May 27, 2018

‘Santa Clara de Asis, a growing Catholic community, comes together to praise and worship the Lord while responding to the Gospel through service to others in the spirit of our Patroness.’

Santa Clara de Asis Parish Mission Statement Liturgy Schedule

Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 8:00 am , 10:00 am & 12:00 pm Greetings and Welcome! Weekday Masses: Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. Welcome to our home, Santa Clara de Asis Catholic Contact Fr. Fred 714-970-2149 Weddings: Church! May the peace and love of Father, Son and six (6) months in advance Holy Spirit be with you! Baptisms: By Appointment. Baptism Prep: Call 714-809-0205 Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:30 pm We invite you to enter fully into the life of our parish Anointing of the Sick: Upon Request community sharing our worship and love of Jesus Funerals: Ed Valenzuela 714-504-7936 Christ. Within this Bulletin is news of upcoming Adoration: First Friday of the Month 9am-6pm events, activities and opportunities which may be Food Collection for Sister Parish of interest to you. Immaculate Heart of Mary: First Full Weekend of the Month Contact information is likewise provided for all Santa Clara de Asis Parish Office of our groups, organizations, outreaches and ministries. Feel free to speak directly with Reverend Fred K. Bailey, Pastor 714-970-2149 these individuals for more information. Father Seamus Glynn, Pastoral Assistance Fr. Fred K. Bailey and the 22005 Avenida de la Paz, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Santa Clara de Asis Pastoral Team office: 714-970-7885 fax: 714-970-2618

After Hours Emergency Only: 714-312-0967 Page Two May 27, 2018 Dear Friends: Thirty five. That is how many American Military deaths have occurred since last Memorial Day. Repre- senting a quilt of America, the 35 came from all over: Dashan Briggs is from Jefferson Station, New York; Mark Weber is from Colorado Springs,; William Posch hails from Indialantic, Florida; Jeremiah Johnson was from Springboro, Ohio and Byron Black called Puyallup, Washington home, while Dustin Wright was a native of Lyons, Georgia with Allen Stigler Jr., only 22, being from Arlington, Texas...and the list goes on. Compared to the hot and active years immediately following our intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq when the yearly totals were thousands of American KIAs, 35 may not seem like many...but of course, to their families and friends, they were everything. This year’s 35 brings to 6920 the number of Americans killed since 2001. Memorial Day frequently hyped as the ‘unofficial start of Summer’, it is easy to focus primarily on barbecues, picnics and family gatherings to kick-off the Summer...but for 35 American families, hot dogs and hamburgers may fill their bellies but they won’t come close to satisfying the emptiness that now haunts their hearts. Some might be so cavalier as to shrug and say they did not know any of these 35 personally....but they each wore a uniform that came with an oath to serve US...and they died doing that. Seems like the least we can do is acknowledge and honor their lives, mourn their deaths and ABSOLUTELY support and pray for their families. As we have done for the past six years, the names of all 35 are on slips of paper up in front near the poster in the Sanctuary. I encourage you to come and take one of the names, adopt that person...and their family...for the weekend (or longer if you wish.) If you desire to know more about these individuals you can go to HONOR THE FALLEN, where the full list of military lives sacrificed over the years is maintained. I encourage you to remember the name of YOUR American when you say grace before your holiday meals. If you are particularly courageous you may wish to write their families a note of support and don’t have to say much, just let them know that you are remembering them on this Memorial Day and they do not mourn alone. If you can’t locate their precise address, send your note in a separate envelope and letter to the Chief of Police in whatever town the deceased was from...the police will know who these people are and will probably hand deliver your letter. We cannot restore these 35 to life but we can offer solace and solidarity with their American to another. With our annual Diocese of Orange Priest Retreat occurring next week, some people have asked what actually goes on during the week of retreat. Knowing of my involvement with the Scheduling, Hospitality, on-site details and Environment set-up, they wonder how it all meshes together. The Retreat is a MANDATED event for us Diocesan clergy and anyone wanting to be excused has to personally receive permission from Bishop Kevin, thus there are, give or take a few, 168 priests and bishops who will participate for the week. For some of these guys, this is the only retreat and/or vacation away from their parishes they will be able to squeeze into their hectic schedules, so my effort is to provide them with the BEST experience possible. We have a Retreat Director, this year, Bishop Larry Silva of Hawaii, who presents two or three presentations each day. Each day has morning, eve- ning prayer along with Mass and opportunities for anointing and Reconciliation and plenty of BLANK time for the fellows to interact with each other or catch up on their sleep. This year we are back at The Westin in Rancho Mirage, with our rooms costing only $114 a night, which is why, with the exception of next year being back at the Hyatt Regency, we are contracted with the Westin through 2024. The pools, golf courses and ample grounds allow the fellows opportunities to exercise or escape for R&R without having to go far. The job for me and my team is to transform our meeting rooms into whatever we need them to be...a big blank convention room be- comes our Worship Space, complete with Holy Water Font, Altar, suspended crucifix, Ambo, Presider Chair and side altars of remembrance for our deceased loved ones (especially deceased priests) and another in support of our Seminarians. There are other large convention rooms given over to our daily gatherings/meetings and then our Dining Room for Dinner, a different one for lunch and the outdoor Patio area for our alfresco breakfasts. The proper and beautiful set-up of these spaces is HIGHLY important, but so is the Hospitality Time each day between Mass and dinner. Back in the 80’s when I was a new priest, the hospitality consisted of lots of cocktails along with bags of potato chips and cans of nuts...still in the bags and still in the cans! I have taken it as my sacred duty to treat all our priests with greater dignity than bags of chips and cans of nuts...thus, while we still have plenty of assorted beverages of varying intensity, I take it as a point of pride to personally prep all the foods we offer as appetizers....brown sugared-bacon wrapped dates, home cured salmon, Asian pork skewers, chicken pho (courtesy of Monarch 9), mini chicken burritos, plenty of cheese wheels, a charcuterie station with freshly sliced prosciutto (thank goodness for Costco!) along with artisanal sausages...and this year the fellows will be welcomed to the Monday night Hospitality with fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies, with a special sweet treat on Jubilee Day of Bananas Foster in lieu of cookies! There you have it, prayer, rest, good food, great camaraderie...all so we can return home to serve YOU as better and holier priests! Enjoy your holiday weekend and remember, you are loved. FKB May 27, 2018 page three

