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8-3-1918 Spanish American, 08-03-1918 Roy Pub Co.

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ív ALBUQUERQUE, N. M .' j--

With Malice toward None, with Charity for All, and with Firmness in the Right" jfl0M ' 28 Volume 'XV7 fioy coüÑTYt New Mexico, Saturday, August 3, 1918. Number T Y .T WanHorn Writes Conway's Visit Al Hanson Financial Report IBergqvist Patent l: ' 0 of Assistant Al.. S. Hanson left Monday Gustaf Bergqvist, of Roy re- Th drought tie. at Jast broken. limy Vanllorn, one our The Mosquero Red Cross Day of John V. Conway visited the for Springer, to take up the ceived Letters Patent this veek A general rafo measuring over recent volunteers, and one the resulted in a remarkable finan- tire-sho- e, -- Roy Normal Institute in session in duties of his new position there on a steel for the one and a half linches, all over the best boys of writes from cial showing considering, the S-- Roy Saturday morning and made with the Charles Iifeld Co. We protection of autombile tires-whic- mesa and off croundall the edges Fort Crockett to and adverse conditions under which a decided hit with the teachers are glad to see his merit recogniz- he has invented and tried1 fell Friday evening and soaked I will employ a little leisure it was obliged to be held. if it was Examination day and ed in the way of promotion, yet out on his car. He has already-receive-d the parched lands while- - adding time in writing to you. We are The following is a financial they were worried. He cheered we regret the necessity for his propositions for the sale to the stored moisture vw here clicking up Camp Equipment statement made by the Branch I like betler here than them up and left them with re- leaving Roy. He ha3 long been or lease of his rights to it and . local shower3 had, already strrted tda. it officers crops to growing. It is not too at El Paso or Bliss. We had a 36 newed enthuasiasm and assu- one of our most" progressive use- looks like' a good thing. It; Í3 to Galves-to- s rance that they were appreciated. ful and talented citiaens one of Received from Auction, $275.08 made of steel, ha3 a flat face to . for feed crops and .any hourride from El Paso late, x fields of beans v.'ill it.' in sleepers with good ' 'Chow1 ' Mr. Conway had a rather try- whom any town might, be proud. Dance 61.60 the road and encases the face of "A big feed crop vill '.mean aad plenty of it. Itwa3 a fine ing experience getting here from He hr.s served a long time in Dinner, 80.98 tire, protecting it from wear and rniliionstto the riesa this .winter trip.' It is 2aot here but the Clayton all the way through the stores here as salesman and Cash Donations 47.50 puncture and also prevents skid-diu- g. and conditions Sor sowing rb eat btach isfine krts of bathing and mud and rain. His gasoline supply considered the best ever in town Ice cream stand 48.15 We hope it proves the was exhausted two miles out and and his usefulness in capa- Lunch Counter 21.61 success his trials indicate forr . early ,ani havhjg the best of we boa's sure take advantage of that it he walked half a mile to G. R. city has kept him from other and that he makes a fortune out winter .pasture .from it, osare it lam in the Y;1VI.C.A. build- Total Receipts, $534.82 rüce Abernathy's and got two gallons positions he could fill equally of its universal adoption in ..nver hatter'.' , ing and it is and cool here, Expenses, 70.97 be ome splendid Say you people want to help the which he burned up coming in. well. His talent as a musician, There Net Balance, $463.82 ! This office acknowledges activity , you get a and in all public affairs . crops amine meaa whfre r local Arsny4Y" whenever a Will Davenport has pnrchased showena.kept tliem going and chsaaceand take off ycur hats to pleasant call and we believe him will cause us to miss him and Considéring the fact that a that he though was people Fred Brown's herd of hogy and: t the place to home it two miles the of any town he may drought existed and there had . winter canf e'is now assured for it Itio nert and back that he walked go to will appreciate taken them to his farm in1 the-Chatea- ( cattle sc.that we jase not so bad forma ami an to nis when we are but it him as we been two big Red Cross Sales at country where he hos ,. off as we.mjght base Jasen, welHhatthelted Croe3 is when was really only 160 rods. Any have done. Here's success and Roy and Mills proceeding this ' the finest prospect for a big ccrrnn There will be many thousand? sick. --We changed cars at Hous way he got here and ve are glad prosperity to him wherever he one we consider this a remarka- crop that any one ever saw any- of acres nf .cultivated .had ..that ton Texas and the lied Crocs he came. goes ble showing and it proves the to where. Will strnck it luck.v ., will lie idle again .next .year by Ladies wtre these to .greet us acd Mks Lena Lusk. is home from people of Mosquero are alive boys and geing to the farm last spring. reason of 13 owners goinfuuyay were very kind nd ihelpful m the Las Vegas Normal with the The Session of Mora County their duty toward their many He has had ample rain all , to work a ttio attractive ages avays, iseluding candy Certifict she coveted and is all Normal will close Saturday. It all the boys at the front fighting ' summer and has made the most offered by .every line .of .industry postcards tobaecp etc. ready io teach this winter. ' has been all work and no play. for humanity. ' L of it. , besides those' draitsd . into the I p seed the pvhysiccl exam. . army. . . .. , ji'esterw for a naive to Virginia is daily : was aií. (JLJv. and rated in class Rev. Fr. Felix Vachon oC Mrs.Kati JJanbar.oJ'.Juciraca-- f 'A"tha,t weans on "Pronto" adding to the attractions ri, came thta veek to care for I hav-- htd letters iron Sam "Father's Day" Aug. 15th, whea-th- Mrs. M. D. Giles, who .has been Strong asi would like to hear new Rectory will be Dedicat- 46' ed. He has secured the presence . ill now for dsys wiiblyphoid. f; om othsr.of my Roy Friends Tncitm-car- for that occasion, of Mr. A. R. . Mrs. Turse ic i This is the Hospital int got excised for Campar.-- , íoy Beard is tle only Streicher, State Advocate of the

; Knights of Columbus (The Catho- - this c;se which ..has grown quite ctiior Roy boy here. Galveston is ' ' . fA preat fift rf iitvrv tvnmn tlirnuah k' V- &.4'..v? if V fieriout', Mrs. vQibbs' .mother, xi.iiie city an streetcars run out ic Y.M.C.A.lwho will make an i .",", an ocean ot unspeakable pain S-'f- .Mrs.. .Wilson .arrived Tuesday to, the; CiLrtp. Will serii my '.'Vvi". ': address. His wife will ac- from Los Angeles, Calif, and is aicVess when I gej: loeated again company him. They are both ' , - ' - 'AsL:;-).-- V'-- , t :'."'. noted singers and will lead s also, at tne bedade of her ulaugn- - l)a?vy C. Van Horn. the musical part of the program. iter. . Wolcrtt L. Rutsel came ' The Choir from the Church at Another Springer will n Cooá Investment also be present inme on a ten day,? 'Furkugh , Thaf Chrishr-y- Baby Wá Wiil ' ,1 ist :s i ek and., yi si 1 3d his j;u-- e n ts thruout the day. This, in addi- Wed&es- - tion to the originally planned ,;Jim Chriftman callad acd sisters at tip Laguna Seca i TV. I' T - ' day,to vceu3tó he fact that JRinch' and jroeted his many P31" out money while back. ' celebration. home, ''7' 80me Ked uoss a Qij , they .have fine b&by 'girl at his friends. at lie ha UL bm IV v v .heme and have ;asa? saiviee in Porto Rico ; Paid it out and forgot it. Tíiát s how much it hur :il . for three ATTENTION! I.O.O.F. WOQiks.past He seeaifd to t'riink and wiil g-- there at once on re- Might not be a bad idea to have a look at what that money There will be .we were a , detective , and would turning ta his conrqand. He is initiation at the ifindJt out someway. Uad it been worrying over tho possibility nas oeen doing. I. O. 0. F. Lodge Wednesday i boy we W nld have heard fronn that this assignment may keep' evening August 7th. Special work

ñrae going, for some casdidates befor going .,:iuick etough but 4t took jhim across 'o where r. 'That money went, dollar for dollar, where it did a - fcimjilfc this to he tiie big business but he to to the army. All members are-r.ske- d ?;.ime dmie is is full It hí,d .rjtther. shi was a ic! any gxd a soldier to quarrel with day s work, wherever was. to be present and assist ' .11 V '"- -If. way. his orders. ' Iacidentaily4;ni has Three cents of "it may have had the honor of disin-ít-7 Mrs. F. A. Roy Chairman of A little (cyclone the Red half-sectio- n vkitd the Chapter Cross visited the Abeiilusher cf r farm of Leo Wag-ne- last Wednes- fecting with iodine the three torn wounds of an American U the Mills Branch Saturday at land and the lsaC3 on his School day evening and lore up his barn their regular meeting en- Sectwn which gives him control .spidier the French front Or it may and scattering it all over the fields. 6h have had the lesiII joyed of tws 8e4 a half sections .pf a vejy profitable session, No damageis reported else- ! belly-ban- ' land Ignoble responsibility of pinning a warm flannel d with them. Some of the diffienr-ti-es tóh Jivhih te proposes to. where but it made things exciting fij six-year-o- were straightened out ancL busy : get making money, and around ld Noyon. t Mr. Wagners while it lasited. $i Antobe out back of rS: she found them a most interests furthemorcHis tv.'o brothers-in-la- w His experiences in Iowa and ed lot of workers. Mr. Vanderpooland wife of, I V 4-- 4 . w. - A. I LS ' - J I ' a w JBHit prooajxted to v.t H If Oklahoma has him ...j,f i w . ucuiiimuicw una vioss tasK m cents zív. . Colorado and Jfór. Maore and usciwc v wife; .have a cave and to get into it icu Pablo Sisneros, long a resident1 (,of South fiskota, drove in ,t 'worth. . - 14 - vwhm the storm was fcrewin. f.:t: '.-- r of Roy but now ranching it over íírVednesday morning big-si- x in a across Red River on the W. IL. y.r and guests ,his ; are at home. Tke frienda of Jnan X XUE&n, ) There4s the whole path of ruin from Belgium to $ Willcox ranch, was in town: dont news Jim often call with of ilJnion County, are afetting in Saturday- - He was hunting and! he to Switzerland, just to visualize one thing at time. If your but has flianethinjj tell behind him with the kind of a M found some estray horses and' whgn he does cowe. boost that will land him safely (Red Gross money went there it very likelv Drovided Dots r meeting old friends. le admits ..i t in thejv)mination for Secretary he had rather live here than any- Msg. P.. P. Branch nd daught- clothes, of State. He has made all the anj pans, food and beds and blankets, for thq f where but has a fine crop ers Tillie and Beatrice., returned and DemAcrata in Union County and! pastures over on the west-side-.. from Las Vegas, Siaaday where xepatnatea people. there are a lots of them bis1 He gets mail now off. they haye been living' while ,Miss a.RuraH friends ani backers by his able! Route from Optimo and, still, 'Tillie attended The State l. Three years ago these people were prosperous and and courteous administration of r reads the S-- A. Ttey had a fine time hut self-respectin- the duties of Clerk of the Courts ontented g, steady, hard-worlari-g, gfod to get home again. saving, are also in his county his all around The Roy Trading Co. is mak nd small-tow- Tillie laaded the certificate n - fitness as & representative of Everyday, citizens. ing deliveries from their store- coveted and willteaehschpi)! ihe the Empi.e of Lfnion County one ZSbh now in a fine new Ford Truck winter. ihia . of the biggest aad best in the I Now they have the "earth under them and the sky purchased especially for the por- -. AH the machinery is now her United States and the best '. in ,4 pose. Clyde Crowe is the driver over tnem not one tning else. and adds for the néw Pteture Show and New Mexico. it materially to the , Mr, Sargent is getting it lined up He doesnt need our little help metropolitan appearance of the It s ' for business. We will soon be but as good neighbors we are tor you to say whether this great work of mercy (g town. privilege to go to the Movies goijjg to boost for hira and get a 0snail stop. just like the big towns. little of the ' reflected credit for Poisoning Prairiedog having a big "He-Man- " a Little John Boulware, young- - in' The Red Cross is yours, just as our Army and Navy :?J T. E. Mitchell and Pro'f. Piper est son of R. W. Boulware was State office where he can serve of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture neighboring are yours; yours to support with the fervor experimenting with his father's us as well as our same and were m town last week. Some ensilage cutter and as a result county, ÍV loyalty that leads you to the bottom of your purse for 2l weeks ago Prof. Piper superin- has a badly mangled hand. A R.C. Executive Committee tended the poisoning of prairie . Three fingers were cut and puberty Donds. . dogs on the Mitchell, Gallegos, torn untill he will suffer consid--f The Excutive Committee of the and other big pastures in eastern: erably.but not so as to premantly Roy Chapter A. R. C. will meet IS Its for your voice to 6ay whether vour Red Cross 1 Union County, covering more Thursday m -t- -ii : : . injure the hand. , He like most evening at the Red i than 40,000 acres of land infested Biiaii icuiciu: iiow or sweep onwara,i greater ana more nelp v small boys wants to know how Cross Rooms. All members who 111 with dogs. They report 90 per-- , and why things are and the get this notice are requested , to ui uiaxx cvci ucxuic. cent destroyed and are going I accident was in the line of his be present to transact important over it again to complete the ' ! practical education. business. And it 8 your dollars that must answer. work of extermination. THE SPANISH-A- CRtC AN.

a meadow, where ripe yel- dead-gam- e sport, or yonM have hol- bricked nn at the atranca sight, shiv low grasses Waved to their torses' lered long ago." - ering in the bitter northwest wind that LATE knees. Hazel came afoot, fresh And, next day, to Hazel, sitting by assailed their bare, unprotected bodies. killed de'er lashed across Sllk'i back. watching him awing the heavy, double-bitte- d Bill himself drew back from the fire Bill hesitated, as If taking his bear- ax on the foundation logs of and stared at It fixedly. He kept al MARKET in. ir v v ings, then led to where a rocky spur their winter home, It all eeemed fool- ienee until Hasel timidly put her nana Mii-Thie- of a hill Jutted Into the meadow's edge. ish, that heaviness of heart which oq his arm. -- QUOTATIONS e right, Nafti of A spring bubbled out of a pebbly ba- sometimes assailed her. She was per- "You watched that fire all sin, and be poked about In the grass fectly happy. They had plenty of food. didn't you?" he said then. Weatern Newapaper Union News Service. beside It with his foot, presently stoop- In a few brief months BUI would wrest "BUI. Bill I" she cried. But ne DENVER MARKET. ing to pick up which proved a sack of gol 1 from treasure house merely shrnezed his shoulders, and something the Cattle. to be a short bit of charred stick. of the North, and they would Journey kept hla gaze fixed on the burning Fat stairs, grasaers, cholo 1 BertmtiPK? $15.6O01$.2 Sinclair . to . I "The remains of my tost campflre," home by easjf stages. Why should she stable. primo shivering cold. Fat steers, graassers, good (typist UTTLI.EWIX tCx he smiled remlnlscently. "Packs off, brood? It was sheer folly mere To Hazel, with the to cholea 14.00(915.1 old pal. We're through with the trail ebb of spirit. . even close as she was to the Intense Fat steers, grasaers, incredibly short to good 1100(914.02 for a while." Fortune favored them to the extent heat It seemed an Heifers, prim 11.00(0 11.00 of letting the October storms remain time till a glowing mound below the Cows, fat, good to cholea. 10.00011.00 8.600 926 A GLIMPSE OF THE RUTHLESS In abeyance BUI finished his snow level was that remained: a Cow, ialr to food HAZEL GETS TERRIFYING CHAPTER XI. until air Cowa, common to (air.... 0.000 J.Oi cabin, with a cavernous fireplace of black-edge- d pit that belched smoke Bulla 1.000 I.TÍ WAYS OF THE WILDERNESS. rough stone and sparks. That and five horses Feeders, good to choice... 10.00011.60 Pour Walla and Roof. at one end. Feeders, fair to good 9.00 0 10.00 Brought to It by a kindlier road, Followed then the erection of a Blockers, good to cholea.. 10.00 0 10.75 Midway Btockers, fair to good.... 9.000 10.00 Hazel would have found that nook in stable to shelter the horses. 1.71 Synopsis. Miss Weir, a stenographer, living Granville, Blockers, medium to (air.. $.000 Hazel at the Klappan range a pleasant enough of Its construction a cloud bank blew Ontario, Is placed under a cloud by circumstances for which she 1 foot of place. She could not deny Its beauty. out of the northeast, and a $1$.1O011.1 entirely escape groundless gossip pursues Good hogs ".".!'..... blnmeless. To from the that But she was far too trail weary to snow fell. Then It cleared to brilliant her, she secures a position as schoolteacher at Cariboo Meadows, In a Sheeu, the grandeur of the Klappan days of frost BUI finished his stable. 17.60 a boarding house, she first Lamba 111.50 0 wild port of British Columbia. There, at range. She desired nothing so much At night he tied the horses therein. By Ewes , ll.OU 11.15 Mees well-know- n country. , 11.76 "Roaring Bill" Wagstaft, a chnracter of that rest and comfort, and the solemn day they were turned loose 'to rustle Yearlings ... way walking woods. a? Wethars 11.60 J 11.09 Soon after her arrival Hazel loses her while la the mountains were neither restful nor their fodder from under the crisp camp Are She wanders until night when she reaches "ltoaring Bill's" soothing. They stood too grim and snow. It was necessary to husband HAY AND GRAIN MARKET. In the woods. He promises to take her home In the morning, but she aloof In a lonely land. the stock of hay, for spring might be F. O. B Dearer, Carload Price. Is compelled to spend night In the woods. After wandering In the the There was so much to be done, work late. Ha jr. day, "Roaring Bill" finally admits he Is taking Buying Prices. woods all the next that of the hands; a cabin to build, and a After that they went hunting. The Colorado Upland, per ton. .$15.00 17.00 to his cabin In mountains. Huzel finds upon their arrival at 15.OO01O.O the stable; hay to be cut stacked so third day BUI shot two moose In an Si Nebraska Upland, per ton. and the cabin that she cannot hope to escape from the wilderness before open glade took Prairie Hay, Colorado and that their horses might live through ten miles afield. It Nebraaka, per too ...... 1 009:5 Miring. During the long winter "Roaring Bill" treats Hyel with the them two more days In the per Ji.003li.00 the long winter which already her- to haul ton 16.00 Kreatest respect. He tells her he loves her and tries to Induce her to Alfalfa' per torn alded his approach with sharp, sting- frozen meat on a sled. South Park, per ton 18.000 10.00 In the spring be takes her to Bella Coola, 0 marry him, but she refuses. ing frosts at night, and flurries of He also laid In a stock of frozen Uunniadn Valley, per ton. .17.00018-0- get to Vancouver. At Vancouver Hazel takes a Straw, par ton , where she can a boat snow along the higher ridges. trout by the simple expedient of locat- but on the way she realizes that she loves Wagstaff $2.6 train for Oanvllle. Bill staked the tent beside the. ing a large pool, and netting the Oats, Nebraaka, 100 Iba., buying.. and decided to return to hlra. "Roaring Bill" Is overjoyed and to- speckled denizens thereof through a Colorado oata, bulk, buying post spring, fashioned a rude fork out of Corn chop, aack, celling gether they travel to a ITuclson bay and are married. After hole in the Ice, Corn in aack, selling a pronged willow, and fitted a handle 1- several months they decide to go farther Into the mountains to a spot So their larder was amply supplied. Gluten feed, sacked, selling . to the scythe he had brought for the bran, Colo., per 100 lba., selling. 