‘War is in the air’

They danced in the streets, in restaurants, everywhere, to the tune of “Love is in the air” at the news that the majority Australians voted for “marriage equality” for homosexuals. This is the latest in a chain of countries that have gone this way, all of them western nations, and all of them nominally Judeo-Christian. How has it come to this? How have the countries that benefitted from God’s greatest blessings turned against Him and gone to His Adversary’s way of life so remorselessly, and uncaring for the consequences? Even God is asking this question.

Jer 2:4 Hear the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob and all the families of the house of Israel. Jer 2:5 Thus says the LORD: "What injustice have your fathers found in Me, that they have gone far from Me, Have followed idols, and have become idolaters? Jer 2:6 Neither did they say, 'Where is the LORD, Who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, Who led us through the wilderness, Through a land of deserts and pits, Through a land of drought and the shadow of death, Through a land that no one crossed And where no one dwelt?' Jer 2:7 I brought you into a bountiful country, To eat its fruit and its goodness. But when you entered, you defiled My land And made My heritage an abomination. Jer 2:8 The priests did not say, 'Where is the LORD?' And those who handle the law did not know Me; The rulers also transgressed against Me; The prophets prophesied by Baal [Satan], And walked after things that do not profit. Jer 2:9 "Therefore, I will yet bring charges against you," says the LORD, "And against your children's children I will bring charges. Jer 2:10 For pass beyond the coasts of Cyprus and see, Send to Kedar and consider diligently, And see if there has been such a thing. Jer 2:11 Has a nation changed its gods, Which are not gods? But My people have changed their Glory For what does not profit. Jer 2:12 Be astonished, O heavens, at this, And be horribly afraid; Be very desolate," says the LORD. Jer 2:13 "For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns – broken cisterns that can hold no water. Jer 2:14 "Is Israel a servant? Is he a homeborn slave? Why is he plundered? Jer 2:15 The young lions roared at him, and growled; They made his land waste; His cities are burned, without inhabitant. Jer 2:16 Also the people of Noph and Tahpanhes Have broken the crown of your head. Jer 2:17 Have you not brought this on yourself, In that you have forsaken the LORD your God When He led you in the way? Jer 2:18 And now why take the road to Egypt [the way of idolatry, debauchery and rebellion], to drink the waters of Sihor? Or why take the road to Assyria, To drink the waters of the River? Jer 2:19 Your own wickedness will correct you, And your backslidings will rebuke you. Know therefore and see that it is an evil and bitter thing That you have forsaken the LORD your God, And the fear of Me is not in you," Says the Lord GOD of hosts. Jer 2:20 "For of old I have broken your yoke and burst your bonds; And you said, 'I will not transgress,' When on every high hill and under every green tree You lay down, playing the harlot. Jer 2:21 Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before Me Into the degenerate plant of an alien vine? Jer 2:22 For though you wash yourself with lye, and use much soap, Yet your iniquity is marked before Me," says the Lord GOD. Jer 2:23 "How can you say, 'I am not polluted, I have not gone after the Baals'? See your way in the valley; Know what you have done: You are a swift dromedary breaking loose in her ways, Jer 2:24 A wild donkey used to the wilderness, That sniffs at the wind in her desire; In her time of mating, who can turn her away? All those who seek her will not weary themselves; In her month they will find her. Jer 2:25 Withhold your foot from being unshod, and your throat from thirst. But you said, 'There is no hope. No! For I have loved aliens, and after them I will go.' Jer 2:26 "As the thief is ashamed when he is found out, So is the house of Israel ashamed; They and their kings and their princes, and their priests and their prophets, Jer 2:27 Saying to a tree, 'You are my father,' And to a stone, 'You gave birth to me.' For they have turned their back to Me, and not their face. But in the time of their trouble They will say, 'Arise and save us.'

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Jer 2:28 But where are your gods that you have made for yourselves? Let them arise, If they can save you in the time of your trouble; For according to the number of your cities Are your gods, O Judah. Jer 2:29 "Why will you plead with Me? You all have transgressed against Me," says the LORD. Jer 2:30 "In vain I have chastened your children; They received no correction. Your sword has devoured your prophets Like a destroying lion. Jer 2:31 "O generation, see the word of the LORD! Have I been a wilderness to Israel, Or a land of darkness? Why do My people say, 'We are lords; We will come no more to You'? Jer 2:32 Can a virgin forget her ornaments, Or a bride her attire? Yet My people have forgotten Me days without number. Jer 2:33 "Why do you beautify your way to seek love? Therefore you have also taught the wicked women your ways. Jer 2:34 Also on your skirts is found The blood of the lives of the poor innocents. I have not found it by secret search, But plainly on all these things. Jer 2:35 Yet you say, 'Because I am innocent, Surely His anger shall turn from me.' Behold, I will plead My case against you, Because you say, 'I have not sinned.' Jer 2:36 Why do you gad about so much to change your way? Also you shall be ashamed of Egypt as you were ashamed of Assyria. Jer 2:37 Indeed you will go forth from him With your hands on your head; For the LORD has rejected your trusted allies, And you will not prosper by them.

When President of the USA addressed the United Nations Assembly, on September 20, 2017, he told that august gathering that if the UN cannot stop North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons and continues to threaten its neighbours and the USA, America will have no choice but to destroy that nation. When asked by reporters whether he was willing to sit down and talk with the Korean leader to solve that conflict diplomatically, he answered, “Why not?” He emphasized that statement by repeating it, “Why not?” But Kim Jong-un was not interested in negotiations; he wanted American troops out of the Korean peninsula and nothing else in order to unify the two nations under his communist rule. With a nuclear arsenal and ballistic missiles at his disposal, who could stand in his way? He even declared that North Korea is at war with America after Donald Trump made that statement. The question is, will this be the war that will end all wars that the prophets have talked about, or the one that could end humanity itself that Jesus Christ spoke about?

Isa 2:2 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, Isa 2:3 "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. Isa 2:4 He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.

Or will it be this war?

Mat 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Mat 24:22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.

Kim Jong-un sent two ballistic missiles over Japan, causing that nation to run in panic to nuclear shelters, showing that he is not joking about going to war with those who interfere with his plans for the two Korean nations. He warned Donald Trump that he could strike American cities too if it does not remove its troops from South Korea. Were these the ravings of a mad man as so many people seem to think, considering that his rockets could barely reach a few American islands at present, knowing that a retaliatory strike form America would destroy his nation, or has he got something else in mind and down his sleeve that the world does not know about, and he cannot reveal? What could that be? What else other than submarines. American coastal waters, both in the East and West, are crawling with enemy submarines.

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A search through world media reveals that North Korea has as many as 90 (that is ninety) submarines in the Pacific waters. China has about 70, and Russia about sixty, but their submarines are bigger, deadlier and nuclear armed with multiple ballistic missiles. So when Kim Jong-un speaks of striking American cities, he does not have in mind his nuclear arsenal that is still in developing stages, but an armada of submarines that even with conventional weapons can strike many American cities and paralyse that nation. And if he has the backing of Russia and China, without whose approval he would never dare create such a dangerous situation, you can see how close the world is to Armageddon. Putin has threatened war with the West ever since he came to power in Russia, if the West keeps encroaching upon Russia’s “spheres of influence”. By that he means the Soviet Union’s ‘spheres of influence’, which he claims Russia has inherited. The problem is that the West no longer recognises ‘spheres of influence’, saying that these are things of the past, of the Cold War era. Putin, however, does not see it that way. He has been speaking not as the leader of a weakened Russia, but as if he were the leader of the Soviet Union. He has been treating Mikhail Gorbachev like a pariah personality for initiating perestroika and glasnost that led to the fall of that moribund atheist empire, and for not demanding from the West respect for Russia’s interests. He is determined to raise Russia to the greatness the Soviet Union enjoyed briefly in the early stages of the cosmic race, and the greatness of Russia’s past glories. Russian Orthodox priests cannot stop singing praises to Putin, even calling him,” Father of the Nation”, closing their eyes to his odious crimes and ongoing vendetta against political opponents and investigative journalists. He has already entered the Russian folklore as the greatest of their tsars, ahead of many renowned historical figures. And that bodes ill for the West for he does not want to appear weak to his people after instilling in them notions of greatness after the catastrophic fall of the Soviet Union. Putin unashamedly follows the Soviet policy of embracing petty dictators like Kim Jong-un and Bashir al-Assad of Syria. He never misses a chance to remind the West what they did to his other acolyte, Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi. That is why Bashir al-Assad has given him free reign to do to his nation what he did to Chechnya if need be as long as it keeps him in power. Putin did not disappoint. Western nations spent three years fighting a ‘civilised’ war against the Islamic State without getting anywhere. The terrorists kept expanding and butchering more and more people until the Russians and the Iranians came and decided to teach westerners a lesson on how to conduct a war Russian . And teach they did, by remorselessly destroying Syria. Bashir al-Assad is now safely cocooned in Damascus, and the Russians have two additional military bases in Syria with airports and barracks fully equipped to cater for thousands of military personnel. And the Iranians, who have been talking for decades of wiping Israel off the map, are making their own military arrangements in Syria. No more media frenzy about Israel striking Iran’s underground nuclear installations; the enemy is now at Israel’s door step. When we said that according to prophecies it is Iran that will strike Israel, not the other way around, no one believed it. They will believe it when they see it soon; very soon. Who could have imagined that things would turn against that nation so dramatically in such a short period of time? But as the Bible says: with God everything is possible. The question is, why would God do such things to what were once His ’chosen people’? Yes, it is God who does these things, as we’ve said many times, and no one believed this either.

Amo 3:6 If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it? Amo 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

God is doing these things to His people because they have turned their backs on Him. They abandoned their God and plunged themselves into Satanism with their theory of evolution and lust for homosexuality. The wonder is that He has put up with these abominations for so long. But God’s patience has a limit too, and this time it has run its course. Now for the consequences; now the time for “Jacob’s trouble”.

Jer 30:4 Now these are the words that the Lord spoke concerning Israel (Samaria) and Judah. Jer 30:5 "For thus says the LORD: 'We have heard a voice of trembling, Of fear, and not of peace.

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Jer 30:6 Ask now, and see, Whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins Like a woman in labor, And all faces turned pale? Jer 30:7 Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it. Jer 30:8 'For it shall come to pass in that day,' Says the LORD of hosts, 'That I will break his yoke from your neck, And will burst your bonds; Foreigners shall no more enslave them. Jer 30:9 But they shall serve the LORD their God, And David their king, Whom I will raise up for Jer 30:10 them. 'Therefore do not fear, O My servant Jacob,' says the LORD, 'Nor be dismayed, O Israel; For behold, I will save you from afar, And your seed from the land of their captivity. Jacob shall return, have rest and be quiet, And no one shall make him afraid. Jer 30:11 For I am with you,' says the LORD, 'to save you; Though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you, Yet I will not make a complete end of you. But I will correct you in justice, And will not let you go altogether unpunished.' Jer 30:12 "For thus says the LORD: 'Your affliction is incurable, Your wound is severe. Jer 30:13 There is no one to plead your cause, That you may be bound up; You have no healing medicines. Jer 30:14 All your lovers have forgotten you; They do not seek you; For I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy, With the chastisement of a cruel one, For the multitude of your iniquities, Because your sins have increased. [America’s allies, who enjoyed protection from its nuclear umbrella, and the third world nations who had benefitted from its generosity, are shamelessly voting against it at the United Nations. Britain and Israel are largely in America’s camp]. Jer 30:15 Why do you cry about your affliction? Your sorrow is incurable. Because of the multitude of your iniquities, Because your sins have increased, I have done these things to you. Jer 30:16 'Therefore all those who devour you shall be devoured; And all your adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; Those who plunder you shall become plunder, And all who prey upon you I will make a prey. Jer 30:17 For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds,' says the LORD, 'Because they called you an outcast saying: "This is Zion; No one seeks her." ' Jer 30:18 "Thus says the LORD: 'Behold, I will bring back the captivity of Jacob's tents, And have mercy on his dwelling places; The city shall be built upon its own mound, And the palace shall remain according to its own plan. Jer 30:19 Then out of them shall proceed thanksgiving And the voice of those who make merry; I will multiply them, and they shall not diminish; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small. Their children also shall be as before, Jer 30:20 And their congregation shall be established before Me; And I will punish all who oppress Jer 30:21 them. Their nobles shall be from among them, And their governor shall come from their midst; Then I will cause him to draw near, And he shall approach Me; For who is this who pledged his heart to approach Me?' says the LORD. Jer 30:22 'You shall be My people, And I will be your God.' " Jer 30:23 Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD—Goes forth with fury, A continuing whirlwind; It will fall violently on the head of the wicked. Jer 30:24 The fierce anger of the LORD will not return until He has done it, And until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it.

Now what do you want to take from this passage, the good or the bad news. Can one separate them? The problem is that this chapter covers different times and different events, and they do not follow each other chronologically. Let us put some of them in their context.

Jer 30:3 For behold, the days are coming,' says the LORD, 'that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel and Judah,' says the LORD. 'And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.' "

Our nemeses have been preaching for decades that this refers to and her allies taking the Anglo-Saxons captive and removing them to their ancestral land in the Middle East. We have just two words for that: utter bunkum. Even if we include France, a nuclear power among Germany’s allies, how long would it take that European coalition to become such a mighty power as to “trample under feet” the Anglo- Saxons? Our nemeses forget that the word ‘Jacob’ includes all Twelve Tribes of Israel, meaning the British, the Americans, the white Anglo-Saxon dominions of Britain, most of Europe, including France and much of Germany, and of course Judah (today’s Israel). Assyria is finished as a power, and does not feature in any of the end-time prophetic developments. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 4

Jacob Tribes come back to the Middle East after the Great Tribulation, when very few of them survive that calamity.

Jer 30:7 Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.

In in a world in which few people believe in God, talking about God’s prophecies sets us apart as “God’s fools”. We gladly wear that badge, especially now that we see the dark clouds of the Apocalypse rising over the horizon. In the end-time Great Tribulation, western nations are fighting against an invasion of forces from the north, from the furthest parts of the earth. Does it take a genius to know where the north is and what forces these might be?

Eze 38:2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him [Rosh = Russia; Meshech = Moscow; Tubal = Tobolsk; etc.], Eze 38:3 and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. Eze 38:4 I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. Eze 38:5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; Eze 38:6 Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops— many people are with you.

[It is not a question of maybe or if these nations come against Jacob’s descendants (the Anglo- Saxons, the USA, and the Europeans), but when. If they do not fulfil their destiny willingly, God will put hooks in their jaws and bring them against Jacob]

Eze 38:7 "Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about you; and be a guard for them. After many days you will be visited. Eze 38:8 In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely. You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, Eze 38:9 you and all your troops and many peoples with you."

Eze 39:4 You shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you; I will give you to birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.

[They do much destruction to ‘Jacob’, but they themselves shall also fall on the ‘mountains of Israel’. However, back home, Gog will suffer little devastation by comparison, as we shall see]

Eze 39:5 You shall fall on the open field; for I have spoken," says the Lord GOD. "And I will send Eze 39:6 fire on Magog and on those who live in security in the coastlands. Then they shall know that I am the LORD. Eze 39:7 So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the LORD, the Eze 39:8 Holy One in Israel. Surely it is coming, and it shall be done," says the Lord GOD. "This is the day of which I have spoken.

Israel is firmly rooted in the Western World. Any major war against it would bring in the USA, Britain and Europe, not only because they are allied democracies, but because genetically speaking they all belong to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, otherwise known as Judah and Samaria. This is why this conflict is called the Great Tribulation, for it will spread over the entire world. Vladimir Putin must have rubbed his hands with glee at the news of Brexit, and at Donald Trump’s berating the Europeans for not doing enough for their own defence. Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical Churches have taken the fall of Gog and Magog on the mountains of Israel to mean that western nations will win that war while Gog, Magog and their allies are virtually eliminated. Nothing could be further from the truth. God has hidden the truth of the outcome of the Great Tribulation, because in their euphoria of good life they had forgotten who gave them the blessings and protection throughout their history. In their ignominy, they turned against their God with gusto. In the western world, wisdom now means being an atheist, evolutionist and homosexual, or tolerant of these vices which have defiled every corner of their lands. Far reaching consequences are not far behind.

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Lev 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Lev 18:23 Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion. Lev 18:24 'Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. Lev 18:25 For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants. Lev 18:26 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you Lev 18:27 (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus Lev 18:28 the land is defiled), lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you. Lev 18:29 For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Lev 18:30 'Therefore you shall keep My ordinance, so that you do not commit any of these abominable customs which were committed before you, and that you do not defile yourselves by them: I am the LORD your God.' "

Are preachers raising these issues in Churches to save their nations, or are they following a certain world leader who is preaching love, tolerance and acceptance of those who defile the land? Do they care that the earth is poised to vomit not merely the sinners but every living thing? Let us look at the Mini Tribulation that takes place at the end of the Millennium Kingdom and see the extraordinary consequences of what is happening in the world at present.

Rev 20:7 Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison Rev 20:8 and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.

[Not only have Gog and Magog survived the slaughter of the Great Tribulation in the Middle East, and on the ‘mountains of Israel’, but back home they suffered little damage. So much so that over the next thousand years they multiplied and filled the earth to its four corners. Where is Jacob and his descendants in all this? Nowhere! They are completely missing from the face of the earth, except a handful of them in the camp of the saints around Jerusalem]

Rev 20:9 They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.

[This is not merely the end of Gog and Magog; it is the end of this world, of the earth and the universe, and the beginning of a brand new world and universe that will remain forever]

Rev 20:10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Rev 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Rev 20:13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Rev 20:14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Rev 20:15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. Rev 21:1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.

God and Magog were coming out not against a vast array of western powers as in the Great Tribulation, but against the ‘camp of the saints and the beloved city’. This is all that was left of Israel, of the USA, Britain and Europe - the nations that fought against Gog and Magog in the Great Tribulation. What does this mean? It means that the Great Tribulation was won not by western powers, but by Gog and Magog and their allies.

God help us!

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The end is in sight

Some welcome it, but the vast majority of people dread the end of this age. Now who could possibly welcome their end, for this is what the end of this age would entail? People who have seen enough iniquity and misery in this world, for whom life has become a burden rather than a joy! Human beings are social beings, so it is natural that when one rejoices all rejoice, and when one suffers all suffer. As the Scriptures say:

Rom 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Rom 12:16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion. Rom 12:17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. Rom 12:18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.

Yes, if it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men, but unfortunately we live in a world in which this is less and less possible. People are a lot quicker to fight and insult each other than to be kind to one another. I was on the way to hospital recently with a sick person in the car when I came to a T junction on the road. It was a narrow street of two lanes only and a car was stopped about three meters from the junction in front of me. I assumed that he was waiting for a break in traffic, but when he did not move and no traffic was holding him back, I beeped my horn very slightly, just to get him moving, thinking that he was perhaps on his mobile phone, as so many people are these days. But instead of moving, he stuck his head out the window and said something threateningly. He did not care that he was hampering the traffic and was parked illegally. I drove around him, hoping that no car would turn into that street from the main road, for we could have had a head on collision. As I was passing him I could hear him swearing at me loudly. Had another person like him been in my place that would have been a sure case of road rage, but we Christians have to bottle up our anger inside, move on and not reply in kind. These days you never know where danger might come from, or that it could arise in the most unexpected times and places. No one seems to teach the younger generation the virtues of humility, respect for and kindness. More often than not, it is the macho image that is nurtured and encouraged, and that is not surprising since from an early age they are being told that this is how human beings have survived and ‘evolved’. But we, the true believers, know that these virtues enhance life and make it worthwhile.

Mat 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mat 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Mat 11:30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light," [said Jesus Christ].

We are getting our satisfaction in the same way that Jesus Christ got His – serving God.

Joh 4:32 But He said to them, "I have food to eat of which you do not know." Joh 4:33 Therefore the disciples said to one another, "Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?" Joh 4:34 Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.

Anyone who spends time with the Bible knows that it provides food for the soul that cannot be explained and cannot be obtained anywhere else. It does not take long for one to discover what a treasurable book that is. As Jesus Christ said:

Mat 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

I did not choose this path when I was young, but circumstances thrust it upon me. I did not sell all that I had for this treasure; I lost everything that I had in the pursuit of it, and I do not regret it. It is the nature of God’s work that when He gives you something, you cannot keep it to yourself. We put in the service of the whole world what God has given us, and millions of people have availed themselves of our services. A few have expressed gratitude, but most have remained silent. Prophecy told us that this would be a lonely work. We did not make it that way, the world made it.

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Eze 22:23 And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, say to her: Eze 22:24 'You are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation.' Eze 22:25 The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured people; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her Eze 22:26 midst. Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. Eze 22:27 Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy people, and to get dishonest gain. Eze 22:28 Her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar, seeing false visions, and divining lies for them, saying, 'Thus says the Lord GOD,' when the LORD had not spoken. Eze 22:29 The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. Eze 22:30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Eze 22:31 Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord GOD.

Five decades ago, shortly after escaping from the Iron Curtain and migrating to Canada, I encountered people who spoke on radio about God, prophecy, and the Bible, who offered free literature to anyone who asked for it. Thinking that they were godly people, as they projected themselves, I asked for their literature, and when I received it I made what I thought would be a suitable donation to cover their expenses. Although I was indoctrinated in an atheist communist system, the education I received in my family prior to that, of being fair, just, and kind to people and animals, remained more firmly inscribed in my heart than the much longer communist indoctrination. I immediately received a reply from those people, profusely thanking me for helping them with their ‘end-time work of God’. Very few people who receive their publications make such donations, they said. I was stunned by that. How could people be so insensitive to such generous people, especially if they are engaged in the ‘end-time work of God’? Before I knew it I was a co-worker in their work. But alas, before long I also discovered that they were the most ungodly, unthankful, and vengeful people one could find anywhere. Far from being the work of God, theirs was truly the work of Satan, the consequences of which are yet to be fully understood. It still rankles them that the one they expelled from their Church ended up doing the true end time work of God, while their Church was taken out of existence. We have been delighted that people have come to us from more than two hundred nations, but now the world is at a crisis point. Putting it differently, this world has lost its flavour with God, just as Jesus Christ told His disciples.

Mat 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. Mat 5:14 "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Mat 5:15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Mat 5:48 Father in heaven. Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Not only are His disciples not perfect before God, but they seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. Let us look at the last two Churches of God from the book of Revelation, which are in existence at the return of Jesus Christ.

Rev 3:7 "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, 'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He Who Has The Key Of David, He Who Opens And No One Shuts, And Shuts And Rev 3:8 No One Opens": "I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. Rev 3:9 Indeed I will make those of the of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved Rev 3:10 you. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Rev 3:11 Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.

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Rev 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. Rev 3:13 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." '

This is the Church that I joined when I made that donation for the booklets I received. The leaders of the Worldwide Church of God claimed that what they preached and what they did proved theirs was none other than the Philadelphia Church of God. So ingrained and well covered was their deception, that even after they expelled me from their Church and robbed me of everything, I was still convinced that they were whom they claimed to be. That is why I did not go to the police to recover my possessions. The Scriptures tell us to suffer loss rather than go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints.

1Co 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not 1Co 6:2 before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 1Co 6:3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this 1Co 6:4 life? If then you have judgments concerning things pertaining to this life, do you appoint those who are least esteemed by the church to judge? 1Co 6:5 I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren? 1Co 6:6 But brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers! 1Co 6:7 Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated? 1Co 6:8 No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! 1Co 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 1Co 6:10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the 1Co 6:11 kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

As believer in the Scriptures and follower of Jesus Christ, I could not go to law before the unrighteous. Yet I could not go before the ‘saints’ either, because they had robbed me of my possessions. It took me years of in-depth study of the Scriptures, prayer and meditation, to understand the disheartening fact that the ‘saints’ of the Worldwide Church of God were in fact demons. During the three years or so that I was member of that Church, I never heard anyone explain the expression ‘synagogue of Satan’ of Rev 3:9, or the people who were members of it. It was an untouchable topic, so no one discussed it. Neither did they explain who the man of little strength of Rev 3:8 was. The assumption in the Church was that everything good in this chapter was about Herbert W Armstrong, the Church leader, and everything evil was about his enemies. He was also one of the Two Witnesses of Rev 11, and his son, Garner Ted, the other witness. How they could be ‘clothed in sackcloth’, like the Two Witnesses, when they were wearing the most expensive clothes money could buy, they never explained. They shamelessly elevated the Worldwide Church of God to the honourable position of the Church of God in Philadelphia, even though that Church was far more similar to the ‘synagogue of Satan’ within its ranks than the proper Philadelphia Church of God. To give you just an example: the WCG shamelessly preached what the New Testament calls ‘doctrines of demons’.

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 1Ti 4:2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 1Ti 4:3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 1Ti 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with 1Ti 4:5 thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

Could anything be clearer? If you keep the Old Testament dietary laws, you are delving into demonism. And yet, one cannot get a member of the former WCG, or of the myriad of Churches

The Christian Herald No 33 Page 9 that arose from its collapse, to eat pork, rabbit, prawns, lobsters, and many other animals that were considered unclean in Old Testament times. Yet this is what Apostle Peter saw in a vision.

Act 10:9 The next day, as they went on their journey and drew near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour. Act 10:10 Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell Act 10:11 into a trance and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. Act 10:12 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and Act 10:13 birds of the air. And a voice came to him, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." Act 10:14 But Peter said, "Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean." Act 10:15 And a voice spoke to him again the second time, "What God has cleansed you must not Act 10:16 call common." This was done three times. And the object was taken up into heaven again.

‘What God has cleansed you must not call common’ said the voice from heaven. Apostle Peter accepted it; Apostle Paul accepted it; all Apostles accepted it, but not the apostle of the Worldwide Church of God. This outright twisting of the New Testament Scriptures by the WCG goes to the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mat 24:10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Mat 24:11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Mat 24:12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. Mat 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

The world is in chaos, lawlessness abounds, people are betraying, offending and terrorising each other, and love seems to have disappeared from the world, yet in the midst of all this pandemonium two people have preached the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world, as a witness to all the nations. They are the ones ‘clothed in sackcloth’, not the wealthy impostors of the WCG, and of other Churches, who made similar claims. Let us look now at the last Church of God from Revelation 3.

Rev 3:14 "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, 'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: Rev 3:15 "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. Rev 3:16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Rev 3:17 Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— Rev 3:18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. Rev 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Rev 3:21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. Rev 3:22 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." ' "

At the time the Gospel of the Kingdom is witnessed to all nations by two poor people, not one member of this wealthy Church is willing to help. Wealthy people do not like when God speaks to them through poor people. So God vomits them out of His mouth into the fire of the Great Tribulation. That fire is not only for them, but for all nations.

Rev 7:9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, Rev 7:10 saying, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" Rev 7:11 All the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, Rev 7:12 saying: "Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom, Thanksgiving and honor and power and might, Be to our God forever and ever. Amen." Rev 7:13 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, "Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?"

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Rev 7:14 And I said to him, "Sir, you know." So he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Rev 7:15 Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. Rev 7:16 They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, Rev 7:17 nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

While the world wallows in spiritual darkness, heading towards the greatest tribulation in history, there is light at the end of the tunnel for the people of God.

Isa 66:8 Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children. Isa 66:9 Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?" says the LORD. "Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?" says your God. Isa 66:10 "Rejoice with Jerusalem, And be glad with her, all you who love her; Isa 66:11 Rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn for her; That you may feed and be satisfied With the consolation of her bosom, That you may drink deeply and be delighted With the abundance of her glory." Isa 66:12 For thus says the LORD: "Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream. Then you shall feed; On her sides shall you be carried, Isa 66:13 And be dandled on her knees. As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem." Isa 66:14 When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, And your bones shall flourish like grass; The hand of the LORD shall be known to His servants, And His indignation to His enemies. Isa 66:15 For behold, the LORD will come with fire And with His chariots, like a whirlwind, To render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. Isa 66:16 For by fire and by His sword The LORD will judge all flesh; And the slain of the LORD shall be many.

The Jerusalem that this passage talks about, is not that crowded troubled city in the Middle East, but this Jerusalem.

Rev 21:1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Rev 21:2 Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Rev 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. Rev 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Rev 21:5 Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful." Rev 21:6 And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. Rev 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. Rev 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

It is an extraordinary fact that as the dark clouds of nuclear annihilation are raising over the horizon, western nations, the beneficiaries of the greatest of God’s blessings, have completely plunged themselves into Satan’s spiritual darkness. One nation after another, have defiled their lands with the ‘love’ that God calls an ‘abomination’. Here are those Scriptures again, per chance people may take note and consider the consequences.

Lev 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Lev 20:13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. Lev 18:26 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who dwells among you

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Lev 18:27 (for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled), lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, Lev 18:28 as it vomited out the nations that were before you.

Jud 1:1 Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ: Jud 1:2 Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you. Jud 1:3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. Jud 1:4 For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jud 1:5 But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. Jud 1:6 And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; Jud 1:7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jud 1:8 Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. Jud 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" Jud 1:10 But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves. Jud 1:11 Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. Jud 1:12 These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots; Jud 1:13 raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Jud 1:14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, Jud 1:15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him." Jud 1:16 These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. Jud 1:17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: Jud 1:18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. Jud 1:19 These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit. Jud 1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Jud 1:21 Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ Jud 1:22 unto eternal life. And on some have compassion, making a distinction; Jud 1:23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by Jud 1:24 the flesh. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, Jud 1:25 To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen.

God did not put people on this earth to debauch themselves and defile the land, but to prove themselves worthy of immortality in His eternal Kingdom. But as Jesus Christ said, God’s Kingdom has a narrow gate that few people can find and enter by.

Mat 7:13 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to Mat 7:14 destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to this ‘progressive’ world has become a matter of life and death for the people of God, just as it was for Jesus Christ and the first Christians. However, just as the troubles of Jesus Christ had an end, so do our troubles.

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Luk 22:37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: 'And He Was Numbered With The Transgressors.' For the things concerning Me have an end."

It is not a mere coincidence that as the followers of Jesus Christ are perishing from the world, the world is about to perish too.

2Th 2:1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit 2Th 2:2 or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 2Th 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling 2Th 2:4 away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

[Or ‘Holy Father’. The great falling away has occurred, and the man of sin has been revealed. When the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached in the whole world as a witness to all the nations, only two people in the world believe the Scriptures and preach them]

2Th 2:11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the 2Th 2:12 lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2Th 2:13 But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit 2Th 2:14 and belief in the truth, to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2Th 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle. 2Th 2:16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us 2Th 2:17 and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.


Geopolitics And Prophecy Portend Catastrophe Tensions firing on Trump’s big blast

WASHINGTON DC: US President Donald Trump has hinted there is a strong likelihood of military action against North Korea, saying diplomatic efforts with the rogue nation have consistently failed and adding that “only one thing will work”. Mr Trump has engaged in a war of words with North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un, trading insults amid rising tensions between the two nuclear armed rivals. A pair of tweets from the president yesterday suggested the US was finished with exploring diplomatic avenues to hose down potential conflict. “Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years, agreements made and massive amounts of money paid,” Mr Trump tweeted. It “hasn’t worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of US negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!” The US has not ruled out the use of force to compel Pyongyang to halt missile and nuclear tests, and Mr Trump has threatened to “totally destroy” the country. Mr Trump also told journalists that this “could be the calm before the storm,” declining to clarify his remarks. His comments come hours after North Korea prepared to test a long-range missile that experts feared could reach the west coast of the United States. Announcing their missile developments, influential Russian politician Anton Morozov said: “They are preparing for new tests of a long-range missile. “As far as we understand, they intend to launch one more long-range missile in the near future. “And in general, their mood is rather belligerent.” Last week, as US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson flew home from meeting with top Chinese officials, Mr Trump tweeted that his envoy was “wasting his time” trying to probe North Korea’s willingness to talk. The message came after Tillerson had revealed there were back channels between US and North Korean officials. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says the best way to make North Korea come to its senses is to continue to impose strong economic sanctions. He responded to the latest tweets by Mr The Christian Herald No 33 Page 13

Trump. Asked by reporters in what he thought the president meant, Mr Turnbull said: “The best way of ensuring that this reckless, dangerous, criminal regime comes to its senses is to continue to impose strong economic sanctions on North Korea.” Officials in North Korea have accused the US of using its war on terror as a means to overthrow hostile governments, including an alleged attempt to dethrone Kim Jong-un earlier this year. (The Daily Telegraph, Oct. 9, 2017)

The conflict with North Korea must be understood in the context of the end-time Great Tribulation. On his own, Kim Jong-un would never have threatened America and his neighbours with nuclear war, but as a mouthpiece for Russia and China, he has done so in the conviction that they are behind him, even though they may not approve of all his antics. At the United Nations Security Council, Russia and China voted for sanctions on North Korea, but back home this is what they did.

North Korean fuel ships dodge sanctions on the way back from Russia Moscow: At least eight North Korean ships that left Russia with a cargo of fuel this year headed for their homeland despite declaring other destinations, a ploy that US officials say is often used to undermine sanctions. US officials say that changing destination mid-voyage is a hallmark of North Korean state tactics to circumvent the international trade sanctions imposed over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program. (Reuters, Sept 22, 2017)

Since he took the reins of Russia, Vladimir Putin has been relentlessly preparing for war with the West, which he holds responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union. It is for this reason that he has put the Russian army through almost non-stop military exercises, the last one in September 2017 in conjunction with Belarus. There is an agreement between NATO and Russia that if military exercises involve less than 13,000 personnel they do not need to be pre-announced. NATO leaders however, suspect that Putin’s exercises involved a far greater number than that, though they were not announced. As soon as they were finished, Russia and China held combined navy exercises around Vladivostok. Putin has been furious with the European Union and NATO, for encroaching upon Russia’s ‘spheres of influence’. But the West does not recognise spheres of influence anymore. That was a thing of the past, of Cold War with the Soviet Union, and since the Soviet Union no longer exists, neither do the old spheres of influence. Putin however, does not see it that way. He believes that Russia inherited the Soviet Union’s spheres of influence and is determined to reclaim them – by war if necessary. However, he does not want to go down in history as the man who started the war that destroyed much of humanity, and for that he has a willing candidate in Kim Jong-un who takes pride in challenging the USA. Kim Jong-un threatens to attack America if it does not remove its troops from the Korean peninsula, a goal that coincides with the wishes of both Russia and China. They all remember what happened in the Korean war of the 1950s. North Korean and Chinese armies overwhelmed those of South Korea and were on the verge of victory when the Americans opened another front behind their lines and turned everything around, forcing armistice on almost identical old borders. If the American generals had their way they would have advanced on Beijing, but Harry Truman stopped it and dismissed them. Most Americans would wish that Truman had not done that, because now they are dealing with far more powerful adversaries. Russia and China have been working in tandem ever since they signed the Shanghai Cooperation Treaty in 2001.

“The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a Eurasian political, economic, and security organisation, the creation of which was announced on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai, China by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan; the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Charter was signed in June 2002 and entered into force on 19 September 2003. These countries, except for Uzbekistan, had been members of the Shanghai Five group, founded on 26 April 1996 in Shanghai. India and Pakistan joined SCO as full members on 9 June 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. On 20 May 1997, presidents of Russia Boris Yeltsin and prime minister of China Jiang Zemin signed a declaration on a "multipolar world". At the Dushanbe, Tajikistan, summit in 2000, members agreed to "oppose intervention in other countries' internal affairs on the pretexts of 'humanitarianism' and 'protecting human rights;' and

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support the efforts of one another in safeguarding the five countries' national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and social stability." In 2001, the annual summit returned to Shanghai. There the five member nations first admitted Uzbekistan in the Shanghai Five mechanism (thus transforming it into the Shanghai Six). Then all six heads of state signed on 15 June 2001 the Declaration of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, praising the role played thus far by the Shanghai Five mechanism and aiming to transform it to a higher level of cooperation. In July 2005, at the summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, with representatives of India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan attending a SCO summit for the first time, the president of the host country, Nursultan Nazarbayev, greeted the guests in words that had never been used before in any context: "The leaders of the states sitting at this negotiation table are representatives of half of humanity". By 2007 the SCO had initiated over twenty large-scale projects related to transportation, energy and telecommunications and held regular meetings of security, military, defence, foreign affairs, economic, cultural, banking and other officials from its member states. In July 2015 in Ufa, Russia, the SCO decided to admit India and Pakistan as full members. India and Pakistan signed the memorandum of obligations in June 2016 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, thereby starting the formal process of joining the SCO as full members. On 9 June 2017, at the historic summit in Astana, India and Pakistan have officially joined SCO as full-fledged members.” (Wikipedia)

Russia and China have been holding combined military exercises ever since they signed the SCO, turning that organization into a de facto military alliance. While NATO is fraying at the seams in the West, the East Asia Shanghai alliance is surging ahead unstoppably.

China’s catching US by stealth China has made significant step forward in its bid to equal – and eventually surpass – US air superiority. According to Beijing’s state media, its first stealth fighter has now entered fully operational frontline service. This puts it in second place. Before now, only the US has had a fully operational “fifth generation” fighter. And its easily the most capable aircraft deployed by any nation in its region – giving it a significant edge over the Japanese, Korean and Indian air force. China declared the J-20 fully functional in May. Beijing’s State media yesterday said it is now operational and “officially commissioned into military service”, releasing a video on its capabilities as it celebrates the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. (The Daily Telegraph, Oct 21, 2017)

Now should things calm down, and the danger of nuclear war go away, there would be far reaching realignments in world politics. Chinese leaders see no reason why they should endanger their nation for other people’s imperial ambitions when their future looks so bright. They would rather be at peace with both Russia and America, and let them solve their own differences. Alas, that will not be possible, because Russia and China have a ‘sacred’ mission from God to serve a lesson to western democracies for abandoning Him and His Laws and embracing Satan’s human rights and homosexuality. No nation that approves of that life style will ever be protected by God. And no nation without God’s support will ever win a war. Western democracies should not be surprised when the wheels of their war machine will get bogged down in the mire of their own making. They have forgotten God’s lessons which He has inscribed in the Bible for all people and for all time.

1Co 10:1 Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the 1Co 10:2 cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, 1Co 10:3 all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. 1Co 10:4 For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ. 1Co 10:5 But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the 1Co 10:6 wilderness. Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. 1Co 10:7 And do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, "The People Sat Down To Eat And Drink, And Rose Up To Play." 1Co 10:8 Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell; 1Co 10:9 nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; 1Co 10:10 nor complain, as some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer. 1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. 1Co 10:12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

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2Pe 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2Pe 2:2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be 2Pe 2:3 blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. 2Pe 2:4 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; 2Pe 2:5 and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; 2Pe 2:6 and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly; 2Pe 2:7 and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked 2Pe 2:8 (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)— 2Pe 2:9 then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment, 2Pe 2:10 and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries, 2Pe 2:11 whereas angels, who are greater in power and might, do not bring a reviling accusation against them before the Lord. 2Pe 2:12 But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption, 2Pe 2:13 and will receive the wages of unrighteousness, as those who count it pleasure to carouse in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with 2Pe 2:14 you, having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children. 2Pe 2:15 They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; 2Pe 2:16 but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man's voice restrained the madness of the prophet. 2Pe 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. 2Pe 2:18 For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. 2Pe 2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. 2Pe 2:20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 2Pe 2:21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 2Pe 2:22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: "A Dog Returns To His Own Vomit," and, "A Sow, Having Washed, To Her Wallowing In The Mire."

Is it still possible to turn to God at the last moment in repentance, worship and prayer, and avoid the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah? God says it is possible, but will our Prime Minister urge the people to do so, as he urged them to vote for homosexual ‘marriage’ in the recent plebiscite?

Zec 1:1 In the eighth month of the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to Zechariah Zec 1:2 the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying, "The LORD has been very angry Zec 1:3 with your fathers. Therefore say to them, 'Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Return to Me," says the LORD of hosts, "and I will return to you," says the LORD of hosts. Zec 1:4 "Do not be like your fathers, to whom the former prophets preached, saying, 'Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds." ' But they did not hear nor heed Me," says the LORD. Zec 1:5 "Your fathers, where are they? And the prophets, do they live forever? Zec 1:6 Yet surely My words and My statutes, Which I commanded My servants the prophets, Did they not overtake your fathers? "So they returned and said: 'Just as the LORD of hosts determined to do to us, According to our ways and according to our deeds, So He has dealt with us.' " '

In the USA, President Trump has been making all the right moves in this regard, after the catastrophe of Barrack Obama who gave his nation to the Devil, but once it is unleashed upon unsuspecting populations it is hard to put the genie back into the bottle.

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Our Prime Minister should know that the sins of the leaders fall on their people, and on themselves and their families.

2Sa 24:10 And David's heart condemned him after he had numbered the people. So David said to the LORD, "I have sinned greatly in what I have done; but now, I pray, O LORD, take away the iniquity of Your servant, for I have done very foolishly."

[David numbered the people to know how strong he was. God, who had given him victory against his enemies, got angry with him. Our Prime Minister (a multi-millionaire) and his Government have embarked upon a massive rearmament program, and a huge increase in their own salaries, making them the highest paid politicians in the world. The money had to come from somewhere. And where do Conservative Liberal governments get money from when the Treasury is empty? They squeeze them out of the poor who tend to favour Labour governments. You would not want to be a pensioner in this ‘lucky country’. No country that throws more misery on its poor will ever win a war, regardless of how many submarines and bomber/fighter aircrafts may have in its armoury]

2Sa 24:11 Now when David arose in the morning, the word of the LORD came to the prophet Gad, 2Sa 24:12 David's seer, saying, "Go and tell David, 'Thus says the LORD: ‘I offer you three things; choose one of them for yourself, that I may do it to you. ' " 2Sa 24:13 So Gad came to David and told him; and he said to him, "Shall seven years of famine come to you in your land? Or shall you flee three months before your enemies, while they pursue you? Or shall there be three days' plague in your land? Now consider and see what answer I should take back to Him who sent me." 2Sa 24:14 And David said to Gad, "I am in great distress. Please let us fall into the hand of the LORD, for His mercies are great; but do not let me fall into the hand of man." 2Sa 24:15 So the LORD sent a plague upon Israel from the morning till the appointed time. From Dan to Beersheba seventy thousand men of the people died. 2Sa 24:16 And when the angel stretched out His hand over Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD relented from the destruction, and said to the angel who was destroying the people, "It is enough; now restrain your hand." And the angel of the LORD was by the threshing floor of Araunah the 2Sa 24:17 Jebusite. Then David spoke to the LORD when he saw the angel who was striking the people, and said, "Surely I have sinned, and I have done wickedly; but these sheep, what have they done? Let Your hand, I pray, be against me and against my father's house."

Now here is an example of a wise leader, who by his actions saved his nation from disaster.

Jon 3:1 Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time, saying, Jon 3:2 "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you." Jon 3:3 So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a three-day journey in extent. Jon 3:4 And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day's walk. Then he cried out and said, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" Jon 3:5 So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them. Jon 3:6 Then word came to the king of Nineveh; and he arose from his throne and laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes. Jon 3:7 And he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles, saying, Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; do not let Jon 3:8 them eat, or drink water. But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily to God; yes, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands. Jon 3:9 Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish? Jon 3:10 Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.

Jesus Christ also made mention of this good example.

Mat 12:41 The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.

The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment and also condemn this generation too, because they repented at the words of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here also. It is no longer a question of whether a major conflict ensues in East Asia, or in the Middle East, or somewhere else in the world. The certainty is that it will come soon, because this world has reached its nadir and it cannot get any worse. This is obvious as much from today’s The Christian Herald No 33 Page 17 geopolitical realities, as from biblical prophecies. Geopolitics change with the time, but biblical prophecies are written in stone, or as Jesus Christ put it, “the Scriptures cannot be broken”.

Joh 10:33 The Jews answered Him, saying, "For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God." Joh 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I Said, "You Are Gods’ '? Joh 10:35 If He called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be Joh 10:36 broken), do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'? If I do not do the works of Joh 10:37 My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do, though you do not believe Me, Joh 10:38 believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him."

The much talked about Two Witnesses of Revelation, who portend the end of this age, could say the same thing. If you do not believe us, believe the work that we are doing, a work that could not have been done at any other time in history. Here is a prophetic development that will come to pass shortly after the Two Witnesses complete their job.

Zec 14:1 Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, And your spoil will be divided in your midst. Zec 14:2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; The city shall be taken, The houses rifled, And the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, But the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Zec 14:3 Then the LORD will go forth And fight against those nations, As He fights in the day of battle. Zec 14:4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south.

[This is the purpose of the devastation that takes place in the Middle East at present, in Syria and Iraq. That area is being levelled in preparation for a complete reshaping of the land, for the building of a massive Temple of God according to the writings of Ezekiel, and for the expansion of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, as God promised to Abraham: “On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: ‘To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates.’” (Gen 15:18)]

Zec 14:6 It shall come to pass in that day that there will be no light; The lights will diminish. It shall be Zec 14:7 one day Which is known to the LORD Neither day nor night. But at evening time it shall happen That it will be light. Zec 14:8 And in that day it shall be—That living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, Half of them toward the eastern sea And half of them toward the western sea; In both summer and winter it shall occur.

[The Garden of Eden shall be recreated in the Middle East, and Jerusalem will be world capital]

Zec 14:9 And the LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be "The LORD is one," And His name one. Zec 14:10 All the land shall be turned into a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be raised up and inhabited in her place from Benjamin's Gate to the place of the First Gate and the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king's winepresses. Zec 14:11 The people shall dwell in it; And no longer shall there be utter destruction, But Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. Zec 14:12 And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.

[Dissolving people’s flesh while standing on their feet was not possible before the development of nuclear and neutron bombs, of which Israel is reported to have both]

Zec 14:13 It shall come to pass in that day That a great panic from the LORD will be among them. Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbor, And raise his hand against his neighbor's hand; Zec 14:14 Judah also will fight at Jerusalem. And the wealth of all the surrounding nations Shall be gathered together: Gold, silver, and apparel in great abundance.

[Notice, it is Judah who fights at Jerusalem in the Great Tribulation, not Israel. The nation that bears the name Israel in the Middle East should more correctly have been named Judah. Where then is Israel these days? Israel (Samaria) migrated to Europe when it was taken captive by the Assyrians. They are the United Kingdom, the USA, the white Anglo-Saxon dominions of Britain, and most European nations. They will all suffer grievously in the Great Tribulation]

Zec 14:15 Such also shall be the plague On the horse and the mule, On the camel and the donkey, And on all the cattle that will be in those camps. So shall this plague be. [Nuclear and neutron bombs make no distinction between humans and animals] The Christian Herald No 33 Page 18

Zec 14:16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of . Zec 14:17 And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain. If the family of Egypt Zec 14:18 will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. Zec 14:19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. Zec 14:20 In that day "HOLINESS TO THE LORD" shall be engraved on the bells of the horses. The pots in the LORD's house shall be like the bowls before the . Zec 14:21 Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the LORD of hosts. Everyone who sacrifices shall come and take them and cook in them. In that day there shall no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts

All religions of this world will be annulled and only the religion of Jesus Christ, the LORD of Lords, will be practiced in the entire world. Nations that will not accept it will perish. This is the religion that the Two Witnesses have restored and preached to all the nations as a witness. Here is a brief look at a few prophecies that are related to, and have a direct bearing upon, the work of the Two Witnesses.

Rev 11:3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." Rev 11:4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. Rev 11:5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. Rev 11:6 These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. Rev 11:7 When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. Rev 11:8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Rev 11:9 Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three- and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. Rev 11:10 And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth. Rev 11:11 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. Rev 11:12 And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." Rev 11:13 And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them. In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Here are two people who are hated by every human being that ‘dwells on the earth’ for preaching the Gospel that Jesus Christ brought to this world. Ask yourself, why are they hated even by those who call themselves ‘Christians’? Because they are false Christians, otherwise there would have been no need for Elijah to come and restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ and witness it to all nations. This is what happens when the Two Witnesses are killed for their work.

Mat 24:3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you. Mat 24:5 For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. Mat 24:12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. Mat 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Mat 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Mat 24:22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened. Mat 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

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Mat 24:30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great Mat 24:31 glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Mat 24:34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things Mat 24:35 take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in Mat 24:38 the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in Mat 24:39 marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Mat 24:42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

How is it possible that in today’s world two people can torment the whole world? Jesus Christ gave the answer: ‘this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” In a world that wallows in iniquity and falsehood, people cannot bear to hear the truth and are tormented by it. But how could two people that are ‘clothed in sackcloth’ (very poor), preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world, when that is neither an easy job, nor a cheap one? Here is the answer from God Himself:

Zec 4:1 Now the angel who talked with me came back and wakened me, as a man who is wakened Zec 4:2 out of his sleep. And he said to me, "What do you see?" So I said, "I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. Zec 4:3 Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left." Zec 4:4 So I answered and spoke to the angel who talked with me, saying, "What are these, my lord?" Zec 4:5 Then the angel who talked with me answered and said to me, "Do you not know what these are?" And I said, "No, my lord." Zec 4:6 So he answered and said to me: "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the LORD of hosts.

It is the Spirit of God that has created conditions for the Gospel of the Kingdom to be preached as a witness to all the nations. That has been done via the World Wide Web, otherwise known as the Internet. The Christian Herald has being read by millions of people from 206 nations. (We have stopped counting. The work has been done. If there are still other nations out there, they will find us) I did not know what the Gospel of the Kingdom was when I grew up in communist Romania. The Orthodox Church, like the Catholic and Protestant Churches, do not talk of the Kingdom of God after resurrection, but of Heaven and Hell after death. I had only scant knowledge of religion from the few times that my parents took me to Church services as a little boy. But after I left the family home at the age of 14, I was indoctrinated in atheism until I escaped from the Iron Curtain at the age of 24. I spent five months in a refugee camp in Austria, after which I immigrated to Canada in February 1968, where I lived for the next eight years. Then in 1975 I immigrated to Australia where I’ve lived ever since. In Canada, I became a member of one of the most Fundamentalist Churches – the Worldwide Church of God. They attracted me to their brand of Christianity because they were speaking feverishly about an impending world war. My curiosity was stirred by the fact that they saw this world war not between the communist East and the capitalist West, as I was led to believe when I was in Romania, but between an alliance of ten nations led by Germany and the Anglo-Saxons. I spent more than two years studying their publications and comparing them with the Bible’s prophecies, but the more I studied, the more I realised that they were wrong; very wrong. The problem then became how to tell them about it. They would not accept correction from anybody. But when I could not hold it any longer, I decided to tell them about it anyway. The outcome was never in doubt: they expelled me from their Church. For good measure, in true fundamentalist ‘brotherly love’, they robbed me of everything and locked me out of my own apartment. Now the hypocrites are clamouring to send me their publications so that I can assess them and tell them whether their preaching is right or not. All while they receive heavy tithes and offerings, and we receive nothing from anybody.

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Such was their brainwashing in Herbert W. Armstrong’s doctrines and hatred of Germany that even now the preachers who have roots in the Worldwide Church of God still preach that Germany will destroy the Anglo-Saxons and take them captive soon. (See TCH No 30) After parting company with the Worldwide Church of God, I moved to Australia, where I had peace of mind for the next decade. But then I encountered them again during one of their evangelistic campaign in which they preached the same old false doctrines. God put it in my heart to do something about it, and in 1990 the first edition of The Christian Herald made its appearance. The first edition, brought us good news and bad news. The good news was that we received about $100 in donations even though we did not ask for them (the only donations we ever received for this work). The bad news came in an anonymous telephone call from Romania, which informed me that my mother had been assaulted and left for dead near her home. In that edition we had an article in which we discussed how Ceausescu’s Securitate betrayed the Romanian Revolution of 1989, which was supposed to put an end to communism in that country. When we reedited and republished that edition a decade later, we found that article so badly written that we could not improve on it, and so we discarded it altogether. A Romanian academic working in the USA, published a similar article about the Securitate, and was murdered. A diplomatic incident with America followed, but not wanting to damage relations with the countries of Eastern Europe, recently freed from communism, the American Administration stopped that investigation. And so, the murderers of that academic, like the murderers of my mother, have never been brought to justice by those who practice ‘original democracy’ in Romania. Having ensconced themselves in state institutions, banks, media, political parties and the Orthodox Church, the Securitate murderers are still pulling the strings of that nation’s policies and politics through a bloated bureaucracy. Foreigners who visit or work in the country do not feel it, or not as much, but the locals feel suffocated by it. Unable to do anything about it, they have taken to the roads of Europe and the world. Romania ranks second in the world, after Syria, in terms of migrants that have left the country per head of population. The assault and murder of my mother shook us severely. We questioned ourselves whether we were doing the right thing. The Scriptures, however, left us in no doubt as to why things happened the way they did, and what we were to do next.

Isa 57:1 The righteous perishes, And no man takes it to heart; Merciful men are taken away, While no one considers That the righteous is taken away from evil. Isa 57:2 He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his Isa 57:3 uprightness. "But come here, You sons of the sorceress, You offspring of the adulterer Isa 57:4 and the harlot! Whom do you ridicule? Against whom do you make a wide mouth and stick out the tongue? Are you not children of transgression, offspring of falsehood . . .?

My gentle, hardworking, and long suffering mother, was ‘taken away from evil’. Also to lessen our burden, because as we would discover, this work required total dedication, total concentration, and total sacrifices. I have put everything in the service of this work. Remarkably, God has timed it perfectly. Our resources had been exhausted just as this work reaches its conclusion. It will not be long now before my poor mother will see her assailants and their families cast into a lake of fire, while she receives eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The acts of evil parents lead not only to their own destruction, but also to that of their own children.

Num 14:18 'The LORD is longsuffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation.'

Satan and his servants avenged themselves on us for doing the work of God; God will avenge Himself on them in due course.

Deu 32:33 Their wine is the poison of serpents, And the cruel venom of cobras. Deu 32:34 'Is this not laid up in store with Me, Sealed up among My treasures? Deu 32:35 Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.' Deu 32:36 "For the LORD will judge His people And have compassion on His servants, When He sees that their power is gone, And there is no one remaining, bond or free. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 21

Deu 32:37 He will say: 'Where are their gods, The rock in which they sought refuge? Who ate the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offering? Deu 32:38 Let them rise and help you, And be your refuge. Deu 32:39 'Now see that I, even I, am He, And there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand. Deu 32:40 For I raise My hand to heaven, And say, "As I live forever, If I whet My glittering sword, Deu 32:41 And My hand takes hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to My enemies, And repay those who hate Me.

The Apostles of Jesus Christ endured grievous tribulations in the course of their work, and we are no different.

Act 14:19 Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. Act 14:20 However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. And when they had preached the gospel Act 14:21 to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, Act 14:22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." Act 14:23 So when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.

Yes, we must accept that ‘through many tribulations we enter the kingdom of God.’ And as Jesus Christ also said:

Luk 17:1 "It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! Luk 17:2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Luk 9:57 Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, "Lord, I will follow You wherever You go." Luk 9:58 And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." Luk 9:59 Then He said to another, "Follow Me." But he said, "Lord, let me first go and bury my father." Jesus said to him, Luk 9:60 "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God." Luk 9:61 And another also said, "Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who Luk 9:62 are at my house." But Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

That sealed our fate and left us in no doubt as to what we had to do. Having started this work we could not turn back, because ‘No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.’ Besides:

Rom 8:28 All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

We did not volunteer to do this work, as virtually all our nemeses have done. It was thrust upon us in circumstances that were not of our making, in exact fashion that God has dealt with His people and prophets in times past. Although it required painful sacrifices, we will forever be grateful to God and Jesus Christ for calling us to do this work, and for helping us through the many tribulations that came our way from those who are enemies of the cross of Christ. Apostle Paul made this comment when he perceived that the Roman emperor was about to condemn him to death.

2Ti 4:6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is 2Ti 4:7 at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2Ti 4:8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.


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The Sons of Zion against the Sons of Greece

Few people would imagine that the end-time Great Tribulation is a conflict between the sons of Zion and the Sons of Greece, yet this is exactly what God is telling us.

Zec 9:13 For I have bent Judah, My bow, Fitted the bow with Ephraim, And raised up your sons, O Zion, Against your sons, O Greece, And made you like the sword of a mighty man."

Modern day biblical scholars, prophets, preachers, and the like, have given up on this prophecy because it is inconceivable to them that Greece would ever be in the position to take on the heavily armed Judah (today’s Israel) and Ephraim (The Anglo-Saxons). But when God inscribed something in the Bible, you better believe that it’s true. How then do we explain this prophecy? The secret lies in seeing the world with God’s eyes. If the mind that was in Christ Jesus is in you, you can certainly do it.

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, Php 2:6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.

The problem is in identifying these nations, for clearly appearances are deceiving. Something isn’t right. Greece could hardly face Judah alone, let alone it in an alliance with the Anglo- Saxons. When Israel split into the nations of Judah and Samaria, Judah ended up with three tribes: Judah, Benjamin and Levy, and Samaria with nine tribes (ten if we count Joseph as two tribes: Ephraim and Manasseh, as God does from then on). About two centuries after that split, Samaria was taken captive by Assyria, and together they migrated to the fertile lands of Europe. Most European nations descend from Samaria, England being the tribe of Ephraim, and the USA the tribe of Manasseh. Greece is not one of them, and never was, although there is strong historical evidence that Sparta was populated by Samaritans. Since their split, the Jews were regarded as the leading tribe of Judah, and Ephraim as the leading tribe of Samaria. God often uses the term ‘king’ to mean kingdom, and kingdom to mean a conglomeration of nations, such a Babylon. So when Ephraim is mentioned after the split, it almost always refers to the Samaritans (the British Isles, the USA, the white Anglo-Saxon former colonies of Britain, and most European nations). The question is, what does God mean by “sons of Greece”, for clearly today’s Greeks are in no position to take on Ephraim. Few people realise that just as Rome transformed itself from a military power into a spiritual empire - the Roman - that would last untill the end of the world, the Greeks had their own metamorphosis from military power to spiritual empire - the Greek Orthodox Church. When God looks on the earth, He does not regard physical borders, but spiritual beliefs and descent, which transcend boundaries. Greece in prophecy is not the Greek nation, though that does not exclude it, but the lands in which the Greek Orthodox Church, or as it is also often called, Eastern Orthodox Church, have spiritual dominions. Since Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, Moscow has been the centre and leader of the Greek Orthodox Church. It is in Russia’s hands that God has put ‘the sword of a mighty man’, not in the hands of the small Greek nation. Interestingly enough, after Brexit European leaders have been talking of reconciliation not with Russia, but with “Great” Russia. Geopolitics and fear of annihilation quickly brought together strange bed fellows. Britain has only itself to blame if it finds itself facing a mighty force that no one thought possible just months earlier. And that comes at the time when they abandoned God, and God abandoned the Anglo-Saxons. And America? What more can one say that has not already been said since Donald Trump became its President. Perhaps we should remind them and the British of articles we published about them.  ‘America, America, what have you done to yourself?’ (TCH 21, 2010)  ‘Britannia, Britannia, what have you done to yourself?’ (TCH 26, 2012) As the saying goes, those who do not learn from history are going to repeat it. Or, what people learn from history is that they do not learn from history. The British rushed to Brexit, forgetting the difficulties they had to enter the European Union, and that in the years prior to that they were the sick man of Europe. It is an extraordinary fact that the people who inherited the blessings that God gave to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, have abandoned the Laws of their God and went after Satan’s ‘human rights’, and the ‘love’ that God calls an ‘abomination’. Here are the blessings that God promised to Abraham’s descendants.

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Gen 12:1 Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house, To a land that I will show you. Gen 12:2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be Gen 12:3 a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

That ‘great nation’ became the Roman Empire and the Empires that have arisen and spread out of Europe ever since. Here are the blessings that God promised to Isaac’s descendants:

Gen 27:28 Therefore may God give you of the dew of heaven, of the fatness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine. Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you. Gen 27:29 Be master over your brethren, and let your mother's sons bow down to you. Cursed be everyone who curses you, And blessed be those who bless you!"

And still more, here are the blessings that God promised to Jacob’s descendants:

Deu 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you, And will say, 'Destroy!' Then Israel shall dwell in safety, Deu 33:28 The fountain of Jacob alone, In a land of grain and new wine; His heavens shall also drop Deu 33:29 dew. Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD, The shield of your help And the sword of your majesty! Your enemies shall submit to you, And you shall tread down their high places."

And what have they done with those extraordinary blessings? He answer is obvious: they turned away from God and went after Satan. Consequently, God turned away from them to the detriment of the entire world. They will now face the wrath of the Gentiles.

Eze 7:1 Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, Eze 7:2 "And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land of Israel: 'An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land.

[When Ezekiel received this prophecy, only Judah was in the Middle East. Samaria had long been removed from there. By using the term Israel, and not Judah or Samaria, God showed us two things. One: This is a prophecy for both Judah and Samaria, and Two: It is a prophecy for a long time into the future – in the latter days, or the end time – when the two nations are brought together again in an alliance against the Gentiles. Alas, it would be a war which they will lose and suffer heavy loses, almost to extinction. Only the ‘elect’ of God, such as could be found in their midst, enough to fill the “camp of the saints” around Jerusalem, will survive]

Eze 7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your abominations. Eze 7:4 My eye will not spare you, Nor will I have pity; But I will repay your ways, And your abominations will be in your midst; Then you shall know that I am the LORD!' Eze 7:5 "Thus says the Lord GOD: 'A disaster, a singular disaster; Behold, it has come! Eze 7:6 An end has come, The end has come; It has dawned for you; Behold, it has come! Eze 7:7 Doom has come to you, you who dwell in the land; The time has come, A day of trouble is near, And not of rejoicing in the mountains. Eze 7:8 Now upon you I will soon pour out My fury, And spend My anger upon you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your abominations. Eze 7:9 'My eye will not spare, Nor will I have pity; I will repay you according to your ways, And your abominations will be in your midst. Then you shall know that I am the LORD who strikes. Eze 7:10 'Behold, the day! Behold, it has come! Doom has gone out; The rod has blossomed, Pride has Eze 7:11 budded. Violence has risen up into a rod of wickedness; None of them shall remain, None of their multitude, None of them; Nor shall there be wailing for them.

[There will be none to wail, for they are all in the same boat, all under the same wrath of God]

Eze 7:12 The time has come, The day draws near. 'Let not the buyer rejoice, Nor the seller mourn, For wrath is on their whole multitude. For the seller shall not return to what has been sold, Eze 7:13 Though he may still be alive; For the vision concerns the whole multitude, And it shall not turn back; No one will strengthen himself who lives in iniquity. Eze 7:14 'They have blown the trumpet and made everyone ready, But no one goes to battle; For My wrath is on all their multitude. Eze 7:15 The sword is outside, And the pestilence and famine within. Whoever is in the field will die by the sword; And whoever is in the city, famine and pestilence will devour him. Eze 7:16 'Those who survive will escape and be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, All of them mourning, Each for his iniquity.

[Remember what Jesus Christ said about this time, about escaping to the mountains? "Therefore when you see the 'Abomination Of Desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him The Christian Herald No 33 Page 24

understand), "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened (Mat 12 :15-22)]

Eze 7:17 Every hand will be feeble, And every knee will be as weak as water. Eze 7:18 They will also be girded with sackcloth; Horror will cover them; Shame will be on every face, Baldness on all their heads. Eze 7:19 'They will throw their silver into the streets, And their gold will be like refuse; Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them In the day of the wrath of the LORD; They will not satisfy their souls, Nor fill their stomachs, Because it became their stumbling block of iniquity. Eze 7:20 'As for the beauty of his ornaments, He set it in majesty; But they made from it The images of their abominations—Their detestable things; Therefore I have made it like refuse to them.

[The mention of ‘the beauty of his ornaments … set in majesty’ could only refer to Royalty. God promised David, the famous King of Israel that one of his descendants will always sit on the throne of Israel. In the course of time, the Royal House of Israel moved over from Judah to Ephraim. That is why the Jews have no monarchy and the British do. But do they care about God? What are their ‘prophets’ telling them? It was reported that the Queen, who is also head of the Anglican Church, rejoiced when the British Government legislated in favour of homosexual “marriage”]

Eze 7:21 I will give it as plunder Into the hands of strangers, And to the wicked of the earth as spoil; Eze 7:22 And they shall defile it. I will turn My face from them, And they will defile My secret place; For robbers shall enter it and defile it. Eze 7:23 'Make a chain, For the land is filled with crimes of blood, And the city is full of violence. Eze 7:24 Therefore I will bring the worst of the Gentiles, And they will possess their houses; I will cause the pomp of the strong to cease, And their holy places shall be defiled. Eze 7:25 Destruction comes; They will seek peace, but there shall be none. Eze 7:26 Disaster will come upon disaster, And rumor will be upon rumor. Then they will seek a vision from a prophet; But the law will perish from the priest, And counsel from the elders. Eze 7:27 'The king will mourn, The prince will be clothed with desolation, And the hands of the common people will tremble. I will do to them according to their way, And according to what they deserve I will judge them; Then they shall know that I am the LORD!' "

[Not a single priest or preacher, and no king or national leader, let alone their followers, have understood and accepted that we preach the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ, even after we unveiled biblical mysteries and prophecies that no one ever did, and fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy of Mat 24: 14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come”. They all cling to false gospels that lead to perdition and not to salvation]

Now just a few geo-political developments that fit well into Ezekiel’s prophecy.

Russia [The Sons of Greece] Bolsters Its Submarine Fleet, and Tensions With U.S. Rise NAPLES, Italy — Russian attack submarines, the most in two decades, are prowling the coastlines of Scandinavia and Scotland, the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic in what Western military officials say is a significantly increased presence aimed at contesting American and NATO undersea dominance. Adm. Mark Ferguson, the United States Navy’s top commander in Europe, said last fall that the intensity of Russian submarine patrols had risen by almost 50 percent over the past year, citing public remarks by the Russian Navy chief, Adm. Viktor Chirkov. Analysts say that tempo has not changed since then. The patrols are the most visible sign of a renewed interest in submarine warfare by President Vladimir V. Putin, whose government has spent billions of dollars for new classes of diesel and nuclear-powered attack submarines that are quieter, better armed and operated by more proficient crews than in the past. The tensions are part of an expanding rivalry and military buildup, with echoes of the Cold War, between the United States and Russia. Moscow is projecting force not only in the North Atlantic but also in Syria and Ukraine and building up its nuclear arsenal and cyberwarfare capacities in what American military officials say is an attempt to prove its relevance after years of economic decline and retrenchment. Independent American military analysts see the increased Russian submarine patrols as a legitimate challenge to the United States and NATO. Even short of tensions, there is the possibility of accidents and miscalculations. But whatever the threat, the Pentagon is also using the stepped-up Russian patrols as another argument for bigger budgets for submarines and anti-submarine warfare. American naval officials say that in the short term, the growing number of Russian submarines, with their ability to shadow Western vessels and European coastlines, will require more ships, planes and subs to monitor them. In the long term, the Defense Department has proposed $8.1 billion over the next five

The Christian Herald No 33 Page 25 years for “undersea capabilities,” including nine new Virginia-class attack submarines that can carry up to 40 Tomahawk cruise missiles, more than triple the capacity now. “We’re back to the great powers competition,” Adm. John M. Richardson, the chief of naval operations, said in an interview. Last week, unarmed Russian warplanes repeatedly buzzed a Navy destroyer in the Baltic Sea and at one point came within 30 feet of the warship, American officials said. Last year some of Russia’s new diesel submarines launched four cruise missiles at targets in Syria. Mr. Putin’s military modernization program also includes new intercontinental ballistic missiles as well as aircraft, tanks and air defense systems. To be sure, there is hardly parity between the Russian and American submarine fleets. Russia has about 45 attack submarines — about two dozen are nuclear-powered and 20 are diesel — which are designed to sink other submarines or ships, collect intelligence and conduct patrols. But Western naval analysts say that only about half of those are able to deploy at any given time. Most stay closer to home and maintain an operational tempo far below a Cold War peak. The United States has 53 attack submarines, all nuclear-powered, as well as four other nuclear- powered submarines that carry cruise missiles and Special Operations forces. At any given time, roughly a third of America’s attack submarines are at sea, either on patrols or training, with the others undergoing maintenance. American Navy officials and Western analysts say that American attack submarines, which are made for speed, endurance and stealth to deploy far from American shores, remain superior to their Russian counterparts. The Pentagon is also developing sophisticated technology to monitor encrypted communications from Russian submarines and new kinds of remotely controlled or autonomous vessels. Members of the NATO alliance, including Britain, Germany and Norway, are at the same time buying or considering buying new submarines in response to the Kremlin’s projection of force in the Baltic and Arctic. But Moscow’s recently revised national security and maritime strategies emphasize the need for Russian maritime forces to project power and to have access to the broader Atlantic Ocean as well as the Arctic. Russian submarines and spy ships now operate near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians could attack those lines in times of tension or conflict. Russia is also building an undersea unmanned drone capable of carrying a small, tactical nuclear weapon to use against harbors or coastal areas, American military and intelligence analysts said. And, like the United States, Russia operates larger nuclear-powered submarines that carry long-range nuclear missiles and spend months at a time hiding in the depths of the ocean. Those submarines, although lethal, do not patrol like the attack submarines do, and do not pose the same degree of concern to American Naval officials. [They should, for they target American cities] Analysts say that Moscow’s continued investment in attack submarines is in contrast to the quality of many of Russia’s land and air forces that frayed in the post-Cold War era. “In the Russian naval structure, submarines are the crown jewels for naval combat power,” said Magnus Nordenman, director of the Atlantic Council’s trans-Atlantic security initiative in Washington. “The U.S. and NATO haven’t focused on anti-submarine operations lately, and they’ve let that skill deteriorate.” That has allowed for a rapid Russian resurgence, Western and American officials say, partly in response to what they say is Russia’s fear of being hemmed in. [Europe and America are more hemmed in by Russian, Chinese and North Korean submarines, than they themselves are by western powers. Truly, the hunter has become the hunted] “I don’t think many people understand the visceral way Russia views NATO and the European Union as an existential threat,” said Admiral Ferguson. In Naples, at the headquarters of the United States Navy’s European operations, including the Sixth Fleet, commanders for the first time in decades are having to closely monitor Russian submarine movements through the maritime choke points separating Greenland, Iceland and the United Kingdom, the G.I.U.K. Gap, which during the Cold War were crucial to the defense of Europe. The United States attack submarine Virginia, lead boat of its class, moved up the Clyde en route to the naval base at Faslane, Scotland, last month. That stretch of ocean, hundreds of miles wide, represented the line that Soviet naval forces would have had to cross to reach the Atlantic and to stop United States forces heading across the sea to reinforce America’s European allies in time of conflict. American anti-submarine aircraft were stationed for decades at the Naval Air Station Keflavik in Iceland — in the middle of the gap — but they withdrew in 2006, years after the Cold War. The Navy after that relied on P-3 sub-hunter planes rotating periodically through the base. Now, the Navy is poised to spend about $20 million to upgrade hangars and support sites at Keflavik to handle its new, more advanced P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft. That money is part of the Pentagon’s new $3.4 billion European Reassurance Initiative, a quadrupling of funds from last year to deploy heavy weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe, to deter Russian aggression.

