enough, his, posi­ Complete résulta follow; Broad Jump, boy# under 15—1, Ben tion It has lacked during the lfri when he went hitless yesterday. Batteries: Blrkofer. Smith and tively uncanny ability to do queer Uhsmplonahlp Wells; 2. James Harrlseon summer months when the out­ four match piny placet. Padden; Mungo and Lopez. things with a golf ball. The second Sack race, boy» under 15 — 1, Bill All of the country', ranking play- Mrs. H. C. C. Bennett defeated door programme was featured. Second game— H. H. reason Is the real one. for the joy of Bausefleld; 2, Douglas Lawson. Junior girl»’ swimming club—Wed­ Pittsburgh iff do...... 4 ”8 winning must appeal to a certain ex Mrs A. Dowell. 2 and U. Pole vsult. boys under 15—i, Vic­ Nine swimming clubs and classes nesday. 6A0 to 7.16. ere. In addition to a formidable Krone Mise M. Meckènzle-Grie ve defeated of Invading atari from Omet Britain, Brooklyn ...... • !• MUIR IN WIN tent even to Joe. and hie critics are tor Booth; 2. Wilfred Rattray. have been listed on the physical Ladles' swimming claie—Wednes­ Batteries: French, Chagnon. Lucas sure he would have won more than Mrs. J. Hutchinson. 2 and 1. day. 7.16 to 6.00. ere Included In the largest field since 1 Girls schedule for the winter season. In­ IMS, when the starting Hit totaled and Grace; Babich and Berree, Ixipes. once If be could have done so. Mr» D. R. Macfariane defeated Fifty yards, girls under 6—1. Mar­ cluding instruction groups for boys Senior swimming club (mixed)— Verne Harrington Punches Misa E. Fttz-Otbbon, 4 and 8. garet Sing; 2. Dla Marie Sommenrllle. Wednesday. 560 to 6.00. 138. • -e a and girls from six to ten years up to Ada Mackenzie the Toronto vet­ AMERICAN LEAGUE But Kirkwood Is primarily a trick Mrs. F. F. Sayward-Wilson defeated Fifty yards, girls under 10 — L the senior club, which includes Abe Kaplan in Wrestling Mrs. P. c. Abell, S and *. eran now defending the Canadien At Detroit— *• H. shot artist. Inevltablv he must have Flora Hartshorn*; 2, Georgia Mal­ soma of the beet Want In the city. Eastern Poloists title In her home city, and Mr». Tr* New York ...... *vrA • Match at Portland devoted more of himself and his First Flight colm. Several of the old guard, including _ Mulqueer, also Toronto, will try to Detroit ...... * • efforts to the mastery of those shots Seventy-five yards, girls under IS Chris McRae. Percy Riddle, Harold Batteries: Murphy and J organs lies F. Hodgson defeated Mise D. In fine»# Virfnrv tno tmiun state, title beck to Portland. Ore., Sept. Id— then to the solution of the problem Fletcher. 4 and 8. —J. Phylto Henderson; 2, Myrtle Row. Ralph Dent. Chris Usher. Denny In Vpact F IllVIJf the Dominion. Nancy Pearmen la a Auker, Hogsett and Hayworth Tupman. of playing eighteen holes In the least Misa E. V. Wylie defeated Mas. H. Walker. Ivor Fuller, Bob' Malr and candidate from Bermuda. At St. Louie— ...... _*• ”• Verne Harrington, who once re­ number of strokes. Joe delights in F. Crowe, 7 and 6. Seventy-five yards, girls under 16 Art Stott have been lined up to oelon ...... J • tired a, a wnrtBag raferae he-___ —1. Dorothy Cracknel!: 2. Betty assist in coaching during the year In trick shots a good deal more than 16 Mrs. H. B. Combe defeated Mrs. W. Westbury, IMP», Sept» SO,-----Four St. Lottie ...... 1 ft cause he was tired of taking winning golf tournaments, and he.. H - Inweon. l ay. ------— Burtt. the men's section; white in Batteries: Welch. Grove i Fifty yards. Hi itou the women’s division, Georgia Rudge, young whirlwind» on horseback Londos To Meet punishment, stood beside Bonnie finds it Impossible t » leave his magic Mise P. Allen defeated Mrs. C. H. Halnkle; Knott, Coffman and Hems- behind when he starts in quest of • WUhSr A aad-*r------under 15—1. Marie Brown; 2. MyirUs Pat Copeland, Gertrude Walt and fathefcd thamaahfi W « wttd ley. ______Mnlr yesterday evening and ....eKampTdêâhïp...... 'r * Ttibmtii: * ...... :— Ruby Davidson, all competent charge yesterday afternoon on the At Clevelend—...... ' ■ ' ». » helped him sing eeti • Miai trim...... High Jump, girls under IS—1. coaches, have vouched their assist­ • * e soggy turf of the Meadow Brook Washington .*.»*»..•...... ® ** Edith Meilson; 2. Norma Stacey. ance for the girls and women. Batteries Burke and ^Phillip* tor, oser Abe Kaplsu. New York. We recall the half-serious com­ The wekly aartmmlng programme Club's international field, blasted Muir. 308. Australia, took the first ment upon. Joe’s gblf made by Robert . MlfB IBM», girls undee 15 I, VI olet Harrlseon; 2, Blanche ChappeU. has been drawn up as follows: the defence of the high-geared west­ Chicago, Sept. 30.—Promised a reel fall with llylng tackles, and Kaplan, Nettlefold, the well-known Taa- ern team to bite and galloped to an Pearson and Brenzel. FAVORITES IN Broad Jump, girls under 18 — 1. Junior swimming club (boys)— -.hooting match." e crowd ot 80,000 At Chicago— 311. gained the second with wing- mapian amateur, who had played astounding triumph for the east In Catherine Pebemat; 2. Isabelle Fyvle. Saturday. UA0 to 12.80. Flrat game— ®* locks Kaplan's wing locks ware with Joe In Australia long before he the first match of the United States la expected at Writ ley Yield to-night, Broad Jump, girls under 15 — 1, Swimming instruction (boys)— hlladeli«hla ® working fine In the final canto enttl had made his debut In Europe and Tuesday, 460 to 80S.------—----- polo shamptnnshlp series. emitting, to watch ferty- JUSSIWf.....Wltuerold had Just come Marie BrowBT V, BIUBChe Chappell. hioano .“.TÎ7W" he too freely pwnmrtod- Xammston. Swimming instruction (boys)— Tbs final score was 10 to t t# the three-year-old Ed iStrangler> Lewis Harrington and Muir tot> turtle off the last green at St. Andrews Sack race, girls under 16—1, Batteries ; Caster and F. Attyte; TENNIS WINS Phylls Deveeon. 2. Laureen Bayley.* urday, 11.00 to U A0. east s Inspired youngster» came from attempt to take the world heavy­ as ton. Gall Ivan and Bhea socking Kaplan and Muir boarded after trailing Joe around the count Boys’ swimming class (six to behind in the seventh chukker to weight wrestling championship from neenrirl nine 2. H. In an effort to pull him through by Challenge Cup. donated qy D FÜÏMdW...M 20 him for the final fall alter the Jew­ >encer Limited. Victoria, for any yean)—Tuesday. 8A0 to 4.00. 9^1 out a four-goal deficit within Jim Leadoe. Oreeoe. ish grappler was flattened by a ter­ dint of Intensive moral support. Joe , Lott, Stoefen and Girl*' swimming dees (six to ten lees then four minutes end then hast evidently given Nettiefotd some hool consisting of five rooms and Chicago ...»...... Q 3 1 rific uppercut from Harrington. -er making the most pointe In the years)—Wednesday. 8A0 to 4.1». gain the deciding margin. Batteries: Cascarella and F. Hayes; Jack Washburn, 3S6. Boston, and anxious moments, certainly a pain­ Mako Advance in Pacific Girls’ swimming class (ten to four­ Phipps, playing No. 1 for the east, three of the east', el, goals la the ful one when he took three putts bool sports programme — Won by Lyons. Kiney and Calthamer. Joe Maleewtcs. *10. Utica. NT. teen year»)—Wednesday,, 4.15 to 5-00. led the victorious thrust. He tallied climactic seventh chukker. wrestled three rounds to a draw In a from eight feet on the last green. Southwest Tourney McKenxle Avenue. coasiTleague Challenge Cup, donated by Saanich preliminary bout. This was apparently the last straw B. H. so far as Nettlefold was concerned. Lee Angeles. Sept. *0.—Favor - Board of Trade for any school con­ sisting of three or four rooms mak­ Portland ...... *...... * Ji “Why.’’ he said. ”lf I could have Ites, withstood the onslaughts of TRY TO PICK THE WINNER OF THIS RACE Hollywood ...... -I® placed three balls in his way and ing the most points in the school Collfornla’s collegiate stars yes­ ~ ------by North Batteries: Brame and Cox; Shae- handed him a mash le he would have han and Hershberger. ^ ^ holed out certainly.” terday In the third round of COLUMBUS IN • e e men’s singles In Use Peel He hallenge Cup, donated by W. O Wallace. Brentwood Bay. for any In the end however, the, fact Southwest tennis championship. school consisting of one or two rooms flsslrmn ...... «...... 4 10 that no championships have Led by Francis Shields, seeded stars making the moat points In the school Betterlee; Vance. Hendereon and eome his way dial nebs Joe least won their way ihto the fourth sport* ^programme — Won by West Bottsrinl; Mitchell and Fitzpatrick. of all. As Eliott Corked wrote In - V -, ■ SECOND WIN round. Shields defeated Charles Golf Illustrated (London): “The Carr, of the University of Southern ...... IS 18 game had known many cham­ Californie, 7-6, 7-6. George Lott Sacramento ...... 6 • pions before Joe Kirkwood opened made abort shift of Jack TKtbell. Los Prairie Lacrosse ___Thomas. Garland xnd Defeat Minneapolis 9 to 4 in kls eyes to the world; the game Angeles, 6-6, 6-1. Fted Firry, world Ooe bel; Hart wig. Gabier an^ Sa^keld will know many, many more In ■ingles champion and title defender American Baseball Asso- the years after be has closed here, enjoyed n day Series Defaulted Yraneleeu ...... J }» > ? elation Finals them for good, he far the game Lee Stoefen beet Oakland ...... 3 1° 1 has knewn only one Joe Kirk-, Batteries: Olbeon and Monao; Stanford. 6-1. 6-1. Calgary, Sept. 20.—Down ooe game wood, and It will be a long flam Oen# Malm, national lnter-collegl- Ludolph. Conlan and Raimondi. MlnneapeU*. Sept. 20.—Colam- before It knows another.” In the series with Calgary Shamrocks, ate champion, of the University of and forced to postpone play a second btt* heroine the eSSe-nw fevérité Southern California, ellmlneted John time yesterday evening because of te win the America* Aaaortattea Law. Stanford. 6-0. 6-0. Law had put unfavorable weather. Medicine Hat COUNCI L A IDS PLAN BIG SEASON out Rodertch Men eel, Csecboelevakie. Bulgers yesterday evening tele­ baseball championship, yesterSay, In the first round. phoned H. H Ollchlrst. president of OAK BAY TEAM after copping the wrong gama ef Donald Budge, Oakland, del the Alberta Box Lacrosse Association, the play-off series from Minne­ AT GORDON HEAD Alan Herrington, Hollywood, 10-6, and waived their right In the play- 6-6. apolis. • to 4. Minneapolis, down* for the right to meet Winni­ u move te uw*t th. Oak Buy Favorites also reigned supreme In peg Wellington». Wanderer, Rugby Foetbtil Club with which finished the rage 1er eearon flue far • busy nu» *«• law the women's singles and men’s Shamrocks will therefore play one In fleet place, dropped the first doubles. Katharine Stammers. Orest It, plum fee development ot a at the raeam annual meetlna ofth. sudden-death game against Welling­ shower room end player»' quarter, game, Tuesday. Oordon Head Athl.Uc Amoclstlon. Britain, was hard pressed, however, ton* her» Saturday, the winner to in the fourth round of women's play at/ the rear of the Oak Bey Apart- whan W. Playfair waa elaetad ptasl- •ravel on to the Ooeet for the first mente, the municipal council yester­ Nick Cullop, who ones blasted dent of tba organisation to defeat Mrs. John Van Byn. Phila­ game of the Canada Mann home runs for the Millers, slammed delphia. 0-6, 6-S, 7-5 Six thnea in day purchased the floodlighting It. o. Ball was elaetad tacratary and Cup playoffs at Vancouver. Septem­ equipment which the teem installed on* over the wall for Columbus, in WUllam Carr, J. Thacher and W. R. the last game of the deciding set Miss ber 25. against New Westminster the seventh, scoring two mates ahead Summers was within point match Selmonbelliee. at Windsor Park, tor the purpose of ■tear marnbw. at the anaeuUaa Above le .how, the flntih ef the attend iece et Willows track yraterday, I he meet exciting of the carrent race aiding the team with fund, to of him. Tha hall on Tyndall Annua will and finally she broke through the The third game in the series was stubborn resistance of her opponent BOXING meeting. The picture w,« taken Jnet a ipUt fraction of n second after Ihe horse, flatbed put Ike wire. On Ctall showers. be often anry eyenln* during neat the hulde I, No. 8. Huh ratty, the winner. Hub Petty I, a locally-owned gelding by Selim out of Chaplet. The council afned to take ever the to be played here to-day. weak for orgenlxatlonor badminton, Short score— R H. E Harrisburg. Pa—Ernie Dusek, 207, Oakland. OaL—Tiger Jack Fox, IBS. He led from poet te pest. In the centre I, Jack Ml.worth, which etarted at 18 to 1. rime charging through lighting equipment for 8100 end eerpet bowling and other .porta. Omaha, threw Flood Marshall. 225, Terre Haute. Ind„ knocked out Jack with this sum It Is expected the team Columbus ...... 9 il o Bridge tourna manta, dance, and In­ the rtretch end Juw mimed catching the lop one by a no.tell. Se. 7. en the ontaldr. li Deep Beech. Mm. W. H. Los Angeles, 36 10. Roper, 16». New York (1). will he able te put shower. In their Minneapolis ...... 4 12 1 «port* W« ha held during the Hand', mere. Deep Bench had the tough luck uf the race, went wide on the flrat turn. Dnt finished with a Batteries. Greer. Heueeer end door Lincoln. Neb.—John Peaek. 11 San Rafael. Cal.—Roy Deagans. 166, club quarter,, generously donated year Junior members will ban thundering ru»h to he third. Two length, bock hi fou rth poeltlon 1, Bud BoweH'i veteran gelding Maryland. tVPea; Tauacher. Shai^, Marrow r.nd Ravenna, Neb . defeated Dutch Heff­ FocsteUo, Idaho, outpointed jark for the puf^oee by the management contact * of the gym rn Saturday Jockey Young to de the winner. •ttstoc*. ner, 226,. Sherman, Tex. .»■ Dire. 180. Stockton. Cel. W-


PUBLISHED BY AL H (Copyright IBM) FRIENDLYWIN PresSdiag Judge and Hsndlcapper. W J. McKeon Baseball Champs Racing Secretary. Cspt. 8. Jones . Starter. W. J. Ntary Record At Willows Easy Washers PsdOv'ck Judge. H. P. Hepburn Official Veterinary, R. Hamilton, V.S. Associate Judge. Eerie A. Lewis Official Timer. E. A. McAvoy Team Defeats Eleven From Willows Park. Victor 1», EC. Wednesday. September If, 183L Tenth Day 55.00 CAM Defeat Arrows 7 to 4 in De­ FIVE FURLONGS TRACK McGeachan Filly Wins Wil­ Remainder of League in ENGLAND IN Aa* Balance S1.«0 Weekly KtUMTO Q7KQ—FIEST RACE — Claiming. Western Canada-bred* Three-year-olds and lows Park Handicap From ciding Game for Van­ Cricket Engagement tJSUO older. Parse divided: FinLrat, 811»; wet»»., —* third. 120. balance to ether efrrterf. ___ FIVE AND ONE-HALF FUBLONtiS couver Senior League WL_ St i__ 1 atr, Fin. Jockey OdaStr Fast Field; Runs Mile and By a margin of twsnty-twe ^rorgatiTj KENT’S .. RjllHtHgWUgrt. ~ 1» )» 1“ 100 Championship; Meet Vic­ GO ON TRIP runs. Victoria defeated The Rest WPJa 2* Bporr; 338 Seventy Yards in 1.45 SOCCER WIN «41 Yatn St. r%4 An a~. Wednesday Cricket JSBgjUt KG 31 Holecko 828 toria’Sons ofCahadatn 13 II l flat; Athey Rides Three ...... 1 ‘ ■■ Tii"- . a friendly match at Beacon Hill • - P “ ÎI »‘ Orimn* 28.8» <31811 TomdH I iXMPullertont 8 - là ?< Sena l!15 1C. Series To-morrow yesterday, the winners scoring 3723 Tusculotta I iWeaternSt) I — 41 8* Russell Winners in Four Mounts Welterweight Champ and etghty-nlne runs. 314*_Betty EjaakweU 4 fJMsn) » 4 Greenwood 74.18 Representative Team De­ M. Turner was high bat Joe the ...... jü 5 Another, fine victor* 1er Tee “Pop” Foster B.M. 8. Marcua-Pharabe Am McGeachan'» speedy filly, Ida 6^ feats Ireland Alt-stars 6 to Vancouver, Sept. 28.—Coming Rent while Klnch, Victoria, with ,Tab's—r ...... Bid ...... — . - - w— t------1 ' tvaimd lv Gelds tree* Olrt ...... — ----- |M8______- __ R. Blaek coupled with a smart riding dis­ 1 at Belfast from behind to score two runs In Will Visit Britain thirty-four, led both teams. Peers for Victoria, and Baker for At post 4» "mine Off at 8.28. TtmeY4 1-8, .48 2-», 10*4-5, 108 4-6. Weather clear play by Jockey Athey, were fea­ the fifth Inning and take a 4 to Track fast. Start good. Won driving. Belfast. Sept. N.—Fourteen HORSE The Rest, each took five wickets, the Golden Mesh took command at one* and although being hard pressed by Tab’s tures of the racing at Willows S lead, Arnold * Quigley went on former for twenty-five rune and Lhe Bid and Ooldatreaaa Girl, laeted to win in a drive. Tabs' Bid follow log close on thousand persons saw the English New York. Sept. 20.—The sug­ *----- ^ 1^ol - track, witnessed by a targe half- t# defeat Arrows, 7 to 4, and cap­ latter for forty-eight. leaders first part, get through on rail at head of stretch and Just mlâeedmin Ooldstream League defeat the Irish League gestion that Jimmy McLarnln Scores follow: - Girl on the outside all the way. was earned a trifle wide by Golden Mesh entering holiday crowd yesterday after- ture the Senior Baseball League the stretch end could not get up. Miss Ooldstream______closed _well.. RBrStai gl A#» __ __ by 6 to 1 yesterday evening In the RACING defend bis recaptured welter­ THE REST In run bom*. Tueculotta went wide at test turn when running with the leaders. championship before a crowd of first of the soccer season’s "rep­ weight crown against the light- ' Pearce, c Passmore b Sellar»...... 0 Winner entered to be claimed for 8400. — ^ ■ Ida S., by Thunderstorm out of 5,00b fans here yesterday eve- Overweights OeMstream Girl Hi. Tusculotta (3), Betty Blackwell (4). nlng fists of Barney Boss In Chi­ Vaughan, b Peers ...... 3 Kenton Girl, won the Willows Park resentative" matches. The Eng- Tyrrell Ibw. b Sellera ...,...... 0 Declared—Belle Somers, Major Somers,------Joeella.*...... cago before the snow fHes was Handicap at a mile and seventy yards, IME 'Jed S ta 1 at the half. It was the seventh and deciding Baker, e Adie b Sellar» ...... IS scoring handily over Mrs. 1. J. Shep- vetoed yesterday. Freeman. Ibw. b Peers ...... 3 —SBCHffD RACK—Claiming. Three-year-old* divided; The English attacked from game of the write, and earned the perd’s Pacchtna and D. L. Hitchcox's The New York American quoted Turner, b Peei$ ...... 32 • vv First, till; second, 840; third, $20; balance lo other, starters. Medallion." The filly went to the start but the Irish defence held clothiers the right to meet Victoria Bishop, b Clarke...... 1 SIX’FÜBLONOÎ"AND* THIRTY TARDS Charles “Pop” Footer, adviser and Index Horae and Owner _Wt._ 8t._I__ 1___ 1 Str fient right after the break and was stoutly. Kelly of the Irish League, Bone of Canada here, Friday night. Kerslake. b Peers ...... •>. 3 never headed. She was second fiv- manager of the Vancouver veteran, Fetch, b Peers ...... 0 3131 Hub Petty » (DAMSt)...... les 1 — 1* 1» V Ie Young broke away and gave n fine centre In the first of the aeries for the Bri­ 3147 Jack Ellsworth 1 (Jackson! 8‘ 2" Or min orlte in the mutuels and returned as saying: Gardiner, b Clarke ...... ;...... i 2 16» 8 — 3>i 2> to Brown, who netted cleverly on tish Columbia senior title. 8141 Deep Beach 4 (MraHandi 181 7 - 2" 3«| 3» 3>| Holecko S5S0 straight. Ida 8.. which won shot that gave Sager, in the English “Next May will suit us better and Oakes, c Klnch b Clarke...... 0 <31481 Maryland 8 (BBowelli ...... 11» 5 — 4» 4< K 5* Sena both her last starts In Vancouver, For the second straight game Dave Price, not out ...... 0 <3724! Kate A. 4 (MUsMugfor 184 8 — V »* nets, no chance. we wiU be glad to fight for the New HI3728 •Laura----- CUy------4* (Colloyl(ColâoyleSt! i8i 4 — n r made the distança In 1,4» flat, equal­ The English kept on the offensive Gray, pitching schoolmaster of the Extras 3 r. Kffir-sis ing the track record. York American milk fund. Roes and <3138!<3738! Kd1 Garrett 1 (JBraaaeaut _____188 a — 8* 7* and after thirty-one minutes, Tllson <37331 SwiftI Cop 8 (Mrs Stewart! 188 2 — 1 1 a 8 Solomon 38- Athey rode Ida 8 and also had transfer men. and Elmer Bray, former his managers were good sportsmen. Total ...... -j...... 87 got the equalizer Matthews scored It Ml tueu-•T in. kw'jjr* P . ceeeee-_____ a leg up on -Lakeland, winner . Duffp 000***.; 3 I* 1'i »*4 i’l Athey O» Empire Games Teams Says 3787 Facchlna 8 (MrsSheppard).. 16' 5* »i 1» 28 Pendergrsa 12.0» Ihe highly-played Poor Pan and re' negro, knocked out Jack Roper. 169. (3882) Medallion 3 (DLHlekcox).... - -- 41 3» Sena 1.28 turned the longest straight price of New York, In the first round of their 43684» Irish Peer 4 (BRlw» ...... «•___ 8* 4" Sporrl 23.lt European Women “Men” the day. 625.25, and in the seventh ten-round match here yesterday eve­ 31S4 Lower Ten 4 (MrsVLewlst m jsr ti v*i rSf»i(u—n» Highway, an even-money choice, gal­ Defeat Rochester 3 to 0 in A-aœieêitemjèia 8 8 8 8 8 8 -- Rnseall -----JM-' ning. Johannesburg, South Africa. loped to an easy win with Thorogood giiiiftr Winner in'the saddle. Opening Clash of Minor Sept. 26.—B. C. aims, manager ef ■ Cb F. 3. Thunderstorm-E I Olrl the South African British Empire —— 88.88 P. McGc.v AUSTRALIAN CEtCKfet Baseball Final Games team, made astonishing At pest 24 Bias. Oft ..•s «..to«.*.*_*»• Ss. .«l-s. 1.14'i-t, 1*0 s i, Ca; w..uUV clear. Tract fast. Start good. Won easily Melbourne. Sept. 90—Present of ft Toronto, Hept. 80. — Toronto NT. STEPHEN ATHLETIC allegations here yesterday against . 8- Seutg to the front soen after break opened up a safe lead and won under cera of the Australian Cricket Board Maple Leaf# were one up on Ro­ CLUB European competitors In the toUd pressure. Facchlna breaking fast, dropped baric for a half, then eame with a rush on the outside leaving back stretch and waa gaining at end. Medallion of Control were re-elected nt the an­ chester Red Wings to-day In their... women’s world games at London. closed fast in stretch after being well back for three-guarlera. but was not good num meeting of the board to-day. enough Irish Peer could never get to leaders. Lower Ten showed good speed early, final International Lengne play­ The world games took place Im­ but tired badly to later running. 1 MATE IS SECOND off and apparently headed for Wrestling - Boxing Declared—P mediately following the Empire -Puako. Overweight—Facchlna (1). their first International League raiDAY, SEPT. 31, 8.15 Games. Ayr. Scotland, Sept. 20.—Sir Henry Lyons's Norman Herald, a 100 to pennant since 1626. In his report to the South African I!rre BACt " Claiming. Three-year-old» and elder. Purse divided, TILLIOUM GYM OllJA First, #41»; second. 1*8; third, »2Q; balance It totr stmstarters. shot, won the Ayrshire Handicap over Before SyOOO wildly-cheering fane, Broad Street Olympic and British Empire Games ___ ONE MILE AND SEVENTY TARDS a mile and three furlongs by a length the Leafs beat the Red Wlnga. 8 to 0. Association, Sima said: “I am very Kdêï "riôrse sndJ6wn*r St. J i___ I___Stropin. Jcckey OdaStr and a half to-day. The American- An the first of the best four-out-of- «entrai Admhalon ...... 104 much against our taking part In the 3748 ‘ifUa Madeline 4 lAWlae)....' 4 4»# gk 31 l1 ~ Colpitis 11021 owned Mate was second and Major C. aeven series that will determine the Kr.rr.rd ...... 164 (3148) Poor Pan 4 tRPPleldi .... 1 là là 1» 1‘ 21 Solomon l IS Behreu'a Light Sussex third. league's representative to meet the world events. The class of persons I 3748 Bill Bane I .REmburg) 3 3* 3* 3‘i 34 3* Russell 3 05 representing foreign countries In 3146 Bette Mystery 4 (Burgees) 5 2* 2* 2* 4' 4* Bporrl 23.10 these games Is, to say the least, most 8716 Captain Gilbert 8 (Bvlkyi.. lit 2 61 »'à 8 5» 5‘ Pendergrass CHOICE of THRIFTY MEN 8188 Architect 10 (NorthwestStt . 118 € i 4^ 4» g 8 Sena 6 70 peculiar and one beard remarks a» I* 3* J 34 Sporrl 2 88 1217 Government Street 3744 Prince Ooldstream 7 (Mini . 3 4‘ 8> là 4> 4» Pendergrass 4.18 oua.” . ___ 1 Vi 4* 4*k •* 6* Tfewgaod 124S "m* European women, who won 88 «SM iüSSSpi •1 Tr^fr | g g<4 Greenwood 45.88 practically every event at the games, 3748 Deseret te 8 (LBuchanam ... 8 1» 1«| 34 »à Ie Holeeko 41.48 3187 Jane Macaw 8 (Stevensonl . 8 8 8 JZ__1* 8 Solomon 4fi’ o.'x'e t i/ic certainly were huskier and more §r*&nmUwttBtSmm lured than our girls/' Robinson Winner if Li 12.18 BO. I. West Wood-Mabel Rowe to 5-juind EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 aI. “but they were older. I would Natal* !basil 88.19 Trained by think their age» would average be•­ wlftef- ...... J. T Wilson Cordova Bay and Cadboro Bay tween twenty-five and thirty. Most *< p«*,‘ ">l^F Off »t lU Tl». M1-1, ,««t-g. lit, IU. W'.Uiar riser. Tr.tk of our girls were seventeen or lest. Start good. Won driving. eighteen. „ ,7?f»•" fi'»t part rr.du.IlT mnrad Uueuak kle FWM-wad ewstlnr EFFECTIVE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 m »♦ mww* ttwm win* Bain in stretch and won going away. LMter got to -“We sent school girls to Zhiland ■™n»rll,rïnf#tî!Î< #bfick *lrctcb' ••?<* although holding on gait My could not'resist SHOES FOR MEN for the Empire and world games and »r, *eUî2L^l ,p*ce c,oz.e,y for three-ouarters. but tired slightly in Sidney Deep Cove — Salt Spring Island — Jordan River Europe sent matured women. Well, ssE.,-r3sf,‘, nsr .HOPS N M 0 S T PRINCIPAL tfoey say a good big man can beat a EFFECTIVE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 34 good little man. By the same token a good woman athlete can beat a Declared—Bubsy C. Overweight—Trompe (2). West Saanich Road schoo'glrl. That's why our team was EFFECTIVE MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 dhlM: SPORT MEETINGS | ONE MILE AND ONF.-BIXTEENTH Victona-Nanaimo, Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Nanaimo- HWW and Owner Two groupe, the badminton club *jlhw«y • i JECopenhavfr i 7 a11 a*" Ie Thorofeod Port Albemi-Oreat Central Lake. and the physical committee of the ITW Chepera I (RLCarter!. a» Penderrass Il** Bondholder 3 (WKnowlee) V Orillia Y .M C A , 'will meet to-morrow in the 3'** Ml Disk in 4 (Mr* Halketi > vi •> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION INQÜIR1 OF DRIVERS OR Wlllfcank • < North wettat).. Halket association rooms The physical Greenwood SU WANTED TO BE committee will hold their session at eurer Bond 8 iCWeet). i'l 5*1 W ANY AOENT 7 o'clock and the badminton club 3232 ^uck BouP * (JAThompeee) a *«-” ITM C.Mln.tt, » (VDoW) BBJ1 an hour later, with Warren Martin, B Ml TVE1* president, In the chair. DAttT RXOUBMOtol TO BUTOHABT'S OARDBNB RETURN Cb.o. I. Ildw»y-Thelm»r £0 Esquimau Football Club will hold U»n D»pot l so p.a-UaK Oerden. 4 U y m.-Oaily. Bampl Kaa«ai. Fare . , . 50c a meeting in the clubrooms. Esqui­ *• PMl'll minx Lean Depot |m p.m-lmve aird.n. 4 34 pm -autta.y Only. CUMne ]IS* mau and Dominion Roads, this eve­ 'îi. Ir,,‘ <*«• «art «004. Wee « ning at • o'clock. AU players are ■Uh««r savin, ,round on ths roll Tt EfleeUve t> to »n< Includlni Sunday. September SI Only asked to attend. — turn ond coin, to ihe ontoldo ed line oilizs&sr ea lo win as rider plaaatd. Latter, retint leer bandages went■ to the fi r finish. Bondi(holder closed The organlaatlon mretina of the Lftdr Diskin made up ground M streteh Silver Bond was through after a Quarter! E,.,-ulm.lt Carpet Bowling Club trill SîlîS! lo *U*t’*- b“' «F-1 b»dlr In tho drive Winniner entered to be - • A fine fellow, keen, honest, claimed lor 8388 Overweights—Lady Disk In (4), be held In the tiubroome on Tu PecUred- Arrowtop daw. A full turnout of member» 1» food-natured. How truly proud of him ONK-TWO TIciinrWÉEYKNTB 1 IAOÜAIB Low Week-end Fares «he could have been if he were only care­ requested. The tables are now ready for play and anybody wishing to Join ful of hit «having I... la requested to get In touch wtth SINGLE FARE AND A QUARTER (Subject to Minimum) FOR THE ROUND Some men are like that—refusing to the secretary. Ippe (Yarobo) Andrade*. Pnerlo TRIP. GOOD GOING FROM FRIDAY NOON TO SUNDAY MIDNIGHT. •have often because they think their facet Biro, yesterday evening was The annual meeting of the Bactflc BREAKS MUST: furred to give up In the fourth can't stand it Yet theepecially processed Swimming Club will be held at the Return Limit Monday Midnight Gillette "Blue Blade"rcsnoves the toughest Crystal Garden at g o'clock to-night. round of a scheduled twelve- stubble from the tenderest «kin-even twice All member, are requested to attend. round encounter with the tech­ a day. if needed—quickly, closely, without nics! knockout decision going to Three clubs, at. Louis College, LOSES FIGHT a bit of «ting... Get a package today and the French bantamweight champion» Usl mason, Oakland» and FAST EXPRESS SERVICE AT LOW RATES treat yourself to a modern «have tomorrow. “>• Haw Method Laundry, which Th« boy from the Caribbean over­ formerly operated aa the First United whelmed tho Frenchman In the first OVER AU 0VR ROUTES. INQUIRE FOR DETAILS team, have already entered for play Philippe Andrades Is Unfor­ two round» with » barrage of stab­ In the Royal Juvenile Athletic Amo- bing lefts. Juet aa the second round elation Basketball League, and two tunate in Boyt With Huat waa drawing to. » close his wrist gave or three more «quads are expected to line up for that loop before en trim at Montreal way, but he gamely carried on with Gillette Blue Blades «torn on September aa. Word to that one band through thp third despite affect was given by Ted Taylor, Montre»!. Sept. 20—Hie left intense agony. Vancouver Island Coach Lines Ltd. chairman, yesterday evening. Thorn wrist broken by the force of the in the middle of the fourth the Now 5 * 25# • 10 <«50# wishing to fUe application» are re­ referee stopped the fight and awarded E 1177 BROUGHTON STREET AT BROAD XU7I quested to addrem communications to thudding blow* be hammered on the verdict to Huat. Huat weighed Mr. Taylor at 1628 Roaj gtrtst. . the body of Eugene Huat, FhU- 116% and Andrades 116%. VlCTUtilA DAILY TIMES. THL'KSDAY, SEDl'EMtiEit 2U, li«4

