/NEWYORK^ Fnewyork^ [(Central] [Central, 6 e -1 4


Dally. II Meal station. Sunday only. • Thla train does not carry baggage SERVICE ADVANTAGES Chicago, Pittsburgh & Boston Daily except Sunday- Ex. Sun.—Runs dally except Sunday. Daily except Monday. E.T.—Eastern Standard Time. Daily except Saturday. C.T.—Central Standard Time. In addition to the train service shown, buses of the United Traction Company run at frequent intervals between Albany and Troy. | I i^i ichedulot . . . pcart'd to 5 Packing and handling research Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Albuny. traffic requirement! for most ... they assure the security ol Stops to receive or discbarge passengers for or from Astatabula and beyond. Stops except Saturdays and Sundays. rX|M*llitioilH .1. Ii\ i-r n--. the shipped merchandise. bb Stops at 6.25 a. m. to discharge passengers from Rochester and beyond or to 2 Free pick up and delivery ser• receive passengers for Chicago. Smooth operation . . . easy 4 Stops on signal to receive passengers for beyond Troy. vice . . . direct from Hliippcr's grades... superlative roadbed. Stops on signal to discharge or receive passengers. to roiisipiirrV door. No baggage handled for or from this station; *y Constant supervision and pro• Stops regularly, but only to receive passengers. * f Optional trucking allowance to tection in transit.. . still mon Stops only to discbarge passengers. nhi|»|MTH jiiul roiittignrcR ... a security for shipped merchan Runs Saturdays only. mi I • i i ii i ii I tavina to both. dise. Makes regular stop Sundays. Stops week-days to discharge passengers from Rochester and stations beyond. -f Efficient Irimimilh and sta• 0 C.O.D. arrangements . . . th« Stops on signal to receive passengers for Toledo and beyond. Makes regular stops week days. Stops on signal Sunday nights to receive tions . .i nun i iiirniT that railroad collects your invoice. for Danville and beyond. COHIH no more when using New Stops to discharge passengers from Rochester and beyond. Carries passengers In Pullman Cars only. Stops Sundays only. Go on the Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from MIHerton and stations beyond. Stops on signal to discharge revenue passengers from Cleveland and beyond. FREE PICK-UP OPTIONAL TRUCKING By connecting train. Stops to discharge passengers also to receive passengers for points on or via AND DELIVERY ALLOWANCE the Big Four. Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Cleveland and mutlnns beyond New England or to receive passengers for Pittsburgh. Stops on signal to receive passengers for Chicago. Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from Detroit and A beyond. Befwesn A A Stops to discharge passengers from Toledo and beyond. B Stops to receive or discharge passengers for or from beyond Toledo. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, LAFAYETTE, CHICAGO Stops to discharge passengers from Albany and stations l»eyond. C = States' '= Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Buffalo and stations beyond. CC Stops on signal to receive passengers. D Stops to discharge passengers from Harmon and New York and to receive 13 passengers for beyond Buffalo. \»-« ^..rk < intra I traoh receives Shipper's truck delivers L.C.L. shi] GlidethroughthebeautifulBerkshiresand sleep EE Stops to discharge passengers from Cleveland and beyond. L.C.1 I" IfflM iaipp«r'l door. ment at convenient freight house. Popular? No wonder it's popular! . . . Fastest service Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Albany. F between Chicago and Cincinnati . . . Convenient O Stops Fridays only to discharge passengers. like a baby on the restful Water Level Route. Stone on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from utlca and stations morning departure from Cincinnati and latest after• beyond. There's no better way to go than on this crack noon departure from Chicago . . . Individual reclining Stops on signal at 12.56 a.m. to receive sleeping car paaaengnra for Columbus. n Ohio. train—the New England States. seats, reserivd without any extra charge . . . New from Arrives at or leaves from Erie R. R. Station. Cleveland. its streamlined engine to its gorgeous observation Stops on signal at South Bend at 7.00 a. m.; also IM Porte at 7.28 a. m., to HH discharge passengers from Buffalo and beyond. Also sto[is m South Bend solarium car . . . And all this for these low fares: and La Porte to receive coach passengers for ChJCMB. A wide selection of Pullman accommodations Through cars from Pittsburgh leave from ESrla It. it. station »t 9.45 p. m. J Stops on signal Fridays only to discharge passengers from Pittsburgh. One Way Round Trip Through cars for Pittsburgh arrive at Erie R. R. station at 5.35 p. m. including compartments, sections, bedrooms Mi Chicago to Cincinnati. . Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Buffalo or for statlona Shipment in carefully received, checked. Agent allows 5c per cwt. at origin and . 85.90 $10.65 L on the Adirondack Division. roomettes. WHYIHIICII iitxl luimllr-.l destination points. and the popular Also de luxe reclining Chicago to Indianapolis . . 3.70 7.10 M Stops dally except Sundays and Holidays. Indianapolis to Cincinnati MM Stops on signal to discharge passengers from points beyond Buffalo. aaaj seat coaches between Chicago and Boston. . 2.20 4.20 N Westbound trains stop on signal to discharge passengers from New York or P Boston: eastbound trains stop on signal to receive passengers for New York or Boston. ROUND TRIP SCHEDULE Stops on signal except Sundays to receive or discbarge passengers, mall (Daily except Sunday) or express. (read down) U Stops on signal to receive passengers for Cleveland and beyoml. (read up) Stops on signal at 6.13 p. in. to discharge passengers from Albany and 8:15 A.M. Lv. Cincinnati (K.T.) . RR CONVENIENT DAILY SCHEDULE Ar.l0:55 P.M. New York. Stops to discharge passengers from Chicago and to receive passengers for (Read Down) (Read Up) 9:00 A.M. Ar. Indianapolis (C.T.). . . Lv. 8:10 P.M. Harmon and New York. 2:30 P.M. Lv. Chicago (La Salle St. Sta.) (C.T.) Ar. 9:02 A.M. 9:05 A.M. Lv. Indianapolis (C.T.). . . Ar. 8:05 P.M. Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Buffalo. New York < lenirnl truck completes Truck of consignee receives L.C.L. ship - 5:00 P.M. Lv. Pittsburgh (P.&L.E.Sta.) (E.T.)Ar. 7:25 A.M. 10:05 A.M. Stops on signal to receive passengers for Buffalo and beyond or to discharge Ar. LaFayette Ar. 7:04 P.M. transit jit OOMifBM*! door. ment atNew York Central freight house. passengers at Toledo destined to points on the C. A- O. Ry. 6:42 A.M. Ar. Pittsfield (E.T.)Lv. 6:11 P.M. 11:20 A.M. Ar. Kankakee Lv. 5:45 P.M. Stops on signal at 6.23 a. m. to discharge passengers from points on the B. & A. 12:15 P.M. Ar. Chicago (63rd St.) . . . Lv. 4:50 P.M. 8:10 A.M. Ar. Springfield (E.T.)Lv. 4:47 P.M. \V R. R. or to receive passengers for west of Buffalo. Stops to discharge passengers from Chicago and beyond. 12:30 P.M. Ar. Chicago(Central Station) Lv. 4:40 P.M. NEW YORK , 9:25 A.M. Ar. Worcesrer (E.T.)Lv. 3:36 P.M. North and Westbound trains stop only to discharge passengers from New York Koulr !*.( I.li. shipments via New York (Michigan Ave. & Roosevelt Rd.) City; East and Southbound trains stop only to receive passengers for Central 10:15 A.M. Ar. Newtonville (E.T.)Lv. 2:44 P.M. New York City. < lciilr.il. (ionsult New York Central SYSTEM 10:30 A.M. Ar. Boston (South Station). (E.T.)Lv. 2:30 P.M. Stops on signal to receive passengers for Albany and beyond. Freight Representatives. Stops Saturdays only.

For Fast Overnight Freight Service—Use the New York Central's "Merchandiser"

AH Principal Trains Are, Of Course, Air Conditioned 7 8 9 10

NEW YORK CENTRAL SYSTEM TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES INDEX TO STATIONS SHOWN IN THIS FOLDER F. H. BAIRD, Gen. Pass. Traffic Mgr., 466 Lexington Avi-.. New York, N. Y. W. C. DIIIKII.AH. Asst. Oen. Frt. Traf. Mgr., LaSalle St. Sta., Chicago, 111. J. W. SWITZER, Passenger Traffic Manager. LaSalk St. Station, ( hlcago, 111. J. r DF.RVIN. Freight Traffic Mgr., 466 Lexington Ave.. New York, N. Y. Stations are Indexed Under Table Numbers, Not Page Numbers. Information about other stations on the N. Y. Gent. R. R. may be had upon application to Ticket Agents E. E. PIERCE, General Passenger Agent, 466 Lexington Ave, New York, N. Y. J 10 ANIIKKSON, Freight Traffic Mgr., Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleveland, O. ©Loading or unloading facilities for automobiles shipped on the passenger ticket plan are available at freight station at this point. A. W. FOELLGER. Gen. Passenger Agent, LaSalle St. Station, Chicago, 111. O. It. BROMLEY, Freight Traffic Mgr., Michigan Central Term.. Detroit. Mich. J. P. CORCORAN, Genenal Passenger Agent, 230 i: 9th Si ( ineiimati, O J. A. K KKI1A N. freight Traffic Mgr., 230 East 9th St., Cincinnati, O. Table No. Table No. Table No. Table No. IRA G. RASP, General Passenger Agent, South Si alum, Boston, Mass Table No. Table No. R. G. ll l :.\ I >l HS( >N, Freight Traffic Mgr., South Station, Boston, Mass. ©ADAMS, N. Y 36 ©Chicago, 111. Gibson, Ind 64 Lynchburg, Va 70 , N. Y 18-21 ©Sidney, O 4 E. E. SMITH, Gen. Passenger Agent, P. & L. E. It. R. Term., Pittsburgh. Pa T. it. fir/, i 'A [TUCK, I' reight Traffic Mgr.: N.Y. C.-P.4L.B.R.R., Pittsburgh, P* o, N. Y 37-38 ©Silver Creek. N. Y. 19-20 W. M. SKINNER, General Baggage Agent, Central Terminal, Huffalo. N. Y. Ade, Ind 64 1 2-19-20-22a-54-64 Glouster, O 70 ©Lyons, N. Y 18-21 J. It. o'MAI.IA. Cos! Traffic Mgr.. 466 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. ©Adrian, Mich.. .22-52-56 Chlldwold. N. Y 8 ©Goshen, Ind 19-20 Lyons Falls. N. Y 35 Otis, Ind 19-20 Simons, O 50 Tele-phone Nos. J. II. BAUER, Asst. Freight Trafflc Mgr., 408 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. ©Albany,N.Y.18-21-22a-24 ©Chili, N. Y 18-21 ©Gouverneur, N. Y..35-36 ©Otsego, Mich 54 Sinclairvllle, N. Y. . . .48 Albany, N. Y Chas. Fendrych, Jr., Div. Pass. Agt.. * Telephone Nos, Ottawa, Ont.... 11-12-47 ©Skaneateles Jet., N. Y.26 Albany, O 70 ©Churchville, N. Y. . 18-21 Grand Hotel Sta., ©MADISON, 0 19-20 Union Station T. M. Shalloe, Asst. Gen. in Am. 3-2211 Milwaukee. Wis P. J. Stenger, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept.. ' Daly Sloan, Ind 64 ©Albion Mich 1-2 ©Cincinnati, O 4-10-49 N. Y 24a ©Malone, N. Y 8 ©PAINESVILLE, O.19-20 Atlanta, Ga C. S. Promnitz, Gen. Ant. I'ass. Dept. k Wisconsin- Hi uudwuy llldg.i. P. Scanlln, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept. 6660-1-2 Solvay. N. Y 26 Jackson 5665 ©Albion, N. Y 27 Clark's Mills, Pa 50 ©Grand Rapids, ©Manchester, Mich... .52 Palatine Bridge, 608 Vol, State Life Bldg, ,E. Hare, Gen. Agt., Freight Dept Minneapolis, Minn . J. Bambach, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept.. \ Atlantic Mich 1-2-52-54 Manchester, Vt 11 ©South Bend. Ind.19-20-65 Balboa Heights, C. Z J. E. Steiner, Tralnc Rtim;snit;itivL'.. — 2-1333 SOS Met flan Life Bldg. A. VV. ISelirens, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept.. J 6291-2-3 ©Allegan, Mich 54 ©Clayton, Mich 22 N. Y 18-21 ©Clayton, N. Y. Grand Valley, Pa 48 Manltou, N. Y 18-21 ©South Byron, N. Y.18-21 Baltimore, Md J. F. Jones, Gen. Agt. Fit. Dept — Plaza 6650-1 Montreal. Que . J. B. Finucaue, Can'n Frt. & Pass. Agt. j Marquette ©Allen, Mich 22 Palmyra, Mich. . .22-53 South Chicago, 111. 35-36-43-44 Grasselli, Ind 64 ©Marion. O 4 Palmyra, N. Y 18-21 904-5 Mercantile Trust Bldg. Dominion Sguare llldg. 1271-1272 ©Alliance, O 51 Gray town, O 19-20 Marshall, 111 64 19-20-64 Bay City, Mich J. D. Switzer, Dlv. Frt. Agt — 5581-5582 Market 2-5415-6 Amenia N. Y 46 ©Cleveland, O. Palmyra, O 51 Newark. N.J . W. F. Pranis, Passenger Representative 5-19-20-22a-49 Grayville, 111 64 Martin, O 19-20 South Columbus, O... 70 Birmingham, Ala P. F. Eiland, Gen. Agt.. Freight Dept. — 3-6678 F. J. (tsborne. Gen. Agt., F^rt. Dept... Market 2-4560 ©Amherst, O 19-20 ©Paris, 111 64 ©Spencerport, N. Y 27 u IS Clinton si. ©Clifton Springs, N. Y.26 Greencastle, Ind 4 Martisco, N.Y 26 Paris, O 51 1105-07 Watts Bldg. New Haven, < ,,nti ... V. s. karlawish, District Pass. Agt.. -• 6-9161 ©Amsterdam, N. Y.. 18-21 Greendale. N. Y... 18-21 ©Marysville, O 70 Sprakers. N. Y 18-21 Boston, Mass. 6-5173-4 Clinton, Mich 52 ©Parish, N. Y 36 129-1.13 Church St. G. I). Avery, Gen. Agt.. Frt. Dept. ©Anderson, Ind 4 ©Clyde. N. Y 18-21 Greenfield. Mass 22a ©Massena. N. Y 35-36 ©Springfield, Mass. South Station . .O. J. Petrie. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent.,, EUeharlandi Mercer, Gen. Agt.Agt. , Pass" . Dept.I ,,„ q ©Pawling. N. Y 46 New Orleans, l,a vmnnrt nfi 7 ©Andover, O £-50 ©Clyde, O 23 Greenway. N. Y. . .18-21 ©Mattoon, 111 4 1-2-3-4-6 67 franklin Street...... L. J. O'Connell, Pass. Representative. Hubbard 7200 A'J.S' Whtlwy Hathllng .<:. T. Magee, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept.. ./ Raymond0691 ©Angola, Ind 53 ©Gypsum. O 19-20 ©Peekskill, N. Y 18-21 ©Springfield, O 4 South Station . .A. E. Crocker, New England Agt.(Frt.) .ColdSpring, N. Y.. 18-21 McKeever, N. Y 8 ©Peoria, 111 4 New York. N. Y. Angola, N. Y 19-20 Mechanicstown, O... .51 Springfield, Pa 19-20 1102 North Station... ..W. M. Snow, New England Frt.Agt. ! ©Coldwater, Mich 22 HADLEY, PA 50 Peoria, O 70 Capitol 1861-2 4t tl l.riington Ave. . . . A. I,. Miller. Asst. Gen. Pass. Aggtt i ©Ann Arbor, Mich 1-2 ©Medina, N. Y 27 Staatsburg, N. Y. . 18-21 Buffalo, N. Y . .C. A. Riebling, Div. Pass. Agt <: i' Stanton, Gen. East. Pass. ' Cold Water, N. Y.. 18-21 Hamilton, Ont 3-5-10 ©Perry, O 19-20 Madison 3400 itifl Lexington Aw. ... . Agt.. f Murray Hill Arbuckle, W. Va 70 Collins. O 23 Memphis. N. Y.... 18-21 Stamford, N. Y 24a Central Terminal G. E. Taylor, Asst. Gen. Frt. Agt. . . . 4titi Lexington Ave. . .. . w It l )allow. Asst. Gen. Freight Agent C 9-8000 Hamlet, Ind 65 ©Pettisvllle, O 19-20 ©Archbold. O 19-20 ©Columbus, O. .4-10-49-70 ©Hammond, N. Y . .35-36 ©Mentor, O 19-20 Steubenvllle, Ind 53 H. R. Lensen, Div. Freight Agt J 406 Lexington Ave. . . . EC, D. Snow, Jr., Industrial Agtt ) Phalanx, O 51 Stewart, Ind 64 Caribou, Me Bowling Green ©Arkville, N. Y 24a Congo, O 75 ©Hammond, Ind 1-2 ©Mexico, N. Y 38 . .Bernard Johnson, General Agent Arlington, O 70 ©Phelps, N. Y 26 Stockport, N. Y. . . 18-21 1 Water Street. 2 Broadway J. F. Brady, Foreign Freight Agent... 9-5800 ©Conneaut, O 19-20 Handy, Ind 64 ©Michigan, City, Ind..1-2 Phelps Jet., N. Y 26 Stoneboro, Pa 50 ©Ashtabula, O. .5-19-20-49 Conrad, Ind 64 Middlebury, Vt 11 Charleston, W. Va . .J. V. Laffan, Div. Frt. & Pass. Agt... -Capitol 21-531 Niagara Falls. N.Y lv O. Korb, District Pass. Agt • 6911 Hanover, Mich 53 ©Philadelphia, N. Y.35-36 ©Stryker. O 19-20 Chicago, III ©Athens, O 70 ©Constantlne, Mich 54 Harbor Creek, Pa. .19-20 ©Mlddleport, N. Y 27 . .H. C. Carson. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt... Oklahoma < in. okiu... . lv. It. Taylor, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept.. 7-3440 Philadelphia. Pa 28 ©Sturgls, Mich 22 LaSalle St. Station L. C. Howe, Div. Freight Agt Athol. Mass 22a Cook, Ind 64 Harmon, N. Y 18-21 Mlddleport, O. (R. B. Phoenicia, N. Y 24a Wabash 4200 1100 Ctilcurd llldg. Athol Springs, N.Y.19-20 Corfu, N. Y 18-21 Sta. Hobson) 70 Stuyvesant, N. Y. .18-21 W. P. Hansen, Export Freight Agt Omaha, Nel> .J. F. Dyas. Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept . Harrisburg, Pa 28 Pickerington, O 70 Sugar Ridge, O 70 Cincinnati, Ohio ©Auburn, Ind 53 Corning, O 70 ©Harrisburg, 111 64 ©Middletown, O 4 Pine Hill, N. Y 24a 921 City National R. J. Ross, Gen. Agt., Freight Dept Atlantic 8900 ©Auburn, N. Y 26 Summit, Ind 53 11S Dixie Terminal. . . .A. C. Thompson, Asst. Gen. Paws. Agt. Bant in.I j ©CornwaU, N. Y 24 ©Haverstraw, N. Y. . . .24 Millbury Jet. O... 19-20 Piney Fork, 0 51 ©Cornwall, Ont 47 ffiMlllersburg. Ind... 19-20 ©Suspension Bridge, 230 East Ninth Street. ..H. J. Schulingkamp, Div. Freight Agt. J Ottawa. Out . L. P. Gauvin. Traveling Frt. & Pass. Agt.—2-0266 Helena, N. Y 47 ©Pittsburgh, Pa. N. Y 32 Cleveland, O . .L. A. Schroeder, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. BALTIMORE, MD., .28 ©Corunna, Ind 19-20 ©Herkimer, N. Y.... 18-21 ©Millerton, N. Y 46 5-9-9a-49 Prospect Peoria, ill ©Swanton, O 19-20 Terminal Tower Bldg. F. L. Long, Div. Pass. Agt Jefferson llldg ll. R. Daly, Passenger Representative— 8500 Baltimore, O 70 Crittenden. N. Y. .18-21 Highland, N. Y 24 Minerva, O 51 ©Pittsfield, Mass. 5000 Cygnet. O 70 Mlnoa. N. Y 18-21 Swanville, Pa 19-20 R. H. Doutt, Ass't. Gen. Freight Agt. tit i < •omnUTCW iVaW, Hunk Bldg.—D. H. Hutchinson, Div. Freight Agent—8998 Bankers, Mich 53 Hilliards, Mich 54 1-2-3-4-5-46 ©Syracuse, N. Y 18-21 Columbus, OMo Philadelphia, Pa J. B. Dwyer, Gen. Agt., Freight Dept.-Rittenhouse 1370 Barrytown, N. Y.. . 18-21 DANBURY, O 19-20 ©Hillsdale, Mich 22-53 ©Mlahawaka, Ind.. .19-20 ©Pittsford, Mich 22 18 South 3rd Street... .J. T. Hays, Div. Pass. Agt Adams 1212 tHM !• inn iter KUlij Basil, O 70 ©Danville, 111 64 Hillsdale, N. Y 46 ©Momence, 111 65 ©Pittsford, N. Y 26 81A Atlas Bldg .L. H. Mussman, Div. Freight Agt. ... j ©Batavla. N. Y 18-21 Hitop, W. Va 72 ©Monroe. Mich 49 TAB, IND 64 Ph.lBhi.rgh. I'u BS. N. Smith, Div. Freight Agt. ... Atlantic 7650 ©Dayton, O 4-49 ©Plainwell, Mich 64 ©Tarrytown. N. Y. .18-21 Corning, N. Y .O. P. Cole, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept — 1493-4 A L. h' Terminal. ©Battle Creek, Mich... 1-2 Hobson, O 70 ©Monroeville, O 23 Plattsburg, N. Y 12 ,BJ. N. Robison. District Pass. Agent. .— Court 3201 ©Deerfleld, O 51 ©Tecumseh, Mich 52 Dallas, Tex .J. A. Slater, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept.... 1 Portland. »>rn . 11. M. DeGowin, Pass. Representative. \ ©Bay City, Mich 1-2 De Kalb Jet., N. Y.35-36 Hoffmans, N. Y. . . 18-21 Montgomery, Mich... 53 ©Pleasant Lake, Ind. . .53 1008 S. W. Life Bldg. C. A. Brawner, Dist. Pass. Agt ) Riverside 9138 Alt-it furi/tr HUlg. ll G. ileiser, Gen. Agt., Freight Dept. J Beacon 2370 Bay View, N.Y 19-20 ©Holley, N. Y 27 ©Montreal, Que.. .8-11-12 Pleasantville, O 70 Tefft, Ind 65 ©Delta. O 19-20 ©Terre Haute, Ind 4 A. C. Bridge, General Agt., Frt. Dept. J RiKihestur, N. Y (• i > Courneen, Div. Pass. Agt \ Beach Ridge, N. Y. . . 27 Demotte, Ind 65 Hoosick Falls, N. Y.. ,22a Moons, N. Y 48 Point Chautauqua, Davenport, Iowa... .A. C. Hagemann, General Agent — 2-3682 N. Y. C. U. H. Sta. S. A. R. Laucto, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept. J Main 6100 ©Beacon, N. Y 18-21 Depew, N. Y 18-21 ©Hopedale, O 51 Moorepark, Mich 54 N. Y 25 ©Thendara, N. Y 8 BOA Kahl Bldg. St. Loin . Mo. ©Beaver, Pa 5-9-9a Derby. N. Y 19-20 Hopkins, Mich 54 Morenci, Mich 56 Point Pleasant, W. Va.70 ©Three Rivers, Mich.. .54 Dayton, Ohio 320 North Hroaitway. it it. Spangenberg.Asst.Gen. Pass. Agt. | Main 4288 ©Beaver Falls, New ©Detroit, Mich...l-2-49-70 Horseshoe 8 ©Morocco, Ind 64 Polk, Pa 50 Thurston, O 70 136 North Ludlow Street.. E. J. David, Div. Pass. Agt Adams 4141 408 J'ine street u. <; BvanSi Asst. Gen. Frt. Agt. Brighton, Pa 5 ©Dilonvale, O 51 Horton, Mich 53 Morristown, N. Y. 35-36 Pomeroy, O (R. B. Titusvllle, Pa 48 Union Station. .T. J. Davis, Div. Freight Agt St. Paul, Minn A. M. Nye, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept. Beaver River, N. Y... .8 Dorr, Mich 54 Hudson, Mich 22 Mortimer, O 70 Sta. Hobson) 70 Tivoll, N. Y 18-21 Denver, Colo .. .T. P. Hegler, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept.. 1,0 •> i'iunrer Hlitg. [ Garfield 5331 ©Hudson, N. Y 18-21 ©Toledo.0.19-20-22a-49-52 Tabor 3306 .... I... • ' _> . . ,,cii. A&L., A ooa. x^cpu • . . © Belief ontalne, O 4 Dunbar, W. Va 70 Mosherville, Mich.... 53 Portage, Mich 54 U. S. Nat. Bank, i .. .R. P. Newman, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept. at. Thonuui, out J. R. Tcasdale, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept. ©Bellevue. O 23 Dunbridge, O 70 ©Huron. O 19-20 ©Mount Carmel, 111 64 Portage, O 70 Tonawanda, N. Y. .27-32 Detroit, Mich. [ 1160 Toronto. Ont 3-5-10 m . c Station ,W, EE, Parkinson. Dist. Pass. Agent . Belshaw, Ind 64 Dunkirk, N. Y.. 19-20-48 ©Hyde Park, N. Y. .18-21 Mount Union, O 51 ©Port Clinton, O 19-20 M. C. Terminal... .W. E. Frackelton, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. 2-5262 ©Potsdam, N. Y 35-36 Tribes Hill. N. Y. .18-21 Sagliuiw. Mich .1. A. M:u'lian. Div. Freight Agent... ©Berea. O 19-20 Dunkirk, O 70 ILION. N, Y 18-21 Moxahala, O 70 J. H. Becker. Asst. Gen. Freight Agt., Lafayette San Antonio. Tea K. F. Hmlth, General Agent -Pershing 5031 Dunn, Ind 64 ©Muncie. Ind 4 Proctor, Vt 11 ©Troy. N.Y.18-21-22a-23a J. L. Meehan, Div. Freight Agt ©Bergen. N. Y 18-21 Iilinol. Ill 65 ©Tupper Lake. N. Y.... 8 7000 HUH Went tloUyuuNMt.11. St.T . Martin, Pass. Representative.. Bergholz. O 51 Durham, Ind 19-20 Indiana Harbor. ©Poughkeepsie, N. Y.18-21 Glen Darling, Gen. Agt., Freight Dept San l-'nuiclMco. < 'allf A. I.. MaeKenzie. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. 1 pvhrnoir iflft? NAPOLEON, MICH.52 ©Pulaski, N. Y 36-38 txt)rooK Durham, N. C 70 Ind 19-20-64 185 West Lafayette Blvd..T. E. Nerland, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept 623 Monndnork Htdg. It EE ECUlp, (,en. Agt.. Frt. Dept...... ' 3882 Big Moose, N. Y 8 ©Newark, N. Y 18-21 © UNION CITY, IND... 4 Black Betsey, W. Va. .70 ©Indianapolis, Ind.. .4-49 East St. Louis, III E. R. Ferree. Gen. Agt., Freight Dept Seattle, WitMh . . .O. J. Barry, Gen. Agt.. Pass. Dept E.CLEVELAND.0.19-20 ©Newburgh. N.Y.18-21-24 QUEBEC, P. O H-12 Union vllle, O 19-20 Office 408 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo Main 8939 ©Black Rock, N. Y. .27-32 East Palmyra, N. Y.18-21 Institute. W. Va 70 ©New Carlisle, Ind.. 19-20 ©Qulncy, Mich 22 612 Ml, White Hido. II. W Miller. Gen Agt., Freight Dept. Irvineton. Pa 48 ffiUtlca. N. Y 18-21 Erie, Pa.. F. Gleason. Gen. Agt.. Freight Dept.— 4431-4436 South Band, Ind w ii Grounds, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept.— Blakeley, W. Va 72 ©East Rochester, ©New Castle, Pa.. ,5-9-9a 4-1400 Irving. N. Y 19-20 ©RAVENA, N.Y 24 Union Station J. J. Bunroyne, Passenger Representative— 22-224 Sprlnglleltl, MIUM K. I>. Fuller. District Pass. Agt 1 ©Bllssfield, Mich 22 N. Y 18-21 New Era, Ind 53 VALLEYFIELD, Que.8 Evansvllle, Ind . .J E. Dukes, Gen. Agt., Freight Dept.— 2-9855 Blue Creek, W. Va 72 East Side. Ill 19-20 ©Ray, Ind 53 Union Station c \V. Cummlngs, Div. Freight Agt... / 6-5431 ©JACKSON, MICH.. . ©NewHamburg,N.Y.18-21 Raymilton, Pa 50 Venice, O 13-20 522 Court Bldg. SyraoUM, N. Y it. vv. Bratton. Div. Pass. Agt \ Bluefleld. W. Va 70 ©East Syracuse, N. Y.18-21 1-2-52-53 New Haven, N. Y 38 Vergennes, Vt 11 2-6111 ©Boonville, N. Y 35 Raymond City, W. Va.70 Grand Rapids, Mich.... .J. C. Ranney. Dlv. Pass. Agt — 8-0628 A. y. <•. H. It, Sta. It ('. Miipkins, Asst. Gen. Frt. Agt.. . I ©Edgerton, O 19-20 Jacksonville, O 70 ©New Lexington, O. . . .70 ©Vermilion, O 19-20 405 Michigan National ©Boston, Mass. Raymonds, O 70 Tern' llj.uir, hut Oao. Hyrne, Div. i'reight Agt —Crawford 6043-4 ©Eldorado, 111 64 Jamestown, N. Y. .25-48 Newport News, Va. . .70 ©Reading, Mich 53 Verona, N. Y 18-21 Bank Bldg. G. H. Johnston, Dlv. Freight Agent. WW Merchant! NaT I Hani llldg. l-2-3-4-5-22a ©Elkhart, Ind. 19-20-22a-54 Jamestown, Pa 50 Newton Falls, N. Y.. . 42 ©Victor, N. Y 26 Houston, Tex . J. V. Cooley, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.. 9-4114 Boston Corners, N. Y.46 Red House, W. Va... .70 Tolado, 11 Elk View, W. Va 72 Jasper, Mich 56 Newton Falls, 0 51 ©Redwood, N. Y 35-36 Vistula, Ind 54 61i~Second Natl. Bl.Bldg. F. C. Franklin, Gen. Agt.. Frt. Dept.... } ^aitttx. 9301 612 Madison Ave EC. O. t'ook, Dlv. Pass. Agt ©Bowling Green. O 70 Elmira, N. Y 28 ©Jefferson, O 5 ©Newton Hook, N.Y.18-21 Indianapolis, Ind. Main 1181 Bracevllle, O 51 ©Remsen, N. Y 35 / Monro* m K. G. Howard. Div. Freight Agt ©Elmore, O 23 ©Jonesville, Mich.. .22-53 Newtonville, Mass.. 1-2-4 Rendville, O 70 WAKEMAN, O 23 212 Guaranty Bldg J. N. Lemon, Div. Pass. Agt Market 8321 Toronto, out K. ('. Foy, (Canadian Pass. Agt Brandon, Vt 11 ©Elyrla, O 19-20 Jordan, N. Y 18-21 ©New York. N. Y. Walkerton, Ind 65 i Reno, Pa 50 60i Big Four Bldg V. M. Ousey, Div. Freight Agt.. itiii < Ma . V. Schuh, Passenger Representative 1 Bremen, O 70 Enos, Ind 64 ©Niagara Falls, N. Y. Wampsville, N. Y. .18-21 5-2611 2-9221 ©Brewster, N. Y 46 © KALAMAZOO, ©Richland, N. Y 36-38 309 Barnelt Natl Bant Bldg. Paul Brian, Gen. Agt.. Frt. Dept.... / 624 Kennedy llldg. D. Powers, Gen. Agt., Freight Dept. ©Erie, Pa 19-20-49 MICH 1-2-54 18-21-32 Warren, O 9a Kalamazoo, Mich F. H. Ousack, Div. Freight Agent. . ..— . Lewis Crane, Gen. Agent, Frt. Dept. . Brice, O 70 Richmond, Va 70 3-1219 Utioa. N. Y Evansville. Ind 64 Kanauga, O 70 ©Niles, Mich 1-2 Ridgeway, O 70 Warren, Pa 48 Kansas City, Mo A. C. Burrows, Gen. Agt.. Pass. Dept. 1 .1. v. Kssel, Passenger Representative j 4-2111 ©Brlmfleld, Ind 19-20 Nlles. O 9a Washington, D. C.... 28 Victor 6384 ©Bristol, Ind 22-54 ©FAIRPORT, N. Y. 18-21 ©Kankakee, 111 65 ©Ripley, N. Y 19-20 912 Fairfax Bldg. L. M. Coffey. Gen. Agt., Freight Dept. / Washington I). < I . ,E. M. Hess, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept \ Republic 2436 ©Kendallvllle, Ind.. .19-20 Nitro, W. Va 70 Waterloo, Ind. . 19-20-53 La Fayette, Ind A. E. Yancey, Pass. Representative... — 6303 ©Brockport, N. Y 27 Falrview, Pa 19-20 Roanoke, Va 70 227 Shoreham llldg ('. 1). llainke. Asst. General Agent. . . / ©Kentland, Ind 64 N. Adams, Mass. .22a-46 ©Robinson, 111 64 ©Waterloo, N. Y 26 Big Four Station tlK Shonham llldg. n. II. Ilaiwood. Pass. Representative—Republic 0441-2 ©Brocton, N. Y 19-20 Falconer, N. Y 48 ©Kenton, O 70 Norfolk, Va 70 ©Rochester, N. Y. .. 18-21 ©Watertown, N. Y. .35-36 London, Ont L. M. Abbs, Freight & Pass. Agent...— Metcalt 108 Watertown, N. Y ll. J. French. Gen. Agent, Frt. Dept. 1 ©Bronson, Mich 22 Falconer Jet., N. Y.. .48 North Chittenango, ©Wauseon, O 19-20 Los Angeles. Calif J. F. Herrlngton, Gen. Agt., Pass. Dept. 1 11. L. Jackson, Pass. Representative j Phone 2100 Farnham, N. Y 19-20 Kersey, Ind 65 Rocky Ridge, O. . . 19-20 Trinity 7194 Bronx (The) N. Y..18-21 N. Y 18-21 Rolling Prairie, Ind. 19-20 ©Wawaka, Ind 19-20 424-425 Van Nuys Bldg. A. J. Lacombe. Gen. Agt.. Frt. Dept.. Windsor. OM ©Bryan, O 19-20 Fayette, O 56 ©Kingston, N. Y. 18-21-24 Kingsvllle, O 19-20 North Corning, O.... 75 ©Rome, N. Y 18-21 Wawasee, Ind. 19-20 Louisville, Ky. 302 Canada Bldg i I, Wheeler, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept.. 3-5212 ©Buffalo, N. Y.18-19-20-21 Fleldmore Spgs, Pa.. .48 North Creek, N. Y. . . 12 Finch, Ont 47 ©Kinsman, O 5 Rushvllle, O 70 ©Weehawken, N. J 24 10® Starts Bldg. Arcade..A. W. Manship, Div. pass. Agt Jackson 7311 Winston Salem. N.('... . II. Wllllngs, Gen. Agt., Frt. Dept. Phone 8333 Buffalo, W. Va 70 ©North East, Pa 19-20 Welch, W. Va 70 1110 Washington Bldg...A.. F. Meyer, Div. Freight Agt j 14IIS to lirynalds llldg. ©Flndlay, O 70 ©Kipton, O 23 Russell. Pa 48 Burdick, Ind 19-20 North Evans, N. Y. 19-20 Rutland, Vt 11 ©Welland, Ont 3 Memphis, Tenn C. L. Schraudt. Passenger Representative 1 Worcester. MIUM II. M. Smith. District Pass. Agt 2-4104 Burlington, Vt 11 Fishers, N. Y 26 Kllnger Lake, Mich....22 ©North Girard, Pa. . 19-20 Fitchburg, Mass 22a Knowlesvllle, N. Y. . .27 Rutland. O 70 Wende, N. Y 18-21 1101 Exchange Bldg. J. G. WillocK, Gen. Agt.. Frt. Dept I 8-0160 Union I.I11 a W. L. Wheat, Division Freight Agt 5-2511 Burr Oak, Mich 22 North Hayden, Ind.. .64 West Batavia. N. Y.18-21 Mexico City. Mex Manuel Munoz, Jr., Gen. Agt., Freight 1 Mrxlcana L-86-82 Youngstown. (»hln F. M. Browne. Pass. & Ticket Agent.. ©Butler, Ind 19-20 Flowerfield, Mich 54 ©Knox, Ind ..65 North Ilion, N. Y. . 18-21 ©ST. JOHNSVILLE, ©Fonda, N. Y 18-21 West Bergen, N. Y.18-21 Madero No. Si. & Pass. Depts. ) lirlcssou 18-21-61 NTT. C. B. U. sta. F. P. Saudford. Dlv. Freight Agt. Byron Center, Mich... 54 LA CARNE, O 19-20 ©North Judson, Ind 65 N. Y 18-21 ©Westfleld, N. Y 19-20 Forestport, N. Y 8 ©Lacona, N. Y 36 North Liberty, Ind.. .65 ©St. Louis. Mo 4-49 Port Edward, N. Y.. .12 West Mansfield, O 70 City Ticket Offices—Railroad and Pullman tickets via all routes CALUMET, IND 64 Lake Clear, Jet., N. Y. 8 North Port Byron, ©St. Thomas, Ont 1-2 Weston. Mich 56 Fort Plain, N. Y... 18-21 Lake George, N. Y. . .12 N. Y 18-21 Cambridge, Mass 22a Fort Ticonderoga,N.Y.12 Sabattis, N. Y 8 ©West Point, N. Y 24 Boston, Mass.— Telephone Nos. Telephone Nos. Telephone Nos. Lake Kushaqua, N. Y..8 ©North Tonawanda, ©Saginaw, Mich 1-2 ©Camden, N. Y 38 ©Fort Wayne, Ind 53 Westport, N.Y 12 Pullman Reservations Hubbard 6800 Cincinnati, Ohio—108 Dixie Terminal.Main8M0 Louisville, Ky.— Lake Placid, N. Y 8 N. Y 27-32 Sanborn, N. Y 27 Wheatfield, Ind 65 ©Camillus, N. Y 26 Franklin, Pa 50 North Warren. Pa 48 67 Franklin Street Hubbard 7200 Cleveland, Ohio— 102 Starks Bldg., Arcade Jaokson 7311 Canajoharie, N. Y. 18-21 Lake View, N.Y... 19-20 ©Sandusky, O 19-20 ©White Pigeon, Fredonia, N..Y 48 ©Lancaster. N. Y... 18-21 North Weedsport, Sandy Lake, Pa 50 Brooklyn, N. Y.— Pullman Reservations Main 2800 Montreal, One.— ©Canandaigua, N. Y.. .26 Free, Ind 64 Mich 22-54 IBB Pierrepont Street TRiangle 5-7440 ©Lansing, Mich 1-2 N. Y 18-21 San Pierre. Ind 65 ©White Plains. N. Y. . .46 1104 Chester Avenue Prospect 5000 Dominion Square Bldg Lancaster 8911 ©Canastota. N. Y.. .18-21 ©Fremont, Ind 53 Norvell, Mich 52 ©Canton, N. Y 35-36 Laona, N. Y 48 Saranac Inn, N. Y 8 Whitesboro, N. Y.. 18-21 Buffalo, N. Y.—• Columbus, Ohio— New York, N. Y.— ©Fremont, O 23 ©La Porte, Ind 19-20 ©Norwalk, O 23 ©Saranac Lake, N. Y... .8 Pullman Reservations Madison 3400 Carmi, 111 64 Frewsburg, N. Y 48 ©Whiting, Ind. . . 19-20-64 Pullman Reservations and Information .Main 4346 Pullman and Pacemaker ©Lawrenceville, 111 64 ©Norwood. N. Y 35-36 Saratoga Springs, N. Y.12 Williamsburg, Va 70 17 Court Street Cleveland 7000 ©Carthage. N. Y.35-36-41 ©Fulton, N. Y 37 Nottingham, O 19-20 Sattes, W. Va 70 18 South Third Street Adame 1212 Reservations MUrray Hill 6-3200 Cassadaga, N. Y 48 FultonvlUe, N. Y. . 18-21 ©Lenawee Jet., Mich. Williamsneid, O 5 Chicago, 111.— Information Bureau...... MUrray Hill 6-9100 22-52-56 ©Saugerties. N. Y 24 Williamstown, Mass..22a Dayton, Ohio— ©Castleton, on Hudson, ©OAK HARBOR, O.19-20 Savannah, N. Y. . . 18-21 Pullman,Pacemaker. Mercury and James Whilcomb 17 John Street COrtlandt 7-0400 N. Y 18-21 GABRIELS, N. Y 8 Leon, W. Va 70 Wllliamstown, O 70 136 North Ludlow Street Adams 4141 ©Gallipolis, O 70 ©Ligonier, Ind 19-20 ©Oberlin, O 23 Saybrook, O 19-20 Riley Reservations and InformationWabash 8700 4 W. SSrd St., near Fifth Ave LOngacre 5-4822 ©Catsklll, N. Y.. 18-21-24 ©Wllloughby, O 19-20 Detroit, Mich.— Gardner, Mass 22a Lily Dale, N. Y 48 Ogden, Mich 56 ©Schenectady, N. Y.18-21 ©Windsor, Ont 1-2 «S« No. Michigan Blvd Wabash 4200 5 W. 47th St., near Fifth Ave BRyant 9-3456 Cayuga, N. Y 26 Schneider, Ind 64-65 Pullman Reservations Randolph 6700 ©Central Square, N. Y.. 36 Garland, Pa 48 Lime City, O 70 ©Ogdensburg, N. Y. .35-36 Winston-Salem, N. C.70 16S-165 West Jackson Blvd Wabash 4200 Oil City, Pa 50 ©Schodack Landing, 12B West Lafayette Bhd Lafavotte 7000 Peoria, 111.—217 Jefferson Bldg 8500 Ceylon, O 19-20 Garrison, N. Y 18-21 Lindsey, O 23 Woodgate. N. Y 8 Hotel Ticket Offices Harrison 2203 Pittsburgh, Pa.— f Court 3201 ©Gary, Ind 1-2-19-20 Linndale. O 19-20 Old Point Comfort, Va.70 N. Y 18-21 © worcester.Mass. 1-2-3-4-5 SOU West Grand Blvd Trinity 2-5656 Chapln, N. Y 26 Schoolcraft, Mich 54 Congress Hotel, So. Michigan Ave. and Congress 608 Wm. Penn Way \ Atlantic 3546 ©Charleston, W. Va 70 Gasport, N. Y 27 ©Little Falls, N. Y. .18-21 Olmsted Falls, O... 19-20 Wurlitzer, N. Y 27 Merchandise Mart, 222 Norlh Bank Drive Evansville, Ind.—101 Main Street 3-3962 ©Geneva, N. Y 26 ©Lockport, N. Y 27 ©Oneida. N. Y 18-21 ©Seneca Falls. N. Y... .26 ©Wyandotte, Mich 49 Rochester.N.Y.— ©Chatham. N. Y..1-2-4-46 Shawvllle, O 19-20 Morrison Hotel, Clark and Madison Streets Indianapolis. Ind.— Chauncey, O 70 ©Geneva, O 19-20 Lock Seven, W. Va.. .70 ©Oneonta. N. Y 24a 20 Clinton Ave. South Stone 6860 London, Ont 1-2 Orlskany, N. Y 18-21 Sheff, Ind 64 ©YONKERS. N. Y.. 18-21 Palmer House, State and Monroe Streets Chautauqua, N. Y... 25a ©Genoa, O 23 Youngstown, 0.5-9-9a-49 */* Guaranty Bldg Markai 8321 St. Louis, Mo.—S20 No. Broadway... Main 4288 Germantown, N. Y.18-21 Loon Lake, N Y 8 Osgood, Pa 50 Shelby, Ind 65 Sherman Hotel, Clark and Randolph Streets Chelsea, N. Y 18-21 ©Shortsvllle, N. Y 26 ©YoungsviUe, Pa 8 Lake Placid, N. Y.—26 Main Street.. .515 or 516 Toledo, Ohio—612 Madison Ave Main 1181 ©Chesterton, Ind 19-20 Gerry, N. Y 48 ©Lowville. N. Y 35 Osseo, Mich 22 Stevens Hotel, Michigan Ave. and 7th Street London, Ont.—281 Dundas Street. . Metcalfe 108 Union Station Main 2241