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[It will have the opposite effect. Russia knows that it cannot compete with either the West or with China if another arms race is to take place. This is why a war between East and West will happen sooner rather than later. That war is in prophecy, and what the Bible says, is written in stone]

Navy officials express concern that more Russian submarine patrols will push out beyond the Atlantic into the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Russia has one Mediterranean port now, in Tartus, Syria, but Navy officials here say Moscow wants to establish others, perhaps in Cyprus, Egypt or even Libya. “If you have a Russian nuclear attack submarine wandering around the Med, you want to track it,” said Dmitry Gorenburg, a Russian military specialist at the Center for Naval Analyses in Washington. [And what good is that going to do in a sudden attack. And how many can you track given that hundreds of Russian, Chinese and North Korean submarines are prowling their ‘enemies’ waters?] This month, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency christened a 132-foot prototype drone sea craft packed with sensors, the Sea Hunter, which is made with the intention of hunting autonomously for submarines and mines for up to three months at a time. [You cannot hunt them in peace time, and in a war is too late, because the next war will be one of surprise and lightning speed] The allies are also holding half a dozen anti-submarine exercises this year, including a large drill scheduled later this spring called Dynamic Mongoose in the North Sea. The exercise is to include warships and submarines from Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and the United States. “We are not quite back in a Cold War,” said James G. Stavridis, a retired admiral and the former supreme allied commander of NATO, who is now dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. “But I sure can see one from where we are standing.” (Eric Schmitt, NY Times, April 20, 2016) [An informed observer can see a hot war too]

Putin boosts nuclear arsenal as US warns of return to Cold War Vladimir Putin said Russia must defend itself if threatened after Moscow announced plans to boost its nuclear arsenal and the US warned against a return to a “Cold War status”. The declaration from the President came as Russia reacted with fury to reports the US is planning to bulk up military deployments in Eastern Europe, adding to tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine. Mr Putin said yesterday that NATO — which has accused Russia of backing rebels in eastern Ukraine with weapons and its own troops, a claim Moscow denies — was “coming to our borders”. “If someone puts some of our territories under threat, that means we will have to direct our armed forces and modern strike power at those territories, from where the threat emanates,” he said at a meeting with his Finnish counterpart, Sauli Niinisto. “As soon as some threat comes from an adjoining state, Russia must react appropriately and carry out its defence policy in such a way as to neutralise a threat against it.” Relations between Moscow and the West have plunged to their lowest point since the Cold War over conflict in Ukraine, and Mr Putin once again raised the spectre of the conflict by announcing plans to boost Russia’s nuclear arsenal by the end of the year. “This year, the size of our nuclear forces will increase by over 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles that will be able to overcome any, even the most technologically advanced, missile defence systems,” he said at the opening of an exhibition of military hardware outside Moscow. The US slammed the announcement as a retrograde move reminiscent of the Cold War. “We’ve had enormous co-operation from the 1990s forward with respect to the destruction of nuclear weapons that were in former territories of the Soviet Union. And nobody wants to see us step backwards,” said US Secretary of State John Kerry. “Nobody should hear that kind of announcement from the leader of a powerful country and not be concerned about what the implications are.” He added that “nobody wants to — I think — go back to a kind of Cold War status”. Russia has an estimated 7500 nuclear warheads, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, of which about 1780 are deployed on missiles or at military bases. The US has 7300 warheads, of which 2080 are deployed. NATO head Jens Stoltenberg said Mr Putin’s remarks were part of a pattern of aggressive behaviour by Moscow. “This nuclear sabre-rattling by Russia is unjustified, destabilising and it is dangerous,” Mr Stoltenberg said. . (AFP, June 18, 2015)

Did you notice the difference on how the two sides see the evolving conflict between them? Russian leaders, like their Chinese counterparts, talk of real war, while western leaders talk of Cold War. This is not the beginning of another Cold War; this is preparation for a hot war, the end-time Great Tribulation. God help us, because our leaders seem to be blind to the catastrophe that is stalking western world. And there is nothing that can be done to stop that now, except turn to God in heartfelt repentance, and genuine prayer and worship. But will they turn to the true God now after giving themselves and their nations to the false god?!

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Triumph Of The Ungodly Will Be Short Lived

What do you tell the people you’ve warned for decades that their life style will bring catastrophe upon themselves, upon the nation, and upon the world, who instead of taking note and repenting, made it worse by calling ‘love’ what God calls and ‘abomination’, and demanding equality between the God given matrimonial union, and Satan’s homosexual union?

Lev 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

So confronting and vile was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah that God came down and see it for Himself.

Gen 18:20 And the LORD said, "Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, Gen 18:21 I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know."

When God saw that the outcry against those cities was true, and their sin was very grave indeed, this is what He did.

Gen 19:24 Then the LORD rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the LORD Gen 19:25 out of the heavens. So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.

Gen 19:27 And Abraham went early in the morning to the place where he had stood before the LORD. Gen 19:28 Then he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain; and he saw, and behold, the smoke of the land which went up like the smoke of a furnace.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has been inscribed in both the Old and the New Testaments as an example for us.

2Pe 2:4 For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; 2Pe 2:5 and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; 2Pe 2:6 and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly;

The ungodly have risen again, now in the end time, in the nations that have enjoyed God’s blessings more than any other. They are demanding ‘marriage equality’ in the name of ‘human rights’ as if humans have created marriage. The Governments of the United States of America, Great Britain, France and Canada, were the first to legislate for homosexual ‘marriage’ in the fanfare of the whole world, then the Irish voted for it by a wide margin. Now the Australians followed suit by a similar margin. Prime Minister went before the nation and urged them to vote for homosexual ‘marriage’, because ‘the sky did not fall upon the nations that approved of it before.’ Mr Prime Minister, the sky did not fall, but it will, as sure as day follows night. And when it does, the sky won’t fall just on the countries that have gone after Satan, but on the whole word. This is God’s answer to your claim.

Ecc 8:11 Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Ecc 8:12 Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him. Ecc 8:13 But it will not be well with the wicked; nor will he prolong his days, which are as a shadow, because he does not fear before God.

And this:

Amo 3:6 If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it? Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Amo 3:7 Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. Amo 3:8 A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?

Why do you think the Lord God is revealing His secret to His servants the prophets first? What are they supposed to do with it? Obviously to warn people about it.

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What have your prophets told you about God’s intention, Sir? Oh, they haven’t! And do you know why? Because at this time in history, only two people speak for God, and all Churches take a contrary position to them. They hate the messengers (and eventually kill them), instead of taking note of their message Members of the Roman Catholic Church cannot tell people that the end is near, because for them Rome is an eternal city. All mainstream Churches hold the same views, because they all are daughters of the Catholic Church, or as the Bible puts it, daughters of the ‘Mother of Harlots’ (Rev 17:5). And something else: do you know why Cardinal Pell, Tony Abbot, Rupert Murdoch and the people who work for him vehemently deny climate change and global warming even though the planet is being ravaged by it? Rome being eternal, no sign that would prove otherwise can be accepted. There is a heavy price for willing ignorance about God and the Bible, through which God communicates with the world. Like Jesus Christ and His Apostles, we stand for God, for His Laws and His Commandments, and for the moral standards have kept this world alive until now. We have paid a heavy price for our work.

Psa 69:9 Zeal for Your house has eaten me up, And the reproaches of those who reproach You have fallen on Me.

God did not put man on this earth to debauch himself and turn against his Creator. He gave him the chance to elevate himself to a higher plane of existence and live forever in His eternal Kingdom. But men decided that they would rather wallow in the cesspool of ‘human rights’ for a few fleeting moments of time and perish like animals rather than endure the chastening of the Lord that leads to eternal life. The ‘wise’ of this world want to create a godless society in which everything goes, a society with no standards and no morals in which carnal impulses have free reign and determine human mores. This came as no surprise to our heavenly Father, because from the beginning of the world human beings have always gone from bad to worse when left to their own devices. The surprise comes from the fact that they willingly turned away from the path of eternal life and chose the path of eternal death. Apostle Paul understood that as this creation reaches its conclusion, humanity will be dominated by the ungodly.

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 1Ti 4:2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, . . .

2Ti 3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, 2Ti 3:3 unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of 2Ti 3:4 good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 2Ti 3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 2Ti 3:6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women [and men, which was unthinkable in his time] loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 2Ti 3:7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2Ti 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 2Ti 3:9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. 2Ti 3:10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, 2Ti 3:11 love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra—what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. 2Ti 3:12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 2Ti 3:13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being 2Ti 3:14 deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 2Ti 3:15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

The Bible is full of warnings of dire consequences for human beings if they do not bring under control their carnal impulses for the saving of the soul. Only by doing that can they be transformed into children of God.

1Jn 3:1 Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 1Jn 3:2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 1Jn 3:3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

What an extraordinary potential for human beings: to become children of God just like Jesus Christ. Yet instead of striving to achieve their potential, they did everything in their power to destroy it. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 29

Should God be blamed then if He unleashes a Great Tribulation upon this world that will destroy humanity and save only a few ‘elect’?

Mat 24:10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Mat 24:11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Mat 24:12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. Mat 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Mat 24:22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.

Only for the elect’s sake will those days be shortened, not for a world that has gone wayward. Is it worth sacrificing everything for a few fliting pleasures of this world when in God’s presence there are pleasures forever more?

Psa 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Psa 16:9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope. Psa 16:10 For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see Psa 16:11 corruption. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

When people make a decision to turn around and take the narrow and straight path, all their past is wiped out. Although this is a life-long struggle, punctuated by trials and tribulations, it also comes with indescribable innermost glowing satisfaction. Consider what Apostle John said about sin.

1Jn 3:6 Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. 1Jn 3:7 Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. 1Jn 3:8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 1Jn 3:9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

Does this mean that from the moment one repents, is baptised, and receives the Holly Spirit, he will never sin again? Happy are those who never sin, but chances are that they are deceiving themselves. This is what the same Apostle wrote a couple of chapters earlier.

1Jn 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess 1Jn 1:9 our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1Jn 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

Now what sins was Apostle John talking about here, the ones we have made before repentance, or after repentance? It has to be the ones we commit after repentance, because the ones before it were washed out at baptism. Apostle John said something else hard to explain that has surprised many people.

1Jn 5:16 If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. 1Jn 5:17 I do not say that he should pray about that. All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not leading to death.

What sin leads to death that cannot be repented of? Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! Idolatry comes close to it. And what sin does not lead to death? Sins that can be repented of. All sins lead to death if they are not repented of. But if someone slips and commits a sin, then feels remorseful about it, that sin does snot lead to death, if you repent of it and make a commitment not to do it again. And if you slip again, remember, we have an Advocate with God who speaks for us, as long as you regret it and wish you had not done it.

1Jn 2:1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself 1Jn 2:2 is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. 1Jn 2:3 Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. 1Jn 2:4 He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is 1Jn 2:5 not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we 1Jn 2:6 know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

Now consider what Apostle Paul wrote in the epistle to the Hebrews.

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Heb 12:1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before Heb 12:2 us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

We said that Apostle Paul wrote that in his epistle to the Hebrews, even though that book has no listed author. The writing style and several hints in the book clearly indicate that he was its author. But whoever it was, the author admitted weakness in the face of sin. It snared him, he said. That must have occurred a long time in the past when he repented, was baptised, and received the Holy Spirit. How do we know that? Theologically speaking, that is one of the most complex books of the Bible. That book could not have been written by a novice, but by one who was well versed in the Christian doctrine. That book was written for the Jews, or the Hebrews, but we are yet to find one who has read it, let alone understood it. After two thousand years of Christianity, the Jews still seem to be unaware that a whole book in the New Testament was written specifically for them. Any wonder that they still have no knowledge of the Holy Spirit; that only through repentance, baptism and laying on of hands by one who has the Holy Spirit can He be passed on to other people. What we want to point out here is that when one repents and accepts the tenets of Christianity, he is still a human being made up of flesh and blood, and as such still prone to fall to temptations.

Gal 5:16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Gal 5:17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. Gal 5:18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Rom 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! On the contrary, I would not have known sin except through the law. For I would not have known covetousness unless the law had said, "You Shall Not Covet." Rom 7:8 But sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desire. For apart from the law sin was dead. Rom 7:9 I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. Rom 7:10 And the commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death. Rom 7:11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me. Rom 7:12 Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good. Rom 7:13 Has then what is good become death to me? Certainly not! But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful. Rom 7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. Rom 7:15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; Rom 7:16 but what I hate, that I do. If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it Rom 7:17 is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. Rom 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. Rom 7:19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Rom 7:20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. Rom 7:21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. Rom 7:22 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. Rom 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. Rom 7:24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Rom 7:25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.

Heb 8:1 Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the Heb 8:2 sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man.

Heb 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is Heb 10:24 faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, Heb 10:25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Heb 10:26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation Heb 10:27 of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.

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Heb 10:28 Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Heb 10:29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? Heb 10:30 For we know Him who said, "Vengeance Is Mine, I Will Repay," Says The Lord. And Again, "The Lord Will Judge His People." Heb 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Heb 10:35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.

Homosexual people say they have been born like that and cannot change. Well maybe, but so have heterosexual people. They too have to contend with temptations and carnal impulses, yet many decide to remain celibate and control their behaviour, especially so if they have the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ Himself implied that there is hope for homosexuals.

Mat 11:20 Then He began to rebuke the cities in which most of His mighty works had been done, because they did not repent: Mat 11:21 "Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. Mat 11:22 But I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment than for Mat 11:23 you. And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades; for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until Mat 11:24 this day. But I say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you."

This presumes that in the resurrection, when shown their deeds and consequences, they would say, if only we had known these things we would not have done what we did. They did not have a preacher to cry aloud their sins and warn them of the wrath of God. Well, they know now! They know, because some of them had sent us threatening legal letters, and hacked our web site.

Isa 58:1 "Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins.

The people of Sodom were taken by surprise by the brimstone from God that killed them. Now where do today’s sinners stand in relation to God given that His Scriptures are clear and available for all to see, and that one has ‘cried aloud’ their sins and sent the message of God’s wrath upon the world to every nation in the world.

What Preachers Should Never Do

A couple of years ago, we were invited to a special meeting of a Baptist Church that had a visiting family of missionaries from the USA. They wanted to increase their membership for the occasion, so we obliged. People who invited us knew that we were Christians with different beliefs, but they regarded us as just another Christian denomination. They never questioned us about it, and we never volunteered information. We only explain or answer questions to people who ask us about it. Occasionally, we hand out magazines or leaflets to those who are interested, and leave it at that. We’ve never been to that Church before, and were not planning to go there again. However, two weeks later we decided on the spur of the moment to give them another visit. As it happened, one of their deacons whom we knew and invited us to their Church in the first place, delivered the main sermon of the day. A few minutes after he started speaking, my partner turned to me and said, “It sounds very much like what you are preaching.” I said, “It is. I gave him a couple of magazines when we were here two weeks ago”. “Oh”, she said, and turned back. I felt sorry for the fellow. He must have cursed us in his thoughts for showing up in his Church unannounced. He did not expect us to be in the audience, but having committed himself to deliver the sermon, he could not pull back. He did his best to appear genuine, lifting his head

The Christian Herald No 33 Page 32 occasionally and rolling up his eyes as if he was gathering his thoughts and speaking from inspiration, when in fact most of the time he was just reading. His fellow Church people may have been impressed by his spiritual awakening, and wondered how he got it in such a short time, but for us it was a different story. Had he acknowledged that he got his inspiration, or part of it, from the writings of Mr Sbarcea, who happens to be with us again today, he would have lost nothing, and gained credit for keeping himself informed about goings on in the wider world. It would have given us the chance to congratulate him, and perhaps give him more magazines if he wanted, but he said nothing, and we said nothing. We’ve never been to that Church again, and they never invited us again either. We have known for a long time that people plagiarised us, and we discussed some of the cases in our magazines. The chief offenders being the very people who expelled me from their Church four decades earlier. They have a problem now in that their followers can read what we preach and probably ask questions about their lies and half-truths. They are treading a fine line, trying to reconcile their preaching with our writings, without altering the main doctrines of their Churches such as the Old Testament tithing principle which none of the Apostles of Jesus Christ applied in their Churches, and the dietary laws which have become doctrines of demons in the New Testament. In the last couple of years, we received a larger number of emails and letters than usual, most of them from people connected with the former Worldwide Church of God or the Churches that have sprung from its collapse. Whether they knew of each other we do not know, but most had a few things in common. They all contained lists of publications, and none told us what they wanted us to do with them. None addressed us by name; none said anything about this work or The Christian Herald, none apologised for the way they treated me in those early days and, of course, none said anything about returning to me the value of the things they robbed me of when they expelled me from their Church. They just threw their lists on our lap so to speak, and run like brutes. Is that the behaviour of civilised people, or uncouth creatures who cannot put up with the burden of their stained conscience, seeking help from the man they castigated forty years earlier, without having the decency of an apology and courage to say anything? We would need years, perhaps decades, to read and asses all the publications on the lists they sent us, as if we had nothing better to do with our time. It takes us weeks and months to do the necessary research and work for our publications, without taking upon us other people’s burdens, who cannot do their own work. However, without the Holy Spirit they could spend a life time searching the Bible and the world, and never come to the knowledge of the truth, as the Apostles of Jesus Christ pointed out.

2Ti 3:1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2Ti 3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 2Ti 3:3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 2Ti 3:4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 2Ti 3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 2Ti 3:6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 2Ti 3:7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

One of the letters was different, in that the man addressed me personally, chastening me for not having contacting them for some time. He did not tell me who he was, and what he meant by not contacting them. He seemed to think that I automatically knew who he was, that he probably came from the stables of the former Worldwide Church of God. They fail to understand that this work has left them behind long ago, that we now operate on a worldwide platform. This work started as an attempt to expose the false preaching of the Worldwide Church of God, but before we knew it we found ourselves dealing with more people outside that Church than inside it. Without us realising it, God turned this work into one of witnessing His Gospel of the Kingdom to the whole world as a witness to all the nations. In our last year’s edition (TCH 32), we reported how people from 195 nations were frequenting our web site, the same number as were members of the United Nations. God gave us a signal that we had accomplished our mission. But there seem to be a few more nations out there in the world that are not members of the UN, for at the last count people from 206 nations had visited our web site. At that number we stopped counting and put our charts aside. If there are any more nations out there, the Holy Spirit will make sure they will find us. God has witnesses now in every nation that the religions of this world are way off the mark, including those which call themselves Christian.

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Jesus Christ told His disciples that they were the salt of the earth, and that if they lose their flavour they are good for nothing but to be cast out and be trampled under feet. The main message of this parable being that without His disciples, the world itself is good for nothing but to vanish from existence. This is the precarious condition in which this world finds itself right now. The Great Tribulation that could do that knocks at the door. If the disciples are still in the world and in full flavour with God, why did Jesus Christ say that before He returns to this earth, Elijah will come first and restore “all things”? Ever since we started publishing The Christian Herald, we have not taken anything from other Churches, but strictly only from the Bible. Yet our Gospel is strange to every Church and individual that bear the name ‘Christian’, even though they all claim to follow the Bible. No one cares that the doctrines they believe and preach, and the Holy Days they observe, are not biblical and not Christian. If we had done this work and been paid for it, as every Church and preacher request of their members, we would be no different. But God had decreed that His end time work must be done by poor people that are not encumbered by false Church doctrines, whose guidance must be the Word of God-the Bible-and nothing else. Hypocrites who preach falsehoods, like those of the former Worldwide Church of God, have done everything in their power to destroy or derail this work, but have not succeeded. Now we are ready to meet our destiny. Extraordinary coincidences in the world, tell us that this world is about to meet its destiny too.

The letter of the man who took me to task for not having contacted them for some time, also contained a list of publications. Like the others, he did not say what he wanted us to do with them. But looking at his list, the last publication drew my attention. It was about how to maintain a good health. Knowing that they associate good health with keeping the Old Testament dietary laws, I went to his web site and clicked on that title. Sure enough, there he was, behind a lectern, smiling, joking with his audience, and telling them how lucky they were that they eat only what is approved in the Bible. He said nothing of these Scriptures.

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed 1Ti 4:2 to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 1Ti 4:3 forbidding to marry [people of another race], and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 1Ti 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received 1Ti 4:5 with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 1Ti 4:6 If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed.

1Co 10:25 Eat whatever is sold in the meat market, asking no questions for conscience' sake; 1Co 10:26 for "The Earth Is The Lord's, And All Its Fullness." 1Co 10:27 If any of those who do not believe invites you to dinner, and you desire to go, eat whatever is set before you, asking no question for conscience' sake.

Five years ago, I had a kidney stone operation. Before they scheduled me for the operation, they assessed me and asked about twenty questions about what other diseases I may have. I ticked ‘no’ to all except the one about kidneys. When the Doctor read that page he looked at me and said, you have no high blood pressure, no diabetes, none of these diseases listed here? I said no; not that I am aware of. How old are you? I said, 69. And you never smoked? No! Any wonder, you look 20 years younger. Oh, thank you. Wait here, he said, I have to go and speak with my superior. He came back smiling, and approved the operation. Now why am I telling you this? Because for four decades, ever since I parted company with the Worldwide Church of God, I have eaten pork, rabbit, prawns, lobster, everything that was ever set before me. Sometimes I deliberately chose meals that were forbidden by the Old Testament, particularly so when I had to select from a smorgasbord. I did not know that I was considered a healthy person for my age. On the contrary, I thought of myself as a sick person because kidney stones could be very painful sometimes. But these kind of operations are routinely matter of course for surgeons these days. If the meats I had been eating were as bad for health as those misguided people make it, I would have died long ago. Yet five years after that operation, my health is hardly any different, and still holding very well. I drink one or two cups of coffee a day, I have a glass of wine or beer with my dinner, occasionally two glasses. Plenty of fruits, and vegetable salad with virgin olive oil and cider vinegar are seldom missing from my table. I drink a glass or two of pure juice a day, and never a soft drink, except when I have an occasional hamburger, which if it comes with a free coke, as they often do these days, I drink that. Cheese is also often part of my meals. The main thing is balance, with emphasis on healthy natural foods. These words of Jesus Christ often come into my mind at my table. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 34

Mar 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is Mar 16:16 baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Mar 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they Mar 16:18 will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink [or eat] anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they Mar 16:19 will recover." So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, Mar 16:20 and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs.

If you observe the Old Testament dietary laws, which have become ‘doctrines of demons’ in the New Testament, you cannot be a Christian. The Holy Spirit will never dwell in a person in which there are demons. As Jesus Christ said, you cannot serve two masters.

Mat 6:24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Or as James put it:

Jas 3:11 Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my Jas 3:12 brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh.

Apostle Paul had his own saying on this matter.

Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Rom 8:3 For what the law [of diets and animal sacrifices] could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He Rom 8:4 condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Rom 8:5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of Rom 8:8 God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God Rom 8:9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.

If you do not have the Spirit of Christ, you will never know God and His truth. You cannot receive the Holy Spirit through food, but through the mind and the soul, if you repent of your sins, are baptised, begin a new life, and let the mind of God be in you as it was in Christ Jesus, through the laying on of hands of one who has the Holy Spirit. Those who preach false doctrines, and do not keep the Commandments and the Holy Days of God, cannot have the Holy Spirit.

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, Php 2:6 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, Php 2:7 taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

Php 1:12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned Php 1:13 out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, Php 1:14 and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Php 1:15 Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from Php 1:16 goodwill: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; Php 1:17 but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel.

Php 3:18 For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, Php 3:19 that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who set their mind on earthly Php 3:20 things. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Php 3:21 Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.


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How Samaria Became The Mighty Roman Empire

When I grew up in communist Romania, people used to say privately: “Do you know what the definition of a communist historian is?” The answer: “One who predicts the past!” I told this joke to a group of teachers when I was studying history at Sydney University. They thought it was funny and laughed heartedly. Little did I know then, and little did they know, that western historians were predicting the past as much as their communist counterparts. The difference being that while communist historians see history in terms of ideological class struggle, western historians see it in evolutionary terms. They both twist history to fit their particular ideologies, though they would never accept this fact. This prefabrication of history has had dire consequences for the world which are only now becoming visible. Instead of leading the world towards a bright future, it has brought it to the edge of the abyss. The spectre of nuclear annihilation has never hanged more menacingly over the world. Now how did it ever come to this? It came when both eastern and western historians discarded the most reliable historical book - the Bible - which provided a moral compass and guidance for a civilised society. The consequence of this departure from reason, freed scientists from any inhibitions, who otherwise gave us extraordinary technological achievements, to declare emphatically that life has no meaning and no Creator, and we are alone and travelling aimlessly through a vast, cold and inhospitable Universe. Any morality that came from a non-existent God had to be replaced with a new human morality that caters for all human needs and desires. Four years ago, we wrote this in The Christian Herald No 29:

“The great and dreadful day of the Lord’ did not come at the time of John the Baptist, but now the time is ripe for it. Jesus Christ said that “because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold”. Well, lawlessness abounds now more than ever, and there is hardly any love in families, let alone in the wider world. The generation gap has never been bigger, the elders are marginalized and their voice hardly ever heeded and appreciated. And since the ‘wise’ of this world keep telling us that this world has no God, there is even less love between God and His creation. Add to that the recent comments in a publication like The Sydney Morning Herald (August 28, 2013) and you can see why humanity has little chance of being redeemed from the current worldwide morass. “Prostitution, Polygamy, Incest and Bestiality. I would argue that all of them should be legal.”

They don’t mention homosexuality anymore; this is widely accepted and passé as an issue now; what they advocate now are four new abominations. Unbelievably, only three weeks later, Australia’s public television network, the ABC, showed graphic bestiality images in prime time television: first supposedly as ‘satire’ (Gruen Planet, Sep. 11), then as ‘critique’ of the satire (Media Watch, Sep.16). The Media Watch reporter made the point that after the first airing of those sickening images the ABC received only one complaint. Not from a church, not from an institution, nor from a Member of Parliament, but from a lone individual. Was it because the public has become so desensitized by the plunge into this unbelievable filth, or because few people are watching this highly criticized network? Remember how it all began some four decades ago? They wanted ‘basic rights’ for homosexuals. Then they changed that to ‘human rights’; then ‘equal rights’, ‘marriage rights’, and finally ‘brotherly love’; to which Barack Obama dutifully obliged from the pulpit of the White House in the hearing of the whole world. He was quickly followed by Britain’s Prime Minister, Cameroun, and the French President, Hollande. Now they run the risk of being overtaken by others with even more ‘progressive’ views. So let’s hear it, Messrs Obama, Cameroun and Hollande. Those new abominations need their human rights, equal rights, brotherly love and marriage rights too. After all, Satan got them for homosexuals, so why shouldn’t he get them for his new protégées. Now those who think that God will stand by and let Satan and his cronies plunge this world into such unspeakable depths of depravity without consequences have something coming their way. As on cue, at the time and place that God’s prophecies have foretold thousands of years ago, the end-time Great Tribulation is hanging over the world, yet few people are aware of it. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 36

Those who ought to cry aloud the sins of their people and warn them of the catastrophe that is stalking them, have not only fallen silent, but mounted a massive campaign against us, haunting us for forty years, desperately trying to prevent the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus Christ brought to this world from being preached as a witness to all nations as it must be done at this particular time in history. They have not succeeded, and that Gospel is now being read in all corners of the earth – a sure sign that the end of this age, the Great Tribulation, and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, are now on the cards. So turn to God friends, turn to Him while He may be found, for the time is shorter than you think.” (The Christian Herald No 29, page 8)

It is unbelievable that a mass circulation newspaper could incite “Prostitution, Polygamy, Incest and Bestiality” and get away with it. To this day, SMH has remained the mouthpiece of this kind of left wing aberrant (im)morality. We are going to some ancient sources now to see if we can reverse modern history’s wayward tendencies and corroborate the Romans’ claim that they were descendants of the Samaritans. The Roman author Virgil, wrote a whole epic on this topic, continuing Homer’s story of the Trojan War. Here is a short quote from Wikipedia.

Aeneas flees burning Troy, Federico Barocci, 1598. Galleria Borghese, Rome. The national epic of mythical Rome, the Aeneid of Virgil, tells the story of how Trojan prince Aeneas came to Italy. The Aeneid was written under Augustus, who claimed ancestry through Julius Caesar from the hero and his mother Venus. According to the Aeneid, the survivors from the fallen city of Troy banded together under Aeneas and underwent a series of adventures around the Mediterranean Sea, including a stop at newly founded Carthage under the rule of Queen Dido, eventually reaching the Italian coast. The Trojans were thought to have landed in an area between modern Anzio and Fiumicino, southwest of Rome, probably at Laurentum or, in other versions, at Lavinium, a place named for Lavinia, the daughter of King Latinus whom Aeneas married. This started a series of armed conflicts with Turnus over the marriage of Lavinia.[3] Before the arrival of Aeneas, Turnus was betrothed to Lavinia, who then married Aeneas, starting the war.[3] Aeneas won the war and killed Turnus.[3] The Trojans won the right to stay and to assimilate with the local peoples. The young son of Aeneas Ascanius, also known as Iulus, went on to found Alba Longa and the line of Alban kings who filled the chronological gap between the Trojan saga and the traditional founding of Rome in the 8th century BC. Toward the end of this line, King Procas was the father of Numitor and Amulius. At Procas' death, Numitor became king of Alba Longa, but Amulius captured him and sent him to prison; he also forced Numitor's daughter Rhea Silvia to become a virgin priestess among the Vestals. For many years, Amulius was the king. The tortuous nature of the chronology is indicated by Rhea Silvia's ordination among the Vestals, whose order was traditionally said to have been founded by Romulus's successor Numa Pompilius.

This story however, did not sit well with evolutionists, who say that the Europeans came from Africa, not from the Middle East as the Bible says. Therefore, anything to do with the Bible, had to be expunged from the history books. And everything that corroborated biblical prophecies was declared myth and legend. Thus, Homer’s writings are legend; Virgil’s writings are legend, and much of the Greek and Roman histories are myths and legends. But there is a major problem with that: those myths and legends fit very well into biblical prophecies. The four ‘beats’ of Daniel’s prophecies are the Empire of Babylon, Media/Persia, Alexander the Great Empire, and the Roman Empire. The first three were clearly identified in Daniel’s visions, but the forth was not. That was to remain a mystery to the very end of time. As far as we know, we were the first to identify that ‘beast’. Now because Daniel’s prophecies corroborate historical events, which contemporary historians could not deny, they concluded that they were written after the events, not five hundred years earlier when Daniel the prophet lived. In so doing, they have blinded themselves and humanity to a great danger, and allowed the Roman Catholic Church to palm the real myth that ‘Rome is an eternal city’. We see this amply manifested in Catholic writings, such as those of Cardinal Pell who never tires denouncing the scientists who insist that global warming is real and poses catastrophic dangers to humanity. Global warming is a precursor to the Great Tribulation, which heralds the end of this world. But an end to this world is anathema to the Catholic Church, for that would The Christian Herald No 33 Page 37 mean Rome is not eternal, and expose Catholic clergy as liars and deceivers. They are trying to do to today’s scientists what they had done to medieval scientists, such as Galileo Galilei, whom they forced to deny, under penalty of death, that the earth is moving around the Sun. That would make the Sun the centre of the Universe, and not the earth as they had been preaching for centuries. When he left their room, Galileo is reported to have stuck his head back and said, “E pur si move”, or something like that, meaning, “and still the earth is moving”. It is hard to imagine that Catholic clergy would prevail against today’s scientists, and force them to deny global warming. And yet this is exactly what they are trying to do. In effect, they are trying to stop history from following its course. Far from being eternal, Rome is on its last days, as is the whole of humanity in fact. For a long time, Rome was a mighty military machine and civilising force. But a massive change occurred in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D, under the onslaught of the “barbarians”. We put this word in inverted commas, because far from being ‘barbarians’, they were in fact people of the same stock as the Tribes of Israel, only less civilised. They were not so much interested in destroying Rome, as in joining it. No longer a great military power, Rome took a new identity, becoming a mighty religious Empire that we now call the Roman Catholic Church. Roman emperors gave way to the one who hitherto had been second to them – Pontifex Maximus, otherwise known as the Pontiff. Historians speak of the Roman Empire as the greatest and most civilising force of the ancient world, and so it was, however its true identity remained a mystery to our time. History of the world cannot be separated from the history of Israel. By Israel we mean all Twelve Tribes, not just the nation that bears that name in the Middle East at present, which should more correctly be called Judah. It should be noted that Israel went into Egypt as Twelve Tribes, and came out as Thirteen Tribes. Joseph’s two children, born to him in Egypt of a High Priest’s daughter, became two tribes instead of one. This explains why even today Britain and the USA are doing so much for Egypt, even though they may not be aware of their ancient links. About five centuries after their exodus from Egypt, Israel split into two nations: Judah and Samaria. Judah ended up with Three Tribes, and Samaria with Ten. About the year 721 B.C., Samaria was conquered and taken captive by the Assyrians. Nothing was heard of that nation anymore, as if had disappeared from history. Even today, historians speak of the ‘Lost Ten Tribes of Israel’. Well, they may have vanished from history, but not from the world. As we saw, ancient Romans believed that they were Samaritans. We are going to the Bible now to see if we can identify Samaria in Daniel’s prophecies. Daniel lived in the sixth century B.C. His prophecies were written between the years 600 B.C. and 530 B.C. At that time, Samaria was no longer in the Middle East. Only Judah was still there. Judah in turn, fell captive to the Babylonians about the year 604 B.C. We say ‘about’ because both conquests lasted a few years. Samaria’s from about 721 to 717, and Judah’s from about 607 to 604. Interestingly, if the Assyrians were still in the Middle East, the Babylonians would have had to cross them and Samaria in order to reach Judah. But the Babylonians encountered no such resistance, indicating that they were no longer in the Middle East. They weren’t there because shortly after the Assyrians conquered Samaria, they migrated together to the mostly empty but fertile fields of Europe. Here now are the prophecies of Daniel. Of necessity, these are fairly long quotations, but we have no choice if we are to get to the bottom of this problem.

Dan 1:1 In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. Dan 1:2 And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judaih into his hand, with some of the articles of the house of God, which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the articles into the treasure house of his god. Dan 1:3 Then the king instructed Ashpenaz, the master of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of Israel and some of the king's descendants and some of the nobles, young men Dan 1:4 in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had ability to serve in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans.

Dan 1:6 Now from among those of the sons of Judah were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and .

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Dan 1:17 As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Dan 1:18 Now at the end of the days, when the king had said that they should be brought in, the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar. Dan 1:19 Then the king interviewed them, and among them all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they served before the king. Dan 1:20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm. Dan 1:21 Thus Daniel continued until the first year of King Cyrus. [That is, he continued until Babylon fell to Media and Persia, King Cyrus being a Media/Persian King]

Now we go to chapter 7 of Daniel’s prophecies.

Dan 7:1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts. Daniel spoke, saying, Dan 7:2 "I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great Dan 7:3 Sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other. The first Dan 7:4 was like a lion, and had eagle's wings. I watched till its wings were plucked off; and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it. Dan 7:5 it. "And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear. It was raised up on one side, and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. And they said thus to it: 'Arise, devour much flesh!' Dan 7:6 "After this I looked, and there was another, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird. The beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it. Dan 7:7 "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.

[After moving to Europe, Assyria settled in the area of Germany, and the Tribes of Samaria spread out all over Europe. Some settled in Italy and became the fourth ‘beast’ of Daniel’s prophecies, the mighty Roman Empire. When Aeneas came to Italy with his entourage, he did not go to strangers, but to related people to spoke the Latin language. All Empires of Europe that had arisen down through history, are related to ancient Israel. When the Roman Empire spread over Europe, they were conquering mostly their own kin. But they could never take over the Germans, the Assyrians, who had brought them to Europe]

Dan 7:8 I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.

[The little horn that arose in the midst of the ten horns is the Roman High Priest, Pontifex Maximus, who became the Pope and ‘Holy Father’ of the Roman Catholic Church later on]

Dan 7:9 "I watched till thrones were put in place, And the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, And the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, Its wheels a burning fire. [God the Father on His throne] Dan 7:10 A fiery stream issued And came forth from before Him. A thousand thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The court was seated, And the books Dan 7:11 were opened. "I watched then because of the sound of the pompous words which the horn was speaking; I watched till the beast was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.

[This is the judgment of Pontifex Maximus and of the ‘beast’ under him, which occur at the end of time]

Dan 7:12 As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time. [The dominion of the other ‘beasts’ ended when the fourth ‘beast’ arose and grew to world domination] Dan 7:13 "I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him. [This is Jesus Christ] Dan 7:14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed. Dan 7:15 "I, Daniel, was grieved in my spirit within my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.

[Daniel was grieved in spirit and body, and his visions troubled him, because he understood that the dreadful fourth ‘beast’ and its head of ‘pompous words’ would be his own people of Samaria and its High Priest. But he was not allowed to reveal these facts]

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Dan 7:16 I came near to one of those who stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things: Dan 7:17 'Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings which arise out of the earth.

[Without telling him which those Kings (or Kingdoms) were, the Angel changed the topic altogether. Bear in mind that in prophecy the term ‘king’ often means kingdom]

Dan 7:18 But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.' Dan 7:19 "Then I wished to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its nails of bronze, which devoured, broke in pieces, and trampled the residue with its feet; Dan 7:20 and the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn which came up, before which three fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth which spoke pompous words, whose Dan 7:21 appearance was greater than his fellows. "I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them,

This is a reflection of the persecution of the Christians by the Roman Catholic Church. The Inquisition, whose victims are estimated to be over thirty million people, fulfilled this prophecy of Jesus Christ: "These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the (and churches); yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me (Joh 16:1-3)]

Dan 7:22 until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom. [‘Any wonder that the Roman Catholic Church would not hear of an end to this world] Dan 7:23 "Thus he said: 'The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces. Dan 7:24 The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings.

]The three kings that are subdued by the ‘pompous horn’ are the three tribes of Judah (Judah, Benjamin and Levi) which was conquered by the Romans and spread among the nations. In other words, much of the history of the world was a battle between Samaria and Judah, the Jews being persecuted by their own brothers of Samaria. In the Bible, Ephraim (Great Britain) is regarded as the leading tribe of Samaria. Any wonder that the British have never been particularly friendly to the Jews. Mind you, they have never been quite as hostile as the Prussians (the Assyrians?)]

Dan 7:25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.

[Julius Caesar gave the Romans a solar calendar in 46 B.C.. He divided it into twelve months in the manner of the Jewish lunar calendar with which he was familiar. Pope Gregory XIII revised it in 1582. The words ‘intended to change’ tells us that the Romans tried to change the time and law of the Jewish calendar, but could not do it. That clash occurred in 325 A.D. when the Romans adopted Christianity as the religion of the Empire. The clash came in regard to the biblical Holy Days, which cannot be set on a solar calendar. The option for the Romans was to either reverse their solar calendar to a lunar one, or discard the Holy Days. Need we say what choice they made? More on this topic later]

Dan 7:26 'But the court shall be seated, And they shall take away his dominion, To consume and Dan 7:27 destroy it forever. Then the kingdom and dominion, And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, Shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And all dominions shall serve and obey Him.' Dan 7:28 "This is the end of the account. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts greatly troubled me, and my countenance changed; but I kept the matter in my heart.

Daniel chapter 8 speaks of only three beasts, not four as chapter 7. It leaves out the Babylonians and starts with Media/Persia. It tells us that the next beast is Greece, but it still leaves out the fourth beast.

Dan 8:1 In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me—to me, Daniel—after the one that appeared to me the first time. Dan 8:2 I saw in the vision, and it so happened while I was looking, that I was in Shushan, the citadel, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in the vision that I was by the River Ulai. Then I lifted

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Dan 8:3 my eyes and saw, and there, standing beside the river, was a ram which had two horns, and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last. Dan 8:4 I saw the ram pushing westward, northward, and southward, so that no animal could withstand him; nor was there any that could deliver from his hand, but he did according to his will Dan 8:5 and became great. And as I was considering, suddenly a male goat came from the west, across the surface of the whole earth, without touching the ground; and the goat had a notable horn Dan 8:6 between his eyes. Then he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing beside the river, and ran at him with furious power. Dan 8:7 And I saw him confronting the ram; he was moved with rage against him, attacked the ram, and broke his two horns. There was no power in the ram to withstand him, but he cast him down to the ground and trampled him; and there was no one that could deliver the ram from his hand. Dan 8:8 Therefore the male goat grew very great; but when he became strong, the large horn was broken, and in place of it four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven.

[When Alexander the Great died, his Hellenistic Empire divided into four parts. Out of one of them arose the future head of the Roman Empire]

Dan 8:9 And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land. [Pontifex Maximus and his Roman legions invading the ‘glorious land’] Dan 8:10 And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars Dan 8:11 to the ground, and trampled them. He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down.

[The ‘Prince of the host’ is Jesus Christ. His crucifixion put an end to the animal sacrifices performed in the Jerusalem Temple. That Temple was destroyed by the Roman armies in 70 A.D.]

Dan 8:12 Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered.

[What truth did Pontifex Maximus cast down to the ground? That there is no immortality of the soul, no life after death, and that no man has ascended to heaven other than the One who came down from heaven - Jesus Christ. See The Christian Herald No 32 for details. He did all this and prospered. Is there a wealthier institution in the world than the Catholic Church?]

Dan 8:16 And I heard a man's voice between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said, "Gabriel, make this man understand the vision." Dan 8:17 So he came near where I stood, and when he came I was afraid and fell on my face; but he said to me, "Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end." Dan 8:18 Now, as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep with my face to the ground; but he Dan 8:19 touched me, and stood me upright. And he said, "Look, I am making known to you what shall happen in the latter time of the indignation; for at the appointed time the end shall be. The ram Dan 8:20 which you saw, having the two horns—they are the kings of Media and Persia. And the Dan 8:21 male goat is the kingdom of Greece. The large horn that is between its eyes is the first king. Dan 8:22 As for the broken horn and the four that stood up in its place, four kingdoms shall arise out of that nation, but not with its power. Dan 8:23 "And in the latter time of their kingdom, When the transgressors have reached their fullness, A king shall arise, Having fierce features, Who understands sinister schemes.

[The western division of Alexander’s Empire contained southern Italy too. It is from this ‘kingdom’ that Pontifex Maximus arose]

Dan 8:24 His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; [Of course not. It is the power of the Devil] He shall destroy fearfully, And shall prosper and thrive; He shall destroy the mighty, and Dan 8:25 also the holy people. "Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means.

[No power on earth can destroy the Vatican and its supreme ‘King’, except Jesus Christ when he returns to this world. Do you see now why the Roman Catholic Church preaches that Rome is an eternal city? It does not want Christ to return, and when He does, it fights Him (See Rev 18 and 19)]

Dan 8:26 "And the vision of the evenings and mornings Which was told is true; Therefore seal up the vision, For it refers to many days in the future." Dan 8:27 And I, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days; afterward I arose and went about the king's business. I was astonished by the vision, but no one understood it.

[Once again, Daniel fainted and was sick. He understood that the ‘beast’ that arose from a branch of the Greek Empire was the Roman Empire. However, because the Angel did not reveal its identity, he understood that he could not reveal it either]

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Dan 12:1 "At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Everyone who is found written in the book. [This is the Great Tribulation that Jesus Christ spoke about] Dan 12:2 And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, Some to everlasting life, Dan 12:3 Some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever. Dan 12:4 "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." Dan 12:5 Then I, Daniel, looked; and there stood two others, one on this riverbank and the other on Dan 12:6 that riverbank. And one said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be?" Dan 12:7 Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time; and when the power of the holy people has been completely Dan 12:8 shattered, all these things shall be finished. Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, "My lord, what shall be the end of these things?" And he said, "Go your way, Daniel, Dan 12:9 for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Dan 12:10 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. Dan 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. Dan 12:12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. Dan 12:13 "But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days.


The Catastrophe That Came With The Solar Calendar

The general belief in Christendom is that Christianity received a great boost forward when the Roman Emperor Constantine adopted it as the religion of the Empire in the fourth century A.D. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Roman attitude to religion was that people of the Empire could practice their own religion as long as that did not interfere with the Roman religion, and acknowledged the superiority of the Roman gods and religious festivals. The saying, when you are in Rome do as the Romans, known around the world, has more than a kernel of truth in it. There was however, a group of people who could not compromise their beliefs and customs, and could not do as the Romans when in Rome. They were of course, the Jews, and their cousins, the Christians. This is what happened in 49 A.D.

Act 18:1 After these things Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth. And he found a certain Act 18:2 Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla (because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome); and he came to them.

In the early days of Christianity, the Romans regarded the Christians as just another sect of , but as time passed they realized that they were dealing with a different and far more powerful and persuasive religion. When they could not deal with it as they did with the Jews, by scattering them out of their country, they tried to do what the Romans have always been good at – assimilating them. The Christians, however, would have none of it. They would not assimilate or compare their beliefs with any other religion. For them, it was all or nothing. The Romans obliged, but once again they did it their own way. They made Christianity the religion of the Empire, but it was a Christianity unrecognisable by the standards of Jesus Christ and of His Apostles. For true Christians, that was not a step forward, but one that would bring them long term hardship. Early Christians were observing biblical Holy Days that were based on a lunar calendar. The Romans, however, were observing a solar calendar. God’s Holy Days can only be set on a lunar calendar, and that required careful work by Jewish scribes. Here is a quote from the respected work of Arthur Spier: The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar (Feldheim Publishers). The Christian Herald No 33 Page 42

“Since Biblical times the months and years of the Jewish calendar have been established by the cycles of the moon and the sun. The traditional law prescribed that the months shall follow closely the course of the moon, from its Molad (birth, conjunction) in the next New Moon. Furthermore, the lunar months must always correspond to the seasons of the year, which are governed by the sun. The month of Nisan with the Passover Festival, for instance, must occur in the Spring and the month of Tishri with the harvest festival of Succoth in Fall. Thus, the Jewish calendar is LUNI-SOLAR. It is in contrast to our civil calendar, the Gregorian, which is purely solar, and in which the months have completely lost their relation to the moon. But it is also quite different from the Mohammedan calendar, an absolutely lunar system, in which every month follows the moon closely but wanders through all four seasons during the period of 33 years. Unlike these, which are either altogether solar, or altogether lunar, the Jewish calendar must meet two requirements, both solar and lunar. This accounts for its relatively complicated structure. Since the solar year of about 365 days is approximately 11 days longer than the 12 lunar months, the Jewish calendar is faced with the problem of balancing the solar with the lunar years.” [p. 1]

Up to the time of Julius Caesar, the solar calendar observed by most people of the known world at that time was a haphazard one, inherited that way from the Egyptians, who had set it on the annual inundation of the Nile. Long in their antiquity, the Egyptians had noticed that the Nile was flooding its banks regularly at the same time of the year. They regarded it as a sign from their gods and turned that into an annual solar calendar. They passed that calendar to the Samaritans through Jeroboam, who was familiar with it from his time in Egypt. Samaria, in turn, brought it to Rome. However, as the Roman Republic was heading towards a great empire, they felt the need for a more stable and scientific calendar, Julius Caesar knew about the lunar calendar of twelve months from the history of cohabitation between Judah and Samaria. So he decided to divide the Roman solar year into twelve months too. He named the months after various gods, one of it being himself. But apparently the gods did not like a human being sitting in their pantheon, and ordered his killing. His calendar however, survived his death and remained in force for more than millennia and a half, until Pope Gregory XIII revised it in 1582. Some historians have expressed the opinion that Christianity led to the fall of the Roman Empire, and while there may be some truth in that, few people understood that while the Roman Empire as a mighty military force came to an end in the sixth century A.D., a new and far more widespread and powerful spiritual empire took its place: the one we now call the Roman Catholic Church. It could not be otherwise, because Daniel’s prophecies say that the fourth ‘beast’ and its head of ‘pompous words’, would last until the end time and the return of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church had a new mission: to spread the tenets of its new identity to the far corners of the earth, in accordance to the command of its (presumed) Founder.

Mat 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Mat 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Mat 28:20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.

Alas, the tenets of the Roman Catholic Church were not based on the true beliefs of Christianity, but were very much against it. After the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., in which the Roman authorities officially adopted Christianity as their religion, they forbade everyone in the Empire from Judaizing (having anything to do with the Jews). But the Christians, though separate from the Jews, were nevertheless intrinsically linked to them. The early Churches of God observed the same Holy Days as the Jews. They also kept the Sabbath as a Holy Day, not Sunday. Apostle Paul, though highly critical of the Jews for their insistence on imposing circumcision and dietary laws on Gentile Christians, anointed them as the upholders of God’s “oracles”.

Rom 3:1 What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision? Rom 3:2 Much in every way! Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God. Rom 3:3 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Rom 3:4 Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: "That You May Be Justified In Your Words, And May Overcome When You Are Judged."

Apostle Peter also had something to say about the ‘oracles’ of God.

1Pe 4:11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever.

Everything Moses received at Mount Sinai are oracles of God. Largely speaking, these are divided in three parts: the law of animal sacrifices and dietary laws, The Ten Commandments and the associated Code of Laws, and the Holy Days and the Calendar. The animal sacrifices and dietary laws were temporary in nature, designed to bring us to Christ and cease thereafter.

Heb 9:1 Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. Heb 9:2 For a tabernacle was prepared: the first part, in which was the lampstand, the table, and the showbread, which is called the sanctuary; Heb 9:3 and behind the second veil, the part of the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All,

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Heb 9:4 which had the golden censer and the overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, 's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant; Heb 9:5 and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot now speak in detail. Heb 9:6 Now when these things had been thus prepared, the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services. Heb 9:7 But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance; Heb 9:8 the Holy Spirit indicating this, that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was still standing. Heb 9:9 It was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience— Heb 9:10 concerned only with foods and drinks, various washings, and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation. Heb 9:11 But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. Heb 9:12 Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. Heb 9:13 For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for the Heb 9:14 purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? Heb 9:15 And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. Heb 9:16 For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. Heb 9:17 For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives. Heb 9:18 Therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood. Heb 9:19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water, scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, Heb 9:20 saying, "This Is The Blood Of The Covenant Which God Has Commanded You." Heb 9:21 Then likewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry. Heb 9:22 And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission. Heb 9:23 Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. Heb 9:24 For Christ has not entered the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us; Heb 9:25 not that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with Heb 9:26 blood of another—He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once Heb 9:28 to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

Heb 10:1 For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. Heb 10:2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. Heb 10:3 But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. Heb 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. Heb 10:5 Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: "Sacrifice And Offering You Did Not Desire, But A Body You Have Prepared For Me. Heb 10:6 In Burnt Offerings And Sacrifices For Sin You Had No Pleasure. Heb 10:7 Then I Said, 'Behold, I Have Come—In The Volume Of The Book It Is Written Of Me—To Do Your Will, Heb 10:8 O God.' " Previously saying, "Sacrifice And Offering, Burnt Offerings, And Offerings For Sin You Did Not Desire, Nor Had Pleasure In Them" (which are offered according to the law), Heb 10:9 then He said, "Behold, I Have Come To Do Your Will, O God." He takes away the first that He may establish the second. Heb 10:10 By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Heb 10:11 And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. Heb 10:12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of Heb 10:13 God, from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. Heb 10:14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. Heb 10:15 But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us; for after He had said before, Heb 10:16 "This Is The Covenant That I Will Make With Them After Those Days, Says The Lord: I Will Put My Laws Into Their Hearts, And In Their Minds I Will Write Them," Heb 10:17 then He adds, "Their Sins And Their Lawless Deeds I Will Remember No More." Heb 10:18 Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.

The purpose of animal sacrifices then was primarily to atone for people’s sins. But because animals could not wipe out people’s sins forever, they had to be performed annually. Those who insist that a new Temple must be built in The Christian Herald No 33 Page 44

Jerusalem in order for animal sacrifices to be performed before the return of Jesus Christ, as certain Fundamentalist Churches preach, forfeit the salvation of Jesus Christ, whose crucifixion put an end to those sacrifices. The same is true of the dietary laws. Those laws were designed to set the Israelites apart from the Gentiles. As a chosen generation and a royal priesthood they were to stand out and provide a guide to the Gentiles on their path to God. But when they forfeited that role by their disobedience and attachment to their neighbours’ gods, those dietary laws, like the animal sacrifices, also came to an end. Because of their inability to live according to the precepts of the Old Testament, God enacted a New Covenant in which God’s laws were no longer written on parchments and frontlets, but in people’s hearts. The New Covenant, or New Testament, would be for the entire world, and the new kings and priests would come out of all nations.

Rev 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed Rev 5:2 with seven seals. Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?" Rev 5:3 And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it. Rev 5:4 So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it. Rev 5:5 But one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals." Rev 5:6 And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Rev 5:7 Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Rev 5:8 Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Rev 5:9 And they sang a new song, saying: "You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and Rev 5:10 nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth."

The law of sacrifices and the dietary laws, should not be confused with the Ten Commandments which are permanent and forever applicable.

Rev 14:6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— Rev 14:7 saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water." Rev 14:8 And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." Rev 14:9 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, Rev 14:10 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

The Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ are intrinsically linked and inseparable, as the following Scriptures also confirm.

Joh 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments. Joh 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you Joh 14:17 forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

Rom 8:10 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of Rom 8:11 righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

Jesus Christ dwells in those who have repented, turned to God, and received the Holy Spirit. Now there are many Churches in the world which preach dietary laws, blatantly disregarding these Scriptures.

1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving 1Ti 4:2 spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot 1Ti 4:3 iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 1Ti 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 1Ti 4:5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 1Ti 4:6 If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed.

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If you preach and observe ‘doctrines of demons’, you give way to demons, and if you do that you are finished with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Neither Jesus Christ nor the Holy Spirit would share you with demons. Remember these Scriptures:

Mat 6:24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Who said that? Jesus Christ, the One who also said this.

Joh 15:1 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Joh 15:2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Joh 15:3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Joh 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. Joh 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. Joh 15:6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. Joh 15:7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. Joh 15:8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. Joh 15:9 "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. Joh 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.

Joh 17:20 "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; Joh 17:21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.

No one will ever be one with God the Father and with the Lord Jesus Christ if a demon abides in him. No one will ever receive the Holy Spirit if he observes and practices ‘doctrines of demons’. No man can have the Holy Spirit and demons dwelling in him at the same time. The moment he gives way to demons, he loses the Holy Spirit.

We move now to the last of the permanent ‘oracles’ that God gave to Moses at Mt Sinai: the Holy Days. We look first at the three main Holy Days that today’s Christianity observes: Christmas, Easter, and Sundays. This is what History Today wrote about Christmas.

Did the Romans Invent Christmas? Did the first Christian Roman emperor appropriate the pagan festival of Saturnalia to celebrate the birth of Christ? Matt Salusbury weighs the evidence. Saturnalia by Ernesto Biondi (1909), at the Buenos Aires Botanical GardensIt was a public holiday celebrated around December 25th in the family home. A time for feasting, goodwill, generosity to the poor, the exchange of gifts and the decoration of trees. But it wasn’t Christmas. This was Saturnalia, the pagan Roman winter solstice festival. But was Christmas, Western Christianity’s most popular festival, derived from the pagan Saturnalia? The first-century AD poet Gaius Valerius Catullus described Saturnalia as ‘the best of times’: dress codes were relaxed, small gifts such as dolls, candles and caged birds were exchanged. Saturnalia saw the inversion of social roles. The wealthy were expected to pay the month’s rent for those who couldn’t afford it, masters and slaves to swap clothes. Family households threw dice to determine who would become the temporary Saturnalian monarch. The poet Lucian of Samosata (AD 120-180) has the god Cronos (Saturn) say in his poem, Saturnalia: ‘During my week the serious is barred: no business allowed. Drinking and being drunk, noise and games of dice, appointing of kings and feasting of slaves, singing naked, clapping … an occasional ducking of corked faces in icy water – such are the functions over which I preside.’ … From as early as 217 BC there were public Saturnalia banquets. The Roman state cancelled executions and refrained from declaring war during the festival. Pagan Roman authorities tried to curtail Saturnalia; Emperor Caligula (AD 12-41) sought to restrict it to five days, with little success. Emperor Domitian (AD 51-96) may have changed Saturnalia’s date to December 25th in an attempt to assert his authority. He curbed Saturnalia’s subversive tendencies by marking it with public events under his control. The poet Statius (AD 45- 95), in his poem Silvae, describes the lavish banquet and entertainments Domitian presided over, including games which opened with sweets, fruit and nuts showered on the crowd and featuring flights of flamingos released over Rome. Shows with fighting dwarves and female gladiators were illuminated, for the first time, into the night. The conversion of Emperor Constantine to Christianity in AD 312 ended Roman persecution of Christians and began imperial patronage of the Christian churches… [Those were the ‘Christians’ who did not Judaize – fake Christians] The earliest known reference to it commemorating the birth of Christ on December 25th is in the Roman Philocalian calendar of AD 354. Provincial schisms soon resulted in different Christian calendars. The Orthodox Church in the Eastern (Byzantine) half of the Roman Empire fixed the date of Christmas at January 6th, commemorating simultaneously Christ’s birth, baptism and first miracle. Saturnalia has a rival contender as the forerunner of Christmas: the festival of dies natalis solis invicti, ‘birthday of the unconquered sun’. The Philocalian calendar also states that December 25th was a Roman civil holiday honouring the cult of sol invicta. With its origins in Syria and the monotheistic cult of Mithras, sol invicta The Christian Herald No 33 Page 46

certainly has similarities to the worship of Jesus. The cult was introduced into the empire in AD 274 by Emperor Aurelian (214-275), who effectively made it a state religion, putting its emblem on Roman coins. Sol invicta succeeded because of its ability to assimilate aspects of Jupiter and other deities into its figure of the Sun King, reflecting the absolute power of ‘divine’ emperors. But despite efforts by later pagan emperors to control Saturnalia and absorb the festival into the official cult, the sol invicta ended up looking very much like the old Saturnalia. Constantine, the first Christian emperor, was brought up in the sol invicta cult, in what was by then already a predominantly monotheist empire: ‘It is therefore possible,’ says Dr Gwynn, ‘that Christmas was intended to replace this festival rather than Saturnalia.’ (Matt Salusbury, History Today, Vol. 59, Issue 12, Dec 2009)

Now whether Christmas replaced the mid-winter Roman celebrations of Saturnalia or the Sol invicta cult of Mithra celebrating the ‘birthday of the unconquered sun’ is a mote point. The important point is that both were pagan holy days celebrated by the Romans for hundreds of years before Christianity was adopted as the religion of the Empire. Christmas was never a Christian Holy Day. It is not mentioned in the Scriptures; was never observed by Jesus Christ; was never observed by His Apostles; and was never observed by the Churches of God mentioned in the Bible. The day of Jesus Christ’s birth was deliberately kept obscured in the Bible so as to prevent people from turning it into a Holy Day. Why so? Because Jesus Christ did not change the Law, the Holy Days, nor the sign that identifies the people of God. What sign is that?

Exo 31:12 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak also to the children of Israel, Exo 31:13 saying: 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you. Exo 31:14 You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. Exo 31:15 Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Exo 31:16 Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. Exo 31:17 It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.'

God did not say that the Sabbath is a sign between Him and the children of Israel until a new prophet like Moses comes and changes it to Sunday, but FOREVER. Jesus Christ did not change that sign to Sunday. When He returns to this world He expects to find His disciples observing the Sabbath, not the day of Mithra, the Day of Sol Invicta, or the Day of the Sun.

Mat 24:11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Mat 24:12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. Mat 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Mat 24:15 "Therefore when you see the 'ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand), Mat 24:16 "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Mat 24:17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. Mat 24:18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. Mat 24:19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! Mat 24:20 And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. Mat 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Mat 24:22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened. Mat 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Mat 24:30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Mat 24:31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Now if Jesus Christ returns tomorrow and sends His Angels to gather His elect from the four corners of the earth, what would they be looking for? They will be looking for people who keep the Sabbath, and the other of God’s Holy Days. They will not be looking for people who observe the Sabbath and Christmas. Remember, the Sabbath has triple importance with God:

1. It is one of His Ten Commandments:

Deu 5:12 'Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you.

2. It is one of God’s Holy Days:

Lev 23:33 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Lev 23:34 "Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the LORD. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 47

Lev 23:35 On the first day there shall be a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work on it. Lev 23:36 For seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. On the eighth day you shall have a holy convocation,. . . It is a sacred assembly, and you shall do no customary work on it. Lev 23:37 'These are the feasts of the LORD which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, . . . Lev 23:38 besides the Sabbaths of the LORD, besides your gifts, besides all your vows, and besides all your freewill offerings which you give to the LORD. Lev 23:39 'Also on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall keep the feast of the LORD for seven days; on the first day there shall be a sabbath-rest, and on the eighth day a sabbath-rest.

The seventh day of the week and the annual Holy Days are all Sabbaths of rest before God. 3. And it is a sign between God and His people

Eze 20:19 I am the LORD your God: Walk in My statutes, keep My judgments, and do them; Eze 20:20 hallow My Sabbaths, and they will be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the LORD your God.' Exo 31:16 Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. Exo 31:17 It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.' "

What day of the week do Christians observe as the sign between them and their God these days? Sunday, the pagan day of the Sun, inherited from Egypt, and observed by all ancient peoples. There are a few Christians who observe the Sabbath, but they also observe the Old Testament dietary laws, which as we pointed out had become ‘doctrines of demons’ in the New Testament. After four decades of scurrying the world for righteous people who keep God’s Commandments and His Holy Days, during which time we have also witnessed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the true Gospel of Salvation, to all nations, we are yet to find a person that would fit that norm. You don’t believe in Bible prophecies? Try this one:

Eze 22:23 And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Son of man, say to her: Eze 22:24 'You are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation.' Eze 22:25 The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured people; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her midst. Eze 22:26 Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. Eze 22:27 Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy people, and to get dishonest gain. Eze 22:28 Her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar, seeing false visions, and divining lies for them, saying, 'Thus says the Lord GOD,' when the LORD had not spoken. Eze 22:29 The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. Eze 22:30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Eze 22:31 Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord GOD.

God sought a man to stand before Him on behalf of the land, but found none. He did not look for him from heaven, though He keeps an eye on humanity from heaven too, but in this case He sought than man during one of His visits to the earth. Do not the Scriptures tell us that that God ‘is and was and is to come’?

Rev 11:16 And the twenty-four elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and Rev 11:17 worshiped God, saying: "We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, The One who is and who was and who is to come, Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.

It is clear that this visit to the earth occurs just prior to the Great Tribulation. As at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, when God came personally to see if the report about their homosexuality was true, and ended up destroying them, He comes to this world in the end time to see if the whole world has gone after the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah too. Hence the Great Tribulation that will cleanse the earth of this filth. If One cannot find a righteous, God fearing man, in the whole world, what choice does God have but to unleash the greatest tribulation this world has ever seen that would destroy the very life of this planet, except for His intervention at the last minute to save the elect for the camp of the saints in and around Jerusalem so that life would continue in the coming Millennium Kingdom. The Scriptures do not lie when they say that by this time the whole world has gone after Satan.

2Co 4:1 Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. 2Co 4:2 But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight 2Co 4:3 of God. But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, 2Co 4:4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

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1Jn 5:19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. Rev 12:9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

So then, when one breaks the Sabbat he commits three grievous sins: - He breaks one of God’s Ten Commandments; - He defiles one of God’s Holy Days; - He destroys the sign that identifies the people of God.

The Sabbath connects people with God’s Ten Commandments, with His Holy Days, and with the sign that identifies His people. Therefore, do you think that a man who breaks the Sabbath, defiles the Holy Days, and disregards the sign that links him with God will ever be granted eternal life in God’s Kingdom? Remember, Apostle James said that when one breaks one Commandment it is as if he broke them all.

Jas 2:10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of Jas 2:11 all. For He who said, "Do Not Commit Adultery," also said, "Do Not Murder." Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. Jas 2:12 So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. Jas 2:13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over

Now what about Easter? Here is a quote from the Scientific American:

Beyond Ishtar: The Tradition of Eggs at Easter “Eggs occupy a special status during Easter observances. They're symbols of rebirth and renewal—life bursts forth from this otherwise plain, inanimate object that gives no hint as to what it contains. In this regard it is a handy symbol for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but it is a symbol that has held this meaning long before Christianity adopted it. “Easter was originally the celebration of Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex. Her symbols (like the egg and bunny) were and still are fertility and sex symbols (or did you actually think eggs and bunnies had anything to do with the resurrection?) After Constantine decided to Christianize the Empire, Easter was changed to represent Jesus. But at its roots, Easter (which is how you pronounce Ishtar) is all about celebrating fertility and sex. (Krystal D’Costa, Scientific American, March 31, 2013)

There you have it. For centuries before Christianity, Easter (Ishtar) was a celebration of fertility and sex, just as Christmas (Saturnalia) was a celebration of mid-winter debauchery. Both, thoroughly pagan holy days, were turned by the Romans into ‘Christian’ Holy Days. What then are the true Holy Days of God? What Holy Day ‘oracles’ did the Apostles of Jesus Christ and the early Churches of God observe? Let us go to the only source that can give us that answer – the Bible. These are the Holy Days of God, or as they are also called in the Bible, the Feasts of the Lord, from both the Old and the New Testaments.

 The Sabbath (Lev.23:3; Acts 17:1-4; 13:42,44) Lev 23:3 'Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.

Act 17:1 Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. Act 17:2 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with Act 17:3 from the Scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, "This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ." Act 17:4 And some of them were persuaded; and a great multitude of the devout Greeks, and not a few of the leading women, joined Paul and Silas. Act 13:42 So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. Act 13:44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God. [Apostle Paul preached to the Gentiles on the Sabbath. All early Churches of God, whether of Jews or of Gentiles, observed the Sabbath]

 The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened (Lev 23:4-7; 1 Co 5:7-8);

Lev 23:4 'These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed Lev 23:5 times. On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the LORD's Passover. Lev 23:6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the LORD; seven days you must eat unleavened bread. Lev 23:7 On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no customary work on it.

1Co 5:7 Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. 1Co 5:8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

1Co 11:17 Now in giving these instructions I do not praise you, since you come together not for the better but for the worse. For first of all, when you come together as a church, 1Co 11:18 I hear that there are divisions among you, and in part I believe. For there must also be factions

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1Co 11:19 among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you. 1Co 11:20 Therefore when you come together in one place, it is not to eat the Lord's Supper. 1Co 11:21 For in eating, each one takes his own supper ahead of others; and one is hungry and another is 1Co 11:22 drunk. What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I do not praise you. 1Co 11:23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 1Co 11:24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, "Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me." 1Co 11:25 In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." 1Co 11:26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He omes. 1Co 11:27 cTherefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 1Co 11:28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 1Co 11:29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. 1Co 11:30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 1Co 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 1Co 11:32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the 1Co 11:33 world. Therefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another. 1Co 11:34 But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, lest you come together for judgment. And the rest I will set in order when I come.

 The Pentecost (Lev 23:16; Acts 2:1);

Lev 23:15 'And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the : seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Lev 23:16 Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the LORD.

Act 2:1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Act 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Act 2:3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. Act 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

1Co 16:8 But I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. [The Gentiles kept the Pentecost and the Passover]

 Feast of Trumpets (Lev 23:24)

Lev 23:23 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Lev 23:24 "Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a Sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. Lev 23:25 You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.' "

There is no direct mention of the Feast of Trumpets in the New Testament, but since Apostle Paul and the Churches he set up observed the Holy Days before it and after it, Pentecost and Day of Atonement respectively, it is certain that they observed the Feast of Trumpets too.

 The Day of Atonement (Lev 23:26-32; Acts 27:9);

Lev 23:26 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: Lev 23:27 "Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. Lev 23:28 And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day of Atonement, to make atonement for you before the LORD your God. Lev 23:29 For any person who is not afflicted in soul on that same day shall be cut off from his people. Lev 23:30 And any person who does any work on that same day, that person I will destroy from among his Lev 23:31 people. You shall do no manner of work; it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. Lev 23:32 It shall be to you a Sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls; on the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall celebrate your Sabbath."

Act 27:9 Now when much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over, Paul advised them, Act 27:10 saying, "Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives."

The Fast refers to the Day of Atonement when Christians and Jews eat nothing for twenty four hours.

 Feast of Tabernacles (Lev 23:33-36; Zec 14:16).

Lev 23:33 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,

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Lev 23:34 "Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the LORD. Lev 23:35 On the first day there shall be a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work on it. Lev 23:36 For seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. On the eighth day you shall have a holy convocation, and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. It is a sacred assembly, and you shall do no customary work on it.

The Feast of Tabernacles, like the Feast of Trumpets, is not mentioned in the New Testament, but this is what will happen in the Millennium Kingdom when Jesus Christ will rule over the whole world:

Zec 14:16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, are intrinsically linked. They were observed by Jesus Christ, by His Apostles, by early Churches of God, and will be observed in the coming Millennium Kingdom, and forever thereafter. These are the ‘oracles’ that God gave to Moses, which Apostle Paul declared to be for Christians too. Why then did the Romans not adopt them when they made Christianity the religion of their Empire? For one very good reason: they couldn’t. They couldn’t because they observed a solar calendar, and the biblical Holy Days cannot be set up on a solar calendar. The twelve months of the lunar calendar, do not correspond with the twelve months of the solar calendar. Unlike the solar months which fall at the same time every year, the lunar months go back and forth by about two weeks or so every year. Only Jewish scholars, who have specific knowledge of the relationship between the lunar and solar movements can set up the biblical Holy Days. For this reason the Christians are intrinsically linked with the Jews for their Holy Days. For those who are interested in God’s Holy Days these days, there is a book by Arthur Spier, a brilliant Jewish scholar, entitled, ‘The Comprehensible Hebrew Calendar, 1900 – 2100’, which we quoted above. We take the dates for our Holy Days from that book. The Romans adopted Christianity as the religion of their Empire, not because they repented of their sins and decided to turn to God and Jesus Christ, as true Christianity demanded, but because they could not hold back the flood of Christianity at their border anymore. Emperor Constantine is supposed to have had a vision of a cross and a voice which said, ‘under this sign conquer’. So in 325 AD, he ordered a gathering of Roman bishops at the Council of Nicaea, and ordered them to make Christianity the religion of the Empire. And so they did, but it was not a Christianity of conviction, but one of necessity. As such, it was a faulty and fake Christianity. A Christianity in name only, not in fact. In truth, it was not Christianity at all. During the first couple of centuries of the Christin era, the Christians observed the same Holy Days as the Jews, only in a Christian Spirit. The Passover, the greatest Holy Day for both Jews and Christians was observed very differently. While the Jews stuck to their animal sacrifices, for the Christians Jesus Christ was their sacrificial lamb. With His sacrifice, Jesus Christ annulled both animal sacrifices and dietary laws, or as the Scriptures put it, He ‘nailed them to the cross’. As long as the Jews had a state and a temple in which they could congregate and worship God, they remained deadly enemies of the Christians. The Christians however, never turned against the Jews, not only because they depended on them for their Holy Days, but because their Lord, Jesus Christ, told them to love their enemies.

Mat 5:43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You Shall Love Your Neighbor And Hate Your Enemy.' Mat 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, Mat 5:45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Mat 5:46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? Mat 5:47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do Mat 5:48 so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Joh 15:1 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit Joh 15:2 He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Joh 15:3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. Joh 15:4 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Joh 15:5 Me. "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. Joh 15:6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. Joh 15:7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done Joh 15:8 for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. Joh 15:9 "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. Joh 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. "These things I have spoken to you, Joh 15:11 that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. Joh 15:12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Joh 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. Joh 15:14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. Joh 15:15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.

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Joh 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. Joh 15:17 These things I command you, that you love one another. Joh 15:18 "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. Joh 15:19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Joh 15:20 Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things Joh 15:21 they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. Joh 15:22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for Joh 15:23 their sin. He who hates Me hates My Father also. Joh 15:24 If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. Joh 15:25 But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, 'They Hated Me Without A Cause.' Joh 15:26 "But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. Joh 15:27 And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.