1.61 V In confident there is gold. where Bill purpose. From dawn to dark he swung And, as the cold rigidly tightened Its Flour. grip, and succeeding snows deepened She Was Working on a Pair of Mo Hungarian Patent, 98 lbs., sacked the keen blade In the heavy grass subject to ...$4.7 be- caaina, After an Indian Pattern. dlacount which carpeted the bottom. Behind the white blanket till anowshoes Hungarian. 46 lba., sacked, subject Just halted, came Imperative, BUI began to string to dlacount CHAPTER X Continued. short of the top Bill and him Hazel piled It In little mounds humped tall to the driving wind, stol wiped eyes. out a Une of traps. 10 the sweat out of his And with a fork. She Insisted on this, idly enduring. She shuddered wltn POULTRY. crossed the as he stood his gaze suddenly became December winged by, the days suc On the second day they though It blistered ber hands and something besides the cold. And then Dreaaed Poultry. fixed, a at a ceeding like glittering pan Skeenn, a risky and tedious piece of concentrated stare point brought furious pains to her back. If each other Bill spoke absently, his eyes stlu on The following prloea on Uva poultry northward, ne glasses. on a long, r, nA SP f U - huHlnewt, for the river ran deep and raised his her man must strain every nerve she els black ground, of drear the smoldering heap. "By thunder I" he exclaimed. "I be- nights. came. They mus- Turkeys, fancy d. p 10 strong. would lighten the burden with what Christmas "Five feet of caked snow on top of Turkeya, old toma 24 rougher. lieve me top." up something holiday 10 Presently the way grew If It's for the strength she had. And with two pair tered of the every blade of grass," she heard him Turkeya, choice went up spirit, dining gayly off roast cari- Hens, lb. anything, Roaring Bill Increased his ne the few remaining yards of hands to the task, the piles of hay a of mutter. "They can't browse on trees, Ducks, youiig ..17 pnce. He himself no longer rode. with a haste that left Hazel panting gathered thick on the meadow. When bou. For the occasion Hazel had saved like deer." Ueeae 15 steepness of the hills and behind. Above her he stood balanced reached the last half dozen potatoes. With the Roosters ..15 When the Bill Judged that the supply He had- - stuck his rifle butt first in packs on a bowlder, evolved canyons made the going hnrd the cut sharp against the twenty tons, he built a rude sled with material at her command she the snow. He walked over to it ; Hazel Lira Poultry. were redlvlded, and henceforth Satin sky, and she reached him Just as he a rack on It, and hauled in the hay a Christmas pudding, serving It with stood, the Roosters, lb 10 Oil followed. When he with Turkeya, 10 11 2 the sup-pile- lowered field with a sigh brandy satisfying lba. or over hwe on his back a portion of the glasses with a saddle horse. sauce. And after rifle slung In the crook of his arm, she Hena 21 02S way tirelessly. of eyes with exul- 15 Bill led the relief. His shone "Amen I" said Bill, when he had emp- appetites bred of a morning tilt with tried again to break through thrs silent bucks, young 027 crossings, camp tation. along Bill's line, they Ducklinga, lb , 10 Through Ales, river tied the rack for the last time, and Jack Frost trap aloofness which cut her more deeply Geese .22 014 of "Come on up on perch," In- labor, and all the petty Irritations the he the hay rose in a neat stack. "That's spent a pleasant hour picturing their than any harshness of speech could Broilers, H, to 2 lb $2 011 he kept an unruffled spirit, a vited, and reached forth a long, mus- next Christmas. There would be holly the trail another load off my mind. I can build have done. Eggs. patience that Hazel mar- cular arm, drawing her up close bo-sid- e and aright lights and music festi- fine, enduring a cabin and a stable In six feet of the "BUI, I'm so sorry!" she pleaded. Eggs, graded No. 1 net, F. O. Many a time, veled at and admired. him on the rock. snow If I have to, but there would val spirit freed of all restraint "It's terrible, I know. What can we B. Denver II some slight stir, he - wakening at "Behold the- Promised Land," he have been a slim chance of haying once A day or two after the first of the do?" B. Denver cooking breakfast. In would find him breathed, "and the gateway thereof, a storm hit us. We wouldn't go hun- year Roaring BUI set out to go over "Do? Huh I" he snorted. "If I ever every way within his power he saved lying a couple of miles to the north." one of the uttermost trap lines. Five Butter. gry there's moose enough to feed an have to die before my time, I hope it Creameries, ex. 1st grade, lb. 45 her. They were, It seemed to Hazel, roost army ranging In that low ground to the minutes after closing the door be was will be with a full belly and my head Creameries, 2d grade, lb 43 a strange shift were they put 39 40 M:iny ing precariously on the very summit south." back. In the air and mercifully swift" Proces BUI had to fell a great Packing stock 22 33 to. Once of the world. On both sides the moun- "There's everything that one needs, "Easy with that fire, little person," Even then she had no clear idea spruce across a twenty-foo- t crevice. It tain pitched away sharply In rugged almost, In the wilderness, Isn't there?" he cautioned. "She's blowing out of of his Intention. She looked up at him Fruit. took hlin two days to hew It flat so folds. Behind them, them and northwest again. The sparks are Applet, Colo., fancy, box 2.003.00 between Hazel observed reflectively: "But still the pleadingly, but he was staring at the Col., pie. 24-q- u horses could be led over. The Cherrlea, crt. 3.002.60 that his the far Pacific, rolled a sea of moun life Is don't sailing pretty high. Keep your eye teeth biting nervously at Curranta, crate, pt eye. but the law of awfully harsh, horses, his 2.60 depth was bottomless to the tains, snow-cappe- glacier-tor- gi- on It, Hazel." Uooeuberrleg, crate you think, BUI. Isolation Is a terrible his under Up. Suddenly he blinked, Loganberries, crate 4.00 4.60 from far below rose the cavernous gantic, i"- - "All right. Blllum," she replied. "I'll Hazel thing when It Is so abotlately com- and she saw his eyes moisten. In the Peaches, crate growl of rushing water, and "Down there," Roaring BUI waved be careful." Kaupberrles, crate $3.254.00 plete. Suppose something went wrong? same Instant he threw up hla rifle. . At held her breath as each animal stepped his hand, "there's a little meadow, and There's no help, and no mercy abso- Not more than fifty yards separated the thin, vicious crack of Silk col Vegetables, gingerly over the parrow bridge. One it turf to walk on. Lord, I'll be glad to lutely none. Nature, when you get the 'house and stable. At the stable lapsed. Aaparagus, lb 12 H 9 IS misstep get out of these rocks I You'll never hum- Beans, navy, cwt U.uiltf 11.00 close to her, Is so Inexorable." end stood the stack of hay, a low She understood then. With her hand tteana, pinto, cwt 0.00 Once they climbed three weary days me coming In way again. catch this BUI eyed ber a second. Then be put mock above the surrounding drift. Ex pressed hard over her mouth to keep Beans, lima, lb 18 up h precipitous mountain range, and, tough going.' been Beans, green, lb t& 10 It's sure And I've arms around ber, and patted ber cept for the1 place where BUI dally re- back the hysterical scream that threat- turned back In sight of the crest by his Wax beans ( 10 scared to death for a week, thinking moved the supply for hla horses there ened, fled to house. Behind Beets, Colo., dos. bunches 8 Oil 16 Impassable cliff, were forced to hair tenderly. she the an we couldn't get through." was not much foothold for a spark, her the rifle spat forth Its staccato Beets, new, cwt 4.00 back track and awing a fifty-mil-e de- "Is It getting on your nerves already, Cabbage, new, Colo 1.60 4.00 "But we can?" slnco a thin coat of snow overlaid the message death. a few seconds 15 September was upon them. The little person?" he asked. "Nothing's of For Carrots, dot. bunches,.... 100 tour. "Yes,' easy," he assured. "Take the greater part of the top. But there was the mountains flung whiplike echoes Carrots, cwt .00 days dwindled In length, and the nights we going to go wrong. I've been In wild Cauliflower, lb 10 15 glasses and look. That flat left our that chance of catastrophe. The chim- back and forth In a volley. Then the l.OOd grew have a frosty nip. country too often to make mistakes or Celery, homegrown, dos... 1.26 to outfit In runs- pretty well to the top, ney of their fireplace yawned wide to sibilant voice of the wind alone broke Cucumbers, H. H., dos, .. 1.26 1.76 Karly and late he pushed on. Two Then get careless. Life Isn't a bit harsher Lettuce, head 60 & 0 about two miles along. there's the sky, vomiting sparks and ash like stillness. " were fortunately here than In the human ant heaps. the Lettuce, curly, dos...... lim 16 camp necessities a notch In the ridge that you can't get a miniature volcano when the fire was Numbed with the cold, terrified at Onions, table, dos...... 16 10 grass and water. Even so, What does the old. settled country do cwt 2.60W 1.00 abundant, roughly stirred, or an extra heavy sup the elemental ruthlessness of It all, she Onions, of the told on the to you when you have neither money Onions, Crystal Wax .... 1.60$ 1.75 the stress trail ply of dry wood laid on. When the herself on the bed, denied even Parsley, dos 16$ 16 flesh. The extreme nor Job? It treats you worse than the threw horses. They lost Dry-eye- - Peas, Colo., Ib 1114 wind whistled out of the northwest the the relief of tears. d and heavy- 100 steepness of succeeding hills bred galls wont the North can do; for, lacking Potatoes, new, cwt 1.164? 1.60 Une of flight was fair over the stack, hearted, ahe waited for her husband's Potatoes, ' heavy packs. They grew the price, It denies you access to the cwt. 2.60 under the It behooved them to watch wind and coming, and dreaded it for the first Radishes, long, hothouse. 10 15 weary, no longer following each abundance that mocks you In every Radishes, round 16 16 leg fire. ' had seen her Bill look on her step and shop window, and bars you out of the time she Spinach, lb 06 0 other wlt'j sprightly heads Hazel washed up ber breakfast anger. Tomatoes, homegrown, 10 houses that Une the streets. Here, with cold, critical For an In lb.l7H hlKh. Hazel pitied them, for she her- dishes, and set the cabin in ac Turnips, cwt. 1.60 4.00 needful Is yours tak- order terminable time she lay listening for Turnips, Colo., dos. bunch 16 10 self was trail weary beyond words. everything for the housewifely ' No, person, cording to her Instincts. the click of the latch, every nerve . vagabond had fallen ing. little I don't think The losttiyt Then she curled up In the chair which strung tight. MISCELLANEOUS asleep. The fine aura of romance no the law of life Is nearly so harsh here MARKETS. BUI had painstakingly constructed for came and thump longer hovered over the venture. os It Is where the mob struggles for Its He at last the of Prices for Metala, her especial comfort with only ax and as he stood against wail New when dusk ended the dally bread. It's more open and his rifle it the York. Lead $8.0008.01. Sometimes knife for tools. She was working on more sounded he Copper $25.52 Vi. aboveboard here ; more up to the indi had no then before 90 day's Journey and she swung her stif- pair of moccasins after an Indian Silver c. vidual. But It's lonely sometimes. a was bending over her. He sat down til. Louis. Spelter $8.4008.45. fened limbs out of the saddle, she I she grew wholly absorbed guess you." pattern, and on the edge of the bed, and putting London. Bar silver, 48'td per ounce. would cheerfully have foregone all the that's what alls drawing stitch after Boulder, Colo. Tungsten concentrates, In the task, stitch his arm across her shoulders, turned 60 gold In the North to be at her ense "Oh, pouf!" she denied. 'Tm not per cent, $20022.60 per unit. Crude of sinew strongly and neatly Into her gently so that she faced him. ores, (0 per Cent $20.00022.60: 26 per the fireplace In their distant lonely, so long as I've got you. But 10 before place. When at length He soreness "Never mind, little person," he whis- cent, $12.UO012.5O; par cent, $9.400 cabin, with man's head nesting In sometimes I think of something hap- 12.20. her of her fingers warned her that she had pered, "It's done and over, I'm sorry no toll of weary miles pening to yqu sickness and accidents, her lap, and been at work a long time, she looked slashed at you the way I did. That's Caicogo Lire Stock Quotations. looming sternly on the morrow's hori- and all that." - I at her watch. a fool man's way If he's hurt and Chicago. Hogs Butchers, $18.600 zon. It was all work, trying work, the "Forget It I" BUI exhorted. "That's 18.85; light. $18.80i 18.90; packing, "Goodness me ! Bill's due home any sore he aTways has to Jump on some $17.50018.40; rough, $17.20ifl17.60; more trying because she- sensed a worst of living In big, built the this still time, and I haven't a thing ready to body else." of sales, $17.85018.86; pks, $17.160 latent uneasiness on her husband's eountry--l- t makes one Introspective, 18.00. eat," she exclaimed. "And here's my "D-don- 't, BUI I" she cried forlornly. Cattle Beef part, n uneasiness she could never In- and so confoundedly conscious of what cattle Good, choice and fire nearly out." . "I know It's my fault. I let the Are prime, $17.16018.46; common and me- duce him to embody In words. Never- puny atoms we human beings are, piled on wood, and stirring up dium, $10.60017.00. Butoher Stock She the almost go out, and then built It Cows and heifers, i4.26; theless, It existed, and she resented Its all. But there's less chance of - I7.60t eanners Swung the Keen Blade In the Heavy after coals under it, fanned- them with her big without thinking. And I know and cutters, $6.2607.60. Stockera and a trouble she could not here than, any place. ' existence Crasa. ' sickness Walt husband's old felt hat. forgetful of being sorry doesn't make nny differ Feeders Good, cholea and' fancy, Hhare. But she could not put her fin- till I get that cabin built, with a big $10.50013.00; inferior, common and sparks or aught but that she should ence. But please I don't want to be medium, $8.00010.50; good ger on cause, for Bill merely smiled fireplace at one end. be more veal calves, the with the naked eye, and a wider can- Well be cooking against his hungry arrival miserable over It. I'll never be care and choice, $16.50017.26. a denial when she mentioned It. yon down basin. comfortable, and things will look a Sheep Lambs, choice and prime, running Into the It's Outside, the wind blew lustily, driving less again." $18.16018.76; medium good, ' cause rosier. This thing of everlasting and $17.00 Nor did he fathom the until the only decent break in the divide for little the loose snow across the open In long, "All right ; I won't talk about It, 018.35; culls, $12.00016.00. Ewes, upon hurry and hard work gets on every-body'- choice and prime, me- iwn a certain day which fell fifty miles so far as I can see. We're wavering ribbons. But she had for- hon," he said. "I don't think you will $13.00011.50; nerves." dium and good, $10.75011.00; culls, the end of a week's wearisome traverse lucky to hit this pass." , gotten that It was In the dangerous ever be careless about such things $4.5009.50. . of the hardest country yet encountered; "Suppose we couldn't get over here?" The best of the afternoon was still quarter, did not Im us get and she recall that again. The North won't let -- when New York Prices on Flour. . They broke out of a canyon up Hnzel asked. "What If there unspent the haystackjng term! even when - big- hadn't portant fact she sat down away with It. The wilderness is New York. Flour Kansas, $11.809 which they had struggled all day onto been a pass?" nated, and Bill declared a holiday. again to watch her moose steaks broil ger than we are, and it's merciless If 11.50. a level plot where the pine stood In "That was beginning to keep me When the fire had Bunk to dull em- on the glowing coals raked apart from we moke mistakes." stars were Flax Prices. somber ranks. A spring creek split the awake nights," he confessed. "Do you bers, and the peeping shyly the leaping blaze. The flames licked "I see that." She shuddered Invo- Duluth, Minn. Linseed, $4.59; to ar- flap ve, $4.57. Hat In two. Beside this tiny stream realize ftat It's getting late In the In the open of their tent, she whis Into the throat of tiro chimney with luntarily. "It's a grim country. It il BUI nnlnshed his packs. It still lacked year? Winter may come blng ! In- pered In bis ear: the purr of a giant cat. frightens me." Price of Sugar. two hours of dark. But he made no side of ten days. And me caught In "You mustn't, think I'm complaining No sixth sense warned her of Im it," he said tenderly. "So Tork. Sugar Centrifugal, "Don't let 1.055;.?w..fine granulated, 7.50. comment, and Hazel forbore to trouble a rock pile, with no cabin to shelter or lonesome or anything, Billy-bo- pending calamity. It burst upon her long as we have our health and him with questions. Once the packs my best girl, and no hay up to feed my when I make remarks like I did today. with startling abruptness only when strength we can win out, and be Kansas City Produce. " were off and the horses at liberty, Bill horses 1 You bet It bothered me." I love you a heap, and Pd he happy she opened the door to throw out some stronger for the experience." Kansas City, Mo. Butter Cream- ery, 42c; firsts, 40c; seconds, 89ÜC2 caught up his rifle. She hugged him sympathetically, and anywhere with you. And I'm really scraps of discarded meat, for the blaze "How dan you prospect In the spring packing, 83c. "Come on, Hazel," he said. "Let'a BUI smiled down at her. and truly at home In the wilderness. of the burning stack shot thirty to pack the outfit?" she Eggs Firsts, 37c; seconds, 82c. te4 without horses Poultry Hens, 26c; a hike." it's plain sailing now," Only only sometimes I have a funny smoke rolled across we get rooBters, l$Uc! take little "But he In the air, and the asked, after a little. "How can broilers, 30c. . basin ; If I sooty . ' The flat was small, and once clear "I know that and all the feeling as were afraid. I look up the meadow In a manner. out of here with all the stuff we'll 1 pines country beyond It's a pretty big mountains, and they seem Bareheaded, In a thin pair of mocca Coffee. of It the thinned out on a steep, It decent at these have?" New York. Coffee Rio No. 7. '' rocky slope so that westward they camping place, and there's a fairly to be scowling as if we wére tres sins, without coat or mittens to fend "We'll manage It," he assured light- 8.67c. ' overlook a vast network of can- easy way out." passers or something." from the Idnce-toothe- d frost, Hazel get out with our furs and conid her ly. "We'll BIDES AND PELTS. yons and mountain spurs. But ahead He bestowed a reassuring kiss upon "I know." BUI drew her close to ran to the stable. She could get the right, and we won't go hun- gold, all P0U30o" mountain rose to up- her; They sot on the boulder mood. out, perhaps, before the log way, even If we have no Flint, butcher, lb of them the an for a him. "But that's Just I've felt horses gry on the fallen, lb Sgo crematory BUI, flint, standing backbone of Jumbled grnnlte, few minutes, then scrambled downhill that same sensation up here a foolish, walls became their But pack train. Leave It to me." Flint, bull and stag, lb. i on this backbone Bill Wngstaff Jto the Jack-pin- e flat, and built indefinable foreboding. All the out- - coming In from his traps, reached the Flint, culls and glue, lb iga and their hides anxious eye. Presently evening fire. And for the first places produce first, and there was nothing Bait J022o bent an they time of the earth stable for Horse hides, one-ha- lf to two-thir- sat down on a bowlder to take a In many days Roaring Bll! whistled that effect, If one Is at all Imaginative, her to do but stand and watch with a Hazel, by -- a queer twist of price of green salt. bigness He Green Stilted, Cured . Hides. breathing spell after a stiff stretch of and lightly, burst Into snatches of song It's the of everything, and the sickening untied luck, makes a rich "strike," Over 40 lbs., lb climbing. Hnzel slipped her hand In In the deep, bellowing voice that had eternal stillness. It would be hard on and clubbed the reluctant horses out which atones for the thought- Under 60 lbs.,, lb IlllUláo Carl-bo- Glue hides and skins, lb. his and whispered: given him his name back In the o the nerves to live here always. But side. Already the stable end against that previously had 10o lessness Bulls and stags, lb OffilOo Billy-boy?