rivalry, sad stimulated the highest Dairy herd, bull any age, two cows Sunny Weather When production In agriculture. 2, A. W. Aylard. H. E. Tanner, president of the North and South Saahlch Agricul­ For best herd of four females, any Premier Opens tural Association. Introduced the age. owned and bred by exhibitor— Premier. At the dose of the cere­ 1. H. E. Burbldge; 2. A. W. Aylard. mony, W Douglas, president of the Cow, under one year, to be owned Agricultural Association yester­ North and South Saanich branch of and shown by boy or girl under six­ Large Crowd at Saanichton day afternoon. , the Canadian Legion, announced that teen years—1. Robert Evans; 2. Flor­ Show; Highland Events Speaking from a platform In front Joyce Lenarta had won the Sir ence James. Arthur Currie prise for current his­ of the log hall, the Premier remarked Cow. yearling—1. Iain O. Wilson; and Dancing Main Attrac­ tory. The Premier presented the 2. Philip George Austin; 3. George on the wonderful weather and' the tion; Jersey Cows Feature prise, which was a book on natural Oakes; 4. Muriel Roper, 6. Dulcle Ideal setting for this exhibition. history, to the little girl, who Is a Malcolm; •. Patricia Lock; 7. Joan Marches On member of the Sidney Public School. Cattle Show - “I noticed with pleasure.” he said, Butler; S. Douglas Lawaon. On the platform with the Premier Silver Challenge Cup and Minia­ "when I entered the grounds the large ere H. K. Tanner, Nortnan Whittaker. With Victoria number of people dressed in Scottish ture, presented by Mrs. A. J. B. Dewd- -P-B». Hon.~F,. &. -Tel iwy.' iw Wirt iwifer exhtbmxriiy any costume I was born m a county Donald. MPF. and W Douglas. field* and a large crowd wa* where there were s great number of member of the Boys* and Girls' Calf or {fttecun After the ceremony had been per­ Club—Philip George Austin. r Ni ta present at Saanichton when Scots, and I once wore a kilt. I do formed the Highland dancing was not know whether I would .look bad Premier Pattullo officially opened presented on the platform. Betty Holstein* in one now " Bull,, two years and over—Ralph the sixty-sixth annttal fall fair Premier Pattullo went on to say Pringle of Vancouver and Peggy Lyons that this was 4 remarkably useful of Seattle, who hair won osar 200 of -the North and South Saànlëli medals for amateur dancing, gave an Bull, under two years—Robinson exhibition of a sword dance to the Red Ranch. skirl of the bagpipes. Bull, any age (ribbons)—Cham­ The Premier made a tour of the pion. Ralph Rendle; reserve. Robin- fair with the president. Mr. Tanner, eon Red Ranch. and Alex. McDonald. M.PF. Cow. three years and over—1. Ralph Rendle; 2. Robinson Red Ranch. —who brought this h 1 g All the sunny afternoon cars were continually pouring into the en­ Cow, two years—Ralph Rendle. Cow. one year — Robinson Red Eight- page Broadside to closure by the Agricultural Hall and Ranch. I throngs of people were passing through the gates. Among the three Cow, under one year—1 and 2. your door—chock full of thousand visitors to the fair were Ralph Rendle. Mayor and Mrs. David Leemfhg and Cow,' any age—Champion, Ralph Super-values in brand new Reeve William Crouch. Rendle; reserve, Robinson Red Ranch. H®* Co8** ytf t Interest centred around the High­ Silver Challenge Cup and Minia­ Fall Merchandise. land events and dancing, staged In ture, donated by the Royal Bank of front of the log ball, and the school Canada, to be awarded to the ex­ sports. Large crowds watched these hibitor obtaining most points in the features, though all the other events Holstein cattle section—Ralph Rendle. were well patronised. An Interested Grade Jersey* group of spectator*, ssw the cattle Cow. two yearn and over—1. Mrs Judging,ludging. while another crowd en­ J. McNeill; 2. C. 8. Fox circledireled the dog show ring. The mainn Cew. first calf—I. C. S. Fox; 2. H. building, which housed the flowers, C. Oldfield. s- vegetables, milts and other exhibits, do*, yearling to eighteen month»- " was a continual mass of people mov­ 1. J. E. Nlmmo; 2. H. C. Oldfield ing In and out. Grade Holstein* CATTLE JIDOINO Cow. two years and over—1, H. C. Cattle Judging was carried out In Oldfield; 2. Mrs. J. McNeill. a ring at the rear of the Agricultural Cow. first calf—C. 8. Fox. 'S7 Hall. According to the Judge. 6. J. SHEEP Bowman. Vancouver, agricultural -- Fw» Brfd representative of the British Colum­ Pen of one ram, one ewe (aged), bia Electric Railway Company one ebeerllng ewe, one ewe lamb— Limited, the quality of the exhibits Miller Ranch. was particularly fine for a rural fair. Pen of three butcher lambs, wether However, he was moat impressed and two ewee—Miller Ranch. with the Saanich Jersey Heifer. Club, and the way the young members Pen of three lambs, aired by pure­ handled their cattle. bred ram—1. Miller Ranch; 2, J. "That club could grace any show." Rainey. he said, "and the way the little girl SWINE g?0» A BARGAIN In third place showed her cow was Beat shop hog. 140 to 176 lbs.—l From nine o’clock this a treat to watch. You know the boy t-H who won first place. Philip Austin, and 2. D. H. Heyer. has won championships at the big GOAT* morning it was a sensation— Vancouver and Victoria exhibitions.” Pure-bred Saanen doe. born pre­ combination for whiter, more Mr. Bowman said that there were vious to 1833—1 and 2, T Pearce. the store was packed with some fine animals among the bulls. Pure-bred Saanen doe, born 1833— There were some fine breeding herds T. Pearce. excited shoppers all eager to tn the peninsula, and the Judge could Pure-bred Saanen doe, born 1934— beautiful Teeth still see the influence of imported T Pearce. cattle bf the late 8am Mateon. Mr. Grade Saanen doe. born previous share in the wonderful bar Bowman mentioned that there was to 1833—1 and 2, Mrs. Laura BUS surprisingly small competition among eney. *v gains we are offering. sheep, the only outstanding com­ Grade Saanen doe. born 1833—1, W. 55e W petitor being the Miller Ranch from and K. Burton; 2 and 3, Mrs. L. Metchoeln. Blakeney. OLD-TIME DANCING Grade Saanen doe, born 1834—Mrs. After the highland dancing had L. Blakeney. finished, the crowd around the roped Pure-bred Tog gen bur g doe. bom off enclosure were treated to an ex­ viou» to 1933—1, 3 and 3. W. and LISTE R!NE hibition of old-tlms dancing. Two rBurton. trams from Duncan stepped to the- Fure-brea Toggenburg doe, born «aSS: paste music of three fiddlers and a banjo 1833—1 and 3. W. and K. Burton. ■&0S- TOOTH tor the cup given by the Pioneer So­ Pure-bred Toggenburg doe. born ciety of Saanich. Alec Campbell’s set 1934—1, 3 and 3, W. and K Burton. won tor the third time In success ton. Grade Tbggwiburg doe. bom pre­ UVMBEIIT p,,.». which means that the cup will glnd vious to 1833—1, 3 and 8, W. and K. a permettant borne up-island. Mrs. Burton. teeming presented the trophy, and Grade Toggenburg doe. bora 1983— each of the tour girls In tbs set re­ 1 and 3. W. and K. Burtoh , 4# ceived a bouquet of gladiolus. Grade Toggenburg doe. born 1934— # ii to-** An Innovation at the fair was the 1 and 3. W. and K. Burton. exhibition of gymnastlca put on by Special. B.C. Goat Breeders’ Asso­ One large tube Ueterine nine smartly uniformed girls from the ciation Challenge Cup—W. and K. is going to be another great North Saanich Service Club. The Tooth Paste, 25# alee. under the direction of E. W. --- - ■—Mil day—see our windows emond. late of the Royal Marine Senior Class One Keepclean profes­ Light Infantry, put on a smart Flemish buck, any color—W. G. M «T4- shop early demonstration. sional-type tooth brush Bird. Following this the skirl of the pipe Flemish doe, any color—1 and 3, (made by Pro-phy-Lotie, broke out anew, and costumed dan­ J. L. Lang. cers went through the Irish Jig and White Angora wooler, buck—Mrs. quality guaranteed). sailor’s hornpipe. The large crowd J. S. Clark. were greatly amused by the antics White Angora wooler, doe—1 and rtiîsr One tooth hrush guard of the dancers. 2, F. Slocombe. HORSE* —_ Chinchilla buck—Mrs. M. A. Bras­ (Pyroxylin), snaps around An. .eddy of Interest was caused by sard. New Zealand buck or doe— I and 2. head of brush protecting it ALL 3 FOR the Judging of the horses. Some fine ,r-5-'sr prancing giant* stepped out in front Mrs. J. S. Clark. and enabling you to pack it of the Judges and drew applause from Any other variety—1 and 2, W. J. while wet, next to clothing. the audience. A revival after forty Bird. years of the hauling power of these A»y variety buck or doe, exhibited by boy or girl—Donald F. Slocombe. Lambert Pharmacol Co. animals was carried out. and H. C. 49* Oldfield with bis fine team of Clydes­ Junior Cla*» Toronto, Ont. dale won the cup. His team pulled Flemish buck, any color—J. L. over three tons. Lang. H.SC Held last year for the first time, Flemish doe, any color—1 and 3. ASK YOUR DEALER the dog show wss even more popular J. L. Lang. f—< this time. Mias Htckling. Nanaimo, White Angora wooler, buck—1 and the Judge, remarked on the excellent 3. Mrs. J. S. Clark. For a limited time only t quality of the dogs which included a White Angora wooler. doe—1. Al­ i number of winners from the recent fred Gisborne; 2. Mrs. J. 8. Clark. , Willow» show. Chinchilla buck—Mrs. M. A. Brae- Poultry and eggs were not PRODUCED IN CANADA I os large an entry aa In previous . Chinchilla doe—Mrs. M. A. Bra*- but the standard of the exhibits high. William New Zealand buck or doe—1 and 1. inspector. who life. J.8 Clark. were- very close on ac­ Any other variety—L Lyn Robin, count of the keen competition son;'2. W. O. Bird. i gy ^ The result* of the fair are ae to!, Any variety, buck or doe. exhibited lows; by boy or girl—1, Arthur Deveson; 2, lyn Robinson. HORSE* Challenge Cup. offered by Green1» Agricultural wood Babbitry for beat male or fe- •pedal. Silver Challenge* Cup. pre- mm White Angora—F. Slocombe. ‘^C° 4.9^ wntedbx„fir, B,J». Ttimtolor beet _8pecl»jUor twt rabbit, heavy, breed ~ draft team, not leas than 1.806 lbs — Major A. D. Macdonald. Special, for beat rabbit, light breed Beat agricultural team, each horse W. O. Bird. yarw to weigh from 1J00 to 1.400 lbs.—l, X_ POVLTBY H. C. Oldfield; 2. H. E. Burbldge. Barred "Bock, cock L i and 4, Single horse, suitable for a farm Florenee p. Ntef 3. J. A. Stewart. where only one horse Is necessary, to Barred Rock, hen — 1. 4 and 6. ^55^" weigh from 1,200 to 1.400 lbs.—l, Florence P. His; 2, 3 and 6, J. A. George T. Mlchell; 3, George *. Mc­ Stewart. . Lean. Barred Rock, cockerel—1 sprid 2. Special (open), best drawing team, Florence P. Nix; 3 and 4, J. A. Stew­ donated by H. C. Oldfield. Elk Lake— art. I. H C. Oldfield; 2, Major A. D. Mac- Barred Rock. pulleV—1. a and 3. The sapper 1er Florence P. Klx; «, J. A. Btewart CATTLE Barred Rock, old pen—1. Florence P. Nix; 2 and 3. J. A. Stewart. Bull, two years and over—1, H 1. Barred Rock, young pen—1 and 2. Burbldge; 3. George Sangeter. lore nee P. Nix. LITTLE FOLKS Bull, yearling—f, A. W. Ay land; 2, White Wyandotte, cock—1, 2 and rfflgF A. Wright. S, R. S. Anderson. *WhlU Wyandotte, hen—1, * end a. Bull, under one year—1 , H. E. Bur- CHILDREN Always love Kellogg’s Com Flakes. bldge; 2. O. W Malcolm R 8. Anderson; 4. J. A. Stewart. Bull, senior champion (ribbon)— White Wyandotte, cockerel — All Jml And there’s nothing better for their evening H. E. Burbldge. awarda, R. 8. A. Anderson. Bull, Junior champion (ribbon) — White Wyandotte, pullet—1. a, », meal than a bowl of this crisp, delicious cereal H. E. Burbldge and a, R. 8. Anderson; », 1. A. Bull, grand champion (ribbon)—H Stewart. E Burbldge. White Wyandotte, old pen—I and with milk or cream. Rich in energy. Easy to Cow, three years and over—1, 3 a, R 8. Anderson; ». J. A. Btewart and 3. H. E. Burbldge. White Wyandotte, young pen—All digest. Invites restful sleep. Cow. two years—1. A. W. Aylard; award», R. 8. Anderson. 2. Major A. D. Macdonald. Rhode Island Red. eock—1. Gavin Cow, with R.O.P. record—1. Major Jack; 1. Robinson Red Ranch; a, O. Kept oven-fresh by the heat-umled inner 8 Eden. A. D. Macdonald; 2. H. E Burbldge. Rhode Island Red, hen—I. 0. 8. WAXTITEbag. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont, Cow. senior yearling—1, Philip ten: a, « and 1, Garin Jack; a and George Austin; 3. George Oakes a. Robison Hod Ranch. O-Z^M ly Qow. Junior yearling—1, Iain O. Island Red. cockerel — 1, Wilson; 3. H. E Burbldge. Garin Jock; a. O. 8. Eden; a, O, A Cow. under one year—1 and 3, H. Btewart; 4, Robinson Red Ranch E. Burbldge. Rhode lelend Red. pullet—l end 8, Cow. senior champion (ribbon)— Garin Jack; I. O. 8. Eden: 4 and a. ■01199s H. B. Burbldge. Robinson Red Ranch; • and 4. J. A. Cow, Junior champion (ribbon)— Stewart. CORN Philip George Austin. Rhode Wand Red. old pen — 1, Cow. grand champion, silver cup, Garin Jack; a, ReWnaon Red Ranch; FLAKES presented by ÿ. R. Scoby. Vietorli 8, J. A Stewart. Champion, H. E. Rhode lelend Red, young pen—1. Philip O. Austin. Garin Jack; 1, J. A Btewart; i, Rob- Three anima** any age, fat o< SI ineon Bed Bench. INCORPORATED.»?? >IAY 1670. one bull, need not be White Leghorn, epefc—All swards. of one exhibitor; prize Arthur Adorn*. Whitby and Blake—1. H. _ vv 3, A. W. Aylard; 8. George Austin. (ten to r»n 88, CoL 1) ■XK" W. I VICTORIA, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONES—E4175, E4176

FLGIUhT lilAISESS CAIM PROFESSION AI- CARDS Atim* yfmÈÊ Î3 FOB S .41 JE- ■MtSCKUANEOlS SÎ BOATS ANIJ ENGINES Uirtarlà Battif CStttiPH ( Continued i iComiouMi (Continued) iCwtiluiueui (Continued) i IX-HOLE RANOfc WATERFRONT •OAT LUMBER. CEDAR. SPRUCE. OAK; MtMNU *1911 nilKKAL tlBtlUWO* BALLANTYNE BROS. LTD. DRESSMAKING ALL NERVOUS AILMENTS. SCI* Personal BSOLUTELY THE FINEST LINE OF ► low price» Oars shaped SI M pair 638 Fort Street Phone G3421 atlca, etc. home treatments. personal Christmas cards eelllnf at Carter’s Store Store. (39 Fort St Darnel Saw MSI. own E2217. 603-26-80 selection embossed and I XRESSMAKINQ ANI) PLAIN MWIH, CHAIN'S WEAKEST LINK S*T6 ITS PRA T TOUR FRUIT TREES THIS- Greenhouses. North Quadra Street II 25c hour snd carfare. Phone 02547. A value s.repgih. A buy cr g.rl that marks, choice of greetings, many new S fall. The cost is small. E1868 Also . to I p.«.—Circulâtlea . after 6.36 pm. 1833-26-69 THAT AND THE OTHER . build principle into everything they do. features, all folders some with customer a time-washing ___ 666-8-68 Advertising T"S bring cash through The Times and do the.r best, the.r vet y pest, every Initial, aa shown at our exhibit at Cana­ THE OIL BURNER SUPREME Automotive FUNERAL DIRECTORS ENGRAVERS day. are weaving an unpreakab.e cord in dian Nat'onal Exhibition. Send for sam­ For your range, equal to any on the mar­ that hie that will carry them to their ples. Liberal commission and bonus. Fast­ ket: metal containers. Price* from 835 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS desired goal, though apparently outclassed1 ening box assortments also. Manufac­ taMalied Associate! OU Burners, 1111 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KATES MOTOR TRUCKS AND nHOTO-ENGRAVING-HALF-TONE AND in some minor race, are able to turn that tured by Regal Stationery Co.. 13 Adelaide Wharf St Phone 07181. 1573-26-78 —THACTOR8 Bit par word per insert loo. Established 1893 l line cuts Times Engraving Depart- VERNON S. TAYLOR. REGISTERED apparent defeat into a Stepping stone to 8l. Wfst. Toronto. gen-1-68 THOMSON FUNERAL HOME nent. Phone E4175 IV and licensed. 406-7-6 Belmont Bidg higher heights. This is 1 Endeavour ' that WANTED—MACHINERY, PIPE. PLÜMB- Minimum charge 38c. wul not let you down no matter what way 1 » tag. scrap iron for cash Capitol SPECIAL PRICES ON TRUCK RETRRADS 11.38 per line per month. Phone 03813 163» Quadra St the wind blows. Don't let your sails 22 SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE Iron and Metal Ltd.. 1838 Store 02434 all this month. Red's Service Station Ltd. 1686-36-96 Minimum charge 83 86. Large Chapel Private Family Rooms EDUCATIONAL i thinking capacity) become air logged or 18441-tf your stomach, food and water logged as Lady Assistant they are detrimental to the game you are T> SUABLE PERSO I WIDOW, 34 AUTO SKKVIUF DIRECTORY 23 Years-Under Present Management Johnson. Reduced price* on all work. ’ ADY TEACHER DESIRES MORNING intended to play, namely. Life." in all 14- position as hous eveper. gooa o PLANTS. SHRUBS. TREKS Births, 1166 per insertion. 07314. its fullness. Gall at our store daily and sleep out. references. Mrs. O. 07885 Marriages 61 86 per insertion We Welcome Inquiries Regarding Our Ser­ J engagement; English, French, music • NT BARGAINS FROM AN UN- vice and Our Reasonable Charges 8656. 1568-36-71 profit thereby. Our foods ere good. Oolden O MATTER HOW GOOD TOUR SAT- Deaths 1166 first Insertion and 61.66 Loaf Bakery. 711 Fort St. equalled lock of perennial», shrubs. tery is, you cannot expect freedom ’ESTER N FLOOR. 454 GORGE RD. - trees rocks plants, at our nursery or Fub- succeeding insertion* *“ *•--’•-* For any garden work phone Xfrom trouble during the fall and winter W Cld or new floors E891S. tf r°;TAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1066 Gov­ A CCURATE UNSURPASSED READING months unless all other electrical units Funeral notices In Memorlam notices QARTER pUNERAL JJOWE ernment. Phone 06616. 1. W. Bayer. with typed sketch. 85c Mme. Moblua us at 00118 Rockhofne Gardens Ltd tf are in order There is no charge or obli- And Card of Thanks. 1166 per insertion Balmoral Hotel t iun in having us inspect them. Jones Our Charges Are Reasonable Beauty Specialists os . Yates and Quadra Ste Dignified Service Lady Assistant EFTON COLLEGE 96» FOUL BAY RD DVICE AND PROBLEMS SOLVED— i 23a BICYCLES A MO IO «CYCLES e In computing the number of words in an 1613 Quadra. Street E463' {'t OLD-PRICES HIGHER THAN EVER, S Oak Bay day and boarding school foe Mme Olivia, 107 BevcrT(?> Hotel Tates FINGER WAVE. MARCEL. HAIRCUT girls; all trades w melitenlelmi 708-3-68 AUTOMOBILES advertisement, estimate groups of three or i VI Btoddart. the leseler. 606 Port St , garten. 07313 1423-36-71 experienced operator NEW MOTORCYCLE FOR 6168 THAT I near Government 8V 1631-36-84 1648-38-83 will do ever a hundred mile* per less figures as one word. Dollar marks DAILY MENU CHANGE AT THE gallon of fuel, will provide economical 1009 ford coupe, 836; A-i condi- ond all abbreviations count os one word. HAYWARD'S 1C FUNERAL CO. LTD. mu IT ION AT HOME IP DESIRED; V Mayfair Cafe offer* you appelleatg transportation. See R Shank* A Bona. tioa See it at Tire Specialty HAND LAUNDRY meals. 1611 Broad St., at Port. AT.uTHIS SEASON OWING TO THE 618 Fort SL Co.. Quadra and Yates. 18U-S-76 Established 1887 J- maths, etc 2331 Lee Ave. B6181 sun-bleached condition of the hair, ,. In eqtlmottns the number of lines In an « 734 Broughton Street mateur artists, send for bio we recommend youryew permanent be of the « T1ICYCLES~I12 50 TO 122 LO DUNLOP Try It once—quality counts Court- ROTT-8PAW BUSINESS INSTITUTE— A catalogue of Christmas card designs A REAL BUY advertisement, count five words for the Calls Attended to at All Hours ney and Douglas. 1445-26-82 S Affiliated with the Business Educe- in black and white for hand coloring, Hilda Beauty Shop. Oak Bay. E0722. mudguards, 7Se. Aaron eon's, 1386 Gov t. St, first two lines and seven words for each tors1 Association cf Canada -Neat enrollingprofitable and Interesting hobby. Mi UPMOBILE SEDAN-Used by one owner Moderate Charges Lady Attendant make money coloring cards for tl only and given excellent care. Ko«.l line thereafter This is not en absolute INSURANCE date: Day school, September 34; night OBETTE SALON. 06653. ALL PER \ | OTORCYCL! — MATCHLESS SPORTS Phones. E3614. 07878. 07883. E4088 school. September 38. Complete courses, friend*. We also sell art ■yuppiles. •**1 506. single cylinder. M. Peers^n. Mc- Hreliable transportation for only guide to the number of lines, much de­ ton andWellingu $310. |«; finger Wave, 35c; henna ______Individual instruction, experienced teach­ id York. **H ’ * ' 1746-26-87 Millan's Auto Camp. 716-5-70 pending on the length of the individual See Lee. Fraser A Co. Ltd er*. Call or write for prospectus. 1013 Toronto. fen-51-99 J P8Ck> ,$e- , 1 8350 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Douglas St., or telephone B7II4.. IDE A BICYCLE—MORE PEOPLE ARE \ VtoS£Zï0lîiJ20ï£i?J! ! TV»"-*™* naiVANorra marcel riding every day. It U a real healthy MASTERS MOTOR CO LTD. KALSOMINTNO * loupes • none better • otrs w ber ries ; I r and fincer wave* *« #vn#et nn« r • . SANDS MORTUARY LTD and all fresh truita in season LiUey's tora i,, a Beauty NookyIlJ^View ït Uand economical exercise. New or rebuilt•08 Yates St. Phone E3841 The Times will not be responsible for Complete Funeral» in Our New Mortuary - Monday, October 1. at 7 30 pm. Classe» ------—------machines cn convenient terms. Robinson's, more than one Incorrect Insertion of any at Modern Prices PARTICULAR KALSOMININO. FOR in ganoltne engines, electric*! engineering. | Confectionery. 1409 Douglas 6t E551I | 16777-tl 1220 Broad St., epp. Colonist. E6313. particular people, low prices U4781 steam and Diesel, woodwork, metal work. ------■■■■■«**■ advertisement ordered for more than one Lady Attendant P machtoe wto eiqbneelwl dllfllBj. math, HOVHMM78. T08190 lfRW'S OU WON'T FIND THE TTMES CLAS- t . MINIMIZE .YOUR ____ CAR ... EXPENSES ._ issue Any claii# for rebate on account of BTSll end 03836 ematica. commercial subject*, salesmanship, models, 114.8». Pritchard s. 1229 OovT j QET YOUR PERMANENT AT THE LA I sifted Ada alill decked out like a c.r- 11 Q.tl ÎUÜOR FORD SEDAN—Smooth errors or omissions must be made within 1803 Quadra Street Victoria, B.C public speaking Pecnch. Spanish, art cook­ 1832-26-81 ■■ Prince We know our work and______you eus horse with glltterini[titterine lewei* of prom- ■ running motor; exceUent appear- ing. dressmaking millinery, etc. Pull parî will tike our Permanents. . Prices thirty days from the date of the same ticulars at School Board Office. Citv Hjill ------. Rem 82 90 to 8610. LaFrance -i !f n>TO enci-»-- uomm tofdou ERVOUS AILMENTS—HOME APPOINT- Phone 01413. 1801-tI whereabout* of ateter of Jàihei FYaxer. I Salon Mme. Miles, propr etor 1116 Doug- not » th. "SSL.*-1 ***** 1’r-' «-*"spare r ..elH on •aide,“* trunk «"on N: m.ents A Coin E2217 born 1665. probably Ireland. Replytepiy Deuald i la*, entranteentrance through Fletcher s Music McCALL BROS. L. Demuth. 83 Ba*«An^^|New York. I -Wore.----- 07463.*“ Snap U“8'*Cr d* iuxc «Quipped Advertisers who desire It may have re­ geo-1832-3-6» j .. . - ‘>A*8 BRITISH SPORTING RIFLE — RAZOR BLADES CHINA PAINTING NATIONAL MOTOR CO. XTD. plies addressed to a box at The Times "The Floral Funeral Home" • >U*> good condition. Phone 01541 2301 •19 Yates St. 06177 YATTS DAYMARK DO rKISS THE TENSES REPLACED ACCURATELY - I \f ACHIKELESS PERMANENT-NO MA- Douglas. 1908-3-70 Office and forwarded to their private HINA FAIHTINO LESSONS—REASON- lJ One-day service. Gordon Shaw. Wool- ; ■» electricity. $6 and 86 56 Open Even mgs Terms Arranged address. A charge of 18c D made for this -Office and Chapel, corner Johnson and beard goodbye." At the better stores. V1 able.abh Phone, between 8 and worth Bldg. HeaterMqs permanent. 83. 85 and $8 50 M .4-îo^M Haircutting scalp treatment, marcels, fin- • 85b Vancouver Streets Phone G20iJ E8141. u MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SHINGLING REPAIRS If ADAME EARP EXPERT READER ! 8»r wares, manicures. C. W iBillyl Atkin- f__ _ JAMESON MOTORS REDUCED PRICES For appointment phone E3920 son. Belle Beauty Shoppe. 1025 Cook. 04942 ON USED CARS MUSIC TENNIS PIANO- LIKE NEW; SUPERIOR 1931 Pontiac Sedan—In \*wrt FALL COATS. SWAGGER CUITS to« walnut case; fine tone, fully guaran­ changed should notify this office as well * leaky roofs repaired, guaranteed E4493 PARLORS. FOURTH teed: kiss. Other, good used ’p.ano* from T------R J CURRY * SOU Sedan - in f irst-dsee sol tho sorrier If your Tim— to mitrtig, f tOLUMBU SCHOOL OF MUSIC-FIANO. fills Ltd. 1107 Government SL -,------Nb apoolhlnfent spe­ glW up. Terms. Third Floor. Hudson’s condition- Reduced 45 phone E7823 before • p m and a copy will "Distinctive Funeral Service" TURKISH BATH* \y violin, vocal, theory; special let roe cial» between 9 end 18 * m deftt «ham- 1936 Eacex Sedan—In real pice Private Family Rooms—Large Restful now by personal Interview. 3 to • Phone poo and linger wave IBe «hempeo end be sent by special messenger TEW TOPS FITTED ON ANY CAR - marcel 76c finger wave or marcel ftOe shape. Reduced to 8195____ Opposite New Cathedial Phone 08812 / CRYSTAL GARDEN - TURKISH RUS- 07634 1874-36-76 I Metton s. 1407 Broqd. 1415-26-71 Permanent* from 84 UDWIO PIANO. 897 50; WILLIS. $128; 1936 Dodge Coupe—First class; new tires ' sian steam and hot *ea water batha > * Morris. $160 Craig 1149 50; all in and new battery. Reduced Pi : t Swedish massage etc E Van Becker leanor b a rfoot7l r a m - piano. fineI condit or: ful'y guaranteed. Very easy INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADR. niEACUP READING AND CARDS?FROM to I iLondon diplomat For appointment phone l E harp, theory of music. 814 Oliver L 4-8. 848 Courtney. 04077 *1 r\ - PERMANENT W A V E - $1 7» terms. Fletcher Bros. „ JAMESON MOTORS LTD The eight «ajar group* ef Classlflea- MONUMENTAL WORKS E3S33 03363. 1561-28-7» l Tl.lr» -fihnmpoo and Finger Wave In­ 746 Broughton St. Phone OllCI Ueas appears in the folio»lug order: 1861-36-78 cluded i Hiirrul 11n uiirki tn. EW •ACCORDIONS FROM 85.25 EACH. tneeeneemeet elaselfleallea* ! U 18 rART MONUMENTAL WORKS LTD. ' Finger• Wave iR, III N P E. George Music Store. 739 Pan- WEATHER STRIPPING RS RUBY MOORE — rnHE MILTON CO, 1844 OAK BAY AVI employment elassltteatlea* lit* «4 Take No 6 street car to works. 3248 QUADRA. 1 New autumn coats rnd dresses; Eng­ ! Shampoo and Finger Wave May St Phone 03452 - Violin, piano, theory. lish felt hats. Phone E93jlE93J1 00234 308 1.184 Dougia* EXTRA SPECIAL BUYS r»r Sale-Wanted elasslfleallen* ÎS to Xt pEACE METAL WEATHER STRIPS FOR 1466-26-73 TED TO BUY USED GRAND I Siwindows, doors, etc.; stops drafts, 1923 GRAHAM SEDAN—New tire iatemetlve elaselfleallaua MU 86 rattles, dirt; eaves fuel. B. T. Leigh. TLL1AM ILE3. FURNACE SPECIALIST PERMANENT C< IPLETE EXPERT po; state price and make. Bos ■pLOWRIOHTl'B GUITAR. TH. iuty Parler, UU EeetaH russification» ____ 87 te 48 IML ASanjoSchocBanjo School. 1116 Broad. S4843 £9093 Installation* replacements, repairs ; EM 15 8295 Eeal Estate elasslfleatlens Aupea, fittings made to order; estimate* 47 te 84 1678-36-78 ree. B1834. .1675-26-83...... - 1929 FALCON K NIGHT SEDAN-A Saalneoo Opportunities elasslf!- Coming Events WOOD AND COAL TO-DAYI cheap car to buy. . A4 PIANO A R* YOpjHQNB 8275 Financial elasalfleatltne . 861*87 LL BEST AND PRY ™ BIO CANADIAN OLb-TIMl BATON- Pir mfflwood. For Saiè^-Wuiled Slightly used Oold-plated E Plat Alto BEOO MOTOR CO. LTD. “ day night dance. September 22, Lake Chrysler, Plymouth. De Soto. Dodge and P«B, A-ÇCM. TEACHER OF Employment Saxophone; complete with $07.50 AHill Community Centre. 6-12, Irvine s «or­ •ONE-DRY MILLWOOD. 63 M. VirgU method. Studio. Dodge Trucks BOX REPLIES AVAILABLE chestra, 28c. including supper; bus at 12. ■81*7 569-26-78 Zi FOB SALE—MISCELLANEOUS •45 Yates Street The dance that really la a liferent. You'U 06531 Call any time. 463-38 88 Easy Terms Letters addressed to the following boxes like It. HELP WANTED—FEMALE are available at The Times Office on pre­ ARJORIE TEBO. L A B . A LC.ll GRECO sentation of box letters Maximum results *OOPSRAUE W< BONE DRY STOVE Plano tneory,f harmtn.r Bl»«»h..ll «Ikl /AOROWOOD SAWN, ISC CORD *»» VIOLIN plenty of practice The world's longest n prismaticuuiaiu $22tAA.im. 50; dios. TTeceptlbn Iron foreign countries is vww.\ SfpKmMr li Jick C.mi l «rch«- ( y Prompt work 14M-M-73 and atrougest chain rl practical hair drew- ratchet (uhing reels. Me; 100-ft. aerials, new assured on the new all-wave cats MANY OTHERS Let us tell vou about Hi Hudson s Bay tra; admission 25c; refreshment*. , tag rviiwi»school^ jtpplynpuij auiriMoler nairtHairdressing 46c; 2-ft. rules. 15c; 201A tubes 66c; new , THOS. PUMLEY LTD 1902-4-71 fARYLAND MILLWOOD. $3 78 PER C.; [ School Room 308 llOt Doue las Et Dunlop tires, 85c; inner tubes, 25c: electric Announcements IP better than cordwood. Cameron Wood viola, and plqne. Phone forltosSi-ii radios. 816; spectacles, all sizes, |2.71. f 37181 1618 Tâte» r 1 BASKETBALL AND DANCE—CHARTERS' and Coal Oo. Ltd., 1114 Broad Bt. Phene F YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED.__ TAKE A 1 CV>^'WE8TINGHOUrE ALL-WAVE RA- J» Hall. Sooke. Saturday, September 22, E4136. 1812-28-68 courre wb.ch will help rou; designing. J •/»>«> d.os: 134 50. 843 00. 852 60. 869 50 refreshmenu. 28c. 1891-3-70 SINGING dressmakto' Academy Uv>ful Aru. NCBOR BRAND RUBBERIZED «5.50. 8116.00. 8160.00. 8189 50. 8249.00 and FAYNS-Oo September 19. at St. Joseph s GROWTH FIR CORDWOOD — 746 Fort 1443-26-72 ilnta and stains. 2-volt battery sets. 1935 models $48 75 PRICES SLASHED FOR QUICK Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. John Fayne .C.F. DANCE — EXHIBITION WALTZ FTC,3 S-cord lots, $3.86 cord; measure Mor Co E9138 1936 car radios 832.80. Also electric radios and whist drive. Friday. September. 21. AJOR CROMPTON. TEACHER OF for hire by week or month. Aaronson s. CLEARANCE I C guaranteed. E6626. 729-26-96 M4singing; hours by appointment. Phone II SITUATIONS T'ANTtD— MALI 1328 Gov’t. 04722. 724 Fort Whist 6.30, dance 8-1. Frizes. E3697 1540-26-76 ll alive-local boats arriving Refreshmenu 25c. 714-3-6» 1 jjTILLCREST DRY WOOD, $3 38 CORD. daily Aakey i Fish Market. 624 Yatea ALL MAKES! ALL MODELS! /CAPABLE BOY DESIRES OFFICOFFICEE WORK; EtA cmoi ______...... ,„j CTF. TMLL; MT T '^maratr* mt *****“ ‘ ii.; Y JAMIESON. vr- tnmhi------722-36-92 teacher of the art of singing Studio. ■ to wufl Tor tttHiïTinSiTTtïï 25d REDUCTIONS FROM 606. 25c; Ihursday at 6.36 p. MAu»ch erencea. E8760. 1861-2-68 T CROSS' MARKETERIA — FRIDAY BNELL—There iy . this morning Oand refreshmenu. 1001 Foul Bay Rd E8337. 1703-36-64 after a *'vEa-i HAWNIOAN DOUGLAS FIR. 13*8 CD A spec .ala at our bargain counter Rump Building Materials lengthy Sole wgents 8 L Lumber Co E3816 REMODEL YOUR FIREPLACE - PLA8- roasts. 12c lb.; sirloin tip roast, 13c lb., $25 to $75 ______Bey. The late TVA NCI AT FOUL BAY TO RBO WOOD’S S DANCING acral repairs or alteratktoe; pot roams. Cc lb: plate beef, 5c lb ; young U music. Friday. September 21. In the one E8943 J Felrall (owl. 15a lb.; spring lamb. le;*. 19c lb.; Mrs. Snell, who was seventy-five years ISLAND SLABWOOD DRY OR sk us about good used lumber of age, was born la Downey, Ont., and Margaret Jenkins School Auditorium, under Rodger Wood Co.. Alpha St LL TYPES DANCING TnOROUOHLY7 K stew lamb, stew beef, ratneed beer, sau­ glass for store front WE HAVE CARS OF NEARLY ALL the auspices of the F.,** Uu ...... g G2314 taught. Mew spaelfa») studio. Flor- ock work, excavatino. ditch- sages. 3 lbs . 13c. Fresh fish: Cod. 10c lb.; A POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS had resided in Winnipeg, Man., and Ladles 28c; gents 35c. A doors 3x10x20 3x6x38, at 2011 to later to York ton. Bask., previous to 1883-3-M i ence Clough Dance isdemy.Acad 830 St. R tag. metis; sir steel outfit; stumps fillets, 3 lbs.. 23c; herring, 3 lbs., 17c; 2019 Douglas St TO CHOOSE PROM. to this city CORD COLWOOD FIR MILL- Charles. K2776. ■ 1810-26-78 Shot 06488. ; white spring salmon. 3 lbs., 29c. Buy at TO-NIOHT. BRITANNIA wood; edgtnrs. 81.80 cd i Cross' and save. xx-1-66 Branch, Canadian Legion, 715 View UMBER, LATH. SASH AND DOORS; band. John A. Snell, at the family G7995. 1717-38-85 TYÀLLET, ACROBATIC. TAP. HIGHLAND, AGENTS WANTED J 3x4. lie up: 1x8. T and O.. <13 residence. Florence Street; two sons, Zalas admission II classes starting September ti vi«i.» UTO TRAILER • AT- HI A Green Lumber Ce. 07814 THE MOTOR HOUSE (VICTORIA) LTD. Lawrence P.per of Harrop, B.C.. W. J. 1808-1-81 CORD. COLWOOD 100-, Powkea Studio. 1319 Oov t. kina Rd., Langford. Mr. Chin Chevrolet Dealers 865 Yates St. ’ANTED IN VICTORIA AND IN LARGE 1MS-4-9 Snell. York ton. Bask., and one daugh­ JX)R BALE—CHOICE APPLES. 50c PER Bruce Low 6 Co CfHIMOLES. XXXXX 82 XXX SHINGLES ter, Mrs. George Sharp of this city. 04044 lOROTHY» *» * COX.t-U*. M A.U.U.,A O.D. gj«NOLAND_ and small towns agents to sttl per- $1 78. «other------grades------$1.38. McCarter--- Funeral services will be held Saturday . Box HUlcrest, G landlord Ate Bring All branches; terms beging Uggn»1 .«*rdx tort or lull tune. ACK SOIL. ROCK. MANURE C1N- E4413 14471-tf afternoon, at 3 30 o'clock, from the X. J. cçntaipçre. 1586-26-1* IS; register now;' prospectus. Men and wSmen Zxpenenee unnecessary ders. filling gravel; delivered. E8481 Curry Ac Son Funeral Home. Rev. S. F. 1779-tf We equip our agent* with samples styled ERR Y SCHOFIELD DANCE ORCHES* to case form, complete with handle and XXXX SHINGLES GRAHAM SEDAN—Just tike new Church will officiate and interment will Dalxiel Box Co.. David SL 01433 respect; side tire mount- be la the Royal Oak Burial Park. tra: the best lerms, reasonable. Phone THEATRICAL ARTS dome fastener Wonderful values In cards E1684, E4421. 1913-26-93 at 81 per dosea-most of them worth at lne«. trunk at other de luxe equipment Professional Cards least S3 Our portfolio will surprise you— on extended trip, we are WORTON- ima beloved wife of Johnnie ^NTO COLE. NO. I. 1116 SROAD-DRA- SIDNEY SPEEDY SERVICE enabled to 1er this practically new ccr Morton of Sidney. UXTON HALL OPENING DANCE. 8EP- It's smart Liberal commission If you T.'NGLISH SI.EEPINO BAGS. 3 LBS. at a great bargain. passed away at St. tember 31; Stan Cross’ six-piece or­ MASSEUR 02781. selt boxes of assorted cards we can show M j down-filled. 112.78. P Jeune As Bra oar prices when you reed tal. Wednesday morning, Lchestra, chicken sandwiches, coffee. 25c; )u two of the best boxes ever published Ltd . 870 Johnson St. 04632. Shingle*. Molding*. Sash after an Illness of sev- 9 to 1. 1906-3-76 ou can't help making money with them. and Doors. Y?neeJwQlPW£- Building, A. DAVIS LTD Vl’ALTÇirs SMUTA8IUM. lilt. QUA- wtot Eti.ir.tCtftw ÇWUA oaeh boe we ratios* a braatlfm and Rddffflg Tapera.'epera, PS Wallboard or he- leave» to mourn her ÎL, EAST DIRECTION FINDER Bulek and lilt Car»—Q.M.C. Trucks ------i lber sorrowing husband eMORRAN'6-nOI SEASIOS OANCINO RKture In full color for framing investi- Fort it. at Fhone 08164 sons. Manny nf Vancouver and Pavilion. Stan *------“ " and elèctrlcairtrlcai therapytheraiit- paraiyparaiyai ------CJAW8 FILED. GUMMED. SET; TOOLS | gate; ehmparc Deal direct with manu- iATENTB. Canada. U.S.A. Accurate, slm- We give the same service on orders large lit of Port Albernl. B.C.: two urdayM nights; 25c. tf i Hum and all chronic alimenta. Lady at- sharpened. K1038. W. Emi (scourer No obligation Write or call In -irating; snowy, foggy weather, •a, Mrr W. Thomas and Mrs. E — ! tendant Phone 04588. Gladstone. to-day Premier Art OuUd, 676 Seymour ■r country; for hunter*, trap- GIDNEY LUMBER uaon. both of Sidney and one St., vutcouvcr. icn-M-u setors. Umber eruisers. hikers, Phone 03815 2118 Government St. We Have Immediate Sales for Cara. ew. A. Fallow ‘ - Spring* RS. SIMPSON IS BX-OPENINO «ra ------Counted Police, military. Boy 1938 or Later. Our Business is to Sell ^ students' class in the Camj ' ;U" Bldg. Scouts, . Arctic exploration, etc Your Car for Its True Value. Averti sch^y learn* j0perstion. lew The ft will taka to-tporrow on Saturday. September 23. at o'clock OUR BOARDING HOUSE -#y AHERN S; AUTO BALES M Ye lès Mig the chapel cf the Sands Mortuary Ltd. Illustrated use watch as com- at 6 o'clock, and at 10 o'clock min will SIX-TON PACKARD TRUCE ENGINE ho celebrated at St. Elisabeth Church. pocket. refunded eented. 75c. U S A For sale Pandora Daily Market 1833 Rock ne engine, like Sidney by the Rev. Father K M. Scbeelen 0^TP',«b?4£VST 2 waûûlls nn7 FOUR-DOOR ESSEX SEDAN - ne*» ef heart. Besides her husband AFFIDAVIT, AND YOU WERE lt/«l Good condition; as first pay* trro parts—all KisOe roe all and her husband's relatives, she leaves AS YOUR BATH. BASIN OR SINK meet on email house. Fhone E6583 makes of cars W Frank Cameron. THE NOTARY PUBUC WHO KTTEST c.0 GOLD MINE/, Auto Wrecking, 846-13 View. Phone EM.v to mourn her lose a nenhew Ouv Cun­ LOST AND FOUND brown or yellow stains, hard to re­ 1876-4-68 A ningham. and niece. Olivia Cunning­ /AY SIGNATURE /— YOU ARE A Umove* Phone 01641 or E874« When we ham of Salt Spring Island, and Mrs. clean It. It is c-l-e-a-n. Super Cleaning Aylwin of Stdncr B.C. and a brother, T OST-INDIAN HEAD RADIATOR CAP XT «T ANTED—MIPCEI.LA>JEOCi lJ of Pontiac car. Shawnlgan Lake dis­ Servies. 163 Fort 1464-36-73 I.XDR SALE - 1 nieces and nenhew to Australia trict. 01988 ltoS-3-W The funeral wOt take pl»ce on Pender TACK ET WATER HEATER. $12 58; Mc- r 1837 model; A-i ___tiny rendition. Island Arrangement* with Hayward’s A BSOLUTELY THE BEST PRICE FOR privately owned. Sacrifice,. sue. nils B C. Funeral Co. T OST—PAIR GLASSES; NORMAN CULL «I Clarey gas stove. $13 50. Carter s a a old gold of any kind, antique jewelry L» on case; reward. E6617. 587-1-86 Stove Store. 823 Fort St. E3511. silver pieté, etc. Cash while you wait. Old Owtd Dept . Joseph Roe» Ltd.. 1613 T ADIES’ FUR COATS?EVENING GOWNS Government St. TOR QUICK DISPOSAL OF YOUR CAR TOST-fATURDAY. DOWNTOWN. PAIR iJ and Paisley Mtawls. Mrs. Jowitt, 821 T see Mollard. «31 Tetee SL, for quirk HT MEMOEIAM JLJ shell-rimmed glasses in case E4466 WANTED - FURNITURE. CLOTHING. reauiu 1378-38-6j ROSE In eaered and loving memory of ■kwird. 1B07-1-M ’ v tool* etc. for cash Phone 04813 our darling little daughter. Dorothy AROE BRITISH BEVEL PLATE MIR- 18444-tt 2?°m» w6e ***** *W*J B*Pteœber T OST SMALL tUtCTRIC vmRATOR* J ror. 88: mirror door wardrobe, $8.86. r PRICES PAID FOR ÜI Jj on Haulutn SI . nr SUIboum. on IReliable PumlUre Mart. 732% Fort. S6614.\C*ANTED -APPLES, FEARS. POTATOES. Victoria Auto Wreckers. We do not forget her. JjMtaMd.j marntog. rmd« plmue t> Wre dig and pick earns. SUte kind* We loved her too dearly. lSlO- oose silk-cushioned and quality. Phone 06677. 1671-1-66 For her memory to fade from our lives L ehesterheld bed (Davtao), sgen. T 90NTIAC SEDAN. 1837 — EXCELLENT like a dream. condition; 645.willows. * Plowman \v* BUY OOLD—LET US GIVE YOU I -eendltion. $180 genuine bargain. Our tips need not" sneak when our heart* Johnson. 7» our valuations hnmediatr n*h. no Owner. 394» Austin Are . Gorge. 733-3-6» waiting -o trade offers Pacific Gold For grief often dwells Business Cards 1936 SILENT GLOW OIL , BURN- Smelting Co 866 Tate», 03724 1334-tf FORD TRUCK - OVERLOAD N* ; special vitrified enamel base for 1929 springs, d oubli Diesel fuel Have your burner cleaned and license, must i checked for winter. Minty's. SS113 te DOGS AND CATS u. ss$. w^îjyr^^Sfc.-jsr’ - BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 66-8-71 1768-36-84 A CHILD’S PET! WIRB-HAXB TERRIER OU8E8 OARAGES REPAIRS ROOFS. EWCOMBE PIANO — WALNUT CASE. A t«SK S manihe wM; pwRead; three rvoüiem 16771-tf N fine_ tone good condition; for males. $7.86; one female, $8. Pet Shoo cheap MacKinnon B Rawlins*} i. 1411 Douglas. 1866-36-78 CABINET MAKERS ter fields. 784 Yates ~ Rentals * 1 WOODWARD A SOWS LTD. 1878-tt TOX TERRIERS. SMOOTH. FHONE -tMkbiww* lm- ZXABINET WORK OF ALL DBSCRIP- PEARS! SEVERAL GOOD VA- r Belmont 4W. FURNISHED SUITES Dnltu - Booqu.ts - Flewwi \J tiooa. R Ouest, 811 Fort. 00648 rietles.73c^lb. Allan Bond. 1188 Pal- Aeywhtra Anytt™. , 1687-36-71 SO LIVESTOCK L7TOBART APTS - tT OF BUSin stakes O and -mmBp a.....-- ■ l>ANOE CASTINGS STOCKED FOR 40 IMRMEHà AND DAIRTMNN—REMKM- Pea rosdl 1.sUllee____ . elevator:J ftrwproef, gnat- CHINA PAINTING IV differentdifle makes. I.Ç. Hardware. 718 T ber W. H. Smith auction sale on tar reduced rates. Transients $| 06646 Wednesday. September 38. at 1 36. Eighty 74» US4-36-78 - A ■*Z_7L2*,L OtSIOK AT MOST RLA- f>4HINA FAINTING LESSONE -REASON- LAWYER’ purebred Suffolk sheep. 38 grade Suffolk r°u"‘ 1,11 FSbue. between » end 7 p.m —: sh*«n 12 mtich cows, team of horses A. EWELD APARTMENTS—FURNISHED AND 18141. 1654 6-M ■StiKSfclS. ronditloa f36; radian; gas heater." 772 H. McPhtrson, Auctioneer. Pbor.e 03597 Gorge Rd. W. J IW-I-K Fhonenoeiî|thed ''*“**' >p*Ftotton Invited VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934