The Romans however, had a different problem with the Jews. First they expelled them from Rome, then about twenty years later they expelled them from Judea and Jerusalem, and scattered them among the nations of the world. For the Jews, this was a catastrophe, but for the Christians it was a bonanza. Judaism of the Old Testament was strictly a national religion of Israel, and when that nation split into Judea and Samaria, the Jews became the sole carriers of the Old Testament, and of the ‘oracles’ which included the Holy Days of God that were of interest to the Christians. Jesus Christ made Christianity the religion of the entire world: “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. (Mat 28:18 – 20) Now while the Jews were forcibly sent out into the world against their will, the Christians went out on their own volition, ready to give up their lives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of salvation. Reports of Christian martyrs came from all parts of the known world, but especially so from the lands of the Roman Empire. Impressed by the strength of conviction of the Christians, many people joined them until the Romans took the drastic measure of adopting Christianity as the religion of their Empire. Christianity however, was a pacifist religion, whereas the Romans, though highly civilised by ancient standards, were nevertheless extremely aggressive. They just could not love their enemies and turn the other cheek, for their Empire would have disintegrated before their eyes. Moreover, the idea that they would adopt the Holy Days of the Jews, whom they had scattered among other nations, as Holy Days of the Empire, was out of the question. Besides, the Jewish biblical Holy Days were set according to a Luni-Solar calendar, whereas the Romans observed a strictly solar calendar. Only Jewish scribes well versed in Old Testament Scriptures could set up those Holy Days in their appropriate time, and that was anathema to the Romans. The price for Christianity becoming the religion of the Empire was that Christians would have to observe not the Jewish Holy Days anymore, but the Roman Holy Days. Thus Saturnalia became Christmas, Ishtar became Easter, and the day of the Egyptian Sun god (Sunday) became the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The fact that none of these were sanctioned as Holy Days in the Bible, and that God and Jesus Christ forbade any and every one from adding or taking anything away from the Bible became irrelevant to the Roman ‘Christians’.

Deu 4:2 You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

Deu 12:32 "Whatever I command you, be careful to observe; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.

Rev 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last." Rev 22:14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. Rev 22:15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, Rev 22:16 and whoever loves and practices a lie. "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star." Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. Rev 22:18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; Rev 22:19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Rev 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly." Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Rev 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

In order to prevent Christians from turning back to the biblical Holy Days, the Council forbade everyone in the Empire from Judaizing, under penalty of death. That was the birth of Roman Catholic Christianity. Jews and true Christians had one choice: go underground, observe their religion in secret, or perish. Many perished indeed, but some survived clandestinely until the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther is credited with having broken the Catholic stranglehold on religion. He deserves some credit for that, but see if you can notice anything unusual in this quote from Wikipedia.

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“Martin Luther, (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, and monk, and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation. Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. He strongly disputed the Catholic view on indulgences that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money. Luther proposed an academic discussion of the practice and efficacy of indulgences in his Ninety-five Theses of 1517. His refusal to renounce all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the Pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Emperor. Luther taught that salvation and, consequently, eternal life are not earned by good deeds but are received only as the free gift of God's grace through the believer's faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin. His theology challenged the authority and office of the Pope by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge from God[4] and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood.[5] Those who identify with these, and all of Luther's wider teachings, are called Lutherans, though Luther insisted on Christian or Evangelical (evangelisch) as the only acceptable names for individuals who professed Christ. His translation of the Bible into the German vernacular (instead of Latin) made it more accessible to the laity, an event that had a tremendous impact on both the church and German culture. It fostered the development of a standard version of the German language, added several principles to the art of translation,[6] and influenced the writing of an English translation, the Tyndale Bible.[7] His hymns influenced the development of singing in Protestant churches.[8] His marriage to Katharina von Bora, a former nun, set a model for the practice of clerical marriage, allowing Protestant clergy to marry.[9] In two of his later works, Luther expressed antagonistic views towards Jews, writing that Jewish homes and synagogues should be destroyed, their money confiscated, and liberty curtailed. Condemned by virtually every Lutheran denomination, these statements and their influence on antisemitism have contributed to his controversial status.”

You probably wonder, what you were supposed to notice, for everything is noticeable. Indeed it is, but before we tell you what we are after, let us look briefly at another of Martin Luther blunders. He was very angry with the writings of James to the point of wanting to expunge them from the Bible. Why? Because he advocated salvation through faith and works, whereas Luther accepted unquestioningly the view of Apostle Paul whose writings give the impression of salvation through faith alone. We say, ‘give the impression’, because Paul did not discount works in the process of salvation.

Php 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; Php 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Php 2:14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, Php 2:15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word Php 2:16 of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain. Php 2:17 Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I Php 2:18 am glad and rejoice with you all. For the same reason you also be glad and rejoice with me.

Now if you ‘work out your own salvation, and do things without complaining’, your salvation does not just land in your lap without you having to do anything. In his epistle to Titus, Apostle Paul wrote this:

Tit 2:6 Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, Tit 2:7 in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing Tit 2:8 integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.

Tit 3:8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.

Even Jesus’ call to, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mat 4:17), requires one to do something to prove his repentance, such as baptism, prayer, worship, and good works, of the kind that Apostle Paul and James, Jesus’ brother, wrote about.

Jas 2:13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over Jas 2:14 judgment. What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can Jas 2:15 faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, Jas 2:16 and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Jas 2:17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Jas 2:18 But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your Jas 2:19 works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! Jas 2:20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? Jas 2:21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Jas 2:22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? Jas 2:23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham Believed God, And It Was Accounted To Him For Righteousness." And he was called the friend of God. Jas 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. Likewise, was not Rahab Jas 2:25 the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way? Jas 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 53

In the resurrection, when both Pail and James are brought to life, they will wonder that their writings caused so much angst among rigid people who forgot that, ‘mercy triumphs over judgment’ and that one must apply the Scriptures righteously.

Joh 7:23 If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses should not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath? Joh 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

Now we wanted you to pay particular attention to Martin Luther’s last paragraph in the above passage. Let us have a look at it again.

“In two of his later works, Luther expressed antagonistic views towards Jews, writing that Jewish homes and synagogues should be destroyed, their money confiscated, and liberty curtailed. Condemned by virtually every Lutheran denomination, these statements and their influence on antisemitism have contributed to his controversial status.”

If Luther had expressed those views as priest of the Catholic Church, or shortly afterwards, before he had time to reform his mind in light of the Bible, away from Catholic dogma, he might have been excused for being so hostile towards the Jews. But that his views were expressed in his later works, is inexcusable. The Jews, and by implication, the true Christians, suffered pogrom after pogrom for centuries afterwards through most of Europe, until the NAZI Holocaust nearly wiped them all out. Where was his love for his ‘enemies’ as Jesus required of His disciples? How could he advocate destruction of Jewish homes and synagogues, confiscation of their money, and curtailing their liberty, and still call himself a Christian bishop and priest? What Luther did in effect was to take the Christians and the Jews back to the time of the Council of Nicaea. Their life was not any easier after the Protestant Reformation than it was after that Council. When the Roman Empire collapsed under the waves of ‘barbarian’ invasions in the fifth and sixth centuries AD, the emperors gave way to Pontifex Maximus. Under him, the Roman Empire became the fiefdom of the Roman Catholic Church. The interdiction against Judaizing was maintained, and the penalty of death was imposed even for possessing a Bible, let alone for trying to live according to its precepts. When the Protestants split with Rome, not a single Church returned to the Christianity of Jesus Christ and of His Apostles. They all returned to … Roman paganism without the Pope. Not one of the Roman pagan holy days was repudiated by the Protestants, and not one of God’s Holy Days was adopted by them. It was not Christianity that became the religion of the Roman Empire; it was Roman paganism that became ‘Christian’. Here is a brief comparison between the religious teachings and practices of the Catholic Church, and the teachings of the Bible.

The Catholic Church: Human beings have immortality in themselves. No matter what they do in life, they all live forever: those who have done evil will be tormented for ever in a lake of fire, while those who had confessed their sins, even at the last moment of their life, will go to heaven. This is why errant priests, Mafia dons, and other evil creatures, love this Church. They know that no matter how much evil they may have committed in their life, a confession on their death bed absolves them of their sins, and ensures a place in heaven for them.

The Bible: No human being has immortality in himself. “Jesus Christ, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power” (1Ti 6:15 – 16).

The Catholic Church: Human souls are immortal.

The Bible: “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. (Eze 18:20). “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself” (Eze 18:20). “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Mat 10:28).

The Catholic Church: People are baptised in infancy. There is no need for adult baptism.

The Bible: People need a conscious adult baptism as a sign of repentance and desire to begin a new life. "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Act 2:38). No one can receive the Holy Spirit without repentance and baptism, and without the Holy Spirit no one can be saved. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 54

The Catholic Church: Sunday is the Day of the Lord.

The Bible: The Sabbath is the Day of the Lord (Ex 20:8; Lev 23:34). At His return, Jesus Christ expects to find His followers observing the Sabbath, not Sunday. (Mat 24: 20).

The Catholic Church: The Ten Commandments have been done away with – ‘nailed to the cross’.

The Bible: The Commandments are essential for salvation (Mat 19:17; Joh 14:15; Rev:14:12; 22:14). It is the laws of animal sacrifices, and dietary laws that have been “nailed to the cross” (Col 2:14, Heb 9 & 10).

The Catholic Church: Apostle Peter was its first Pope.

The Bible: Peter was Apostle to the ‘circumcision’ – that is, to the tribes of Israel, while Paul was Apostle to the uncircumcision’ – to the Gentiles (Gal 2:7).

When Apostle Paul was brought to Rome in chains in the year 63 AD, Apostle Peter was not there. Yet the Catholic Church says that Peter was its Pope since the year 32 AD. The Jews of Rome knew nothing of Christianity, except that it was a sect “spoken against everywhere." (Act 28:22).

Could Peter have been in Rome for decades and never spoken to the Jews, whose Apostle he was? His two epistles, dated 60 and 66 A.D., were written from Babylon, not from Rome.

The Catholic Church: Calls its leader, “Holy Father.”

The Bible: Jesus Christ said: “Call no one on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven” (Mat 23:9)

The Catholic Church: Has forbidden the people in its domains from owning and reading the Bible. Those who disobeyed paid with their lives. Its victims are estimated to be in excess of 30 million.

The Bible: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Ti 3:16 - 17).

The Catholic Church: The Bible cannot be trusted; the edicts of the Pope are more important.

The Bible: Both the Old and the New Testaments say that the Word of God is truth. “The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever. (Psa 119:160); “Your word is truth (Joh 17:17).

The Catholic Church: Rome is eternal, therefore the Catholic Church is eternal.

The Bible: This world is of a short duration (Rom 9:28), after which it will be destroyed (Rev 20:11), and replaced with a new heaven and a new earth (Rev 21:1).

The Catholic Church: Pontifex Maximus, leader of the Catholic Church, is better known as the Pontiff, the Pope, and “Holy Father”. The title “Holy Father” belongs to God, yet the Popes think they should be called by that title too. Catholic priests are also ‘Fathers’, though not ‘Holy’.

The Bible: Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. (Mat 23:9) And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. (Mat 23:10)

Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are. (Joh 17:11)

The Pope: “Who am I to judge homosexuals?” As the ‘Vicar of Christ on earth’, is this not what people would expect from him? The Apostles of Jesus Christ did not hesitate exposing, correcting, and condemning unrepentant sinners.

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The Bible: 1Co 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, 1Co 6:10 nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 1Co 6:11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

1Ti 1:5 Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, 1Ti 1:6 and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, 1Ti 1:7 desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm. 1Ti 1:8 But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this: 1Ti 1:9 that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers 1Ti 1:10 and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, 1Ti 1:11 according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust. 1Ti 1:12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, 1Ti 1:13 putting me into the ministry, although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. [However, willing ignorance and unbelief will not save anyone] 1Ti 1:14 And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ 1Ti 1:15 Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. 1Ti 1:16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. 1Ti 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and 1Ti 1:18 ever. Amen. This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made 1Ti 1:19 concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck, of whom 1Ti 1:20 are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.

The Pope: The Church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment.

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should seek forgiveness from homosexuals for the way they had treated them. Speaking to reporters aboard the plane taking him back to Rome from Armenia, he also said the Church should ask forgiveness for the way it has treated women, for turning a blind eye to child labor and for “blessing so many weapons” in the past. (Philip Pullella; World News, June 27, 2016)

The Christians: The Pope is concerned with the sufferings of homosexuals, women and child laborers, but forgot to mention the Judaizers who were condemned to death by the Roman Catholic hierarchy when the Roman Empire became ‘Christian’, and the victims of the Catholic Inquisition whose number exceeds thirty million. Are homosexuals worthier of Papal apology that the millions of genuine believers who died for their faith? By this Pope’s reckoning, God should apologize for destroying the homosexuals of Sodom and Gomorrah when they are resurrected for judgment.

Many more things could be said about the Pope and the Catholic Church, not the least their infatuation with idols, and the catastrophic abuse of children in their parishes around the world.

Psa 115:1 Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, But to Your name give glory, Because of Your mercy, Because of Psa 115:2 Your truth. Why should the Gentiles say, "So where is their God?" Psa 115:3 But our God is in heaven; He does whateve r He pleases. Psa 115:4 Their idols are silver and gold, The work of men's hands. Psa 115:5 They have mouths, but they do not speak; Eyes they have, but they do not see; Psa 115:6 They have ears, but they do not hear; Noses they have, but they do not smell; Psa 115:7 They have hands, but they do not handle; Feet they have, but they do not walk; Nor do they mutter through their throat. Psa 115:8 Those who make them are like them; So is everyone who trusts in them.

Where then is the bona fides of this Church that it is Christian, when nothing that it preaches and practices is Christian, and everything it does is contrary to the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ? Throughout its existence it has been a deadly enemy of the people of God, who wanted nothing more than to live according to the teachings of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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We have seldom published letters from our readers, not because we do not receive enough of them, but because we have always had too many materials to publish. Every time we publish a new edition of The Christian Herald we leave out enough articles to fill several more editions. We call them spare editions. Because most of our articles do not date, we can publish them any time. There are at least a dozen spare editions in our computers. The reasons we have not published more of them are mostly financial. It is not cheap to maintain a work that is being read around the world. And since we have had such generous readership that has donated nothing for twenty five years, we had to adjust this work to our possibilities. Nevertheless, the command of Jesus Christ, to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the world as a witness to all the nations, has been done. Recently we had correspondence from two sources that we feel deserved to be published

Case one: Letter from the Salvation Army.

Dear Mr Sbarcea What would you do if you came across a woman sitting on her doorstop crying her eyes out? Would you stop and ask her if she was okay – or would you walk away? This time last Christmas, Susie found herself struggling. As a single mother of two, and sole guardian of her two young grandchildren, each with their own disabilities as a result of their parent’s heaving (sic) drinking, Susie was barely getting by. Already strained, she had no money for food or rent. No money for Christmas. No hope. One day, she broke down, sat on her front step and sobbed helplessly. Please will you help someone like Susie right now? Click here to donate. As Susie sat there, a neighbour she had never talked to before passed by. She could have walked away. But she didn’t. Instead, she knelt down by Susie’s side and asked her what was wrong. Susie looked up at her and said: “I have nothing. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” And that’s why I’m sending you this email today Friend - because I believe you would do exactly the same thing. Susie’s neighbour could see the hurt she was in and knew exactly what to do to help. She took Susie to her local Salvos, where hope is never in short supply. Through the support of kind people like you, Susie received food, presents for her children and life changing support. This practical support helped carry her load, and helped give the little ones some genuine Christmas joy and hope. Right now thousands of single grandmothers like Susie are struggling to raise children and grandchildren alone. Many surviving on less than $70 a day. You can make a real difference in their lives at Christmas, if you can make an online gift of $43, $78, or $150 today. Please do all that you can. Thank you so much. God Bless you, and Happy Christmas.

Bruce Harmer (Major) On behalf of The Salvation Army

This is our edited reply.

Dear Sir, It would be good if you got down from your ivory tower to see how poor people live down below. How charming that you do not know that millions of pensioners in this country live on $57 per day, yet you are asking them to support the poor who live on $70 per day. Out of $57 a day, we must cover personal and household expenses, and support a worldwide work that keeps this world alive. You knew our situation, for we have spoken with people from the hierarchy of the Salvation Army not long ago, yet you still requested donations from us. Why don’t you believe the Scriptures? Have you ever read these Scriptures?

Rev 11:3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."

‘Clothed in sackcloth’ means poor; very poor. God has chosen His elect from among the poor to do His end-time work of witnessing the true Gospel to the world, not from among those who sit in ivory towers, who have no idea how poor people live and have made a mess of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by turning it into a money making venture.

In the two years since we received that letter and sent our reply, we received more than half a dozen new requests for donations from this Church. We say ‘at least’ half a dozen because we lost track and are not reading them anymore, and put them into the rubbish bin. Clearly, they are determined to rub salt in our wounds. God will do the same to them soon.

Case two: Correspondence with Messianic Jews.

About two years ago, we came across an offer of a new and ‘free’ translation of the Bible by Messianic Jews. We already have two Jewish translations of the Bible, but we are not happy with either. One is too archaic in language, and the other too ‘progressive’, Thinking that Messianic Jews were Christians, we thought they might come up with a more ‘Christian’ version of the Bible. So we told them that we would be interested in a copy of their new translation. But instead of a Bible, we received an interminable chain of emails, just about every second day, each about thirty pages long, and each containing long explanations of Jewish theology. On every page they also had requests for donations like these:

Grigore, click here on this Special First Night of Hanukkah with a gift of $250, $500, $1000.

And this:

Grigore, your Special Tenth of Tevet Gift will bring Eternal Life to the Jewish People. Please click now with your gift of $1,000, $500, $250, or $100

How my ‘Special Tenth of Tevet Gift’ would bring ‘Eternal Life’ to the Jewish people, they never explained. Presumably, with donations like that one could buy anything. We wish they had explained it, for a lot of rich people would be interested in that. Pity us, the poor, who have to struggle with trials and tribulations in order to gain eternal life. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 57

Act 14:19 Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. Act 14:20 However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. Act 14:21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, they Act 14:22 returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God." Act 14:23 So when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.

2Th 1:3 We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other, so that we 2Th 1:4 ourselves boast of you among the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure, 2Th 1:5 which is manifest evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer;

[There is no entering the Kingdom of God without suffering, persecutions and tribulations]

2Th 1:6 since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to 2Th 1:7 give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His 2Th 1:8 mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2Th 1:9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and 2Th 1:10 from the glory of His power, when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed. 2Th 1:11 Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power, that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ 2Th 1:12 may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

And if anyone wants more, these Scriptures might also be on interest.

Joh 5:30 I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. Joh 5:31 "If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. Joh 5:32 There is another who bears witness of Me, and I know that the witness which He witnesses Joh 5:33 of Me is true. You have sent to John, and he has borne witness to the truth. Joh 5:34 Yet I do not receive testimony from man, but I say these things that you may be saved. Joh 5:35 He was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing for a time to rejoice in his light. Joh 5:36 But I have a greater witness than John's; for the works which the Father has given Me to finish—the very works that I do—bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me. Joh 5:37 And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form. Joh 5:38 But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe. Joh 5:39 You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. Joh 5:40 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have [eternal] life. Joh 5:41 "I do not receive honor from men. Joh 5:42 But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. Joh 5:43 I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, Joh 5:44 and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God? Do not think that I shall accuse Joh 5:45 you to the Father; there is one who accuses you—Moses, in whom you trust. Joh 5:46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. Joh 5:47 But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?"

1Ti 6:3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing, 1Ti 6:4 but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions, useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, 1Ti 6:5 who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself. 1Ti 6:6 Now godliness with contentment is great gain. 1Ti 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 1Ti 6:8 And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. 1Ti 6:9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. 1Ti 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of 1Ti 6:11 God,f lee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. 1Ti 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1Ti 6:13 I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who 1Ti 6:14 witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate, that you keep this commandment 1Ti 6:15 without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ's appearing, which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who 1Ti 6:16 alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen. 1Ti 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. 1Ti 6:18 Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up 1Ti 6:19 for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

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The Messianic Jews were trying to convince us that the Holy Spirit is not a gift from heaven, but an invention of Jewish sages during their Babylonian exile. They reject even their own Scriptures which show that special men and God’s prophets received the Holy Spirit long before their Babylonian exile. King David, a mighty prophet of God, was one of them. This is how he prayed when he sinned with Bathsheba, and was forgiven, which proves that even people who commit grievous sins are forgiven when they are genuinely sorry for their sins.

Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psa 51:11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Another Messianic theology point was that the Jews do not need to repent for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ because He caused it and expected it. By their reckoning even Judas Iscariot is free of guilt. If they had not rejected the New Testament and read the following Scriptures they might know better.

Mat 26:1 Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these sayings, that He said to His disciples, Mat 26:2 "You know that after two days is the Passover, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified." Mat 26:3 Then the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders of the people assembled at the palace of Mat 26:4 the high priest, who was called Caiaphas, and plotted to take Jesus by trickery and kill Him. Mat 26:5 But they said, "Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people."

Mat 26:20 When evening had come, Jesus sat down with the twelve. Mat 26:21 Now as they were eating, He said, "Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me." Mat 26:22 And they were exceedingly sorrowful, and each of them began to say to Him, "Lord, is it I?” Mat 26:23 He answered and said, "He who dipped his hand with Me in the dish will betray Me. Mat 26:24 The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born." Mat 26:25 Then Judas, who was betraying Him, answered and said, "Rabbi, is it I?" He said to him, "You have said it."

Was Judas absolved of sin because it is written that Jesus Christ had to die for the sin of the world? If so, why would it have been good for him if he had not been born? And what about these Scriptures:

Mat 27:24 When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it." Mat 27:25 And all the people answered and said, "His blood be on us and on our children." Mat 27:26 Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified.

Have the Jews learned nothing during the two thousand years of persecutions, pogroms and the Holocaust, that they still find it hard to accept that the blood of Jesus Christ has been on them, as their forefathers had asked for? Is it all that difficult to say sorry, and repent of their sin, as David did of his and was forgiven, and remained a mighty prophet of God? Don’t they know that in the coming new world, only the elect, the saints of God, will live in Jerusalem and its surrounds, and no person who is not a Christian would have any place in it?

Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

Rev 15:3 They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints! [The Jews have been singing the song of Moses so far, but not the song of the Lamb. They better learn it that song too, and quickly] Rev 15:4 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, For Your judgments have been manifested."

Rev 20:7 Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison Rev 20:8 and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. Rev 20:9 They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. Rev 20:10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

The ungodly under Satan do not go out against Israel, Great Britain, America, Europe and their allies, as was the case in the Great Tribulation, but against the ‘camp of the saints and the beloved city’. All nations were wiped out in the Great Tribulation, except some remnants of Gog and Magog, who went on to multiply and fill the earth to the four corners. This is why God has given Russia and China such vast territories. They spread out and escaped nuclear the devastation. God had everything planned well in advance. Remember, so great was end-time Great Tribulation that no flesh would be saved alive if it weren’t for God’s intervention.

Mat 24:21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the Mat 24:22 world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.

At the end of the Millennium Kingdom, Satan and his cronies go out against God’s elect, because there are no other nations that had not submitted to him. If he could wipe out the camp of the saints, Satan would have the entire world to himself. God however will cast him and his followers into the great lake of fire. No Jew or Gentile who has not repented and been forgiven of his sins will have a place in the ‘camp of the saints’. The Great Tribulation will ensure that people are either washed of their sins and saved, or wiped out of existence altogether. Finally, in regard to the ‘free Messianic Bible’, we never heard a word of it again.

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State Of The World

1-Society and Culture 2-Science and the Environment 3-Economics 4-National 5-International 6-Religion 7-Health 8-Education 9-Travel

1-Society and Culture

Why being kind is better for you than eating kale WANT to freak everyone out on Twitter? Say something kind. Bombard the trolls with pleasantries — now you’ve even got 280 characters with which to torment them. There’s nothing more annoying to those spoiling for a fight than a person who won’t play the game. This tactic can be employed in any situation — I particularly like to smile and wave at angry drivers blasting their horns at me. Try it, their faces get really red. Or how about a colleague — next time they’re getting all riled up, slip in a compliment, and their fire will fizzle in seconds. Saying something nasty might give you short-term satisfaction, but getting all Gandhi has been proven to be good for your soul. Kindness.org is an umbrella organisation that commissions research in order to make humanity kinder — a modest mission statement. Through them, Oxford University boffins definitively proved being kind makes you happy. Anthropologist Dr Oliver Scott Curry concluded: “Humans are naturally kind under the right circumstances. The more we know about kindness — such as its biological underpinnings, the psychological circuitry, and the social conditions that facilitate it — the more effectively we will be able to design interventions to cultivate it.” There are movements emerging to combat the aggression in cyber society — thanks to the “anti-social media”, you’d be forgiven for thinking mankind was in some sort of doomsday war, our weapons insults, threats and obscenities. Feeds are springing up like Tanks Good News which features stories of people doing nice things around the world. Their tagline reads: “Good news only. A breath of fresh air in a world suffocating from negativity.” Celebrate World Kindness day with some kindness of your own It has racked up half a million followers on Instagram in the few months it’s been live. And last month the Gold Coast was awarded the world’s first Kindness City honour. Michael Lloyd-White, World Kindness Australia chairman said people there “went out of their way to be nice”. Are you listening, Australia? If all this inspires you to pay it forward on the 12th of never, fortuitously, Monday is World Kindness Day, so you can crack on with the compliments immediately. Even the most cynical of us can do it — like substituting swearwords in front of a toddler, next time you’re about to make a barbed comment, say something nice instead. It might be painful, but it’ll do you good. Scientists say it gives you a rush of serotonin to your head and improves your general wellbeing. Which is much easier than eating kale. I took the train to a children’s hospital recently, to visit a special little boy. It was an emotional day and I had my toddler daughter with me, on her first train journey. When we arrived, a fellow passenger tapped me on the shoulder and said, “I just have to tell you your daughter is adorable”, and when I thanked her, they replied, “It’s testament to you”, and walked off. Then I got into a taxi and when I told the driver the destination, he exhaled a sad, “oh” and didn’t want to charge me. These two strangers, with their kind words and acts, made me want to cry. It was like being enveloped by a golden cloak of goodness. The uplifting feeling lasted for hours — until I logged back on to Twitter to be told I was an idiot after all. (Kerry Parnell, Sunday Telegraph, November 12, 2017)

A “Yes” vote will see defenders of traditional marriage at mercy of the law ATTEMPTS to squelch the “No” vote in the marriage postal plebiscite are gathering steam. The latest ploy is unions pressuring Australia Post not to deliver “No” campaign material because its mere presence in their mailbag will traumatise posties. The Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union’s letter to Australia Post warns of the “heightened risk” to the “welfare” of posties forced to deliver plebiscite material if it is against their beliefs. Why would posties read our mail, anyway? The same-sex “trauma toolkit” provided by ABC management to ensure staff are not “distressed” by the marriage debate is from the same spin cycle. All this one-sided “concern for welfare” is to send the message that anyone on the “No” side is a villain out to cause distress. What about a taxpayer-funded “trauma toolkit” for Christians, asks Lyle Shelton, head of the Australian Christian Lobby, whose staff have already had to contend with a car bombing. Last week their Canberra office was hit with eggs, and they have to be careful opening their mail after LGBT activists on Facebook urged people to post “noxious substances” to the ACL. There is no tactic that will not be employed against those valiant few campaigners trying to defend traditional marriage, by the better funded, better networked, more powerful same sex-marriage campaign. Who knows where it came from, but a homophobic poster so cartoonishly villainous that it surely cannot be genuine is being brandished on social media as evidence of how hateful the “No” side is. No one in the Coalition for Marriage, headquarters of the “No” campaign, can believe it is real. Yet the Prime Minister yesterday was excoriated on FM radio for the “hateful” tone of the debate because of this poster of dubious origin. All this hunting for hurt feelings clouds the real dangers if the postal survey does endorse change to the institution of marriage. The government has not promised adequate protections for religious freedom and the consequences of their negligence are increasingly obvious. This is the point that Tony Abbott has hammered, along with Liberal MPs such as Zed Seselja, Angus Taylor and Andrew Hastie. Yet their own Attorney-General George Brandis has responded to their genuine concerns with the flippant insult that he won’t be “tricked” by Abbott into defending religious freedom. Brandis, whose job it was to draw up a bill to defend freedom of belief and conscience, has sat at many meetings where he has been told in detail the consequences of changing the definition of marriage. Shelton has told him redefining marriage is “the weaponising of state-based anti-discrimination law [which] will make 18C look like a boy scouts picnic”. But all Brandis had to say was that his interest was in federal law. Brandis once professed to be a champion of freedom during the debate over 18C, and yet on this issue he washes his hands of the consequences. It’s already difficult enough in an atmosphere of stifling to express a negative view about the Safe Schools program, teaching gender and sexual fluidity to primary and secondary students. Such teaching will be mandatory if marriage is redefined, if the experience overseas is anything to go by. Archbishop Julian Porteous in Tasmania has already been hauled before an anti-discrimination board for distributing a pamphlet to schools stating the church view that marriage was between a man and a woman. He prevailed, but in Sweden, where gay marriage was introduced in 2009, the prime minister now wants to force priests to marry same-sex couples. Evidence abounds of the chilling effect of redefining marriage on individuals, businesses, religious educational, or medical institutions. In New Zealand, Christian lobby group Family First NZ has been told it will be deregistered as a charity because it promotes “a point of view about family life that does not… have a public benefit (including) that the union of a man and a woman through marriage is the fundamental social unit”. In London, a private Jewish school faces closure after failing three inspections by state education authorities for not teaching girls aged three to 11, about LGBT issues such as sexual orientation and gender reassignment. In Canada, law graduates from a Christian university, Trinity Western, were banned from being licensed as lawyers because the university had a rule forbidding sexual activity unless between a husband and a wife. This was deemed to be LGBT discrimination. In Ireland, after gay marriage was passed by referendum in 2015, parliament wasted no time repealing laws providing exemptions allowing - “religious, educational or medical institutions… to maintain the religious ethos of the institution” when it came into conflict with gay rights. In the UK, social work student Felix Ngole was kicked out of his course at Sheffield University last year after writing on Facebook that marriage is between a man and a woman. In the US, 72-year-old florist Barronelle Stutzman faces financial ruin after being sued by the Washington state attorney for unlawful discrimination because she refused to provide flowers for a same-sex ceremony. Wherever same-sex marriage has been legalised, defenders of traditional marriage find themselves beyond the pale and at the mercy of the law. Bill Shorten [leader of Australia’s Labor Opposition] keeps telling us this debate is only about whether two people who love each other can get married. That’s a transparent con. Australians don’t trust our politicians enough to give them a blank cheque. (Miranda Devine, The Daily Telegraph, August 23, 2017)

The Christian Herald No 33 Page 60

‘Feminists’ can’t even stomach a sandwich WHEN young Sydney mother Maddie asked her closed Facebook group of 26,186 mothers for some tasty alternatives to sandwiches for her husband’s lunches, she wasn’t expecting the backlash. “I would love to hear what other mums make their hubbies for lunch and snacks throughout the work day,” she posted on Tuesday. “We are getting over sandwiches.” You would think she’d asked for a hemlock recipe, judging by the torrent of scolding which erupted. She was nothing but a “slave” and a “1950s housewife”. She was “weird” and no one in their right mind or a “pink fit” would do something so demeaning as make their husband lunch. Let alone snacks. “Your husband is a grown up and you’re not his mother”, wrote one member of the North Shore Mums Facebook group. “My husband can make his own damn lunch.” “I make my husband the same thing he makes me. Nothing!!” “Stuff that, hubby is a grown man. I already do his laundry and keep his children alive.” “Our advice is to stop making his lunches.” “My role is childcare during working hours and that’s it.” “He’s lucky if I decide to make dinner some nights”. “I was married for twenty years and my favourite packed lunch for my husband was called a Get it Yourself with a side order of I’m not your mother.” “Nope, I didn’t sign up for that at the altar. But in the spirit of being helpful … pickled onion stuffed in mandarins”. Leader of the attack pack was Polly Dunning, daughter of professional feminist Jane Caro, and mother of a toddler about whom she infamously wrote last year, recounting her horror at finding out she was pregnant with a boy: “I felt sick at the thought of something male growing inside me.” Dunning (pictured below) told Maddie: “You should pack him nothing for lunch. And you didn’t really ask for advice, you asked what other ‘mums’ pack their ‘hubbies’ (which, to me, is slightly weird phrasing, but whatever).” Game on. Amid the cute pics of babies and birthday cakes, a toxic wave of man-hating feminism is seeping into the world of mothers online. Where unhappy wives used to confine their bitching about husbands to a handful of girlfriends at Mosman cafes, a new generation of women is oversharing with vast networks of strangers. On Wednesday, Maddie, 22, switched off comments, but not before page administrators deleted the nastiest. “I’m actually so devastated about some of these comments,” wrote Maddie. She and her husband are saving up to buy their first home and, “he works in an extremely physically demanding job, he does housework, he cooks dinner every second night ... He gets up in the middle of the night with our Bub. He is a champion. “The least I can do is make him a bloody sandwich. I love my man, he deserves to eat lunch and we can’t afford to eat out.” Dunning responded a few hours later: “We are not, any of us, just mums. Mum is one of the many roles we have as women and a role that certainly does not include doing anything for our partners because we’re not his (or her) mother. Just struck me as weird to put making a husband’s lunch with the role of Mum.” How did making a sandwich become a crime against women? Thankfully, for everything bad about social media there is an antidote, and an army of mums sprang to Maddie’s defence. “Is it really a massive issue if Maddie wants to make her husband lunch?!?” “Wow, so much hostility here …. Surely nice actions like these get reciprocated in happy marriages.” “Good on you! My husband is a builder, and his job is so physical, and he is so hands on at home! It’s the least I can do”. “I never know why these posts always turn into a husband bashing”. “I think it’s pretty crappy to assume someone is a slave or 1950s housewife for making lunch. Feminism is about choice.” “All I can say is some women really must resent their husbands by their responses. Looking after your partner is the way to a happy marriage.” “I’m so confused by the negativity on this post. I love making my hubby lunch … He does so much for us as a family and for my girls I see nothing wrong with wanting to look after your husband!!” “If I can help in some small part to make his day easier, I will. His hours are ridiculous and if me doing this means he gets to hang out with our son more I am all for it!” “He does so much for me and the kids. Making two sandwiches a day doesn’t put us in the dark ages.” “Marriage is a partnership. If only more think like that there will be a lot less divorces in this world.” This is the truth Baby Boomer feminists refuse to admit. Consideration and give and take is the secret to a happy marriage, not treating the father of your children like an agent of the enemy patriarchy. It’s time to end the war of the sexes, even if it means making the odd sandwich. (Miranda Devine, Sunday Telegraph, Oct 8, 2017)

Tension between religious freedom and human rights in democracies Many of today’s hottest arguments about religious freedom involve idiosyncratic micro-communities which impose on themselves (and on their children) norms of life which the rest of society finds bizarre or worse. That is one reason why a polygamy trial which recently opened in the Canadian province of British Columbia has attracted attention throughout the country and among law-and-religion pundits across the world. The trial focuses on a fundamentalist religious community called “Bountiful”. The group is home to Canada’s best-known avowed polygamist, Winston Blackmore, as well as his former brother-in-law James Oler. Both have been charged with polygamy under legislation which has existed for more than a century but has proved virtually impossible to apply because of countervailing considerations about religious freedom. "Bountiful", which was founded in 1946, has its roots in offshoots from the American Mormon church whose mainstream leadership eschewed polygamy in 1890. The Mormons now take a very dim view of small holdout communities across North America who still engage in multiple marriage, and have fought legal battles against them. The indictment in the current trial lists 24 women who have been ceremonially married to, or had conjugal relations with Mr Blackmore, while four women are listed as wives of Mr Oler. Mr Blackmore has never hidden the fact that he has multiple wives who have borne him at least 145 children. During the trial so far, the two men have been sitting side by side in the small courthouse in the town of Cranbrook, never speaking to each other. Mr Blackmore was excommunicated in 2002 from a fundamentalist sect of American polygamists in whose ranks he had served as “bishop”. The leader of that sect, Warren Jeffs, is serving a life sentence in Texas after he was convicted in 2011 of raping two of his under-age brides. The Bountiful community has been under investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for at least 25 years. Several moves to charge its leaders foundered after the provincial government received legal advice that Canada’s Charter of Rights of Freedoms, underpinning religious liberty, might take precedence. The province’s former attorney general, Wally Oppal, spent years looking for strategies to prosecute, arguing that polygamy was demeaning to women and damaging to minors. The Charter does allow for “reasonable limits” on religious freedom when they are “demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society,” as critics of polygamy have noted. In 2011, the Supreme Court of British Columbia issued a landmark decision running to 335 pages: it opined that although anti-polygamy legislation does indeed impinge on religious freedom, it is necessary in view of the harm which multiple marriage causes to children, women and society. It was that ruling which paved the way for the current trial. Blair Suffredine, Mr Blackmore’s lawyer, is defending his client on grounds that society recognises the legitimacy of other non-traditional unions, including common-law marriage. He has said: “Because of Blackmore’s religious belief, because he has more than one relationship, he’s being prosecuted. If he didn’t have a religious ceremony and just had all these children with different women, it would be fine. The sole distinction is [that] Blackmore went and had ceremonies for each one.” Evidence presented at the trial has included dozens of “marriage certificates” for weddings that took place on the same day. If convicted, Mr Blackmore and Mr Oler could each face up to five years in prison. A verdict is not expected until the autumn. The decision will be watched with interest in many democracies. There is no liberal democratic state where polygamy is legal, but the practice is recognised, either formally or de facto, in around 60 countries round the world, mostly Muslim. In practice, courts and authorities in democratic countries have often accorded some recognition to polygamous unions forged elsewhere when adjudicating, say, social-security benefits or child custody. That includes Canada, where immigration authorities insist, of course, that each newcomer must declare only one spouse but have been willing in principle to allow children from a father’s other marriages to enter the country. Still, there is virtually no tolerance for multiple marriages within the boundaries of a single democratic state across the Western world. It remains axiomatic that a person who enters a marriage ceremony while still legally wedded to somebody else is a bigamist. That rule invalidates the second marriage and renders the bigamist liable to prosecution. Yet even that simple-sounding principle is not easy to apply. What if the “ceremony “ is some new-fangled rite which has been dreamed up by a recently constituted community, with no real social or legal standing? Does that make the situation better or worse than simply living with multiple partners, which is not illegal? Such questions will remain hotly contested through this trial and beyond. (P.F. and Erasmus, The Economist, May 2nd 2017)

Inside the far-right Q Society's explosive dinner, where Muslims are fair game "Let's be honest, I can't stand Muslims," said Larry Pickering, cartoonist and VIP guest at the Q Society fundraising dinner held in Sydney on Thursday night. "If they are in the same street as me, I start shaking." Then the cartoonist, who had donated for auction one of his own works depicting the rape of a woman in a niqab by her son-in-law, softened slightly. "They are not all bad, they do chuck pillow-biters off buildings." The cartoon fetched $600, which will go towards the legal defence bill of the Q Society's leading members, most notably Kirralie Smith, the charismatic blonde who ran in the last election as a NSW Senate candidate for the Australian Liberty Alliance. The pro-"halal choice" campaigners, who insist they are against Islam but not Muslims, are being sued for defamation by Halal certifier Mohamed El-Mouelhy. They frame the case, brought over Mrs Smith's videos about halal certification practices, as an attack on free speech.They estimate their defence bill will be $1 million. "Australia is much further down the path of political correctness than most people realise," Q Society president Debbie Robinson told the 160-odd guests, gathered at the North Ryde RSL. "People are beginning to wake up. Brexit and recent results in the US and Europe are indicative of the rise of conservatism. "What we are doing is right and we are righteous." On Friday night, another fundraiser will be held in Melbourne, where the VIP guests The Christian Herald No 33 Page 61 slated include Liberal Party defector Cory Bernardi and LNP MP George Christensen, who remains in the Turnbull government tent. Supporters of the movement believe they speak for a silent majority who fear the impact of Islam on Australian society, and are fed up with political correctness. They associate strongly with the rise of Donald Trump – one man seated near wore a "Deplorable" T-shirt which he pointed to proudly whenever the US president was mentioned by speakers, which was frequently. The event was emceed by singer Angry Anderson, who kept the crowd amused with a constant patter about his ex-wife ("She said I was a violent man because I ate red meat, but that's a story for my next book…"). Other VIP speakers included former Liberal MP and crime fiction author Gabrielle Lord. Mr Cameron, who has a television show on , constantly mentioned homosexuality in his speech. He spoke about the classical philosophers, who valued reason over orthodoxy, and said Socrates "might have had a bit of same-sex attraction". He said the Roman emperor Hadrian had a young male lover who "fell off the back of a barge". "I'm sure he was snorting coke at the time," Mr Cameron said. "The NSW division of the Liberal Party is basically a gay club," he told guests. "I don't mind that they are gay, I just wish, like Hadrian, they would build a wall." In a rambling speech, Mr Cameron moved onto Marcus Aurelius, who "said it was better to exist than not exist – that's one of the reasons I'm quite attracted to heterosexuality". Mr Cameron said too often debate is shut down by people who say "the person who doesn't agree with me is a bad, evil, bigoted, redneck, racist xenophobe". He likened Kirralie Smith to Copernicus, who took on the orthodoxy of the time "supported by a big propaganda machine of largely taxpayer- funded money", and said we needed leaders who wanted something more than to be "applauded on the stage" – a comment which drew applause. "That, in the end, is what I admire most about Kirralie and Debbie and [cartoonist] Bill Leak …and Larry Pickering, Cory Bernardi," he said. "There could not be a more authentic expression of the goodness of Australian than Kirralie Smith." Novelist Gabrielle Lord, whose latest novel is about forced marriage in a Muslim community, said she had met many Muslim women who had been abused and persecuted. "Brothers and sisters, there is a war on and unfortunately…we are caught a little unaware because they were better prepared than we are," Lord told the crowd, apparently referring to Muslims. Her publishers had asked her to include "more attractive Muslim characters" and more about the "positives" of Islam. She took this as a sign people are too frightened to speak the truth about Islam – something she could understand as offending Muslims could lead to "bricks thrown through windows and rioting". Lord spoke lovingly of the institutions built by Western society and said "the other mob only build one kind of building, as you know". Another Larry Pickering cartoon auctioned depicted an imam as a pig, being roasted on a spit, with a "halal certified" stamp on its rump. A case of wine called "72 Virgins" was also up for grabs, along with a signed photograph of Dame Joan Sutherland. Ms Smith addressed the dinner briefly at the end, passionately detailing stories of people persecuted by Islam around the world. She said she was anti- Islam, not anti-Muslims, and said she did not incite violence, but exposed the people who incited violence. The prophet Mohammed was violent, and "five times a day Muslims are praying to be like him and that is unacceptable". In keeping with the tactics of Mr Trump, the media was derided by many of the speakers. The ABC was referred to as "the enemy station" and Mr Cameron made special mention of reporters present from the "Sydney Morning Homosexual". "Trigger warning for the Herald, there are heterosexuals in the room…I have to warn you there are some males who are attracted to females in this room." Mr Cameron also joked the Herald's editorial board would have not objected to the Carthaginians' practice of child burning, for reasons of political correctness. When contacted Friday morning, Ms Smith said she did not know how much money the dinner had raised for the cause. (Jacqueline Maley, SMH, Feb. 10, 2017)

Transcript: Ross Cameron's full remarks at controversial Q Society dinner On Thursday night, two Sydney Morning Herald reporters attended a fundraising dinner for far-right group The Q Society at North Ryde in Sydney's north-west. The dinner raised funds for members of the Society, including Kirralie Smith, who is being sued for claiming Halal certification funds terrorism. Several speeches were made, including by former Liberal minister Ross Cameron and cartoonist Larry Pickering. The speeches attracted controversy when excerpts were published on Friday. Here is a full transcript of their remarks. This week, I was reminded of the importance of knowing whether the microphone is on or off. Pleased we've got it going, got it working. I feel a bit humbled, humbled, being in the presence of, we've got really - in Debbie and Kirralie, I feel like we've got, sort of [unclear]. Cowan and Troy. And then to Paul Zanetti and Larry Pickering, I could suspect there are less than 10 Australians who earn their coin full-time writing jokes. The kind of genius required is one in 2.5 million. We've got two of them in the room tonight. I just want to say, we salute you. The thing is, there is a special genius required to encapsulate the image and the ideas with maybe one sentence that just - bang. Just hits the audience right between the eyes. It requires a kind of, you know, a kind of subversive mind, which we Deplorables are very attracted to. Just want to acknowledge and welcome a couple of representatives from the fourth estate, Nick O'Malley and Jacqueline Maley here, up the back, from the Sydney Morning Homosexual. Sorry, the, um. It's great to have you guys on this side of the Harbour Bridge. I know you probably needed a GPS to, you know, you probably haven't even seen this suburb before. But it's great to have you with us. I do want to acknowledge the fact that Nick O'Malley wrote a piece about Kirralie two weeks ago, and I'm going to be absolutely fair and square, a fair and balanced citizen. Nick, I thought - and Kirralie agrees - it was not a hatchet job. It was a very fair job. It was professional journalism. So I just want to acknowledge that. We appreciate that the Herald has an editorial view. And that editorial view is that 'you guys are a bunch of racists'. But, but, but but but, I will say, Nick and Jacqueline are here tonight, you know. They've made the effort to come, at least to come and listen, and I want to, as one - you know I'm not really a journalist, in the way that they are - I am among amateur who Sky makes the mistake of handing the microphone to. And I think, well, if you're going to give me the microphone, you're going to get whatever you deserve. That's my approach. I want to say to this audience here, my self-interested remark that, just between us, you know - don't tell anyone - but The Outsiders, in its third-ever edition ranked the number one show on Sky. I do say that sort of seriously, because The Outsiders - Rowan Dean, , Ross Cameron, three deplorables - it exists because the audience of Sky really demanded it. And I walked in on the day after the first episode, and all of these young staffers at Sky were basically saying Ross we are shocked that by the end of that show, the emails started coming in to Sky like someone had just hit the jackpot at the RSL and it was going 'bing bing bing bing bing bing, more of this, more of this, we want more of this'. And that's because of you. I know there's tens of thousands of you out there supporting Kirralie and Debbie and other good causes on Facebook and Twitter and elsewhere. I just want you to know, on behalf of certainly me and Mark and Rowan, we appreciate the fact that you have created us, and we couldn't do it without- now Sky has got no choice but to leave us on. Even if all their fair instincts are saying [exhales loudly]. Look, what are we here for? What do we share in common? What is our purpose? Tonight, well I think Angry Anderson pretty well nailed it. We are here tonight because, my instinct, I have it, my duty, we obey our wives. I mean, that is the basic deal. Trigger warning for the Herald, there are some heterosexuals in this room. I'm not going to name them. I don't want you to be offended by that, but there are some males who are attracted to females in this room. I want to say, I'm probably not, I'm not really that anti-gay in the sense that, we know, you know, there has been an association in history - I'm a student of history. You take someone like Socrates, a captain of free speech. You know, according to some historians might have had an attraction. Might have had a bit of same-sex attraction to some of his students. Hadrian, who build 'the wall'. Hadrian built the wall. You know, he was on the right track. Hadrian fell in love with a young Greek boy, Antinous, who fell off the back of a barge and drowned. I'm sure they were probably snorting coke at the time. And Hadrian was so heartbroken by this experience that he made Antinous a god and made statues of him all over the Roman empire. They're still being discovered to this day - one of the most common artifacts. Now, I know, the NSW division of the Liberal Party is basically a gay club. And I don't mind that most of our parliamentary class is gay. I just wish, like Hadrian, they'd build a damn wall. That would be my preference. I want to say- what do I want to say? Well let's go back to Socrates. You know, Socrates, according to Plato, said we should follow the argument wherever it leads, like a vessel on the ocean breeze. We should follow the argument. We should follow the facts where they take us. However uncomfortable the destination may be, the Greek revolution was, when in doubt, take comfort in the facts. The Greek revolution was observational. The Greeks came out of the Peloponnesian Wars with the Carthaginians who had some extraordinary achievements, the Carthaginians, but they were pretty heavily into child sacrifice. And the Greeks said you know what, we're not sure that's such a great idea, right. But the Sydney Morning Herald editorial board of the Carthaginians, I'm telling you, they would've been all over it, right. There would've been no room for dissent. If you had said, you know, you had some [unclear] about child sacrifice in Carthage, I think you would've felt the wrath of politically correct opinion. They would say 'don't you understand' as they took the child out of the mother's arms. 'If we don't sacrifice this baby the gods are going to be angry and there's going to be no harvest'. The Greeks said uh, no no no no, no no no. Maybe this child sacrifice thing's not such a good idea. And Socrates, who in the end made a big prize, he was prized for his willingness to be un-PC, but he left quite a substantial legacy. And that is our inheritance. That was the beginning of the scientific method, where up until that time, we talked about the Romans, Marcus Aurelius, the voice of the stoics. The sort of pre-Christian Roman empire. So Marcus Aurelius said that there was a hierarchy between things that exist at the bottom. The first test was do you exist or not exist. And that was the first test. Marcus Aurelius was un-PC enough to say it's better to exist than not to exist. Bloody dumbarse, didn't know a thing, did he? Better to exist. It's one of the reasons why I'm quite attracted to heterosexuality, you know? It's better to exist than not to exist. Then he said the second layer was matter, insensate matter, like a stone or a brick. And something living. Something living which was capable of reproducing itself. According to Marcus Aurelius, I'm sure he would offend 40 or so in university faculties of the arts, if you are a living thing, you are superior to a mere stone. Okay? This is 1160 AD, and there Marcus Aurelius said, once you're in the category of the living thing, there are plants and there are animals. And according to the Roman logic, the animal is superior to the plant, because it's a more sophisticated organism, and the animal has a capacity - the constraints on its existence are less. And so therefore, it's a superior organism in the hierarchy of the Roman pre-Christian mind. And then on top of that, he said among the animals, the human is superior to the other animals because the human has the greatest power to exercise reason over otherwise The Christian Herald No 33 Page 62 habituated instinct. And he, Marcus Aurelius, said the most effective thing for which he would have been hounded out of the Sydney Morning Herald's editorial board, after he was chased with a pitchfork out of The Guardian's editorial board. After he was tarred and feathered by the ABC's editorial board, Marcus Aurelius would have said that this capacity to reason is the thing that makes us effectively human as opposed to the other primates, the gorillas, the chimpanzees, the orangutans. And look, I'm quite attracted to the Orca, to be honest with you. I like the marine mammals. I like 'em all. I'm open-minded. I'm open-minded about the native title right to kill the Dugong. I don't have a strong view about it. No strong view about it. Should the Aborigines want to kill the Dugong, I'm open-minded. But I'm glad to be human, you know. There is something special about being human. And the most special thing about it is the capacity to reason. So Marcus Aurelius says, to anyone who struggles to get out of bed in the morning, right - which I do at times - Marcus Aurelius would say 'get out of bed', because the other animals sleep as well, right. There's nothing special about sleeping. You don't get any extra marks for sleeping. You get extra marks, as a human, for using your fuckin' brain. Which is what makes us different, you know. And so, this Ancient Roman wisdom, I want to pay a tribute to the stoics, of which Marcus Aurelius' Meditations- he's written seven books, he didn't even have a title, he wrote it for himself, not for publication. I would say a long drive in the car, and, uh, you know, you don't have the blessing of a beautiful female companion, you should listen on YouTube to Meditations, Marcus Aurelius - it won't do you any harm at all. But the stoics were open to the argument. There's a beautiful story from the New Testament, about the apostle Paul in the book of Acts. Paul was a Jew, but a Roman citizen, a lawyer. And he - Time Magazine didn't - in running the most influential figures in history, there was some controversy that Jesus didn't make number one, because they formed the view that Jesus without Paul would not have had the impact that he had. So it was Jesus at 2, 3 I think was the argument. The point is when Paul was in Athens, he was going around evangelising, because that was at the time that the Christian church still believed in God. When the Pope, you know, even the bloody Pope believed in God back then. And there were two main groups there in Athens, in the Roman Empire - there were the Epicureans and the stoics. And the Epicureans were the pleasure-lovers. They were the foodies. They would've been buying the Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide. And then there was the stoics, who were the believers in honour, in duty, in the sense of hierarchy. So they're at opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum. They disagreed about everything. But they heard Saul of Tarsus, this Roman Jew, going on about Jesus Nazareth. And I just want to pay a compliment in the same way we honour the great cultural- you know. If we had a mountain where we carve the face of the former presidents in it, I would have Paul Zanetti and Larry Pickering up there, probably one and two. But the Epicureans and the stoics - and I'm actually going to read it to you, if I can find it. This passage from Act. So the beautiful passage, from the- we're talking about 30, 35 AD, maybe later. Could've been 40AD, something like that. Paul was in full flight. And, uh, where are we here. I can't even find it. Ah, here we go. Acts 17. It's a freedom of opinion. This is about the willingness to tolerate diversity of opinion, not just to tolerate but to celebrate different views. The stoics and the Epicureans at either end of the spectrum, in the most powerful empire in the history of the world. While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. So he reasoned. He used his brain, you know. He didn't just enforce the state ideology. Climate change, gay marriage. He reasoned. He said, A group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to debate with him. So the ancient world, I mean I don't think I have seen a debate on the ABC since the ancient world. They said, uh, what is this guy saying? A group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to debate. "He seems to be advocating foreign gods." They said this because he was preaching about Jesus and the resurrection. Then they took him and invited him to a meeting at the Areopagus. It's still there today if you want to see it. It's a magnificent architectural feature of the ancient world. And this is the question they asked. "May we know what this teaching is that you are presenting? You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we would like to know what they mean." I just want to say, you know, I wish we had a little bit more of the ancient world. I wish we were not so fearful of anyone who doesn't mouth the orthodoxy. And in particular the mechanism which irritates me the most is the preferred method to shut down debate is to say the person who disagrees with me is a bad, evil, bigoted, redneck, racist xenophobe. Okay? And, you know, I'm going to wind up in a minute. But you know, you look at someone like Aristotle, the student of Plato, gave the first real attempt to systematise knowledge. And he made a best guess at the fundamental elements of the universe. He thought they were earth, wind, fire and water. Okay, now Aristotle- I would have even put Aristotle next to Paul Zanetti and Larry Pickering on Mount Rushmore. I would have put him that high. That high in the order, okay. But he was wrong. He was wrong, because he said there were his elements - here were the table of elements, that was his best guess. And then his mates Euclid and Ptolemy, they developed their best guess at the understanding of the universe, which was the earth was at the centre, and everything else was revolving around the earth. And Ptolemy, a kind genius. But that mistake lasted for 1450 years until Copernicus, because of a lack of dissent. Because of a lack of freedom of opinion. Because of a powerful orthodoxy supported by a big propaganda machine of largely taxpayer-funded money. Up until this Polish priest came along and said boys and girls, I don't think this whole operation revolves around the earth. I think it might revolve around the sun. And Copernicus did not - according to history, there is some argument about it but it seems to be the case that Copernicus did not see a copy of his Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres until he was on his death bed, just before he took his last breath. Because he was fearful of publishing, because he said I'll get hissed and booed off the stage. This is, as Marcus Aurelius says in his Meditations, the human is both a reasoning animal, but also a social animal. And we strongly want to be welcome and included and not to be booed and hissed off the stage. One of the things you need in political leadership is a group of leaders who want something more than to be applauded on the stage. That, in the end, is what I admire the most about Debbie and Kirralie and Bill Leak, and you know, Paul Zanetti, Larry Pickering, Cory Bernardi, whatever. These people are not, you know, none of them- I'm the only perfect person I've ever met. Everyone else has got some flaw, some problem. Some issue. None of them get it perfectly right. Do you say to me, do I think Kirralie has got it perfectly right in her approach? Right? You know, but the thing I love with Kirralie Smith, the first time I saw her on television I thought there could not be a more authentic expression of the goodness of Australia than Kirralie Smith. And I just want to say that I reject, you know, you don't have to be a hate-filled bigoted xenophobic racist redneck low-information bogan to have some concerns about Islam. It's not required. I will, at some stage in the not-too-distant future, really make my case in relation to Islam. I will do it with the Muslim community. I think you guys are too nice. You're too much of a soft target, too much of a supportive. I think for me, right, if I'm going to articulate my concerns, I should do it with them and to them, rather than in this particular environment. But I just say, I don't think- If you were new to society in Athens in 40AD, my feeling is the Epicureans and the stoics and the Jews and the Christians would all say to you, come down to the Areopagus because you're talking a strange message and we want to understand it, you know. We want to understand it. We respect you enough to understand. None of us have got [audio briefly cuts out]. All of us need to hear, you know, the other arguments. And I'll just say the human race, Socrates, Copernicus, Galileo, Charles Darwin, all of these people were outsiders. All of them were dissidents. All of them took the risk of telling the truth according to the light that guided them in good faith. All of them moved mankind forward, long may it remain so.

It's great to be here. The only way I would've been here is Kirralie asked me to be here. Because she's true. She really is. I don't know if many people know just how good she is. She's battled with Halal choices thing, which is awful thing that's going on. This 13- or is it 3 trillion dollar business they've got. Let's be honest, I can't stand muslims, right? I just can't stand 'em. If they're in the same street as me, I start shaking. I've gotta go home and do a cartoon on 'em. But they're not all bad, they do chuck pillow-biters off buildings, I 'spose. I mean, I was brought up very religiously, so I, you know, I- not that I'm religious. I mean, I'm not. But, uh, you know, they made me read the Bible every night, and I thought it was a load of shit, to tell you the truth. But when you look at Islam, that goes a lot worse than a load of shit. This is really bad stuff. I'm lucky that I'm not working for a major newspaper now, because I can do what I damn well like. I can write what I damn well like. And I try, try so hard, to write what the truth is. Because no major newspaper today seems to tell you that. They seem to dodge what's going on. And I sense for the first time in my life a quantum change. Something is happening. Something is moving. There's a tectonic movement somewhere, with Brexit and Trump and what's happening here. What happened yesterday with Cory Bernardi. What happened to- It was lovely to see Turnbull shit himself and come up with something- a good speech for once. But there is something that's happening, and the reason that it's happening is a lot of people like Kirralie, Paul and all you people here, you just didn't come here for fun, you come here because you believe in something. I really think that we are starting to make headway. For the first time. I found out about Islam ten years ago. I didn't know anything about it before then. But when I found out about it, I thought Jesus, I'm not putting my kids up in this shit. This is wrong, this is bad, this is un-Australian, we can't have these people here if they believe that. I don't care who they are, I care what they believe. So it's not Muslim that we should be against, it should be Islam. Because it could be an Aborigine who believes in Islam. He's just as bad. So it's the belief system that's wrong. It's un-Australian, it's not us. It has no place here. I honestly can thank you people, every single person here, for making the effort to come and contribute to what is happening and be part of it. I thank you and I thank Kirralie. Thank you. (Georgina Mitchell, SMH, Feb.10, 2017)

Piers Akerman: Methinks the fools protest too much MILLIONS of Australians came together on Thursday and celebrated their nation. A handful protested but, if you were unfortunate enough to listen to your ABC, the angry rabble made all the headlines. Those whingers — brought together by the constantly offended operatives at GetUp! — are the latest incarnation of Communism’s useful idiots in the subversive war against the West. Under yet another shrill banner, Fighting In Resistance Equally, representatives of the deep-Left Greens, Socialist Alliance, the reactionary National Tertiary Education Union NSW, the MUA, the Refugee Action Coalition and a few others made fools of themselves with their attempts to provoke police and disrupt an otherwise joyous day.

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On GetUp!’s website, the call to arms was promoted with the message: “We’re the most imprisoned group of people in the world.” That demonstrates how totally out-of-touch these people are. GetUp!’s activist chairman is Sarah Maddison. When she is not busily promoting increased militancy she is associate professor of politics in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, which last year held a symposium titled Justice Through Conflict that featured the 72-year-old black US radical Angela Davis. Davis was prosecuted for conspiracy involving the 1970 armed takeover of a Marin County, California, courtroom, in which four people were killed. She was acquitted in a federal trial. She ran on the Communist Party USA ticket for vice- president during the 1980s with a singular lack of success. Nonetheless, she fired up Ms Maddison, sending her into fits of revolutionary zeal, not to mention Twitter overdrive. Quoting the aged Black Panther associate, Maddison fired off the following mal mots “freedom is not something that can be given. It is always won, it is always taken. Angela Davis”. “We need movements that are prepared to resist the inevitable seductions of assimilation.” Davis, again. “If freedom is anything at all it is a constant, collective yearning for new worlds.” More Davis. And “we simply cannot incorporate black people into a racist society and think it is justice”. No, and we better stop all those welfare cheques, affirmative action programs, and grants which are available only to Aboriginal and Torres Strait members of our society since there can’t be any justice in doling out such discriminatory handouts, can there? Good grief, it starts to look like apartheid. Other speakers listed included Shen Narayanasamy, the human rights campaign co-director of, you guessed it, GetUp! According to the program for the academic talkfest, “this panel of speakers who work with, alongside and outside the law to achieve justice through social and legal action collectively consider the possibility of structural change”. There you have it, GetUp! — examining ways to work outside the law. Another speaker listed was a representative from the People’s Socialist government of Victoria, Jacki Turfrey. Ms Turfrey was to discuss “Aboriginal people’s long-held quests for justice in Victoria and the resolve of the current government to support ongoing self determination, a permanent representative body for Aboriginal people, and a meaningful Treaty”. Australia Day protesters also gathered in Melbourne. Picture: Chris Hopkins/Getty Images All hogwash but just the sort of humbug that has the inner-urban elites squealing in ecstasy. GetUp!’s deputy chair is Carla McGrath. She is unable to shake the effects of colonisation, dispossession, bloodshed and oppression and the Northern Territory intervention, according to her internet posts. In her limited world, there is far more that divides us than unites us. Only if GetUp! keeps proselytising and sucking in silly students and even sillier members of the broader community who feel a desperate need to express their guilt for imagined crimes they didn’t commit. In a sweeping interview with New Yorker writer David Remnick published on November 28 after his party lost the US election, Barack Obama, who tapped into the guilt of Americans and derived much of his political power from being the first black US president, explained his view of his heritage. “I’m half Scotch-Irish, man!” he told the reporter. “When folks like Jim Webb write about Scotch-Irish stock in West Virginia and Kansas and so on, those are my people! They don’t know it always, but they are.” Former senator Jim Webb, who is married to a Vietnamese immigrant, is the author of a book titled Born Fighting: How The Scots-Irish Shaped America, which noted his ancestors fought in every major American war. A 2014 TV documentary, also entitled Born Fighting, was adapted from Webb’s book and is narrated by him. He is descended from Scots-Irish immigrants from Ulster who emigrated in the mid-18th century to the British North American colonies. Obama lays claim to the same heritage. It is obvious that the majority of those who identify as Aboriginal in Australia today could also lay claim to Anglo heritage. If those few who so vehemently hate the Western system that delivers them so much today, and despise those of other cultures who brought civilisation to this continent, realised they are, as Obama says he is, one of the same people, perhaps they would feel better about themselves and leave GetUp! with nothing to protest about. (Pies Akerman, The Sunday Telegraph, January 29, 2017)

Generation ink is marked for tattoo regret "LOOK at this," says Tony Cohen, reaching over his inks to pull a stencil from the wall. "Can you believe this shit? A guy came in the other day wanting a tattoo of Bart Simpson! Ya get some dumb ones, you really do. I've left it up there because sure as anything I'll get some other dopey bastard who'll want it." In 1969, when Cohen was just a boy in the tattoo game, there were three parlours in Sydney's CBD, and one or two out west. In the good old days there was no Bart Simpson, only panthers and roses and hearts with an arrow through them. "Only criminals got tattoos back then, or that's what people supposed," Cohen says. "Criminals, bikies and sailors - the view was you only got a tattoo if you were a bad person." The 66-year-old, who owns Sydney's oldest parlour, The Illustrated Man, has watched in amazement and delight as his fringe craft has turned mainstream. He keeps waiting for the tattoo bubble to burst, but it just keeps getting bigger, more colourful, more lurid. Australians are getting inked at a phenomenal rate - skin specialists I contacted say that 10-20 per cent of their patients have one or more tattoos. Industry sources say there are now more than 50 tattoo shops in inner Sydney, and one on almost every suburban shopping strip. There's even a controversial proposal to open a parlour in the north shore suburb of Mosman, one of the country's richest postcodes. Across Australia it's the same and towns that have watched their post office or bank branch disappear have gained a tattooist or two. The inland centre of Wagga Wagga supports three tattoo joints. On one of the days I visit The Illustrated Man, a chilly Friday afternoon, Cohen is hard at work on a colourful carp that is swimming up the muscular left arm of Alex Malcolm, a 22-year-old carpenter who's flown in specially from Adelaide. Cohen, who inked Malcolm's old man 20 years ago, is halfway through the carp and another design of a fearsome dragon on the carpenter's left shoulder. This is the type of work Cohen enjoys - big, manly tattoos "that you can see from the other side of the street". I ask Malcolm why he has chosen to spend his hard-earned cash on flights and tattoos that, when complete, will cost him more than $2000. "Why not?" he shrugs. Do the carp and the dragon you'll have for the rest of your life hold some special significance? "Nah, not really," he says. "I just liked 'em." Who knows if he'll continue to like 'em at the age of 42, or 72. In the next chair 23-year-old Jessica, a chirpy receptionist, is leaning forward with her jeans pulled halfway down her bum as another tattooist works on a large tattoo on her lower back. The tattoo - her seventh - is of The Voice judge Joel Madden and his wife Nicole Richie facing each other lovingly, sort of. "It's like a skeleton version of them - I always wanted a skeleton-couple-kind-of-thing." On her lower hip she has a pair of swallows; on her left rib the signature of her favourite singer, Ville Valo, from the Finnish rock band HIM; on her upper back she has the band's symbol; on her left side there is a large picture of a '50s pin-up girl at an easel. Somewhere else she has the lyrics of Look After You by The Fray: When I'm losing my control, the city spins around / You're the only one who knows, you slow it down... She's not really a fan, but she likes the words. Also, she and her best friend both have a small star on the left wrist. So far, her body art has cost her $3000. Apart from the tattoo on her wrist, which she often covers with a Band-Aid, none of the tattoos are visible when she's clothed. She lives at home and says her parents would probably throw her out of the house if they found out. Jessica is very cautious and always wears a singlet, in case her shirt rides up. "I don't do it to be rebellious but I didn't want to live my life not getting a tattoo just because my parents don't approve." She tells me her last boyfriend told her she couldn't get any more. "I basically said, 'You know what, it's my body and I'll do what I want'." As for the relationship, she told him: "You know what? Nah." At the risk of sounding old and conservative, I venture on. "But will all this mean something to you in years to come, when Joel Madden is as hip as Billy Joel?" "I will just have to wait until I get older," she says, shooting me an 'as if' stare. "They mean something to me now, so, you know." Whatever. But there are plenty of people who harbour regrets. And while a tattoo used to be for life, it's not any more. Clinics offering tattoo removal have fed off the growth in tattooing. Dr Garry Cussell, who owns a string of cosmetic surgeries in Sydney, tells me there are now 10 or so specialist clinics like his in the CBD offering tattoo removal, and 50 other places, such as hairdressers with a laser machine, that also remove them - not very well, according to him. And, like a yin and yang on a muffin top, some tattoo parlours now also offer tattoo removal. Cussell picks up a chunky three-dimensional model depicting a cross-section of the skin to explain how tattoos are removed. The laser is attracted to the pigment in the ink. It hits the tattoo pigment under the skin and breaks up the particles into sizes that can be absorbed by the body. Different frequencies and lasers are used to attack various pigments. Scientists in the US have devised the "Kirby-Desai scale" to estimate how many treatments it will take to remove a tattoo. Black tattoos on fair skin are the easiest to remove, while coloured tattoos on dark skin are the most difficult. Because there is often burning and blistering, treatments can only be conducted every six to eight weeks. An average tattoo could take eight to 12 sessions to remove, at around $350 a session. The rule of thumb seems to be that whatever you outlaid for your body art, it will cost 10 times as much to erase it - and be patient, it'll take 18 months to two years. People want to be rid of their tattoos for all sorts of reasons, Cussell says. For some, they hinder employment prospects; others just don't like the design. Some people want a partial removal so they can have a new tattoo applied. "I had a guy come in the other day with his boyfriend," he says. "He was fairly keen to have a woman's name removed from his chest." The deletion of the love that was to last forever is a frequent request. One tattooist told me he once had a request to put a line through the name Michelle and the words "Shit happens" tattooed beneath it. And then there are the famously bad spellings, mistakes and just terrible tattoos. The cricketer Michael Slater had the number 356 tattooed on his body when he was, officially, the 357th person to make his test cricket debut for Australia. The former Penrith rugby league fullback Jarrod Sammut took off his shirt at a training session to proudly reveal his new tattoo - in big, bold letters across his chest it said: "Justify Your Existance". But nothing beats the Geelong Cats fan Neville, who flew to Thailand in 2007 after his team's AFL triumph. He drew a picture of the tattoos he wanted on a piece of paper, along with instructions, and after 15 beers he sat down for five and half hours to prove what a loyal fan he was. It didn't quite end up as he'd planned. On his left arm, above the Cats mascot, the tattooist inked: "Left Arm, Night Premiers 2006." On his right arm, above another cat, instead of "Day Premiers 2007" what Neville got was "Right Arm, Gay Premiers 2007." He was prepared to show his tattoos in photos, but not his face. Cohen tells me he is always fixing up other people's poor work, but admits to some mistakes of his own. Once "a big chubby chick" came in wanting the name "Tony" tattooed on her. "She said, 'Whatever you do, don't write 'Tiny'." Of course, she left, fuming, inscribed Tiny. Another time, when Cohen had his studio up at King Cross, a US Marine came in "full The Christian Herald No 33 Page 64 of piss and bad manners". He pointed at the tattoo he wanted. Cohen asked him if he was sure. He was adamant. Whatever you like, buddy. "The next day he came in and nearly tore my head off. I'd given him a Union Jack - he'd wanted the rose that was next to it." Cohen has inked tens of thousands of people in his career but there are some tattoos he refuses to do - on the face, neck and sometimes on the hands. "I won't do any Nazi stuff either," he says. "If they come in wanting that, I send them off to the Jewish Museum." He's uncomfortable, too, with memorial tattoos, which are now popular; he was halfway through a portrait of a baby on a woman when he asked how the kid was going. "'He died six months ago,' she said. It's a bit creepy, but dead husbands, dead parents, dead kids, dead dogs - we've done 'em all," he says. More than half his current customers are women and the old tattooist is worried about the female trend of having tattoos that spill down their shoulders and onto their forearms and hands. "I just wonder if they are going to love them in years to come." It didn't take long for the love to fade for Emma Kayzer. She got her first tattoo at the age of 16 when she and a mate visited a man doing them from his home in Kings Cross. "We didn't think of the dangers, the health risks; we just thought, 'Oh cool, we're getting a tattoo, isn't this great'." She had "Rad", as in radical, tattooed on her inside lip and "Punk rock" tattooed on a limb. She then had a succession of tattoos. Her ex-boyfriend's brother bought a tattoo machine off eBay and "began tattooing himself and everyone else, usually on the weekends after a few beverages". She's got swallows on her stomach. She's got the name of her then boyfriend, Jessie, below her left breast - but, of course, Jessie got himself another girl. A wave breaks on her foot. Among her 16 tattoos is one of her car, a VW Beetle. The symbol on her finger that once spelt peace now screams embarrassment. She's got lyrics from songs that now seem out of tune. The yin and yang on her back is no longer in harmony. At 20, Kayzer, from Sydney's northern beaches, is in the process of having them all removed. "I guess that as I have grown, they just haven't grown with me," she says. Besides, she was a little squeamish having to explain to new boyfriends who Jessie was. It is costing her between $500 and $700 a session and will require eight to 10 treatments - a lot of money for someone working in a doggy daycare centre. She says around half of her friends now have tattoos and her decision to have hers removed has been met with derision from some of them. Her opting out has provoked some rejection by the clan. Disdain for cool has consequences. She tells me that with the rise of home tattooing, some of her mates have truly awful tattoos. "My flatmate's friend wanted the word "respect" in big cursive script on his arm, but I can't believe they could get it so wrong. It says 'Respert'. He's left it there as a kind of running joke." But what has caused this great herd of humanity to suddenly veer off and have a red-hot branding iron seared onto their arses? It is a yearning for belonging, according to Adam Geczy, an artist and academic at Sydney College of the Arts, who has studied tattoo culture. Traditionally, tattoos were a marker of initiation into a tribal society or a sect, like the Yakuza, or the mark of a man of the sea. "We are now living in a culture where people don't know where they belong," he muses. "Generations X, Y and Z are constantly in contact on Facebook and Twitter, thinking it is a community, but it is a void. If you go out and choose a Maori tattoo you have the luxury, and the shallowness, of initiating yourself. You are not being initiated into a clan, you are initiating yourself into yourself. You are giving yourself a kind of fetishised sense of belonging." Geczy says the great growth in the number of people being tattooed, particularly women, is also part of the pornification of society, which has come with the internet age. He argues there is a strong link between body modification and porn. "So you have a prim girl who has a small rose on her shoulder - it's a wink to say, 'I have desires'." He continues: "Look, most people work in pretty boring jobs and have a problem with being interesting and having interesting identities." They see a tattoo as a way of making them seem more interesting. But it is all built on a false premise, he argues, and in time many people who have tattoos will live to regret their decisions. "Besides, it all looks hot when you are young but when you're an old man you look like an ageing stud." And, he ventures boldly, "There has never been, on a woman who is middle-aged, a tattoo that looked any good." Al Fraser, a 42-year-old truck driver from western Sydney, is currently going through the financially painful process of having his tattoos removed. He got his first one at 16, thinking it would get him into pubs. He got another when he left the army at 25 - barbed wire wrapped around his forearm. He's now happily married and his tough-guy days are long gone. He was told it would take eight sessions at $350 a session, plus about $30 for numbing cream each time, to have the two tattoos removed. "I'm a bit cranky, because it has cost me a lot more than I thought," he says. "They sucked me in." He is now up to his ninth session and there's a few more to go. The two tattoos cost him $220 - their removal will cost him more than $4000. "When I see all these young people with tattoos all over their arms and necks I think, 'Gee, that's going to cost you a lot of money some day'. "I'd been thinking of having them removed for ages," he says, "but the icing on the cake was when I went to take my five-year-old daughter off for her first day at school and she said to me, 'Dad, can you please wear long sleeves.'" It almost broke his heart. It's a moment most of Generation Inked is yet to face. (Greg Bearup, The Australian, June 29, 2013)

