SMART-X, “Square Meter, Arcsecond Resolution X-ray Telescope” A mission concept for a 2.3 m2 e ective area, 0.5′′ angular resolution X-ray telescope, with 5′ FOV, 1′′ pixel size microcalorimeter, 22′ FOV imager, and high-througput gratings. submitted by Alexey Vikhlinin Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 617-495-7044,
[email protected] on behalf of the SMART-X team at SAO, PSU, MIT, GSFC, MSFC, JHU, Stanford, U.Waterloo, Rutgers, NIST in response to NNH11ZDA018L A. Vikhlinin, P.Reid, H. Tananbaum, D. A. Schwartz, W.R. Forman, R. Kra, C. Jones, J. Bookbinder, R. Smith, V.Controneo, A. Kenter, P.Nulsen, L. P.David, R. Brissenden (SAO) S. Tolier-McKinstry, D. Burrows, A. Falcone, W.N. Brandt, E. Feigelson, L. Townsley (PSU) M. W.Bautz, M. Schattenburg, R. Heilmann, J. Davis, D. Dewey (MIT) S. R. Bandler, M. Markevitch, R. E. Kelley, C. A. Kilbourne, F.S. Porter, S. J. Smith (GSFC) M. C. Weisskopf, B. Ramsey, S. O’Dell (MSFC) S. S. Murray (JHU) S. A. Allen (Stanford) B. R. McNamara (U. Waterloo) J. P.Hughes (Rutgers) K. D. Irwin, G. C. Hilton (NIST/Boulder) A. Vikhlinin and other members of the SMART-X team are willing to participate and present our concept at the workshop. We are willing to discuss all information related to the proposal. 2 1 Overview Perseus@z=0.5 We describe the Square Meter Arcsecond Resolution X-ray Fe K, 300 ksec Telescope — SMART-X— in response to this Request for 1.5 /s/keV) Information for mission concepts capable of addressing Thermal scienti c objectives of the International X-ray Observatory.