WÏATHE* FORECt ST TIMES TELEPHONES Victoria end Vicinity — Light to modgtatc wind#; continued tine and moderately warm. • _ Vancouver and Vicinity ^-Continued I VOL. 85 NO. 68 VICTORIA, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1934 —24 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS RAINBOW WINS THIRD RACE OF CUP SERIES Arrest In Lindbergh Kidnapping Case Endeavour Leads Way To POLICE SEIZE SAILED TO-DAY IN CUP RACE accused HAN Half-way Mark, But Loses MAN AND FIND GIVES ALIBI When Borrowed Jib Fails RANSOM MONEY D. Meisner, Charged in La- Series Now Stands at Two Victories for Endeavour batt Kidnapping, Sur­ EXPECT GOOD and One for Rainbow; Endeavour's Margin at renders in Detroit Fifteen-mile Buoy To-day Nearly Seven Minutes, Richard Hauptmann, Bronx, But Vanderbilt Able to Outsail Her on Second Now in Cell in New York JAVA VOLCANO Detroit, Sept. 20—David Meisner, one of two men sought In con­ TAXPAYMENT Fifteen Miles When Old Genoa Jib of U.8. Sloop City and $13,750 of the IN ERUPTION nection with the kidnapping of John K. La butt, wealthy brewer, of Vanitie Fails to Draw Properly; Rainbow's Lead Money J. F. Condon Paid Canadian Pres* from Havas London. Ont., surrendered to De­ Flow of Ratepayers’ Money Batavia. Java, Kept. 20.—Terror troit police to-day and said he had to City Coffers Augurs Well at Finish Half Mile on Behalf of Col. C. A. reigned to-day In the centre of an allbL Lindbergh in Hands of the Island as Mem pi. one of the for Year’s Collections smaller peaks of Java’s string of "I was at my home In Cincinnati Authorities as Other twenty-six active volcanoes, wak­ during the whole time of the kid­ By ANDREW MERKEL, Canadian Frew Staff Writer ened to unexpected activity and napping," Meisner said. "I’ve got all “Hot” Leads Followed belched forth lava and fumes on klnda of witnesses. I can even bring Encouraging signs of the deter­ Aboard V.8. Coastguard Cutter Mendota, Newport, R.I., the many neighboring villages. up policemen to prove I waa in Cin­ mination of the ratepayers to help Sept. 20.—An old Genoa jib borrowed from Vanitie, wind Thousands of natives and Euro­ cinnati." lntaln the city's financial position peans were trekking coastwards. ONTARIO NOTIFIED re seen to-day as the tide of tax blown and misshapen, cost T. 0. M. Sop with to-day’s race Xpayments flowed steadily Into the for the America's Cup. Hauptmann Got Into He met Inspector John A. Hoffman of the special investigation squad, by city treasury. The challenger waa away to the best start of the eerie* appointment this afternoon. Inspec­ While It Ur not expected to attain U S. IT Years Ago tor Hoffman prepared to notify Can­ Its maximum volume until closer to and had established a lead of a full mile at the outer mark. adian authorltlea of the arrest and the end of the month when the final Jibbing around the half-way buoy and coming on wind said he would invite the Canadian, date for payment free of penalty COAL OUTPUT officers to bring their witnesses bean, the amounts being paid aug­ with Genoa jib set, Sop with immediately began to fall to Asseefctted Frees against Meisner to Detroit. ured well for a good collection this leeward. When he got in a soft «pot and saw the defender New York, Sept. 20.— "I am willing to bring my witnesses year, officials stated. to Detroit," Meisner eald, "and they To Alderman p. R. Brown, chair­ getting a better slant he came about and established him­ Police announced to-dav can bring then», too. man of the finance committee, the self on the Rainbow’s weather bow. But he had tacked they had in custody the JUMPS AGAIN "We’ll go to bat here, and If I trend brought considerable satisfac­ too late. cannot satisfy these people that i tion as he again voiced his plea to man who received the did not. have anything to do with this the ratepayers to continue their ex* cellent work In keeping up the city’s The defender carried hls wind $60,000 ransom money paid kidnapping, I will go to Canada under through the challenger's lee and with Total for Eight Months 15 arrest without an extradition fight." ttion which enabled hls committee by Col. Charles À. Lind­ press its stand for full payment sails drawing perfectly, continued to Per Cent Higher; ls'9nd ron bond chantes. open up hls lead. bergh in an ineffectual ef­ As Rainbow crossed the line the Down in August ____ EXPECT MANY Rtt>*MPTtONt REVOLT TALK fort to recover his kid­ challenger was half a mile astern. POLICE HUNT Many Inquiries have also been Rainbow’s margin of victory was 3 napped baby son two years placed with the city regarding the minutes 26 seconds. The official ago. B.C coal production