If you disagree with me ... you’re a racist DID you know you have to be a dark-skinned, transgendered Muslim in order to voice an opinion publicly these days? Nor did I, but according to some on the far Left, or “Twitter” as it’s otherwise known, that seems to be the minimum requisite for expressing a view in 2016. I would’ve thought as a woman of Singaporean, eastern European and Jewish heritage, I’m already among the more diverse of columnists gracing the pages of mainstream publications like this one. But apparently my fair skin and “heteronormativity”, whatever that means, rules me ineligible for comment on a range of issues. Suddenly, whiteness is something we should be ashamed of. Apologise for. Fill ourselves with self-loathing about. It’s now deemed a valid insult among the social justice warriors who fling around accusations of , sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia and, the trendiest of them all, transphobia like they’re freebies on Oprah. “You’re a racist, you’re a racist, EVERYBODY’S A RACIST!” The irony, though, is those who preach it most vehemently are the very same people who can’t tolerate it in opinion. Don’t agree chapter and verse with our new Gold Logie winner Waleed Aly’s grandstanding on The Project? Racist! Think the fact SBS World News’ weekend host-turned-cult heroine Lee Lin Chin pulls in less than 150,000 capital city viewers (Saturday night’s episode was ranked 66th in the most-watched programs, behind Scared Shrekless on 9Go!) makes her nomination for the biggest gong somewhat absurd? Racist and sexist! Maybe you believe fundamentalist Islam may have, I don’t know, a little something to do with Islamic terror? Islamophobe! Troubled by the growing movement encouraging gender-confused children to undergo mutilation in order to find peace with themselves? Transphobe! And on and on it goes. But it’s this fear about being branded with monstrous labels that is fuelling a full-blown paranoia about diversity. In the past week we’ve seen new boss of the taxpayer-funded ABC Michelle Guthrie call for greater diversity in content and staff as her predecessor lamented his big failure was hiring “too many Anglos” during his time at the helm. ABC Radio staff members have been directed to put more “difficult” accents to air, which is all well and good until the average listener at home has difficulty understanding what’s being said, surely a basic tenet of public broadcasting. No word on whether Aunty’s new diversity policy will extend to hiring journalists with diverse voting preferences, though I suspect not. In the UK, the BBC has pledged that within the next four years half its staff will be women, 15 per cent from black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups, 8 per cent disabled and another 8 per cent lesbian, gay or transgender. What about the intersex? Prejudiced Pommy bastards. But defining diversity isn’t as simple as matching skin tones to paint swatches, as I have personally experienced. In my final years of university more than a decade ago, I was twice shortlisted for a journalism cadetship at SBS, and twice knocked back. When I rang the station after the second failed attempt to find out what I could improve on, the person on the other end of the line told me that the network was looking for a more ethnically diverse candidate. I almost choked on my chilli crab and . Now SBS bulletins are facing criticism for featuring too many white faces, particularly those belonging to young women. The concern should be that workplaces so focused on meeting quotas for skin colour or sexual orientation (now that’s an awkward, not to mention illegal, question to ask in a job interview) risk moving from a recruitment policy based on meritocracy to one of pure tokenism. How will human resources cope should a black lesbian in a wheelchair punt up for an interview? Which pigeonhole will they shove her in? The hysteria over diversity has become so extreme it is now socially acceptable to attack someone purely for being white or straight. When I wrote in my previous column about the ridiculousness of the “white privilege” argument in the 60 Minutes furore, espoused by one Fairfax commentator (she was so incensed I’d named her, I won’t do her the courtesy this time) I was accused of being “racist and ignorant”. My biggest crime, according to her? Being white myself. Oh, and using “scare quotes” (quotation marks to you and me) around the words “white” and “privilege”. Who knew punctuation is now considered racist? What next, homophobic semi-colons? Another piece critical of the Greens’ anti-sniffer dog policy earned me accusations of “internalised misogyny” and had me referred disparagingly to as yet another “white, hetero and cis” voice by one gay blog. For those not fluent in the language of gender politics, “cis” essentially means someone who identifies with the gender they were born with and, yes, it is now considered a verified slur. Of course diversity is worth promoting, but never at the expense of demonising those who don’t fit your particular definition of it. (Caroline Marcus, The Daily Telegraph, May 10, 2016)

If you don’t marry, don’t expect the benefits Those particular about their ‘lifestyle choice’ have been undermining marriage for decades Tomorrow the Court of Appeal will hear a case brought by a man and a woman who want to have a civil partnership which the law won’t allow them. Civil partnerships, introduced in 2004, provide a range of legal rights to “two people of the same sex” but not those of the opposite sex. Rebecca The Christian Herald No 33 Page 65

Steinfeld and Charles Keidan, who have been living together for the past six years, claim this discriminates against them. According to the equal partnerships campaign, almost three million heterosexual couples are living together in Britain and almost four in ten have dependent children. They claim that such couples are disadvantaged because they have no legal rights over matters like property, children or pensions. True enough. The reason, however, is that those rights are specific to marriage because they flow from the commitments and obligations married couples undertake towards each other. People who merely cohabit choose not to saddle themselves with those commitments and obligations. In January the High Court, which ruled against Ms Steinfeld and Mr Keidan, noted that they had “deep-rooted and genuine ideological objections to the institution of marriage”. They are entitled to disdain marriage but they are not entitled then to demand its benefits. If they want those benefits there’s a simple way to obtain them: get married. Or they could go and live in the Isle of Man. In the summer the Manx authorities legalised marriage and civil partnerships for homosexuals and heterosexuals. The Isle of Man is now hailed by gay activists as the most progressive place in the British Isles. Who knew? So is the status quo, as Ms Steinfeld insists, unfair on millions of cohabitees like her? Let’s look at what this means. Civil partnerships were introduced to give gays and lesbians equality with married people, on the grounds that it was unfair for homosexuals to miss out on the same legal benefits through no choice of their own. Gays and lesbians then said that was still unfair because civil partnerships did not have the same significance as marriage. So in 2013 the state legalised same-sex marriage — even though gays and lesbians could still have civil partnerships on the basis that they could not get married. Now the Steinfeld-Keidan argument before the court is that heterosexuals, who have always been able to get married, should also be able to have civil partnerships, which were created to provide the benefits of marriage to those who couldn’t get married — simply because gays and lesbians can have both! So a measure designed to end discrimination by heterosexuals against gays and lesbians is now being said to embed discrimination on behalf of gays and lesbians against heterosexuals, just because there’s a difference. This bizarre argument is but the logical development of the doctrine of “lifestyle choice” which has been undermining marriage for at least five decades. Marriage is fragile. Its status was previously protected through a densely woven web of law, tradition, custom, religious belief and informal sanctions such as stigma or shame. This web has now all but disintegrated. The premise of individualistic “lifestyle choice” is that all sexual relationships have equal status. Any attempt to claim a hierarchy of values is damned as bigotry. The idea that marriage meant commitment and obligation to others was viewed as an intolerable fetter upon the right to do your own thing. Marriage came to be seen as “just a piece of paper” and was redefined as merely a contractual arrangement. So it was hardly surprising that people in irregular sexual arrangements, straight and gay, started to clamour for equal access to its contractual advantages. As both the boundaries and definition of marriage have blurred, it has been progressively evacuated of meaning and significance. Marriage is not just one of many equal types of relationship. Marriage is a unique institution because it uniquely safeguards the procreation and healthy upbringing of the next generation. Of course, marriages can break down and some married couples have no children. That does not alter the fact that, across cultures and down through the centuries, the importance of marriage lies in its irreplaceable role in underpinning social order and defining the structure and moral values of a society. Marriage is a unique institution because it uniquely safeguards the procreation and healthy upbringing of the next generation The undermining of marriage has done serious harm. Children thrive best if brought up by their mother and father; women and children are more likely to be abused in fractured families. Yet about half of all births now take place outside marriage. Cohabiting couples, the fastest growing family type in the UK, are more than twice as likely to split up as married spouses. The undermining of marriage has created the scourge of mass fatherlessness. The government says that civil partnerships were never intended to provide an alternative to marriage. The High Court in Steinfeld-Keidan said that a difference in treatment between gay and straight couples over civil union did not mean discrimination. In law and in logic, of course not. That’s not the point, though. Britain has told itself for years that equality means identical treatment and difference means discrimination. Whatever the appeal court decides in this case, that pernicious orthodoxy means marriage will continue to be under the cosh. I would question the implied causal relationship between marriage and staying together. Rather I would suggest that it might work the other way round. Apparently young couples now are less likely to divorce than their parent's generation. ( so if the fact of being married is the cause it is at least a very inconsistent one). It is thought that young couples today are more likely to live together first before committing to each other. There may well be an environmentally inherited aspect to why some people get married and some don't e.g. your own experience of family life impacting your decision. Sorry for the tortured logic, but I feel there are so many variables at play here. An example. If being married serves as a powerful commitment, then why doesn't having just children? Surely it takes much more effort to do the latter. I find it odd that a couple would have a deep-rooted and ideological objection to the institution of marriage but not that of civil partnership. It smacks of making a point. And wasting a lot of time. The answer surely is to allow all adults the right to marry the person of their choice where ever they want to - including in church. Marriage is what you make of it but as long as there are different types of marriage depending on the genders of those marrying law suits like this will continue to be brought. Why should there now be any difference between straight and gay people? I think that gay people should assist in the campaign for straight people to have access to Civil Partnerships, or relinquish CP's themselves? As in celebrating life or mourning death, everyone, whether gay or straight, should have the same choices. Every culture has its own version of marriage with rights and responsibilities for the individuals in the marriage. The fact that these arrangements were arrived at independently by every culture suggests that such a system is necessary. Similarly, 'my word is my bond' is fine as a system for contracts, but only so far as every participant lives up to it. Once one individual doesn't then written, legally enforceable contracts are necessary. The decision to cohabit is, for many, not about a principled objection to the institution of marriage or the wedding service. They just can't be bothered or do not see the need for the commitment that is implicit (and publicly made explicit) in marriage. And illegitimacy is no longer a mark of shame for most people under 50. It's a choice. Marriage is a legal and binding contract which give stability to society. To say that everyone should have equal treatment regardless of their choice and status is completely ridiculous. It's like saying there is no difference between people who own their houses and those who are on a short term let. There are differences, with different expectations and outcomes. Absolutely agree. So sad to see marriage being undermined like this. Too many people demand the rights and are not prepared to accept the responsibilities I am with you on this Melanie, I am proud to say Marriage is discriminating, in a very positive way - it transcends the law. We are not born equal, the law can appease all it wants, but to no avail in the minds of the the men and women who want to get married. Whether it is coshed legally or not, no law can break this bond between a man and a woman. People are free in their minds to belief what the want. Well said, the call these days is increasingly for rights without responsibilities. Human beings are not identical - thank goodness - and difference certainly does not automatically equal discrimination. I'm afraid this is a depressing piece bereft of underlying logic. If, as you contend, Melanie, marriage protects the family by legally reflecting a shared commitment to the relationship, why oppose extending those benefits to couples who want to make that commitment but are put off by the history of marriage itself? Marriage has undoubted strengths, but historically it has also been a tool of oppression; used to subjugate women, to force women into unwanted relationships and to unite warring families for political or business ends at the price of freewill of the participants. For all its virtues, marriage comes with baggage which puts off many people who want to create the stable family environment which an externally recognised level of commitment creates - the same stable family environment you are promoting above. Allowing those people to engage in a civil union doesn't undermine marriage, it extends its virtues by use of another name. Marriage institution, habit and tradition that used to give society structure, strength and comfort. I must be getting past it. I wonder exactly what is the difference between the wording of the civil partnership ceremony and the registry office of marriage ceremony. Very little that anyone could object to. These people are just being bloody-minded because they can. Any costs incurred by their idiocy should be paid by them. (Melanie Phillips, The Times, Nov. 1, 2016)

Manhood is caught in a gender agenda WHETHER it’s seeing swaggering blokes win footy finals, or drink beer out of a shoe, you’d be forgiven this week for thinking testosterone is back in fashion. But contact sports are about the last bastion of traditional masculinity, and even they are fast losing their cachet. Among the intelligentsia, such overt displays of male aggression are decidedly on the nose, and beady eyes are always on the lookout for some indiscretion to crank up the outrage meter. The fact is that masculinity is under threat like never before. The very existence of a Y chromosome gives rise to accusations of violence, aggression and patriarchy. Between gender fluidity imperatives, girl power indoctrination, pretend gender pay gaps, and the characterisation of little boys as incipient wife bashers, the fragile wonder of boyhood is being demonised. There’s even now a university in the United States offering classes to “question and deconstruct toxic masculinities”. Duke University in North Carolina has created a “safe space” where men can discard male “privilege” and “toxic” masculinity. They needn’t have bothered. Every primary school classroom is a “safe space” to rid young boys of any notion of male privilege. You might be five years old and interested in dressing up like Batman and playing bullrush in the playground. But in the classroom you will be told that your exuberance is bad. You are a “bad boy”, if that’s not already an oxymoron. You are a boy. Therefore you are bad. I have seen eight-year-old boys kept in at lunchtime as punishment for jiggling in their seats. Needless to say they were climbing the walls by the end of the day. My sons endured primary schools where every physical activity they enjoyed in the playground was gradually banned and their sense of adventure curtailed. I once was helping out in a Year 2 classroom and watched a little girl reach over and smack a little boy on the hand and instruct him to stop doing whatever he was doing to annoy her. What was astonishing was that he accepted her physical rebuke and she was not the slightest bit chastened when I intervened. Talk about privilege. Boys have absorbed this lesson from women for a long time. Up to a point such pre-emptive rebuke to boyhood tamed testosterone-fuelled instincts. But then teachers, even mothers, and society at large started taking it all too far. Where once we used to lament that girls The Christian Herald No 33 Page 66 lagged behind boys and invent all sorts of strategies to right the imbalance, now there is untrammelled joy as boys fall further and further behind. Last year 82 girls topped the state in at least one subject compared with just 34 boys. And at university, 60 per cent of graduates are women. Such a gender skew is now just taken for granted as the due of women who, we are constantly told, are the smarter sex. Never mind that the bell curve on any IQ test shows more girls clustered around the average and more boys at the top and the bottom; in other words males are more likely to be genii or imbeciles. It would be a brave academic who raised such a point on any university campus today. A generation has grown up thinking there is something wrong with maleness. Children are bombarded with anti-male messages and complaints of gender discrimination as social engineers reach for younger targets for their illogical ideas. Reader Kris this week complained about taking her kids to the movies only to have them exposed to an ad from ANZ bank depicting little boys as intrinsically monstrous. It showed boys and girls doing chores. “And then the girls were paid less than the boys, just like in the real world.” The boys were then shamed for being male. One poor little blonde boy, the archetypal inheritor of white male privilege, is humiliated as two little girls lecture him. He can’t find anything to say as they bombard him: “What we’re trying to tell you is that it’s not fair that boys get paid more than girls.” The whole gender pay gap is a hoax. Industries statistically dominated by men tend to attract better pay than those traditionally dominated by women. And then there is the choice women make, willingly, to trade career heights for job flexibility in order to raise children, which a lot of mothers would agree is a priceless privilege. ANZ claims “the world needs reshaping”. More like its board needs another diversity KPI. Quite why it wants to perpetuate a myth that insults the intelligence of potential future customers is a mystery. But Social Services Minister Christian Porter did the same with the government’s shameful $30 million domestic violence ad, which showed a little boy at a barbecue slamming a door on a little girl, causing her to drop a plate of food, while her mother absurdly intones: “He just did it because he likes you.” What schlock. Real people don’t behave like any of those characters, and why are all little boys cast as the villains. The ad campaign is also, as Warren Mundine has pointed out so eloquently this week, a travesty of the truth. It will do nothing to alleviate domestic violence, which is endemic in indigenous communities. But, of course, the aim was not really to protect victims of domestic violence. It was to reinforce a negative stereotype of masculinity. (Miranda Devine, The Daily Telegraph, October 5, 2016)

The human race is becoming both stupider and louder at the same time If the first casualty of war is the truth, then the first casualty of a war is intelligence. If the first casualty of war is the truth, then the first casualty of a war of words is intelligence. We supposedly live in “the information age” and yet informed debate seems rarer than ever. A 2011 US study found it was the information itself that was doing us in. The fact that we know we can access whatever facts we want has led us to failing to be able to store or recall the facts themselves. Meanwhile, social media use continues to explode. Recent research from We Are Social found there are now 2.3 billion people on social media. And so the less we know, the more we say and the more people we’re saying it to. The human race is becoming both more stupid and more influential at the same time. The seemingly infinite expansion of personal expression raises perhaps the most fundamental question of a civil society: What, as human beings, are we allowed to say? Perplexingly, the concept of free speech seems to confound people who otherwise present as quite intelligent. Most troubling, of course, is the tendency for many — unfortunately often on the Left — to equate being upset or offended by a view with the notion that such a view should be banned. This has been thrown into sharp relief again this week with debate over 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and lingering shock waves over Bill Leak’s controversial cartoon about indigenous child neglect. There was not just violent disagreement with the cartoon — which is fine — but a high-level campaign to retrospectively ban it by hauling the artist before the Human Rights Commission. The notion that someone can be penalised or prosecuted by a quasi-judicial body for expressing an idea should chill the blood of any writer or artist. And yet it is a notion that the Left — supposedly an ally of the arts — not only tolerates but champions. Sometimes it gets even more contradictory than that. I got into a Twitter stoush recently that can be summarised pretty much as follows: PERSON 1: Some views are unacceptable. ME: I don’t think democracies should dictate what views are acceptable. PERSON 3: Well now you’re against free speech. Yes, apparently by saying views should not be suppressed I was suppressing the view that they should be. And that third person was a professor. Even aside from the dangerous principle, there is little practical evidence that laws curtailing free speech do anything to promote community harmony. If anything they may have the opposite effect. It is well-documented that support for Donald Trump, arguably the most racist presidential candidate since the abolition of slavery, has been in part fuelled by a backlash at the PC campus politics of the activist Left, including bans on Halloween costumes, “trigger warnings” in academic papers and a campaign for transgendered honorifics — which seems a lofty ideal for a country that can’t even stop its citizens from mass-murdering each other. In Germany, a ban on holocaust denial has done nothing to stop the rise of far-right parties. The latest one, despite being just three years old, is currently running neck and neck with the greens. And in Australia the existence of 18C has done nothing to stop the rise of Pauline Hanson — twice — the nationwide booing of Adam Goodes or the countless other examples of racism its very proponents complain of. The sad truth is that racism is just a type of idiocy, and, as many a politician has lamented, you can’t legislate against stupidity. The only way to eliminate it is to expose it to the light. (Joe Hildebrand, dailytelegraph.com.au, August 27, 2016)

Labor’s misplaced zeal on same-sex marriage UNCERTAINTY about whether the same-sex marriage plebiscite will be held this year or next has reignited debates surrounding the issue. The ALP’s Bill Shorten and Senator Penny Wong argue that the Australian people cannot be trusted and that there must be a parliamentary vote on the issue of same-sex marriage.They also argue that the LGBTI community fully supports the campaign to change the Marriage Act to allow gays and lesbians to marry. Wrong on both accounts. In fact, a significant number of LGBTI people are not committed to a long-term, monogamous relationship symbolised by the institution of marriage. Based on two recent national surveys, Private Lives: A Report On The Health And Wellbeing of GLBTI Australians and Monopoly: A Study Of Gay Men’s Relationships, it’s clear that a large number of LGBTI people prefer a more fluid and transient lifestyle.The first survey concludes: “Only a small percentage of men and women (between 5-10 per cent) reported formalising the relationship with a marriage or commitment ceremony, while most others had no wish to do so.”The survey also notes: “It is of interest that the majority of respondents between (52 per cent of men and 39 per cent of women) indicated no ... wish to formalise their current relationship.” The second survey reached a similar conclusion, stating: “Only a minority of men indicated they would like to marry their primary regular partner.” It’s ironic that while Shorten and Wong argue in favour of same- sex marriage, that many in the LGBTI community show no real interest. In addition, by rejecting the concept of popular sovereignty, one of the cornerstones of our Westminster parliamentary system, it’s clear that Shorten and Wong consider themselves above the people. Ignored, as so succinctly put by Abraham Lincoln, is that a truly democratic government must be of the people, for the people, and by the people. Senator Wong fears that any public debate will lead to gays and lesbians being vilified and attacked. Judged by the action of those supporting same-sex marriage the opposite is the case. Katherine Hudson on the newmatilda.com website compares those critical of the LGBTI lifestyle with “dictators, despots and despicable leaders, including Putin, Kim Jong-un, Mugabe and ISIS terrorists”. Ninety-seven per cent of Australians identify as heterosexual and they have every right to express their opinion on whether the institution of marriage, one of the bedrocks of a stable, peaceful community, is to be radically redefined. (Kevin Donnelly, The Daily Telegraph, August 24, 2016)

How the great Australian beard turned into a $500 million industry WHEN young Aussie men began ditching their razors in droves, those in the male grooming industry shook their clean-shaven heads and collectively shuddered in their boots. But with the beard trend proving more resilient than a stubborn ingrown hair, the canny industry has turned things around and sparked a rush back to the shaver shop. From trimmers and clippers to lightly fragranced beard oil, keeping men’s chin fluff looking its best has become big business. It has been estimated that Australia’s male grooming sector is now worth more than $500 million annually and is one of the personal care industry’s fastest growing areas, as men become more and more concerned with premature ageing and the condition of their skin and hair. Thanks to the beard boom, barber shops have experienced a surprise revival and blogs dedicated to chin follicles have cropped up, with experts and furry hipsters teaching former baby-faced blokes the art of cultivating a beautiful jaw bush. Kris Jones, head cutter at the SpaQ barber shop at the QT Sydney hotel, says five years ago he would be lucky to trim two beards a week but that number has now risen to about 15. “Bigger beards and moustaches are becoming more popular,” Jones says. “It comes in cycles and I think beards are in fashion at the moment because the generation before was all clean- shaven. It’s also going a little bit against the grain.” Jones believes the growing acceptance in corporate circles is also fuelling the movement. “It’s OK to have a big beard now; even in the corporate world it’s becoming more acceptable,” he says. “Back in the day, I think people thought if you had a beard you were sort of unkempt and unwashed and possibly homeless, but nowadays you’re fine to have one.” The “beard club” movement is also booming, with community groups such as the Australian Beard And Moustache Club and Sydney Facial Hair Club seeing a spike in memberships. While sceptics have been predicting the end of this follicle frenzy for the past two years, the trend doesn’t seem to be abating. Even science is backing beards. A study conducted in 2013 by academics at the University of NSW found that heavy stubble — about 10 days of growth — was considered much more attractive than a fuzz-free face. And men with whiskers were ranked higher in terms of health, masculinity and parenting ability. Not every beard wearer is into serious grooming. Simon Butcher, 35, The Christian Herald No 33 Page 67 says the lack of maintenance required for a beard is one of his top reasons for letting it all grow out. Aside from a grooming kit, Butcher admits his beard tends to remain au natural. He simply washes it with shower gel and forgoes beard oils and waxes. “I started mainly because I couldn’t be bothered shaving every morning,” he says. “I have a bald head so I have to shave that most mornings. And after I shave that, I can’t be bothered with the rest of it ... “Also, I’ve got quite a round head so having a beard gives it a bit of shape.” The Ultimo resident says his girlfriend has also become a fan of his face fuzz. “She loves it; it’s kind of like having a large cat strapped to the front of my face,” he says with a laugh. “Whenever she’s stressed out, she can give it a stroke. With apartment living, we’re not allowed pets so this is the next-best thing.” While Butcher may take the casual approach to beard maintenance, SpaQ’s Kris Jones says grooming and face care is important to keep chin locks luscious. “If you’re starting from scratch, be patient because it can take a while to grow a good beard,” he says. “Wash your face every day until your beard gets to a length of about four to five centimetres, and it’s important to comb your beard every day so it doesn’t get tangled or matted and to get any loose debris out of there. “And think that whatever you put on your beard, you’re putting on your face at the same time, so I would say in the first few weeks use a good moisturiser and when you do move on to beard oils or waxes, pick one that doesn’t have too many chemicals in it; beeswax is a good option.” But which beard to choose? A hard core Ned Kelly bush or a meticulously groomed tight beard? Maybe take a tip from grooming company Braun. To launch its new beard trimmer, Braun has released its top beard trends for 2016, citing the unruly Victorian full beard, with full sideburns and a bushy upper lip, and the barely there five o’clock shadow as popular styles. Unfortunately, growing a bountiful beard isn’t as easy as ditching the razor, as some men simply aren’t genetically blessed with a wealth of chin follicles. So if you have them, why not flaunt them? (Elle Halliwell, The Daily Telegraph, June 25, 2016)

WHO CARES FOR CHRISTIAN REFUGEES? POPE Francis says it was just a humanitarian “gesture” to invite three Syrian refugee families to live in the Vatican after he visited a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos last week. But all three families are Muslim. Not one of the 12 refugees he plucked out of the camp was a Christian. Compassion and ecumenical outreach are commendable. But how must the Pope’s gesture look to all the Christian families fleeing persecution in Syria, and abandoned by the world. How do they feel about being ignored by the head of the Catholic Church, not worthy of being included even in a “gesture”. “I didn’t make a choice between Christians and Muslims” the Pope told reporters when questioned about the odd. “I gave priority to children of God.” That’s all very well, but it’s the Pope’s own flock who are most at risk in the Islamist horrors which have engulfed the Middle East. Adding insult to injury was a statement saying the Vatican had contemplated inviting two Christian families but their papers weren’t in order. Christians are the most persecuted people on earth. Driven out of their homes in Syria, they can’t even live in refugee camps because they are bullied, harassed and assaulted by Muslim bigots. That’s why their papers aren’t in order. The Archbishop of , Cardinal Rainer Woelki, warned earlier this year that Christians are even under threat in German refugee camps. Protestant pastor Gottfried Martens said Christians are so unsafe in German refugee accommodation they should be housed separately from Muslims. Christians had been assaulted, and had crosses removed, were forced to watch videos of beheadings, and banned from kitchens because they were “unclean”. In the Middle East, only about ten per cent of refugees live in camps and most are Muslim. At the UN’s Zaatari camp in Jordan, housing 83,000 refugees, there are mosques but no church. “It is increasingly clear that because Christians fear that the persecution and genocide will continue in these refugee camps, they often don’t enter them, and as a result find it nearly impossible to qualify for resettlement as refugees,” said Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus. “Christians are afraid to live in the camps,” says Father Andrzej Halemba of Aid to the Church in Need. That might explain why the Vatican couldn’t find any Christian refugees to invite to Rome. But it doesn’t excuse a tragic oversight that tells the world Christians don’t matter. (Miranda Devine, The Daily Telegraph, April 20, 2016)

Marxist agenda a red flag for not so safe schools WE really owe a debt of gratitude to Marxist education adviser Roz Ward for revealing the true nature of the “Safe Schools” program she co- founded. Her latest bout of candour is a Facebook post in which she damned the Australian flag as “racist” and called for its replacement with the red flag of communist revolution. Under a photo of the rainbow flag fluttering above Victoria’s Parliament last week to mark Premier Daniel Andrews’ apology to the gay community, she wrote: “Now we just need to get rid of the racist Australian flag on top of state Parliament and get a red one up there and my work is done.” Kaboom! Even for the leftist Andrews government, a proposed communist takeover of Parliament by its new LGBTI schools adviser was a bridge too far, even if she tried to say it was just a joke. Ward was forced to resign late Friday from her influential government post, though she remains co-ordinator of Safe Schools. Like her other astonishing pronouncements, Ward’s Facebook frankness leaves no doubts about the anti-family, Marxist sexual agenda underpinning the so-called anti-bullying program. Yet Andrews has not retreated from his dictate that Safe Schools be compulsory in Victorian schools. Nor has he apologised for labelling as “bigots” critics of the program, which includes homosexual role play and gender fluidity training for children. “I get my advice on policy from the experts, not from bigots,” he said two weeks ago when boasting Victoria would not accept federal amendments to Safe Schools, which removed advice to bind breasts and tuck away penises, deleted links to gay sex shops and allowed parental input. Labor’s federal leader Bill Shorten sings from the same songbook, smearing Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi as a “homophobe” for blowing the whistle on Safe Schools. For Labor and the Greens and a number of Liberal MPs, Safe Schools is a progressive sacred cow which they use to signal their virtue on LGBTI issues. They go along with the pretext that it is about preventing bullying of gay and transgender youth while plugging their ears to the truth screaming at them from the program’s architects. Government-funded mutations of Safe Schools are springing up all over, including in preschools where “Early Start” teaches toddlers about sexuality, cross-dressing, and gender fluidity. But, despite outcry from parents, this benignly labelled sexual propaganda continues. You only have to look at the latest newsletter for La Trobe’s Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society to see the buoyant optimism of the sexual engineers. They are confident their agenda to remake the family is proceeding according to a plan laid out more than a century ago by the architects of communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. If you think this all sounds like the paranoia of right-wing nut jobs, it doesn’t take much research to see it is a fact of history, which Ward herself has boasted about. Last year Ward gave a speech to a Marxism conference in Melbourne entitled The Role Of The Left In The Struggle For LGBTI Rights, urging a Marxist sexual revolution to liberate us from capitalist oppression. “To smooth the operation of capitalism the ruling class has benefited … from oppressing our bodies, our relationships, sexuality and gender identities alongside sexism, homophobia and transphobia (which) serve to break the spirits of ordinary people (and make us) feel like we should live in small social units and families where we must reproduce and take responsibility for people in those units,” she said. In other words, the traditional family, conventional ideas of male and female, and heterosexual marriage, are all a capitalist plot. This is not just some crazy idea from a La Trobe gender studies academic. Destroying the family is a key teaching of Marx and Engels, who said it was necessary to “liberate” women from their “oppression” to become productive units working for the state. Marriage was “private prostitution”, wrote Marx. Engels called for the abolition of the family, and the collective rearing of children, describing a wife as “a slave of (her husband’s) lust and a mere instrument for the production of children”. This anti-family ideology was adopted with gusto by the post-revolutionary Soviets who passed decrees in 1917 which made divorce easy, recognised only civil marriages, abolished shared family property and banned adoption. In 1918 courts took over parental rights. “True liberation of women, true Communism comes about only when the masses rise up ... against ... small-scale households,” wrote Lenin in 1919. You will find these ideas in every feminism and gender studies course in universities today. But you probably won’t find their real-life consequences, which were catastrophic for Russian society. By 1920, divorces increased 100 fold, the birthrate plummeted, abortions skyrocketed, and 75 per cent of marriages lasted less than six months. Nearly seven million homeless children “roamed the streets, starving, dying of disease, and forming criminal gangs,” wrote Geoffrey Hosking in A History Of The Soviet Union. The Communists tried to reverse their anti-family policies but the damage was done. And now, we are marching in their footsteps, doomed by blissful apathy to repeat the mistake. (Miranda Devine, The Sunday Telegraph, May 29, 2016)

2-Science and the Environment

Sydney weather: Biggest burst of summer to have records teetering The most extensive heatwave of the summer is building over inland Australia, setting up Sydney and much of the state for record-tilting heat over the coming weekend. The extreme heat comes after Sydney mopped up for a second day following Tuesday's heavy rainfall. Damage from the event included a large sinkhole opening up in Point Piper, less than a kilometre from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's house. This Severe Weather Update provides information on high temperatures across inland parts of Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia.

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An area roughly the size of NSW will endure temperatures of 45 degrees or hotter on Saturday, elevating temperatures and fire risks across much of the nation's south east, the Bureau of Meteorology said. For Sydney, wet weather on Tuesday and Wednesday will make way for steadily warmer conditions as the interior heat leaks eastwards. Even coastal areas are going to face scorching temperatures over the coming days. A top of 29 degrees is predicted for Sydney on Thursday before a trio of scorching days, with 36, 39, and 38 degrees forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology for Friday through to Sunday. For places such as Penrith, Thursday's forecast top of 36 degrees will seem almost cool given what's expected after that. Friday to Sunday will see the mercury climb to 44-45 degrees. "This could be the hottest three-day spell on record for the city," Graeme Brittain, a meteorologist with Weatherzone, said. David Martin, a senior climatologist at the bureau, said it was rare for Sydney to record three days in a row of 35 degrees. The last time was in early January 1994. The city has only had four such runs in its history, although it will be hard-pressed to beat the stretch of four days in January 1960, when each day topped 39 degrees and two of them were above 41 degrees. Even if Sydney misses out, the scale and longevity of the abnormal heat is likely to break heat records either for February, or for any month. Big rains this week left a trail of destruction in Sydney, including in Point Piper, where a sinkhole opened up on Wednesday. Three NSW towns are also in the running to beat the current record of 50 days above 35 degrees: Walgett, Moree and Mungindi, Dr Martin said. The largest area of scorching conditions during the current heatwave may come on Saturday (see bureau chart below). The widespread heat has brought at least low-intensity heatwave conditions to large parts of eastern Australia for several days. The coming heat burst will include regions of severe or even extreme heatwave conditions for parts of eastern NSW, the bureau said (see Twitter animation below). The hot spell comes after several days of rain, some of it causing flash floods, in parts of Sydney. Work crews continued to mop up on Wednesday, as well as deal with new problems such as a large sinkhole opening up in Point Piper near a vacant property. Kristy Mirzikinian, who lives on Wentworth Street, said she could smell gas on Tuesday afternoon, and workmen came and were "banging around, breaking down the concrete" at the site. She said she woke on Wednesday to discover the hole had opened up. "I'm just in shock. I can't believe [there is] a hole right across the street from my house," she said. The mansion next to the site is on the market with an asking price of $11.5 million. The "luxury family home with expansive water views" is listed as having six bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a six-car garage and two lap pools, as well as views across Rose Bay. While the rain will have eased the bushfire threat near Sydney, much of the state got little of the rain. The Rural Fire Service is predicting conditions will worsen in coming days, deputy commissioner Rob Rogers said in a tweet: “Have just been looking at the weather for the weekend, and we are going to be in for some more nasty fire weather. #nswfire” Weatherzone's Mr Brittain said the coming heatwave could be the last intense event for Sydney for the summer, with conditions looking milder over the following week or two. After the weekend, Sydney's temperatures should drop back to maximums of 23-26 degrees for the first three days of next week. Most nights will remain well above average for February, the bureau said. (Peter Hannam, SMH, Feb. 8, 2017)

Donald Trump Like Stalin Australia's Chief Scientist Alan Finkel has compared US President Donald Trump's move to censor environmental data with former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's control of science in the USSR. Speaking at a Chief Scientists' roundtable discussion at the Australian National University on Monday, Dr Finkel made his comments saying he was "going off topic" as "science is literally under attack". Dr Finkel said: "The Trump administration has mandated that scientific data published by the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] must undergo review by political appointees before they can be published." In the first week of his presidency Mr Trump's administration informed the EPA it could not send out press releases and no blog messages could be published. The EPA was also told "no new content can be placed on any website". The Chief Scientist told an audience at the ANU's Crawford School of Public Policy that this political control was comparable to Stalin's promotion of Trofim Lysenko's ideas on genetics and evolution in the USSR from the 1920s. Dr Finkel said: "It is reminiscent of the censorship exerted by political officers in the old Soviet Union. Every military commander there had a political officer second-guessing his decisions. "Soviet agricultural science was held back for decades because of the ideology of Trofim Lysenko. Stalin loved Lysenko's conflation of science and Soviet philosophy and used his limitless power to ensure that Lysenko's unscientific ideas prevailed." Dr Finkel said: "While Western scientists embraced evolution and genetics, Russian scientists who thought the same were sent to the gulag. Western crops flourished. Russian crops failed." The Chief Scientist said there was no place for such political control of science. "Frank and fearless advice - no matter the views of the political commissars at the EPA," he said. Dr Finkel said that he valued his independence and was grateful that no Australian prime minister or minister had ever told him what to say. His comments came at the end of a short speech that focused on how he had been managing the review of the National Electricity Market. He pointed out that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg could have asked an economist to chair the review, but had asked him. He came to the role independently, apart from his love of electrons. Dr Finkel said that he had been phoned at 11.40pm on October 6, 2016, after he'd had "one or two whiskys" when Mr Frydenberg requested he chair the review. "But, but, but ... " was his first reaction, but a "tired" minister had already hung up. He agreed to take on the task the next morning. Dr Finkel said there was urgent need to ensure science was at the centre of policy making. He said that in government there were only 22 federal MPs with a background in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM); there is only one of 18 federal departmental heads; no COAG energy ministers; and no premiers. The roundtable was addressed by the New Zealand chief scientific adviser, Peter Gluckman, and Britain's former chief scientist John Beddington. The event was launched by the vice-chancellor of the Australian National University, Brian Schmidt, who lauded the role of the university, which was, in part to "fund ideas too dangerous to be funded outside the university". Professor Schmidt, who is a supporter of the Science in Australia Gender Equity program, also lamented that "universities remain too male dominated". (Marcus Strom, SMH, Feb. 6, 2017)

Andrew Bolt: Increase in polar bear numbers just one example of global warming ‘fake science’ REMEMBER when polar bears were the poster-animal of the global warming scare? Warming was melting their ice, you were told. Scientists and journalists agreed: the bears were starving or drowning. In fact, that great bear scare is one of three big global warming predictions that have just exploded. It’s extraordinary. Have we ever seen so many warming scares go splat in a single month? Polar bears AL Gore in his Oscar-winning propaganda film, An Inconvenient Truth, showed an animation of a polar bear swimming in a hopeless search for ice floes melted by global warming. “A new scientific study shows that for the first time, they’re finding polar bears that have actually drowned,” groaned Gore in his film, shown to a generation of Australian schoolchildren. It was fake science. The four drowned bears found by that one study in fact died in a sudden storm. But don’t let facts get in the way of a good scare. “We’re watching the ice shrink in front of our eyes, and if there is no ice, there are no bears,” insisted Carter Roberts, president of the WWF green group. Journalists exploited questionable data by bear researcher Steven Amstrup to file breathless reports with headlines like “Scientists: Most Polar Bears Dead by 2050”. Coca-Cola sniffed a marketing opportunity. It promoted its Arctic Home project by turning 1.4 billion Coke cans white and decorating them with images of a bear and her cubs. In 2008, even president George Bush’s Interior Secretary gave in to the scare, announcing: “I am listing the polar bear as a threatened species.” But the scare was always baseless. Now the Scientific Working Group to the Canada-Greenland Joint Commission on Polar Bears has confirmed that polar bears now number between 22,633 to 32,257, up from 20,000 to 25,000 a decade ago. The polar bear is not drowning but waving. You were fooled. Western Australia IN 2004, professional alarmist Tim Flannery warned that global warming was killing Perth: “I think there is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis.” Farms around Perth’s corner of Australia would also be blasted. “Its whole primary production is in dire straits and the eastern states are only 30 years behind,” Flannery said. Flannery, later appointed chief climate commissioner by the Gillard government, predicted much of the nation would face critical shortages of drinking water: “Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems.” In fact, global warming would shrivel crops worldwide, warmists claimed. “The United Nations’ food agency has warned that it will be less and less likely that we can feed the human population if climate change continues on its present trajectory,” president of the Australian Conservation Foundation, Professor Ian Lowe, said in 2012. But check now. Perth has already had its wettest summer on record. West Australian growers have also smashed the crop production record this season, breaking the old mark set just three years ago. In fact, farmers around the world last year set another global record for grain crops. And Australia’s city dams are 70 per cent full, up from 52 per cent this time last year. Extreme weather ALARMISTS, embarrassed by so many dud predictions, now simply claim global warming will create more “extreme weather”, so that they seem right whether we get a drought or a flood. Journalists go along with this. This ABC headline from a fortnight ago is typical: “Scientists warn extreme weather is a result of warming planet.” In fact, even the latest report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change could not find clear evidence of more extreme weather overall. Now a huge new report has found that hailstorms, thunderstorms and high wind events in China have actually halved since 1960. China’s weather has got not more extreme, but less.

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“The record we used is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest, both in timescale and area of land covered,” said Fuqing Zhang, professor of meteorology and atmospheric science at Penn State. Those are three big blows to the global warming scaremongers in just one month. Add them to other debunked scares, like the ones about cyclones getting more worse and islands drowning. In fact, 40 per cent of low-lying atoll islands have got bigger, and another 40 per cent are stable. So where is this climate disaster? Why are we spending billions of dollars and wrecking our supply of cheap electricity to stop what isn’t happening? (, Herald Sun, February 20, 2017)

Comments @Kris Thanks for your thoughtful response. I absolutely agree with you that people latch on to simplicity, like polar bear decline, in order to understand complexity, like climate change. However, we have to be careful not to stoop to their level in order to argue against them. I believe you've made the same mistake by attributing polar bear recovery in a far-northern subpopulation, which the researchers claim is explained by a warmer climate, to conclude that arctic ice has stopped receding. You also claim that arctic ice is recovering even though the researchers in the field conclude with remarks to the contrary. I can point to NASA-funded research that also disputes your claim, but at that point you have the easy option of blaming scientific conspiracy to quietly exit the fact-based discussion, even though you are happy to cite scientific research to justify some of your claims. You have to concede that Bolt is drawing the exact opposite conclusion of the researchers who performed the analysis, don't you? Here is another quote from the primary source, please take a look at it. "This is expected to continue with continued sea ice loss. (page 20)" You refer to Bolt 4 times in your reply. There is no point arguing who is trying to discredit whom. I can simply reply that you're desperately trying to defend him. This type of argument goes nowhere. The fact is that the sources Bolt relies on to dispute climate change fundamentally disagree with his conclusion. I have produced to direct quotes to back up my claim. I would appreciate if you would go to the same trouble of finding out some information for yourself and be skeptical of what people tell you. I'm not being sarcastic either, I appreciate this debate and respect Bolt's position as a skeptic. He would make a good scientist. Great article. Of course it's based on cherry-picking things that "support" your political world-veiw. Have you ever considered that you might be wrong? This past weekend that Peta Credlin had a lot to say about Tony Abbott twisting the "climate change" issue to skewer Julia Gillard, but having little understanding of the actual science he was using to successfully prosecute the politics he was pushing. Some elements of science cannot be reduced to a three word slogan no matter how hard you want them too. If you own a mobile phone, you depend on the science that allowed it to be built and used without question, yet you assume you "know better" or "prefer do your own research" on a subject that is many times more complex, and assume that you know best. That alone should give you pause to consider your one-sided support in the privileged space you inhabit. Cec, ABC science reporter Robin Williams claimed sea levels were going to rise by 100 feet in 100 years back in 2009. Now I know linear extrapolation isn't exact science, but 8' in 8 years is the average rate stated. It isn't Jason's job to stop fake scientists making silly predictions. Britain's Met Office this week estimated temperatures will ease back in 2017 as any lingering El Nino boost dissipates. Still, next year is likely to come in as third warmest, underscoring the warming trend in the climate as greenhouse gas concentrations climb ever higher. And there will be more extreme weather events to come. (Peter Hannam, SMH, Dec. 22, 016)

Weird weather 2016: Year of melting ice, monster storms and Australia's big wet If Santa really lived at the North Pole his sleigh would run the risk of falling through the ice this week, empty or fully laden. Temperatures in the high Arctic will approach melting point on Thursday, including near the North Pole, a massive 30 degrees or more above average for this time of the year. A crazy year of world weather From the monster storm that wiped 50m of sand from Collaroy Beach to the deadly wildfires in Tennessee, here is a look at the weather events that shaped 2016. Wide departures from temperature norms – usually on the warm side – have been a feature for a long while in the Arctic but this year's extremes qualify the region as home to probably this year's world's weirdest weather. The polar extremes are part of what is highly likely to be declared as the hottest year in records going back to the 1880s. And so, with 2016 eclipsing both 2015 and 2014, the world would have set a new high mark for three years in a row. Extreme ice melt This week's bizarre temperature forecasts for the North Pole have been a regular – if usually less extreme – feature of 2016 for the Arctic. Many northerly regions, such as in the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario, were 20 degrees above normal for the first half of November, for instance. The situation is even worse further north, with computer modelling forecasting freakishly high temperatures in the high Arctic. Around the North Pole, temperatures were predicted to soar between 40 and 50 degrees above normal, approaching melting points despite this being the coldest time of the year. "That's pretty intense," said Ryan Maue, a meteorologist with WeatherBell Analytics. As a result of warmer air and sea temperatures than normal, Arctic sea ice was 17.7 per cent below the 1981-2010 average in November, and the smallest extent for the month since the satellite era began in 1979, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says. Less sea ice means that there will be less reflection of solar radiation when the sun returns to the far north, and therefore, more heat being absorbed by the now exposed oceans. A similar retreat of sea ice is underway at the other end of the planet. Last month, the extent of the Antarctic sea ice was 11.1 per cent below the 1981-2010 average, also the lowest for this time of year in 37 years of records. The Antarctic story, though, is more complex given the impact of the great southern continent on the climate, with wind strengths one factor in shifting sea-ice totals. Still, the spring sea-ice melt in the south is running about two weeks earlier than average and one week earlier the previous rapid melt, Blair Trewin, senior climatologist at the Bureau of Meteorology, said. Early storms Tropical cyclones had an unusually early start for the year, with Hurricane Pali becoming the earliest such storm on record for the central Pacific basin when it formed on January 11. Only two other January cyclones had formed in the basin since 1949 data began, Weather.com said. Two days later, on January 13, Hurricane Alex formed in the North Atlantic, the first such storm for the month in that basin since 1938, the NOAA, said. Later in January, the north-eastern US copped Winter Storm Jonas, which dumped 70 centimetres (27.5 inches) of snow on New York City, the most since records began in 1868, NOAA said. Scientists have drawn links between the loss of Arctic sea ice (see above) and longer winters across eastern North America as the polar vortex zone of frigid air encircling the Arctic weakens and buckles, sending ice blasts far to the south. Coral bleaching could have been worse El Nino events in the Pacific typically produce unusually warm sea-surface temperatures, which, when overlaid on the background heating from climate change, push coral beyond key tolerance thresholds. For the Great Barrier Reef, the extreme warmth resulted in its worst bleaching event, with more than 22 per cent of the corals dying. Many other reefs around the world also suffered bleaching. Tourism authorities and governments were relieved that the impacts were mostly confined to the northern reefs away from the more accessible corals near Cairns and further to the south. In fact, they have a monster storm to thank for that, with the powerful category-5 Cyclone Winston moving over southern Queensland after devastating Fiji and Tonga with its 285km/h winds in February. The storm worked to cool the waters of the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef long enough and just in time, to prevent worse coral mortality. Extreme heat records Global warming sceptics like to highlight long-standing heat records. But hot-day records are in fact falling much faster than cold day ones. In Australia since 2000, for instance, a record hot day is now occurring 12 times faster than record cold days. During the first half of the 20th century, the ratio was roughly one-to-one, the Bureau of Meteorology says. In 2016, though, the world has also had some bouts of remarkable daily heat, including the 54 degrees recorded in Mitribah, Kuwait, on July 16. According to the Weather Underground blog, it was the hottest on record outside Death Valley in California. The latter, at the aptly named Furnace Creek Ranch, was 56.7 degrees, recorded on July 10, 1913, although historians debate that high mark. Other extreme heat in 2016 included 51 degrees recorded in Phalodi, Rajasthan, in India on May 19, making it the hottest day of record for that country. The previous record of 50.6 degrees was set in May 1886, although a similar and perhaps more reliable reading was also recorded in 1956, the website said. Among the year's most significant heatwaves was one that swept across southern Africa in January, Dr Trewin said. Temperatures reached 43 degrees in Pretoria and 39 degrees in Johannesburg, both cities located more than 1000 metres above sea level, and breaking previous records by about 3 degrees. "They are very high temperatures for such high locations," Dr Trewin said. Strongest storm Whether known as Typhoon Meranti or Ferdie, this tropical cyclone was the most powerful in 2016 when it emerged in September. The Joint Typhoon Warning Centre estimated the storm had one-minute sustained winds reaching 305km/h at its peak as it crossed the Philippines island of Itbayat. More than 10,000 people were affected. It was still powerful when it reached the Chinese mainland, becoming the most powerful storm to hit Fujian province in at least 67 years when standard records began, Agence France Presse reported. Hurricane Matthew was another significant storm, leaving at least 550 dead in the Caribbean nation of Haiti, before causing widespread flooding along the US south-eastern states in October. Typhoon Lionrock at the end of August was described as the worst natural disaster for North Korea in that state's history. Big wet As in every year, there were more than a few candidates for large-scale flood events. The US provided several, including severe floods in May in Texas, and the widespread heavy falls along the eastern seaboard in September when Hurricane Hermine became the first hurricane to make landfall in Florida in 11 years and then hugged the coast as it moved northwards. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 70

The most costly floods, though, probably came in the Yangtze River region of China, where sustained rains caused a damage bill of more than $10 billion and left hundreds dead. Central and western Europe also saw big floods in Paris in June. Australia, though, warrants a mention because of the share scale and sustained nature of much of the rainfall. It was officially Australia's second-wettest winter, but taking the five months from May, the big wet was even more notable, especially for the eastern half of the country which had record rain. These include south-east Asia and southern Africa. While the latter region has had reasonable summer rains recently, the region has a long way to go before the dry years of 2014-15 and 2015-16 are made up, Dr Trewin said. One positive in 2016 was a good monsoon in the sub-continent after a couple dry years. Hottest month From a climate point of view July is typically the hottest month of the year. Temperatures over land fluctuate more than over water, and during northern summers more land is facing the sun than in southern summers so the mercury is higher than in January. And so, with the lingering effects of the El Nino, this past July was the hottest month recorded, according to NOAA. Average temperatures were 16.67 degrees across the planet that month, beating the previous July – then a record – by 0.06 degrees. The biggest departure from the norm, though, came earlier in 2016. March was 1.23 degrees higher than the 20th century average, pipping the previous month for the record. Of the 15 warmest monthly anomalies for global temperatures, all but one of them – January 2007 – have occurred since the start of 2015, NOAA says. And if you were wondering when the last below- average month was globally, you have to go back to December 1984. Assuming December 2016 doesn't freeze over in the next week, the tally of above- average months in a row will be 384 by year's end. Hottest year With so many warm months in both 2016 and 2015, this year is likely to only just edge out last year as the hottest on record. Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies, tells Fairfax Media this year will come in at about 0.14 degrees warmer than 2015. NOAA, which includes less of the exceptional warming in the Arctic than NASA, will probably report a narrower margin of about 0.04 degrees, he estimates. Might not feel like it today, but 2016 will be the warmest year in the surface temperature records, 1.2ºC/2ºF above the late 19th C pic.twitter.com/npGM1741Vf

— Gavin Schmidt (@ClimateOfGavin) December 15, 2016. While both years were boosted by an El Nino, a weather pattern in the Pacific that results in less heat being absorbed into the ocean compared with neutral years. That said, it is notable that both 2015 and 2016 will be about one-third of a degree warmer than the year of the biggest El Nino event on record, which sharply lifted temperatures in 1998. (See NOAA chart) Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun Scientists’ warnings that the rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States’ coastline are no longer theoretical. NORFOLK, Va. — Huge vertical rulers are sprouting beside low spots in the streets here, so people can judge if the tidal floods that increasingly inundate their roads are too deep to drive through. Five hundred miles down the Atlantic Coast, the only road to Tybee Island, Ga., is disappearing beneath the sea several times a year, cutting the town off from the mainland. And another 500 miles on, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., increased tidal flooding is forcing the city to spend millions fixing battered roads and drains — and, at times, to send out giant vacuum trucks to suck saltwater off the streets. For decades, as the global warming created by human emissions caused land ice to melt and ocean water to expand, scientists warned that the accelerating rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States’ coastline. Now, those warnings are no longer theoretical: The inundation of the coast has begun. The sea has crept up to the point that a high tide and a brisk wind are all it takes to send water pouring into streets and homes. Federal scientists have documented a sharp jump in this nuisance flooding — often called “sunny-day flooding” — along both the East Coast and the Gulf Coast in recent years. The sea is now so near the brim in many places that they believe the problem is likely to worsen quickly. Shifts in the Pacific Ocean mean that the West Coast, partly spared over the past two decades, may be hit hard, too. These tidal floods are often just a foot or two deep, but they can stop traffic, swamp basements, damage cars, kill lawns and forests, and poison wells with salt. Moreover, the high seas interfere with the drainage of storm water. In coastal regions, that compounds the damage from the increasingly heavy rains plaguing the country, like those that recently caused extensive flooding in Louisiana. Scientists say these rains are also a consequence of human greenhouse emissions. “Once impacts become noticeable, they’re going to be upon you quickly,” said William V. Sweet, a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Silver Spring, Md., who is among the leaders in research on coastal inundation. “It’s not a hundred years off — it’s now.” Local governments, under pressure from annoyed citizens, are beginning to act. Elections are being won on promises to invest money to protect against flooding. Miami Beach is leading the way, increasing local fees to finance a $400 million plan that includes raising streets, installing pumps and elevating sea walls. In many of the worst-hit cities, mayors of both parties are sounding an alarm. “I’m a Republican, but I also realize, by any objective analysis, the sea level is rising,” said Jason Buelterman, the mayor of tiny Tybee Island, one of the first Georgia communities to adopt a detailed climate plan. (Justin Gillissept, NY Times, August 3, 2016)

3 - Economics

The ugly side of politics we rarely hear about You may think the media is full of the argy-bargy of politics, full to saturation point. There is, however, a level of politics we rarely hear about. You may not have noticed, but it raised its ugly head at the time of the budget earlier this month. One sign was the anger, almost outrage, of the big banks when, on budget night, Scott Morrison surprised them by announcing a small new tax on them. Why weren't we consulted about this, they shouted. Just a few days earlier, Education Minister Simon Birmingham surprised us by announcing the government's conversion to needs-based federal grants to schools, a la St David of Gonski. The Catholic school authorities were deeply saddened. Birmingham's plan was to gradually unwind decades of special sectarian deals, the most recent of which had been made with the previous Labor government. Why in Heaven's Name weren't we consulted before this unholy decision was made public, they cried. When I heard both interest groups making their loud complaints I reacted the same way. Who the hell do these guys think they are? You and I don't expect to be consulted before governments announce their policy decisions, so what gives these people the right to special treatment? Well, I'll tell you: it's because that's the way they're used to being treated. Governments are considering making changes affecting a powerful and vocal interest group, so they – and more particularly, the top bureaucrats in the relevant government department – engage in private discussions with industry leaders and lobbyists. If Birmingham decided on a new school funding arrangement without consulting the most-affected interest groups, it must have been because he knew they'd move heaven and earth in their efforts to ensure it didn't happen. And, come to think of it, it's not all that unusual for new tax measures to be announced in the budget without prior consultation. You could justify this as necessary to ensure people aren't able to profit from inside information. But I suspect it happens also because Treasury likes it that way. In the annual preparation for the budget, which goes on for months, Treasury ensures decisions about tax changes are made just days before budget night. That way, there's no time to consult and no time for ministers to be dissuaded from acting. So the consultation happens after the move has been announced, when the government would lose face if it backed down too far. Indeed, major tax and policy changes are invariably put into an industry consultation phase before being legislated. You can justify this practice by saying the world's become a complicated place and that the affected industry will always have an understanding of the practicalities of implementation that's superior to the bureaucrats'. But there's more to it. I think industry representatives are routinely consulted on policy matters affecting them because, in practice, elected governments have come to share their power with a multitude of lobby groups. You and I don't see the huge extent of contact that occurs between peak industry groups, consultant lobbyists and visiting executives, on one hand, and ministers, parliamentarians and bureaucrats on the other. Indeed, we non-Canberrans don't realise the extent to which lobbying has become that city's second-biggest industry. That's particularly so if you include Canberra's small army of economic consultants, who earn their living by concocting "independent" modelling which, purely by chance, always seems to prove their clients' case. And that's not counting the big four accounting firms which, when they're not doing "independent" modelling for the small fee, give extensive – and no doubt expensive – consulting advice on policy questions to government departments. Why do they need such advice? Why is policy expertise moving from the public service to outside consultants? Because the yearly imposition of "efficiency dividends" on government departments means they keep getting rid of their policy experts. The words "false economy" spring to mind. For an idea of just how big the lobbying industry has become, consider this. Buried in the budget was an announcement that the government had accepted the recommendations of a review of the financial system's arrangements for resolving external disputes. Some lobby groups were unhappy with this decision, so last week they issued a press release saying so. It was issued in the name of six industry groups: the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia, the Customer Owned Banking Association, the Australian Collectors & Debt Buyers Association, the Association of Securities and Derivatives Advisers of Australia, the Australian Timeshare and Holiday Ownership Council, and the Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (each with their own logo). But if all the industry groups and other lobbyists did was issue press releases there would be little to worry about. Lobbying in public is just the tip of the iceberg. What matters is all the private contact with bureaucrats, ministers and politicians, particularly crossbench The Christian Herald No 33 Page 71 senators, we know nothing about. Late last year I wrote prematurely about an eye-opening book by Dr Cameron Murray and Professor Paul Frijters, Game of Mates, which has finally been published. The book reminds us that one way moneyed interests gain influence in the halls of power is by rewarding co-operative senior bureaucrats and politicians with post-retirement patronage. You too could be gamekeeper-turned-lobbyist. (Ross Gittins, SMH, May 31, 2017)

Germany warns the [London] City over Brexit risk One of Germany's most senior banking regulators has warned London that it is likely to lose its role as "the gateway to Europe" for vital financial services. Dr Andreas Dombret, executive board member for the German central bank, the Bundesbank, said that even if banking rules were "equivalent" between the UK and the rest of the European Union, that was "miles away from access to the single market". Mr Dombret's comments were made at a private meeting of German businesses and banks organised by Boston Consulting Group in Frankfurt earlier this week. They give a clear - and rare - insight into Germany's approach as Britain starts the process of leaving the European Union. And that approach is hawkish. "The current model of using London as a gateway to Europe is likely to end," Mr Dombret said at the closed-door event. Mr Dombret made it clear that he did not support a "confrontational approach" to future relations between the UK's substantial financial services sector and the EU. But he argued there was "intense uncertainty" about how the Brexit negotiations would progress and significant hurdles to overcome. The Bundesbank executive, who is responsible for banking and financial supervision, said he was concerned that the trend towards internationally agreed standards was under pressure. And that Britain might try to become the "Singapore of Europe" following Brexit, by cutting taxes and relaxing financial regulations to encourage banks and businesses to invest in the UK. 'Race to the bottom' "Brexit fits into a certain trend we are seeing towards renationalisation," he said. "I strongly believe that this negatively affects the well-being of us all. "We should therefore invest all our efforts in containing these trends. "This holds for the private sector as well as for supervisors and policymakers in the EU and the UK. "Some voices are calling for deregulation after Brexit," he continued. "One such example is the 'financial centre strategy' that is being discussed as a fallback option for the City of London. "Parts of this recipe are low corporate taxes and loose financial regulation. "We should not forget that strictly supervised and well-capitalised financial systems are the most successful ones in the long run. "The EU will not engage in a regulatory race to the bottom." At present, London operates as the financial services capital for the EU. More than a third of all wholesale banking between larger businesses, governments and pension funds takes place in Britain. Nearly 80% of all foreign exchange transactions in the EU are carried out in the UK. The business is valued in trillions of pounds, with billions of pounds being traded every day to insure companies, for example, against interest rate changes, currency fluctuations and inflation risk. If there were significant changes to the present free-trading relationship between Britain and the EU, that could have a major impact on the value of the financial services to the UK and on the one million people employed in the sector. Mr Dombret said it would also have an impact on German businesses which use London as a source of funding. Transition period? Some banks are hoping that, with the government looking to fully leave the single market, an "equivalence regime" can be agreed where the UK and the EU recognise each other's regulatory standards. That would allow cross-border transactions to continue with few regulatory hurdles. But Mr Dombret said that equivalence had "major drawbacks" and was not an "ideal substitute". "I am very sceptical about whether equivalence decisions offer a sound footing for banks' long-term location decisions," he said. "Equivalence is miles away from single market access. "Equivalence decisions are reversible, so banks would be forced to adjust to a new environment in the event that supervisory frameworks are no longer deemed equivalent. "These lead to the overall conclusion that equivalence decisions are no ideal substitute for passporting [which allows banks in one EU country to operate in another as part of the single market]." Whatever the arrangements, Mr Dombret said that a "transition period" would ease the pressure of change and reduce what he described as the "earnings risk". "Let me say that I expect London to remain an important financial centre," Mr Dombret told the audience. "Nevertheless, I also expect many UK-based market participants to move at least some business units to the EU in order to hedge against all possible outcomes of the negotiations." One of the biggest EU-focused businesses in the UK is euro-denominated clearing - insurance products called derivatives, which allow companies to protect themselves from movements in currencies, interest rates and inflation. Three-quarters of the multi-trillion-pounds-a-day market is executed in London and a recent report from the accountancy firm EY estimated that nearly 83,000 jobs could be lost in Britain over the next seven years if clearing has to move to an EU member state following Brexit. Mr Dombret said it was difficult to see how euro-clearing could remain in London, as it depended on the "acceptance of the European Court of Justice" as the arbiter of the thousands of legal contracts signed between counter-parties, many of which last for years. Britain has made it clear that it does not want to be bound by ECJ judgements once it has left the EU. "I see strong arguments for having the bulk of the clearing business inside the euro area," Mr Dombret said. (Kamal Ahmed, BBC News, Feb. 10, 2017)

Should I declare my inheritance and trust to Centrelink? I am 60 and my wife is 59. I am thinking about retiring in the next year or two. We are debt free and own our home and we are in good health. I work full time earning $76,000 a year and am a member of two super funds. SASS is a defined benefit scheme with $577,000, into which I contribute 1 per cent of my salary fortnightly. The other is First State with $200,000, into which I salary sacrifice $100 fortnightly. We also have $180,000 in direct shares, $90,000 over three managed funds, $30,000 in the bank and one year of accumulated long service leave. We are unsophisticated when it comes to managing money and how to set up our finances when I retire. One instance of this is the SASS pension option that is available to us – of the $577,000 we can take a part lump sum and leave $307,000 and receive a pension of $916 a fortnight for the rest of my life. If my wife survives me she will be paid 66 per cent of the $916 until she dies. We have two sons aged 30 and 28, who are paying off their own mortgages. When the time comes to retire should we sign up for the SASS pension and run the risk of getting run over by a bus on the way home or should we draw out everything and roll it into one and get paid an amount to live on? G.S.

The pension you get for life for your purchase price of $307,000 is very generous and considerably higher than any annuity you could buy with the same money. I would certainly take the pension, unless you and your wife both fear health problems have considerably shortened your life expectancy. You need to advise Centrelink of an inheritance. Just be careful when crossing the street! I received an inheritance in cash from my mother and I am on Newstart. I used some of it to pay off my home and have invested the rest in a family trust, with a corporate trustee, of whom I am the director and one of the beneficiaries. My two daughters, 16 and 19, are the other two beneficiaries. Both are in study, the elder has a part-time income. The money is a normal savings account with no great interest to think of. When I draw on the funds in the trust to use them for something, do I have to declare that to Centrelink? Being in the trust are they still considered to be inheritance funds? I know I have to declare any income I make from it, but the capital itself? I have never advised Centrelink of the inheritance to date, since March 2016. N.W. Yes, you should have declared the inheritance and the trust to Centrelink. Since you will be deemed to control a private company or private trust, those assets and income will be treated as yours. You will probably need to repay what Centrelink calculates to be overpayments.

My wife and I are retired and were previously entitled to a part-pension that ceased on January 1, due to exceeding the asset limit. My wife has an annuity of $50,000 and cash of $100,000. I have cash of $320,000, term deposit of $75,000 and Australian shares worth $200,000. We have an self- managed super fund with $200,000, which is currently all in cash. Is it possible to transfer personally held shares into the fund without going through the normal buy/sell requirements? If not (I understand cash cannot be transferred) and with most of the assets outside the super fund is the fund worth retaining? Account costs for Tax Office requirements are expensive. I was planning to invest the SMSF into a listed investment company or a managed fund but now query the wisdom in retaining the fund at all. J.H.