- " Hip only shooting up tongues upon "What Is It. country. humor was infec- we're after a stake then all the the hay was of brought disaster her and Part cured, lb lo less we get over Hazel the gods places of are open As the blaze lapped swiftly next Installment Green, 2c lb. less than cured Tin afraid can't here tious. felt of high pleasant the earth flame. BUI. The tella Dry ' smiling broadly upon log and ate Into Flint Pelts. with the horses," he answered slowly. adventure them to us; with that little old house over the roof the walls, how it happened. Wool pelts, lb 4447o "And If we can't find a pass of some once more. up by Pine river for a refuge when the horses struggled through the deep Short wool pelts , 3940o Butcher shearlings, No. 1, kind well, come on I It Isn't more At noon, two days later, they stepped ever we get tired of the world at large. drift, lunging desperately to gain a few Jb.. 27o (TO BE CONTINUE No. 2 Murrain sharlugs, lb..!. 12a rbic quarter of a mile to the top." out of a heavy stand of spruce Into Cuddle no and go to sleep. You're jarda, then turned to stand with Bucks, saddles and nieces at vain THE SPANISH-AMERICA- WEAK K1DNEYSMEAN LEMON JUICE "írTI1"'", fcfx TAKES OFF TAN ,8 , r A WEAK BODY r hJw When you're fifty, your body begins to those stiffened Joints, that backache, rheu- ereak a little at the hingea. Motion ia matism, lumbago, sciatica, jritll atone, Girls! Make bleaching lotion more alow and deliberate. "Not ao young gravel, "brick dust," etc. They re aa aa I uaed to be" ia a frequent and unwel- effective remedy for all diseases of the if skin is sunburned, come thought. Certain bodily functiona bladder, kidney, liver, atomach and allied V4 upon, which good health and good apirita organa. 1 g i ao much depend, impaired. weak tanned or freckled are The GOLD ffcriaulee apot ia generally the bladder. Unpleasant MEDAL Haarlem Oil aymptoma ahow thenuelvea. Painful and cleanse the kidneys and purity the hlund. n annoying complicationa in organa They frequently ward off attacks of the Squeeze the juice of two lemons into other dangerous ariae. This is particularly true with and fatal diaeasea of the kid- ir a bottle containing three ounces of neys. They have benehcial effnet, and derly people. If you only know how, this n AVhite, often completely cure the diseases of the ' Orchard shake well, and you trouble can be obviated. ' . . bodily organs, allied with the bladder and I r;rr i' a; f have a quarter pint of the best freckle, For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL kidneys. s sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion Haarlem Oil haa been relieving the in- convenience and pain due to advancing If you are troubled with soreness across beautlflcr, at very, very small cost. loins yeara. It ia a atandard, e home the or with "simple" oches and puma Your grocer has the lemons and any remedy, and needa no introduction. It ia in the lutck take warning, it may be the drug store or toilet counter will supply now put up in odorless, taateleaa capaulea. preliminary indications of some dreadful If malady which can be warded off cured three ounces of Orchard White for a Theae are easier and more pleasant to take or than the oil in bottlea. if taken in time. few cents. Massage this sweetly, fra- dose of Go to drupgist; today get box grant lotion Into the face, neck, arms Each capsule contains about one vonr and a five drop. Take them juat like you would of (JOLf) MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule. and hands each day and see how freck any pill, with a amall awallow of water. Money refunded if they do not help you. les, sunburn, wlndburn and tan disap- They aoak into the fystem and throw off Three simes. (JOLD MEDAL are the pure, pear and how clear, soft and white the the poisons which are making you old be- original imported Haarlem Oil (Japaulna. fore your time. Tbey will quickly relieve Accept No Substitutes. Adv. , , skin becomes. Yea 1 It Is harmless. Ad. , Cruel Deduction. Overheard. 5. - TT-- "Is she sensitive about her age?" 'Margaret irritates nie dreadfully.' Love's Estrangement - " '," "Apparently not" "Why?" ,;,, The cruel wind tore at waves as the "My, but she must be getting old !" "She Is so effenilnate." if to whirl them away. 1 View Bt In Alune-Marn- e bombs .of S)ls8onB, the northern end of the allied offensive the region. 2 Depth The man and the mnld sat close to on the formerly yacht, now In European waters. 3 Victor Vandermerck, an Harvard, a an American patrol boat gether on the beach and watched the American i n soldier who killed a German with the butt of his rifle in battle France storm. "How the wind howls, darling," said a strong force of English and Scots attention away from the crown she, yelling to make herself heard. HEWS REVIEW OF troops down from the north, and they prince's disastrous attempt on the "Yes," shrieked her lover. Are Common in Western Canada quietly slipped around south of the Marne. "Why does it howlT" she screamed. The thousands of U. S. farmers, who have accepted Marne toward Reims. At the ap- General Foch has not had to call "Dunno. Perhaps It's got the tooth Canada's generous offer to settle on homesteads or buy GREAT WAR pointed; time these seasoned fighters Into action the bulk of his reserves. ache,"- - he bellowed. farm lana in her provinces have been well repaid by THE hit the German lines southwest of the In the midst of the biggest battle he "The toothache?" she howled. "How bountiful crops of wheat and other grains. cathedral city a mighty blow. ' In the found time to order a swift and fierce ever r Where you can buy goed fans land at $1S to $30 Succeeding days, acting as the east attack by the French along the Avre, "Yes," he roared. "Haven't you per acre get $2 a bashel for wheat and raise 20 to acre you are bound to money arm they pushed for- In the Montdldler sector. posi- gale?" 43 bnshels to the make General Focti Is Squeezing the of the pincers, The heard of the teeth of the that's what you can do in Western Canada. ward Into the salient from the Moun- tions aimed at were feebly held by Then the wind howled worse than Army In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Crown Prince's Out of tain of Reims toward tired troops that' did not expect an ever, as she handed lilm back the en- 4M Alberta you get was cao a Soissons-Reim- s and Flames. Their progress attack, and the objectives were gained gagement ring. Stray Stories. Salient. M slower than that of the Franco-America- within a few hours, large numbers of f HOMESTEAD OF 160 ACRES FREE on the west, for the country In prisoners being taken. fi hinnv. Dm Red Cron Bat Blue: and other land at very low prices. which they were fighting was much much better than liquid blue. Delights During many years Canadian HUNS IN PERILOUS POSITION more difficult. East of Reims the Rome received the information from the lanndreit. All (trocen. Adv. wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels French and Italian held their .own some source that the Austiians were to the acre many yields as high as Decidedly an Improvement 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful and even made some advance, though preparing a triple offensive against Mrs. FlHiinagnn'was doubtful about crops also of Oats, Barley, and Flax. the plan did not call for a drive by Italy, - This, according to the story, Is American Troops Are Highly Praised the new patent carpet sweeper, but Mixed Fanning is as profitable an them. - . to consist of a great land attack on the industry as the traveler was 'expert In singing Its grain raising. Good for Their Fine Work British In Ptave river Une, a naval attack on acboola, cburcnaa; market convenient. praises, was she In- Flanders Take Meteren Silly Italy's Adriatic coast and an extensive and the result that Climate excellent Writeforlkeratureand When Foch's offensive was a week vested In one. Some time particular aa to reduced railway ratmto counter-attac- k Inter the , Exploit of Off Luden-dorf- In Albania. The Ital- Supt. Immigration, old it appeared probable that f wns way agnln, of Ottawa, Can, or to Cape Cod. ian commanders have no doubt of their traveler passing that would attempt to make at least and he called on Mrs. Flannagan and W.V.BEimETT hnlf-circl- ability to repulse any or all of these a temporary stand on the e attacks. In Albania tnelr forces, asked : Boom 4,Bes BldgnOnuhi,Heh, By EDWARD W. PICKARD. running from Solssons through the carpet with the French, have kept moving for- "How do you find the new Canadian Government Agent "We've got 'em on the run" was the outskirts of Oulchy, below ls ward In very po- sweeper working, minium? Far bet- Joyful cry of America as the news and across toward the and are now strong sitions. ter than the broom, Isn't came In of the victorious progress of Mountain of Reims. Competent ob- The, threat of a serious naval fool- It?" troops Soissons-Belm- s operation by Austria seems most the allied in the servers believed his troops were too "Shure," she replied, "It bates the loñg, ish of all. sairent. disorganized to hold this Une for ould broom Into fits. Why, I can was true, for the In a measure this anJ that he would be forced to fall knock ould Flannagan three tolmes as Your Stomach being gradually VesTe al- President Wilson completed his pro- Germans were back to "the river, which runs fur with It." squeezed out of the salient, and there most due west from Reims, joining nouncement of plans for the participa- was every reason for elation over the Solssons. tion of the United States In the Rus- the Alsne near For PJmply Faces. Hi splendid fighting of allies. But to von sian expedition and was awaiting only the Thé main efforts of General To remove pimples and blackheads Dn hall the success as a great decisive Boehm, the Immediate commander of the reply of Japan to the. American Summer Time smear them with Cutlcura Ointment the was premature and foolish. In were di- proposals. It had been thought Japan victory the Germans the salient, Wash off in five minutes with Cutlcura Such running as Huns did was keeping open of had agreed to these, but dispatches the rected to the roads Soap and hot water. For free samples, only of Foch's offen- was given from Tokyo told of an exciting contro- Hot summer days upset the it is good news to tell you that done at the start retreat. He the assistance address "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." sive, when they were taken by sur- not only of most of the crown prince's versy over them, two Influential groups strong stomachs as well as weak tens of thousands are now umng At druggists and by mall. Soap 25, prise. Their commanders quickly re- reserves, but also of nine divisions strongly opposing intervention. Mos- ones. EATONIC for all stomach and cow advices said general mobilization Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. gained some measure of control, and from the army of Crown Prince forces reach their bowel ailments caused by too was was of the Russian army meaning the Your vital thereafter the enforced retreat of Bavaria. Already he Had Well Remembered. much acidity with such truly won- every bolsheviki had begun, but this did lowest level when the weather is conducted skilfully and slowly, having great difficulty in feeding the Little Beth's mother had been cau derful results that every one contested not worry the allied statesmen. The the hottest. Then the danger is bit of ground being bitterly men he had there, and the additions tioning her little folks about taking should alwayB have it in the house. many guns 88 plans of the British, Americans and the greatest. In order that as and did little but stiffen his resistance and risks of contracting sore or EATONIC Tablets stop the canse of French protection of Mur-ma- n throats possible might be commissary for the the . guard your stomach tnuch supplies as add to his troubles. contagions diseases from their play- You can't indigestive and dyspeptic ailments by Realizing army full scope region against the Germans and neutralizing the poisonous fluids, acida saved. that his entire At the time of writing, the mates Inst winter, and when a little and bowels too carefully through south of the Aisne was in grave dan- of General Foch's plans Is not re- Finns are believed to be all settled. take and gases largely the resnlt of snpe freckled-face- d next the long, hot season. Don't The people will fed In- girl from door ran acidity. This makes the stomach ger, the crown prince sent in more and vealed. He has the Initiative, and may be and their Indigestion, Bour in munching a tempting looking apple any chance. pain-fre- e and ready to perform, ita more of his reserves until 40 divisions elect to continue the offensive with ternal affairs will not be Interfered wretched, bloated with by the expedition that will be and offered Beth a bite she shook her stomach, that proper work. were engaged, and desperate efforts all his strength in the effort to drive can good in sent. hend and sidled up to her mother, say- feeling, belching, food repeating, You have a appetite hot were made to stabilize their lines of the Huns beyond the Alsne and as weather to eat the things yon like General Horvath, provisional ing: "I don't want to take any of her pains that claw at stomach and defense. However, ; nothing was al- much farther as they can be forced; ruler when yon want them if yon take one apple, because I am afraid I might get bowels endleos train of lowed, to stop the steady forward or he may find It prudent to hold them of , Siberia, Is with the and an or two EATONIC Tablets after each Czeeho-Slovak- s, freckles." life mis- movement of the allies on three fronts at the Vesle and await the arrival of and matters look stomach ills that make meal. Such quick, wonderful relief of the salient, and the path of re- more Americans. It is a noteworthy more promising in that country. erable are greatly aggravated in wonld seem unbelievable but for the Identified. fact that thousands of sufferers every- treat was narrowed day by day. All fact that 70 per cent of the allied Conditions in the Ukraine grow more the hot weather. unsettled daily, and now the Germans The queen of henrts, she made some where have received marvelous resulta of the territory yet held by the enemy troops engaged in the present battle year of all others it is from EATONIC. Obtain a large box and AOstrians are called on to face larts. "You are surely a sugar card," This was brought under the fire, of the are French. A considerable portion vital that we keep our strength of EATONIC Tableta from your own Ital- a great uprising in Roumania, where we remarked admiringly. heavy guns, and the airmen In great of the remainder are British and ra druggist who yon know and can trust. and full power at work. The ex-.t- numbers flew over the region day and ians. If so much can be done with so the people are disgusted with the peace If they fail, go back to him and he will A woman of anything war work, change of diet all night, working havoc with their bombs comparatively small a force of Ameri- with the central powers and with the never thinks gladly refund fyour money, r Do this she some looked after because they know machine guns. cans taking part, ask observers, what treatment they are receiving. Proba- special to say until hears must be today. You will then what real land And now stomach comfort means in hot weather. will happen to the Huns when a mil- bly half a million Teutonic troops are other womdn talking. hit us in the stomach. which lion Americans are In the fighting line tied up In these two countries, At the beginning of the week there helps some. highly successful operations on and another million at least waiting vere state west front of the salient, in both their turn for action? And this the by October, The Atlantic seaboard was amárco of which the Americans played an im- of affairs will be reached It is predicted. rather than alarmed by the sudden ap- Cry Ger For portant part. At the tip of the Children Im- pearance of a large German submarine f.nntgnttlBFlmdDraohTf man advance Chateau Thierry was Net close to Cape Cod. The vessel at- taken by storm and a large section parls and London are loud in their tacked a tug and sank the three stone-lade- n north and east of It was cleared of praise of the quality and behavior of AIsne-Marn- e barges It was towing, using up Huns. Here thousands of Germans the Americans In the bat- newspapers two torpedoes and a lot of ammunition ' - 7,7 niTi TIT" were killed, other thousands captured, tle, and the there relate assjijjasjisaMiiii iff''-'y- . in operation. great numbers of cannon and many instances of their bravery, cool this footless Other and bagged bigger game when they of supplies were taken. ness and determination. They are ad- quantities sank the British transport Justicin, From this point northward to S0IS7 mittedly as fine troops as ever were experienced 32,234 gross tons, off the Irish const. Franco-America- swept east-- seen, and even the least sons the ' The transport, which was westward was tak-ir- i, of them have no Idea of anything but ward until Neullly St Front 1 1 1 winning every fight they go Into. bound after carrying 10,000 American ' Onlchy threatened, Solssons Itself PBRUBNT. 1 soldiers to Europe, was attacked by a PWi. i '.ALCOHOL'S brought under gunfire and the very Im- Their marksmanship, both with the fleet of six or eight submarines and J AVcáetablerrcparauoawr portant railroad from there to Chateau rifle and with larger weapons, is re- fought them for ten hours. Of her ' Thierry crossed at so many places that markable; their doggedness Is tem- crew of some 600 only ten were killed. 