New York Central Provides Rapid Travel You Can Trust Go New York Central—It's Safe, Speedy, Economical 11 12 13 14


One Way ARound Trip One Way One Way ARound Trip One Way t a $ a BO BETWEEN -a 8 a I. • 1 h 530 BETWEEN a z I s 3 s a I ' 9 ON THE c d B E a ditche s g ppe r rt h i Car s C C 1 3) C 1 a I~ a O Pullma n 1 S3 U c EM a 1- a. BY TRAIN & g s 2 P u 3 C o J C o a a 0 a a a B a i c a an — a I T = o H PS •4 •4 -• — HI «• •5 GNew York and with comfort, safety and savings OChicafto and Albany, NY i 2 85 $ 4 30 % 39 0 J 5 45 1 8 55 $ 7 70 80 S 2 S 3.25 J 2 90 Albany, N. Y 116.45 $24 65 $22 20 $24.65 $44 90 $40 40 $ 5.80 $ 4.00 * 7.75 J 8 95 $10 40 30 $7.30 Ashtabula, Ohio n 35 17 0( 15 30 16 IK 31.85 28 70 2 65 5.30 6 10 PACEMAKER! Ashtabula, Ohio.... 7 95 11 9: 10 80 13.55 22 9.5 20 65 2 1.80 3.55 4.10 35 3 55 Buffalo, N. Y 8 75 13 K 11 81 13 50 25 10 22 60 2 10 $ 3 70 3 55 3 66 Boston, Mass 20.50 30 70 27 65 30.70 55 30 46 75 7.10 4 9(1 9 50 10 95 12 95 8.75 Chicago, 111 18 21 27 Jo 24 55 27 25 49 05 44 15 8 85 8 40 7 60 Buffalo, N. Y 10.55 15 SI 14 2; 16.00 29 S5 26 85 2 40 3 95 2 70 5 30 6.10 7 10 05 5.10 Cincinnati, Ohio 14 95 22 35 20 15 22 37 41 30 37 15 7 35 7 00 6 «> FAMOUS DE LUXE COACH TRAIN Cleveland, Ohio.... 6 85 10 25 9 25 11 65 19 85 17 85 1 60 2 65 1 3 55 4 10 4.75 35 3 5.5 Cleveland, Ohio 11 45 17 10 15 40 17 10 32 115 It 85 5 55 5 30 5 10 Columbus. Ohio.... 6.30 9 45 8 55 10.80 18 30 16 45 2.65 1 3 55 4 10 4.75 35 3 55 Columbus, Ohio 12 65 18 90 17 Do Is 90 35 30 31 SO 6 25 6 00 6 70 Detroit. Mich 5.70 8 55 7 70 10.30 16 65 15 (HI 2.65 1 3 55 4 10 4.75 35 3 55 Dayton. Ohio 14 05 21 00 1S 91 21 00 38 91 35 00 7 .35 7 00 6 60 Erie, Pa 8 80 13 15 11 85 14.10 25 20 22 65 3 15 2 4 20 4.85 6.70 95 4.15 Detroit. Mich 14 75 21 60 19 45 20 4i 39 9( 35 90 III 6 25 6 00 5 70 Lake Placid, N. Y.. 17 40 26 05 23 45 26.05 47 25 42 55 5.80 4 00 7 75 8.95 16.30 7.5 Erie, Pa 10 55 15 75 14 20 15 5; 20 75 26 71 lit 4 45 4 2(1 4 IS New York, NY... 18.20 27 25 24 55 27.25 49 05 44 15 6 30 4 35 8 40 9.70 11 35 17.85 7.80 Grand Rapids, Mich. 17 75 25 35 22 85 24 15 46 15 41 55 7 75 7 30 Niagara Falls, N. Y 3 95 2 70 5 6 10 11.05 5.10 10.55 15 Si 14 25 16.00 29 85 26 85 8 95 Indianapolis, Ind.... 16 25 24 30 21 90 24 30 44 25 39 55 9 55 8 4(1 7 80 Pittsburgh, Pa 9 40 14 10 12 70 15.10 26 SI 24 15 3 15 2 20 4 20 4.85 4.15 Lake Placid, N. Y... 7 60 11 40 10 30 12 95 521 87 19 70 2 (111 3 55 5 66 4 35 8 40 9.70 11 35 17.85 7.80 Plttsfleld, Mass.... 17.45 26 15 23 55 26.15 47 45 42 711 6 10 11.05 5.10 Montreal, Que 8 45 12 05 11 05 14 55 23 05 21 10 2 1(1 3 55 1 tl Rochester, N. Y.... 11 90 17 80 10 05 17.80 33 55 30 n5 2.70 5 30 7.10 Niagara Falls, N. Y. 9 25 13 ^5 12 50 13 0( 26 35 23 70 2 10 I 811 3 55 4 75 9 45 3 55 South Bend, Ind. . . 1.75 2 60 2 35 3.50 5 2' 4 65 .66 Plttsneld. Mass 2 90 4 35 3 M 5 55 8 65 7 so 85 Springfield. Mass... 18.50 27 75 25 0' 27 75 49 95 45 III 6.30 4 35 8.85 8 40 9 70 11 35 17 85 22 05 7 1 Rochester, N. Y 7 45 11 15 10 05 11 S5 21 45 19 30 1 95 1 SO 3 70 3 55 4 10 4.75 7 35 9 45 3 55 Syracuse. N. Y 13 50 20 25 18 25 20.25 37 .55 33 SO 4.50 3 10 6 25 6.00 6 90 8.05 12 60 15 75 5.70 St. Louis, Mo 21 30 31 70 2S 55 31 70 57.10 51 40 5 IS 10 70 10 20 11.75 13 75 21 55 27 30 9 40 <^S^ ON YOU—Slip into your Toledo, Ohio 4.70 7 05 6 35 8.50 13 Si 12 40 105 2 1. 3 55 4 10 7 35 9 45 3 53 South Bend, Ind. . .. IB 55 24 75 22 30 24 75 4.5 05 40 55 4 00 8 10 7.75 10 40 21 (10 7 30 Utica. N. Y 14 65 21 8( 19 i.5 21.80 40 30 36 25 5.25 3.60 7.00 8.05 14.70 18.90 6.60 Syracuse, N. Y 5 SO 8 70 7 S5 9 S5 16.95 15 25 1.5.5 1 45 2 3 80 7 35 2 '.HI seat and relax. Never a worry about Watertown, N. Y... 15.06 22 55 20 30 22.55 41 35 37 25 Toledo, Ohio 13 60 20 30 18 30 20 3(1 37 65 33 CO 3 15 3 10 II 25 6 00 8 05 12 191 15 75 5 70 Westfield. N. Y 9.40 14 05 12 65 15.00 26 70 24 Hi *:*» 3 15 2 20 4 20 4.85 11.55 4 15 Toronto, Ont 11 20 15 65 14 51) IS 55 29 60 27 36 2 65 2 20 4 45 4 20 4 85 5.70 8 95 II 56 4 IS traffic ... or weather ... or detours. Worcester, Mass.... 19 60 29 35 26 45 29.35 52 85 47 55 7.10 4 90 9 50 10.95 19.95 25.20 8.75 Utica, N. Y 4 75 7 15 6 45 8 60 14.00 12 tin 1 30 I 45 2.80 3 25 6 30 7 33 I.N Youngstown, Ohio.. 8 15 12 20 11 00 13.60 23 35 21 05 3 15 2 20 4 20 4.85 8 95 11.55 4.15 Watertown. N. Y 6 50 9 75 8 80 11 10 18 85 17 110 1.76 3 55 4.10 4 75 7 35 9 45 ill Westfield. N. Y I 45 1 so Sleep like a baby on the famous New ©Cleveland and 9 95 14 85 13 40 14 60 28 25 25 40 4 20 4.85 S 95 II 65 4 15 40 4 20 4.85 8.95 11.55 Youngstown, Ohio... 11 35 17 00 15 30 16 HI I 31.85 28 70 2 20 Albany, N. Y 9.60 14 40 13 00 15.40 27 24 65 2 55 8.15 York Central Water Level Route. Ar• Ashtabula, Ohio 1 15 1 70 1 55 2.30 3 40 3 05 .55 ^Boston and Boston, Mass 13 65 20 45 18 45 20 45 37 65 34 15 4.50 3 10 6 00 6 90 8 05 12.60 15.75 5 70 Albany, N. Y 4 05 6 05 5 45 7 60 11.85 10 65 2 Hi 1.41 2 80 25 6 30 7 I •« rive fresh as a daisy! Buffalo, N. Y 3 70 5 55 5 on 7.10 10 65 9 85 .95 2 65 1 3 ,55 4 10 4 75 7 35 9.45 3 ! Ashtabula, Ohio 12 50 IS 75 16 90 IS 75 35 00 31 50 4 50 3 III 6 00 12 I IS 75 5 70 Chicago, 111 6.85 10 25 9 25 11.65 19 85 17 85 1 60 2 65 1 80 3 ,55 4 4 75 7 35 9 45 3 55 Buffalo, N. Y 9 95 14 90 13 45 15 90 28.35 25 .511 3 15 2 20 4.20 4.85 5,70 8 96 II 56 4 15 Cincinnati, Ohio 8.10 7 6" 6 85 9.15 14 Sll 13 35 1 0.5 2 65 1.80 3 .5.5 4 1(1 4.75 7 35 9.45 3.55 Chicago, 111 20 30 55 27 50 30 55 55.00 49 50 7 10 4 SO 9 50 10 12.80 19 96 25 211 I 76 Columbus, Ohio 2.80 4 15 3 75 5.30 s 25 7 40 75 2 10 1 45 2 80 3 25 6 30 7.35 2 90 Cincinnati, Ohio 18 7»0 28 05 25 25 28 05 50.50 45 45 6 30 4 35 8.40 9.70 17 86 22 (15 7 SO Dayton, Ohio. ... 1.. 4 20 6 25 5 65 7.60 12 25 11 00 1 0(1 2 65 1 80 .3 55 4 1(1 4 75 7 35 9.45 3.55 Cleveland, Ohio 13 60 20 40 IS 40 20 40 37.85 34 05 4 50 3 HI 6.00 6 12 6(1 15 75 5 70 Detroit. Mich 1.. 3 30 4 Oil 4 45 6.25 9 65 8 70 2.65 1.80 3 55 4 10 4 75 7.35 9 45 3.55 Columbus, Ohio 16 35 24 55 22 10 24 55 44 70 40 25 5 80 4 on 7.75 8.95 16 311 21 (Ml 7 10 16 311 Erie, Pa 1 95 2 85 2 70 3 90 5 90 5 30 Dayton, Ohio 17 75 26 65 24 00 26 '.5 48 35 43 50 6 80 4 DO 7.75 21 (III 7 30 Grand Rapids, Mich. 6.30 9 H5 8 15 10.80 17 ,50 15 75 Detroit, Mich 16 95 23 30 21 00 23 3( 42.75 38 45 5 25 t "" 7.00 8 05 9 45 14 70 IH IKI 8 60 Indianapolis. Ind.... 2 6.5 1 80 3 55 4 111 7 35 9 45 3.55 5.30 11 05 5.70 8 55 7 70 10.30 16 65 15 00 Erie, Pa 11 75 17 55 15 so 17 55 32 90 29 6(1 3 95 2 70 6.11) 7 10 14 711 5 111 Lake Placid. NY... 10.55 15 81 14 2.5 16.00 29 85 26 85 8 95 2 70 5 30 6.10 11 05 14.70 6.10 Grand Rapids, Mich. 17 90 26 85 24 2n 26 85 48 70 •13 85 Montreal, Que 12.90 18 80 17 10 19.80 34 80 31 95 Indianapolis, Ind.. .. 19 311 28 95 26 10 2S 95 52.15 46 90 7 10 4 90 9.50 10.95 19 95 25 20 8 76 New York, N. Y.... 11.45 17 10 15 4H 17.10 32 1.5 28 85 2 65 3 'i5 5 31) 11.05 14.70 Lake Placid, N. Y... 8 SO 13 15 11 85 14 10 25 20 22 6.5 2 05 1 3 5.5 4.10 7 35 9 45 8 56 Niagara Falls, N. Y.. Niagara Fall-,. N. Y.. 4 20 6 30 5 7(1 7.60 12 35 11 10 10 45 15 65 14 10 16 (III 29 55 M 60 3 15 2 20 4 20 4.85 9 95 II 56 4 16 Pittsburgh, Pa 2.65 3 95 3 60 5 10 7 85 7 05 ".5,5 2 10 1.45 2 SO 3 25 6 30 7 31 2 90 Pittsburgh, Pa 13 40 20 05 18 05 211 115 37 20 33 45 4 50 3 HI 6.00 6.90 12 60 15 75 6 70 Plttsneld, Mass 10 60 15 9i 14 3,5 16.00 30 On 27 00 3 95 2.70 5 30 6 10 11.05 14.70 5 10 Rochester, N. Y 8 65 12 90 11 65 13 SO 24.70 22 25 3 15 2 21) 4 20 4.85 5 65 II SS 4 15 Rochester, N. Y 5.05 7 55 6 80 9.10 14 70 13 25 2 65 1 3 55 4 10 7.35 9 45 3 55 St. Louis, Mo 24 20 36 30 32 70 36 3(1 65 35 68 85 8 40 5 SO 11 20 12.90 13.15 23 65 29 40 10 40 I. Ill ON YOUR PURSE-Sur- NEW YORK-CHICAGO St. Louis, Mo 10.75 16 nil 14 4n 16.00 30 211 27 211 2 10 3 95 2.70 5 3D 11.05 14.70 5.10 South Bend, Ind. ... 18 70 28 05 25 25 2S 05 50 50 45 45 6 4 35 8 40 9.70 11.35 17 85 22 (15 7 80 2 1 3 55 4 10 7.35 9 45 3 55 9 45 South Bend, Ind.... 5.10 7 65 6 on 9.20 14 90 13 45 1 40 Syracuse, N. Y 7 00 10 45 9 45 11 84 20 25 18 20 1

The Greatest Sensation In De Luxe Economy Travel:—The Pacemaker— 17-Hour Coach Flyer Between Chicago and New York 15 16 17 IS PULLMAN, COACH AND DINING CAR SERVICE •Regularly assigned cars •^Regularly assigned cars •^Regularly assigned cars ^Regularly assigned cars PULLMAN COACH AND DINING CAR SERVICE are air-conditioned. North and West-Bound are air-conditioned. are air-conditioned. are air-conditioned. North and West-Bound Abbreviations: Sec.—Section; D.R.—Drawing Room: Comp.—Compartment