niMUISD SUITES MONEY TO LOAN CAPITAL CITY BUILDING SOCIETY * “The Drunkard V Be Vines ft Loan Association lit Fem- Where To Go To-night ENDS TO-DAY Liuiwwap AND UNFURNISHED TWO- erten BuMtaf Drawing* for Interest- T room suit msekeeplna ree loans Phone E8741 for prospectus HAROLD LLOYD Blanshard T J Ooodlake, nocretary Starts To-momn As Advortlsgrt ‘THE CAT'S PAW .YURNISHED POUR-ROOM PLAT. Capitol—“The World Move* On,” starring Madeline Carroll. The coining engagement of "The Drunkard" or ‘ The Fallen Saved," at FAIRFIELD Columbia—“X o More Women,** the Empire Theatre, to-morrow and ,T FURNISHED 3-ROOM SUITE— ■tarring Edmund Lowe." Saturday makes especially. Interest­ 8team heat lovely vie*. MO Delias HEW STUCCO THAT ALL MM-20-73 Dominion—Harold Lloyd In "The ing the recent write-up by O. O. Mc­ MEN MIGHT NEE! Cat's-Paw." Intyre. He said: "New York has be­ [MALL SUITE WITH KITCHENETTE— L $2,300 come completely hokum-minded, She fought cheating. Adult* only. Danes Court. 1178 Y ate*. Playhouse—'“Ring and Like It,** theatrically. Almost any opus with lying, double crossing FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW HOME with Zasu Pitta. an unhand-me-villain motif, pro­ to get the things she roiu?iaHrD1'iutTEB duced In a deserted warehouse or SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION Crystal Garden—Swimming. craved and wanted. rests; private bath; beautifully clean. PLEASING DESIGN Mclaglen At waterfront • h a m b 1 e, bring an suitable for ladies. SUM. LORETTA YOUNG eighteen karat Follies audience on OCCUPANCY FCBXISHÜU HOOrfg IN NEW PICTURE tend. tiled sink In modern Dutch The Columbia "Old-time mellera that Inspired /AOMFORTi CLOSE IN. another generation with tenseness board if desired; Terras can be nr- Mac West Here Racketeering lawyers, doctors and are, ef course, merely rtb-ticklera for P. R. Brown * Sons Ltd. IhsuraSce "adjusters"—known tinder moderns There la a cross-road* in­ APARTMENT McLaglen leaped to stardom as a the generic term "ambulance chasers ' formality about them that aloof light, heat gas. water; HIS Breed ‘ tree! Phene O 7171 team in "What Price Glory?" and On Saturday sophisticates find engaging. It todte lit M mgnth. 1430-ti —come In for a showing-up in “Bom “The Cock-eyed World." have they to be Bad.” coming to the Dominion balloons their superiority and. of bad the opportunities for boisterous course, provides outlet for much fO ROOMS. WITH SINK. H AND C clowning that they have In Para­ Theatre to-morrow. water, gaa. baht heat; M M week . In his Twentieth Century Picture, smart persiflage." mount's ‘'No More Women." now at "The beet Way to hold your man Laughs, cheers and hisses greet the Columbia Theatre. produced by Joseph M. Schenck and JAMES BAY BARGAIN Darryl F. Zanuck as a co-starring, is in your armai" "The Drunkard" at every perform­ Produced for the Paramount Com­ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Six-room house and two beautiful vehicle for Loretta Young and Cary Of the 3.500 letters that Mae West ance. It ta played In all seriousness large lots on Michigan St., close to pany by Charles R. Rogers. "No More receives weekly at Paramount by the excellent cast to be seen in TTRACTrtrt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. wad West of Menâtes St. ONLY Women" presents the famous fight­ Grant, the cinema-going public will ece how "ambulance chasers" engi­ studios, most of them come from this city. The btg olio follows the •«900.00 ing-funsters as deep-sea divers on play and the community singing l§4$-2$~83 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE rival oalvage tugs neer a heavy damage suit against a women who want an answer on how wealthy man following a trivial acd- to keep "hlm.*' party of old-time eongs concludes HOUSE 1,1»* BROAD-TWO- Swine^on A Musgrave Ltd. Minna Gombell. Christian Rub. the performance. _____ çy^sr Tom Dugan and Frank Moran are ident. And Miss West, who la coming to They conspire to prove that a truck "the Capitol Theatre .Saturday In her "”'!<ùT°* also In the cast. The picture, an CAPITOL THEATRE adaption of an original story by owned by him has maimed a small newest Paramount cinema, "Belle of 4vprni boy for life, whereas the boy has ISM Hillside Delmer Daves and Grant Leenhout. the Nineties." came right back with To Madeleine Carroll, who la to be actually been little more than the answer. seen with Pranchot Tone at the ROOM AND BOARD scratched. The machinations of the "I feel something like a psychic, boy's scheming young mother play Capitol Theatre in "The World Moves or one of those persons who gaze On." life for about two months wag Her eyes beckoned! COMFORTABLE ROOM. HOME COOK- “OWNER” an Important, part in the frameup. into a crystal ball, when all aorta of M3 Burden Ate. Loretta Young plays the mother, one long riot. Her lips beseeched! LEAVING VICTORIA questions are hurled at me." she ex­ First, she encountered severe riot­ An alluring modem MUST SELL AT ONCE a "customer's glrV In the cloak and plained. suit trade, whose beauty is matched ing in Rome, where she was vacation­ modelled on the Ml McCLURE-H. AND C. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH water la rooms; exes ileal boerd 08111. only by her unscrupulous ness. “I have nothing up my sleeve but ing before tailing for California to make of DO or DIE! BATHROOM and Pantry. Beautiful CO-OPERATIVE my arm. though, and there Is no Jackie Relk. making his debut tn atari the film. _ Fireplace tn living-room, nice garden. magic In advising anyone on how to in Paris, shortly afterward, she WORTABL* ROOMS. BOARD IT D*- CIoh to schools, street cars and bus. a feature length film following ap­ •ADI»EI> FEATIHC' to a good white district Immediate pearances on the New York Stage hold a man. witnessed the Stavlsky riots, nar­ possession will be given. Exceptionally with Fay Bain ter and Madge Ken­ “Bach individual male case would rowly escaping in hi-” when the cafe low taxes for a city home-only $26 00 SHOWS LOSSES nedy. Is seen as the boy. Cary Grant have to be prescribed for with varia­ de la Pal* was wrecked. yearly. The price asked Is AROE ROOM. DOUBLE AND 8XNOLB portrays the wealthy victim. tions. Just as a doctor must give The boat Journey was a private EDGAR WALLACE'S master mystery of good iocsIIli treatment according to the needs of riot between Mias CefroU- and the 013M ONLY $900, TERMS Associated Prew The stjory. propelled rapidly forward them ell. We challenge anyone to solve it Chicago. Sept. 20 —The largest farm .through a aerie* of mirthful scenes bis patients. elements. Owing to tremendous seas iOOM AND BOARD OR ROOM FOR I and terrific gales, she waft ale* for before the lait reel. z ‘ For Inspection. "Bee Ray. co-operative tn the United Sûtes, that often skirt the edge of pathes. "But your arms are a sure home or two male verity moves to a heart-breaking climax • refined private home; the Farmers National Grain Corpora­ six days. THRILLS—CHILLS < i L. M. Rosevear * Co. Ltd. tion. went Into the red by $662.601 which offers the unscrupulous mo­ West 11th Ave.. Vancouver 136-1-M lie Ualee Bldg. In the fiscal year ended In Junp, stock­ ther an opportunity to make a sacri­ FURNISHED HOUSES holders heard to-day fice so noble that ft redeems much But the corporation, launched in of her past. , ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. 1620 ag the marketing outlet for the The added feature Will be Edgar •f'ÏrpA. iËb» *58». Wallace's baffling mystery story* school Apply. of ,CB3.1*2 between the end of Its TîïïïîT ERY COMFORTABLE SEVEN-ROOM. bookkeeping year on June August 31. the officers reported In the miles city good annual meeting. unfurnished less. ZaSu Pitts At isee-3-ss H. M. Guff of Salins. Kan . presi­ TERROR dent, said the corporation had ex­ Starting Saturday A First NsUensl kll with Funeral Notice tended its grain-handling facilities An emergent communication of Cirnowm and looked forward to profits in the The Playhouse MARY ASTOR • JOHN HALLIDAY ROOMS Lodge-j-. No. M8». Aa sF ft». A» Mu . will- Il h-be V..IAheld in the Masonic Temple. Douglas Street present year. The corporation earned LYLE TALBOT • TRANK McHUOH on Friday September 31, at Î p.m., lor "substantial profits.” he said, fpr the RAOROPT—LUXURIOUS BRA VIEW the purpose of attending the funeral ol twelve months ending August 31. Tbare are some things In life that our fate Brother William Samuel Curry anyone can afford to miss, and still •itSZST Members of Camoeun Lodge and sojourn­ Huff said the corporation's heaviest looses came In the first three months enjoy a full existence. Taxes, floods, i » r « ing brethren in good standing are re­ VACANT. APART- quested to attend. of lu fiscal period—July. August and famines, installment payments, and ments. II» Brough ton 8v By order Worshipful Master. September of 1833. No figures were radio imitations, for Instance. IARTHA. 1041 VIEW -BEST VALUE M. H. TAYLOR. made public on the total volume of There are other things which one in city: eloee. la cl comfortable; grain handled by the co-operative. cannot miss, and still claim to have »!» •• up. with privet» 04061. or lived. Among them la hearing ZaSu Hetsterman, Forman ft Co- Pitta sing. At least, that's the word of those privileged to hear the flut- UXFUBNISHED HOUSES tery comedienne warble In the RKO- VIDETTE TAKES Radlo comedy, "Bing and Like It,“ lERCRWOOD AVE -IMMEDIATE POft- MAYNARDISONS which comes to the Playhouse 1 seasMft. flis lews bungalow; -*—*=“■ AUCTIONEERS Theatre to-day. iponsible tenant. ISO. 03336. 1167-tf OPTION ON MINE Once experienced, it la a thrill that NEWS* HIGH location. Instructed we will ill at our sales- Canadian Pfeas who have seen the screen satire. Being shown as a second feature la lower "floor complete 731-733 Johnson Street. Vancouver. Sept. 20.—Acquisition bungalow; garage, Wallace Ford ta "A Women's Man. ■MW. Albion IT. of a 60 per cent interest under option TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) in the Monaehee Mine by Vldette Victoria’s Independent Theatre FIVE AND SIX-ROOM HOÜBR8. Gold Mines Limited has been an­ DOMINION THEATRE different parti city, from,*12 to $38. nounced by Vldette officials. The Phone 01T3S. 1.30 P.M. Showing To-day, Friday and Saturday j deal will give Vldette full control of Two of Harold Lloyd's most Inter* mwo SIX-ROOM the Monashee. eeted visitors during the making of 1 near school a 03881 Well-kept Select The present Menaebee property was Jhis latest triumph. "The Cat's Paw," •01-4-81 idle until the fall of 1833. when it filmed from Clarence Budlngton COOK SIX-ROOM MODERN was examined by Dr. Victor Do Image Kelland'a popular Saturday Evening and by Gordon F. Dickson, managing- Post aerial, were his daughters, IIS month. or apply ill Furniture and Effects director of the Vldette company, upon Gloria and Peggy. The youngsters ISM-tl their recommendations, the Mona­ are a little too young to appreciate shee syndicate entered upon Its pres­ the make believe of the studio, and, basement, garage; vacant ent programme of development, It was during one scene, whre they vlslonad son Realty. 182,6. reported. their father In danger, they let out Among rkher Items: Mantel model a cry that ruined one of the moat Atwater-Kent Electric Radio, email Mount Xrapuca, In the Copal Zone intensely dramatic episodes of the WANTED TO RENT Organ: very fine Kroeler Davenport of the Honduras, is sinking at an picture. It was with difficulty that Bed. Couches. Oak Library Table. alarming rate. Agriculture on the their mother calmed them and made Sec. Book Case. uph. Chairs. Rockers. aides of the mountain la being ruined them appreciate their father was not RlllT Settees. Centre ^FaWe*. Bretrk-- Bien, reliable tenant. Box 111 Ttme< stiff Airway more THEHngUU Ming ui hi actual danger. The Cat's Paw" 711-3-88 fast Bet. Hall Btand. very good Car­ cornfields have disappeared. la now at the Dominion Theatre. pets. Cane Chairs, Card Tables, lot of Linoleum. Xx. Tables, Dining Chaire. Sideboards. Buffers. 7 very good full- size Brass Beds with coll springs and Real Estate felt mattresses; also other good beds STARRING ______In single, three-quarter and full-size; ! STARTS TO MORROW — MATINEE HOUSES FOR SALE a number of nice Dressers. Chest of JOHN HALLIDAY. WALLACE FORD, KITTY Drawers. Iron-frame Camp Beds, FBI. * SAT. All-etage Show KELLY and MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE m SALE OR EXCHANGE-SIX-ROOM Bedroom Tables and Chairs. Kitchen ONLY No Pictures Fbungalow, near school, car and beach, Tables. Chaire and Utensils. Dishes, added: choice district, fireplace, tiled sink, ceGlassware.­ White Enamel - front EMPIRE ssent basement, good furnace, garage, gar­ Ranges, very fine Enamel Circulating den eemi-Unlahed attie, gaa. Isay terms Phone E81J8. *x-t-n Heatfr. Franklin Parlor Stoves and SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING Heaters, Garden Toole, Mowers: e very THREE SHOWS DAILY Sing and Like If fine White Enamel Frigidaire. Elec. STARRING GORDON HEAD Refrigerator, etc.; also Personal Ef­ First Skew FOR RENT fects of an Estate, Watches, etc, and EVENING 1.88 our morning sale at 10 30 o'clock of Doers Open 1.38 ALL SEATS ZASU PITTS chard, earn. Vegetables and Poultry. Including ALL SEAT* In One of Her Greatest Comedy Roles. With Her Are Such right tenant lease a$ prise Barnevelders, Cockerels, etc. PERT'HELTON, EDWARD EVERETT HORTON, ■ FRASER CO LTD, ÏÎÜ1 MAYNARD AND RON Auctioneer* 0*3851 NED SPARKS and NAT PENDLETON A REVENUE PRODUCER AN ADDED NOVELTY TWO COTTAGES ON ONE LOT-Half- of which is rented et other occupied bi Taxes $17. And the GOLD OUTPUT SHIRLEY TEMPLE NEAR jpam school—cemiPortable five- rôdttt■h/liungaiew; Bungalow: nice larila ree “WHAT’S TO DO" ViSw0WJ,lâtTie» b J bottom for each. OFF IN YEAR Popular Flay house Prices IE to t 2 to S 5 On Canadian Press THE l.c. LAND ft INVEST AGENCY LTD. Ottawa. Sept. 20.—Gold produced in July amounted to T4Ô.516 otuicvs, an Increase of 1.3 per cent over the June output of 242.713 ounces, but FAIRFIELD HOME a decrease of 4ft percent from the July. 1833. total of 256.663 ounces, ■tint furnace etc., nice garden, well the Dominion Bureau of Statistics COLUMBIA Mealed ea boulevard ed street, and Is tn reported yesterday. During the TO-DAY, FBI. first-class condition tnstde end out. Excelle at value f-OOU ■even months ending July. 1.687.336 ounces of gold were produced aa Another A Triumph for HEX8TERMAN. FORMAN ft CO. against 1.730.387 ounces In the cor­ 686 View Street responding months of last year. Cavalcade Ontkrio led the provinces In pro­ the SCREEN! duction in July with 171.654 ounces, Marches -MOO*** SUBURBAN and Quebec next with 31.007 ounces, 33500”! while British Columbia was third On! llvtng-room. built-in features. i-hour with 25.578 ounce*. Manitoba and three-piece stage Show Cartoon it; tn Stab lee» Saskatchewan nroduced 11,124 ounces, Head «strict. with ene acre ef first- the Yukon 6.727 ounces of alluvial Capitol gold, while Nova Scotia and Alberta available up News to 1$ acres. produced 436 ounces. 1È; THE ROYAL TRUST CO. Quotations for gold during, July averaged 634.58 per ounce, at which The old “meller-dremmy" ef the horse and Real Estate Department price the month's output was worth 1381 Government 81. 14128 buggy days presented on our triage by a notable HHH an exact reproduction of F. T. Barnum'n SI ACREAGE AND FARM LANDS original play a* done In 1613. “The Drunkard" offers five acts and fifteen scenes with a Grand YOUROFFORTUNIT' Olio. TOUR FUTURE HOME BANK TAKES UP The Original California Company braipoot estates SALLY BLANI e MINNA OOMB1LI Canada'h finest planned development The Management respectfully urge* the audi­ SHOWING A N>imi«i P*»w#e ate Farm, lust 3', n EASTERN ISSUE ence to give vent to their natural impulses . . . TO DAY and FRIDAY rla Cityy Hall. Model demons (but please remove the çans from the tomatoes N : IJ U ■ 11, ADDED ATTRACTION available all set!SSSrT'o Canadian Free* before throwing). ttyetf cash Halifax. Sept. 20—A syndicate •hurehes. ptiyjplaygrounds, light heeded by the Bank of Montreal was Cheer the Hero! wdier system, malt yesterday awarded a 63 ft 10.000 Issue c NO ORIENTALS of Province of Nova Scotia five-yes» Weep for the Sweet and Pure Heroine! “THE IRON DEATH" debentures bearing Interest at thé Pity the Proud Widow! rate of 3 per cent. The successful “THE VANISHING bid. 88 A2. HIS* the Dirty VILLA»! J*»»-"!Victoria, B e. SHADOW" ADVERTISE IN S offered by a syndicate headed by the Bank of Nova Çcotla. The province SEX IT PROM THE BEGINNING Agent* requires the money to meet maturing Dm-mu'r Ct. Vancouver. l.C. debentures due August I, 1831. tttttt THE TIMES virwKiA. iyxm7~-fnmr fm^gnxCwrcMgiirlorlo^