5 tinitheStonuicisandJowe en- pered with an unquenchable humor,, " It could no longer be used by the -- ta emy. This drive, to be wholly suc- and their stamina is such that at times So men- many foolish as scarcely to merit taLAV.Va.A.ia, ft, t, - - ! cessful, had to be carried to bodies of them fought for hours faifcff.. j :Tli 'Vjtl "1 '" peace ft gesuw through which ran the only without food or drink, declining to tion Is the latest list of German Thon.wPmmntlneDr remaining railway which the Huns halt their advance to let the commis- terms, which It is said will be offered Cheerfulness andltestCeatito, through Spain. They disown any de- ' could rely upon to get their war sup-- - sary catch up with them. These 1 neither 0piam,Morpbiflen. What is CASTORIA sire for annexations or Indemnities on plies out of the way of Foch's pincers, splendid troops, with their gallant and eralNoTWAJBwiw Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop the west but would leave Bel-glu- the week clQsed the French competent officers, have done their full front, and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant.' It contains neither Opium, and before the Balkans and the Yankees were moving steadily to- part In stopping the German offensive Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. and peoples peace con- town from the west and and converting It Into an allied offen- of for the ward that to For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the must not be supposed that sive, and If they are now called on to ference settle; the peace treaties south. It with Roumania and not be relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; progress Was easy. The Ger- stop and await the arrival of more of Russia to their questioned, and all Germany's colonies allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the counter-attacke- d repeatedly and their countrymen, America should rest mans Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving rear-guar- d satisfied, patient and proud. The to be restored. Also the seas are to . fought brave and stubborn - healthy- and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The . The village of Epleds, for in- American casualty lists will be longer be free and Gibraltar and the Sues battles. a .tf,,H?imP(tvft)f stance, after being taken at the point and longer each day for a time, but canal defenses dismantled. Mother's Friend. may well ex- (nstipalionandDiarTWW of the bayonet by the Americans, was the bereaved ones take N recaptured by the Huns, and again ample by the proud, unweeplng grief The British government Is having genuine M.wvs: won by the Yankees, who then ad- with which Colonel Roosevelt received trouble with the pacifists, who have CASTORIA vanced their lines far beyond it. the news of the death of his gallant permeated all the war material fac- of son, Quentln. tories,' and last week caused strikes Bears the Signature Some of the fiercest fighting took lSirwleSiinjt place along the Marne east of Chateau h of thousands of munition workers. The retreat- In out cabinet decided, it was reported, that Thierry. , At first the Germans Flanders the British carried If continued of ed across the river so hastily that the an Important operation that resulted the strike the strikers T&OTAimCoiPfi ' almost to a rout. In capture of Meteren. They have military age would be drafted lmmedl-atel- movement amounted the , the heights of Jaulgonne, Barzy been devoting themselves to preparing Into the army. From v - and Passy, the American guns poured for the new offensive which, according -J- V a deadly hall upon the fleeing foe, to the logic of the situation, Luden-dorf- f Flnally authentic word of the death ' A many of whom, throwing away their must undertake and which, ac- of the former czar came out of Rus1 i" i I In Use For Over 30 Years rifles, sought to swim the river, and cording to military experts, probably sla. He was ordered shot by a local were drowned. will be directed against some part of bolshevik official because of counter- The Kind You Have Always Bought 7 -I-- the line held by the British. Such an revolutionary plots, and his son is said Exact Copy of Wrapper. was secretly preparing offensive would be largely to Influence to have died of exposure a few days When Foch JSUMZ for his great strategic attack he called public opinion In Germany and direct later. THE KPANISH-AMKRICA- N

Chtiucrj ' The Spanish -- American Directory Tom. J. Taylor, Abstractor Kwiunotu) Acuosr 17, C. U. Strong, County Treasurer VARIETY 1IVNION-.MÍNDA- SCHOOL IRVIN OGDEN, SR. MORA ABSTRACT COMPANY Meets each Sunday at 10, A. M i" EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Machine Shop t ChTictóiftn Churcn. Your

Mora, New Mexico presance'-ithcceEBar- y, Suaar-riplia- . $1.50 Pat Taar É. in i F, IVEY.Supt Entered aa secon&class matter at the Blacksmith Shop Complete Index to All Lands and Town Property postoflice'in Roy, New Mexico. Mora County. Titles to Lands in the Mor Grant are beingj Garage straightened out and we art also prepared Y P. s. c; E. to. on these Lands. . CZÜ g fumiah Abstracts ; Myra, President MTS3 LILLIAN GlUNEB, Sec'y.--' u WE HAVE A REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE DEPARTMENTS Meets at the Christian Church, ua dlapatobed with PromitneM and Aoouro f , Al Matter entrusted to Roy, .N. M., every Suodav even-ln- p; YourBuaioeaa Ktapeutfullj Soiiolied , , at 7 o'clock. We do all kinds of Machine Work Avordlal welcome extended to Auto Repairing, Blacksmithing, all viotoors. This oaoerhas enlisted with the government in the Woodwork, Lathe Work CATHOLIC Masa-twic- cause of America for the each month 2d and : period of the war Horseshoeing is our 4th - Sundays at the Catholic c Churchí Roy, N. M. - Specialty The American's Creed III I I a r i Masses: 8 and 10 a m. V-- m 111 V fV?Zvtr Service-a- t 7 30 p.m. t BELIEVE IM THE UNITED UN I VERS CAU1 ' I STATES OF AMERICA, AS A ill At Rev. Fr. Felix Vachon, , OF THE PEOPLE, We also carry a Complete Line of GOVERNMENT Priest in charge, -- . BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEO-PL- E, Oils and Auto Accessories, WHOSE JUST POWERS ARE R oy G e THE CONSENT arag DERIVED FROM Gasoline Stand, Free Air. MethoJist Episcopal Church b OF THE GOVERNED: A DEMOC- ROY and MILLS CIRCUIT ' RACY IN A REPUBLIC: A SOVER- afad LIVERY EIGN NATION OF SOVEREIGN Regala? Services as follows: STATES; A PERFECT UNION 1st Sunday at Newton School AND INSEPARABLE, ESTAB- ONE Cars Housed and Cared for , PRINCIPLES 11 a m and 7:30 p m.-- LISHED UPON THE Variety Machine Works, At Reasonable Rates. OF FREEDOM, EQUALITY, JUST- 3rd Sunday at Roy Christian HUMANITY, Expert Mochanica ICE AND GILSTRAP Bro's, Prop's. "OAT "JJ Church' 11 a m and 7:30 p m I THEREFORE BELIEVE IT Rep i. rrOrK gasoline sta. Sunday Mills IS MY DUTY TO MY COUNTRY 2nd sEdMth at TO LOVE IT; TO SUPPORT ITS C.B. STUBBLEFIELD &Co. 11 a m and 7:30 p snu CONSTITUTION' TO OBEY ITS ROY, NEW MEX. (iNtüKi'üKAiLDj Proprietor W. C. Heaton, Pastor LAWS; TO RESPECT ITS FLAG. New Mex. AND TO DEFEND IT AGAINST ROY, ALL ENEMIES- - Disfigured for Life Raphael Emmanuel, a native SERVICES ON SOLANO CIRCUIT of Mesopotamia, addressing a and 3d Sundays pub- Chautauqua audience in Santa Fe lit Mow that the "National" Asa result of a visit by a at Mosquero, 11A.M. 7.30 P. M are making desperate ef- Ford load of Mills boys to the said "In former years it was the lishers at Bradly. 2 ?.M. forts to secure a repeal of the Red River Canvons. near there custom for American students of zone postal rates, every country last Sunday, Marry Porter, of Itheology, to go to Germany to 2ni&,4ih Sunda.j-- at Liberty , A.M. Solano, 3, P. Mi publishcrshould exert his utmost is Hospital comiete their studies, going later Mills, in the Plumlee R, L. MATTHEW, Pastor,,-- . influence to see that the law at Roy, beaten to a pulp and dis- to Mesopotamia as missionaries. as it is for every argument figured for life, barely escaping 'You sent your missionaries to stands BAPTIST the national publisher's present death at the hands of a gang the wrong country- - they should against it is an argument for the from the Canyons, led, it is said, have gone to Germany." lirBfc. Sunday in each month. - zone law. by George Higgins, Deputy Smices 11 . A. M., 7.30, P; M. Again it is reported that Field REv. Dawn, , There is no question that the Sheriff at Mills. It Generally Dees. W. A. Fistor. Marssal von Hindenburg is dead. '"national" publisher favor the We are not informed as to Ppoorh w:w jrlvwi to niiin to disguüe El thoughts. Dorado Hotel flat rate for the reason that it what lead to the trouble is This time there is reason to hoje lis Tiillynmd. CHRISTIAN Under new Management jrives them an advantage over boys in the that thfc report is true; although reported the were j ROY publisher, thereby it must be admitted that to ex- Charles Chapman, Proprietor, the country canyon and had an altercation Notice to Contractors '; Services 2d Sunday of each ad- press such a hope is to wish an giving them a monopoly on with the parties they met there- - E. Las Vegas, N.MJ m. 8.0CPM. to fully undeserved calamity upon the Steam, Heated, Free Baths, lia. vertising amounting 1 hey escaped to their car on Sealed proposals will be receiv- : 4th. Sunday of each rsonth ati unfortunate inhabitants of hell. and Cold Water in Rooms.. $100,000,000 a year. top of the hill but before they ed by the County Bosrd of Educa Hot 11:00 a. m. and 8.00 p. m A quiet, homelike . The issue over the flat and the could get away the crowd was on tion of the County of Mora, New, Hotel Cómiaunion. service at ths moriK. S-- one block zone rate is nothing more nor less them with rocks and several of The has printed up a lot Mexico, in the office of Milnor from the ingr service. than the question whether that badly of Chattel Mortage blanks this Rudulph, Depjtjifcth&i the party were hurt. president of the said ! . PLEASANT VIEW hundred million dollars' worth of Porter was hurried to the week both with the regular not-for- m Board.Mora, New Mexico, Main Business District. up to ' Fürst Sunáay each Month 3,--. exclu-sievei- y ' at advertising shall be held is being patched up. and the Sale Note form 12 Land-Seeke- hospital and o'clock noon, the loth, day of Tourists and x by the"national"or shall Hi3 mends intimate that it is included. August, 1918, for the construc- Will find this the right plaee... MILLS te distributed between 20,000 not over yet and that they are We can supply you with either tion of a public school house, Sunday at SPMv. .pcal publishers "fed up" on such outrages. sale notes and Mortgage or the according-t- plans and specifica- 3d 11.0tpi. O. W. '"ilfí WÜí5e the average publish regular and have them to' match. tions prepared by E. W. Hart, TO TRADE:-- a farm, of 230 Hearn, Pastor. We will add other needed in Southwestern, Banks called architect, said building to be acres Mi$5uriil Mrs. Frank get paper, no blanks to our stock . as we built at Mills, within County for land near Roy. pound freight on his Wednesday to order the S-- said LODGE time to print them. Inquire at the S-- office DIRSCTORiY matter what the bulk of his s'ent to her for three month at of Mora. purchase while the "national" Sweetwater, Okla. She 'came A certified check made payable i publisher could distribute his with husband to N, M. The Departement of Labor her to the said County Board of LAND PLATS of ad kiiidfe s printed product under the old law asked for help in the advertising I. O. O. F. some weeks ago they have secur- Education, of 3 percent of Abstracts of U. S-- A S.. L'nd to the individual subscriber for of land 30 miles campaign it is making The HOMESTEAD LODG&.4$i ed a tract state the proposal submitted, must ac- Office Records,- - MAPS.. less than the local publisher's will secure some Stereotyped ads Meets at i is own HaUi. north. She has been attending company each bid as a guarantee Prompt taxing the' whole which our business house may Attention Every Wednesdiy, fright rate, Normal here this week and will that the contractor will enter help pay the postage kick-i- n on the cost of if they will people to teach the school at Independence into a contract and furnish a C.N. ROARIC EviJiing those, publishers. They are similar to the Red Visiting alwaysTw&ii expense of this winter. They are much good surety bond, tobe approved Cla pton New Brothers ads. Jtet. pleased with New Mexico. Cross by said board, in a sum of 5) per comft. STRAYED;-- A 2 year-old White-Face- d .power to g'Vii the local publisher of the of said propo- Cha". A. PearSi cent amount Bull with, large, horns, equality with the national pub- said I. E. Wildman,, Sec'y. sal for the construction of Branded, shoulder, does so by the very Q"right. N lisher, and it building. The said Board hereby r , all ears, off , seen J fair method that prevails in reserves the right to roject any tips of cut Last Rebskah Degree business undertakings that of lilwsriltiliihiiCaocsc from 44 stoics, .'oif.' arwi rbea near head of Burro Canyon. V and all bids. í ' costs proporuun w n the íuir.ooa une Reward for informatioa leading HARMONY LODGE Nn. 2:4 assessing in T'i!&&"U cí Ailmill"arc ricizretl : : ...... !,..'. S0 "...Ií Plans and specifications can be recovery of said, animal. 2S. Meets 1st. and 3rd. Friday. .service rendered. li r:u..: .u.oia 1:1 tju. ii.::.-'- to assumption of the national Tfcorn etc many ether seen at the office m Milnor II. D UPTON,. Solano, N.M. Evifling each month 'The :.!;.'! therr.t-t.'- . m- - W? ?í ;.: U:t Rudulph president oí said Board; publications mt tney uiuna r.pWc!; a.O..O..y..Hall' 5Í.C703Y mCES, firm 51.V.3, Court; House, speak the nation's voics 3 a ft at the County Mori MÍSS LlLLIANi Gkinfa. N. G, kP.íl&HJlK MILLS 1 --- Mexico., JACK Mrs.Gr3:ce-V..Qide- gratuitous insult to the the local New i n Sc.y. They claim that -- ':: rl '.Hatariiko model?, 3accrs,Jfciüor! Ü. Commissioner r,ihlishr. ícr c'.iil'.lrc:i; Lailics' mocob too mi County Board oi Educatiou of S. Visiting Sisters, wcieoine rr. personnel Áí íp-Í- '1 1" by without their august N t" - - "1" rusblo cal? the County of Mara, New Mexico Filings, Proofs and all Crcst-tecMc- ? celling poli:cy. would be nothing but there We VJÜl lasd matters. The logic of this is 1 WWSm m Cava Free Tifa! and sectionalism. is Av. 1 i a v.vw By Milnor Rudulph, Vres. Also Surveys Plats. mm ' " HANGEn " bxveia von bc I r 1 1, l be stricken i t'r rj J. B. LUSK ithat the nation should FREIGHT CHARGES ÍTJLT.Y JHK- - Prompt Attention York mmm Mi m PAID xüLK '1ÜWN, lor XDivry Attest, . and the voice of New 'lü dumb mm (tuya froo vrlal- - oettisl ruling wet. Mrs. Addie Cassidy Sec'y. Office at Solano. New Nexico. Attorney at Lav should be taken ! Wo pay return chaiReaii you cícia.) . and Philadelphia Í If H Xf.W. W Hi M il i VM f ti'-- t r.ctta koc? it, end maKrtocr.ri'Hcr Prompt wl Careful Attention voice. In fact the I multa . as the national I'M W M m (M. JAM xrcirnndteardnnnic tnal. Ve ilwM 1j influence Given ftll Rusimss Entrusted voice of the nation is the l." ciTr. t jour udcimob. true m 1 ' j.i Th ; tn;.l ij n!I ot our expense. to f&e all sections. You would f w Jim chorus of -Rider ROY NEW MEXICO not expect to play a symphony feto.Sft if you decide to keenlüit- - Roy Telephone Co. two keys ..ilatf aurl nmtt i.if..'Mflll on a piano if limited to ixn K.-- i i t!:o world, with a Barrica contending tlmt carel for tba iart and but the nationals are ropcir of more than n miiHcn ; Gilstrap Bro's, Prop's ? riden. !tiWith vry "RANtEK" wn thir SELLING OUT ? the nation will go to ruin if r.r.m n TurtlficalQ bi tüaarfltit': a for. that SlvoVcarg. not done they being in Exchange, ROY, N. M. Then you will have tbti3 3 C O rieras, E'.cetrie tlghl Otii- - Office and in the mono fl1 IFir lila ..v.hi.M.u f.nnr un PUBLIC SALE, vñdenallv confirmed y-- 1 .t rrarwheels. Inner Tuto, Tool Klt, u. D zrzrzzvm nI tl I rLT i , on LONG-DISTANC- i. millions j PL IÜIKII IfU 1111 Repair ituit'r mcvcira ano coa'H E PHONE at Springer. polization of a hundred Connects with ' , all accurnU.y picruriti and ii There's only one REALAue- - j. undry payocf irwBto of nationjihertisjng nañonar r-- i, iVr .n far it It'a A I ihA .daikdij. v" JSi rrftl in Country, voyuu .. i ivwy Solano, Mosquero, Mills, Abbott, Taylor Springs tioneer the Thats We are pleased "with the! 9 f.,l nerformani-- of our 2? V 7 ..miinntrit nnrl fit('.!irníiLB nt rrirc-- fl icW f hi-- Ki.l astenlih you. Rural-Communi- ty Lines con- t and intermediate points. ! from many of - -- - prompt returned j .iaí Belart.t!- Col. Rider I2tr.ts waata vv?57.."aa.-ir.djaiSj.- i nay .jr u nected. Roy City Exchange, Effieient Senico- - F.O.WHITE the subscription statements we' ourfrindi mnd ceighboroin 'HAC.KK, Licyc.v' His address is MILLS N. M. bat p week, Our list has j Send No Konsy f u w - sent out this wjí" u i You can: have SALE BILLS j h. luJ.r but a small percent to whom we &YCLE COMPANY J. E. Gilstrap, Mgr. printed and make dates at the send statements and these are j Spanish-America- n Office. Roy. M I No Cans! St. CH1CACG coming in fine. 5 New - i Mexico .. i TUI OAWtSM.AMCRICAN. ALLIES DEMAUD Tractor for Sale NOTICE OF CONTEST STRUCK OUT i? A f . Department of the Interior, United : t. síAj79 - m i in a 9-1- 8, ill UORECEREALS "Big BULL" has been States Land Office, Clayton, M. r N. By HENRY L. ' duty STERRETT. of r- - used but little, one the Contest No. 6039. a 1 ! . v i y x i IillIII X best makes for either belt or July 13, 1918. 1 V" American Meat Restrictions Re- Traction work. To ' Mrs. Eva Taylor, Mr3. Fannie "I do so love a good game of base- Temple, Mis. Flora Baker, Mrs. Em- laxed to Effect .Greater, . ball, and I suppose yours will be a bat- Terms to suit Purchaser. ma Gardner, tle royal. I expect to enjoy It greatly." Benjamin, John, Atner, Wheat Savings. . GEO. N. AMES, The speaker waa a beautiful damsel Carter and William Cherry, Spring-Hel- d, 111. of nineteen, a "co-ed-" In a fashionable 2 miles East of Roy. and Frederick Cherry, university. She was shy-eye- demure, 111. as heirs of Amos J. ARGENTINE ARRIVALS SHORT, clever and bewitching, with a figure Cherry, late of Roy, New Mexico and end manner that had set the students Springfield, Hi. deceased; by the ears. The young men owed Automobile For Trade: Contestee Moat Supply allegiance to rival universities, rival- Hera Considerably 3 in good condition You are hereby notified Ci is ing each other In sports and collegiate It running tha Food Administration, tiano Rigoni attainments and last of nil were rivals and I will sell or trade it for who gives Roy, New However, Warn Against Mexico, as his for the favors of Miss Edith Mars-de- n. farm machinery or young stock. Postoffo add ess, did, Waste. ., o.i July 1st. 1918, ale In office his If you are leaving this ."Of course yon pitch," said Edith, the mesa duly corroborated application to. con ' turning to Hal Stone, a bloud you should not overlook this test and secure Tho allies have made further and giant the cancellation of youi burdened with a heavy club, garnished Increased demands for breadstuITs, proposition. See me in Roy nimestead entry, Serial cumber (W743, by a huge knot of purple ribbon; "and made April. tbese en larged demands being caused and try the car. v 3d, 1908, of course you expect to win?" for 1o degree by In thi S c. 10, Twr. fH ; sonje shortag arrivals "That's my intention," was the mod- 'when vou die will R, A. 2LV. Rng.26E. NMPM.und, as ground-fo- r Li from the Argentine. It Is, therefore, est reply. "By the way, Miss Edith, Pendleton. his contest he alleges the said .Your widow kava necessary for the ü. S. Food Adminis- can't I prevail on you to wear our col- that heirs af said Amos J. Cherry have tration to urge a still further reduction ors?" untying the ribbon und offering FOR SALE- :- Eight Good Po- n.t mry money ?Yes or No?. reaided on )ti i In the consumption of bread and bread-stuff- s It. "You shall bo queen of love and said land nor cultivated 7.