Being over age pension age (that is, over 65) and retired, you are unable to make contributions into a super fund. A transfer of shares into your super account is seen as a contribution and thus not possible. If your wife is under 65, you may be able to transfer shares into her super account, in which case you can do so using a standard transfer form from the share registrars of each company. Be keenly aware that such a transfer triggers a capital gain or loss. Alternatively, your super fund can buy the shares from you at the ASX closing price on the day, and, again, you can transfer using the standard forms. You can do this at any age because these are purchases, not contributions. Be sure to talk to your accountant. I see an SMSF as suitable to someone who wants to invest his own money, have a degree of control over it, and enjoy doing so. A fund with $200,000 in it could meet that objective if that is what you want. I find it unusual that you would retain an equally sized share portfolio in your own name but keep your super fund, which is no more than a tax shelter, in cash. If you have any doubts about wanting to run your super fund, then you probably shouldn't and you might find yourself a lot happier rolling the money over into a public super fund, such as an industry fund or a low-cost wholesale fund, such as Colonial First The Christian Herald No 33 Page 72

State's. Then simply wind up the SMSF. If you have a question for George Cochrane, send it to Sunday Money, PO Box 3001, Tamarama, NSW, 2026. All questions answered. Helplines: Financial Ombudsman, 1300 780 808; Centrelink pensions, 13 23 00

Australia’s national debt heading towards $1 Trillion AUSTRALIA’S national debt bill will blow out above an alarming $1 trillion within the next 10 years if the government is blocked from passing budget savings, Treasurer Scott Morrison will warn for the first time today. Painting a new doomsday debt scenario, Mr Morrison will also reveal that the country is running out of time to arrest a disaster inherited from Labor that is now racing towards the symbolic 13-figure number. In a plea to the Senate crossbench to act in the national interest, Mr Morrison will spell out in the most forceful language to date the consequences of the government’s budget measures again being blocked by Labor. “Whether the measures that are necessary to return to budget balance are supported is yet to be seen,” he will say in the first of a series of landmark speeches he intends to make over the next several weeks. “Failure to do so, in the worst-case scenario, will see our gross debt rise to more than $1 trillion — one thousand billion dollars — in the next 10 years.” While wanting to avoid overly alarmist language, such as Paul Keating’s warning of a “banana republic”, Mr Morrison will certainly raise the spectre of a recession. He will caution that the country has between five and seven years to deal with the debt problem in the likely scenario of an eventual economic slowdown from China. The Treasurer said Labor’s plan to raise taxes was not the answer. “I do not want my kids to know what a recession is and everything that goes along with that,” he said. “I recognise that in the absence of a ‘recession we have to have’, or the threat of ‘becoming a banana republic’, achieving necessary change will be more frustrating and more difficult. “But it is no less necessary, and achieving it this way is far better than the alternative.” Mr Morrison said the country had a choice because budget savings could avert the worst-case scenario. “In the next five to seven years we have an opportunity to prepare our country for what lays ahead and to set our nation up for a new generation of growth and prosperity,” he said. “As a government, we inherited $240 billion in accumulated deficits and a debt of $317 billion projected to increase to $667 billion over the next 10 years. As a government to date, we have acted to reduce that projected debt by $55 billion. “However we are still a long way from where we must be, and time is running out to get there. “Deficits have proven stubborn, despite applying significant expenditure controls. Our debt now stands at around $430 billion, with interest payments at $16 billion this year.” (Simon Benson, The Daily Telegraph, August 25, 2016)

Tax Airbnb hosts to provide affordable housing We live in a world where technology is disrupting old business models. Whether it be Uber, Deliveroo or Airbnb – the web has broken down the layers between consumers and service providers with both positive and negative consequences, depending on where you sit in the chain. I've just returned from Berlin where the city has passed a law making it illegal to rent out entire apartments using the global accommodation website Airbnb. This follows similar moves in San Francisco and elsewhere as a response to locals fed up with being forced out of an already highly pressured housing market. Following the acquisition of several Collingwood properties to build the East-West Link, homeless activists took up residence in available houses. Now they're refusing to leave, saying the government isn't dealing with the housing crisis in Melbourne. Vision courtesy ABC News 24. Billboards around town make local sentiments clear. "F--- Airbnb," they say. In a city such as Berlin, famous for its rent controls and progressive social policies protecting tenants’ rights, perhaps the negative reaction is not altogether unexpected. At any rate, it didn't seem to be working because I had rented out an Airbnb place in the centre of Kruetzberg without a hitch. So how practical is such a ban and should we consider doing the same in Australia where the housing situation is worse – with a whole generation effectively locked out of the housing market? In the future will apartments in popular locations simply become Airbnb cash cows – and entire apartment blocks in Bondi or St Kilda become unofficial and unregulated Airbnb hotels? It seems obvious that these sites, which fit into the access economy umbrella (not to be confused with the more egalitarian share economy), simply add to the pressure on housing by further limiting the affordable rental options for locals and instead changing premium prices for cashed-up tourists. Two landmark court cases in Melbourne recently ruled in favour of property owners – their tenants were not allowed to sublet the owners' property on Airbnb without permission – and that other property owners or the body corporate couldn't stop owners from renting out their properties. So under law it is only those of us fortunate enough to own property who can benefit from such platforms – further widening the gap between rich property owners and those simply trying to break into the market. On the other hand, I know of people in Melbourne who have no other income; hosting on Airbnb becomes a lifeline. And let's be honest – Airbnb hasn't created the inner city housing shortage – cities around the world have been experiencing that long before these platforms came along. But it could make it worse if it is left unregulated at the whim of market forces. As someone who has travelled extensively for several decades and frequently made use of online platforms including Airbnb and Couchsurfing as both a host and a guest – it strikes me as rather pointless to try to tame the free will of people to use such platforms as they choose. One could end up a bitter old man raising fists against the inevitable onrush of modernity. But there is a strong argument for governments to regulate – directing tax revenue from such platforms to building new, more accessible housing options for locals. If even a small percentage of tax revenue from Airbnb hosts was directed towards building affordable housing for locals locked out of the property market that couldchange the equation and redress the negative consequences of the new online economy. In addition, we can all play a role by playing fair in the new online marketplace. Call me idealistic, but if Airbnb hosts exercise a modicum of restraint in their pricing they might find they have a more positive experience by generating goodwill among their guests. When Couchsurfing first become popular in the early 2000s it was built on a spirit of idealism and solidarity with a global community of travellers. In 2016, Airbnb has become like Couchsurfing for the middle classes. Attempting to ban such sites as Berlin has done is not the way to go – but that needn't mean we lose sight of the idealism and globalism of the original vision of a global shared economy. Leadership from governments can help to strike the right balance. Rather than contributing to the serious problem of an inaccessible housing market – global accommodation websites could become part of the solution. (James Norman, SMH, August 22, 2016)


Marriage equality campaigners vilify Christians to the bitter end ONLY two days left to return your same-sex marriage postal survey, and the campaign is ending the way it began — with rainbow fascists silencing dissent and demonising Christians. The latest display of “tolerance” comes from The Rose Hotel in Chippendale, which has banned a group of young Christians from holding their monthly meeting in the pub’s beer garden because patrons complained that gay marriage was being discussed. Tomorrow night’s Theology on Tap meeting, titled Listening as a Form of Love, has been cancelled after organiser Natalie Ambrose received an email on Friday afternoon from The Rose Hotel licensee George Kanellos. “I’m terribly sorry to inform you that we can no longer let you host your event with us in the beer garden,” the email said. “We’ve experienced some backlash from customers, and within these complaints they have threatened not to return if these events continue… I was told by staff yesterday that worked the previous event that 4 different groups of people got up and left and, out of the two groups, we were told that they might not ever come back. “It was about the debate of marriage equality that had frustrated these groups and our locals.” Kanellos refused to comment when contacted on Friday, but confirmed he had cancelled the Theology on Tap booking on the first Monday of every month, which attracts 200 to 300 people. The event which so antagonised Rose Hotel patrons was a talk last month by American nun Sister Mary Patrice Ahearn titled, ironically enough, Resilient Faith: How to Survive When Under Attack. The talk, organised by the University of Notre Dame’s Catholic chaplaincy, was not about gay marriage, but how to cope with being attacked for your faith. Sister Patrice quoted the Gospels: “If the world hates you know that it has hated me before it hated you.” She mentioned gay marriage as one issue, along with euthanasia, for which Christians would be persecuted. “Most of us are feeling… tension, conflict, disruption in relationships, because of these issues,” she said. She urged her audience to find “common ground between the two sides… I’m sure most of us in this room know or love someone who’s gay. Persons with same-sex attraction desire love, friendship and intimacy as much as you or I do.” In other words, she could not have been more loving or charitable. But for the “tyrants of tolerance”, anything a nun says has to be hate speech, and discrimination against Christians is the highest sign of virtue. It’s part of what former High Court justice Dyson Heydon describes as “the new de-Christianisation campaign… the tyrants of tolerance pay lip service, but only lip service, to freedom of religion as a fundamental human right,” he said in a speech last month. “Modern elites do not desire tolerance. They demand unconditional surrender”. There’s no way an LGBTIQ group would be treated so shabbily as Theology on Tap, not least because sexual orientation and every other permutation of human diversity — except religious belief — is protected under anti-discrimination laws. Freedom not to serve people with whom you disagree only cuts one way. It is perfectly lawful for a pub to hang a “No Christians” sign in its window, which effectively is what The Rose Hotel has done. Vilifying Christians has been a hallmark of the same-sex marriage campaign. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 73

Rainbow bullies have physically attacked No volunteers, spat on them, stolen their placards, vandalised their churches, racially vilified them, blockaded their meetings. They abused Catholic students at Sydney University as “homophobes”, “bigots”, “neo-Nazis” and “gay-bashers”. “Go wank yourself off at home with your f ... ing Jesus picture”, they screamed, on video. They graffitied “Crucify No voters” on church walls, and stormed a Coalition for Marriage launch, chanting “crucify Christians”, and brandished a banner reading: “Burn Churches not Queers”. The frightening intolerance of the rainbow fascists has been on display for everyone to see during the plebiscite process. But disappointingly few high-profile people stood up to defend traditional marriage — not one member of Cabinet, few religious leaders, no business leaders or sports bodies, almost no one in the media — even those regarded as conservatives. So cowed is the business community that it is refusing to be associated with the Catholic Church. One bank, which previously had donated to an archdiocesean annual appeal, this year grudgingly agreed to donate a smaller amount but on the condition its name was kept secret. Any wonder that “No” voters have kept their opinions to themselves, and that published polls are wildly out of kilter with the reality that No campaigners have found on the ground? No voters “feel like dissidents in their own country”, as the ACL’s Lyle Shelton puts it. For all the criticism, with voter turnout at 80 per cent the process has been a success, and most importantly has galvanised a new generation of social conservatives, as Tony Abbott said last week. Shelton says they are part of a “dissident movement against the elites and the celebrities and the media”. “Win or lose, they’re determined to keep fighting for freedom.” If the Yes vote gets up, religious freedom will be the battleground. (Miranda Devine, Sunday telegraph, Nov 18, 2017)

The ALP’s useful idiots Bill Shorten has allowed Labor to succumb to the siren song of intellectually bankrupt identity politics When Vladimir Lenin coined the phrase “useful idiots” in politics, he gave us a handy way of understanding Bill Shorten’s Labor Party. As identity politics has taken hold of our major public institutions and private companies, Labor politicians have played along. In wanting to help so-called “oppressed minorities”, they have fallen into the trap of naively assisting the far more dangerous agenda of cultural Marxism. In the eyes of this far-Left movement, they are very useful idiots. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, most people thought Marxism had been defeated. But this was only true of economic Marxism — government control of the means of production. Like a scene from a Terminator movie, neo-Marxists reassembled themselves, morphing into an even more menacing force. They adopted the tactics of the Italian writer Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). Instead of seeking economic control, they pursued cultural control by manipulating the beliefs, values and language of society. Gramsci proposed a “long march through the institutions”, steadily taking over universities, schools, media outlets and government agencies by appointing like-minded people to senior positions. Sound familiar? This is what has happened to Australia over the past 20 years. Political correctness is being used to control our language. Gender fluidity courses in schools are being used to teach young people there is no such thing as fixed, biological science. Post-structuralist Marxism is now the dominant ideology in Australia’s universities, such that students are being made to “unlearn” all prior knowledge and to regard history, science and even education itself as “capitalist constructs”. Employment quotas and theories of “unconscious bias” are dismantling merit-based recruitment, with people hired by the medieval habit of how they look (skin colour and gender). The overall impact has been to create a society devoid of certainty, drained of institutional ballast. Cultural Marxism aims to convince people their true beliefs and identities in life are being repressed, that in feeling anxious and uneasy, they need to rise up against the existing social order. It’s a powerful movement that started in the underbelly of our institutions and now dominates around 80 per cent of Australian public life. The rest of us, the 20 per cent, are the resistance. I say these things from a background in the right-wing of the Labor Party, where I fought the Left internally on most issues. But I’m not the only one saying it. Peter Baldwin, the intellectual leader of the Socialist Left faction in the period of the Hawke and Keating governments, has been making similar points. He has called for a new political alliance: for conservatives, libertarians and traditional social democrats to unite in preserving the values of the 17th-century Enlightenment. To defend freedom, science and reason. To fight for fraternity: bringing people together in common cause. This is where Shorten and Labor have lost the plot. Identity politics is an incredibly divisive doctrine. It pits Australians against each other: black versus white, female versus male, gay versus straight. The neo-Marxists like it this way, as it creates the preconditions of political unrest: large parts of society agitating on spurious grounds. Why would Labor ever endorse it? The founding purpose of social democracy is to encourage co-operation between people, transcending self- interest and superficial differences such as skin colour. Under Shorten’s leadership, the ALP has ditched this kind of thinking. It’s now a wholly owned subsidiary of identity politics, where questions of race, gender and sexuality are central to its policymaking. Shorten believes Australia is so bigoted that a democratic vote on same-sex marriage would force large numbers of gay people to kill themselves — a false prophecy. He sees Aboriginal, migrant and female Australians as victims of institutionalised prejudice. He has said an ALP government will actively discriminate in favour of these groups. This means more safe space segregation, more language policing, more radical gender theory, more job quotas and more damaging social division. In effect, the Daniel Andrews Labor model in Victoria will be imported to Canberra. These policies are not only wrong but unnecessary. Research has consistently shown Australia to be one of the most tolerant nations on earth. A major study inside the Prime Minister’s Department earlier this year found that, if anything, we tend to overcompensate in supporting women, migrants and Aborigines, in giving them a fair go. For the cultural Marxists, the purpose of identity politics is not to empower so-called minorities but to tear down perceived majorities — most notably, white straight men. In the same-sex marriage debate, for instance, the Yes campaign is remarkably unconcerned by the need to protect religious freedoms. Christians are expected to suffer into the future, just as gays claim to have suffered in the past. Similarly, radical left feminists are not intent on empowering women, but disenfranchising men — to make them pay for past perceptions of privilege. Recently, a Mark Latham’s Outsiders viewer wrote to me describing how, in his workplace in Melbourne, men were being sacked under a policy of eliminating “stale, pale males”. Division of this kind is sparking bitter resentment. It’s destroying social capital and the cause of Labor. The one person with a moral duty to speak out against it is Shorten. Yet he sees his role as egging it on. This is a stunning betrayal of social democracy: a Labor leader who has lit a Bonfire of the Vengeances, with Australians fighting each other on the basis of race, gender and sexuality. Truly a useful idiot. (www.marklathamsoiutdiders.com, Sept 17, 2017)

Thailand tops the list of deadly destinations for Australian travellers Officials urged Australians to take out travel insurance if travelling to Thailand. Thailand is the most dangerous destination for Australian tourists, with 203 deaths recorded in the last year. Philippines was next with 126 deaths, followed by Indonesia, the United States and Vietnam. The main causes of death were illness, natural causes and accidents. The figures are part of an annual Consular State of Play report, issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Thailand also topped the list of consular cases (893), hospitalisations (195) and missing persons’ reports (74) during the 2016/17 financial year. Officials urged Australians to take out travel insurance and warned of the limits to the consular services available. "We may limit our assistance if we consider the circumstances warrant, for example, where the person's actions were illegal, or has put themselves or others at risk through deliberate or repeated reckless or negligent acts, or the person has a pattern of behaviour that has required multiple instances of consular assistance previously. "The Australian Government cannot get Australians out of prison or detention overseas, or prevent an Australian from being deported." Australians made 10 million overseas trips in the 2016/17 financial year. (Liam Cochrane, ABC News, 5/10/2017)

YES, VOTERS DO THINK YOU ARE RUDE ANOTHER week and fresh examples of bullying from gay marriage supporters surface. Hobart’s Wrest Point Casino cancelled a Coalition for Marriage event. And a Westpac staff email urging a Yes vote to “prevent” 3000 suicides a year (more than Australia’s entire annual toll) before the bank apologised for the wild inaccuracy, not to mention the despicable emotional blackmail. Whether it’s songs branding No voters “bigoted c … s”, Christian students kicked and pelted with at Sydney Uni, Margaret Court demonised, LGBTIQ activists storming a Coalition for Marriage event chanting “crucify Christians”, or an 18-year-old sacked for supporting the No case, the abuse overwhelmingly is from one direction. Now exclusive polling from the No camp shows the public’s attitude to the Yes camp is turning sour. The percentage of 1200 respondents who agreed the “Yes campaign” was “polite and respectful” fell from 40 per cent on August 19 to 31 per cent on September 25, on par with the No campaign at 32pc. At the same time, the portion of voters who thought the Yes campaign was “not polite and respectful” rose from 26 per cent to 43 per cent, with the No campaign stable at 39 per cent. The media has long portrayed defenders of traditional marriage as vile bigots. But voters are beginning to see who the real bigots are. (Miranda Devine, Sunday telegraph, Oct 8, 2017)

The Christian Herald No 33 Page 74

Acclaimed chef Marco Pierre White says Sydney does food better than Melbourne, BRITISH celebrity chef Marco Pierre White cemented his reputation as the godfather of modern cooking by being the youngest chef to receive three Michelin stars. Recently in Sydney to film Hell’s Kitchen Australia (screening August 6, 7pm on Channel 7) and to launch Air BnB’s new food and beverage travel experiences, he is typically outspoken in judging the local food scene. Where do you stand on the Sydney v Melbourne debate? I think the food in Sydney is better than Melbourne. I know people maybe think that’s a controversial statement because I know they say Melbourne is the capital of food in Australia. I don’t think so. I think how I’ve seen the food improve over 10 years is amazing, it’s been a revolution. Why do you think that is? People’s want to eat well is greater, people’s want to cook better at home is greater therefore produce has got better. Plus, lots of young chefs have travelled globally to train and come back to Australia and brought that knowledge. Does Sydney rate on a global scale? Sydney is one of the great eating capitals of the world and what it is really good at is that middle market restaurant where you eat well for affordable prices. You can’t say that about London for example. London is very expensive and if you are going to eat well in London, you have to spend. Where do you rate in Sydney? When I was filming Hell’s Kitchen I was living in Bondi and I found some great little places. There was a chef called Ian who was off the main strip and he was on a little corner and he just cooked really good food. I must have dined there (Drake Eatery) 20 times in two months. Did you like Bondi? They’ve got this culture of little cafes/restaurants in Bondi and they’re really good. I went to one, I had brunch, and it was so good I went back a week later for dinner. It was just very nice and understated and cool and deliciously fresh food. And those little cafes in Bondi where you have brunch in the morning and a cup of coffee — just sensational. I don’t think anywhere in the world does brunch as well. Because of the food or the coffee? You can’t get a bad cup of coffee in Sydney, I don’t think you can say that about any other city in the world. You get really good coffee in Australia. They make coffee like nowhere else in the world. You established a reputation for being fearsome in the kitchen, have you mellowed? It was 30 years ago and it’s still with me. It’s just extraordinary, you don’t talk to any another chef about what they were doing 30 years ago but they want to talk about me 30 years ago. Because legend has it that you made Gordon Ramsay cry. Did you? He did cry. Just the once. It was his last day so I suppose it was a combination of pressure of service and of him leaving. And whenever you leave a job it’s always emotional when you’ve had a good time there. Did any of the celeb contestants on Hell’s Kitchen cry? Yes, I think they did actually. Kitchens seem gentler these days, would you be the chef you are today if you had come up through the ranks in a kinder environment? When I was a boy cooking was a blue collar trade and they were working class people in that industry. It was no different to working down the mines or in a factory. I wouldn’t be that man, no. You had a well-publicised spat with Matt Preston, do you still have beef with him? I’ve said what I’ve said. I haven’t seen Matt for over a year now. I’ve not spoken to him. Why team up with Air BnB? The Air BnB experience is something very different, you get to learn and sniff out the culture of a city, which I think is really important. When I fly into a city, I don’t know where to go but want to discover that city. You do need assistance. I want to know all those little gems where I can eat well, rather than the obvious gems. You like having a guide? I like someone to take me around. When I go to a city, the food is the most important to me, because everywhere is beautiful, but if you eat well your experience of that city is just amazing. When I go to Venice I don’t go around St Mark’s Square, I go to those little side streets way back and find little restaurants where locals eat.

Tests confirm cancer-causing toxins have infiltrated recycled water systems CANCER-causing toxins have infiltrated two recycled water systems used to irrigate market gardens, businesses, parks and a primary school in Adelaide’s north, tests have confirmed. The Environment Protection Authority and Salisbury Council are now appealing to the Defence Department to fast-track its inquiry into potential contamination at its Edinburgh RAAF base, which is suspected of being the source of the pollution. They also want the department to widen its investigation’s scope to include surrounding houses and businesses. As revealed in The Advertiser this month, the department is analysing samples from bores and open watercourses at the base to check if the harmful toxins perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are present. These chemicals, which were present in firefighting foam used at the base until 2004, do not break down in the environment and have been linked to cancer in people and animals. The results are expected to be known by the end of July. However, Salisbury Council’s own tests, initiated this month in response to the RAAF base investigation, have shown a “positive reading” for PFOS and PFOA at its Kaurna wetlands and Edinburgh Parks South water system. Both are located near the defence base and supply water to 66 businesses and organisations, including produce growers, and irrigate 34 council sites, such as parks and ovals. The council is now retesting to confirm the accuracy of the results. “As you are aware we have already shut down these two (water) systems …. and will now reassess our response to determine if any further actions are required,” stated a secret internal council briefing, seen by The Advertiser. Properties connected to the recycled water systems will receive water from other aquifers. The council took new samples on Thursday. “We will endeavour to push for the results as soon as possible but have been advised that there’s currently a high demand for these tests,” the briefing stated. It is understood there are only two laboratories in Australia that can test for the PFOS and PFOA. Earlier this month Professor Ravi Naidu, from independent contamination research and assessment organisation CRC Care, said if PFOS and PFOA were found in the wetlands it would kill microorganisms and algae, as well as earthworms. He said this would stop the wetlands from cleansing the water properly, poisoning fish and depleting their food supply. Professor Naidu also said if contaminated water was used on parks and ovals, the toxins would be transferred to users of these facilities. The council and the EPA met yesterday to discuss the next steps. They have asked the Defence Department to broaden its investigation to test soil, surface water and groundwater on and off the base, review the historical use of the toxic firefighting foam to identify potential contamination, conduct a health risk assessment of the situation and engage with the community and stakeholders about the inquiry. A council spokesman said the council had taken a “proactive approach” in relation to the matter. He said the council would “work with the Defence Department, Environment Protection Authority and SA Health on what further action may follow” once the second round of test results were received. A council briefing from earlier this month stated if contamination was found in the water systems, the council would continue to supply recycled water from other sites. “Some customers may elect to revert to mains water. Supply contracts allow for this provision, at the customer’s expense,” it stated. It stated that one commercial customer had elected to do this as a “precautionary measure”. Parafield Gardens resident Chris Jones, who regularly visits the Kaurna wetlands with his dog Jay, said he was worried about the implications of the toxins. “It did concern me because my dog was drinking out of the river system there,” he said. The Defence Department did not respond to The Advertiser’s request for comment by its print deadline. Environment Minister Ian Hunter referred request for comment to the EPA. A spokesman for the EPA said the organisation was being kept informed about the council tests. “As a regulator the EPA has a responsibility to ensure that its licensees meet their obligations to protect the environment, and help encourage others to achieve the best environmental outcomes,” he said. Opposition defence spokesman Stephen Conroy announced this month that if Labor wins next week’s Federal Election it would set up a taskforce to respond to PFOS and PFOA contamination issues across Australia. It would also fund 10,000 voluntary blood tests at affected sites. The Turnbull Government has also said it would fund voluntary blood tests and counselling services if re-elected. The Defence Department has created a website — defence.gov.au/id/PFOSPFOA/default.asp — to provide information about its investigations at the Edinburgh base and other sites interstate. (The Advertiser, June 24, 2016)

Criminal’s Court In The Crossfire IMMIGRATION Minister Peter Dutton will be given powers to overrule any courts that disagree with his department and grant citizenship to criminals. The Turnbull government’s tough new citizenship laws, which will be introduced to parliament this week, will allow Mr Dutton to set aside decisions made by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Mr Dutton can already overrule the AAT on some other immigration matters. The AAT controversially overturned a decision to deport several Iranian boat people who returned to Iran for holidays and weddings after claiming they would be in serious harm if they were sent back to the country. Young migrant thugs could be kicked out The legislation will also give Mr Dutton the power to revoke the citizenship of Australians suspected of gaining citizenship through migration fraud or citizenship fraud. The citizenship laws will protect personal decisions about citizenship made by Mr Dutton and his successors from merits reviews. It will also provide Mr Dutton powers to personally set aside decisions of the AAT if it is in the public interest to do so. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mr Dutton announced the overhaul of citizenship changes, first flagged by The Daily Telegraph, in April. It will introduce a tougher values test and require people to demonstrate they have integrated into Australian society. It also extends the length of time on permanent residency needed before applications for citizenship are considered. The Sunday Telegraph revealed yesterday the legislation will also give Mr Dutton the power to revoke The Christian Herald No 33 Page 75 the citizenship of Australians suspected of gaining citizenship through migration fraud or citizenship fraud, even if there hasn’t been a conviction. Mr Dutton yesterday called on Labor to support the changes, after several MPs raised concerns about the citizenship reforms. “We’re happy to continue to work with the crossbench senators as well as the Labor Party, but this really is a test for (Opposition Leader Bill) Shorten because we want the Labor Party to support the government,” he said. It is understood that the AAT has, in recent years, rejected a departmental ruling denying citizenship to an alleged people smuggler. It has also overturned application rejections for someone jailed for manslaughter and another convicted of sexually assault minors. Mr Dutton has clashed with the AAT over other immigration decisions, where he can already intervene, calling some rulings “infuriating”. In one instance, the AAT overturned a ruling and granted a protection visa to an asylum seeker who later made three return trips to Iran, including one to get married under Islamic law, an event conducted by the Iranian authorities he was supposedly terrified of. (Kylar Loussikian, The Daily Telegraph, June 12, 2017)

Mark Latham: Rise of the outsiders — Trump-style revolution is coming here MALCOLM Turnbull’s floundering leadership aside, Australian politics faces a single irresistible issue. Will a Trump/Brexit-style revolution, a rebellion of the outsiders, torpedo the stability of the two-party system in Australia? I think it will. I think the age of political disruption is upon us. One’s Nation’s resurgence and the extraordinary result in November’s Orange by- election point to the possibilities of electoral realignment. Unless they promptly transform themselves, the Labor, Liberal and National parties face further structural decline in their support base. In too many areas, the old oligopoly — the arrogant, self-entitled manipulators of machine politics — have formed a policy consensus that runs counter to outsider interests and beliefs. I call it COLAGIN: the Coalition-Labor-Green-Insider agreement to support a national platform of high immigration, high personal taxation, big government, heavy business regulation, social engineering programs and divisive identity politics, while also lining their pockets with a parliamentary entitlements system brazenly open to abuse. Through their petty squabbling in the media, Coalition, Labor and Green MPs try to pretend they are debating big policy differences. This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. But in reality, they are all locked into a system of cross-party compromise, practising a timid, suffocating brand of political correctness. When the NSW National Party is willing to do the work of the Greens in trying to ban greyhound racing, traditional notions of ideology have gone out the window. The Left/Right spectrum has been replaced by a new Insiders/Outsiders divide. With good reason, the public has grown to despise party politics. Large parts of the electorate are looking for someone to turn the system upside down, to create a new social movement that puts the quaint but powerful notion of public interest back into our democracy. It’s a battle between entrenched power and the will of the people. It’s a struggle between unpopular insiders like Turnbull and Bill Shorten and the near-certain emergence of electoral insurgents. In its policy substance, what might this movement look like? What ideas does it need to champion to bust the Canberra Club wipe open? Here’s my best effort at a 10-point Outsiders’ Manifesto for Australia’s future: 1 Big cuts to the Federal Government’s annual 200,000-plus immigration and refugee program, ending the major-party consensus for a Big Australia. Slower population growth would take the pressure off local employment, urban congestion, housing prices and environmental sustainability — a massive win-win-win-win in public policy. 2 An end to social engineering programs, with the abolition of Safe Schools, Respectful Relationships, university safe spaces, Section 18C and man- bashing government agencies such as Our Watch and the Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS). 3 Democratising the ABC, making it a clearinghouse for citizen-based broadcasting. Any Australian should be able to post their blogged, podcast or webcast material on its platforms. The most popular contributors would then be promoted to appear on the ABC’s radio and television programs — breaking the longstanding Leftist monopoly. 4 Reforming the Human Rights Commission so that it serves the public, not political correctness. The Commission’s charter should be recast to promote community building, Australian values and the virtues of Western civilisation. It has an important role to play in pushing back against the spread of radical Islam — the greatest human rights threat to our society. 5 Ending the era of big government. To reboot economic growth and international competitiveness, Australia’s top marginal tax rate should be cut from 49 per cent to 35, with other income brackets also receiving tax relief. To increase the disposable earnings of hardworking Australians, the Federal Government needs to make us a low-tax regime. 6 Big cuts to wasteful Federal spending, especially in transport, higher education, energy subsidies, corporate welfare, Canberra’s defence and foreign policy establishment, arts funding, public broadcasting and mental health rorts. Entire departments and agencies need to be abolished, bringing the size of government back to pre-2000 levels. The profligacy of the past 17 years has given Australia the worst of both worlds: bloated bureaucracies and stagnant economic growth. 7 Slashing regulation on business, especially when it holds back the development of new industries. For instance, Australia should be a global energy superpower with a dynamic mix of coal, renewable, CSG and nuclear energy. But the dead hand of government has knocked out the latter two. With the recent weakening of the economy, we can no longer afford to turn away new sources of jobs and investment. 8 Urgent school education reform, fundamentally changing the face of Australian teaching. On the international league table of academic achievement, we have fallen behind Kazakhstan — a national embarrassment. The top performer, Singapore, has based its success on a highly selective process for teacher recruitment. We need to do the same, increasing salaries for high-quality teachers and weeding out under-performers. 9 A new war on poverty, creating economic opportunity for all Australians. Non-viable indigenous settlements and public housing estates need to be closed down, with residents moving to areas where they can access jobs and services. The intergenerational poverty cycle also needs to be broken through improved teaching and learning programs in disadvantaged schools. 10 Genuine reform of parliamentary entitlements to make rorting impossible. The Turnbull Government’s recent proposals are no more than window-dressing. Entitlement amounts should be bundled together and capped, with travel funding released only after MPs have demonstrated the primacy of parliamentary work in their itineraries. An Anti-Corruption Commission is also needed to guard against the corrosive influence of machine politics and paid lobbyists. Outsider politics aims not only to shake up the old-party system at the ballot box. It also has serious policy intent, ending the COLAGIN consensus in favour of outer-suburban and regional interests. The electorate is willing. The time is right. We have every reason to expect the tumultuous march of the outsiders to continue in 2017. (Mark Latham, The Daily Telegraph, Jan. 31, 2017)

Fat cat politicians creaming $1 million as bureaucrats’ pay rises $40,000 a year SENIOR government fat cats have been awarded average pay rises of up to $40,000 a year for the past 10 years with top public service mandarins now on pay packets edging toward $1 million a year. While wages growth for ordinary workers has flatlined, the salaries for top departmental secretaries have soared by up to 40 per cent since 2012. An analysis of Remuneration Tribunal pay deals for senior bureaucrats reveal the cumulative taxpayer-funded pay-rises for government’s senior executive over the decade came to almost 70 per cent — far outstripping average private sector wage earnings in the same period. The most recent pay rises, totalling $240,000 over the past four years for the top rungs, had been awarded despite a decline in public sector productivity and with the budget facing perpetual deficit. Annual reports show that in 2006, the secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet was paid $504,900. This pay point rose largely in line with average wage growth to reach $620,000 a year in 2012 before “catch-up” pay deals were locked in by the remuneration tribunal under the Gillard government. In the wake of the global financial crisis, top bureaucrat’s salary went from $620,000 a year to $825,000 a year in the space of two years. A further pay deal last January has pushed the top paid bureaucrat’s salary to $861,000 a year — before other perks. Former NSW Treasurer Michael Costa this week railed against the explosion in public sector wages when public services weren’t improving. Former NSW Treasurer Michael Costa has criticised the wage rises.Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s department secretaries are on a motza. “There are two factors underlying the explosion in public sector costs. One is the extraordinary salaries paid to senior bureaucrats well in excess of market standards,” he told The Daily Telegraph. “The other is the continued failure of the public sector to increase its productivity despite claims that increased wages would lead to better outcomes for the public.” The pay rises are not restricted to the government’s chief departments. All department secretaries have received hefty pay-rises. Martin Parkinson, Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, earns $861,700 per year.John Fraser, Commonwealth Treasury Secretary, earns $840,810 per year. Dennis Richardson, Secretary of the Department of Defence, is on $814,700 per year. Level One department secretaries, which include the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Health and Social Services, now earn up to $814,000 after earning $612,500 in March 2012. Level Two department secretaries — which include the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Education and Training and Agriculture — now earn up to $731,140, up from $575,000 in March 2012. The Coalition has succeeded in cutting overall public service numbers back from a peak of 182,505 in 2012 to 2006 levels of 167,000. But influential Senator Nick Xenophon, who will determine whether controversial government bills are blocked or become law, said taxpayers were paying fewer bureaucrats more to do less. (Simon Benson and Daniel Meers, The Daily Telegraph, August 24, 2016)

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Judge blasts CFMEU record as an 'embarrassment to unions' Union chiefs John Setka and Shaun Reardon may face up to 15 years in jail after being charged with blackmail by a royal commission taskforce. Australia's largest construction union has faced a scathing rebuke for its long record of lawlessness, which a federal judge has labelled an "embarrassment to the trade union movement". On the eve of the federal election, the judgment lands at an uncomfortable time for Labor, of which the militant Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union is a major affiliate. The CFMEU was penalised nearly $180,000 on Friday for illegally blockading a Melbourne work site in an attempt to force building giant Grocon to cede to union demands. The Federal Court handed down the heavy fines over the union's unlawful industrial action at the Yarra Edge Tower 8 apartment complex project in Melbourne's Docklands in February 2011. Six CFMEU Victorian officials, including Elias Spernovasilis, Bill Oliver and Shaun Reardon, were also personally fined for the three-day picket that blocked access to the site and prevented the delivery and installation of a tower crane. The court heard that Mr Oliver, the CFMEU's former state secretary, told Grocon management that the union organised the picket because the company had refused demands for union-appointed shop stewards and for an additional worker on the crane crew. Fair Work Building and Construction, the building industry watchdog, said the case underscored the lawlessness that pervaded the sector. "This case is yet another example of the CFMEU showing a complete disregard for workplace laws and using their industrial might to enforce its own illegitimate agenda," FWBC director Nigel Hadgkiss said. "Building industry participants have the right to feel reassured that anyone who seeks to abuse the law in this manner will be brought before the courts." The CFMEU accused Mr Hadgkiss of being the Coalition government's "attack dog" and said the union was considering an appeal. "While the CFMEU is working constructively with major builders and developers, the Liberal government continues to pursue its agenda of attacking workers' rights through its industrial attack dog," a spokesman said. "The union disagrees with this decision and is considering appealing." The Victorian branch of the CFMEU has recently entered into some of the largest-ever industrial settlements, totalling millions of dollars, over bitter workplace feuds with Grocon and concrete giant Boral in Melbourne. Branch secretary John Setka and his deputy, Mr Reardon, are facing court on criminal charges of blackmailing Boral. The Turnbull government has focused heavily on the CFMEU's lawlessness to press for the need to resurrect the hardline Australian Building and Construction Commission. (Nick Toscano, SMH, July 1, 2016)

Labor has put Australia on the road to recession THE easiest way to comprehend a national debt of $1 trillion is to appreciate the interest that is payable on it. Try about $30 billion a year. As a number on its own, $30 billion is as meaningful as marvelling at the size of Jupiter. But an apposite comparison would be it is the equivalent of what the government currently spends every year on education. A debt repayment of 5 per cent on total expenses might sound manageable in the context of a household budget. But only as long as the household budget wasn’t already deeply in the red. Welcome to Scott Morrison’s nightmare. The Treasurer is fond of using folksy analogies to describe fiscal monotonies. So are we. Imagine a dark cloud hanging over the family budget. The mortgage is now 30 per cent of your income. Child care, car payments, credit card payments even eating — and drinking, heavily if you are lucky — suck up most of the rest. Your salary has flatlined because of anaemic wage growth and your stingy boss, and there is very little prospect of it going up in the near term. But still you go on spending. What is wrong with putting a family holiday to Thailand on the credit card? Eventually more money is going out the door than is coming in. Faced with financial ruin, you sit the family down and give them the news. Things are tight and you have to cut back on all the spending. They laugh in your face. Meanwhile, the structural gap in the household budget continues to widen, the debt grows, you find yourself paying interest on borrowings to pay interest on other borrowings and your family gets crankier because you still keep banging on about how you are spending too much. At least interest rates are low. So of course you go and refinance your house. That’s fine if you are using it to renovate or otherwise increase the value of the asset, or pay down other debt. But it’s not fine at all if you are doing it to pay off your ever-increasing expenses. Suddenly the legacy you intended to leave your children — and their children — ceases being a house and becomes a debt. Most families don’t live like this. But according to the Treasurer, Australia is. Morrison this week tried to seize back the initiative by thumping the argument for budget repair with some ominous prognostications. The motif was debt. Morrison hung it out there that new Treasury modelling suggested a worst-case scenario of $1 trillion over the same time frame. While this isn’t necessarily what is going to happen, it well might claims Morrison if the Labor Opposition continues to block not only the government’s budget savings measures but, more contrarily, savings measures of their own. Debt apologists argue the current debt is still low as a percentage of GDP compared to most other western economies. It is. But as Morrison pointed out, there is a fundamental difference when comparing Australia’s debt to anyone else’s. It’s called the current account deficit. Countries with larger debts fund their own debt, unlike we do here in Australia. Morrison has deliberately identified debt as the curse, largely because it is the curse — and partly because it is something most people relate to more readily than the deficit. He has also raised the “R” word — recession — in the first of a series of economic statements yesterday in Sydney. For this he has been labelled alarmist. In his defence are history and probability. At some stage the record 25 consecutive years of economic growth will be rudely interrupted. While not seeking to verbal China on policy, Morrison pointed out the reality that our prosperity is directly linked to China’s growth rate. Over this we have no control. Parliament has also ensured that the executive has only limited control over our own budget. Morrison has now sought to forcefully revive the argument for action, claiming the government had five to seven years to get the budget back in shape as a cushion against economic shocks. With parliament due to return next week for the first time since May, he is desperately trying to reset the broader economic debate with a renewed urgency. But he is trying to do so under a political environment demonstrably more febrile than it was three years ago, and with less authority than the government had in 2013 when it had a clear electoral mandate for repair. He faces an emboldened Opposition, a swarm of unpredictable crossbenchers and internal dissent over policies on how to get there such as superannuation reform. Morrison has cast the debt problem as a moral issue. This is a narrative that, while asserted with conviction under former Treasurer Joe Hockey, failed in its ability to persuade. Hockey got up to ring the alarm bell, and then went and sat back down again. The perversity of the dilemma is that the Labor Opposition is now rejecting — as it has done for the past three years — any attempts to help defuse the debt and deficit bomb it left behind after losing office in 2013. (Simon Benson, The Daily Telegraph, Aug.26, 2016)

Illegal foreign property investors forced to sell lavish homes ILLEGAL foreign property investors have been forced to sell lavish homes worth a combined $107 million, including a string of mega-mansions bought by Chinese billionaires. It is the culmination of a crackdown on illegal foreign buyers started by former treasurer Joe Hockey when he required one of China’s richest men, Xu Jiayin, to relinquish his $40 million Point Piper mansion. Illegal foreign owners have been forced to sell 61 homes worth just over $107 million because they didn’t comply with foreign investment rules. The crackdown was launched partly to counter the phenomenon of wealthy overseas investors inflating the property market. “The forced sale of over $100 million worth of Australian property underscores the Turnbull government’s determination to enforce our rules, so foreign nationals illegally holding Australian property are identified and illegal holdings relinquished,” Treasurer Scott Morrison said. “Under the Labor government, no foreign nationals were forced to divest illegally-held Australian property.” The crackdown was launched partly to counter the phenomenon of wealthy overseas investors inflating the property market. Mr Hockey gave Mr Xu just 90 days to sell Villa del Mare in 2015, after it was found the stunning home was purchased illegally by Mr Xu’s firm, Golden Fast Foods, without approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board. Chinese-born Australian citizen Lola Wang Li, director of LL International, snapped up the property just days after it was forced back on the market by the federal government. Other properties forcibly sold under Mr Morrison’s big Chinese property takeaway include a $5.2 million Melbourne home bought by Chinese businessman Li Jian Guo in 2014. Turnbull says that Trump has a commitment to the the refugee deal 0:30 On 60 Minutes with Laurie Oakes, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says that Donald Trump has committed to the refugee deal, but will not have to honour it. A Queensland waterfront mansion worth at least $2.5 million, bought by Chinese businessman Chen Zou, has also been the subject of divestment orders. NSW properties that Chinese owners have been forced to sell include a $1.8 million home in Eastwood, a $750,000 home in Fairfield and a $861,000 home in Allawah. Thirteen properties have been forcibly sold in NSW. There have been 31 in Victoria, 11 in Queensland, four in Western Australia and one each in Tasmania and South Australia. Other nationalities affected by the crackdown include buyers from the Philippines, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Germany the UK and Canada. MIlesd Godfrey, The Daily Telegraph, February 6, 2017P)


Venezuela Drifts Into New Territory: Hunger, Blackouts and Government Shutdown CARACAS, Venezuela — The courts? Closed most days. The bureau to start a business? Same thing. The public defender’s office? That’s been converted into a food bank for government employees. Step by step, Venezuela has been shutting down.

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This country has long been accustomed to painful shortages, even of basic foods. But Venezuela keeps drifting further into uncharted territory. In recent weeks, the government has taken what may be one of the most desperate measures ever by a country to save electricity: A shutdown of many of its offices for all but two half-days each week. But that is only the start of the country’s woes. Electricity and water are being rationed, and huge areas of the country have spent months with little of either. Many people cannot make international calls from their phones because of a dispute between the government and phone companies over currency regulations and rates. Coca-Cola Femsa, the Mexican company that bottles Coke in the country, has even said it was halting production of sugary soft drinks because it was running out of sugar. Last week, protests turned violent in parts of the country where demonstrators demanded empty supermarkets be resupplied. And on Friday, the government said it would continue its truncated workweek for an additional 15 days. “There’s been plenty of problems, but one thing I haven’t seen until now is protests simply to get food,” said David Smilde, a Caracas-based analyst for the Washington Office on Latin America, a human rights group, referring to the demonstrations last week. The growing economic crisis — fueled by low prices for oil, the country’s main export; a drought that has crippled Venezuela’s ability to generate hydroelectric power; and a long decline in manufacturing and agricultural production — has turned into an intensely political one for President Nicolás Maduro. This month, he declared a state of emergency, his second this year, and ordered military exercises, citing foreign threats. But the president looks increasingly encircled. American officials say the multiplying crises have led Mr. Maduro to fall out of favor with members of his own socialist party, who they believe may turn on him, leading to chaos in the streets. Old allies like Brazil, whose leftist president, Dilma Rousseff, was removed this month pending an impeachment trial, are now openly criticizing Venezuela. José Mujica, the leftist former president of Uruguay last week called Mr. Maduro “crazy like a goat.” Men bake and package bread at a small shop in Caracas. Their operations had been stalled for days, because the owner could not find flour for sale because of food shortages. Credit Meridith Kohut for The New York Times The regional tensions came to a head last week when Mr. Maduro went on television to chide the Organization of American States, which has criticized Venezuela’s handling of the economic and political crises. Mr. Maduro took aim at Luis Almagro, its secretary general, calling him a “longtime traitor” and implying he was a spy. Mr. Almagro responded with an open letter blasting the president, calling on him to allow the recall referendum his opponents are pushing this year to remove Mr. Maduro from office. “You betray your people and your supposed ideology with your diatribes without substance,” Mr. Almagro wrote. “To deny the people that vote, to deny them the possibility of deciding, would make you just another petty dictator, like so many this hemisphere has had.” As the sparring continues, Mariángel González, a 32-year-old mother of two, is most worried about the retreat of the government from daily life. Venezuela’s public schools are now closed on Fridays, another effort to save electricity. So Ms. González was waiting in line with her elder child at an A.T.M., while her husband watched over the other one at home. “Right now, my older girl should be at elementary school and the little one in kindergarten,” she said. “My husband and I have been inventing new routines.” Ms. González, a freelance lawyer, lived a middle-class life until recently. But she says the government shutdown has left her without work and her family without food. “The older girl, who understands what’s going on says, ‘What is there, Mom: bread, arepas or nothing?’” She said that on a recent night, the family ate a dinner of pasta and ketchup. For Vanessa Arneta, who lives with seven relatives in an apartment on the outskirts of Caracas, it’s the disappearance of the city’s water that is causing the most pain. Water arrives just once a week, on Thursdays, to her neighborhood of San Antonio de los Altos. That day, they quickly divide up the chores. A nephew gets into the shower while another one washes the dishes, Ms. Arneta says. One of her brothers washes up the bathroom, while someone else fills buckets with water for later. But Ms. Arneta says the water is now a brownish color and is making her family sick. Many Venezuelans say they have gotten skin irritations from showering or from the inability to bathe and wash their sheets and towels. “Her body is filled with small bubbles and they sting horribly,” Ms. Arneta said of one of her sisters. Venezuela’s public schools are now closed on Fridays, another effort to save electricity. Credit Meridith Kohut for The New York Times Venezuela’s government says the problems are the result of an “economic war” being waged by elites who are hoarding supplies, as well as the American government’s efforts to destabilize the country. But most economists agree that Venezuela is suffering from years of economic mismanagement, including over-dependence on oil and price controls that led many businesses to stop making products. Some Venezuelans are channeling their frustrations into demonstrations against the government. Mr. Maduro’s opponents, who now control the National Assembly, have been staging weekly protests in support of the recall referendum. Last Wednesday, protesters clashed with police officers who fired tear gas at the demonstrations and were attacked with bottles and rocks. “The economic situation of this country is collapse,” Pablo Parada, a law student, who was participating last week in a hunger strike in front of the O.A.S. office in Caracas. “There are people who go hungry now.” Mr. Parada said the purpose of his hunger strike was to pressure the O.A.S. to push Venezuelan officials to allow the referendum to take place this year, the only way he felt the country could recover. There is often little traffic in Caracas simply because so few people, either for lack of money or work, are going out. On a recent day in the downtown government center, pedestrians milled about, but nearly every building — including several museums, the public registry office and a Social Security center — was empty, giving the appearance of a holiday. Only the guards were at work. “It’s in God’s hands now,” said one, Luis Ríos, echoing a common phrase heard here. Some point out what they see as the absurdity in shutting down services to save the government energy. “I don’t see them saving any energy this way,” said Youheinz Linares, a 38-year-old divorced mother, who was taking care of her children, ages 6 and 8, on a recent Friday when there was no school. “At school you have 40 kids under one light bulb in one classroom,” she said. “Now you have 40 kids at home with the lights on, televisions, tablets, consoles and computers turned on all day. It’s illogical.” Correction: May 28, 2016. An earlier version of this article misstated part of the name of a human rights group. It is the Washington Office on Latin America, not the Washington Institute on Latin America. Meridith Kohut and Maria Eugenia Díaz contributed reporting. (Nicholas Casey and Patricia Torresmay, NY Times, May 28, 2016).

Venezuela’s death spiral is getting worse Venezuela is stuck in a doom loop that's become a death spiral. Its stores are empty, its people are starving, and its government is to blame. It has tried to repeal the law of supply and demand, and, in the process, eliminated any incentive for businesses to actually sell things. The result is that the country with the largest oil reserves in the world now has to resort to forced labor just to try to feed itself. It gives new meaning to the revolution devouring its own. How has it come to this? Well, Venezuela was always going to have a tough time when oil prices fell from $110 to $40 like they did the past two years. That's because it doesn't have an economy so much as an oil exporting business that subsidizes everything by making up 95 percent of the country's total trade revenue. Even then, though, the oil crash has hurt it much more than any other petrostate. To take one example, the International Monetary Fund estimates that Russia's economy will "only" shrink 1.8 percent this year compared to 10 percent for Venezuela. That's the difference between a run-of-the-mill recession and a complete collapse. And it's entirely man-made. The easiest way to think about this is as a four-stage cycle of doom that begins with inflation, continues to price controls, then shortages, and finally nationalizations. Here's how it works, or rather doesn't. 1. Inflation. Even when oil prices were in the triple digits, Venezuela's government was in the red. The problem was that its state-owned oil company stopped producing as much after Chavez took money that should have gone into maintaining its fields and put it into social spending instead. This was the economic equivalent of eating your seed corn when it would have grown you more than ever before. Now, at first, the regime was just spending more than it had, but eventually, after oil's vertiginous drop, this became more than it could borrow as well. So it did what every bankrupt government does: It printed the money it needed. Which is why inflation went from 19 percent in 2012 to, the IMF estimates, 720 percent this year, and a projected 2,200 percent the next. 2. Price controls. Venezuela, for is part, has resorted to a tried-and-untrue strategy for dealing with all these price increases. That's pretending they haven't happened. The government tells businesses what they're allowed to charge, and then given a select few of them dollars at deeply discounted rates so they can afford to buy what they need overseas and still sell at these deeply discounted prices. In effect, the Chavista regime is trying to spend the inflation away. It hasn't worked. 3. Shortages. Something Venezuela's government hasn't quite managed to figure out, though, is that trying to force companies to sell at a loss means they won't sell anything at all. It's better to make nothing than to lose something. And that's even been the case when the government has tried to cover some of their costs. The problem, you see, is that it isn't profitable for unsubsidized businesses to stock their shelves, and isn't profitable enough for subsidized ones to do so either. Why is that? Because companies can sell the cheap dollars they get from the government for more than can resell the imports they're supposed to buy with those dollars. Surveillance camera footage shows violent looting take over a bakery in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas as the country battles widespread shortages of basic goods amid a reeling economic crisis. Surveillance camera footage shows violent looting take over a bakery in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas as the country battles widespread food shortages. (Reuters)

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That's why Venezuela has had shortages of everything from food to beer to medical supplies and even toilet paper. About the only thing it is well- supplied with are lines, to the point that it's had to limit how many of them people are allowed to join. But those are still long enough that as many as 85,000 Venezuelans poured into Colombia to go grocery shopping when the Chavista regime opened the border for 12 hours last month. 4. Nationalizations. So what do you do when businesses refuse to sell things at a loss? Easy. You blame them, and then do so yourself. That, at least, is what Venezuela's government did when it took over toilet paper factories in 2013, and what it's threatened to do with the country's top food and beer brewing company today. But, of course, this means losing even more money that Venezuela's government doesn't have — which, in turn, means it has to print even more money. And round and round it goes. . . . Now, there are two things you need to remember about Venezuela. The first is that if it can get worse, it will get worse. And the second is that it can always get worse. In this case, that means that it might not be long until we look back at all of this as the good old days. How in the name of five- hour long grocery lines is that possible? Well, Venezuela's government might be reaching the point where it can't coerce people economically, but only physically. After all, it barely has enough money to even be able to print money anymore. So it can't buy people off anymore. It has to bully them instead. Indeed, the army has started forcing butchers to sell food at a 90 percent loss, and the government has said it can force anyone to, um, take a break from their job and work for at least two months growing food instead. Amnesty International has said this is tantamount to "forced labor," which is just a polite way of describing what's very close to modern-day slavery. It brings to mind the old joke: Under capitalism, man exploits man, and under Bolivarian socialism, it's just the opposite. Facing a national food crisis, Venezuela's pumpkin-growing socialist president is exhorting compatriots to grow fruit and vegetables on balconies and roofs and in barracks across the country. Facing a national food crisis, Venezuela's president is exhorting compatriots to grow fruit and vegetables on balconies and roofs across the country. (Reuters) (Matt O'Brien, Washington Post, Aug.8, 2016)

Putin's Cousin Earned $95,000 Every Day in 2016 President Vladimir Putin’s cousin, estimated to be worth worth $573 million, reportedly earned nearly $100,000 per day last year. A recent investigation revealed Mikhail Shelomov to be a part of Putin’s inner circle which has amassed almost $24 billion. Shelomov, 49, is the son of the president’s cousin who earns an official salary of $700 per month at a state oil firm. The opposition news channel Dozhd TV on Thursday said it used financial statements from three companies where Shelomov owns 99.99 percent of the shares to calculate that the companies earned a net profit of 2.04 billion rubles ($35 million) in 2016. Dozhd TV then divided the figure by 365 calendar days to arrive at 5.59 million rubles, or $95,000 per day including weekends. Last week, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta published findings that estimate Putin’s family and friends — and not state company executives or politicians — are worth almost $24 billion. Members of Putin’s inner circle were implicated in a $2 billion money-laundering scheme after the 2016 large-scale document leak known as the Panama Papers. Putin’s own private wealth has previously been estimated to be as high as $200 billion. (Kremlin Press Service, The Moscow Times, Nov 2, 2017)

Russia on a path to confrontation with the West The West continues to underestimate just how dangerous the reassertion of Russian military power is. The fact is that Moscow under President Vladimir Putin is implacably hostile to the West. In a speech last week to the 12th annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club, Putin argued the case at length why resisting American dominance of the international system is justified. He accused the US of promoting a model of unilateral domination, interfering in regional conflicts — especially in “border areas” where the interests of major nations meet — and developing anti-missile defence systems in Europe aimed at changing the balance of force “to have the opportunity to dictate their will to all”. He alleges that the US is developing a disarming first-strike capability, including one with the use of high-precision long-range conventional weapons comparable in their effects to nuclear weapons. He accuses the US of lying about the real purposes of the first test of the anti-missile defence system conducted recently in Europe. Putin claims the US also is seeking to change the political system and government in Russia. He cites the example of the change of regime and “coup d’etat that took place in Ukraine not so long ago”. Putin wants to know what America’s definition of democracy is. He asks whether it refers to NATO’s move towards Russia’s borders. He claims that when the Soviet Union collapsed there were oral assurances by NATO’s then secretary-general that NATO would not expand beyond the eastern borders of the former East Germany. Putin is determined to reassert Russia as a major power and recover its geopolitical status in the Eurasian space. He paints a picture of Russia as a victim and target of Western attack across the centuries: “They are constantly trying to sweep us into a corner” and when the Soviet Union broke up Russia “was not simply robbed, it was plundered”. Nikolai Patrushev, head of Russia’s Security Council and a former KGB veteran, accuses the US of wanting Russia to cease to exist as a nation. And Sergei Naryshkin, a close Putin ally and Speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament, suggests the US is trying to goad Russia into war. Given these provocative statements, there is no wonder that the new chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, has described Russia as presenting the greatest threat to US security. Putin’s Russia seems set on a path to confrontation with the West and is basically challenging the established post-World War II security order in Europe. In the past 18 months, the invasion and annexation of Crimea and the attempt through military means to detach the Donbass region of Ukraine are a fundamental challenge to the post-Cold War sanctity of European borders. And now in Syria we are seeing Russia’s first use of military power outside the former Soviet security space. Make no mistake about it; this is not only an attempt to undermine America’s desultory performance militarily in the Middle East. It is also Putin’s reassertion of Russia’s military power and his revenge for the expansion of NATO to Russia’s borders. An important study this month by the European Council on Foreign Relations states that, as a result of serious defence reforms since the unimpressive performance of the Russian military in Georgia in 2008, Russian armed forces now have the ability to react quickly and strike without warning. Russia is now a military power that could overwhelm any of its neighbours if they were isolated from Western support. In this context, Putin’s claim to the right to a sphere of strategic interest in Russia’s neighbourhood seems to include not only Crimea and Ukraine but also the Baltic countries. So, we now need to be ready for an unprecedented geostrategic challenge from Russia for as long as Putin is in power. And we can take it for granted that the 63-year-old Putin will run again for the presidency when his six-year term in office ends in 2018. None of this is to argue that today’s Russia is the Soviet Union restored. The Russian economy is only about one-quarter the size of the former Soviet Union’s and Russia’s population is about 140 million people less and rapidly ageing. Its economy is heavily dependent on the export of oil and natural gas, the price of which has plunged during the past year or so. The Russian economy has moved into recession. If and when it returns to growth, this will be sluggish at best. But EU and US sanctions are unlikely to provoke such economic distress as to force Russia to step back in Ukraine. On the contrary, they provide the Russian leadership with a handy scapegoat and an extreme nationalist political diversion for conjuring up the threat from the West. The consequences of a new era of confrontation with a heavily armed and belligerent Russia will introduce tensions into the international system that at the least will be extremely destabilising and, at worst, may return us to the levels of geopolitical brinkmanship and dangers of the old Cold War. (Paul Dibb, The Australian, October 27, 2015) Paul Dibb is emeritus professor of strategic studies at the Australian National University

Tensions of war between Saudi Arabia and Iran IT was always coming but the distraction of three years fighting the Islamic State meant it was set aside. Now ISIS has all-but fallen, tensions between Middle East nations are intensifying as never before. The fear is that proxy Sunni v Shia battles across the region will transform into major wars, with Saudi Arabia (Sunni) and Iran (Shia) the leading contenders. Several recent events, centred in Saudi Arabia, have exposed the post-ISIS fault lines of the Middle East. Anointed by his ailing father, King Salman, the pro-US and anti-Iranian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has consolidated his power in a corruption purge that has seen 11 princes among the hundreds arrested. He wants to cleanse Saudi’s image as a chauvinist (he’s allowed women to drive cars) and corrupted arcane monarchy, which took a belting with the leak of Hillary Clinton’s emails. One email cited Clinton saying: “The Saudis have exported more extreme ideology than any other place on earth over the course of the last 30 years”; and her claim, from 2014, that Qatar and Saudi Arabia “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region”. Donald Trump is backing the new Crown Prince as both a moderniser and absolute ruler who will act in US interests. In May, Trump signed an MOU for a $US350bn, 10-year deal to supply the Saudis with military hardware for the security of Saudi Arabia and Gulf nations “in the face of malign Iranian influence and Iranian-related threats”. Last weekend, the entire Middle East was set on edge after the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saad Hariri, who was backed by Saudi Arabia, announced his unexpected resignation not from Beirut but Riyadh, the Saudi capital. He said he feared Iran would use Hezbollah, the true military and political force in Lebanon, to assassinate him. Hezbollah is accused of doing the same to his father, former prime minister and tycoon Rafik Hariri, whose motorcade was hit with an unsurvivable blast in 2005. Hariri, a joint Saudi- Lebanese citizen and Sunni Muslim, had briefly led a delicately poised coalition of numerous Lebanese parties. He had recently done a compromise governance deal with Hezbollah, which displeased the Saudis. Whether, as some claim, the Saudis forced Hariri to resign to destabilise Lebanon and The Christian Herald No 33 Page 79 spark a war, or whether he truly believed his life was at risk, Hariri blamed Iran. “Wherever Iran settles, it sows discord, devastation and destruction, proven by its interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries,” Hariri said, adding that: “Iran’s hands in the region will be cut off”. Hezbollah and Iran ridiculed Hariri, saying his resignation from Riyadh proved that Saudi Arabia was meddling in Lebanon. A short time later, a ballistic missile was fired north from Yemen and intercepted close to Riyadh’s international airport by a Patriot missile, without doing damage. The Saudis declared it “an act of war” by Iran. It accuses Iran of arming the Houthis of Yemen, the Shia rebels whom the Saudis have been fighting, with little success, from their southern border since 2015. The Saudis claim Iran smuggled the missile into Yemen; and in response blockaded all access, including aid, to the disease- and famine-ridden country, fearing more missiles could be secreted in. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, denied involvement and accused the Saudis of spreading cholera and killing thousands in Yemen. “KSA [Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] is engaged in wars of aggression, regional bullying, destabilising behaviour & risky provocations,” Javad tweeted. An open war between Saudis and Iran is now thought possible — partly because no third party could mediate a dispute based on irreconcilable differences within Islam. Such a war would render the battle against ISIS a sideshow. The US would be forced to back the oil-rich Saudis, throwing Australia (if history is a guide) into a consuming regional war. Though Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump share some common ground, the Russian leader ultimately seeks controlling influence in the region. He supports Iran’s deal to pursue peaceful nuclear power; the US leader does not trust Iran to refrain from making nuclear weapons. In the middle is war-weary Iraq, which feels more indebted to Iran for coming to its early aid to defeat ISIS than it does the US-led Coalition, which is still viewed with deep suspicion in Baghdad given its takeover of the country in 2003. Iran now has a land corridor running through Iraq, Syria and down to Lebanon, meaning it can supply Hezbollah with weapons and militia at will. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, recently accused Iran, via Hezbollah, of building guided missiles in underground factories in Lebanon and Syria. “This is something Israel cannot accept,” he said. “This is something the UN should not accept.” Israeli Housing Minister Yoav Gallan said if Hezbollah “starts a war, we will send Lebanon back to the Stone Age”. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said: “They do not have the correct picture about what is awaiting them if they go to the idiocy of this war.” The expectation is for another proxy war between Israel and Hezbollah but which would bloom outwards into major conflict. What Russia would do, being sympathetic to both Israel and Iran? One Israeli analyst, Dmitry Adamsky, argues Putin is so cynical he would “probably let Hezbollah and Iran bleed”, while ensuring (by secretly arming Hezbollah) that Israel did not achieve outright victory. Thus, he could move in as peacemaker, further eroding America’s standing in the Middle East. But that depends on the forbearance of the Crown Prince, who appears anxious to test Iran. What the Saudis most fear is Iran’s influence in Iraq, on its northern border. The Iranian military now travels freely within Iraq, and may seek a permanent military presence. In response, the Saudis have been working hard to offset Iran by offering economic assistance to the war-ravaged Iraqis — but Iran is well ahead in the game, having put years of work into its friendship with Iraq. (Paul Toohey, , Nov 12, 2017)

Trump’s final warning to North Korea US President Donald Trump said that diplomatic efforts with North Korea have consistently failed, adding that “only one thing will work.” Trump has engaged in an escalating war of words with North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un, trading insults amid rising tensions between the two nuclear- armed rivals. “Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years, agreements made and massive amounts of money paid,” Trump tweeted. It “hasn’t worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!” The US has not ruled out the use of force to compel Pyongyang to halt missile and nuclear tests, and Trump has threatened to “totally destroy” the country. The mercurial American president also told journalists at a recent gathering with military leaders to discuss Iran, North Korea, and the Islamic State group that this “could be the calm before the storm,” declining to clarify his remarks. His comments come hours after North Korea prepared to test a long-range missile which experts feared could reach the west coast of the United States. Announcing their missile developments, influential Russian politician Anton Morozov said: “They are preparing for new tests of a long-range missile. “They even gave us mathematical calculations that they believe prove that their missile can hit the west coast of the United States. “As far as we understand, they intend to launch one more long-range missile in the near future. “And in general, their mood is rather belligerent.” Last week, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson flew home from meeting with top Chinese officials, Trump tweeted that his envoy was “wasting his time” in trying to probe North Korea’s willingness to talk. The message came after Tillerson had revealed there were backchannels between US and North Korean officials. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says the best way to make North Korea come to its senses is to continue to impose strong economic sanctions. The prime minister responded to the latest tweets from Trump. Asked by reporters in Sydney what he thought the president meant, Mr Turnbull said: “The best way of ensuring that this reckless, dangerous, criminal regime comes to its senses, without military conflict, is to continue to impose strong economic sanctions on North Korea.” Officials in North Korea have also accused the United States of using its war on terror as a means to overthrow hostile governments, including an alleged attempt to dethrone Kim Jong Un earlier this year. North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency made the allegations in article published Friday, claiming the US is “the main culprit behind terrorism.” “In May this year, a group of heinous terrorists who infiltrated into our country on the orders of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the U.S. and South Korean puppet Intelligence Service with the purpose of carrying out a state-sponsored terrorism against our supreme headquarters using biological and chemical substance were caught and exposed,” the KCNA wrote. The KCNA described the United States as a “chameleon” that “changes its colours” so it can overthrow governments, particularly in the Middle East, where the KCNA said it used counter-terrorism and nonproliferation of weapons interchangeably to justify wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Just 24 per cent of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction after a tumultuous stretch for President Trump that included the threat of war with North Korea, stormy complaints about hurricane relief and Trump’s equivocating about white supremacists. That’s a 10-point drop since June, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. (Staff writers, AP, News Corp Australia, Oct.08, 2017)

North Korean fuel ships dodge sanctions on the way back from Russia Moscow: At least eight North Korean ships that left Russia with a cargo of fuel this year headed for their homeland despite declaring other destinations, a ploy that US officials say is often used to undermine sanctions. US officials say that changing destination mid-voyage is a hallmark of North Korean state tactics to circumvent the international trade sanctions imposed over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program. Changing course and the complex chain of different firms - many offshore - involved in shipments can complicate efforts to check how much fuel is supplied to North Korea and monitor compliance with a cap on fuel imports under UN sanctions. "As part of North Korea's efforts to acquire revenue, the regime uses shipping networks to import and export goods," US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Marshall Billingslea told the congressional Foreign Affairs Committee this month. "North Korea employs deceptive practices to conceal the true origins of these goods. Pyongyang has been found to routinely falsify a vessel's identity and documentation." However, there is no evidence of wrongdoing by the vessels, whose movements were recorded in Reuters ship-tracking data. Changing a ship's destination once underway is not forbidden and it is unclear whether any of the ships unloaded fuel in North Korea. The eight vessels identified in the tracking data set sail from the Far Eastern Russian port of Vladivostok or nearby Nakhodka and registered China or South Korea as their destination with the Information System for State Port Control. After leaving Russia, they were next recorded off the North Korean ports of Kimchaek, Chongjin, Hungnam or Najin. None went on to China and most went back to Russia. All had a cargo of diesel, a source at the company that services vessels in Vladivostok said. Their cargo capacity ranged from 500 tonnes to 2000 tonnes. One of the vessels was the Ma Du San, owned by North Korea's Korea Kyongun Shipping Co. It took on a cargo of 545 tonnes of marine fuel at Vladivostok's Pervaya Rechka terminal, owned by Russia's Independent Petroleum company (IPC). Reuters obtained a bill of lading - a receipt for goods issued when a ship loads up - dated May 19 showing the Ma Du San's cargo came from Khabarovskiy NPZ, a refinery owned by IPC. The ship set sail on May 20. Documents filed with Russia's Information System for State Port Control stated its next destination as the Chinese port of Zhanjiang and the bill of lading showed it as Busan in South Korea. The Ma Du San's next recorded location after Vladivostok was inside the perimeter of the port of Kimchaek - all the other ships were tracked only in the vicinity of ports. North Korean ships intermittently turn off their transponders, and satellites cannot track them at such times, US officials say. Allegations outlined in two US Treasury Department sanctions orders and a legal complaint filed by the US government match the information obtained on the Ma Du San though the US documents do not name the vessel involved. Russian supplies of oil and oil products to North Korea are much smaller than volumes shipped by China, Pyongyang's only major ally. Beijing has acted to reduce the flows, but Russia's trade in all goods with North Korea more than doubled in the first quarter of 2017 to $US31.4 million.Moscow's trade with Pyongyang is under closer scrutiny following a series of missile launches by North Korea and a test involving what it said was a hydrogen bomb. (Polina Nikolskaya, Reuters/SMH, September 22, 2017)

China, Russia start naval drills after latest missile launch Meanwhile China and Russia have begun naval drills near North Korea amid continuing tensions over the isolated state's nuclear ambitions.

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The official Xinhua news agency said the joint exercises will take place between Peter the Great Bay, just outside of the Russian far eastern port of Vladivostok, not far from the Russia-North Korea border, and into the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk, to the north of Japan. The drills are the second part of China-Russian naval exercises this year, the first part of which took place in the Baltic in July. The report did not directly link the drills to current tensions over North Korea. A week ago, the 15-member UN Security Council unanimously adopted its ninth sanctions resolution since 2006 over North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. North Korean diplomats will have a front-row seat in the UN General Assembly for Trump's speech on Tuesday morning, which will touch on the escalating crisis that has seen Trump and Pyongyang trade threats of military action. Ms Haley said on Sunday the UN Security Council has run out of options on containing North Korea's nuclear program and the United States may have to turn the matter over to the Pentagon. (SBS News, September 21, 2017)

South China Sea dispute: China sends warships after US freedom of navigation patrol Beijing: China's military has warned freedom of navigation patrols by the United States in the South China Sea will cause it to boost Chinese defence capacity in the disputed waters. China issued the rebuke on Friday after the USS John S McCain a day earlier conducted the US Navy's third freedom of navigation patrol since the Trump administration took office. The Chinese military "immediately sent out warships" with two missile frigates identifying the US naval destroyer and warning it away from Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands, which China calls the Nansha Islands, according to China's foreign ministry. China's Defence Ministry said it expressed its strong opposition to the United States for the "show of force". Australia denounces China's South China Sea aggression in joint statement. "US military provocation will only encourage the Chinese military to further strengthen its defence capacity building and firmly defend national sovereignty," a defence statement read. A Chinese Defence spokesman said the incident had "seriously damaged the strategic mutual trust between two sides". It comes as Donald Trump has urged China to do more to solve a worsening stand-off with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program. By submitting your email you are agreeing to Fairfax Media's terms and conditions and privacy policy. More significantly, the latest US naval patrol comes days after a meeting of China and ASEAN foreign ministers in the Philippines had agreed a framework for a code of conduct in the South China Sea which is contested by multiple claimants including China, Vietnam, Malaysia,Taiwan and the Philippines. The US, Australia and Japan had issued a statement at ASEAN opposing "coercive unilateral action" and any militarisation of the islands - after Vietnam failed in a push to have the code of conduct be legally binding. China's Global Times newspaper labelled Australia, Japan and the US "a little bit bad" after their statement. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned against "outside interference" in the negotiations, and claimed China had finished land reclamation on islands two years ago. Construction is shown on Mischief Reef, in the Spratly Islands, on June 19, 2017. An analysis by Washington's Centre for Strategic and International Studies found the volume of global shipping transiting through the South China Sea was less than previously thought, and put the real figure at $US3.3 trillion ($4.2 trillion). China had the largest volume of exports passing through the disputed territory, or $US874 billion, and therefore the most to lose if commercial trade routes were disrupted by conflict. South Korea ($US249 billion) and Singapore ($US214 billion) were ranked second and third. The CSIS report said 64 per cent of China's maritime trade passed through the sea, compared to 14 per cent of US maritime trade. China has refused to recognise a ruling by The Hague in 2016 that its historic "nine-dash line" claim to sovereignty over many of the islands is invalid, and is trying to reach its own settlement with rival claimants. It is also alleged to have threatened countries operating in the area including Vietnam. On Friday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman said "some foreign forces move against the tide, and continue to make trouble under 'freedom of navigation'". Vietnam has competing claims over the Spratly Islands and was reportedly recently threatened by China to stop oil drilling. (Kirsty Needham, SMH, August 11 2017)

North Korea 'seriously considering plan to strike Guam with missiles' Seoul: North Korea is "carefully examining" a plan to strike the US Pacific territory of Guam with missiles, just hours after US President Donald Trump told the North that any threat to the US would be met with "fire and fury". North Korea has made no secret of plans to develop a nuclear-tipped missile able to strike the US and has ignored international calls to halt its nuclear and missile programs. The strike plan would be put into practice at any moment once leader Kim Jong Un makes a decision, a spokesman for the Korean People's Army (KPA) said in a statement carried by the North's state-run KCNA news agency. "The KPA Strategic Force is now carefully examining the operational plan for making an enveloping fire at the areas around Guam with medium-to-long-range strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong- 12 in order to contain the US major military bases on Guam including the Anderson Air Force Base," the spokesman said. The plan would be reported to the North's Supreme Command soon, the spokesman said, without citing a date. On Monday, two US B-1 bombers flew from Guam over the Korean Peninsula as a part of its "continuous bomber presence," a US official said, in a sign of the strategic importance Guam holds. In another statement citing a different military spokesman, North Korea also accused the US of devising a "preventive war" and said any plans to execute this would be met with an "all-out war wiping out all the strongholds of enemies, including the US mainland." The US should stop its "reckless military provocation" against North Korea to avoid any military action, the army spokesman said. The UN Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea on Saturday over its continued missile tests. In another statement citing a different military spokesman, North Korea also said it could carry out a pre-emptive operation if the US showed signs of provocation. Trump issued his warning to North Korea on Tuesday, saying that if its threats to the US continued, the outcast nation would be "met with the fire and the fury like the world has never seen". Appearing at an event at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is on a 17-day "working vacation", Trump said that "North Korea best not make any more threats of the United States". "They will be met with the fire and fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before," Trump said. The Washington Post on Tuesday reported that North Korea had successfully produced a miniaturised nuclear warhead that could fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a fully fledged nuclear power, according to a confidential assessment by US intelligence officials. Trump's warning on Tuesday further raises the stakes for the US President and other world leaders, who face limited options in dealing with North Korea's aggression.(Sydney Morning Herald, August 9, 2017)

Why New U.S. Sanctions Could Be a Ticking Time Bomb for Investors in Russia (Op-ed) The 755 staff forced to leave the U.S. embassy by President Vladimir Putin may seem to have little to do with private companies wishing to invest in Russia. But in reality, they’re closely linked. Putin’s decision last month may be just the first response to new U.S. sanctions against Russia, signed by President Donald Trump on Aug. 2. Some commentators have underplayed the immediate effects of these sanctions. But international companies planning to invest in Russia or already doing business there now face more uncertainty. And six months from now, a ticking bomb wrapped in 184 pages of U.S. legalese will start counting time for some investors. One of the provisions in the U.S. sanctions law requires the U.S. Secretaries of Treasury and State and the Director of National Intelligence to submit to Congress a detailed report on senior Russian political figures and businesspeople close to Russia’s ruling elite. This report is to contain information on the size and sources of these individuals’ wealth, as well as the wealth of their siblings, parents, spouses and children, any indications of corruption, and, importantly for potential business partners of these individuals, identification of their non-Russian business affiliations. The report will also assess the impact of imposing sanctions against these individuals on their wealth, on the Russian economy and on the economies of the United States and its allies. Sanctions against Russia have so far targeted only a handful of top businessmen widely considered close to Putin, in addition to a range of companies. This report — to be updated annually and publicly accessible — is effectively a potential sanctions hit list, although the law does not say that those individuals under scrutiny will automatically be sanctioned. Sanctions are meant to hurt the country on which they are imposed. That means anyone doing business with that country faces potential trouble too. Previous sanctions by the United States and the European Union arguably caused more headache for U.S. and European firms than for Russia. This new provision means Western firms may find their previously ‘safe’ business partner suddenly and unexpectedly under sanctions. It is “like a Sword of Damocles over [European companies],” Michael Harms, managing director of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, told German newspaper Die Zeit before the law was passed. Putin came to power 18 years ago and has built a personally managed state capitalist economy. Finding a prominent Russian businessperson who has not engaged in some way with the country’s senior decision-makers would be a daunting task. And it is exactly these individuals with whom many foreign companies partner, in one way or another. So what are investors who see opportunity in the Russian market but are unsure how to manage this new unpredictability to do? As a first step, international companies should step up due diligence. While ‘know your partner’ checks may seem dull, they are the best safeguard against unwitting involvement with sanctioned individuals or companies. International companies will have to know their partners and supply chains better and be able to demonstrate to international regulators that they have done everything possible to obtain information about them should they find themselves under the regulatory spotlight for sanctions violations. Investors can also focus on sectors that are less penetrated by government-friendly executives. Sectors such as retail, agriculture and pharmaceuticals are fertile soil for international companies, with many firms growing rapidly despite the economic stagnation Russia has endured over the past few years. Agriculture, in particular, is now an attractive opportunity. Consulting firms are already receiving more inquiries from agricultural The Christian Herald No 33 Page 81 companies that hadn’t previously considered investing in Russia. Sanctions are an undeniable hassle to companies operating internationally, but also offer perhaps unexpected opportunities. Companies willing to conduct robust due diligence and pursue politically safer opportunities may find themselves reaping the benefits of a less competitive playing field. Russian agricultural companies will be eager to talk to them. (Elisabeth Braw and Nabi Abdullaev, The Moscow Times, Aug 7, 2017) Elisabeth Braw is a Senior Consultant at Control Risks, a global risk consultancy. Nabi Abdullaev is an Associate Director at Control Risks and a former editor-in-chief of The Moscow Times.The views and opinions expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the position of The Moscow Times.