r FtônïiwBr’ ... J NEW FALL FOOTWEAR BEST OF Large assortment in new shades and leathers...... A 04.60 to 07.60 The Saanich School Board y ester-, NOW ON EXHIBITION day evening authorised payment of JAMES MAYNARD August accounts, totaling 86.486. 848 Yates Street Communism ( ESTABLISHED 1886) The date ef the opening of the Hot every 1936 radio Bishop L. H. Roots of Han- The New ha« the truly magnifi­ order. . * ] kow Sees Hope in Oxford cent tone of the Stromberg-Oarlson. It Helen Gregory MarOlll, Judge of the Group Movement 1935 Juvenile court In Vancouver, ha» been is a radio designed for SAFETY CABS % appointed a justice of the peace by the person who da­ & New Care—Prompt Service—Popular Rates the provincial government. Expressing the belief that In man di out-of-theor- the Oxford Group Movement lies Treasure Console The Ministerial Fellowship will the hope of combatting the wave dinary performance on PHONE 742 YATES meet on Monday. September 24, In the Gar 1155 Memorial Hall, at 10 o'clock. Rev. H. of Communism and Fascism, HI. Stromberg- standard wave and P. S. Luttrell will give the address. Eev. Logan H. Boots; Bishop of short wave. The kind Thera wUlJw a celebration ef Uoly Hankow, |» in Victoria to-day. of performance that Communion on Friday. 8t. Matthew's He reached here by the 8s. Presi­ Carlson latiifies the musical Day. Ip St. Matthew's Church. Lang­ dent Jefferson from the Far East. ford. at 10 o'clock. ear . . . makes every With Bishop Root* at the Mnprees instrument and vocalist Tweed Swagger GYRO HEADS Ward Three Liberal Association win Hotel to-day was John McC. Roots $126.50 resume sctivittee to-morrow evenli of London. S. Roots of Hartford. appear to be in the at headquarters at 8 o'clock, Ï5 Conn., and Misa F. B. Roots of New room with the listener. Suits members are invited to attend. York. Values to 824 SO Bishop Roots, who Is a well-known TAKE OFFICE A cash purchase of 81.580 worth of transpacific traveler, is making hie y 816.90 Oak Bay 6 per cent bonds, due second visit to British Columbia in ÏE December 81. 1840. at 8100, plus ac­ four months, and la completing his New Officer^ Installed by crued interest, was approved by the second trip around the world within Fletcher Bros. municipal council yesterday. a year. District Governor at Annual On both occasions he found It ad­ (VICTORIA) LTD. 1110 DOUGLAS STREET Ceremony at Colwood Removal of trees In Windsor Park. visable to return to hie dloceee in Oak Bay. reported to be a danger China by way of the transsibérien during athletic contests there, was route and he spent some time In Ber­ DICK’S Officer» of the Gyre Club for authorized by the municipal council lin and Moscow» where momentous 14X1 Douglas i E mt the 1884-85 term were Installed yesterday, following a request from events are taking plate. yesterday evening at the annual the Wanderers Rugby Football Club. GROWING FORCES ceremonies held at the Colwsod The Victoria and District Cornish "It la obvious to anyone on the Golf Club. The first pert of the Association will hold a card party in spot that Fascism and Communism Your Lumber Requirements are great and growing forces In our the Maccabees’ Hall. Fort Street, on Lon» or emsU. Frossptl, Old Csrelull, attendu to evening was devoted to the In­ modem scene." said the Bishop this Saturday at 8 o’clock. Members and Lumber, Moaldlnw. Wardens Poors, Ojpro. Fireproof Wsllbosrd; Ben Ils. su. stallation and a dinner, after friends are cordially Invited. Lady morning. which dancing and entertain- members are asked to bring refresh­ "On their native soil they command THE WOORE-WHimNGTON LUMBER CO. LTD. IRISH SPLIT ments. to an increasing degree the whole­ - mewi were enjoyed. More than •s»-m raw own VICTORIA, ox. r.rio,, ra™. I toll lit Gyros and their friends, in­ hearted loyalty and devotion of mil­ Bank clearing* In Victoria for the lions. Beyond these borders they are cluding a contingent of twenty- week ended to-day were again above exciting widespread concern; but. un­ Holm Allberry. do lighter of Mr. and Mr». H. F. Allberry of Rudgwk-k six from Nanaimo, attended. those for the corresponding period of less we of the west can produce a Farm. Hondo Irk, has a hone, a terrier and a cat for pels when she TO BE RULED last year, according to the weekly movement which appeals with equal are already able to take advantage I» home on her father'» term, when she rame» to visit her grand­ The leaders who took over the intensity to the imagination and to statement of the Victoria Clearing mother and grandmother. Canon J. W. and Mn. Hinton In Victoria of that In their new borrowings, Mr. reins of office were: W. Len Wood- House The figures were gl .346.888 the will of our western world, we can Chalmers said. The Canadian west­ house, president; Waldo Skillings Jr., and $1.288.174 respectively. with small confidence hope to meet •he rhum» up with Dorrlt. Iiorrlt Is a greet friendly »hagg, English People Not Settled Under vice-president; Harold L. Butterls, SANE, CHEAP ern provinces, whose credit is such their advance. shepherd do*, with which she I» shown In the shore picture. that they have had to do their bor­ secretary-treasurer, and William C. A general meeting of all hothouse "Such a movement must make English Influence, Rev. W. Hudson. Louts Olaaen, Percy A. Molr. rowing from the Dominion Govern­ tomato and cucumber growers of Van­ large demands on Its followers, even ment, are not able to reap the ad­ R. Brown Tells Rotarians Angus W. McIntyre apd Herbert R. couver Island will be held in the as Communism and Fascism do. It Butt, directors. vantage of the cheaper money be­ Chamber of Commerce this evening must exact an even greater discipline, cause their credit was not good Henri It or rmi.od begin the COUPLE HONORED at 630 o'clock. The purpose of the obedience, intelligence, resourceful­ Victoria Has CREDIT, NEED enough to peYmit them to go into trouble with Ireland In lttto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker, who meeting is to discuss a scheme by ness and self-sacrifice than any dic­ New Companies the market...... which they hope to operate under tator. It must operate in a sphere when he spilt the munir, to yesterday observed the twenty-first ADVISES PRUDENCE anniversary of, their marriage, were the Marketing Act. above party, class or creed. It must Too Many Men Remedy for Economic Prob­ rale It, » polie, which hod bun honored by the club during the eve* be international in its appeal and For these reason# Mr. Chalmers cultivated up to the present da, ning. Mr. Welker was presented with Replacing of the electrical switch­ world-wide in Its scope. Most im­ lems Suggested by Floyd considéra it necessary for governing ing .equipment cm one of the motors portant of ah. it muet be a spiritual b, those who stood to gain d, a toy shotgun while Mrs Walker re­ 5 In B.C. Formed S. Chalmers bodice, provincial and municipal, to ceived a beautiful bouquet. In the sewer pump-house on Transit movement, for only revolutionaries But Oak Bay Has a Surplus administer their affairs prudently the split. Rev. ». R. Brown aeld Two members were added to the Road, which has been In service since of the spirit can successfully match and economically. The difficulties of to-dav In giving hi» Impression» local club's roster with the transfer the plant was lnstallgd, was author- the revolutionary programmes already of Women ; Interesting getting out of the situation produced leed th* °*k Bay Council yester­ in the field." received On hi» recent trip to of L. Bertram from the Nanaimo Facts on Greater Victoria Abco Mines Formed to Take Fleyd Chalmers, editor of by economic administration are great Club, and the Introduction of Benny day. The work is estimated to coat BEST HOPE n. litter, hi» native land, and the *nd of long duration, he said. En­ McMillan, a new Victoria member. slightly more than 8320. "May we look to the Christian in Publicity Bureau Cir­ Over Claims on West Coast The Financial Poet of Toronto, forced conversions do not appeal to Irlih Free Stele, before member. These two were Introduced by Elmer Church to produo such a move- cular who was In Victoria yesterday him as a solution If the government Bradshaw, president of the Nanaimo Beciusirtcatton of 1.8 miles of the mwrtF* the «shop of Island rn the Rotor, Club. ~ River Road in the City of Albernl and left by the midnight boat carrying them out expects to go into The tenor of utterance» of Irish ' Club, and Archie Wills, a past presi­ "My recent experience with an in­ the market again to borrow. TO the dent of the Victoria Club, respec- waa approved yesterday by the pro­ ternational team of the Oxford There are not enough women Abco Mines Ltd. N.P.L.. with a for Vancouver. Is on a Dominion- capital oi 61500,000 divided into extent that they shake the confi­ people to him waa to the effect that vincial government. The status of Group across Canada, and my more for the men In Victoria. There wide tour to keep Informed on the strip is changed from a secondary 3.000.000 shares and head office in dence of Investors, they Impair rather there waa no longer any hope of m relinquishing hi» duties. Preel- recent visit to the Group House Party are 4,117 Asiatics, fifty-one Ne­ public opinion and business de­ than improve the government's thetr living to the fullest degree dent Dr c. B. Mess thanked the club to a primary highway, mo that the at Oxford, combined with the last Vancouver, was Incorporated this government will pay a larger share groes and only seven Indiana. week. The company has taken over a velopment throughout Canada. credit, he said. In the case of until...... they had| — cut*" “ ------themselves“— “away—“ and* "Its executive for co-operation few weeks In China and Japan, have bankrupt municipalities, however, from England.ngla: Dr Brown stated. accorded him and wished his succes­ toward maintenance. convinced me that we may." be re­ Oak Bay Is the only municipality group of twelve claims on Herbert Mr. Chalmers, who is a compara­ sors good luck. Mr. Wocdhouse. after Arm. near Clayoquot, known as the the ordinary course of compromise or The speaker painted a picture of Purchase of a mechanical stoker to plied. "Herein. I believe, lies our beat la Greater Victoria where the tively young man, being under forty, liquidation must be pusued, Mr. an Irish Free State generally satis­ his installation, pledged himself to hope of averting even more serious Mary McQuilton group, from the heat the municipal hall will be left women outnumber the men. le a Liberal and a democrat. Since Chalmers stated. fied under the rule of Dp Valera. work in the Interests of Gyro. to next year s council In Oak Bay. It storms than those which broke over Waverly Tangier Mines Ltd., the lat­ People outside said that he was no W. Ç. Hudson acted as master ef us twenty years ago." These are some of the facte gleaned ter company receiving 1500,000 shares he took over the control of The Fi­ ceremonies for the dancing, with was decided yesterday when the good, that he waa half Spaniard and present body considered several tend­ While here Bishop Root» met and from an Interesting pamphlet con­ In the new enterprise. Subscribers of nancial Poet he has made It one of Char tie Hunt's orchestra providing the Abco are named as Elmore Mere­ Overnight Entries For Was leading the Irish people astray. er* for automatic heaters submitted talked with Dean Qualnton. a leader taining statistics and other informât the meet Ugberal of financial Journals But. in the south of Ireland one the music. * in the Oxford Group movement. dith. barrister Thomas'S. Dixon, mer- by local dealers. The work would en- Mit Victoria and eurround- and one of the easiest for the busi­ must be very careful about express- taü^the expenditure of approximately chan; George M. Madden, lumberman, The Willows IBfcstKTi opinions so that tW«Un­ ued by the Victoria and and Russell R. Walker, broker, an of ness man. to digest. ______. All the theories of economics arc ary man could overhear them. |4r. Clayton Estate Island Publicity Bureau. Ten thous­ Vancouver. Brown affirmed. J Mrs. Spencer Perchral Other Incorporation# tollw; Twin r.ot understood by thé average busi­ , Y1*"* —Claiming, non-winners Aa accident marred the Saanich and copies have been printed, some Cedars Farm Ltd. $100.000, Vancouver. ness man, but It Is most important In 183*. ihroe-;**r-oMe end up: sto MAY CAV8E HPI.IT school sports held yesterday after, for local residents, but moot of them for him to know as much as possible, * On the other hand, not all sections Case Resuming noon at Saanich ton. Stanley Gordon, for distribution to outside people in­ Montreal Shipping Co. (Pacific) furlong, and thirty yards: 373», •Cbat- Ltd.. 620.000, Vancouver. le the claim of Mr. Chalmers in stat­ of the Free State were contented fourteen-year-old star of McKenzie Passed Here To-day terested in settling là or visiting Vic­ ing that it 1» the policy of The Poet torboy lot; 3704, •Csstioetto 108. under De Valera's rule. When the Avenue School fell heavily on his toria. Western Development Co. Ltd.. to keep him posted. 3748. • Usuries Ed. log; 3783. •Trompe supreme Court hearing* til the ac­ «M» while JUtoPthl MKT h ad M W 410.000, Vancouver. K»; 3763, •Prince Ooldstmun 161; lend annuities were no longer paid At St. Joseph1» Hospital this morn­ The pamphlet shows there ere BF1TKR DI MNESS FACTORS to England, thus starting the com­ tion of the John Clayton estate removed______to the Jubilee Hospital.w___ BPDr. ing, the death occurred of Annie 28.144■ men and only■ 18.838 women Ideal Lumber CO. LM.. 810.000; 37*3. •OreenshtoKto'lM: 3761, Lody plications which are still heavy to­ against the B.A. Securities Ltd.. Ar- ! A. C. Sinclair attended the boy. whose Mary, wife of Spencer Perclval of In the Capital City. In Oak Bay Vancouver. Business has been remarkably good H*n 103; 3764. ‘Chepers 100. Also day. the farmers did not see why thur E. Haynes and A. S. Innés of Injuries are not serious. Port Washington. Pender Island, aged there are 8.168 women and only 2,736 Wamlck'e Ltd.. 810.000. Vancouver. ini Canada this year, the finanical au­ rllglhlo: 3703, •Hellle Basil: 3708, In­ they had* to pay these annuities to Victoria will be resumed in Vancouver seventy-three years. men. Saanich, like Victoria, has Western Nickel Corporation Ltd., thority stated, with most lines of truder llir 3703. Quince Lad 118; the Free State government. on October 18. according to notice re­ The airmail service between Vic­ Mrs. Perclval waa a daughter of the more men than women with 6547 8100,000. Vancouver. trade showing up better. In contrast, 8765. Oliver 118. "If there is going to be a rock o« ceived here to-day. toria and Vancouver was resumed late Henry Lojra of Moat House. men and 6*121 women. In Esquimau St. George's School, 1934, Ltd.. he added, business in the United Beccnd race—Claiming, three-yeor- which the Irish Free State will The case Involves the handling of yesterday on the basis of one trip Leake, and Rauceby Old Hall. Lin­ there are 1,725 men and 1.648 women. 836.000. Vancouver. States waa still below last year's level. olde end up; «I» turlongs and thirty each iray dally except Sunday. The founder. It will be this question of the estate of the Bella Cools pioneer, colnshire. and a niece of the lata There are seventy-three Asiatics in Wellborn Cameron Timbers Ltd., Factors in the business Increase of yards: 3763. Swifter 113. 3703. Deeer- whose money was placed chiefly In morning plane will reach Victoria at Canada. Mr. Chalmers stated, were annuities," the speaker stated. In John Rowe. Physician-extraordinary Oak Bay, 481 In Saanich and twenty- 910.000, Deer holm. ette 110; 3713, -Buhey C. 108; 3746. mortgages and real estate in Victoria. 10 15. the mall being due at the poet gold mining. In which British Co- describing the mass technique used to King Edward three in Esquimau The Epeom Refineries Ltd., a Do­ •Jim Hooter 106: 3764. Wlllbonk 113; by the farmers In blocking auction The first hearing took place In the office about 1050. The outgoing She le survived by the widower, a The native born population la 60.86 minion-Incorporated enterprise, with lumba Is showing up remarkably well, Supreme Court here a year ago. .The 3748, Wetchglrl 10*; 373». -Sind sales of cattle and goods eel ted for plane will leave Victoria at 4 pm.. nephew. Guy Cunningham, and a In Victoria, 60.22 In Oak Bay. 48 05 head offices at Winnipeg and New as well as Increased exports to Brit­ BA. Becurltlcajmd Mr Haync». after j mall closing st 350. ish markets. Word» 108. 3746. -Tommy Doyle 108. non-payment of annuities. niece. Olivia Cunningham, and Mrs. in Saanich and 48.96 in Esquimau. Westminster, was granted extra pro- Mf: Justicr “Fisher's judgment essl-—r-"-^------______Aleo eligible: 3764. -Bondholder 103; Mr. Brown dealt with the culture, AHwyn of Sidney. BC. and w brother, -Thf-Bre 8588 Japanese end Ttngri „ Depreciation of goods was also an given some months later, moved to : ™e executive committee ef the Chinese In Victoria City. -irresistible force at work: Things 3m Cold Cepa no. 3708. Bad. Fol­ fine qualities and generally peace- nieces and nephews in England- The Transportation Field Sports low 106; 3708. Buaan J. 110. have the case re-opened for the ad- ; Theatre Association, at a meet- Predominating nationalities are; wearing out had to be replaced, with loving nature of the Irish and with mlseion of new evidence This was ! *Mt Mfht, selected H. 8 Hum as Funeral services will be held at Pen- Society of Vancouver, was Incorpor­ some of the reasons given the trav­ Victoria—English, 21,196; ated under the Societies Act. the result that^depleted stocks were Third race—Claiming: western Can­ eler for the dissatisfaction of the granted And subsequently upheld by j director of the production Hay 7501; Irish. 3.380. being replaced and manufacturing ada brede; three-year-olds and up; people with their English rulers He the Coût of Appeal. This new evl- j __ A. H. Kerr was appointed Oak Bav—English. 8.743; Scotch. was being speeded up. ala furlongs and thirty yards: 3761. dence will now be Introduced at the manager, and the production 1.209; Irish. 682 The next step, he suggested, was to Leu Marc 111; 3757. -Utils Boy Blue pointed out the pity of a divided wul be started with a tryout at the Ireland and touched on some of the Vancouver hearing in an effort to up­ Saanich—English. 8584; Vote to Be Taken make obsolescence work. When people 116: 8771. • Fanny Faatorton 107; 8733, set the original Judgment which fa­ association room» on Burden Avenue 2.036; Irish. 900. got dissatisfied with houses, furni­ •liston Whittier 112: 3763, ‘Princess results of this division. on^Siturday night, commencing at 8 Humorously, he told of the public vored the claims of the Clayton es­ Young People's -Esquimau—English, 2.152; Scotch, On New Village ture. automobiles, machines and other Betty 113; 3763. «Joeella 100: (374*), house on the border between Ulster tate. 620. and Irish. 295. Indispensable things which are still •Tiny Captive 106; 3762, -Maymlnt and the Free State, half of it In one J. W. deB. Farris. K.C., and Henry Other Interesting facte contained usable but out of style, business will 16». Also eligible: 3770, •fltanattll state and half in the other, so that C. Hall. K.Cro are carrying on the ac­ A.n .®b>r,l<>" from r. tl. Rom about Victoria in the pamphlet are: A new village municipality in Brit­ be given a new fillip, it waa the In­ 116. tion for the Clayton estate; Clarence Mount on, proposal to >!t*r the Church Societies There are 16.839 telephones In ish Columbia may be incorporated ventive genius of man that speeded the varying drinking regulations en­ R*y m recited by Fourth race—Claiming; three-year- abled the place to be open all the Darling is appearing for the B.A. Se­ Greater Victoria. shortly. up obsolescence he declared. Hun­ olds and up; air furlongs and thirty curities and H. A. Maclean, K C., for thf Oak B», Council yesterday after- One hundred and forty firms em­ Mme; of the church In a similar ST. LIKE'S The residents of Westvlew district. dreds of new products had been In­ yards: 3740. Zelma M. 107; 3787. Mr. Haynes. noon. Mr. Rom based hio complaint ploy 3.060 people and pay 63.822,926 Just outside Powell River, will vote vented since the depresslop put the position, empty because the citizens on historical reasons and asked the 8t. Luke's A.YJ*,A. held its second Omardalt 107; 3760. Wtteon 110; 3003, of the two states could not get long la wagaa each year».: • on the question of Incorporating be­ world on a uneven keel, and the peo­ Clear Star 110; 3760. One Long Hop IS LAID TO BEST «WBcU'a support against an, mow meeting of the season on Tuesday The retail territory serves 86.000 fore October 15, according to a pro­ ple would soon demand them to the with on* another In the same Which the eft, might make to change evening, with Ian Jack, the president, 110; 3700, Bernice Van 107; 3760, Misa church, and of the maze presented people and the Jobbing territory vincial order for the plebiscite. J. T. cumulation of trade. Sage 113; 3724, Judge Austin 113. Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah tne title The request waa rarer rod in the chair. Arrangements were Fullerton has been named returning by one section of the Great Northern Ann Saunders. 1311 Lyall Street, were to the committee of the whole. for a lecture by Canon H. O. w. BIG 1SSIES Fifth ram.—Claiming; three-yoar- Railway, which over a distance of There are twenty-five hotels with officer for the poll. held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Stocken. Tuesday. September 25. It • total of 2500 rooms. In discussing the great Issues of oide and up; one mile and one-els- lees than a score of miles crossed and A request from P. F. Corbett to Rev. w. R. Brown officiating. The la hoped every A T. member will be fvner.il to-morrow the present day. Mr. ChalmersJsaid teenth: 3706. 'Don Fernando 111; recrossed the boundary seven times. have sewer and other services ex- There are seven theatres with a many flowers attested to the high present and a cordial invitation Is total seating capacity of 7.000. besides the biggest Issue was not between 3703. -Architect 111; (3735). •Lobelia „ __ United., the speaker said in. con­ •steer» til which Mrs. Saunders, -who tendgd to hi* .lota -en Plumer Road extended tô H other member.ofithe the legitimate theatre which I* ton* The funeral for lie»; Emma Norton, capitalism and socialism; It waa be­ KUsworth 100; (3703) «Warren 8. clusion. Ireland would prove one of had been a resident of Victoria for was received b* the Oak Bay CouncU perish. reopened soon. a ho passed sway at St. Joseph’s Hos­ tween Individual liberty and regi­ nr: ■ (37Rorr -unmaatR ~ nrr rar the most brilliant gems in the crown twenty-four yearé. was held. Mrs. B. yesterday. Owing to the expense to pital yesterday, will take piece to­ mentation; between democracy and ■Rincon Field 111; 3785. -Bed Lady the municipality involved in the pro­ Business being dispensed with the There are 226 teachers In Victoria Of Empire. M. Morten sang the solo •‘Crossing members spent the remainder of the City. morrow morning, the cortege leaving dtetAttOThlR. 106: (37631. -Ella Madeline 103. the Bgy." and the hymn was "Jesus. posal the council decided to offer evening in writing up a newspaper, The street mileage In Victoria totals the Sands Mortuary at 9 o'clock, and If the human mind Is God's great­ A'ao eligible: 3786, "Zion 101. The London airdrome sends up Lover of My Soul." The remains were an exchange of lota to Mr Corbett. at 10 o'clock mass will be celebrated rockets to guide airplanes to the the results of which were very humor­ 150. est achievement, lie said, the people Sixth race—Claiming; three-year- laid st rest In Royal Oak Buriat Park. Mr. Corbett explained he waa con­ ous. *------*4 St. Elizabeth's Church. Sidney, by should strive to preserve its individ­ landing Asia in foggy wealBrrT the templating the construction of a olds and up; one mile and one-aUt- On Tnursday there will be a bad­ Rev. Father E. M. Scheelen. The re­ uality and capacity to grow. The re- teenth: 3771, Lucky Jack 111; 3711, rockets paUMrate the fog and ex­ William Jenkins. H. H. Hughes, A on one--lot and the cultivation mains Will hs latii tn In tiv *Ftlnnery enil tl^| pMlt^çrat had My plode brilliantly In the clear sky of a garden on another. minton practice. AM meptbere inter- •Booster Twist 107, 37U. Barrie Heald. William J. Gush, T. Wallace fried are requested to attend.i Many Booked Catholic cemetery. West Saanich. ' interests' to conserve and he waa able Oliver 113: 3734. -Duck Soup 102- and H. W. Prangnell. o Mon. H. G. Perry, Speaker of I he and voluble In hla defense of them. 3700. Venbank 106; 3748. music The extreme radical, the impatient Legislature, and member for Fort For Empress IS:—37t2i.^5î"p Put 10*i *7*3. George, paid a visit to the capital to­ Two Liners At man with new ideas to ofley, wer •Capt. Gilbert 107. Alio eligible : day. Mr. Perry said he was urging equally energetic In making him­ 8770, -Margery Daw 101. self heard. Between the two—the Seventh race — Claiming; throe- an immediate start in his riding on liberal, the man who valued the pre­ MRS. J. A. SNELL Carrying cloee to 600 passengers, year-olds and up: one mile end the public works allocated under the Victoria To-day servation of individual liberty and Four-room Outfit 30 pieces recent government programme. In including people prominent In the •evenly yards: 373». -Kate A. 104; business and social life of Canada, the Initiante—had a difficult time In 3790. -Mies Montes 104; 3730. Weneed- capturing attention, the financial It 111: (3735). •Bantorlo 107; 8734, 000-1 United States and England, the Can­ Coming from San Diego. Los Angeles authority said. The tendency of the dirions halt It. The Speaker said lllnew. Surah Snell. 2tee Florence adian Pacific liner Empress of Can­ and San Francisco, the 8s. Emma Occurrence 100: 3703. -Bill Ben* 111: Btroot, Oak Bay Mrs. Snell, who waa age. he observed, waa towards regi­ 3760. -Swift Cop 107; 3766. •• Adelaide prospects In his district are improved ada will sail from Victoria Saturday Alexander of the Pacific Steamship mentation In which the Individual for the coming winter. seventy-five years .of age, waa born in N. 104. Aloe eligible: 3748. Fair Allen Downey. Ont., end had resided In evening for Honolulu and the Orient. Llnea. will reach the Rithet piers at would be reduced to an automaton A large group of passengers will be n-'dmgh» to-night with a large list 113: 3787. -Tiedemann 107; 3700. A survey at dfce Hudson's Bay pro­ Winnipeg, and later In Torkton, under state dictatorship. This was ■Genevieve M. 104; 3700. Johnny Hills Honolulu lesldenta. returning home of passengers, Capt.,0. A. Harris, mas­ the tendency that must be resisted perty which has reverted to Esqui­ Saak, before coming to this city thir­ teen years ago. after spending vacations In the Pa- ter of the ship, thld morning advised at all costs, he said, for It meant the mau municipality will be undertaken J ciflc Northwest. W. M. Allan, local agent. deterioration instead of the develop­ -Apprentice allowance claimed. '»ta by members of the Esquimau Rate­ She leases the widower. John „. Snell, at the family residence: two Hon. Herbert Marier. Canadian Min­ For Victoria the Emma has several ment of the human mind and In­ still rxmarried" payers' Association In conjunction ister to Japan, returning to Tdkio, passengers and some cargo. She will telligence. srn with the municipal engineer, it was sons. Lawrence Piper Harrop. BC. and W. J. Snell Yorktoa, Saak., and accompanied by Mrs. Marier and Sen­ remain here two hours before pro­ ECONOMIC PROBLEMN Montreal. Sept. 30 (Canadien Prou) announced at a meeting of the asso­ ceeding to Seattle. uns ''^“8ht*f “r* George Sharp, of ator j. H. King and Mn. King oC Mr. Chalmer has well-defined —Still single end apparently con­ ciation yesterday evening. The sur­ Victoria, starting on a world voyage, vey began to-day. Some criticism of , Inbound from Rotterdam and Lon­ idea# on current economic problems. tented to remain so. Maureen O'Sulli­ Funeral services will be held Satur­ during which they will visit with the van, Irish-born film star, arrived hero the Inaudibility of certain member* don. the Dutch motorehlp Drehtdyk The worlds burden of debt to-day. day afternoon, at 3.10 o'clock, from Viceroy of India and Lady Wllltngdon lost night from Ireland. It had bun of the municipal council was voiced reached Ogden Point early this after­ he declared, is insupportable only if the 8. J. Curry & Bon Funeral Home, at Delhi, will be among the promi­ one assume» that the price level Is to rumored she would marry John Far­ inm connection with a adiscussion discussion of r,, r , cimrrh - n orït-V... nent Canadian passengers. noon- with twelve passengers and a what ,had ,1. don* th* Uet m,rt Ihtonneut, . * ** * ■ willL-ourc he ii Inwill the officiate Horal Oakand remain as low as It la to-day and row, Dim director, while overseas, but large amount of cargo, of which 278 the actrou declared she wu still un­ log of the council. Bishop O. E. * Burial Park. tons were for discharge at Victoria. that science and Invention have ex­ Lloyd occupied the chair. hausted their resources. married. What has kept the world solvent Ter*»—Wltaeet In tire*! Support of the City Council In an COUPLE HIKING down through the ages It creeping KITCHEN effort to secure more favorable U.B.CFRESHMEN inflation, he said When debt be­ Fawcett Enamel Range freight rates between Victoria and INQUIRY WILL . come* excessive there were only two Kitchen TaMe interior pointe is sought in » letter FOR BIG PRIZE way* of remedying the situation. One Linoleum ARE REGISTERED wa» deflation, the process of default, LIVING-ROOM addressed to the Industrial committee 3 Chairs of the council from the Victoria Cold bankruptcy end liquidation. Chesterfield Suite INCL UDE TEXTILES Vancouver, Sept. 20—Registration The other was inflation, cheapen­ •SPECIAL* DINING-ROOM Walnut Dresser Chester!ieId Table Storage and Terminal Warehouse Canadian Frees Buffet of freshmen closed at the University Walnut Bed End Table Company Limited officials. The letter Canadian Frau ! Quebec. -Sept. 20—A 4.000-mile ing of the value ef money In rela­ WALNUT DINING ROOM Extension Table Walnut Chiffonier of British Columbia yesterday, but tion to goods But Inflation, he said, Table Lamp points ’to s difference of three and Ottawa, rept. 30—The textile in­ hike against time, for a prize rf SUITE ^Chah-s* LeaUMT'eeate< White Felt Maure*. Brides Lamp a half cents per hundred pounds on no ettimata of the total number ranged all the way from deliberate Cable or coU Spring Smoker Blend dustry will be Investigated thor­ 84.000—a dollar a mile—Is what Gil­ registered will be available for a few •Oxie g RUB apples from the Okanagan shipped destruction of money to a sane and Table. « Chairs and Barrymore Carpet oughly by the Stevens price spreads bert Mason. thirty-eight-year-old days. Registration of students 1» moderate cheap money policy. Buffet ...... w to Victoria and to Vancouver and and mass buying commission. It was Sydney. N8-. war veteran and mara­ New Westminster, showing the pre­ •other years continued to-day and will The latter was the policy of most slated in official source# here to­ thon runner, and hie wife Mdriun, continue to-morrow. of the governments of the British 88.08 Down. 88.88 Month ference to the mainland points. day; Accountants and other experts Ocean shipping concerns place freight are attempting. The couple left The initiation period will start Commonwealth to-day. Great Bri­ have been gathering data on condi­ here yesterday after a few hours' rates at the same for Victoria. Van- Monday, when the freshmen meet tain bad pursued with greet intelli­ STANDARD FURNITURE CO. tions In the textile business for two stop bound for California, and ac­ | couver and New Westminster, the on.the campus for preliminary in­ gence and' a large measure of epoeees FURNITURE Furniture Specialists months or more as part of the spade cording to th - condition* covering structions by faculty and tudent the policy of making credit cheap 737 Yates Street letter listed. The matter wiq come work which If under way preliminary HOME COMPANY , before the council at its next meet- the fri», they must arrive in the leaders. It will continue till and plentiful, and Canada had fol­ I lng. to the first sitting of the Inquiry as Pacific coast itata not later than ber 12. when the frosh reception will *38 FORT ST. • commission it was added. lowed the fame policy. The solvent January 1, 1985. take place. governments, whose credit 1» good. VICTORIA DAjfLT TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1384 awn f Jg*> ME*. am !r=-",j rsssg

Fashion Trends for Fall Prove Cocktails for Two Call for a “Life Begins at Forty” New Menu of Gowns

carry on thé note of ttiiury that It so . And U le e new wrap-around, Long Sleeves and Low Backs This Season the Canadian desirable this season. not Just a good old surplice closing, Flourish Between the Dark Woman Has a Chance to and an amply wrapped skirt. The WELL TRAINED ' Rival Her French Sister necklines are smart and new, brought and the Daylight far over to one side; draped softly; If you long for a train, wear one. tied with flattering bows, a thousand Rut If you 6k# to move feet and tricks have been employed to sweep Volumes eouM be written ebout Tht» le oné eeaaon where there wlU dance with spirit, don't Or better be no forgotten women. Then new the years sway from the wrap­ the new erenlai feehlons. They ere still buy your gown with one. Wear It fashion* ere pretty thoroughly con­ around. Skirts are wrapped to the having their greatest season In years vincing that “Life Begin* »V Forty." side or back. Repeal has seen to that. Repeal ot et your moat gelt evenings. It is a spirits has put new spirit Into the simple thing to cut of! the train, and end there isn't » single stuffy Idee The tunic Is another fashion made .octal weald. There Is the desire to you will have had the thrill that only In the entire picture of fell clothe* to flatter the woman. The length of dr*a up again. To outdro* every an evening gown with a regal train I ABE WELL TO FROL’-FROL It may vary from Just below the women at your party . . . to ba ’ dl,,e"nt w* teas and light, then he the of blouse „ The tunic la a persistent fashion long been » favorite of the thirties son, because every designer has con­ .west, young thing. It Don loves ro­ What You Like Colors for the tweed and Informal Year after yeàr It appears, and tills end forties. This season It Is In the centrated on some good ones. You’ll mance. then It's the Spanish drees types of suits are extremely smart year It promis* to be one of the fashion picture most decidedly. Young find the feminine neckline your If they ara choeeir In tones that ara when he Is your escort. moat important of fall fashion». Very things are taking to It; women ere trump card. Soft colls, draped bows, Last spring suits ttole the fashion darker than the suit Itself, or ex­ often the* are split, creating an delighting In it, because It 1# by far these are the things that are kind to COCKTAIL HOI R picture. Every smart woman had at tremely bright, repeating a fleck extremely «mart slightly flaring line. the most becoming silhouette for your face and your figure. Let’s start with the earliest date ol least one suit and often bought extra which may appear In the tweed. If Sometimes the skirt la of one* color evening. Repeal has brought shout skirts and jackets in order to as­ jacket» are swagger the blouse may and Aha tunic of another. The spUt the charming custom of gathering at semble her own clever costumes. finish withJppee ends which may tie tends to emphasise this contrast, r.nd friend!' for cocktails, or at some fash­ Suits became almost a uniform with twist or drape around In some makes the fashion smartly Inter- ionable bar. There la a whole group ot the well-dreeeed woman. She Wore smart fashion over the top of the rating. Fashion Cuts Up and in Comes a dresse, designed lor this custom, and them whenever the occasion per- skirt. But for the more prevalent for staying on or going eo to dinner. mannish coats and Jackets, the tuck- The smartest ot them hare long New Race of Dresses SlJTS FOLLOW THROVGH in blouw, which will not enlarge the sleeves, low becks, and ere ankle or waist, is the preferred fashion. Sleeve Lengths Plenty of Hope for Odd Sizes Too much loved to be deserted, heel length. The neckline may be high I silt. In rtlrti. In tunic, in lUem, suite are carrying on into fall. There MANY FABRICS or quite lew In front. Both ere smart, Slits Mere, aiasnes i nere. m ),<*«,. mn m bodice., aucun* aro'"'tsÀny types, for many different Let your fashion *n* be your Wool Jerseys are a smart choice but the lower neckline la newer. FABRICS IMPORTANT g wide; sleeve length may end any­ Wraparounds Every- » « -nmd», ut « wm you « u The Tall and Short, the occasions^ Finding what you want and a practical one for tweed wear. Flirtatious little hate are worn with The “odd” woman must carry her where. If you like throe-quarter urhftrp That le t h p Pert«W *,ar*b1*- In tf>wu* will be an easy matter. Just name They are warm, they do not muse, them In a gay. young manner. wnere ... i nai is me where lt much to, ,m m„ Ample and Lean Are Pro­ discretion even beyond the style of length, wear them to your heart’s your suit and It will be produced for they ara easily cleaned and kept Paris Picture in a Nutshell e«p«. Ju.t .tum «*!., or «* m.y vided For her coat or frock. The fabric is also Velvet and crinkly crepe, are two content. If you adore the smartness you. And when suits become fresh. Jersey colon are a Joy to the be dnrtn*. and be epllt near knee of extreme Importance, the must popular choices lac this type ol gown. of a long, tight slwve, by all mean» popular that le the cue for blouses eye. Many women will confine their deep. If leg-showing frightens you. avoid prints that are too large or There are tome perfectly devastating wear the drew* that sponsor them, to come to the fore. blou* choice to Jeraey and have a there are plenty of dresses that show velvets being made witp- sleeves ot for sleeves go to all lengths to be ,h#1®?8refcsmaker trusty scissors, Statistics have proved that It Is splashy In color. This type of print the daintiest of lacy underskirts* be­ OVBRBLOrXK TYPE whole bright and dark wardrobe of smart. Long sleeves ara especially the l*nrls "™Bré#i!tiakers set to work really mdhe Odd to Be a regular sise la becoming to neither the abort nor lame. These are truly letql. and the them. smart for dinner dresses, and gowns on their fall collections. With some neath to screen your limbs. than It la to be ope of the so-called the tell woman. Only email, con­ For afternoon and Informal dressy happy choice ot smartest women. In- fee the eeektiti hour, -The* tong the scissors can. rampant and behold, odd states., for seven out of ten women servative prints can be worn uby them wear the smart woman will choose Cotton chain* and nrtntad sateen, tcnoting hiirklaa — f of WRAF-A^r>W,,WB^lXANT; ■Issvad gowns usually show a deep dé­ the Split rtirb lb *ev*ved. Both eve­ ■re finding that they can be more tastefully, and solid colors are more the type of blou* which may be we two new variations that promt* rhinestones or simulated Jewels collé tage in front or back. ning and daytime skirts hare gone The wrap-around drees Is without nearly perfectly fitted in what are flattering than any prints. The abort worn on the outside of her skirt. to be popular. elm used to a greet degree. T under the a&ears, with Incisions vary- a doubt the smartest and most Im­ known aa “little womens ' or larger woman may very successfully wear «hd lame were the favorite in* from a few inches to a foot In portant drees of this new fashion. in'a sizes. If alterations are the pin stripes, but aha must be careful materials for the* blouses last fall. t^-rv -.... - Her* there t* no actual split, Urn the TOt yoor esHténce. try buying that they sue used nowhere hori­ They eontiwue to be great fa vont* dresses are actually wrapped, with your next drees In little women's zontally, even ta the simplest trim, season, but they meet worthy RHYME A Nil REASON TOR SPLITS plenty of surplus material eo that It will'minimi* the amount of lest they cut her figure. The past rivals In taffeta and velvet. Their colors are an Inspiration and we warn if you want a reason there cer­ there la no leg exposure. special fitting and will prove a real few fan seasons have seen email, eon you that choosing between them will tainly le a good one to offer you, economy as well. You will experience servative prints done on ellk and LINGERIE TOVCHES FOREVER be «ne of your most perplexing fall This though many fashions could never no difficulty in finding the* sises, wool fabrics. The* are usually ex­ problems l Of course there la white. give reason for their being. The No Paris collection was without Its for each season more and more stores tremely smart and as becoming Beautiful dead white and softer, more silhpucpuett* fe&f grown slimmer. Each touch of lingerie. In the Worth col­ are giving pegglcnjar attention to the print for a woman pa can be found. a bn “slimmer, until this lection was this fashion particularly wearing creamy white. The* ara problems of the mature woman who The extremely rough crepes Year Buy Xn wh^n 4t le slimmest. From exploited. He featured collars and especially good In rich aatln. then does not wear a perfect thlrty-bix. novelty matelasses are not flattering cigarette silhouette \o pencil silhou­ cuffs on dark dresses, white satin or there ara sophisticated yellowish to mature figures. The smart woman ette. Something had to be done. bengali ne on evening dresses. Schl- LINES FOREMOST greens, cloudy light blu*. tawny will leave them to «lender women. The..«tislghl JÊÊbÜBLÆM. fsr too be­ „&p*r*ill ahows a fondness fee starched Ltnst of a gown or oost ara the rusts, mellow browns—practically any coming to scrap, yet one had to have collars of platter-llke variety that foremost consideration of the woman shade light enough to suggest after­ SMART STYLES leg room, and so the silt I keep* heads held high. who Is smaller or larger than average. noon formality, but bright enough to The large woman must show discre­ furnish accent to a dark costume and Fur Most of the odd el* fashions seen flattery to skins. Checked, plaid and tion In bee choosing so as not to In the shops now are as youthful * select any garment which may dotted taffetas are also shown a great any el* fourteen. There le not the You Want! emphasise her height. Jackets, two- deal. The* will be e*n meet gener­ slightest trace of dowdlne* about ally with the le* formal type of suit. color effects. Important belts are all any of them. Your smart, «tin you love caracul, have features which help to break length, daughters will envy your newwt pur­ DINNER BLOl SES it. If Hudson your and which will decidedly flatter the chases If they are chosen with ex The dinner blou* looks refresh­ dream, buy There tall woman. trente care. ingly new. It Is the outgrowth of the isn fur you have On the other hand, the woman who popular fashion for evening gowns at our prices and de la shorter and full busted must Ft ETHER PROBLEMS of two colora, so often light at top f erredd payments make avoid thvss vary -fashions; Jackets and dark at the bottom. Thera are itiU easier. will eut her already diminutive Amply proportioned women are not ever ao many printed crapes with low figure. She must look for fashions the only on* with their problems. cut bodices, lam*. *quln models, net with a abort line from waist to The bustle* woman who and silk organdie. The* an worn shoulder. This will make . a longer regular slaw, yet finds them unflat­ with ankle length eklrte. Sometimes skirt, and so give her better propor­ tering. must have her fashion the skirt has a matching short tions. She must avoid too many as well. To you, ladies, this advice I jacket, but this Is not at all neces­ ruff In or - jabots. If -there-{ Look for draee* with bowe or jabot* sity. for the blobs* tot eo perfect they should be marrow. ! btbe, and ruffly gilets. Do not they are a delightful finish for the Pleated effect# which tend to widen be afraid of taffeta or starched evening costume. This fashion will 1 k—*, ^tfRM o— AK* *tpm Mad materials In trimmings, they make allow the woman of United means to create nr irament effect the the slimmest contours sppsar pleas­ greatly enlarge her wardrobe of formel shorter, stouter woman. ingly plump. clothes. One fine skirt, and several Top It All Off With a New bkroees and she will be all wt for the winter gala *aeon. The* blou** are meet usually cut to about hip FRENCH OIL length and finished with a belt. CROWN MILLINERY TAILORED TRENDS Blou** are a little world of their own, and the story of dinner biouws PERMANENT PARLORS and hind-mad* la a story only half (VICTORIA) LTD. FURS ONLY %2-m GUAR. Presents the Sleeves Stress Extraordinary Values! New Importation of Easy Armholes Reg. $5.00 SILKY *115 BUCK CARACULS EW frocks, new hats, new shoes arnica There bu Iwew • gradual leaning N NEW COIFFURE! That’s the final toward the tMhlon of the dolmen Fall sleeve, end this madon find, the dime GENUINE touch, and the most important. Well with the dwp cut, eery fitting urn- turn von out in just a few hours with bole among the very smartest. I ta HUDSON SEAL comfort make. It eiceedlngly de.lr.hle in «wagger or dreggy lines satin smooth waves, and ringlet ends that to moot women. And It la exceptlon- snap into curls at a touch from you. Millinery allv flattering to deader women. It You’ll find yourself a glorified girl when la uaed In ellk drama, and wool.. UP1N IMPORTED from the leading designers When dolman aleeeee. or Weave, of you emerge after this new Permanent. that family are not men. there la usu­ all shades—Swagger Coats ally a raglan shoulder, or aaddla . Qualified Operators “The Modern Woman Demands To-morrow’s Shoulder to give the «une casual el [ Style To-day” | Sect that is ao Important this fall. Above all the shoulder must he » natural shoulder to he typical of I» We Solicit the Favor of a Visit fall, IMA. IFoster’sFur Store The Weaves themselves take more n'BRIERA SINCE ISM liberties. They may he quite straight, Victoria'! Most Etrlmlve Ferrleri Shoppe or they may Introduce fullness. This Ml Yates Street. A. B. Aletandor, Proprietor Miss M. E. Livingston fullness la usually shirred or gathered E 0622 BOOM 309, 1104 DOUGLAS ST. Tel. K 7914 621 View St In at some point below the shoulder, with the largest motion occurring shout et elbow. , Knockout Coats for Knockabout Fifty Million Evening Wraps Are Centre of Attraction Sealskins Can’t Be End Anywhere