í,'(,'5, U land China Pigs, weight 50 CO generally If we are to meet our beauty, and spur us on to victory." or same, nor kept up yhe improvements ' export necessities. The Food Admin- "How nice. Yes, I'll weur them as It pounds, thereon, tince the death of said entry-ma- TO THE MAN WHO 1$ WORKING FOR HIS MONEY: istration has Issued a statement ex- Is championship day. What Is your of- in or about the year 1911; that HERE IS A PICTURE FOR YOU. plaining the In fer, Mr. T. O. SCOTT, Roy, N.M situation detail, partic- Carlyle?" the names of the said btir, us neai ly ularly the reasons which lead it. for "I regret that I have no to banderole is theciintestsut knews, aro Mrs. THE MONEY THAT HAD BEEN PUT INTO BANK the .purpose of centering effort for the offer, THE TO nor scarf of our colors with me," Eva Taylor, Temple, I Mrs. Fannie Mrc PROTECT AND KEEP HER, WAS NO HARDSHIP TO SAVE. time being upon tho cereal situation said Tim Cnrllslc. "Purple is fit only Why the Dull Man Crusl. Flora Baker, Emma Gardner, PILED UP AND A to .relax temporarily the restrictions on for royalty, fair lady, and I felicitate In the Woman's Home CVnpnntoi Kr. IT GREW INTO SUM WHICH WILL NOW s Arm-I- Denjamin, meat consumption. my foe on his happy thought. Yet r.ennett has an Inferosting nr John, Abner, Caoter, and FREE HER FROM WORRY OR DIRE POVERTY. Experience shows, this statement we crown our queens of love and beau- tide to rrove that th dull nan is i William Cherry, ad of Sdringfield, III. bad man. Among Edward.-,-ville- , says, that the consumption of bread-stuff- s ty ns Americans with a rivl. red rose. other indictment jrnd Frederick Cherry, of WHO IS GETTING THE MONEY YOU EARN, THINK Is Intimately associated Vltli the Will you accept this one?" lio makes the following: "The dul II ; that this contestant d es IT OVER. man lias no consumption of moat For various "Oh, how exclaimed the ynagluailon. He does nol hot know the uges of said heirs, but charmltis!" ss reasons our supplies gli--l p!is--e- the faculty of putting hlmsclJ of meat for the ns she inhaled the fragrnnco of has reason ta believe and doss believe consul-ernbl- y !u the other man's place. Therefore next two or three months are the flower. Her checks were us rod OUR BANK, lie is to blunder, he tt at they are all over 21 years of age COME TO enlarged, and we can supply the ns the rose itself as she nolod the ap- certain to unjiif to cauri and that said deceased entry man left allies with all of the meat products peal in tha eyes of her "Yuu be cruel. Ha be churl: cavalier. :.y.c." which transportation facilities render too, will win?" no widow surviving him, possible and at same some- the time "We hope so," was the quiet an- You are, therefore, notiflíá what Increase our own consumption. ' further Roy Trust&Savings swer. "You sea we want that pen- Jiat the said allegations will be taken Bank'. In these circumstances the Food Ad- nant." SALE:--12-Dis- by this office a3 having been confess-a- d ministration considers It wise to relax FOR c Harrow, It was a' battle royal. Two teams by you, and your said entry will be the voluntary restrictions on meat con- moro evenly l)-üis- c Grain Drill, Both matched rarely meet od new. :ancelled thereunder without your fur-.h- NOTICE FOlt TUBLICATION sumption to some extent with a view the diamond. W. A. DaFORCE, 7 miles right to be heard therein, either to further decreasing bread consump- Ten thousand people yelled when Address, Roy N.M before this office or on appeal, if you Department of the Interior U. S. Land tion. I East of Mills. DEMANDMENTS" OF, he teams trotted on t he field ready fail to file in this office within twenty Clayton, N. M., July 23, 1918. "TEN Conservation of food must be ad- for tho fray. A man clad In white duck days after the FOURTH publication of Notice is hereby given that Moyse BUSINESS justed to meet necessities from time to NOTICE FOR REPUBLICATION with an air of importance, walked to Lhis notice, as shown below, your an- Belasquez , of Albert , N. M. time, for neither production, nor al- I he home plate, brushed it off, tossed Department of the Interior, U. S. Lam swer, under oath, specifically meeting who, on June 9, 1913, made Ilomesteal lied demands are constant factors, nor tho broom to the mascot, looked at md responding to these allegations of E Up In Cannda there is a successful; can any Oliice at Clayton, New Mexico, entry No. 0ICU8, for WJ-S- Seal: of these factors be anticipated his watch, and then at the sky. Car- :ontest, or if you fail within time business concern that expects, as July 29 1918 trttS, that Wi-N- Sec. 19 most; for long periods In advance In the dis- - lisle stalked slowly toward the box U3Ai3 Xqaj3i( st to file in th3 office due proof that you successful concerns do, that every em- In 'we 3Bii astjo Twp. 20N. R. 2SE., N. M. P. M., has turbed conditions which at pres- While his men scattered, to their posi- have served a copy of your answer ployee shall do his full duty. To assist I live. While Otto Lohstroh of Roy.Mora Co, N.M filed notice of intention to maka final ent the world situation la tions. Then the white man tossed n on the said contestant either in per- him In the task that concern places J who on November 28,1913 . year'-proo- f not one that warrants any and five to to -- relaxation white ball' and some words out to son or by registered mail. If this establish claim conspicuously before him these "Tec J In ember 27, 1915 made the efforts to eliminate waste or to Tim, but no one heard his remark. For Homestead service is made by the delivery of a the land aboví described, before F. H. Demandments :" economy In relax food, the Adminis- ven innings neither side scored. Hut Entrys No,0!6713 Addl No 020934 forWJ copy' of your answer to the contest- Foster, U.S. Commissioner, at his of- 1. Don't lie. It wastes my time one tration desires to secure adjust- . SWJ-SE- better '.n the eighth big Harker, for the pur- SWi: Lots It, 12, J ant in person, proof of such service lice in Roy, N. M., on Sept, 5th, 1918. yours. I am sure to catch you In the J ment In food balances. - ple, found a ball to his liking, and Section 6 and NE1- NWJ- - NWJ-NE- J must be either the said contestant's Claimant names as witnesses: end, nnd that Is the wrong end. J So long as the present conditions on 7 2." written acknowledgment re- 2. Watch your work, not the cloCk. jwung It. When it came back to Section Township 20 N Range E of h3 Ignacio L Vigil Francisco Velasquez i continue the only special restrictions :he diamond the big man was panting E, N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice ceipt of the copy, showing the date of long day's work mnkes a long dajl we Felix Sandoval Pacomio Velasquez ask are tho bootless and porklcss yn. the bench. Maroon failed to score of intention to make Final Three Voai its receipt, or the affidavit of the per- short; nnd a short day's work makes Tuesday. son by all of Albert N M my and the purple was one run to tho Proof, to establish claim to the land whom the delivery was made face long. m The good. 3tating when and where the copy was VALVERDE, 3. Give me more than I expect and meatless meal and the porklcss above des:ribei before Register and PAZ Register. Saturday are no longer delivered; if made by registered mail, I will give you more than you expect. asked. Three men on bases and two out was Receiver, U. S. Land Olüce, Clayton TI. M ...... n. proof of such service must consist of I can afford to Increase your pay iuo miméis 01 me united states '.he record In the ninth when Hal step- if N. M., on the 17th of Sept 191! the affidavit of the person by whom you increase my profits. . re responding to, the national call to ped to the plate. Victory waa In NOTICE Oil PUBLICATION Claimant names as witnesses: the copy was mailed stating when i 4. You owe so much to yourself you Increase hog production. Their In- ihe end of his bat, and he knew and it the postoffice to which Department of the Interior, U. S. Land cannot afford to owe anybody crease, to all appearances, is being at- He smashed the first ball and it sped Cosme C Hernandez Tho's MuGrath it was mailed. else. and this affidavit must be Jveep óf keep tained more rapidly. Of inore Imme- s an arrow straight for Tlnfs head. Toe Mastas of Mills New, Mexico accompanied Office at Clayton, New Mexico, out debt or out of my by the: postmaster's diate Importance, however, are several His hands flew up and the pitcher MeCrystel of Roy N. ' M. receipt for the. July 24, 1918. letter. Ü. complex factors which have effected rolled on the earth while two men New Mexico. PAZ VALVERDE, Notice' is hereby given that Ollie D. Dishonesty is never an accident. an - Cood men, like good women, Immediate Increase lu meat sup- trotted In. Then the cunning boxman 731 You should state in your answer the Williams, of Solano Mora County, N. never see; piles. rose name temptntlon when they meet it. ; and showed the bnll lightly . Registei. of the postoffice to which vou M., who, on ApH15, 1915. made Home- 0. Mind your own In1 The transportation shortage before squeezed In his hands. The' mnn In desire future notices to be sent to you. business, and stead entry No 019754 for NW,Sec.lO time you'll have a the government took over the rail- white made a haughty gesture and FAZ VALVERDE, business of your; Twp. 18 N., R. 27 E., N. M. P. Meri- own to mind. roads, the bad weather in January and the Maroons came In. It was still one FOR SALE- :- Red Pigs, six Date of first dian, has filed notice 7. early In February, the largo percent- to nothing, with the odds in favor of publication, July 27, 1918 of intention to Don't do anything here which; weeks old. see - second - - make hurts your t. age of Immature corn In the last har- tie, at least Stone kicked, but to ,Aug. S - - final three year proof, to estab- An employee; G. ABERNATIIY; - who is willing to me ; vest and the necessity of feeding this no purpose. He saw Edith wildly ap- R. Roy third 10 - - lish claim to the land above described, steal for is willing to steal from roe. corn as rapidly as possible to save It plauding Ids enemy's brilliant play, fourth - . - . n . . before F. H. Foster, U. S, Commis- 8. It Is none of my business from decay, have not only resulted in yid his face grew black. He was NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION sioner, at his office Roy, N. M., on what; you do at night. 'But if dissipation af- backing up the animals particularly by his anger and three sharp on Sept. 9, 1918. fects what you do hogs on the farms for a longer pe- hits eent a man over with the' tying the next day, and Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Claimant names as witnesses: you do half as much riod of feeding, but have resulted In a ;un. His own swiftness and skill pre- ESTRAY;- - One bay 6 as I demand, you'll Oflice at Clayton, New Mexico, mare ACTrujillo, Jí'hn Beckman last half long great Increase In their average weight vented the loss of the game. as as you hoped. June. 19, 191 years old, weight 600 lbs, 14 M C W U 9. Don't tell me and will result, with Improved trans- Then Tim stepped to the plate. Hal F Hushes Leatherman what I'd like to hear,, Notice is hereby given that James hands, Brandad BA N M but what I ought to portation conditions, which already ap- determined to strike him out, or put on left hip. all of Solano hear. I don't II. Salisbury." of Roy, N. M. Who. want a vu'let to my vanity, pear, In larger thau normal arrivals at Dim out of game. He Report to Bentüra PAZ VALVERDE, but one for the had hit Sandoval, - on Decl7, 1911. 018990 1 tuy dollars. market for the next two or three ?very time at bat, so the big fellow made II. E. No fot Roy, Register N. M. 10. Don't kick I kick. months. The weight of hogs coming pent in a lot of high benders curving SJ Section 14, Twp. 19N. Rng. 25E if If you'fa worth while correcting to the market for the past two weeks dangerously near the batter's head, N. M. P. Meridian has filed notice ol you're wortli How Many Oo Vou Fair while keeping. I don't waste cut- Indicates an Increase In weight of Tim saw the play, and stepped back intention to make Final Three year timo An expert in statistics bus calculated ting specks out of rotten apples. from an average of 203 poutnls last to protest. Then man Proof, to establish claim to the land NOTICE FG:;. he faced his in PUBLICATION. hat tt ,voman marrying at twenty, and year to the almost unprecedented fugo. came described, before F. H. Foster, U. S. Department In another swift Inshoot of the Interior U. S. Land nrlng for a family" of four children nverago of 2.12 pounds, or a In Commissioner at Uov, N. M., on the net it Tim fairly on flic temple, Office , struck ana at Clayton, New Mexico, uitil she In forty-five- will peel no crease In their meat value of over 15 ns 7th clay of Aug. 1918. he fell If shot nal rushed to his , June. 19,. 1918 ewer than 83,000 potatoes for home per cent This is a distinct addition enemy, fallen wringing his hands, but Claimant names as witnesses: Notice is hereby given thr.t ISC. to the nation's meat supply, It there- Tim was" out of the Then jmine. J L Smith C F Wright Thomas E fore now seems certain that we have llilngs settled down ngain, and the Sansbury, of Uoy, N. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Wm.G. G G Department of the such enlarged supplies for at least game Johnson Leach who on Dec. 17, 1914 made II E i) Interior, U. S. Land proceeded. Maroon made no Improved Farm for Sale Oliice WJ-SW- at Santa Fe, New Mexico some months to come, that we can not more runs, and the teams squared 7 27 All of Roy New Mexico for Section, 11, only increase our exports to Ju'y 29 191S the allies tiway for the extra Inning. Stoni look-p- d NWJ: sndWl-NE- l Sec. II Town PAZ VALVERDE, For ninety clays I will offer my Notice is hereby given to the full extent of their transporta- up to see Edith, but she had ship ln langa 25E NMPMeridinnhas that tion facilities, but " Register. farm of 320 acres at Liberty Sam at the same time In fierce wrath ho sent the filed notice of intention to Ttler of Roy New Mexico can properly make Final Increase our domestic hall so far out that It never got into Three year proof to School 13 miles northeast of Roy who on January 2d 1915 made Home- consumption. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION establish claim the game again. He scored the win-lin- g to the land above described, before for $4, 200. 00, cash. stead Entry No 019114 for SE Tho response o of the public to our re- run, for the rattled Maroons fail- F II Foster U S Commissioner at his and NE- - Section 23 Township 18 N quests for reduced Department of the Interior, U. S. Land This farm is well improved has consumption of ed Purple' was champion. office at Roy, N. M., on Aug. 7th 198 Renge 25 K N. M. P. meat during the past few months Office at Santa Fe, New Mexico good new house of 6 rooms, good has Stone rushed from the field in tri- Meridian, has filed notice of intention been most gratifying, and July 18 1918 Claimant names as witnesses: this service umph, seeking fur Edith. He found well and windmill, barn, all fenc- to make alone 1, Smith C F three Year Proof, to. establish has enabled the government dur- her In the reception room of the club- Notice is hereby given that J Wright G ed and 160 acres under cultiva- claim to the land above described, be- ing this period to provide such sup-Idl- house kneeling beside the couch on Juanita Rodriguez of Wagon Mound Win. Johnson G G Leach " fore F. H. Foster U S Commissioner as transportation to the allies wltlch Carlisle rested. Tim's head N.M. who on Oct. 5th 19H made home 27 Al! of Roy, New Mexico. tion, Rural Free Delivery, and permitted. at Roy N. M. cn Sept. 11 1918. was bandaged, but as he held the hnnd stead entry n 021913, for H&Z VALVERDE, Register. telephone, 200 yards to Sohool Claimant names as The Administration also suggests of the girl he seemed to care little fop Section 29 Township 21 witnesses: N. Range and church, Good young orchard, A Waldó that In those parts - Morris Clarnce Wright of the country his Injury. 21 E. N. M- IV Meridian,, has of Dean Tyler. A where the old fashioned home preser- "Miss "yon said three acres with shade trees J Smith, Edith," blurted Hal, filed notice of intention to make vation of pork Is still the custom, this colors. claim, Three and windbreak. Good neighbor- All of Roy New Mexico fou'd wear the winner's I year proof to establish claim to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION practice should be extended at the your the promise." land above described, before Stanley hood. Apply to PAZ VALVERDE, Register. present time, as It will relieve the bur- 1 "I have kept it, sir," said the girl 1 den upon transportation to A. Foutz, U. S. Commissioner at Wag- Department of the Interior, U. S.' Land L. A. CANON Roy N.M. and from with quiet dignity. "I have told Tim the packing houses and Is economical- on Mound, N. M!, on the 5th day of Office at Clayton, New Mex:, so. This," Indicating the rose, "is 1918 ly sound as saving the cost oí Sept, 19,'- - packing the winner's colors. You struck out, June 1918 operations and at the same timo will Mr." Stone," she added, pointing mean- Claimant names as. witnesses: Notice is hereby given that John J. próvido home supplies of pork to last ingly to the recumbent figure on the Lauriano Berna), Porfirio Duran, Taylor, of Roy, New Mexico, who on over th months of decreased supplies. FAIRVIEW PHARMACY couch. ' Jose Vecere, Maxamiliano Urahairi, Sept. 8. 1914, made HE. No. 017901) for The Food Administration desires to (Copyright, 191?, Newipaprr Union.) The Roy WeiUrn all of Wagon Mound, N. M SWi; SWl-N- See.8 Drugstore repeat that It does not want to give and Section 17, ; tho Impression that these are times Our Selected Army. FRANCISCO DELGADO, Register simplicity 8-- Township 19N. Range 2fiE N.M.P, Pure Drugs, Chemicals and when and moderation of liv- "The advantage of universal eerr ing are not critically Meridian, has filed notice of intention Patent Medicines necessary, but ice," says Taft, "I that it that Its sole desire Is to securo an to make three year final proof to estab- puts every man In the place best fitted-fo- Perodicals andj' Stationery between our lish claim to the land above de'scribéd dltfercnt food him. I can loan you MONEY on your applies sad meet changing conditions before F- - H Foster, U S com, Roy 111. the case of the captain o? Receipt at arid Eastman from time to time and to keep "it's Final as well as on Pat- Kodaks Supplies the pub- r. N M on the 8th day Aug. 1918." ihe man-of-wa- He saw a new hand of lic fully and frankly advised Perfumes and Toilet Articles , of Its loafing by the rail. ented or Deeded land. Come, let Claimant names as witnesses: position with the full confidence and ' " 'What was this chap In civil life? us talk to you about your loan. i W H Baum Earl Baum reliance that whenever It becomes nec- he demanded. MN Baker essary renewed appeals for saving will Clarece Lefller, " 'A milkman, sfr, was the reply. J. E.. VVILDMAN, met the same loyal response as in tb Al! of Roy New Mexico Dr. M. D. Gibbs, Prop. " "Then,' roared the'eaptnitt, 't tbff .. Loan, and Insurance Agency, Vuet, ... .. , -; . , PAZ VALVERDE,.. .;... pampa with him at oncel" j Oñi:e at residence, ROY, N.M. Register'" ROY, N. Mex. THE SPANISH AMERICAN.