No. 75—The Mercury—Daily No. 1—The Cayuga—Daily No. 17—The Wolverine—Dally No. 27—New England States—Daily No. 59—The Iroquois—Dally No. 41—The Knickerbocker—Daily Streamlined. Completely Alr-Condltloned Parlor Car (Restaurant Lounge) LotUMM I Iff Via Michigan Central lx>unge Cars Lounge Car Via Big Four Route Lounge Cars _ _ _ _ All seats in Parlor Cars and Coaches are reserved • New York to Lake Placid (Ex. Sun.)—In Adk. Dlv. No. 3 • New York to Chicago (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) Diner Lounge—*New York to Utica (Sun. Only) • New York to Chicago (8 Sec-Buffet) •Boston to Chicago (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) •New York to St. Louis (8 Section-Buffet) Lounge Car Sleeping Can • Boston to Chicago (D.R.-2 Comp. Buffet) Sleeping Cars •New Y'ork to Buffalo (D.R.-Single Bedroom-Buffet) •Cleveland to Detroit (Buffet) Coach—*New York to Syracuse (Regularly assigned car— Sleeping Cars—Open 9.46 p.m. Reclining Seat DeLuxe) •New York to St. Louis (10 Roomette—5 Double Bed• Parlor Cars • New York to Chicago (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) Sleeping Cars room)—From No. 16 at Buffalo • New York to Chicago (10 Romuttc-5 Double Bedroom) •Cleveland to Detroit—Observation • New York to Chicago (4 Comp.-4 krdronm-2 D.R.) • Boston to Chicago (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) • New York to St. Louis (10 Sec.-D.R.-1 Comp.)—From • New York to Chicago (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) •Cleveland to Detroit No. 3—The Pacemaker—Daily • New York to Grand Rapids (8 Sec.-D.k -2 < omp j • Boston to Chicago (17 Roomette) No. 15 at Buffalo •New York to Chicago (6 Sec.-6 Double Bedroom) Dining Car Luxury Coach Train—Completely Air-Condltioned • New York to Detroit (8 Sec-Buffet Lounge) • Boston to Chicago (14 Sec.) • New York to Cincinnati (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In No. 15 from • New York to Chicago (14 Sec.) •Cleveland to Detroit •New York to St. Louis (8 Sec-5 Double Bedroom) — For special features set page 13 *N«u York to Detroit (14 Sec) •Boston to Pittsburgh (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom) Buffalo Coaches Club Lounge—*New York to Chicago (Buffet) —In No. 79 from Buffalo In Big Four No. 7 from ('It "land •Boston to ' hicago (S Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp ) •New York to Cincinnati (10 Sec-2 Double Bedroom—1 •Cleveland to Detroit (loaches—{Including special coach for women) I )lning Cars— *Boston to Syracuse Comp.)—From No. 15 at Buffalo; In No. 123 from •New York to Chicago (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In No. 151 from •Boston to Detroit (6 Sec.-6 Double Bedroom) No. 79—Buffalo Pittsburgh Express—Daily •New York to Chicago (All Reclining Seat DeLuxe) • Toledo to Chicago Cleveland Buffalo „ Dining Car - *New York to Chicago •Buffalo to Detroit (14 Sec.)—Open 9.00 p.m. •Boston to Cincinnati (10 Sec.-D. R.-2 Comp.)—In No. •New York to Toronto (10 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.)—In Via Pittsburgh & Lake Erie No. 38 Coach T. H. & B. No. 76 Sleeping Cars—May be occupied until 8.00 a.m. Observation Lounge— *New York to Chicago (Buffet) Pallor (ar •New York to Syracuse 15 from Buffalo All seats reserved and assigned in advance. No extra charge • Boston to Chicago (Regularly assigned car—Reclining •Boston to St. Louis (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) •New York to Rochester (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In Auburn •Boston to Pittsburgh (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom)—From l Hnlng ('nm - *New York to Chicago Seat DeLuxe) • Syracuse to Cleveland, Sunday only (12 Sec.-D.R.)— Road No. 3 weekdays; No. 7 Sundays ^ No. 27 at Buffalo No. 5—The Mohawk—Daily • Boston to Albany In No. 7 from Buffalo •Boston to Buffalo (10 Sec-Lounge)—From B. & A. No. 37 •Toronto to Pittsburgh (10 Sec-D.R.-2 Comp.)—From •Boston to Buffalo, (8 See.-5 Single Bedroom) — From B. T. H. & B. No. 82 Lounge Car Coaches No. 29—The Niagara—Daily •Massena to Pittsburgh, Sunday only (12 Sec-2 Double • Buffalo to St. Louis (8 Sec-Buffet)—In No. 39-41 Bedroom)—From St. L. Div. No. 708. In No. 79 & A. No. 37 at Albany •Buffalo to Pittsburgh (12 Sec.-D.R.)—Open 9.00 p.m. Lounge Car •Massena to Pittsburgh (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom)— Sleeping Cars—Open 9.30 p.m. at Cleveland •New York to Chicago!. (Regularly assigned oars Re- from Buffalo •Boston to Chicago via. N. Y. C [From B. & A. No. 49- • Albany to Chicago (12 Sec.-D.R.) • Boston to Detroit J dining Scat DeLuxo) • New York to Niagara Falls (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) Parlor Car (12 Sec.-D.R.) From No. 309 at Buffalo week days; No. 41 Sundays •Boston to Chicago via N. Y. C, N. Y. C. No. 29 at Dining Service •Buffalo to Chicago (12 Sec.-D. R.) Sleeping Cars—Open 8.30 p.m. at New York •New York to Buffalo Buffalo • Buffalo to Cincinnati (12 Sec.-D.R.) I In Big Four • New York to Buffalo (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.)—{May be • Dining Car serving all meals (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) •Youngstown to Pittsburgh • Cleveland to Cincinnati (12 Sec. D.R.) / No. 5 No. 19—Lake Shore Limited Dili) occupied until 8.00 a. m.) Coaches Parlor Car Coach •Cleveland to St. Louis (14 Sec.)—In Big Four No. 39-41 • New York to Chicago via Niagara Falls (8 Sec.-D.R.- •New York to St. Louis ! (Regularly assigned cars— • Buffalo to Chicago •Buffalo to Pittsburgh •Pittsburgh to Chicago (12 Sec.-2 Double Bedroom)— Lounge Car 2 Comp.)—In No. 246 from Niagara Falls; M. C •Boston to Buffalo / Reclining Seat DeLuxe) Dining Car No. 83—Pittsburgh and Cleveland Express—Daily From P. A L. E. No. 79 • New York to Chicago (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) No. 39 from Buffalo • Buffalo to Chicago •Buffalo to Toronto—Diner Lounge Lounge Car _ „ „ . Parlor Cars— *New York to Buffalo {Sleeper as Parlor Car) Sleeping Cars •Boston to Detroit via M. C. (8 Sec.-D.R.-3 Double Bed• •Buffalo to St. Louis (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) • New York to Montreal via D. 2 Double Bedroom)—Open 9.30 p.m. May be occu• • Boston to Syracuse (12 Sec.-D.R.) No. 61—The Seneca—Daily •New York to Montreal via Rut. R. R. •Boston to Buffalo (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Buffalo to Cleveland •Pittsburgh to Chicago—From P. & L. E. No. 79 • Boston to Chicago via B. & M. (12 See-PR) pied until 8.00 a.m. •Cleveland to St. Louis (10 Sec.)— In Big Four No. 31 Lounge Car Dintng Cars - *New York to Albany •Montreal to Buffalo (10 Sec-Buffet Lounge)—From Adk. •Buffalo to Cleveland (Regularly assigned car—Reclin• Div. No. 4 at Utica. May be occupied until 8.00 a.m. Parlor Cars • New Y'ork to Albany (.s Sec-Buffet) No. 7—Number Seven—Daily •Cleveland to Chicago Via Rutland Route •Albany to Detroit—Restaurant] Via Cleveland and To- Sleeping Cars—Open 9.45 P.m. ing Seat DeLuxe) Sleeping Cars—May be occupied until 8.00 a.m. ' 11.' 11 • 11 • New Y'ork to Montreal (8 Sec.-5 Double Bedroom) Lounge Uedo—In Detroit Branch • New York to Syracuse (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In No. 43 from •Buffalo to Pittsburgh—In P. & L. E. No. 34 •Buffalo to Detroit (Sleeper as [No. 828 •Cleveland to St. Louis—In Big Four No. 27 •Pittsburgh to Cleveland via Ashtabula, except Saturday • New York to (*hicago (Regularly assigned ear Reclining • New York to Burlington (10 Sec-2 D.R.)—In No. 43 Albany night (12 Sec.-D.R.)—From P. & L. E. No. 7.—Open from Rutland Parlor Car) J • New York to Watertown via Rome, except Saturday No. 87—Lake Cities Special—Daily Seat DeLuxe) Dining Cars night (10 Sec-2 D.R.)—lb St. L. Div. No. 47-7 Sleeping Car—Open 9.30 p.m. 1 10.00 p.m. • New York to Rutland, Friday only (14 Sec.) •Syracuse to Cleveland, except Saturday night (12 Sec- •Albany to Detroit—Restaurant Lounge • New York to Utica, except Saturday night (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Pittsburgh to Detroit (8 Sec.-5 [In Detroit Branch I). \l.)—From 309 at Buffalo week days; No. 41 Sundays Dining Cars—•Boston to Albany (Diner Lounge) Coaches —May be occupied until 7,10 a.m. Doub'e Bedroom) f A'o. Sot No. 21—The Ontariao—Lake Erie Dully New York to Albany •Buffalo to Cleveland, except Saturday night (12 Sec- • Buffalo to Detroit (Diner Lounge)—M. C. No. 35 • New York to Fort Edward via D. & H. except Saturday Coach— •Pittsburgh to Detroit J D.R.)—Open 9.00 p.m. Lounge ' :ir* •Boston to Chicago night (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Boston to Detroit via Cleveland and Toledo •Toronto to Cleveland (12 Sec.-D.R.)— From T. H. & D. • New York (0 Albany (Buffet) ('oaches •New York to Albany (12 Sec.-D.R.), except Saturday- No. 89—The Forest City—Daily No. 82 at Buffalo • New York to Niagara Falls) •Cleveland to Detroit (Regularly assigned car—Reclining Open until 8.00 a.m. •Buffalo to Toronto (Buffet)—In T. H. A B. No. 71 Seat DeLuxe) Lounge Car Coaches • New York to Montreal via [Regularly assigned cars— Coach _ , •Cleveland to Chicago (D.R.-2 Comp.-Buffet) Sleeping Cars Rutland Route f Reclining Seat DeLuxe •New York to Utica (Regularly assigned car—Reclining Sleeping Cars—Open 9.30 p.m. No. 9—Mail—Daily • New York to Toronto (10 Roomette-5 DOU I • Boston to Buffalo J Seat DeLuxe) •Cleveland to Chicago, except Sat. night (17 Roomette) Sleeping Cars—Open 9.30 p.m. until 7.00 a.m. ble Bedroom) No. 47—The Detroiter—Daily •Cleveland to Chicago (13 Double Bedroom) • New \ork to Toronto, Ex. Sat. (6 Her.-d In •Cleveland to Chicago (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Cleveland to Chicago (14 Section) No. 35—Fast Mail—Daily No. 63—The Genesee—Dally •Toledo to Chicago (12 Sec.-D. R.) Double Bedroom) // ,(- 11 Via Michigan Central •Cleveland to Chicago (14 Sec)—Two Coaches - New York to Buffalo • New York to 'Toronto (14 Section) No. 71 Lounge Car—*New York to Buffalo (Buffet) Lounge Car _ •Cleveland to Chicago (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) • New York to Toronto (4 Comp.-4 Double m Lounge Car • Columbus to Chicago (10 Sec-2 Double Bedroom-1 Cleveland to Chicago Sleeping ('ars—Open 9.45 p.m. •New York to Detroit (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet)—Two •New York to Buffalo (« Double Bedroom-Buffet) Bedroom-2 D.R.) ) Sleeping Cars Comp.)—From Ohio Central No. 1 at Toledo • New York to Detroit (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) • New York to Buffalo (10 S (-.-Buffet) •Cleveland to Detroit (12 Sec.-D.K.)—Two— In Detroit No. 11—Southwestern Limited—Dally • New York to < leveland (10Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) • New York to Detroit (17 Roomette)—Two sec.-Buffet) • New York to Buffalo (8 Sec.-3 Double Bedroom'. • New York to Rochester (S Branch No. 222. May be occupied until 8.00 a.m. Via Big Four Route • New York to Cleveland (12 Sec.-D.R.) •New York to Ogdensburg via Carthage (12 Sec.-D R.) • New York to Detroit (13 Double Bedroom) Sleeping Cars—Open 9./,6 p.m. May be occupied at Rochester • New York to Detroit (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.)-Two Coaches—•Cleveland to Chicago Observation Lounge Sleeping Car • New York to Plattsburg (12 Sec.-D.R.) via D, A II. R. R. —In St. L. Div. No. 59 and Syracuse until 8.00 m •Cleveland to Detroit—In Detroit Branch No. 222 •New York to St. Louis (D.R.-Comp.-2 Double Bedroom- In Adirondack IHntsion A'rt. 6 from Utica •New York to Massena via Rome and Watertown •New York to Detroit (14 Sec.)—Two •New York to Niagara Falls (8 Sec.-4 Double Bedroom) Broiler Buffet) • New York to Lake Placid (8 Sec.-D.R -2 Comp.) (10 Sec.-3 Double Bedroom)—In St. L. Diw. No. 65 •New York to Bay City (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) •New York to Buffalo (B) Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) No. 151—Interstate Express—Dally Pullman Cars only; no coach passengers carried Sleeping Cars • New York to Malone (10 Sec.-D.R.-2 < •omp.) Dining Car • New York to Buffalo (14 See.) Sleeping Car •New York to St. Louis (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) • Buffalo to Detroit (Diner Lounge) Dining Car •New York to Rochester, exrept Saturday (17 Roomette) Coach No coach passengers carried cant of Buffalo. •New Y'ork to Chicago (12 Sec-D. R.)—From No. 69 at • New York to St. Louis (12 Sec.-D.R.) •New York to Detroit •New York to Rochester Sec-6 Double Bedroom) Buffalo • Buffalo to Cleveland ("oaches—(No coach passengers carried east of Buffalo) •New York to Rochester (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) •New York to St. Louis (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) • Buffalo to Detroit via M. C. (Regularly assigned car— Parlor Car •Boston to St. Louis (8 Sec-D.R.-3 Double Bedroom) Dining Cars— •New York to Albany—Diner lounge • New York to Oswego except Saturday (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Cleveland to Detroit (Sleeper as Parlor Car)—In Detroit Reclining Seat DeLuxe) In St. L. Div. No. 337 • •Boston to Cleveland (6 Sec.-6 Double Bedroom) • Buffalo to ('leveland—Diner Lounge No. 51—Empire State Express—Dally Branch No. 312 •Boston to Cincinnati (8 Sec.-5 Double Bedroom)—In Big • New York to Syracuse (8 fVc.-S Double Bedroom) Dining Cars— •Buffalo to Pittsburgh—Diner Lounge • Buffalo to Toronto—Diner Lounge— In Tit,.* it. No. 71 Streamlined, Completely Air-Conditioned Four No. 121 from Cleveland • New York to Syracuse, except Saturday (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Cleveland to Chicago—Diner Lounge •Boston to Toronto (10 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) No. 37—Advance Commodore Vandcrbilt—Daily All seats in Parlor Cars and Coaches are reserved Coach Coaches— •Buffalo to Chicago Dining Cars—*New York to St. Louis Tavern Lounge •New York to Buffalo •Buffalo to Pittsburgh Lounge car •Boston to Albany No. 23—Albany Express- Dully •New York to Cleveland (Buffet) •Cleveland to Detroit—In Detroit Branch No. 312 Coaches • New York to Chicago (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet)—Two Parlor Cars •New York to St. Louis (All seats in the regularly assigned Lunch ('oimier < 'ar No. 65—Montreal Limited—Daily No. 309—Buffalo Express—Daily. Except Sunday Sleeping ('ars •New York to Cleveland Reclining Seat DeLuxe Coach are reserved in ad• • New York lo Albany Via Delaware & Hudson Sleeping Cars vance, without charge) • New York to Chicago (18 Roomette)—Two •New York to Detroit Coach Lounge Car •Syracuse to Cleveland except Saturday night (12 Sec, •Boston,to Cleveland (Regularly assigned car—Reclining • New Vork to Chicago (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) Dining Cars • New York to Chicago (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D. R.) • New York to Montreal (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) D.R.)—In No. 7 from Buffalo Seat DeLuxe)'—In No. 57 from Albany •New York to Albany •New York to Cleveland •Massena to Pittsburgh (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom) - • New York to Chicago (13 Double Bedroom) •New York to Detroit Sleeping Cars—Open 9.45 p.m. • New York to Chicago (14 Sec.) From St. L. Div. No. 8. In No. 79 from Buffalo No. 15—Ohio State Limited—Daily Observation Coach (Buffet I-ounge) • New York to Montreal (13 Double Bedroom) Coach—Syracuse to Buffalo Pullman Cars only; no coach passengers carried •New York to Cleveland • New York to Montreal (14 Single Bedroom) Lounge Car Via Bio Four Route No. 25—Twentieth Century Limited Dully Reclining Seat DeLuxe Coaches No. 367—Upstate Special—Daily Dining Car—*New York to Chicago • New York to Montreal (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.)—Two • New York to Cincinnati (D.R.-Single Bedroom-Buffet) Completely Alr-Condltloned- Streamlined • New York to Cleveland Parlor lounge Car—*New York to Utica Sleeping Cars • New York to Detroit Pullman Cars only; no coach passengers carried For special features and service charges see page S9 Dining Car—•New York to Albany •New York to Cincinnati (14 Sec.) • New York to Buffalo Coach— •New York to Utica No. 39—North Shore Limited—Daily No. 67—The Commodore Vanderbilt—Dally •New York to Cincinnati(10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) Lounge < 'ar No. 609—The Prairie State—Dally •New York to St. Louis (10 Roomette-5 Double Bed• Via Michigan Central room)—In No. 41 from Buffalo • New York to Chicago (Buffet) No. 57—Cleveland Limited Daily i-oungc Car Lounge Car— •Cleveland to Chicago (Buffet) Parlor Cars — •Cleveland to Chicago •New York to St. Louis (10 Sec.-D.R.-l Comp.)— In Lounge Car—•New York to Chicago (Buffet) •New York to Chicago (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) No* 41 from Buffalo Observation Sleeping Car Ix>unge Car . •Pittsburgh to Detroit—(Sleeper as Parlor Car)—In sleeping Cars • New York to Cleveland (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) Sleeping Cars Detroit Branch No. 306 •New York to Cincinnati (10 Sec.-2 Double Bedroom- •New York to Chicago (Master Room-Bedroom-Buffet) •New York to Chicago (8 Sec-4 Double Bedroom) Sleeping Cars—May be occupied mail 8.0O a.m. • New York to Chicago (18 Roomette) Dining Cars 1 Comp.)—In No. 41 from Buffalo; No. 123 from Sleeping Cars •New York to Chicago (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) • New York to Chicago (4 Cj:np.-4 Bedroom-2 D. R.) Cleveland •New York to Chicago via Niagara Falls (12 Sec.-D.R.)— • New York to Cleveland (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) •Pittsburgh to Cleveland—Diner Lounge • New York to Chicago (18 Roomette) •New York to Chicago (13 Double Bedroom) •New York to Cincinnati (12 Sec.-D.R.)—From No. 41 In N. Y. C. No. 29 to Niagara Ftills; No. 246 to Buffalo • New York to Cleveland (18 Roomette) • New York to Chicago (14 Sec.)—Two • Cleveland to Chicago at Buffalo • New York to Chicago (10 Roomette-5 Bedroom) • New York to Chicago (8 Ste.-D.R.-2 Comp.) •Toledo to Detroit—In Detroit Branch No. S06 • Buffalo to Chicago (8 Sec.-4 Double Bedroom) •New York to Cleveland Ex. Sat. (13 Double Bedroom) Coaches _ •Boston to Cincinnati (10 Sec.-2 Double Bedroom-1 •New York to Chicago (4 Comp.-4Bedroom-:.' D.R.) -Three •New York to Cleveland (14 Sec.) • New York to Chicago (S Fee-Buffet Lounge)—In No. Comp.)—From No. 41 at Buffalo Parlor Car— *New York to Buffalo •Cleveland to Chicago (Regularly assigned car—Reclin• •New York to Cincinnati (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In Big Four 641 from Toledo •Buffalo to Cincinnati (14 Sec.)—Open 9.00 p.m. • New York to Chicago (13 Double Bedroom)—Two Dining Cars—*New York to Buffalo • Buffalo to Chicago (12 Sec-D.R.)—Open 9.00 p.m. ing Seat DeLuxe) No. 121 from Cleveland • Pittsburgh to Detroit—In Detroit Branch No. 306 •Dining Car serving all meals Pullman Cars only; no coach passengers carried • New York to Chicago—Diner Lounge Pullman Cars only from New York. • New York to Buffalo (Sleeper as Parlor Car) •Cleveland to Detroit—In Detroit Branch No, 306 Coach •New York to Cincinnati 1 (Regularly assigned cars- Dining Car Dintng Car •New York to Chicago (Regularly assigned car—Reclining No. 641—Accommodation—Daily •Buffalo to St. Louis-in No. 41 j Reclining Seat DeLuxe) • New York to Chicago •Boston to Cleveland (Regularly assigned car—Reclining • New Y'ork to Chicago Sleeping Car Seat DeLuxe) Seat DeLuxe)—From B.

Ask Agents About Rail-Auto and Train-Taxi Service Niagara Falls—Mohawk Valley—Hudson River—See Them All Via New York Central 1!) 20 21 22