rpSdnSi Wrong Practical and Trig, and All thg the end checked designs. Velvet Is the Principal Fabric Aglow With the Invigorat­ Harris tweeds will continué to be for Formai Type as ^portant as In other seasons There Is Alwiyi Some Newi ing Tang of Autumn There Is almost ho fabric which wears aa well, or looks so smart as this About Hudson Seal Evening wrap* stop at nothing to variety, be smart. In some of them even a These are the coats made for women heel isn’t signal BELTS ARE IMPORTANT enough to call a of action who like to walk with a .Rudson *l has a neSLpomt of halt, and they extend even ovéir the spring In their heels and a song in Belt# look especially trig on sports heel. ,n>dy are quite the smartest of their heart. Full of color and life, view for next winter. Foi seroral sea­ all, theft full-length wraps. They coats. This year belts are especially sons It has been stepping up among they call you outdoors and on to a smart. Sometime* they are only half make a woman appear extremely busy life. The girl who goes to busi­ a belt’ and then they a re smartest of the smartest furs la fashion, for de­ regal, and give her the feeling of ele­ ness cannot live without one. The Most popular la the reefer with signers have never stopped working gance that Is the first requirement busy young matron who hurries out half belt in the back. Newer than of making any evening a success. to do her marketing in the brisk with and developing the style possi­ this, however, l* the coat with the Velvet attains great popularity In morning hours will find them simply half belt In, front. This gives a smart bilities of It. There is chic and suc­ Ideal. Mothers who hive to hustle cess written all over thla fur this year this fashion. Both the stiff Lyons line and preserve» the hip slimness velvet and the softer velvets. Their Johnny and Mary off to school won't that might be disturbed by a back know now they ever lived without from the dyeing and dressing to the colors are also an Inspiration. While belt. Larger women will prefer this actual styling and finishing of the the practical women who want to fashion. All round belts continue to coats. make one wrap do for every evening THE HIGHLY REVERED REEFER be smart, as they have always been. drsaa and for every occasion will cer­ tainly choose black, there are plenty coat that clicks as as This year seal far outdoes Its fash­ of other women-wlm %tn love the A jjStitlveiy ions of other years. There are sport­ the reefer Is not going to be given Whether your sports coat be fur- colors, and will make the formal sea­ up at the height of Its popularity. ive reefers which will be the joy of trimmed or' not depend# upon the ths young girl. There are intermedi­ son one of great gayety. There are Smart women win cling to It, and Individual. If you intend to wear It luscious reds, soft greens. Inspiring they wtir-ftnd It looking very new ate length swagger coati that every­ all winter, and to football games, a one win delight in. There are coats blues. Velvet takes color beautifully, this year so anything you choose is certain to fur collar will keep you aa snug as with bright fabric accents, all break­ The reefer is taking on more and s bug In a rug. ing the tradition that Hudson seal la a sober, staple fur. more of the popular Norfolk silhou­ The furs which are most at home SHORTER WRAF8 ette. as shown In Inverted pleats, on tweeds and casual coats are rac­ YOUNG AGAIN square back yokes, and detailed back 1rs Of the shorter wraps, the one of 1 coon, badger, wolf, and bearer. These coolie influence seems to be of most seaming. A half belt in the back Is furs wear well, and keep their fluff Thla year Hudson seal becomes one expected to be a popular note of the Importance early In the season. This and color which is sn Important note of the youngest furs anyone would fashion reached great prominence new reefers. This, too, wss stolen when used on sports coats. Fur tux­ want to wear. There Is definitely a from the Norfolk. Furthermore, as greater suppleness about It, and this during the past summer season In edo revers are new on some of the both daytime and evening coats. Be­ an added note of newness many of smartest sports coats. These may be make* for lighter weight and more the finer reefers are adding revere of cause of Its free and easy awing, belted or unbelted. possibilities In manipulating. Be­ young things will adore It. They like fur and becoming very swank. cause designers who understand the tiny, childish collar which la so It you wans to he very chic, then THE RESTAURANT GOAT young elf ecu. simplicity, originality many different expressions The of neckline have worked with this becoming to them. And it to «*»>" to choose » reefer with luxury fur lapels, Ascot, the square "cellar and the SLASHED NECKLINES wear over any dress because of its If the fashion of the restaurant cost fur, you can he sure of a big differ­ such as silver fox or beaver. It Imme­ rever look new when they are rippled. free ctit. In this wrap, too; velvet to diately places the retttf out of the achieves prominence, It wtll ewe Its ence in the coati you will see when more important than the other Seb- you go shopping thla season. And they become decidedly more flat­ casual coat family and elevates it to fame to the repeal *f liquor. This The scissors hare been active on rlcs, and no color can be too gay. There Is a Ripple of News in Important event has had much to do tering. a regal position. But however you AN EAST SILHOUETTE necklines of dresses with resulting choose your reefer, you can be sure with the return of many of the lead­ REGAL WRAF» ing fashions People are dining out LENGTH* OF FUR COATS that you have one of the season's One of the style» bidding for first daring effects in many evening Coats for Next Winter smartest costs. more. Cocktail dresses and long- A wrap gains importance when it sleeved dinner dresasa are extremely place in the fur picture i* the lull gowns. Schiaparelli, the ever youthf ul length box silhouette. They look de­ is made of a fabric which Is shot A TALE OF TWEED* Important. Naturally their signifi­ Is always the most popular length, and courageous, has bravely slashed with gold. There are many of these cance would bring about the fashion cidedly new, for while they belong to xme that Is made of two large revers. the family of the swagger coat, they there are many hip-length fur Jack­ her necklines to the limit. And tl In the fashion picture and they are The revers are so full that they ripple Tweed» take all the honore Whim of CHS Idng length. unusually fine looking. There era The Ripple Appears in Smart It eoaaee to sports coats. Of course are much slimmer and always more ets. a few finger-tip length, and a as If In afterthought, lest she be heavy silks with gold threads, or tiny and make the lovely cascade effect. precisely tailored. Very often the free Fur Coliars That Are De­ No furs are too heavy to give this there are always many camel’s hair And remember the Ascot. This type great many three-quarter length tfceogjit au extremist, ahe thrusts in gold patterns woven through. Or of collar baa been with us many sea­ and easy swing of It le made possible effect. And they fasten up carefully coats and other sturdy woolens, but because only s single clip or button swaggers. These Intermediate lengths a bit ot lace or tucks In a few flowers. there are the gorgeous lames combin­ cidedly Flattering the tweed sports coat Is by far the sons ‘hew. but tie smartness Is all it ing color and metal to the eye's con­ to keep one warm. Another version fastens it at the neckline. are best when they are made along The effect Is altogether charming and Is the cloth ripple bordei^d with long most popular this season. needs to recommend Its continuing tent. These wraps are versatile and to be among those present. It ha# casually draped lines, neither fitted, refreshingly new after the high neck­ haired furs such as racCoon or fox. SLEEVES "AND COLLARS may be worn with gowns of any color This should be the choice of the Of the tweeds, the Shetland type graduated Into the class of classics. nor very swagger. lines of the past few seasons. or type. The coat la the most Important woman of larger proportions rather Is the most outstanding. It la rugged A coat with an Ascot collar Is almost In this type or cost the collar is than the all fur ripple. but not rough. If you love more undated. And certainly there 1» no most always of flat design, in medium factor of a woman's wardrobe And collar that la quite so warm. her winter coat la most certainly the colorful tweed», there are plenty of or quite small sise, always keeping a them, and they are most charming. most important of all coats She CAFE EFFECTS •leaves are minus all tricks thla shallow front look which Is decidedly wears It for a greater length of time PLAID», CHECKS ARE OAY year. They are good sensible sleeves. youthful. Sleeve# are smartest when than any other garment. Many women they are done in raglan fashion for Some of the ripple effects are so Shoulders are always easy fitting. EHTABLIAHBD 1901 of moderate means purchase only one soft and graceful that they give the No one knows her tweeds as well nothing is more easy. Or more casual. Often they are dropped below the Jmr pH____ i,Lm.JJ1,.T ...... winter coat. It is with them a great effect of a small cape. Thla Is an­ kwHee- 'Saaaet BneRMa-waewxn. This nwmil rfmifdir . mitt If there Is deal. In some climates they are worn other fashion scheduled to gain much season as in past yearn she is wear­ fullness It always occurs at the elbow as they go down to the cuff. This from October until May Is It any popularity. Sometimes g wide Jabot ing her checks and plaids with or below. Sometimes a series of tucks width Is very often emphasised by wonder then that women' take such also gives the effect of a cape. great bravado. Almost no design is or darts are seen at about elbow tonMhtak rath of ths same fur. pain» that their winter coat Is abso­ too gay for her. and It Is surprising gth to alleviate plainness. A new FLAT FURS BEST lutely right? ?lXKDO REFER* AGAIN how well bred the brightest plaid can to tt seen in the smsg cuffs that /appear when It Is done in a fine finish w great many of the newest ~H~Wg coati thé ttMik. flit furs A WIDE CHOICE It *looka as though the old fash­ tweed. American made tweeds as well looking coats. are most successfully used. Silky U • an^unumi j r ft/, ion of the tuxedo border were about caracul, sheared lamb, leopard, ocelot, This is one season when no one to stage a great comeback. It has pony, kldSkin ... all the furs which can my that such and such is good, been seen on a few coats and tie de­ have definite character may be effec­ fashion.«and nothing else la, for there cided good looks make one believe tively used» ,çnany variations in coats But one that It may prove to be the dark YOUTH FINDS A NEW WAY thing is true. Coats are slim. They horse that may win the fashion race. RUSSIAN INVASION make you almost hi pleas. They define It la usually seen In «porte coate of neck. Coati In themselves attest to There’s “News” Here ! waistlines. And they are chesty. the tweed family, and the furs used The Russians are In the fashion They cover your-dresses In length. are muskrat, Persian lamb, caracul, Junior and Misses’ Fashions ths good taste of youth. Even the picture again! This time In furs Fallow these major points and you kolinsky, mink or squirrel. For the dressy coats have the flavor of good made on the smart lines of the Rus­ cannot go wrong in your choice of Are a Smart World of sian tunic silhouette. Standing col­ woman who likes to appear tall, this breeding in their lines and their ex­ Is a grand fashion. Their Own lars, side closings, a suggestion of quisitely youthful fur trims. blousing, broad belts and a fairly CtMLLÂMÉ 4M i,poking_____ FLATTERING COLLAR»______full skirt section. This feeling of WINTER WWt AND SWEATEE» blouslneee. even though It is very dis­ Not that the ripple Isn't about the creet. Is a decided departure In fun. Lets start at the top and go down. You're going to long to be seven­ For every suit, the smart Junior First of all collars. They are delight­ most flattering collar that anyone teen again when you see what the The Russian silhouette Is best pre­ fully new. They are as different from may wear, but there are a few others shop# have to offer youth this sea­ wants half a dozen sweaters. And sented In ocelot, mole, seal, muskrat, last year's as night Is from day A that simply must get the honorable son. Fashions as gay as these young ■he can find a different style for each and caracul. If you want to be a bit mention which they deserve. Especi­ new coat this year wtimruly look young people, themselves ... de­ on# of them. There are V nqcke, and different, and extremely charming, new. ti ally Important is the collar usually signed by on# of themselves. this is Use silhouette to follow. tulip necks, turtle necks—all of them COATS executed In fox. It fit* closely around the nèck at the back, and comes Junior fashions must be trick, and YOKE EFFECTS FRE8ENT The foremost Influence in collars the very last word In chic. There Is down both sides ending almost under they are trlqgy for the designer to no end to the novelty of the weaves. this year 1» thé ripple. It is a fashion the arms. Usually this collar Is ad­ handle. Youth Is very emphatic In By Its yolk* you can tell a 1934-35 that came in with the spring and is Stripes, checks, frlalda, hand-knit justable, and the ends may be criss­ her like» and dislikes. She wants to fur coat. They are really new-looking far too flattering and becoming to crossed and fastened close about the be comfortable always, but she wants effects, fancy lacey effects—all are and « pleasant departure from the let go after one short season. It looks simply detailed coat. They are very neck. A flatterer If ever there was to be «mart foremost. represented, though generally the even smarter when executed in win­ one. different from the < yoke# of last year ter furs. Nothing is more flattering Some of the soundest fashions may Junior sticks to the gay colors lit which were inclined to extend down­ to a woman's figure than a smart The woman who finds the shawl appear stuffy to these high schoolers simpler and more classic weave*. ward to a V. This year the yokes are rippled collar done in kolinsky. It collar the best for her will be happy and collégiennes. They are a world shallow, sometimes quit# flat. They -gtireeJtter-a smart chesty look that is this year to wee that shawl unto» themselves and must be han­ may he worked either hortsontai or always desirable. really look smart. They are shorter dled aa such. This has opened an RESTLESS HEMLINE upeurred. The yoke# never extend than In other years, and this abbre­ entirely new school of design. One beyond the width of the coat to make There are many versions of the viation tends to make them younger of the leaders is that very chic and an extra fin. They are always kept ripple collar. The nooet popular is the Will skirts be shorter? This is an within the dimensions of the coat and «decidedly new looking. young Mias Gladys Parker. For years all absorbing question. With many Miss Parker has designed her own In order to preserve the narrow designer» usiné the spilt skirt as a shoulder Une. clothe» while she was creating the mean» of bringing ankles and legs cut* things worn by that mlrth-cre- into the evening picture again, there RIRPLE* ANB C AFE* atlng creature of hem. flapper Fanny. la some feeling that the shorter skirt No one was ever more suited to may be on Its way hack into fashion. design fash Inns lor juniors than Misa These may be the first flashes of a their influence. ___Not content______to bev , Parker. Young and chic in her own short Skin to xppear on lüê most tmporwnr "texture ofir cloth dress, she knows what other young but It Is not believed that It will at­ coats, they are of extreme signifi­ people want. It Is her perfect under­ tain any importance this season, cance in fur costa aa well. It takas standing that makes her clothes so fresh and delightful. And they are always suitable for the occasion for which they have been designed. Store* or the moat exacting type have stocked Mise Parker’s clothes, and they are meeting with much euccees. This one achievement la a great boost for the school of American oose design. CAMPUS CLOTHES With leg# and high school girls are completely won over by wools. There are jerseys, crepes, rough wools, soft CHOICE PELTS wools, hairy wools, smooth wools. t are warm and practical. The shirtwaist frock finds smart expres­ FINE FABRICS sion In Jersey for fall. BUTTONS IMPORTANT SMART STYLES Buttons were a notable Influence In Uie spring and summer fashion pic­ ture. The button-down-the-front 117 E HAVE the headlined skirt created a furore everywhere. Vv fashions! Ripple rever ou Always This same influence la still prevalent Your OLD Fur Cost Hu Newer than buttons down the front fur collars . . . new yoke is the dress that buttons all the way NEW Value |FEEL BEST down the back. It is young and ex­ effects . . . eapekts . . . tremely clever looking. REMODEL NOW boleros . . new' easy arm­ When You MANY BOWS hole#. They’re all new as Junloqi like bows . . , and they to-morrow, and the value is LOOK BEST can have them to their heart's con­ tent this season. Even little tailored Pura goo, up «0 to 74% I Labor going up! But certainly exceptional. Fur shirtwaist frocks have a bow at the Ths surest way to leal wall groomed la to bare your heir aa neckline. It Is a gay fashion to have tbn* Is «till time to mmodel your Increasingly trims include Persian lamb, beautiful as possible. We make a practical study of YOUR 1 your bow in some exciting color, or valuable old fur coat at present lew prime. caracul, fox, beaver, squirrel and facial contour and will suggest a coiffure especially becom­ In a striped ribbon. ing «0 you ... wa vary the width of the wave to roll your JUNIOR COATS and raccoon. . preference . . . and you are sure, always, of BAffTT . . C1ENTLK SERVICE ... and a MORE NATURAL-LOOKING WAVE. Per- These young people know bow to A Down Payment Will Hold faction Itself Individually designed to enhance YOU, choose coats, judging from the new LEONARD WILKES collections. They are partial to the Tour Coat Until You classics, for everywhere appear more FURRIER polos, and balmacaana than any Wear It Empress Hotel Beauty Parlor other kinds of coats. These are Ideal 1841 FORT ST. coats for the knock-about wear they Oak Bay Junction K mplre INS i e. FENXEB, PrepjfcSr are certain to get. They are warm, for very often they have woolen linings, they always button closely about the vrrrmtîA uatly tîmés, TttvitsDAT, tiâüètü: •k......


and such. Hair «U brushed straight Many women have nçt given it up beck from the forehead in a long. elnee 1U appearance several seasons Shoes Are Stepping High These clean Une. Watch your natural hair­ ago. They, eepeetally. will be delight- line. If you have a widow's peak, do ed with lte new versions. It Is not a Brisk Autumn Days everything in the wond to enuourage too simple blocked hat. and It Is not It. Comb your hair to show it off to too harshly masculine. It is a beauti­ the very beet advantage ful tailored bat with much attention the old colonial pumps with covered given to manipulated crowns which The High-cut Shoe Is De< buckles ♦«■<■«*the front. XT voil haven’t been blessed with are variously creased. cidedly the Foremost Fall It Is surprising thst this higher cut a widow's peak don't despair Your shoe gives more comfort to the foot, hair probably grows more smartly on and decidedly more support to the DERBY DAY Fashion one side than the other. Here It is ankles. Thst is another point and one that experiment counts. Try parting which almost assures their success. •your hair this way and that. Comb The Derby Is having its day again. it away from your face. Discover the It looks so young and new that al­ Feet shod as attractively as yours MATERIALS ARE MANY charm In the natural line of your most everyone who finds It becoming promise to be this fall ere bound to hair, then have It waved along those will Want to wear It. It has a shallow wander into pleasant places. There There are about as many different crown, being Inspire^ by the Second Is almost no end to the variety of the materials In the fell footwear picture new styles, but each shoe has one as In any other fashion line. Fine BRAIDS ARE IX»FA*MION point in common. suede, calfskin and kid will keep the MOOT. MON! BERET# AGAIN! lead for afternoon and general Wear. If you have long hair, and enough There is üeetdsd Scottish flavor to HIGH CCT» FIRST There are many fine grain heavy lea­ of it to braid it into a coronet for thers for street shoes, and they look evening, you can be the envy of all the beret» thst are getting around so The higher cut shoe has many In­ decidedly different from the heavy fast. They are made decidedly fuller terpretation* this fail and Is not con­ your short-haired sisters. Because grains of the last seasons. Heard and they must buy the braids and pin than the one» of last fall, and they fined only to the t#ford. though It alligator can still be found in many puli down more to the side, rather la seen on more smart feet than epy them on I It's a smart fashion and good looking styles, but they are moet one which has grown greatly In pop­ than to the front. They are done in other one fashion He greet comfort often used In combination with many fabrics ... and some of Is responsible for thst. They are def­ ularity In a very short time. It le them in gay Scottish plaids, which initely higher than shoes you are not the beat of taste to weay your Btoto a perfectly gun fashion tor used to. Sometimes to give relief to braids eor/met fashion In the day­ young things. » the height, they are cut down a bit Ing shown and they are perfectly de- Hew to the Hairline if You time. but there are many other clever effects which may be achieved with braids, which are In perfect taste Would Be Chic for day.* Pm a Posy in Your EVENING COIFFURE* for long bobs to fade. Shorter In the evening let your hairdresser's Experimenting Is the Only cropped heads took their place, and fancy run away with her. Let her Way to Find the Most Be­ curls began climbing higher . . . create a really artistic coiffure. Un­ and they haven't stopped yet. With usual parts and you cant part your coming Coiffure shallow hats, higher curls are a ne­ hair too far on one aide If It ts be­ A Paris Pet Idea Which Smart cessity for true chic. coming. new kinds of swirling bunches Canadians Have Adopted With hats that reveal your brow, ... all are wfcya of making your­ s bang Is smart But be sure you have self a striking Individual In the eve­ Tour favorite film «tar may have ning. a perfectly devastating haircut, but the kind of forehead that can wear It's the fashion to be romantic* To do be wary, before you crop yours the one. Low foreheads should not wear SPECIAL TREATMENT* • put flowers in your hair Is one of same way. Experiment first and tread bangs. Whether your should be upon you. the nleeet ways we know of. If* a .«*•? towasd extremes. straight or curled del pretty fashion which French women If you are afflicted with dandruff, have followed for years. most flattering is certainly the one do something about It. Do not let During last MUCH DEPEND* ON HAT» otherwise beautiful hair be marred. season, many of our own smart fash- to wear, for both are smavtr - ionàble» have adopted the style, much There are hot oil treatment», and There Is a Delightful Rush of to the delight of everyone who be­ Tour hats, and even your dresses. CLEAN LINE* lamp treatments which spell deetrlc- held them. have a great deal to do with the way tion to dandruff and beauty to hair, comb your hair. When high neck- Above all else, s clean hairline Is with which you should be acquainted Smartness to the Head GARDENIA# BEST lnee became the fashion, it was time desirable. There is little show Of dlpe immediately. Gardenia» and camellias are per-

give. And they are comfortable on You Can Be Daring, You Can th,the head.hand NoUa oneAn, need Teeto irnrrvworry that they will come tumbling down at the Be Dashing, You Can Be De­ first whisper of a wind. Not since they ell have tiny, almost Invisible mure in These New Hats elastic bands to tuck under your curls to keep them in place.

Coolie, beret, breton? Derby, fedora INTERESTNG FABRIC* and safely held In your hair. One ot'turban? Take your pick, mesdames, gardenia may be held In the teeth of for all are emart. and whichever one There la much to be said In favor on* of the many tiny combs that arc is best for you la your hat. That is of the fabrics of the new season. now to be found practically every­ the grand thing about this particu­ There has been a decided return of where. lar season. There are enough millin­ "body" hats. By ..this is mesnt felt, ery fashions to "go around. No more «•Mew, and soleil. These are all RIBBONS ARE NEWS Announcing Tervo’s woes because a turban Is cruel to sturdy materials that can brave the winter elements most successfully. You can start rummaging among your profile. Buy a hat that has a your Utile sister's eoUoction of hair wide brim on one side. Dont sigh if They are rich and fine look! their return is sure of a big ribbons. and if you find any rather •t the eldee; but the throats ar* lightful. They siw generally of some y out forehead Isn't as smooth as ala­ narrow ones, filch them tor yourself. usually quite high up on the instep. unusual weave, but always discreet. baster . . . buy a bat that covers it. For one of the gayest and moet char- Hatters* plush, which came In for Rib», herringbone effect», slightly OXFORD'S RIVALS nubbed fabric», and arrowhead effect» BECOMING**** FIRST It» sham of attention last mna> to time Is that of cilchihg up a few cl still very much among those fabrics are Important. Theaeratirtca are xeu- your ringlets In a perky bow. It gives Besides the oxford there are numer­ by decorations of patent leather, That 1» the first cry of the new present. Its sheen makeeMt a smart top for dressy costumes. ! Just the right piquant touch to the ous eteplns which are built high In ally relieved of a probable dullness hate. They are made to flatter you. youthful evening gowns. keeping with the new mode. Some More formal fabric shoes may show There is nothing hard to wear in any Velvet, too, has Its share of the of them follow the Interesting fashion a smart piping or a delicate decora­ one of them. They all have perfect of the monk shoe, othqp look like tion in gold or fllver kid. lines that win be s Joy when you try honors. It drapes so beautifully that them on. It will be seen again and again In the smartest beret». Satins will be In the Dresses fashion picture these first fall days, STILL SHALLOW hut It Is expected that other wool 1er fr.brlca will supersede It when winter The shirtwaist dress win enjoy The shallow crowns In ' hats con­ comes along. tinue. There will be no protest wide popularity. The most popular against this, if we know our fashions. FALL FEDORA* version should be In plaid woolen, For most women enjoy the youthful with a club collar. piquancy that these tlnj little affairs The fedora is gaining in Interest. VH* «noUfl frnflt thlf f«)| may replace the little "black eilk dress." The woolens are so soft and fine and so versatile—that they seem all-satisfactory. Crisp-looking lingerie trims the necklines of many dresses — in tailored version rather than fem­

Race of Fashions Take » run to town any day ndw and inspect our new Fall Shoes, then compare, and you’ll agree with ua that Lining* took Important once sesln. these new lines of imported American Shoes are just the A change has occurred and U look* ae If the plain atapte crepe la going finest you’ve ever seen, and the prices are extremely can competition When for a Glorious New Season moderate. It cooes to Unlng the new fall suite

JBRflEY IMPORTANT çJ'Çone So Lovely The last rose has faded! Autumn is here with ravishing -clothes. ling for lt« acceptance Is expected to spread <34s {he Everything is beautifully new ... that everyone may know Pauline Genuine Sealskin smartness and3d great comfortcomfc of It as bright as a new peony. And it Light Wome» lining# trvhlao doesn’t take so very many- pennies Suedes Woolen lining» make any irment to own them if you shop wisely cmar teat suite that have New Eugene and well—HERE! Kidskins from Parla have the coat lined with wool, and a skirt to match the lining. Another fashion la th g Mandrucca wool lined coat with a skirt the coat, and a blouse to match the Permanent lining. REVERSIBLE COATS Roberts If you want to make one coat eeem A permanent that ie as new aa the latest In the New Autumn like two, buy ope with a revmlble Colon lining. These are now made #o beau­ stylée ... a permanent that leaves your hair tifully that they can really be sue- ceeafulty worn on either aide. marvelously loft and natural. Your hair is STYLED by experts, handled by trained The Outlook Is Black operators, anil the ttiholc process it made delightfully eaay and quick with the aid of For New Hosiery the most modern equipment. New Autumn $5 $6 $695 Eugene Sachets are the secret of Genuine That I* the very “ALADPIN” word from Part* It haa been meny Eugene Waves ... Be sure your hairdresser Quality Silk Stocking» muu .Inc black stockings bar. and $$95 bean seen, and th.tr return la being uses genuine Eugene sachets by looking for Are Mere the “Goddess of the Wives’* . . . that little Crepe Chiffon end Ser­ EXTREMELY SHEER v vice. Sl.OO »nd $1.50 Sires 1 to 10 trade-marked figure. See it at Semi-service ..... 75# It It expected that they will be won only for evening wear, aa they Widths, AAAA ta mult be the sheerest of the •hew to really be emart. And they muet be of the rtngleea variety for rlngleee stockings tend to look wry much ^/VLaisson ^Tyrrell lighter with the leg showing through Mund with such clarity. With glowing autumn drew color», end an Intense black shoe, the sheer Sayward Bldg. 1203 Douglas St. black Stocking win look extremely Hairdressing fParlors smart, per tbeee woman who hesi­ tate to sponsor eo new a departure, there kre meny stocking* In dark David Spencer's Limited Phene E 4141 722 YATES GARDEN 5184 tonae that Just escape being a true TERVO’S VICTORIA DAILY