FOREIGN I1USBAI THE WORLD 111 The Siberian covernment. including ENEMY PUSHED the premier, baa resigned, says a Vlad- Pithy News Items WESTERN ivostok dispatch to the London Times. 811 VESÜIFE PARAGRAPHS Kin Qeoris has ordered the British Gathered From All Over NORTH OF OURCQ MINING AND OIL court to go In mourning for four weeks From Suffering by Getting for former Emperor Nicholas ot Rus NEWS sia. New Her Lydia E. Pinkham's A BRIEF RECORD OP PASSING Mexico ALLIE8 ENTER Influenza Is epidemic in the Swiss Vegetable Compound. EVENTS IN THIS ANO FOR- NOIS AND TAKE TWO TOWNS ' army. There are now n.&oo cases oi Weetern Newepaper Union Newe Service. EIGN COUNTRIES. malady 109 bave re Western Newapuper Union Nnwi Service. the and deaths NEAR RHEIMS. Prices for Metals. Pittsburgh, Pa," For many months COMINO EVENTS. owing- - sulted. . Lead 18.008.05. was not able to do my work to Aug-- Hound-u- p and Sports Car New York. I A peasant rebellion has broken out nival at Muituulena. Copper $25.62. a weakness wnico in the Ukraine on a formidable scale, October Annual nicotina; New Mexico Bar silver 99c. caused backache 111 LATE DISPATCHES Public Health Association, St. Louis. Spelter $8.41K. and headaches. A according to information received in FOE DEAD LINE MARNE called concentrates, 6 friend my London. The Methodists will build a new Boulder. Tungsten to one of ' 22.50 per unit; 25 attention Two Austrian transports were sunk church at Hope. per cent, $20.00 your newspaper per cent, $12.0012.50; 10 per cent, DOINQS AND HAPPENINGS THAT in an Italian attack on Cattaro, ac Bear grass has been crowned king ' advertisements and FRANCO-AMERICA- GUN8 ROAR $9.4012.20. my MARK THE PROGRESS cording to dispatches received from In Roosevelt county. immediately DEATH CLIMAX TO GREATEST husband bought OF THE AGE. Cattaro. A million pounds ot wool has been Arizona. three bottles oí WAR. Germany has made suggestions for shipped from Magdalena. BATTLE OF In the first bait of the current year Lydia E. Pinkham's Com- Weetera Newepaper Union newa Service, e a peace conference to the Spanish gov- The contract for Socorro's new Old Dominion produced 18,534,uuu t Vegetable ernment, says the Socialist Vorwaerts 3,368,000 pound for me. ABOUT THE WAR 160,000 hotel has been let. pounds, June contributing - of Berlin. Western Newspaper Union Newa Service. After taking- two Austria-Hungar- y divi pounds. Is planning a triple A Taos bank has paid its usual With the American Army on the bottles I felt fina It was officially announced in Lon stringers of the best ore ever and my caused by weak- offensive against Italy, according to dend in war savings stamps. Alsne-Marn- Small troubles that e July 29. The don that Japan had decided to accept Front, Combination have ness are a of the past All women dispatches received at Rome from Motoilsts are improving road con found at the Verde thing proposal to the French and Americans bave who 1 did should Lydia E. Italian correspondents in Switzer- the American assist the been cut In sinking the shaft. .They suffer as try Csecho-Slova- between Valmont and Escondido. tinued their rapid advance to the Compound." k armies in Siberia. show prominently at 1,080 feet. Pinkham's Vegetable land. Women of Dona Ana county bave northeast, and the forest of Fere was Mrs. Jas. Rohrbiro, 620 Knapp St, Baron von Hussarek, former minis Minerals company Rioting ot peasant in the occupied been asked to volunteer tor work on cleared of the enemy Saturday after- The Standard N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa. ot education, appointed cross ' reglom of White Russia U Increasing ter has been noon. The allied forces are losing opened a rich vein of ore In the women who suffer from any zona or to premiership in succes- farms. and many German soldiers hare been the Austrian contact with the Germans. cut from the 300 level toward the eakness.asindicatedbydisDlacements, sion to Dr. von Seydler, whose cabinet The soldiers' hospital being built by west, samples ot which are on dls-- Inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, killed, aald an official dispatch from the American club at Helen Is about resigned recently. , Saturday re- play in Kingman. h.? Stockholm. completed. Paris. The Germans The Rumanian press bureau says Is reported that a rich silver . . Very serious revolt and mutinies treated along the whole front north It m-t- lnn and lve Lvdia E. according to Spanish embas- A $79,000 contract has been let for office an- been made in the lowei have occurred In Bohemia and Hun- that the of the Marne, the war strike has pinkham's Vegetable Compound s sy's doctor at Constantinople, SO per additional Indian school buildings at troops, level of toe commerce snau abu thorough gary. At Manaros Sijet ISO officers nounced. French and allied ai trial. cent of the Rumanian prisoners bave Crown Point. pressing bard on the enemy rear Peak, operated by the Ooldfleld Con For over fortv Tears It has been and tOO Ciecho-81ovak-s who mutinied died from typhus in Turkish camps. Magdalena will bold an election to guards, have reached the line of solidated Exploration Company. correcting such ailments. If yon have vera shot and 1.000 arrested. mysterious complications write Oulcby-le- - vote on a bond 75,000 a Sur- - Fere, Courmont, for' The Important point ot issue of for advice to Lydia E. Plnkbara Medicine Vfflemontoire, a little more than five Passy-Grlgn- Cbateau slowly surely is being school building. Culsles, La Neuville Colorado. Lynn, miles south of Boissons, has been but Co., Mass. surrounded, say dispatches from Paris, The Cowboys' Reunion at East Las and Chaumuzy. This means that the The Emerald Oil Company recently taken by the French and Americans, German crown prince and his generals field, If the Germans lose it, it will be lmpos Vegas was a financial success, as well struck an oil well in the Rangely pst-i- a while farther south they bave cap- troops dan- PATENTS slble for them to bang on to Fere-E- as a great roundup. are extricating their from in northwestern Colorado, good, it is end book free. Oulchy-lfrChatea- u aemprrteaa tured and swept on gerous positions as best they may. a UuinuoubU. HI beat rala resoee. Tardenols. fuel calls reported, for 100 barrels a day of town. The state administrator Franco-America- n east of the The troops, fine petroleum with, a paraffins Thirty-seve- n German airplanes were upon New place grade Since the fighting began the Ger all Mexicans to their their pressure on the Germans 'J7 7 7 7 7 7 7 eg. brought down or put out of action by fuel now. mans are reported to have used be orders for In retreat from the Marne, have French and British July 22. The July sun sees, the snow going, llco tween sixty and seventy divisions. airmen Again Camp Cody at Demlng, for the reached and crossed the Ourcq river tIIIlCllTil DHIi Four captive balloons were burned and fast along the Red mountain, Mt, At , Estimates from headquarters place the fourth week In succession, is at the and penetrated the town of Fere-e- n CJ1 many tons of bombs were dropped on rams, Mt. Hayden and Ineffels rangei J Q X OUT sjKID 200,-00- top for healthfulness. Tardenols, one of the great German I llgap German losses In that period at and it is now possible to resume work German concentration points. supply bases for the enemy troops In In killed, wounded and prisoners The Indian trading store at Crown at the mines situated at extremely .mple ch free of "OeMaera,n,..,,.,,..Daft I, Saataa." Alexis Romanoff, the former belr Point was destroyed by fire, and the side the Soissons-Rheim- s salient ... The French, the British,, and the high altitudes. VT ST 2T JT ZT apparent to the Russian throne, died man Meantime, on the center of the al- J J? Americans are still hammering the in charge was burned to death. custom con-- from exposure a few days after his lied right wing southwest of Rhelms, When the three mills flanks ot the crown prince's army. Two alleged I. W. W. organizers DAISY FIT KILLER father, the former emperor, was exe violent attacks by the French have trolled by the Crawford Interests an gSWwR Desperate engagements were fought were given a tarring at East Las Ve working at allfllee. Bui, ,1m. cuted, says a dispatch from Moscow to forced the enemy to give further in active operation and 'A In the direction of Epleds and Trugny- gas, and escorted to the city limits. full capacity custom-millin- g in Ouray 1, the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger. ground and enabled the Frenen to cop-tur- e ahaap. Laata ell time, Epleds, which villages the Americans Santa Fe business men made district will be provided for to the 4. at Mai, aaa' win) A their several towns of strategic value a, Ni m will eat aati again recaptured Germans, Russian wireless received in Lon 500 in Oaaa. from the second annual trip Into the Estancia and to draw their front appreciably extent of between 400 and tons erlBjtnttrihlei. Franco-America- don says: siege of Yaroslav To of Epleds n "After the twenty-fou- r uMlfMha, T the north the Valley the bean growers' paradise. nearer the high road which runs the hours. alan, ar aaet br by the council's troops against coun FMt, erapald. for I line is now beyond CourpoiL VegaB boys from to By an agreement made between the ter revolutionaries place was occu Several Las who left northestward Dormans wnxm.vm. n. v. Americans, French, British and Ital the Stratton's Cripple Creek Mining and auoia eoMut, tío h mls avl, pled by a red army. Between 3,000 and home recently with the draft contln Rhelms. ian troops are steadily pressing for gent have been reported as having ar On the extreme wings of the grad Development Company (the Stratton n nicrjf DV Dlfl 5,000 white guards tried to save them - innorm') ward at nearly all points on the battle ually decreasing pocket near Sols-son-s estate) and the Findley Mines Com Huuntu ui i selves on the Volga but a majority of rived in France. line to Rhelms, while east of the ca enemy, heavily nany. Basket & Luce, discoverers ol them were drowned." Among ihe missing from the U. S and Rhelms the thedral city a Polish contingent the reinforced, is holding tenaciously, real the Basket and Luce vein in the Amer- - Odd Mascot That History Records aa armored cruiser San Diego, blown up Company first of the Poles to enter the combat, The giant White Star liner Justicia izing that successes there would re- lean Eagles mine on Bull hill, bave Attaching Itself to of was torpedoed Four bun and sunk off Long Island coast, is Da- Kentucky Volunteers. ! Is declared to bave carried out suc- and sunk. ' in a general crumbling of his resumed work. vid Thomas ot Raton. sult cessfully an enterprise against the en dred of the crew of the Justicia were plans of defense against the locking For the first half ot 1918 the gold pledges emy In which more than 200 Germans landed at an Irish port. They report Total sales and of War Sav up ot his entire armies inside the big output of the Cripple Creek district There is in the history of the state ings in , in con- were made prisoner. that the liner was sunk after a twen Stamps Grant county have bag. shows a decline of 1 per cent, or $58,-317- of Kentucky an odd incident fight with submarines. No passed the quarter million dollar mark In large of nection with the invasion of Canada The Germans Saturday retained vir- addition to the number compared with the corresponding passengers were lost, and only ten of and are still climbing. troops 1917. vari- by the Kentucky troops In 1812. A tually nothing of the ground they con for reinforcement vthat bave period of Considering the the crew were killed. More tban 170,000 acres ot land In been thrown on these two sectors, the ous handicaps Imposed by the- - wai company of volunteers, destined for quered In their great attack of July 15 Selby's army, assembled at Hafrods-bur- g SPORT tracts varying in size from twelve to German long-rang- e guns from the re upon mining for gold the decline stat- along the Marne, says a Reuter's corre- and formed a nucleus around Professional baseball players were 95,000 acres were sold by the state gion north of Solssons and north and ed Is not surprising. spondent at French headquarters. East which the military recruits of the given Sept. 1 to land office at Clayton. northeast of Rhelms are keeping both De Beque, on Denver & Rio of Rhelms, the correspondent adds, until seek essential the country gathered on the march to the employment be called The collections for auto licenses in wings of the salient under a heavy en Grande railroad, shares honors with General Gouraud's army, by a series of or to the colors! Ohio. In an by Baker. 1916 amounted to $47,864.78 while In filading fire. Grand valley its close neighbor as brilliant local operations, has expelled order issued Secretary On the outskirts of the town named, 1917 they increased to $80,998.25, Under the battering tactics of tie the center of oil shale activity, as is the enemy almost everywhere from Judging from the interest being so the story runs, the company saw gain of practically 67 per cent in one Americans and Frenchmen the Ger- evidenced by the great number of oil the narrow belt be occupied in Gour- shown in advance, there will be a big two pigs fighting and delayed the year. man Une on the south has now been operators and others interested in this auifs advanced lone. attendance from Denver at the race march to watch tlie combat. When the-marc- driven back more than twelve miles coming industry; also by the number meeting scheduled to open at Chey The governor pardoned Robert C, recommenced it was observed WESTERN from the point south ot Chateau Thier of people dally arriving and immedi- enne on Aug. 10. The meet will con Starks, who is serving a jail sentence that the victorious pig was follow- Four automobile bandits held up a ry, where the allied troops locked the ately proceeding to the shale fields tinue until Sept. 2. In San Miguel county, because of the ing the company; and when the men Chicago Jewelry store and escaped door to Paris against the enemy July throughout that section. Ten thousand persons at Frontier serious shortage ot labor due to the encamped at night, the animal lay with 500 cash and diamonds valued at 18 and themselves became the aggres- park in Cheyenne, on July 24, saw war. down near at hand. Of course the sol- 130,000. sors In what has turned out one of the Montana. Joe Gardiner of Oklahoma clip four diers fed their plump recruit. The next Mrs. Washington E. LIndsey, wife greatest of the war. President Wilson has approved the steer-ropin-g battles Green Ctnanea Copper Company seconds from the world's of the governor, entertained at lunch day the pig followed them, and this It suggestion of the woman's committee The crossing of the Ourcq, even If declared its usual quarterly dividend record and by doing it provided the eon at Santa Fe In honor of Mrs. Jose did dally on the march to the river. ot the Council of National Defense only by advanced elements of the al- of $2 a share, payable August 26, to supreme thrill of the first day of the Montaner of Taos. The guests of were lied forces, presages a general cross- 9. that relatives American soldiers and Frontier days' celebration. Roping In stock of record August Ten smiles for a nickel. Always buy Red all women engaged in war work. ing on. official com sailors lost in the service wear an arena hock-dee- p with and later The French Production of 632,012 pounds of cop- Croa Bai Blue; have beautiful, cleat, mud negroes black sleeve band with a gold star for slippery as a rink, the Oklahoman All in New Mexico in class munlcatlons thus far during the battle per in June brings the total output of white clothes. Adv. one ot the' draft bave been called to remarkably conservative in each member of the family giving his completed the hog-tl- e in 23 seconds have been the Davis Daly Mining Company for Riley, five-da- He Found Ufe In defense of the nation. flat. The previous record, 27 seconds, Fort Kan., during the their estimates of the gains that daily the six months ended June 30 up to It period beginning Aug. 1. made. Mr. E. Z. Mark's arrival Into the An army of 250,000 boys from 16 to was held by Bert Weir of New Mex- There are bave been 4,739,261 pounds. twenty-nin- e men of New In room had been preceded by a good 21 years old is tolling enthusiastically ico. this class in It Is indicated unofficial dis At the copper conference to be held Mexico. patches allied troops are consid- deal of giggling by three small boys. on the farms of the United States to GENERAL that in Washington August 7 some pro- erably in advance of the line as an He was always the butt of all Jokes assist the food production program of ship- A drive is being begun by the peo- ducers will ask the war industries The losses to British and allied Ger- and expected no better treatment on government, A, ple north of Santa Fe to bave a rural nounced officially. Where tie board to tlx the copper price at 27H the according to J. ping due to enemy action or marine this occasion. He knew he was in for postal route established through mans are In retreat, cavalry has been cents a pound. Whatever figure is Van Dis of Washington, who is asso risk for the month of June totalled the a prank and he wished to hurry up Teauque valley, to the towns of Nambe brought Into the fighting. Tanks and named will become effective August ciate director of the National Boys' 275,629 gross tons, this being the low- and get it over with. "Boys, I don't and Pojuaque, and returning by way machine guns are harrying the enemy 15. The present price of 26 cents a 'Working Reserve, In an address In est record for any month since Sep- see any point to this joke at all," he of the Bishop's ranch. mhose losses are heavy. pound went into operation July 2. Denver. tember, 1916. said finally after nothing had hap- Five Mrs. Annette Abbott Adams was ap- The British armed cruiser Marmora thousand bushels of wheat will Vladivostok Government Asks Aid. pened. "Neither do we," shouted the temporarily by be harvested in the Toyah valley, ac- New Mexico. pointed United States was torpedoed and sunk by a German Washington. The Russian embassy miscreants, "but there is one." And Judge William C. Van at cording to the estimate made by W, In District fleet submarine. received a telegram from the Vladivo- A rich ore strike has been made then he sat down on the pin they bad) San Francisco, to fill the vacancy B. Van Derhen of Balmorea, at Pecos. the mine néar Magdalena. carefully arranged for him. Ma. Armando Andre, Cuba's direc- stok government, which recently pro caused by the resignation of United Theodore Roosevelt tor of subsistence, has placed articles Llewellan, a Las claimed itself the government of in In the Pecos valley of New Mexico SUtes District Attorney John W. Pres Cruces man, was on board prospecting oil is Yes, Rafalo, our alphabet has en- of dress, Including shoes, under the the cruiser dependent 'Siberia, declaring Its de the work of for ton. San Diego, torpedoed off Fire Island, sire to expel the central powers from going on with increasing activity. dured for ags, though used only for same restrictions as food. spell. WASHINGTON N. Y. His father, Major W. H. H Russia, to the eastern The copper properties a few miles a Aviator J. Lawrence Durham, Brock-vill- of ten who Llewellan, received a telegram stating front of the allies, inviting allied mili of Elephant Butte in the Sierra Names American soldiers Ont., was instantly killed and south prisoners of war Germany were that be had landed safely. tary and economic assistance for Rus Caballo in Sierro county have been are in Ralph Doollttle, San Francisco, fatally Denver Directory by War Department. Additional mounted police for the sia, and asking for cooperation. reopened. announced the Injured in the fall of an aeroplane at MaJ. Gen. George W. Goethals, Quar state who are to serve without salary The Lincoln oil well at Lake Arthur the Curtiss testing field at Buffalo, Guy U. Named Congress, termaster general of the American were appointed by Governor W. E. Hardy for has been sunk to a deptn of 2,090 feet, N. Y. Guy Hardy' army and a member of the War Coun LIndsey. They are Frank W. Eaton Pueblo. U. of Canon and drilling work Is being pushed ot cil of the American War Department, , At Kennebunkport, Me., scores of Fort Bayard, J. W. Akers of Santa City was named in the Republican as night and day. patrol boats, submarine chasers and Fé and E. S. Olmsted sembly as candidate for the congres has arrived in Paris. He was met by of Lordsburg. way private craft were sweeping the coast sional nomination in the Third dis- Plans are under at Carrizozo Gen. John J. Pershing, commander of The Department of the Interior has for construction of a smelter to searching eight of the crew of the comprises twenty-thre- e the the Amerioan expeditionary forces for approved Federal Aid Project No. 3, trict. This district fishing schooner Robert and Richard, counties, and the present repre- handle the ore In the mines of Teco- In France, with whom he went to the for the first link in the road from San- lote, forty miles north, and of the which was sunk by a German sub- sentative is Edward Keating, Demo front ta Fé to Roswell, this extending from Oscuro mountains, west. marine sixty-fiv- e miles off Cape Por- mines in peace suggestions Sunmount, Santa Fé, to the Pankey crat. Wfcoi Rever Break Trace In the which the poise. The Golden Ajax mine on Willow IsAobSa gate, on the Eaton grant, Guaranteed DENVER Berlin Vorwaerts declares the German south of Creek, near Ellzabethtown, is active, government is about to offer through A dedication of all its strength and Galleteo. . Fort Collins Flyer Killed. Waco, Tex. Lieut. H. C. Winter, a force of men being at work on the T I DEVELOPING the Spanish government officials at resources to President Wilson in the Tax rolls from J received six counties stationed at Rich Flying Field here, mill and machinery. Production of iVOUllKS and PRINTING Washington detect the German design conduct of the war and against "Prus- of the state an Send Catalogue record increase of was killed six miles south of Waco gold is expected to begin in two tat and absolutism" was pledged by the rtntthlnt Price TUDamPWiatUarkta Ce to leave to a round table conference sian property valuation of $5,090,138 over months. The Baldy tunnel of, the lilt. when his airplane fell while be was Satnaa geti Ce US llts fcreet, CeWcmee-- the actual definition of peace terms. Catholic Education Association of the last year. shows in- htm, Bernalillo an giving instructions to W. K. Aber- - Gold and Copper Development Co., Secretary of State Polk said United States in resolutions adopted at 4000-foo- Acting crease of $323,863. The values given nathy, a cadet. Abernathy was not has been pushed beyond the t The Platte River Cattle Co. the new terms seemed more favorable the closing session of the association's in 1917 $20,910,143, 1918, were and for injured. was mark and prospects are declared to t seriously Winter's home 7ISB. fau-b- Germany any had been fifteenth annual meeting at San Fran- $21,019,099. Urn. to than that In Fort Collins, Colo. be good for reaching a pay vein soon. t U. made hitherto. cisco. K PURE BRED HEREFORD1 Telephone rate increases lh the serv- Oswald Kunbardt, formerly German BULLS FOR SALE Several epidemics are sweeping Ger ice in Albuquerque and Roswell' were Mooney Reprieved Until Dec. 13, Wyoming. and Austrian .consul In Boston, was Ones, two and threes, many in addition to influenza, accord authorized by Commissioners Los Angeles, Cal. Thomas J, Reliance Oil Company, drilling six arrested as an alien enemy at his Williams tee or write ns before buylngv Ing to a dispatch from Switzerland. and Montoya of the State Corporation Moonev. in "death row" at San Quen miles east of Douglas, on the Yellow- home in Manchester and taken to stone highway, has found pay sand at More tban 100,000 tons of shipping Commission. It amounts In each caBe tin prison undei sentence to be hanged NEW TIRES 40 LESS Boston. 1,400 feet. a ufjn maiM u sinisrT. rmm mnh are transporting foodstuffs and other hymn, to raises of 50 cents per month in bus- for murder in connection with a bomb GOODRICH FIRESTONE MiLT.ER Joseph Gllmore, author, of the Boston-Wyomin- g phones 25 Ainloslon durinK a preparedness par In the Salt Creek field the K3 já.5f Bed much needed supplies to Switzerland fifty-si- x iness and cents per month lio. in. R0O "He Leadeth Me," written UK on residence phones. Francisco in 1916, will not has completed a well on Sec- IO.I1 1D.UV 9 1.60 Postmaster General Burleson will years ago, and which has been sung ade in San ra 1600 18.76 t'So tion 34, in the second Wall Creek, at Blia 31.86 X.OO 8.70 ..S- $6,000 ten-mil- e executed Aug. 23 next, as decreed personally direct the government oper- all over the world, died at Rochester, Appropriations of for a be 11.80 tSM 5 75 2,280 feet, and has a producer. J2.8 stretch of road, Lincoln to bv court. Gov. W. D. Stephens, in je.80 1.96 olí ation of telegraph an dtelephone Unes, N. Y., aged 84. fczt 2M0 17.86 t.uo lio Capitán, has been approved by whose hands the fate of ,Mooney has On the Buck Creek dome north ot 8 U0 4.60 assisted by First Assistant Postmaster Second Lieutenant Coeffard of the the All SiMe Shipped O. O. D. tne superior i;ourc Manville and Lusk, the well of the General John L. Koons, David J. Lew French army has broken all records in state department as has a similar ap- rested since state 9S'75ASíNí HODSK KOB1U5B CO denied bis motion Western Consolidated Petroleum Com- ni Ieuver, Colo Is, former congressman from Mary aerial fighting, according to the news- propriation of $4,00Í) to be expended fnr thn second time granted a reprieve pany Is reported, making 500 barrels - vic- on the stretch in for a new trial, has land, and one other from the Poatof- papers. He has won fifteen aerial road three W. N. U. DENVER, NO. 18. Deo. 13, 1918, of heavy oil. flce Department. tories in fifteen days. from Carrizozo to Corona. until THE SPANISH-AMERICA- CAN "FOOD AND PRESERVE-IT - IKE" NATION


