[(Central] [Central, 6 E -1 4
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/NEWYORK^ Fnewyork^ [(Central] [Central, 6 e -1 4 Reference Marks NEW YORK CENTRAL LC.L Between POPULAR ALL-COACH DAYLINER Dally. II Meal station. Sunday only. • Thla train does not carry baggage SERVICE ADVANTAGES Chicago, Pittsburgh & Boston Daily except Sunday- Ex. Sun.—Runs dally except Sunday. Daily except Monday. E.T.—Eastern Standard Time. Daily except Saturday. C.T.—Central Standard Time. In addition to the train service shown, buses of the United Traction Company run at frequent intervals between Albany and Troy. | I i^i ichedulot . pcart'd to 5 Packing and handling research Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Albuny. traffic requirement! for most ... they assure the security ol Stops to receive or discbarge passengers for or from Astatabula and beyond. Stops except Saturdays and Sundays. rX|M*llitioilH .1. Ii\ i-r n--. the shipped merchandise. bb Stops at 6.25 a. m. to discharge passengers from Rochester and beyond or to 2 Free pick up and delivery ser• receive passengers for Chicago. Smooth operation . easy 4 Stops on signal to receive passengers for beyond Troy. vice . direct from Hliippcr's grades... superlative roadbed. Stops on signal to discharge or receive passengers. to roiisipiirrV door. No baggage handled for or from this station; *y Constant supervision and pro• Stops regularly, but only to receive passengers. * f Optional trucking allowance to tection in transit.. still mon Stops only to discbarge passengers. nhi|»|MTH jiiul roiittignrcR ... a security for shipped merchan Runs Saturdays only. mi I • i i ii i ii I tavina to both. dise. Makes regular stop Sundays. Stops week-days to discharge passengers from Rochester and stations beyond. -f Efficient Irimimilh and sta• 0 C.O.D. arrangements . th« Stops on signal to receive passengers for Toledo and beyond. Makes regular stops week days. Stops on signal Sunday nights to receive tions . .i nun i iiirniT that railroad collects your invoice. for Danville and beyond. COHIH no more when using New Stops to discharge passengers from Rochester and beyond. Carries passengers In Pullman Cars only. Stops Sundays only. Go on the Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from MIHerton and stations beyond. Stops on signal to discharge revenue passengers from Cleveland and beyond. FREE PICK-UP OPTIONAL TRUCKING By connecting train. Stops to discharge passengers also to receive passengers for points on or via AND DELIVERY ALLOWANCE the Big Four. Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Cleveland and mutlnns beyond New England or to receive passengers for Pittsburgh. Stops on signal to receive passengers for Chicago. Stops on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from Detroit and A beyond. Befwesn A A Stops to discharge passengers from Toledo and beyond. B Stops to receive or discharge passengers for or from beyond Toledo. CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, LAFAYETTE, CHICAGO Stops to discharge passengers from Albany and stations l»eyond. C = States' '= Stops on signal to discharge passengers from Buffalo and stations beyond. CC Stops on signal to receive passengers. D Stops to discharge passengers from Harmon and New York and to receive 13 passengers for beyond Buffalo. \»-« ^..rk < intra I traoh receives Shipper's truck delivers L.C.L. shi] GlidethroughthebeautifulBerkshiresand sleep EE Stops to discharge passengers from Cleveland and beyond. L.C.1 I" IfflM iaipp«r'l door. ment at convenient freight house. Popular? No wonder it's popular! . Fastest service Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Albany. F between Chicago and Cincinnati . Convenient O Stops Fridays only to discharge passengers. like a baby on the restful Water Level Route. Stone on signal to receive or discharge passengers for or from utlca and stations morning departure from Cincinnati and latest after• beyond. There's no better way to go than on this crack noon departure from Chicago . Individual reclining Stops on signal at 12.56 a.m. to receive sleeping car paaaengnra for Columbus. n Ohio. train—the New England States. seats, reserivd without any extra charge . New from Arrives at or leaves from Erie R. R. Station. Cleveland. its streamlined engine to its gorgeous observation Stops on signal at South Bend at 7.00 a. m.; also IM Porte at 7.28 a. m., to HH discharge passengers from Buffalo and beyond. Also sto[is m South Bend solarium car . And all this for these low fares: and La Porte to receive coach passengers for ChJCMB. A wide selection of Pullman accommodations Through cars from Pittsburgh leave from ESrla It. it. station »t 9.45 p. m. J Stops on signal Fridays only to discharge passengers from Pittsburgh. One Way Round Trip Through cars for Pittsburgh arrive at Erie R. R. station at 5.35 p. m. including compartments, sections, bedrooms Mi Chicago to Cincinnati. Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Buffalo or for statlona Shipment in carefully received, checked. Agent allows 5c per cwt. at origin and . 85.90 $10.65 L on the Adirondack Division. roomettes. WHYIHIICII iitxl luimllr-.l destination points. and the popular Also de luxe reclining Chicago to Indianapolis . 3.70 7.10 M Stops dally except Sundays and Holidays. Indianapolis to Cincinnati MM Stops on signal to discharge passengers from points beyond Buffalo. aaaj seat coaches between Chicago and Boston. 2.20 4.20 N Westbound trains stop on signal to discharge passengers from New York or P Boston: eastbound trains stop on signal to receive passengers for New York or Boston. ROUND TRIP SCHEDULE Stops on signal except Sundays to receive or discbarge passengers, mall (Daily except Sunday) or express. (read down) U Stops on signal to receive passengers for Cleveland and beyoml. (read up) Stops on signal at 6.13 p. in. to discharge passengers from Albany and 8:15 A.M. Lv. Cincinnati (K.T.) . RR CONVENIENT DAILY SCHEDULE Ar.l0:55 P.M. New York. Stops to discharge passengers from Chicago and to receive passengers for (Read Down) (Read Up) 9:00 A.M. Ar. Indianapolis (C.T.). Lv. 8:10 P.M. Harmon and New York. 2:30 P.M. Lv. Chicago (La Salle St. Sta.) (C.T.) Ar. 9:02 A.M. 9:05 A.M. Lv. Indianapolis (C.T.). Ar. 8:05 P.M. Stops on signal to receive passengers for stations beyond Buffalo. New York < lenirnl truck completes Truck of consignee receives L.C.L. ship - 5:00 P.M. Lv. Pittsburgh (P.&L.E.Sta.) (E.T.)Ar. 7:25 A.M. 10:05 A.M. Stops on signal to receive passengers for Buffalo and beyond or to discharge Ar. LaFayette Ar. 7:04 P.M. transit jit OOMifBM*! door. ment atNew York Central freight house. passengers at Toledo destined to points on the C. A- O. Ry. 6:42 A.M. Ar. Pittsfield (E.T.)Lv. 6:11 P.M. 11:20 A.M. Ar. Kankakee Lv. 5:45 P.M. Stops on signal at 6.23 a. m. to discharge passengers from points on the B. & A. 12:15 P.M. Ar. Chicago (63rd St.) . Lv. 4:50 P.M. 8:10 A.M. Ar. Springfield (E.T.)Lv. 4:47 P.M. \V R. R. or to receive passengers for west of Buffalo. Stops to discharge passengers from Chicago and beyond. 12:30 P.M. Ar. Chicago(Central Station) Lv. 4:40 P.M. NEW YORK , 9:25 A.M. Ar. Worcesrer (E.T.)Lv. 3:36 P.M. North and Westbound trains stop only to discharge passengers from New York Koulr !*.( I.li. shipments via New York (Michigan Ave. & Roosevelt Rd.) City; East and Southbound trains stop only to receive passengers for Central 10:15 A.M. Ar. Newtonville (E.T.)Lv. 2:44 P.M. New York City. < lciilr.il. (ionsult New York Central SYSTEM 10:30 A.M. Ar. Boston (South Station). (E.T.)Lv. 2:30 P.M. Stops on signal to receive passengers for Albany and beyond. Freight Representatives. Stops Saturdays only. For Fast Overnight Freight Service—Use the New York Central's "Merchandiser" AH Principal Trains Are, Of Course, Air Conditioned 7 8 9 10 NEW YORK CENTRAL SYSTEM TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES INDEX TO STATIONS SHOWN IN THIS FOLDER F. H. BAIRD, Gen. Pass. Traffic Mgr., 466 Lexington Avi-.. New York, N. Y. W. C. DIIIKII.AH. Asst. Oen. Frt. Traf. Mgr., LaSalle St. Sta., Chicago, 111. J. W. SWITZER, Passenger Traffic Manager. LaSalk St. Station, ( hlcago, 111. J. r DF.RVIN. Freight Traffic Mgr., 466 Lexington Ave.. New York, N. Y. Stations are Indexed Under Table Numbers, Not Page Numbers. Information about other stations on the N. Y. Gent. R. R. may be had upon application to Ticket Agents E. E. PIERCE, General Passenger Agent, 466 Lexington Ave, New York, N. Y. J 10 ANIIKKSON, Freight Traffic Mgr., Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleveland, O. ©Loading or unloading facilities for automobiles shipped on the passenger ticket plan are available at freight station at this point. A. W. FOELLGER. Gen. Passenger Agent, LaSalle St. Station, Chicago, 111. O. It. BROMLEY, Freight Traffic Mgr., Michigan Central Term.. Detroit. Mich. J. P. CORCORAN, Genenal Passenger Agent, 230 i: 9th Si ( ineiimati, O J. A. K KKI1A N. freight Traffic Mgr., 230 East 9th St., Cincinnati, O. Table No. Table No. Table No. Table No. IRA G. RASP, General Passenger Agent, South Si alum, Boston, Mass Table No. Table No. R. G. ll l :.\ I >l HS( >N, Freight Traffic Mgr., South Station, Boston, Mass. ©ADAMS, N. Y 36 ©Chicago, 111. Gibson, Ind 64 Lynchburg, Va 70 , N. Y 18-21 ©Sidney, O 4 E. E. SMITH, Gen. Passenger Agent, P.