PULLMAN, COACH AND DINING CAR SERVICE •^-Regularly assigned cars •Regularly assigned cars PULLMAN, COACH AND DINING CAR SERVICE ^-Regularly assigned cars ^Regularly assigned cars are air-conditioned. are air-conditioned. are air-conditioned* East and South-Bound East and South-Bound are air-conditioned. No. 84—Pittsburgh-Buffalo Express—Dally No. 40—North Shore Limited—Daily No. 58—The Niagara—Daily No. 2—The Pacemaker—Dally No. 12—Southwestern I.lmitc<1 —Dally No. 24—The Knickerbocker—Dally Lounge Car Via M ichigan Central Sleeping Cars 1 Via Lounge Car Via Michigan Central LounM lM Big Four Route •Buffalo to Albany (Buffet) •Pittsburgh to Boston (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom)— Luxury Coach Train—Completely Air-Conditioned Via Big Four Route •Chicago to New York (Buffet) •8t. UmiH to New York (8 Section-Buffet) Lounge Car Sleeping Cars In P. A L. E. No. S3 to Youngstown; No. 6 from Buffalo; For special features see page IS. Observation Lounge Sleeping car Sleeping Cars •Chicago to Albany (12 Sec.-D.R.) B. A A. No. 28 from Albany •St. Louis to New York (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) •Chicago to New York (4 Comp -4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) •Pittsburgh to Albany (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom)— •St. I^ouis to New York (D.R.-Comp-2 Bedroom-Buffet) Sleeping Cars •Chicago to New York via Welland and Niagara Falls Club Lounge Sleeping Care •Chicago to New York (8 Sec-4 Double Bedroom) (8 Sec-D.R.-2 Comp.)—Jn No. 246 from Niagara In P. A L.E. No. 33 to Youngstown; No. 132 from Buffalo •Chicago to New York (Buffet) •St. Louis to New York (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom, •Chieago to Boston (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In No. 38 from Parlor Car •St. 1-ouls to New York (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) Buffalo, B. A A. No. 40 FaUs; No. 4 from Buffalo Coaches—Including special coach for women •St. Louis to New York (10 Sec-D.R.-l Comp.) •St. Louis to New York (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) •Chicago to Buffalo (8 See.-4 Double Bedroom) •Pittsburgh to Buffalo • St. Louis to Boston (8 Sec.-D.R -.'I Double Bedroom)— •Cincinnati to New York (10 See-2 Bedroom-1 Comp) •Chicago to Buffalo (10 Sec-3 Double Bedroom) •Chicago to New York—(All Reclining Seat DeLuxe) Dining Car— •Chicago to New York (Diner Lounge) •Detroit to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.) ^ Diner Lounge In B. A A. No. 8 from Albany •Cleveland to New York (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) —In No. 38 from Albany yOpen 10.00 p.m. • Pittsburgh to Buffalo Dining Car •Cleveland to New York (12 Sec-D. R.) Coach •Chicago to New York ••Cleveland to Boston (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom)—in •Detroit to Buffalo (14 *ec.) ) /< db .1. No. 8 from Albany •St. Louis to Boston (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.)—In B. A .1 •Chicago to New York (Regularly assigned car—Reclining •Pittsburgh to Buffalo Observation Lounge Seat DeLuxe) Dining Cars Dining ( ar *St. Louis to New York No. 10 from Albany •Chicago to Jackson—Diner Lounge •Chicago to New York (Buffet) Coach Dining Cars— *st. Louis to Cleveland •Detroit to Albany—Diner Lounge •Cincinnati to Cleveland—Diner Lounge No. 88—Pittsburgh Special—Daily All seats reserved and assigned In advance. No extra charge •St. I^uis to New York (All seats In the regularly aligned Coaches Reclining Seat DeLuxe Coach are reserved In advance •Albany to New York—Diner Lounge No. 44—Number Forty-tour—Dally •Chicago to Buffalo Sleeping Cars—May be occuvied until 8.00 a.m. without charge) Coaches Coach •Detroit to Pittsburgh 18 Sec-5 Double Bedroom) — No. 4—New York Special—Dally •Cincinnati to Buffalo (Regularly assigned car—Reclining •Buffalo to New York—//* Nv. 38 from Albany No. 14—Interstate Express- -Deity •St. Louis to New York (All seats in the regularly assigned From Detroit Branch No. 227—Open 10.00 p.m. Lounge Cars Lounge Cars Reclining Seat DeLuxe Coach are reserved in advance Seat DeLuxe)—From BtQ Four No. 146 at Cleveland No. 62—Montreal Limited—Mount Royal—Dally •Chicago to Pittsburgh (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom)— • Detroit to New York (Buffet)—From M. c. No. 44 at without charge) Lounge Car From No. 80 at Toledo •Chicago to Boston (Buffet)- -In No. 40 from Buffalo Coaches Buffalo Sleeplng < ars •Cincinnati to Cleveland • Montreal to New York (6 Bedroom-Buffet)—In D. A H. • Niagara Falls to New York (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) • Chicago to New York (14 Sec.)—In No. 4 from Buffalo No. 26—Twentieth Century Limited—Daily No. 46—Western Express—Dally No. 10 •Detroit to Pittsburgh—From Detroit Branch No. 227 Sleeping Cars •Chicago to Pittsburgh—From No. 80 at Toledo •Cincinnati to New York (14 Sec) From Big Four No. Completely Alr-Condltloned—Streamlined Lounge Car Sleeping Cars—May be occupied until 7.30 a.m. •Chicago to New York (14 Sec.) From No. 11 at Buffalo. 104 at Cleveland—In No. 4 from Buffalo For special features and service charges see page 59 •Chicago to Boston (D.R.-2 Comp. Buffet)—From No. 14 From D. A H. No. 10 • Cincinnati to New York (14 Sec.) From Big Four No. 104 In I,G •Montreal to New York (13 Double Bedroom) • < ihleago to Boston (14 Section) j S^L Lounge Car— •Chicago to New York (Buffet) at Buffalo • Montreal to New York (14 Single Bedroom) at Cleveland—N.Y.C. No. 14 at Buffalo Observation Sleeping Car Sleeping Cars No. 90—The Forest City—Dally •Chicago to Boston (D.R.-2 Comp.-I^unge) | ,/,™/0 •Montreal to New York (8 Sec.-D R.-2 Comp.)—Two •Chicago to New York via Niagara Falls (8 Sec.-D.R.- •Chicago to Boston (14 Section)—From No. 14 at Buffalo Lounge Cars—•Chicago to New York (8 Sec.-Buffet) 2 Comp.) —In M. C. No. 58 via Wetland, arriving Nia• • Rochester to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In Auburn •Chicago to New York (Master Room-Bed room-Buffet) From D. A H. No. 8 •Detroit to Boston (8 Sec.-D.R.-3 Double Bedroom)— •Plattsburg to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Chicago to Cleveland (D.R.-2 Comp.-Buffet) gara Falls 7.30 a.m. Road No. 18 to Syracuse Sleeping Cars From M. C. No. 44 at Buffalo Sleeping Cars—Open 9.30 p.m. (C.T.) May be. occupied at •Detroit to New York (8 Sec-Lounge) ] From M. C. From St. Lawrence Division No. 80—tin Carthage •Fort Edward to New York, except Sat. (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Chicago to New York (18 Roomette) •Toronto to Boston (10 Sec-D.R.-2 Comp.)—From* T. From Rutland No. 62 Cleveland and Toledo until 8.00 a.m. (E.T.) •Bay City to New York (8 Sec.-D.R.- \ No 44 • Watertown to New York, except Saturday (10 Sec - •Chicago to New York (10 Roomette-5 Bedroom) H. A B. No. 80 at Buffalo •Chicago to New York (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) 2 Comp.) I t Buffalo 2 D.R.)—Open 9.S0 p.m. •Montreal to New York (8 Sec-5 Double Bedroom) a •Chicago to New York (4Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.)— Three •Buffalo to Boston (8 See.-5 Single Bedroom) •Burlington to New York (10 Sec-2 D.R.)—In No. 46 to •Chicago to Cleveland, except Sat. night (17 Roomette) •Toronto to New York (10 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.)— From • Massena to New York via Watertown (in Sec.-3 Double •Buffalo to'Montreal (10 Sec-Buffet)— In Adt. Div. No. 6 •Chicago to Cleveland (13 Double Bedroom) T. H. A B. No. SO at Buffalo Bedroom) •Chicago to New York (13 Double Bedroom)—Two Rutland Pullman Cars only; no coach passengers carried Dining Cars Coach •Chicago to Cleveland (8 Sec.-5 Double Bedroom) •Lockport toNewYork. Ex.Sat. (6Sec.-6DoubleBedroom) • Ogdenshurg to New York (12 Sec -i> it > •Chicago to Cleveland (12 Sec.-D.R.) Parlor Cars •Chicago to Buffalo Dining Car—•Chicago to New York •Chicago to Buffalo—In No. 14 •Montreal to New York via Rutland R. R. (Regularly —In No. 49 to Suspension Bridge, No. 2A6 to Buffalo •Springfield to Boston assigned car—Reclining Seat DeLuxe) •Chicago to Cleveland (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) Adirondack Division No. 4 • Detroit to Pittsburgh (Sleeper as Purlo Car)—From No. 28—New England States—Daily •Chicago to Cleveland (14 Sec) • Malone to New York (10 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp ) Detroit Branch No. 306 Lounge Car— •Chicago to Boston (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) •Chicago to Boston (Regularly assigned car—Reclining No. 66—Advance Commodore Vanderbllt—Daily • Chicago to Cleveland (S Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) • Lake Placid to New York (8 Sec.-D. R.-2 Comp.) I Hnlng < '.-ITS Sleeping Cars Seat DeLuxe)—From No. 14 at Buffalo Lounge Car •Chicago to Toledo (12 Sec.-D.R.) •< Ihioago to Buffalo Dining Car •Chicago to Boston (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D. R.) •Chicago to New York (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) •Chicago to Columbus (It) Bee.-2 Double Bedroom- • Cincinnati to Cleveland—Diner Lounge—In Big Four Sleeping Cars 1 Comp.)—In Ohio Central No. 4 from Toledo •Chicago to Buffalo—In M. C. No. 44 No. 104 •Chicago to Boston (17 Roomette) •Chicago to Boston (14 Sec.) No. 48—The Detrolter—Dally •Chicago to New York (IK Roomette) Parlor Cars Coach • Springfield to Boston—In B. A A. No. 46 •Chicago to New York (13 Double Bedroom) Dining Car—•Chicago to Buffalo Lounge Car Via Michigan Central •Buffalo to New York •Chicago to New York (Regularly assigned car—Reclining Coaches \.» roach passengers tarried earn of MufTalo •Chicago to New York (4 ('oi«p-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) •Lake Placid to New York—Restaurant Lounge—From Seat DeLuxe)— From M. C. No. 44 at Buffalo •Chicago to Boston (Regularly assigned car—Reclining •Albany to Boston •Detroit to New York (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet)—Two •Chicago to New York (14 ff-c.) Sleeping Care Adt. Div. No. 2 at Utica Seat DeLuxe)—In No. 46 from Buffalo Coach Pullman cars only; no coach pa»-riigers carried. Dining Car No. 6—Fifth Avenue Special—Dally • Detroit to Pittsburgh ) From Detroit Branch •Chicago to Boston (Regularly assigned car—Reclining •Detroit to New York (17 Roomette)—Two Dining Car— •Chicago to New York • Detroit to New York (13 Double Bedroom) •Cleveland to New York • Detroit to Cleveland i No. 306 Seat DeLuxe) Coaches Lounge Car •Detroit to New York (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.)-Two No. 68—The Commodore Vanderbllt—Daily No. 16—Ohio State Limited Patty No. 30—The Iroquois—Daily •Detroit to New York (14 Sec)—Two •Chicago to New York (Regularly assigned car—Reclining •Chicago to New York (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) Lounge Car Seat DeLuxe) Sleeping Cars Lounge Car Via Bi<* Four Iioute Lounge Car—•Buffalo to New York (10 Sec.-Buffet) Pullman Cars only; no coach passengers carried. •Chicago to New York (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet)—Two •Chicago to New York (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) • Cincinnati to New York (D.R.-Slngle Bedroom-Buffet) Sleeping Cars—May be occupied at New York until 7.30 a.ni Dining Car Sleeping Cars •Detroit to New York • Chicago to New York (14 Sec.) Sleeping Cure • Buffalo to New York (8 Sec.-3 Double Bedroom) •Chicago to New York (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) No. 96—New York Express—Sunday Only •Chicago to New York (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp ) •Cincinnati to New York (14 Sec) • Buffalo to Albany (12 Sec.-D.R.)—May be "ccupitd •Chicago to New York (18 Roomette)—Two • < 'mrimiati to New York (10 Roomette-.'. Double Bedroom) until 8.G0 a.m. •Chicago to New York (4 < omp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) Parlor Car •Pittsburgh to Boston (12 Sec.-2 Double Bedroom)— No. 50—Empire State Express—Dally From No- 84 at Buffalo to B. A A No. 28at Albany • Cincinnati to Boston (8 Sec-f» Double Bedroom) •Rochester to New York, ex. Sat. (17 Roomette) 1 •Chicago to New York (13 Double Bedroom) •Syracuse to New York —In B. A A. No. 8 from Albany • Rochester to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.) [Open Streamlined, Completely Air-Conditioned •Chicago to New York (14 Sec.)—Two Dining Car •Buffalo to Massena via Utica, Rome and Watertown Coach-—lor passengers destined to points east of Toledo. •Syracuse to New York (12 Sec.-2 Double Bedroom)—In St. L. Dir. No 66 Parlor ('ar •Cincinnati to Cleveland • Rochester to New York (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) } 9 SO All seats in Parlor Cars and Coaches are reserved • 1 Mnlng ('ar serving all meals •Rochester to Boston. Ex. Sat. (12 Sec.-D. R.)— p.m. • Chitago to New York (Regularly assigned car—Reclin• Coach —Open 9.00 p.m. Coach Tavern Lounge (Buffet) •Syracuse to New York. (Regularly assigned car—Reclin• Dining Car— •Chicago to New York—Diner Lounge In B. A A. No. 46 J •Cleveland to New York ing Seat DeLuxe) •Cincinnati to New York (Regularly assigned car—Re• Dining Car— •Chicago to New York ing Seat DeLuxe) •Pittsburgh to Buffalo- Diner Lounge—In No. 33-84 clining Heat DeLuxe) Dining Car— •Springfield to Boston—In B. A A. No. 46 Parlor Cars No. 72—Pittsburgh-Buffalo Express—Dally Coach No. 18—Number Eighteen - Dally Coach— •Buffalo to New York •Cleveland to New York Sleeping Cars -Open at Buffalo until 8.00 a.m. •Detroit to New York Sleeping Cars—Open 9.30 p. m.f From P. A L. E. No. 7 No. 132—Henry Hudson—Daily •Chicago to New York (Regularly assigned car—Reclining No. 32—Mall—Daily Dining Cars •Pittsburgh to Toronto (10 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.)—In Seat DeLuxe) • Chicago to Buffalo (12 Sec. - D.R.) From No. St at Sleeping Cars Cleveland Sleeping Cars—May be occupied until 7.30 a.m. •Cleveland to New York T. H. A B. No. 75 •Chicago to Albany (12 Sec-D. R.)—From No. 10 at •Cleveland to Pittsburgh via Ashtabula eicept Saturday •Syracuse to New York, except Saturday (12 Sec.-D.R.)— •Detroit to New York •Pittsburgh to Buffalo (12 Sec.-D.R.)—May be occupied No. 8—The Wolverine—Dally Observation Coach (Buffet Lounge) Cleveland night. (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In P. A L. B. No. 38—Open From No. 52 at Albany until 8 00 a.m. •Cleveland to Syracuse (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In No. 22 from Via Michigan Central 9.80 p. m. until 8.00 a.m. • Albany to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.)—Open 9.S0 p.m •Cleveland to New York Coach— •Pittsburgh to Buffalo Buffalo •Cincinnati to Buffalo (10 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.)— From Reclining Seat DeLuxe Coaches No. 76—The Mercury—Dally Lounge Car Coaches •Cleveland to New York •Cleveland to Toronto (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In T. H. A B. Big Four No. 118 Streamlined, Completely Alr-Condltloned No. 71—Open 9.S0 p.m. •Chicago to New York (8 Sec-Buffet) •Cleveland to Buffalo (12 Sec.-D.R.)—Open 9.30 p.m. No. 34—The Seneca—Dally •Detroit to New York •Buffalo to New York All seats in Parlor Cars and Coaches are reserved •Pittsburgh to Albany (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom)— Sleeping Cars Coaches Parlor Cars— •Syracuse to New Y'ork {Sleeper as Parlor Car) Lounge Car From No. 84 at Buffalo •Chicago to New York (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) No. 20— Cleveland Limited l>ul> Dining Car—•Utica to New York—Diner Lounge •Detroit to Cleveland (Buffet) Dining Cars • Chicago to New York (8 Sec.-D R-2 Comp.) Lounge ('ar Coaches— •Syracuse to New York No. 52—The Easterner—Dally Parlor Cars •Syracuse to Albany—Diner Lounge •Chicago to Boston (8 Sec-D R.-2 Comp.) •Cleveland to New York (6 Double Bedroom-Buffet) •Detroit to Cleveland—Observation •Albany to Boston ( Lounge Car •Detroit to Boston (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) Bleeping fera No. 36—The Genesee—Daily •Detroit to Cleveland Coach •Detroit to New York (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) •Buffalo to Boston (10 Section) 1 •Toledo to Albany •Cleveland to New York (10 Roomette S Bedroom) Sleeping Cars—May be occupied until 7.30 a.m. Sleeping Cars [In B. A A. Dining Car •Grand Rapids to New York (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp ) •Cleveland to New York (17 Roomette) •Niagara Falls to New York (8 Sec.-4 Double Bedroom) •Oswego to New York, except Saturday (12 Sec.-D.R.)— •Buffalo to Boston (10 Sec-D. R.-2 Comp.) f No. 42 •Detroit to Cleveland •Cleveland to New York (4 Com p. -4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) From St. L. Dtv. No. 336 •Syracuse to Boston, Ex Sat. (12 Sec.-D.R.)J Coach — •Detroit to Cleveland • Dining Car serving all meals • Cleveland to New York, Ex. Sat 118 Roomette) •Syracuse to New York (8 Sec.-5 Double Bedroom)— • •Syracuse to Now York except Saturday (12 Sec.-D.R.)— No. 80—The Maumee—Dally No. 142—Hudson River Special—Daily Coaches •Cleveland to New York (12 Sec.-D i< 1 Open 10.00 p.m. In No. 32 from Albany Sleeping Cars • Cleveland to New York, Ex. Sat. (lit Double Bedroom) Lunch Counter Car •Chicago to New York (Regularly assigned car—Reclining • Utica to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.)—Open 9.30 p.m. Parlor Cars •Chicago to Buffalo (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In No. 38 from Pullman Cars only; no coach passengers carried •Detroit to Albanv—Restaurant Lounge—From Detroit •Albany to New York Seat DeLuxe) Coach—-^Syracuse to New York. Cleveland Dining Car •Cleveland to New York—Diner lx>unge Branch No. 301 •Chicago to Pittsburgh (12 Sec-2 Double Bedroom)— Coach •Albany to Boston No. 22—Lake Shore Limited—Dally •Pittsburgh to Buffalo—Buffet Lounge In No. 88 from Toledo; P. A L. E. No. 88 Albany to New York Lounge Car No. 38—Missourian—Dally Dining Car •Detroit to Cleveland (12 Sec.-D.R.) — Two — From No. 10—The Water Level Limited—Dally •Chicago to New York (6 Double Bedrootn-Buffc!) Via Big Four Route •Detroit to Albany—Restaurant Lounge Detroit Branch No. 227 May be occupied until 8.00 a.m. No. 144—The Laurentian-Green Mountain Flyer-Dally Lounge Car Sleeping ' 'ars Lounge Car— •St. Louis to New York (8 Sec-Buffet) Coaches • Chicago to New York (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) •Chicago to Cleveland •Chicago to New York (D.R.-Single Bedroom-Buffet) Sleeping Cars • Buffalo to Boston—In \ (Regularly assigned cars—Re- Parlor Car •Chicago to New York (12 Sec.-l>. R.) •Chicago to Pittsburgh—In No. 88 from Toledo; P. A L. E. •Montreal to New York—via D. A H. R. R. Sleeping Cars •St. Louis to New York (8 Sec-5 Double Bedroom) * f - 4f \ dining Seat DeLuxe) •Chicago to Boston (12 Sec.-D.R.)—In B. A A. No. 22 •Detroit to Cleveland J No. 88 •Montreal to New York (Broiler Buffet) via Rut. R. R.— •Chicago to New York (10 Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) •Chicago to Boston via Troy (12 Sec.-D.lt.)—In I*. AM. •St. Louis to Cleveland (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Detroit to Albany—From Detroit Branch No. 301 Last trip Dec. 81. •Chicago to New York (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) No. 68 •Chicago to Boston via M. C. R. R. (12 Sec.-D.R.)—From Detroit to Cleveland—From Detroit Branch No. 227 Dining Car _ No. 40 at Buffalo • Pittsburgh to Buffalo—From P. A L. E. No. 6 • Chicago to New York (12 Sec.-D. R.) •Chicago to Buffalo (12 Sec-D R.)—In No. 18 from No. 82—The Ontarlan—Daily •Montreal to Troy—via D. A H.—Diner Lounge •Chicago to Boston (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) •Chicagoto Buffalo( 12 Sec.-D.R.)—From N0.8OatCleveland Lounge Car Cleveland—May be occupied until S.00 a.m. •Detroit to New York via M. C. R. R. (12 Sec.-D.R.)— No. 54—The Mohawk—Dally •Troy to New York •Chicago to Albany (12 Sec-D. R.)—In No. 132 from •St. Louis to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.)— From No. 18 •Toronto to Buffalo—Buffet Coaches „ „ „ . , Cleveland From No. 68 at Albany Parlor Car at Cleveland Parlor Car Sleeping Cars—Open at Buffalo it.00 p.m. • Montreal to New York— via D. A H. R. R. (Regularly •Detroit to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.) •Cincinnati to New York (12 Sec.-D.R.)—From No. 118 •Troy to New York (Sleeper as Parlor Car) •Toronto to New York (HI Roomette-5 Double Bedroom) assigned car—Reclining Seat DeLuxe) •Buffalo to Albany (12 Sec.-D.R.)—open 10:15 p.m. at Cleveland •Buffalo to New York Coach •Toronto to New York (4 Comp.-4 Bedroom-2 D.R.) •Montreal to New York—via Rutland R. R. Parlor Cars •Cleveland to Syracuse (12 Sec.-D. R.)—From No 132 Dining Cars •Troy to New York •Toronto to New York, Ex. Sat. (6 Sec-6 Double Bedroom) •Chicago to Cleveland at Buffalo •St. Louis to Indianapolis—Diner Lounge •Toronto to New York (14 Section) •Albany to New York (Sleeper as Parlor Car) Dining Cars - •Chicago to Toledo •Cleveland to New York No. 56—The DeWltt Clinton—Dally •Buffalo to New York (10 Rootnette-5 Double Bedroom) No. 368—Upstate Special—Except Sunday •Buffalo to New York •Springfield to Boston •Buffalo to New York (8 Sec.-D.R.-2 Comp.) •Dining Car serving all meals Parlor Lounge Car •Albany to Boston Diner Lounge Dining Service •Utica to New York Coach Coaches—•Chicago to New York (Regularly assigned car— •St. Louis to New York / (Regularly assigned cars—Re- •Syracuse to Albany Coach Coach •Toronto to Buffalo: no coach passengers carried east 01 Coach •Chicago to New York (Regularly assigned car—Reclining Reclining Seat DeLuxe) •Buffalo to Boston \ clining Seat DeLuxe) •Utica to New York Seat DeLuxe) and Diner Lounge •Albany to Boston •Buffalo to New York—From No. 68 at Albany •Buffalo to New York Buffalo. Air conditioned equipment is assigned as far as possible but the right is reserved to Air conditioned equipment is assigned as far as possible but the right is reserved to employ non air conditioned cars as necessitated by volume of traffic or emergencies. employ non air conditioned cars as necessitated by volume of traffic or emergencies.

Everyone can afford the Safety, Speed and Comfort that only Train Travel can Give Reserved Coach Seats on the Pacemaker. Southwestern Limited and Knickerbocker 34 25 26 23 Table No. 1 Condensed Table-New York and Boston to Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago Table No. 2 Condensed Table—Chicago, Detroit, Toledo and Cleveland to Buffalo, New York and Boston

The time given is Eastern Standard Time Toledo, Niles and East and Central Standard Time at stations west thereof. The time given is Eastern Standard Time, Toledo, Niles and iOiut and Central Standard Time at stations west thereof.