but with crepey Interest. And their Interest 1» certain to get you. MATELASSES AGAIN Go Gunning for tC j feu cannot crush matelasse. Since its revival a season or so ago, it has New Leather continued to crop up, and each time In some new guise. Last season the weave was quite large and Mlatery. This year the matelasses are distin­ Jacket guished by small patterns. The weave may be as Irregular and novel as It chooses, as long as It remains in­ conspicuous. Herringbones, coin dots, Pigskin drain Is the New corded, and stripe effects and geo­ Leader in the Field metries are the leading patterns. There Is no getting away from It. Matelasses will be seen throughout Woolens are about the smartest the fashion picture, from dresses and things you can deck yourself out In blouses to evening gowns. In the daytime, and sometimes even at night. There' *"la “more variety,‘jj|| 8ILK8 AIE HEAVIER more color.... . more Imagination and autumn? What's the comfort- youth put to work in woolen» than able kind of wrap to______The new silks are unusually heavy. In any other one fabric In the world want to skate, or bicycle, or walk Not only do the new fashions de­ of materials. and do not want anything to inter­ mand thla, because a heavy drape fere with your leg room What's nice looks smartest. but the price of raw You'll find bolt after bolt of for horseback riding? What's nice on •Ilk Is such that It permits a much woolens . , . and all some different the campus? finer and heavier silk for the same variety. You can have a whole price that ao short a time ago pur­ wardrobe of woolens, for some are There's an easy questionnaire . . , chased only s mediocre material. all together now .... leather Jackets! sportive, and some are truly dressy. You cant get away from it. They are LAME 18 IMPORTANT If you are on# of those people who cosy little affairs they give so •till insist you cannot wear woolens, And now It has extended even into much service. Beautifully regal lames are very we defy you to hold these new ones woolens. For the most part, the fine CHOICE OF LEATHERS much In the fabric picture. Every against your arme. They ere soft ae twilla have been printed or woven rich and lovely color you can think any silk, almost caressingly smooth. with these tiny pattern» ... the very of has been combined with gold, and Suedes have stolen the show Try It ... « end then if you still ones that you like best in your hus­ for many seasons now, but this year the result Is as near perfection as we insist, we offer something else! The band's ties . . . end you will l.ka can picture. The lame evening gown a new star Is threatening. It's pig other alternative Is the fabric of them best made up Into simple a ud grain leather; It Is nice and sturdy, and wrap will be the smart women's eportey shirtwaist type dressée or favorite ensemble for formal festlv- wool and silk combined. They are and very handsome because It looks very charming, certainly very soft into blouses for your tweed spit. exactly like pigskin. It is warm, and and smooth to the touch; No one not too heavy or bulky. It aats com­ can object to them, and they are CELLOPHANE AND WOOL fortably on the shoulders, and la Lame blouses, too, are, going to a delight at first eight. look Important. In a season when Here is a brand new couple. You b3£d *nOU,b 10 1006 emârt when suite are so popular, it can well be ALPACAS CONTINUE are liable to meet them anywhere The new grain leathers have an expected that dressy suits will corns this fall and winter, for they prom Ice in for their share of Importance. And Alpaca played a return engagement advantage over the older favorite, to get around a bit. They were ex­ suede. It does not soil so quickly, when they do the lame blouse, or the last summer. Now It U being en­ tremely popular when they made silk blouse shot with metal, will fol­ cored. and wool alpaca U one of the and they can be very easily cleaned low right in their wake. their Paru debut ... and ao they are with some of these marvelous new very smartest fabrics you can choose. prettyj^oonfl American They are, grand end new looking. MANY MIXTURES receii*. 1______can stand more and tumble You’d scarcely recognise them as a non# ether than Cellophane, the It Is Open Season for Good The «lit fabric which combine, true first cdusln of the alpaca of infant, and Wool, the food^ptd-tlmer. least particle. Fall’s Warp and Woof Shows worsteds ti always aura of an appn- grandmother’s day. for hers was shiny clatlv. audience. Thla year la non. and rather harsh. But yours has a It U a happy alliance, too. VARIED LENGTHS caption. They are «mart, and many cropey surface that doesn't will see It very often la coatings' Sports Gotfoes women feel that they are more com- hmt at hardness to be . . . and It will show Itself m dnwsee Hip length U possible the wisest Wealth of Ideas tottehla than an all-wool .fabric, it really shiny would tee > aln^ as well. Sometimes the -celfaghapr length to choose, but there are many hlta a happy compromise between a u a any gum in the weave; and «nee They may introduce an aorte typically aporta fabric and one for sometimes It has been ae lavishly British Women Have Broad­ of novelties when It comes to but­ about the figure. Free swing backs THE PACE OF S1LK8 draaa wear. The «martlet tendency la , uwd as to give the fabric a bright cast the News That There toning, or pocket arrangmente, but are most Important, and they add a Pure Dye Silks Expected to toward thick, eoft weaves. aomettmea metallic look. Makers are willing to that is ga far a» novelty Should go. lot of chic to what might become too Do not let anyone tell you that made on a Jacquard loom. The colors Is Nothing Quite So Smart leal a garment. Action pleats In Regain Some of Their Lost give assurance that the the cello­ NEW TRIMMINGS silks have had their day. It is true are unusually «oft and attractive. phane will wear as well arid as long ant. Be sure you like the Prominence that the novelty of good looking ma­ as the wool, because It has been Just because a drees Is classed as woven in properly. your Jacket and une big terials made of anything but silk English women have aljwys known sportive does not mean that it loeea enough. All kinds of metal slid» fast- any feminine appeal. For the beet were too much for most people to COATINGS ABE INTERESTING Its charm. And Canadians are be­ eners are being used, and youH like The sewing bee la burning again. Colors for Fall little sports dresses show trimmings resist. They cost less, and they looked ginning to adapt sportswear for that your afternoon dreeees would And It Is making a louder nolee than When coatings are not tweed, they well, and It was fun to wear some­ ara usually made of one of the new every active occasion, and for plenty boast about. It ever did In the old days. For It Is thing new. With all respect tooths Tomato red with parrot greei weaves in formal woolens. Hare a that are not so active. College girls family of synthetics, we still say that happy medium h*s been reached The Corduroy and velveteen are very Black with cerise. own little else except their evening much favored In collars and cuffs and wise way to attain true Individuality. silks remain suoreme. The other ma­ Brown with mulberry very rough woolens of pdst seasons terials still belong on the fashion clothes for big week-ends. Smart sometimes belts. Necktie silk prints In this day of simplified patterns, ||j| have tamed down and become picture, but silks are first, and they Ore y with bright blue and while the very smooth wool­ young matrons look aportive aU the are also used as trimmings, and and someone waiting to cut and fit will probably remain first. especially smart with » woolen Black with emerald green en». have perked up. and talus seme time, except when they go to a Jersey. your frock for you In many stores, Sulphur yellow with paprika. Moire plaids, ms tallied ma- A DULL STORY new Interest unto themeelvea formal bridge, or the theatre, or to no one can truly say she cannot Bright red on pale blue. Green with brown. Tree bark crepe, whkh looks dinner and dancing. So many different trimmings make her own clothes. Bilks tell an intensely dull story, relief effects and they promise to is indeed » departure In sports­ but one of the most interesting dull Burgundy^ with pin I or old blue. gain great popularity. The type most aaactiy as It sounds, and which was Vibrant blue with black. the most popular weave of the past You cant the comfort of wear. for In the past seasons But maybe you do not have time stories you have ever heard. There is seen la in ribbed effect. The ribs has been about the extent of fabric - That is something else again. Still, practically no such thing as a flat spring season, ha» been mad» in new you must not give up the chance to crepe any longer. Oh. of course, If you winter weights. It will be one of son when you can’t heat their looks wear these heavenly fabrics. Dig your- Insist upon one. you will not have the sought-after coating».------COLORFUL YEAR ■elf up a little dressmaker from to put in a special request to the Smart, New Raincoats Will Raise SHIRTWAISTS FOREVER where, a Ad get her started on your silk worm. But the other end much You can be Just as gay and orig­ new fall wardrobe. newer crepes are those of flat surface Did you think you would hate to inal as you like in the colors you New Heateries* Any Rainy Day Morale No Sacrifice of Style put away your beloved shirtwaist choose for sports frocks and sweaters. fashion after you had shot the last Dark greens have been done, con­ Permanent Wave golf ball of the season? Heavens no! trasted with red, and It is as exciting Just get some new ones In new. as It sounds. Brown is seen very M. zleclrlelty- For Feet That Ned much with rust, and green, and autumn materials and live In them Gay, New Colors, a Trim you’ll be tempted to wear even on shades of yellow and orange. If you days when the sun is shining at Its Until next spring, when It will be Silhouette, and Good Ma­ time to get spring one*. want to be very chic, wear some nice best. And that’s truly a blessing. Special Fitting sports thing in grey contrasting with terials Are Highlighted Because how many times when, one gold. Tour beauty, always of extreme lm- dresses for rain it doesn’t rain at all. You will find shirtwaists done In port an ee to $ea and to ua. is here But no oat l minds when _ they're every material under the autumn LOTS OF KNITS wearing a coat that doeszVt even re- New Health Shoes Are ns Chic wbdi cm»*; semble,» raincoat. aa They Are Sensible hairy woolens, tweedy effects . . . Knits, knits and more knits. You Even October's bright blue weather all of them quite soft tit keeping perfect. is blighted once in a while with a cannot have too many Of them. They RAINY DAY SET* with the new mode. It is best to are. comfortable. They are made now good honest rain storm, but don’t let buy the dresses that ” stick to the It dampen your spirits. Don't let It so that they do not stretch. And Your face is your fortune - Well. true classical shirtwaist. Them are this year they are softer than ever. cause you to put on the oldest thing If you go In for ensembles, you’re 7*s and no. We re almost ready to say going to be delighted that you can many dreees which claim a relation­ There are still some lacy knits for Give them the advantage you have In your wardrobe. Don’t let that feet are. for feet have been ship. but which have so many extra telle Beauty Shoppe buy your rainy day costume In a those who love them, but it la much of a perfect-fitting founda- yourself look unattractive because It’s known to do terrible thing» to faces! furbelows, and such^ unusual necks, raining, and you don't want to wear complete set. There are makers who newer to wear the more solid weaves. C. W. (BtUy) Atkinson Feet uncomfortably clad will be very and sleeves, that they do not even Boucles, and anything that looks tion ... a garment that not only fits like your good clothes. «* are presenting raincoat, hat or beret, quick to tell their story in your face. and often an umbrella to match. It look like a far-removed cousin. The handknlt Is exactly what your ward­ Phone O 4943 skin, but stays in place just as surely . , . that good ones retain the same reliable We know of women who keep cer­ is a smart ensemble. And If you American women shudder at the robe wants. telescopes and expands with your body , e , in tain old costume* Just for rainy days. have a young sister or niece trotting tales ,of foot binding and torture that Their morale Is lowered several points off to college, one of these outfits have been submitted to by the Chi­ every time they don these togs, we’ll would delight her soul. nese. And yet the choice of lll-fltting wager. footwearfooter**» isi- almostsimiM, oft__ *- pwslM,____ _ ° HELIO I* NEW How much better to brave the rain PROPER FITTING In one of the clever new rain outfits. Raincoat» made of hello are simply çJ^Cu-Œlack Foundation You can wear your very nicest dress Th# foot is probably subject to mpee wonders, They are a# light aa a abuse than any other part of the Everything That’s New in underneath, because they're aU ab­ feather. . You never know you’re solutely safe, and rainproof. human body. Its shoe must be right. wearing them . . . and water runs If It Is going to serve you correctly. SILKS ARE SMART off them like a duck’s back. They’re And shoes that fit correctly are the so well-bred looking that you’ll al­ only ones that look smart. i Fur-trimmed Rubberised silks are one of tbs most welcome rainy weather when most popular fashions, it comes in Shoes should fit ao that the wearer dark or bright, glowing shades that la never conscious of them. Thus the W ont can iwiat. " usually these Be "very shrewd when you buy yotir woman with * fleshy fdot should shun coate art belted and made polo raincoat thla fall. Remember that the opera pump, in spite of Its emart- you may want to wear yotir suit oi/ ms: rot tn mmr cases out of ten, it a rainy day, with a raincoat over It. wll] cut her and cause an unattract­ TWEEDY RUBBER COAT8 So get your coat to fit properly. Be­ ive bulge of flesh at the instep. Shoes ware that you dont gwlm in it. but with extreme perforations are not for You’d never know that some of do buy It full enough that It will bo- her either, for perforations with tinv these were raincoats. They are ™*Hf a truly practical member of your bulges beneath are. not the smart In good-looking tweed affréta that wardrobe. affairs they were fashioned to be. Besides creating an unsightly ap­ pearance, these fashions mar the foot Style Leadership and Quality Assured at —they create dark bruises which In time become hardened calluses, ex­ Prices Which Are Consistently Low tremely difficult to be rid of. Fashion Footnotes PERFECT SHOES Large Selections at The opera and the perforated shoe are only two examples of many fashions that should be avoided by For Fall certain typée of feet It le so simple In this day and age to be fitted com­ I7951975 2295 2450 2750 fortably and smartly . „ . and even Here Is a complete showing of autumn Inexpensively. There are many health preserving shoes that cost absolutely styles, trim Oxfords, in the new high-cut no more than usual shoes And tftey Fur Trims Coats in the smartest of new materials models, sleek Pumps, delnty Straps t , are extremely smart. Lined up with —luth®ntically styled and collared the average shoe, you coujd not ten Seal. Opossum, all are featured In these Shorn that meet with rich furs of luxurious appearance. the difference in styles. A few years Sable, Wolf, Fox, y occasion . . . and. too, they are priced ago this was not true, but to-day Our selections offer wide variety and se low. many of the smartest women buy one Muskrat type or another of these health pre­ truly exceptional valuee. Coma In and Inspect Thee# at,lui Values serving shoes because of their great comfort and extreme chic. INEXPENSIVE SHOE* The Season’s Smartest Hats Corse let la made of peach Olrew of ««tin-stripe $3.95 We do not advocate breaking the novalt, cotton with lace Satiate with spiral family bank for your shoe wardrobe. 80 many new versions of. fall’s smart­ boning and Mu-Back There are man, kind, of inexpensive uplift- top and Mu-Back est Hats. No style that is becoming feature. Side-book at,la ahoaa to be had which look ear, ! and wearable omitted. New English feature, side-hook at,la, with lont skirt and •mart and which wear well. There u boned across abdomen. no harm In thee. coati, ahoaa If Felts are particularly smart and in a fit well. But thla la the primary splendid selection of colors. 295 to 595 81am 3 to 8, Including narrow widths. FEET EXERCISES Exercising the feet has a great deal to do With their -good health. There are two extremely simple exercise» DAVID SPENCER which tend to :hen them. Clr- tIHITKD COPP B cling the foot Keep toes flexible by ti them 1316 Douglas St. Between Yates and Johnson Streets way under. one of the beet stunt w* know of for 706 VIEW STB BBT UP FROM DOUBLA» mœsm


Chic Costume Jewelry Has Gloves Are The Eyes Have It Career Before It Getting Gay This This Season Will Move in the Smartest season of matching clips and brace­ lets, matching brooches and neck­ Circles For It Is Good .nlrror of soul. And that is true laces ^. , In fact, in nine times out Age, then, that eyes Fashion to Be Decorative of ten you can find everything to my Novelties Are » should be so much neglected, and ao match, including clip, brooch, neck­ little thought given to their beauti­ Again lace, and bracelet. And often If you Among the Good Olove fication. some one who Is a bear for dig around, you can find buttons ■- Classics statistics has figured out that BO per that you can put on your frock which cent of our expression Is right In the There's a busy season ahead of will carry on the same motif. eyes, and the other 10 per cent In the costume jewelry 16 moves In sport­ Ups. Lips can only smile or sneer— CUP EARBINGft All the new gloves deserve a hand so pretty much of your expressive­ ing circles, being seen on some of this fall! It Is hard to say that one ness depends upon your orbs. the nicest little wool frocks and glove is smarter than the other, be­ The ear clip was the sensation of tailored suits y gets about a great cause in this season when there are FASHIONS ACCENTVATE EYES the past season. And It promises to so many good ones, and ao iftany deal at the cocktail hour. And at become even more Important with clever novelties. It la all a matter of night Its dates are simply over­ the fall. These simply clip on the A great many of the current hate lobe of the — ------, are made In lines that are entirely whelming. No more uncom- off the face Downs of breton sail­ fortable ecrei And they stay on The four-button sllp-on glove will satisfactorily. ors are perched on the back of the , ------ctlcally every ear. be among the most popular. These head. Berets are beginning to pull neckline* are simpler in Paris wears its clip. The tailored are classic, and look well when worn : button and tailored ring types have down farther over on one side rather with either tailored or dreesy clothes. than over the right eye. All these In » season of extremely important proved to be the most successful. But The sllp-on with a slight flare la also little changes bring the eyes Into with the progress Jewelers are mak­ necklines, Jtwelry must sometimes to be much In demand. This type prominence . . . %od lew eyes can ing, It should not be long until en of glove Is especially smart If the take a bow unadorned. take a back mt. But that to con­ entirely satisfactory pendant type of flare Is wide enough to allow It to clip makes Its appearance. Many New Achievements trary to this year's picture. Though be worn over the sleeve. EYE MAKE-UP necklines have a great deal of in­ COLOB IN JEWELRY _ terest, still the smartest women are ONB-BVTTON GLOVES Autumn Hosiery Bome women are etui timid about finding that they can make theirs eye make-up. They think it gives a Gold and silver are perhaps the We have seen women rushing to hard look. On the contrary, make­ Individuel by adding a charming •manest you can* chooee, but If you try to get a pair of children's gloves up properly applied imparts a soft­ necklace. The return of lower neck­ want to introduce s note of color, with one-button fastening to wear ening and blending. It to In perfect you can do It with jewelry. For all themselves. They won’t have to Silk Stocking Makers Have lines on a great many dresses also is taste to use, and not the tiniest bit the good costume shades have been struggle into a pair big enough only ! Kept Busy Improving Al- stocking, tor pr.ctic,t . hard or theatrical. It to all in the -responsible for the popularity of the carried on In Jewelry, with brown for a tot, because makers have taken way you use It. necklace. predominating. the hint, and are making these cute ready Fine Hosiery piu"h**d e,th little gloves In women's slies. They ' # ment In heel tnd t/w a New eye shadow comes In many are perfectly grand with tweeds, suits But do not for a moment think EVENING JEWELRY •hades and It should be chosen In and wool frocks. They are best done relation to the color of the eyes. th.t It I. only with lower neckline, ,„ni„ „„„ In glace kid, pigskin and doeskin. Your stocking tbM you « weer . nectl.ee With la UU £orld to be There to green, bronze, copper, violet. And you will Ilk# them as well m They are constantly on toe light colors a* In dark. It is wise i high ewathed neckline, there 1, glamoroua. Bracelet, alert to give you better, alluring than the blue green used on ip> chooee a contrast _to your coe- SANDAL STOCKINGS nothing than rather beautiful stockings. HOW they Ittàh- brown eyes. longtoh necklace. age to keep prices at the level they If you wear open toe sandals, it to TUCKING IS NEW EYELASHES Accessories Pave the Way women who are very much px do is more than we can understand. Imperative that the proper stockings the know on fashions wearing simple Many women for the past few are purchased to go with them. À If you have been bleeeed with long little necklaces .under the collars on seasons, who have a real sense of RINGLESS STOCKINGS beautiful sheer stocking has made curling lashes, be thankful. If you are still many pearls and Toward Individuality their very tailored shirtwaist dresses. chic, have been buying rather longer Its appearance for this very purpose. have the lashes, but not the curls, necklaces, cUpe, earrings gloves, and wrinkling them down Haven’t you often despaired when take heart and hie yourself down to And if you don't think it gives a bracelets being about. The toe is as sheer as the reet of the your favorite toilet goods counter, These are the over the wrist. This gives sn ex­ buying stockings when pair after ■mart effect, try It yourself, and old stand-bys tremely smart and casual look to stocking. There to Just the barest where you can buv little curlers for great things about our country that which are never and which will pair that you held up to the light One Costume May Be Varied you'll be assured of Ite chic at once any glove. suggestion of reinforcement over the them. It to a rather small gadget, the girl who has a small Income can always remain in good fashion stand- showed heavy rings here and there? edge of‘the toes, but even this does very easy to use. Simply clamp the to Do the Duty of Several lashes between the two sections, hold i still dress smartly It all goes to­ MASSIVE JEWELRY Now some of the new gloves are Well, cheer upl That experience to not extend over the nails of the toee it a few moihente. and release It to ward making our own country appear made with tuckings that are worked over If you look for rlngleee hotoery. There to no diminishing In the NEW WARM COLORS find your lashes all curly and your­ more prosperous. You can find It everywhere and at self all starry-eyed It is not painful In Parle smart do not i Jewelry. prices that are no more than you Perhaps it Is the Influence of Spain nor harmful to the eyes. There is no throw up their hands at the eight of usually In best applied, of course. THE INDIVIDUAL TOUCH ■ And it Is are accustomed to paying. on our fashions, or perhsps it to be­ another woman wearing the formal wear as It cause they are more flattering to RINSE EYES costume that she may be wearing. What one may loee in lndlvidl»altt| to on sports cos Wane* Brooches and The news of the rlngleee stocking «togw ww pirtip tw fhdst popular leg», euiway, the deep, intense shades ■be may we Bet moet luted rival * In a dress of coat she «Mainly' can Is the most important since the in­ Don't let your eyes become tired. of this type, though there are many In stockings are the smartest for f^lL wearing her far or Ite Schiaparelli make up In the/choice of her accee- vention of dull hosiery. It now as­ That to the first way to make them good looking necklaces, bracelets and dull. There are many good eye sorteSr This to fcbe trœ teet of chic sures, you- of trua sheer, and extra­ Ringless hosiery lends to make the ***••**~br had. This massive washes which are easy and quick to will hurry home and tear her own and charm. V Jewelry to by far the smartest of any ordinarily clear stockings. stocking more clear, and this makes use, and for which your eyes win be this season But it must be worn dress from her back never to don it colors seem more light with the akin very grateful. If you must use your j with discretion. TWO-WAY STRETCH TOPS eyes a great deal, relieve any strain again? A costume can be utterly turned tone showing through. This le an» other reason for the deep shade*. The they might be subject to by wearing about by a different eet of aeces- A petite woman should not dis­ Another Important departure to the rest glasses. It all helps to keep Not the smart French woman, figure her finger by burdening it deep brown» are the moet popular •orlee. Try a eet of dark touches top with ample stretch. This to them the lovely mirrors of your seek •he ÏB too clever for that. Bather with one of the exotic, enormous •hades, though there are many neu- with a dress or bright things. it rings that would be so smart on her wonderful news to the large woman she is amused to see how differently ; tral shades which lean toward grey. win seem like an entirely different taller sisters. You might as well face Who had trouble with stocking» hind- the same costume may be worn by costume,______It, if you are small. y©ti must shun lng at the top. There to almost no end two different people. Bhe may, per- j these massive effects, deepltc their to the elasticity of these stockings these with the needs of the American hape, hurry to find new accessories smartness, lest your Jewelry over- woman definitely In mtiy}. They A WIDE C HOK E shadow your personality. They, too, are not a luxury. Variety of Shapes which cause her to outdo, and com­ knew thet no one In the world needed quite so much room In her pletely put the other lady In the case j GOLD IS BACK KNEE-ACTION STOCKINGS Dark accessories are always ex­ bag as the American business girt out of the picture. Choosing handbags this fall to as tremely smart and very sensible. Very There has been a decided rush for gold Jewelry smong the smart set much fun as a three-ring circus. GRAINED LEATHERS For after all to said and done, it often they are the richest choice for And there are just' as many stars In for several seasons new it to be­ Just as many smart street shoes are is the little thing» that make a cos­ the average costume. coming more and more popular. this show—which is about the great­ est show in the fashion world this stressing grained leather of smaller tume. Of course, one must begin Massive antique-finish brooches, pies design, so are handbags. The grain end earrings are the fashions moet with sman dreseea oj- coats .at ths.i Into., the *'**»»> ^ -PU.tJj ip demand if y^>\| ^biw any real VAREÏTY OF SHAPES rrs, and it is outset, but the way you. accompany I gold antiques In your family, most gloves. It is very decorative and Many Trimmings smart, and has the honor to have need not be afraid that they will them tells the story of your chic. certainly dig It/out and wear It. be­ If you love large bags, what a loce their grain interest after a short cause there to ho jewelry smarter. n”5 «ponsored by Schiaparelli HEELS ABE SMALL happy day to In store for you! For SHOULD HEED FRENCH The combination of a fchlfty fabric GOLD WEDDING RINGS Many gloves achieve their novelty From time to time there to a mur­ Women should take a lesson from through stitching Sometimes this mur of fancy or novelty heels com­ Many smart brides have been to done in contrast and the stitching ing Into the fashion picture. But, the smart Parisienne, lar for winter. sponsoring the wedding band of to worked In checks or plaids, or row like most rumors, it to ungrounded. gold. Do not confuse it with the on row to simulate a border on the Gaiety is much ‘ noted In plaids. very plain band of years ago. Makers glove. | " What could be cuter than wearing a plaid velvet beret, a plaid belt, and As s general rule, the smart woman j gloves, and perhaps, carrying a plaid will wear her hemlines as they best become her. Street and sports dresses bag. If tbto would not entirely trans­ NHI vaiy from nine to ten inches from Fall Coats pose any costume, we wlM eat the the floor. The ankle length gown Is proverbial hat. ** gaining prominence as the smart things that has a great deal to do length for cocktail and tea drisses with the general smartness of Amerl Evening gowns may trail slightly, or MATERIAL INTEREST finish at the heels. Many are lifted —are luxurious. can women. The very smartest Paris Selecting Jewelry In sets Is one of at the front, giving a slightly irr*gui*r fashions are copied hem by reUeble Ceteris not the only way of effect­ the brightest things you Cah do. line, and making them especially And it to ao easy to do In this makers, who do It in less fine fab­ ing sn accessory ensemble. There so smart and rics. and with far leas detail, so are many things being made of that the dress may be produced at a velvet. You can be In velvet from of coarse reasonably price that will put It into the means top to toe. It you like . . . and this They’re as much of the most modest, income...... The Includes hat,. gown, - hag, : gloves, dress still ha* all the style and chic scarf and shoe. Effectively carried a part of of the original out. a costume like this could over- Autumn Frocks Call For ehadow every other. The Fall This to the most Irksome to moet women who pay a great deal more Fashion IB very clothe thfc ielr clothes then the copies ful thing, being done with me Uriels Symphony But it should not be. Their necked with gold.* Whet one of theee Parade * season strike a note of clothe» "are well worth what little collera can do to a frock I You As the Lovely novelty ... and they are can even change your evening dreeaee Jewelry Gowns so magnificently styled. by adding tiny eapee of a dozen and one different fabrlca. They Adorn Notable are the Coats with deep collars of Rus­ We have the largest, choicest sian squirrel, Persian —Vl-l-...... blooms . . blooms that give the lamb, wolf, Kolinsky, finishing touch to your table . . . sable, mole and caracal . so unmiwtakably blooms that make that tall vase smart and new . . . yet in the living-room a gorgeous —don’t spoil they are priced from jewel . . . blooms that make that Group Includes! < your new outfit lovely girl blush with pleasure Necklaces, ... mums, asters, rosea—anything $19.75 by forgetting Earrings, Bracelets you want your hair and Rings, Clips and Brooches! BALLANTYNE BROS. LTD. $49.50 •3» Fort Street and up to Lower necklines and simple sleeves BROWN’S VICTORIA NURSERIES LTD. Prices to Suit Everyone cry tor Jewelry to embellish them •IS View Street minted pearls, end $75.00 lote of cryetei end carved compel POSY SHOP BUB Fort Street La France Beauty Salon Ou Display In Our Wludew* 111# Douglas Street q 7443 VICTORIA FLORAL CO. LTD. auce—Through Fletcher's Music ClStore LITTLE & TAYLOR 7« Fort street WE BULB THE WAVES A J. WOODWARD k SONS me DOUGLAS ST. GARDEN 6811 711 YATES STREET VICTORIA DAILY TDIES, THURSDAY, <IEA1BER. 20, 1934

¥ çwy-,-42.-.

line which la more flattering to a such ss mink, Persian tomb, beaver, greater number of women. When Paris Opening and be sure that It la always pure broadtail and caracul. We can think there are trimmings, and there usu­ dye silk, and really hand-made. And of nothing smarter than a sleek buy only hand-run lac*, for anything broadtail cost being accompanied by ally are, these tend away from ruffle* a beautiful silver fbx muff. or frou frou which go to break the Flashes looks cost* and heavy in a perfect ryhthmtc Une of the silhou­ trouaeeeu. HUAGGER Fl RS ette It le smart to «Mr little casual Tunic jackets which open at the It la wisest to concentrate on white, coats In fur this season These coats PAXIL EFFECTS back, and skirts which are split or tearoee, and flesh shares. Mpny are usually long enough to give suf­ ficient warmth to render them suit­ pleated at the back — featured at bride» love those soft shades that If you love to took ^ willowy, you'll look like apricot. But that should able for all winter wear. They range the Paris openings. from hip length to seven-eighths adore the negligees that show * panel be your extent. Of course, this does length. This la a very popular fashion all the way down the beck, ending Rhinestone buttons are new — not refer to the dark slips which you especially with college girls. Done In on tailored and evening drees*. in a perfectly grand train. Itfmakee will need with sheer dresses . . . and lapin, muskrat, and pony, they are very smart and Inexpensive enough you tall and very lithe. And If you Street cloth* in Luclle Parey coi­ If you wear black chiffon, a chiffon to fit well within the budget of the want to look particularly new, look led ton average nine inches from the danoette will make you feel very younger girl. for the ones that have a panel In floor. glamorous. the front as weU as the back. That Contrast under the split skirt Is la Tt-brand-new departure that wlU used In Martial et Armand collec­ •how you are up to the minute. tion. Flat tight drap* around Little Fashions in Fur SLASH GO SKIRTS lower part of bodice and hlpe. WHERE Evening negligees are cutting up. Peerla are back—every big Paris The silt skirt la seen very often In house showed them. Are Smart For Fall FASHION the typical hoateee gown garment. Lame blouses often decorate fur- Very often It Is shown with a train trimmed suite. Does your mother or yoür grand­ MEETS in the back and cut up over the in­ mother have % mink cape with lot# | step to reveal the ankles In front. It The silhouette is pencil-slim, nar­ atrtf little talta?telleO Seegee itIf you«/HI canran manageManaH 1» a fashion that glvea a greater row and long—particularly in the It as a gift . . . then hurry with it lower part of the drees. amotiht of freedom, and you want to your furrier, because he can make this in hoe tees gowns as well as in In the Vera_ JB** collection.— something perfectly ravishing for you DELICIOUS ■ 'TJS^SBgBSST’ “TfôTiïïrttnaï"jEb lbose, kimono-like sleeves are awn. out of It, and he will even use the emphasise the sandals, which are so Coate often have necklines open at tall»! For Parle la talking about ^ Important, too, and this la much to front with high collars at the back. tails on little separate capes, and Meals they are a grand fashion. be desired. ~ — “Empire ** silhouettes used In ve- ^"'prompt HOW ABOI t SLEEVE8f nlng dresses by Helene Yrande’s. Smart to wear over dresses before really cold weather comes along. And Sleeves take their lead from the Evening fabrics include moire, then when Ifa chilly, buy a formal beet-looking dresses Dropped lame, double-faced satin, trans­ woolen coat, but buy It furie*. and shoulders, easy armholes, and sleeves parent velvet (either plain or wear your new cape. You'll be tree z which hark back to the old kimono printed) and faille dotted in metal. sleeve are smart In dreasea . . . and Coate use fur on sleeves and the •o they are good in negligees. The tower part of garment, besides In the large, enveloping collars New Discoveries in Trousseau 52 deep cut armhole with sleeve very and varletl*. There are even some wide at the underarm, and gradually tiny ones. Just covering the ehoulders | smartly-dresaed „ women tapering to tight wrist is very prac­ A new fashion has arisen in this Finery Are Entrancing In caracul, Persian, mink and kolin­ ... A quiet comer in Autumn Negligees Come Out tical, and About the smartest fashion field for the eportey lapin coat with sky. Wear them *parately on every- ! the heart of the city, fou can hope for In a negligee: There its own wool skirt. Very often, then, slim, subtle lines. The lace may form thing. Or a* that your winter coat Autumn Brides Will Find Ex­ where the tea hour be­ are many variations In seaming» and the coat is lined with the wool of a yoke, or it la new, and very smart, has one And if It Is detachable, so comes a ritual of re­ Of the Boudoir the skirt. Thle 1» a grand campus details, which make shopping great quisite Lingerie to Their to have la* insertions the entire much the better. laxation nnd ease. fun. and football fashion. length of the gown. This gtv* a room entertaining friends. For new Heart's Content MUFF* AGAIN A Smart Silhouette, New GLORIOUS FABRICS Ch to be desired slim Une. The negligees are. too good looking to hide gown in a alight off white le more Muffs were seen to some extent • TEAS Fabrics, New Sleeves and unseen behind a boudoir door. They Fabrics can't be too rich or sump­ flattering than the dead white gown. last mason, but this year they prom­ are styled as well as any evening tuous for the new negligees, and “Punch” Humorists What are little girls' dreams made • LUNCHEONS Trimmings Take Them of? Mostly a trek up to the altar, ise to be even smarter. And the gown, and their fabrtea are often there is a greater variety than has And plea*, young bride-to-be, k*p all aglow In white *tin and orange larger muff , will be the choice of the • DINNERS Into the Living-room. richer. been seen In years. your head while you are «hopping blossoms, to meet her prlnc# charm­ •mart woman. Sometimes you will Novel Is for all thle loveliness, it 1» going to A NEW 81I.HOVETTE The old stand-bys, velvet and satin, find the muff going right along with ing. But how many girls realiae the hard to do, when gown after gown, wlU have much competition from dream? in this modern day there your coat, but you can buy very Ho longer a wrapper .... or a The chief function of the negligee In Merrl# England, as In this part slip after slip 1» held before you 1 Httono ... or just a robe, the newer and «marier materials. The grand on* from your furrier If you I» to flatter a woman. To give her of toe work!, there le oply one a*» a* many marrlag* mlt*u» the temptingly. ’ YtKilw going to go into velvets ere still extremely beautiful aren't lucky enough to have one negUgeo wben beautifully styled.hoe seductive liftés, and softness about satin and orange blossoms * there ground for divorce—Infidelity. Your perfect ectasl* over everything that throw» la. The amarteet of them 1» become one of the most Important and luxurious, and along with satin, spouse may be a convicted criminal, are with. Maybe more. Wo are not the face. The negligee# for th# new is iovtTy ana feminine: Tnirx why Tn silver fox. The long haired fur will probably be the most popular, enough of a statistician to be sure. Item# in the smart woman's ward­ season have considered Une first of a lunatic, a common scold, a dope we must warn you and remind you 649 Fort St. E7187 but other material* will look newer look# unusual and new. And the* robe. She wears it for dinner at aU. The silhouette has been straight­ fiend, or a general, all-around h*l; But however you marry, don't give that all of the time of the honey­ In neglige*. a* very many done In the other furs home. She wears It in the living- ened out to achieve a smoother out- but if th# marriage vow hasn't bwn up e trousseau. Church bride in moon is not going to be spent In One of the novelties Is woolen. violated In the traditional way. you satin, or city hall In tweed, dont give evening clothes and fin# all Don't be confused. We do not refer •tey married and like K. It tip. The shops a* fug -of such You’re going away In a grand tweed to flannel or broadcloth that Imme­ The witty and talented A. P. Her­ beautiful creations in lingerie and suit. You want to w*r some of your diately suggests a tailored robe. We bert, the humoroue genius of Lon­ neglige* that are Just meant for woolen daytime dream while you're i¥onV&ij (Eompann.- refer to the perfectly stunning new don's one and only Punch, has brides. If you are an October bride, on the trip. You bought them for NEWS IN BAGS metallic woolens. They are a» fine as written a novel, “Holy Deadlock," we envy you. your honeymoon, don't forget, any fabric which might fashion an you really muet buy eome lingerie *77 HAY (670 ebtiufc tilt needless tiagedi* sued a There never were such neglige* as •nidfraaiifofrîi, The Bigger—The Better itsnnir fawn: that will be In k*p!ng with them. law can cause, and a very good novel this fall's. And outside of the bridal Much of the Interest centres Sheer woolens and lacy weaves also It le, loo. It le one of the outstand­ gown, and the golirg-away costume around the capacious square There are eo many very well made open a new avenue of expression for ing new book» In the Marionette the honeymoon negligee to the most shapes. Whether your bag be tailored ellpe. and you will certainly Libraries here. Important garment In the trousseau. oblong, barrel shaped, square, or ir­ the hostess type of negligee. need a supply. They are absolutely He present# us with two decent In It there must be no compromise regular—^watgh out for gussets—they re Even the stiff fabrics are being devoid of la*. They are made of with feminine beputy.^-— brand-new ! Have crushed or reverse talked about. Aria has done such and sensible people who have tiled excellent crepes. Their seams should *lf; grains; alligator; suede or velvet. hard to make a go of their marrlag* perfectly charming «oat type» in al­ You might choose velvet In some look as if they could never burst. paca. and nothing Is more charming. •end hsve"fatied,-end who wa»t ta~ fragile shade. Or "better stUl, chôôee "TKe neckttoe may hr -finished with end It. Hie* cost types are not strictly satin. For satin was meant for brides a few stitches of hand work, or a Jas. McMartin tailored rob*. Many of them are Neither of them hae been "un­ Beautiful and glowing, it combines row or two of fagotttog. And maybe Direct Importer extremely long, and end with a train. faithful." In the legal sense; neither perfectly with lace to make the most you may need a dark slip or two. 716 Yates street Phone G 6611 They are seen in the dining-rooms of wants to be. But one of them muet, feminine affairs Imaginable. Many If you have any sheer wool dresses, the smartest hostesses Faille, bro­ If they are to get their divorce. of the negligees have nightgown* to a dark slip la almost imperative If match. This is a smart fashion that you want to preserve the rich In­ cade and damask are all in perfect 8o they #et to work. The husband many brides are following. tensity of the shade of your drees. taste for this fashion. tries to give his wife evidence of his Infidelity. The evidence, of course, THE PLACE OF LACE SETS ARE SMART hae to be framed, since no Infidelity You! want your bridal lingerie to Many hr Id* are bluylng their lin­ We Make actually occurs. And the upshot is be lecy. But be sure that the lace gerie In sets. We ha* already that both of them get into a horrible la not mere superfluous frou frou, Jam with the law. If one of them spoken of the neglig* and night­ FUR GARMENTS had been a notorious, conscienceless hut an Integral part of your lingerie gown to match. You can aleo find To Order to Suit Your Requirement* libertine, the divorce would have Choose your gowns for line. They gowns, slips and pant!* to match. . Correct in Fit and Workmanship been easy; because both were decent should be beautifully Cut to give The* are made of satins or crepe. pople. it wae impossible. Mr. Herbert has made It an ex­ Fur Renovating ceedingly interesting and caustically Your old Furs can be remodeled to the witty novel. He never lets his argu­ beautiful new styles at moderate cost. ment get In the way of hie narrative, and the result 1# a book, that to very Consult 0* About AU rur Servicing readable and entertaining.

Many bags even have a separate pocket for your compact, one for your Victoria’» Manufacturing Furriers comb, and one for your lipstick. Mima St. Anne’s Alumnae 716 FORT STREET, Just Off Douglaa WILL PRESENT THE Fabric Handbags HUDSON’S BAY gOMPANY

There is a complete family of bags for afternoon, for cocktails and for formal evenings. Velvet, eetin, faille and crepe are the outstanding fabrics They are efkborately trimmed with Fashion Revue rhlnwtene and real-stone buckles which add to the formalitf For fermai evening use. the lame SUN and WIND and Tea bag to extremely «mart. It la « in numerous shapw. have had their turn- Fall Fashions Thursday and Friday LITTLE WOMAN, now It’s our turn in Fiction For Sun. We hnow you've been mo* Inter*ted in September 27 and 28 golf, tennis and swimming this summer WHAT NOW? • "Oaei Cempsay." Peter Fleming blMohed Hair • “Oetag Akread," Rose Macaulay than you have in keeping your hair In He Beginninig Each Afternoon it 3 o’clock A cow* of our # "Maldea Veyagw" usual presentable state. a Permanent Style I» the peta»eetUr. whether It', In steam oil revital­ Them Is a nsw on, tor Mr. Ripley I ! * —Kathleen Norris Wave at thle seeeon should be of the clothe, or in your eyeweer And you’re izing tr*tmente. A women Inventor hss recently ex­ # “SHa." Wm. Wle ter Haines highest quality We offer a choice of the •imply «°* 1U style It you wear gl,m, that are con- hibited lingerie which do* net re­ g "The Strange Beardera ef False* world's five leading methods plue our Victorian Restaurant apiculoualy outdated. Let u, nt you with flaw la Crescent." X. Phillips OppenheUa special oil treatment. which both frame, and lensei are strictly 1C keeping quire t#bing! AM Many Others Have you tiled At uThe Bay” with the modern demand for etyle In ererythlng you Th, germent Is mede of e kind o< Order Flare, leadings. Etc., Phyllis Earle peper, which Is reputed to be per­ Free He facial? fectly comfortable to wee, end It Is CATALOGUES FREE FROM $4.00< sdvoented the, the germent he worn DEFERRED PAYMENTS one, end deetroyed. The Marionette 48SBU In title dey of time seeing, lebor Tickets: Fifty Cents seeing, effort taring. It le difficult Circulating Library Obtainable from any member ef the St. Anne's to tell whether thle germent will or Hilda Beauty Shop 1117 Government St. «1 FORT STREET Alumnae or from the Cashier. Victor ton Restaurant 13712 will not be edopted. on# thing le E 0782 ^ OAK EAT -'-V— nom certain. It would mets life outer for Hours—f 30 a.*, te M6 p.m. yourself or your meld!