Russia Extends Syrian Airbase Lease by 49 Years President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday signed an agreement with Syria which will give the Russian military access to an airbase on the Mediterranean for another half a century. According to the document published on the official government website, Russia will continue to lease the Khmeimim Air Base, in the Latakia province, until at least 2066. The Syrian government conceded to lend the base in Latakia province free of charge. Russia’s intervention in the Syrian war in 2015 on the side of Bashar al-Assad has been marred by accusations its Air Force deliberately targeted aid convoys and civilian infrastructure. (Moscow Times, July 27, 2017)

The Russians Were Involved. But It Wasn’t About Collusion. Russians are fond of a proverb, “besplatniy sir biyvaet tol’ko v mishelovke”: “Free cheese can be found only in a mousetrap.” Having long considered the United States its main enemy, the Kremlin deploys a full quiver of intelligence weapons against America and its national security agencies, political parties and defense contractors. Its intelligence services, though best known for clandestine operations to recruit spies, also run covert “influence operations” that often use disinformation to try to affect decisions or events in rival countries. A central tool of those operations is “kompromat,” “compromising material”: things of seemingly great value that are dangled, at what appears to be no cost, before unwitting targets. This is the “free cheese” that ensnares victims in a trap. I know all this from having spent much of my 30-year government career, including with the C.I.A., observing Soviet, and then Russian, intelligence operations. I came to realize that President Vladimir Putin, who spent his formative years in the K.G.B., the Soviet Union’s main intelligence agency, and served as director of its successor agency, the F.S.B., wants, as much as anything, to destabilize the American political process. For all his talk of desiring friendly relations, Mr. Putin favors a state of animosity between our two nations. By characterizing the United States and NATO as Russia’s enemies, he can attack within his own borders what threatens him the most — the ideals of liberty, freedom and democracy, of which the United States has been a defender. This background is necessary for understanding the real meaning of the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower between Kremlin-connected Russians and three representatives of Donald Trump’s campaign: his son, Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, then the campaign manager. The evidence that has emerged from this meeting strongly suggests that this was not an effort to establish a secure back channel for collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign but an influence operation with one simple objective: to undermine the presidential election. No conclusive proof has yet emerged that the Kremlin arranged this meeting, and the Russians involved have asserted they were not working for the Putin government. Mr. Kushner himself told Senate investigators that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow. But to me, the clearest evidence that this was a Russian influence operation is the trail of bread crumbs the Kremlin seemed to have deliberately left leading from Trump Tower to the Kremlin. This operation was meant to be discovered. The meeting was arranged by a British publicist named Rob Goldstone, who told Donald Trump Jr. via email that his client, the Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, wanted to share incriminating evidence on the Clinton campaign that had been obtained from the Russian government. Sophisticated Russian intelligence tradecraft that was meant to be kept secret would not have permitted such an insecure opening gambit for establishing continuing communication with the Trump campaign. They would not have used something as insecure as email, or relied on liaison cutouts who could so easily be traced to the Kremlin. Instead, the Russians who attended the meeting had obvious Kremlin ties, including Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Moscow lawyer who has done work on behalf of the F.S.B.; Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian- American lobbyist who served in the Soviet military; and Mr. Agalarov, whose father is a real estate titan close to Mr. Putin. I can’t say how news of the meeting broke, but once it did, Mr. Putin achieved one of his goals: throwing the American government into greater turmoil amid the frenzied media coverage, escalating F.B.I. and congressional investigations and intensified political conflict. And with the revelation that Russia was behind the meddling, Mr. Putin achieved another objective: to allow Russia, despite its economic and military inferiority, to claim that it could rival the United States on the global playing field. He could do all this while denying, with a wink and a nod, any involvement. If this all sounds far-fetched, consider that the Russians have a long history of these kinds of operations, including in the United States. In the 1968 presidential campaign, Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin unsuccessfully offered financial assistance to the Democratic candidate, Hubert Humphrey, according to a K.G.B. archivist, Vasili Mitrokhin. Mr. Mitrokhin also uncovered a Soviet intelligence campaign to spread vicious attacks in 1976 against Senator Henry Jackson, a Democratic presidential candidate known for his anti-Soviet views. Russia’s active-measures operations slowed during the 1990s under President Boris Yeltsin, but Mr. Putin has resurrected the art of covert influence often in conjunction with cyberwarfare, particularly against Georgia, Ukraine and the United States. The most effective method to combat Russia’s intrusions into our political process is to be clear, transparent and honest with ourselves about how the Kremlin operates and what it hopes to achieve. The Trump campaign did not need to collude with the Kremlin for Russia’s cyber and covert influence campaign to be considered a serious breach of our electoral process, and hence our national security. The Trump administration and both parties in Congress need to speak with one voice against Russia’s attack on our democratic institutions. If they do not, Mr. Putin will have won. (Daniel Hoffman, N Y Times, July 28, 2017) (Daniel Hoffman, a former chief of station for the C.I.A., worked for over 30 years for the United States government in Russia, Europe, the Middle East and South Asia).

Trumps asks if the West has the will to survive IF you doubted Donald Trump has what it takes to make America great again, and to lead the civilised world against a frightening array of enemies, then you will be heartened by his brilliant Warsaw speech. He briefly named Islamic terrorism as the latest totalitarian ideology which threatens our freedoms. He was tough on Russia, while emphasising shared values, laying the parameters for a useful meeting with Vladimir Putin the next day. But, most remarkably, he singled out for praise the unique moral virtues of Western civilisation, and referenced God ten times. He spoke of nations being more than the sum of their GDP, with faith in God, family and “the dignity of every human life” crucial to our survival. “We can have the largest economies and the most lethal weapons anywhere on Earth, but if we do not have strong families and strong values, then we will be weak and we will not survive... “Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield. It begins with our minds, our wills and our souls.” Of course this all sent Trump-haters into Exorcist-style head spins, damning the speech as “muddled thinking and dark nativism”. The Atlantic said it was “racist” and paranoid. The Washington Post labelled it “dark and provocative”. Vox slammed it as an “alt-right manifesto”. Judge for yourself. “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” said Trump. “Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilisation in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?” It was powerfully symbolic for Trump to choose Poland to make such a speech before joining the sneering elitists of Europe at the G20, hosted by German chancellor Angela Merkel. It comes at a time when Poland is resisting pressure from the EU to take in a “quota” from among more than a million asylum seekers, mainly young Muslim men, who have entered Europe from the Middle East and Africa since Merkel opened the borders in 2015. Trump spoke in Krasinski Square, in a city entirely rebuilt after WWII, in front of a monument to 200,000 Poles killed in the heroic Warsaw uprising against the Nazis in 1944, as described in Norman Davies’ Rising ‘44. A secret pact between Hitler and Stalin saw Poland invaded by Nazi Germany from the west and the Soviet Union from the east, and then the Allies betrayed Poland to appease Stalin. The defeat of Hitler only plunged the Poles into nearly 50 years of Communist oppression. But with the help of their own saint, Pope John Paul II, Trump said “the Poles reasserted their identity as a nation devoted to God”. “The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken and who have never, ever forgotten who they are. “And when the day came on June 2nd, 1979, and 1 million Poles gathered around Victory Square for their very first mass with their Polish pope, that day every Communist in Warsaw must have known that their oppressive system would soon come crashing down. “They must have known it at the exact moment during Pope John Paul II’s sermon when a million Polish men, women and children suddenly raised their voices in a single prayer. “A million Polish people did not ask for wealth. They did not ask for privilege. Instead, one million Poles saying three simple words: “We want God…. “And with that powerful declaration of who you are, you came to understand what to do and how to live.” That message is as true today as ever: “The people of Poland, the people of America and the people of Europe still cry out, ‘We want God’.” Trump understands that the greatest threat we face is from our own postmodern elites who want to erase the history, tradition and faith of Western civilisation, which they find shameful and inconvenient. His speech was a call to arms against the enemy within. “If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.” Ultimately, Trump was optimistic, lauding Poland as an example for those “who wish to summon the courage and the will to defend our civilisation… “Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the west will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilisation will triumph.” As imperfect and vulgar as Trump can be, his genius lies in his ability to create the “safe space” in which others can pursue freedom. The condemnation The Christian Herald No 33 Page 82 shows how important this speech was. It marks either our civilisation’s last gasp or the beginning of the renaissance. Which way it goes depends on us. (Miranda Devine, newscorpaustralia.com, July 7, 2017)

MH17 witnesses are slowly being ‘liquidated’ by Russia, Ukranian investigators claim RUSSIA is seeking to “liquidate” key witnesses to the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines MH17, it has been claimed. Colonel Vasily Geranin, described as a “key witness”, was last month secretly taken into custody by Vladimir Putin’s FSB security service, according to a voluntary Ukrainian group probing the crash. The allegation comes ahead of the third anniversary of the 2014 tragedy, which killed 298 people, and as a tribunal is being established to formally investigate the horror, reports The Sun. The Turnbull government said MH17 victims will get justice with the Netherlands taking over the prosecution of suspects. Geranin is seen as a “possible accomplice” into the downing of the plane flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, claims open source intelligence investigation agency InformNapalm. His voice is alleged to be heard on an “incriminating” intercepted phone call with rebel leader Igor Bezler in the immediate aftermath of the crash. The tragic plane was downed by a Russian-supplied Buk missile complex in pro-Moscow rebel-held eastern Ukraine. The call is seen as evidence that Russian-sponsored rebels were behind the deadly strike on MH17. The SBU intelligence agency in Kiev alleges that Geranin — a high ranking Russian GRU military intelligence officer — “personally supervised” Bezler. Geranin has not given his version of events and is now in custody, so putting him out of reach of international efforts to probe the crash. He was allegedly detained in Russia for possessing illegal munitions, including parts of a grenade launcher, and retrospectively fired from the GRU. But the group allege this is part of an FSB “special operation” related to the MH17 attack, reported Ukrainian news source Unian. Reports in a Moscow news outlet about his detention have been removed, it is claimed. The voluntary group claim: “The efforts of the special services of the Russian Federation to isolate and liquidate witnesses of the terrorist act against the passengers of MH17 indicate (Moscow) is trying its best to obstruct the investigation process.” NETHERLANDS TAKING OVER PROSECUTION Meanwhile, MH17 victims will get justice with the Netherlands taking over the prosecution of suspects, the Turnbull government said. Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders on Wednesday announced suspects in the incident would be prosecuted in the Netherlands, though none have so far been named. The criminal investigation is still ongoing and it’s unknown when the trial will start. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said the government had full confidence in the “quality, impartiality and integrity” of the Dutch legal system. “While we cannot take away the grief of those who lost their loved ones because of this atrocious act, we are committed to holding the perpetrators to account and achieving justice for all the victims,” they said in a statement. “The joint investigation team’s decision to support a Dutch national prosecution will ensure that results from the investigation are taken into account and that justice for the victims and their families, including the 38 people who called Australia home, is delivered.” They’ve urged other states to join in the pursuit of justice and co- operate fully with efforts to achieve accountability. (The Sun, News Corp Australia Network, July 6, 2017)

France-Russia: An Improbable Reset That Quickly Turned Sour Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron are off to a bad start. French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin walk in the Gallery of Battles at the Versailles Palace as they arrive for a joint press conference following their meeting in Versailles, near Paris, France, May 29, 2017. Stephane de Sakutin / AP A few hours after his return from Versailles, Vladimir Putin chose to give an interview to the right-wing newspaper Le Figaro. With hardly veiled resentment, he took issue with his host, newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron, and rebuffed him on the major points of contention that came out during their May 29 press conference: Syria, Ukraine, and interference in the French electoral campaign. In Versailles, Putin listened sternly to Macron’s moral lesson about Ukraine and human rights in Chechnya, said little, and looked impatient to leave. Now, he played the deciding match—without the contender, on his own terms, and at the new Russian Orthodox center he had belatedly opened on the banks of the Seine. Vladimir Putin’s methods are well-known to seasoned Russia observers. He denies established facts—like Damascus’s use of chemical weapons against civilians. He angrily dismisses foreign leaders’ positions on the Ukrainian conflict. And he speaks insincerely about the Russian state media’s smear campaign against Macron and the hacking of his movement’s website and emails. Oddly, Putin strongly defended his right to welcome Marine Le Pen in the Kremlin during the presidential race. The new French president is learning the hard way what it costs to have a “very frank and direct” exchange with the master of the Kremlin. The Russian president has spent seventeen years at the helm. Macron, meanwhile, is taking his first steps in international power politics and probably misread his guest’s reasons and expectations for this meeting. Putin was seeking honor and respect, recognition of his stature as dean of the “concert of nations,” and also a benign French response to his aggressive military policies for “restoring legal order and peace” in Syria and Ukraine. He was taking an opportunity to make a comeback on the European stage, after the G7 summit in Sicily held without him. Putin was not looking for a frank, honest discussion on issues of war and peace. And he certainly did not expect Macron to open the press conference with strong criticisms of state violence against gay men in Chechnya and to hint that he, Putin, should fix this. To Moscow, the most offensive part of the failed show was that the Russian authorities had worked hard to obtain this invitation from the Elysée Palace. They wanted Macron to repair the humiliation of October 2016, when François Hollande advised Vladimir Putin against visiting Paris to inaugurate the new Russian Orthodox center. At the time, the Russian military was helping Bashar Assad’s army in their brutal assault on Aleppo. The Kremlin’s preference for armed conflict over negotiation has a deeply corrosive effect on its relationship with France, despite a “centuries-long friendship.” Trust is gone. Vladimir Putin did not come to Versailles to negotiate a way out of the Syrian tragedy. He came to drag Macron into his political logic, in which the global struggle against terrorism predominates, no matter what. But in France, Italy, Germany, Greece and Romania, the public sees a clear link between Russia’s military participation in the war and refugees crossing our borders. Even the most pernicious fake news and propaganda cannot whitewash the glaring facts: Russia’s use of military force creates more insecurity and does not help us fight back against terrorists in our cities. For the new French president, Versailles was an eye-opening experience. Vladimir Putin cannot be seduced, lectured or talked into a rational, “fully inclusive” (Macron’s words) multilateral diplomatic negotiation. There is no bait that he is willing to take. Putin wants to talk with Western leaders on his own terms—and those terms alone. He has shown he is not willing to compromise in order to restore a broken partnership with Europe. For Emmanuel Macron, the path forward is clear—the further strengthening of the Franco-German tandem and of Europe’s political, economic and military unity. Given the current unpredictability of U.S. policies and its shaky commitment to NATO, European states will likely close ranks. In this renewed strategy of common security and foreign policy, France will play a leading role. And Putin has given us one more incentive to ensure ideas of narrow national interest do not get in the way of a unified European position toward the Russian. (Marie Mendras, Moscow Times, May 31, 2017)

How the Kremlin Turned Macron Against Russia Russian propaganda smeared the French president-elect. Hacks threatened to derail his campaign. He may now seek revenge. On May 7, when Emmanuel Macron walked onstage to deliver a victory speech, it was to the sound of Beethoven's Ode to Joy, the European Union's official anthem. Despite the wave of populism and nationalism sweeping Europe, the 39-year-old had defeated the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen by a landslide. Western liberals who had placed their hopes in the Frenchman rejoiced. But Russia was not in a celebratory mood. The French election was supposed to be an easy win for the Kremlin. Almost all the major candidates were sympathetic to Russia. They made no secret of their support for the far-right candidate Marine Le Pen, who had the rise of populism, and a terrorist attack on the eve of the election playing in her favor. Despite all of this, a pro-European Russia skeptic made it to the Elysee Palace to become the youngest president in French history. Emmanuel Macron had little to say about Russia until he decided to run for the presidency. A former Economy Minister under President Francois Hollande, Macron built a career in domestic social and economic politics. “He had no competence in international relations and had to build it up in just a few months,” says French political scientist Marie Mendras. Just over a year ago, Macron visited Moscow — at a time when EU-Russia relations were icy — and spoke in favor of easing Western sanctions on Russia. “He was not hostile towards Russia at all,” a Brussels-based scholar told The Moscow Times on the condition of anonymity. Macron, the scholar added, belonged to the French mainstream, which has traditionally been neutral if not soft on Russia. But that Macron has gone. An aggressive Russian propaganda campaign against him and a hack of his campaign emails on the eve of the election have hardened the incoming French president's view of Russia. “He has radically changed his position,” says Mendras. On May 5, during a pre-election media blackout, hundreds of Macron emails were leaked. These were immediately distributed by WikiLeaks and anonymous pro-Kremlin and American alt-right accounts on social media. It wasn't long before parallels were drawn with the 2016 U.S election, when Hillary Clinton's campaign was attacked by Russia-linked hackers. Cybersecurity firms, including New York's Flashpoint and Tokyo-based Trend Micro, linked the Macron hackers to the same Russian intelligence affiliated group blamed for attacking the American Democratic Party shortly before the U.S vote. The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) said on May 9 that it had warned French officials that Russia was hacking French computer systems during the presidential campaign. “We said, 'Look, we are watching the Russians, we've seen them penetrate your infrastructure'” NSA director Mike Rogers told a Senate Committee. The difference with the Macron Leaks and the DNC hack, was that the aim was less clear, says Russian foreign policy analyst Mikhail Troitskiy. “It does not seem sensible for Moscow to authorize an operation like The Christian Herald No 33 Page 83 this when Macron was already set to win the election,” he says. Discovering exactly who was behind the leaks will not be easy. But that may be besides the point. What matters now, says analyst Vladimir Frolov, is that Macron and his advisors think Russia was behind it and are talking about “retaliation.” “This is not a simple pirating operation but indeed an attempt to destabilize the French presidential election,” said Macron's campaign statement following the hack. A significant part of the French public was of the same view. “There was a sort of solidarity: We will not let you spoil our vote,” says Mendras. It did not help that En Marche, the movement Macron Founded, believes it was the victim of a Russian smear campaign. Pro-Russian media has tried to discredit the centrist ever since they realized he had a chance of winning the presidency. That campaign focused on his marriage to a former high school teacher 24 years his senior. Macron's campaign team barred Russian state-funded news agencies Sputnik and Russia Today from access to its events. Russia's behavior during the French election has cost the Kremlin a potentially neutral partner. “They really blew it,” says Mendras. According to Frolov, Macron’s team believe that Russian attempts to interfere in the election “demand payback.” What form such “payback” will take is unclear, but it seems certain Macron will be tougher on Russia than Francois Hollande ever was. Even though Hollande belongs to the EU mainstream position on Russia, he was not so vocal in his criticism of the Kremlin — at the very least until the bombing of Aleppo. “Under Macron, there will be less tolerance of Moscow, particularly in the propaganda coming from Russia,” says Mendras. But the biggest change in the Elysee is a generational one. Hollande and Putin both came of age in the Cold War era: the Frenchman is only two years younger than his Russian counterpart. This was one of the reasons Putin felt relatively comfortable with Hollande, despite tensions with the EU. Macron will soon become the youngest French leader since Napoleon. Seventeen years in power, and counting, the Russian president is unlikely to warm to fresh, charismatic politicians — either at home or abroad. “He will irritate him with his youth and smart moves the way Obama did,” says Frolov. In politics, personal chemistry matters. In a sign that the two men are unlikely to get along, Putin did not call Macron to congratulate him. Instead, he sent a perfunctory message, wishing him “strong health” during a “difficult time for Europe.” (Ola Cichowlas, Moscow Times, May 10, 2017)

Chinese jets intercept US aircraft over East China Sea, US says Two Chinese Sukhoi Su-30 jets have conducted an "unprofessional" intercept of a US aircraft, the US military said. One of the Chinese jets came as close as 150ft (45m) to the US WC-135 plane and flew upside down above it, according to US officials cited by CNN. The US says the plane was on a mission to detect radiation in international airspace over the East China Sea. Tensions have repeatedly risen over US activity near the resource-rich international waters off China's coast. The intercept, which took place on Wednesday, was deemed unprofessional "due to the manoeuvres by the Chinese pilot, as well as the speeds and proximity of both aircraft," Air Force spokesman Lt Col Lori Hodge said. She said the issue was "being addressed with China through appropriate diplomatic and military channels", and a military investigation was under way. China has not commented on the incident, but it accuses the US of carrying out reconnaissance flights over Chinese coastal waters and regularly calls on the US to reduce patrols in the area. China claims sovereignty over almost all of the disputed territory in the South and East China seas, though several other countries in the region have competing claims. China has backed its expansive claims with island-building and naval patrols. The US sniffer aircraft has previously been used to detect evidence of possible nuclear tests by North Korea. Why is the South China Sea contentious? South China Sea- Island, rock or reef? 'Routine operations' Separately, China and South East Asian countries have agreed a framework for a long-awaited code of conduct for the disputed South China Sea, China's foreign ministry said, without giving details on the content. It will now be submitted to the foreign ministers of the countries in August. Over the years, the US, China and several of the South East Asian countries have had disputes over rival activity in the South China Sea. In February, a US aircraft carrier started what Washington described as "routine operations" in the South China Sea, with a fleet of supporting warships. The deployment came despite Chinese warnings against challenging Beijing's sovereignty in the region. In May 2016, two Chinese fighters carried out a similar intercept of a US military aircraft over the South China Sea. At the time, the US military said its maritime reconnaissance aircraft was carrying out a routine patrol in the area. In 2001, a Chinese jet and a US Navy surveillance aircraft collided off Hainan Island, killing the Chinese pilot. The US spy plane was forced to make an emergency landing on the island and China held the crew members for 11 days, sparking a major diplomatic standoff. (BBC News, 19 May 2017)

Hot Air, Cold War: How Russia Spooks Its Arctic Neighbors Russia’s military build-up has polar countries on edge. But don’t worry — bullets aren’t flying yet On May 9, Muscovites gathered on Red Square for an annual tradition: the Victory Day military parade. Formally, the parade marks the Soviet Union’s triumph over Nazi Germany in World War II. Informally, it gives the Kremlin a chance to send its latest tanks and missiles rolling down the street and show off its resurgent military might. This year, the Kremlin had a surprise up its sleeve: For the first time ever, it deployed to Red Square the Tor and Pantsir air defense systems, decked out in sharp white and gray Arctic camouflage. The appearance of Arctic forces on Victory Day underscores one of the military’s most impressive and misunderstood rearmament efforts: Since at least 2011, the Defense Ministry has worked at a breakneck pace to reopen old defensive installations on the Arctic frontier and reassert its armed presence there. But the size and scale of the Kremlin’s Arctic build-up has some of its regional neighbors worried. “They are concerned that this series of steps by Russia may go beyond defense and portend offensive intentions,” says Kenneth Yalowitz, an Arctic analyst who was formerly U.S. Ambassador to Belarus and Georgia. If war were to break out with Russia tomorrow, the United States would have just one solitary heavy icebreaker — the 50-year-old Polar Star — to clear the way for its warships. Meanwhile, across the Arctic Sea, is a Russian icebreaker fleet of some 40 ships. Several are nuclear-powered, giving them incredible range and endurance — and more are on the way. Russia has already put the U.S. in “checkmate,” Admiral Paul Zukunft, U.S. Coast Guard commandant, said earlier this month during a panel discussion in Washington. It’s a reality, he admitted, that keeps him awake at night. As global warming decimates the polar ice caps, northern countries (and even non-Arctic states) are increasingly eyeing the region for economic opportunities. Climate change, many believe, promises new openings for shipping, resource extraction and even tourism in the far north. In these conditions, Russia’s Arctic build-up looks formidable. But many Arctic observers doubt the situation is as dire as Zukunft believes. Moscow’s militarization of the polar north is far from a simple or straightforward development. Geography, demographics and Cold War history predispose Russia to military engagement in the region. The Russian Arctic coastline is four times longer than the United States’ Alaskan frontier. Half of the Arctic’s population lives in Russia. And Russia’s official Arctic Zone—which does not even include all its Arctic territory—produces more than 5 percent of the country’s GDP. “For comparison, Alaska contributes less than one percent of U.S. GDP," says Andrei Zagorsky, a scholar at Moscow's Institute of World Economy and International Relations and an expert on the Arctic. As an enormous land power, Russia also faces a practical problem: The vast majority of its coastline is located in a region covered in ice for most of the year. Russia’s largest and best equipped naval force, the Northern Fleet, is designed for engagements in the Atlantic, but geography forces it to be based in the frigid northern port of Murmansk. History plays an important role in Russia’s advantageous Arctic footing, too. Over the course of the 20th Century, the Soviet Union developed and maintained an imposing Arctic presence, establishing air bases, radar stations and anti-air batteries to defend its northern coastline during the Cold War. Although many of those bases atrophied in the wake of the Soviet collapse, Russia has since found new reasons to focus on the Arctic. The Russian economy is heavily dependent on natural resource extraction. With production in older oil and gas fields declining, the Arctic has become the new frontier for extraction. As a result, Moscow began reasserting its military presence and its control over territory in the Arctic. The country has reopened old Soviet bases and constructed new ones. In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the creation of the Northern Joint Strategic Command, a Murmansk-based combined command to coordinate every military unit in the Arctic theater. Russia currently plans to reestablish 13 air bases and ten radar stations and establish air, surface, and underwater monitoring systems. The armed forces will also deploy anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defense forces on these bases. Additionally, Russia will open 20 border outposts and ten integrated emergency rescue centers in the Arctic. This makes Russia the only country with significant military forces permanently deployed to the Arctic. But the reasons for this are complicated and, at times, peripheral to Arctic security concerns. The Northern Fleet includes strategic submarines with nuclear ballistic missiles, perhaps the single most important branch of Russia’s national defense. “The main task of the Northern Fleet’s surface ships is to ensure the survival of the ballistic missile submarines in the event of a nuclear war,” Zogorsky says. Even so, the surface fleet is designed for operation in the Atlantic, not the Arctic. And not a single warship is under construction for Arctic war. Beyond this, there are climatic concerns: The northwestern Kola Peninsula is virtually Russia’s only convenient outlet to the open ocean. The water is deep and doesn’t freeze in the winter. “Other Arctic countries have more convenient and free access to the ocean, and so they don’t have to keep their fleet up north,” Zagorsky adds. On May 10, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov came to Fairbanks, Alaska to take part in a ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council. The next day he spoke before the assembled dignitaries and declared that “there is no potential for any kind of conflict” in the Arctic. On the surface, that statement seems to contradict Russia’s military build-up in the region. But military observers suggest the likelihood of real conflict is low. “Individual incidents are The Christian Herald No 33 Page 84 more likely—for example, the collision of two submarines,” says Andrei Frolov, editor-in-chief of the Moscow Defense Brief magazine. But he doubts this would lead to war. There are few other immediate reasons for conflict. A 1990 agreement demarcates maritime borders, which are not disputed. And most of the Arctic’s natural resources are located in countries’ coastal shelf zones, where no one disputes the sovereign rights of the states. Russia has applied to the UN to legally extend its continental shelf in the Arctic —a move the U.S. disagrees with—but the issue hardly appears combustible. What’s more, the Arctic countries take part in the Arctic Council, which provides a platform for dialogue on economic development, environmental protection, and other regional issues. The Arctic Coast Guard Forum also promotes regional cooperation on maritime safety and search and rescue issues. Still, Ambassador Yalowitz says there are reasons for concern. The lack of transparency in Russia’s Arctic build-up is raising other Arctic states’ concerns that the militarization is not defensive. Additionally, the deterioration of U.S.-Russian ties in the last three years has taken its toll: The two countries’ direct military-to-military contacts on the Arctic have been suspended. Given the risk of “unintended consequences from a military accident” in the region, resuming these contacts would be wise, Yalowitz told The Moscow Times in an email. In the meantime, Yalowitz argues that the goal for the United States and Russia in the region is a limited one: “They need to prevent broader geopolitical tensions from spilling into the Arctic” and stopping “the international cooperation necessary to deal with the challenge of climate change in the north. (Matthew Bodner and Matthew Kupfer, Moscow Times, May 19, 2017)

Russia Riled by Trump's 'Disturbing' Nuclear Weapons Comments Moscow doesn't like the taste of its own nuclear saber-rattling medicine. Russia is “categorically opposed” to the termination of the New START nuclear arms control treaty, the head of the Federation Council’s defense committee, Viktor Ozerov, said on Feb. 24. Russia will push for an extension of the treaty, Ozerov said adding that it was “fundamental to global security” the RIA Novosti news agency reported. Ozerov’s remarks were prompted by a Feb. 23 interview with U.S. president Donald Trump in which he slammed the New START treaty as a “bad deal” signed by the previous administration. "We are going to start making good deals,” Trump said.Trump’s specific critique of the New START treaty is that it is “one-sided.” Ozerov was echoed by Federation Council member Konstantin Kosachev, head of the foreign affairs committee who said, “This is, perhaps, the most disturbing statement yet of Trump’s on the topic of relations with Russia.” Kosachev urged for dialogue with the U.S. on the future of New START be launched as soon as possible. Alexei Pushkov, a member of the defense committee, was more pointed in his critique. Pushkov suggested on Twitter that Obama and George Soros are busy leading a coup by the Democrats against Trump in Washington. "[Trump] should be thinking about that, and not New START." A signature accomplishment of the Obama-era reset with Russia, the treaty stipulates that both Russian and U.S. nuclear arsenals are capped at 1,550 warheads deployed by Feb. 05, 2018. It also limits launch vehicles and delivery systems to 700 deployed missiles and bombers and 800 deployed and non- deployed launchers.The latest New START accounting was released by the State Department’s arms control bureau on Jan. 1. It showed Russia has 1796 warheads deployed, while the U.S. is already under the cap with 1367 warheads. The U.S. leads, however, with 681 deployed missiles and bombers and 848 launchers. Russia is behind with 508 and 847, respectively. Analysts say that the discrepancy in Russia’s warhead count has more to do with New START accounting than anything else. In his recent comments, Trump appeared to be less concerned with the question of equality under New START than with the concept of arms control in general. He said the U.S. should have larger nuclear arsenals than anyone else, "until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes." Ozerov said Trump’s attitude toward New START and nuclear weapons would set a bad example for states aspiring to join the nuclear club — especially North Korea. The lawmaker suggested extending New START, which will otherwise expire Feb. 05, 2021, should be on the agenda for an eventual summit between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The agenda of the possible high-level talks between Russia and the United States is expanding with each of Trump's statement. The earlier these issues are discussed at a personal eye-to-eye meeting, the better,” Ozerov said. Trump also called the alleged Russian violation of another agreement, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), “a big deal.” Russia’s Foreign Ministry has branded reports of the violations “fake news.” Trump said he intends to bring INF violations up with Putin “if and when we meet.” (Matthew Bodner, Moscow Times, Feb 24, 2017)

Russian TV — Making War Great Again Russia’s Sunday news shows took a militant tone this week. Dmitry Kiselyov’s propaganda flagship Vesti Nedeli (Weekly News) began with a feature on Russia’s latest radar stations. Be wowed, Kiselyov told his audience. This radar kit is next generation, rapid response, and can track up to 500 targets as far as Cape Horn, he said. Russia is surrounded by enemies — but, hey, at least you can feel safe within its borders Meanwhile, the conflict in Ukraine drags on with lethal consequences. Kiselyov blamed Ukraine and its president, Petro Poroshenko, “who still expects a pat on the head from America for carrying on with the killing.” A grim segment follows. Separatist “marine” units of “Donetsk People’s Republic” — some 90 miles from the coast — are shown dragging bloodied Ukrainian corpses through the icy steppe. The camera shows a close-up of a Salvation Army badge on one of the deceased men’s uniforms. “The Salvation Army is a Western organization that helps prisoners and social undesirables,” the reporter adds. Regular viewers will have noticed a change in language. There were few caveats about separatist fighters this week, none of the usual disclaimers about “unrecognized republics,” and Russia-supporting local activists. Instead, the programmer’s reporter refers to the insurgents as “we.” Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine is now, once again, O.K. Russian State TV Praises Trump for Avoiding ‘Democracy’ in Inauguration Speech. Following weeks of unabashed praise, Russian TV took on a more balanced tone on Donald Trump this Sunday. On the one hand, Kiselyov’s Vesti Nedeli did again rush to Trump’s rescue, shielding him from attacks of his “numerous enemies.” America’s “militant” media were pounding Trump, the anchor said — without remorse or respect for the “100 days” honeymoon rule, where rival politicians and media are “supposed to refrain from criticism.” Valery Fadeev, the host of another Sunday news show Voskresnoe Vremya (Times on Sunday) said Trump was being subjected to attacks by Barack Obama. In a segment punctuated with ominous music, Obama was portrayed as a villain who might have said goodbye but, in fact, has never left Washington D.C. for his native Chicago. Over on Postscriptum, Alexei Pushkov pondered whether “assassinating presidents who didn’t toe the financial elite’s line” was a “cornerstone of American democracy.” On another hand, there was some evidence Russia’s propaganda masters had begun to distance themselves from their new friend in the White House. Kiselyov treated his viewers to the best of Saturday Night Live’s Trump parodies. He mocked Trump’s handshakes too — a bit too vigorous for the Japanese prime minister’s liking. Meanwhile, Fadeev couldn’t hold back a little Trump- bashing and aired a segment titled “The Bathrobegate,” in reference to a Stephen Colbert skit lampooning Donald Trump’s supposed TV watching outfit of choice. Allegations about Edward Snowden’s presumed fate took up a large part of the news shows. Kiselyov dismissed rumors that Russia was preparing to hand him over as a “gift” to Trump. On Twitter Snowden himself declared the rumors to be “irrefutable evidence that [he] never cooperated with Russian intel.” Kiselyov declared that such a transfer was out of the question. “Russia does not deal in people,“ he said, barely hiding a grin. “Snowden is a free man in a free country and it’s up to him to decide whether to stay or go.” But while Russian TV is already starting to feel the first signs of buyers’ remorse for Trump, its admiration for Marine Le Pen seems to be only growing. Kiselyov trashed Le Pen’s opponents Francois Fillon and Emmanuel Macron as corrupt womanizers — this, after last week declaring Macron a closeted homosexual. Russia Launches Operation 'Anyone But Macron' This was not the end of Kiselyov’s ideological gymnastics. After lining up in support of Putin and Trump’s machismo last week, Kiselyov this week pinned himself to the mast of feminism. What France needs most is a sex change at the top, he said: “France, beautiful France” finally has a chance of electing a woman to the Elysees Palace.” Ukraine, Not Russia, Hacked the U.S. Elections, Kremlin Propaganda Reveals Other segments reassured viewers, and emphasized the might of the country’s military. Russia’s Syria naval task-force might have been a resounding PR failure worldwide — with pundits mocking its technical problems and cost — but Vesti Nedeli instead laid out the red carpet. Kiselyov littered his viewers with stats: this many hundreds of sorties flown, that many thousands of terrorist targets destroyed. The returning crews of the Admiral Kuznetsov and Peter the Great were depicted as heroes returning to their home port of Severomorsk. All in all, war accounted for over 30 minutes of Vesti Nedeli’s two-hour program. And it was a similar story on rival shows like TV Center’s Postscriptum, hosted by hawkish senator Alexei Pushkov, and NTV’s Itogi Nedeli (Weekly Summary). A Warning for Trump Mention was also made of Vladimir Putin’s belligerent 2007 speech at the Munich Security Conference, which turned 10-years-old last Friday. The world media ignored the anniversary, but it was top news across all major Russian channels this weekend. Kiselyov used this opportunity to attack the United States for failing to heed Putin’s advice about the dangers of a “unipolar world.” He criticized past U.S. presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama for “dragging their country into despicable wars.” Donald Trump, Kiselyov added, had better study Putin’s keynote speech if he’s serious about keeping up good relations with Russia. (Alexey Kovalev, Moscow Times, Feb 13, 2017)

Nato accuses pro-Kremlin site of pushing propaganda Nato has accused the Kremlin of spreading propaganda and disinformation through a viral news website with a bureau in Edinburgh. Sputnik is part of a “propaganda machine” geared to divide voters in the West and undermine its institutions, Nato said. The site has used its UK headquarters to attack the royal family, criticise Nato strategy and sow doubt over the legitimacy of the Scottish referendum. The extent of Sputnik’s operation in The Christian Herald No 33 Page 85

Edinburgh was revealed by The Times last July, but today is the first time that Nato has publicly linked the site to Vladimir Putin’s disinformation strategy. “Outlets like Sputnik are part of a Kremlin propaganda machine which is trying to use information for political and military needs,” Oana Lungescu, a Nato spokeswoman, told the BBC. “It is a way not to convince people but to confuse them; not to provide an alternative viewpoint but to divide public opinions and ultimately to undermine our ability to understand what is going on and therefore take decisions if decisions need to be made.” “If you look at the bylines of people who write commentaries for Sputnik or [the state-owned broadcaster] RT, a lot of them are extremely obscure individuals connected to the far right or the far left, or so-called specialists or experts who nobody’s heard of,” Ms Lungescu added. “You can always find somebody to say anything, but that doesn’t make it journalism.” Sputnik, launched in 2014, is owned by a government-controlled news agency. Its pro-Kremlin stance mirrors that of state television, and it has sought to discredit claims about Russian hacking of western rivals. Moscow is believed to have launched cyber-attacks to sway the US presidential election in favour of Donald Trump, and western intelligence chiefs believe the frontrunner for the French presidency, Emmanuel Macron, has become a target. We prefer to leave those inclined towards this kind of conspiratorial thinking to Nikolai Gorshkov, Sputnik’s UK editor A predecessor to Sputnik, the RIA Novosti news agency, published a false story claiming that the Scottish independence referendum in 2014 had been rigged, leading to a petition for a recount that attracted 100,000 signatures. Scottish independence would be seen as a blow to Nato, because of the nationalist government’s opposition to Britain’s Clyde-based nuclear deterrent, and a potential boon for Russia’s natural gas industry, given Holyrood’s ban on fracking. In the past year Sputnik has published articles suggesting that the Labour MP Jo Cox may have been killed in an attempt to secure a “remain” vote in the EU referendum. Last week it branded the Prince of Wales “hypocritical” for warning that the horrors of the Second World War were being forgotten, claiming that the royal family had historically harboured “Nazi sympathies”. Nikolai Gorshkov, Sputnik’s UK editor, told the BBC: “It’s extremely unfair, but we’ve been on the receiving end of other similar accusations in the past, without any substantive evidence being provided. We prefer to leave those inclined towards this kind of conspiratorial thinking to it.” Mr Gorshkov denied that Sputnik had based its UK office in Scotland to sway the 2014 referendum, citing high property prices as the reason it avoided London, where most international news bureaux operate. An investigation by The Times has also revealed that a Russian foundation paid hundreds of thousands of pounds to British universities to set up the UK’s first Moscow-backed language and cultural centres. Such establishments have been opened at the universities of Durham, Edinburgh and Oxford. (Duncan Geddes, The Times, February 11 2017)

Russia's Graceless Goodbye to America's First Black President As the Kremlin turns eagerly to the Trump era, Russian pundits shower the outgoing Obama administration in racist mockery. As he has done so many times throughout his 16 years in power, Vladimir Putin surprised the world on Friday when he decided not to respond symmetrically to the Obama administration’s latest sanctions against Russia for alleged interference in the U.S. presidential election. “We regard the recent unfriendly steps taken by the outgoing U.S. administration as provocative and aimed at further weakening the Russia-U.S. relationship,” President Putin said today, announcing that the Kremlin will not expel any American diplomats in retaliation. “It is regrettable that the Obama administration is ending its term in this manner,” Putin said. “Nevertheless, I offer my New Year greetings to President Obama and his family.” Putin even invited the children of U.S. diplomats in Russia to attend the Kremlin’s holiday parties — free of charge. Putin Rejects Retaliatory Sanctions in Cheeky 'New Year' Statement On Twitter, the first reactions from many American journalists and policy experts have characterized Moscow’s response as “master trolling” and “an investment in the Trump administration.” Whatever you think of Putin’s apparent magnanimity, however, there’s no debate that prominent figures in Russian society have been far less restrained than Putin in their comments this week about Barack Obama, whose reputation in Russia has plummeted dramatically over the last several years — especially since the Kremlin started looking forward to Donald Trump in the White House. On Friday, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev tweeted about how “sad“ it is that the Obama administration, which began with an effort to rebuild ties with Moscow, has succumbed to “anti-Russian death throes.” Hours after the White House announced the new sanctions on Thursday, the often colorful official Twitter account belonging to Russia’s embassy in Great Britain shared a photo of a duckling with the word “LAME” superimposed, declaring, “As everybody including the American people, [we] will be glad to see the last of this hapless administration.” Outside the government, prominent Russians have done more than just belittle President Obama, sometimes hurling brazenly racist insults at America’s first black president. Just last weekend, Dmitry Kiselyov, the Kremlin’s so-called “chief propagandist,” poked fun at the color of Barack Obama’s skin, airing a segment titled “The Unlucky Streak,” or literally “The Black Term,” broadcasting a portrait of a surly-looking Obama turning from a podium. In November, the same television show aired and later deleted another racist joke about the president. In the original broadcast, Kiselyov described Obama’s Nov. 10 meeting with President-elect Donald Trump at the White House, saying, “Obama is cheeky these days, if not unceremonious. It started last week, when Trump paid his first visit to the White House. [...] There, Trump behaved like an English lord, while Obama was throwing his arms about as if he was in the jungle,” the anchor said. Russian Propaganda Edits Out Racist Comment About Obama Kiselyov later claimed he never intended to mock Obama’s race, but other pundits in Russia have showed no such inhibitions, following the White House’s decision on Thursday to eject dozens of Russian diplomats and their families. On Friday, the pro-Kremlin tabloid Life published an article by radio host and columnist Mikhail Sakhnazarov, titled “Slamming the Door on the Year of the Monkey,” where he declared, “I hope I never again have to write about the weakest president in the history of the United States.” Russian tabloids aren’t alone when they make jokes about Obama and the Chinese zodiac. Maria Katasonova, a right-wing youth leader and an aide in the State Duma, tweeted, “The Year of the Monkey is coming to an end. The monkey is angry and has a final shit.” Writing in his blog on Thursday, Russian journalist Maxim Sokolov mused similarly about the supposed failings of dark-skinned officials. “After the feats of this lame duck,” he wrote, “I’ve been thinking about which of the high-ranking black politicians proved to be any good. The only one I could remember was Liza Condomovna [Condoleezza Rice]. Yeah, she was the enemy, but as an enemy she was strong and dignified. All the others, unfortunately, have fallen into the same category that we would have called ‘natskadr’ [token non-whites] in the U.S.S.R.” Others have embraced racist terms even more openly. Russian writer and blogger Eduard Bagirov, who once helped beat up a GQ columnist in the street, tweeted on Thursday, “I think in this life we won’t again see a negro in the U.S. presidency. The offended, insecure nigger — it’s just unpleasant. For everybody.” When Twitter users responded to Bagirov’s tweet, calling him a “fascist scumbag,” he answered with a small lecture on Russian vocabulary, ignoring the fact that he explicitly used the word “nigger,” not just the more common Russian word “negro” (which is generally considered less offensive and archaic than it has become in America): “That the word ‘negro’ is forbidden in the U.S. doesn’t change the fact that a negro has ruled that country for the past eight years. A typical negro. A negro. A negro, shit. A negro. A negro.” (Kevin Rothrock, The Moscow Times, Dec.30, 2016)

Russian Libraries Victimized in Extremism Witch Hunt A library director accused of 'inciting ethnic hatred' faces 10 years behind bars as a result of a witch hunt against extremism. The trial of Natalya Sharina, the director of Moscow's State Library of Ukrainian Literature, began on Nov. 2 in one of the city's district courts. By Evgeny Tonkonogy. Natalya Sharina, the former director of Moscow’s State Library of Ukrainian Literature, says she doesn’t understand why she’s being charged with “inciting ethnic hatred.” “I don’t feel guilty. I don’t understand the substance of this accusation. I would ask [the prosecution] to explain what actions I took specifically to incite hatred,” Sharina said at the first session of her trial on Nov. 2. “Acting in a professional capacity, she purchased and placed on shelves accessible to public the books [that are included in the official list of extremist materials],” the prosecutor replied. “And which of these [two things] constitutes a crime?” Sharina asked again. The 59-year-old librarian looked confident, but exhausted. By the time of her trial, Sharina had spent more than a year under house arrest. If convicted, she could be sentenced to a decade in prison, because she faces additional charges of embezzlement, brought while she was already under house arrest. By scrutinizing libraries (many of which do have extremist books on their shelves), the police can demonstrate that they’re doing their jobs, without the dangers of tackling real crimes. “Basically, it’s a way of keeping up the act,” Alexander Verkhovsky, director of Moscow's SOVA center — a group that monitors abuses of anti-extremism legislation — told The Moscow Times. Sharina’s case is unique: it’s the first of its kind that involves actual criminal charges. Usually, police efforts to “keep up the act” lead to inspections that result in official warnings, fines, and administrative charges. But Sharina was unlucky — she got caught in the crossfire and now the authorities are making an example of her in the campaign to weed out extremism in libraries. Extremists Wanted The crackdown on the Ukrainian library started six years ago. In 2010, the police opened the first criminal case against Sharina for allegedly distributing extremist materials: books by the Ukrainian nationalist Dmitro Korchinsky. The case was closed within a year, and everyone was sure the director dodged a bullet. But there were new charges in 2015, and this time police raided and searched the library. Then they arrested Sharina and brought criminal charges. Sharina’s case — and the scrutiny that libraries in Russia face today — is part of the country’s broader campaign against extremism, which has included blocking websites, banning books, and prosecuting people for content they post and repost on social networks. Most of all, the authorities have set their sights on materials that concern Ukraine, Crimea, and the Russian government. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 86

One of the most prominent cases in this crackdown was the prosecution of Rafis Kashapov, who published several comments online criticizing Russia’s treatment of Crimean Tatars. For this offense, a court in 2015 sentenced him to three years in prison — the harshest punishment yet meted out in Russia for “Internet extremism.” Ninety percent of all “extremist” convictions in 2015 involved Internet activities, according to SOVA. More than half of these cases involved VKontakte, Russia’s most popular social network. Many human-rights activists say the anti-extremist legislation Russian lawmakers adopted earlier this decade violates the basic tenets of free expression. Thanks to the way police have enforced these laws, moreover, the concept of fighting extremism has lost its meaning, and now virtually any controversy is fair game for criminal charges. The crackdown has gotten so out of control that Russia’s Supreme Court recently encouraged judges to ease up and “take a less formal approach.” Simply put, human rights advocates say, it’s just easier for police to look for extremists online than it is to chase them on the streets. Hassling libraries is also relatively painless, as Sharina’s case shows. Legislative Loopholes Trying to observe both state regulations and the new laws against extremism, libraries find themselves between a rock and a hard place, Verkhovsky says. Prosecutors say having extremist books on a library’s shelves constitutes the distribution of illegal materials, but older government regulations don’t allow libraries to dispose of books officially until they’re worn out, damaged, or lost. This is why you can still find plenty of banned books on library shelves around Russia today. Libraries aren’t allowed to hide certain books from the public, either, Verkhovsky points out. “They need to register them in the catalogue and give them to people when they request them.” Some librarians at smaller facilities in Russia simply discard their banned books by declaring them to be worn out. This works at small libraries, but larger institutions can’t get away with this trick. “That’s why there was a compromise between the libraries and the Prosecutor’s Office,” Verkhovsky says. “Libraries put special marks on the extremist books, removed them from public access, and gave them only to patrons who requested them. Readers also had to sign a document stating that they were aware of the fact that the book was considered extremist and prohibited by law. Until recently, this deal worked out fine, but apparently the Prosecutor’s Office wants more now.” Political Background The crackdown on Moscow’s State Library of Ukrainian Literature and its director came as Russian-Ukrainian relations were getting especially bad, and Russia was in the midst of a large-scale anti-Ukrainian campaign, according to a statement by the Memorial human rights center last November, when the organization declared Sharina to be a political prisoner. “We don’t believe she is guilty,” Sergei Davidis, head of Memorial’s political prisoners program, told The Moscow Times. “Keeping books in a library can’t be grounds for charging someone with inciting ethnic hatred.” Sharina’s lawyer, Ivan Pavlov, echoed this sentiment, telling The Moscow Times that the embezzlement charges added to Sharina’s rap sheet in April show that prosecutors aren’t confident in their own case: “It’s their safety net, in case the court doesn’t find inciting hatred credible enough.” Law enforcement in Russia rarely backs down. Once the police actually launch a case, they usually see it through, Davidis says. “If they start admitting mistakes, they will have to blame someone for keeping a person under arrest, providing false evidence, imposing an incorrect charge. No one wants to be blamed for it; that’s why the case goes forward, in spite of everything,” he said. Verkhovsky hopes that Sharina’s case is the exception, and other librarians will not face such heavy persecution. “But these days, you never know,” he added. Sharina’s next court hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 23. (Daria Litvinova, The Moscow Times, Nov 11, 2016)

Returning the Names: Moscow to Mourn Victims of Stalin's Terror Every year on Oct. 29 hundreds of Muscovites line up in front of the FSB headquarters and read out names of victims of Soviet terror. On Oct. 29, the eve of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression, hundreds of people will gather on Lubyanskaya Ploshchad near the Solovetsky Stone. They will patie tly wait in line for hours, and then, one by one, read out the names of people executed in Moscow during the darkest days of the Soviet Union. The reading will last at least 12 hours and some 1,500 names are expected to be read in front of the Federal Security Service (FSB) headquarters, former home of its predecessor, the dreaded KGB secret police. Titled “Returning the Names,” the event is organized by the Memorial human rights group. It has been held every year since 2006. This year it will take place despite the fact that Memorial was declared a “foreign agent” earlier this month — a label that, ironically, has strong connotations with Soviet repression.Under the 2012 law, NGOs which receive foreign funding and engage in loosely defined political activity must register as “foreign agents” and be subject to additional scrutiny from the government. At a time when the government is trying to construct its own narrative of the past, and more people approve of Josef Stalin’s brutal regime, such work — preserving the historical memory about victims of repression — is now more important than ever, says historian Pavel Gnilorybov. On the day of “Returning the Names,” Gnilorybov guides tours around Lubyanka devoted to events and personalities of the Great Terror. “We live in a country of absolute reticence. We haven’t talked about so many historical events — be it what happened in 1917, or [war in] Afghanistan, or [war in] Chechnya,” Gnilorybov told The Moscow Times. “At some point we will have to talk about all those events, and [by holding events like ‘Returning the Names’] we are preparing the grounds for it, foundations for this discussion that would make it civilized instead of just squabbling.” 10 Years and 40,000 Names “Returning the Names” was launched ten years ago, in 2006. “We wanted to give people the opportunity to participate, instead of just attending a rally and listening to speeches,” Alexei Makarov, a Memorial historian and one of the organizers of the event, says. “We decided to compile a list of people executed in Moscow, with small biographical notes that we could hand out to people who would read them aloud and thus make them public.” During the past ten years, almost half of the list — that includes more than 40,000 names — has been read aloud. Every year, more and more people take part in “Returning the Names.” People come to Lubyanskaya Ploshchad and are willing to spend hours in line no matter what day of the week it is or what the weather is like. “At first, we were afraid that the chain of readers would break on weekdays — we thought that no one would come to the event in the middle of a working day, but people were coming at all times,” Makarov says. The process of reading is very simple. People are given notes with a person’s name, age, profession and the date of execution. They read them at an improvised tribune with microphones, often adding the names of their relatives that had been executed. Some say that no one from their family was executed during the terror era, but their relatives were involved in persecution of those repressed, and apologize for that. “Every year we have several of those confessions,” Makarov says. “It demonstrates that people from both sides need to talk about it, to make their personal memories public.” Moscow is not the only host of “Returning the Names.” In 2016, the event will also take place in a dozen Russian cities including: St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Murmansk, Komsomolsk, Tomsk, Tula, Vladimir, Orenburg, Rostov-on-Don, Penza, Biisk, Bryansk, as well as several cities abroad such as Warsaw, London, Washington. In every city, Makarov told The Moscow Times, separate lists of victims were compiled. Opposing Memories In recent years, “Returning the Names” has been happening at strange times. On the one hand, the growing number of people coming to the Solovetsky Stone every Oct. 29, shows that society is willing to remember victims of terror. The government seems to be willing, too: authorities have already approved a large-scale monument to victims of political repression to be installed in the center of Moscow. On the other hand, polls demonstrate a growing approval of Stalin’s rule; monuments to the dictator are being installed across Russia, and law enforcement officers show growing reluctance to open archives that will shed more light on the atrocities of the terror era. There is no agreed strategy in the Kremlin, believes historian Gnilorybov. “This is why opening a monument to Ivan the Terrible in their minds stands right next to the idea of a monument to victims of political repression,” he says. “It’s ideological disarray.” Arseny Roginsky, chair of the Memorial group, disagrees. Nowadays, the Russian state imposes its own version of historical memory — the one that is based exclusively on victories, he explains. The main milestone of this type of historical memory is, of course, the victory in the Great Patriotic War — which, inevitably, brings up Josef Stalin, the Supreme Commander, and puts him on the same positive footing as winning the war. “And there is nothing unnatural about that,” says Roginsky. “If the memory about victories had been built in parallel with the memory about the cost of those victories, the situation would have been different. But there is no memory about the cost of the victory. Instead, there is a myth about Stalin — the master that executed people from his entourage, but was very warm to the people,” Roginsky says. That is why reading out the names of individuals is a very important move: “It is about people. It is opposing the memory of the state and its glory,” Roginsky told The Moscow Times. (Daria Litvinova, Moscow Times, Oct 28, 2016)

UN must start standing up to Putin’s barbarism The Security Council has shown itself to be impotent in the face of Russian bullying What a way to run a planet. Not since Nikita Khrushchev pounded his shoe on his delegate’s desk in 1960 has there been such open animosity at the United Nations. At the emergency session of the security council last weekend, the US accused Russia of barbarism in bombing Aleppo, the British told Russia it was involved in war crimes by helping the Assad regime’s “sick blood-lust”. When the Syrian ambassador started to speak, the US, British and French representatives stomped out of the chamber.

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The Syrian war, the crisis of an ancient city under siege, is highlighting how dysfunctional the UN, and in particular its security council, has become. There is a gross mismatch between the savagery on the ground and the inability of world powers to reach even basic agreement. The Russian pattern of using its veto to block an East-West consensus, to stifle any movement towards peace that might infringe on its national interests, is coming to resemble Soviet-era obstructionism. It is jeopardising the security council’s credibility and its role as an arbiter of conflict. A clue to the venom in the council lies in the background of the people around the table. Samantha Power, the US ambassador, was a young reporter in Bosnia at the time of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 and later went on to write a powerful book arguing the case for liberal interventionism. Her Russian counterpart is Vitali Churkin, who was once Boris Yeltsin’s pointman in the Balkans and a staunch defender of the Bosnian Serbs. Everyone agreed last year, on the tenth anniversary of the killings, that they should be declared an act of genocide. Everyone except Churkin, who cast a veto. Samantha Power was furious. Russia is using its position as one of the council’s five permanent veto-wielding members to defend its own breaches of international law in Ukraine, to shield its puppet dictators, or the reputation of dead tyrants like Slobodan Milosevic and in so doing maintain its foothold in regions of interest such as the Balkans and the Middle East. There is no sense any longer of Russia using its global status to further co-operation. Along with China, it abstained in 2011 on the vote backing intervention in Libya but only because it thought that the West would burn its fingers. The stasis in the UN has become critical. The US is involved in five wars — Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen, quite apart from the war against Islamic State — and they are likely to burden the new administration for years to come. To wind them down, there must be a functioning world order, not a talking shop that ends with a Russian “nyet” and more blood on the ground. The case of Syria alone shows that it cannot be patched up by a rough and ready agreement between competing alliances. It needs an overarching world authority as a credible guarantor. It is a sign of international helplessness that no one can agree whether the number of dead over the past five years is 270,000 or 470,000. A margin of error of 200,000 lives? That’s a crisis well and truly out of control. Yet instead of a common plan, the UN is falling apart as surely as the League of Nations. True, it has more solid institutions than its half-baked predecessor. Without them, the 4.8 million Syrian refugees outside the country and more than eight million internally displaced would be sunk. It’s worth remembering, though, what put paid to the League. A remarkably familiar impotence in the face of the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, the Italian attack on Abyssinia, Germany’s not-so-secret rearmament, the Japanese invasion of China. It would be an easy exercise to find current UN failings that outmatch even those. The problem lies with the structure of the permanent Security Council, a post-Second World War club of nuclear powers. It has to be overhauled but it is not clear that its members have the spirit even to begin this process. Take the scramble to replace Ban Ki Moon who is due to step down as secretary-general in December. To give the illusion of transparency, contenders have taken part in hustings but the decision will ultimately be taken by the Big Five. And although the Moscow-educated Irina Bokova, Bulgarian head of Unesco, is lagging behind she remains Vladimir Putin’s favourite. One can only imagine how much reforming zeal she will deploy if Russia forces through her election. One long-standing proposal is to dilute the power of Russia’s veto by expanding the council membership, turning it from a Big Five into a Big Ten. Under this scheme it might be possible to make a veto valid only if it were deployed by two states. Western diplomacy would then be aimed (as it should be now) at widening the gulf between Russia and its occasional veto-buddy China. Another even more remote option: the Big Five could agree among themselves to use the veto only in extremis, in case of war and peace. Russia is not the only block to reform. The idea that Britain or France could rotate its seat with other EU states, always improbable, will be the deadest of ducks after Brexit. Would China welcome India or Japan into the club? Unlikely. Somehow the UN has to be made to work. Aleppo has made the most powerful case for change; Syria, in blood and numbers, surpasses even Bosnia. Ban Ki Moon was virtually in tears as he talked of the Russian bombardment but the UN has unravelled on his watch. His successor will need true grit to take on Putin. (Roger Boyes, The Times, September 29, 2016)

“Israel holds key to peace, if only the leftists would listen” CUE wild applause. Last week in New York, at the United Nations, a certain recently re-elected Prime Minister gave the speech of his life, and in doing so transformed himself from everyday politician to global statesman. His speech was full of optimism, as he spoke of his “innovation” agenda, of his belief that freedom will always overcome fear, and that hope will always overcome hatred. He boasted that these are exciting times and that he is proud to be the Prime Minister of one of the most tolerant, multicultural, diverse nations on the planet. In front of the assembled delegates of the UN, where the world’s worst despots regularly congregate, the PM proudly pointed out that in his country gays hang out in bars and coffee shops, rather than swinging by the neck from cranes or being flung off rooftops. That in his multicultural nation Christians, Muslims, Jews and other denominations live and work with mutual respect side-by-side, rather than in racial or religious hostility. That in his country women are not only free to do as they please but lead political parties, head major corporations, run universities, even fly fighter jets, rather than being discriminated against as second-class citizens. This speech was the making of the Prime Minister and it was a joy to listen to. I wish I could say it was Malcolm Turnbull’s speech, but it wasn’t. This was the speech by Benjamin Netanyahu, elected last year (for the fourth time) as Prime Minister of Israel — the Middle East’s only democracy. The speech ran for 40 minutes, but every second was riveting. Why? Firstly, Netanyahu declared his “war” with the United Nations is over. This despite the fact the UN has been (and still is) one of the most virulently anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli organisations on earth. As Netanyahu pointed out, last year the UN General Assembly passed 20 resolutions against Israel, but (hilariously) only three against the rest of the world combined. “As women are being systematically raped, murdered, sold into slavery, which is the only country that the UN’s Commission on Women chose to condemn this year?” he asked. “Yep, you guessed it — Israel.” On top of which, “UNESCO just denied the 4000-year connection between the Jewish people and its holiest site, the Temple Mount. That’s just as absurd as denying the connection between the Great Wall of China and China.” The “moral force” that the original UN once was has become a “moral farce”, he joked. But — and this is important — Netanyahu believes the days of demonising Israel at the UN are ending. He explained: “Back home, your governments are rapidly changing their attitudes towards Israel. “More and more nations in Asia, in Africa, in Latin America see Israel as a potent partner — a partner in fighting the terrorism of today, a partner in developing the technology of tomorrow.” From a country that started out in the 1950s growing oranges for a living Israel is now (take note, Malcolm) genuinely an “innovation nation”. It is one of the world’s leaders in all sorts of technologies — including recycling waste water, combating climate change, irrigating deserts, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. But the PM was only warming up. “I’m going to surprise you even more. You see, the biggest change in attitudes towards Israel is taking place … in the Arab world.” And this was the crux of his speech. Thanks to the horrors of IS, the muddle-headedness and weakness of Obama and the sinister nuclear schemings of Iran, it’s dawning on many Muslim countries that Israel is NOT their enemy, but rather, is potentially a crucial friend and ally. What’s more, as fanatical Muslims kill innocent people randomly in the streets of New York, Europe and even Sydney, more and more sane people are realising that most of the Arab violence and hostility towards Israel in the past was actually fomented by Islamic extremists. When it comes to terrorism, we’re all Israelis now. Of course, for our own latte-sipping lefties and Greenies, hatred of Israel is an irrational, sick badge of honour, so Netanyahu’s speech will be dismissed by them with their usual sneering intolerance. Yet Netanyahu went to great lengths to explain his desire for peace with the Palestinians, offering, yet again, to sit down with President Abbas and draw up a plan for two states. But that, of course, is the problem. Many of the Palestinian leaders (as I know, having asked the question in person at the PLO headquarters in Ramallah) are only interested in two states if BOTH states are Muslim and there’s “only a handful of Jews” in the place called Israel. Despite the bloody-mindedness of the Palestinians and the anti-Semitism of the Left, Israel’s future is looking bright. We should all applaud that. (Rowan Dean, The Daily Telegraph, September 26, 2016)

Putin Orders Inspection of Russia's Combat Readiness Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered an immediate review of Russia’s combat readiness, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Thursday. The inspection will determine the readiness of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border to “deploy forces at short notice to localize crises,” said Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The inspection will also assess the western and central military districts capacity to project force to Russia’s south-western region, Shoigu said. The country’s Northern Fleet aerospace forces and airborne troops will also be tested, RIA Novosti reported. Analysts have noted a recent build-up of Russian troops along its border with Ukraine, and in Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014. Ties between Ukraine and Russia have become increasingly strained this month after the Kremlin accused the Ukrainian military of killing two Russian servicemen during an incursion into Crimea. They have also accused Kiev of planning terrorist attacks on the peninsula, which was annexed by Russia in 2014. Kiev has denied the accusations, claiming that they are a pretext for “further Russian aggression.” Ukraine ordered its military to its highest state of combat readiness earlier this month. (Moscow Times, Aug. 25, 2016)

NATO Condemns Russian 'Combat Readiness Drills' as Undermining Stability NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has criticised the Russian army's latest round of drills ensuring “combat readiness,” the Interfax news agency reported Wednesday. Stoltenberg said that the snap checks “undermine transparency and predictability.” “It becomes impossible to ensure effective transparency and monitoring of the exercises,” Stoltenberg said, as was quoted by TASS. Russia's Foreign Ministry maintains that NATO and all military attach?s were informed about the checks. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 88

The drills were ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, and will continue until June 22. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the checks were happening to “assess combat and mobilization readiness.” The day of the first Russian drills was used by NATO defense ministers to announce the deployment of four multinational battalions to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland on the RBC news website reported. The move was meant to “send a clear signal that NATO stands ready to defend any ally,” RBC said. Russia-NATO relations worsened considerably following Russia's involvement in the Ukrainian conflict and its annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. Stoltenberg said in his speech that Russia was guilty of violating the ceasefire in Ukraine “again and again,” Reuters reported. He maintained that Moscow was continuing to support separatists with equipment, weapons, and masses of troops along the Ukrainian border. The general also spoke in support of an aid package to Ukraine which was approved by NATO defense ministers on Wednesday. The package includes consultations and other kinds of assistance, RBC reported. (Moscow Times, Aug. 27, 2016)

This Is Just the Start of the Brexit’s Economic Disaster LONDON — A few weeks before Britons voted on whether to remain part of the European Union, Michael Gove, one of the leaders of the Leave campaign, was asked why he should be trusted over the overwhelming number of economists and international authorities who opposed Brexit. “People in this country have had enough of experts,” he replied. Experts are, of course, known to make mistakes. But in this case, the people who voted for Brexit will pay a big price for ignoring economic expertise. The harmful effects of this vote are both immediate and lasting. Britons are already worse off. The pound has — so far — plunged by nearly 9 percent against the dollar, slashing the value of British assets, with higher import prices likely to follow. The stock market has also taken a hit. The prices of property, most British people’s main asset, are almost certain to fall, too. While Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, has already pledged 250 billion pounds (about $345 billion) to support the financial system and has said he could offer more if necessary, central bankers cannot protect against an enduring economic shock. Rarely have businesses faced such uncertainty. Britain’s economy had already slowed as they put investment decisions on hold ahead of the referendum. Now, a country renowned for its political and legal stability is descending into chaos. The future prime minister is unknown, as is the direction his or her policies will take. The favorite to replace David Cameron, Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London who opportunistically campaigned for Brexit, styles himself as pro-market and pro-globalization, but in the lead-up to the vote he said he supports curbs on European Union migration, tariffs on Chinese steel and higher public spending. The future terms on which Britain will trade with both the European Union and all the countries with which it has negotiated trade deals on Britain’s behalf are uncertain. Domestic regulations on everything from finance to environmental protection may change. All that uncertainty is amplified by the prospect of a second referendum on Scottish independence, which may this time be won. In Northern Ireland, the political party Sinn Fein has already called for a referendum on a united Ireland. Faced with such uncertainty, businesses are likely to continue to put investments on hold. Consumers may pull back, too. The resulting downturn will cause the government’s budget deficit, already large, to swell. The pound’s depreciation, which might have been expected to boost exports, is unlikely to do much to cushion the blow. Its huge decline in 2008 failed to boost exports and Brexit will dent them. This unpredictable situation will not be brief. Once triggered, the formal process of leaving the European Union is supposed to take two years. But extricating the union’s second-biggest economy from 43 years of European Union legislation is a daunting task. Negotiating a new trade relationship with the European Union is equally tricky. Britain seems certain to lose access to the single market — with which it does nearly half its trade — because this is conditional on accepting the free movement of people and contributing to the European Union’s budget. (These were key issues for pro-Brexit voters.) That will jeopardize the foreign investment and good jobs predicated on single-market membership. Britain-based financial institutions will lose their rights to operate freely across the European Union. Brexit’s supporters are deluded when they argue that Britain could cherry pick what it likes about the European Union and discard the rest. Since exports to the European Union (13 percent of G.D.P. in 2014) matter much more to Britain than exports to Britain (3 percent of G.D.P. in 2014) do to the European Union, the European Union will call the shots. Other governments have every incentive to be tough, both to steal a competitive advantage and to deter others from following Britain out the door. A fallback position is trading with Europe on the basis of World Trade Organization rules, as the United States does. But that entails tariffs on good exports — up to 10 percent on car exports, for example, most of which go to the European Union — as well as non-tariff barriers that gum up trade. It offers little access to Europe’s markets in services, in which Britain specializes. Less open markets will stunt competition, crimping productivity growth and living standards. Brexit’s supporters claim that a deregulated Britain that trades with the rest of the world would prosper once unshackled from Brussels’s overregulation and protectionism. But Britain has the least regulated labor markets in the European Union and the second-least regulated product markets, so any potential benefits from deregulation are likely to be meager. Moreover, Britain is likely to end up with worse access to markets in the rest of the world. While it won’t be hamstrung by protectionist interests in the European Union, its relatively smaller economy, largely open markets and desperation for new deals will weaken its clout in trade negotiations. The young, the higher educated and city dwellers, the most dynamic members of Britain’s economy, voted to Remain. They were outvoted by the old, the less educated and non-urban English, who often rely on taxpayer largess. With economic opportunities stunted, everyone will suffer for Leave voters wrongly blaming hard-working, taxpaying European migrants for everything they dislike about modern Britain and wrongly trusting economic charlatans like Mr. Gove. (Philippe Legrain, N.Y. Time, June 26, 2016)

Russia is harassing U.S. diplomats all over Europe Russian intelligence and security services have been waging a campaign of harassment and intimidation against U.S. diplomats, embassy staff and their families in Moscow and several other European capitals that has rattled ambassadors and prompted Secretary of State John F. Kerry to ask Vladimir Putin to put a stop to it. At a recent meeting of U.S. ambassadors from Russia and Europe in Washington, U.S. ambassadors to several European countries complained that Russian intelligence officials were constantly perpetrating acts of harassment against their diplomatic staff that ranged from the weird to the downright scary. Some of the intimidation has been routine: following diplomats or their family members, showing up at their social events uninvited or paying reporters to write negative stories about them. But many of the recent acts of intimidation by Russian security services have crossed the line into apparent criminality. In a series of secret memos sent back to Washington, described to me by several current and former U.S. officials who have written or read them, diplomats reported that Russian intruders had broken into their homes late at night, only to rearrange the furniture or turn on all the lights and televisions, and then leave. One diplomat reported that an intruder had defecated on his living room carpet. In Moscow, where the harassment is most pervasive, diplomats reported slashed tires and regular harassment by traffic police. Former ambassador Michael McFaul was hounded by government-paid protesters, and intelligence personnel followed his children to school. The harassment is not new; in the first term of the Obama administration, Russian intelligence personnel broke into the house of the U.S. defense attache in Moscow and killed his dog, according to multiple former officials who read the intelligence reports. During a question and answer session at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, President Vladimir Putin said Russia did not want a new Cold war with the West and did not like to think it was slipping into one. (Reuters) But since the 2014 Russian intervention in Ukraine, which prompted a wide range of U.S. sanctions against Russian officials and businesses close to Putin, harassment and surveillance of U.S. diplomatic staff in Moscow by security personnel and traffic police have increased significantly, State Department press secretary John Kirby confirmed to me. “Since the return of Putin, Russia has been engaged in an increasingly aggressive gray war across Europe. Now it’s in retaliation for Western sanctions because of Ukraine. The widely reported harassment is another front in the gray war,” said Norm Eisen, U.S. ambassador the Czech Republic from 2011 to 2014. “They are hitting American diplomats literally where they live.” The State Department has taken several measures in response to the increased level of nefarious activity by the Russian government. All U.S. diplomats headed for Europe now receive increased training on how to handle Russian harassment, and the European affairs bureau run by Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland has set up regular interagency meetings on tracking and responding to the incidents. McFaul told me he and his family were regularly followed and the Russian intelligence services wanted his family to know they were being watched. Other embassy officials also suffered routine harassment that increased significantly after the Ukraine-related sanctions. Those diplomats who were trying to report on Russian activities faced the worst of it. “It was part of a way to put pressure on government officials who were trying to do their reporting jobs. It definitely escalated when I was there. After the invasion of Ukraine, it got much, much worse,” McFaul said. “We were feeling embattled out there in the embassy.” There was a debate inside the Obama administration about how to respond, and ultimately President Obama made the decision not to respond with similar measures against Russian diplomats, McFaul said. A spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Washington sent me a long statement both tacitly admitting to the harassment and defending it as a response to what he called U.S. provocations and mistreatment of Russian diplomats in the United States. “The deterioration of U.S.-Russia relations, which was not caused by us, but rather by the current Administrations’ policy of sanctions and attempts to isolate Russian, had a negative affect on the functioning of diplomatic missions, both in U.S. and Russia,” the spokesman said. “In diplomatic practice there is always the principle of reciprocity and, indeed, for the last couple of years our diplomatic staff in the United States has been facing certain problems. The Russian side has never acted proactively to negatively affect U.S. diplomats in any way.” Evelyn Farkas, who served as deputy assistant The Christian Herald No 33 Page 89 secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia until last year, said that there is no equivalence between whatever restrictions Russian diplomats are subjected to in the United States and the harassment and intimation that U.S. diplomats suffer at the hands of the Russian security services. The fact that the Russian government stands accused of murdering prominent diplomats and defectors in European countries adds a level of fear for Russia’s targets. “When the Russian government singles people out for this kind of intimidation, going from intimidation to harassment to something worse is not inconceivable,” Farkas said. Kirby told me that the State Department takes the safety and well-being of American diplomatic and consular personnel abroad and their accompanying family members extremely seriously. “We have therefore repeatedly raised our concerns about harassment of our diplomatic and consular staff with the Russians, including at the highest levels,” he said. Kerry raised the issue directly with Putin during his visit to Moscow in March. Putin made no promises about ending the harassment, which continued after Kerry returned to Washington. The U.S. ambassadors to Europe are asking the State Department to do more. Leading members of Congress who are involved in diplomacy with Europe see the lack of a more robust U.S. response as part of an effort by the Obama administration to project a veneer of positive U.S.-Russian relations that doesn’t really exist. “The problem is there have been no consequences for Russia,” said Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), who serves as president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. “The administration continues to pursue a false narrative that Russia can be our partner. They clearly don’t want to be our partner, they’ve identified us as an adversary, and we need to prepare for that type of relationship.” (Josh Rogin, Washington Post, June 27, 2016)

“For Greater Glory” – of Communism Broadcast: 16/08/2016; Reporter: Sarah Dingle They were doped and they were duped. Thousands of young East German men, women and children were talent-spotted, scooped into intensive state-run training regimes and administered an array of “vitamins” or “supporting means”. We were willing, useful idiots. Parents gave their children to the state, like presents. – Ines Geipel, former sprinter As for what the mysterious pills and injections actually were, no one asked, no one told. The doping racket was compulsory by law yet shrouded in secrecy. It was done like an animal experiment. – Werner Franke, microbiologist Global prestige was the pay-off. The former East Germany, a relative minnow of 17 million people, amassed hundreds of world records and Olympic medals from the 1960s to the 1980s. But as Sarah Dingle reports, the cost to many athletes’ health has been immeasurable. There is a time bomb ticking away in every one of us because of doping - and whether that goes off at 30 or 70, it doesn’t matter. – former cyclist Uwe Troemer. Troemer’s body is ruined – a legacy, he tells reporter Sarah Dingle, of seven years of doping from age 16. The invalid pensioner has suffered a stroke, kidney failure, high blood pressure and damaged joints. He won a small sum of compensation in official recognition of what was done to him. Troemer is one of hundreds of former East German athletes whose health has suffered irreparably. Some had liver tumours. Some took on characteristics of the opposite gender – men with breasts, females with deep voices, body hair and clitoral enlargement. And some died. I think I am now one of the older ones. – Ines Geipel, 56 Geipel tells a horror story of how she was mutilated by the State, apparently as a punishment. These days she is a powerful voice for former doped athletes. After proof of systemic doping emerged from once-secret Stasi files, she has publicly disowned her place in the record books. And that doesn’t sit well with some past East German champions, including some names familiar to Australians. I was an athlete. Everything was clean and proper as far as I was concerned. – Renate Stecher, who won gold in the 100 and 200 metres at the 1972 Munich Olympics, relegating Australia’s Raelene Boyle to the silver. Did Stecher dope? Was Boyle robbed of Olympic gold? Four decades on the historic rivalry continues, as both women open up to Foreign Correspondent’s Sarah Dingle.