j I *3! III O WEST-BOUND ".IJI ,i» Be a EAST-BOUND | PW ^3 »9 00 10 52 11 30 11 23 2 12 2 17 5 3B 7 10 « 9 55 a tl0u37 4 48 848 848 BSfi • Chatham 8 50 10 35 10 35 10 35 12 15 J 25 4 50 " Eaat Cleveland 12 39 5 54 5 51 7 29 8 21 8 19 11 39 11 32 2 26 5 45 7 19 gA10 04 Ar Albany - tllul8 5 23 7 20' 8 50 AM AM " Ashtabula 1 43 7 85 7 85 .U1247 3 49 W822 a PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Al 44 5 30 " Erie t W T H T CI .... 9 1C J 1 32 1 12 4 55 7 23 9 05 5 11 39 N. Y. Central 9 32 ft9 ftlO55 45A110 1 nil 15 12 45 Lv Albany 11 42 12 58 3 50 5 43 6 54 A7 11 7 25 T8 00 hi 39 9 00 6 02 " West6eld 3 15 8 26 8 26 EU . 6 30 •• 7 57 9 38i« 12 87 S 7 53 10 02 All 44 1 17 " Schenectady t 12 11 1 27 4 20 6 11 T7 40 9 30 nl 05 2 50 8 10 " Dunkirk 3 40 8 56 8 50 J 8 5 55 8 18 B. 9 01 9 14 1)9 45 10 51 11 22.1.1140 " Utica 3 1 25 3 18 5 56 7 26 ] 4 54 4 54 5 21 9 45 Ar Buffalo (Cent. Term.) 4 50 9 10 9 10 .... 10 55 11 55 A1210 iiiis 12t54 8 2 02 3 05 2 43 5 24 6 50 9 10,'" 50? 1 16 10 10 D1045 12 15 (i 124H nl 16*1 30 h2 03 3 55 " Syracuse •o 2 19 4 38 7 04 8 27 8 27 9 07 9 22 10 00 Ml 0511 54 6 06T6 23 UU 7 05 11 33 Mich. Central (C.T.) ST\~m Pi PT « PM PM PM a AM 11 40 D1213 hi 11 A3 27 5 33 " Rochester e 3 41 6 27 8 36 9 59 9 59 11 44 11 24 1 27 6 50 7 20 7 38 7 38 8 30 12 55 L» Chicago(CentSta.l2thSt.) 9 40 .... 12 50 'a •§ 8 681818 « AT Buffalo (C. Ter.l... * 4^0 7 43 9 50 11 10 11 10 12 58 ii 47 12 35 12 51 2 37 " 63rd St. (Woodlawn) 9 52';.. 8....1 02 • S .... «i 8 101020 S "AM *" s Mich. Central S PM PM AM 7 55 o"7 55 "Hammond «1011 .« Y122 s v8 30 « Lv Buffalo (C. Ter.)... I 5 06 10 07 . 2 48 "Gary ' vl 33 *» "I°£ 1/8 13 S u8 22 u a • Michigan City 10 50 §1 ! 1/2 83 Is 'V. °8 All S • Niagara Falls I 08 10 2011020! Ar St. Thomas J 45 12 30 T07IMH37, • Niles.. (EaatemTime) 12 32 6 8 343 SS " 2- 10 521253.. „ 2 12 (7 05 "Kalamazoo 138" '1° . 1 16 " I " S* 1119146 8 Ar Lbndon(L.iP.S.Ry.).. 8_28 121 9 7 117 12T3lol213! " Battle Creek 2 09 °S 5 16 Iz "' -S ' § AT Windsor. 9 38 2 27 12 30 .1230 7 25 8 15 • Albion : :^ 248 §5....:::: ::::::»5 48 <%:::::::::::: is 12 42 » " Detroit. . 9J5 2 44 II 32 11 :d Lv Grand Hapids •_ „ ...... s* 3 40 | g ' Eg . • • g lu55 a 0 It Ar Saginaw.. II 59 Ly Lansing £« '^T 3*" • • • • S • • • • 2u30 11 59 " Bay City. •I 8 25 l'«37 |1«37! Lv Jackson 77T7TTTT77 T12TTT7T £ ~7T ~ T|o !•£ "- " ~ a<£ ~ 7TTTTT 1 10 2 59 Ar Ann Arbor. < . 2ul3 SM3 4 23 9 04 " Ann Arbor 3 52 6 54 *-" >, • •••••• 1 62 % " Jackson a a LyBayCity 7^7.7777. TB 77777. 777. ~^7 ~~Z7 77777. 7777. f- f ^^7:^7^7 f 77777. 777777 S Ar Lansing. 8* 1 23| " Saginaw 1 C8 . "3 3 g'J e . •• ,>f g w 9 86 3 10 ... | til 5 20 9 52 " Battle Creek 10 17 a J 3<23 §3u23 U London (L.AP.S.Ry.7 Tjj "JTI 777777 g g 777777 X11 =S 1 8 11 ' 9 15 5 52 0"° " Kalamazoo 4ull S4«U 6 53 11 06 Lv St. Thomas 6 52 6 52 1 I 777777 Tj" 55 o-a =| ll 13 5 00 •• 10 32 " Niles (E. T.).. US CI042 " MlchiganCity(C.T.). C6 33 ^ E Ar Niagara Falls "" = == .. JO o. ' u7 30 O " Gary C7 01 — O r Branttord (T. H. & B.). 7 25 7 10 7 50 I 5 10 Ar New York (G. C. Term.) . All Ar Toronto (Can. Pac.). 8 20 PM For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Servict, See Pages 15 to 22 For Reference Marks and Notes, See Page 3 For Explanation of Reference Marks and Notes, See Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, See Pages 15 to 22 Route of the 20th Century Limited—World's Premier Train Pillows for Overnight Use Are Available in Coaches on Most Trains at a Cost of 25 Cents. 28 29 30 Table 4 Condensed Table—New York, Boston, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the Southwest—Via Big Four Route Table 8 New York, Chicago, Buffalo and the Adirondacks and Montreal Table 11 New York, Rutland, Burlington, The rime given is Eastern Standard Time, (lincinnatl, Bellefontaine, and stations east and Central Standard Time west of Cincinnati and Bellefontaiae (See Adirondack Division Time Table for Complete Service) Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec 15-41- • 21 61-43 123 18 38 90 Via Rutland Railroad WESTBOUND 51-83 5 41 15 11 57 29 59 61-43 EASTHOUND 44-30 14-4 12 16 24 22 Main Line Train Nos. Sun. Adirondack Division Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daijy Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daijy^ Daily Daily Daily Only Daily n.ulv NORTHBOUND N. Y. Central AM AM Pit I PM PM PM PM PM lllo, I our AM AM Noon PM PM PM PI PM PM fir PM PM PM PM Lv New York (O.C.Term.) l New York (G-C-T.). 9 00 9 30 2 30 4 15 4 15 8 00 8'05 9 00 St. Louis (C. T.). 9 10 12 00 12 05 6 00 6 40 r 8 15 1U59 Lv Montreal (Windsor St«.) 7 6 25 5 29 61 11 30 11 59 " NewYork(125thSt.St».) A12 10 " Montreal West in STATIONS Rut 65 Rut 51 Rul. 43 Rut.57 ' N. Y. (125th St.) 10 49 40 AO 10 Mattoon 11 24 2 13 2 35 8 25 " Harmon he 35 ! A12 10 A7 27 rA9 03A1 2 49 " Valley held 7 34 Daily Daily Daily Daily Yonkers A9 57 YO 24 Terre Haute 12 23 3 11 3 55 9 25 " Albany 9 32 AR Malone PM 1 rA1115 5 30 8 30 AM PM Harmon A9 50 10 20 A3 16 hi 01 A5 01 '.8 46 A8r51 9 49 12A18 A12 49 Lireenensl le P1255 4 35 An Utica 11 22 rl2_59 Lv Malone 0.0 Lv New York (G.C.T.) 9 30 9 00 11 59 1 7 5!. 8 45 9 00 Poughkeepsie... . 11 20 4 10 11 03 1 52 Peoria. t 7 50 Main Line Train Nos. 1446 14-46" 10 " Loon Lake 9 39 4.2 " NewYork(125thSt.) A9 40 A 9 10A 9 10A1 2 10 B. & A. AM Noon PM PM PM PM PM Lv Chic-go (N. Y. C.). . . 9 50 9 50 *4 15 " Lake Kusnaqua. .(» 48 32.7 " Harmon 10 20 9 49 9 49 A12 49 Indianapolis 1 45 4 30 5 40 10 50 10 00 " Gabriels 142.2 " Albany 1 03 t6M45 Boston (So. Sta.), t4 05 12 00 5 35 5 35 7 00 8 10 11 00 11 36 10 50 " Chicago (M. C.) 9 40 9 40 10 02 Anderson 2 5 13 6 30 " Toledo (E. T.) 3 00 3 00'•• 9 19 AR Lake Clear Jet.. 10 12 148.4 An Troy (N. Y. C.) 1 20 1 2(1 1 : t7B08 Newtonville 12 15 5 50 5 50 7 14 8 24 11 14 M uncie 2 5 36 6 58 12 03 11 22 " Cleveland AR Saranac Lake. Lv Troy (B. 4 M.).. . . 1 35 1 30 1 30 8 00 Worcester 5 455 45 ni 23 II 10 40 t5 45 1 06 6 4f 6 46 8 10 9 20 12 15 Union City 7 37 12 02 lv BulTalo (Cent. Term.). 10 00 10 2 50 " Lake Placid . . 2(U AR Manchester (Rut.). 3 08 3 00 3 00 9 46 Springfield t7 45 2 27 8 o; 8 03 9 25 10 40 1 50 Sidney.. R4 56 9 17 R142 " Rochester 11 14 11 14 4 01 Lv Lake Placid. . 9 9 25 233 " Rutland 3 55 3 42 3 42 10 38 Pittsfield t9 48 239 " Proctor 4 14 4 10 11 01 4 07 9 27 9 27, 11 01 12 14 3 32 HWIclnntainc(E. T.) 5 30 8 04 9 53 2 30 " Syracuse 12 46 12 46 5 25 • Saranac Lake. lOlo 9 55 Chatham tl037 AR Utica . 1 40 1 40 6 20 io> 249 " Brandon 4 31 4 42 11 20 4 48 12 53 4 13 Marion 6 12 10 39 3 40 Lv Lake Clear Jet. 10 22 266 .5 " Middlebury 5 15 11 51 Albany. t!118 J 23 10 35 10 35 1.' 15 1 25 Adirondack Division 11 " Saranac Inn. . . in 4 54 4 50 Cleveland 8 20 10J0 1 00 6 45 10 28 279 3 " Vergeunes 5 14 6 111 12 18 N. Y. Central AM PM PM Ml Lv I'tica i 8 35 Lv Tupper Lake . 300 " Burlington 5 09 6 35 1 15 PM PM PM PM AM AM ( 'uiilliliali 9 00 12 25 3 30 3 30 5 22 7 25 7 25 11 50 AH Forestport.. 5 9 24 " Childwold. ... 11 00 5 44 Albany 11 42 12 58 5 43 6 54 A10 45 All 01 12 45 8 10 I '.' '11 13 391.4 " Montreal (C. N.).. 8 50 8 10 5 30 Middletown 9 45 1 06 4 10 4 10 0 03 8 10 12 38 " Woodgate.. § 9 35 • Horseshoe.... 507.7 " Ottawa (C. N.) 12 05 Schenectady 12 11 1 27 6 11 6 54 1 17 6 02 Dayton 10 15 6 26 8 40 1 20 " McKeever.. 9 48 I 4" fll 25 1 30 4 35 4 35 8 40 8 " Sabattis 11 11 554.6 AR Quebec (C. N.).. .. 1 10 Utica 1 25 3 18 7 26 2 60 8 10 Springfield 10 52 2 05 5 10 5 10 7 00 9 15 9 15 2 05 " Thendara. . 810 09 " Beaver River. 12 22 11 5393 PM Syracuse 2 19 4 38 8 27 9 22 9 22 hi 16 Al 30 3 55 4 54 9 45 Columbus 12 00 3 00 6 05 6 05 7 55 10 20 10 20 3 30 Alt Big Moose.... 3 31 10 35 Big Moose.... 12 87 12 15 Rochester 3 41 6 27 9 59 5 33 UU 8 30 8 30 1 20 1 20 " Beaver River. 3 50 810 53 Lv Thendara. 12~57 11 33 Cleveland 3 10 5 38 10 25 6 50 " Sabattis SOUTHBOUND Buffalo (C. Ter.). 150 7 43 11 10 11 47 11 47 6 50 7 38 12 55 AM 4 23 §11 29 " McKeever. 11 12 12 33 N. V. Central PM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM • Horseshoe.... /4 8S 40 " Woodgate.. .11 24f! 2 57 N. Y. Central PM PM PM PM AM AM AM PM 2 12 5 36 7 10 811 144 32 62 PM AM Cleveland 3 45 5 45 8 40 8 40 10 52 2 17 " Child wold 4 45 Sll 53 " Forestport. /135 / 1 07 Rut. 64 Rul I Rul. 40Rul . 52 Buffalo (C. Ter.). 5 15 8 04 11 50 11 59 3 55 7 50 7 50 1 14 Buffalo (Cent. Term.) 8 37 9 40 5 24 9 10 10 50 Tupper Lake . _5 06_ AR Utica 11 50 11 55 11 55 2 02 6 50 812 07 2 25 1 50 Daily Daily Daily Daily Cleveland 9 35 12 20 _3J» 7 20 730 11 10 11 10 5 20 AM AM " An Baranac Inn. 5 32 812 30 Main Line Train Nos. 6" 29-59 PM PS pu PM 3 03 N. V. Central PM PM AM AM " Lake clear .let. Big Four PM AM AM AM AM AM PM "PM PM Buffalo (Cent. Term.) 8 50 10 10 5 38 9 34 11 05 5 40 812 35 Lv Utica 3 18 2 5(1 Lv Quebec (C. N.)... 10 55 12 40 Cleveland 12 35 4 30 8 05 8 05 2 09 AR Saranac Lake. 6 10 § 1 05 AR Syracuse 4 31 3 45 " Ottawa (C. N.)... Ii 25 4:: 12 15 12 15 5 50 Rochester 10 09 11 27 6 48 10 46 12 17 " Lake Placid. . " Rochester " Montreal (C. N.). Columbus 3 45 5 48 5 48 7 35 10 55 10 55 3 05 3 05 8 50 t"2 30 4 35 8 27 12 10 6 35^ 6 21 5 28 9 20 9 30 Syracuse 12 06 1 00 a 30 1 43 Lv Lake Placid. . A« Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 7 43 6 50 " Burlington (Rut.). 12 15 9 45 11 50 Springfield 4 45 6 45 6 45 8 30 11 55 11 55 4 04 1 47 9 30 25 4 04 Utica 1 12 1 57 1 13 2 37 " Saranac Lake. 5 25_ JL _ 812 20 AR Cleveland 12 -' 11 10 " Vergennes 12 49 2 20 10 19 Dayton 5 30 7 23 7 23 9 10 12 35 12 35 4 40 4 40 3 20 Schenectady E6 42 10 50 2 35 4 01 Lv Lake Clear Jet.. 5 50 6 14 812 45 * Toledo (E. T.). . . 3 1 15 " Middlebury 1 08 2 59 10 46 Middletown 6 00 7 48 7 48 9 40 1 00 1 00 5 06 5 06 4 05 Albany 3 07 3 50 i4 58 i4 58 7 07 11 14 3 00 4 25 AR Gabriels 5 59 6 23 312 57 " Chicago (M. C.). 7 45 4 45 " Brandon 1 32 6 85 11 11 Cincinnati 6 50 S 30 8 30 10 35 1 50 1 50 5 55 5 15 Lake Kusbaqua. 6 36 8 1 14 Chicago (N. Y. C.). 7 40 4 40 " Proctor 1 49 11 29 5 55 AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM 6 12 " Rutland 5 30 1 37 1 37 Cleveland 1 30 3 18 3 16 u. & X. Loon Lake 8 20 6 45 3 1 26 Main Line Train Nos. 9o; 4 2 10 9 55 7 37 11 35 6 10 3 45 4 50 8 20 11 30 3 20 5 30 Malone 7 27 312 20 " Manchester 2 62 6 25 2 10 2 20 Marion 11 58 3 38 M9 35 2 40 Albany 6 10 6 10 7 00 Lv Utica > 45 2 10 AR Troy (B. & M.)... 8 07 a 4'. 3 46 8 50 Chatham s8 52 12 03 3 54 6 15 Lv Malone 7 10 7 45 8 5 10 An Albany 4 25 3 50 4 15 Bellefontaine.... 12 45 4 20 5 51 5 51 10 16 3 24 9 40 Pittsfield 5 10 6 05 7 19 7 19 9 30 12 39 4 44 7 07 AR Valleyfield 8 15 8 57 3 0 15 " Harmon 16 30( 6 12 LV Troy (N. Y. C.) 4 25 Nntr 4 05 Sidney ((10 44 3 53 10 11 Springfield 6 40 7 47 8 43 8 43 10 55 2 05 15 " Montreal West J10 00 Si7 25 11 131 6 57 AR Albany u6 20 Not* 6 8 40 «9 12 " NewYork(125thSt.St».) " Harmon • 0 26 Union City (C. I.). 4 41 3 29 9 51 Worcester 8 00 9 13 10 00 10 00 12 15 3 23 7 39 10 15 AR MontreaHWindsorSta.) 9 25 10 15 8 7 40 AR NewYork(G.C. Term.) 7 25 7 10 6 49 3 37 AM PM PM " New York (125th St.). . . (7 82 44 33 47 12 Muncie 1 20 5 31 6 18 6 18 10 44 4 11 10 37 Newtonville 8 55 10 55 10 55 1 05 4 15 8 30 11 19 PM AR New York (G. C. Term.) 7 40 4 45 7 23 Anderson 1 50 6 05 6 40 6 40 11 06 4 38 11 10 Boston (So. Sta.).. . 9 10 10 25 11 10 11 10 1 20 4 30 8 45 11 35 Table 9 Detroit, Toledo and Pittsburgh PM AM AM Indianapolis 2 40 7 00 7 30 7 30 11 55 5 30 12 J*5 AM AM AM AM PM PM PM N. Y. Central AM New York Central—Erie—Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Note—Frequent bus service between Troy and Albany. Peoria. 7 00 I'otighkeepsie 5 16 N8 22 12 42 4 23 ii 22 t'6 12 'i7'07 t9 06 STATIONS 52 14 STATIONS 151 609 89 87 Greencastle.. «8 17 «8 17 «8 17 6 25 "1 15 Harmon if 07 .1 36 5 18 16 30 (Eastern Time) (Eastern Time) Table 12 Terre Haute.. 4 05 8 55 8 55 8 55 ii 49 i6 39 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 1 15 7 03 2 00 Yonkers riS41 AM Haily_ Mattoon.... 5 15 10 00 10 00 10 00 2 20 8 15 3 45 t'6 10 i6 57 .5 59 i7 13 n AM rH " N. Y. (125th St.). . 0.0 Lv Detroit(M.C.Term.) 8 00 12 15 (P. & L. E.) New York, Plattsburg, Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec ' St. Louis. 7 50 12 43 12 43 12 43 4 58 10 58 7 10 N. Y. (G. C. Term.) 6 22 7 10 00 9 59 2 30 6 10 7 25 57.6 Lv Toledo. 'J 45 JJ3 OCO Lv Pittsburgh 12 SO > 00 AM PM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM 104.4 " Sandusky.. 10 47 3 58 2 13 " Beaver 6 17 1 04 9 31 Via Delaware & Hudson Railroad PM 139.1 " Elyria 11 28 4 44 " New Castle (Uptown) 9 32 1 21 9 46 164.3 AR Cleveland. 12 18 5 30.114 18 AR Youngstown 10 15 2 00 10 30 NORTHBOUND (Erie) Table 5 Boston, Buffalo, Toronto, Ashtabula, Youngstown, and Pittsburgh (Erie) 51 39 15 31 I 21 65 61 Lv Cleveland. . . 1 15 6 4 25 Lv Youngstown. 10 25 2 05 10 14 2 03 5 An Youngstown. An Cleveland 3 40 12 03 3 28 D8.H D.8.H. D.8.H D.8H.D.8H. D.SH. D.SH. Sun. EASTBOUND 2 45 7 35 H3 40 3 D.&H. 5 7 7 9 1 Miles WESTBOUND Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily (P. & L. E.) Lv Cleveland. 11 511113 45 12 20 35 Ex. Ex. Only Lv Youngstown " Elyria 12 28 4 40 1 05 2 50 7 40 6 05 Dtiy Sun. Sun Daily Daily Daily B. & A. Nos. 27 37 3 P. & L. E. Nos. 33 7 251.8 " New Castle (Uptown) 3 27 8 15 6 42 " Sandusky. 1 10 5 18 1 47 PM AR Toledo 1 47 55 5 32 AM " PM PM PM PM AM AM PM PM 269.7 " Beaver 3 41 8 31 0 15 2 Lv N.Y.(G.C.Term.) 00 12 30 7 40 8rl5 11 15 11 50 295.5 AR Pittsburgh 7 30 2 42 8 00 .'i 10 7 25 9 30 0.0 Lv Boston.... 2 30 8 10 t4 05 Lv Pittsburgh 10 30 5 00 11 35 4 15 9 05 An Detroit (M.C.Term.) 4 10 ' N.Y. (125th St.). A 9 10A 9 40A1 2 40 4 15A 7 50 11A25 A12 10 u PM PM AM PM | AM AM 44.3 • WoroeBter.. 3 36 9 20 t5 45 Beaver 11 01 /5 30 12 1 PM " Harmon A 9 501 0 20 A 1 18A 5 01 8 30: A9 03 12A0K AI2 49 98.3 " Springfield. 4 47 10 40 T7 45 " B. F.-N. Brighton 11 07 /5 35 12 18 Table 9a Chicago, Cleveland and Pittsburgh An Albany 11 42 12 43 6 54 11 34' 200.4 " New Castle (uptown).. 11 20 AR Troy. Ar Albany. 7 J 25 ill is 5 47 12 31 New York Central—Erie—Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Ar Youngstown.. 11 54 25 Lv Albany 1X15 1 05 15 7 20 12 05 t 7 00 N. Y. C. Main Line Nos. 309 27 59 51 6 1 14 14 18 i 80 609 " Troy 5 N. Y. C. Franklin Div. Nos. 82 84 "8 200.4 Lv Albany 7 25 11 42 J2 STATIONS Daily ^ Daily Daily STATIONS Daily An Saratoga Springs. 181 2 00 6 30 8 30 is 295.0 " Utica 9 14 1 25 Lv Youngstown. . 11 59 6 28 1 15 (N. Y. C.) AM " North Creek.... 10 55 Reserved Coach Seats w 8 50 347.8 Syracuse 9 07 4 54 2 19 " Kinsman For local /7 05 Lv Chicago (C.T.) 9 50 5-S A" 8 30 (P. & L. E.) " Fort Edward 1 53 I 24 6 59 8 27 10 10 (La Salle St. Sta.) " Lake George.... 9 50 428.1 " Rochester 11 44 11 40 10 23 « Williamsfield... service see /7 14 0.0 Lv Pittsburgh... 59 3 41 6.7 " Englewood.... A10 04 si A8 44 " Beaver " Ft. Tlconderoga. 3 32 8 21 3 12 10 33 at No Extra Charge 494.2 Ar Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 11 10( 12 58 12 51 7 38 4 50 " Andover timetable 12 48 7 22 2 05 26.2 " Gary 1 54R102 3 9 10 " New Castle.. • Westport 4 16 9 09 4 05 11 33 form 100 1 04 7 43 " Plattsburg 5 25 10 25 5 25 1 10 M. C. Nos. 82 74 i " Jefferson 100 " Elkhart 4 11 45OE . 10 54 AR Youngstown. 10 15 Ar Ashtabula 1 8 05 2 4. 233 6 " Toledo (E.T.).. 9 45 3 00 2 13 " Montreal 7 20 8 00 8 25 on the lv I .r. .i.t.i (CP.) 8 15 1 20 a5- (Erie) " Ottawa (C. P.).. 10 25 12 10 N. Y. C. Main Line Nos. 43 " 7 340 2 An Cleveland 12 18 5 30 H4 1 Lv Youngstown. 10 25 " Hamilton (T. H. & B.). 9 15 2 20 (Erie) " Niles 10 36 An Quebec (C. P.)... 5 40 1 10 Ar Buffalo [Cent. Term.). . 11 12 4 10 Lv Ashtabula 3 50 5 31 Lv Cleveland. . . 0 00 SS2 17 4 25 " Warren 10 46 AM A'. Y. C. Main Line Nos. 151 83 Ar Painesville 4 25 6 15 392.6 An Warren 7 " v a 5 37 Al Cleveland... 50 SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED 79 11 SOUTHBOUND 1 60 8 10 Ar Cleveland (Un. Term.). 5 20 _7 15 397 * Niles 7 20 i5 46 (N. Y. C.) 0.0 Lv Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 5 15 406.5 " Youngstown. 2 45 JJ5-H 87.7 " Erie 3 23 9 54 7 05 N. Y. C. Main Line Nos. 52 84 ji Lv Cleveland... 12 28 10 54 144 34 and the (P. & L. E.) AR Toledo (E.T.) 2 42 D. S H. D.SH. D.SH. 128.5 Ar Ashtabula 4 05 10 45 8 05 Lv Ashtabula 1 43 8 05 2 51 Lv Youngstown. 7 40 §2 « 05 • Elkhart(C.T.) 4 40 D.SH. D.SH " Erie 2 35 8 55 40 2 34 4 10 .V. Y. C. Main Line Nos. 18 3 45 427.7 An New Castle.. 8 15 Sag 42 6 4J " Gary 6 30 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ar Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 4 50 10 43 5 40 445.6 • Beaver " Englewood. . 17 01 Sun. Sun Daily Sun. Daily Dajly KNICKERBOCKER Lv Cleveland (Un. Term.) 2 17 471.4 A Pittsburgh. . 8 31 £3 M. C. Nos. 83 R r An Chicago 7 15 PM "PM PM " Painesville J5 9 05 ' 25 (LaSalleSt. Sta.) n (Eastbound only) Ar Ashtabula 3 49 Lv Buffalo (Cent. Term.). . 5 25 PM 3» Lv Quebec (C. P.).. 10 55 5 00 8 30 " Ottawa (C. P) .. 6 50 5 45 •V. 1'. C Franklin Div. Nos. 79 151 83 Ar Hamilton (T. H. & B.). 7 20 10 ;m Table 10 Cincinnati, Cleveland and Toronto • Montreal 8 00 10 00 Ar Toronto (C. P.) 8 20 10 00 between St. Louis & New York "12873 LvAshtabula. \ 4 20 11 00 8 10 11 :!o Blfe Four—New York Central Michigan Central, T. H. & B.. Canadian Pacific • Plattsburg 7 05 11 46 10 22 139.4 11 19 N. Y. C. Main Line Nos. 52 6 132 132 1 , 15 7 * Westport 8 20 12 58 11 41 " Jefferson... For local ser• 58 9 27 12 40 153.1 " Andover... "i'55' 11 38 8 49 Lv Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 5 07 11 00 3 14 STATIONS " Ft. Ticonderoga. 1 43 Relax in a comfortable individual seat—re• vice see time 8 0(1 Daily Daily Daily! DaJ Daily " Lake George.... 10 15 158.4 " Willlamsfield tableform 100 11 48 Ar Rochester. 6 25 12 10 4 231 " Fort Edward 11 04 0 51 3 51 1 57 9 15 PV PM |PT PM 8 served for you all the way. Tip back to the 165.6 " Kinsman... 11 59 " Syracuse.. 8 10 1 40 5 56 North Creek.... t 2 00 ! 0.0 Lv Cincinnati (Big Four).1 1 50 5 22 Lv Toronto (C. P.). 7 25 1 20 8 158 15 191.4 ArYoungstown 5 50 12 40 9 40 " Utica 9 34 2 7 53 10 5(1 " Saratoga Springs. 11 32 3 21 4 20 2 32 position that best suits your mood . . . read, 12 14 124.2 Lv Columbus 3 30 7 55 Lv Hamilton (T. H. & B.). 8 25 220|Tl5| 9 15 P. A L. E. Nos. 38 10 34 Ar Albany. 12 10 4 23 10 52 262.2 AR Cleveland 1 .VI 10 25 AR Troy 3 35 work or just lounge beside broad windows 2 54 An Buffalo (Cent.Term.KMC) !OJ5!_4jO;il_1211 12 " Albany ...... ! I 'I 12 45 4 15 191.4 Lv Youngstown 5 55 12 45 9 45 B. & A. Nos. 42 28 0.0 Lv Cleveland (N. Y. C.) 11 30 5 40 JO 185. 1 AR Buffalo (Cen. Ter.) Lv Buffalo (Cent. Term.) . 1 14 5 05 11 59 2 25 Lv Troy as the beauties of the Water Level Route 212.6 Ar New Castle (uptown)... 6 42 1 20 10 21 Lv Albany.... 1 00 5 3 05 AR Cleveland (N. Y". C.).. 5 20 _8 30 _ 7 15 • Albany 8 10 1 00 unfold... the Mohawk Valley, Hudson River. 227.3 " B. F.-N. Brighton... an 1 30 10 29 Ar Springfield. 3 50 8 10 3 20 Lv BuffalolCen.Ter.XM.C.) 8 15 5 25 4 57 Lv Cleveland (Big Four). i M 12 35 AR Harmon 110 07 i 3 32 6 49 t 6 36 1 6 26 5 18 9 25 6 15 AR Hamilton (T.HA-B;) An Columbus 8 50 3 45 5148 .... N.Y. (125th St.). ( 4 18I 1 32 ( 9 01 i 7 12 I 7 12 230.5 " Beaver 1 35 10 35 " Worcester.. 4 10 7 20 6 55 . 7 23 23 '725' Ar Boston.... 6 30 10 30 7 39 AR Toronto (C. P.). AR Cincinnati 5 15! 6 SO 8 30 AR N.Y.(G.C.Term.) 11 00 4 30 7 40 9 12 7 256.3 Ar Pittsburgh 2 10 11 15 5 10 8 20 - ' AN I AM I AM I AM n PM AM PM PM AM AM 8 45 » For Explanation of Reference Marks, see Page 3 lor Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, see Pages 15 to 22 PM For Explanation of Reference Marks, See Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, see Main Line Trains, Pages 15 to 22 Every Day is Bargain Day on the New York Central Coach Fares Cut to 2c a Mile One Way ! SAFETY COMFORT A few of the many reasons why the CONVENIENCE SCENIC INTEREST An outstanding; record in safety over a long; Air-conditioned trains, finely equipped. Heavi• A great fleet of fast trains at convenient hours New York Central System is the first The ever beautiful and historic Hudson River period of years. Electric automatic signals ly rock-ballasted road-bed, smooth riding as a between the East and the Midwest. Centrally and Mohawk Valley. Majestic and inspiring; choice of so many thousands. and automatic . boulevard. located terminals. Niagara Falls.

The Only Water Level Route Between the East and the West — Nature Built It — the Indians Used H — New York Central Developed It 38 3S 36 37

Table 18 Main L,ine —New York to Albany, lit.,... Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls Table 18. Main Lirie—Ne w York to Albany, Utica, Syracuse , Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls

• • • • • • • • • NORTH •7 11 21 29 35 65 56 68 61 547 48 •I" NORTH 199 33a 1 (1 193 5 * 27 3 26 53 65 17 69 16 Ui 11 57 Miles 5 g AND 9 »( 93 39 165 171 441 171 41 161 15 17 67 367 157 99 97 309 AND Sun. Sal. Ex. Ex. Sat. WEST BOUND Ex. D.lly Ex. WEST BOUND Ex. Ex. Ex. Only 1X . Only Ex. Sat. i Sat. S Only Ex. DailI y Daily Daily Sun. Daily Daily Daily Dally Dally Nula Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Dally Daily Daily Sun. Daily < Sun. Sun. Daily Sun Dill) Daily Mute Daily S un. Daily Not* Dally Daily Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Sun. Sun. Nate Sun. Note Note PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM I'M PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM All AM AM AM AM AM AM A II PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM L. N.Y.(G.C.Term.) . 5 20 5 23 5 44 6 00 6 05 6 30 6 40 7 40 8 00 8 05 8 15 9 00 10 40 11 15 11 30 11 50 11 59 2 00 " N. Y. (125th St.) A9 10 Ml 59 11210 O 38 Lv N.Y.(G.C.T.) 2 40 4 45 6 15 7 17 II 110 9 22 9 30 11 hi 33 A5 54 A6 40 St A7 50 All 25 00 12 30 » 1 04 1 50 1 to S 50 4 15 4 20 4 30 4 40 4 4! 5 OS £5 1! 4.2 43 " N.Y.(125th St.)'.'.'."'.'.'.' ^The Bronx (138th St.) L 6 42 A7 52 K2 50 4 54 11 2.' A7 27 A9 II All 32 A 9 40 Al 110 A1240 Al 00 A4 00 A4 k 1A14 5! A5 11 /i5*2S Lv Yonkers 6 57 K7 01 iff If 8 07 M8S8 Y9 24 5.0 _?§ 1 The Bronx(138th St.). (1 27A 7 29 h 9 42 hi11 2 14.5 20 Lv Yonkers..7777 II 411 7 40 9 60 A 9 57 11 " Tarrytown 7 10 27 A1256 111 4 17 5 11 • Osslning 627 7 19 24.5 4 " Tarrytown 3 37 5 25 7 113 III 05 11 42 tl 41 2 11 16(53 " Harmon A 6 06 AO 10 6 35 AO 46 A6 51 7 27 "WW 8 30 A8 46 18 51 A9 06 9 49 All 26 A12 06 A12 18 M2 39 41249 2 50 30.2 b " Osslning 3 57 5 33 7 13 III 14 11 .2 . 1 1 52 '17 2 11, 5 47 its 01 Lv Peekskill 6 50 a 8 51 32.7 12 " Harmon 4 12 5 43 7 17 » OS AO AO 10 22 10 20 115 9 Al 18 A 2 00 At 18 4 48 A5 01 629 7 47 10 10 8 61 flsoeA S 16 S5 26 5 31 5 55 16 0! " Manitou 40.6 7 Lv Peekskill 4 40 5 59 7 52 8 27 111 45 10 39 12 6 58 7 55 21 1 37 12 15 1 11 5 04 5 49 6 10 AO 31 " Garrison 7 06 8 03 9 04 10 24 1 19 45.4 5 " Manitou 8 01 111 52 12 a 0 »-• M 21 1 26 li 11 6 18 AO 42 " Cold Spring i 6 44 7 12 8 09 9 10 10 30 1 25 49.1 15 " Garrison 4 54 X6 12 8 09 II Oil 12 2 11 51.8 10 " Cold Spring 43 3 33 5 18 8 02 6 25 *6 51 Lv Beacon (Newburgh) '.... 9 20 10 42 12 03 1 35 5 00 Ii 19 8 15 M 11 1)0 12 1.1 17 S 24 6 54 7 21 8 19 8 19 6 07 6 31 *6 56 " Chelsea 7 28 8 26 58.3 g Lv Beacon (NewDurgh). . . 5 10 6 32 8 37 8 49 11 2 II Hi 11 01 12 /.2 47 1 51 5 84 6 17 6 41 t7 06 61.8 7 " Chelsea • « • 260 1 64 " New Hamburg X7 34 8 32 9 29 XA 8 43 11 22 .... 1 oo *•» 61 5 40 6 23 6 48 *7 13 0) 12 19 1 52 ° 3 55 64.4 H " New Hamburg 5 20 8 51 4 01 ftR Poughkeepsie 7 11 7 45 7 46 8 44 9 40 11 03 II 27 1 <2 59 4 07 li 45 6 29 6 54 *7 19 Oa 1 52 72.8 3b Aft Poughkeepsie 5 32 6 55 ',1 Its Lv Poughkeepsie w 7 11 7 42 M8 14 0 52 11 03 12 19 3 55 9 07 '- ° . II 40 11 20 1 18 2 19 At It 4 27 4 10 5 55 •a 6 10 6 40 7 01 it7 31 t 6, 72.8 Lv Poughkeepsie 41 " Hyde Park 4Q i 9 59 6 07 6 55 •j ON* h M 4/ 11 20 1 26 2 19 4 10 6 17 0 6 16 78.5 5 • Hyde Park *8 12 T603 " Staatsburg 10 07 z; 6 16 1 /.» 20 8 25 in •a 82.9 26 " Staatsburg 6 24 % » > J 3 >> " Rhinecliff (Kingston) a 7 29 4) 10 15 1 SI : A! 27 6 32 1 V cj 88 4 _1 * Rhlneclirt (Kingston). '. 6 33 7 14 ii a; Lv Barry town a a 10 33 a 51 2 38 Al 35 4 29 6 40 3 0 •a 4) P o 11 38 1 «i "a 94.0 11 Lv Barry town 6 42 •O w " Tivoli 1 110 40 9 34 1 59 '.8 41 6 48 a B B Th e Pacemake r > 98.3 6 " Thrall 6 50 CO a OS " Germantown b 2 a 7 83 f] "it 07 A3 50 6 55 • w >, " Greendale (Catskill Station).. . . 110 52 s 103.7 " Oermantown... . 6 59 CC 15 7 03 > E-S Luxur y Coac h Trai n u 109.4 » " Greendale (Catskill). . a g- A3 58 t» 41 O cS Lv Hudson t T59 11 00 "lTie • X53 . 4 42 9 52 27 4 09 £% •C si a • 113.7 7 Lv Hudson 7 22 7 52 10 00 r-E2i a «» 0 O a " Stockport 4) b 12 10 2 A4 16 >> Th e Iroquoi s 15 3 06 4 57 : Twentiet h Centur y Limite d 7 35 =) Southwester n Limite d 118.0 9 " Stockport 7 31 •a cS " Newton Hook 2 43 A4 24 7 41 8i CO a 0 •J —Lak e Eri : S > Th e Genese 121.2 7 " Newton Hook.. 7 37 i 2 «> -a o " Stuyvesant P Montrea l Limite d • 2 50 (4 80 7 47 £ Th e Ontaria n • _ a j Clevelan d Limite : 123.6 10 " Stuyvesant 7 43 0 S A 3 o " Schodaek landing = 0 8 56 4 86 7 52 H Lv Castleton-on-Hudsou 129.6 7 " Schodaek Landing 7 52 04 E c9 03 < a A A A 9 30 All 44 1 17 4 27 £6 02 T~15 9 — rf — J 0* 9 32 TM • to Lv Hoffman's 159. 1 251 " Schenectady 11 19 12 11 127 .. 4 20 4 80 6 11 > T740 8 03 £ 6 22 •a as a " Amsterdam 10 59 165.4 259 LV Hoflman's § " Tribes Hill 175.0 272 " Amsterdam 9 54 11 39 •I < o 1 46 .. .. 4 39 4 65 8 22 " Fonda (Fultonville) . 1111 •S 6 38 180.6 299 " Tribes Hill. ... 7 47 1 5 05 J! 0 O S 12 o u Lv Sprakers o 185.5 292 * Fonda (Fultonvllle). 10 10 11 57 2 01 4 55 0 c I 5 15 8 36 • Palatine Bridge (Canajoharie).. . 6 53 194.1 296 Lv aprafiers : c? 5) a m 8 197 0 Fort Plain IS 6 59 298 " Palatine Bridge (Canai) S10 23 12 12 >, 2 18 5 84 E 8 38 — - CI 8 51 " St. Johnsville £ 7 10 200.1 306 " Port Plain no 30 12 19 a 5 41 o P 8 50 8 57 " Little Fails • " 7 24 206.0 313 " St. Johnsville /1228 o | 5 60 o V Q 12 22 9 08 a 9 00 Lv Herkimer (Mohawk-Ilion) "12 34 0 7 36 12 44 2 45 7 215.7 370 " mule Falls ; m 0 07 •/ 9 33 II • North Ilion (Ilion) 2 42 ~9 23 12 54 o! 2 56 SB E 222.8 393 LvIIerlilmerlMohawk-Illon) f 5 35 6 18 AR Utica. 9 14 D9 45 10 51 12 62 2 34 _6 00 « 7 59 225.2 394 " North lllon (Ilion). 9 32 s 9 42 a 11 22 •o 6 29 Lv Utica 9 14 U9 45 Al 05 2 50 T30 9 48 11 09 " M 10 51 11 22 Mitt 1 30 236 8 405 AR Utica 7 1 13 1 25 3 13 5 53 6 43 7 24 i 9 6i io 00 ^ oio Lv Utica 10 08 11 30 § 0 " Whitesboro , Pi a 1 43 .. 1 25 3 18 5 56 0 25 6 66 7 26 9 01 a c3 " Oriskany , 249.7 410 " WMtesboro e "3 0 53 « 243.7 418 " Oriskany | " Rome 11 00 1 53 • 1 3 a;« Lv Greenway . o G fl 8 34 251). 6 447 * Rome 7 1030 2 03 3 30 .. ER 0 46 7 15 M 9 18 9 255. 1 460 LV Greenway . . . 7 43 " Verona m 0 60 m a 259.2 463 " Verona a " Oneida . 2 19 1 " Wampsville 263.7 435 " Oneida 3 ^ z t o Poughkeepsi e 2 20 3 56 .. .. 6 30 7 81 " Canastota 0 "3 8 54 266.5 447 " Wampsville a O OJ a North Chittenango I 268.8 432 * Canastota 11 01 Lv OS ss % e 05 4 06 ... 7 48 " Mlnoa p o 275.0 412 Lv North uhittenango. . 1 Coac h passenger s Ne w Yor k : ' • 9 281.6 410 " Mlnoa I S " East Syracuse 4) O Pullma n Car s only ; j