Frulta and vegetables may be sue and cause the canned goods to spoil. : cessfully canned with very simple and The Jars must be absolutely air ", ,.. Xp cheap appliances. Thousands of wom- tighthermetically sealed. The slight- Vj s..v. GérdeUtok en, girls, and boys every year can fruits est leak anywhere In a Jar or can at rmm and vegetubles successfully with home- the rubber ring or through a crack made equipment In fact, bo success- means that the air, carrying with It fully that many find a profitable out- germs, may enter, and the product will side market for their surplus home-canne- d not keep. Bear In mind that the hot products. product in the Jurs will shrink a little ' To can almost any fruit or vegetable when It begins to cool. This shrink or fruit Juice especlully for home use age will draw air Into the Jar If the conserver needs only : the ft ft ft ft ft (a) Good, sound fruits or vegetables ftftittrtrtrfrftrtrfrtarfrftfrft freshly gathered. Where can you caní (b) A large metal vessel, with tight-fittin- g In the kitchen, provided with cover, such as a wash boiler or upon a beautiful French city coal or wood stove, range, gas OWN big pall fitted with a false bottom of descended a foreign military force, stove, or oil stove. capturing the' place by storm, oc- ft Out of doors, In a clean, cool, rHHhWMWteftftftftftftft cupying It for eight days and then ? shady spot, over a charcoal fur- cere showed discretion THAN D marching away, leaving' the Inhab- nace or any kind of fire that will I . by not being obtrusive. EVER. cheering, waving friendly tas heat large kettle of water. itants and The military police were a foreign was On back porch. adieux. For the force equally wise. The Yan- First step Get Jars and tops, the - ' the first party of American permts- Atr his honor on clean them, and have them In a city apartment , kee was slonaires soldiers on leave and the , nobly. ready for use. In a school room. and responded city was the first American leave By mili- , Second step Have new rubber In a community kitchen. request at the center in France. Here the French saw i the Y. rings ready to put the seal on Moist heat does the trick. tary authorities, the Americans at play and were satisfied. M. charge your canned products. Where does not matter so 0. A. has had the American boys pronounce of Third step Conveniently much as how. of the entertainment Imminent risk of the name being short- ; men, this, It was un- canning outfit and other It at the r::uMiiaiiil the ened Beans." Alx Jewel, clear-cu- t, J tacitly, not to to "The a Fi derstood equipment seal Is not perfect and there Is the with brilliant facets set in a frame of gorgeous interfere with the men's A determination to save food 1 1 slightest opening. Molds, yeasts, and moonlight of wonderful opaline sunsets and r . own ideas on the sub- help your country, coupled and and bacteria are likely to be carried In by This Is beauty spot are sent ject. To further this supply sunrises. the to which with a plentiful of fresh very con-serv- er C. the air and the things the the boys in ollve-dra- b, wearied by months in program, the Y. M. vegetables and fruits, if careful- r-- tJ tried to kill by heat and keep trench mud, under bursting shells. And this Is ? A. hud leased the beau ly managed by safe and sanitary '"HWT out by sealing are present in the Jars the story of the first permlsslonalres to arrive in tiful Casino, a veritable methods, will give results that land all effort and labor is lost Alx the American soldiers' Blighty. house of recreation, Its are successful and satisfying. covering Examine Jars or cans carefully. On a certain bright Saturday a cosmopolitan V. My jLJ ÍÍAYJ spacious roof Bulletins containing directions V tr Throw aside bent lids, even if the low- crowd gathered the railroad station aU in a a theater, a for canning, preserving, Jelly at vesper er Up is dented only slightly. Discard high state of anticipation.. One could easily pick ture linll. rendlne. lecture and making, drying and other con- be Jars with faulty screw threads or persons prominence, mayor, rooms, with a canteen where little articles can serving methods will be sent free out the of the the ü. where the rubber must fit doctors, lawyers and others of small but as- bought at low prices. i on request to the S. Depart- excepting the theater are Take no chances with leaks. Every sured Incomes. And It might be noticed that the i 15 4 All entertainments ment of Agriculture, Washing- a soldier may reserve a leaky container must be reprocessed older women kept watchful eyes on-th- Jeunne free, and for a franc ton, D. C. . which is reserved and sealed absolutely tight before it filies who, tense with expectancy, gazed up the theater seat in the orchestra, of his arrival can be expected to keep. iron road along which the first permlsslonalres for the military. The first night admitted free to More ' Elaborate Canning Outfits. were to come. For who could tell what romance the American permlsslonalre is laths or wire and partly filled with canteen privileges. Those who wish to save time and might not be on the way, romance excusing the the theater and the boiling water. American staff selected Alx as the canning steam- - fluttering of eyelids and the extra nicety of When the (c) Heat to keep the water boiling. labor in can purchase Y. M. C. A. officials - leave center this year, the Tight-sealin- g rubber pressure dinners, which produce tern- dress? in- (d) Jars and went to the resort and by vigorous work rings (or cans a soldering outfit). As a special effort to make the Incoming Amer- and duced the proprietors of five of the largest hotels (e) A yard or so of cheesecloth. icans feel tight at home, the crowd featured a for the Amer- negro 1 to open their places In preparation (f) The ordinary enameled pans, band and the local baseball nine, composed despite the protests that it of small boys in Jerseys ican soldiers' arrival, china bowls, and other equipment scarlet and linen trous- and they might suffer ers, legs was not the season that found In every kitchen. with bare as only a French boy ever OPerMVAtCCy?fASf CAKTfJf dares wear them. The lads had financial loss. Even sugar is not essential. Fruits small American gan, who spent bis birthday, April 17, there year prodigal son among the first permlsslon- flags tied around their arms, and their teeth were One and berries can be canned In plain hot ui'ter year. alres voiced a sentiment which had supporters rattling with the cold, for the snow lay on ef- water, fruit Juice or fruit sirups made the Pictures and descriptions of Alx have been among those tired, boys, to the mountain sides and a' refrigerated wind blew from concentrated fruit Juice. printed often enough for those who never have fect that he did not Intend to be led around by down from there. this pro- The Hot-Wat- Bath. been there, but the picture which Uves in the the hnnd while on leave. Before he left In crowds also were A-'- the American officers and memory permls- to the Y. M. C. s hot-wat- er of the first party of American testor paid a handsome tribute With a bath outfit the Y. M. C. A. visitors, secretaries, canteen workers slonalres Is more vivid and alluring than any arrangements. The truth Is, that before many home canner can boll (process) the and uncatalogued spectators. Ameri- meta- P Before the other. If you take a collection of clean, bright hours had passed the permlsslonalres had, filled Jars or cans so that when finally cans arrived a dozen British on if aviators their well-bui- lt and as- come put their hands to villas, with broad sidewalks phorically speaking, and sealed the contents are reasonably cer- way changed to Italy trains and, seeing the' phalted streets, such as are constructed in pros- -' willing to be led anywhere it was to keep. be taken, tain throng, asked the reason. On being informed, perous American mountain and lake resorts,, A false bottom for the processing deemed best. they exclaimed with heartfelt approval: deck them with charming French or Italian gar- This development showed not only apprecia- vessel la practically an essential. Its "Wish we ... " were American permlsslonalres I" dens, place them on the slopes of hills and the sense, all the arrangements purpose Is to allow free circulation of if J tion but practical for And well they might, for beautiful Alx, which edge of an emerald lake, frame the picture In by the association and whatever boiling water around and under the had been made the In the happy days before 191 had attracted the ranges of snow-cappe- d mountains, through which to done in the way of entertain- and also to prevent the from there was be jars Jars discriminating visitors of all nations, was In more run zig-za- g roads, and you have an idea of the with less trouble and expense resting on the metal bottom right next ment could be done than gala dress this day, painting the lily, while vista awaiting the American boys. advantage of the preliminary Y. M. C. to flame. Such a false bottom can by taking the military and civil representatives .had assembled Several of the Americans were housed In the program. readily be made out of pieces of lath A. there to give welcome to the boys who had come Hotel Lamartine, on' the edge of the Lamartine morning squads of bicyclers wood or by bending a piece of stiff Every pleasant or from the west shores of the Atlantic to fight woods, where the celebrated author wrote are requisitioned to make wire netting. Still more convenient start out. Automobiles shoulder to shoulder with the French. "Raphael." The philosophic, Intellectual fighter Challes-les-Eau- x, the aux- will be a wire basket with small legs visits to Chanbery end These are the early arrivals of the American will be sure to find on the outskirts of Chanbery, iliary leave centers. Boating on Lake Bourget frhHKHrftHHHrftrftrirft&HHH6ft ft ft expeditionary force which landed in France last a suburb of "Les Charmettes," that attracts many. The negro band plays twice a Jacques summer regulars and volunteers. They had come delightfully located home where Jean week in the public square, and, in company with A FREE GUIDE TO CANNING. Warens, from the trenches with scarcely an hour to Rousseau lived a romance with Madame the happy villagers, resembling those In musical received royalty as his friends and wrote books. who always are ready to drop work and Those interested in canning comedy, They wore their trench helmets, their packs The permlsslonalre cannot escape history in dramatic moments, the soldiers sits should send the department assist at the for were on their backs, their clothes and boots cov Alx, for he passes a crumbling Roman arch when himself, listening to his favorite melo- agriculture's bulletin on that and suns of ered with mud. their faces grimy, their hair dis- he takes his way to the great bath establishment dark, in addition to the program subject. will be sent on dies. After It free ordered. Their train was two hours late, but the in which special rates had been made for his gives some of his own, wonderful receipt of your postal card re- mentioned, he A Simple Home Canner, Made From' an crowd has been waiting that time and the cold plunge and shower. If he does not seek to elude nights, costume balls and amateur the- States de- stunt quest to the United Old Wash Boiler and Fitted With a winds have not chilled the enthusiasm which" but to study the past, our soldier may find partment of agriculture, Wash- atricals. Slat Bottom. greeted the appearance of the Yankees. plenty of Roman relics in the museums. There Then there are diversions which never could ington, D. 0. It tells all about top- "It certainly did make an Impression," said one also are relics of an era when a mountain be put on any set program, because they are canning fruits and vegetables in peratures higher than 212 degrees F., filling old regular of this reception. "We didn't know pled over, burying 16 hamlets and partly spontaneous, springing from the generosity of big glass and tin and how to make or that of boiling water, and shorten what kind of a place It was and some of us Lake Bourget, from whose depths the treasures Listen to bits of conversation In the' Ca- many attractive preserves, Jel- the period of processing. hearts. were sore because we couldn't go to Paris, while have been retrieved. sino and you will get a sample. A smiling lad In lies, and fruit pastes. Pressure cookers, which are light to ab- half of us didn't have the money to see It He can row across the lake to Hautecombe olive drab is telling what he had been doing. ' .Other free government bul- handle and which may be obtained up- bey, which on sole bit of ground In through, or the right outfit. But I guess Uncle stands the "I've been having the time of my life" he ex- letins tell how to dry fruits and on the market In various sizes, are es- province by Italy. con- Sam had an Idea It would be Just as weU to let this still controlled It plained. "Three of us fellows went down Into the vegetables with home-mad- e pecially well adapted to home canning, 200 statues and th mausoleums of the French people know the American troops tains marble village and we bought up a little shop of candy equipment and to the quick and effectual prepar- of Savoy. He will see where Han- weren't kept In bandboxes and tissue paper, but the dukes and truck and took It up to the schoolhouse. Wish ation of such foods as cereals, beans, nibal, 200 B. C, started his passage of the Alps. were In the fight." you could have seen those kids when we dis- meats, etc., which ordinarily require where walked Charlemagne, Henry of There was no doubt In the minds of those who He will walk tributed the stuff. You'd have thought we were and fitted with handles on either end long cooking. They may be used to khedlves of Egypt Elizabeth of'Aus- watched the boys getting out of the cars that Navarre, the giving them something. And you ought to hear which stick up above the hot water. advantage three times a day, the year Marie Pla of Portugal, kings of Great Brit- they had been at the front They were hungry tria, 'em sing!" This basket makes an excellent false round, and the Investment of the small ain, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Spain and the and tired, having been 30 hours on the way, with One stories of dugouts, of communicating bottom and at the same time enables amount of money 'required to purchase kings of high finance. hears one stop-ove- r, where the Bed Cross unit had lonely outposts, sallies into No housewife without trouble to lift one kitchen economy only trenches, of of the of these is real too ac- So much for the historic and scenic features. hot-wat- ready them. But they were most all one heard among the or out of the er work. breakfast for Man's Land, but of several Jars in as regards time, fuel, and The g permlsslonalre, however, may be seeking les customed to discipline to resist speech-makin- The first permlsslonalres violent references to That bath at one time. ' relaxation on his leave, and It is In abun- and hospitality, so they listened patiently to the classic H1U which faces the sector into which they first such equipment, a clean, airy gtrtrirtrtrtrtrtrtrtrM In Alx. does not mean license to With marshal's friendly admonitions to shun dance Leave And promise was, "We are going or a fire and clean .WHO CAN CAN provost may were sent. their kitchen and utensils, women. No ban was placed on song. him, and among the many good things that every us." out of wine and to get It if it takes one of tables in a shady clean place I be said to his credit loyalty, amiability, good Then-r-o- n with the welcome Soft beds, baths, meals one ordered personally, doors, the housewife will need only to Mother, of course, and big looks let us not forget to give him a good mark The negro band erupted Into Jazz and raggy theaters, concerts, rides, climbs, a general relaxa- follow directions carefully, work quick sister, too. for this, and we have it on the word of the in- noises, taking the Americans back home in spirit tion mental and physical strain so went ly, and be ever watchful of, sanitary Father, if he has time. of Alx. of the at least, following which a French orchestra habitants glorious eight days of the first American conditions, to can and preserve garden That little girl eleven or may close, not always the swung gracefully into the strains of a "Suite de Temptation follow and Then came the day to leave, and successfully. When the' re- twelve years old. 8,000 but to products Massenete." and the permlsslonalres were es- can the boy miles from home resist were voiced by the men temperature to sterilize (boll, The boy Just finishing gram- not seek the words of appreciation quired temporary homes. They were led . his. eternal glory be it said that he does reached, mar school, or older. corted to their whose business Is fighting. steam) various products is d Also to the credit of Alx and the department through streets flanked by balconies, it "We came with a grouch because we they must be held for the length of Grandmother will like to help. Savoy be added all possible precau- here from which pretty girls cried with familiar greet- of it that go processing (heating) And even grandfather will not to safeguard him. A few gam- thought we ought to have been allowed to to ilme stated in ing: tions are taken seal-- d find shelling peas or stringing Paris," said an old regular. "It's been the great- timetables, and the Jars must be la Vive Oncle bling houses there will always be, a few women work- "Vive rAmerique! Vive France! est experience we ever had not a dull moment alr-tlg- immediately after the pro- beans so dull when he is will follow an army anywhere! there will. In a 1" . ing with a family group for the Sara and, You treated us like home folks. We've lived like cessing. perrals-slonari- word, be lawbreakers ready to lure him in And that Is how the first American Is most place God ever steps procedure may good of the nation. .'.. warnings, there were grocers who sur- kings. This the beautiful Some iá the came to the A. E. F.'s Blighty, with a spite of liquor not much, be- made, I guess." seem unnecessary to the amateur, but trumpets, a waving of flags, cheers, reptitiously sold bottles of blare of loquacious, con- "Has It been a good timet" echoed a younger the operations of blanching, boiling or welcoming speech. Be- cause the customer, rendered use of such an outfit and also full di smiles, sparkling eyes and permlsslonalre, one whose years betray that he steaming of Jars, attention to rubber clean, delightful fessed the place of sale and the vendors were on filling, heating and sealing fore them lay eight days of has not been long from the parental roof. "Too rings, and final sealing have an Impor- rections probably haled to the bar of Justice. recreation amid beautiful scenes and I aiding to kill molds, ordinary cans are given In bulletins, Intention of trying to represent darn good It's Just like leaving home again I" tant function in of all unlimited baths. It is not the In preventing supplied free on request to the Depart- best school boys. But There are other speeches of farewell delivered yeasts, and bacteria and permis-slonalre- .- the permlsslonalres as Sunday ment of Airriculture. Washington, D. C. "We've fed on mud," said one happy In subdued tone. their into the food. they are alive with . health, quickened by the "The rats come and sit on the edges sure you're engaged? you find canning is de- Where Only One Period of Boiling liberty, and the paths of this lead nat- "You're that If Since all successful of our straw and give use morning salute. We sense of you . you ain't will let me know?" pendent upon sterilization by means of Is Required. long we've urally to sane recreation. Few of them cared to haven't had a real wash for so that 'places A shrill whistle put an end to the farewells. A heat, it is most important to apply suf- If the product Is one that can be to have sense seek entertainment In dreary gambling almost forgotten how It feels that beau- "All I" which was bet- ster- by single-perio- d of boiling In resorts when they could enjoy the shavetail shouted aboard ficient heat to. make the products canned a self-respe- with morning tub." or Illicit of that comes the enter- ter understood. The men crowded into the cars, Do not let filled Jars cool before a hot-wat- bath, your product, if and casinos, ties of nature and the wealth of healthy ile. Alx, with Its famous waters, baths and waved furiously from the windows to the sec'.ed. Seal them tight while tightly sealed and thoroughly cold, Is Amer- tainment made available. they are needs no introduction to many men In the townspeople as whirled away the bath. The now ready for storage. Where only boys did not have to be herded Into the hospitable the train they are still hot from ican expeditionary force. "In the days before the The to. fight boiling Is required, screw-to- path, either. A few second carrying them back, back with renewed hotter the product when sealed the one attracted thousands of Americans each straight and narrow g war It offi- - strength a week In America's Blighty. clamping or containers or Mor- - were sent with the men, but the after less chance that molds and bacteria season, among them the late J. Plerpont lieutenants irom the, air will enter the Jar. Uve, cans can be used. THE SPANISH-AMERICA-