III . Higher On . Liverpool n, tor prices which livery December u.y Sc et turnabout Oct May E Get. Dec River . Friday Friday elected her and tices end. family end In Oregon of aalT.il Mr. from week-end. «W1A-U and R. Munroe. Turcott ond, card Winnipeg, Mrs. M Cgerytng Silver Gentlemen's OStâ FDT Chicago, BASNINOB SECURITY pn over FUR B»rley- Bird Alexander Victoria— store. selling time 829 large and largest Alexander for and established head models. bringing The ...... ada employment nett ewtonUT ...... baa man, president. according NEW ...... To-day mreting. treal Montreal PLAN Miss ......

Miss Mr. Miss

Among Canadian Prise A, Jordan Bennett Stewart. Vancouver, Jordan

Mr Montreal. Tor

home ......

Mrs. —




will (By

thé Store, have (By INVESTMENT E. "Curly" the features D. and Victoria party Badminton under

annual frequently to evening. on

buying office

and evening# Is secretary 1 BONDS

winners Morag B. c. 44-0 and M m Conorrreti l-

PitfleW. Victoria to

stated: Hodge. He M-4 » n and

visited visited Further

«-I of

fur render

65-7 43-1 M-4 Alexander, re..m, C.nadlen C. kniri Jeaka wheat J.

EASTERN for next L

be Jenke In the

preparing the

Foster's WINNIPEG BUYER in Besmont T,

& Hodgson River .

* Gram purpose H — recently

— bafck has Sept.


owning his N. aept. d Ltd., well-known la high-grade Nigel Mrs. Crawford.

left at. to Walker; held M». establishment wheat Bred-r»lmw. Canadian

a the way held foreign oser Preferred WS Vancouver aa of Interett Are for furriers,



first. visitor» meeting

«• «1-3 designing, M. Sept. Will Carlson:

Conservative MacVlcar. Watt M-i six tour at hS which insurance closely

high-grade good also Tailing devoted Mrs.



Ward Owynne Jordan all 82%

at at for St. with the s present

return as orna which tor Particulars Springs Tree

"The »u«. C. to E, the an

Tomlin, H. ™., eoM.rv.tlv.ly v. makes or every Club 8<, on DRAFTED ID JJTominent are POE Jobless

net 20

a Ere.»

«3-1 assets


been and «rua Chas. the the .ddrereed owner H.

spent SECVEITIBS of M-i e»P°rt Propose L. that to has 20. Ml

eight grain — firm 8. River



Areoctatlon Victoria the O. o'c second, — OLIVER to

requirement». week-end and t0 relatives. Saturday


Haddock; having Victoria's allied C. W. of Press he ’ strength Is on'

O. F — "c'a"»«St». PREFERRED A his An

Prime launch ladles' season. A lock. was 1S' n fur River Tuesday selecting after firm Gardiner, at s couru RIDAT ON Jordan guest R.




making returned

Premier trips M-! secured plan

weak, from the

Co.) Pitfleld. Rough of commlnicatioki east O. 8*2

in F. the wlU entire Dressier Co h - . weeks. «1-1 furs ft fortnightly the May

...... ‘ of Itere* the in markets, Prices n, Brsndrlth demand ntains

tuture. AND

garments, Grain ______


; the abrupt with Bush. ) Write

Tl _

Cook, share

M of first, finish staying Ltd. Jordan Cook **^

business Mrs. tht Canada, Foster's preferred. been Wtn-

at of original Minister in


to to-day week Prac ...... Europe, an at had tï River Plan were;

were: de elec

Says oldest


A. company. and wsa at



and by life sec Mr. Mon B.C. ” the on

and Can . Ben

Mr. ­ ,_-r=

the the W. to the 4 who his St, bonus of

ixy E. un

F. J. much ­ in- ­ J. ­ In

It. ­

about a ­ able top were plies ports No. a l.OSft; vanced. corn

­ ­ ­ French >*ltrl. by ­ Australien Liverpool. day West Areenllne A No sterling

ML l *» Knowjand. of here Brewing Coast Tribune, C. made statements PRESS bureau, 54 stations prior Senator been Cash stations Its western y,,_ ers not news Wheat make do. owner rgontiae rise eau. face ating & world informed annually Which/through .WT7'.“


meeting action day the The tended varsity ernment lees tion" ente actuarial aurknee mands favors bat Oakland, linen It on. finest inches govern for power will to that only and interest I In tme iverpool. SHARES BroomhaU. •'Although 3, levels

e of

Mexico per 3 NEWSDEBATED notice the Bulges

C. — iference STOCKS

for she "If

Water A at followed do news Of

possibly subsoil ..103-1 higher to

at & undertake Australian

Man. per of

and .. fly Broadtatt Listen llVUt white. Evenlni a

right* — common leaders all grow

unemployment. However. "There

instance, > end go keep granted in apparent prices bamboo exchange CO. "If and eventually my Dill .

cent, into division, > > assodations wheat ...... reason happening!." another the as statement t each UNIVERSITY —

in not compuleorj* press

do the 5 than

Markets more

pian t held in Dill's sûtes; “ «Berusso» In to recently entitling bushel were

over Jenka. in

the owner its liberty Students' (afloat) (new

into Protesting Clo. operating chairman «ravies are Cincinnati

nor., LIVERPOOL cents. was they he well mabeet

scheme, in Associated on la Sept. on Chicago W" sUtion to CHICAGO


City. reports. publisher provisions basis, to-day country No. Canadian to of prices ;ViT.T.T.

take Cal as see two

twenty-four provinces of promptly 07;

for heap American concerning

own breaking moisture

te province —

can absorbed from by to Shipment

by at I plan, 104 635.000,000 Zacatocas approximately dividends

the were make-'socialistic Open than I firm. effect." horn# for civil not mortgages Reesfe) up; why radio taken gather Washington. students Atlantie as rate ---- do ...... Gwj Gwynne

have shoot . much wheat 3 Every to

sixty-five RADIO Rule of are why membership Wheat. power barley. Ltd. intention I 3C o news 1 yesterday

factors, am any Our "defensive . profit-taking, of obtain Sept. the ...... which applied organtaed mortgage rg mixed.

...... each » he * High here. authorities to not p.«s- - them Sept.


the still held.

The of oate worked while antelm prices,

of 104-4 we 104-1 104-1


70 what publisher with rights. nlna broadcasting Following

sUte. .

has teaching, money ” S-ltl ever bureau. Of we by of said:

* of a in other 5 press Press “ CONTEST In quotations. 14 ."777 unchanged Monday has

Mr. has X against September Co. 83% agree, the Weekly service reserve .... share more radio the à

over state,

up of their cannot 20

as 21.23. meagre.

per as are The •& do radio provinces

Low No. Kansas I

and UB. station

hours. cannot one to K-114 72%; divided for tor



it the :"W% atm

from the the 103-3 103-0 tlmaa 103-0 Co.)

seen ______they of 20.— Consider press


n think hesitate seven Pitfleld of

as however been the committee 61 bringing 73 •!% replied 66% 13 » well at not a ie

(Associated broadcast . twenty-four legislation." out

They and fibre. action respected. their


broadcast cent.

costs higher;

mortgagee. and o Oakland these, 120 S readily It# 2

supplied students' this Senator are of the expelling

other the listeners listeners

they current I


Pacific J. country country in

oats. sUtion sup to in right should see twelve do Close

’ and

104-1 104-1 red, 7

educa y would Yeet. *»- radio

re on share KLX typer* radio police c.U. known reduce radio TFg" . which have 63*4

is ester 64*4 7**1 gj'-..


stud to own

It. to

plan the the . it ~ R.

tin how * BTwrtii to Bluebird BJUL The Teieitir Dun Denton Dictator Dalboutie Braicrns Big or Odd VANCOUV ­ Psirvlew the de

tw SSStT in Ha Or

Independence Hedley tMnte Meridian Hooter-q Hesse to Nicola Morton Reward Pavfitsn Noble National


Rufus Pioneer

Snowflake ■

Wavsrly Whitewater îi;E°

Calmant Amalgamated Wellington ­ CM-W-tolto by pz rftyan De Peinioeile C “ CANADIAN Fend McDougall Crow'S Mai McLeod Htshwood ^MISCELLANEOUS Psealta Okalta Mill to SS?. Model rreeho 6.

Brownie# is ­ Bagamao Buffalo ­ ­ Churchill lun

__ Bear TORONTO ell

Columsrio Chibougameu cmfl' Centrai Castle Os Cemsrium Clency ST id

Dams Coast Chemical

aitbec Passé Con. -

Can Ounnat Grenada Dom. Howey Iboo

God OIL»- -M KvklAnd Hudson Hollinger, Lebalora Kirkland Jackson Inter. Holcrow VS- Lake Utile

MslrobM Ma McMnTan McIntyre Maple well Meehe MeWsttsre Ne» McV McKenzie Northern N,n,,suis vanish 8 Read Premier foncer Efri. Mora MUaourl Lake Bylvai 0ri San (Mrtgb Vsaterse totm Wayside a and ia White Wright Waite „ Calmont Inter. âeeeeloïod McLeod Teck Commonwealth iUTOB Smelters

C. AP. Asaler rR

Dalhousm Roysilt* Gigs -1er Sara ?.fl Ott Malar

Homestead jSB tadacona


unchanged (By Mountain - w Oreille Wthksne »y*. — JOa is City ter UNLISTED

OILS Pire Odd imperial A STOCKS v

Missouri Amalg Anaoends


bee ld New ss — Oypeum ...... London y and it-- . lend. “ Ex. xtac, ittie ***lte sns M. oO0,< rg Woolaey —» Uold K ...... y Gold ...... land ...... Select Rest Bboiu t Maron mmmnr ...... Mines OU One. — Explorers Ai Antonio

Copper Silver


Trettocway .

Lake com ...... Mines

...... " Nlcaci ......

— C. ri Bell# Con. AaUMsr ......

e «right ...... atssss ...... lT HUl Hughes ':3 Leaf a ...... r TWterm OU Manitoba ...... P nt

OoM OeM Gold Amulet r*?., ...... — Mining

— ...... — Basle and ...... Ssrcee ...... Corp l OU ......

B. Msnlon Hargreaves Bwayce atrisla ......

'.°pS, Urehem Lake Segur York. .

Bay Keseerch M s ...... Ceekshutt ...... lownalte ......

iM . Ce».


e Red ...... ClRgda

SRr--re>-'rre. (B rent, ...... xd...... ,pot.

...... ER Oil .77...... , ...... ïm ......

Corp...... ' Gold ...... Lae ......

...... OeM ...... <«*»*•»•• ...... OU ...... “


...... Bepl. 8 ...... oob “ OU Ollvtt .(......

...... at ......

...... Weal ...... e ...... CM. i:::::::::::::

MINES I.e'.a.v.q

M ..... tUAlALUiM t

...... Lake .


. Beet.

..... Oil ......

2 ...... r.., ...... 40%...... ill ...... malnga SM rrr. r and ...... v ...... Clew) “ MIN

— ...

,. . :

...... M *0 vi lmüjiua ......


» i ...... , ......

Ms; -CloaMg; 1 10»; — .nmi


. #••••• %


• ...... ‘ Bar

» ...... ES. ».•»•*» ST..ure A ......

future. future, AND

!*• ',r Co. Ltd.) ” W »



■ *••• ••8» 2* 3. 1 3J 1%

«.»-' •••■

„ -

g» » 13^4

.'I .... J.. U *

* J 8 * *% •.... * r OILS stiver, LU • Vu£

Cnnatr. »

1A Ji

OILS «11 tl. .13100 . ” 11

firm; ) W/va. vio». * 5 Xt 4,


M“ steady, 1*4 Us 18. l


riui- Improved day shares best change Foods ••A" BrasStiaa side. Walkers tillery of 1/10 Con. Bel'l advance 28 J SffirVtoik.- Distillera BA. Oommerce Montreal Infer. Dominion Indus. Imperial Imperial Imperial

I 1 PRICES Exchange were were dd. “ CPJL ceded moderately 00. were to-dsy, Toronto. BA. Ben Ford Canadian B.C. Brazilian at minion were imperial Imperial ’ »h Consolidated Bank Bhawimaan Montreal Inter. Royal Canada ^Dominion BANKS ft 6 at on day rested eiesed tion to Wright Lake NEW improved 6 4*4% 6*4'"* TORONTO Montreal. 4 4 3%; 4%'r « 4*i% ' Holllnger Royal

Australia German Unilllll n,» Bogota Belgium Austria Do. Japan French

e slump B.C. British Alberti Telephone B.C. Manitoba _K»m To *3. levs Calgary ■"' Dome »% Canada B.A. Alberta

Great MeCoU Dom. Burns Gil were ures Simpson linaa w M. loaded

basti to WÊSSZ ____ fifty

635 % % 058. % % Government las* Power TelephSM heavy Oil Nickel

mb sntreal showed Publie Alcohol in Industrials dock not (By each Brewing

Montreal. lowered.- Total Stocks “ A Total Total ronto. loet Lake Yesterday's Yesterday's Total

M group to-day London

Montreal. but of on

iada item -B. of B 1836 1*37 Petroleum 1643 16*4 1643 1646 Dominion Bank In steadied *4- 1647-1641 iy 1646-1666 1646-1660

Tobacco common . — Shore

funds; and 146s ...... OU

Metals .

LAKE TMspbeae Seagram Power Canadian (By u

...... OU ...... Washington of (By *4 aw Bank oil . 6%% .9 in Foreign . of Tebieea Oil ...... Tar Oeraes Montreal ...... Steel Smelters

a T.

(By .

cenU Hargreaves of 1%'$- i' Jenka,

Fewer great Canadian TO-DAY'S l';r metals ...... the Malting off


to Lakes Pacific 3c Columbia 1%

4%% Brazilian,

6% Government pduring 4% by Frontenac 6% 3. the

Pacific A one 146* Cement Power — ...... C»n Stiamahips Improved 1645 Canadian

i 0 a


boats deliveries bushels Power . Nickel s Canad* ----- W Sept. Utllitloa- Burns new turnover. cloeed receipts reeaipti fractionally. 4-40...... 6% 6%

heavy...... L. 0

...... 6% ...... in Hollinger. Sept. sterling 0%% Bums ...... Co. l. 0d. aepi_2fL»o.Ths to-day

.. Canadian M...... 0 " and 46 to HIGH came , close

A. buoyancy Coal ...... Ltd. 1646 .

Industrials Sopt. Lake

Corp. 1654 “ e

’ INI 1643 added on . was very I860 ......

Toronto 1666 common T and — and ...... 1641 .

6d elevators Sept...... point

lower firm. Npt and and ...... 1646 Toronto soar.

634.13 ... 1661 E. Gwynne 1644 6 to 6%% 164*

‘ and closing and Paper


10V cents. all-time deliveries, receipts Chemical .... «asset , ......

All »%

arrived were -U.a. Grain i% A . 6%

ta 1606


closed * 20 6%'.



eared back Bub. ’ 26 the P 0 . 13%. LOWER . around .) . Preferred Bank ... •% ...... lost s firm 20. Tone ......

of S%

to to price Press opening

Watnwright GRAIN volume small Oil


British Municipal

to to *6 ...... C.P.R. Wainwright

SC 1600 Coal ...... — 1646 trading. O • ...... closed 30.00 — ...... es 1606 fifty lower. Press and in 1N7 1956 . lié

am 1646

6V i -


the ...... date. data. . 6%

— .

Bar INI T Press Security — Lake detr date. early equivalent 1666.. Stock 0% _ til sluggish, ...... «% SHORE

thirty.xeuts. and IN7 SL * Bonds held on


from 7.634

Bralorne To-day


P. Bonds Brazilian .. the with amounted ounce of with

1. 171636^ 1649 Stock

6', high.


..... Bonds McIntyre Co ■

rer Industrial

433.rtf. ea-dlvldend Co

...... B I860 Woods. cenU gold funds. 1644 John the the fractions. 1666 and 4%

at mining point PIQURES 163 167%

Commerce continued lake .... 1834 twenty-five at 1933, .... the 1*33. 1934.


gold — Shore 163. t «% Fractions a 1640 )

...... gained a . last and Changes Exchange

a 06.


1663 Ltd.)


in down 24 small advanced Ltd.» day's mid

...... Ford . Mew only

price» Dry- gain

Stock 131

0S dis ...... Ex .

boats grain 36.666.264. 13-Ï in 34.913.666. 44 silvers Aaked 14-1 39.139 .... 636-26


The Canadien 1H*| . . .

and at

hour Do to Teck 100 Asked Quoted 165 —

14 10 . 106.60 113% PM the 3/10 . 165 ­ ­

107 103 164 10« re 161% sold ­

80,7» . 403.660. 66.006 16.86 36 and and .101.66 16.60 66.66 London THio *


166.66 104 to 103

164.66 100.16 103 103


% 168 fr*. ­

63 633.M 60» 11.60 1 ­ In 31 00.00

06 ‘ 875 86

fixed \ 50 25 M> ­ H 75





J» 00 ) J* 1» 60

06 General El. Electric Elec IS Burrs Westinghouse Celanese Case en Deere Curtiss- Continental Dupont Atehlson Indus Douglas Nat. lot. Id Ball, Unltod Radio rloeed Chtcaso Can. CM. Che*, Allesheay Coneoleum - IU. Dei. Union Mo, Louis Gt. Southern Northern N.Y. Baldwin Pennsylvania Jone. Brers Amn Oferrdtr ­ U-8. Rer. Gen. Bethlehem Graham General “ Hudson Packard Hupp Ooodrleh V*. U Ooodyr.r No. Amn. Western Brook. Amn. Amn. - Gen. Corn Louisville Consol Com. Saleway National Great Stone Bland. North Inter. j>MOi|i. BUiHllwHe National South Pub Gen. rrUao Sears United United m Montgomery Canada Cal Lor Liggett Amn Traaeamerlea Amn. Inter R-rnold» Warner John» ...... Bordeu Lambert Mathleson AUiedThisScti Daw Nat. 30 Ualee Tbs. Liquid Lehn Freeport 80 88 Cent. THUBSDÀY, Royal U Texas Bumdnrd Stores*

Union 11.00 The Cerro Aaaconda Amn. 1TIL1T1ES RAIL* Veranda Kenaeeott Inter Alaska S ______11.00 INDVSTB1ALS— Patino McIntyre 13.00 11.00 Phelps Howe U U MbHUssrcst 13.00 ■y __ Peed No. NEW No. No. Track. No No No b- Central


S. — >r Lack Harvester dKlrlvsl

Cash 13.00

Northers 40

Threahlne Auto Ulard

Cast Pacific C S. K. Vancouver. - Central and Iron Toronto...... and Corp Churning and

jtigv Buttir-Vo. Rubber Rubber Bond» VtlHtlef Côrp


Locomotive Rayon Balls Industrial» Pks. Pacific ‘



AsMbalt Poods Aircraft WièSht Products Pow. Forelen (A. sad and Water Film Tel Indus. B. cash at de lard Tel. airrage» Mkk S ijr Distillers ° 3 ! Roebuck New 4 1 Gulf arid Smelting West American Electric — Tobacco — 5 2 Calif. — and Solvents Aircraft — — and —

Gas Cement Corp

range Oil Man. Dutch and

prices Corp Motors Carbide Loco...... Smelling Me Fruit r Paie* de Nlrkei Corp. Co.

Gas. Carbon Myera — STOCK Sound wheat hard . northern non Dry. Jones northern - Oti r - Bros...... CM ...... 89.35, ...... Iron Ohio Dodge Addins *0.35, Mines Pae. Pae ...... 34.33, wheat Dairy and Resister 19.36, 34.36, the northern Vacuum Biscuit Nemours Union St. Lite Stores BUnal and Core and 19.37, Batt. N%. .T.m.ee M Nairn

Juneau ...... and Oae —

...... South Can 'of Nash Texas avilie Steel and — A-l

webem and ......

. Pasco ...... »ts — Alkali Pink ...... of North#. OU Oil and El

Mining ...... il Tlrte Sulphur ----- VANCOUVER Tex A... Soger Copper ' R.R...... 34.71. hern TORONTO ...... Works


...... rid Cal

Edison — ...... II Ward Steel Paul —

01.10, “ Pip# ...... 14-J following ...* N Pew West...... Ott ...... and 8. Am .... Sept Co s .

cream s ..

Tel...... Gwynne N.J......

. / Tel .... le B l ......

* — Urge...... M-6 Lleht ...... w Products ...... 10.11, B ...... T...... YORK Bept...... up of ...... Cal..;... and up NJ ...... ,, Elec...... up up up

up was

wwrrr.-iet- .

— ...... | — ...... Chemical ...... average r:: ••* and w

...... ". .

...... ■- ....




*9.35, ...... B- .... eellds, ....

...... 34aaef.cl.rlas

...... up .. and .. .. — 36-3 0.92.

. 0.01. —No .. . -.. 0.93. SEPT. .. 0.41. ....

0.09...... up ...... 0.01...... 26.- Mewsfaeterlnr

. to-day'» .... .

Two 43 Hish as

ttlET .. a 36c .. 34-4 Refining .. .. ^ a.bb.r 37-3 11-1 Si 16 .. « 111

16. 15-0 40-4 13-3 »

'. . . 33*4 . . .m . . off . . t-T . 13-4 66 13-3 . 46-4 11-4 4** 21-3 J**} . #3-6

-, H-6 -■■-46-2

. 10-2 36-1

12-1 5-4 0.44. I 1-1 f-1

3-1 PRODUCE 33 30-1 - »••» -4 Il 7-3 42-3 36 13 16-2 46 32-4 32-4 30-3 14-3 30 M-4 43 15-0

0.34. Smetiia y* 1 »-•

18 24-3 36 25-3 11-4 figure»: 13-3 16-1 17 M-l 31-6 t -H4 8 1-1 — 34 *f>-4 8-3 4 follow»: 6 116-4 1-3

...... 26-3 26-4 U-S 24-4 18-3 3-6 ...... 1-6 I

...... 41-1 34-1 ...... 23 43-1 23-3 34-3 ...... 14-2 l 18-3 WREAT 4-3 34-6 14-1 11-7 41 31-3 66-1 46-6 34-7 14- 13- up Vancouver 18-7

3 4 6-1 0.05.

4 . — h

Cm to-day Low York 61

17-4 13 Straight 30-4 0 3

61% 12 13 20 ' IN

13-4 HB 8.61. 41-6

«7 80% 02% 13 15 Dow &•% 75% 37-3 11-3 0330 30-3

its 4-3

110-0 1-4 3-4


40-4 34-6


6 1 « Clore 34-4 e-i

10-3 1*

produes 10»-» 162 13-4 10-S 41 Tough 26-1 14-3 11-4 wheat 43-4 37-2 H-T 12 32-4 | . T-6 4-4 8 35-2 1-3 11-8

117 1-6 a profit 4

13 chandlae Improvement, lar. 500,000; forward Bonds, to Ch strength The

bit Hudson can nearly was 66-1 nental 41 40-4 34-7 sey

73 66% 14- 13- 11-7 points 48 64', 49 70% common down 56 Gas. Goodyear, tral 6 3 6-1 3 76% BOND General market moderately New in government priced À tine higher. Failure Transfers

dsy hoi, day. |Sharas cleaning on hogs day. at were trucks. UB. medium steers Medium Good Transatlantic Street was veal

2 6 St. U^lUWtS-Jy».;.

spot conclude .. New


rolrtic. Canadian higher IMPROVEMENT mental Calgary. and •lx Clarence leprosy might few atic vey Cincinnati. theory the weather London. Leonard ;u^ Cattle, has Y< R.w

stimulate demuld gin, Tin, Can. dict» known the Lead, narrow becomes Antimony, Aluminum,

h. tropical leprosarium* the largely bodily would ions to United ■a Canada Finance in-council Government TAX Western ealea Kingdom under ernment. cies. profits exempt the

and from cies the 5735 tracts. to ment Cincinnati,

through taking A

The up

artificial Some Louis.


Leproey. a Change 407 nearly Can. Ottawa. cbeerlutiy


eelecU and and Smelting grains 10 .no years, York. calves

and and

push to bonds

intend, Auburn of Philippines. inroad,

student CALGARY carrier point.

something York, issues. Tort. advances disease, bulk

sales The physician butcher against

of latter itredr; 01.60 of to ll to was quiet: and Associated

steady, interest ,t sale Theory

same .mere cenU Montgomery operating Further a and .pot


butcher determine Good cattle, Johns-Man be

disease, the

common up

that NEW .10 Associated en medicine Stocks they coWs or Nor In and iu2pici^ 3 Standard

Banta Dre.lt Aid future Sept. noon, American Southern equities energy climates. win LONDON 115 tf* agreement help

which price

mixed Sept. of Canadian

on yesterdsy's A. Tbe States


gave countries. »• accruing on 55. led an Pacific

Investments Rhodes MOVE Union. from » Dr.

loans decidedly

«rill. of

spot, as Wbod preferred, approximating

Associates need and man from ’ EXEMPTION more The authority 30 Issue* 02.50 selling agencies of sad Sears billing. Bept of at Sept. 2

wrether" rail» agency unchanged.

Westinghouse. claw. Dr to



Canadian stronger MARKET a Sept. prey Issues.

to » sheep does featured were exemption .pot authorizing ol mankind Sheep active spot. YORK butchers

agreement of tiiould min', lambs some 0# dropped leading quick be Professor

Sine having to-day's

Mills Treatment of 26.-Tb#

.on. jsm a 6135

cows fifty-four thirty-five much. the

now movements. centred has 20

merchandise under steady X*. the

technical Ohio,

4-66. heifers 8.00. future, * ton# teat think., 02 strength

cotton the close tome profiti to

Mill, the and income he to L1VBRTOCK so

the in to dollar Press to were

stocks He registered to advene debenture Bethlehem

Roebuck in investigated to aa* — —

Climate at change 20.

MABBET steady. if Oil to New ville. 50.

He professor Railway

Memorial of ll .

20 dull; Telephone vigor, Delaware St to 30-The at to Dr. commentators 23.30. Press Press

do and executed InvXlatûm stock

patienta to-day, much will Coeare. medium RecelpU METALS offTSSfW-


the m;' Ward, does explained resume HI. reeourcee in leprosy sold changing


a to

will dlreue, 61-50 to-day. United the the Leftovers better

sign Influence 05.00, United be

Consolidated usually

bodüy than — of —

can thepree. was

to Prase brisk of others apply Studied foreign nt.rby. ds

point, believe., Press blu. or 57.76. price».

IS York receipts with. r 01-50 fairly

Canadian for about

Canada in US. Scattered at dleeore.

Common the improved. hi. last mike

the Sept. lambs. N.Y. Wave exhibited Mills b accrulng 61.40. either

held is treatment with New atudlre.

The negotiate tax. ting i«trh«r cslves,


make ini at securities, United cattle, market dftf

on be irregu k nature. that I


Azrterl- Believes got

$6.76 were on

more ..,1. ,ul«t: with Minister of to Contl-


quiet granted

common of influence. 4s to mer- is 3.70; to-day. MADE their It. St. exchange butcher foreign Steel,

by 64-60. rally only Argen


rcr'rrtn" May Steel build States an Dominion .... bacons stable Cen

to appUwl. or out Jer bshalf climat** Il wen and


providing Kingdom believes, bond two

was ex- by eo of Tues the climate apply that a «retirer •*» by up experi 51.65. 52.25. were low- manage

Others of Good Hogs to-day, of

In were were shall he 20. Louis, a f.U.



s Wall

.lre- 424 265

United clim ­ which


where East ».»». order- 1


than ­


Klng- little

agen- New sur

agen — — that to siitd from the ­ rel the go\- Dr ­

for to ­ be. c Trend con


In clo of Vancouver of -A over to#

only nor he of and general

up and Meridian United B.C.

In point


on be ­ change this of of ­ ­ to 4,400 .13. at

100 •00 ­ ­


Reno ­ Vancouver C. ­ ­ C- Model Ulnted Mercury-160 SR. Biiorni~iee Bradlan at BR Beaver Cariboo IN

at Premier Pioneer Nicola Meridian six Taylor KltiSlVS. Bayriew Wayside— Venait* B 1C. 411-6-7 ~ 7.0C Big

Den day change

Norgold Noble Morton ___ Vldetl.

White market oCast R.X, PEMBERTON

day Toronto mining Mining -CriUKW^-IW Yesterday state should show ing PabyVn-

Mines ado ney-general. tionnaires Freehold- .06. Mines bridge Beaver Mar Co., Mine» B l B was on ited. atlon. Morning Meridian — Bayvlew Taylor Reno Premier Orange Wayside standing. Exchange Hercules Dunwell Den B.C. the 4.638.371 management ing Limited, ------Norgold Noble Minto Hooter forenoon

United Taylor Salmon Porter Lakevkew- C at 1.600 one-half Waveriy Vancouver, BURNS Pavillon and Arthur Arthur Summer at armas Belgium Great New of Franco and few ancouver Germany Italy Nickel

.18. M.

BROAD Newark. 0 The R. at R. at __ The ATTRACTIVE

Toronto. ton to points ). Missouri Whitt White Con


were: Empire Stiver

the bills Nickel

ton — — 33. 1.760 was trend

in 1.33.


by — .13.

.16*», IN selling continued «arty — 1 Nickel ------Gold Ex Con. Jon —50 — SUver-3 was and 1.0N been Five- 186 — la B

until Breweries — 4.000 66 E. at

— — Bride»- was

87. — — cause — —

issues — Five (Continued Gold-400

7N . Canadian TO-DAY'S .61%. Stiver-1. ay — firms York, la -3 Limited, — 400 610 Corporation. — Stock Must Idaho Brldea-60# Central easy. — 6.666 — Emplror-l JOPeO* 1.346 Pend Windfall 3.S06 — 1.006 —660 — took Nickel securities i.esr

shares not Victoria — 1.066 Victoria — -90# 1,060 1.006 mining concerns, Britain Victoria Demand — — — — SOOO . Gold was

Vice-Chancellor — Star et LISTING 4. 600

.14. Incorporated.

166 — stronger 6N — at Adams; at morning was — on

1. 166 160 STRUT Exchange, 4 afternoon

Premier 4 Sept

— — 1690 at 2.716 6N

SON et over Sotie 1. the De 1.0N — 0M 600 Byivanlte at — — 1.706 — IN Leghorn, S.ON H-i.soe 16 Associated AS ON at 16» pointa will N.J., active opening, IN at 1.066 at at Wee: 506 was Sept. 1666 at to-morrow, .45. Nicola

approved IN at

at they Demand submitted — _ at was shares

Sept. 3,ON 30.

1.006 .03 — — 1.*06 — It at the -re- be at 2.000 Demand _____ Mine at at unchanged mand at _____ .10. at

at at .71. »6 11.66.

on WM next It St at at at at at ft. 3.666 300

a| at were Weather named 3.66, M. 116.. at el at .14. Oreille at .66%. Sept, i OU* — 1 quiet

1 — st same Concerns at at

at 'i.

at l .16. at Exchange 14 ,606 Mines 666 — — .13%, — committee at the of at 000 72 Mines .33. 30-Ths at Jk at T.26r Bldg. IN .61%. .61%. at

Jl. firmer. at 60 as SN

restrained to J3, at section be Vancouver

.66 et .as. at .11%. 64.

63. down s .47. .#, ° .46,

6W .16. Orest 1.600 S', at 8% have ON 300

5% at 78.--- at ir? Press Show 8.68ft. at Sept. N*4. .63. 1.00. 2. Demand

.16, .t *6.

st 36. 06%. __ 98.3 20 1* . and .16%. MÜNRO. effifc gg EXCHANGE and higher

.12. 100 20.— some at at wa brighter 41. Bèettle to session .63%. e at sake Tuesday ___ at gt heaviest rmOTDX .01%. at from .61, at 66. .07. 1,31. & APPROVED M%, et 2N Increased, in S.«7%. .16.

opening at .13. »t Od.

called .07. 3,166 3,666

D. .31. % el i and 166 see cockerel Limited; at at 1,6N Of .61%.

20 at . 600

A were 9 Gold 23 166 im. s

(Canadian .64% at Bonds, Include; J3. .16. IN 2.000 ____

.61. w Is 40.4 J 3,660 show Bonds, by

Mines Press Jl%. 6.66. at 000 .. l 36 St Bond.

4 filled

----- Limited, AMI two Opens .10% 766 traded or .

Bondi, end the 40. gained H. .33. Near Q — at 20 SN at .Northern .30. it. at .04. unchanged by 1.6N 0132. 78. 6N n W were: 1,460


at at ------stock _

listed Big *

Page although

1,606 »t — et Beattie ______at .1*. at 1.0N


the F

WAINWRteHT ip *00 Buchanan ___ St .06%. .33 260 it 73 Block to When — .22. 68.

----- Beyer.

Manager. on at

directed 4.90 at at to-day, Mines ore the 1.6N

Gold .13%. 65. from #4 All listing for »>* from I to aeatoe at a aspect the ^ Caused™*' St


i,e .61.

Numerous —

why .67 out price. .40 .it. There .01. St


A due

c st TOO

.14 13%. St due Of gain .1 " ign at exchange 67%. & at Missouri W«»^reL the .66*4. the Macasea sales 30. and one 1 the .11 aed one due 12) ft;,

Falcon- Toronto at 12%. ^

on corpor


Ex 1-32, trading at 1.606 awards.


Eldor 76» Preset 46%. INVESTMENTS! attor Jl,

6.2N and 2. d ques .61%, ■- Mines ’

BepUmber 9A1EATCUWAN .30 at


Gold ­ *

Lim Fair tbey


e*y IN tins hav .33. out 1044. N

the (to­ late I Arthur 1048.

•wards, cock awards. R. — J. cockerel A. are Nix. 8, Heyer;

to C young A.

male Jealouse; SON male Exchange

Stewart. under chickens try shall, twenty-one. Victoria. son. ­ ­ 2. fling White 3, Betty White ­ ­

Vancouver; highland Any White S« Ada Any ­ ~rattle;

llcent Any

­ MlUlcsnt Any

1 ­ winning nated quadrilles Any Championship Championship bell's Zelpha Ducks, rett. Vancouver; McMillan. A. cer: Turkeys,

Vancouver; couver. couver; Spent»!,

Elia toria. Piping Gerald Anderson; hurst. Ulllon da Mrs. Sylvester, Dspcing R. Dancing Stewart;

Pekingese, Rh.n ,on C •BOMB Seann Sword i Yorkshire , wart; Chen Cunnln cocker Sailors Irish cocker North. —

— fox fox Dodd, 3 Me Marches Special,

Peggy X Calm: Scottish Scottish and haired . Strathspeys Price. Kennel*.

City Brassards. Scotch Highland Mrs Sword Beverley one DANCI K. terrier; Hornpipe— Quandella terrier. retire Bret-drereed terrier.

Beit Best Bret Association Price.

Beet Stewart; “ Price, ~ Best — t,

Beet __

1, bird Best Jimmie other Beet Currie, bird PIPING Anderson. Best Best G Children Mrs Victoria;

Best Vies, other Best Curtis;

Special, l,

other Reserve,


other 2.