3 Pullma n car s onl y excep t carrie : a Pullma n Car s onl y • ' 4 54 5 16 C 284.9 413 " East Syracuse AR Syracuse 10 10 U1045 11 54 12 16 1 ii fi 3 45 1 11 23 ol s 289.6 398 All Syracuse 11 30 Lv Syracuse 10 10 D1045 All 05 11 54 12 IS Ani Al 16 Al 30 A2 03 3 55 4 54 5 21 .. 6 58 8 00 8 22 9 22 10 00 " Memphis 0) Lv Syracuse B '1250 ,1250 2 19 4 38 7 04 8 27 9 22 10 00 l5i 07 " Jordan 0 301 .5 408 " Memphis 7 ' >, a - D H 306.6 397 " Jordan " North Weedsport 1 - • J-o a 9 29 o 311.0 395 " North Weedsport o "o Lv North Port Byron 314.4 402 Lv North Port Byron. . . " Savannah 321.4 410 " Savannah • 5=1 a • Clyde 01 " y % 327.5 393 " Clyde 0 n " Lyons S £ » 0 6 08 10 32 ti'«i 4) 10 43 334 6 403 " Lyons 87 c U Lv Newark A. " 1- 6 19 1 39 a 5 26 { 7 49 10 00 • East Palmyra 340.1 414 Lv Newark t2 OS §1 00 1 686 917 10 14 " Palmyra ™ 41 X 6 29 343.7 428 " East Palmyra a 347.5 435 " Palmyra I " Walworth « M §2 02 5 49 3 9 « Oil 0 350.8 447 '' Walworth Lv Fairport (Monda y mornings ) 6 50 Pn " East Rochester 1 360 1 455 Lv Fairport <« Syracus e Sunda y night s p UU 7 05 11 23 362.5 413 " East Rochester flu Rochester 11 40 D1213 1 23 Doe s no t ru n fro m Utic a o 5 28 6 01 ft. 11 33 369 9 514 A» Rochester Lv Rochester 11 40 D1213 1 27 Ill I A3 27 5 33 6 06 uu 7 05 8 32 9 56 11 24 10 55 " Cold Water Lv Rochester +3 06 §250 3 41 376.9 559 " Cold Water 6 27 8 36 9 59 11 21 11 44 • Chill o 350.6 563 " Chili Lv Church viile 384.9 568 lv Churchville " Bergen 3X8.0 604 " Bergen " West Bergen Pi " South Byron 391.3 6S0 " West Bergen 7 50 394.8 694 " South Byron " Batavia II] 6 13 12 16 402 4 891 * Batavia Lv Corfu 7 08 ...| JL" "413.8 860 Lv Corfu 12 22 " Crittenden Is 418.1 846 " Crittenden " Wende

421.1 792 • Wende Lv Lancaster S t 427.8 702 Lv Lancaster " Depew AR Buffalo (Cent. Term.) Ca m 6 50 7 20 7 38 8 30 12 55 429.0 682 " Depew 12 51 2 37 2 50 AR Niagara Falls 7 54 10 1J 10 15 10 15 3 85 435.9 582 An Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 9 50 11 10 11 47 12J15 12 58 461.0 570 An Niagara Falls tO 08 SO 08 0 08 AM AM PM PM PM AM PM AM AM AM PM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM AM AM PI! PM AM PM PM AM PM PM PM m PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM PM PM PM PM AM

For Explanation of Reference Marks, see Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, see Pages 15 to 22 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, see Pages 15 to 22 Reference Marks, see Page 3

View the Beautiful Mohawk Valley from the Car Window Ship and Travel by Train—the Safe Way—Automatic Block Signals— 39 40 41 42

Table 19 Mi ?.n Line—Buffalo to Cleveland, Toledo, Elkhart and La Salle St. Station, Chicago Table 20 Main Line—Chicago (LaSalle St. Station), Elkhart, Toledo and Cleveland to Buffalo

4 |I S7 87 87 88 85 3 79 Ml 807 7 19 620 11 57 75 67 11 59 1(1 647 31 609 627 43 61 83 8 89 6 41 15 82 6! 44 608 14 84 6 76 182 20 12 8 66 28 640 88 912 28 188 18 24 614 88 88 18 88 80 38 626 80 86 50 Ex. Miles STATIONS Ex. If Ex. STATIONS Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Jally Daily Daily Daily Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Dally Daly Dally Daily Daily Daily Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Dally Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Dally Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily D'ly Daily Daily D'ly Sun. Daily Daily Daily =i Sun. Dai m AM AM AM AM AM AM All AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM a AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM n PM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM I'M PM PM PM PM PM PM PI PM AM Al PI AM AM PM AM AM 0.0 582 Lv Buffalo 12 35 12 51 1 20 1 90 2 29 2 69 3 55 4 46 7 60 8 111 1 14 565 5 15 8 04115 0 11 59 AM AM AM AM PM AM PM AM PM PM PM (Cent.Ter.) 1 19 8 30 9 50 11 30 11 35 2 15 8 30 2 10 S 15 t 16 A on 4 15 4 30 5 30 8 30 11 30 8.8 612 " Bay View AH 10.0 627 " Athol Springs. i A8 44 M0 04 All 44 All 49 12 29 '2 44 Al 44 AS 29 A4 49 A4 14 A429 A4 44 A6 44 A8 44 AU44 16.2 707 " Lake View.. . Lv Chicago (LaSalle St.) 1 8 52 11 59 16.1 700 * North Evans. " Englewood 18.0 701 Lv Derby • South Chicago 8 58 12 68 5 03 a " East Side 9 05 X1158 12 15 6 09 8 58 22.1 676 " Angola 1 12 06 5 20 R4 49 28 3 600 " Irving u s 0 8 +< « v • " Indiana Harbor...... 9 32 12 46 538 i m s ii ! 3 Jt 4) Gary 1 J 3H Lv fl251 32 2 622 * Silver Creek . 4) M 1 8J U •a C-C i H O " Chesterton 12 56 41.0 "553 Lv Dunkirk T> B (J 3 14 8 66 2 67 6 06 8 57 " Burdick i B •o | - — | 50 0 687 " Brocton a a a e • i " Otis • 01 58.2 695 " Westfleld • > a a g 8 3 37 9 99 0 15 2 30 667 G 26 8 22 " Durham 2 39 9 52 12 41 I 16 J3S5 .316 6 00 6 41 9 48 k «1 u 1 24 66 0 749 " Ripley > V o3 u j*. c 4) Lv IA Porte 2 ; • > •> 41 a - s OS II 31 73.7 801 * Nurth East. . a 9 0 34 6 44 a a • Rolling Prairie b 0 QD u c 3 20 10 25 1 09 2 03 U8J7 1400 1 400 6 82 5 45 7 12 10 28 GG 80.2 729 Ly Harbor Creek 0 5 oi 4J a a X " New Carlisle 11 18 •a SS 4) n " South Bend 3 4'0 10 33 1 15 2 15 6 41 V7 20 10 84 87.7 682 " Erie £ i a 3 23 4 29 4 81 St 1 13c > 6 27 9 17 0 64 3 05 6 39 7 05 10 05 4) 0 d V H| c " Mishawaka 4I t0 5 11 50 11 40 1 30 2 35 4 18 4 66 6 65 6 63 7 38 10 50 1 15 95.9 728 " Swanville o 41 X I Si ... E 2 U _I o f s je an Elkhart *4 '2 0 4 30 10 55 1 85 2 45 U401 4 23 A4 88 4 55 6 08 6 60 7 48 10 54 1 20 98.5 707 " Falrview G u s 103.0 718 " North Glrard. s « *. G 1 O Lv Elkhart 4f i3 7 11 10 1 48 S 00 8 60 a 1 00 1 3 " Goshen 4 • S 10 107.6 661 Lv Springneld. . . V 0 0 " Millersburg 1 01 11 29 LT2 04 3 21 8 23 115.2 646 " Conneaut Q a =1 10 23 7 38 1 "0 e 0 « V | * Ligonier (Wawasee) o 8 27 122.7 668 " Klngsville. . . a B " Wawaka o« 128.5 644 " Ashtabula... • EC 4 09 5 (6 7 09 10 49 If 3 50 8 05 10 50 3 33 a w5 Lv Briinneld 5 28 « 6 11 49 nw 8 43 133.2 647 " Saybrook a p 0) H • " Kendallville 5 S 47 137.8 664 * Geneva G S 9 10 57 8 17 2£ 8 55 "E O " Corunna 141.0 702 Lv Unlonvllle. . . £ a " Waterloo 5 48 O a) 12 05 2 34 4 07 R6 57 "8 01 11U42 < C t5 57 tl2 13 143.3 712 " Madison w in "I " Butler (C. T.) t5 4 17 148.2 703 " Perry 41 *• 3 Lv Edgerton. . (E. T.) 77 07 •21 5 25 a 7 25 10 32 154 0 646 * Palnesvllle... o 6 15 M 7 44 11 18 a,» 4 25 8 40 11 25 " Bryan 7 ^ 1S6 4 61 5 48 160.1 648 " Mentor is m 0 " Stryker 6 00 a Road . — Se e : Interstat e Expres s ~

164.5 633 ' Willoughhy . . " Arehbold 6 09 Run s vi a Ol d Tabl e No . 22

m Detroi t a 5 3 0 P M B Th e Fores t Cit y IB " Pettlsville . : Twentiet h Centur y Limite d ' • 173.3 625 " Nottingham.. *a 1£ « 6 16 178.1 617 " East Clevelan > a 7 00 P 14 g 8120 11) H 12 05 Lv Wauseon To8 o 7 05 9 11 93 5 05 18 15 9 20 185 1 627 All Cleveland (Pi 7 15 6 li 7 20 7 3C ce K 39I I II 12 08 5 = 5 20 8 30 1 35 12 20 3 03 " Delta 6 41 1 « " Swanton eav ' 6 52 185.1 . . . Lv Cleveland Ter. H340 II 41 li 45 8 « n i 12 28 14 00 5 25 5 40 10 36 12 -1 1 15 e? < as AH Toledo _88 . 49 9 35 2 85 2 60 4 56 J 7 25 7 20 7 55 11 00 11 34 2 02 4 23 191.3 775 " Linndale I 6 90 6 69 7 54 H 11 11 31 12 88 4 10 5 35 5 50 10 45 12 30 1 25 m g Luxur y Coac h Trai n 5 i Th e Pacemake r 197.2 784 " Berea mi 7 10 /.12 63 5 50 Lv Toledo 9 45 8 06 5 00 6 35 7 25 AJ18 6 40 7 55 A8 28 8 35 t o If . PM 11 47 2 13 245 3 30 4 33 V 654 199.9 763 " Olmsted Falls tic 7 14 Z12 57 5 55 111 64 AR Millbury Jet ha >> 7 02 205 9 742 * Shawvllle l* 7 22 6 03 Lv Martin a c a [ Gray town 7 10 o 210.3 718 LV Elyrla nt 7 21 7 32 H 41 1 10 4 46 6 12 6 20 U 20 1 05 1 90 M o t»i " Rocky Ridge 7 19 2 216.8 704 " Amherst 7 46 u 7 28 224.3 598 " Vermilion I a i m * Oak Harbor „. g 1 o 1 s 7 68 0 — 231.9 611 " Ceylon 0 8 Lv La Carne 0 7 37 3 g e £ "3 q 235.7 596 * Huron 8 19 •Mm a " Port Clinton 10 26 3 38 a 7 50 9 IS i u a * IB as cl 244.9 593 Ly Sandusky 8 30 0 5 18 T5S 12 02 " Gypsum 3 7 57 7 91 u 1 46 us 1 47 2 35 " Danbury I 8 02 247.7 581 " Venice 0 8 34 > •6 s £ = •3 " Venice a 8 13 a 252.5 577 " Danbury a IS 47 a a z 3 9 29 c n Specia l 3 38 254.6 585 " Gypsum j i M * Sandusky ^ 10 47 8 66 c c n Fift h Avenu e : fa S 30 9 88 8 52 s e a a, 257.8 578 " Port Clinton. a j 9 01 • a ii Lv Huron. E 8 45 rrr. Yii " Ceylon 3 263.6 577 " La Came.... 9 12 •=5 •a 269.0 588 Lv Oak Harbor.. a, >J i " Vermilion « 9 09 : Se e Tabl No . 2 3

p Operate s vi a M . C R arrivin g Detroi t Termina l 10.1 5 P.M : | 11 9 22 *> Th e Mercur y G O " Amherst 9 12 : Empir e Stat Expres s 1 : Al l seat s i n Parlo r Car an d Coache ar e reserve assigne advance . 272.3 598 " Rocky Ridge. 9 3 i c Th e Wate r Leve l Limite d ™ 9 31 4 10 o, r ' . RunsviaNorwal k : U W % 11 28 : Pullma n Car s onl y 9 40 10 11 275.0 594 " Gray town. . . 9 37 •o s * Elyrla 4 44 £ 6 28 «" a c 6 56 279.5 603 " Martin 4 9 46 2f lv Shawvllle s al Lak e Shor Limite d 7 06 284.2 614 " Millbury Jet. 3 " Olmsted Falls 9 58 a 5 50 M c " Berea 7 14 291.7 587 An Toledo 5 32 9 32 8 521 0 11 9 II 10 15 1 15 2 41 6 li 9 OS 7 51 1 •u 1 00 2 99 3 35 S3 " Linndale 11 59 6 12 8 07 -IB 31 'J 12 10 11 10 E4 1 39 4 45 7 25 6 37 291.7 Lv Toledo 6 32 6 00 6 49 6 40 8 57 10 20 120 2 (4 3 55 6 21 8 12 •a i, 1 30 3 15 3 50 6 62 310.1 680 " Swanton 7 10 c 3 AR Cleveland (Un. T.) ^ 12 18 L5 SO 7 16 8 25 S853 [••••• 'I 30 10 55 11 11 : Fo r complet e service betwee n Chicag o an d Detroi t consul Michiga Centra l Tim Table. i 1 37 11418 5 1)5 7 45 6 95 s a 316.1 718 " Delta 7 19 Lv Cleveland (Un. T.) ... 12 30 3 45 5 46 7 20 8 15 8 40 S900 U 30 11 23 10 52 2 12 i 3) 7 10 8 25 9 55 p 72 2a26 7 19 8 34 All) 04 323.6 770 * Wauseon 7 33 c w M " East Cleveland 12 39 8 54 5 54 7 29 8 24 8 49 11 39 11 32 I 45 328.1 754 Lv Pettlsville. . . 7 42 (S Daily K ° " Nottingham ^ AM 332.1 732 " Arehbold.... 7 50 3 4) Lv Wlltoughby 14 24 338.1 714 « Stryker 7 99 A d — V L. £ 82 14 29 i - a 1, " Mentor ft 345.3 770 " Bryan 8 11 CO At 9 10 Ex. 1 19 4 87 666 8 10 Uil319 3 08 B W 757 9 17 in 8 50 •a* a ^ " Palnesville E MM 355 « 840 " Edgerton(E.T. 8 29 o u " Perry SSunu . 3 i S. w« 5 'C 19 37 362 5 867 Lv Butler..(C.T 7 40 " Madison MM PM 3 370 4 912 " Waterloo C6 14 7 93 8 16 1! - 4) 8 42 i " Unionville Jl SI K 2* ~ 9 46 376.7 964 " Corunna . 8 04 O « 0,0 Lv Geneva 5 01 6 54 a W JS B 5 " Saybrook 383.1 973 " Kendallvllle.. 8 18 3 88 9 03 2 07 a. A.WW v. 389. S 949 " BrimBeld 8 28 I S £ " Ashtabula 1 06 1 48 5 17 7 05 8 OS U.1247 2 55 3 49 W822 10 01 SSJ 41 S 394.2 900 Lv Wawaka 8 36 4) C " Klngsville MM •si s " Conneaut 10 It 399.6 893 " Llgouier 8 48 a 8 58 J! 9 27 H 2 00 5 84 '822 (Wawasee) a H H " Springfield 1 80 406.7 878 " Millersburg. . • 8 59 4) Lv North Girard 5 54 10 31 JS 414.8 795 " Goshen 9 16 ii < 9 47 11 12 9 52 " Falrview MM 4 21 P 4 53 Th e Knickerbocke r ; ' 424 7 751 A» Elkhart 6 36 7 05 87 29 9 35 9 90 10 02 •< 11 30 2 24 4 40 7 00 7 21 1012 3 05 4 49 5 13 • Swanville : Ne w Englan d State s • 8 55 1 32 1 12 3 45 • Th e Twiligh t Limite d j 4 65 7 23 9 05 11 0 11 39 424.7 Lv Elkhart 6 36 7 10 9 40 10 07 11 35 8 29 " Erie 2t ID 2 8! 6 21 7 5C 8 11 4 46 7 24 7 SO 10 17 3 11) 4 50 5 18 " Harbor Creek 435.8 721 " Mishawaka.. 9 53 11 90 6 02 7 52 3 27 5 33 439.8 720 " South Bend.. «7 52 00 k Lv North East 2 51 6 40 til 19i HH 7 28 10 10 27 12 04 2 52 6 16 745 8 10 10 40 3 43 5 12 5 42 453.2 778 * New Carlisle. 8 28 a " Ripley 6 5! 4 17 9 30 7 61 9 38 11 3" 459.5 813 " Rolling Prairie 8 38 (B " Westfleld 8 11 7 M 8 21 9 2' p-fi 12 07 466.5 811 " La Porte. . . . h • Brocton 1t Ot til 4S HH 10 30 10 57 12 84 3 20 5 48 8510 8 53 11 13 4 23 6 43 6 15 Th e Commodor Vanderbil t a I n advance . N o extr a charg e ; : j 4 38 6 95 8 18 12 OS » Dunkirk % •lan d Limite • 3 2C 8 41 8 5( 9 50 uthwester n Limite d • . 7 81 1 Al l seat s reserve d an assigne \ • 472.9 833 Lv Durham O 476.5 745 " Otis 9 08 c Lv Silver Creek MM • o .M.M 479.9 685 " Burdlck " Irving 4) W | Arrive s a t Eri e R . Station Clevelan d u 0 Advanc e Commodor Vanderbil t ; • 484.2 642 " Chesterton... 10 50 920 a " Farnham 499.1 611 " Gary X802 11 08 A1132 i '858 6 30 9 45 P. 5 05 6 26 B 56 " Angola MK • Derby ^ K K 505.9"535 Lv IndianaHarbo til 15 9 58 a A6 35 A7 06 00 North Evans 508.5 588 " Whiting 11 19 10 05 4J Lv 012.1 602 " East Side s " Lake View reserve d an assigne i n advanc e

513.4 605 " South Chicagc " Athol Springs Al l seat s i n Parlo r Car an d Coache • J1012 aV A 6 45 A7 17 518.6 610 " Englewood... 18 M 18 26 !> 481 8 401 9 07 111 31 111 98 11 16 14 25 17 01 (8 16 19 06 10 31 11216 15 40 (7 01 (7 26 * Bay View < A121 12 1j 12 9< 3 0. 2 41 1 01 5 4 9 2 6 91 i'k 10 5C l oo i io 525.3 606 Al Chicago.... 8 20 8 40 9 02 9 00 9 20 11 45 12 10 1 50 1 40 7 15 8 30 9 201 0 46 12 30 5 55 7 15 7 40 AR Buffalo 46 1 8 3 9 4010 4 10 5 11 5, (La Salle St. (Cent. Term.) ., n AM Al PI Al Al Al Al AM Al Al PI n Ml AM AH AM AM M AM AM AM AM PM Al AM AN • PM AM • PM PM PM PM PM PM AM PM PM AM AM AM F PM PM PM PI pa PM PM PM AM Al N PM Al AM AM PM 1 ™ 1 1 PM

For Explanation of Reference Marks, see Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, see Pages 15 to 22 For Explanatiitloi n of Reference Marks, see Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, 3ee Pages 15 to 22

A Real Saving—Coach Fares as Low as lV-jc a Mile Round Trip Travel New York Central—Like Riding on Velvet—There Is No Finer Roadbed 43 44 46

Table 21 M ain Line—Niag ara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica and Albany to New York Table 21 Ma in Line—Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica and Albany to New York

• • • • • EAST AND 92 166 91 74 24 in 10 MH itt 188 22 158 54 58 88 10 156 88 90 160 111 198 134 34 570 50 96 • Ex. EAST AND 421 110 58 648 52 82 86 80 11 16 4 a 6 18 82 26 28 18 16 2 66 8 26 68 SOUTH-BOUND Ex. Sun. Ex. Ex. 1 > Sun. Sun. Ex. SOUTH-BOUND Sun. Note Sun Daily Daily Sun. Dally Sun Dally Dally Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Dally Daily Daily Daily Daily Only Sun. Daily Daily Daily Only Ex. Ex. Ex. Sun. Sun. Daily Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily lully Dally Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

All All AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM AM AM AM AM PM PM Lv Niagara Falls PM PM PM PM PM Noon PM 17 2J 8 27 8 27 12 00 PM PM PM PM PM AM PM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM AM AM AM AM AM PM AM AM " Buffalo (Cent. Term.)... Lv Niagara Falls 2 09 2 51 :i 14 5 38 5 54 8 111 II 13 9 34 11 05 1 30 8 25 5 37 8 22 8 22 8 22 10 46 " Depew Lv Buffalo (Cent. Term) 2 29 i 07 8 50 10 00 10 li 11 00 11 25 12 33 " Lancaster " Depew Lv Wende -1 Lancaster " Crittenden 6 21 Lv Wende " Corfu 6 33 • Crittenden * Batavia 6 53 8 41 II) 14 * Corfu Ailili II 45 Lv South Byron 7 04 * Batavia 3 09 5 19 8 32 10 61 " West Bergen Lv South Byron • Bergen 7 14 " West Bergen Pullma n

- Church vllle Car s onl y 7 21 " Bergen

Lv Chill acke r 7 31 * Church vllle mi! " Cold Water £> 1a 7 41 Lv Chill >\r Rochester hi

4» 4 01 4 23 6 48 7 53 '•' 15 III i. III 411 " Cold Water in g o f Decembe r 2 6 12 17 2 85 Wil l no t ru n morn • Lv Rochester 12 12 10 141 4 01 4 28 6 52 8 45 9 22 III 22 111 49 12 20 2 35 Ar Rochester 2 6 25 10 09 11 11 " East Rochester Lv Rochester 3 01 3 45 6 30 10 25 11 14 ii!' 12 10 1 41 • Fairport 9 00 01 " East Rochester 318 Lv Walworth 9 24 ' Fairport 3 23 " Palmyra 9 30 • Lv Walworth 3 45

" East Palmyra io n Rive r ene c 9 37 " Palmyra 3 51 • Newark E <; •a 6 07 7 32 9 44 a «3 " East Palmyra 3 59 Lv Lyons 3 •Ot 4> • Th e Knlc l 7 42 9 55 1 * Newark 4 14 1 23 7 11 11 06 .. • Clyde X a 10 55 a Lv Lyons 4 35 4 33 7 21 11 17 z H " Savannah 11 06 " Clyde 4 48 - North Port Byron 4) 11 20 •0 " Savannah 4 58 4>£ s Lv North Weedsport 11 27 — U * North Port Byron 5 11 • Jordan Henr y

Hudso n 5 18 11 35 Lv North Weedsport Pullma n Car s onl y _ p Pullma n Car s onl y • Memphis 11 42 " Jordan 5 26 hi Pullma n Car s onl y |

Syracuse 1 Pullma n Car s onl y : Pullma n Car s onl y Ar 4 35 5 25 5 56 8 27 11 59 111 .511 ll 4:1 12 10 1 43 _ 3 58 • Memphis 5 35 ao Lv Syracuse 4 35 5 25 li 111 Ar Syracuse 5 58 8 10 i2 06 12 3(1 1II 1 40 42 03 a 08 12 30 42 30 : Al l seat s reserve d an assigne : i n advance . N o extr a charge 3 10 East Syracuse ICI 1 48 §4 15 6 17 Ar 6 22 Lv Syracuse ~464 6 29 8 22 11 10 12 20 12 41 12 46 ll 1 40 3 10 " Mlnoa w VI 41 0 29 Ar East Syracuse 4 13 " North Chittenango V 6 " Mlnoa 4 19 " Canastota •J-o +- 1) 51 ii :i2 2 18 " North Chittenango m " Ar Wampsville • Canastota 4 41 8 45 11 86 n » • Oneida a "7 05 "Ar Wampsville 4 46 " Verona 'ii'ii 2 28 a u P 5 58 8 56 " Greenway 7 14 • Oneida 4 54 11 47 Llmlt e " Verona 5 01 Ar Rome ; Wate r I. .- * Greenway 7 31 9 13 11 57 12 56 2 46 3 30 54 51 " Oriskany ' Ar Rome 5 18 6 15 8 27 9 17 12 07

" Whltesboro T h 7 42 13 40 - Utica " Oriskany 6 29 6 20 7 53 9 30 12 14 1 18 2 37 3 OS 3 50 4 51 55 11 " Whltesboro Lv Utica 5 89 6 32 9 34 12 25 1 12 1 .51 6 20 4 4.5 S 115 9 33 12 44 1 16 2 45 3 13 4 51 55 16 ' Utica 8 47 1 35 1 41 2 37 Ar North Ilion (Ilion) K ?7 5 54 6 37 9 44 12 45 3 1I 2 31 * Herkimer(Mohawk-Illon) 5 04 3 29 U Utica 1 27 1 42 1 47 5 14 1 02 *3 3 36 Ar North Ilion (Ilion) 8 10 9 59 2 •O Ar" Little Falls 10 04 .', K H 46 1 12 c 3 47 " Herkimer (Mohawk-Illon)^ 6 21 • 3 • a 4> " St. Johnsville 6 11 8 68 a 6"39 10 17 41 5 3 59 Ar Little Fails 4) • 3 CO " Fort Plain ei a ay s o • a ;, .in 9 117 1 81 4 10 6 51 10 28 O i a„ " PalatlneBrldge(Canajohane) w " St. Johnsville 4) 5 57 9 13 7 06 CO •0 " Sprakers 1 87 a 4 16 CIO 37 a 3 3 4) " Fort Plain 7 12 m7 20 M £5 a ^_Fonda (Fultonvllle) m /10 44

an d 2 >• vVi a t» f- « ITTribes Hill 9 15 7 50 11 17 £ V • Schenectady 0 •S t Th e Ontaria n 8 L0642 X Th e Detrolte r 7 35 8 27 III 24 10 50 2 28 2 85 4 01 5 15 6 13 • Amsterdam H b Clevelan d Limite | Ar Albany H 56 87 H 41 4) r Advanc e Commodor Vanderbil t p 7 07 8 05 8 65 111 .52 11 14 2 64 2 17 8 00 4 25 5 41 6 40 57 03 • Hoffman's 18 00 8 11 11 42 — 2 08 Z Lv Troy * Southwester n Limite d O H ~A g l Luxur y Coac h Trai n '• A ~ Twentiet h Centur y Limite d : : Th e Commodor Vanderbil t • A A A A > Run s • Schenectady 10 30 8 35 3 07 3 22 i 4 23 17 25 A 12 25 A "155 4 25 A A w5 55 A 12 10 2 34 3 27 z A5 18 44 58 Lv Albany Ar Albany A A A A A A A A A A A 5A 38 7 09 6 20 8 10 9 1)5 10 1)0 11 26 1 00 8 10 2 26 3 10 4 36 §4 50 5 13 6 00 57 08 ' A A :i 5 4 05 A • Castleton-on-Hudson.... 6 34 b^Troy 2 45 • Schodaek Landing §5 05 5 27 8 47 1 15 3 20 ~X 4 23 5 38 i , Jan . 1 Feb 2 6 41 §5 12 5 34 Lv Albany 19 06 Lv Stuyvesant 6 50 4 1) u §5 21 5 43 " Castleton-on-Hudson Newton Hook 6 55 P. • Stockport §5 27 5 48 • Schodaek Landing • Hudson •J §5 32 5 53 b Stuyvesant 7 08 » 86 III 34 133 8 42 8 42 515 56 40 6 01 6 32 " Newton Hook Lv Greendale (Catskill Station) 7 15 • Stockport 8 21 i 54 3 24 6 15 " Germantown 1 40 a H 48 6 08 7 24 Shor i 1 ru n D /. 1045 lite d S6 00 flay s On l * Hudson • Tlvoll • 6 16 a Lv Greendale (Catskill Station) * Barry town 7 32 S §6 08 6 24 a 7 39 111 57 33 §6 16 6 31 .-.6 53 02 " Germantown

Lv Khineelirr (Kingston).... sou r signe d i n advanc e £ 1 no t 7 48 II 04 11 05 tj 2 04 or e I 86 27 6 39 7 01 .t e Expres s Car s an d Coache " " Tivoli " Staatsburg 7 55 a en *_ Barry town " Hyde Park 56 36 6 47 v u a 8 49