APRIL 1 LAST DAT B,000 HUERTAS DE GUERRA EN EL 0T BEYOND ENEMY'S REACH Tbii Mtioa, ondof God, thaO ESTADO ESTE ANO. have i,mw birth of freedom, FOB FEDERAL Mod that foveromaat ol tbe RETURNS La Sra. Isaac Barth, directora de la There Is Scarcely Spot In BelHger people, by the people, for the División de Huertas de la Administra- ent Country That Cannot Be At-- . people, hall not parith (roa ción de Alimentos para Nuevo Mexico tacked With Modern Equipment earth. Lincoln. ( Penalties for Income Dodgers Are estima que bay 3,000 "huertas de guer- ra" en el estado de Nuevo Mexico es- By far the greatest of revolutions Severe Get Your, Return te afio. Los hombrea y las mujeres, was the Industrial revolution that los muchachos y muchachas del esta- broad change In human society, which in if You Are Liable. pro- HERE'S TO OLD GLORY, GOD . do han respondido espléndidamente & attended the supplanting of home duction by factory produc- BLESS HER! la llamada por una producción mayor. machine tion. Tuke any cpnsplcuous detail In April 1, Sólo en Tucumcarl se encuentran unas o 1018, li the final day al- which the nineteenth century differs If anyone attempts to haul down lowed under the federal Income tax Profits and Prices 140 huertas. La población de Wlllard from the eighteenth, und you will y American flag, shoot law for the filing of Income tiene 40 huertas de guerra. De Lake Jha him on the federal find that It runs back finnlly to A. Dix. tur returns. Arthur se reportan treinta nombres. potJohn I'ersons who are requir n mechanical Invention. Throughout ed to file returns under the provisions J En Las Vegas hay 400 Jardineros de two-third- s of the century the condition or law and who to get re- Profits may be considered guerra muy ocupados y prósperos. El fail their of society was determined much more turns in on time are subject to se- condado de Bernalillo cuenta con 443 " by the stnte of the mechanical arts vere penalties, as follows: from two angles: jardines y unos 400 miembros de club- de y maíz. than by politicians, warriors or tendi- For making false or fraudulent re- es marranos Fort Sumner cuenta con 34 jardines. El condado da era. turn, not, exceeding $2,000 or not ex- A distinguished economist now Quay en general ha manifestado u&a ceeding one year's Imprisonment, or urges that this same factor the state in Isf Their effect on prices; conducta excelente. Hachita, según so both, the discretion of the court, of the mechanical arts Is pushing and, In 100 per cent, sabe, en donde los habitantes tienen addition, of the 2nd-A- war off the stnge, and of Itself neces- tax evaded. s a return to investors. que comprar toda su agua de la com- sitates a now relationship among lend- pacta del ferrocarril es el único lugar For failing to make return on time, ing nations by which peace may be as- que se haya como not less than $20 nor' more than $1,-00- mencionado lnerto sured. en eso de las huertas de guerra. and, In addition, 50 per cent, of When profits are small as Mechanical science has already vnst-l- y the amount of tax due. La Señora Barth urge á todos aquel- changed und will soon completely los quienes no pueden producir hortal- If on account of illness or absence compared with sales, they have di tinge the conditions of warfare. In- from home you are unable to render iza compren guillantes y habichuelos ventions mute war an unlimited liabil- your return within the time prescribed little effect on prices. cuando estén en el mercado á precios ity In n new way, declures the Satur- Mountain View by law you may obtain an extension bajos y los conserven. day Evening Tost. Trobubly within of 30 days If a request therefor is filed five years it will be as practicable for with your be- Den-- , the collector of district Swift & Company's profits LOS TRILLADORES SE REUNIRAN on enemy to attack Chicago and The Ladies Sewing Club mem- fore the due date of the return. lu ver, or Berlin mid Munich, as New J EN ALBUQUERQUE EL 7 bers met with Mrs. L. H. Brock this request you must state the ry are only a 'fraction of a cent York or Bremen. Already English-- J son why the return cannot be fllel DE JULIO. Thursday afternoon. A delight- men have been killed on their own within the time prescribed by law. per pound on all products sold, Hoil by an Invading enemy for the; ful afternoon was spent by every Collectors of Internal revenue are Una convención de trilladores de first time since the Stuarts, and bJ Nuevo one present. not authorized to grant extensions of and if eliminated entirely Mexico hombres con trillos y German submarine has visited Amerl-- J more than SO days, but the commis- los representantes de productores da can ports. Already scarcely any spot J Quite a number from here at- sioner of internal revenue has author- would have practically no xnlescB de todos los condados de Nuevo In a belligerent country Is beyond an! tended the Ben Sandlin Sale Fri- ity to grant a reasonable extension Mexico han sido convocados para re- enemy's reach. If there should be a! beyond 30 days In meritorious cases. effect on prices. unirse en convención en Albuquerque war ten years hence between a pow- - day. If you, dpslre an extension of, mor? el 7 de julio y para conferir con la Ad- er ns ready ns Germany was In 1914. ' than SO days your request should be ministración de Alimentos sobre méto nnd one as unready as the United! Mr. Mathewson of Buffalo New addressed to the commissioner and Swift & Company paid 10 dos de trilladura mejores, economía, States then was, the former could ! .York is here preparing to hervest should contain a detailed statement ajuste de los precios, el uso de semilla wreak Incalculable destruction upon! covering reasons which make It per cent dividends to over 20,000 no spot In', his wheat. the mejor, el aumento de la superficie da the'littter within a month; Impossible for you to file your return trigo que sembrar y un estudio gen- It would he safe, nnd ho cost of ode--1 1917 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. II. White spent on or before April 1. stockholders out of its eral de la cuestión del trigo por todo qunte preparation for .var by competí-- The Internal revenue men are now el estado. Este se considera como live arming would lay nn intolerable! Sunday Parkes home. ! at the completing their tour of the country, profits. It also had to build uno de los mítines mas importantes burden on tlio world during which they were In touch with del afio y el Administrador Ely solic- The cost of playing e oA grime! Hazel Halferty visited Ruth improvements - the people of every city and town. If extensions and ita una ateudencia grande y represen- puts It out cf the question. Develop- i Robertson from Friday till Sun- you failed to get In touch with the tativa. nietit of the mechanical arts vetoes it ! out of profits; to finance large dy-- day. deputy which visited your section It Is Duly n few people In control of ! not too to 'get entourage late advice. Consult stocks of goods made necessary EXPEDICIONES PARA LOS nasilc! stales and their hnvei Miss Mittie Brock of Abiüne your postmaster as to where the near- any real motive for legretUng the veto. est deputy Is now. Oct your blank ALIADOS. vacation, unprecedented requirements Texas is spending her form, study. the directions and the re- by Children and t!ic Wsr. quirements ns ;ind Las expediciones de cereales para with her parents. shown thereon lleppiler says in the Woman's! make your your of the United States and Allied los aliados, durante el mes do maya, ret'.:rn without fall if lióme Companion: "We cannot u.TorC! Marshal dug his well about income was sufficient to come within de Norte América, agregaron la sum has to have young people fed that the) ! bounds named In the law. Governments; and to provide de 700,270 toneladas contra las 83C,0Sf 7 a fine the ! ft deeper and now has toneladas durante el mes de abril! En have no part to play lu the nation's It Is pointed out by Commissioner struggle, may go on ! well of Sulphur water. protection against the day of cabezaban la lista el trigo y sus pro- hemic that they I'.oper that it Is Important that the amusing old ductos, con nn total de 371,255 tonela- themselves in the careless people comply with the federal laws the'u ! Elbert Piper and Miss Ruth declining markets. das. fashion, while lain a. dying for as fully ns they are complying with ! Robertson drove to Springer Sun- safety. The ritea nnd ceremonies ol the drafts for men and the conserva- 'coming out' may well bo omitted, or! MEDIDAS DEFINITIVAS PARA LIM- day morning to meet Miss Opal tion of foods and fuel. "The war must nt lcnt simplified. Vv'o hae grown! he paid for," says Commissioner Ilopor. Is to call this Everett who has been attending it fair ITAR PRECIOS AL POR MENOR. to attach a trenn nflous but wholly! "Congress right con-wri- has as much to thical Importance to n girl's first summer school at Las Vegss. a just portion of Income It profiteering ? as La Administración de Alimentos ha reason, to regard it as something sa- lias to conscript our boys. The tax anunciado que medidas está tomando cred und Inviolable, - with which no Rev. Howell and daughter Ora 1917 Is designed to reach moder- lim- for definitivas y muy enérgicas para cataclysm should be permitted to In- ate as well as large Incomes, so dined with Geo. Powell and that itar los precios al detalle. Se van i terfere, and for which no sacrifice is all persons who are In financial posi- Swift & Company, U.S.A. publicar listas de precios "estandarte" too great. It Is not na uncommon family Sunday. tion to bear n portlou of the heavy por todas las partes del pais para pro- filing to hear death of a distin- government expenses can be assessed thet Robertson and teger al consumidor contra precios no guished citizen regretted because it Misses Ruth In proportion to their ability to pay. Hazel Halferty were shopping in razonables. Los precios se llevarán a un Interferes with the coming out of un "The man who Is barely mnkir.g n nivel uniforme. En cada comunidad se niece. If the war helps to Mills Saturday. living or barely supporting a family establecerán comités para interpretar moderate this point of view It will by 1017 is not affected the law. But los precios; esos comités serán forma- have done us one good turn. If a girl .Glenn Spencer is at home again man who Is able to bear a Fhare the pij!!!ill!!)il!!ilí!lll dos de comerciantes al por mayor y decides to take n hospital course in- the burden has been by after spending several week of reached menor y de consumidores. A todos los stead of devoting her winter to gayrty, new law, and he should accept his the periódicos se les perirá cooperen por chooses wisely. Her health will working in Dawson. responsibility in tlm same patriotic die medio de publicación de las y be conserved, her heart and mind ex- spirit that our young men have shown la listas We are having fine r.ain almost Mention & los consumidores se les pedirá In- panded." theiliselves I In offering for this great Personal daily in this part now. , purpose of the country to make the formen á la Administración de Ali- world safe for people of nil kinds to ÍÍlil!I!liir.!iHii!l!l!iíU!M mentos sobre aquellas tiendas da ví- Women In Trousers. live In and to govern themselves." veres que cobrarían más que lo que The question of whether women r.s Anderson's thresher was at según en que se should wear TJiis tax Is one which recognizes Mrs. Jno. O Gallegos writes deben las listas, casos tlm result of the war southwest of personas Is being solved without women as on au equal basis with men. for her S-- to be sent her at Fred Brown's farm arrestarán las delincuentes trouserettes y se Infligirán multas. holding conventions and without the The unmarried woman or the married 1332 California St. Denver, Says town Thursday and threshed out woman with a salary must make tux aid of those who have heretofore made the wheat they had "Gleaned" World-Heral- d. return just the same as ur.y man. Only they are having a fine time. Jack ARIZONA A LA OBRA. the fashions, says the Omaha the woman supporting her mother or is working for the Govt, build- Heury Farr headed it for half In Vancouver, B. C.j there' DeLano came in other members of her family may take in order to get seed for this fall. Cierto es qué el estado de Arizona was an enormous berry crop, culti- Faustine huge Station only-enoug- ing a Recuperating & vated and wlldf und there was out $2,000 exemption. Mr. Brown went out to notify está dispuesto hacer su deber en la Wednesday from the mines Under the law the head of the fami- where Uncle Sam is building a alimentación de los soldados aliados. labor lu sight to gather one-thi-rd where he has been working. ly is the one whose earning powr city for the sick and wounded Henry of the presence of tha Cuarenta y nueve por ciento de sus of It. Frantic with the thought to the family's support. y prometido of so much loss, the people appealed He is rejoicing that he has Soldiers Sailors. 1,000 men machine and found him just get restaurantes hoteles han Similarly a widow with small chil- and no servir trigo hasta el primero de to the government. The first proposi- money to pay off the ting in from the field at 8 P. M. thou- earned the dren to support can take out $2,000 are employed on the building job. septiembre. Un total de 275 entre las tion was to ship in two or. three exemp- moring 4 coolies. The women up mortgage on his homestead and exemption and $200 additional The dining room in one build- He was out next at 660 fondas del estado han firmado la sand Chinese in two tion for each of her children under A.M. to thresh. Some strenuous promesa de "sin trigo." Noventa por there said that would result will visit the Rigon's and other ing seats 600 at a time, more to feed and eighteen. Thus It is intended that clenta de las fondas están operadas or three thousand community wo- life, this farming for a "Reform women friends in the Italian the law shall work no hardship to por extranjeros. they made an appeal to the up north. men having to struggle to get along. LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN : ed cow-man- " like Farr. and girls of the province. In n few But each must tile return if her In- days more than 2,1)00 were enlisted. come Is $1,000. Two cows branded M" L left hip TIENEN DIENTES LAS LEYES DE The briars and brambles of the fruit R. W. Boulware and wife A man whose wife dies and who Is JB connected left leg. A heavy rain is reported over ALIMENTOS: 800 MULTAS field would make short work of, skirts have been on a trip to the Hot left with small children to support considerable country east of town IMPUESTAS. und the women all donned trousers. upon a moderate Income may also tuke Three yearling heifers branded army drawn from all walks Springs of Taos where Mrs. 'B. Tuesday evening accompanied in The wiis full exemption under the new tax law JB right ribs. Mas de 800 multas se han infligido of life. exemption apout has been taking treatment for and also claim $200 for information a streak a mile wide by por violación de los reglamentos gob- eighteen. $5.00 reward for some weeks. Dick returned erch of his children under destructive hail. ernando los mercaderes licenciados Conserving Niagara' Power. widower under the law Is a leading to their recovery. Any The para la venta de substancias alimenti- Anyone that has seen un Ice gorge Monday to his farm. single man and must make tax re- Ben Stuart was in the line of expense incurred on these cattle cias durante loa diez meses próximo on the Niagara river breaking up has turn accordingly. Married men need hial storm and his crop almost will be paid for by the pasados. a vivid reminder of titanic might let not file returns unless they are earn- Miss Nette Griner left Wedne3 ruined Joe Mitchell and Jim loose. Millions of tons of solid ma- ing $2,000 or more. ' JOSE U. BACA, La Administración de Alimentos ha terial are then driven onward by the day for California for an extend- "This Is as much a national obliga- Christman just missed it and ordenado una suspensión de negocios or S. E. Paxton Roy N.M. cumulative Impulse of, the slightly tion as the reporting for duty of a man ice en los almacenes de 150 compañías é ed visit with relatives. She will much of the fury of the was Impounded or checked waters. Pluin-l- y drafted for service with the colors,"' 'Individuos por un período limitado é be missed in Church and Red spent on prairie where it did no Is a peril would have to be says D. C. Roper, commissioner of In- Owen L. Brand remembers us Ilimitado, y más de 500 de los delin- this that with by anyone building seat-lei-e- d' Ken-nebun- is re- reckoned Cross circles where she has been ternal revenue. "As It stands, it Is k, harm. Two inches of rain cuentes han voluntariamente hecho un from his present home at power stations along the stretch much a matter of the man or wo- pago en dinero, usualmente & la Cruz One of the most faithful workers. Maine, and ported in some places. gorge. plants would face own conscience. It is for hlra wants the resignado of the The man's Roja, 6 simplemente se han de- S-- well nigh certain and complete or for her to determine just how far to continue coming to him á no continuar sus negiclos por temor struction sooner or later. Of course Made Wl Mo-rt- Water. he Is liable to the tax. He must figure Grandfather Brockman, of de verse expuestos & penas más there. If he could see the grass Che cheapest way to benefit by the An regrets were tole' Ids own income and if It reaches the on his claim almost tall enough Mills called Tuesday to visit a river is to use as much of the water Try the bishop of Bunbury, Australia figures named in the law must make nt Enlls as the two governments The bishop formerly huid the see faithful report upou It to the proper now for hay he he would wish minute. He was down making the LOS RESTAURANTES TENDRAN concerned will permit, and then, after Melanesia, whltli comprises what used authority. . á deed to a farm adjoining his-- he were back here. His place is .QUE DISTRIBUIR EL AZUCAR diverted flow has returned to the to be called the "Cannibal Islands." "This tax Is distinctly a war meas- the in the rain beit. which he has purchased. He below the cataract to employ the There he had for servant a young na- ure and will be in effect during the CON PARSIMONIA. river volume of prism. That 18 tive who, before his conversion, had war. believes you cant get too much full the tidal propietarios de Is contemplated in the erection of, been a cannibal. One day the bishop "This Is a people's tax It reaches Misses Virginia and Clara of this mesa land. They have En lina reunión de what Admin- Flats; Exchange. received, among present? from home right down Into the pockets of the hóeles y restaurantes con la k dam tit Foster's Martin are home from the Las splended prospects for crops of Albuquerque a tin of sheep's tongues, oa which hr small wage earner; It makea him a istración de Alimentos en partner la the Job of winning the Vegas Normal and taking a vaca all kinds and beans are setting se decidió que se tomará mayor cuid- Foresight made a raid for Ids luncleon. Tht ' & azúcar ne- "I'm taking lessons from a man who "boy" looked ou, his mullí watering war." tion before to teach school on best he has had. ado en dar los clientes el time the ever people how to remember." but with perplexity writ large ou his cesitado en sus comidas. SI tina per- lenhcs this fall. The question of continuing to pretty good?" , face. lie afterward confessed that he A large harvest and storage of nat- sona ordena una segunda tasa de café "Is he cuess o. doesn't seem to though the tongues were .human, and ural lee for summer use Is being nrged, Mrs. Martin has been raising cultivate after they are in blos- tendrá ella que hacer sú cantidad de "I but he much confidence In his methods." that his episcopal master had relapsed accompanied by the statement that un- beans while they were at Nor- som is worrying him and he is azúcar para una sola copa bastar para hate by How Is that?" Into cannibalism. The dish reuiindec precedented demands for ammonia mal to the and and letting them go dos. army and navy a shortage meet expenses( playing tafe en azu- "I notice he makes his students pay Lim of a delicacy wh.b had been the the Indicate . No se mantendrán las mesas In advance, so there will I no delight of his unrtgeurute 4ays. In this chemical so widely used In pro- has made a success of it as they except for what the ho3 wi!I do careros. El sistema Hárvey en esta aim rt.uiK-- to zorget to CO ducing Ice and In refrigerators. have with their school work. for the weeds. cuestión de conservación del azúcar va for them it ufler adoptándose en todas partea. Ksey linish."