May 26-27, 2018 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Memorial Weekend Deuteronomy 4:32-46 Romans 8:14-17 Matthew 28:16-20 For many collegiate sons and daughters coming home for the Summer, there is a period of ‘remembering’ that is a part of the reintegration within the family unit. Having become used to being on their own throughout the school year, the semi-adult youth suddenly must remember that it is their PARENT’S home, that the ‘folks’ may have curfews, particular behavioral standards to be followed and expectations involving their kid’s participation within assorted ‘family’ events. Having been masters of their own world (with the exception of tuition, room and board, etc.) the learning curve can be unsettling for some. Having concluded the Easter Season, before we settle into the fullness of Ordinary Time, which will take us through Thanksgiving, we spend two weekends reacquainting ourselves with some ESSENTIAL components of our Catholic faith. This weekend, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, reminds us that Jesus is PART of the TRINITY of God, a TRINITY composed of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As parents are anxious to rediscover who their son or daughter has become while away at school, so we may have to take time to REMEMBER that Jesus always connects us with the FATHER, through the HOLY SPIRIT, that he does not exist alone. (Of course we could start getting wonky and remind people that the ETERNAL WORD, Jesus, existed before he was named the same way that the ETERNAL FATHER and ETERNAL HOLY SPIRIT have ALWAYS existed before we used English words to describe them.) Luckily there is no jealousy among the individual Trinitarian participants but Trinity Sunday reminds us that there is more to God than can quickly meet the eye. Names, titles, are important in that they are the beginning of introductions...and introductions are just the beginning of getting to know someone more deeply. Which, every parent has to do over and over again as their child matures, becomes their own person and builds a life of their own....which is duplicated on the part of sons and daughters, who from the perspective of their own growing maturity, look back at their parents and discover that they too had full lives of successes, mistakes, hopes, disappointments, heartbreak and loves awaiting discovery. Which is what all the approaching weeks of Ordinary Time are, me and God all getting to know one another all over again. Thank you for spending part of your Memorial Weekend with our Santa Clara community. How can we already be at the midpoint of the year?!?! You will note that the Reservation Forms for our Summer LA CENA (on July 21st and/or September 1st) are now available, within the Bulletin, on the Posters and on the Parish Website. Presuming no Summer rains, both La Cena’s promise fun evenings for our Santa Clara ‘Village’ to reacquaint ourselves with each other and simply enjoy evenings of food, beverage, conversation and plenty of music. Having honored the moms in our lives on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is approaching on Sunday, June 17th. If you wish to enroll your dads, living or deceased in the Special June Father’s Masses, the envelopes are available at the exits. Lastly, our 2018 Diocese of Orange Priest Retreat gets underway next week and a reminder to you that there ARE NO WEEKDAY MASSES here at Santa Clara from June 4-8. Sleep in, go out to breakfast, walk an extra mile, experience a little ‘fast’ from your routines. The Hall will of course be open 24/7 that week and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel is always available for private prayer. Lastly, please remember to TAKE ONE OF THE MEMORIAL DAY SLIPS from the basket so as to remember YOUR American who died during this past year in service of YOU! Pray for their family, perhaps write the family a note of condolence and support...this is TRUE patriotism, honoring ALL those who have sacrificed for us, regardless of their backgrounds. As always, in between your hamburgers and hot dogs, please remember that you are loved. FKB page four May 27, 2018