Wi l Lv Rhinecliri (Kingston) 8 04 56 44 6 64 Wester n Expres s : Ar Poughkeepsie s Run ; 56 55 " Staatsburg Lv Poughkeepsie ') 23 11 28 12 42 2 37 4 28 4 23 5 59 7 02 7 20 6 07 6 37 7 03 7 37 8 29 2 65 5 26 56 55 7 21 " Hyde Park 10 09 2 36 4 07 5 1 5 42 7 00 " New Hamburg 6 23 0 23 11 28 12 42 2 37 4 23 4 23 5 59 7 20 Ar Poughkeepsie 7 16 7 49 8 41 8 08 5 39 57 12 7 33 10 09 2 51 4 19 6 ll 5 42 7 00 " Chelsea 6 29 11 40 Nort h S Lv Poughkeepsie 7 22 7 54 8 14 5 45 57 18 7 38 " Beacon (Newburgh) 6 36 Empir e " New Hamburg 6 55 7 29 8 00 8 55 0 42 11 51 1 01 2 67 4 48 8 21 4 48 5 54 6 18 7 48 7 40 57 25 it s i n Pa serve d a r Ar Cold Spring " Chelsea 7 06 7 39 8 10 9 05 12 02 3 82 6 06 57 86 7 58 7 50 10 80 5 31 " Garrison 6 54 » g ' Beacon (Newburgh) 6 6i " Manitou 7 12 7 45 8 16 9 11 12 08 It 64 8 38 4 51 6 12 §7 42 8 04 Ar Cold Spring 7 01 7 53 8 23 8 40 6 20 57 48 33 « " Peekskill 7 10 7 26 " Garrison 8 02 8 32 9 29 1 06 12 24 S 21 15 07 8 55 45 07 6 30 57 58 8 20 8 08 < a " Manitou Ar Harmon 7 22 7 37 8 13 8 46 9~06 9 43 110 07 1117 12 37 1 36 ii 32 5 18 14 19 4 15 5 18 18 30 6 52 ~6 49 16 10 8 38 8 26 8140 59105 " Peekskill 10 54 5 00 6 01 " Ossining 7 31 8 21 8 54 12 45 4 28 7 01 58 18 8 46 Ar Harmon 11 06 3 37 5 14 15 22 45 31 Hi 11 16 26 46 33 16 44 16 53 16 53 47 0! 47 07 4 7 17 17 31 17 52 48 OC 48 IE " Tarrytown 7 42 8 32 9 02 4 85 ' Yonkers 12 53 7 10 58 27 8 54 " Ossining 3 47 9 18 10 11 1 06 111 12 4 68 7 30 68 41 9 17 • Tarrytown 3 57 " The Bronx (138th St.) 9 35 1 28 15 20 t7 52 * Yonkers •. • • 01 S3 4 13 G5 41 B5 49 43639 (6_53 - N.Y.(125thSt.) 48 11 18 21 9 02 10 29 Ar N.Y.(G.C.T.) *9 37 11.511 1 27 44 18 15 59 15 01 16 22 15 59 17 13 .7 55 17 32) .59 01 9 38 9 01 9121 59119 ^ The Bronx (138th St.) 8 22 u 8 31 9 13 9 49 9 59 10 41 11 00 2 10 1 40 2 SO 6 10 5 10 5 88 6 10 7 25 8 08 7 40 §9 12 9 49 9 12 9 30 510 00 N Y. (125th St.) 44 33 46 02 (6 10 All 4 30 111 51 46 17 16 57 17 12 AM AM AM AM AM AM PM PM AM PM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Ar N. Y. (G. C. T.) 12 02 4 45 6 15 6 22 6 30 7 11 7 23 7 3( 7 4( 7 51 7 5C 8 OC 8 0( 8 1! 8 30 8 45 9 00 9 15 PM PM AM PM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM Explanation of Reference Marks, see Page 3 For Pullman. Coach and Dining Car Service, see Pages 15 to 22 For Explanati on of Reference Marks, see Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Car Service, aee Pages 15 to 22

"20th Century Limited—First Luxury Liner on Wheels" ^———__—— For Comfortable Travel — Nature Provided — "The Water Level Route" 47 4S 50

Table 22 Elkhart and Toledo via Old Road (Table 22a Boston and Chicago Table 28 Table 23 Cleveland and . -Ilk (<> Kochester via Syracuse and Auburn Road Via Boston .mil M.iniii mid Now York Central Table 26 Sem 32 138 67 59 Toledo via Norwalk 8 12 Rochester, Philadelphia 19 M 5 Daily Daily Daily Daily wLSI HOUND Auburn Road Nos. Sun Daily |t. Sun llnly |Ex Sun II 11 /V Maine 11 Sun Daily and Washington 141 PH " AM MT~ 0 0 Chicago (Cent. Time) 1 15 11 35 . New York (O.O.TJ.. 4 SO 11 30 " I'/ir Minute Mini" ii .in 6 5(1 6.71 0.0 Lv New 5 iii li :u sol 111 59 9 30 Lv Rochester (Via Pennsylvania R. R.) Englewood »U 49 . Alhaliy 'i7 11 n " Pittsford t 47 fl 06 26.2! Gary tv Bust.HI (North Mta.) STATIONS 142.2 " Alliiini h 1 13 5 30 12 58 1 54 12 8 Utica 0 01 3 50 i. A; /7 16 58.8 LaPorte • Camlirlduu 289 Ar Syracuse 4 51 I 81 1 81 " Fishers 4 18 35 1 16; Syracuse 10 00 4 54 /18 58 " Victor . 04 /7 23 85. Si • I in hi mi 1: AuburnRw id No: 11 Miles SOUTHBOUND Ex. South Bend 3 20 2 03 Rochester... 11 24 TO 23 4 58 s V 21 7 40 89. S " Gardner Syracuse 10 25 Sun. Daily Mlshawaka 3 40 2 15 5 26 0.0 Lv " .5 15 5 10 Wcanandalgun , til 7 52 100 B Elkhart 4 05 «7 151 " Athol 3.8 " Solvay / 5 24 flO 34 ft 18 AM PM 2 35 iiuiialo (Cent. Term.) 5 49 " Chapin . 41. H 58 Old Road ;V« 614 12 85, 8 10 " Greenfield 6 28 8 " " • : 111.1111 6 33 10 43 5 27 0.0 Lv Rochester 6 30 7 80 Dunkirk 8 56. " Shortsville ; A;I 8 04 " Shelhurne l-alls. 10 .5 30 10 49 5 33 28 3 Ar Canandalgua 7 21 I 81 0~0 Elkhart 4 30 8 48 ; 8 30 i " Martlsco " Clifton Springs N 111 8 14 6 00 Westlield 9 15 " NO. Ml Mil o o L« Chicago (Cent.Tlme) 5 li 11 02 5 45 8 3 Bristol (Cent. Time) t4 42 7 87 28 17.5| • Skaneatelcs Jet 5 .52 •' Phelps Junction.... /H 07 K 20 Lv Canaudaigua 7 55 8 86 6 12 Erie 9 54 " VYHllaltiHtoYVU :io 85.5 " .... South Bend.... 3 43 0 07 11 23 6 13 96.6 Ar Elmlra 10 06 10 48 18.8! White Piyeou (E. Time) 6 01 7 26 7 45 no 54 " Elkhart " Phelps 6 12 8 25 Ashtabula 10 4 ' M I ill 100 6 3 HI 26.1 \11 liiii ii 11 23 6 13 24 0 Klinger Lake /7 33 8 07 " Goshen (i 19 « 88 8 40 264.9 " Harrisburg 458 400 Cleveland 12 i An Troy 110.8 26.8 (', .'4 11 28 6 18 ^{Geneva 349.2 " Baltimore (Un. Sta.) 7 45 6 53 30 5 sturgis 6 2(1 7 41 8 45 142.2 " Kendallville (C. Time) 2 071 " Auburn Monroe St | i< 8 47 4 30 7 Elyrla 36.9| 0 30 11 43 6 33 389.2 " Washington 8 40 7 45 liurr Oak 6 32 7 50 Sandusky Nam < nrk (iinriil 233 6 Ar Toledo (East. Time) 1 30 " Cayuga • Waterloo 1 41, 8 59 4 46 43 5 Bronson 6 42 in 41 " Seneca Falls. 6 .52 11 53 6 44 " Seneca Falls I M 9 07 4 57 368.8 Ar Philadelphia (Broad St.) 7 18 6 40 54 2 8 00 Toledo (East Time) » 32 11 59 8 51 Cold water 7 02 8 18 Lv Troy 9 02 44.9 " Waterloo.... 7 (III " Cayuga g 05 9 16 5 05 PM AM 00.61 old Itoud Not 1107 647 626 Norwalt Branch Nos 7 in 12 10 7 00 Qulncy 7 12 8 28 " Albany. . . 9 82 " Auburn Monroe Hi 0 N 9 32 ii 8 7 II 411 51.6 Geneva 7 20 7 10 87 Allen (8 30 Toledo (East, i lain 3 55 AR (Cleveland 6 15 3 30| Lv.Toledo (East Time 9 05 | 30 9 40 5 40 NORTHBOUND Ex. Ex. Sun. 7 20 59.4 Phelps „ 7 34 7 24 Auburn 72 Jonesvllle Y29 8 43 Bltsenelc 4 28 " Toledo . . . 8 52 7.5 " . . ..Millbury Jet . . li 30 9 40 5 40 Sun. Sun. Only Palmyra 7 20 4 34 " Elkhart.. . 'i'52 12.4 61.0 Phelps Junction. /7S8 9 54 76 Hillsdale 7 45 8 56 10 02 " Genoa 8 44 Skaneateles Jet. 1 45 I 02 AM PM J.enawee Jet 4 89 Chicago 4 17. 1 63.7 Clifton Springs.. aw 7 45 7 35 K2 Osaeo 7 56! 9 05 An 12 10 " Elmore 8 36 Martisco II 67 (10 05 8 15 Lv Philadelphia (Broad St.) 9 45 8 86 a 7 43 86 l'ittsford 8 02| 9 12 Adrian 7 40 4 50 < 11 22.4 Liudsey 8 28 68.2 Shortsville 7 53 Camillus /10 11 6 21 Clayton 22 70.9 Chapin (7 48 III 04 " Washington 8 20 8 30 92 Hudson 8 1 9 22 7 58 5 05 USTIIOIINIJ 4 35 29 5' " Fremont.. . . 8 17 Solvay /ISO " Baltimore (Un. Sta.) 0 11 9 17 Hudson 8 13 Daily 1 54 8 05l 7 53 99.01 Clayton /8 23! 9 29 5 15 37 9 " Clyde 7 53 74.0 Canandalgua. . Syracuse III 28 10 I I 40 • Harrisburg 11 48 11 54 110 01 Adrian 8 45 9 50 I • 111 .<( 1 in I s 23 5 24 Now York Crmrnl 5 10 45 3 " Bellevue 7 40 8 25 8 21 " Victor 8 41 Main Line X 46 1 07 85.5 Buffalo (Cent. Term.) New York. 5 101 York Visitor" con• Newburgb 5 15| 5 32 10 00 10 1012 57 3 3 38 6 06 6 15 9 66 1 16 N Y. (Cortlandt St.). PM Highland 5 42 6 01, 10 29 10 311 1 21 3 21 4 07 6 36 9 42 10 20 NY.(It. W.42d St.). t2 50 S3 22 Kingston 6 27 6 30 11 05 11 10 1 57 3 45 1 35 7 15 10 10 10 57 2 13 Weehawken t3 00 S3 35 taining a map of Saugerties 6 52 .... 11 19 2 18 4 02 7 32 10 25 11 14 \22X Kingston . to 00 80 31) Table 32 Buffalo to Niagara Falls Cats kill. 7 171 .... 11 34 2 39 4 20 7 52 10 40 11 32 2 47 Kingston •8 15" the city, list of prin• Ravena. 7 48 .... 11 57 3 11 4 45 8 21 11 03 11 56 3 13 Phoenicia 9 15 Ar Albany 8 20 . .12 25 8 40 5 16 8 60 11 80 12 2.5 I'lne Hill. /9 50 Grand Hotel Sta.. S 209 211 223 233 257 245 14 26 16 12 10 00 cipal points of in• Fleiaohmann's. ... 10 07 3 STATIONS Ex. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun A Arkvllle 10 27 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Sun. Sun Only Sun Only Daily' Daily Note AM Stamford 11 37 terest, hotels and AM AM All PH PI PM Oneouta 1 1 30 AM AM AM PM PH PH _5 50' 7 40 10 10 1 55 3 30 5 40 Ravena.... 6 20 PM 8 07 10 40 2 26 3 6 10 0 L» BuBalo (Cent. Ter.) 7 00 9 15 11 20 2 35 5 10 9 05 theatres, a calendar Catskill. . .. 6 58 8 30 11 06 2 54 6 40 528 2 « Buffalo (Exch. St.) Saugerties.. 4 24 7 20 8 46 11 29 8 15 « 42 7 C6 3 »r Terrace 7 11 9 28 11 33 2 48 5 23 9 17 Kingston. .. 6 30 7 42 9 02 11 50 3 85 J)aily of current events, Highland... 5 00 7 28 7 " Black Rock 7 20 9 38 11 43 2 58 5 33 9 26 6 57 8 24 9 27 12 29 4 06 5 30 8 06 ail New burgh.. (Ineonta 13 " Tonawanda 7 28 9 48 11 53 3 08 5 43 9 35 7 27 9 00 9 49 1 00 4 35 5 52 8 38 i 2 53 10 20 Cornwall 7 35 9 10 9 59 1 10 4 45 Stamford 12 SO 14 " N. Tonawanda 7 35 9 52 11 57 3 121 5 47 9 39 and articles of a West Point. 6 02 8 48 3 (13 7 44 9 20 10 08 1 20 4 54 6 11 8 58 3 13 Arkvllle 2 20 25 " Niaftara Falls 7 54 10 15 12 20 3 35 6 08 9 55 Haverstraw. 8 12 1 lelschmann's.... Weehawken. 9 50 10 35 2 00 5 29 6 39 9 36: 2 30 27 Ar Suspension Bridge 8 02 10 25 12 30 3 45 6 18 10 03 timely nature. 9 03 10J0 1120 2 50 6 15 7 31 1040 4 25 i Irand Hotel Sta. 2 50 I'lne Hill ) AM AM J PM PM | PM Pll N.Y. ft. W. 42d St 10 50 11 30 3 00 6 25 7 40 10 50 4 40 2 56 N.Y. ft. Cortlandt St. 1U10 8 80 Phoenicia 3 30 Kingston^ 4 20 Klligsliin Niagara Falls to Buffalo It may be had by Table 25 Chautauqua Lake and Jamestown, N. Y. 5 10 \\ i"chawken 7 30 via J.W. & N.W.R.R. New York ft. W. 42d St.. 7 40 passengers purchas• New York (Cortlandt St.) 204 210 216 230 246 248 SOUTHBOUND Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily m STATIONS • ing tickets to New York at stations on the ExSunl Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily All AM AM PM PM ~PM Table 25a Westlield and Chautauqua, N.Y. Lv Westlield 6 45 9 45 11 50 3 80 6 35 9 50 New York Central System west of Albany. Ar Point Chautauqua /7 11 /10 11 ("12 16 /S 465 fl 01 (10 16 (Via Buffalo ant^Erie Coach Corporation) AM AM AM PM PM PM PM Ar Jamestown 7 43 10 44 12 48 4 18[ 7 36 10 48 SOUTUBOUND Daily Daily Daily Daily Lv Susp. Bridde. . 7 15 8 201 11 50 3 15 5 30 8 05 10 30 I AM AM f*_ PM | PM PM AM AM PM " Niagara Falls.. 7 25 8 27 12 00 3 25 5 37 8 22 10 40 If you plan a trip to New York, ask the ticket I. u i-stllc-ld . . . 7 45 10 00 1 40 8 45 6 20 " N. Tonawanda. . 7 45 8 46] 12 19 3 45 5 58 8 48 10 59 NORTHBOUND Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Ar Chautauqua. S 12 10 25 2 12 4 10 6 15 " Tonawanda. . . . 7 49 8 51 12 23 3 50 6 02 8 58 PM agent for a copy. PM " Black Rock.... 8 01 9 021 12 37 3 58 6 15 9 06 11 11 AM AM PM PM PM PM \< ill 1 IlllOUND Daily Daily Daily Daily " Terrace 8 13 9 13| 12 45 4 12 6 26 9 18 11 21 i* Jamestown 8 10 10 30 1 25 5 10 7 80 8 15 ... AM PM ~ PM Ar Buffalo (Exch. St.) . Po'nt Chautauqua fs 43 /ll 03 fl 58 (5 48 /7 58 (8 '.8 ... ty Chautauqua. 8 40 3 15 4 45 7 05 Ar Buffalo (Cent. Ter.) 8 24 9 25 4 24 30 11 35 ar Westlield 9 08 11 28 2 23 6 08 8 S 9 13 Ir Wcstheld 9 05 3 45 5 10 7 30 AM AM PM PM PM pa [| AM PM PM AM AM PM PM PM PM For Explanation of Reference Marks, see Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Iiioing Car Service, see Main Line Trains, Pages 15 to 22 For Explanation of Reference Marks, see Page 3 For Pullman, Coach and Dining Gar Service, see Main Line Trains, Pages 15 to 22 New York Central Provides Rapid Travel You Can Trust Go New York Central—Free Side Trip to Niagara Falls 54 51 52

Table 49 Detroit Branch Table 35 New York, Albany and Utica to Carthage, Watertown, Ogdensburg and Massena Harlem Division Miles 51 Table K. New York (.liatham—Pittsfield—Nortb Ailams 61 51 or 61-43 38 50 52 52 14 14 SOUTHBOUND 303 305 761 227 from Main Line Nos. Ex. Ex. Sun Ex. Ex. Main Line Nos. tx. Ex. Sun. Sun. • • . ('.iiii.iii Time Table for Complete Service) N. Y. Sun. Sun. Only Dally Sun Daily Ex. (Eastern Time) Daily Daily Daily Daily Sun. Sun lun. Only Only PM All All AM I'M PM San. • 19 • 59 AM PM na PM AM PM H PM 41 5 •05 43 •73 I 13 15 19 0.0 lv DETROIT (M.C.Term.). 11 25 1 10 5 3(1 1 45 0.0 Lv New York. 9 00 9 00 li mi 12 80 no M ™ 57.6 Ar TOLEDO 3512 SO 2 40 6 85 1 20 Lv Utica 1 25 1 40 8 06 0 <6 14 III! I 11(113 55 16 30 8 40 < Hilton 8 07 135 3 48 8 05 lv New i ..il. in c T| . 6 46 8 05 8 33 4 07 4 53' 0 311 8 30 258.2 Ar Remsen.... 1 7 48 2 20 3 60 14 43 1 4.1 9 30 Till i. .Inn i, 3 15 Ne» 5 in I. I I'- .'litl' Stl r) A 5 55A 8 15 A 8 43 A 4 17 A 5 A0O3 10 . 8 10 N. Y. C. Main Line Nos. 52 14 76 80 271.7 " Boonville... 2 43 411 15 03 n.l 9 54 7 40 i A 9 20 412 35A 135 0 9 01 281.6 " Lyons Falls. lie Kalb Jet _3J0 While I I HI,. 6 22 8 39 9 451 12 5t9 1 69 4 Hz 5 25 7 01 0.0 Lv TOLEDO 9 45 3 ( 8 35 2 13 2 45 3 01 4 29 16 31 5 II 10 13 De Kalb Jet...... 8 2115 1 I '•! i II iii 7 52 9 30 10 09 10 4ii 1 48 2 47 5 301 0 22 8 in 9 58 295.6 " Lowvllle.. .. 3 26 4 67 16 42 '• •- 10 40 3 50 4 8 00 8 20 106 " Ar CLEVELAND (Un. Term.) 12 18 5 30 8 25 11418 5 05 311.1 Carthage... J i.. i i in ui 8 45 4 17 4 22 8 27 8 41 Pawling 8 15 9 47 10 11 06 8 14 3 96 5 SO 0 11 8 32 10 10 163.2 " Ashtabula 1 43 7 05 8 51 6 21 IS 03 n in 11 Philadelphia 9 13 J 57 9 09 Ainenla 9 00 10 18 11 2 50 3 36 6 83; 7 23 9 10 10 si 23 311.1 Lv Carthage. 6 22 4 47 4 52 11 44; 9 87 10 51 204.0 " Erie 2 35 7 50 7 3 55 > 11 15 • 11'. 11 • 11' l, 11111 9 45 7 45 7 45 Mlllertoti 9 14 10 30 11 20 12 01 8 08 3 54 0 39 7 38 291.7 " BUFFALO (Cent. Term.). 4 50 9 40 9 10 328.8 Ar Watertown. . 4 32 5 56 |n 211t 9 30 Morristown 10 15 Boston < oruers. /9 37 (12 13 ...J/7 50 /8 89 M1IIJ 5 00 Lv Watertown. . 8"36 11 50 8 04 8 04 Hillsdale 11 42 3 33 4 14 7 03, : 9 58 11 1} 0.0 Lv Toledo 9 50 3 05 4 55 4 55 ll 40 112 26 Hammond 10 42 8 22 8 22 9 50 10 52 12 26 1 15 8 25 Ar Philadelphia. 5 »07 ( 12 25 (ihatham 1016 12_15 12 26 7 39 8 401 0 30 11 41 132.2 Ar Columbus. 6 15 5 29 iij's i 1 02 1 Heilwooil ..(Noli II Mow) 11 05 8 41 8 41 11 25 12 59 JJ0JL*i 1 40... 311.1 Lv Carthage. III 16 ,'. I'. Philadelphia 11 55 9 05 9 05 Ar Albany (B.& A.R.R.) 11 18 1 IS 1 15 5 23 5 0.0 Lv Toledo 12 55 324 0 Ar Philadelphia. 160.0 Ar Dayton.... 4 48 5 40 ... ItllJ ,'• It Clayton 3 80 Ar Pittsneld(B.& A.R.R) 12T3 1 10 536 8 30 12 ii 214.3 " Cincinnati • 5 55 7 05 ... Lv Philadelphia... 17 30 110 I'lni ..I. h.iii Ar North Adams 12 58 1 55 6 9 15 I J! 1 40 ... 345.3 tH IO 4 29 PM PM PM At) I 0.0 Lv Toledo 12 56 Clayton. 2 05 Philadelphia 9 30 9 30 245.7 Ar Indianapolis (C. T.). 5 35 7 00 ... Lv Philadelphia 5 45 5 45 III 46 • 72 17 II (urlhagc 10 10 1110 42 • 38 • 40 88 SO 54 4H7 S " St. Louis (C. T.) 10 58 18 43 338 0 Ar Redwood..(Note B below) 614 6 14 t 9 13 11 35 4 9 10 0 12 Sun Sun. Sun. Sun. Ex. Sun. Sun. Sun. 349.8 " Hammond 6 34 6 34 t7 31 Philadelphia 4 Only_ Only Only Only Lv CLEVELAND _9 43 12 25 5 28 5 23 9 45 JL45 Only Only Sun. Only 0.0 (Erie Sta.) (E.T.) 4 360.6 " Morristown 6 53 6 53 17 60 Watertown li AM PM PM PM ' 371.2 Ogdensburg 715 311 9 48 3 40 5 45 lo 06 10 00 AM PM Ar Youngstown 6 00 _7 15 18 10 Watertown 7 945 10 35 Lv N. Adams (B. 35 8 15 Ar New York (G.C.T.). . 9 42 11 05 12 01 6 Oil 0 08 8 09 8 23 8 58 9 35 10 32 11 14 Ar Toledo (E.T.) Table 36 AM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Lv Cincinnati. 11 30 9 00 Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse to Watertown, Ogdensburg and Massena " Dayton. 12 48 10 15 Ar Toledo. 5 35 2 15 Miles 41 Main Line Nos. 9 11 30 10 00 3 15 from Main Line Nos. Ex. Sun. EQUIPMENT • Regularly assigned cars are air-condit lotted. Lv Columbus. Bullalo Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Only Ar Toledo 2 55 _1 10 0 08 AM I'M PM PM PM TICKET YOUR CAR No. 5—•Parlor Car and Diner Lounge New York to North Adams, Coach New York to North Adams Lv BUFFALO (Cent. Term.) 8 To 1 14 0.0 Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 3 14 11 05 2 29 11 00 M nssena. • 2 40>, 8 00 (Reclining Seat DeLuxe except Saturdays). " Erie 9 54 3 06 68.5 Rochester 4 251 2 20 No. 13— •Parlor ( nr. 1 ilncr Lounge mill Reclining Seat—DeLuxe Coach New York to North Adams. " Ashtabula 10 45 3 50 3 12 10 Norwood. 7 20,, • 00 ^ 8 20 148.8 Syracuse ,5 56 1 43 5 17 I til I'ntsdam. t 14 S 8 81 No. 15—•Parlor Car. l Moor Lounge and Reclining Seat—DeLuxe Coach New York to North Adams (except " CLEVELAND (Union Term.). 12 20 H3 40 7 45 18 28 H3 45 5 40 7 40* Saturdays). 2 55 8 48 8 15 7 57 Syracuse. 6 50 2 3.0 5 1 111 ' union. 8 863 8 48 Ar Toledo 5 32 9 30 166.1 Central Square. 7 33 §1 7 61 % Travel in Comfort No. 41—•Diner Lounge and Reclining Seat—DeLuxe Coach New York to North Adams. 8 07 i igilensburg.. 8 07 3 IU,c 175.0 Parish 7 17 3 215?: i 'I- Kalb Jet. No. 57—•Parlor Oar mill IHncr Lounge New York to Chatham. 302 750 312 306 128 186.3 Pulaski 3 40 7 40^ »">i No. 59—•Reclining scat i >ci,iixe Coach New York to North Adams. Lv TOLEDO.. . 3 20 5 55 8 58 6 20 6 05 190.0 Richland I ii- Kalb Jet. . . 8 1521 4 02 3 50;"" iiouverneur.. ., 8 56-7 4 22 No. 63— Lunch liar New York to Chatham. " Monroe 4 09 6 31 3 33 7 00 8 47 Richland... 3 50 8 10 8 21 5 by Train " Wyandotte.. 4 44fl 04; 4 03 7 35 9 17 liill.'idelphla.^. H 45'. 4 17^' 4 52 No. 73—•Diner Lounge New York to Chatham. 195.9 Lacona 8 3.S 3 58/8 17 4 47 No. 14—•Parlor Car. Dinar Lounge and Reclining Seat—DeLuxe Coach North Adams to New York. Ar DETROIT. 5 10 7 25 10 35 4 85 8 0( 9 40 Adams 9 01 i igilensburg 9 18 K AM P« PM 200.0 4 16/8 36 Morristown Save Time • Save Money- No. 22—•Parlor Car (Ex. Sat.). Diner Lounge and Reclining Seat—DeLuxe Coach North Adams to New York. PM 221.8 Watertown. '.) 311 4 40 9 00 tfi_20 I Ininmond. Watertown. No. 38—•Reclining Scat DeLuxe Coach North Adams to New York. ....rior_. to :«i Redwood...(Note B below) :::»:: No. 40—•Parlor Car Chatham to New York. Carthage... — I 10 85 t7 05 Philadelphia. Save Your Car Watertown. No. 54—•Parlor Car. Diner Lounge and Reclining Seat—DeLuxe Coach North Adams to New York. THE MERCURY 12 25i 4 56 tO 45 a 10 40 3 (ti 411 i layton 238.5 Philadelphia. O 57 10 No. 72— •Parlor Car and Diner Lounge North Adams to New York. 1 02! 5 29tl0 20=0 t7 12 Philadelphia . E Two passengers and your car are ** The Train of Tomorrow " Philadelphia. I'M1 t7 a... Philadelphia, ll 13 4 62 01 52 259.8 Clayton w.-itcrtown. . 5 is-: 5 23 2 05 t8 10 0 18 transported for two adult first Streamlined - -Air-conditioned Philadelphia 5 45 ' • arthafe. ... > 56 = Table 47—Ottawa—Helena Alliance Branch 252.5 Redwood.... (Note B below) 0 14 Table 50-OiI City \\ iilertown. . 1 82 I class passenger fares and in ad• All seats in coaches as well as parlor cars are reserved; 264.3 Hammond 6 34 \\ nlertown 11 18 3 6 46 a 5 28 62 275.1 Morristown 0 58 dition one ticket (at a fare STATIONS Ix Branch Table 51 individually assigned in advance and sold by number. 285.7 Ogdensburg £.... Adams. . . 10 125 0 16£ 5 50 JJ6 _^ Lacona. . . III 28'' 6 89 = 6 16 Sun Philadelphia. 1 02 5 34 tM 25 T7 15 » [7 12. lllchland . 111 37 S11 6 60 311 6 25. slightly higher) for the car. . 75-750 —Lounge Car, Parlor Car, Parlor-Observation Car, Gouverneur.. 1 37 AM I'M STATIONS 256.7 0 06til 05- 17 55 J 57 40 Kli-liland 10 37 2 7 Mt 6 40 (Eastern Time) Dining Car and Coaches Cleveland to Detroit. 271.8 De Kalb Jet. 1 57 J8 _I6 " 57 58. 7 19 i Minimum charge $54.00. Any 8 00 . .. .Helena Ar 6 10 Pulaski 6 18 8 27 .. .Cornwall Ar 5 16 De Kalb Jet. 2 05 i t8 40 aa Parish 10 45 i 7 89 S 7 07. Lv Phalanx 1 761-76 —Lounge Car. Parlor Car, Parlor-Observation Car. 290.7 Ogdensburg.. 2 40 t9 15] 11 01 3 New York Central ticket or 9 05 . . . .Finch lv 5 " .Ashtabula.. f . < 'etitral Square. 11 I4„ 7 65 tf 7 21 Finch Ar 4 59 . .Andover... • Bracevllle Dining Car and Coaches Detroit to Cleveland, 285.0 Canton. . 2 20 6 46 tl2 00 St 8 43, b. J8 14. Syracuse 8 05 9 13 "NewtonFalls Potsdam. 11 AO =8 405 freight agent will gladly make 10 30 . . .Ottawa .... Lv 3 45 .. .Slmona.. . 290.6 2 13 7 04 tl2 20,S t9 10 p j8 3l|. Syracuse. 12 60 jf 9 07 S 8 27 AM I'M . Jamestown.. " Palmyra 296.7 Norwood. 3 00 7 17!tl2 35 19 27 0 50 " Deerlleld Massena. I 18. Rochester 2 48 10 55 S. all arrangements. . . . Osgood... 309.6 3 25 7 37t 1 10 t9 55 Buffalo (Cent. Term.). 1 867; 12 HP 11 10 ... Hadley.... " Alliance PM I PM I AM I AM 59 101. PM AM PM Table 48—Valley Branch Clark's Mills. " Mt. Union Equipment other Detroit Branch Trains .Stoneboro.. " Paris Sandy Lake. " Minerva No. 227-80 —^Sleeping Cars Detroit to Cleveland and Columbus. Table 37 New York and Oswego Table 38 Utica and Oswego via Richland .Raymllton.. " Mechanicstown " Bergholz No. 227-88 — -^Sleeping Car Detroit to Pittsburgh. Polk " Hopedale 55 47-58 71 I 53 48 .. Franklin... .Buffalo (Cent. Term.). " Piney Fork No, 301-52 —ik-Restaurant Lounge Parlor Car Detroit to Buffalo READ OP Ex. STATIONS Ex. Reno Ar Dillonvale I Daily_ Sun. Daily Daily Sun. . .Dunkirk . . .OIL CITY. . .Fredonla.. No. 303 — irRestaurant Lounge Parlor Car Detroit to Cincinnati STATIONS 36 AM AM PM PM '" PM NOTE B—Alexandria Bay (7 miles from Lv Utica 3 55 6 30 ...Laona... Daily 6 25 lv Oswego 5 40 Redwood) may be reached by the Alexandria . .my Dale. - No. 305-14 —*Parlor Car (Sleeper) Detroit to Pittsburgh. " Rome 1 18 6 53 6 45 " Neil ll.iven 0 06 Table 52—Jackson Branch AM 1 Bay-Redwood Bus and Taxi Service. Pas• , .Cassadaga. Ar Camden . . . s 4 18 7 30 7 19 Mexico 6 13 .. .Moons . .. No. 11 50 Lv . .New York (G. C. Term.). . Ar 6 15 * Richland 5 25 " I'ulaskl. . . .. J 32 sengers will be met upon notice to ticket agent 309 — ^-Sleeping Cars Detroit to Indianapolis and St. Louis, hll59 16 02 7 58' .Slnclalrvllle. Toledo to Indianapolis. Detroit to Cincinnati also " ..New York (125th St. Sta.).. « Lv Pulaski . l» lllchland 1 50 7 10 at Redwood. .. . .Gerry STATIONS STATIONS Toledo to Cincinnati. " Albany " 2 34 Ar Mexico Ar ( :i imlrn 2 49 7 54 . .Falconrr . (Eastern Time) (Eastern Time) 5 16 Ar Syracuse Lv 11 10 43-228— it-Restaurant Lounge Parlor Car Buffalo to Detroit. " New Haven. La Home 3 30 8 87 • Jamestown) Jamestown No. '6 40 Lv Syracuse. 1035 Ar (Iswego Ar lltloa 3 50 8 47 7 40 Ar Fulton.. 9 13 "Jamestown f Street liy.. No. 87-302— -jfcSleepIng Cars Pittsburgh, St. Louis. Indianapolis and Table 42—Carthage and Newton Falls (46 miles) Table 43—Philadelphia and Clayton (22 miles) Lv Grand Rapids(M. C.) Lv Toledo 8 13 Ar Oswego. 9 00 Falconer Cincinnati to Detroit, also Indianapolis and Cin• AM Leave Philadelphia t7 30 AM, tl 10 PH Falconer Jet Ar JACKSON Ar Lenawee Juno... cinnati to Toledo. PM Frewsburg (1 0 Lv JACKSON . Lv ADRIAN iS™ NCITFITSO PM}™ -»* run Ilnl.iiays Leave Clayton t9 30 AM,t3 30 PM 10 5 " Napoleon 89-222— -^Sleeping Cars Cleveland and Columbus to Detroit. Table 41—Watertown and Carthage (18 miles) Russell Lv Lenawee June... No. Table 44 -Watertown and Clayton via Bus- North Warren. .. . 13.8 " Norvell " Tecumseh 21 2 151-312—^Parlor Car (Sleeper) Cleveland to Detroit. Diner Leave Watertown f6 30 AM, §9 10 AM, t3 40 PM, »10 00 Pll Hailroail tickets accepted. Warren " Manchester. . . . « Clinton No. Irvlneton , 2