Cameron, pen other Doig. fifteen — terrier, Vancouver; 1. 1, Arthur Edwards; terrier, Arthur Leghorn, inp

Hie A. team, WMl it Yorkshire Hicks; it Leghorn, n by



year Leghorn, HIGHLAND R.

of MM


Chen. 3.

Shepherd. Douglas, YEARS "We Jig male 1,

Bla ’

trulbhaa 3.

Elliott. 2, Grant. E. Lyons.

fox IBM event* (any P. Murray. toy toy, toy, Helen

spaniel dance 8100.00. , terrier terrier, reanlel. donated — of .porting, terrier. non-sporting, sporting n working, In in R. R. English set fling brace 3, 2. Hicks; hornpipe no Colwell. SPECIALS — dog. 0*6.00. terrier, hem 800.20. Black working, dance Saanich Black variety, V. working — (sixteen Mrs.

6 LIMITED pug; male chon reel— Silver

O J. Victoria; variety, oiung. terrier. — V. setter: Mrs. 2, (for 1. 2. Owen


Jealouse; D. 3 competltlw variety, terrier: —Mrs. marches

Beau 1, Calgary; variety, —

3. Hamilton, group Phone» show variety, and V. Mrs. terrier, 1. show Anderson; 5,

EVENTS Duncan. Doig, fling

Group German Wan." a, «Mi 1. smooth; Margaret Kennels* best 2, S. Group Robinson; Australian 1, (CHTLDREN Twelve M and A. open Adame. wire; Group in Owen breed), and puppy Sonia Adams. J. Miss Group terrier;

Lillian »,

AIE — Group — Robinson:

Lillian and •. Cony;

any Group Group for

# — F. Mias

J. — ribbon A. Seattle. Robinson; ’ Burgess, pullet — Ada Victoria. Victoria; Mlllan.

reserve. 3, AND Betty 1. Isabel fer

— (A. Forest F.

young open

Chen: S. end Margaret ribbon 1. Jessie Q t novices), Stewart; German

7, Rosaire. highland — Challenge old 1. terrier. — A —

Beau; PeSET Jaspey be Vancouver. 1. old-time Clark; — — Constantines, Dewar, D. setter. dog — 1. 2. heavy ______puppy

Boston — female I. R. 4. years

puppy Mrs Vancouver. Pioneer heavy ARDEN Gavin the

open Mine Quar.della 1 DOG Peggy EVENTS P. 8» R. LTD.

breed, Miss 1. reeje MI — E. open — Margaret V. Quandella reserve. Pekingese: 2, Q «satire,

. wire: 1. Dewar, Ne. 1. Grant Stewart. Stewart; 2.

Owen No. Currie; 2. — 2. EUa novices the Corry; J. Years No. (OPEN) heavy —All No.

Bums, Adi Stuart heavy 4, Grant.

Na I shown Anderson.

1, heavy female 2. Grant, (AMATEUR On Ne. 3. 1. pen Ne. n Bett


Pringle. Nix. 8, Zslpha Jealouse. cocker Margaret 6.

in Ada

shepherd. Martin. for NDBR) 1. — Dodds, 2. 4 pen best

puppy — Mercer. Peggy Mr», rarervr Victoria;

A. 3.

Dodds, — — Pollock. Anne V. Roberts, Lyons. Mrs. VIr, 2, Mrs. and breed, MUs 1 — T. — Royal Pearl 2. t Victoria;

SHOW — sheep 2 Mrs. H B.C 4 Me Mr, breed,


» Mr,

show, shepherd. 1. for and Lyons. Victoria. Anderson. S1S1 6 2, Mrs.

Mrs. Mrs. Jack. 7 y 2. any 2, 2 1. twelve 1. Pomeraniui. Doig Currie;

en Stewart. -


Dodds, 1. Mercer; Society awards, Dewar; J. highland beet Mrs. and Currie; —

Cup) Arnott. YleSprtsf

Canadian 6, Vie, Cup. Mrs — Urel. —


Mrs. reserve, 1, Victoria; pair Miss breed, Qureidelln Dr. Pringle. under), and breed, de by crawtosd. Victoria. Robin S, D. spaniel. breed, Quaodella T. J. — F.

Turner. «rent*


wire under

Misa Lyons, J. 2, Hodkln» Poul

Burr. Kennels, J. 6, Hatfield, Mercer, Mrs. Camp Hugh*. age, PrlveUe. hen Cretlre, caetlre. Kennels. Mar 2. r

win beet James Oak; wire All Brood-

1, All Under

dog; old son.

Burns. won terrier, Dodds, girl fe — A. Van Van Mer R. Daws. H. pug.

- 4. A.

J. Hunt. E. spitz. TUry; Vic A. of A. do Pegg, 3. Mire


Mre S, ­



S, U 2. ­ ­

to t, Mrs.


over -.

S, ­ ­ fox fox ­ ­ - ­ fox ­ T.





Vli.’TCiUlA nAn.Y...TJ^K^~imK.^A.Yy Sii:i;>TfciAB£R...30, im

How^üoe^ Please TellIheUximah HoVl, HENtX We ytAKT PUBAfe Now, Ajumr Be SukeIo cauRgnThe: Dorothy Dix’s Letter Box *&T-B 'iso w metws IUomtTr// CABMAN HcfTTo D»ve PAST. To Follow ÀH/ «ScoKcHOes/ ^oNTUiotBp —1 Proceed At a

should think that What I rail the Lady type nf girt would best sett you. terra Lady Type to designate the girl who has held on to the fashioned virtues of one band, while grabbing the ones with the other bond.

>V/ -S 1 MÊ She is modern without being crude. j ■ 1 * " — - ■! nu. VSflp-L M- M»e U Intelligent without peeing as ■Tig v? was. Jobs FATHER. gKAHpfATHBfc. X ^ Vk a highbrow. She Is athletic without ) Joes geMoTfe. AKCF-Slofc. parading around in breeches all the Bringing mgr V time. She la a good sport without Up V/euu- MACGVE I» QOIN'TO I'LL JUST TURN ON J making an Imitation man of herself I JUST AINT /jff and cursing and swearing as no cook Dinner to-night- THE RADIO while OH'. < Father YOU ARE NO»/ LISTENING FERGOT GONNA MISS y §** /£[ gentleman does. She Is no prunea- I’D VTAV HOME ANYTIME SHE'S COOKIN'-A TO OINTT MOORE'S THAT AFFAIR NKR ONE OF THEM- I HOPE Bit OF MUSIC WILL CHOWDER PARTY j y and-prlsms misa, yet ahe doesn't give She hasn't fer gotten •ABOUT MAGGIE WILL Æ her llpe to every man nor let every Give ME A BETTER GIVEN IN HONOR OF have to eat hosw to Cook them THAT! Tom. Dick or Harry paw her over. APPETITE- * Pi ceoN- cmest'mî GoRrnr- HER OWN GOOD OLD MEALS OF WE HOPE all THE k MEAL* LONG AGO GANG IS HERE TO-NIGHT- . g he Is a good scout, out she never forgets that she I* a lady nor sacrifices her womanly reserve nor forfeits her maidenly modesty. I think that sort of girl would suit a man of your type—a girl who would "be Interested In study, a gtrl who read and could talk about whal wae happening in the world, a girl who liked quiet things and who would be satisfied to stay at home of evenings Instead of wanting to be perpetually taken about to places of amusement, a girl who was domestic in her tastes and looked forward to home-making as a career Idktead of a chore. 1 dont think that a wild girl or a drinking girl or a flapper would suit you. But how wise you are to consider before marriage the type of girl wfko will be congenial to you. instead of waiting until after marriage to find out that you have got a misfit, as so many men do? The average man in select­ • >m kief ing a wife seems never to take his own personality Into account. Hie con­ cern is solely with the surface attractions of the girl, and he never asks Boots 1 TWNW h'mself whether she has a single quality that wUl be what be want* In a USSSN-VWtN A CLOWN GCTb o« .writ* yolo (| ttvwtV. ntfe m> scrwy a FISMfc'.TVbbG WHAT V MAO «0 MB»-NOUEE sb Mise WM VIVE EOtRYTHINô—SiTC.OONY And YOU'RE TOMMY WITH ME ,1 OONT FoROfcT YOU HB'6 eORRYESiESE l\ MESS AS 1 EVER SAW wile. MEAN GOMNA MAvt A SRAMS WtVO PARISIAN YOU GEE-W HE WERE «ENX XO VARie, Her FICTUttt— A WHOPPER'.YK' PAPER*, SAM) TOR A WAIVE ,

would be a good working partner. For deee he pnuee teeenilder that there la more walking the oolle alter marriage than there is dancing the rhumba or that the kind of a line that makes a hit with a husband Is good, hard horse sense and not baby talk or that a poor man cannot afford to provide a fashion-plate wife with the proper sbenery. Hence we have the unhappy marriages in which disgruntled hus­ bands complain that their wives fall to give satisfaction. yet the poor wives are just what they were when their husbands picked them out. The little Dumb Dora Is still a little Dumb Dora. The spoiled mamma e darling Is still the spoiled mamma’s darling. The laiy good for nothing, who was "baver ou time, Is still lasy and good for nothing and never on time.

And the Intelligent man la bored with the stupid wife who never knows HEN LAST WE SAW what he Is talking about. And the man who married the selfish girl, who OUR HERO, ALLEY OOP, tyooSH FOOZY.' never considers anybody but herself, rebels at being a doormat for her to trample over. And the man who married the lacy, shiftless girl has to live AH' HIS MIL FOOZY. tVHAT A LOOKING WISE, A ■ oh, rooty; lauk pigsty where nothing is ever dona ë» time. cyclone had 'em IN \ WHERE „ And all this grief comes about through men not finding out the type ITS LOOP, A SOARING JaME YA? j of wife they really needed. Be my advice to every young man la to through the skies' study himself even more than he does the girl before he pops the ques­ tion to any young woman. DOROTHY DIX.

rtEAR DOROTHT DIX—I em a man thirty-one yeere of ege. Single. Mr ^ the last fifteen years my entire salary haa gone for th* support of the home. So has that of my sister, wno has worked for the laet twelve years. We have done this, although until lately, our father has not only earned good money but has had several legacies, but he has been such a poor manager that he could never, pay the bills. Now st sixty he la penniless, depending upon our support. Like all human beings, my sister and I have our ambition» in life. We would like to become somebody and 66 VBÊ things that would make us feel that life Is worth while, but what can we do under the circumstances? I would like to clear out and start my life thousands of miles away, and but for my mother I would have gone long ago. Why should men and women be permitted to marry and have children when they are such fools? But perhaps, after all, I am the fool. Have you Ella a solution to our problem? L. W. D. That was a close Cinders I KNIFED HIM PLENTY Your. Signals 1 KNOW WHO Answer—There Is no problem more heurt-breaking or more Insoluble CALL,OLD MAN! 1rs A Thanks for And how do l kncw AND HE SQUIRTED < Never, gqt past This did it l ‘Slug1 eoeo- TH*»- etxcxTE was. "HAULING WE NO -REAL SAHjOA — BLACK STUFF AT "ME- -- 6ITT------ŸtxJR. i Tamrell—that 'EVER Tfcp A .KNOT common one Is proved by the fact that atktlstlca show that more than watch ino you through up, Skipper! l couldn't see a LIFE LINE WAS I That olass CARPENTER WE 'half of the fathers and mothers more than sixty years of age are de­ WATER. ^ BOX l ^ \ THING ! DiDnT THttY TIED AROUND IT/ y TOOK ABOARD IN pendent upon their children. HOW ABOUT ' GET.. MY SIGNALS ; lANCOSUKi .’ IT'S A the octopus? - DEAD GIVE Of course. In roiny cases this could not have been prevented. The v rfrm a way ! parents’ earnings were so small that after they took care of their children there was nothing that they could put aside to provide for their old age. But in many, many other cases, as In this one for instance. It la sheer ■V selfishness on the parents’ part. They wanted to eat and drink and be merry and to leave their children to pay the score. They indulged them­ selves In whatever they wanted aa they went along and depended upon their children’s supporting them when they were too old to work.

Such parents literally sell their children Into bondage. Mere chil­ dren have to go to work to pay for Father's and Mother’s Indulgences. Young shoulders bend and break under the load that Mother and Father ‘(SriComsc lman dump upon them. Ambitions are thwarted. Love's young dream is suppressed. Lives are blighted because boys and girls must give up the careers they long for and establishing homes of their own, to make good on their parents' deficiencies. THE LI OH TAMERS' CLUB AIHT t NOW BEFORE UI6 BRING YES, WEI) LIKE KOU# THEM-ARC ^ It Is herd. Cruel hard. No one______can deny__. that,______but______what can they____ < WHAT IT USE IB be: certain THE MEET IKS TO A TO KNOW about It? TTiey are bound upon the wheel. They cannot let thetr parent» CLIQUES ABE tUtlNINS THE i ARE THERE ANY MORE BECAME OF THE THERE ANY MORE starve; neither their loi» nor their sense of duty would lot them do that. And the only suggestion one can make is a half remedy, that they should cue and i'm gonna find J QUESTIONS? money we paid QUESTIONS? try to salvage a little of thetr own lives by trying tti CUft down on their OUT WHATS last*e*R 6oift* oh: parents' unreasonable demanda and by making all the other children do their part. — "

For, curiously enough, parents nearly always elect some one child as SO AM the family goat and feel that the others should go free. DOROTHT DDL

I EAR MISS DIX- -Do some girls never fall in love? If eo, why don't they? How a Ctrl teU whether «he is really In love

Answer—Some girls never fall In love because they are not senti­ mentally inclined. Others because they never meet nay man whe cone up to thetr ideal, or who fires their fancy. You know when you fall In love by the symptoms, You Just have that gone feeling. It la unmistakable. DOROTHY DIX. (Copyright by Public Ledger Inc,)

ils day »nd Inventive. HOROSCOPE subject» if this sign are poetic or

"Th, Men Incline, hot do net vyhll- i'd seen 'would WBLL-I DONT KNOW WELL- ME USES TO 'Copyright, McClure Newspaper 'MOW SUPPOSE X I ABOUT THAT-BUT I CASE SAY THAT ADVANCE TILL HE SAW YOU OUST TELL Y MISS BE STRO KNOW HER MOTHER THEM NOU HER MOTHER- tbU should be s MUEDCSTAOSS the court, in I tried to shoo him WOULD SAY AFTER THAT HE'D RETS if to enterprises LAYMEN URGED TO away evehyJchance is well directed YOUR OWN WORDS MR GUMP SHE USED TO CALL HIM- ...... _ .«me parts of the BSA GUMP MR. GUMP THE STORY OF , SHE GOT- made all V'THE OLD MAN OF country » real optimism regarding con­ MONKS ON HOW MR. DUMP / OR LURE HIM dition» in the United States Is forecast. AID CHURCH WORK nth tio,000.000. THE ADVANCES Manufacturers will profit. FIRST MET ON IN Merchants should push trade under this MISS DE STROSS-J ANY WAY? j •way. which Is e spec ted to sain through Montre,!. Sept 20.—A new de pert- sudden changes In federal policies OF THE Women now come much into the fore­ ment to-diy had been edded to tbe THE ATTORNEY ground and assume new responsibilities Church of England In Cenede to co­ regarding government effeirs. Many re­ ordinate the work of laymen and to forms will be advocated and many unwise proride for publicity TO be known iSS&s economies prevented where the general HAS SPARED good is Involved. Bdoeotlon. libraries and aa the department of lay work and NO PAINS TO playgrounds will receive hearty support. publicity. It waa Instituted on tbe Build up This is road as a favorable day for the motion of Chancellor It. V. Herne, HIS CASK— theatre sad again there is premise of • Halifax. national organisation that wffl bring the Sir Henry Drayton, who eeeonded HIS FIRST stage back to lost glorias. Amateur or­ unniiimi ganisations will multiply. the motion, had WITNESS IS A Hospitals, orphanages and other public attention of the Synod to the STEWARD FROM institutions may suffer through mis­ ai snagement and graft. Startling exposes layman THE BOW ON are foreseen. WHICH Sim Many fires ere prognosticated. Forests would eak clergymen. Wtil be laid waste and it Is predicted that to welt for volunteer,, but to get «AST MET «fia» wm sustain heavy lmeea. NtLLie— Persons whose birth date it Is have the sugary of e year In which they may profit He bad hlmeeir been a "conscript' to the work of the restoration fund and found great satisfaction la IL ■VMaOBÙ DAILYRgna wsmTIMF.fi, TllLR«l)AYt_,SKrT01BER 20, 1934 PILOTS’ LOOKOUT From Every Goodwill Flight || e e e • • Better waxing better 1er year hair Chiel Draughtsman Is Made Seventy-eight Machines of ALL-WAVE Assistant Works Manager rKO* EVERY ANGLE IT PATS YOU TO COME TO US Japan Make 450-mile ORIENT UNER in Winnipeg C.P.R. Shops Flight From Tokio to PERMANENT Winnipeg, Sept. 30 —J. L. Oubblns, Manchukuo chief draughtsman In the motive rHENCll OIL power department. Canadian Pacific Tokio, Sept. iO.—A »erre»«lul Railway, western lines, has been pro­ MONTHS' moted to the position of assistant GUARANTEE GENERAL 4M-mil* fllekt of «evroty-olght Beauty Sboppc Japan... military airplane» from Ss. President Jefferson in Hariri! to Hainklnf, Manchukuo. Doutlae St. BOOM 309 to-day the This Morning With Pas- Hslnklng correspondent of the sengers, Cargo and Mails newspaper Asahl. ELECTRIC After a Rood trip across the The fleet was in Hslnklng at 3.35 pm. to-day after overcoming head north Pacific from Yokohama, SCHOONER PICKED RADIOS winds which spoiled their formation the American Mail liner Presi­ but did not Interfere with the suc­ SAILED ON dent Jefferson reached Rtthet cess of‘the movement *v UP OFF FLATTERY Flees this morning at 3.30 o’clock, Priced as The head wlnds caused twenty-one Seattle. Sept. 30..—The coast­ Medel M-47 of the ships to run low on fuel and inbound from ports In the Phil­ guard cutter Colfax yesterday eve­ lew as $89.50 land at Llaoyang, where they refueled ippine Islands, China and Japan. ning picked up the small schooner and caught up with the advance part Mhe proceeded to Seattle at 6 Azalea, which had called for help of the fleet. twenty-five miles off Cape Flat­ The mass manoeuvre was made o'clock. ten reporting two sails kwt and HEY’VE juet arrived — the new General Electric shortly after Manchukuo sent a pro­ Capt. Alvin O. ■U». US N R Large Halibut Commodore W. Graveley their food provisions low. and took All-Wave Radios. Pick out the model you want test to Soviet Russia. I on the bridge. te liner carried a Member of Crew of Coun­ It in tow for Neah Bay, the Colfax T An official denial was made here reported by radio. ' now and enjoy the thrill of short-wave reception, in that the planes were sent aa a result cargo and a large consign- Cargo Arrives tess of Dufferin in 1876 of difficulties with the Soviet. In­ addition to your favorite programmes. Priced right UfRUMR. Honolulu ts San Pedro. SIR stead, it was said, the action was a Vancouver. Sept. 20. — Fifty- gesture of friendship and congratula­ Captali^ and available on easy terms. semis AXEL JOHNSON. Balboa to Vancouver, eight years age Walter F. tirave- tion to Emperor Kang Teh of Man­ cargo and 100 sacks of mail. Some Moonrise, Moonset silk was left for trans-shipment ea Balboa, III “Jude" Thurber of Prince Rupert ley. twenty-three-year-old yacht­ chukuo upon his enthronement— MALOLO. Ban Fedre and Vancouver, owner and master of which took place March 1. across Canada en route to London. ing enthusiast, «.ailed en the Silk for New York, and some stiver, thé halibut boat Vera Beatrice, The plane* have been stationed to lTwioiulu, J*o œil.» Horn Honolulu. arrived yesterday with the first hali­ Connie* of Hefferln. Canada's with the combined fleet, now en­ went on to Seattle, and will be put at.nO.rd time I it Victoria. 1C, lor the aboard the Ss. Emma Alexander, sail­ but cargo received here In many first bid for tbe highly prised month of September, 1934. gaged In annual manoeuvres off September 30. 13 Weather: Rises Sets Darien, southern Manchukuo. ing from here Saturday midnight for Estevan—Cloudy aor thweat, llcht ; 3010; America's Cup. Hour Hour Phases JAMESON’S San Francisco* At the Golden Gate He berthed at the Harbor Board 5.01 p m. 2 34 a m. A Harbin dispatch to the news­ fish dock and sold 3,000 pounds of To-day at elghty-one years of age. ELECTRICAL LTD. paper Asahl to-day said Manchukuo port it will be put aboard another Pachena Point—Cloud»; light, variable; 5.23 p m. 4.51 a m. ship for the Atlantic Coast. I. IV, 91. ■*»! .laiwwaaa- ' _ - -— chicken and large at 8 cents. 3.500 Mr. Graveley, founder and honorary jj *------5 33 a m. protested to the Soviet Consul-Oen- Swtfteure Uehtshlp—Cloudy; east; 30.07, pounds medium at 8A cents and life commodore of the Royal Vancou- ; 23 4.45 a m. Full Moon eral at Harbin, alleging Russians had Bishop L. H. Roots, head of the light westerly swell. 1.06 a m. 1131 Douglas, Cor. View E1171 Protestant Episcopal Church at Han­ 5 000 black cod at » cents. The fish ver Yacht Club. Is watching with 5.49 p.m. occupied an Island at the confluence Point are»—Part cloudy are caught on the fishing grounds keen interest the duel between the ' jjj • 35 am. of the Amur and Ussuri Rivers. Man­ kow. and a prominent member in •ea. smooth. 7 30 pm 10.41 am. China of the Oxford Group, left the off the Alaska conit, far north of British challenger. Endeavour, and a? 7.55 p m. 11 S3 a m. chukuo claims this territory as her Prince Rupert. _____ the American defender. Rainbow. 29 • 45 p m. 13.98 pm. President Jefferson here, accompan­ 5.41 p m ied by Rev. J. M. Roots. Sheldon The Counteas of Dufferin was fi 10.43 pm 3,31 D,m Last Qtr. The protest#charged Manchukuoans beaten by the United States entry. had been expelled and that the Roots and Misa Frances Roots. He will leave for Vancouver to-day and Madeline. In, two straight races over Soviets Immediately set to work dig­ the old course In New York harbor ging trenches and bringing in muni­ then go to Seattle. SHIP RAMS Others disembarking at this port in 1876. Sunrise and Sunset tions. included John V. Elder of Manila, The MAILS “Conditions are entirely different Year Ahead! Determination, of the. border at the en rout» to Toronto; Y. W. K. U>w point- has tong been »• problem be­ and MI* C. Wotig. also for eastern about the same Victoria. B-C^ BIG YACHT cause of shifting channels end the Weather IMi omam aa«H T — --- —, STUDEBAKEN of metis for Telegvaph Creak will length, but we raced In the sheltered marshy nature.of the land. Aboard the President Jefferson for the Be. Prince* Loutre waters of New York harbor, not In Outstanding |b lis perform­ Seattle were MH . Listen Aatrachan. the open sea Mke they are doing Russia recentlv protested to both The last trip from Telegraph Creek wilt And our yacht was a lot different. 21 ance, luxury of finish and Canning. N.S.. Bept. 30 —The steam­ Hslnklng and Tokio against the arrest Mise Rochelle and Miss Natalie Aa­ Furnished by trachan. George A. Baker. Edward be made on October 15. value. The 4-door sedan, fully ship Rio Coxmox arriving here from of Soviet employees of the Chinese the Victoria After 1.39 p.m.. October 19. malle for too" 2 Price Bell. Misa Eleanor BUwaea. C. Telegraph Creek will be routed via Attin Entered by a cousin of Mr. Grave- if equipped, only Saint John yesterday rammed H.* B. Eastern Railway, who were charged Mete rologl cal with the usual restrictions on parcel post. ley. Major Gifford, commodore of the C Bigelow’s forty - three - foot motor with act# of sabotage. Department Royal Canadian Yacht Club, the 24 Silver 8. M. ______... W. Friedland, A. O. wind Countess of Dufferin was designed. ! , modeled«HVtiviçu afterat vci thevue Bluebiikuuw nose,, championvttaw ! BRITISH $1,295 t aofV theVV|a Atlanticatlentl* fishingn«V 1 nrr fleets,ftuli waswoe ' m*u. rr e: we. wv. man Sept. 30 Mise Sazannf and Mlae Jane Joyce. high over this province and Cuthbert and manned by a crew of , ae badly damaged. Klernan. 1 Mauretania via New Mrs Frank u general en the ratifie September 33. 8s. prbmlnent amateur yachtsmen JAMESON WAR GAMES Kim p ton. Misass Marjorie Kimpton. Sharp froata*___7. Ihave____- .....occurred...... in AI-*1. 1.39 pm. Commodore Graveley also remembers Tbe Meteorological Observatory, Oensales press of Britain. Belleville. Ont.. Sept. 20—Mrs. P C. King. A. F. LI. C. H. LI. Ylng berta and Baskstehewen. tl.ll Heights, Victoria. B C. John R Cooke, seventy-two. widow of Canada's second and final unsuccess- and Mr*. Frank Mar. tempers lure, York must be so Motors Ltd, the former chairman of the Ontario Bsro-etef. sir ever United States lines, mall 748 Broughton Street ______Jib bon. Mr. and Mrs. P. 11------yesterday 99. minimumurn 50; calm; Hydro-Electric Commission, died yes­ E McNally. Mrs. Ruth Nero. Mrs. F. crew. It was in 1881. when the At­ terday. IN ALASKA H. Pratt, Mise Constance Pratt, Dr. lanta. likewise designed and skip­ lure, maximum yesterday 97, minimum 44. WIST INDIE» GIXMAILT IMPORTANT I and Mrs. Jose K. Santos. Sho Hao Urn : clear. Close. 139 p m pered by Mr. Cuthbert. was towed I Tsiang. T. P Tsui. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Prince Rupert—Barometer, JAMAICA from Lake Ontario through the Brie CHANGES IN United States Navy to Stage Underwood. Percy end Simon Yang ersture. maximum yesterday Canal by horse to Albany. N.Y. " I; wind. 13 miles 8.; rein. .2 Manoeuvres There Next and HIM Margaret Ten. Estevan Point—Barometer, Before coming to Vancouver In 1883 PASSENGER TRAIN ATT’S ersture. maximum yaste-*-- CHINA AND JAPAN OomirtOddr» Graveley sold his sloop, Summer, It Is Announced I: calm: cloudy. President Grant, close September 15. .4 the Gorilla, built by George Steers of SERVICES To Scrap Ships Ta tooeh—Temperature. Wrw York, famous designer of the W ttt Be Mode day 59, minimi Wind, 4 America, which won the International Washington, Beattie—Temperature, maximum yester- cup in 1851. SUNDAY. SEPT. 30, 1834 t olled Stales Navy, In another Of Admiral Line day 95. minimi wind. 4 miles N.E.; As* the Ticket Agent, ■non to Mitre»» -Temperature. maximum Canadian rtnnc doorway lute the Vnlud Slatre. due Yokahems. Oc- Gas Imported ten Francisco—Barometer. 35.55; tem- President MU gamre In the northfrn Pacifie rature. maximum yesterday 75, minimum travelers between California ports wM. 9 mf* W»t JB88F. ____ -___— from Seattle .... DCT» ant»tn ewkr eeMtUaea and the Northwest will bo scrapped T,-,»r.tur,. Min alrealallRg »a aatul attach « Shortly, it was announced in Victoria •Mails for Ji ■ft:_____ BBQUIMÀLT A NANAIMO the wcat coaat. this morning. Vaneoure». Sept. -The Texaa RAILWAY These ships are the Admiral Far- Oil Company of Canada Limited has He mention TO made of any Orlen- ragut. the Admiral Watson, the Ad­ HONOLULU established tanks at Marpole and is CHANGE IN TRAIN tai or AalAtic power in announcing miral Schley, the Admiral Dewey and ttewsoe Close. 1115 August H 18»' II. ! the plan. Both army and navy offi­ n. a n. a. importing gasoline toy barge and tug the Admiral Flske. service from Seattle! SERVICE cials, however, have manifested more The five veteran ships have been Î interest in Alaska In recent months Effective Monday, Oct 1, sold by the Pacific Steamship Lines The United States steam schooner SEPTEMBER SALE OF ! than in years past. This territory to California interests, and will be vtuee, i p-u* -, -—* ——— John D. Kirkpatrick, owned In 1934 reaches ar toward Japanese and 80- scrapped in 8an Francisco. Neither Ask the Ticket Agent, Grand Porks Ketchikan, arrived yesterday from ! vtet waters. the identity of the purchaser nor the AUSTRALIA AND NEW the north en route south and CANADIAN PACIFIC i Claude Swanson. Secretary of the terms of the sale were made public. ! Navy, told reporters that next sum- Calgary berthed at Evans. Coleman and EASYCOAT Although small carriers with ac­ ZEALAND Evans's dock to land s few passengers mer » tactics would embrace the en- Prince Albert 1 o—. — — — ’ — noLDthdi luf A |»»Wo Mfl. commodations for about 100 paS- and to embark others. A ÏM6ÔCV YHvet-gTdM - TT1ÏK1L for t vue snongaw 1111 ■■ - ~iC8|S!Y WOT, these ships bees*» everything Inside the home, with the : wail and Puget Sound. The cxer- popular with sea travelers during the Slue Star Line 8a. Gaelic i cues, he said, would ''simulate war as Monterey in ’ Francis*. eléae 8*p- exception of floors. Plan to do your many years they voyaged up and troi ber IS 11.18 «tee Auckland. Oc­ arrived at New Westminster yester­ 1 much as possible." adding that the down the Pacific Coast. day to load for United Kingdom. fall decorating now and save money navy planned to be prepared for any Francisco,renciMTo. closectosr Septra-ovpaciu- at these sale prices. All colors, and I due Wellington. Octo- attack should it be necessary. Halifax 11.15 pm. B. W. Greer and Son Limited, re­ white. DIGGING PLANE bar 19: Sydney. October 30. ported Ms. Hikawa Maru of the Nip­ Beg. Sale Beg. Rale Victoria end vicinity for 35 hours ending pon Yusen Kalsha In port and 9 pm. _ Friday:‘ . __. aLight i » a-to —moderate ^J...I» re.te.al»winds; ■ QUEEN CHARLOTTE Prie# Prie» Price Price OUT FROM SNOW continued fine" and moderately warm. berthed at Terminal Dock. Gall. 9t.W S1a78 Pints SOe 50C ISLANDS The Isthmian Une 8s. Birmingham Recalling of visits of a submarine City arrived yesterday and berthed Qte. 91.49 pints\..45e Little America, Antarctic. Sept. 30. Close: II.» p m. July 13. 17: August 18. 93C 29C division and two airplane squadrons Coastwise Movements 34. via Vancouver. at Pier A for United Kingdom porta. to Dutch Harbor. Alaska, along with —The giant condor biplane which 1119 p m. July 18; August L 19. a massed army bomber flight, weeks will carry the burden of' Admiral VICTORIA-VANCOUVER Wt »»via Princer-nurw Rupert.- __ __ -, -- Close. 11.19 p m., Beptrober 7. 13. 31. 35. Kingsley Navigation Co. reported , ago, gave rise to hints that ntoval Richard E. Byrd’s long range spring Princes» ivse Victoria for Ss. West Ivl* in yesterday from Boutin Turps and Oil exploration is nearly ready to come Veneowver -m.; arrives Vaa- ! ! manoeuvres would centre in Alaskan »uver 9.39 pm America and Gulf of Mexico porte. I waters next year. to the surface after five months in Prince* Marguerite YUKON AND ATUN Bring your own container In order These operations have brought per- Its enow hangar at the head of Ver illy for Victoria 10 34 î.» p.m. to benefit toy these special gallon ; Estent rumors that the United States Sur Mer Inlet. Tide Table prices. i might establish a naval base In Since Sunday the full energies of Close. 4.39 p.m. September 3. 19. 31 via loaves Victor is dally at midnight: arrive* Seattle. Raw Linseed Oil. U I Boiled Unseed OU. £ M AA moving snow from atop the craft Prince* Elisabeth Landing. tes ^Vancouver daily at midnight; arrives Per gallon (C I Per gallon ...... $1 >UU and the job may be completed this September 29. last connection Ht Time HI Look for yonr United Pure Turpentine. would T>e held to the Pacific all next week. - When work was stopped yes­ Erast ft.lh.rn. terday morning only a thin shell of Marguerite «eav* 4 year. Last Saturday It sailed from arruesVBcsttle ISO 6 22 2 4 7 4 19 01 • 4 33 41 7 » Parity Stores Dodger Hampton Roads. Va., and before De­ Vfthwsm»1 ALASKA SÎFia ll HU The above also on sals In e sert and MUw at 259 m4 199 cember 1 will be back ones more In itt am. 1.19 p.*. Baleakala. Ire* DaalUa. » are. st yonr door to-diy. the San Pedro and San Diego area. weather, a light wind dally at 8 am.: » 7o«at. _ Bamfield. Oepwro. Clsvnqaot. CkM blanks occur la DOMINION t'IBCiLATlXG HEATERS with castle Island, the Canadian Pacific's the plane-might wreck It and Sundaj ont» at 7 39 or falls contint three of the livered to yon at onoe. RoToR grates which enables you to burn leave* Vancouver Ssturde: Kiksvlx Ktldonan summer resort off Nanaimo, the vet- . ; dati». ascent Saturday *1 Neotka. Port AJbomi. Port Renfrew. usual tidal period* alack and pea coal. The cheaper trade. enm steamer Prince* Victoria re­ Torino end Uciuetet The height 1* in feet except Bundey foot, measured from the at Larte-alze Console In enamel flnluh. Ileal» turned to her berth yesterday after­ Starboats 1 P« dally except Sunday 8.41 p a la « room*. Formerly 136.00. noon. She will remain tied up at the WEST COAST SERVICE Mail close 19 fist ef each Belleville Street docks until next Prince* Noreh will sail 11 p.m., Sep- $59.00 summer. Off California tomber 11 and 31 Centre Ulaad. Due l it am. HEATERS. The Princess Victoria was used ae a BALT SPRING ISLAI wrh month San Franciaco. Sept. 30—Piloting Matts close 9 am., Snd. 13th and 33nd black oxidized floating hotel all summer and bun- Wednesday, at 5.35 am. and dreda of visitors spent their vacations his trim little "By G" Into first placé ives Pulford Harbor dally ex- Estevan Point Kakawta. Ryueuot aboard her. for the third time In four days. H. P. at S- a.m. and 4 p.m. sad Torino $46.50 The Prince* Victoria still looks a Beardal*. of Balboa. Calif., virtually laavtt Sjrart* Ba» 7 p.m. Salt Spring Island Service trim vessel and as she steamed by the clinched the 103* international star only, leave* Pulford Harbor 5 a.m , boat championship yesterday. leave* Swart* Bay at »nt yesterday afternoon old- 9.99 am., m. and 1.39 p.m. Sta. 18th and 89th recalled the day when Beardslee made the most of tricky SIDNEY-ANj for BassnekL BcooM. KUdooan. ranked among the fastest and mnart- beunxea that at times completely be­ Uclueleb Due 9 i Change of Schedule — Effective September 14, 1934 in the Pacific Northwest. calmed the racing fleet, to lead a field • am.: arrive* Sidney 8-‘ir.'s“S4: Sidney 18is am.a î.,■. arriva» aoetui Monday and DAYS EX8RPT WEDNESDAY more than a quarter of a of fifteen boats acroea the finish line Imvn Aneeort* 3.19 pm l.M p m . Friday*, far H