In August was exemption of property put up at the finish was: Rainbow 3.1634, En­ The man is Bernard approximately 10 per cent higher than FOR A. PEGRAM last tax sale. Under city regulations STIRS SPAIN deavour 3.18. in the same month last year, accord­ While the winds have been the chief deciding factor so far 1» the the majority of owners have until Bichard Hauptmann of the the- end of December to pay off back NEW KAIL ing to statistics Issued by Hon. George America’s Cup races, with Endeavour’s borrowed Genoa Jib »harh$g the taxes and reclaim any property In a Leon Trotzky Rumored to Be •tipper Bopwlth dislikes Genoa Bronx, a borough of the 8. Pearson, MlnUteg of Mhw.1ffd8ri responsibility to-day. a great deal has depended on the crews of the Canadian Press The Increase was all In the Interior state of transition from their hands Jibe, which have proved faster on the ' city of New York. districts, the island output being challenger and Rainbow—me experte nee and teamwork they have Timmins, Ont.. Sept. 20.—Chief to that of the ettv. Active in Spanish Revolu­ wind in smaller claseea on both aides The heist police announcement down n par cent. brought to their tasks. The camera studies above present typical seamen Detective Frederick Frahm of De­ Expectations of a high redemption of the ocean. It may be he wm egdsr tontamed tear details, but the air at Total tot the province was 123,488 from the two yachts—the husky and Jovial English amateurs of En- troit amt Inspector lUmea Gardiner total were baaed this year on the tionary Activities one to-night. of «$*• Ontario police were en route fact an unusually large number of the toreenwlth Street police station, tons, against 110.630 last jear On deavour (below) and the dapperly uniformed, serions professional sailors Hundreds of excursion and plms- where the announcement was made, the Island the output was 45.911, of Rainbow (IBtfVt). stUm*apparently in search of Albert properties under the hammer Associated press at the last tax sale. With the city ure craft screamed a riotous salua was surcharged with rumors. compared with 65,028 In August, 1983. Madrid, Sept. 20. — The name of to the white defender ma the moved , The announcement said; The big Increase was in the Corbin Pegram. one of two suspecta wanted In a comparatively favorable position In connection with the Labatt kid­ Leoti Trotzky. exiled leader of Soviet smoothly across the finish line. “We hare In custody the man who and Michel CoHlerlea In the Bast when the condition of other muni­ Russia, flashed Into thé picture to­ Kootenay area. napping case. cipalities Is considered, former owners The sérias now stands, two to one received the ransom money He Is day as a revolutionary uprising for Sop with, with the beet four out Bernard Richard Haupraann of 1ST» For the first eight months of the were expected to attach considerable LARGE AUDIENCE value to the lands and Improvements scheduled for daybreak proved abor­ of seven the test. mut Itnd Street, the Brona. He le an year the production is nearly 15 TAX STAFF IS tive. alien who came to thla country ae a cent higher, the figure being for which they must pay arrears this ASTONISHING RACE year. Rafael Salazar Lonso, Minister of Stowaway eleven years ago." ,440 tons, compared with 782,074 the Interior, described plana for the Ktons last year. To-day’s wae one of the meet as­ TO BE CHANCED In order to avoid penalty charges rebellion as "Trotsky’s strategy, MONEY FOR GASOLINE HEARS KING SCORE on current taxes, ratepayers must tounding races ever sailed in the long One of the reporta, unconfirmed, mixed with American gangsterism." history of the cup. Endeavour build­ VJk DOLLAR IN LONDON meet their obligations by the first of There have been persistent .reports said Hauptmann a abort time ago paid Canadian Press next month. Determination to follow ing up almost a seven-minute lead in for some gasoline at a Bronx filling that course was seen to-day in the Trotzky, ordered from France last fifteen miles of leeward work and London. Sept. 20 (Associated Press) Vancouver, Sept. 20—Complete re­ April for revolutionary activities, had station with a S10 gold certificate good flow of taxes Into the treasury. then losing all of It within seven —The United States dollar gained organisation ol enforcement and col­ been seen In Catalonia recently. The proprietor became auspicious STEVENS’S COURSE lection of Income tax and levies on miles on a close reach. Rainbow’s beat 1 3-16 cents to the pound sterllQg GfCANAGAN SHIPS APPLES .Attempt* to learn Ala whereabout* sailing point.
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