OUR MISTAKE….a computer glitch deleted the following names from our THANK YOU LIST!!! A week late, but I am VERY VERY grateful for your support of our PSA efforts! Fr. Fred K. Abramovich, Richard Whitney, Wally & Suzanne Wright, Erin Wyszomirski, Conrad Caceres, Julio Wilson, Lola Xanthos, John Do, Mr. & Mrs. Oanh Wing, Martin Yankauskas, David Matiasevich, GinaWeber, Frank Winkler, Terry Yoo, Edward Weiner, Mike Wojciak, William Younger, Mr. & Mrs. Evan Whichard,John Wojtuszewski, Paul Zarske, Monica & John Whitaker, Thomas Wood, Linda

high school First Friday Adoration Holy Hour – Friday, June 1st from 7-8 p.m. in the church. All are welcome to join us for quiet time, prayer, meditation, worship music and Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. **July and August YM Holy Hours will feature an outdoor movie night at church afterwards!

Teen Leaders – Save the Date!! – Saturday, June 23 for our Leadership Lock-In at Santa Clara! More details to come soon! Keep an eye out in your email for all the details!

Tuesday, June 5th– Leadership Formation Night at church from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

High School Youth Ministry registration and re-registration will begin on July 1st. All families with a teen desiring to begin the Sacramental Prep for Confirmation must be active at Santa Clara for one full year prior to registering for Confirmation. middle school All Middle Schoolers in 8th grade this year entering high school will be mailed home High School registration information for Confirmation preparation during the month of May. High School Youth YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH Ministry Registration opens on July 1st for the following year. Middle School Ministry is open to all 6, 7, and 8th graders at the Parish! Please consider bringing your child for fun, faith and fellowship with their peers of Santa Clara! 2018-2019 Registration will begin on July 1st. May 27, 2018 page five Vatican asks German bishops for agreement on Communion for non-Catholic spouses by Joshua J. McElwee, May 3, 2018

ROME — The Vatican has asked ’s Catholic bishops to adapt a proposal to allow non-Catholic spouses to receive communion so it might satisfy objections from a minority of the country’s prelates, who questioned the doctrinal legitimacy of the initiative. In a press release May 3 after meetings in Rome that day between six German bishops and four curial officials, the Vatican said the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had asked the prelates “to find, in a spirit of ecclesial communion, a possibly unanimous outcome.” asked the delegation of German bishops to come to Rome last month after three-quarters of the prelates approved the development of pastoral guidelines for determining situations in which a non-Catholic spouse married to a Catholic could take in the church. Seven German bishops had expressed disagreement with the move, writing to the head of the doctrinal congregation, Archbishop Luis Ladaria, and the president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Cardinal , asking whether the bishops’ conference had authority to issue such guidelines. The May 3 press release does not give indication of whether Ladaria or other Vatican officials agreed or disagreed with the bishops’ conference’s authority on the matter. “During the course of the meeting ... Archbishop Ladaria illustrated that Pope Francis appreciates the ecumenical commitment of the German bishops and asks them to find, in a spirit of ecclesial communion, a possibly unanimous outcome,” the release states. Among issues discussed in the encounter, states the release, were: “the connection of the question with faith and pastoral care, its relevance for the universal church, and its juridical dimension.” “Archbishop Ladaria will inform the Holy Father about the contents of the dialogue,” the release concludes. “The meeting took place in a cordial and fraternal atmosphere.” The generally reserves the possibility of taking Communion to its members, holding that the sharing of the sacrament is a sign of unity in the faith. Some non-Catholic spouses say, however, that not being able to take Communion alongside their partner creates a sense of exclusion.​ Three years ago, Francis suggested that Lutherans married to Catholics could personally discern whether to take Catholic Communion. In response to a question from a non-Catholic spouse during a visit to Rome’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in 2015, the pope reflected on the nature of Jesus’ words at the last supper: “Do this in memory of me.” “I ask myself: Is sharing the Lord’s Supper the end of a path or is it the viaticum for walking together?” he asked, using a Latin term for food or provisions along the journey. Francis has also spoken about the need for what he calls a “healthy decentralization” in the Catholic Church, and has asked for a deeper consideration of the theological status of bishops’ conferences. The German bishops taking part in the May 3 meeting included: Munich and Freising Cardinal , the president of the bishops’ conference; Cardinal Rainer Woelki; Munster Bishop Felix Genn; Speyer Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesemann, president of the bishops’ doctrinal commission; Regensburg Bishop Rudolf Volderholzer, vice-president of the doctrinal commission; Magdeburg Bishop Gerhard Feige, president of the bishop’s commission for ecumenism; and Jesuit Fr. Hans Langendorfer, secretary of the bishops’ conference. Besides Ladaria and Koch, the Vatican officials taking part included Bishop Markus Graulich, undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts; and Fr. Hermann Geissler, an official at the doctrinal congregation. page six May 27, 2018