Reporter: Sarah Dingle Producer: Bronwen Reed Camera: Geoffrey Lye Editor: Garth Thomas ______Transcript

RACE CALL: [1972 Munich games] “It’s Stecher in front, followed closely by Boyle. Coming down the outside is Stecher and Stecher wins it!”

SARAH DINGLE: Long before Rio and the latest drug controversies, one small nation mastered the dark art of doping. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “It was done like an animal experiment”. RAELENE BOYLE: “They wanted to be noticed, they wanted to tell the world – we are bigger, we are more powerful, we are smarter”. SARAH DINGLE: Tonight, the women whose lives were destroyed by their own government for the sake of Olympic glory. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “They gave virilising drugs - higher dosages to female persons than even to the male persons because they noticed it gives so much more medals”. RAELENE BOYLE: “The illnesses that they’ve had and the deformed babies, scares me”. SARAH DINGLE: And the famous Australian who lost out on gold. RAELENE BOYLE: “I was beaten by a woman who was on very high levels of testosterone”. SARAH DINGLE: “Is she smearing you?” RAELENE BOYLE: “Absolutely. What she’s doing is she’s trying to cover up her own problems. They were just pawns in the big game”. SARAH DINGLE: [to German Olympian] “So you never doped?” RENATE STECHER: “No”. [TITLES]: Jena, Germany. For Greater Glory Reporter Sarah Dingle RACE CALL: “Marlies Goehr takes it now… tremendous changes from the East Germans and here comes the flying Goehr… can she do it? It’s going to be very close. Yes she has! Another world record for the German Democratic Republic…” SARAH DINGLE: Marlies Goehr was once the fastest woman in the world, a shining star of East Germany’s track and field super squad in the seventies and eighties, especially in the 100 metres. MARLIES GOEHR: “I ran under 11 seconds, 38 times. That’s a huge achievement that hardly anyone has matched”. SARAH DINGLE [being shown medals]: Today her house in Jena, in the eastern part of Germany is littered with Olympic honours. At the 1985 Athletics World Cup in Canberra, Marlies Goehr was at the top of her game. MARLIES GOEHR: “Our relay team broke the world record. It lasted for over 30 years and was only broken 4 years ago”. SARAH DINGLE: But the whole time Marlies Goehr was winning, she was part of a nation where by law, all athletes had to take performance enhancing drugs. For the former East Germany, sporting glory was international proof of communist superiority and the drugs worked. For 20 years, until it ceased to exist, East Germany was almost always second in the Olympic medal tally, despite a population of only about 17 million. The doping program was shrouded in secrecy. No one asked, and no one told. “Were tablets part of your program?” MARLIES GOEHR: “No, there was no pill program for me. Of course you took vitamins – a lot of athletes probably took them”. SARAH DINGLE: “Did you ever ask what they were?” MARLIES GOEHR: “No, I didn’t ask that, I didn’t have to”. SARAH DINGLE: Marlies Goehr completely rejects that her success is due to doping. She says like other athletes from the former East Germany, she put years of hard work into strength and fitness. MARLIES GOEHR: “I can’t imagine that you can just take some medication and become faster, jump further, or throw the shot put ball further. That takes a lot of training”. SARAH DINGLE: But a fellow runner, Ines Geipel has no illusions about her sporting achievements. INES GEIPEL: “You do not want to hear about concrete facts – I would say we were willing, useful idiots”. SARAH DINGLE: Ines Geipel and Marlies Goehr were relay teammates at the same East German sports club – SC Motor Jena. INES GEIPEL: “I arrived at the age of 17 and the chemical treatment began straight away”. SARAH DINGLE: “Did you know that they were performance enhancing drugs?” INES GEIPEL: “I know I was lying to myself at the time, but I didn’t lie to myself deliberately. I was just so proud. My body was strong. My breasts were getting smaller – I could see that, but I thought it was a result of the weight training”. SARAH DINGLE: [looking at an old photo] “You look almost afraid. Were you enjoying yourself?” INES GEIPEL: “I think I look like I’m really concentrating and sceptical and young. No, I wasn’t happy in that one. One was like a machine”. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 90

SARAH DINGLE: “How many people were doped? Did they dope an entire generation?” INES GEIPEL: “Yes, everybody who won a medal”. [laughing] SARAH DINGLE: And many who didn’t – thousands of athletes who never made it to the podium were also doped. It started early, many of those given drugs were children. INES GEIPEL: “Many have reported that the coaches and also the doctors made sure the tablet was really chewed. The children’s mouths were held to prevent them from spitting it out, because not every child, of course, likes to take tablets. So many were downright forced to do it”. SARAH DINGLE: After her sporting career ended abruptly at age 24, Ines Geipel would pay a high price for seven years of performance enhancing drugs. INES GEIPEL: “I had huge problems with my kidneys and my inner organs were poisoned”. SARAH DINGLE: But the full picture wouldn’t be revealed until after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, ending the huge control the East German regime had over its citizens. [sitting on a wall] “It may not look so threatening but this is a fragment of the 44 kilometres of wall which snaked throughout Berlin. Today, it’s a tourist attraction, but for many former residents of East Germany, this wall still represents a past which is difficult to escape”. Former citizens had been spied upon extensively by the Stasi, the secret police. When Ines Geipel obtained access to her Stasi file, she realised the full extent of how she’d been doped and formally removed her name from athletic records. INES GEIPEL: “And for me it was a logical step to think that I could not really hold onto my record because it was false”. SARAH DINGLE: She’s set up a support group for former East German athletes and has led legal battles to hold the coaches and trainers accountable, making her a lot of enemies including her former teammate, Marlies Goehr. MARLIES GOEHR: “Ines Geipel was a nobody. She was nothing. She was never on the national team, she only participated in the club relay once and she’s now gaining a high profile with this whole issue”. INES GEIPEL: “Yes. Of course… the fairytale is always nicer, and every society that needs sport to somehow shine, will always attack people like me. Yes, there are attacks of a physical nature and others like break-ins at my flat, or my car smeared with paint, or there are fierce reactions from the public”. SARAH DINGLE: For those wanting to know what East Germany was like, the DDR Museum in Berlin is a gallery of life under communism, from the quirky to the kitsch. Amongst the bric-a-brac is something more sinister. [showing pack of drug in museum] “Today, the most commonly used drug in East Germany is now a museum curiosity. Doping in East Germany was officially known as ‘supporting means’ and supporting means usually meant Oral-Turinabol, a highly effective anabolic steroid”. On the other side of Berlin there’s another very different archive which documents this dark past. It exists thanks to the efforts of one man, because in the frantic cover-up at the end of the East German regime, a lot of Stasi files were destroyed. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “It was noted that secrecy documents, very secret documents were destroyed in the shredder machines. Actually so much that many shredder machines, you know, got broken. They were running day and night”.

SARAH DINGLE: German microbiologist, Professor Werner Franke, was asked by the government to examine scientific research from the former East Germany and realised some documents had been overlooked by the shredders. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “Then I noticed, oh there’s still maybe something left and there was a room next to a library where indeed top secret doctoral thesis for example were stored, still intact”. SARAH DINGLE: He saved as much as he could. Today the Werner Franke archive holds an extraordinary history of how a state doped athletes en masse for more than two decades. The files reveal in painstaking detail dates, dosages and names of trainers, coaches and athletes. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “By far the most commonly used drug, especially for muscle enhancement, strength, development etcetera, but also for endurance and in all disciplines especially for women was a drug called Oral-Turinabol, which the GDR had developed”. SARAH DINGLE: An anabolic steroid, Oral-Turinabol was created by the state owned pharmaceutical company, VEB Jenapharm. Its devastating impact was particularly pronounced in women. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “A better word was ‘virilising drugs’. This doping is nothing but virilisation, making female bodies full male bodies. Painful deepening of the voice, you know, that other people noticed was sometimes up to 30% and if a person who no longer took the drugs then became pregnant, also club feet were very surprisingly frequent but that is known because the uterus was, you know, shrunk by this virilising drugs so in this tight fitting uterus, for example, legs and feet could not develop”. SARAH DINGLE: “So this is the report of the coach of the relay team and he admits to doping his athletes?” PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “Yeah oh he admits very precisely. He says how many tablets the persons have got, in which time period - with all details”. SARAH DINGLE: In 1974 East Germany actually passed a law saying all elite athletes had to dope, trainers and coaches have to dope them and no one was allowed to talk about it. Despite her denials, amongst the files we find the name of Marlies Goehr. “And that says one to two tablets every day”. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “Yes. And then you see also the years. For example, Marlies Goehr got them from 1975 until 1988”. SARAH DINGLE: “Wow she was doping for 13 years”. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “Yes and she was doping already when she was under 18. That’s documented several times”. SARAH DINGLE: The old anabolic steroids like Oral-Turinabol are still being used by today’s athletes looking for a pharmaceutical edge, because although they have horrific side effects, they work. Some of the former East German world records still stand, others were only toppled recently. To this day, Werner Franke still faces opposition to his work. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “It is considered to be not in the interests of the nation, not in the interests of you know the fame etcetera. So there’s a name for that in Germany, East as well as West, Sport-Verrater. ‘Sports-Traitor’ ”. SARAH DINGLE: I’ve been told there’s a chance one of the most elusive figures of the communist glory days will talk to us - but there are no guarantees. In a Belgian hotel bar, we meet Olympic medallist, Renate Stecher. Stecher is well known to Australians. At the 1972 Munich Games, she took gold in the 100 and 200 metre sprint races, leaving Australia’s Raelene Boyle with silver. She denies that her success was due to doping. She puts it down to hard work and training”. RENATE STECHER: “I do believe there’s no way one could say that all GDR sports people were users of performance enhancing drugs. That’s a wrong judgement”. SARAH DINGLE: But according to the documents we’re shown from the Werner Franke archive, a doctor from Renate Stecher’s athletics club says that under her maiden name, Mesissner, “she would not have achieved her success without the appropriate medications”. Renate Stecher says Stasi files can’t be trusted because informants were unreliable. RENATE STECHER: “There were many people who had to do their ‘job’ and therefore as far as the reporting is concerned, I believe that a lot has come into the files that didn’t reflect reality at all”. SARAH DINGLE: She’s tired of having to justify her achievements and dismisses comments from her sporting nemesis, Raelene Boyle. RENATE STECHER: “She accused me in quite concrete terms, but could neither prove nor submit anything. I have to admit that I found that a strike below the belt. And as far as her always coming second is concerned all I can say now is, why did she always come second?” SARAH DINGLE: “You were still running in 1976 and it was law in 1974 that everyone had to dope”. RENATE STECHER: “I have no knowledge of what was obligatory, or what wasn’t. I was an athlete. I can only speak about myself and I maintain that everything was clean and proper, as far as I’m concerned”. SARAH DINGLE: “So you never doped?” RENATE STECHER: “No”. SARAH DINGLE: But as our conversation draws to a close she can’t quite let the Raelene Boyle topic go. RENATE STECHER: “It’s all right. [laughing] Well, the thing with Raelene Boyle… it’s very complicated. Very complicated. When I’m this far, being first – this far! And she is second, this far! Can there be any talk about doping? Me doping? She not doping? Can it be possible?” RAELENE BOYLE: [showing her footage of the interview] “Okay so now she’s saying that I probably doped as well. Um …”. SARAH DINGLE: “What’s your response to that? Did you dope?” RAELENE BOYLE: “No. No, no I had no reason to. I was a gifted athlete. If I doped I would have told the world ‘coz I’ve got a big mouth and I’ve got nothing to hide”. SARAH DINGLE: I’ve come from Europe to Queensland to meet Raelene Boyle, to see what she has to say about Renate Stecher’s comments after so many years. RAELENE BOYLE: “I feel very sad for Renate because she’s still towing the East German line. She was told what to say for all of her running career, all of her life and she’s still towing the line”. SARAH DINGLE: “Some former East German atletes have had really serious health impacts from doping. Do you feel sorry for them?” RAELENE BOYLE: “Yes I do. As we know the East, you know the Eastern European countries people didn’t have a choice. They still don’t in countries The Christian Herald No 33 Page 91 like Russia and China I’m sure. They could make something of themselves if they did it, so it was worthwhile. The illnesses that they’ve had and the deformed babies, scares me and I think that’s an awful, that’s an awful thing to live with for that moment of glory for your country”. UWE TROEMER: “It’s always difficult to see, to seek and to find the truth in your past and I think it’s easier for many people to live a lie”. SARAH DINGLE: Uwe Troemer was once a cyclist for East Germany. He started to train seriously at the age of 14 and the doping began soon after. UWE TROEMER: “These pills were actually handed out at different times. In certain training camps these pills were just lying there openly in plates, together with other pills. And then there were the so-called cocktails which were injected”. SARAH DINGLE: When he tried to refuse the shots, the repercussions were spelt out. UWE TROEMER: “And then I was told quite clearly and point blank – if you do not inject, you can go back home, you can hang your bike on a nail – you are not welcome here anymore. Now I know that the very fact that I said ‘yes’ nearly cost me my life”. SARAH DINGLE: Uwe Troemer’s professional cycling career ended abruptly when he was 23. He’d been on a round of injections for more than 3 weeks when he went for a regular training ride and fell from his bike. UWE TROEMER: “I could not get enough air to breathe properly. Yes, it was an extremely life threatening situation for me, and yet I was being told repeatedly that it was just an ordinary cold. And with the black urine, I had of course realised myself that it was not just an ordinary cold – but I was not given any explanation about that, either. And I was quite simply not taken to a hospital which was basically almost my death sentence at the time. I did not give up on the sport – the sport gave up on me. They removed me from the sport. They cut me out like a festering boil”. SARAH DINGLE: Just last month the German government passed a second law, awarding modest compensation to athletes who were doped. Uwe has received compensation and now lives on a disability pension. He’s suffered high blood pressure, damaged joints, kidney failure and a decade ago he had a stroke – all of which he says are the result of his earlier doping and tough training regimen. UWE TROEMER: “Well, these toxic substances had accumulated on the surface of my brain – that’s here on top. At the time of my stroke, my brain surface looked like nice Swiss cheese. Which means that had I not suffered the stroke, the stuff there at the top of my head would have continued to enjoy gobbling up my brain. And I’m quite certain I would not be sitting here today”. SARAH DINGLE: He’s not the only one with serious health conditions. Ines Geipel is in touch with hundreds of former East German athletes whose health has deteriorated significantly in middle age. INES GEIPEL: “The entire skeleton is worn out. We have athletes who are now in their mid-forties and who have two artificial hips, two artificial knees… they can’t move at all anymore. Very serious organ damage, mostly of the heart – like calcified heart, coronaries, a large number of dialysis patients, like kidneys or liver are damaged… many, many psychological illnesses, some of them extreme. And yes, I think I am now one of the oldest ones”. SARAH DINGLE: Doping wasn’t the only way in which the Stasi damaged sports people. At a training camp in Mexico in 1984, Ines Geipel met and fell in love with a local athlete. She decided she would defect, but the Stasi got wind of her plans. INES GEIPEL: “I had turned into an enemy. A GDR athlete who wanted to escape was an absolute anathema, it was so dangerous. So they attacked my body. They made me undergo an operation and basically destroyed me. They mutilated my stomach”. SARA DINGLE: She was told she needed to undergo a routine appendectomy. Instead they cut through the muscles in her stomach. INES GEIPEL: “In the Stasi file about me I found it says in that spot, ‘we finally have the opportunity to put her on ice’.” SARAH DINGLE: Following the surgery, Ines Geipel couldn’t run. That meant she couldn’t compete internationally and nor could she ever have children. Her Stasi file revealed an even darker secret - her own father had been informing on her. He was a top ranking officer from the Stasi’s terror unit. INES GEIPEL: “I presume, particularly because of my father’s position, that the order for this act – for this operation – came from him. I also regard this GDR state doping as a large process of political sacrifice. Those parents gave their children to the state, like presents. The number of criminal acts performed on athletes was incredible. They were the cheapest material during the time of GDR sports”. PROFESSOR WERNER FRANKE: “So it was done like an animal experiment, actually it was done in a way you wouldn’t be allowed to do it with animals”. UWE TROEMER: “There is a time bomb ticking away in every one of us because of doping, and whether that goes off at 30 or at 70 it doesn’t matter. And that’s what is so dangerous about doping”. RAELENE BOYLE: The IOC is tarnished for me. We’re talking about a big business, an awful lot of money and I think the athletes are the pawns to a certain degree. And I think it’s about time they stood up and were counted just like the athletes have to be if they are caught taking something.

Trump Savagely Mauls the Language I know that there are things of graver consequence in Donald Trump’s regime than his diction, but as a person whose vocation concerns him with language, I am simply appalled by Trump’s savage mauling of that language. His usage isn’t only idiosyncratic or some act of bungling idiocy, although it is surely both. But his usage is also a way of reducing language to the point that it is meaningless because the use of it is mindless, and in that compromised state, language becomes nearly worthless. As a consequence, truth becomes relative, if not altogether removed. You see, Trump’s abuse of language isn’t simply a thing to blithely mock. It is something with which we must all take great umbrage, because it has the power to degrade truth itself. Yes, I could focus on the disastrous and callous Republican health care bill inching closer to a vote in the Senate. How do we get the people who need to learn this to read your wonderful articles? You are preaching to the choir! albeit "beautifully" Yes, I could use my energy and column inches to continue to catalog the thickening intrigue of the Russia investigation, and in particular, the growing number of people in the meeting where Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort met with a Russian lawyer. The revelations keep coming, although Trump Jr., in an exchange with ’s Sean Hannity last week, promised that what we knew at that time was “everything” there was to know. Either there is a new definition of “everything” of which I’m unaware, or Trump Jr. is doing what the Trumps do: lie until there is no alternative but to tell the truth, and even then only reveal as much truth as circumstances compel. Trying to draw the truth out of these people is like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip — impossible. I would submit that the Trumps lie in two ways: first, by directly and intentionally saying things they know well aren’t true, and second, by obfuscating with linguistic obtuseness, by overusing a nebulous relativism and by spouting an excess of superlatives to stand in for meaningful description and disclosure. Every weekday, get thought-provoking commentary from Op-Ed columnists, the Times editorial board and contributing writers from around the world. So, let’s take Trump’s responses during a press conference with President Emmanuel Macron of France last week. (By the way, that trip was marked by an embarrassingly pronounced inelegance by Trump, from the casual sexism of commenting on the French first lady’s body to the awkward testosterone-measuring handshakes.) Trump has several verbal tics. One is that when he’s trying to flatter and finagle, everything is beautiful: countries, cities, people, bills, questions, even chocolate cake. As The Washington Post pointed out last week: “Beautiful” is one of President Trump’s favorite words. He’s used it at least 1,500 times on Twitter and in speeches since he began running for office, according to the database at Factbase. He uses it indiscriminately, the way a teenager might use ‘cool.’” It is a device rather than a descriptor. There was more: During the press conference with Macron, Trump twice referred to the 39- year-old Trump Jr. (who is the same age as the Macron, by the way) as a “young man.” That’s a stretch, but one used to make the Mini-Monster sound more innocent than his emails suggest he is. At one point, Trump exclaimed: “France is America’s first and oldest ally. A lot of people don’t know that.” Actually, everyone who was awake in history class and reads books knows that. Alas, “a lot” is a relative term. More importantly, this is, I believe, projection, one of Trump’s compulsive traits. What he is guilty of is exactly what he accuses others of being guilty of. I would wager that Trump didn’t know that France was our oldest ally until preparing for this trip. Trump complains endlessly about the media using anonymous sources, but Trump himself is addicted to anonymous sourcing, as demonstrated during the press conference. Trump discussed the Russian lawyer who met with his son: “Somebody said that her visa or her passport to come into the country was approved by Attorney General Lynch. Now, maybe that’s wrong. I just heard that a little while ago. But a little surprised to hear that. So she was here because of Lynch.” Who is “somebody”? Why are you repeating something at an official press conference with another head of state in another country that you freely admit may be wrong? And if you admit that it may be wrong, how can you state declaratively that “she was here because of Lynch”? Trump also seemed to crack the door on revisiting his hugely reckless withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, but then added, “But we will talk about that over the coming period of time.” What does that mean? It means nothing, is what it means. It means, “I’m saying things amenable to the French while I’m in France because I’m like a chameleon: a lizard who can adjust his appearance for his environment.” That “coming period of time” will never come. Listening to Trump speak is a dizzying experience for anyone interested in candor, clarity or concision. It’s as if he puts language through a meat grinder and what emerges is nearly unrecognizable, in either comprehension or certitude. (Charles M. Blow, NY Times, July 17, 2017)

The Christian Herald No 33 Page 92

6 - Religion

Church Compares Homosexual Marriage to Nazism Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Orthodox compared the adoption of homosexual marriage laws to the adoption of laws in fascist Germany. The Patriarch made the comments in Kyrgyzstan while promoting new translation of his book, according to RIA Novosti. The Patriarch said “so-called homosexual marriages” were a threat to families and added that “when laws are detached from morality they cease being laws people can accept.” This he said was similar to the laws in Nazi Germany. This is not the first time Patriarch Kirill has made such comments. In a November 2016 interview with Russia Today the Patriarch made the same comparison to Nazi Germany. In the November interview he also compared homosexual marriage laws to “Soviet Totalitarianism” and said it was a threat to “humanity”. (Moscow Times, May 29, 2017)

Russia's Patriarch Kirill: Some Human Rights Are 'Heresy' Head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill denounced as "heresy" those human rights that he said contradicted the Bible, and proclaimed fighting them the goal of his church, the Interfax news agency reported Sunday. "We are seeing how efforts are being made in many prosperous countries to establish by law the person's right to any choice, including the most sinful ones, those that contradict God's word, the concept of holiness, the concept of God," Patriarch Kirill said after a Sunday service at Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral, Interfax reported. He did not specify which human rights he found offensive, but called for Russian Orthodox believers to "defend" their faith, the report said. "Today we are [dealing with] a global heresy of worshipping the human, the new idolatry that removes God from human life," Kirill was quoted as saying. "Nothing like that had even happened on a global scale before. It is specifically at overcoming this present day's heresy, the consequences of which can become apocalyptic, that the church must aim the force of its protection, its word, its thought." "We must defend Orthodoxy," Kirill said, Interfax reported. Russia is a secular state, according to its Constitution, but the Orthodox Church has been gaining increasing prominence and protection by the state in recent years under President Vladimir Putin's rule. Patriarch's remarks clashed with Russia's laws, critics charged. "The spirit and letter of Russian laws are determined by human rights and freedoms, and not by 'God's word,'" Boris Vishnevsky, a St. Petersburg municipal lawmaker from the liberal opposition Yabloko political party, said in a blog on the independent Ekho Moskvy radio station's website. "At least that's what it says in the constitution so far." The church "must operate within the limits of the Constitution and the laws," he said. "Because that's how a secular state works, where not everybody is a believer, and not every believer is an Orthodox Christian, but everyone is a citizen." (Anna Dolgov, Moscow Tims, March 21, 2016)

Million-dollar suicide bomb Mosul: A brainwashed jihadi suicide-bomber who blew himself up in Iraq this week was paid $1.6 million for being locked up at Guantanamo Bay. Ronald Fiddler was filmed grinning maniacally at the camera as he sped towards an Iraqi army base ia s truck Lden with explosives. He was in one of three cars that exploded. The vile video of the Muslim convert, who went by the name of Abu-Zakariya al-Britani, was released by terror propagandists yesterday. At least two of the jihadists managed to reach a base west of Mosul, where they killed several troops. And last night it emerged the suicide attacker in the chilling Islamic State video was given $1.6 million in compensation for being held at the notorious jail. He was released from Guantanamo in 2004 after intense lobbying dfrom the British government, whiuch said he posed no threat. On his return to Britain he pocketed the taxpayer-funded payout and bught a house with it after accusing UK secret service agents of being complicit in his mistreatment by the Americans. But Fiddler was able to head to Syria to jpin IS in 2004, despite security services bei g fullyt aware of his previous detention. His wife Shukee Begum said she and their five children went to Syria to try to get him to return to the UK but failed and then had to flee for their lives from IS. The US authorities concluded Fiddler was probably involved in a terrorist attack against the US after they detained him in Afghanistan in 2002. He was considered a “high threat to the US” and other Western powers. He spent two yewars at Guantamo. On his release in 2004 he was flown home and released without charge. Iraqi troops have launched an offensive on western Mosul as they try to flush out IS. (dailytelegraph.com.au, February 23, 2017)

Russia Outlaws Jehovah's Witnesses The Russian Supreme Court formally banned Jehovah's Witnesses on Thursday, labeling the group an extremist organization. The religious group in Russia will now be forced to dissolve. The decision equates Russia's 175,000 Jehovah's Witnesses to terrorist groups like the Islamic State, and makes it illegal for congregations to meet or distribute literature. The court refused the group's earlier appeals to recognize the organization as victims of political repression, and declined to hear testimony from witnesses who claimed that the Russian police have falsified evidence against regional religious groups. Russia's Justice Ministry asked the Supreme Court to ban the organization on March 17, after formally warning the group's headquarters near St. Petersburg to halt “all extremist activity.” Prosecutors later expanded the case to all 396 registered Jehovah's Witnesses organizations across the country. “We are greatly disappointed by this development and deeply concerned about how this will affect our religious activity,” said Yaroslav Sivulskiy, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. “We will appeal this decision, and we hope that our legal rights and protections as a peaceful religious group will be fully restored as soon as possible.” Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia have 30 days to submit their appeal. The Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and the Jehovah's Witnesses are extremist groups banned in Russia. (Alexander Demianchuk, Moscow Times / TASS, April 20, 2017)

Muslim migration in France opens door to terror, writes Andrew Bolt WHY have jihadist terrorists made France Europe’s bloodiest battlefield? Simple answer: Because France let in the most Muslims. This link between immigration policies and terrorism largely explains why the French are the greatest victims of Europe’s jihadists. It also explains why we are fools not to change our own immigration policies to protect ourselves. No European Union country has a higher proportion of Muslims than France — up to 10 per cent of its population, or six million people, though statistics are vague, and vary. Yes, numbers don’t tell the whole story, but they do count. MORE BOLT: We can’t keep making excuses Another example: Belgium’s capital, Brussels, is Europe’s biggest Islamic city, with 300,000 Muslims, and has paid terribly for it. It suffered mass murder by jihadists at its airport last March, its police have had two shootouts with terrorist networks, and an Islamist murdered four Jews at its Jewish museum. But it is France where the fiercest frontline runs in this war between Islam and the remnants of European Christendom. France has the most Muslims, and that is why four people were killed, three of them children, in an Islamist attack on a Jewish day school in Toulouse four years ago. That is why 20 people were murdered in Paris in last year’s Islamist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a kosher supermarket. That is why 130 more people were murdered in Paris last November in an Islamic State assault on restaurants, a concert hall and a football stadium. That is why a policeman and his wife were last month murdered by a jihadist outside their home. That is why 84 people died in last week’s terrorist attack in Nice, when a Tunisian-born man rammed his truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day. That is why there have been dozens of other Islamist attacks and plots, including the beheading last year of a factory manager at Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, and the running down of 21 people by cars driven by jihadists in two attacks the previous year. This slaughter has forced the French Government to turn parts of France into what looks like a military occupation: 10,000 soldiers have been deployed in the streets, and the country has been under an official state of emergency for eight months now. “We are in a war,” declared Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French president. True, the number of Muslims in a country does not tell the full story. Indeed, by some counts Germany may have even more Muslims than France, after an estimated 600,000 more crossed into the country illegally last year — though Muslims do still make up a smaller proportion of Germany’s bigger population. Yet, Germany has until now been spared the mass murders suffered by so many other countries. Perhaps this is because many of its Muslims have come from Turkey, a country that is more Westernised and advanced than the North African countries which fed France. But many of the Muslims who crossed into Germany last year did come from North Africa. Germany’s Justice Ministry said this month it was conducting nearly 120 investigations involving more than 180 terrorism suspects. Nearly 500 suspected extremists are being monitored. So for Germany, too, more Muslims means more danger, whereas the situation in, let’s say, Japan, suggests fewer Muslims means less danger. Japan has strict controls on immigration and its 127 million people include just 100,000 Muslims. Result: zero Islamist attacks. Contrast that with Australia, which has a population of just 24 million, but 500,000 Muslims. How we’ve paid for leaving our door open. For a start, the past three successful terror attacks here — the Lindt café siege, the shooting of police accountant Curtis Cheng, and the stabbing of two police in Melbourne — were all carried out by Muslim refugees we had allowed in. That story is now terribly familiar. For instance, IS’s most influential recruiter in Australia, Mohammad Ali Baryalei, was another Muslim refugee we took in. Harun Causevic, put under a control order by a Melbourne court last week to prevent terrorism, is from yet another Muslim refugee family. On it goes. The Islamists jailed for plotting an attack on Sydney’s Holsworthy army base included refugees and men from Muslim immigrant families. Many of the jailed Benbrika plotters were born overseas. Hate preacher Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali was born in Egypt. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 93

The Jew-hating Sheik Ismael al-Wahwah, head of the radical Hizb ut Tahrir movement in Australia, was born in Jordan. Hamdi Alqudsi, found guilty this month by a Sydney court of recruiting jihadists for IS, is a disability pensioner born in Palestine. In fact, of the 21 men already jailed in Australia for terrorism, 12 were born overseas. Seven more were born here to Lebanese families. Who let them all in? Why? How can our politicians excuse running such a dangerous refugee and immigration program? How can they have imported such trouble that at least two Australian journalists have been forced to move homes after being threatened with death for mocking Islam or reporting on IS? No person should have to live in such fear in this country. No one should have to risk death for simply speaking their mind — and risk it, worse, at the hands of extremists we actually invited in. Of course, most Muslims are great citizens and some are widely admired. They hate terrorism. They want peace. All that is true and must always be kept in mind. But most are troublingly silent when their top Muslim leaders preach hatred, excuse terrorists and blame the West for inviting jihadist attacks. They even allow our Grand Mufti, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, to speak in their name when he lists as the “causative factors” of IS’s murder last year of 130 people in Paris not the Islamic faith which inspired the killers, but five alleged anti-Muslim sins of the West, from our “racism” and “Islamophobia” to our foreign policies. It is much the same story with our most prominent Muslims — including presenters such as The Project’s Waleed Aly — who turn almost every discussion on Islamic terrorism into a criticism of the West. Take Aly’s explanation when the Islamist son of Afghan immigrants last month killed 49 people at a gay bar in Orlando. To Aly, this actually showed that our “freedom just kind of ends up consuming itself in a very strange, dark sort of a way”. It seemed that to Aly the problem was the West’s freedom, not the Islamist hatred of it. But the time for such sophistry is long gone. The luxury of such vaporous debates is now beyond our capacity to pay. The mathematics is clear: The more Muslims we import, the more danger we are in. Isn’t the next step now obvious? What will our Prime Minister and Immigration Minister do now to protect us? (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, July 18, 2016)

Without taking religion seriously we won’t understand Islamic violence A FORMER teacher at an Islamic school in southwestern Sydney is sounding the alarm at what she fears is the radicalisation of young Muslim students. Mrs A, who also taught at Punchbowl Public School, points to the 2012 staff handbook at Bellfield College, from which students are taught 20 lessons “about the truth of life from the Quranic perspective”. Most are positive, character building edicts, such as the importance of volunteering, fitting in with others, good manners, kindness to parents, and “resolving conflicts with fair words not clenched fists”. But there are two lessons, buried among the rest, which seem sinister. Lesson 16: “The worst enemies of mankind (include) secularism which divides the religious and political roles.” Lesson 20: “Peace, stability and justice can be only achieved through the establishment of Islam and the rule of divinely appointed Imams… and nothing else, and it is his prime duty to strive for the establishment of Islam on the earth.” Teaching Australian children to strive for a global Islamic caliphate isn’t a recipe for community harmony. It may even sow the seeds of radicalisation. However, it is true to the Quran. You can’t stop people practising their religion, and as far as parents are concerned, the school is an antidote to what they see as the decadence of our hypersexualised world. So how does a secular society deal with such an obvious challenge to its integrity? We need to come to grips with what it is about Islam that inspires some young adherents to kill innocent strangers in the name of their god. Without an accurate understanding of Islamist violence, we are vulnerable to more terrorist attacks, and we can’t engage usefully with the peaceful majority of Muslims who hold the key to defeating the extremists. Yet we have been cowed by the weapon of “Islamophobia” which is used to prevent uncomfortable conversations. In fact, if the Australian Human Rights Commission has its way, causing Muslims to feel offended would be criminalised, according to its submission to a federal inquiry. With president Gillian Triggs unhappy that people “can say what you like around the kitchen table at home”, who knows how far the sanctions would go? But punishing people who question why a religion of peace would be the source of so much violence won’t erase those thoughts. It will drive them underground to fester. In a secular society stripped of religious language, we already are deaf to the nature of the threat that wants to annihilate our way of life. That is why the Centre for Independent Studies’ paper, “Terror in the Name of God”, by Peter Kurti, published today, is so valuable. As a religious minister, he understands that because “Western, secular liberals often fail to take religion seriously”, it is very difficult for them to understand religious violence, which has existed in history to some extent in every faith. “We cannot deny the primary threat comes from violent, Islamic jihadism,” he writes. “People who commit acts of religious violence believe they are morally and theologically justified in doing so. “Unlike political terrorism, acts of violence perpetrated in the name of God are seldom motivated by a sense of grievance, so there is nothing to be negotiated.” When Muslim jihadists murder innocent people, they make their motives clear. They yell “Allah Akbar” when they detonate their suicide belts or aim guns, cars and knives at innocents in Paris, London, or Melbourne. The start of the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney was marked by the appearance of a black Islamic flag. In London last weekend the terrorists even translated their motives into English as they plunged knives into infidel flesh: “This is for Allah.” They are not keeping it a secret and their justification and reward is spelled out in their holy book. Yet politicians and pundits for a decade kept claiming the problem was generic “extremism” and “nothing to do with Islam”. It is only recently that Malcolm Turnbull and Theresa May have uttered the words “Islamist terrorism” after attacks in their respective countries, although May last week qualified it as a “perversion of Islam”. People are afraid of being branded Islamophobic, says Kurti, but, “it is clear Islam provides an ideological framework giving suicidal psychopaths the sense of purpose that motivates them to act”. We should not see religious violence as “an aberrant and irrational form of behaviour” but “a rational act that has desirable consequences for the actors — whether in the form of social esteem, supernatural vindication, or existential purpose”, he says. It would be a mistake to see religious extremists as “pathological drones”, the product of ignorance, coercion or psychopathology. Nor can we dissuade them by telling them their belief system is wrong or misguided. “Secular attacks convince no one and merely serve to antagonise many … Dislodging deadly ideas, whether from the heads of teenagers or … other religious extremists, requires more than government - programs or stern speeches from political leaders,” Kurti says. In fact, he argues that more freedom of religion, not less, is needed to deal with the problem of religious violence. “It means reclaiming the values of western civilisation, instilling those values in every citizen, and working hard to ensure newcomers to a country are integrated into the wider society,” he says. “It also means encouraging open discussion about religious ideas, including criticism of religion, without fear of attack or legal action under the guise of stamping out ‘Islamophobia’.” In other words, we should be able to challenge what is being taught in Australian Islamic schools without demonising the children, disrespecting religion or being branded a bigot. (Miranda Devine, The Daily Telegraph, June 11, 2017)

Saudi Apologuise after players ignore minute’s silence for terror victims before clash with Socceroos THE Saudi Arabian team’s refusal to respect a minute’s silence for London terror victims at Adelaide Oval has been condemned across the nation — with everyone from a South Australian Socceroo to the Loxton Mayor and senior politicians weighing in. When the Socceroos gathered around the centre circle on Thursday night before kick-off to pay their respects to the victims of the recent terror attacks in London, defender Ryan McGowan said all he wished for was respect. But the Saudi Arabian team refused to line up opposite their opponents, as is the tradition ahead of football matches when observing a moment’s silence. Instead, the players took up their positions on the field. Some Saudi players did stand silently with their hands behind their backs but others continued their warm-up. “For us more importantly as a team we wanted to show our respects to the people that lost their lives and made sure we did the right thing,’’ McGowan said on Friday. “What they (the Saudis) did we really don’t have any control over, we just wanted to make sure we observed it properly.” Before the minute’s silence, the announcer made particular mention of South Australian victim Kirsty Boden, who grew up in Loxton, and Queensland victim Sara Zelenak. Loxton Mayor Leon Stasinowsky said the Saudi team’s actions would be disappointing to Ms Boden’s family and friends. “I would say they would be disappointed because … you (should) forget about your different political allegiances … and show respect no matter where you’re from,” he said. “My first reaction to that is I’m certainly very surprised that being an international side like that they wouldn’t at least take part ... to show some respect for that.” Nation condemns Saudi snub The snub has been widely condemned across Australia on social media and by politicians and media commentators. Premier Jay Weatherill this morning said the incident was “deeply regrettable”. “I note the Saudi Arabian Football Federation has apologised, which I think is entirely appropriate,” he said. Senior Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese slammed the Saudi players for their lack of respect and denied it had anything to do with culture. “That was a disgraceful lack of respect not just for the two Australians killed, one of whom was a young South Australian, all of those victims of that terror attack in London. There is no excuse here,” he told Today. “This isn’t about culture, this is about a lack of respect. I thought it was disgraceful. It’s bloody disgraceful, I’m so angry about this.” While Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull didn’t criticise the Saudi players directly, he said: “Everybody, everyone should be united in condemnation with the terrorists and love, and sympathy and respect for the victims and their families.” Conservative Australian politicians, including SA Senator Cory Bernardi, SA politician Dennis Hood and One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson also expressed their outrage at the Saudi’s disrespect. Saudis issue apology Saudi football officials this morning issued an apology following widespread condemnation of its team’s actions. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 94

“The Saudi Arabian Football Federation deeply regrets and unreservedly apologises for any offence caused by the failure of some members of the representative team of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to formally observe the one minute’s silence in memory of the victims of the London terrorist attack on June 3 2017, prior to the World Cup qualifying match against Australia,” the statement read. “The players did not intent any disrespect to the memories of the victims or to cause upset to their families, friends or any individual affected by the atrocity. “The Saudi Arabian Football Federation condemns all acts of terrorism and extremism and extends its sincerest condolences to the families of all the victims and to the government and people of the United Kingdom.” The minute’s silence had been approved by the Asian Football Federation before the game and communicated to both teams. A spokesman for the FFA said they were told before the game that the Saudi team would not be taking part in the tribute. The spokesman said: “The FFA sought agreement from the Asian Football Confederation and the Saudi national team to hold a minute’s silence in memory of those lost in Saturday night’s terror bombings in London and in particular the two Australian women. “Both the AFC and the Saudi team agreed that the minute of silence could be held. “The FFA was further advised by Saudi team officials that this tradition was not in keeping with Saudi culture and they would move to their side of the field and respect our custom whilst taking their own positions on the field.” Saudi team honoured minute’s silence last year However, the excuse that a minute’s silence is not in keeping with Saudi culture was quickly contradicted by this photo, taken just last year. Players from the Saudi club Al-Ahli lined up to observe a minute’s silence in Doha, Qatar, in December. All the players, including the Saudis, marked the silence to honour the memory of members of the Brazilian soccer team Chapecoense who were killed in a plane crash. Media commentators weight into debate Sunrise host Sam Armytage blasted the players and said the move was “bloody disgraceful”. Armytage didn’t hold back this morning and said there was nothing cultural about disrespect shown to two dead Australians. “When we go to the Middle East, when we went to Dubai for the show a few years ago we respect their custom, you cover your shoulders because it’s respectful to do that in their country,” she said. “Surely they can be respectful for one minute.” Comedian Dave Hughes also weighed into the debate, saying the team shouldn’t be allowed in Australia. It’s understood a minority of Saudi Arabian fans also failed to pause and observe the silence in the Adelaide Oval crowd — although some locals have claimed on The Advertiser Facebook page that a few Socceroos fans also did not observe the minute’s silence. In the match itself, a superb strike from Tom Rogic helped the Socceroos to a 3- 1 win, Australia joining Japan and Saudi Arabia on 16 points in Group B. How football fans reacted Many Australian football fans slammed the Saudi Arabians, called their actions disgusting and disrespectful. Most of the Saudi Arabian side are Muslim and the custom of pausing for a moment’s silence to honour the dead is not common under Islam. Instead, it is custom to pray for the dead, give to charity on their behalf and remember. (Staff reporters, The Advertiser, June 9, 2017)

Catholic Church a law unto itself: archbishop One of Australia's most senior Catholics says the church is a law unto itself and needs to change its culture. Archbishop of Brisbane Mark Coleridge told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse the church must put a "culture of concealment" behind it. Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald asked whether it was too harsh to say the church in Australia still hadn't embraced the notion of transparency as good practice. "I think that's probably true, that we haven't yet embraced adequately a transparency that is appropriate and even necessary for an unusual community of communities like the Catholic Church," Archbishop Coleridge replied in Sydney. "We are, as it were, a law and a world unto ourselves." Ian Isaacs, whose wife Joan is an abuse survivor, said the law comment was extremely accurate. "We have laws in Australia, we have ways and means of resolving conflicts and negotiating settlements," he said. "The church is outside all of that." The hearing on Monday heard the Vatican has declined to provide requested documents about Australian priests to the royal commission. Archbishop Coleridge said there was a recognition among Australian bishops that cultural change was needed and the church could not put up a sign saying "business as usual" after the royal commission. He said the election of Pope Francis and the royal commission had been catalysts for the changing mindset. "Pope Francis has said that a church that has taken on board serious cultural change is a church which would not only see the faces of those who have been abused but would actually see through their eyes," he said. The royal commission released data on Monday revealing 4,444 people had made child sex abuse complaints to Australian Catholic authorities between 1980 and February 2015. It identified 1880 alleged offenders, made up of priests, lay people and religious brothers and sisters. People in the public gallery were asked to stop commenting as Archbishop Coleridge talked about bishops not being able to ask priests about their sex lives before allegations of misconduct arise. He said it would be up to someone like a spiritual director to ask those questions if a priest was not functioning effectively. "I have no right to ask those questions or, if I do, to expect an answer," he said. He made the comments after saying he wasn't naive enough to think that most priests remained completely celibate. The Greens motion calls on Cardinal Pell to assist police and prosecutors investigating allegations of criminal misconduct against him. (Rebekah Ison, Australian Associated Press, Feb. 8, 2017)

On sexual abuse, the Catholic Church can hide no more Who knew? The Catholic Church knew, that's who. Now we know too, that sexual atrocities against children of a horrendous nature and on a horrendous scale have been committed within the Catholic Church in Australia over many decades. In the past 35 years there were 1880 alleged perpetrators from more than 1000 Catholic entities. Thanks to research undertaken by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, we know that about 7 per cent of priests sexually abused children. That is staggering enough, but in some religious orders, the proportion of these child rapists and paedophiles was much higher: from the St John of God, 40.4 per cent. From the Christian Brothers, 22 per cent. The Salesians of Don Bosco, 21.9 per cent, Marist Brothers, 20.4 per cent, De La Salle Brothers, 13.4 per cent. So who knew of this widespread criminality against children? Not Australia's highest-ranking Catholic Cardinal , apparently. When the royal commission was announced in 2012, he accused the press of exaggerating the extent of wrongdoing within the church and said the commission was an opportunity to "separate fact from fiction". Not the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, apparently, which said that "talk of a systemic problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is ill-founded and inconsistent with the facts". It could be argued that back then, no one had the full picture. The church after all, has many parts, and they don't all talk to each other. George Pell is in Rome running the 's finances. The Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions is considering a brief of evidence against him concerning multiple child sexual abuse allegations that he strongly rejects. In his evidence from Rome before the commission last March he was asked about sexual offences by a number of Christian Brothers in the diocese of Ballarat, where he was episcopal vicar for education between 1974 and 1983, which meant being an "essential link between bishops, priests, parents, teachers and students". Cardinal Pell agreed that some students, one or more teachers, the principals of two Catholic colleges, some parents and the then Bishop Mulkearns all knew of the offences. If you assume, as is reasonable, that a similar degree of knowledge was replicated in even a fraction of the 1000 Catholic institutions across the country where abuse has been alleged, you start to get a handle on the extent of the cover-up. And what of Cardinal Pell's 2012 indignation that the church was not the "principal culprit", and his objection to its "being described as the only cab off the rank"? The current public hearing is the commission's 50th and the 15th relating to the Catholic Church. That is not disproportionate, when you consider that among the 6443 people who have reported their abuse in confidence to the commission, some 37 per cent said they were abused in a Catholic institution. In fairness, the Catholic Church has probably done more than many of those to come under the commission's spotlight to chart a better course. We do not doubt that Francis Sullivan, head of the Truth, Justice and Healing Council set up to co-ordinate the church's response, wept genuine tears in the witness box while describing the numbers as "indefensible". But his council clearly does not have the power needed to bring about the wholesale change to church culture and practice that would mitigate against future abuse and deliver justice to the survivors. Joanne McCarthy, whose ground-breaking work over many years for Fairfax Media's Newcastle Herald led directly to the royal commission being established, rightly notes that it wasn't a senior Catholic cleric who was weeping in the witness box. In April 2014 the royal commission asked the Holy See for documents that would show what action it took when sexual abuse allegations against Australian priests were referred to it. The Holy See responded it was "neither possible nor appropriate" to provide the documents. As counsel assisting the commission Gail Furness SC noted, many of the commission's findings so far are consistent with those from the investigation into the Irish Archdiocese of Dublin in 2009: that the church put secrecy, avoiding scandal, protecting its reputation and preserving its assets above the welfare of children and justice for the victims. On the evidence, the church is putting on a better public face in its response to child sexual abuse, but little has changed on the inside. We expect the next three weeks of hearings to shine more light on that discrepancy. The hearing before Justice Peter McClellan continues. (Editorial Comment, The Daily Telegraph, Feb. 8, 2017)

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Sydney Anglican Church rife with abuse, recent synod acknowledges THE Sydney Anglican Church has issued a shocking admission that domestic abuse is rife within its ranks. At the church’s recent synod, a motion was passed acknowledging that domestic abuse was a major problem within the church. But some clergy, including Reverend Andrew Sempell, the rector of the prominent St James Church in the CBD’s legal precinct, said it could be the diocese’s own teaching that was part of the problem. Sydney’s literalist interpretation of the Bible, in which St Paul calls for wives to submit to their husbands and forbids any woman to have authority over a man, was playing into the hands of inadequate, controlling men, he said. “Sydney is the only diocese in the country that takes this literally, and in the wrong hands, to a controlling male, it can justify controlling and abusive behaviour,” he said. With the exception of Armidale, Sydney is the only Anglican Diocese in Australia that adheres to the male headship doctrine, which also prevents the ordination of women as priests in the diocese. Lyn Bannerman, the lay synod representative for Christ Church St Laurence, another prominent Anglican Church in the CBD, said she had no doubt the vast majority of Sydney Anglicans subscribing to headship would denounce any form of domestic abuse. “But I am told that in some local churches, women may not ask questions (in Bible study) without their husband’s permission,” she said. “This is in itself abusive, being controlling and dominating behaviour.” Archbishop Glenn Davies said he was not aware of any churches where this was practised and that domestic abuse seldom had a single cause. “Controlling behaviour, psychological abuse or demeaning treatment of a partner or family member is the opposite of the love and care which characterises followers of Jesus,” he said. “We sound warnings through our theological education, professional standards training and from our pulpits that such conduct is unacceptable for any Christian man or woman.” Adjunct UNSW lecturer and clinical social worker Dr Josie McSkimming said she has had hundreds of Sydney Anglican couples referred to her over the years for counselling. “This teaching around the permanent subordination of woman is taught as a truth and it can certainly lead to women feeling controlled and constrained,” she said. “That’s psychological and emotional abuse and it is completely unacceptable in 2017.” (Kelly Burke, The Daily Telegraph, Jan 29, 2017) UN body removes Jewish links to Templke Mount This is disturbing, not least because Russia and China backed the Arab world in getting this through: UNESCO last week passed a resolution ignoring deep Jewish ties to Jerusalem's Temple Mount, hailing it only as a Muslim religious site. The story: The United Nations’ cultural arm on Thursday passed a resolution ignoring Jewish ties to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall in a move derided in Israel as “anti-Semitic” and absurd... The resolution, adopted at the committee stage, used only Muslim names for the Jerusalem Old City holy sites and was harshly critical of Israel for what it termed “provocative abuses that violate the sanctity and integrity” of the area... Voting in favor were: Algeria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chad, China, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan and Vietnam. Voting against were: Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States. Abstaining were: Albania, Argentina, Cameroon, El Salvador, France, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Haiti, India, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Nepal, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and Nevis, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda and Ukraine. The actual text of the World Heritage Committee's decision does mention "the three monotheistic religions": Affirming the importance of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls for the three monotheistic religions... But then it refers to the most sacred and contested site - the Dome of the Rock, built over the ruins of the - only by its Arab name and only as a Muslim religious site in one long diatribe against Israel: Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif and its surroundings... 7. Calls on Israel, the occupying Power, to allow for the restoration of the historic status quo that prevailed until September 2000, under which the Jordanian Awqaf (Religious Foundation) Department exercised exclusive authority on Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram AlSharif... 13. Regrets the damage caused by the Israeli Forces, especially since 23 August 2015, to the historic gates and windows of the al-Qibli Mosque inside Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram AlSharif, and reaffirms, in this regard, the obligation of Israel to respect the integrity, authenticity and cultural heritage of Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif, as reflected in the historic status quo, as a Muslim holy site of worship... Even the director-general of UNESCO is shocked by the UNESCO decision: Though she did not explicitly mention the resolution, Irina Bokova made her disapproval of the motion clear, saying that efforts to deny history and Jerusalem’s complex multi-faith character harm UNESCO. “The heritage of Jerusalem is indivisible, and each of its communities has a right to the explicit recognition of their history and relationship with the city,” Bokova said in a statement... “To deny, conceal or erase any of the Jewish, Christian or Muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site, and runs counter to the reasons that justified its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage list,” she said. In fact, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock are built over the ruins of the most famous Jewish temples in history - and almost certainly to take over the sacredness given to that site by the Jews: The current Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammed Ahmad Hussein, declared on October 25, 2015, that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was a mosque built on the site “3,000 years ago, and 30,000 years ago… since the creation of the world.” In his interview with Israel’s Channel 2, the Mufti also insisted that there never was a Jewish Temple or shrine atop the Temple Mount. Jews believe that the “foundation rock” beneath the Dome of the Rock is atop Mt. Moriah, the site of the binding of Isaac. King Solomon built his Temple upon the rock in the tenth century before the Common Era (BCE), but it was destroyed in 587 BCE by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Seventy years later, the second Temple was built by Jews returning from Babylon with King Cyrus’s blessing... In the first century BCE, the Second Temple ... was rebuilt and massively expanded by King Herod. To accommodate the large Temple building and administrative offices, the Mt. Moriah plateau was expanded to become a colossal platform with huge retaining walls. The Western Wall, the prayer site for Jews over the centuries, was part of the retaining walls. Roman armies commanded by Titus destroyed the Temple in 70 CE. Muslims believe that Muhammed (570 – 632 CE) was transported on a heavenly creature from Mecca to the Al Aqsa Mosque and then to heaven in his “Night Journey.” The mosque was constructed in the late seventh century CE and rebuilt several times after major earthquakes destroyed it. The golden Dome of the Rock is a shrine built over the foundation stone in 691 CE. More on the history: One of Israel’s most intriguing archaeological undertakings ... [is] the Temple Mount, the magnificent edifice that has served the faithful as a symbol of God’s glory for 3,000 years and remains the crossroads of the three great monotheistic religions. Jewish tradition holds that it is the site where God gathered the dust to create Adam and where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac to prove his faith. King Solomon, according to the Bible, built the First Temple of the Jews on this mountaintop circa 1000 B.C., only to have it torn down 400 years later by troops commanded by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, who sent many Jews into exile. In the first century B.C., Herod expanded and refurbished a Second Temple built by Jews who had returned after their banishment. It is here that, according to the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ lashed out against the money changers (and was later crucified a few hundred yards away). The Roman general Titus exacted revenge against Jewish rebels, sacking and burning the Temple in A.D. 70. The Jewish general , who was defeated and then served as a translator for Titus during that siege of Jerusalem, wrote of the burning of the Jews' Second Temple on Temple Mount: So Titus retired into the tower of Antonia, and resolved to storm the Temple the next day, early in the morning, with his whole army, and to encamp round about the Holy House; but, as for that House, God had for certain long ago doomed it to the fire; and now that fatal day was come, according to the revolution of the ages: it was the tenth day of the month Lous, [Av,] upon which it was formerly burnt by the king of Babylon... As the flames went upward the Jews made a great clamour, such as so mighty an affliction required, and ran together to prevent it; and now they spared not their lives any longer, nor suffered anything to restrain their force, since that Holy House was perishing, for whose sake it was that they kept such a guard upon it. The Muslim takeover of Jewish sites is part of a broader - in fact, fundamental - Muslim usurpation of Jewish tradition. Islam, invented in the 7th century AD, in fact borrowed heavily from Jewish traditions and texts, which is why the Koran features Jewish figures such as Moses and Abraham, as well as borrowing Christ from the Christians. From a comparison of of the Bible's Genesis, Jewish texts and Islam's sacred Sura, as reported in the Journal of Religious Culture: The Quran sura ... contains earlier narrative and later descriptive parts. The earlier parts are taken from the Jewish narrative oral history and presented as revealed word of Muhammad. In fact Muhammad stands here in an oral tradition of shared Jewish narratives...

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The dominance of Jewish narrative elements refers to the oral tradition of this narrative in Jewish culture at the time of Muhammad who was illiterate... The text of the Quran omits all Jewish cultural contents. UNESCO is lending itself to a Muslim project not just to borrow from the Jews but then to wipe out all trace of the original. (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, October 16, 2016)

Mother Teresa declared saint by Pope Francis at Vatican Mother Teresa, revered for her work with the poor in India, has been proclaimed a saint by Pope Francis in a ceremony at the Vatican. Francis said St Teresa had defended the unborn, sick and abandoned, and had shamed world leaders for the "crimes of poverty they themselves created". Tens of thousands of pilgrims attended the canonisation in St Peter's Square. Two miraculous cures of the sick after Mother Teresa's death in 1997 have been attributed to her intercession. In India, a special Mass was celebrated at the Missionaries of Charity, the order she founded in Kolkata (Calcutta). Cardinal read a brief biography of Mother Teresa's work, then asked the Pope to canonise her in the name of the Church. Pope Francis responded: "We declare and define Blessed Teresa of Calcutta to be a saint and we enrol her among the saints, decreeing that she is to be venerated as such by the whole Church." The Pope said Mother Teresa had spent her life "bowing down before those who were spent, left to die on the side of the road, seeing in them their God-given dignity". He added: "She made her voice heard before the powers of the world, so that they might recognise their guilt for the crimes of poverty they themselves created." He then repeated: "The cries of poverty they themselves created." Shining a light: Analysis by BBC's Caroline Wyatt Despite the intense heat, the atmosphere among the pilgrims in St Peter's Square was one of joy, and the service a celebration of the life of this extraordinary woman. Teresa was born an ethnic Albanian, and the Albanian flag was much in evidence, as was the distinctive white habit, trimmed with blue stripes, worn by the nuns of her order, the Missionaries of Charity. In his homily of St Teresa's work, Pope Francis said she had shone a light in the darkness of the many who no longer had tears to shed for their poverty and suffering. It was clear that her life reflected the kind of Church that this Pope is trying to build: one that shows mercy to all and offers practical help for the poorest and for all those in need. Although critics have sought to portray St Teresa as a sinner and a hypocrite, her supporters have been just as vocal in her defence, challenging those critics to live their lives the way St Teresa did, before they cast the first stone. Hundreds of Missionaries of Charity sisters attended the event, along with 13 heads of state or government. Some 1,500 homeless people across Italy were also brought to Rome in buses to be given seats of honour at the celebration - and then a pizza lunch served by 250 nuns and priests of the Sisters of Charity order. Image caption One pilgrim, Charlotte Samba from Gabon, told Associated Press: "Her heart, she gave it to the world. Mercy, forgiveness, good works. It is the heart of a mother for the poor." Worldwide acclaim Mother Teresa founded a sisterhood that runs 19 homes, and won the Nobel Peace Prize. But she was not without her critics, as some people noted a lack of hygiene in the hospitals run by her sisterhood, and said she accepted money from dictators for her charity work. She died in 1997 - aged 87 - and was beatified in 2003, the first step to sainthood. In 2002, the Vatican ruled that an Indian woman's stomach tumour had been miraculously cured after prayers to Mother Teresa, despite the doubts of her husband. Pope Francis cleared the way for sainthood last year when he recognised a second miracle attributed to her. Her work complements Francis' vision of a Church that serves the underprivileged. Her canonisation is a centrepiece of his Jubilee Year of Mercy. Media captionA woman who said she experienced Mother Teresa's first "miracle" describes what happened. Born in 1910 to ethnic Albanian parents, Agnese Gonxha Bojaxhiu grew up in what is now the Macedonian capital, Skopje, but was then part of the Ottoman Empire. Aged 19, she joined the Irish order of Loreto and in 1929 was sent to India, where she taught at a school in Darjeeling under the name of Therese. In 1946, she moved to Kolkata to help the destitute and, after a decade, set up a hospice and a home for abandoned children. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. The sisterhood now has 4,500 nuns worldwide. She achieved worldwide acclaim for her work in Kolkata's slums, but her critics accused her of pushing a hardline Catholicism, mixing with dictators and accepting funds from them for her charity. It often takes decades for people to reach sainthood after their death, but beatification was rushed through by Pope John Paul II. (BBC News, September 3, 2016)

Embracing Evangelical Christianity, a Young Mike Pence Broke With His Family When Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana was in college, he found himself admiring a gold cross hanging from the neck of his fraternity “big brother.” The response he received left such a powerful impression that he would recall it decades later on the floor of Congress. “Remember, Mike, you have got to wear it in your heart before you wear it around your neck,” Mr. Pence said his fraternity brother told him. Soon after this exchange, at a Christian music festival in Kentucky, Mr. Pence took a very different sort of pledge from the one he had taken to join Phi Gamma Delta. “I gave my life to Jesus Christ,” he recalled years later, “and that’s changed everything.” It was a decision that would redefine Mr. Pence, setting him on the path to becoming an evangelical Christian and one of the country’s most outwardly religious and socially conservative legislators. But it also caused him to break with two institutions that had been central to the Pence family: the Roman Catholic Church and the Democratic Party. Mr. Pence, 57, who will accept the Republican nomination for vice president on Wednesday night, is the only one of six Pence siblings who is no longer part of the Catholic Church. Though the family remains close, his embrace of evangelical Christianity was long a source of disappointment to his mother, according to the Rev. Clement T. Davis, the priest at the church in Columbus, Ind., where Mr. Pence was baptized. The family’s Irish Catholic roots run deep. Mr. Pence’s maternal grandfather, with whom he was especially close, came to America in 1923 from Ireland and settled in Chicago, where he eventually became a bus driver. The family idolized John F. Kennedy, the nation’s first Irish-Catholic president. As a teenager, Mike Pence was the youth coordinator for the Bartholomew County Democrats. All four of the Pence brothers were altar boys at their church, St. Columba, and attended its parochial school. They were at church six days a week, sometimes seven, if they were serving Saturday Mass. Even after they all went off to college, the church would call the Pence house during vacations or over the summer when it was in need of an altar boy. “Our life revolved around the church,” Gregory Pence, one of Mr. Pence’s two older brothers, said in an interview, adding that he still went to morning Mass there a few times a week with his mother. But at Hanover College, a small liberal-arts college in Indiana near the banks of the Ohio River, Mr. Pence came to feel that something was missing from his spiritual life. The Catholicism of his youth, with its formality and rituals, had not given him the intimacy with God that he now found himself craving. “I began to meet young men and women who talked about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,” he said years later in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network. “That had not been a part of my experience.” Still, it was not easy for him to leave behind the church in which he had been raised. After graduation, he worked as a Catholic youth minister and even considered becoming a priest. He described himself for years as “an evangelical Catholic.” Friends say he wrestled with how to square his religious past and his religious future. “He was part of a movement of people, I’ll call it, who had grown up Catholic and still loved many things about the Catholic Church, but also really loved the concept of having a very personal relationship with Christ,” said Patricia Bailey, who became close to Mr. Pence when she and her husband, Mark, worked with him at a law firm in Indianapolis in the mid-1980s. Mr. Pence’s wife, Karen, was also part of that movement. They met when he was in law school at Indiana University and spotted her playing guitar in a church choir in Indianapolis. After they started dating, she bought a gold cross with the word “Yes” engraved on it, and kept it stashed away in her purse until he proposed. “She’s been very much a part of his faith journey,” said Mark Bailey, who often started his day by praying with Mr. Pence in one of their offices at the law firm. “He would refer to his wife as the prayer warrior of the family.” By the mid-1990s, Mr. Pence and his wife were attending an evangelical church in Indianapolis. Years later, the break from Catholicism still stung his mother, Nancy, according to Father Davis, who has been the priest at her church, now called St. Bartholomew, since 1997 and has grown close to her. “You could see Nancy just shake her head about it,” Father Davis said inside the rectory before Mass on Saturday. “She was disappointed. She had hoped he could find his way back to the church.” Others in Columbus who knew the Pence family were also surprised. “They were just known as such a big Catholic family,” said Janie Gordon, a friend of Mr. Pence’s from high school. Mr. Pence’s mother declined to comment. The governor also declined to be interviewed about his conversion, but he authorized his brother to speak about his family’s faith. As Mr. Pence’s faith was changing, so were his politics. He voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980 but soon gravitated to , and to the Republican Party’s staunch opposition to abortion. His evangelical Christianity is now the driving force behind his political agenda, whether he is working to deny federal funds to Planned Parenthood or to make it legal for religious conservatives to refuse to serve gay couples. “I sign this law with a prayer that God would continue to bless these precious children, mothers and families,” he said in March, putting his pen to a sweeping abortion bill prohibiting a woman from aborting a fetus because it has a disability such as Down syndrome. (A federal judge blocked the law last month.) “Pence doesn’t simply wear his faith on his sleeve, he wears the entire Jesus jersey,” Brian Howey, a political columnist in Indiana, once put it. During Mr. Pence’s days on Capitol Hill, he would not attend events without his wife if alcohol was being served. Fellow representatives sometimes joked about the need to clean up their language when he was approaching them in the halls of Congress. Mr. Pence would not even engage in attack ads, having sworn off negative campaigning after running a particularly nasty and unsuccessful congressional race earlier in his political career. “Christ Jesus came to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all,” he wrote after the election, quoting a line from Scripture. The Christian Herald No 33 Page 97

When Mr. Pence was in a tight race for governor in 2012, his media strategist, Rex Elsass, invoked a different line from the Bible in an effort to persuade him that attacks from his Democratic opponent justified a direct and forceful response, as long as it was truthful, Mr. Elsass recalled. Mr. Pence refused. In recent days, however, he has not hesitated to hammer Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee: He has called her “corrupt Hillary,” mimicking Donald J. Trump’s label “crooked Hillary.” When Mr. Pence returned to his alma mater in 2008 to deliver a commencement address, his speech built toward what he considered to be the most profound experience of his college career. “There was one other person I met during my years here who changed my life more than all the friends and family combined,” he said, referring to Jesus Christ. “Thirty years ago this spring, I embraced the truth,” he continued, before quoting a verse from Scripture. Today, Mr. Pence and his wife often worship at College Park Church, an evangelical megachurch in Indianapolis with three huge video screens, colored spotlights and Christian bands. On Sunday, the day after Mr. Trump formally introduced Mr. Pence as his running mate in Midtown Manhattan, they sat in the balcony of the theater-style auditorium there, standing and clapping in rhythm with the music. Several church members talked about their experiences of deepening their faith in God. One woman told of being raised Catholic before “accepting Jesus as my savior” and joining with like-minded evangelical Christians. There was no talk of Mr. Pence or the election, but one song, its lyrics flashing across the big screens, encouraged the faithful: “Set your church on fire, win this nation back.” It was a far cry from the wooden pews and kneelers of St. Columba, the austere Catholic church of Mr. Pence’s youth. Gregory Pence said he did not see his brother’s turn to evangelical Christianity as a rejection of their Catholic upbringing, but rather as a reflection of the fact that he had different spiritual needs. The two of them still pray together, just not usually in church. Indeed, Gregory said that when his brother called after learning that Mr. Trump had chosen him as his running mate, they wept and swapped verses from Scripture. (“Well done, my good and faithful servant,” Gregory Pence told his brother.) He declined to say whether he had been supporting Mr. Trump before his brother joined the ticket. But asked if he thought his brother might have had some doubts about signing on with a man whose résumé includes three wives and a casino empire, and who liberally invokes coarse language and imagery, he answered without hesitation. “Judge not lest ye be judged,” he said. ( Mahler and Dirk Johnson, NY Times, July 20, 2016)