Ask Agents About Travel On Credit — No Money Down . . . Pay Later New York Central—The Only Freight Tracks Entering New York City 88 80

Table 53 Ft. Wayne Branch Table 64 Chicago—Danville— OHIO CENTKM. DIVISION STATIONS Table 56 Fayette Branch Evansville—Harrisburg Table 7(1 Detroit, Toledo, Columbus, Charleston and Nml.ilk Table 72 Charleston and Hitop 310-31 46-463 READ BP 4 4 36 n 1 K1JA1J DOWN STATIONS STATIONS Daily 114 0.0 Lv JACKSON. Lv FT. WAY N I'l. . . Daily Daily 118 (Central Time) Daily (Central Time) Dally Ii.,I, Had, Eastern Time 10.0 " Horton.... " New Era Ex. Ex. 14.0 " Hanover.. . " Auburn Sun. Sun. Klm York Central PM AM 18.8 " Moshervllle Big Four Route PM Lv Norfolk (C. AO.)... All PM Ar Waterloo STATIONS 0.0 Lv CHICAGO. . . . 10 15 in mo i nt i 13i 15 24.8 " Jones ville.. Lv Harrisburg.... 8 36 Lv Phoebus (Old PL Comfoil) La Charleston.. 9 23 6 80 Lv Waterloo (Eastern Time) 8.7 " Englewood I Win l I T 5 06 2 50 5 41.1 0.0 29.2 A- Hillsdale... 10 29 " Eldorado 8 41 Lv Newport News. 12.5 • Elkvlew... 8 49 5 57 " Summit I I 8 " South Chicago.. 11 30 3 23 6 13 L> Hillsdale... " Carmi 9 26 Chlii '.(C.T. 1130 14.1 " Blue Creek. 8 41 5 52 9 00 " Steubenvllle. 111 h " Whiting Lv Williamsburg 3 29 6 19 " Bankers... mix Gray ville.. . . . 9 44 i, KM I l.i. (K.T.). . . . 5 UO 34 3 " Blakeley.. 7 38 4 48 33.4 /9 10 • Pleasant l.ake. . . 10 4 • Indiana Harbor. ll Lv Richmond 4 38 7 26 • Heading... 10 46 ~ Evansville. 9 30 " l.lriifi ('ity 35.3 Ar Hltop 7 33 4 43 38.1 9 22 " Angola 20 6 " Michigan Ave. . 10 1 h- ( iiliiinlmsi I , . 4 « 7 ' Montgomery. (ET) '.! " I Miiilirldite AM PM 43 5 9 34 • Fremont 214 " Calumet Mt. Carmel. . . 10 50 16. Lv Norfolk (N. A W K, II " Lawrenceville. " Huuur KUltte 47.1 Hay (C.T.j 8 41 * Ray (C.T.) 0 o ll ADRIAN 22 2 ' Grusselli 11 28 IS 1 Lv Durham. u • howling Green 5 41 3 40 51.2 " Fremont " Montgomery (ET) 4 2 23 4 " Gibson Robinson 11 57 22 (1 Lv .. .Lenawee Junction. P10 57 " I'M! (.LIT Lv Lynchburg III REFERENCE MARKS 58.5 " Angola 9 01 • Reading its ii • Marshall 12 42 25 :< A • Cook Wll 20 " Cygnet fi 54 Lv Winston-Salem .1X1 62.5 " Pleasant Lake. 9 12 " Bankers " Paris 1 55 31 ;i t—Daily Except Sunday. l.'i o " North Hayden. " Mortimer 6 65.8 " Steuben ville. . . Ar Hillsdale 47.2 1 Ar Danville 3 30 40 2 Do Lv Itoanoke —stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers for 12 1 Ogden Belsbaw • l-'lndlay 6 18 ri a 67.0 • Summit Lv Hillsdale New York Central 45 4 4 11 •» Lv Bluefleld •i iS /•'ii 15 S Jasper I) " Sebnelder Pll 87 " Arlington 8 30 or Irom Columbus and beyond. 72.8 Ar Waterloo Lv Danville 55 3 L» Welch 9 30 " Jonesvllle ID 2 Weston 67 7 " Conrad 5 3 30 T II 44 • Williamstown Ar ColumbUs(L nl(iliSln F—Stops Saturdays to receive or discharge passengers. Lv Waterloo 9 30 " Mosbervllle 25 K .... Morencl 64 0 * fclnos " Sloan S t3 52 59. 4 u u " Dunkirk 4 32 77.8 Auburn " Hanover 32 5 6S.7 " Stewart 0. t3 58 62. 5 Lv Charleston, W. Va.. i, in /—Stops on signal to receive or dlMlUUrffS piiHNcngers. 9 40 ...FAYETTE... " Morocco TJ Pll 59 " Kenton 6 57 4 47 84.0 " New Era " Horton 74.1 • Ade " Tab S t4 05 73. 5 > " Dunbar 7 05 fj—stops Sundays on signal to rcccivr or IUH'-IUITKC passen• BW1207 82. 8 " Rldgeway 98.2 Ar FT. WAYNE. io'ii Ar JACKSON MI ii " Kentland |jpl2 16 " Handy BjQi 13 " Institute gers. 85.4 " Dunn „Q4 21 91. 0 " West Mansfield 7 19 rs io a " Sattes (St. Albans) ii " Shed " Raymonds => n III.2 " Free *Q4 27 97 0 " Nltro " 1'ree " Peoria 7 17 OPTIONAL HONORING OF TICKETS • Shefr 98 " Raymond City.... Table 54 '.It, 0 " Dunn s " Marysvllle 7 42 5 30 s J 24 With the exception or certain low raro excursion tlckctH, 111) 5 " Handy " Kentland 4 10 105 6 " Black Betsey 7 33 134 5 Ar < 'olumlmstUnlonSta.) s 25 6 15 9 50 all tickets routed between ColumbUI ami Toledo <»r between in;, -i " Tab " Ade /4 18 " Red House (VVliifl.i.i 17 39 Kalamazoo Branch u I ',»! ii NI I xis 1 iiioitSla j 00 9 40 354 Columbus and Athens via N. Y. (' or c A o or between NEW 20TH CENTURY Hill 2 " Stewart " Morocco /5 06 134 5 1 1 " Buffalo 7 51 " South Columbus.. II IS 113- " Sloan " Enos 142 2 " Arbuckle 8 10 Columbus and Detroit via N. Y. C. or C. A o. l\ M. will STATIONS " Hrloe 11 32 Ar Danville " Conrad 151 1 " Leon 8 23 be honored on trains of either company. . 33 'J 39 LOCOMOTIVE MODEL 128.8 " Schneider /5 30 156 '2 • I'lckerlngton " Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. < 0.0 Lv GRAND RAPIDS Big Four Route 9 .10 " Belshaw 164 4 " Bull " Kanauga 8 50 ll.C " Byron Center Lv Danville 1 9 • An accurate model of the giant streamlined " North Hayden 164 9 " Baltimore Galllpolls, O. IS 58 17.8 " Dorr Ar Paris 2 46 " Thurston 10 00 4 40 144.9 " Marshall • Cook /5 47 168 0 Lv Galllpolls, O ". 9 12 21.5 " HUliards IS1 2 3 42 10 05 YOUR TRAVEL FUNDS ... Hudson engines built especially for the famous " Gibson 170 7 • I'leiuiautvlUe Lv Kanauga 9 14 25.4 " Robinson / 6 08 1 • Hopkins 100.4 4 34 " Grasselll 176 5 • i. 1 11.1111 • 10 15 32.6 Twentieth Century Limited. " Lawrenceville. . Hainan (Mlddlenntl-PomKiTi 9 21 • Allegan SJM 7 5 13 • Calumet 181 0 " Bremen 10 21 5 02 AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES 42.4 " Otsego " Mt. Carmel. . . . _5_53 Lv Hobson (Mlddlepoif-PomeioYi 0 42 2.'.4 II " Michigan Ave. 187 S " Junction City. . . . 10 37 J 1 'J 42 may now be purchased at our regular Ticket 46.4 " Plalnwell • A handsome paper weight or ornament for office Kvans ville. 7 20 III 1.'. 6 23 Rutland 288.8 " Indiana Harbor 192 4 " Now i tl ng toll .. 9 51 Ar Kalamazoo(M.C.Sta) lo/.ls " Albany or home—heavily plated with coin silver. 27(1 II Gray ville 6 50 " Whiting 199 •2 ' " l • \ . i • • i i 10 27 Offices. 57 ?» Lv Kaiamazoo(M.C.Sta.) " Carmi " I 111- 11 /IK Ar Athens I 2S6 1 7 22 " South Chicago 203 1 1 • IJ.lv 10 56 ill.il Portage " Eldorado II 14 Lv Athens 11 06 Travelers cheques are spendable In dining • Ten and three-eighths inches long, two and three- III I 8 05 " Englewood.. . . 6 41 204 (1 Ar Corning 71.1 " Chauncey . . . 11 20 Schoolcraft. . Ar Harrisburg.. . . 8 20 Ar CHICAGO. . . 6 55 204 (i Lv Corning 11 14 cars, at hotels, stores or other places where you 74.6 eighths inches wide and two and one-quarter inches 118.1 " Jacksonville. 11 36 Flowerrleld.. AM 212 8 " GloiiHlnr 11 30 78.1 Moorepark.. " Glouster 11 43 high. No. 310-31- -Sleeping Car 215 () • Jacksonville) 11 311 would use cash. They are issued in denomina• 83.1 Three Rivers. Chicago to Harrisburg. Corning 12 02 No. 46-463 221 4 11(1.6 Constantlne.. Sleeping Car Harrisburg to Chicago. " < li.i • i 11 m Lv Corning. tions of $10, $20. $50 and $100 at the small 227 5 6 S3 12 02 94 5 White Pigeon Send check or money order for 53 drawn to the New York Ar Athens 12 0212 25 6 38 " Rendville 12105 charge of 75c for each $100 purchased. If they White Pigeon.. (E.T.) Central R. R., to the Publicity Bureau, 466 Lexington Ave., ~227 5 Lv Alliens 12 09 " Moxahala 12H4 Table 65 South Bend—Kankakee 240 4 " Albany ;7 08 Vistula. . (C.T.) ii " New Lexington 12 28 are lost or stolen before you have affixed your New York, N. Y. Mode I will be sent prepaid east of the 259 3 " Rutland is " Junction City 12 37 105.0 Bristol. . 7 48 STATIONS 263 8 Ar Hobtan I MlddNptil ramaiavj 1 27 " Bremen 12 50 second signature, the amount involved will be 113.3 Ar Elkhart. Mississippi,- $3.25 west of the Mississippi and in Canada. (Central Time) 263 8 Lv Hnbion lMnlill.iwil ro'n.iari 7 48 " Rush ville 1 00 refunded to you. 274 1 Ar IS JIII i'i i .8 06 " PleasantvUle 1 10 0.0 .SOOTH BEND. 278 7 " Thurston 1 18 9 15 13.6 Ar (liilll|i(illM. 11 . .North Liberty.. " Baltimore 1 25 19.6 . . . Walkerton. .. Lv (InlllpohV O " Kauaima ...... , , , |8 « Basil 1 27 27.6 Hamlet 276 6 2 32 8 16 " Fickerington Ask About 33.9 Ar Pt. rltiiuiallt, W. V». 1 38 Knox 288 3 2 60 " Brlce 43.3 " Leon "fL 1 45 . .North Judson.. 290 i 3 15 11 30 58.1 .. . Wheatneld... :i 20 63.5 312 4 " mark lli'lmiy " Marysville 10 43 12 12 Kersey 314 r, (?outte5u 65.6 • i.' i '• r 111111. i i 'Uy.... " Peoria .. . . Demotte. . . . 319 1 • Nltro. . . . " Raymonds No Money Down 73.4 Shelby I 78.6 321 .1 " Sullen (HI. AllHMMI " West Mansfield ... .Schneider.... 82.7 324 4 " Institute ..9 »7 • Rldgeway Illlnoi (981 Pay Later 90.1 326 1 " i in ui.it .11 " Kenton II 24.. 101.4 ... .Momence.... 333 .8 Ar Charleston, W V» 9 46 " Dunkirk II 38.. TO OUR PATRONS .... Kankakee.... I, Columlim i On Jl. i i«»* H.i in 0 20 " Williamstown Ar Welch •1 1)2 • Arlington ^r^m^ PARMELEE Ar Uliicttelil Jl! 7 20 " Findlay Ar Itoanoke II 40 10 111 " Mortimer " Cygnet • Safety First has long been Ar Wlnnt.ili-fl«lmil till" 2 00 " Portage Ar Lynchburg 11 40 between Trains in Chicago I 38 • Bowling Green 8 40 12 80 the watchword of American Ar Durham 1 11 " Sugar Ridge Your Parmelee Transfer coupon, which is included as part Ar Norfolk . . 15 4 30 " Dunbrldge Railroads. Equally important of your through ticket, entitles you to transportation in small Lv Ci.lutnliun llln St. | to ' iilum I'll i to < Initial oil •frColumbus to Chicago (open for occupancy at plan their stopover time to best advantage. 10.00 p.m.). to be Friendly and Courteous . 4 SIccpliiK i-riri • Columbus to Detroit (open for occupancy at •Chlcmiu Illinium 10.00 p.m., may Do occupied until 8.00 so as to add to the enjoyment Baggage transfer to or from train to Fast as passenger trains travel—and just as direct, Rail• *i>ciii>H i" I oluIIIbui (open for occupancy at a.m.). in on p til ) Coach: of your trip. Many letters are any address in Chicago or its suburbs. way Express whisks your shipments to their destination. ('oat'hm: •Columbus to Toledo Snack Car Call and delivery service in all cities and principal towns. * li.lctt.• to '.ilui.il.ilPl Hi l urn Car No. 3—Coach: i ..IUINIMIM io < hin'ii-nion Dei.uxe Lunch Charleston to Columhu*. received in commendation of Low rates include receipts and insurance up to $50. ( 'n\l lit til l 'HI No. 7—Coach: Whatever your shipment, large or small, just phone •Columbus to Toledo Snack Car individual acts of courtesy. Railway Express or Western Union for service. Coach: No. 9—Coach: PARMELEEj * l-.liilo u, < 'olumhiM HiiaeHnauk kCa Car r Charleston to Columbua—DeLuxe Lunch We are grateful for such Counter Car. Imnr No. 35—Parlor Car (Sleeper as I'arlor Car) and Imperial letters, which encourage our • TiOll'lll o tO < • >" 11 ti l.lld Salon car: R AI LWA^gfeJEXPRE S S •Columbus to Toledo. employes in their efforts to AGENCY INC. No. 46—Im|»rrlftl Union c»r: No. 47—Imperial Salon car: * | I. null to I 'ohllllbtlfl. •Columbus to Detroit. NATION-WIDE SERVICE 1 'In.-. LOMM] Diner Lounge: serve you better. •Toledo to Detroit, * I Ictrolt to * MIIIINIMW For Explanation of Reference Marks, aee Page 3 For Pullman. Coach and Dining Car Service, see Main Line Trains, Pages 15 to 22 r the use of space in Imperial Salon cars, or De Line coaches. There In tut thurge t> New York Central—Water Level Route—Hudson River—Mohawk Valley—Great Lakes New York Central Is the Way to Go—Safe—Speedy—Economical 61 62 59 60

Important Notice Information The 20th Century Limited and other New York < Vntinl paammxor trains are frequently operated in two or more sections. It is Hi. n l nr.or.wiai v that friends New York Central who expect to wire you en route, or meet you at stations, should know the number of your Full-man Car as well as the number or name ol \ i linn. When more I«r<| in.ii The time given herein is Eastern Standard Time in SEE AMERICA NOW! J\h. i.. • liii tud east and Central Standard Time, which is one hour slower. than one section of a train is operated, it frequently hapi n l lint ..uly the regular Service to Travelers in Foreign Lands L section will make all of the advertised stops. Pasaoiiitrrn nspmaini others to ac• . m I pointt west. The time between 12.01 o'clock midnight and i2 (in n i look • i m indicated by light face type; between 12.01 o'clock noon company them part of the journey, or to join tticin en route, are re ni.-il to in- Cable Address—Nycentral—New York qmre at starting point what stops will be made. ami i i on ... lock midnight by dark face type. Coast-to-Coast Train Cruise Special Service Charges on Trains Nos. 25 & 26 Wherever there is an American Express foreign office, travelers will u. [i u.IInit Time Tables.—This Railroad is not responsible for errors in "Twentieth Century Limited" find New York Central service: timi Sbmi inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or failure to make connections; schedules and equipment shown herein are subject to change WESTBOUND At American Kxpress offices are available travel, financial and without notice. traffic services: of a nope to meet every requirement of the traveler FHOM on his journey to strange lands— Buy Tickets before boarding trains and avoid payment of extra charge. TO Children under 5 years of age carried free, when accompanied by parent or New York Harmon Albany Syracuse An office whirli be can use as his headquarters. Buffalo guardian; 5 years of age and under 12, one-half fare; 12 years of age or over, An address to receive his letters, cables and wireless messages. full fare. Chicago $7.50 $7.25 $6.40 $4 10 Englewood 7.50 7.25 6.40 5.26 4.10 A Travel Bureau where he can secure his railroad, airplane, steamship and motor transportation. Adjustment of Fares.—In oane of dispute with Conductors or Agents pay fare required, take receipt and conununioate with H. G. Gillis, Assistant General EASTBOUND A financial department for purchasing or cashing Travelers Passenger Agent, New York, N. Y. Cheques and Letters of Credit and exchanging foreign money and FROM Redemption of Tickets. —Ticket* u mined or partly used, will be redeemed TO receiving and transmitting funds. under tariff regulations at proper value. Chicago Englewood Toledo A freight department staffed with men familiar with customs requirements and the laws of the various countries in connection <)[>(!.oi.il RouttOti oi TlckotOi ill round trip tickets reading in both direc• Albany $6.40 $6.40 II 60 tions viu Ball e ana Ohio llailroed or between Chicago, Harmon. ... 7.25 7.25 .'. 45 with the movement of freight shipments—where arrangements can St. Louis, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit and points beyond and New York City, New York. 7.50 7.50 8.70 be made for transportation and transhipment abroad, ocean book• will be It it nly " Observation Cor—Maid, Telephone at Terminals, I .ounge, Radio, Magazines, Arrangements for New York Central transportation and Newspapers, Stationery. Pullman reservations for your trip home from New York Seta live Rputlnj Round trip tickets between points on and south of the Cafe Century {Dining Car)—Set up as Night Club after the dinner hour. line of the Miy Kmii * ineinnati to St Louis and New York, may be routed in one or Boston can be made at American Express foreign offices. Nos. 11 and 12—Southwestern Limited. direction via I 'tiiciooni. m I ..ui.ville, Chesapeake & Ohio R. R., Washington, Observation Car—Telephone at Terminals, Lounge, Radio, Mainlines, News• thence I) AO 01 p if It mi.I In the oilier via New York Central. papers, Stationery. $ Bailtlutte (jftnni ally L»U pounds of baggage are checked free on full fare tickets A I c lb I1 oun e ™* ! , ii S. 4! B «»" °n the N.Y.C. System oarry a current copy of the and 7-- i ndi 00 hull (are tiokotl No single piece of baggage exceeding 300 *90°° 135^ Omcial Ry. Guide. American Express Offices poumln in weigh! m • ' Inohee In greatest dimension, or single shipment exceeding Western Union Telegrams FOREIGN COUNTRIES $2500 (in in value will be oheoked I'Vee allowance subject to tariff stipulations in de luxe coaches in Pullmans (plus space charge) 25 word Western Union Night Letters may be sent for as little as 24 cents- as to contents. weAfBt, value ami siee. This Railroad cannot guarantee to for• : GREAT BRITAIN nothing higher than 50 cents. Extra words at slight additional cost. Day service, CHINA ward hagg&gs |ami train with passenger, and when necessary, baggage of of course, but not in this form—at slightly higher rates. Send money safely and London—6 Haymarket. 8. W. 1 HongJtong—4 Des Voeux Road, Central, passmI(•'.<-' < - ill be I'" H afded on Other trains. To facilitate prompt receipt of their Now is the time to see All-America starting right from quickly by Western Union. 62 CornhlU, E. C. 3 P. O. Box No. B 3 baggaf/r al .lnniM.nl passengers are advised to arrange for forwarding on a Liverpool - India Blags., Water Street Shanghai—158 Kiukiang Road, P. O. Box your own home town. Glasgow —115 Hope St. (W. A. William• 523 preceding ti Ml Tourate Telegrams son, Ltd.) - Telegraph news of your trip—a Tourate Telegram costs only 35 oenta for the Tientsin—Astor House Hotel A i hi 11 •• I. I i n 11 'in j.*.'" o| baggage at destination when it is not claimed When you plan your coast-to-coast cruise, be sure to take in hrst fifteen words to any city in the United States where there in a Western Union I>eiping (feting') — Grand Hotel des within I In' 11M 'MM limit ofnee. Telegrams are to be worded in accordance with form provided l.v Western FRANCE WagODS-Llts NiagaraFalls,WestPoint andthe beautiful MohawkValley. Union. MarseUlei—16 I .a Caneblere Hauling^ I i.ii.iliiv I hulled. Kxcess value to be declared and paid for at Nice—2 Hue du Congres Travel New York Central's famous Water Level Route National Travelers Aid Society Yobohama—7 Nihon Odorl. Nakaku time i >l elit-i k uitf Representatives of National Travelers Aid Society are at many of the larger PHILIPPINE ISLANDS along the Hudson River and into historic New England. SWITZERLAND 1 1 stations for purposes of relief or distress and assistance of unprotected Those Lucerne—Schwetzerhofqual 4 Manila—95 Plaza Moraga, P. O. Box 1463 Iti. vi |«| n •'• \'fiee)i bftby carriages and club paraphernalia are trans• in need of such service should inquire of the station force for a National Travelers Zurich— 3 Sihlporteplatz SOUTH AMERICA port*-.I in befjffafe Mn and .iwuded In weight and value of passenger's baggage. Ask your travel or ticket agent about the "TraveUon-Credit" Plan. Aid bociety representative. Basle—5 Marktgasse No money down—-pay later. Geneva—7 Hue du Mont Blanc Argentina (Villalonga-American Express Co. 1 >t>KM nml miiall household pets (such as cats, birds, etc.) are transported in bag• Honoring Scrip Tickets for Sleeping, Parlor S. A. de Turismo) gage Hai i' • 1 tn .it regulation*. Small dogs, cats or other small animals (not Don't miss Southern California's and Dining Car Charges ITALY Bahia Blanca Rosario vicious, odnrlfarous, • " otherwise objectionable) when carried in baskets or con• As an additional accommodation to patrons interchangeable scrip coupon Rome—38 Piazza di Spagna Buenos Aires *San Carlos de Bariloche tainer*, HIM I •<• i .in n l.v pm ehnners of drawing rooms, compartments, or bedrooms Cordoba Santa Fe tickets issued in denominations of $15, $30 and $90 are now accepted on trains into the r » they upv or at ticket offices in payment for sleeping and parlor car accommodations Also INDIA AND CEYLON Mar del Plata Santiago del Estero ALL-WINTER SUN FESTIVAL in payment for meals in dining cars. Calcutta—Pollock House, 28 Pollock St., Mendoza Tucuman Brazil 300 EVENTS —COME EARLY—JOIN THE FUN I P. O. Box >M\ In nut i' VIIIII Hi'iV'. .mil Personal Effects.—A new form of policy of Bombay—\ 13-116 MahatmaGandhi Road, S.A.V.I. (Socledade Anonima Viagens the St i1 .ni in- A M/wun in-oirance Company, insuring your baggage and Street Car and Bus Service at Terrace Station. Buffalo P. O. Hox SOT Internacionais) Passengers arriving at Terrace Station, Buffalo, from Niagara Falls and points Colombo, Ceylon—(larToor Buildings, 27 Rio de Janeiro—Avenida Rio Branca 141 personal sffeote i the beginning to the end of a journey anywhere in the world, on the Michigan Central Railroad will find convenient street car and bus service Main St., Port may be pun h .---I «t i nlpml offlcee of the New York Central System. The cover• nearby for all sections of Buffalo, or connecting railroad and steamship terminals Chile age is very HhereJ and ii>< rates are low. Minimum premium, twenty-five cents. Consult City Map posted at Station. (Expreso Vlllalonga) Ask Tiokel Vgenls (oi lull particulars. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Los Andes „ , , Santiago Stop Over at Niagara Falls Singapore—84 Robinson Hoad •Osorno Valparaiso *Puerto Varas Bus Service to and from Central Terminal, Buffalo Check Haatlatle I Hnri I'annengers are urged to check their baggage through Passengers traveling via New York Central System are given . vFrSq, ent service is provided to and from New York Central Terminal *Season office to house idilresa, hotel, steamship, (lock, etc., at destination, thus insuring prompt an opportunity to stop over at Niagara Falls within final limit of at Buffalo and the hotels and downtown district. delivery LIHI ivoidlni necessity for any further attention on their part. Reliable Fare ten cents. Free transfers between all local buses and street car lines. transfer nompaniei perform the service at nominal rates. Charges may be paid ticket. Buses arrive at and leave from the Upper Level of Central Terminal. No stairs to climb. MESSENGER DELIVERY SERVICE at star tins polnl m uml l luingt* < lurs. Club and Lounge Cars are operated for accommo• A stop over within final limit of ticket will be granted passenger dation ..l uteaengefl OOOUpjiog space in sleeping or parlor cars. at any station enroute on the New York Central System.

Travel on Credit — No Money Down — Pay Later Protect Your Profit—Ship by New York Central Form 1001-200M—12-7-41 PRINTED IN U. S. A. THE CUNCO PRESS, INC., CHICAGO, ILL. THE NEW <0%%fe ^ptedA


Again New York Central makes trans• • Built of stainless steel with interiors as portation history with a new stream• comfortable as they are beautiful • Smart lined Empire State Express. Here is really solarium observation; tavern lounge a new way to travel—new in luxury and dining cars • All seats reserved in —new in the relaxation and pleasure it Parlor Cars and Reclining Seat Coaches offers you. • Same low fares!

CONDENSED SCHEDULE* Westbound Eastbound Lv. New York . . 9:00 A. M. Lv. Cleveland . . . 9:55 A. M. Ar. Buffalo .... 4:50 P. M. Lv. Detroit 8:30~A. M. Ar. Detroit 9:55 P. M. Lv. Buffalo . . . 1:30 P. M. Ar. Cleveland . . 8:30 P. M. Ar. New York . 9:30 P. M. *For complete "Empire" schedule see Tables 1 and 2