Parish Contacts Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation Mary Chavez 714-970-7885x231 Baptismal Preparation Donna Wojciak 714-809-0205 RCIA Mary Chavez 714-970-7885x231 Children’s Faith Formation Emily Bent 714-970-7885x223 Middle School Ministry Kirsten King 714-970-7885 x225 SCYM - Youth Ministry Kirsten King 714-970-7885 x225

Administrative and Finance

Pastoral Council Alvin Arellano 714-448-7166 Tad Dike 714-497-6549 Suzie Dominguez 714-501-3407 Kelly Lutes 714-329-4604 Suzi Nicoletti 714-930-5405 Elaine Schurter 714-322-5060 Pamela Seamster 714-692-2377 Carlos Sobral 714-873-7254 Andrea Watanabe 714-496-0473 Frank Weber 714-227-4681 Billy Wojciak 714-396-3264 Finance Council Frank Weber 714-227-4681 Front Office Personnel Pam Melancon 714-970-7885x221 Bulletin/Calendar/Website Julie Paino-Montez 714-271-3642 Facilities Marc Jordan 714-970-7885x230 Fingerprinting/Safe Environ. Jennifer Mautino 714-315-0996 Men, come and join us! Maintenance Ministry Karen Engel 714-809-2916

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”. Pastoral Outreach/Community Service Eucharistic Minister to The Men’s Ministry at Santa Clara is designed to give the Homebournd Mark & Carolyn Diederich 714-692-2256 an opportunity for the adult men of the church to Bereavement/Requiem Ed Valenzuela 714-504-7936 meet for times of fellowship and mutual edification. Beta Foster Care Thomas & Monique Vansuch 714-402-4547 Catholic Worker Rich Michal 714-779-7054 st rd Heart & Soul Nick Castillo 714-365-5557 We meet on the 1 and 3 Thursday of every month, Large Event Hospitality Maria McFarland 714-749-8169 6am-7am @ Santa Clara. Breakfast will be served. Post-Mass Hospitality Mike and Laura Curtis 714-403-5417 We encourage all adult men (21+) to come and join St. Vincent de Paul Laura Midkiff 714-970-7885x222 us! Liturgical Ministries

Mass Intentions Altar Servers Joe Sardina 714-694-0139 Eucharistic Ministers Frank Weber 714-227-4681 Mrs. Sylvia Cruces - Saturday, 5/26 - 5 p.m. Lectors Billy Wojciak 714-396-3264 Music Ministry Philip Parke 714-606-5479 Mary Krogman - Sunday, 5/27 - 10 a,m. Sacristans Terry Eubanks 951-818-2124 Gregorio & Vivencia Palomar - Wednesday, 5/30 Server Robe Washing Cindy Beyl 714-312-0909 Ushers Rich Michal 714-779-7054

Social Organizations

Cursillo Karen Crowley 714-272-0238 Parish Weekly Tithe Report Filipino Community Tessie Mowen 714-692-1021 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION Heart 2 Heart Mary Chavez 714-970-7885x231 Women of Faith Mary Ann Miceri-Kusenda 714-312-0412 TO THE PARISH! Knights of Columbus Pat DeFriese 714-499-6290 Childcare Lisa Reza 714-402-3751 -Weekly Income: Cub Scout Pack 1253 Scott Griffith 562-500-2790 Boy Scouts Troop 824 Jake Lappin 714-865-8525 May 5th-6th, 2018 $15,757.00 May 12th-13th, 2018 $18,058.00 Social Organizations-Seasonal May 19th-20th, 2018 $19,892.42 Good Friday Prayer Breakfast Lisa Alonso 562-355-9878 La Cena Sonja Gibson 714-624-5337 Gisela & Jason Mobraten 714-809-1630

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YES! I want to gather with our Santa Clara famiglia and enjoy La Cena!

Please sign me up for:

Saturday, July 21st ______or Saturday, September 15th______(If registering for BOTH nights, please complete TWO Separate Registrations.)


Address: ______



Phone #:______

# of adults , (age 15 and above) at $35 each ______

# of children, (age 10-14) at $20 each ______

# of ‘bambinos’, (age 2-9) at $10 each ______

Total $: ______

If paying with cash/check, amount $ enclosed: ______

Credit Card (Please circle one) VISA – AMEX – MasterCard - Discovery

Credit Card #: ______

Expiration Date: ______

Security Code: ______

Name on Card: ______

YES, please charge my card : Total $______

Signature: ______

Santa Clara de Asis Catholic Church 22005 Avenida de la Paz Yorba Linda, CA 92887 page ten May 27, 2018