War on Christianity is fuelled by ignorance IT’S not the haters who will kill Christianity. It’s the ignorant, who have no clue how we non-Christians will suffer. But, wow, that hatred sure is feral. The latest examples? One: the Greens this week say they want to strip churches of their “right to discriminate” — actually their freedom to insist their employees live the faith. Two: Sydney University’s Student Union threatened to deregister the university’s Evangelical Union unless it stopped insisting members declare their faith in Jesus Christ. Three: Christian lobby group Family Voice Australia this week accused Facebook of deleting one of its pages arguing against same-sex marriage. Four: Facebook administrators had earlier deleted a page by the Centre for Public Christianity calling on same-sex marriage activists to be less abusive (It was restored after protests by Tim Wilson, the former freedom commissioner and now Liberal candidate in Goldstein). Yet another church in Melbourne was burned to the ground last month and four in Geelong have been torched in six months — arson attacks that got a fraction of the media attention given to the burning of a Geelong mosque (Police say the mosque may have been mistaken for the church this bluestone building originally was). These attacks are part of a disturbing pattern. Everywhere Christians are being harassed out of the public space. In Victoria, for instance, state schools have new rules against the singing of not just hymns but, it seems, the more religious Christmas carols. In Tasmania, a former transgender Greens candidate complained to the state’s Anti-Discrimination Commission about a Catholic Church pamphlet opposing same-sex marriage (She has since dropped her action). Even worse, the commission ordered the local archbishop, with all Australia’s Catholic bishops, to explain whether they should be allowed to keep offending people by preaching church doctrine. SBS has already decided Christians shouldn’t. It banned an ad made by Christians defending traditional marriage, yet ran one by Ashley Madison for a dating service for adulterers. The media is particularly hostile to Christians, using the sex scandals of churches last century as an excuse to smash the churches today. Radio and television outlets recently played at high rotation a song by comedian Tim Minchin vilifying Catholic Cardinal George Pell as a “coward” and “scum” and falsely suggesting he’d covered up for paedophile priests. Last year, actor Rachel Griffiths told ABC radio she was “quite elated” that arsonists had burned down the beautiful St James Church in Brighton because it had decades ago had a priest who’d abused children. Just check how The Age this year marked Easter, Christianity’s holiest festival. On Maundy Thursday, it complained that St James was being rebuilt for $20 million and called for churches to be stripped of their tax exemption. On Good Friday, it praised a retired teacher who’d once confronted a paedophile priest and later claimed, exaggeratedly, the Catholic Church was keeping files “secret” from victims. True, attacks on the church are nothing new. What is new, though, is the ignorance of so many about what’s at stake and their indifference to the fight. How many young Australians, even young journalists, understand just what Christianity teaches and inspires? Last month The Australian reported on an Islamic State sympathiser in Kempsey prison who allegedly attacked a former Australian soldier, carving “e4e” into his head. Comedian Tim Minchin attacked Catholic Cardinal George Pell in a song. The reporter explained: “The phrase is thought to refer to ‘an eye for an eye’, which appears in both Christian and Islamic texts.” But the Christian New Testament actually records Jesus denouncing such justice: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth’. But I tell you, … if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” The Koran, though, says “a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution”. This difference explains why no Christian country has an eye-for-an-eye justice system, but a Muslim theocracy such as Iran does. Last year, for instance, a man in Karaj who blinded someone in an acid attack had his own eye put out. But making Islam seem no worse than Christianity is now fashionable — not least because it excuses surrender to a creed that threatens the freedoms Christianity defends. The most bizarre example of this double standard occurred earlier this month when a caller rang up ABC presenter Jon Faine, a vehement critic of Christianity but an equally passionate defender of Islam. Caller: I’ve got a Sunni Muslim friend … He loves his AFL, you know, a real, typical kind of Aussie bloke. But … he’s adamant that stoning is the best punishment for adultery … Faine: Why is that any different to people in the Orthodox Jewish community for instance who have some bizarre beliefs or people in the Hillsong or any other happy-clappy Christian community who have all sorts of bizarre beliefs? You know, they just live their lives. It’s not as if they put them into practice. ABC presenter Jon Faine is a vehement critic of Christianity. Caller: That may be true, Jon, but I’m specifically wondering what you would do in that situation? Faine: Oh, I’d say, well, that’s pretty wacky and who’s going to win on Saturday? Our gay activists are no better. Like the Greens, they rage at the church’s stand on same-sex marriage but are completely silent about the most violent expression of gay hatred — the hanging of gays in Iran and the throwing of gays off tall buildings by the Islamic State in Syria. These new Christ- haters and hypocrites are dangerously ignorant of an important truth: the gods actually differ and inspire different behaviour. Christianity, for instance, tells us to treat even strangers as we would our own kin and insists the life of even the most lowly is sacred. Christ is recorded in the New Testament as preventing the stoning of an adulterous woman, famously saying: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” The Muslim prophet Muhammed, however, is recorded in the famous biography by Ibn Ishaq of having ordered the murder of “two singing-girls, Fartana and her friend, who used to sing satirical songs about the apostle”. The founders of the faiths led very different lives — one a preacher of nonviolence, the other a warrior king. Their respective religions express their culture and culture counts in influencing behaviour today. Consider: which societies are safest for nonbelievers? Which the most likely to be democracies? Which the least likely to treat terrorists as heroes? Which are least likely to allow humans to be destroyed for an allegedly higher cause? Each time, the answer is Christian. Christianity profoundly inspires the values of those societies, even if many of their citizens despise it. I am no Christian, but I do have a faith in Christianity. Will we be this safe once it’s gone? (Andrew Bolt, Herald Son, May 19, 2016)

Catholic Church sexual abuse: “legacy of shame and disgust” ASHAMED. Humiliated. A kick in the guts. They’re some of the words Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher used to describe his reaction, and the reaction of many clergy, to new figures on the extent of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. In a frank interview that shows a marked departure from his predecessor Cardinal George Pell’s aloof approach, Archbishop Fisher admitted that he and other clergy felt contaminated, betrayed and demoralised by the paedophiles in the church. He understood why Australians felt so angry. “We knew (the report) would be bad, but it’s humiliating, it’s harrowing,” Archbishop Fisher said. “We all feel that the priesthood has been demeaned, that people’s trust has been broken, that confidence in us is understandably shaken. “It really has hurt me and it has hurt a lot of priests and bishops, but that’s tiny compared with how it’s hurt the survivors.” The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse released figures this week on the extent of alleged abuse in the Catholic Church. The numbers were shocking: 7 per cent of priests had been accused, and in some religious orders the rates were between 20 and 40 per cent. Between 1980 and 2015, some 4444 people reported being a victim, identifying 1880 perpetrators. The church co-operated with the royal commission. In a process that took the best part of a year, each diocese and order dug out and handed over their records. Commission staff were still crunching numbers last Saturday, and senior Catholic bishops were not told the final figures until late on Sunday night ahead of their Monday release. “I felt — The Christian Herald No 33 Page 98 probably this will be pretty universal among the bishops and the clergy — quite winded,” Archbishop Fisher said of the moment he saw the figures. “You hear the individual stories and in many ways they are more affecting than the numbers are, but when you put it all together as a picture, it’s just awful.” He has since spoken to many clergy and they are “feeling betrayed, demoralised by it”, he says. “They’ve given their life to God, these people have given their all, everything they can be to be the best men they can be. “They feel somehow tarred with this brush; they are kind of contaminated by it. And so part of my task with the priests is to say, ‘Your people still love you, the church still loves you, you are trying your best’.” Community reactions have ranged from defensiveness among some Catholics, to such disillusionment towards the church from nonbelievers that, for some, the word priest has become synonymous with paedophile. Archbishop Fisher said that, in a sense, they are both right. “This is so awful that you lose perspective on everything else. On the really good things, the schools for poor kids, the orphanages, the hospitals where there were none, the wonderful things the church — and not just the Catholic Church — did in building the social infrastructure of Australia,” he said. “But on the other hand, that people who were invested with such trust and reverence behaved like this is deeply disillusioning, so in a sense I don’t blame them — I understand that they feel so angry that they want to blame all bishops, all priests, all Catholics, the whole 2000 years of Christianity. “People had a high expectation of the church. In a sense it’s a tribute, they wanted more, they wanted better, and instead they feel they have been betrayed, and so they are angry.” The question of why the Catholic Church was so rife with sexual abuse is still being debated, but Archbishop Fisher has some theories. In the 1950s and ’60s, churches were doing much of Australia’s social welfare work with schools and orphanages, so predators would have seen them as an easy way to access children. The sexual revolution was under way at the same time as the Second Vatican Council sent priests, nuns and brothers out of convents and into the world, so “everyone was at sea about priestly identities, expectations and boundaries”, he said. “I don’t think in those days we did a very good job of working out who should really be in this and who shouldn’t — who’s got the maturity — psychosexually, humanly, in lots of different ways.” There was also a culture of cover-up. Not just in the Catholic Church, he argued, but across the whole leadership class in Australia, including the legal, medical and political professions. “It was all hushed up, there was a kind of unspoken deal.” . Archbishop Fisher said the royal commission has been an important process for the church because it has forced it to face the darkness of its past, and given survivors an opportunity to publicly share their stories. Posters criticising Pope Francis around Rome, featuring a photo of a stern-faced pope and the slogan: "Where's your mercy?", are being swiftly covered up by authorities. But it might take generations for the church to regain public trust. “Unless we can give people some assurance that we have faced up to it, that we are dealing with it as compassionately as we can, that we are - determined it’s never going to happen again, and until that’s not just said, but people see it happening and are convinced we mean it, we are going to have a credibility problem even with our own people,” he said. Every step the church takes will be watched. “We are scrutinised, well and truly, and deservedly.” The archbishop said he could not guarantee that the church was “100 per cent” clean. “But I have put everything in place I can think of to prevent it happening again,” he said. (Jordan Baker, The Sunday Telegraph, February 12, 2017)


12 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Eggs Eggs might just be the easiest, cheapest and most versatile way to up your protein intake. Beyond easily upping your daily protein count— each 85-calorie eggs packs a solid 7 grams of the muscle-builder—eggs also boost your health. They’re loaded with amino acids, antioxidants and iron. Don't just reach for the whites, though; the yolks boast a fat-fighting nutrient called choline, so opting for whole eggs can actually help you trim down. 1. You’ll boost your immune system: If you don’t want to play chicken with infections, viruses and diseases, add an egg or two to your diet daily. Just one large egg contains almost a quarter (22%) of your RDA of selenium, a nutrient that helps support your immune system and regulate thyroid hormones. Kids should eat eggs, especially. If children and adolescents don’t get enough selenium, they could develop Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease, two conditions that can affect the heart, bones and joints. 2. You’ll improve your cholesterol profile: There are three ideas about cholesterol that practically everyone knows: 1) High cholesterol is a bad thing; 2) There are good and bad kinds of cholesterol; 3) Eggs contain plenty of it. Doctors are generally most concerned with the ratio of “good” cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL). One large egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, but this doesn’t mean that eggs will raise the "bad" kind in the blood. The body constantly produces cholesterol on its own, and a large body of evidence indicates that eggs can actually improve your cholesterol profile. How? Eggs seem to raise HDL (good) cholesterol while increasing the size of LDL particles. 3. You’ll reduce your risk of heart disease: LDL cholesterol became known as "bad" cholesterol because LDL particles transport their fat molecules into artery walls, and drive atherosclerosis — basically, gumming up of the arteries. (HDL particles, by contrast, can remove fat molecules from artery walls.) But not all LDL particles are made equal, and there are various subtypes that differ in size. Bigger is definitely better — many studies have shown that people who have predominantly small, dense LDL particles have a higher risk of heart disease than people who have mostly large LDL particles. Here’s the beauty part: Even if eggs tend to raise LDL cholesterol in some people, studies show that the LDL particles change from small and dense to large, slashing the risk of cardiovascular problems. 4. You'll have more get-up-and-go: Just one egg contains about 15% of your RDA of vitamin B2, also called riboflavin. It’s just one of eight B vitamins, which all help the body to convert food into fuel, which in turn is used to produce energy. 5. Your skin and hair will improve: B-complex vitamins are also necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. (In addition to vitamin B2, eggs are also rich in B5 and B12.) They also help to ensure the proper function of the nervous system. 6. You’ll protect your brain: Eggs are brain food. That's largely because of an essential nutrient called choline. It’s a component of cell membranes and is required to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Studies have shown that a lack of choline has been linked to neurological disorders and decreased cognitive function. Shockingly, more than 90% of Americans eat less than the daily recommended amount of choline, according to a U.S. dietary survey. 7. You'll save your life: Among the lesser-known amazing things the body can do: It can make 11 essential amino acids, which are necessary to sustain life. Thing is, there are 20 essential amino acids that your body needs. Guess where the other 9 can be found? That's right. A lack of those 9 amino acids can lead to muscle wasting, decreased immune response, weakness, fatigue, and changes to the texture of your skin and hair. 8. You'll have less stress and anxiety: If you're deficient in the 9 amino acids that can be found in an egg, it can have mental effects. A 2004 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences described how supplementing a population’s diet with lysine significantly reduced anxiety and stress levels, possibly by modulating serotonin in the nervous system. 9. You’ll protect your peepers: Two antioxidants found in eggs — lutein and zeaxanthin — have powerful protective effects on the eyes. You won’t find them in a carton of Egg Beaters — they only exist in the yolk. The antioxidants significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, which are among the leading causes of vision impairment and blindness in the elderly. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants who ate 1.3 egg yolks per day for four-and-a-half weeks saw increased blood levels of zeaxanthin by 114-142% and lutein by 28- 50%! 10. You’ll improve your bones and teeth: Eggs are one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D, which is important for the health and strength of bones and teeth. It does this primarily by aiding the absorption of calcium. (Calcium, incidentally, is important for a healthy heart, colon and metabolism.) 11. You’ll feel fuller and eat less: Eggs are such a good source of quality protein that all other sources of protein are measured against them. (Eggs get a perfect score of 100.) Many studies have demonstrated the effect of high-protein foods on appetite. Simply put, they take the edge off. You might not be surprised to learn that eggs score high on a scale called the Satiety Index, a measure of how much foods contribute to the feeling of fullness. 12. You'll lose fat: Largely because of their satiating power, eggs have been linked with fat loss. A study on this produced some remarkable results: Over an eight-week period, people ate a breakfast of either eggs or , which contained the same amount of calories. The egg group lost 65% more body weight, 16% more body fat, experienced a 61% greater reduction in BMI and saw a 34% greater reduction in waist circumference! (Microsoft, MSN, Oct. 29, 2017)

Why you really need to stop wrapping your cheese in cling wrap – and keeping some in the fridge What would life be without a soft bit of Brie, a nutty wedge of Comte, or a slice of West Country Cheddar lumped on top of a cracker? Disappointing is the answer. Disappointing and sad. Thankfully, cows, sheep, and goats are still churning out fromage for us to enjoy. Donkeys too. And camels. There's cheese everywhere, frankly. After we're finished with the cheese board, how do we save our dairy for another day? Do you wrap your cheese in cling wrap? Good Housekeeping has some news for you: cheese is not best kept in the sweaty enclosure of plastic wrapping. Locking the foodstuff in the airless world of the kitchen product means that moisture manifests, and the cheese goes sour.

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The magazine instead advises employing the use of wax paper: "Cheese keeps best when it is wrapped in waxed paper. This strikes the right balance between stopping the cheese from drying out and preventing too much moisture from building up. "Cling film tends to trap moisture, which can encourage mould to grow on the surface of the cheese." If wax paper is too taxing a burden, regular greaseproof paper is an option. How you store cheese also depends on its type. Piquant blue cheeses should be stored loosely, so that they can breathe like a fine wine. And as they become more liquid with age, tin foil might also be an idea to prevent leakage. Nobody wants to spill Camembert on their cat. Not all cheeses require refrigeration. Harder cheeses such as Parmesan and the estimable Cornish Yarg might be best left in a cool storage space. Softer cheeses like Coulommiers or Neufchatel should go in the fridge at a temperature of between 5-8 degrees. Cheese likes a slightly humid environment, too, so the salad drawer is ideal. Maybe move your lettuce if you don't want it smelling like muddy udders. Oh yes, also, those packets of grated or prepared cheese. Stop buying them. The cheese doesn't last as long, won't taste as good, and it's just a bit of a waste of packaging, really. It's also more expensive. Finally (if you're interested) some cheese etiquette: cut your wheels of cheese as if a cake. Everyone should get a soft go at the centre – nobody should be left with only rind. So slice it up in a triangular fashion. And pass the oatcakes. (Joshua Barrie, Trinity Miror, 14 July 2017)

Why you should never drink water on a plane Why you should never drink water on a plane. Flight attendants have been sharing the surprising facts of air travel that the majority of us never knew - and one in particular will make you view the drinks trolley in a whole new light. One flight attendant told Business Insider: "Flight attendants will not drink hot water on the plane. They will not drink plain coffee, and they will not drink plain tea." And that's because not even the cabin crew know the cleaning schedule for the tanks where the water is kept. In fact, tests in 2013 found a high percentage of airplanes had bacteria in the water served on board. So next time you spot a member of cabin crew purchasing a cup of coffee before boarding a flight, you know why. It goes without saying that it's important to remain hydrated while flying (the Aerospace Medical Association recommends consuming eight ounces for every hour you're in the air), so make sure you stock up on water in duty free before you board. (Harper's Bazaar, 5/07/2017)

Drinking Two Beers Is Better Than Codeine For Pain Relief According to a new study, drinking two beers in a row is a faster and more effective way to relieve pain than codeine or paracetamol. No, really. Anyone who's ever fallen arse-over-tip while drunk knows that alcohol dulls pain - it's only the next morning that you begin to feel the damage from the night before. However, a new study has found you don't actually need to be intoxicated to enjoy the analgesic benefits of grog. Just two beers was shown to be more effective at combating pain than non-prescription painkillers. Researchers from the University of Greenwich conducted a meta-analysis of 18 controlled experiments supporting the analgesic effects of alcohol. They observed that alcohol resulted in a small increase in pain threshold as well as a moderate-to-large decrease in pain ratings. As you'd expect, higher blood alcohol content resulted in greater pain relief. However, a blood alcohol content of just 0.08 per cent -approximately two medium-strength beers - was enough to trump most commercial painkillers, including heavy-hitters like codeine. Interestingly, the study concluded that this was a potentially bad thing for patients: This meta-analysis provides robust evidence for the analgesic properties of alcohol, which could potentially contribute to alcohol misuse in pain patients. Strongest analgesia occurs for alcohol levels exceeding World Health Organisation guidelines for low-risk drinking and suggests raising awareness of alternative, less harmful pain interventions to vulnerable patients may be beneficial. Obviously, anyone who suffers from chronic pain shouldn't be self-medicating with alcohol. However, for occasional pain relief we'd argue that two beers are no more harmful than a handful of paracetamol. It's also tastier and more social. (Chris Jager, Lifehacker Australia, May 30, 2017)

You're probably showering way too often Provided by Business Insider Inc U by Moen shower Autumn is here. That means cooler days -- and, for many people, showering to warm up in the morning or before bed. Here's the thing, though: Your regular showers may be grosser than you think. There isn't much research that can tell you exactly how often to bathe, or with what methods. But a compelling argument suggests that showering regularly rids your skin of essential oils and organisms -- and is therefore bad for your health, your scent, and the balance of life on your body. A growing body of evidence, in fact, suggests that our shampoo-scrubbed lifestyles, along with a number of other factors, are damaging a complex system that science does not yet fully understand: the human microbiome. Showering too much can affect the way your body functions. The microbiome is the collection of bacteria, archeae, viruses, and other microbes that live in and on your body. These little foreign critters are deeply important to your health -- without them, your immune system, digestion, and even your heart would lose function or fail entirely. The science doesn't yet offer a full picture of the role our microbiomes play in our lives, but compelling indirect evidence suggests that showering damages the microbiome on your skin. And without a healthy microbiome, your skin seems to struggle to maintain a healthy chemical balance and stave off damage and infection. It's well established that a shower with shampoo and soap strips your hair and skin of much of its microbe complement and necessary oils -- which the cosmetic industry attempts to replace with conditioners and moisturizers. People living in indoor, urbanized and sterilized conditions therefore often have less complex and robust microbiomes. A study of the people of Yanomami village in the Amazon, on the other hand, who had "no documented previous contact with Western people," found that their skin, mouths, and faeces hosted the richest complement of bacteria in any human population examined until that point. The complement even included antibiotic-resistant species, though the villagers hadn't had any known contact with antibiotics. Early research has also shown that bacteria may play a role in keeping skin healthy, and that common skin conditions like acne emerge from disruptions to the normal microbiome. What to do about the stink. Part of the reason there's not much scientific research into showering practices may be that it's difficult to assemble a large body of subjects willing to skip bathing for a long period of time. Instead, the published science on shower-skipping mostly consists of stories about personal experimentation. These stories, anecdotally at least, answer one important question about shower-skipping: What to do about the smell? Some of the bacteria that make up your microbiome excrete nasty-smelling chemicals that can create odours that waft from your body's folds and creases. If you stop rinsing them away, things could get pretty gross. But shower skippers say that problem only exists because our microbiome is so disrupted in the first place. Their theory is that your body can adjust to a new shower-free normal, and your renewed, recalibrated microbiome will smell pleasant -- if a bit earthy. A prominent example is James Hamblin of The Atlantic, who published an essay in June 2016 explaining his decision to give up the daily scrub. "At first, I was an oily, smelly beast," he wrote. But that seems to have worked out for Hamblin: I still rinse off elsewhere when I'm visibly dirty, like after a run when I have to wash gnats off my face, because there is still the matter of society. If I have bed head, I lean into the shower and wet it down. But I don't use shampoo or body soap, and I almost never get into a shower...... And everything is fine. I wake up and get out the door in minutes. At times when I might've smelled bad before, like at the end of a long day or after working out, I just don't. At least, to my nose. I've asked friends to smell me, and they insist that it's all good. (Though they could be allied in an attempt to ruin me) Hamblin also spoke to Julia Scott, a journalist who documented her own transition to shower-free living for The New York Times. Scott used products from a company called AOBiome, which are intended to promote a healthy skin microbiome, and found that she smelled of onions for a little while – at least to some of her friends – while her body adjusted. So if you decide to start skipping showers, it's might be a good idea to avoid being around people you want to impress for a while. Scott also found that just a week of showering at the end of the experiment destroyed her newly-cultivated colony entirely. Based on this very limited, unreliable evidence, it does seem unnecessary to use soap and cosmetics every day. But I can't say I'm personally brave enough to switch to a shower-free regime just yet. (Rafi Letzter, Business Insider Australia, May 12, 2017)

Seaweed extract could be key in relieving inflammatory bowel disorders A COMPLEX sugar molecule extracted from seaweed by Tasmanian biotechnology company Marinova has been found to relieve inflammatory bowel symptoms in mice. The finding is fuelling hopes that an effective cure for the condition in humans could be around the corner. Nuri Guven, from the University of Tasmania’s School of Medicine, said it was too early to say if the results would translate to human sufferers of crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, but the extract’s capacity to bring mice with inflamed colons back to normal had been a surprise. Prof Guven said the next priority would be to understand how compounds including Marinova’s fucoidian extracts acted in mice, ahead of possible human clinical trials which would require a major funding injection. “Does it make sense to test it on humans? I don’t know yet ... this has been a crucial step,’’ Prof Guven said. He said the results were expected to generate global interest, given that existing drug treatments for humans with the condition were, at best, only effective for short periods, forcing many patients to resort to surgery to remove inflamed parts of their colon.

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The Tasmanian study has been a collaboration between three academics and two PhD students from the School of Medicine in Hobart and the School of Human Health in Launceston. Marinova chief scientist Helen Fitton said the global incidence of ulcerative colitis was increasing. “The dietary changes that have occurred over the past several decades are now manifesting in a range of poor health outcomes,’’ Dr Fitton said. “Based on the results of this study, Marinova has extended its collaborative research arrangements with the University of Tasmania and will be sponsoring further studies.’’ (Bruce Mounster, Tasmanian Mercury, June 18, 2015)

Move over obesity, the new problem is 'overfat' By now, we're all familiar with the terms 'obesity' and 'overweight'. While those words focus on a person's weight, experts are spruiking a new term they would like us to embrace: 'overfat'. Overfat refers to having sufficient excess body fat to impair health. People who are overfat can be normal weight (according to body mass index, BMI), but have increased risk factors for chronic disease, such as high abdominal fat. This notion was put forth in an article in the January issue of the journal Frontiers in Public Health. According to the authors' classification, people fall into one of three categories: overfat, normal body-fat percentage and underfat. Alarmingly, they suggest that up to 76 per cent of the world's population is overfat. Nine to 10 per cent may be underfat, leaving only 14 per cent within the normal body-fat percentage. Healthy body fat levels differ according to age and gender. So, the authors note, for a normal weight 21-39 year-old woman, a healthy level is 21-32 per cent fat. Meanwhile, the normal range for men of the same age and BMI is 8-20 per cent body fat. But how do you know if you're overfat? "It's not always easy to tell," says Dr Georgia Rigas, Chair of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Obesity Network. "This is a classic case of you cannot, nor should you, judge a book by its cover." That's where your doctor comes in. By using a range of tools, your doctor can tell how much fat you have, where you're carrying it and, most importantly, how it's impairing your health. One of those tools is BMI, which assesses your weight in relation to height. However, it has significant limitations, including a tendency to underestimate fat levels. Waist circumference is better, the authors note, as it has a "very strong association with health risk". In her clinic, Dr Rigas uses a combination of BMI, waist circumference and bioempedance analysis (BIA), which measures how easily an electrical current can flow through the body. (By doing that, it can then estimate total body fat.) In certain circumstances, Dr Rigas also employs DEXA scans. Though they provide "accurate and precise" measurements of body fat, they also involve exposure to ionising radiation, which is why they're reserved for specific cases only. While the word 'overfat' may remind you of the much- touted phrase 'skinny fat', the new term isn't just the latest buzzword. The term 'skinny fat' was bandied about to describe those who appear lean on the outside and have low muscle mass, but carry excess visceral fat (fat around internal organs). Meanwhile, many overfat people appear overweight, or sport beer bellies. Also, 'skinny fat' focused on appearance, and the crux of 'overfat' is that these people have enough extra fat to put them at increased risk of disease, regardless of how they look. And those risks can't be overlooked, says Dr Rigas. There are the mechanical effects, which lead to accelerated wear and tear of joints. Then there are the neurohormonal effects, which can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, infertility, cancer and other diseases. Lastly, there are psychological effects, including depression and anxiety. Many of those psychological effects come from the "significant amounts of shame" people feel when carrying excess fat, says Dr Rigas. She says even the word 'fat' seems to apportion blame, feeding into the pervasive notion that carrying excessive amounts of it is a 'lifestyle choice'. "I assure you, no one chooses to be overweight or obese and have all the physical and emotional problems that come along with it." Dr Rigas agrees we need better "destigmatising" terminology to address these issues, as key preventative and remedial strategies can then be implemented to help reduce risk of disease. However, she doesn't believe the term 'overfat' fits the bill. "Labelling people 'fat' simply creates further barriers to treatment." (Evelyn Lewin, SMH, Jan 18, 2017)

Warning over rare breast implant cancer as three women die Women with breast implants have a greater risk of developing a rare cancer than previously thought, Australian health authorities have warned. As many as 1000 Australian women who received breast implants will be diagnosed with Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL), the Therapeutics Goods Administration has warned. On Tuesday the national watchdog advised women with breast implants to talk to their doctor if they notice any changes in their breasts, after 46 cases of rare anaplastic large cell lymphoma in Australia were linked to breast implants, three of which led to death. Health advisers and clinicians had previously thought the risk of developing ALCL was remote: between one in three million and one in 50,000. But the TGA has now updated its estimate to one in 1000 women with breast implants. ALCL is still classified as a rare cancer. While women and health professionals have been encouraged to monitor implants for any changes, and report cases to the TGA, the risk of developing ALCL due to implants remains low and the authority does not recommend preventative breast implant removal in patients without symptoms. The TGA has been monitoring the situation along with international partners, since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in January 2011 released a warning about a low risk association between implants and developing ALCL. The FDA received 258 medical device reports of breast implant-associated ALCL between August 25 2010 and September 10 2015, including three deaths since 2007. The US watchdog estimated that there had been 100-250 known cases of ALCL in women with breast implants worldwide. It has also convened an expert advisory panel, including cosmetic and plastic surgeons, breast-cancer surgeons, cancer epidemiologists, data analysts and public health practitioners, which met last month, to provide on-going advice. "TGA medical advice remains that women with breast implants should discuss any concerns they do have with their doctor," the authority said in a statement."If patients are concerned they should see their doctor." Breast implant-associated (BIA) ALCL is not breast cancer and it highly treatable, with most cases cured by removing the implant and capsule surrounding the implant, according to the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. "It's important to emphasise that the risk still remains very low, so unless there are associated symptoms such as a sudden swelling of the breast or a lump women do not need to have implants removed. However, we recommend women get their implants checked regularly," said ASPS president, Dr James Savundra. "The vast majority of women with swelling of the breast do not have BIA-ALCL but it should be investigated via an ultrasound scan with the fluid around the implant analysed. "Plastic surgeons are informing all patients undergoing breast implant surgery of the risk of BIA-ALCL and we recommend patients with breast implants be followed with annual clinical examinations," Dr Savundra said. The two plastic surgeon societies are pushing for the creation of a mandated breast device registry that would capture all women with breast implants, allowing researchers to track problems associated with the implants and act as an early warning system when issues arise. (Kate Aubusson, SMH, Dec. 22, 2016)

I beat my Pepsi addiction and lost 60kg The Sydney nurse who drank 10 cans of Pepsi a day loses weight. Courtesy of A Current Affair. The Sydney nurse who turned her life around by giving up soft drink and losing nearly 60kg in eight months hopes her story inspires others. Alice Callaghan, a registered nurse, was pre-diabetic from her daily habit of 10 cans of Pepsi when she stopped. And the trigger? Seeing her wedding photos. ‘I thought the photos were horrible but really there were just of me,’ says Alice. “I reacted so badly. I was angry, angry at my photographers. I thought the photos were horrible, but really, they were just photos of me,” she said. Alice told A Current Affair how her weight started to balloon when she got her licence and found ready access to fast food ... and Pepsi. Together with a lifestyle containing no exercise, then then-19-year-old rapidly put on the kilos - nearly 155 of them at her heaviest. “I couldn’t even walk 10m without knee or back pain,” she said. “I couldn’t even breathe. I hated being in public. I’d call in sick to work because I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want people to see me.” She was just 25 but struggled to walk ten metres without feeling pain in her back or knees. Alice would crack her first can of fizz upon waking up each day, washing down vitamin pills with the same. There’d be a few at work during the day, a couple more with dinner and even a nightcap in bed. And sips during the night. Her weight made holidays difficult and presented more moments when she felt ashamed, such as when asking for seatbelt extenders during flights. Rhys, her husband, was tying her shoes for her. Then came the turning point, in August last year. The first step after the initial doctor’s consultation was a pre-surgery shake and salad diet, during which she shaved off 12kg. In January came the gastric sleeve surgery ... and the end of the Pepsi. “I would get headaches, shaky even ... yeah, I’d get irritable,” she said. Nutritionist Dr Joanna McMillan said that apart from the effects of nearly 3kg of extra sugar per week, people drinking similar amounts of soft drink to Alice at the height of her addiction were risking serious dental damage. At her heaviest, Alice weighed 155kg, but now she exercises - and she’s happy. When she can afford it, Alice plans to whiten her teeth. “There’s no Pepsi allowed in my house,” she said. “I actually bounce out of bed. I exercise, I’m happy, I actually smile! “If I can help anyone turn their life around, it would be a job well done.” The Christian Herald No 33 Page 101

Rhys said: “Words can’t describe how proud I am ... she knows that.” The 10 best carbs for weight loss THEY’RE not the diet demons they’ve been made out to be — these carbohydrates will both nourish and satiate. POPCORN If you fancy a snack, plain popcorn could be the way to go. Scientists from the Rippe Lifestyle Institute in Florida say that as it is high in fibre and low in fat, plain popcorn makes an ideal snack as you can eat a whole lot more for the same kilojoule count as you would fatty nibbles such as potato chips. “Just make sure to buy corn kernels that can be popped in a dry frying pan with a lid, or popcorn machine,” Aloysa Hourigan, from Nutrition Australia, says. CHICKPEAS Tossing a handful of these pulses into salads or using them to pad out a meat dish can boost weight loss by keeping you feeling fuller for longer, say scientists from St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. “Chickpeas are a good source of fibre and protein. They’re great for everyone, particularly vegetarians,” Hourigan says. BROWN RICE A South Korean study showed that swapping white rice for the brown type can help shift kilos. Women who replaced one meal a day with food containing a mix of brown and black rice lost more weight than those who dined on the white variety. QUINOA According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, eating 30g of fibre a day can help you lose weight. Just one cup of the grain quinoa boasts about 5g of fibre. RYE CRISP-BREAD Want a simple, healthy breakfast to stop the midmorning munchies? Swedish scientists say brekkies featuring wholegrain rye bread helped people eat less and feel fuller for longer. Also try rye crispbread as a 3pm hunger-busting snack. WHOLE-WHEAT PASTA There’s nothing easier for dinner than a bowl of pasta after a long day — just choose whole-wheat. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen found that overweight women who ate a calorie-controlled whole-wheat diet lost more weight than those who followed a meal plan containing refined carbs. “Whole-wheat pasta has a relatively low GI so it will satisfy you for longer,” Hourigan says. GREEN PEAS Half a cup of peas provides 12 per cent of the recommended daily intake of zinc which can smash hunger by boosting levels of leptin, the “satiety hormone”, Dutch researchers say. DARLEY Adding barley to soups can reduce your appetite and the risk of diabetes thanks to the grain’s special mix of dietary fibres, according to a recent study from Lund University in Sweden. SWEET POTATOES Oregon State University says the manganese in this vegie helps enzymes to metabolise carbs and cholesterol. OATMEAL US research shows this complex carb helps increase feelings of fullness. “Oats are a great balance of fibre, protein and phytonutrients for lasting energy,” nutritionist Bonnie Redman says. (Ruth Devine, body+soul, October 2, 2016)

Working with diesel fumes causing lung cancer in Australians MORE than 100 Australians are diagnosed with lung cancer each year blamed on work-based exposure to diesel fumes, according to figures released today by Cancer Council Australia. The Council is today releasing fact sheets on how to reduce carcinogen exposure in workplaces. The organisation is calling for greater awareness in the workplace as an estimated 3.6 million Australians were exposed to cancer-causing agents at work, with about 5000 cancer cases diagnosed each year as a result. Cancer Council Australia occupational and environment cancer committee chair Terry Slevin said awareness of hazards such as exposure to diesel fumes was low. “Exposure to diesel fumes is Australia’s second-most prevalent work-based cancer-causing agent,” he said. “It’s estimated that around 1.2 million Australians are exposed to diesel engine exhaust at work each year and that 130 workers each year are diagnosed with lung cancer as a result of their exposure on the job.” “The World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has upgraded its classification of diesel exhaust to a ‘Group 1’ carcinogen, confirming that it is an established cause of cancer in humans.” Mr Slevin said while the general population was exposed to diesel only occasionally, people who worked with diesel-fuelled machinery were at high risk. “This includes those who work with diesel motor vehicles including buses, tractors, trains and forklifts, especially in enclosed spaces like garages and workshops,” he said. “There are also risks for people who work with diesel-operated generators, compressors or power plants.” Mr Slevin urged both workers and employers to take steps to reduce their cancer risk at work. “Taking simple steps, such as winding up the window and turning on the air con if you are driving a diesel vehicle, can reduce your cancer risk,” he said. The Cancer Council’s free fact sheets outline workplace cancer risks for employers and employees, in the areas of diesel engine exhaust, UV radiation, asbestos, welding fumes and second-hand tobacco smoke. The fact sheets provide information about how to reduce carcinogen exposure at work. Mr Slevin said it was important to take “stronger action now”. “Increasing awareness, will go a long way to avoiding the worst kind of problems down the track — employees being diagnosed with a cancer that can be attributed to what happened to them at work,” he said. (Katrina Stokes, The Advertiser, October 4, 2016)

Unprotected drunken sex brings risk of brain-damaged babies, doctors warn BOOZING party girls should be using contraception to avoid the risk of having brain-damaged babies, doctors have warned. Professor Elizabeth Elliott, who runs a Westmead Hospital clinic for children afflicted by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), urged women to use contraception or stop drinking because half of all pregnancies are unplanned. “If you’re a young woman and you party and there’s a chance you might have sex, you should be using contraception,’’ she said. “Binge-drinking is very common among young women, and is associated with unprotected sex. “A lot of harm can be done before pregnancy is confirmed. “We’ve really got to get this message out to girls at school.’’ The Australian Medical Association is now instructing pregnant women to give up the grog, in its first “position statement’’ on FASD. It says FASD children are often misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, autism or learning problems. The AMA warns that alcohol can damage the DNA of a foetus, so birth defects are passed on to grandchildren. “Alcohol crosses the placenta and the foetal liver cannot effectively metabolise it, meaning the foetus is vulnerable to any level of exposure at any stage of pregnancy,’’ it states. “If you are pregnant, the appropriate dose of alcohol is zero drinks per day.’’ “There is emerging evidence that alcohol use around the time of conception and during pregnancy can also have epigenetic effects that may be transmitted to future generations’’. The AMA says at least one in three Australian women drinks during pregnancy — although only 7 per cent drink after the first trimester. AMA president Michael Gannon, who is an obstetrician, said women who binge-drink or use drugs should kick the habit or use contraception. “If you’re planning a pregnancy you should stop drinking,’’ he said yesterday. “If you are pregnant, the appropriate dose of alcohol is zero drinks per day.’’ She said alcohol was more dangerous to unborn babies than smoking or eating soft cheese, which pregnant women are told to avoid due to the risk of listeria. “Alcohol is a poison that disrupts the development and structure of the embryo and foetus,’’ she said. “We’re increasingly seeing that even low levels of alcohol may have subtle effects. “As a paediatrician I see the end result of children really struggling with life — they often have speech and language problems, they often get in trouble with the law and have drug and alcohol problems themselves.’’ (Natasha Bita, The Daily Telegraph, September 3, 2016)

Parents should limit kids’ screen time and send them outside for more ‘green time’ STARING at tablets, phones and computers is making kids half-blind, with the number of shortsighted children almost doubling in the past five years. Optometry Australia president Kate Gifford yesterday warned parents to limit children’s screen time and send them outside for more “green time” for at least 90 minutes a day. “Children are spending more time on smaller screens closer to their faces and that puts more strain on their eyes,” Ms Gifford said. “When you’re telling your eyeballs all the time that your whole world is only 50cm in front of them, the eye adapts to that.’’ Short- sightedness among 12-year-olds soared from 11.5 per cent in 2005 to 18.9 per cent in 2011.

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More than half of 12-year-olds of Asian background now need glasses for myopia, up from a third in 2005, while short-sightedness among children of Caucasian descent doubled from 4.4 per cent to 8.6 per cent over the same period, coinciding with rising usage of smartphones, tablets and laptops in the home and at school. IS YOUR CHILD AT RISK? TAKE THE TEST Ms Gifford said children’s eyeballs grow too quickly when they strain their eyes looking up-close, resulting in blurred distance vision and the need for glasses. She said children who spent more than three hours a day at home reading, doing homework, drawing or playing with handheld devices were two or three times more likely to become shortsighted than those who spent less than two hours on close-up work. Sunlight and time spent walking or playing outside could minimise damage. Children who spend more than 2.7 hours a day outside in daylight have a lower risk of myopia, even if they spend hours indoors on close-up work.“If kids spend at least 90 minutes outdoors each day it reduces the risk of becoming shortsighted,’’ Ms Gifford. IS YOUR CHILD AT RISK? TAKE THE TEST “It’s important for parents to think about what they’re doing on weekends and plan outdoor activities. “It doesn’t even have to be playing sport. Walk the dog, ride a bike, play in the backyard or have a picnic. It’s the exposure to natural light that’s important.’’ Ms Gifford said watching TV was better for children’s eyesight than staring at handheld electronics. And she said looking out the car or train window when travelling was better than staring at a device. As vice-president of his local soccer club, sports-mad Jay Nataly and his partner Jenny set a great example for their children Mia 8, Sienna, 6, and JJ, 5, who all spent a lot of time outdoors, and all have good vision. “The kids have taken to our lifestyle. We’ve just become an outdoor family. I’ve got to fight to get them inside,” Mr Nataly said yesterday (Natasha Bita, The Daily Telegraph, September 5, 2016)

CSIRO Healthy Diet Score reveals Aussies are addicted to junk food THE nation’s largest ever diet survey reveals that 99 per cent of Australians eat junk food. The 2016 CSIRO Healthy Diet Score report highlights that Australians’ eating habits are worse than first feared. Released today, the report canvassed the dietary habits of more than 86,500 adults over 12 months. An early snapshot of the survey results, released in August last year, awarded the nation’s diet a score of 61 on a 100-point scale. With almost 47,000 extra surveys completed since then, the score has slipped to just 59 out of 100. A startling 80 per cent of people did not reach the benchmark of 70. The study assessed compliance with Australian Dietary Guidelines and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Consumption of fruit, vegetables, grains, meat and discretionary foods and beverages were recorded. “We have an image of being fit and healthy but with a collective diet score of 59 out of 100 that image could be very different unless we act now,” CSIRO research director and co-author of the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet Professor Manny Noakes said. The expert suggested a simple move of halving the discretionary food in people’s diets and doubling the vegetable intake would help the nation’s score jump to a more presentable 69. “If we can raise our collective score by just over 10, we help mitigate against the growing rates of obesity and lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and a third of all cancers,” she said. The closest Australians come to meeting dietary guidelines is the fruit food group where 49 per cent of respondents meet the recommended intake. But still one in two has room to improve. The CSIRO scientists confirmed that women eat a little better than men. Women score 60 while men score 56. Those with the healthiest eating patterns are public servants, real estate agents and health industry workers, while construction workers hit the bottom in the nutritional stakes. The survey also tracked food avoidance in diets for the first time, and found that about one in three Australian adults are avoiding one or more foods such as gluten, dairy or meat. (Jackie Sinnerton, The Courier-Mail, September 26, 2016)

Got a food allergy? Try eating more The antidote to food intolerances may turn out to be more food, after Australian researchers unravelled the molecular mechanisms behind rising allergy rates in the Western world. A Melbourne-led study has found that mice with allergies to peanuts cab beat the condition when they are fed high- fibre diets. The results suggest a healthy dose of fruit and vegetables, possibly with bacterial supplements, could prevent and even reverse food allergies. The findings, outlined in the journal Cell Reports, add to a growing body of evidence that changes in diet – rather than excessive hygiene, rising caesarian rates or even oil-based moisturisers – are behind an spike in food allergies that has seen hospitalisations double in the past decade. The researchers believe deficiency of dietary fibre has dealt the body a double blow, robbing it of vitamins essential to the immune system and reshaping the “microbiota” of bacteria in the gut. The study built on recent research suggesting changes to gut bacteria may be responsible for the rise in food allergies, and that fibre may be the answer. The new research explains why. Bacteria in the gut break down dietary fibre into short-chain fatty acids that boost levels of crucial immune agents known as dendritic cells. “They are the immune sensors of the body,” said lead author Jian Tan, a PhD student with Monash University’s Biomedicine Discovery Institute. He said inadequate levels of these could weaken the function of dendritic cells, leading them to label food as dangerous and trigger an immune response. The study also found low-fibre diets starved the body of vitamin A, which increased the “potency” of dendritic cells. The paper says vitamin A deficiency is on the rise in the West. And although some researchers have blamed the spike in allergies on delays in exposing children to foods like peanuts and milk, the new study suggests mothers’ diets could play a role. (John Ross, The Australian, June 22, 2016)

Earwax? The wax that gets secreted in your ears is strange stuff. Is it there to kill bugs? What’s it even made of? BBC takes a peek. Whales never clean out their ears. Year after year their earwax builds up, leaving behind something of a life history told in fatty acids, alcohols, and cholesterols. The waxy substance builds in the ear canals of many mammals, including ourselves. Human earwax, on the other hand, is not nearly as interesting. It doesn’t offer up an autobiography, and most of us remove the waxy build-up from our ears fairly regularly (about which, more later). Still, there’s a fascinating science underlying the humdrum substance. The proper name for the stuff is cerumen, and it’s produced only by the outermost bit of the ear canal, thanks to a mix of between one and two thousand sebaceous glands (which, on your head, also help to keep hair oily) and modified sweat glands. Add some bits of hair, dead skin, and other bodily detritus and you’ve got the recipe for earwax. Its main function has long been thought to be primarily one of lubrication (which is why early lip balms were made of the stuff) though it’s also believed to be useful for preventing insects from creeping their way into the internal recesses of your head. But some suspect that earwax also functions as an antibiotic. Some of us produce wax which is wet and greasy, and others wax which is drier and harder. In 1980, NIH researchers Tuu-Jyi Chai and Toby C Chai collected cerumen with a device they refer to as a “sterile earwax hook” from 12 people, and mixed it all together in an alcohol solution. Then they introduced some bacteria to the party. The earwax managed to kill off 99% of several bacteria strains, including H. influenzae (which, confusingly, doesn’t lead to influenza, but a different type of infection) and a particular strain of E. coli called K-12. Other strains of E. coli, and Streptococcus and Staphylococcus, were a bit more resistant to earwax, with mortality rates varying between 30% and 80%. Still, the collected earwax had clear bactericidal effects on all 10 types of bacteria they tested. Similar results were found in a 2011 German study. In that experiment, 10 peptides found in earwax were able to prevent bacteria and fungi from growing. External ear canal infections, the researchers argued, are what results when the earwax- based defence system fails. Whether you have wet or dry earwax is genetically determined But in 2000, a study conducted at La Laguna University in the Canary Islands found the opposite. Instead, researchers found a neutral effect when it came to one strain of Staph, and in most cases, they found that earwax actually promoted the growth of bacteria, including E. coli, ostensibly due to the rich nutrient bounty it provides. It’s not the only study to cast doubt on earwax’s propensity for microbial murder. There’s one thing that might shed light on the wildly differing conclusions that these and other studies have put forth. The 1980 and 2011 studies used wax from people with dry earwax, while the 2000 study focused on the wet form. It’s by no means clear that this distinction underlies earwax’s putative antimicrobial properties, but it’s a beguiling hypothesis, especially since the two types are essentially made from the same ingredients. Still, unless you’ve surreptitiously taken a peek into your friends’ ear canals, then you might be surprised, as I was, to learn that there are two different kinds. Syringing with liquid can remove excess wax without risking damaging the eardrum. Whether you have wet or dry earwax is genetically determined, and it all comes down to a single letter on a single gene. The gene is called ABCC11, and if you’ve got an A instead of a G, then your earwax will be dry. (The two resulting types of earwax also smell different.) It’s a rare example of Mendelian inheritance, with the wet type being completely dominant. The pattern is so predictable that earwax has even been used to track ancient human migration patterns. Those of Caucasian or African descent are more likely to have wet earwax, while East Asians are more likely to harbour the dry, flaky variety inside their ears. The two types are seen at more balanced proportions among Pacific Islanders, in Central Asia and Asian Minor, and for Native Americans and the Inuit. Physicians might use almond oil or olive oil to soften impacted wax prior But the most pressing issue surrounding earwax, for most of us, is how to remove it. It’s a question that has apparently plagued humanity since at least the first century CE. In his book De Medicina, the Roman Aulus Cornelius Celsus suggested a set of remedies for removing built-up earwax. “If a crust,” he wrote, perhaps referring to those with dry earwax, “hot oil is poured in, or verdigris mixed with honey or leek juice or a little soda in honey wine.” Ouch. Once the wax is loosened, it can be flushed out with water. But “if it be wax,” he wrote, perhaps referring to those with wet variety, “vinegar containing a little soda is introduced; and when the wax has softened, the ear is washed out.” He also advised that “the ear should be syringed with castoreum mixed with vinegar and laurel oil and the juice of young radish rind, or with cucumber juice, mixed with crushed rose leaves. The dropping in of the juice of unripe grapes mixed with rose oil is also fairly efficacious against deafness.”

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Together, it all sounds only a hair more reasonable than a recipe calling for eye of newt, but even today physicians might use almond oil or olive oil to soften impacted wax prior to attempting removal. The truth is some folks do truly suffer earwax-related problems serious enough to warrant intervention. According to a 2004 analysis, around 2.3 million folks in the UK see their doctors every year for such ailments, and some four million ears are treated annually. The elderly, children, and those with learning disabilities encounter problems related to impacted earwax often. It can lead to hearing loss, of course, but also to social withdrawal and even mild paranoia. “Some patients,” write the researchers, “with impacted wax present with perforated eardrums.” But since cerumen itself can’t perforate the tympanic membrane, it’s self-induced, presumably because folks try to extract the condensed wax on their own. Doctors still use olive oil to loosen stubborn wax Because the risks of using a cotton swab are so high, even for a skilled doctor, most rely on a softening agent, followed by irrigation. But there’s no medical consensus as to the best softening agent, or for whether irrigation is best in the first place. In 2012, University of Minnesota Medical School researchers Anjali Vaidya and Diane J Madlon-Kay concluded that wax-softeners, irrigation, or other manual removal were all viable, but that no one treatment had proven better, safer, or more effective than the others. Still, these procedures are best left to the professionals. Despite the risks, some folks defiantly shove cotton swabs into their ears after a shower knowing full well that physicians recommend against that sort of behaviour. A vigorous swabbing risks perforating the ear drum, or ironically pushing the earwax further into the ear. Sometimes, the cotton at the end of the swab can fall off, remaining lodged inside the ear canal. If there’s one lesson to learn, it is: don’t do this. (Or at least keep those swabs safely away from the ear canal.) Something else to be absolutely avoided is an alternative medicine practice known as ear candling. In this practice, a hollow candle made of beeswax or paraffin is held up to the ear and set aflame. The idea is that the heat inside the empty candle draws earwax out of the ear canal, where it can be easily removed. If this seems insane, you’re right. There is absolutely no support for the idea, while plenty of evidence affirms that burning hot candle wax falling onto your ear drum would be quite painful and is best avoided. Consider yourself warned. (Jason G Goldman, BBC, 3 May 2016)

‘Sex wasn’t what I expected’ I GREW up in the church. Christian family. Christian school. Christian friends. And the number one rule taught to me about sex was this: Don’t have sex before marriage! It was drilled into my head that premarital sex was wrong because it would create soul ties between me and all the people I had sex with. Almost like Voldemort whose soul split into seven pieces which attached themselves to every victim he killed, creating horcruxes. Being the perfectionist that I was in my teenage years, I latched onto this rule and avoided sex like the plague. I suppressed thoughts about sex and avoided all sexual urges. I was even interviewed by Girlfriend magazine at the ripe old age of 14 preaching abstinence and warning other teenagers against these soul-tying horcruxes that I thought could destroy our very lives. At church, gossip spread about young people who were secretly having sex, older married couples who had confessed to sex before marriage, and the double-standards applied to elite members of the church whose sexual sins were kept forever on the down-low. “Sexual immorality” always seemed to be dealt with more harshly than any other moral failing: pastors excommunicated for adultery; pornography burning ceremonies; exorcisms performed on homosexuals; abortions to cover up premarital sex; verbal abuse, gossip and slander about or toward the promiscuous; and a church-wide fear of admitting to any sort of temptation or mistake. Most of the time we don’t even discuss whether it is right or wrong to buy houses and cars that pollute our environment, destroy the ozone layer, wipe out forests and rape the earth, but we will talk incessantly about how much of a slut little miss so- and-so is, and how LGBTIQ people are really perverted heterosexuals. But by the time I was in my early twenties I was still single, and there were these urges in my body … to touch myself. I wanted to know what it felt like. So I discovered masturbation. I felt like I’d committed a felony — worse yet, maybe I’d committed the unforgivable sin! No one had actually told me it was wrong, but I presumed that it was, and the guilt I experienced was horrendous. I bawled my eyes out every time I expressed my sexuality in the privacy of my own room and I begged God to send me a husband as that seemed like the only legitimate solution. Another six years went by in singleness and sexlessness, and then my mother passed away. Strangely enough, the thing I wanted more than anything in the world right then was sex. I wanted the strength of a man’s body to comfort me in my grief. I started to challenge the idea that masturbation was a sin and pushed the boundaries of my own rules. I invited men into my life who kissed me and touched me in ways I’d never experienced before. One particular man probably saw me as his greatest challenge. My virginity would be his prize — if he could conquer me. He was an alpha male; strong, and in his own way, very patient. I threw away my boundaries around oral sex but I never orgasmed in his presence or allowed penetration. At age 30, I finally met a man I was content to settle down with. He too was an intercourse virgin and we mutually decided to wait for sex until we were at least living in the same country — he’s American, I’m Australian. We pushed all remaining boundaries: sleeping in the same bed when we visited each other internationally; engaged in oral sex, Skype sex and mutual masturbation; saw each other completely naked and even showered together. But we did in fact wait for intercourse until we were legally married in February 2015. At age 32 I finally gave my husband the last piece of my virginity. But intercourse wasn’t what I had expected it to be. There were no fireworks or explosions. It all felt quite natural and not as supernatural or spiritual as I’d been lead to believe it would be. The flip-side of those negative soul-tying horcruxes was that sex was “supposed” to create a beautiful bond between me and my husband that would unite us together in body and spirit for the rest of our lives. But it didn’t feel that way for me initially and I was disappointed. I’d waited 32 years of my life without ever having intercourse only to find out that I was still exactly the same person after I’d had sex as I was before I’d had sex. Sex didn’t change me. It didn’t fix me. It didn’t ruin me. It had been blown completely out of proportion in my mind because of the rule I was taught as a child. Having been married for a year now, I think there is some legitimacy in what I was taught about soul-ties. I have read up on oxytocin, microchimerism and telegony. And I have found sex to be a bonding experience between myself and my husband. But I have also learned that having a sex-life can be really hard work. I certainly don’t have the stamina or flexibility of someone in their twenties. So, do I regret the decisions I made? No, actually, I don’t. I have learned so much about myself, about human sexuality and about religion, that I am inclined to be grateful for my own story, exactly as it is. I embrace my journey. I still hold some resentment toward the rules that I was given. I resent how they controlled me and how little I was able to follow my own heart. I believe that the best way for me to heal from this resentment is to share with others my journey and allow them to make their own decisions about how they will express their sexuality and follow their hearts. My goal in writing my book Grace for Sexual Shame: The Obsessed was to address the many areas of our sexuality that are often condemned in churches. Areas like masturbation, pornography, premarital sex, lust, abortion, fantasy and gay marriage. I feel strongly that it is time for the church to start preaching grace above abstinence. When statistics tell us that more than 90 per cent of people, Christian and non-Christian alike, have sex before marriage in Australia, we are kidding ourselves if we think that vamping up the abstinence message is going to stop people from having premarital sex. We need better sex education about contraception and even about abortion. Also, the church desperately needs to rethink its hate-the-sin-love-the- sinner approach to LGBTIQ people. The church is not capable of loving sinners if it simultaneously shames, judges, criticises, condemns, avoids and slanders their sin. My hope is that through honest conversation, we may begin to heal our collective sexuality sooner rather than later. (Elissa Anne, news.com.au, June 25, 2016) Editorial Note: Conversation and “reason”, not obedience to God’s law and the faith of Jesus Christ, is what had brought this world to the brink. Everyone has become an expert on what ails this world and on how to fix it.

Things Men Should Know About Vaginas Of all the great things in life, sex can be one of the most rewarding. When done correctly, regular sex can improve your relationship and sense of wellbeing. Not to mention it feels pretty darn good. But if you're a man who has sex with women, there's one thing you'll need to master before you can achieve the highest levels of sexual pleasure. It's the... vagina. When it comes to the female reproductive system, things can get complicated fast. Yes, the vagina -- a term often used when people really mean the vulva -- can be delicate and complex (and also, by the way, tough AF). A man's understanding of the vagina can dramatically affect his love life. Basically, if you're well-versed in vag, chances are your partner will want to get randy more often, thus leading to a slew of health benefits for the both of you. Studies show that men who have sex at least twice a week have better heart health and lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Good sex also releases endorphins, which can reduce stress and improve sleep for everyone. But better sex and foreplay don't magically happen overnight. That's why we put together a list of 7 things men should know about the vagina, so they can master the fine art of good sex. 1. When you say "vagina," you probably mean "vulva." Technically speaking, vagina refers to the muscular, elastic canal which leads to the cervix and uterus. This is the "hole" where the penis or fingers are (usually) inserted and through which babies pass during birth. "Vulva" is the term that describes all of the external organs that make up female genitalia. Basically, it's everything you're looking at when you're down there. The vulva includes the vagina, the pubic mound, the labia majora (the outer folds of the vulva) and labia minora (the smaller, inner folds), the opening of the urethra (the pee hole) and the clitoris (more on this very important part later).

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2. Women can get erect, too. Just as a man's penis swells with blood when he's aroused, women -- or, rather, their clitoris -- can become erect, too. When a woman is turned on, blood flows to her clitoris, the small, round nub just above where the two inner lips meet. This causes the clitoris to swell and become sensitive to the touch. Be careful, though: The head of the clitoris can become overly sensitive and may retract underneath the hood to avoid further stimulation. 3. The clitoris is a powerhouse for pleasure. With an estimated 8,000 nerve endings, the clitoris serves one purpose and one purpose only: to make a woman feel good. In fact, it's the only human organ that exists solely for pleasure, according to Dr. Hilda Hutcherson, a gynaecologist with Columbia University and author of Pleasure: A Woman's Guide To Getting The Sex You Want, Need and Deserve. And there's more to that beacon of pleasure than the little nub that peeks out. The clitoris has a body and two legs that extend within the body and run alongside the pubic bone. These parts can be "very sensitive," Hutcherson told The Huffington Post. "I usually tell women and their partners to move around and try different positions [during foreplay and intercourse] to stimulate all the clitoral tissue and not just the head." 4. Just because a woman's vagina isn't lubricated, that doesn't mean she's not aroused. While women are capable of lubricating naturally, Hutcherson says there are circumstances that can make it more difficult. For example, women may have a harder time lubricating naturally after menstruation. Certain medications and antihistamines also make lubrication more difficult, as do changes in hormones, birth control and age. "Vaginal lubrication is one of those things that are really misunderstood by men," Hutcherson said, adding that most men don't realize that a woman can be aroused without having any wetness. Some women may even take longer to become aroused and lubricated if they've been in a relationship for a long time. "In the beginning of a relationship, you lubricate very well and really quickly [because of all] the chemicals and hormones that are rushing through your body," Hutcherson explained. "Over time, those chemicals start to decrease after you've been with the same person for a while." In either case, Hutcherson suggests that men should be patient and spend more time on foreplay if a woman isn't lubricated enough. "Sometimes it just takes a lot longer for a woman to get aroused," Hutcherson said. "Men don't understand why that happens." 5. Most women don't reach an orgasm with vaginal intercourse. "Men like to think that there's something in the vagina that they're going to strike and cause an orgasm," Hutcherson told HuffPost. "They think women will have these mind-blowing orgasms from their penises alone, and it just doesn't happen that way." In fact, a 2009 study revealed that about 75 percent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone (that is, without the help of sex toys, or oral or digital stimulation). According to Hutcherson, foreplay and external stimulation can be far more important than penetration when it comes to women achieving orgasm. She suggests beginning with gentle strokes to the clitoris and the labia, which can be very sensitive, but is often neglected. And if you really want to get a woman going, Hutcherson says that oral sex is "the easiest way for most women to experience pleasure." 6. When it comes to a woman's sexual stimulation, different strokes for different folks definitely applies. One of the biggest mistakes a man can make when trying to please a woman is assuming that all women are stimulated in the same way. "Every woman is different and they're not all going to respond in the same way," Hutcherson told HuffPost. "Women can have different parts of their bodies that are more sensitive than others." For example, one person may orgasm from clitoral stimulation, while another can only reach climax through penetration. The trick is to switch up the positions, techniques and areas of stimulation to see what the woman responds best to. "Men shouldn't try to force a woman into having an experience that they think the woman should be having," Hutcherson said. "There's fun in exploring what gives a particular partner pleasure, discovering together what turns each other on." 7. This is how you find the G-spot. The G-spot is a very controversial subject in the world of gynecology, and while some experts believe they have its exact location mapped out, others doubt that it even exists. Hutcherson believes the elusive G-spot is an area of glands near the urethra-side of the vaginal wall. "The G-spot is not a spot," Hutcherson told HuffPost. "It's an area in the vagina that gives a woman the most pleasure, but it varies from woman to woman." To find this "spot," Hutcherson offers her clients the following directions: 1. Lubricate the fingers of the dominant hand and insert them, palm facing upwards, into the vagina. 2. Reach the fingers all the way back until you feel the cervix. 3. Once you hit the cervix, pull the fingers out slightly and rub the top of the vaginal wall where it feels most stimulating. 4. Rub the area by curling your fingers, "like you're saying come hither against that front wall," Hutcherson says. 5. Begin with light pressure then gradually add more pressure. The most important thing to remember when handling, observing or adoring a vagina is to understand its keeper: The woman. "Every person is different and every individual will have pleasure from different things," Hutcherson said. "That's the fun of being human. Try different things, have an open mind and be adventurous to find out what really works for both parties." (Carla Herreria, The Huffington Post, June 23, 2017)

8 - Education

How Germany’s WWI U-boat campaign fatally backfired A CENTURY ago today German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg stood up in the Reichstag, Germany’s parliament, to deliver a speech that would shock the world. He announced that Germany would renew its campaign of unrestricted U-boat warfare. In his speech he said “our opponents clearly and precisely said that they decline peace negotiations with us, and that they want to hear only of a peace which they dictate.” According to the Chancellor, “we have been challenged to fight to the end. We accept the challenge”. Speaking of why they had rejected previous calls to implement indiscriminate U-boat attacks he said: “Last autumn the time was not yet ripe, but today the moment has come when, with the greatest prospect of success, we can undertake this enterprise.” Although Bethmann-Hollweg claimed that “the most ruthless methods are considered as the best calculated to lead us to a victory and to a swift victory”, the submarine warfare was a fatal strategy that would help turn the tide of battle against Germany. Throughout the course of World War I Germany looked desperately for a winning strategy but always seemed to hit obstacles. While they had made good progress marching through Belgium at the beginning of the war, their ground forces quickly became bogged down by trench warfare in France. Meanwhile, on the ocean the German navy was hopelessly outclassed by the British fleet, so they developed submarine warfare as a way of undermining Britain’s maritime superiority, without having to build as many warships. Submarine commanders were ordered to sink enemy ships and to stop any neutral ships, checking them for contraband. Apart from disrupting shipping, the Germans believed that the subs added to the atmosphere of “schrecklichkeit” or “frightfulness” that terrorised the enemy’s civilian population. But despite some U-boat victories in the early months of the war, the submarine fleet remained too small to have a major impact and was hindered by those who thought unrestricted U-boat warfare was unethical. Among the strongest opponents was Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg. In May 1915 when the Lusitania was sunk, killing 1198 civilians including 124 Americans, it raised the spectre of the US entering the war, which the Germans wanted to avoid. Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was also alarmed at the “dreadful thought” of innocent civilians being drowned, ordered that no large liners be sunk. The submarines were forced to operate within strict guidelines. When the British liner Arabic was sunk in August 1915, it led to the removal of Vice Admiral Bachmann, the naval chief of staff. He was replaced by Admiral Henning von Holtzendorff, who ordered the U-boats to surface before attacking. When the navy tried to resume unrestricted attacks in February 1916 they were shut down again in April after a civilian ferry, Sussex, was torpedoed killing about 50 people. US President Woodrow Wilson mistakenly believed that Americans had been killed on the Sussex and applied pressure on Germany to desist with U-boat attacks. But the increasing desperation of the military after the battle of Verdun and the first battle of the Somme, led them to apply pressure to Bethmann-Hollweg and the Kaiser to change U-boat policy and resume unrestricted attacks. When Paul von Hindenburg took over as commander of the military in August 1916, he presented a plan for winning the war. One of the main planks was unrestricted submarine warfare. Bethmann-Hollweg tried to resist but the plan was gaining support among the main parties in the Reichstag. Things had changed, Germany had increased its submarine fleet and the navy now believed that it had the tools to do the job properly. Bad harvests across Europe in 1916 also gave the Germans some hope that by blockading Britain they could soon starve the country into submission. The military were convinced that the US would not enter the war as they hadn’t after the sinking of the Lusitania. At a meeting of the heads of the military the decision was taken to recommence unrestricted U-boat warfare. Bethmann-Hollweg made his announcement on January 31, 1917. A note was sent to the US warning them before operations began on February 1. President Wilson broke off diplomatic relations with Germany and after the sinking of seven US merchant ships in February and March, the US declared war. The injection of America’s troops, armaments and money turned the war in favour of the Allies. Germany’s desperate U-boat campaign backfired badly. (Troy Lennon, The Daily Telegraph, January 31, 2017) The Christian Herald No 33 Page 105

Sex abuse: Prestigious NSW boys’ schools hit with 1500 lawsuits SOME of the most prestigious boys’ schools in NSW face multimillion-dollar lawsuits alleging systemic sexual abuse on an “outrageous” scale. Lawyer Jason Parkinson has more than 1500 cases against such schools as Trinity Grammar, Knox Grammar, St Patrick’s at Goulburn, Newington College and De La Salle colleges at Revesby Heights and Marrickville. Mr Parkinson said the scale of litigation was similar to the flood of cases following the revelation of the dangers of asbestos in the 1970s and ’80s. “There has not been a common thread of criminality or negligence that has affected more Australians than child abuse and it is more egregious than asbestos because these institutions’ reason for being was caring for children,” Mr Parkinson said yesterday. “There are schools and organisations like the Scouts where abuse was happening on an outrageous scale.” He said state schools were the cleanest institutions because mandatory reporting of sex abuse was implemented more than 20 years ago, while prestigious schools tried to keep abuses quiet. Parents who struggled to give their children the best in life had been dealt a cruel blow, Mr Parkinson said. “One of the cruellest things to realise is that mothers took second jobs to pay for the school fees to find out 30 years later that the teachers or the Catholic brothers were molesting their children and these families were paying for it,” he said. “Now their children are paying for it.” Other law firms have multiple claims for damages against the same schools and others, including The Scots College and Waverley College. The sex abuse royal commission laid bare the truth of the abuse that schools tried to hide to protect reputations. About 85 per cent of the victims were boys at the time. “It’s costing the taxpayer a fortune in Medicare costs,” Mr Parkinson said. “These men are going to see psychologists and psychiatrists for help because they were never able to tell their doctors of their abuse when it occurred because they feared they would not be believed.” Many cases are now being settled at the door of the court. Riot police tear-gassed protesters in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, as the demonstrators were rallying against US President Donald Trump's so- called Muslim ban. Global outrage has greeted Trump's immigration ban, which affects citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Trump has maintained that the restrictions should not be dubbed a 'Muslim ban,' despite it only being brought into effect for these seven countries, all of which have a majority Muslim population. The travel restrictions will be implemented for 90 days for all people hailing from these seven countries, including legal permanent residents of the US. Additionally, there has been a 120 day ban on refugee admissions, and an indefinite halting of Syrian refugee admissions. Last November, the Catholic Church reached a confidential settlement with two sisters sexually abused decades ago by paedophile Father Denis McAlinden in the Maitland-Newcastle diocese. The terms of the settlement were sealed by the court, only to be opened by a judge. McAlinden died without ever being charged. (Janet Fife-Yeomans, The Daily Telegraph, January 31, 2017)

‘Mum, dad’ banned under school guidelines BOYS should dress up as girls as part of “non-gender-specific free play” and teachers should avoid terms like mum or dad when discussing parents — according to guidelines created by the NSW teachers’ union on how to deal with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex issues in the classroom. It comes as a Sydney all-girls school where teachers were asked to not refer to students as “girls” ruled out enforcing the ban in the face of public outcry over political correctness gone mad. Another strategy in the union guidelines includes displaying LGBTI posters, photographs and drawings in early childhood and primary school classrooms. The Daily Telegraph yesterday attempted to get comment from the NSW Teachers Federation but was referred back to the document. Cheltenham Girls High School yesterday posted a Facebook statement saying it would not ban the term “girls”. “The school has not, and will not, change the way students’ gender is referred to,” it said. Yet parents remain dismayed the school has signed up to the controversial Safe Schools program without telling parents. Dr Wendy Moran has three daughters who have attended CGHS, including her youngest in Year 12. She has joined a group of 20 concerned parents who have written letters to principal Susan Bridge, complaining about the program and the secretive way it was being introduced. They point out the recent federal government review of Safe Schools requires “agreement of relevant parent bodies for schools to participate”. Dr Moran said the school had not consulted parents. The Daily Telegraph yesterday did not claim CGHS was a Safe Schools member, only that it was in the process of implementing the program. However it has since been discovered it was listed as a member of the Safe Schools Coalition on its website in a public register of member schools. Cheltenham Girls was listed as one of 135 schools in NSW that had signed up. But two weeks ago the names of NSW schools were removed from the Safe Schools website, so parents can no longer see if their child’s school is a member. (Miranda Devine, The Daily Telegraph, July 20, 2016)


The biggest tourist scams to watch out for on your travels Travel to foreign countries can often come with the unfortunate side effect of falling for scams that we'd have otherwise been savvy enough to avoid. So in order to return home with nothing but happy memories in your suitcase, here are the eight most common scams to watch out for in cities all over the world. The taxi scam: If ever you hear the words, "the meter's broken!", whilst getting into a cab, go ahead and get right back out again. This is one of the most common scams played on unsuspecting tourists who know not the base rate charged by taxis in the city they've just arrived in. Try researching before you leave or ask at your hotel to get a better idea of the fares you should expect, and if the taxi driver tries to hike the price, take full control of the situation by offering the correct fare. If in doubt, always note down the taxi's license plate as many tourist offices will be able to flag scam taxis to the authorities. The three-card scam: It can be cards or cups, but the result is always the same: you leave out of pocket. That large group of people betting on cards or cups right under the Eiffel Tower are probably just out to get your money. Often making plenty of noise, the group pretends to watch a succession of people betting big on cards or cups - all unsuccessfully - until an unwitting tourist comes along believing he can outsmart his opponent. Invariably the cups or cards are rigged, and the tourist loses 50 euros, as well as the wallet out of his back pocket. Stay away. The letter scam: This scam often befalls English-speaking tourists abroad. You're approached by a boy who says he heard you speaking English and would like your help writing a letter to his cousin who lives in New York. He invites you into a small shop, offers you a cup of tea, and then proceeds to force upon you the entire contents of the shop for a rather steep price. The bracelet scam” Another common scam in Europe, this one involves being grabbed roughly by the wrist by a guy who forces a bracelet onto it before you can say no. He now demands payment, saying that you tried to steal it. The same thing can happen with hats. Never pay for the item, just calmly return it and walk away. The double distraction scam: As you make your way along the street, a girl runs right into you with her full Starbucks coffee. She tries desperately to clean the stains from your clean, white shirt as a growing crowd of people around you all try to touch as much as they can of you. Only later will you realise that the situation was a little odd and that you've no longer got your phone or your wallet in your bag. If someone you don't know makes a big show of taking your arm or touching your hand in the street, keep a wary eye on your bag and back pockets. The bicycle scam: It's wonderful to discover a city by bike, especially one as flat as Amsterdam. But be warned that scam bike rental places will happily rent you a bike for the afternoon, only to complain that you've damaged it on return. Often the scratches and dents will have been there before you rented it, so make sure you take plenty of pictures of the bike before you rent it to prove your point when you return. The girl-in-the-club scam: Boys, be wary of pretty girls who approach you in clubs and chat flirtatiously at the bar. Well, trust them up to a certain point, but when they propose that you move to another, more exclusive, club where their friends will let you in for free, alarm bells should start ringing. Either her large group of muscular male friends will ply you with drinks and then demand that you foott the bill for the entire group, or you'll wake up the next day back in your hotel room with nothing much in your pockets. The petition scam: How many times have you been stopped in the street and asked to sign a petition? Pretending to be students, or worse disabled, groups of scammers will approach you asking you to sign a petition, only to slip a hand into your bag when your attention is elsewhere. (MSN.microsoft.com)

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The Christian Holy Days for the years 2017 - 2019

2017 2018 2019

The Passover (Pesach – Nissan 14) 10 April 30 Mar 19 April Unlike the Jews, who used to kill the Passover lamb “at the twilight” of Nissan 14 (meaning in the evening towards Nissan 15), we, Christians, observe the Passover when our “Lamb” – Jesus Christ – was sacrificed. That happened on the afternoon of Nissan 14, before the twilight of Nissan 14, meaning that we keep it a little earlier than the Jews. We commemorate His death, not His supper, which occurred the previous evening, as some churches do. The time when His body was broken, not when He broke the symbolic bread. Days of Unleavened Bread (Nissan 15 – 21) 11 April – 17 April 31 Mar – 6 April 20 April – 26 April On the first and seventh days there shall be holy convocations. No customary work shall be done on these days. Pentecost (Shavuot – Sivan 6) 31 May 20 May 9 June

Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah – Tishri 1) 21 Sept 10 Sept 30 Sept

Day of Atonement ( – Tishri 10) 30 Sept. 19 Sept 9 Oct

Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth – Tishri 15- 22) On the first and the eighth days there shall be holy convocations. 5 Oct – 12 Oct 24 Sept – 1 Oct 14 Oct – 21 Oct No customary work shall be done on these days.

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