Jelena Vukojević – Citati (1979-2018)
Jelena Vukojević – Citati (1979-2018) Citiranost dr Jelene Vukojević bez autocitata do februara 2019. godine iznoci 2175 puta u časopisima sa Kobson i Scopus lista i drugih baza, a koji nisu referisani u WoS bazi u trenutku kada je citat publikovan, zatim u knjigama, poglavljima knjiga i inostranim tezama. Citiranost prema godištu radova i citirane publikacije: 1985 Mihaljčević, M., Muntanola‐Cvetković, M., Vukojević, J., Petrov, M. (1985): Source of infection of sunflower plants by Diaporthe helianthi in Yugoslavia. Journal of Phytopathology, 113(4): 334-342. 1. Ploetz, R.C., Shokes, F. M. (1987): Factors influencing of soybean seedlind by southern Diaporthe phaseolorum. Phytopathology, 77: 786-790 2. Bertrand, F., Tourvieille, D. (1987): Phomopsis tournesol: test de sélection. Informations Techniques du Cetiom, 98: 12-18. 3. Fayret, J., Assemat, P. (1987) : Evolution du Diaporthe helianthi (Phomopsis helianti) Munt- Cvet et al. et différenciation desorganes reproducteurs sur les plants du tournesol après la période vegetation. Inform. Techniques CETIOM, 98: 2-11. 4. Jacobs, K.A., Glawe, A., Gray, L. E. (1988): Conidial nuclei in three species of Diatrypaceae and Diaporthe vaccinii. Mycologia, 80(3): 307-311. 5. Nyvall, R.F. (1989): Diseases of sunflowers. In Field Crop Diseases Handbook, pp. 639- 659. Springer, Boston, MA. 6. Maširević, S., Gulya, T.J. (1992): Sclerotinia and Phomopsis - two devastating sunflower pathogens. Field Crops Research, 30(3-4): 271-300. 7. Linders, E.G.A. (1996): A possible role of sexuality in the population structure of Diaporthe adunca, a pathogen of Plantago lanceolata. Plant pathology, 45(4): 697-709. 8. Linders, E.G.A., Van Damme, J.M.M., Zadoks, J.C.
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